The Runesmith Chronicles 17.2 free porn video

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Later that morning Kal found himself in a very unexpected situation: riding piggyback on Ikuno. She was taking advantage of the natural trail that ran along the base of the mountain range. The oni surmised that it had been made over many years by herds of game animals traveling north and being turned aside by the steep mountain faces, eventually creating a decently wide path. Kal had used it a few times to get to Ikuno’s but it wasn’t significantly faster for him to go north to the trail and then come across than to use his normal route straight through the forest. Since planting Eludora he hadn’t used it at all, stopping to check on his daughter each time it was light enough out to do so.

Trees whipped by from the screaming pace Ikuno had set with the help of Kal’s haste rune. He could move fast with his runes but the oni’s long legs were eating up the distance to their target at an impressive rate. Ikuno informed him they had a good reason to test traveling like this. An unfertilized harpy’s egg started losing it’s magic as soon as it was laid, meaning they will need to get from the harpy nest to the salamander’s cave in the eastern mountains as quickly as possible.

They were far beyond any lands he was familiar with when she finally slowed then stopped in front of a rocky crag on the mountainside. A fissure ran up the stone that had slowly filled with rocks, making a slope for them to start climbing.

As she caught her breath, Ikuno looked up at the fissure and the sheer stone faces on either side that stood well over the treetops. “Last test,” she said, “climb up then jump down. I’ll catch you if something goes wrong. Don’t forget your strength rune too before you jump.”

Kal rolled his eyes, “Yes Mom,” he said in a voice dripping with sarcasm.

Ikuno glared at him as he set both their travel packs down and began climbing the slope of loose rocks. He appreciated her worry, but they had done this same test of his feather fall rune dozens of times already. At this point, he had to constantly push away the thought that she doubted his abilities and remember that she was only being so cautious because she loved him. On the other hand, he could understand her concern. The feather fall spell and rune were going to be their quick way back down once their business with the harpy was done. He disliked the idea of becoming a greasy smear on the side of a mountain as much as anyone else.

The strength rune brightened when he was about halfway to the top and he launched himself to the edge of the fissure, grabbing the lip and quickly pulling himself up with his enhanced muscles. He then calmly walked off the edge of the cliff as the feather fall rune began glowing white. True to all his other tests, he floated down towards Ikuno. Unlike in his other tests, a side wind knocked him off course and he had to push off a couple of tree branches before maneuvering himself into a clear spot to land.

Ikuno smiled, “I should make you do it again just for the ‘mom’ comment,” she said handing his pack to him. Kal laughed and checked the crystal tucked into a small pouch he had put on his vambrace for just that purpose. Observing that it was about three-quarters drained he slipped it back into its leather holder, not seeing the need to switch it out with one of the other three he had brought along.

Ikuno had also stocked up for this trip, Kal had gotten so used to seeing her horns with black tips they almost seemed odd now that they were completely golden again. After getting drunk on magic last year she made certain that there was room in her energy stores whenever Kal was around so there wouldn’t be any repeats.

As they reached the top of the fissure Kal looked over the bleak landscape. A few scraggly trees were managing to eke out the nutrients needed to live from soil that had blown into the cracks scattered about the rocks. Fauna was nearly non-existent, the only exceptions being the occasional bird flitting from tree to tree searching for seeds or bugs. Large spikes of rock that had long ago sheared off nearby stone faces jutted out at odd angles giving the area a very inhospitable atmosphere. Occasionally small patches of lichen could be seen tinting the stone green in areas protected from the biting wind.

The stiff breeze whipped Kal’s cloak about now that they were above the treetops and there were no natural windbreaks besides the peak they were about to climb. Ikuno went on ahead as Kal flipped up his hood and secured the rarely used fasteners sewed into the garment. He wondered for a moment if other wizards had to deal with such issues or if they had some spell that protected them from the annoying gusts. As he started after Ikuno, Kal mulled over the concept of a protection from air spell but quickly discarded the idea. He didn’t need a rune to accidentally protect him from the air he needed to breathe.

Unlike the mountains by Ikuno’s cave, there were no game trails between the northern and southern forests for them to follow. Up ahead Ikuno was carefully making her way across an area of sharp looking rubble and broken rocks. Kal looked up at the area just below where the snow covered the very top of the mount and sighed. For all of their haste in getting here, he had a feeling that this was going to be a very long and very slow climb.


About noon they found a dimple in the rock face along the tiny ledge they were traversing. It gave Ikuno and him just enough room to sit and get a bite to eat. There had only been two mishaps on their journey so far. The first where another ledge similar to the one they were sitting on crumbled beneath Ikuno’s feet. She lunged forward and caught the ledge in front of her with her claws and hung there with an annoyed look on her face until Kal jumped the missing section and helped pull her up. The second was when Kal overbalanced while passing under an overhang and had to quickly anchor himself to the rock with geomancy to keep from falling.

With all of their attention on the treacherous climb, there had been no opportunity to talk until now.

“For a couple of magic users this seems to be the slowest way we could go about this,” Kal said.

“If you have any ideas, I’m all ears,” Ikuno responded, “I could probably climb straight up with a little magical help.” She grinned at the look Kal was giving her, “I know I said earlier that we should conserve our magic since once we get the egg there won’t be time to rest and recharge, but if I’m being honest, I’m as sick of this as you seem to be. Were you wanting to try the piggyback again? I’m worried that will be a lot of weight pulling me backwards.”

“I have something in mind,” he said looking over the edge and fighting off momentary vertigo. Down below them was a small rock ledge that they had crossed earlier. Kal reached out and as quickly as possible tied his will to the rock but with much smaller magic cables than he had used when practicing with Gerda. Giving a small tug Kal felt the connection was secure enough for what he planned.

“Okay, I’m curious. What have you got?” said Ikuno as they finished up their midday meal.

Kal stood and studied the steep rocky slope above. A fair distance up he could make out a ledge big enough for them to stand on. He crouched for a moment as the strength rune shined bright then sprang high into the air well above his intended target. As the feather fall rune glowed he reached out with one of the magic cables and attached it to the wall behind the ledge. Yanking himself forward as he severed the rope he quickly drifted down onto the outcropping, anchoring himself with magic as he touched the wall. Kal checked the crystal he was pulling magic from. The entire maneuver had only taken a couple of seconds and he only saw a small drop in the crystal’s level.

Looking back down he could barely make out Ikuno’s smile as she cast a strength spell on herself and with the nimbleness of a cat quickly climbed up to join him, the claws on her hands and feet sinking easily into the stone. Kal kept one hand anchored as he reached out with the other and helped Ikuno onto the ledge.

Smiling up at Ikuno, Kal said, “This feels more like how a wizard should climb a mountain.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” she replied. “The harpy’s nest should be off that way.”

Kal looked in the direction she was pointing and picked out his next destination.


Kal sailed up over the ledge in front of the harpy’s cave, then stared in shock as a human male dressed in thick furs screamed in terror and frantically scooted backwards from where he had been sitting. Kal was so surprised he forgot to pull himself forward onto the ledge. Thankfully, he was close enough to reach out and grab the lip as he slowly floated downwards and with some help from the strength rune quickly pulled himself up. The two men stared at one another until recognition dawned on both their faces.

“Rone?” asked Kal.

“Kal? Kal!” cried the man jumping to his feet with tears in his eyes and running over to wrap Kal in a big hug. “Master Kal! Thank goodness! I didn’t know if anyone knew I had been kidnapped! I can’t believe they sent you to rescue mmph!”

Kal had heard the scratching of claws on the rock behind him that suddenly stopped just below the ledge followed by a quiet, “Dammit, dammit, dammit,” from Ikuno when she realized there was another human there. Worse yet, a human from Telsin.

Kal had grabbed Rone by the collar and put his hand over the man’s mouth. His eyes glowed followed by a menacing red light from his strength and fire resistance runes. “I am not here to rescue you and I will happily leave you here if you don’t swear that you will speak to no one of what you are about to see.” Kal hated to scare the life out of the already distraught man but Kal knew Ikuno would not come up unless she knew her secret was safe from getting back to his mother.

Rone’s eyes flicked from the glowing runes to his eyes before the man nervously nodded.

Kal removed his hand from the man’s mouth and in an official manner said, “Do you swear on your life you will never speak to anyone about my companion until the time I release you from this oath.”

“I... I swear,” said Rone nervously. Kal saw a bit of magic snap into place between the two of them that was slightly similar to the bonding magic, Kal hoped that if Rone failed to keep his mouth shut he wouldn’t suddenly keel over dead from this.

Kal called back over his shoulder, “You can come up now, Ikuno.”

“Are you sure?” came a call from over the edge, the man’s eyes darted towards the voice.

“He swore an oath. He’s good,” Kal said as the runes faded and his eyes returned to their normal color.

With a fair amount of claws scratching on stone, a large blue hand appeared on the rock ledge quickly followed by the rest of the oni as she pulled herself up. Looking at Rone, Ikuno attempted to give him a kindly smile but Kal could see the strain in her eyes. He would have to tell her about the oath and the magic that seemed to go with it.

Rone saw things very differently. At Kal’s call, a blue-skinned ogre climbed up and started walking towards them, flashing her fangs and grinning hungrily. Rone’s conscious mind fled in terror leaving only instinct. The man screamed at the top of his lungs, abject horror and the certainty that he was about to be killed and eaten painted upon his face. The man ripped his collar out of Kal’s hands and bolted, still screaming, into the mouth of the cave. Turning off into a side tunnel he ran full bore back to the harpy’s nest and curled up into a ball off to one side. With no exits besides the one he just came in, he shivered and awaited his end.

Kal’s first impulse had been to run after him but he only made it a few steps before his eyes were drawn far upwards to take in the enormous cave opening before him. The arched entrance could easily hold the entire Inn back in Telsin with plenty of room to spare all around it. At the peak of the arch, you could set a second inn on top of the first and still have at least a few paces between the roof and the stone above. The cave appeared to run a good distance inside before sloping upwards and disappearing off further into the mountain peak. Like Kal, Ikuno had been too distracted by the sudden appearance of Rone to notice the gigantic opening and now stood staring in amazement next to the slack-jawed runesmith.

“Holy hell. Did a dragon live here? Or, more importantly, ‘does’ a dragon live here?” Kal said looking up at Ikuno, only to find that the oni had shaken off her momentary amazement and was looking down at long furrows in the rock beneath them.

“Not a dragon,” said Ikuno looking confused, “If it had been a dragon there would be a second set of claw marks up there where the front legs came down when landing. Whatever lived here landed on two feet and they were much larger than a dragon’s. You go deal with your friend, I’ll see if I can figure this out.”

Kal nodded, not bothering to correct Ikuno that he and Rone weren’t friends as it didn’t much matter at that moment. Rone’s parents had been the ones to purchase his grandparent’s old farm from Kal’s mother. After getting things cleaned up Rone’s father tended both farms until his son was old enough to take over their old farm. He and Kal had run into each other a few times in town over the years and chatted amiably but never to the point if considering the man a friend.

Kal stepped into the small tunnel just inside the cave entrance that Rone had disappeared down. It continued into the rock then made a gradual turn to the left before going back towards the center of the mountain for a few paces and finally opening up into the room Rone was huddled in.

The small cavern appeared to have been carved out of the stone specifically for a human-sized occupant. One corner on the back wall was filled with a large nest that Kal assumed had been made by the harpy they were seeking. Broken wooden shelves ran along the opposite wall next to a jutting piece of rock that looked suspiciously like Ikuno’s flat-topped stone cook stove, Kal could see magic flowing through it along with feeling the heat it constantly gave off on his face. Kal could see a couple of runes he wanted to investigate further on the side but right now his priority was the man quivering in fear behind the broken shelves.

“Why did you run Rone? Ikuno is with me. She won’t hurt you,” said Kal to the wide-eyed man.

None of what Kal had just said registered with the terrified man, “I’m sorry Master Kal! When I get home, I’ll ask my parents to give you your grandparent’s farm back! They can come live with me and Marda, I won’t mind! Just don’t let her eat m…”

“RONE!” bellowed Kal making the man shut up with a startled whimper. Rone’s voice had been getting more hysterical as he went on and Kal could see the man was on the verge of passing out from hyperventilating. Kal held up a finger, “Number one: Ikuno does not eat humans. Two: If I wanted your parent’s farm I could easily buy it from them, many times over. Three,” Kal took a moment to pull a small stone stool out of the middle of the room and sit down, “How the hell did a farmer like you manage to land as fine a woman as Marda?”

The wonder of seeing Kal use magic right in front of him immediately followed by such a mundane question seemed to derail Rone’s terror and he sputtered for a moment before answering. “Dad got sick this last winter, I was making trips into town to pick up his medicine. We started talking a bit and suddenly she showed up at my farm one day. Watched me all day as I worked, asking questions the whole time.”

Rone visibly relaxed as he told more of his story, “She spent the night with me,” the man blushed, “then got up and left the next morning. Two days later she showed up with a cart full of her belongings and moved in, it never occurred to me to turn her away. At the beginning of this spring, her dad and the Tanner made it official. The woman’s been a godsend and she’s pretty sure we have a little one on the way already.” Rone’s face fell, “I hope she doesn’t think I’ve run off on her.”

The apothecary’s second daughter had been the star of quite a few of Kal’s fantasies just before he met Ikuno. The woman was the definition of voluptuous and was not ashamed to flaunt it by wearing low cut dresses to show off her ample cleavage. She was also the center of attention for some time when her eldest sister visited from the capital, where she was studying to be a cleric, and brought a new fashion that was popular there called a corset. More than once Kal walked into the apothecary’s store to find it filled with young men buying silly things just for the chance to ogle the woman.

He also knew that she was very strong-willed, having seen her get into arguments with her father behind the counter numerous times as he went to pick up medicine for his mother. This was also the reason, according to the town’s gossip circle, that she hadn’t seen much for suitors. Rone’s story didn’t surprise him much.

“I’d be more worried that she thinks you’re dead, Rone. How long have you been here?” Kal said quietly wishing for a moment that he had been able to form a bond with Perra the same as the rest of his women, so he could at least get a message to the family that the man was alive.

Rone’s eyes widened in horror at the thought until he mentally conceded that Kal had a point. “Four days,” he said, “Is there any way you could get word to her that I’m alive? Felli picked me up when I was out in one of the back fields, away from the house. I doubt she could have seen me get taken.”

“Felli?” asked Kal.

“The harpy, her name is Felli. Disgusting thing she is, eats her own young. She laid an egg yesterday then cut the top off and slurped half of it down like it was a fine ale. Worse yet she offered the other half to me. I ran outside and emptied my stomach on the ledge. Then when I come back she turns around and acts all sweet and loving towards me like she didn’t just kill and eat her own child! I can’t figure out how something so warm and caring, even if she is forgetful, can be so horrible at the same time. Now that you are here to take me home I won’t have to worry about it.”

Now who was being forgetful, thought Kal. “Rone I’m not here to rescue you, I have business with the harpy. Felli? Is that correct?”

Rone’s face fell, “You did say that outside, didn’t you.”

“I’m sorry, but we didn’t bring anything with to get you down the mountain safely. Had we known you were here things would have been different. As things stand, between Ikuno and I, we might be able to figure out a way to get you down, but I won't risk either myself or her dying for you. Your best bet is to make a deal with Felli and get her to take you back or you will have to wait a few days until we can mount a proper rescue with the correct gear.”

“Make a deal? How do you mean?” asked Rone.

“Have you had sex with her?”

Rone looked appalled, “Of course not!”

“Good, there’s your bargaining chit. Agree that you won’t sleep with her until she promises to take you home.

“Why on earth would I sleep with that monster?!”

“Why not? It’s your quickest way home.”

“Only to watch her eat my child in a couple of days?” Rone stood up, furious that Kal would even ask him to consider the idea.

Kal waved off the man’s ire, “I would never suggest such a thing. A harpy will defend a fertilized egg with her life, the one she ate was unfertilized. I’m sure you have chickens back at home and know as well as I do that they’ll keep laying eggs without a rooster, only those eggs will never hatch. It’s the same concept.”

“I’ve never seen a chicken eat its own eggs,” Rone growled.

“Of course not, you take care of your livestock. Starve them or deprive them of water and you may see a different side to them before they stop laying completely. Harpies don’t have that luxury, they won’t stop laying and it takes a lot out of them to make each of those eggs, both from their bodies and from their magic. Which brings me to why I’m here, I need one of her unfertilized eggs for some magic I’m working on. If she agrees then I have to leave the moment it’s laid,” Kal said calmly.

Rone bit off his retort when he heard Ikuno’s voice from the tunnel’s entrance.

“Is it safe for me to come in, Kal?” she called.

“Yes!” he yelled back. Rone had already shrunk back into the corner by the time Ikuno’s large blue form entered the room, partially bent over so she didn’t scrape her horns on the ceiling of the passageway. “I think I’ve convinced Rone you aren’t going to eat him. Find out anything interesting?” he asked.

Ikuno’s eyes flicked to Rone’s frightened visage, then directly to Kal’s eyes. She dropped to her knees by the doorway and slowly crawled over to Kal, “The only man in danger of being eaten is you, Master,” she said with a sly grin while shooting lustful glances at his groin.

Kal knew the display was for Rone’s sake but that didn’t stop the front of his trousers start to rise. Ikuno laid her head on his leg and Kal gently ran his fingers through her hair, getting a very honest purr from the oni. He looked up at Rone who had started to relax at the unexpectedly tender display, “Ikuno belongs to me, Rone. As I said before you have no need to fear her.”

“How on earth did you tame an ogre?” the man said staring wide-eyed at the large blue woman.

Ikuno grunted in annoyance but Kal answered, “She’s not an ogre. She’s from the far east and called an oni. How she became mine is a story for another time.” Kal looked down at her, “Did you find anything interesting?”

Ikuno sighed in disappointment, she had been enjoying the feeling of Kal’s fingers through her hair. Sitting back on her feet with her knees out in front she said, “I think I have, and it may mean that we need to explore these caves some more. I’m beginning to think that this may have been a roc’s nest.”

Kal looked dubious, “A rock’s nest? I’m pretty sure stones don’t need nests.”

Ikuno giggled, Kal knew it was for the kidnapped farmer’s sake yet again, but it felt very out of place coming from her. “No, not like stones. Like the legendary bird, sounds the same but it’s spelled differently. Imagine a bird that can make those scratches outside.” Kal and even Rone nodded after a moment, “Those were made by a baby roc, barely out of its shell.” Both men’s faces showed their shock as Ikuno continued, “Rocs were known to have attendants, usually an elf for their long lives, whose main duty was to deal with the ‘lesser races’ on the roc’s behalf. Where we are now would have likely been the attendant’s quarters. Rocs are also known to be extremely magical, far beyond dragons even, as well as being master stone shapers, able to hide massive caves like this from those not worthy of being able to fly.”

Kal sat quietly for a moment and processed everything Ikuno had said. “That must be why we never saw the cave entrance as we were climbing. You said we should explore the cave some?”

Ikuno gave him a beaming smile and nodded a little too vigorously, “Yes, Master!”

Kal sighed and looked at Rone who seemed to be completely at ease with Ikuno’s presence. “Sorry, Rone,” the man gave Kal a questioning look as he turned back to Ikuno. “Drop the act please, it’s just too strange seeing you behaving like that.”

Ikuno sighed as the look of adoration left her face and took on a more normal smile. “Fine then,” she said. Rone seemed to be getting very agitated about the deception until the oni leaned forward and put her head back on Kal’s leg then reached up and directed his hand to play with her hair again. “That’s better,” she said contentedly, then continued with her explanation. “I think we should see if there is any chance of even a tiny shard of the egg left or, if we got really lucky, a feather. Even after thousands of years, either one should still have far more magical potential than the harpy’s egg.”

“Then perhaps we should do that while Felli is still away,” Kal looked over at Rone, “Any idea when she will be back?” he asked.

Rone stared at the oni seeming unsure of what to make of her, “She usually takes a few hours to hunt each time she leaves,” he answered only paying partial attention to his words. “She left not too long before you two showed up.” Rone looked up at Kal, “If you find something will you come back here or leave right away?”

Ikuno looked up at him, “If we find an egg shard then the next half of our journey won’t be necessary, so we wouldn’t need to leave right away.”

“He is hoping that we might be able to rescue him. He was kidnapped a few days ago by the harpy that lives here,” said Kal.

“I thought that may have been the case. If we find something in the nest, rescue could be a possibility. Unfortunately, feather fall wastes too much magic for me to guarantee a second person would be able to make it down the mountain and still have enough left for the trip east.” Ikuno raised her head up and gave Kal a kiss on the cheek before standing, “That felt wonderful Kal. If he needs rescuing, it would be easiest to wait a couple of days and come back with Gerda once she returns.”

“Gerda?” asked Rone nervously. He liked the oni better when she wasn’t towering over him.

“Another one of Kal’s women,” said Ikuno, “She’s an earth elemental and can move through rock like swimming in water. She can also take people with her. She can’t get you home, but she can get you to the bottom of the mountain safely and quickly.”

Kal stood as well, “Let's worry about that later. I’m curious to see what this roc’s nest looks like.”

Ikuno nodded and ducked as she entered the tunnel outside. Kal turned to Rone, “Think about what I said. Felli isn’t dumb, she can be bargained with. She just wants you to give her a child, agree to that and you may be home as soon as tonight,” he said before turning and following the oni.

Kal caught up with Ikuno as she started up the slope towards the nest. When she felt they were out of earshot of anyone standing inside the tunnel they just came out of she stopped and rounded on Kal.

“What are you up to Kal? When we started this journey, you were ready and willing to fuck this harpy, Felli or whatever her name is. Now you seem to be dead set on letting your friend in there do your dirty work for you.”

“Rone is an acquaintance at best, not a friend. He may not be the most assertive guy but from what I know he’s a decent man. Takes care of his animals and his woman too, his wife wouldn’t put up with any mistreatment for even a second. I’d rather give Felli’s chick a chance at having a father nearby than someone like me who will only be around every so often.”

Ikuno seemed taken aback by his answer, “I must say I’m impressed. I was a little worried that your change of attitude might make you feel like you had free reign to put your cock in any hole that was available.”

“Technically I could do just that,” he said stepping up to the oni and slipping a hand underneath the leather flap to cup her pussy, making her gasp. “However, I have plenty of options already and sometimes have a hard time keeping up with those. I don’t plan on adding any more to this little harem unless necessary.”

“Hmm, maybe I should teach you that rejuvenation spell sooner rather than later if just the five of us are getting to be too much for you.”

“‘Just the five of you,’” Kal snorted and continued walking up the slope, “if I ran into another woman with yours and Perra’s sex drive I think someone would just find an empty husk that used to be me fluttering in the breeze.”

Ikuno followed him, “Hey now, that was Aradelle that tried to suck you dry, not me and Perra.”

Kal laughed, “True, but you both have certainly have been trying your hardest to match what ‘Dell did.”

“Do you want us to stop?”

Kal smiled, “Not on your life.”


It was late afternoon when a very confused Perra walked into Master Jurien’s store. The normally jolly man had a dour look on his face.

“How can I help ya, Lady Perra,” he said in an uncharacteristically exasperated tone.

“Um… Master Jurien is your daughter here?” she asked.

The apothecary looked surprised for a moment, “Aye she is, but she just lost her man a few days ago and is in no mood ta be talking ta customers.”

“My apologies Master Jurien but I’m not here as a customer I came to see her specifically.”

Jurien’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Perra, “Marda! Lady Perra is here ta see you. Nina, you’d better come too,” he yelled without turning. “Now don’t be going and upsetting my girl she’s had a hard couple of days.”

Perra nodded nervously under the man’s gaze as they waited. Moments later Marda pushed aside the leather curtain that covered the door to the back area soon followed by her mother.

It was plain from Marda’s eyes she had been crying, “Can I help ya, Lady Perra?”

Perra struggled for a few seconds to find the right words before suddenly blurting out, “Your husband is alive!”

Hope was tempered by disbelief on all three faces in front of the young woman.

“Please don’t be lying to me, Lady Perra.”

“I’d almost bet my life on it that he was talking with Kal not long ago. What’s more confusing is that Kal is hours away, getting spell components from a harpy in the northeastern mountains. I believe he is upset but unharmed.”

Marda’s eyes lit up, “A harpy! That would explain why his tracks just stopped in the middle of the field!”

Nina nodded at Marda’s assessment having seen the tracks herself and readily accepted Perra’s words. Knowing Rone was safe, she quickly reverted to her profession saying “Blast it, wish I had known that Kal was going to a harpy’s nest. I could use a few feathers.”

Jurien was more skeptical, “How on earth would you know that, Lady Perra.”

Perra shook her head, the look of confusion evident on her face, “In all honesty Master Jurien… I don’t know.”

Her pendant glinted as the setting sun touched the treetops.

~~Edited by: Old Fart~~

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The Runesmith Chronicles 10

Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers.“No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex.Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came.Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from him.“Now-now,” she said...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 9

Weeks passed, and the land was blanketed in pristine white snow, travel became more difficult and Kal’s routine now consisted largely of chopping firewood, tending to the animals, chopping firewood checking animal traps, chopping firewood, cleaning and processing furs to sell at market like most farmers in winter, and chopping firewood. Visits to Ikuno’s cave became rarer and Kal had taken to making overnight trips, much to Ikuno’s delight, as the trek seemed to become longer with each new...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 191

Kal stepped out of the tunnel from the storeroom to see Felli standing a few paces away. She was gazing out the cave entrance watching a couple of large birds gliding along the stiff mountain breezes. She turned to look at him and blushed furiously as he stepped up next to her.“A little late for that after what you just saw,” he said watching one of the birds tuck its wings and dive out of sight.Felli blushed even harder “The blue lady and I talked some this morning, she was telling me there’s...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 122

Kal opened his eyes and sighed, part of him had been hoping he would wake up in his own bed, or better yet Ikuno’s, but all that greeted him was the dim green glow of the cavern he fell asleep in. He wasn’t sure what woke him up whether it was the pangs from his empty belly or the morning wood proudly making a tent in his trousers. Since he could only take care of one of those problems at the moment, he got up and walked over to the crack in the floor that his tiny water source ran to....

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 20

Felli took Kal high into the air and let him go, allowing Kal to glide along with her most of the way back to the mountain. Then, according to their plan, the harpy hauled him up into the sky and released him again, so he could make the approach to the cave on his own. There was tense moment when he sailed into the turbulence created as air struck the windward side of the peak and pushed its way around. After a couple of seconds of being knocked about, Kal entered the much calmer area...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 6

“Umm……………… What?”Ikuno smiled but didn’t lift her head off his shoulder, “I’ll explain later, take me to bed.”Kal started walking again, “Sounds like there’s going to be a lot of that later, like how you ended up overloaded with magic.”Kal walked into the mouth of the cave, Ikuno snapped her fingers and a ball of light formed before them, leading the way into the darkness.Ikuno was thoughtful, “I have an idea about that…”“KAL! IKUNO! Are you alright!” came Perra’s voice, they could tell from...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 16

Edited by: Old Fart------Perra and Kahrin both squealed like little girls and came together in a big hug as soon as they saw each other the next morning. After some quick chatter and complaints from both of them about being sore, making Kal curious as to why Kahrin would be sore, the two women disappeared into the back of the inn. Kal sat down next to Bren who was eyeing him warily.“Did I do something wrong, Bren?” Kal asked.The big man grunted and smiled, “Next time you make a girl into a...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 21

Edited by: Old Fart Kal carefully set his pack with its precious contents on Ikuno’s bed. “It feels good to be home,” he said heading over to the small cubby so he could relieve himself after the trip back from Felli’s cave. “I think that’s the first time you’ve ever called this ‘home’” said Ikuno as she dug through Kal’s pack and retrieved the pouch with his extra crystals in it. She went into the library and got her own pouch off the shelf, trading out the ones she and Kal had...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 131

Kal was a panicky wreck by the time Gerda brought them back up onto the trail not far from Ikuno’s pool. He had failed to realize that, even though Gerda ‘flew’ through the stone at a good pace, the trip back to Ikuno’s cave would still take nearly a full hour. With no means of communicating with Gerda, he had no choice but to deal with his phobia and wait until they resurfaced.Once he had gotten his wits about him and recovered from the journey, he explained to Ikuno and Gerda what the issue...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 13

Fantastic news! A gentleman from here on SOL has been kind enough to become my editor and I have to say ... the man’s good. Made me feel like I was back in my college English class with all the little red marks. Seriously though, I am very impressed with just how better the chapter flows with his changes and suggestions. He does have some stories of his own here on SOL if you want to check them out. Enjoy! Blu Kal was a panicky wreck...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 132

Kal, Ikuno, and Gerda rose up out of the mountain trail just a handful of paces from the edge of Aradelle’s forest. Kal stepped away and bent over to catch his breath as soon as the rock holding his and Gerda’s hands together receded. He glared over at Ikuno who was smirking at him; she seemed to be having no trouble at all with this new method of getting around. He honestly wasn’t sure if he was ever going to grow accustomed to traveling through solid rock in such a manner.As they stepped off...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 16

After, Obligations, Improvement Edited by: Old Fart Perra and Kahrin both squealed like little girls and came together in a big hug as soon as they saw each other the next morning. After some quick chatter and complaints from both of them about being sore, making Kal curious as to why Kahrin would be sore, the two women disappeared into the back of the inn. Kal sat down next to Bren who was eyeing him warily. “Did I do something wrong, Bren?” Kal asked. The big man grunted and...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 19

Falling with style, Re-union, Status Edited by: Old Fart Kal stepped out of the tunnel from the storeroom to see Felli standing a few paces away. She was gazing out the cave entrance watching a couple of large birds gliding along the stiff mountain breezes. She turned to look at him and blushed furiously as he stepped up next to her. “A little late for that after what you just saw,” he said watching one of the birds tuck its wings and dive out of sight. Felli blushed even...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 10

Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers. “No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex. Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came. Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from...

4 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 6

“Umm ... What?” Ikuno smiled but didn’t lift her head off his shoulder, “I’ll explain later, take me to bed.” Kal started walking again, “Sounds like there’s going to be a lot of that later, like how you ended up overloaded with magic.” Kal walked into the mouth of the cave, Ikuno snapped her fingers and a ball of light formed before them, leading the way into the darkness. Ikuno was thoughtful, “I have an idea about that...” “KAL! IKUNO! Are you alright!” came Perra’s voice,...

2 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 30

The girls did their best to wear him out last night and Kal planned on sleeping in, but Sera had different ideas. There was a knock on his bedroom door and Kal looked down at the gorgon who was happily suckling his half-hard cock after treating him to a good-morning blowjob. At his questioning look, the gorgon just shrugged and closed her eyes, returning to her task. “Come in!” he called out. Velt peeked her head around the door before walking in followed by Graff. Neither of them paid the...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 15

Kal, Ikuno, Bea and one of Aradelle’s vines approached the spectral wolf’s remains in hopes of finding any kind of information. Two long black streaks of decayed plant matter starting just beyond the edge of Aradelle’s clearing led them to where it had met its end. It was easy to see, however, that any hope of evidence pertaining to who sent it and why it was looking for Ikuno had dissolved into a bubbling, smoking pool of sickly yellow blood laced with black streaks. “Any ideas?” asked...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 22

Scowling, Ikuno looked on as Silma and Kal went through the molting process again, she was bothered by last night’s dream but that wasn’t what was making her unhappy at the moment. “What the hell happened to your hair?” the oni growled as they walked over to her. Kal blushed and ran a hand over his bare scalp, “It’s a side effect of cooling down so fast.” Silma nodded in agreement as she stepped up beside him, “It was this or wait a day there and a day back for him to cool down.” The...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 9

Weeks passed, and the land was blanketed in pristine white snow, travel became more difficult and Kal’s routine now consisted largely of chopping firewood, tending to the animals, chopping firewood checking animal traps, chopping firewood, cleaning and processing furs to sell at market like most farmers in winter, and chopping firewood. Visits to Ikuno’s cave became rarer and Kal had taken to making overnight trips, much to Ikuno’s delight, as the trek seemed to become longer with each new...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 151

Kal, Ikuno, Bea and one of Aradelle’s vines approached the spectral wolf’s remains in hopes of finding any kind of information. Two long black streaks of decayed plant matter starting just beyond the edge of Aradelle’s clearing led them to where it had met its end. It was easy to see, however, that any hope of evidence pertaining to who sent it and why it was looking for Ikuno had dissolved into a bubbling, smoking pool of sickly yellow blood laced with black streaks.“Any ideas?” asked KalIkuno...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 152

Three hours and five failed attempts later he finally had a small oval moonstone that matched his desired dimensions exactly. Kal looked over at Gerda. She had gotten rid of the stool once she was done eating the other crystal and instead made a bed to lay on. He chuckled when he realized that the bed she made was an exact stone replica of Ikuno’s, even down to the headboard.Kal wrapped the completed moonstone in a piece of linen and placed it in his pack then went over to the napping rock...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 18

“I must say, it feels rather homey in here,” said Kal looking around the roc’s cavern.Ikuno stared at him like he had grown a second head, “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? How on earth could this place feel ‘homey’?”Many hours ago, they had gone exploring the roc’s cavern, a task that turned out to be much larger than expected. at the top of the slope was a crossroads that split off in three directions, instead of being a single large cavern. The southern path sloped down before opening up...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 4

Two figures silently made their way up to Carriston’s wall, stopping just outside of the light of the torches placed along the ramparts. They had spent the last few minutes carefully observing the city’s Night Watch and were now just biding their time, waiting for their opportunity to get inside. A couple of guards stopped and talked for a moment directly above the place he and Ria had scouted out earlier. It was in the very center of the fortification between watchtowers and there were no...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 11 Part 2

After bringing the new linens and taking the old ones behind the inn to be washed, Perra and the new father made a second trip to get bowls of stew for the new parents and the midwife. Perra was a bit scandalized by the mother’s state of undress until she was forcefully reminded by the woman that Kal had just helped deliver her baby and saved both of their lives as well as being there for her daughter’s first meal, there wasn’t much sense in being bashful now.Perra’s mood didn’t improve when...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 11

Months passed, and winter finally released its grip on the land, patches of snow could still be seen in places where there were significant amounts of shade during the day as well as up on the mountains where the air was colder. Only a handful of conifers were starting to show signs of budding and the forests continued to be bare of leaves except for the occasional evergreen dotted here and there. The winter had come and gone with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm had made the...

1 year ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 10

It wasn’t long before Kal and Sandy discovered that their activities while traveling were impractical for such a long journey. After a few stops, he pulled his pants up and respectfully declined the golem’s offered rear end, for now. Though disappointed, Sandy accepted the promise of pleasures to come. The golem then secured him in the harness once again before dropping them into the floor of the small cave. After a quick pause to get her bearings, they continued their way north. Later on,...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 11

Strong hands grabbed him and held him up as the snakes of the woman’s hair reached out and sunk their fangs into various body parts. The venom allowed the gorgon to move Kal’s body in the area where he’d been bitten. Getting him standing, she pulled him over and leaned him up against a nearby wall. Terror gripped Kal’s mind. He was still recovering from the shock of believing he was about to die when the searing pain from the snakes’ venom began exploding everywhere they bit him. It faded...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 6

‘In pain’ wasn’t the most comfortable way to wake up but Kelthor welcomed it this time, it was better than opening his eyes and finding himself in the afterlife. He discovered that attempting to open his eyes was a bad idea, as pain once again lanced through his head from the daylight pouring into the room. On a more pleasant note, it was certainly nice waking up to the feeling of a naked woman pressed against his side. Rose had crawled into bed beside him and rested her head on his...

4 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 18

Shared, Lifted, Connected Edited by: Old Fart “I must say, it feels rather homey in here,” said Kal looking around the roc’s cavern. Ikuno stared at him like he had grown a second head, “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? How on earth could this place feel ‘homey’?” Many hours ago, they had gone exploring the roc’s cavern, a task that turned out to be much larger than expected. at the top of the slope was a crossroads that split off in three directions, instead of being a...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 3

As Kal prepared breakfast he directed the wolf girl towards a small alcove next to the entrance that offered a restroom and shower. She arrived back at the fire pit as he plated their meals, feeling refreshed and relaxed now that she was clean again for the first time in months. Looking her naked body up and down, Kal admitted to selfishly anticipating getting enough food into the girl so her ribs no longer showed. Just getting her hydrated had made most of them fade and done wonders for her...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 12

Rain pelted Kal and Ikuno as they made their way carefully along the thin mountain trail. They had left Ikuno’s home earlier that morning to return to Aradelle’s forest and crossed over the first mountain without incident. However, as they descended into the valley between that and the second peak, dark clouds had rolled in and a smattering of rain dogged them on the next ascent. As they approached the apex of the trail the weather became even fouler turning into a full-blown downpour with...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 26

“Of all the rotten luck,” growled Kal. Sera clung tightly to his back as he used the haste rune to keep pace with Velt and Graff, their animal-shifted arms and legs speeding them through the bare forest far faster than the gorgon could hope to keep up. Behind them twenty Lantaran soldiers gave chase, hooting, yelling and banging their swords against their shields. “They’re driving us!” he called out to the fox and rabbit. It was a common hunting tactic, flushing the game, pushing it toward...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 121

Rain pelted Kal and Ikuno as they made their way carefully along the thin mountain trail. They had left Ikuno’s home earlier that morning to return to Aradelle’s forest and crossed over the first mountain without incident. However, as they descended into the valley between that and the second peak, dark clouds had rolled in and a smattering of rain dogged them on the next ascent. As they approached the apex of the trail, the weather became even fouler turning into a full-blown downpour with...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 14

“Fuck you, Kal! I hope your fucking dick falls off! You are never, ever touching me again! Get the fuck away from me!” Perra screamed in the mage’s face. Kal was so shocked by the outburst he stood up from his place next to the large tub and turned towards the door, his expression blank as he automatically followed the laboring woman’s orders. “No, no, no, no,” Elta said, jumping up and gently steering him by the shoulders back to the water-filled basin Perra was sitting in. “Any other time...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 28

“There it is,” said Kal staring at the distant southern forest. “Te’thalas should be right on the border and the tower somewhere inside.” “How will we find it?” asked Sera. “I’m hoping we will only need to get close and we should run across one of the tower’s defenders. With luck, since we aren’t bandits and I obviously don’t have any problems with monster girls, we might be able to talk them into letting us look around. After a millennium I’m questioning if we will find anything of use....

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 31

Author’s Note: This is the final chapter of Searching for the Sky. However, by popular demand I am writing up some sexy-time scenes which I skipped over for the sake of concentrating on the story, so keep an eye out for those in the coming weeks. Once those are done then I will be hammering away at Book 3. If you would like to help me continue creating stories like this, check out the end note after the chapter. I’m so glad you have enjoyed my story and thank you so much for...

3 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 7

Kal cautiously opened his eyes as he returned to the waking world, the heavy furs covering him instead of his normal wool comforter making him stop and think about where he was. Smiling he remembered he was not at home and turned to the side to see Ikuno peacefully sleeping next to him. Though not as striking as the changes when he first returned to the cave, as he continued to visit her skin color had deepened to a rich cobalt blue and the triangular marks on her cheeks had become almost...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 16

Edited by: oldfart and 2muchdiggity ‘Let her in, Kal,’ came the thought from Kuto. “Why the hell would I do that?” said Kal aloud. The last few minutes he had been talking the frozen harpy through the more panic-inducing parts of her stasis, such as no longer breathing or having a heartbeat. The bird-girl’s hysteria faded quickly as the mage shared images and feelings from his own experience. Knowing that she would be okay once the gorgon’s petrification ran its course did a lot to dispel...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 17a

Just a sip A week had passed since her run-in with Kal and his friends and Rowan was feeling hungry. She had spent a significant amount of time thinking about that night and how she had ended up saved from the same fate as the will-o’-wisp. Her guess was that the portion of her consciousness that remained inside the creature saw what was about to happen and managed to take control of the wisp for a few seconds. It used the opportunity to rip her out of Kal’s head, which was none too...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 20

“Quit yer fuggin’ laughin’ ye arsehole!” the gorgon yelled up at Kal. With his lips tight and teeth clenched in poorly contained mirth, the mage said, “You’re ... slithering along the floor. How am I supposed to not find that funny?” “It ain’t funny an’ it fuggin’ itches!” snapped Sera. She was lying on her back and using her feet to scoot across the carpet in an attempt to relieve the intense prickly sensation as her new skin beneath pushed off the older layer above. Kal wanted to offer...

4 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles 3

Three Knights of the Order of the Lion’s Shield stood in the clearing in front of the cave, it was quiet save for the soft munching from far off to one side next to the wood line as the horses nibbled on the grass nearby. The squires tended to the horses and made sure their leads were secured to nearby trees, though all of them were trained as warhorses to be calm during battles, it was better to be safe than spend hours hunting down one that decided to bolt for whatever reason. Near the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 13

Kal looked around his living room as if it were a different world. In his entire life, he had never seen so many people in his house. Quite honestly, he didn’t much care for it. Perra was sitting in the living room chatting with Dax, Refia, and Kuto. Up at the dining table, Elta bounced Ruce’s chick, Lada, on her knee as she talked with the little girl’s mother, Ghoss, and her own mother, Lady Nina. It somehow didn’t make him feel better that three of the women in the room were pregnant with...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 8

Kal and Ria watched as Daxas and her pack disappeared over a hill in the distance. The sprite sighing sadly. “Sounds like you are going to miss them as much as I am,” said Kal. “No, I’m just trying to decide if I should be proud of you or disappointed.” “Because I didn’t bond the whole pack?” “No,” said the sprite wistfully, “because you’ve been living with a bunch of horny canines and not once did you walk onto the tent and make the comment, ‘It smells like wet dog in here,’” His...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 22

Want to say a couple of things before we jump into the story First off, I hope that everyone is being safe as we make our way through this worldwide crisis. I have thousands of regular readers now, and while I may not know every one of you I hate the idea that any of you, or the people you care about, may be suffering because of the virus. Second, I sincerely apologize for the delay in putting up this chapter. Many peoples lives have been severely disrupted by COVID-19, mine has been no...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 17

A quick note before we jump in. My next release will be ‘TRC - Just A Sip - An SftS Extra’ which takes place a little bit after this chapter but isn’t a part of the main story line. I only mention this because it probably won’t show up with the rest of the series. If I remember, I will try to see if the admins can put it in with the rest of the SftS chapters. Thank you all so much for reading, it really means a lot that you all enjoy my stories! :D Enjoy! -Blu He slowly opened his...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 171

“Come back safe, Kal,” said Perra as she laid in bed with the covers pulled back so Kal could take in the candlelit view of her naked body. He paused every few minutes in his preparations for his extended trip into the mountains to kiss and run his hands over her skin. She was putting herself on display for him and he wanted there to be no doubt in her mind he appreciated it.He was disappointed that he didn’t have the extra time to make more of the situation, but he and Ikuno had decided to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 17

Moved, Night Out, Sharing, Upward Edited by: Old Fart “Come back safe, Kal,” said Perra as she laid in bed with the covers pulled back so Kal could take in the candlelit view of her naked body. He paused every few minutes in his preparations for his extended trip into the mountains to kiss and run his hands over her skin. She was putting herself on display for him and he wanted there to be no doubt in her mind he appreciated it. He was disappointed that he didn’t have the extra time...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Oni and the FarmerChapter 23

“Hold your breath,” said Ikuno, leaning over as she held the ink behind Kal’s back with the telekinesis cantrip. Kal did as she asked, trying hard to hold down his excitement as Ikuno placed the last and probably most important of his runic tattoos, the healing rune. Cure Poison and Cure Disease were already on his shoulder blades and now the healing rune was going to go right in between. Ikuno had recommended placing it on his back because when attacked the first instinct is to face your...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 142

A few hours later Kal’s eyes slowly opened. He was still in the same position he had drifted off which seemed odd until he noticed that his arms were being supported by aradelle’s vines, keeping them wrapped around her as he napped.Aradelle snuggled into his chest as she felt him wake up, “Welcome back sleepyhead.”Kal smiled down at her, “I could get used to waking up like this.”The alarune nodded, “Me too, especially you get like this every time you wake up,” she said rubbing her inner thighs...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Runesmith Chronicles 11 Part 1

Months passed, and winter finally released its grip on the land, patches of snow could still be seen in places where there were significant amounts of shade during the day as well as up on the mountains where the air was colder. Only a handful of conifers were starting to show signs of budding and the forests continued to be bare of leaves except for the occasional evergreen dotted here and there.The winter had come and gone with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm had made the two-hour...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Runesmith Chronicles

The young farmer hesitated as he stepped into the mouth of the cave. The last time he was here, his experience had been amazing but now that he was once again standing at the cave’s entrance he was regretting his decision to come back. He had just come to the delightful conclusion that the cave’s tenant was likely out and about in the forest and that it would be best to turn around and leave at a very fast pace, when he felt the thud of heavy footsteps from the back of the cave.The creator of...

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The Runesmith Chronicles 4

Ikuno and Kal watched as the Knights made their way back towards the village. While Kal wouldn’t exactly call them friends they didn’t quite fit into the enemy category either, feeling that his chances of ever seeing any of them again were slim he put it out of his mind. Looking up at Ikuno he saw that she was studying him intently.“Is something wrong?” he asked.Ikuno was thoughtful as she studied him, “No, nothing is wrong. At least not yet.”“Not yet? That sounds ominous.”“Nothing to worry...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 27

Graff came over after supper and knelt next to Sera. The gorgon drew back slightly from the intensity in the rabbit girl’s eyes. “Sera? Can I please have a night with Kal?” asked the doe. Taking a moment to get over her surprise, Sera gave her a confused look, “I’ve already told you, I’m his woman but I don’t have any say in who he’s with.” “Yes, you do, and he’s not going to touch me unless he knows it’s okay with you. I messed things up really bad when we first met so I’m trying to start...

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