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Sophia impatiently brushed her hair back out of her face as the train lurched forward. She reached down and wrenched her biology textbook out of her messenger bag. Instead of dutifully turning to ‘Childhood Diseases and Infections,’ she stared out the window at the passing apartment buildings, leaving the textbook open on her lap. She had wanted to get in some studying on the train from work back to school, but the soft smell of spring that hung in the air today, even on the train, was making her restless. She watched the windows of the passing buildings, trying to guess who lived behind them.

She smiled a little and leaned back, stretching out her legs under her book. She knew why her excitement grew as the weather warmed. Since high school, she had spent every summer in Venezuela, her birthplace, working in a children’s clinic. She could endure the New York weather while she was at college, but nothing made her heart light like the lengthening days and the approach of her yearly pilgrimage. When Sophia was born, her mother had worked as a translator at the American embassy in Venezuela. They had lived there, the two of them, for a blissful 12 years. Then, once the US Government recognized her mother’s talent for translation, they had been transferred to Washington DC. After humid, beautiful Caracas, DC was cold, gray and tired-looking, and it made Sophia feel cold, gray and tired. She had begged her mother every summer to let her visit Caracas, but her mother couldn’t afford to take time off, and Sophia was too young to go alone.

She smiled broader as she pressed her toe into the seat in front of her and remembered the year she had discovered ‘La Casa’. She had been reading all the billboards in coffee shops and supermarkets, hoping to find a summer job that didn’t include answering phones or walking dogs. Then she spotted it. It was a small, inconspicuous sign advertising a ‘demanding but rewarding job assisting in a children’s clinic in Caracas, Venezuela. No experience necessary, but lots of patience and some Spanish ability required.’ The best part was that, although the position was unpaid, the airfare and room and board were free. She had run straight home and hadn’t stopped talking until her mother had laughingly agreed. The next thing she knew, she was on a plane back home.

That summer had been unlike any other. It had been wonderful to be back in a familiar place, but the real reward was unexpected. For the first time, she felt genuinely useful and… necessary. She didn’t know anything about nursing, but she could hold a child’s hand through a shot. She couldn’t administer medicine, but she could stay up with a child through the night when he or she couldn’t sleep. And she learned fast. By the time she was sixteen, she could change bandages and keep track of all the children’s medications.

Now, in her 21st summer, she was going back, and she couldn’t wait. New York was exciting, but she felt very anonymous. No one here needed her, and barely anyone noticed her. The regulars in the coffee shop she worked at recognized her and would chat about their work when they had time, but then she was only an ear.

She realized she was feeling sorry for herself and turned her eyes sternly back to her book. She didn’t have time for people who thought of her as more than an ear. She wanted to be a doctor, and for that she needed to study, not stare out the train window feeling sorry for herself. She kept her nose buried in biology for the remainder of the ride home.

Sophia Morales didn’t want to be like the other girls she knew. She was passionate about her work and didn’t have time to be a little girl while she was at school. School was for studying, and it all was for her degree. She had never had a boyfriend. People who wanted to become pediatricians and save the world did not have boyfriends. Summer in South America was when she could be a little girl. There were no tests, no competition, only expectations she could handle, and the gratitude of little kids.

When she got back to her tiny room at one of Columbia University’s dormitories, she dropped her bag next to her desk and sat down wearily. Only fifteen minutes until class, but she had time to check her email. Sitting in her inbox was a nice surprise: a message from Miguel, a man who also volunteered at La Casa Soleada. She and Miguel had become quick friends many summers ago, when he had begun volunteering. He lived in Caracas with his sister, Lucia, and they had become so comfortable over the last summer that they had fallen easily into a friendly email correspondence during the year. His letter was in Spanish.

Sophia, my dear,

The weather report says that it was 14 degrees Celsius today in your fair city. Come home, silly girl, to our palm trees and waves. How is school? I’m sure you are working hard, you’re so serious. Lucia is doing well, though I wish she would worry a little more about exams and a little less about boys. Of course, boys know better than to come around here while I’m home, but I know she sees them at school, and I’m not at all sure she’s been discouraging them. Am I being a paranoid older brother? Perhaps. But she’s growing up to be such a little beauty, and I know I’m not the only one who’s noticed.

Francisco just told me that he’ll be leaving for the summer. We’ll need a new general surgeon- Carrie can’t handle it all by herself. Do you know of any doctors with good hearts? Ask around- our search so far has been frantic and not very organized. Take care of yourself, little one, and dress warmly,


Sophia laughed about Lucia. She was 14 and didn’t really mean anything serious by her flirting, Sophia was sure. However, she probably did think it was fun to get Miguel riled up by talking about boys oh-so-casually.

Dear Miguel,

Yes, thanks, I noticed the weather. I miss the bright sun, the warm nights, and of course, your and Lucia’s happy faces. I’m counting down the days until I’m on the plane home. As for school, I am working hard, but not hard enough. I’ve got finals in a few days, and all I can seem to concentrate on are the bright streets of Caracas.

How is your studying going? We should be writing back and forth in English, you know, it’s good practice. When are you signed up to take the TOEFL? I hope it’s after the summer- then I could help you study.

I’ll ask around about doctors, but I can’t promise anything.

So Lucia’s noticing and being noticed, eh? Sucks for you- it’s just what happens when a smart, pretty girl suddenly becomes girlfriend material to all those guy friends. Don’t you worry, she and I will go out together and pick up boys. At least she won’t be alone, right? Oh, calm down, I was just kidding. Breathe, big brother. We little sisters just like to tease you sometimes.


She stretched as she looked at the clock on her computer and squeeked. 3:04! Already four minutes late, she grabbed her bag and bolted unceremoniously from the room.


Miguel clicked send on the computer screen and leaned back. The email he’d just written to Sophia was friendly, but not too obvious. He thought about her quick smile and her dark brown hair that was constantly escaping her ponytail and falling into her face. Miguel had quickly learned, last summer, that her delicate features contrasted with her stubborn disposition. And then her little hips and long legs-

‘Hey, are you using this computer or what?’

Miguel jumped out of his reverie and looked at the impatient man standing behind him. ‘Sorry, no. I’m done,’ Miguel apologized as he signed off and got up. He’d forgotten he was in the public library. He shook himself as he walked back towards the exit. He shouldn’t be thinking about Sophia that way. She was in college and on her way to a serious career, and besides, she didn’t think of him as anything more than a friend. And it should stay that way. She was much too sweet, much too pretty and much too perfec
t. Miguel would fall head-over-heels if he wasn’t careful.

Miguel hadn’t gone to college yet because he didn’t have the money, but he had high aspirations. He wanted to be a lawyer someday and defend the workers of Caracas from the international companies that set up their sweatshops in the poor neighborhoods. And a little more money than he had now would be nice. He thought about someday being able to support Lucia without worries, and smiled. Maybe he would have enough money to send her to a private, all-girls school. Yet another bonus to working hard.


The next morning, Sophia woke with a start. She lifted her face up and realized that her cheek was stuck to the pages of the book she’d spent the night on. As she carefully peeled the page off her right cheek, she sighed. More annoyed that she’d been unable to stay awake long enough to finish the chapter than that she had a huge crick in her neck, she grabbed a towel and stumbled toward the bathroom.

On the train to work, she thought vaguely about Miguel’s note and any doctors she knew. There weren’t many, and the ones she knew were more concerned with their pocketbooks than their hearts. The ones who really cared were already doing useful things in America. This would be hard. She hopped off the train at her stop and looked at her watch. Again, she thought, as she broke into a run.

‘Hey, Eddie,’ Sophia panted breathlessly as she burst into the backdoor of the café. Her boss looked at her and pointed at the clock. ‘I know, I’m sorry, I just…’

‘Fell asleep on your book again?’ chimed in Nina. Sophia nodded sheepishly as Eddie pointed her to the cash register. Sophia straightened her soft skirt and sleeveless blouse she had worn for the occasion of a warm day and got to work.


Tom Anderson stepped out of the hospital doors into the rare sunlight. He had an hour break in between shifts, and he wasn’t going to spend it in the hospital. General surgery, the specialty he was training for, certainly wasn’t as nice and clean as his current specialty, anesthesiology. For one thing, he kept on being called in at strange hours. He missed the nice, regular schedule he used to keep. For another, if he took a general surgery job, he wouldn’t get paid half as much. You wanted to have two specialties, he reminded himself, sighing. It’s your own damn fault.

He lazily turned the corner as his mind wandered to a date he’d had last Friday. Pretty woman, but not much upstairs. And not too interested in conversation. But that’s what he wanted, right? A nice body that he wouldn’t want to stick around too long. He peered into the passing shops and he walked by. They were small and conventional, with long racks of clothing in the shops and restaurants with televisions in the corners. No one I know would shop on this street, he thought. Perfect, I don’t want to run into the gang, this hour is mine.

Suddenly, something caught his eye. Or more exactly, someone. He stopped and doubled back to the café he’d passed. There, at the register. A girl with creamy brown skin, long brown hair, and delicate shoulders set off by her modest top. And wow, exotic, sharp black eyes. But it was the flick of her hand as she swept a strand of hair behind her ear, so unselfconsciously, that hooked him. Why not? He grinned as he pushed in the door. Tom knew he looked good in a suit and he was sure he’d impress her without effort. She’s just a café worker. She’ll fall all over herself to say yes.

‘Hey there, Sophia,’ Tom said, as he approached the register and glanced at her name badge.

‘Hi,’ she said shortly, unphased. ‘What would you like?’ She brushed her hair back impatiently and looked at him.

So she wasn’t thrown off by the name thing. He’d be more direct. ‘A date, this Friday.’

She blinked at him. Now he noticed that her beautiful eyes sat under a brow that looked very intelligent and, god help him, serious. ‘That’s nice. Good luck finding someone to take with you. Now, what do you want to eat?’

He grinned at her as smoothly as he could manage. ‘I meant with you.’

She stared hard at him. ‘That’s not on the menu. If you’re not going to order, please move, because you’re holding up the line.’

‘A small chai latte, then.’ He watched her as she lightly tapped in his order to the computer. Nice small hands.


He held out the money and made to brush her hand as he gave it to her, but she dropped her hand abruptly as soon as the money touched it. Ok, so she was expecting that. He had been expecting an easy catch, but now he was intrigued.

‘Here’s your receipt and change. Go have a seat, I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready. Next, please.’

‘Ooh, special service,’ he chided, pretending not to know that she delivered all the hot drinks to the tables as part of her job. She ignored him.

Sophia turned away from the register and flushed. Of all the arrogant assumptions… what made him think she was single? Or that she would be interested in someone like him? She glanced at his retreating back. His suit jacket fit nicely across his broad shoulders, and he was tall. He probably thought she was desperate or something. Did she look desperate?

She took the next few orders and then turned to fill them. Eddie came up to her. ‘After you finish with that, take 10 minutes. You look tired.’ He turned away and started scrubbing the counter vigorously. Eddie liked to play at being stern, but he sometimes let slip a concerned word and then had to cover it up by cleaning something fiercely. Sophia thanked him and carefully hoisted her tray of drinks onto one hand and came out from behind the counter to deliver them.

Tom had been watching her closely as she dealt with other customers. As she came out from behind the counter, he caught a glimpse of her long, brown legs. Ending in sensible black Converse shoes. Okay, well, she was practical and exotic. He watched her lean over to hand a little boy his hot chocolate, and then she smiled. Oh wow, could she smile. Her eyes crinkled and it looked like an anvil had just been lifted off her shoulders. Now, that was interesting. What did she have to worry about? He saw her chatting with the other customers as she handed out the orders.

She walked toward his table, rather slowly. She set his cup down without a word and turned to go. ‘Hey,’ he said. ‘Don’t I get some conversation?’

She fixed him with that stare from earlier. Then she looked at a spot somewhat above his left shoulder and said, ‘Fine. How was work?’ She looked at her tray and then finally, back at him.

‘Great!’ he said, brightly. ‘Though it’s not work. I am doing rotations for certification as a general surgeon at St. James Hospital.’

‘Really?’ She suddenly looked him in the eyes, but this time it didn’t seem like she was trying to fry him. Rather, she suddenly looked interested. He took up the tack. ‘Yeah, I’m already certified as an anesthesiologist, and I work at a private practice, but I wanted to have two certifications.’ He debated whether to add that this was because two certifications made you look more attractive to private, higher-paying practices. He decided not to.

‘What part of your rotations are you in?’ she asked, almost moving toward the chair opposite him.

‘Please, sit. I’m learning about back surgery. Though I’m mostly watching, at the moment.’ All of a sudden, it seemed like her lights were on. Her face was open and her hands relaxed on the table in front of her. He was startled at the change.

‘So do you do any extremities surgery or is it mostly torso area?’

‘Extremities right now. Hey, how do you know so much about rotations and surgery?’

‘I want to be a pediatrician. Or a surgeon. But I want to do children’s medicine.’

‘Really? That’s great, we always need more children’s doctors. A lot of people think treating children is just like treating little adults, but it’s not at all. There’s a whole field of an
esthesiology just on how to properly treat children. Are you in medical school?’

She smiled. Hallelujah, he thought. A smile, just for me. ‘Not yet. I’m an undergrad right now.’

‘Really? Where at?’

‘Columbia. I’m a junior. So where are you an anesthesiologist?’

‘A private practice. Johnson and Howe Specialty Surgery.’

‘Oh. Plastic surgery.’ She drew her hands back from the table.

He laughed lightly. ‘Hey, you say that like it’s a bad thing. There are a lot of people who pay good money to look better. And they need surgeons too.’

‘When there’s a shortage of good doctors in city hospitals, where there are real emergencies?’ she demanded. Whoa, he’d gone the wrong way.

‘See, just because you obviously don’t need it doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of people who do.’ He smiled smoothly at her, hoping to bring her back in with the compliment.

She stood up. Whoops. ‘I should get back to work. You can leave your cup there when you’re done.’ She turned and walked back behind the counter. Damn. He hadn’t felt so off-balance since high school. He frowned and turned back to his cup.

Sophia walked around the corner and into the back room. That was weird. He was a doctor, and he seemed genuinely excited to talk about what he did. She had even begun to open up a bit, but then it turned out he did anesthesiology for rich people. She wondered why he was getting a second certification, when he was obviously already making a lot of money. Maybe there was something more to him. Or maybe not.


The next day, he showed up again. Sophia didn’t even see him coming until he was at the register. Without looking up, she asked, ‘What would you like?’

‘A date with you. You know, you should really put that on the menu.’ She looked up. It was him, looking happy and smug for having caught her unawares. He was handsome, she realized with a start. He had longish, light brown hair and bright green eyes. And his smile was nice, really nice.

She shook herself. ‘Nope, sorry. Next!’

He quickly reached out and touched her hand. She jumped and pulled back her hand. Why was she being so skittish?

He put his hand on the counter. ‘Alright. A small chai latte then.’ As he walked away, Nina came up behind her.

‘So, who’s that? Weren’t you talking to him yesterday? Wow, he’s hot,’ Nina said, all in one breath. Nina was nice, but a little nosy, and she only got interested in the conversation when it concerned men, her favorite subject.

Sophia laughed and closed the register drawer. ‘Well, you can have him.’

‘Really?’ Nina practically bounced. Sophia could feel the man watching her from his table near the window.

‘Sure, take his drink over to him.’ Sophia handed her the chai latte and turned back to the next customer with a smile. See what he thinks of that.

She watched Nina’s progress out of the corner of her eye. Because she couldn’t hear their conversation over the noises of the cafe, she watched them like a silent movie. Him, looking up to see Nina and then quickly glancing back to the counter, where Sophia was pretending to fix the register. She watched them talk. She liked the man’s easy way of gesturing and his animated face. Nina laughed at something he had said and casually put her hand on his arm. Sophia flinched. This is what she wanted, wasn’t it? She sent Nina over there to flirt. She turned back to the cups and rested her hand on the back counter.

Suddenly, Nina was back. ‘So?’ asked Sophia.

‘Eh, I think I was too late. He only wanted to ask questions about you. Sorry babe, you’re stuck.’ Nina laughed lightly at the look of horror on Sophia’s face. ‘Come on, he’s nice, friendly, and—did I mention—hot? You haven’t been on a date since high school. Live a little.’

Sophia sighed. That was silly. She was living, she just wasn’t dating. ‘Excuse me, Miss Boys-on-the-mind, we’ve got a customer.’ She went back to the register. After she took the woman’s order, she turned around to talk to Nina again. But she wasn’t there. The man was, and he was very close in the tight area. She backed into the register.

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This is just a work of fiction. It's based on a real crush I had on a real teacher who never knew what I'd felt about him. He was a truly decent guy and would NEVER have done the things I'm about to write about.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Wilson was my English teacher for my freshman year in community college and was the best looking man I think I've ever met. It wasn't just his looks, it was this simmering coolness about him that just made him I'd sit in class dreaming...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 7 Time Enough to DreamChapter 9

"I think it's attracted to the smell of my blood," Tanya whispered anxiously as she snuggled closer to Frank. Both of them were hiding in the tall grass, staring out at the largest, and the toothiest, tiger she'd ever seen. Earlier, Frank had used a thorny switch on Tanya, then raped her near-unconscious body before killing her, which resulted in both of them being caught up in Tanya's Phoenix fire when she regenerated. They were both clean and newly formed, but there was still blood...

1 year ago
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My first time with my girlfriends mum and sister

I was in the bedroom like I am every day and around 10am Julie takes her 18 year old daughter to school, so I usually have a good old wank in Julies bedroom. Well the next day at 10am I went to do what I usually do in Julies bedroom but what I didn’t know was that Hannah stayed home because she had no school that day so Julie went shopping, so there I am in Julies bedroom naked with a huge 8inch hardone wanking over Julies clothes when the bedroom door opened and Hannah was there she was...

1 year ago
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Hard to HandleChapter 5 Im The Man On Your Scene

I felt bad for the local cops; somebody blew up a house in their jurisdiction and they arrive at the scene only to find it blocked off by an armada of government SUVs. "It wasn't me," I repeated when the police chief managed to worm his way through to the only potential witness. "Stop saying that!" Morgan's voice pitched much higher than normal. Alexx and April escorted the chief behind the SUVs. Diana was off to the side watching Marshal James and his people. I got the feeling they...

2 years ago
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Mere Chudai Ke Kisse 8211 Part 8

Pichli kahani mein aapne padha kaise maine Swati ko pura weekend jee bhar ke choda. Ab aage. Do din baad main office se seedha Priya se milne HSR ke ek restaurant mein gaya. Priya office ke kapdo mein thi – Jeans and T-shirt, par bohut sundar lag rahi thi. Woh aake mere sath baith gayi. Priya: Khub maze kiye tune weekend mein kamine. Kitni baar choda is randi Swati ko? Main: Arre guess ho rahi hai kya? Tera hi to idea tha. 8-10 baar choda hoga usse. Waise haan randi to woh hai. Priya: Pata...

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Cass was just nineteen but the thing she liked the best was sex. She had been fucking guys since she was just fifteen. The boys at school knew how easy she was and she spent every date on her back. She loved to fuck and suck cock. She had even fucked many of the boys dads as they heard from the boys what a slut she was and how good she could suck cock and fuck. She liked fucking the men better than the boys as they were experienced lovers and knew what they wanted. She was willing to do...

3 years ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 10

“Head on up to the University an hour away, I’m sure there are some college boys who would love your big ... smile!” I said, with Sari kicking me under the table. In front of me is the exact reason that I didn’t go looking for female companionship, either in high school or college. The girls, who were worth your time, were just as busy with schoolwork as you were. The other 88% were airheads with their bust size rivaling their IQ. If Marsha goes to college – a mighty big if – she’ll either...

1 year ago
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The Naked WarriorChapter 4

“We’re going where, exactly?” Magnum asked, arching an eyebrow as he looked across the cramped passenger drum of the Angel Grove and at my girlfriend. Ali sighed and then flipped her head to try and get some of her hair out of her face. But micro-gravity was a real bitch sometimes and kept her hair jangling and clattering about her face. She waved her hand more aggressively and got her bangs out of her eyes long enough to look properly haughty. But the lead up had really cut the knees off of...

1 year ago
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Brotherly Love Part II

Note : This story is completely fictional! Working on her lower back and still merely gracing her ass, I decided to move around her hips, now gently brushing her inner thigh. Another thing that had always enticed me was her beautiful legs, and when I tired of massaging her hips, I formulated a plan to nonchalantly work my way into feeling her thighs up. I leaned over and started rubbing her feet. Over time, I worked my way up and onto her calves, and eventually I passed the knee line. I was...

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Dana the Angel of Lost GirlsChapter 2 The Magic Night

Dana woke up late the next morning in the same mood. Her happiness continued as she got dressed and on through her brunch. There was only one thing for a girl to do when she is that happy; Dana went shopping. She leisurely browsed and came across a sleek little spaghetti-strap, black-satin dress that fit entirely too good and made her look positively delicious. She got a pair of black, patent leather sandals with four-inch heels that her mother would definitely not have approved of, and a...

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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 4 ResolveChapter 10

A bloody and very upset Suzan and Anita made their way back to the palace just as the Sun was cresting over the horizon. They had already made the stop by Tabitha's mother's house the night before to inform her of what happened. Needless to say it wasn't something they wanted to do, but knew that they had to and it was something they owed the only real victim to pay the ultimate price. Even though Suzan felt she should tell her, Anita insisted that because her death was her fault she...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jasmine Wilde Fuck Date Submission

Cute, young Jasmine Wilde can’t wait to show off her sexual skills. The busty, dark-haired hottie meets director Bryan Gozzling for a freaky fuck session. She shows up in a tight skirt with sexy heels, completing the look with a puppy chain around her neck. Bryan feels her up and strips her down as she obediently follows his orders; they make out through a pervy intro. As Bryan fondles her cooch, Jasmine talks to the camera, saying, ‘Are you guys ready to see my tits yet?’...

3 years ago
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College life spring semester 7

*******************"Did it snow, Matt?" Kris said first thing when he woke up this Sundaystarting the last full week of January."Look for yourself," I said and had seen it had snowed quite a bit.Kris rolled out of bed and peered out the window, naked as we both sleptevery night now. "Fuck yeah it did! Looks a foot out there if not more!Get your shit on. We're heading out in it!" He raced over like a ten yearold and started putting on his oldest jeans, a tee and sweatshirt. "Getyour ass up,...

1 year ago
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Frankie the evil arrow my 1st and my 1st

Had a business meeting last week in Westchester. Did an overnight which turned into something else.Lost my virginity to Frank about 30 years ago. It was a 5 minute event not worth writing over. Tall, great bod and an unusual dick, quite long, straight as an arrow and with a cockhead smaller than the shaft girth. And that cock produces the strongest most acrid tasting cum I've ever had the displeasure to gag on. It also needs to be said that Frank is one of the top high volume semen...

1 year ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 86

Just sitting around talking, it soon got to be late. Mark and Jackie had a cup of coffee, and then went home. Then, it was time for Tiffany and Henry to be off to bed; it would be a school day tomorrow. The four sat around and talked for a while, and finally, Kirsten said, "I've got to get the dishes done, and the dishwasher isn't working. Gil is supposed to come out and work on it tomorrow, but I'd better get going on it." "I'll help," Blake offered. "Well, aren't you the nice...

4 years ago
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The Morning After

The night before was my annual Christmas Party. My neighbor Lisa and her friend dashed away to my spare bedroom for some fun and ended up borrowing my cock (The Christmas After Party). As the night of fun ended I was told I had to make breakfast in the morning. My morning started earlier than I would of liked. I heard door slam about 6am, I looked into the spare room and found Ashley sound asleep in bed. Lisa was no where to be seen.I headed down to the kitchen and began to make breakfast. As I...

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Cheating Girlfriend And Loving Mom

Hi, this is Ajai from Vijayawada. Everything was going according to the plan in my life – highly paying job, good friends and a beautiful girlfriend. But all of a sudden, my life took a U-turn when I found out that my girlfriend was cheating on me! Whenever I call her in the evening, she would talk to me panting and sometimes with small moans. I was a little aware of that tone as she would talk to her friends in the same way while I was fucking her. Usually, I used to go crazy and fuck her...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Gia Milana MILF Dancing For Dick

MILF bombshell Gia Milana wants you to know how much she loves dancing before she gives it all up today. She struts her stuff poolside, moving and shaking to the beat while her incredible body shines in the sun. When she finally pulls down her top, she exposes a perfect set of jaw dropping knockers. By the time she unveils her fat ass, Gia is ready to go. The caramel MILF cutie makes her way into the house to convene with our stud in some steamy coital action. He drizzles her booty with oil and...

3 years ago
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You and Me and Pandora makes Three

I remember one morning, I was standing in line for coffee. It wasn't my usual place and I was killing time before a very boring meeting. The woman at the counter was dealing with a very confused pair of women who kept changing their order. I shook my head in sympathy, some people really shouldn't buy coffee if making an order is that much work.The door tinkled behind me and closed with a creaking thud. I saw a shadow tower over me, a very thin shadow. Probably one of the college kids on the...

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African Slave Queen

The theatrically over decorated general gripped the podium tighter and tighter as his highly orchestrated news conference began to turn sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage; to impress and show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. “I’ll repeat my question,” said the young reporter. He narrowed his gaze at the attractive white woman and gave a forced smile. “Please do.”...

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Ms Marca Mother and I

  MS. MARCA                   My teen years   Mother and I       Part 1   After getting back from my week with Bert at the trade show in Houston and school was just a month away, mother and I took a trip that made our relationship a whole lot different toward each other for the rest of our lives. After our 7 days in paradise mother had help further my education in how to be a more perfect woman or a better slut than I already was. She didn’t just tell me about the facts of life, which...

4 years ago
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Plugged InChapter 1

“I have to say that I am impressed with your work,” Kate acknowledges as she picks up their plates from the table. “This is going to take the company straight to the top.” Lucy smiles as she watches Kate’s hip sway. Kate disappears into the kitchen to return moments later with two small plates. Each plate has a thin slice of cake with a cherry atop them. “Once we mass produce the system, we can then move straight into your doll designs,” she continues as she sets down the plates. Lucy...

3 years ago
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Janeys May

For some reason, I was feeling out of sorts a good part of May, and just didn't feel like writing a story. Then I had this dream... I woke up and tried to turn my head to look around. Couldn't. Looked straight ahead. Hmmm. My left leg appeared to be in a cast, in traction. Kind of hazy, but I figured I must be in a hospital. Yellow walls with grey doors. Machinery. Could be worse, I thought. Tried to move my right arm. Couldn't. But I could move my fingers, and I felt the edge of...

2 years ago
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Black BBW bartender

Black BBW bartenderIts was just another night at the small local bar not to busy, having a few beers with some friends shooting some pool and what not. It was getting close to midnight and the bar patrons were dwindling down. Erika the bartender noticed that my beer was almost gone and said "hey if you help me take out the recycling I'll give you a free beer". "Sounds good" I said and got up to help. Erika was wearing a low cut top showing alot of beautiful cleavage, and as she bent down to...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 33

A half hour later, Holly knocked on the door. And wow! Her black sweater dress with the white belt, dangly earrings, and instead of her usual poofed out hairstyle she had it with no hair spray and pulled back into a simple ponytail. “Holly, you look great!” I said as I hugged her. And she was wearing a perfume that would give an erection to a corpse. “Do you know where we’re going?” “Yeah, he gave me his address, but I have no idea where it is.” “No problemo,” I said, and went into the...

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Uncle Ne Mujhe Chodkar Behal Kiya

Hello dosto mera naam reena hai meri umar hai 25 saal aur mai dekhne me bahut hi sunder hoo aur meri figure bhi bahut mast hai meri nipples aur pussy bilkul pink hai. waise to mai hardoi se hoo lekin lucknoe me ek ghar lekar rehti hoo kuki meri service hai yaha.ab mai aapko apni kahani batati hoo jo ki aaj se 2 mahine pehle ki hai waise to mai pehle bhi chud chuki hoo lekin yeh meri sabse exciting chudai thi. Jab mai hardoi me rehti thi yab mere ghar ke pados me ek uncle apni family ke saath...

1 year ago
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A boyrsquos lusty start

I was very young, but had already begun to touch, pleasure and explore my smooth body. Late at night, thoughts of sex consumed me. Lying there, naked in my bed, my hands would run up and down my body, imagining it was the hands of an experienced older man. My cock hard and throbbing, leaking a stream of clear, sticky pre cum, I would gently touch my tight asshole, wishing it was him caressing me. I would fantasize about having him suck me, his masculine nude body pressed against me. How I...

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Sex Vacation

Welcome to the introduction! If you want to go straight to the story, go ahead to the next chapter. If you wanna learn more, then stay here. There are 7 different girls that you’ll get the chance to fuck. Your choices affect how your relationship with them is. At the end of each chapter, there’s different options for you to pick. The “Hint” chapter tells you how the decision will affect the women, so you can use it if you don’t want the full experience. I think you should trust your gut with...

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The Trailer Park The Fifth Year Part 2 Music and LyricsChapter 17

"TONY SIMS. PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE." I looked at Tami, and she shrugged. Robbie, on my other side, was no better help. Then I looked at Mrs. Conners. She was looking at me. "I have a topic," I said with a big smile. "Resolved: Teenagers and debate teachers are prone to auditory hallucinations, but should learn to ignore them." Mrs. Conners smiled but inclined her head to the door. I sighed, picked up my books, and left, wondering which of my past indiscretions was coming back to...

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Crystal ClearChapter 15 A Blackmailer Confronted Loving Friends and Detectives

By the time I called room service for lunch, four nearly nude women sat engaged in various activities in the living of our suite at the Hotel George V in Paris: Crystal was reading a script she'd been asked to consider for our next movie, if she liked it then I'd read it next; Jill had started to read a Clive Cussler book on her iPad; Helen sat near a corner of the room practicing various yoga positions au naturel; and Margo, naked except for her thong, alternately worked on her computer or...

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Lonley Girl

Julie Stanton was bored. Her husband was gone again. He was always gone since he’d gone to that special school. He was a Lieutenant in the Army and since taking anti- terrorism classes he was usually off somewhere in the world where she couldn’t go. It wouldn’t have been so bad except that she’d only been married for a little over a year. She’d wanted to start having children right away, but that’s hard to do when you don’t get any sperm in you. And...

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Dutch Treat Ch 02

All names, and most of the detail in this story is fictitious. If I’ve accidentally used your name, my apologies. Sophia and I tumbled over and under each other in bed. It was a delightful afternoon, but eventually we were tired and hungry, or hungry and tired. I was too bleary-eyed to know which came first. ‘Room service?’ ‘Yes!’ Sophia was eager to hear the rest of the story about my Dutch friends and their adventures. We washed up and robed ourselves in the time it took for our order to...

3 years ago
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My first Glory Hole 2

Sitting back down on the stall, I looked at my watch. That whole experience only took ten minutes. What was I going to do until then? Then another cock was put through the hole. Damn it. How many dicks was I going to have to suck before I could get to my cock? When I realized what I had just thought, I found myself mortified and began to laugh. Up until a week ago I never had seen a cock and now I was thinking about sucking on my third one. I was already playing with it before I realized I had...

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what a FUCKING day

we are a couple and are very much in love and love to fuck each other whenever and where ever we can! it was a saturday morning and my sexy boyfriend woke me up by fingering my pussy until i was nice and wet, he then proceeded to suck on my nipples and kiss all down my body until he came down to my wet pussy. he licked my clit and sucked on my lips until i came. after i had cum he flipped me over ontop of him and slammed my pussy down onto his rock hard dick. i moaned with enjoyment... i leaned...

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Mom n Me The Real Story

I am from Bhubaneswar(Orissa), from my child hood I spent my time with mom. As my dad was in town with his job and we spent most of time in my uncle{ mama)house with mom and other brother. When I go to college then I came to my dad’s place with mom and younger brother, mom and me and brother sleep in one room and dad sleep in another. One night when I got up see mom was not in this room. So I became curious where mom may be? When I was going out to corridor to search mom then I heard a sound...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS01E03 Glenda 50

Series 1, Episode 3: Glenda The beautiful scenic views of the Irish countryside. We’re on the hills outside Londonderry in the north west of Northern Ireland. It’s warm and sunny, but a wind is whipping across the open countryside and causing us a few problems with our sound. It’s also causing a few problems for our latest subject. Her long blonde hair being flipped across her face. She’s middle aged but in good shape, her make-up is a little overdone, particularly her fire-engine-red...

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