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TURNAROUND by Geneva In the German Thirty Years War an emotionally crippled assassin is outmanoeuvred by a Gypsy girl. She uses him to get revenge and he gets a chance at a new life. "Who," I asked, "is Count Von Meissner?" Bishop Alvarez looked up from the documents and maps on his table and stared at me. "My dear Heinrich, he is a potential enemy of the Holy Roman Emperor, and of the Church. Some think he may invade in support of the Calvinists. This war has been going on for years now so that some of my superiors are even talking about negotiations and peace, but that would mean accomodating our enemies. If he is assassinated it will stop the invasion, and deter others, and perhaps give some backbone to my weaker colleagues." That seemed reasonable. Assassination is an old tool for political and military gain, and I had contributed to it myself. In fact it gave me a good living. I did not really choose to take it up as a career, but in the army I had become tired of the cautious tactics of my superior and took a small force to ambush and kill an enemy general. The word got around that I was good at it and my commander began using me for some covert attacks in enemy cities. Yet, as my skills improved, and the more work I did, I used less help from any others. In fact I trusted others less and less, preferring to work by myself. Eventually the Church authorities must have heard and soon the bishop was using me for various operations as well. I was well rewarded. Occasionally the he tried to persuade me to offer my services a bit more cheaply as a donation to the Church, but I let it be known that the Church's own well being and preservation from its perceived enemies would be more speedy and effective if I was speedily and generously rewarded. "Where does he live anyway. Is it far to travel? That will affect my expenses, and my price." "He is ruler of a small city and surroundings in a part of Hungary a little bit east of us. You are much too concerned with material gain, however." I did not show my scepticism. These words were from someone who lived in his own large mansion in a secluded area just outside the city, wore rich robes and continually ate well. We had just finished a sumptuous meal, whose cost would have supported a peasant family for a month. "I hope it is not far or much distance from here. It would involve me in dangerous travel, and I am not sure I want to take the task. Didn't a former ruler there impale his enemies!" I certainly had no wish to end my days on a wooden stake. "You need instruction in geography. You are thinking of Transylvania," said Alvarez. "That is in another part of Hungary, well to the east, half under the influence of the Ottoman. Anyway, these deeds were in past days," he snapped. "Such brutality is not found any longer." He had quite forgotten the excesses of the Spanish Inquisition, I supposed, and what the German peasants were enduring with the plunder and exactions of one side, then the other, and invaders from almost all of Europe as they fought out their wars on German terrtory. I had seen whole villages destroyed and the corpses of their inhabitants, dead from starvation, lying unburied in the mud. Still, I had no right to sermonize. I had been responsible for quite few deaths myself . When I named a price the bishop scowled at me and offered just half of that. We eventually settled at about two thirds of the original figure. I was fairly satisfied, and I did not want to drive too hard a bargain or he might at some point have set his old friends on me. After all, Alvarez was a Spaniard and it was rumored he had been associated with the Inquisition before coming to this part of the empire. Now that the main business was over, the money, I mean, we relaxed a bit more over some wine from Alvarez's cellar. I liked these Spanish wines and soon felt relaxed and easy. "Do you have any ideas on how you are going to carry out the task?" Alvarez asked. I thought about my past assignments. "It will depend on how much access I can get to Von Meissner and how easy it will be for me to escape. I have no doubt he will be well protected. As for methods, in the past I have used poison, knives, gunpowder and muskets. I like the musket. It gives me a better chance of escape, but it is not as accurate as I would prefer. No, it will depend on how well guarded he is. I have to make sure of my own escape too." Alvarez leaned to me. "Something that is a shameful death, or in circumstances that shame him, would be good. We do not want to make a martyr out of him for his supporters. Not that any true Christian," he added hastily, "would think it anyway. We of the faith know that these people have little reverence for the saints and other holy martyrs. They are even worse than the followers of that Luther." Soon we were discussing the various methods of dealing death. Assassination was professional work for me, but I was surprised at the interest and expertise Alvarez showed in methods of killing. Finally the talk came to when it should be done. "Actually, I will get to it as soon as I can. It is spring and that will make travel easier." "Do you want to speak to anybody to learn about him? To discover any weaknesses?" "No I trust nobody. There might be spies around and the word could get back that I am making plans and he was in danger of assassination. What about language? I do not know any Hungarian." "That should be no trouble. It is a German speaking area. There are quite a few German speaking people there already." I carefully did not mention that many of these were German refugees from the continual wars and conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire. "Yes, I could pose as one of these. I can say I was a merchant, but got apprehensive of my life and decided to go to a safer location. Or that I am looking for a wife," I added, just to test him. He scowled at me again. I think he occasionally thought on me as a kind of holy warrior monk, like the Templars or Teutonic Knights in the past, and that I should be celibate. He would have no such luck. I liked using women, although I had not married yet, and I was certainly not interested in poverty. Actually I had begun to think that after a few more assassinations, with the money I would earn, I could be be quite wealthy. Then, with wealth assured, I could marry some well connected girl, perhaps even the daughter of some old but poor nobility, establish myself as a gentleman in some peaceful corner of the Empire and set about starting my own little dynasty. Who knows, with judicious choosing of sides my descendants might become counts or even higher. I had planned to set off on my journey in two days, just as soon as I was able to purchase some materials for travel and the business at hand, but the day before my departure I got a summons from Bishop Alvarez. "How are your plans getting on?" he asked. "What cover will you use?" "I have been thinking about that. I could pretend that I am a physician, or perhaps an alchemist, and that I am working on the transmutation of lead into gold. Heads of states are always in need of money and that would get his interest and could lead to easy access, if I let it be known I have made valuable discoveries." "Of course, as far as I know, no one has ever been successful at transmutation, but you remember the last assignment you set me? One of the persons I met on the journey was an alchemist. I did him a good turn, in fact I saved his life. In return he gave me a vial of material. If that liquid it is wiped on tin, it gives it the appearance of gold, unfortunately only on the surface, but it will do as a start to whet his interest." I had not saved the alchemist's life through any altruism. It was just that I had rapidly despatched several robbers who were attacking my group, which included him. Alvarez was nodding slowly. "If you are dabbling in a physician's or alchemist's work, I have something you might be able to use. Just a minute." He rummaged in his desk and brought out a small locked wooden box. He selected a key, opened the lock and drew out a small book. "We got this from some Gypsies. After we had reports of some engaged in necromancy, we seized them and imprisoned them. Under questioning, they were persuaded to give us some of their secrets, one of which was an old book. It was supposed to have magic spells, but that was a lie. However the words in the book look plausible. You can have it if you want to add credence to your disguise." I looked at him sceptically. "You believe in magic?" His statement was quite an admission for one who had worked with the Inquisition. "The Devil has many ways in which to tempt us all. We have tried some of these so-called spells." He gave a short laugh, more of a snort. "But they had absolutely no effect. When I confronted the Gypsies with the fact that the spells were ineffective they admitted it. They said the the spells were just used, along with trickery, for gullible peasants." Alvarez stroked his beard. "Yet, I wonder why they did not admit it in the first place. It would have saved them much tort.... interrogation. Still, who understands Gypsies?" I got the impression that Alvarez was actually sorry that the spells had not worked. "So you wish me to have this, even though the use of spells, effective or not, is surely not Christian?" He looked at me, enough venom in his gaze to make me shiver. I should have been more tactful. Perhaps I should not had so much wine. "It is not for you, a layman, to question the deeds of the Church. Anyway, my labours are all used for the good of the Church. Have a look at this." He handed over a small book bound in cloth. "This hardly looks old," I said. "The cover is not worn at all, and," I looked inside, "the pages are quite fresh." "Well, no. Actually it is a copy. We made a copy to study it better. The original was in very bad condition. Unfortunately the fool who copied the original left it in a damp unprotected place and it became all mouldy. What was left was smelly and illegible, and the pages were rotting apart so we got rid of it." I flicked through the page, trying to read the material. I looked up at him. "I read some German words, but these?" I pointed to some other words. "What language is that? I cannot understand these at all." "Yes, they appear to be in some old language. It was in the Gypsies' original book. These are supposed to be the actual spell. The others, which appear to be explanations, were in their own Gypsy language. We have translated these words so that's why the instructions are in German. The other language, we do not know, but the Gypsies told us under questioning that the sounds approximate those of some ancient eastern language. I have studied ancient languages myself, and some of the sounds are reminiscent of ancient Greek, but I can still make no sense of them. It all seems rather elaborate for something that is really just a hoax." I read over the instructions for the so-called spells. They seemed mostly for medical purposes, such as curing toothache, mending birth defects and so on, all stuff supposedly to cure ailments. I read on a few pages. It was all boring stuff. More medical remedies, none of them much interest to me, being an assassin. My trade was in the ending of life, not in saving. I closed the book with a snap. I had better things to do than continue reading nonsense. "Yes, perhaps I could also pretend to be a physician." "So, would you like to use the book?" "But the spells do not work. You just said so." "Unfortunately not, we have tried them, but with no success. We know gypsies are supposed to have used them, but we have no verifiable information. But why not take it with you? Reading some of the exotic words when you see clients may add to the effect you are trying to convey. Even if you went as an alchemist you would need some things to help with your disguise and lend credence to it." "All right. I will use the book. You do not wish to keep it?" He shrugged. "No, as far as I am concerned, the spells do not work, and we are finished with them. Just more Gipsy nonsense." "So, If there has been no sorcery, what about the Gypsies? Will you release them?" "These people are a hindrance to order, and a bad example to ordinary citizens and peasants. If they are kept in prison it would be better for everyone. In fact, most of them have already died in our custody. One young woman who is left has been quite cooperative." He thought for a moment. "I tell you. Why not take her with you? A woman like her would add credence to your disguise. I suppose you may wish to make other use of her too." I knew what he meant, but I just was not interested in using a woman at this time. Then again, a Gypsy woman might add to the impression I was trying to give, and she could do mending and cooking for me. "Will she not want to escape?" "It hardly matters if she does. What is one girl, and a Gypsy? But we still have her younger brother. I believe that they are quite attached to each other. He will remain here under our care as a surety for her return and good behaviour. If she does decide to flee it will be too bad for him." "Can I see the girl, to see if she is suitable? You know I prefer working alone." "Yes, I will have them bring her from prison tomorrow." The next morning I waited with Alvarez in his office near the cathedral while some guards brought the girl from her cell. They threw her at our feet and I studied her. She was quite young, about sixteen, I suppose. She was ragged and dirty, with one or two fading bruises on her face. Her complexion was dark, her skin with a touch of an olive cast to it. She was thin, but had been pretty once, I suppose. She might even be pretty again if she were better fed and had a good wash. Her long hair was stringy and greasy. Her brown eyes seemed dead. "What is your name, girl," I asked. She looked up at me. "Melia, Master." Her voice was dead too but her accent was exotic. "This is Herr Muller," said Alvarez. "I was telling him about the book. He may want to use it." I asked her about the book, but she just looked at me resignedly and in a flat emotionless voice gave the story that it was only used to fool the gullible. She certainly looked Gypsy. She did not appear to have much spirit, so she would probably obey me absolutely. I studied her carefully. "Yes, I think she will do. But why not have her washed? She would not help my disguise looking like she is." "Yes, I supose so. Do you need any other material to aid in your disguise as an alchemist?" asked Alvarez. I turned away from the girl. "I have a few things, and maybe I can do some sleight of hand too, or other tricks." "Please, sir," broke in the girl. "If you want, I am a Gypsy. I know some conjuring and other tricks. Perhaps I could help you." "Could you indeed?" said Alvarez. "More Gypsy lies!" he spat. I watched the girl cringe. "No, She may be useful. It would add to my cover, and if she knows tricks, so much the better." "Please, if I help you, will you release me and my brother Astrik?" That was twice that the girl had broken into our conversation. I wondered if she had more spirit than she had shown initially. I looked at Alvarez. "Well, she is no use to you now and I suppose she could help me." Alvarez screwed up his face in thought. "Yes, I agree," he said. He looked at the girl. "Herr Muller has to go on an expedition to the east of us. He needs a woman to cook for him and do other domestic tasks. Do you wish to go with him? However your brother must stay here as security for your return, and your good behaviour. Then, if we give you your freedom, you must accept banishment from here." There was little doubt of that, I thought. The girl was fairly cowed. She and her relatives had no doubt been tortured and most killed. She would be a fool to wish to stay here. She lifted her eyes to look at me, but otherwise did not reply, allthough a brief flash of hope passed over her lethargic features. "How long will this take?" she said. Her voice was hoarse. "About a month, I think. Possibly longer," I said. "He also may need the help of more gypsies," Alvarez said. "You will help him in every way you can. Otherwise..." "Do you speak German well?" I asked. Her vocabulary so far appeared acceptable. She had an exotic accent, but it gave me little trouble. "Yes," she answered. "Please, your Excellency, if I serve Herr Muller well, would you also release the rest of my people in your prison?" I looked at the Bishop. He nodded slightly. "There are only a few left anyway,"he said. "Bishop Alvarez agrees." The girl closed her eyes briefly, as if giving a silent prayer. Then that is settled," I said. "I will depart tomorrow, at dawn. What do you need?" I said, looking at her. The girl hesitated and I saw she was afraid to ask in case it was thought insolence. "She will need some clothing to begin with. What she has are only rags," I said. "Yes, yes," Alvarez said impatiently, We have a store of used clothing in a room in the cathedral. She can select some from there." "And food," I said. "Also cooking equipment. We will eat at taverns and inns, but we should have some basics." "Go to the kitchen at my mansion," Alvarez said. "My cook there will give you the supplies you need." Melia was brought to me the next day at Alvarez's mansion. She was now clean, and was wearing fresh clothes. They were shabby, but much better than those she had been wearing. I was using two horses. I lifted her up to one. Her body felt thin, but strong. "Thank you, Herr Muller. This is the first time I have ridden a horse since was a girl," she said. "Make sure you do not fall off," I growled. The horses had been another expense. I would have preferred to go on foot, the less to attract attention, but we might need to get away quickly after the assassination. The travel did not take as long as I thought, and a week after leaving the city we were well into the Hungarian countryside and near our destination. We were also well away from the areas where there had been fighting and the villages looked prosperous. The fields looked well tilled and fertile. Count Von Meissner lived in the main city and on arriving there I was met almost immediately by some guards. I was uneasy, but a scrutiny was to be expected. These were dangerous times and strangers were always under suspicion. I told them that I was a refugee from further west, who was seeking refuge from the fighting, and that Melia was my niece. That seemed to arouse no suspicion and after taking our names they let us proceed. I took a room for the two of us at a tavern near the main part of the city. It would be a good place to meet the locals and get to know the lie of the land. I had been thinking about how I could let my skills as an alchemist be known, but my plans took a drastic and rapid modification when I took a small exploration. Just off the town square and on a little rise close to the tavern was a gallows, and already occupied by some unfortunate. I stopped to look at the corpse, wrapped in chains, swinging in the breeze. It looked like the execution had been some time ago, judging by the state of the remains. It had been bound in a net to keep it intact or I am sure it should have fallen apart. Melia stared at it, her hand in her mouth. "What is this obscenity?" I asked a passerby. "The man is long since dead." "It is the count's doing. He had a special gallows erected just for the likes of those." "What do you mean by 'those'?" "Why, alchemists of course. The count finally lost patience. He supported this one for years, who kept promising to make gold but failed. Then yet another who also failed. In revenge the count set up these special gallows, just for alchemists. In fact now anyone calling himself an alchemist is immediately hanged." I would have to be careful. "That over there? There was another gallows, smaller, and unoccuppied. "Oh, that is an ordinary gallows for thiefs and others." So the alchemists merited a special gallows, and other malefactors were less honoured, if that is the word. I would have to change my plans drastically. We were woken next morning by loud conversation in the tavern below. In fact the tavern was quite busy. A crowd jostled us as we ate our breakfast. The taverner saw my exasperated face and shook his head in apology. "What is all the fuss about?" I asked. He laughed. "Oh, we have an execution this morning. Just up on the rise there." Soon, with the rest of the tavern customers, Melia and I wound our way to the gallows, standing at the back of the crowd. I kept my hands on my purse, as pickpockets were often active at events like these. In a few minutes several soldiers arrived from the direction of the town centre pulling an unfortunate by a noose round his neck. His hands were roped behind his back. In the procession too was a pastor, and a magistrate. The crowd opened round them as they made their way to the scaffold. "Who is it?" I asked the taverner, who was standing by me. "Just a thief," was the reply. As is usual at these affairs, some vendors were selling sweetmeaats and various trinkets. Then the crowd quietened as magistrate read his sentence aloud from a parchment. The man sank to his knees and began babbling for mercy as the pastor gave a small prayer but immediately the prayer ended the rope was thrown over the gallows beam. One soldier cut the man's hands free but with little more fuss the three soldiers dragged him off his feet, cutting off his screams. He began kicking wildly, as the crowd broke into cheers and screams of derision. His free hands pulled at the rope, but to no avail. I thought it would have been merciful to have tied his hands behind his back, then his struggles would have been shorter. However, the practices of this city were no concern of mine. The soldiers fixed the rope to a hook, the shouts and jeeriing quietened and all watched as the struggles died away until there was nothing but a slight swinging at the end of the rope and soon even that virtually died away. A few minutes more and the soldiers, pastor and magistrate left and crowd began to drift back to the town, leaving only one soldier to guard the corpse. Melia was looking at the swaying man through shrewd half closed eyes. I wondered if she would be upset, but her face seemed more calculating. "What now?" I asked one of the soldiers. "Are you going to leave him there?" "Yes, it is usually the Count's wishes that the corpse is left for a week, except for the likes of these." He pointed to the remains of the alchemist. "These are left until the rope rots through." "How long do you stay here with the corpse?" I asked. "Oh, only for an hour or so. Just to make sure no one cuts him down before he is really dead." That evening, as I downed a cup of lager, I looked up to the knoll. The single soldier had now left, leaving the corpse dangling alone from the rope, a crow now sitting on its head. I returned to the inside of the tavern. I had met a group of merchants from the city. and was buying beer. That way I hoped to establish contact with more of the citizens. I do not remember getting to bed. The next morning I woke late. Melia was already up and watching me. I held my head. "I should not have drunk as much last night. Are you all right?" "Yes master. I helped you to bed last night. I think you did drink a little too much, but I hope you are now well rested." I only groaned, and ignored her insolence." I see you have been up for a while." "Yes, I was outside in the morning sun, and then I had some clothes to wash." Eventually I struggled down to the main room. Melia had waited patiently until I was ready. "Not so any people here today? I commented to the taverner. He shook his head. "Well, these executions are not so frequent, but we do a good trade when there is one. Are you feeling all right, Sir? You had a lot to drink last night." I squinted out the door at the gallows up on the hill. The most recent corpse was still there, but a small group were looking up at it I noticed that even the magistrate and a soldier were there. "Something going on up there?" I asked. "Yes, I hear someone cut some of the lower clothes from the one who was hanged yesterday. We sometimes get that, people stealing clothes from the corpses. I suppose if you have been hanged you have no further uses for them," he laughed. "Whoever did it must have been in a hurry. They cut off some skin in their rush. But it was no help to them. Strange thing too, the clothes were left underneath the body. Maybe they got disturbed by something. Or maybe it was just some wild animals getting at the body. Anyway, now that it's naked maybe they'll just bury it a bit quicker than a week. The other one too. I am tired of seeing them both up there. An execution is good for business, a dangling corpse is not. The sight puts off the customers." Melia seemed in a really good mood. She was even singing a little song as she went about her duties, so I left her about the tavern while I walked around the city to get the lie of the land and make preliminary plans. I soon found that the count lived in a small castle on a mound just above the town, connected by a small road winding down from the castle. The city was set on a square whose main building was a large church, opposite to a smaller court building attached to a large hall, which I took as the main armory. On a whim I went in to the church. As my eyes got accustomed to the gloom I saw that it was extremely plain. In fact I wondered if was a church until I remembered that these Calvinists had done away with statues of the saints. However, I noticed that they had left the coloured glass in the windows. A man was working around the altar and when he noticed me he nodded to me and approached me. He was dressed very plainly in black robes. "I have not seen you here before. You new here? I am pastor in this church. My name is Theodore Schellenberg." We shook hands. "Greetings to you. I am Heinrich Muller. Yes, I am new in this city, but I did see you before, at the execution a day ago." "Yes, I heard from our guards that you had arrived here." He grimaced. "Yes, the execution was of a robber. He had troubled us for some months but he was caught last week. The magistrate gave him a speedy trial and now God fearing people can travel safely. Are you hoping to settle here?" "Yes," I replied. "I am a refugee from further west. My religious views did not fit with the local authorities and I came here." He stood back to look at me better. "Did you know that this is a Calvinist church? In fact most of the area is Calvinist. You are familiar with our worship?" "Not entirely, but from what I have heard your worship fits closely with my own inclinations." "Then I expect to see you at the church on Sunday. We expect that from all of our citizens. If you wish further instruction in our beliefs, or advice on our doctrine, I will be glad to help you. I should say too that the count tries to be guided by our beliefs in his running of the city." I looked up to the castle through the open door. "Does the count come to the city much?" "Yes, it is an important part of his duties and he does not neglect them. He tries to govern as much as possible in accord with the dictates of our religion, so he is a faithful attender at church. I hear you are accompanied by a young woman. Is it your wife? You are married?" he asked. "No, I have not married yet. I am with my niece. She was orphaned." A look of suspicion passed over his features. "You understand we permit no fornication here?" I cursed inwardly. I would have to be careful. "Yes, I know of that. I assure you. The girl is genuinely my niece. Her parents were killed in the fighting further west. She and I keep separate sleeping areas. I assure you that I will be chaste until I am married. "I knew that the pastor would now let slip that I was unmarried and possibly looking for a bride. No doubt I would soon be a subject of gossip and probably the target of matrons wishing a spouse, preferably a rich one, for their unmarried daughters. Invitations to their homes might be another way of working my way into this society. "On another matter too. I have heard it reported that you are fond of drink. We do not approve of drunkenness either." "Then I will strive to be temperate. Thank you for the admonition," I said humbly. These Calvinist religious authorities had their noses in everybody's business, it seemed. "What was your work?" he asked. "I was a merchant, in spices. I may try that, but I have some medical knowledge. Perhaps I can find work as a physician." He grimaced. "Fortunately in this city we are some distance apart from the wars in the Holy Roman empire, so our men suffer few wounds, but there is always a need for healing after accidents and care of women in childbirth. The plague has not affected these parts much. God be praised." "A word of advice to you, Herr Muller. The citizens here have known each other for years and trust each other. Not so with strangers. You may have trouble or have to wait some time before you are accepted. Yet, you seem like a responsible man. I wish you well." He nodded briefly. "Then we will see you on the Sabbath. The Grace of God be with you. Now, I have matters to attend to. He gave a faint smile, "I have to plan Sunday's sermon. Good day to you." In truth, I had not been lying about fornication with my supposed niece. At this time I felt no desire for Melia, or any other woman, for that matter. I needed no distraction from my task. I thought I might marry some time, but it would be a marriage to further my own rank in society or for financial advantage. I would leave love, whatever that was, to those that believed in it. That was good news that the count came to church regularly. It would allow me to plan the assassination better. I might be able to escape better in the crowd who would be panicked by the death. I had noticed that much of the church was of wooden construction. A fire would be a possible distraction. When I returned to the tavern and my rooms I was immediately asaulted by a strong pungent smell. Melia was sitting over a simmering pot over a small fire adding pieces of bark to the dark boiling liquid. I glared at her. "What on earth are you doing, girl ? Are you trying to poison the air? That smells terrible." In fact she looked slightly guilty. "No Master, I am just making some tannin mixture from oak bark." "What is that used for?" "It is useful to have. It will help cuts heal quicker, and if I add iron to it I could make a dark blue dye. You can write with it, or even dye some cloth." That seemed a strange thing to be doing at this time, but who knows what motivated women, especially Gypsy ones. "Well, do not let it interfere with your other duties," I scolded." And make sure you are finished with it quickly. I do not want to be looking for fresh accomodation." "Master," she added, "that little book you got from the bishop. may I have it? I wish to look at it." I gave it to her. It was useless anyway, but it would keep her occuppied. "You can keep it," I said, "until I return it to Alvarez." A day later I looked at her tannin pot. In it was a piece of what looked like pigskin. I wondered where she had got the skin. From the taverner, I supposed. The taverner had cooked some fresh pork the other day. When I asked her about it being pigskin she just smiled and said that the leather would be useful to patch my clothes or my shoes. I started attending the church regularly, or at least whenever I thought the count would be there. I took Melia with me, but I was annoyed that I had to purchase some cloth and sewing supplies for her, to make clothing similar to the other women's, as the clothes she had obtained after her release from prison, worn and faded as they were, were totally unsuitable for the religious services. In this city, blacks, grays and dark browns seemed to be favoured colours for church services and even for general wear. Melia pouted a little about using subdued colours, but soon she was sewing away merrily and holding half finished garments in front of her. She enjoyed it immensely, and her eyes sparkled. I gathered she had rarely worn absolutely new clothing. I even had to buy shoes and stockings for her. Many women went barefoot in these summer months but if I was supposed to be a merchant or possibly a physician, keeping my niece well dressed would be an apropriate part of my disguise. I knew nothing about sewing then, but her efforts seemed to work well. Certainly the results showed she was a good seamstress. She even showed off her new clothes to me, and I pretended to be interested. As long as they were appropriate for the purposes I was satisfied. After church that next Sunday it was obvious that we were the object of more attention than usual. I had expected to be sought after by women looking for suitable matches for their daughters, but I was unprepared for the attention given to Melia by every unattached young man, it seemed. I even saw a few women looking enviously at her clothing. While she had made clothes that conformed to the general pattern and colour in this city, she had added subtle touches that gave style to them. She carried herself well and her clothing suited her olive skin. By the time I extricated us both I was irritable, but Melia was in a fine mood, her head high, her shoulders back and stepping merrily alongside me in the boots that had cost me so much money. I found the church services strange at first. The service was totally in German, no Latin at all, and there was less to do than in the Catholic services that I had occasionally attended to placate the bishop. At least it gave me more of an opportunity to study the layout of the church when the pastor was not glaring at me in one of his interminable sermons. Most of the congregation sat on plain benches on the floor, but there were two balconies and the count and his family usually sat in a prominent enclosed part on one supplied with two doors, always with guards present. That balcony was quite high. I mused about pushing him over the edge to the stone flagstones below he would be unlikely to survive but the only access to either balcony was via a spiral stair. I would easily be trapped there, so I rejected that plan. So my plans needed some revision. What could I do that would be a good cover for my activities, and also get me access to the count? Time was passing by and I was getting desperate.I was about to try some reckless distance shot with a musket or a crossbow when a lucky course of events began. Melia had gone out, to collect herbs, she said, and I was having a drink in the tavern with some of the citizens when I heard a commotion outside. There was a woman's voice, raised in fear, and I recognized it as Melia's. I ran outside and found a group of rowdies taunting her her. I felt nothing for the girl, but she was supposed to be my neice and thus it was my duty to protect her. Also if they abused one stranger, they might start on me. My sudden appearance, sword in hand, frightened the rowdies away, but Melia had been knocked to the ground, some herbs and plants strewn about her. I helped her up and she squeezed my hands in thanks. I would have left her then but one of the retreating mob threw a stone which hit me on the head and partially dazed me. I also got a nasty cut to my forehead and I was almost blinded with my own blood. Melia screamed and helped me inside and up to our room. The taverner had seen my injury but Melia shooed him off. I did not think the cut was serious. I had had worse in the past. I would have to wear a bandage for some days and that would make me more noiceable, and I knew I would probably be left with a scar. that would be bad for my trade. The fewer noticeable marks I had the better. Melia washed the cut and examined it. "I think it will heal well, master," she said, but a day later it began to pain me and I knew it was infected. I cursed, as this might delay my plans and thus my return. I complained to Melia. "Master, please lie back. I wish to try something." I was irritated when I saw her bringing out the small book, the one with the spurious spells. "What good is that supposed to be?" "I am going to use one of the spells." I laughed. "Your stupid spell book. The spells do not work." "Wait and see," was her reply. I looked at the book. Something did not seem the same. Then I noticed it had a cover. I asked her about it. "Did you cover it with that piece of pigskin?" "Yes, Master, I used a piece of skin, but not of a pig." I shook my head. "Why waste a piece of leather, wherever it came from, on a book of rubbish such as that?" She did not reply but flicked through the pages, opened the book fully, and began to read. The words were strange, like nothing I had ever heard, flowing sounds yet with a guttural tone. I jumped. My wound had started to sting, just enough to bring tears to my eyes, but almost as soon as it had come, the pain began to diminish and be replaced by a pleasant warmth. I tried to touch my wound but she held my hands. "Just wait a minute, Master, until the spell's work is finished." "Spell?" I asked. "What do you mean?" "Just wait." In a minute she released my hands and held up a piece of polished metal mirror. I squinted in the dull surface, but I saw no wound or even a scar. Wondering, I touched where the wound had been. I felt only unblemished skin. "What have you done?" I asked. "You mean these spells work? But the bishop tried them and said they were ineffective." "He destroyed the original book. The new one was ineffective until it had some alterations. You see, all of the spells need the book to be covered in human skin for them to be effective. We did not tell the bishop that, even under torture. No, that would have been too dangerous a weapon for the likes of him. When we found the original book, which had a skin cover, had been destroyed, we were able to pretend that the spells were ineffective. And so they were, until the copy of the book was itself covered by human skin." "But where did you get the skin?" Then I remembered. "Yes, it was from the unfortunate on the gallows. That night after the execution I slipped out of the tavern and cut some skin from his thighs and lower body. You remember the smelly tanning liquid? I used that to tan the skin to preserve it and when it was ready I covered the book with it. I have also made another copy of the book." "Then why are you trusting me with this knowledge?" "Perhaps you will be able to use the book to finish your task more quickly. Then we can return to Alvarez and I will free my brother." "How do you know you can trust me? How do you know I will not slay you and use the book for my own ends. It could make me very rich?" "I do not know that. Actually I do not trust you for that either. But for the present I am sure that we will work together. Our interests are common. I know that you are planning to kill the count. If you are successful you will return to your reward, your money, but I have been promised much more, the freedom of my brother and what is left of my tribe." She looked at me and shook her head slowly. "You are a strange, cold man, Herr Muller. You have done me some kindnesses, but I wonder how much human emotion you feel." I should have beaten her for her words, yet I prided myself on my lack of sentimentality. The next day I was surprised to see the magistrate and an accompanying soldier in the tavern. "Ah, Herr Muller," exclaimed the taverner. "I was just coming to call on you. These gentlemen would like to speak with you." I felt my stomach tense. Had they found out my purpose here? I cursed inwardly. I had left my sword in my chamber, but I felt the comforting presence of my knife under my shirt. Perhaps I could make a run for it. It would mean leaving Melia, though. Did I owe her anything? "Yes, good morning, gentlemen. You wished to speak with me?" The magistrate looked at my brow, as if scrutinizing it. "God morning to you, Herr Muller. We had information that some evenings ago there was an altercation here. That a group of trouble makers from the city had been here causing trouble with you and your niece." He looked at my head again. "We were told that you had received a blow to your head, but I see no injury." "Yes, there were several ruffians. They knocked my niece Melia to the ground. I rescued her, but I received only a slight injury. It also healed fast. Your informant must have been mistaken." "Yet I have just been speaking to the taverner. He also remembers you bleeding. Ah well, perhaps he was mistaken. Now, Herr Muller, I know that these are times of war, and that our state may be drawn into this dreadful conflict, but we seek to establish a just society here, and we will not tolerate unseemly behaviour. Especially against visitors. We have the rowdies under guard. You wish to swear a complaint against them?" I thought briefly. This would give me more attention than I wanted, and yet, I did not want Melia or myself to be known as easy prey. It was bad enough that we were strangers in the city, "I am not sure, not for myself, but as my niece was involved too, I will ask her." When I asked Melia, she was insistent about swearing out a complaint. "We are supposed to be bona fide visitors who may settle here. I think we should. Also, these men are the same type as Alvarez, who abuse the weak." So she had not forgotten Alvarez. As it happened, it was fortunate she did make a formal complaint with the magistrate. The men were brought before the magistrate and sentenced to flogging. If I had doubts about my course of action, they were dispelled when we had the thanks of some of the citizens. "These men had caused much trouble in the past, was a common sentiment." The magistrate even thanked us. "Many of our own citizens here," he said, "have been in too much fear of these men. You have performed a good service." That was to the good. The more goodwill I had from the responsible citizens the less suspicion I would be under. But then he continued. "I heard that you used your sword on the men. I have also been told that you appear fairly skilled with arms. You are very fortunate to be so skilled, far more than many merchants or physicians would be?" There was a sly smile on his face, and I cursed my carelessness. Still, I had had no choice, either that or let Melia be injured. "My father was a soldier," I lied. "He made sure that my brothers and I were instructed in the use of arms. I practice regularly too. A good thing I did." "Yes, you were fortunate indeed." That night in bed I mused about using the book to further my plans, but I did not see how healing spells would be of any use. Actually I had little desire to use a magic book. It was simply too dangerous in these times. None of the opposing parties in these continuing religious wars would have had much tolerance of sorcery, or magic, or whatever they called it. Except Alvarez, of course. He might approve of its spells if they gave him advantage, but possibly, since I knew its secrets, my life would be in danger. Through the pastor I heard of a small residence that was for rent, and after inspection we shifted to there. Melia would have to do more cooking and housework, but these would be expected of her, being a woman. With Melia, I continued to attend the church services, gradually getting to know the congregation and the citizens, but access to the count eluded me. I fretted. I had been here well over a month now and still my mission was not accomplished. I had made a passing aquaintance with several citizens, but that had not led to anything. On the other hand, Melia seemed to have made a number of friends, mainly young men. I was not surprised. Her attractive exotic looks and her smart dress would be sure to attract men. She was especially friendly with one who even came to call on her. I did not object. The girl was of no interest to me and the friendship might lead to other doors being opened. Usually the count and his wife were accompanied by their three children at church services, but one day I saw another very young girl, barely more than a child, with them. As the child looked around I noticed there was something strange about her face, then as she turned more fidgetting in the sermon despite her mother's vain attempts to keep her still, I saw the girl suffered from an extremely bad harelip. A physician might sew the lip together, but it would always be unsightly. Such a pity for the girl. She would have trouble eventually marrying. "Did you see the girl?" asked Melia as we strolled back to the tavern. "Yes, what about her?" "She has a harelip. My spells could cure that and the count would be very grateful, don't you think? He might then trust you and you would have access to him." My hopes rose. She was right. At last I might have an opening, but then I hesitated. "If I used a magic spell," I said slowly, " how would that be perceived by the count or his wife? And what about the pastor. Would I be accused of sorcery?" Melia saw my dilemma. "Mothers want what is best for their children. Despite the doctrines, beliefs or teachings of men, women are more practical. If you cure the girl, you will have the countess' eternal gratitude, and she will make sure her husband the count will voice no objections.He will be concerned to keep it secret. You can be sure too that even if the religious authorities did hear about it, they will act in their best interests, that is to keep the goodwill of the count and raise no objections." "Then the next thing is to contact the countess, but how do we do that." "Leave that to me." In fact it was only two days later when we received a summons to the castle in a letter delivered by one of the pages in the castle. "How did you manage that," I asked Melia. "You have your mind too much on other things, Herr Muller," she smiled. "There is a young man I met at church who I think is very interested in me, and he lives at the castle. I asked him to speak to the countess." Something was not quite right. "And how friendly are you with this man? What is his name?" I asked. "He is called Johann. He is the young man who comes to call on me. He is a younger brother of the countess. He thinks am your niece." So Melia's looks had opened doors for me that my own efforts had not. "If you are 'friendly' with this Johann, then what of the future? You know my purpose here. That will cause turmoil, and he would be affected. How fond are you of him?" She looked at me steadily. "My first duty is to my brother. I would do nothing that would jeopardize his being freed." She sounded quite cold blooded about the situation. I wondered if I had a kindred spirit in the girl. She seemed to have an intense, emotionless, single -minded purpose. "Then how will we handle this? I suppose you will use a spell right away." "First you will ask your God's blessing. That may soften any complaints of their consciences. I think you should be the one to read the spell. After all, I am supposed to be your niece." The next morning we walked up the winding path to the castle and showed the letter of admission. In a few minutes we were brought before the Count von Meissner and his family. I found out the count was called Gustav, and his wife Dagmar. The reception was actually cold. The countess was very suspicious while the count was visibly uneasy. Only Johann was friendly. I brushed off any comments about magic and said that the book was an copy of an ancient one, passed down from the Israelites. This only partially reassured them, but in a minute the countess summoned a maid who then brought in her daughter. The girl would have been quite pretty, with red hair and a very fair complexion, but for her deformity. Melia had given me the book before we had left the house and I pulled it from my leather case. To my amazement, the count dismissed the maid and both of his guards from the room. This was my opportunity to carry out the assassination and yet I hesitated. I do not know why. I had no weapons, but I could have easily slain him with my hands. Perhaps I knew it was still too risky with being in the castle and two guards outside the door. So I only turned to the page Melia had indicated and nervously began to read the spell. It was a good thing I had looked at it before as the words were awkward and I stumbled over them many times. As soon as I was done, I uttered a Christian prayer, in a style I had copied from the preacher, and nervously watched the girl. She sat unconcernedly on her mother's knee holding a doll. I was holding my breath. I looked at the girl's parents. The count was still staring at me with mild distrust and the countess was biting her lip. Only Melia was unmoved. I began to worry and I thought of the special gallows. Then, in less than a minute, the girl let out a small cry, and clapped her hand to her mouth. Her mother gently removed it and we watched as the cleft in the upper lip began redden, then to repair, slowly filling in as the flesh expanded to hide the cleft, and then formed a delicate pretty upper lip. The girl was squealing slightly, but that soon stopped. Her mother looked at her, her jaw dropping in amazement, and then burst into tears and hugged the child. The count was shaking his head slowly as if in disbelief. "This will last? It is permanent?" "Yes, my lord," said Melia. "Your daughter will be pretty now." "I would not have believed it," he said. "Such was the power of the Israelites." "And the mercy of God," I said piously. "His name be praised." The more I downplayed the power of the book the better. "How can I reward you?" asked the count. I shook my head. I pretended to think. "Two ways. Please do not mention this to anyone and we really seek no monetary reward. If you wish, give another donation to the Church." Some money would have been welcome, but this way we would keep in the good graces of the count and perhaps even the Church. The count even embraced me. "We are very grateful to you, Herr Muller. You and your niece will stay and dine with us tonight?" So at last I had gained acccess to the count. Now I had to build on this bit of trust and then strike when I had my plans made. The meal was very pleasant, and in reply to the enquiries of the count and countess we let it be known that although I had used some healing arts (successfully, thanks to God's mercy) I was really interested in setting up as merchant, to trade in spices. Melia sat with us, too. The count had even invited Johann to sit with us. When we parted later some Johann saw us out. He embraced Melia briefly. "A succcessful evening, master?" asked Melia, as we walked down from the castle. "Yes, I would like to thank you. I have made more progress today than in the last month." "What did you think of the count? My friend, Johann, thinks highly of him. I think all of the citizens respect him." "That is no concern of mine. I have a contract to fill." That was not the last time we were invited back to the castle. A week later we were invited to help heal a bad cut on one of the stablemen, and we found ourselves at dinner again. The count and I were soon at ease with each other and a day later he invited me to a hunt with him.That should have been a great opportunity for me, but there were about a dozen more of the count's subjects there. I considered a shot from ambush, but the chance never presented itself. At last the opportunity came. We had been invited to dinner with the count and countesss in celebration of their eldest son's birthday. Johann was not to be there. He was off on some diplomatic business to the north. I resolved to make an end to the affair. "What method are you going to use, Master?" Melia always used 'Master' or 'Herr Muller' when we were alone. Otherwise, as appropriate for my supposed niece, she called me 'Uncle Heinrich' if with other people. "I think a knife. I can quickly cut their throats and be out of the building." "Master, I have been able to get the ingredients together for a poison. Yet is tasteless, and fast acting. I think that would be better. I have some in a vial." She handed me a small glass bottle."Here is enough to kill two people." "Where did you get this?" I asked. "I distilled it from some herbs." In truth Melia had continually been working on collecting plants and making potions almost since we arrived. The tanning solution for that piece of human skin had been only the first in a long line of her strange brews. "You are a marvel, Melia," I said. "But you did not want to use it on me?" I smiled at her. She gave a grin. "No, Master, I need you alive and well for our return to Alvarez to save my brother." The next evening I made our final preparations. "So, now I am ready," I said. "Are you?" We had gone over our plans and rehearsed the possible scenes many times. "Yes." Melia looked very serious. She was pale. I hoped her look would not warn the count that something was amiss. She was to carry the vial of poison. We were given easy entrance to the castle. By now the guards were used to us, and, besides, we had a pass written by countess Dagmar. A page took us to a long corridor to the count and countess, presented us and left. We were warmly greeted by both and soon the count dismissed the two guards and led us into their dining room. The meal had several courses, the highlight being a dish of roast boar with small quail. The cook had outdone himself. The wine flowed freely and soon our conversation was laced with laughter. Remembering past experiences I was careful how much I drank, but pretended to be getting quite jolly. Throughout the whole meal the conversation was light and friendly, even relaxed. The count finally offered me help in influencing the elders of the city in getting my supposed spice business established. I even felt a slight feeling of regret for what I was about to do. It was getting late and we knew there would be a toast. I had reserved the poison for that. In accord with our plans. I drew on a humourous tale from my past and with great drama I acted out the part of a prosperous burger. Both Gustav and Dagmar were beside themselves with laughter and as their backs were turned, I saw Melia slip some of the vial into their two wine glasses. She brought them over to us and I carefully selected one. Melia too selected an unpoisoned one and in minutes , with a toast to our futures, we downed them. I was surprised with the rapidity of the poison. It was scarcely a minute before both count and countess frowned, then made uncomfortable expressions, grabbed their throats and with contorted features sank to the ground. Gustav tried to point at me but gave a weak croak and collapsed completely. There had been hardly a sound. I waited another minute then examined the count. He had stopped breathing and I could detect no pulse. I gave Melia a look of triumph. She looked pale and shuddered. "It is a terrible thing to kill people, especially those that trusted you, she whispered." I had no quarrel with the count and countess but I was paid to kill them. I felt a brief regret at leaving their children orphaned, but I shook the feeling off. Other children in these dangerous times had suffered just as much. "Now, on our way." As we had planned, we donned our cloaks, and with hearty wishes, to the supposed still hale and hearty count and his wife, we opened the door to the hall. "The count does not wish to be disturbed, " said Melia . "He is feeling amorous," she whispered with a grin. The guard nodded, grinned back, and waved us down the hall. I forced myself to walk casually. A few minutes more and we were out of the castle. More still and we were at our rooms collecting our necessities. Yet more and we were riding frantically to the river that marked the boundary of the count's state as fast as our horses would go. With luck the count's death would be unnoticed until dawn. Just over the boundary river we finally rested. "Do you feel any regret at their deaths?" asked Melia. "They were fine people and they trusted us." "A little. I agree that they were a pleasant couple, I suppose," I grinned, " except to alchemists. I had no quarrel with them but that does not matter. I had contracted to kill them." "Then do you feel triumph at furthering the ambitions of the bishop?" "I suppose he will be happy, but more to the point is that he will pay me well. Another such job and I will have the money I need to secure my future. What about your Johann?" "I am sure he would be horrified at any killing, but my responsibility is to my brother Astrik first." The rest of our journey only took another two days, and while we wasted no time, we had no cause to worry about pursuit as we were well away from the boundary of Von Meissner's small state. At Alvarez's mansion we announced ourselves to the guards and were brought before him right away. When I recounted all that had passed he listened attentively and as I described the count's last minutes a feral smile passed over his features. "You are really sure the count is dead?" he asked. "I am certain. I waited five minutes but I felt no pulse." "I checked also," said Melia. "There were no signs of life." Alvarez gave a howl of triumph. "A real victory for the Church," he cried. "A pity the death was not dishonourable, but it cannot be helped. Now that the city is leaderless we can invade and destroy our enemies utterly." "Ah, I suppose you want your money." He shook his head. "You do not seem to celebrate the victory of our righteous cause?" It would help to humour him. "Of course I do. I just suppose I am tired from all of our efforts. But it is a great victory for us. I am happy to have helped our just cause." Then, just in case he conveniently forgot, "But as we agreed, I will need my recompense." "Yes, yes, yes, I know." Alvarez waved his hand dismissively. "This is a great day. I know what to do. I will summon a great assembly of our leaders here. It will be a great celebration and then we will present you with your reward. Ah, we should have something extra. No, we will give you your fee first, but use the celebration for presentation of a fine medal for your services to the Church. There will be our count, his family, the whole court and their ladies, and all the senior figures of the diocese. Ah, it will be a great day. How the cathedral bells will ring!" I noticed that Melia's eyes were shining with excitement. "That is wonderful for you, Master," she said, looking at me. I wondered why she should enjoy the bishop's triumph so much. He had done her no kindness, and she appeared to have had some regrets, despite planning my use of poison. Alvarez must have finally noticed her presence too. He scowled at her. "Did this girl serve you well?" "Yes," I said, "She helped well. Without her help I could not have succeeded. She was invaluable." "Please, your Excellency," said Melia. "I have served Herr Muller well and faithfully. I have done all that was asked, and more. Now what about my brother? And the rest of my people. You promised their release." The bishop looked at her irritably. "You are insolent, Gypsy girl. Remember your place, but yes, I will release your brother.There is one other woman too. The rest have died." He called an order to a guard, and turned to Melia. "They will be here presently. You will remember too that I expect you all to leave this area within the week, and never return." Melia 's shoulders had hunched and I saw a tear at her eye. "Only two left," I heard her mutter under her breath. Then, "A week will be all that I need. Thank you, your Excellency." I wondered why she was being so obsequious, but she was a much different person with Alvarez than she had been when alone with me. In minutes the guards brought in two pathetic figures. A man and a woman, both in filthy rags. The man's face was gaunt, and from what I could see of his arms, he was reduced to almost skin and bone. Melia gave a small scream and ran to help him. She embraced him, crying. I watched them impassively. The other woman was scarcely any better. Melia embraced her too. "It is my aunt," she explained. "I must take them and care for them. Master, can we use your room? There is space there." The bishop looked at me. "You permit this?" "It is a small thing," I said. "She has helped me, and she will soon be away from here." I looked at Melia. "Yes, you may use my quarters." I waved her away irritably. As soon as they had gone, the bishop had me recount again and again the details of my mission. Yet I omitted the information about the magic book. Melia had helped me and I also felt that I might use it sometime. I wondered how I could get a copy from her, but I thought it too dangerous for Alvarez to know about it. The book had healing spells, but who knows what use a man like Alvarez would put them to? I supposed that Melia and her brother would soon depart. They had been given seven days. That would take them some days past the bishop's victory celebrations. Perhaps their departure from the city would be another small victory for him. "Ah Heinrich, I have much to attend to in the city, and I will have to stay there for some days. But you are welcome to use my house here. Even the Gypsies. I will give the servants orders that you are to be given all help. That way you can relax after your efforts. But just one thing. Come and dine with me tomorrow in the city to go over some final things with my superiors." When I returned to my quarters, Melia had Astrik in bed. He had been washed and she was feeding him some soup. He still looked frail, but it was as if there was now some glow about him. The woman was in better health, sitting at the fire and also supping soup. The next day Melia was still continually attending to her brother, but he looked a different man, and by that afternoon he was up and walking about. Melia had me continually ordering food for him from Alvarez's kitchen, and she even begged some of my older clothes for him. "Perhaps you will not be needing these, sir. You will soon have fresh clothes." She was right. With my reward I would be able to get new clothes to replace the ones I had worn on my assignment. "Yes, Melia, take what you wish. Oh. We will be stayng here for at least until the celebration. Bishop Alvarez has given us use of his house as he will be occuppied in the city for several days. I am to banquet with him tomorrow evening." The next evening, as I returned from banquetting with Alvarez and his superiors in the city, Melia welcomed me back to our chambers. "Master, I would like to thank you," she said, "for what you have done for me. You helped me once. I will always remember that." "Thank you," I said. "Melia?" I asked. "That magic book of yours. Would would it be possible for me to have a copy?" I sat down heavily, hiccupping. I must have overindulged at Alvarez's. She poured a glass of wine for me. "Let me think, Master, how I can do this. I will fetch it." She went to her pack and pulled out the book. She said something to her brother that I did not understand. Something in the Gypsy language, I suppose, then opened the book. "Excuse me," Herr Muller," he said. "I think I will take a walk outside." Almost absent mindedly Melia turned over the pages. "This is a powerful book," she said slowly, and flicked through the pages again. She laughed at one. "These are old sounds, from an ancient language." She poured me yet more wine. "Yes, I will let you use the book, but, Master, are you able to read it? Here, try reading this part." She put the pages in front of my eyes and I peered at the strange words

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Porch Sitting With Daddy

Copyright© 1/14/2005 Inpired by and written for my special "Daddy" Daddy got home late; the house was dark except for a low light in the kitchen. He made his way down the hall and looked in on his little girl. In the glow of her nightlight he could see her sprawled, naked on the bed. He went into the room and pulled a sheet up over her, ran his hand over her long hair as he bent over and kissed her cheek. She didn't even change her breathing. He'd almost wished she'd woken up, if only to...

2 years ago
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Helping the teacher

However, she implied that there might be something I could do to prevent that. Now I ain’t no fool, I’ve seen porno’s, I knew where this was going. I was curious though so I bit, I asked what I could do to stay out of trouble. She said that there was some extra credit I could do. I asked what it was, playing the fool I said I’d do anything to stay out of trouble. She said the work was actually in her car, she forgot to bring it in. I said I’d go with her to get it. We walked out to her car, it...

4 years ago
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Wish Shift Confrontation

Wish Shift: Chapter Nine Confrontation Year 1 A.S. Day 47 Kira and Dianne held Jenny and rocked her as her screams ebbed and faded into sobs then into soft painful moans. The entire time Dianne was stroking her hair and making soothing sounds and telling Jenny that they were here for her. When she mostly stopped shaking, Dianne asked Kira to go into the little kitchen and brew her some tea. She continued holding her as the color slowly returned to her face and the trembling...

2 years ago
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California CrewChapter 26

And the first party was here. I packed a bag, and headed over to Jackie's to get ready. As I said before, we were all sleeping over at her house afterwards. Amy was already there when I got there, and they were drinking Diet Cokes and watching television in her room. Her maid greeted me at the door, and gestured up the stairs. I all ready knew where to go. We had all been friends since forever, and I had been to all of their houses too many times to count. "Hey," they said, looking up...

1 year ago
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My 1st sexperience with virgin student Swati

Usually I’m a late riser. One day morning my mom was screaming at me to wake me up. Someone had come to my room. I woke up reluctantly and wringed my eyes and took my specs. Then I saw the man. He was my neighbor. I knew him. He said, “Are you a maths tutor? “ I replied yes. He asked me that if I had time to teach his daughter. I knew her too. She’s Swati. First I told him that I had not enough time but I didn’t refuse his offer. I was agreed to teach her from the next month. On the very 1st...

First Time
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One evening, I was home alone. My wife had gone out with her friends and I did not want to go with her. So I stayed home and watched some TV. After a couple of hours, I started up my laptop to check my email. Nothing in my inbox, so I decided to check out some porn site. I had seen this site a couple of times when I had browsed the web. It was a site where white women fucked big black cocks. I had often thought about how it would be to see my beautiful wife stuffed with a huge black cock. My...

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A hot summers day with Sarah

This day in particular was quite warm, about 95 degrees. Why the hell I was outside hurling pieces of steel at a hunk of wood in that heat, I still don’t know. Maybe it was fate. So needless to say, she was pretty caked in sweat. Her nipples poked through her tight sports bra as the sweat had softened the fabric. I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty hot to see. She moved down the steps of the elevated wood porch and moved over to a cloth hammock they had strung between two trees. Then it...

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Ritas true story

after our encounter with sue Rita wanted her turn so it was left to me to arrange and boy was she excited at the prospect of what i was planning.you see Rita wanted to be fucked by 5 men and begged me relentlessly to arrange it so i did,i called Rita and said it would be tonight great she said i will get ready so i rounded my mates from the football team and had told them about this incredibly horny lady i had meet and what she wanted needless to say they couldn't wait.when we got to her house...

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Changing Professions Part Two

Part Two: The Job You might remember that Eve left the studio following an audition as a ‘model’ in the adult film industry to meet her best friend Jan for lunch. Jan had suggested contacting her friend, George, for an interview and a possible acting job in adult videos. Jan had answered a casting call a year earlier and now earned a nice living appearing in porn. Eve liked Jan’s upscale lifestyle which she couldn’t afford after losing her teaching job seven months earlier. Let’s catch up...

1 year ago
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Abby Learns Alot at the Party

Note : This story is completely fictional! Abby was so excited thinking about going to the party, she could hardly contain herself. She was a 15 year old sophomore and she was going to a senior party with one of the hottest boys at school. She was also happy that now she would be able to spend more time with Melissa. Melissa was two years older than Abby but they had been friends since they were six and four. Melissa and her family lived next door, and they had become almost as close as sisters...

First Time
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Eating my Cum

Philosophically speaking, I see no harm in eating your own semen and I certainly do not think it makes you gay. I have absolutely no desire to be with another man, I just feel that it is insanely hot to think about my own cum in my mouth, and oh so difficult to do. In high school, when I was limber and spry, I attempted autofellatio a few times and was able to taste my own cum through this method. I cannot say it is something I necessarily enjoyed at that time, but I was curious and it was...

2 years ago
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Tempted Teased and Tied Up Part 3

I can think of no better way to get even with you for your little clit tweak while I was ordering dinner, than making you wait for your climax. I was planning on teasing you, as it were, but now I’m out for revenge. As I start to recover from my climax, our appetizer arrives and is set on the table. When the waiter leaves, I reach up and with my fingers take a hold of one of the shrimp. Dipping it into the cocktail sauce, I bring it to my lips, slipping a little bit into my mouth in a...

Straight Sex
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naughty threesome

One day my friend Andrew called me over and said that his wife Samantha had given him a birthday present and he wanted to show it to me. When I got there he opened the present box and pulled out one of those see through flesh jack! It reminds of a shape of female’s pussy and is made up of specific material which resembles the feel of hot woman’s flesh! This is a type of sex toys designed for use by males. I looked at him and then at Samantha and smiled because I knew what was going to happen...

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My New Neighbour

I was over the moon when the live in warden of the block of sheltered accommodation flats where I lived told me the new tenant of the next flat to mine was a single woman around my own age. “At last,” I thought, “someone I can talk to.” Pretty well every tenant in the block was much older than I was and I had little if anything in common with them so someone my own age, early sixties, would make a pleasant change. It was about a week later on Wednesday morning when she moved in. I saw the...

2 years ago
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Scrolller Pee

There’s nothing like busting a fat nut on some dumb cunts face. Watching the surprise take over her body as I pressure wash her face with baby batter gives me butterflies. Women get longer and stronger orgasms, which I understand. It’s the universe’s way of making up for childbirth and periods. On the other hand, men get to see evidence of their accomplishments. That accomplishment is the ability to convince a woman to fuck you. I suppose it makes up for having to carry these sensitive ass...

Scat Porn Sites
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Surprise Im LefthandedChapter 10

It did not seem to make much difference which alley I chose, so I took the one to the left of the one the shooter had used. The people of Paddock were unusually smart, I guess, because there was an alley between each pair of buildings thereby providing a fire break in case any building caught fire. The fire breaks were on the order of five feet wide, so there was plenty of room for free movement. I had my shotgun ready by the time I got to the selected alley opening, and I held it so that it...

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Some of the best sexual experiences of my life pt

There was a time in my life about 20 yrs ago. I was 29 & had just gotten out of the state pen, 3 yrs for stupid petty shit. Anyway a kind family took me in & I became one of the family. The dad of the family owned his own business. The mom worked at the largest most known floral co. in town and she got me a job there. I started out in the wholesale dept., unloading trucks, keeping stock rotated, making delivery to the stores etc. The manager of that department was a woman I was to find...

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sex with tition teacher

Our family was very conservative and talking about sex was a taboo thing at that time. Even the movies with a little exposing scenes my parents never allowed me to see. Frankly I never had much knowledge of sex at that time and the information was limited to the casual talks with my friends and I never had the faintest of idea what all is done during sex. Yes I knew they kiss and caress and just how intercourse is done, but I had confusion and doubts about many things of sexual act.At that time...

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Two Family House

 My name is Judy, and I had just graduated from nursing school and was living on the right side of a two-family house, with an elderly couple living on the other side.The layout of the houses was identical except reversed. My bedroom and bathroom shared a wall with theirs. I had lived there for a few months and had never heard a single sound from their side and so naturally assumed that the walls were soundproof.They were a really nice couple and always smiled and said hello whenever we...

1 year ago
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Older Woman in Coffee Shop Part 3

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- BE A GOOD BOY AND HOLD STILL --------------------------------------------------------------------------- James didn't waste any time. When she told him to go, he did just that. Jumping up he virtually sprinted down the hall. He didn't know how long she'd give him to get to the room and get undressed, but he didn't want to risk failing her test if she hurried after him. James had been thinking about tonight ever...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 25

Winter Term, 1977 Monday morning, school was back in session. The Christmas Break was over. I needed a vacation from my vacation. The uproar surrounding my pending lawsuit had quieted down. There weren’t any reporters screaming out questions or taking photographs around the school or trying to talk to me. Everyone close to me was curious as to how much I was going to receive from my lawsuit. I told them I was not sure. Finals were a week away, I had yet to hear from the school concerning if...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 11

In part 1 to 10 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

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The Miracle A TWILIGHT ZONE story

This story is dedicated to a beautiful young girl who tragically took her own life on September 5, 2006. This story is not about her. Nor does it involve her suicide, but rather, is a result of my own grief for her family. When I feel the ache of sadness, I write...it's the only way I am able to understand and cope with tragedy. - Anon Allsop ***************************************************************** "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight...

4 years ago
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Molly the Manager Part 3 Afterglow home cooked

This is a true story. I changed the names of the people, but geographical locations, names of defunct department stores are real. Molly lay on her back, still breathing heavy for a couple of minutes. The warm glow of the candles she lit and the wine I had consumed in the hot tub made the events surreal. "Either I had multiples or I had one long, long orgasm. I have never had that before. " "Everything just happened. I guess it started when you were running your hands on my chest. That...

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HandsOnHardcore Jynx Maze Sexy Latina Fucks Father And Son

Sexy Latina Jynx Maze stars in today’s Hands on Hardcore XXX premium porn by DDF Network. The hot brunette bombshell with seductive brown eyes and an irresistible smile is wet AF and needs to get laid so bad. She’s looking for a father & son kinda kinkiness and once Danny Mountain enters her apartment, she immediately seduces him and grabs him by his big balls. Seconds later, his massive veiny dick disappears inside her insatiable mouth when John Strong joins them for an epic...

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Mi VidaChapter 21

Dave's turn: We have Carlita registered for college, major to be determined. We had a long talk. The local school board was willing to foot the costs of some of her college if she promised to teach when she graduated. Carlita's not stupid. She talked with Pat, my sister, who IS a teacher in public school. "My students WANT to be in my classes," Carlita said. "Pat's students, some of them do NOT want to be in school. I am not ready for a life of dealing with that." So me being a...

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TMWPOV Amber Deep After College Delight

Beautiful girl Amber Deep gets really bored when she comes home because she has nothing to do after college. In such cases, she usually lets her hands to wander and touch her pussy to keep herself occupied. But today a family’s friend comes to visit her for a few days, and she can’t miss the opportunity to have a good sex with him. Amber enters his room and begins to seduce him, bending over and showing her juicy ass. The friend is skeptical at first, but when he understands the...

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Linda Where are you going?” repeated Tim firmly.“Out!” said Linda sharply. “I’m going to a play at the Livingston Theater. The Palo Players. You’ve probably never heard of them.”Tim studied his wife and she met his gaze firmly. “Why are you being so uppity?” he asked. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He looked at his watch. “You can go out. It’ll be dark when you get back. What time’s it over?”“Ten-thirty,” Linda, answered her irritation growing. She started to open the...

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The New Relationship

A New Relationship        I met Becky 2 years after my divorce.  We were both in our mid-30’s and each had successful careers that we worked hard to maintain.  Actually, that is how we met.  I am the President of chain of very successful banks.  Becky is CFO of a small company that was quickly outgrowing the building that housed it.        We had met on a couple of occasions to discuss loaning her company money to build her company a new building.  We had enjoyed working with one another and...

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The Neighborhood MILF Stella

Our neighborhood is blessed with dozens of great, beautiful people and I’ve been happy to share stories about several of our friends along with some of the intimate sexual details. As cool as it is to have friends and neighbors having the same personal views on sexual experimentation, not everyone has the same take on it.Mourning friend Stella is an unbelievably cute short-haired woman in her thirties, who turns heads whenever she is out and about. She and her husband Jim run an Auto Body Shop...

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The Dancer

"Let me off here," Lynn said quietly.Dutifully, I pulled over the SUV. The afternoon Tennessee sun baked the dusty asphalt and brightened the lush greenery to either side. But to me, there was a darkness around Lynn, as if she were fading into the coming night."Are you sure?" I asked softly."Yes." She got out, pulling that ridiculous case out of the back seat.I gave her one last look: a thin young woman, just 5'3" and 105 pounds. Her low-waisted, destroyed cut-offs revealed lean, tanned legs,...

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Sometimes combat can bring out the unexpected in people, especially when they come through a firefight alive. This story was based on an Army buddy's fantasy. It isn't meant to reflect chauvinistically toward female soldiers. This is a man's fantasy; even military men can fantasize, can't they? It's almost funny how it all started. I'd been with the 81st Airborne in vehicle maintenance for almost 6- months before our unit was sent to Iraq. Being one of only one hundred women in a...

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GenerationsChapter 45 A Night At The Hilton

“Well, Mr. Tallman, our honeymoon suite is right here,” said Lauren, pointing out the windshield of Peter’s Jeep towards the Sheraton across the street. Peter glanced in the direction his new wife was pointing. He grunted noncommittally and kept in his lane, passing the hotel. “Peter, you just passed the entrance!” remarked Lauren. Peter glanced over at his wife again. Shortly after they had gotten into the Jeep, Lauren had undone several more hooks-and-eyes, opening the slit in her dress...

2 years ago
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Negotiating a Mortgage

About a year ago I decided that I wanted to invest some of the extra money I had been making in recent months. I had already been putting plenty of money into mutual funds, so I decided I would buy some more property. After looking around at several homes, I decided upon a nice townhouse that I felt would be easy to rent. After writing up the purchase agreement, subject to financing of course, I contacted the bank that carried my other mortgage and set up an appointment with Jan, one of the...

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Caught my cheating girlfriend

Hi all , i am a great fan of ISS which gives the people a platform to share about their sexual realistic experiences and fantasies as well. I have read nearly all of the stories over her and am a very old fan of its.But this is my first attempt to be open and accept the sexual encounters and experiences that i have had in the real life. This is one such incident that happened to me around an year and half back and this is totally a real incident without any fantasies and a true experience.This...

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Ingrams Associates 5 Personality FlawsChapter 3

Eric left around 3am. April drifted off with a small smile on her face, after setting her phone alarm to get her up in time so she could shower, dress, and be in her little convertible and back up to the Pub ready to be picked up by Rachael for their weekend getaway. As it was, she barely made it. The traffic out of London was heavier than she imagined, and she got back to the pub just in time to dump her bags, grab a backpack she’d already stuffed with clothes, transfer her toiletries, hit...

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Katies revenge part 6

Katie left her mom alone and tied up for about 2 hours.Katie was actually tireing of this game.and feeling a tad guilty but just a tad.She finally decide to end it sooner than she had at first. Mommy I will make you a deal are you interested? Helen asked...what do you mean a deal.? I will end this tonite on one condition..Uh what would that be Helen replied. You have to tell me all the truthfull stories about your sexual escapades over your long life as a slut whore. so I can record them and...

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Mommyrsquos Another Side

My family consists of me, my brother Hari (20 years old), my mom Nikita (37 years old) and my dad Siddarth (43 years old). My mom was forced to marry a rich guy in her school days.Siddarth was also like a typical youngster. He couldn’t resist my mom’s structures. Even now, no one can resist it. Her vital stats are 36D-26-36. It is a wonder how she is maintaining them. But Siddarth chose to be a hard worker and started focusing on work. He didn’t care about maintaining a sexual relationship with...

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SHORT PIECES Gay Tales Volume 2

SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales) Volume 2The BearsIt was a lovely day in the forest as Michael’s group had left the tents and continued where they had left off the day before. The purpose of the team was to cut the underbrush and assemble it in piles along the old path. This area had been saved for selective cutting by a major lumber company. Michael’s team was one of five groups of 6 men each spread over the entire forested area. The cutters were seasoned woodsmen, their age ranging from 35 to 60...

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Welcomed VisitorChapter 13 Life Goes On

Kim and Susie went home and Grace, Janet and I settled down for some rest. Even though I was tired from all the activity of the evening before I managed to wake up after a couple of hours. I wasn't sure what was going on but I felt a warm moist feeling on my cock. I lifted the sheet and looked down. There was the smiling face of Janet looking back up at me with her mouth filled with my rejuvenated erection. She started a bobbing motion while sucking for all she was worth. Satisfied that she...

4 years ago
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Boyfriends dad had me

It all started when my (now Ex) boyfriend parents invited him and I on holiday over 15 years ago. I was 19 and my ex BF was 21 and his parents were probably in their late 40’s. They were called Thelma and Jim and were pleasant enough. I often caught Jim staring at me and I found it quite amusing that he was getting turned on lusting after me.It was August and Thelma and Jim had booked us all into a Bed and Breakfast in Margate for 4 days and I must admit I was looking forward to the break, some...

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TheWhiteBoxxx Lea Guerlin Remote Orgasm

Exquisite beauty, Lea Guerlin lies bound hand and foot, and semi-nude in delicate black lace lingerie while Kristof Cale teases her wildly with his riding crop, expert hands, and remote control sex toys. First, he plays with her, arousing her desire before inserting the erotic device deep inside. The sensual beauty is helpless as he mercilessly controls the intensity of her orgasm. The restraints are never removed as she gratefully sucks her lover off and is then fully rewarded in a bout of...

2 years ago
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The 2nd AmendmentChapter 16

This opportunity was too good to miss, so we jumped out of our car and ran to intercept the man before he actually reached the synagog. Nancy was the one who ran to brace him while I covered her from the man’s back. “Stop right there. You are under arrest for trying to plant a bomb.” That was not a very subtle approach, but the man reacted as we expected. He sort of threw the package at Nancy and tried to turn to run. He didn’t get even a step as I jammed my baton into his solar plexus. At...

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GirlsWay AJ Applegate Jelena Jensen A Dirty Cinderella Story 2 The Evil Stepmother

Stepdaughter AJ Applegate wakes up to phone call from her bestie who lives back home in New York. The girls catch up on her new life in LA. When AJ’s not at school, she’s mostly doing chores for her demanding stepmother Jelena Jensen. She promises to text with her later, then hangs up to start her housework. After AJ washes the floors, she brings Jelena her breakfast in bed. When the aspiring actress AJ tells Jelena she got the lead role in the school play, Jelena wonders if she...

3 years ago
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Auntie Loves Her Pussy To Be Sucked

Even though I knew I would be an easy lay for Harry, I hoped that I could tease him and maybe her into an extremely high and hard state that we all would be happy about. Daddy got sidetracked about young boy sex and his sister, my auntie was about crossing the gender boundary, they did this with Harry. She was bisexual from her childhood, and I was also in that path knowing that sucking a cock was just as pleasurable as sucking a pussy. My auntie loved her pussy to be sucked and licked,...

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Sweet Dreams Ch 02

Note: CH, this is one third you… one third will… and one third imagination. To my readers, thank you for sticking with me. Part three will follow shortly. As always this story is not to be reproduced without my permission. Phoenix stood in front of the mirror, and tried to regain her composure. She took stock of the situation as she gazed at her reflection. ‘Okay, no big deal. You are in a strange mans bathroom, wrapped in his bathrobe.’ She began to towel dry her hair. ‘ Nothing to worry...

1 year ago
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Losing virginity with my childhood friend Part 2 Virgin Sex Stories

If you haven’t read the first part, check that first. Jacob and my parents were heading to a couples retreat this weekend and Jacob had more than hinted that he wanted me to stay with him. There was the anticipation of what may happen, but I felt ready. I wanted him to touch me in the most intimate way a man can touch a woman. Having sex with your childhood friend is not a bad idea either. We were home alone Friday night and Jacob took me over to his house. I was nervous because – the...

4 years ago
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Carnal Campus Ch 09

Joe went in to his office after finishing the yard, showering, and eating some lunch. During the whole drive to the campus his mind reeled with mixed thoughts. He couldn’t believe what he had been through in the last forty-eight hours. He didn’t feel like a man who had, in a very short period of time, cheated on his wife, slept with his best friend’s wife, co-worker’s daughter, or secretly lusted after a go-go dancer (not to mention the luscious blond from the hotel). In fact, he felt pretty...

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Getting to Third BaseChapter 9

"I've got to get home and get some sleep. I've gotta work tomorrow," Patti said. "Call in sick." "I can't do that! Those kids are depending on me! The place is shorthanded as it is! Staff members have to show up and do the job!" "Then go to work sleepy," I said. "We're going hash this out, tonight. Right now." We were both on the couch, but we weren't touching. I was way to the left, and Patti was way to the right. There was room for a whole 'nother couple between us -- if...

3 years ago
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Begging for Release Part II

Rose sighed as she put the clean glass onto the drying rack and returned to the sink to scrub at another dish. Sometimes being a single, independent woman can be a real bore. It’s the same old thing, day in and day out, getting up at 6am, going to her dead-end telemarketing job every week day, coming home at 7pm and going to bed. It gets a little repetitive and, to quote a Wise Man, ‘Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different outcome’. Rose was sick of it. To...

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UniversityChapter 23

Perth III We found Gino's and got a table for three. Sue arrived a few minutes later. "Hello, Gordy; no, you're certainly not 'Little Patrick' any more. How do you do? I'm Sue Carr." "Hi. You look just like you do on the telly ... just a bit prettier." "Ooh! A charmer." We ordered and Sue looked at me. "So, why did you want to talk to me? I don't need to be very clever to tell you've a reason." "Okay. But it's not a short story." "What's the headline?" "I want to...

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RebelChapter 82 A Doubtful Tale

Not Credible "See this here place, this area," the lieutenant said pointing to his map. I nodded. "Somewhere in these woods there's a home guard bunch that has been raising hell with the Redcoats," he stopped and looked at me. "You ain't busy are you?" "No sir," I said, not wanting to lie but having enjoyed several days of inactivity. "Go find out who's leading 'em. Tell 'em we're getting ready to retreat again. See if you can get this bunch to join up." I nodded and...

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