The Runesmith Chronicles 4 free porn video

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Ikuno and Kal watched as the Knights made their way back towards the village. While Kal wouldn’t exactly call them friends they didn’t quite fit into the enemy category either, feeling that his chances of ever seeing any of them again were slim he put it out of his mind. Looking up at Ikuno he saw that she was studying him intently.

“Is something wrong?” he asked.

Ikuno was thoughtful as she studied him, “No, nothing is wrong. At least not yet.”

“Not yet? That sounds ominous.”

“Nothing to worry about right now.” She said, smiling. “I’ll let you know when the time comes, I don’t think you will be disappointed.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to help? I am your servant for the day after all.”

Ikuno checked the position of the sun in the sky then turned to Kal, grinning evilly she took his hand and pulled him into the cave, “That’s right, servant, you have one more duty to attend to before I let you go.”

As they came into the main cavern soft breathing reminded them that the bed was currently occupied by the sleeping girl. Ikuno led him over to the chair then walked to the end of her bed. Reaching into a pouch she tossed some dust into the air over the sleeping girl, summoning another magic circle in her palm she pointed it towards the dust cloud and said a few words. The dust shimmered and sunk down onto the girl’s sleeping form, seeming to pass right through the furs covering her.

Ikuno turned and smiled wide, “Sleeping spell, now we don’t need to worry about being interrupted.”

Kal stepped to the side of the stone chair and bowed low holding his hands out as if presenting the chair, “Your throne Madame.”

Buckles on Ikuno’s hides and furs came loose with soft clicks until her clothes made a pile on the floor. She sat on the fur covered chair and daintily crossed her legs placing her hands atop her knee, “Servant,” she said archly, “I wish to be tended to, top to bottom.”

Kal looked up from his bow, her tone made him worry he has made a mistake until he saw her face and the laughter in her eyes. With another bow accompanied by a comically overexaggerated flourish, he said, “If Milady would lie back I would be more than happy to take care of her every need, top to… bottom.”

Ikuno chuckled at their banter and did as asked leaning back into the chair and expecting him to put her legs up on the arms like last time, instead he stripped down and climbed up onto the chair with her, straddling her thighs. His enchanted cock, already hard and grown to her size, was nearly poking her in the belly button.

Ignoring her questioning look he leaned forward and began to softly kiss and nibble one side of her neck. The oni laid her head back and moaned, relaxing into Kal’s attentions. Kal kissed his way to her collarbone before making his way down towards her large blue breasts. He brought both hands up and began massaging the soft blue flesh as he lavished attention on her areola. Ikuno moaned as Kal finally took her hardened nipple into his mouth, he alternated between flicking and circling her nipple then occasionally sucking hard and drawing it deep into his mouth while still teasing it with his tongue. As Ikuno started to lightly pant from arousal he kissed his way to the valley between her breasts, earning a groan of frustrated annoyance from the oni, he then slowly licked his way all the way back up to the other side of her neck and repeated the process all over again. After a few long minutes of attention to her other breast, her face was flushed purple and her breath coming in short gasps punctuated by moans of pleasure.

Kissing his way down the underside of her breast he made his way to her bellybutton as he slid off the chair and stepped between her legs. Continuing down he kissed and licked his way to the very top of her sex then pulled away, Ikuno groaned in frustration. Lifting one leg he placed it on the arm of the chair as before, leaning down he let her feel his breath across her nether lips before putting his tongue right next to them and dragging it up the inside of her leg, the oni growled with annoyance at being denied yet again. Lifting the other leg and placing it the same way as the first on the chair arm. Kal started by her knee and kissed and nipped his way down the sensitive blue flesh of her inner thigh stopping again before touching her sex. Ikuno was panting with need and breathlessly whispered, “You… bastard.”

Kal smiled at how wound up she was, leaning over he placed his mouth over her clit making her moan and buck her hips a little. Starting with the lightest of brushes of his tongue he started tracing circles around her pearl, the oni pressed her sex into his face but he ignored her efforts and only gradually increased the pressure and contact with his tongue.

Kal’s hands were busy as he pleasured the blue woman finding a small jar of the salve she had spoken of earlier in the day which he had placed next to the chair on his way back from dropping off her new books. Scooping up a good-sized dollop he let it warm up in his hand for a few moments. He smeared the lube on her rear entrance as he sucked her clit into his mouth. Ikuno gasped at the sudden stimulation raising herself up off the chair and trapping his fingers between her cheeks, Kal relented on her clit and she dropped back into the seat panting, “More… more… please,” she said between breaths.

Even though Kal was hard already, hearing her beg seemed to send another surge to his overgrown cock. Teasing her lips with his tongue he spread the lube and gently massaged her backside, giving her clit a few good swipes he slid one finger inside then a second a few moments later. As he prepared a third she clenched and pulled away. She raised her head up and Kal met her gaze, “That’s enough, I want you inside me and I want to feel myself stretching around you, the real you.” Kal just nodded and got another dollop of salve from the jar coating his dick thoroughly as Ikuno scooted her butt forward to give him a better angle. Kal noticed that his cock had shrunk back to its normal size which must have been what she meant by ‘the real you’.

He placed himself at her backdoor and slowly pushed inside watching as his member disappeared inside her rear end, the tightness around his cock was intense and he was glad he hadn’t touched himself as he was getting Ikuno worked up, he was certain he would have already cum if he had. The blue oni laid her head back again and hissed, “fuck... yessssss,” as he continued to slide into her. When she felt the base of his cock bump against her ass she put a hand on his backside to hold him in place. Enjoying the feeling of having him inside her she began to rhythmically squeeze his invading member.

“Ikuno…” Kal blurted out, her head came up to look at him and she could see him struggling to maintain control, “Too tight… not gonna… last long,” he said through gritted teeth.

“It’s okay, neither will I. Fuck me Kal, fill me up,” she said, removing her hand from his backside to lightly tease her clit.

Kal pulled out slowly then pushed back into her a bit quicker, increasing his tempo with each stroke while looking for any signs of discomfort on her face. Ikuno too was studying her lover’s face, changing the speed of her fingers on her clit by how close he was getting. She wasn’t sure she could hold out once he was really slamming into her rear but then his hips stuttered as he started to come, fingers digging into her flesh he thrust into her ass hard enough to push her back on the seat, once, twice on the third time he buried himself inside her all and began filling her with spunk. The oni howled as she came with the boy, her body going rigid and her ass clamping down on him hard enough to make it hurt but not hard enough to keep him from continuing to soak her insides with his seed.

Spent, Kal leaned forward to catch his breath on Ikuno’s heaving chest. After a few minutes, their breathing had returned mostly to normal

Kal looked up at Ikuno, “Wow,” was all he said.

Ikuno smiled, “Wow indeed.”




Kal leaned back and sighed in contentment, he was sitting in Ikuno’s lap and while he still wasn’t completely comfortable with being the ‘small’ one in moments like this it was hard to complain when you had two rather large blue breasts to use as pillows. Also distracting him was Ikuno gently playing with his half-hard member, the oni wasn’t trying to get him off or even hard again but the light brushes with her fingers along his length, which for some reason had gotten oni-sized again, felt rather nice.

“I’m curious,” said Ikuno, “when you first came to my cave you were a virgin. However, today you have rivaled some of my most skilled lovers. Care to tell me your secret?”

Kal blushed though Ikuno couldn’t see it, “There’s a lady in my village who lost her husband a few years ago, instead of taking another right away she began taking care of the urges of the single men in town in order to get by, and a few married ones as well if the rumors are true. Before I decided to come back here I paid the woman for a few days of her time to teach me how to pleasure a woman, thinking on it I guess I had already decided I was coming back. She even taught me about how to take a woman in the rear though she didn’t let me do it to her. I had told her of our first time, leaving out some details obviously, and she said ‘letting a man in there is a very important step because for many girls it can be painful. Your first time should be with the girl you are doing this for not an old whore like me.’”

“Hmmm, money well spent I’d say, I may have to send something with you to give to her as thanks for doing a good job. I’d heard about human women being in pain when having sex that way… wait a moment! That’s what you were doing! Checking to make sure you weren’t hurting me!” Kal looked up and nodded, “Thankfully myself and most monster girls I’ve heard of don’t have such issues and actually enjoy it, though almost all prefer the usual way in hopes of getting pregnant, there are some strange ones though.”

“Strange ones?”

“Lamias are one of those, where they get rid of waste is down on the snake body so instead of being attached to the stomach their human bottom is somehow connected to their womb and they can get pregnant either way.”

“That is a bit strange, I have a question for you now,” Looking down at her hands playing with his overgrown prick he asked, “Why is it big again?”

Ikuno smiled, “The enchantment works a couple of different ways. If you don’t do anything it will match you to the size of the woman you are about to sleep with. However, you have a little bit of control over it as does your partner if she knows about it. For instance, you can make yourself a little bigger than what the enchantment decides but never enough to do damage, most importantly she has to want it that big before it will happen at all. Making it smaller is much easier and you or the woman you are with can do so at any time assuming she knows about it. That’s why I wanted your real cock,” his cock shrank back to normal size, “in my bottom the first time. Instead of this,” Kal’s cock grew back to oni-size.

“Quit that, it seems weird,”

Ikuno laughed and Kal’s member switched back and forth repeatedly from oni- to normal-sized until he concentrated in it and it immediately went to normal size and stayed there.

“Awww,” she lamented before breaking out in a fit of laughter.

“I had thought that this was just to make me more compatible with you, but I guess it’s much more than that.”

“Oh yes, much more. You could comfortably fuck anything now even a salamander or dragon girl since the enchantment will protect you from extreme heat or cold as well as other things like poison, slime or digestive juices. However, that’s only if you and her are going to have sex; if you are looking to get your dick wet and she is just looking for a meal, the enchantment won’t activate along with the protection. There’s one more thing I think you should know, though if I’m right about you it will never be an issue. The original creator of this spell had a severe hatred of people like Sir Michael, to the point where the worst offenders would have this spell cast on them as punishment.”

“As punishment? How?”

“Hop down. It’s best to show you, just don’t freak out. The effect is only temporary.”

“This won’t hurt will it?”

“Maybe your pride a bit” after Kal had gotten off her lap, Ikuno knelt down and leaned over the seat of the chair.

“I do not want you to fuck me,” she said sternly, “but in a moment you are going to try anyway understood?”

“Not one bit, but I’ll do as you say,” replied Kal in confusion, he worked himself up to half-hard but was certain that his member was done for the day.

A minute passed while Ikuno had been repeating something over and over under her breath. Finally, she looked back at Kal, “Okay do it,” then went back to her mantra.

Kal lined up with her sex and pushed, sliding easily inside her as his cock decided it might have one more round left in it and began to swell again. The yelp of surprise and dismay was comical for a woman as big as Ikuno, she looked back with disbelief as Kal stroked into her a few times.

“Well dammit.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked, even though his dick had reacted to slipping inside the oni he still didn’t feel like he would be able cum again, though that didn’t keep him from wondering if he could get Ikuno off one more time.

“Seems like deep down I really wanted you inside me despite telling myself over and over that I didn’t,” she backed into him a few times, “Mmmm that’s nice, but not helping what I’m trying to show you.” She let out a groan as she pulled off the farmer boy. Sitting back in the chair she said, “I was trying to avoid this though it’s pretty much guaranteed to work. Look over at the girl, now imagine having sex with her.”

He turned and looked at Ikuno.


Ikuno sighed, “I understand your reluctance, but we already know the enchantment won’t react to me. You only need to for a second, I promise.”

Kal glared at her then closed his eyes.

A tense moment later Ikuno called softly, “Kal, look down.”

Opening his eyes, he looked down to see… balls, he waved his hand where his penis used to be.

He looked at Ikuno, then at his balls, back at Ikuno, then to his balls one more time. Still looking down he said to Ikuno, “You asked me not to so I’m trying really hard to not freak out right now.”

Ikuno scooted forward on the seat and spread her legs, “Come over here and fuck me Kal, I want you inside me.” Even as she said the words it was obvious from her face and tone that her heart wasn’t in it.

Kal stared at her in disbelief, “How the hell do you expect me to do that with,” he looked down, “oh its back.” He reached down and turned his cock from side to side inspecting it, after giving it a couple bounces in his palm he determined it was back to normal.

“Since I’m of age and willing once your focus shifted to me the enchantment kicked in and gave it back. It will come back on its own after about an hour or so if nothing triggers it sooner.”

“That’s wonderful… I’m still in the ‘try not to freak out after my dick just disappeared’ mindset at the moment, give me a minute please.”

“Better to find out now than in the middle of town lusting after some girl who only looks old enough.”

“Couldn’t you have just told me?” he said glaring at the oni. “After everything she’s been through, that made me feel… dirty.”

“No, I don’t think I could have,” said Ikuno thoughtfully, “even if I had explained in detail I doubt it would have prepared you for the actual experience, even here where you are safe you had a difficult time, imagine if it had happened in the middle of your village.”

“I hate to admit it, but you have a point,” said Kal, “though it doesn’t make me feel any better about doing that.”

“I’m sorry Kal, I wish it had worked with me and saved you from needing to do that. Is there any way that I can make it up to you?” Ikuno winced as the words left her mouth knowing that she had given him the perfect opportunity to bring up magic.

Kal looked down at his now limp penis then to the magic lantern that he could barely make out in Ikuno’s library and finally to the sleeping girl, with a thoughtful expression he looked back at the oni, “let me think on that for a bit I might have something in mind.”

Looking towards the cave entrance Ikuno sighed, “It seems it’s about time for you to go home, if you don’t leave soon you may not make it before dark.” She sniffed the air coming from outside, “it may be too late already.”

Kal nodded and quickly dressed then went over to help Ikuno with the buckles on her clothing. The oni scowled at him, “I’m capable of dressing myself farmer boy.”

“I know, but it’s a handy excuse for opportunities like this,” giving her an impish smile and reaching under the flap covering her bottom and gave her a squeeze.

“Young men! Always one thing on their mind!” she laughed then shooed him away. “Off with you now for a moment, in need to wake the girl.” Forming a magic circle in her hand she pointed it at the sleeping girl and with a few words specks of dust on the girl glowed softly before fading into nothing. When she didn’t move Ikuno gave her a little shake.

The girl’s eyes popped open and she quickly sat up in bed, “What time is it? I need to be ‘ome! I’ll get a beatin’ if I don’ ‘ave supper ready!”

Ikuno placed her large hand on the girl’s head, “Peace child, things have changed, and I will need to explain some things to you. Firstly, what is your name?”

“Perra, Milady. Me mum named me that.”

Ikuno smiled softly at the young girl and sat down at the foot of the bed, “I will try to make this quick as you and Kal have places to be before dark. I believe Kal can answer most of your questions if we don’t have time here.” Ikuno took a deep breath, “First off, you will not be returning to your brother… ever.” Perra began to protest and Ikuno held up a hand to stop her, “Wait until I am finished then ask your questions,” the young girl closed her mouth and slowly nodded.

“The knights you came with were concerned that your brother might kill you if you went back to him and felt that since I had saved your life that you belonged to me now.” Again, Ikuno had to hold up a hand to forestall any arguments, there were tears in Perra’s eyes. “My cave is no place for a young human girl to live so I’m sending you to live with my servant and his mother, their farm is near a village in the opposite direction from here than your village. As I said before he is a good man who will make sure you are taken care of. Also, since his mother is recovering from a sickness your help will be very appreciated.”

“Finally, the knights were very adamant,” Perra gave her a look at the word, Ikuno thought for a moment, “very stern, that you never speak of what happened with Sir Michael. They were also very clear that if news of the incident got out that they may even go so far as to have you killed, I apologize for putting this on you at such an age, but I feel it’s important you know what is at stake.”

The oni drew the sniffling girl into a hug, “Do you have any questions before you go little one?”

“They’s thinkin’ my brother might kill me?” said the Perra with a quavering voice.

Ikuno nodded, “Do you remember what happened after I saved you from Sir Michael?”

“I ran back ‘ome an’ me brother yelled at me cuz if the knight died then he couldn’ become a squire. He ‘it me a couple times an’ I bumped my ‘ead. Woke up at the ‘pothecary, good as new. Reck’n ‘e took me there to get me patched up.”

Ikuno shook her head sadly then repeated to Perra the story the knight had heard from the apothecary owner. “The knights felt that he would blame you for losing another chance to become a squire and for him being put in the stocks. They didn’t feel it would be safe for you to return home,” she said.

Tears rolled freely down Perra’s cheeks as she heard about how she had nearly died, and Ikuno’s potion had saved her. Sadly agreeing with the knight’s conclusion, she asked, “So I’m ta go live wit’ ‘im?” looking in Kal’s direction.

Ikuno stood, “Yes you are and to get home before dark you will need some help.” She walked over to the bookcases in the library and picked up three small bottles off one of the shelves. Motioning for the two young humans to follow she made her way to the entrance of the cave, outside they could see that the sun would be setting in a short time. Once there she held the bottles up for Kal and Perra to see. “Strength, speed and stamina,” she explained holding up each in turn, looking at Kal she said, “this should allow you to carry Perra on your back and allow you to get home in time. Unfortunately, that means it’s time for goodbyes.”

Kal walked over to Ikuno crooking his finger to come closer, she leaned down and he took the oni’s face in his hands before kissing her tenderly. The oni dropped to one knee and drew the farmer in close. Breaking the kiss Kal looked into her eyes, “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he said softly stroking her cheek.

She leaned into his hand, “Don’t be too long.”

Ikuno released Kal and they turned to Perra only to be stopped by the awed expression on her face.

“What?” asked Kal.

“You two looked like me mum an’ da,” she said looking between the two.

Kal felt his cheeks redden while Ikuno flushed dark purple in embarrassment, “I… we… err… ummm,” she stammered. Kal laughed, this was the first time he had seen the oni so flustered and caught off guard, and all from Perra’s innocent observation.

Ikuno glared at him for a moment but quickly broke into a smile, “Come now girl, get up on his back. He will be moving very fast so hold on tight.” Kal knelt down so Perra could climb up and prepare for her high-speed piggyback ride. “Kal be careful with your strength while the potion is in effect you may hurt her if you hold her too tight.” Shaking each of the bottles she pushed magical energy into each one making them glow, Kal didn’t understand how but he could feel the magic moving into them.

“Ikuno?” he said getting her attention, “Will you teach me magic?”

The oni sighed and looked at him, “Magic is very difficult and takes many years to learn. I’m sorry but I’ll have to say no, I understand if that means you won’t come to see me again,” she said looking sad.

Kal snorted, “Magic or no, I’ll still be coming back here Ikuno. You needn’t worry about that. Magic just seems so amazing I was hoping I might be able to learn it.”

Ikuno smiled and kissed him on the forehead, riding Kal’s back Perra was suddenly glad of how the oni’s horns swept back over her hair instead of sticking straight out like the girl had seen in pictures of green ogres.

“That was the correct answer,” said Ikuno, “I would be happy to teach you I just wanted to make sure that wasn’t the only reason you would come see me. Bear in mind what I said earlier was true, it will be difficult and take a long time. Now is not the time for such discussion however. You said you live around two hours away?” Kal was wearing a goofy grin from her agreeing to teach him but had enough sense to nod, Ikuno thought for a moment then aloud said, “Seven should do. Open your mouth Kal.” She carefully put seven drops of each potion on his tongue and when he swallowed he felt his body flood with strength and energy. “Go, be safe,” said Ikuno but to Kal, the words were drawn out and strangely deep. He nodded and broke into a swift jog towards home noticing immediately that he was covering far more ground than normal, Perra squeaked and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck. Not feeling the slightest fatigue even at those speeds Kal made sure Perra was secure then broke into a run.

Ikuno watched as the two sprinted off to the west towards Kal’s farm. Sighing she turned and went into her cave, uncomfortably aware that no one would be sharing her bed with her tonight like Kal had earlier that day. Shaking her head, she walked into the darkness.






Speed was the first to lose its effect and Kal slowed down just as they came upon one of the fields furthest from the house. Strength left next but Perra was fairly light and he continued carrying her on his back. Finally, the stamina potion gave out and Kal had just started to breathe heavier as they approached his house.

Kal’s house wasn’t much to look at, a log cabin that his father and grandfather had built by hand with a roof made of wooden shingles that seemed to need repair every time it rained. The only distinguishing part was the metal tube that poked out of roof close to the center of the cabin. Inside, the tube led to a cast iron stove, a wedding gift from his grandfather that had cost a small fortune but did a much better job of keeping the cabin warm in winter than the stone fireplace. A wall with two doors, by the front and back of the cabin, separated the bedrooms from the main room and the iron stove was set into this wall with the half of the back opening out into each bedroom for heating. Open cupboards by the fireplace signified the kitchen area and the rest was taken up by a table and chairs for the living room/dining area. Behind the house was a chicken coop next to a shed where he kept all of his farm tools as well as a small barn where his two oxen stayed, a third stall in the barn was empty but he planned on filling that with a horse soon.

The sun had just disappeared behind the trees when Kal put Perra down and turned to face her. “One thing before we go inside, my mother is recovering from a sickness and is still somewhat weak, It may be best not to tell her that Ikuno is an oni.”

“Oni?” Perra asked tilting her head to one side.

“I’ll explain better later but she isn’t an ogre-like everyone thinks but something called an oni. Anyways, I don’t know how my mother will react to her being a giant blue woman.”

Perra thought about it for a second then nodded before asking, “Wha’ about you kissin ‘er?”

Kal blushed, “Maybe best not mention that too. Well, let’s get you settled in.

Kal’s mother was sitting in a chair in the living room knitting as they walked in. After introductions and informing his mother that his mother that she would be staying with them, which got him a raised eyebrow from his mother when Perra wasn’t looking, she fawned over the teenage girl before taking her into her room to find some new clothes.

Kal’s mom came back out as the girl changed, she stood in front of the young farmer with her hands on her hips, “Explain, and quickly, she won’t take long to change.”

Kal thought for a moment, “Short answer. Brother was beating her, knights took her from the brother. The lady who gave us the money for your cure also saved the girl at one point. Knights gave the girl to the lady who called on me as her servant to take care of her.” He shrugged, “And here we are.”

His mother’s eyes went wide, “Servant?”

“She saved your life, mother, just a ‘thank you’ felt… inadequate. On days I can make it over there I plan to put myself at her disposal for the day.” His voice was firm with resolve under her gaze.

“Is this what she demanded as payment for the money?”

“No mother, she demanded nothing. This was my idea and I intend to keep my word to her. Admittedly I wasn’t expecting something like Perra coming to live with us as part of my duties.”

Kal’s mother visibly relaxed, “As long as it was your choice and you will still be here working the farm most times I suppose it will be okay,” Looking towards the door to her room she added, “the extra hands will be a help as well on the days you are gone. Though first things first I’m going to have to break her of the peasant speak,” she said twisting her mouth like she’d just bitten into something sour.

Perra walked out of his mother’s room, she had changed into one of his mother’s old farm dresses but twirled about showing it off like it was a gown fit for a castle ball. It made Kal realize just how close to rags her old clothes had been. His mother again fawned over the young girl before dragging her over to the kitchen and began drilling the girl about what kind of cooking skills she had.

Kal walked into his room and looked at his bed, thinking back to that afternoon and how nice it had been to wake up with Ikuno. Sighing he lit a candle and set it on the stand beside his bed, he reached into the bottom half of the nightstand and retrieved one of the only three books he had ever read, figuring he should study up if he was going to be learning magic in the future. After only a few minutes though he set the book down, unable to concentrate. Laying back on the bed he listened to the sounds of Perra and his mother busying themselves in the kitchen while thoughts of his time with the blue-skinned, golden-horned, white-haired oni lulled him to sleep.


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The Runesmith Chronicles 16

Edited by: Old Fart------Perra and Kahrin both squealed like little girls and came together in a big hug as soon as they saw each other the next morning. After some quick chatter and complaints from both of them about being sore, making Kal curious as to why Kahrin would be sore, the two women disappeared into the back of the inn. Kal sat down next to Bren who was eyeing him warily.“Did I do something wrong, Bren?” Kal asked.The big man grunted and smiled, “Next time you make a girl into a...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 21

Edited by: Old Fart Kal carefully set his pack with its precious contents on Ikuno’s bed. “It feels good to be home,” he said heading over to the small cubby so he could relieve himself after the trip back from Felli’s cave. “I think that’s the first time you’ve ever called this ‘home’” said Ikuno as she dug through Kal’s pack and retrieved the pouch with his extra crystals in it. She went into the library and got her own pouch off the shelf, trading out the ones she and Kal had...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 19

Welcome back! A small step away from Kal and Sera in the beginning of this one but it accomplishes something I’ve wanted to do since Book 1 For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend starting with the first book, Oni and the Farmer. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters/books. If you find my stories entertaining, please take a look at the note...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 21

Welcome back! Some Femdom in this one, not really my thing but it fit the character, so I rolled with it. It’s curious, I saw some vids of FemDom porn a while back (researching art references for Ikuno) and in all of them I would have told these tall, muscular women to go fuck themselves with a sand-coated dildo if they treated me like that. However, when I wrote the part in this chapter I don’t have that same reaction and I don’t understand why. As I said ... curious. For those of you...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 172

Later that morning Kal found himself in a very unexpected situation: riding piggyback on Ikuno. She was taking advantage of the natural trail that ran along the base of the mountain range. The oni surmised that it had been made over many years by herds of game animals traveling north and being turned aside by the steep mountain faces, eventually creating a decently wide path. Kal had used it a few times to get to Ikuno’s but it wasn’t significantly faster for him to go north to the trail and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 12

For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend starting with the first book, Oni and the Farmer. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters/books. Edited/Proofread by: oldfart and 2muchdiggity “Ready?” Kal asked. The gorgon looked around her home and nodded nervously, “I am.” “Good there’s only a couple more things we need to take care of. The first is...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 24

Welcome back! There’s a place in this chapter that feels like there should have been a fist bump... Anger, A Master of Stone, A Little More Time For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend going back and starting at Chapter One. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters. If you find my stories entertaining, please consider supporting me on Patreon....

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 131

Kal was a panicky wreck by the time Gerda brought them back up onto the trail not far from Ikuno’s pool. He had failed to realize that, even though Gerda ‘flew’ through the stone at a good pace, the trip back to Ikuno’s cave would still take nearly a full hour. With no means of communicating with Gerda, he had no choice but to deal with his phobia and wait until they resurfaced.Once he had gotten his wits about him and recovered from the journey, he explained to Ikuno and Gerda what the issue...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 24

Welcome back! For those of you reading The Runesmith Chronicles for the first time I recommend starting with the first book, Oni and the Farmer. Mostly so you have a better understanding of how things like the magic system works and what’s going on as I often reference earlier chapters/books. If you find my stories entertaining and would like to help me produce these stories for you, please consider checking out my Patreon! Every little bit helps :) As always,...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 13

Fantastic news! A gentleman from here on SOL has been kind enough to become my editor and I have to say ... the man’s good. Made me feel like I was back in my college English class with all the little red marks. Seriously though, I am very impressed with just how better the chapter flows with his changes and suggestions. He does have some stories of his own here on SOL if you want to check them out. Enjoy! Blu Kal was a panicky wreck...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 132

Kal, Ikuno, and Gerda rose up out of the mountain trail just a handful of paces from the edge of Aradelle’s forest. Kal stepped away and bent over to catch his breath as soon as the rock holding his and Gerda’s hands together receded. He glared over at Ikuno who was smirking at him; she seemed to be having no trouble at all with this new method of getting around. He honestly wasn’t sure if he was ever going to grow accustomed to traveling through solid rock in such a manner.As they stepped off...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 16

After, Obligations, Improvement Edited by: Old Fart Perra and Kahrin both squealed like little girls and came together in a big hug as soon as they saw each other the next morning. After some quick chatter and complaints from both of them about being sore, making Kal curious as to why Kahrin would be sore, the two women disappeared into the back of the inn. Kal sat down next to Bren who was eyeing him warily. “Did I do something wrong, Bren?” Kal asked. The big man grunted and...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 19

Falling with style, Re-union, Status Edited by: Old Fart Kal stepped out of the tunnel from the storeroom to see Felli standing a few paces away. She was gazing out the cave entrance watching a couple of large birds gliding along the stiff mountain breezes. She turned to look at him and blushed furiously as he stepped up next to her. “A little late for that after what you just saw,” he said watching one of the birds tuck its wings and dive out of sight. Felli blushed even...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 10

Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers. “No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex. Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came. Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 6

“Umm ... What?” Ikuno smiled but didn’t lift her head off his shoulder, “I’ll explain later, take me to bed.” Kal started walking again, “Sounds like there’s going to be a lot of that later, like how you ended up overloaded with magic.” Kal walked into the mouth of the cave, Ikuno snapped her fingers and a ball of light formed before them, leading the way into the darkness. Ikuno was thoughtful, “I have an idea about that...” “KAL! IKUNO! Are you alright!” came Perra’s voice,...

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The Family Pet The OConnell Chronicles

Author’s Note:  While this is another chapter in the O’Connell Chronicles it is intended to stand alone. For those unfamiliar with the O’Connell Chronicles I would direct you to the first story in the series ?The Object of His Affection?. For those hoping for another tale in extreme body modification – well, this is probably not the story you are looking for. Just the same, it will likely hint at future tales (providing I can manage sustained inspiration and figure out how to bring my ideas to...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 30

The girls did their best to wear him out last night and Kal planned on sleeping in, but Sera had different ideas. There was a knock on his bedroom door and Kal looked down at the gorgon who was happily suckling his half-hard cock after treating him to a good-morning blowjob. At his questioning look, the gorgon just shrugged and closed her eyes, returning to her task. “Come in!” he called out. Velt peeked her head around the door before walking in followed by Graff. Neither of them paid the...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 15

Kal, Ikuno, Bea and one of Aradelle’s vines approached the spectral wolf’s remains in hopes of finding any kind of information. Two long black streaks of decayed plant matter starting just beyond the edge of Aradelle’s clearing led them to where it had met its end. It was easy to see, however, that any hope of evidence pertaining to who sent it and why it was looking for Ikuno had dissolved into a bubbling, smoking pool of sickly yellow blood laced with black streaks. “Any ideas?” asked...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 22

Scowling, Ikuno looked on as Silma and Kal went through the molting process again, she was bothered by last night’s dream but that wasn’t what was making her unhappy at the moment. “What the hell happened to your hair?” the oni growled as they walked over to her. Kal blushed and ran a hand over his bare scalp, “It’s a side effect of cooling down so fast.” Silma nodded in agreement as she stepped up beside him, “It was this or wait a day there and a day back for him to cool down.” The...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 9

Weeks passed, and the land was blanketed in pristine white snow, travel became more difficult and Kal’s routine now consisted largely of chopping firewood, tending to the animals, chopping firewood checking animal traps, chopping firewood, cleaning and processing furs to sell at market like most farmers in winter, and chopping firewood. Visits to Ikuno’s cave became rarer and Kal had taken to making overnight trips, much to Ikuno’s delight, as the trek seemed to become longer with each new...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 151

Kal, Ikuno, Bea and one of Aradelle’s vines approached the spectral wolf’s remains in hopes of finding any kind of information. Two long black streaks of decayed plant matter starting just beyond the edge of Aradelle’s clearing led them to where it had met its end. It was easy to see, however, that any hope of evidence pertaining to who sent it and why it was looking for Ikuno had dissolved into a bubbling, smoking pool of sickly yellow blood laced with black streaks.“Any ideas?” asked KalIkuno...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 152

Three hours and five failed attempts later he finally had a small oval moonstone that matched his desired dimensions exactly. Kal looked over at Gerda. She had gotten rid of the stool once she was done eating the other crystal and instead made a bed to lay on. He chuckled when he realized that the bed she made was an exact stone replica of Ikuno’s, even down to the headboard.Kal wrapped the completed moonstone in a piece of linen and placed it in his pack then went over to the napping rock...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 18

“I must say, it feels rather homey in here,” said Kal looking around the roc’s cavern.Ikuno stared at him like he had grown a second head, “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? How on earth could this place feel ‘homey’?”Many hours ago, they had gone exploring the roc’s cavern, a task that turned out to be much larger than expected. at the top of the slope was a crossroads that split off in three directions, instead of being a single large cavern. The southern path sloped down before opening up...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 4

Two figures silently made their way up to Carriston’s wall, stopping just outside of the light of the torches placed along the ramparts. They had spent the last few minutes carefully observing the city’s Night Watch and were now just biding their time, waiting for their opportunity to get inside. A couple of guards stopped and talked for a moment directly above the place he and Ria had scouted out earlier. It was in the very center of the fortification between watchtowers and there were no...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 11 Part 2

After bringing the new linens and taking the old ones behind the inn to be washed, Perra and the new father made a second trip to get bowls of stew for the new parents and the midwife. Perra was a bit scandalized by the mother’s state of undress until she was forcefully reminded by the woman that Kal had just helped deliver her baby and saved both of their lives as well as being there for her daughter’s first meal, there wasn’t much sense in being bashful now.Perra’s mood didn’t improve when...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 11

Months passed, and winter finally released its grip on the land, patches of snow could still be seen in places where there were significant amounts of shade during the day as well as up on the mountains where the air was colder. Only a handful of conifers were starting to show signs of budding and the forests continued to be bare of leaves except for the occasional evergreen dotted here and there. The winter had come and gone with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm had made the...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 10

It wasn’t long before Kal and Sandy discovered that their activities while traveling were impractical for such a long journey. After a few stops, he pulled his pants up and respectfully declined the golem’s offered rear end, for now. Though disappointed, Sandy accepted the promise of pleasures to come. The golem then secured him in the harness once again before dropping them into the floor of the small cave. After a quick pause to get her bearings, they continued their way north. Later on,...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 11

Strong hands grabbed him and held him up as the snakes of the woman’s hair reached out and sunk their fangs into various body parts. The venom allowed the gorgon to move Kal’s body in the area where he’d been bitten. Getting him standing, she pulled him over and leaned him up against a nearby wall. Terror gripped Kal’s mind. He was still recovering from the shock of believing he was about to die when the searing pain from the snakes’ venom began exploding everywhere they bit him. It faded...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 6

‘In pain’ wasn’t the most comfortable way to wake up but Kelthor welcomed it this time, it was better than opening his eyes and finding himself in the afterlife. He discovered that attempting to open his eyes was a bad idea, as pain once again lanced through his head from the daylight pouring into the room. On a more pleasant note, it was certainly nice waking up to the feeling of a naked woman pressed against his side. Rose had crawled into bed beside him and rested her head on his...

4 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 18

Shared, Lifted, Connected Edited by: Old Fart “I must say, it feels rather homey in here,” said Kal looking around the roc’s cavern. Ikuno stared at him like he had grown a second head, “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? How on earth could this place feel ‘homey’?” Many hours ago, they had gone exploring the roc’s cavern, a task that turned out to be much larger than expected. at the top of the slope was a crossroads that split off in three directions, instead of being a...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 3

As Kal prepared breakfast he directed the wolf girl towards a small alcove next to the entrance that offered a restroom and shower. She arrived back at the fire pit as he plated their meals, feeling refreshed and relaxed now that she was clean again for the first time in months. Looking her naked body up and down, Kal admitted to selfishly anticipating getting enough food into the girl so her ribs no longer showed. Just getting her hydrated had made most of them fade and done wonders for her...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 12

Rain pelted Kal and Ikuno as they made their way carefully along the thin mountain trail. They had left Ikuno’s home earlier that morning to return to Aradelle’s forest and crossed over the first mountain without incident. However, as they descended into the valley between that and the second peak, dark clouds had rolled in and a smattering of rain dogged them on the next ascent. As they approached the apex of the trail the weather became even fouler turning into a full-blown downpour with...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 26

“Of all the rotten luck,” growled Kal. Sera clung tightly to his back as he used the haste rune to keep pace with Velt and Graff, their animal-shifted arms and legs speeding them through the bare forest far faster than the gorgon could hope to keep up. Behind them twenty Lantaran soldiers gave chase, hooting, yelling and banging their swords against their shields. “They’re driving us!” he called out to the fox and rabbit. It was a common hunting tactic, flushing the game, pushing it toward...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 121

Rain pelted Kal and Ikuno as they made their way carefully along the thin mountain trail. They had left Ikuno’s home earlier that morning to return to Aradelle’s forest and crossed over the first mountain without incident. However, as they descended into the valley between that and the second peak, dark clouds had rolled in and a smattering of rain dogged them on the next ascent. As they approached the apex of the trail, the weather became even fouler turning into a full-blown downpour with...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 14

“Fuck you, Kal! I hope your fucking dick falls off! You are never, ever touching me again! Get the fuck away from me!” Perra screamed in the mage’s face. Kal was so shocked by the outburst he stood up from his place next to the large tub and turned towards the door, his expression blank as he automatically followed the laboring woman’s orders. “No, no, no, no,” Elta said, jumping up and gently steering him by the shoulders back to the water-filled basin Perra was sitting in. “Any other time...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 28

“There it is,” said Kal staring at the distant southern forest. “Te’thalas should be right on the border and the tower somewhere inside.” “How will we find it?” asked Sera. “I’m hoping we will only need to get close and we should run across one of the tower’s defenders. With luck, since we aren’t bandits and I obviously don’t have any problems with monster girls, we might be able to talk them into letting us look around. After a millennium I’m questioning if we will find anything of use....

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 31

Author’s Note: This is the final chapter of Searching for the Sky. However, by popular demand I am writing up some sexy-time scenes which I skipped over for the sake of concentrating on the story, so keep an eye out for those in the coming weeks. Once those are done then I will be hammering away at Book 3. If you would like to help me continue creating stories like this, check out the end note after the chapter. I’m so glad you have enjoyed my story and thank you so much for...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 7

Kal cautiously opened his eyes as he returned to the waking world, the heavy furs covering him instead of his normal wool comforter making him stop and think about where he was. Smiling he remembered he was not at home and turned to the side to see Ikuno peacefully sleeping next to him. Though not as striking as the changes when he first returned to the cave, as he continued to visit her skin color had deepened to a rich cobalt blue and the triangular marks on her cheeks had become almost...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 16

Edited by: oldfart and 2muchdiggity ‘Let her in, Kal,’ came the thought from Kuto. “Why the hell would I do that?” said Kal aloud. The last few minutes he had been talking the frozen harpy through the more panic-inducing parts of her stasis, such as no longer breathing or having a heartbeat. The bird-girl’s hysteria faded quickly as the mage shared images and feelings from his own experience. Knowing that she would be okay once the gorgon’s petrification ran its course did a lot to dispel...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 20

“Quit yer fuggin’ laughin’ ye arsehole!” the gorgon yelled up at Kal. With his lips tight and teeth clenched in poorly contained mirth, the mage said, “You’re ... slithering along the floor. How am I supposed to not find that funny?” “It ain’t funny an’ it fuggin’ itches!” snapped Sera. She was lying on her back and using her feet to scoot across the carpet in an attempt to relieve the intense prickly sensation as her new skin beneath pushed off the older layer above. Kal wanted to offer...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 17a

Just a sip A week had passed since her run-in with Kal and his friends and Rowan was feeling hungry. She had spent a significant amount of time thinking about that night and how she had ended up saved from the same fate as the will-o’-wisp. Her guess was that the portion of her consciousness that remained inside the creature saw what was about to happen and managed to take control of the wisp for a few seconds. It used the opportunity to rip her out of Kal’s head, which was none too...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 13

Kal looked around his living room as if it were a different world. In his entire life, he had never seen so many people in his house. Quite honestly, he didn’t much care for it. Perra was sitting in the living room chatting with Dax, Refia, and Kuto. Up at the dining table, Elta bounced Ruce’s chick, Lada, on her knee as she talked with the little girl’s mother, Ghoss, and her own mother, Lady Nina. It somehow didn’t make him feel better that three of the women in the room were pregnant with...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 3

Three Knights of the Order of the Lion’s Shield stood in the clearing in front of the cave, it was quiet save for the soft munching from far off to one side next to the wood line as the horses nibbled on the grass nearby. The squires tended to the horses and made sure their leads were secured to nearby trees, though all of them were trained as warhorses to be calm during battles, it was better to be safe than spend hours hunting down one that decided to bolt for whatever reason. Near the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 8

Kal and Ria watched as Daxas and her pack disappeared over a hill in the distance. The sprite sighing sadly. “Sounds like you are going to miss them as much as I am,” said Kal. “No, I’m just trying to decide if I should be proud of you or disappointed.” “Because I didn’t bond the whole pack?” “No,” said the sprite wistfully, “because you’ve been living with a bunch of horny canines and not once did you walk onto the tent and make the comment, ‘It smells like wet dog in here,’” His...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 22

Want to say a couple of things before we jump into the story First off, I hope that everyone is being safe as we make our way through this worldwide crisis. I have thousands of regular readers now, and while I may not know every one of you I hate the idea that any of you, or the people you care about, may be suffering because of the virus. Second, I sincerely apologize for the delay in putting up this chapter. Many peoples lives have been severely disrupted by COVID-19, mine has been no...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 171

“Come back safe, Kal,” said Perra as she laid in bed with the covers pulled back so Kal could take in the candlelit view of her naked body. He paused every few minutes in his preparations for his extended trip into the mountains to kiss and run his hands over her skin. She was putting herself on display for him and he wanted there to be no doubt in her mind he appreciated it.He was disappointed that he didn’t have the extra time to make more of the situation, but he and Ikuno had decided to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 17

A quick note before we jump in. My next release will be ‘TRC - Just A Sip - An SftS Extra’ which takes place a little bit after this chapter but isn’t a part of the main story line. I only mention this because it probably won’t show up with the rest of the series. If I remember, I will try to see if the admins can put it in with the rest of the SftS chapters. Thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot that you all enjoy my stories! :D Enjoy! -Blu He slowly opened his...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 17

Moved, Night Out, Sharing, Upward Edited by: Old Fart “Come back safe, Kal,” said Perra as she laid in bed with the covers pulled back so Kal could take in the candlelit view of her naked body. He paused every few minutes in his preparations for his extended trip into the mountains to kiss and run his hands over her skin. She was putting herself on display for him and he wanted there to be no doubt in her mind he appreciated it. He was disappointed that he didn’t have the extra time...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 23

“Hold your breath,” said Ikuno, leaning over as she held the ink behind Kal’s back with the telekinesis cantrip. Kal did as she asked, trying hard to hold down his excitement as Ikuno placed the last and probably most important of his runic tattoos, the healing rune. Cure Poison and Cure Disease were already on his shoulder blades and now the healing rune was going to go right in between. Ikuno had recommended placing it on his back because when attacked the first instinct is to face your...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 142

A few hours later Kal’s eyes slowly opened. He was still in the same position he had drifted off which seemed odd until he noticed that his arms were being supported by aradelle’s vines, keeping them wrapped around her as he napped.Aradelle snuggled into his chest as she felt him wake up, “Welcome back sleepyhead.”Kal smiled down at her, “I could get used to waking up like this.”The alarune nodded, “Me too, especially you get like this every time you wake up,” she said rubbing her inner thighs...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 11 Part 1

Months passed, and winter finally released its grip on the land, patches of snow could still be seen in places where there were significant amounts of shade during the day as well as up on the mountains where the air was colder. Only a handful of conifers were starting to show signs of budding and the forests continued to be bare of leaves except for the occasional evergreen dotted here and there.The winter had come and gone with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm had made the two-hour...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi

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