Shasta's TaleChapter 9 free porn video

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There was a quarter moon that night, intermittingly hidden behind broken clouds. They moved slowly in the dark along a rough path that twisted sinuously around rocks and scrub brush. Their guides seemed to be taking them on a circular route around the town, although they could see a faint glow from that direction. Shasta ended up walking next to Nesho as they carefully picked their way along the rocky ground in a long line.

"Here," Shasta said to Nesho, "let me take that basket. You have enough to carry with the baby."

"Thank you, dear," Nesho replied handing over the basket. "She is getting to be quite a little package nowadays. Thankfully she's asleep."

"That must be quite a fire if we can see it from here," Shasta whispered.

"Oh, aye," a male voice chuckled from somewhere behind them. "They was told to set a fire and a fire they did set. It's amazing what a few pots of oil on a wooden building will do. Can't say but that the owner will be very happy when all's said and done."

"That won't be a problem," Nesho replied. She turned back to Shasta, "Dent's company owned that particular warehouse. I don't think he'll mind; buildings can be rebuilt, his children can't."

"Not to mention his wives or his people," Shasta added. She felt more than saw Nesho nod in agreement.

They walked quietly for a good while. Shasta couldn't have said for how long except that her feet were hurting, her arms ached from carrying the basket and the moon had moved halfway across the sky.

"Would you like me to take Makro?" Shasta asked. "You must be getting tired."

"Thank you, but I'm doing all right at the moment," Nesho answered almost cheerfully. "She sits pretty well in this sling. My feet and my back are going to ache, that's for sure. The price of getting old, I guess."

"Old!" Shasta snorted. "You'll walk the feet off the rest of us I'll bet."

"Maybe," Nesho laughed softly. "But when we finally stop I wouldn't mind someone rubbing my poor tired back and feet."

"That can be arranged," Shasta muttered, glad that it was too dark for anyone to see just how furiously she was blushing right then.

"Just a little further, Mistress," came the voice of another of their escorts from further up the line. As predicted they soon came to the entrance of what looked like a tunnel leading straight into the side of the volcano. As they entered someone lighted a number of torches and passed them out to the escorts.

Shasta was amazed at what was revealed by the light. The tunnel they were in was almost perfectly circular and about ten feet in diameter, leading off into the mountain.

"Who dug this?" she asked in awed tones.

"Nobody, Mistress," one of the men standing next to them chuckled. "Or maybe you could say the volcano did. This is a lava tube, or so we're told. Years ago when our volcano was active, liquid rock flowed through these down to the sea. There are hundreds of them all over the island. We've been using them as shelter from the storms we sometimes get."

"Won't the pigs be searching them?" Shasta asked.

"The pigs?" he answered, slightly puzzled. "Oh... them! Like I said, there are hundreds of them. Most of them are interconnected like a maze. Only us natives know where they are and where they go, and even we don't know all of them. They could search for a hundred years with the handful of men they have and still never find us. And if they tried... Well, the ones they send in won't be coming out."

"Follow me, Mistress," he indicated to Nesho. "It's not very far now."

True to his word they walked for another fifteen or twenty minutes and the tunnel widened out into a large chamber. It could have easily held five hundred people but there was perhaps half that number huddled around small fires or sleeping on mats. When their group started streaming in, a few of the ones sitting down jumped up and began shouting. Soon everybody was up and rushing over to see the newcomers. Even more were coming from behind woven reed screens along the walls of the chamber that Shasta hadn't noticed until the occupants behind them were roused by the commotion.

A few of the hostage girls squealed in delight when they saw what had to be their families, and there were a number of tear-filled embraces between mother and daughter. For the most part the rest stood around sadly looking for, and not finding their own families. In one case a girl ran happily up to a group standing around a fire only to have the oldest man turn his back on her as she approached. The girl held her arms out pleadingly to the woman standing next to the man but she did nothing, although her eyes darted between the two. Shasta would have sworn she heard Sosho actually growl as Sosho, baby still strapped to her chest, stomped over to the sobbing girl, put an arm around her and led her back to their group. If the proverbial 'looks could kill' were possible the woman would have been struck down dead, and her husband -- Shasta assumed that was who he was -- would have been flayed open with a dull knife.

"Mother..." Sosho hissed through clenched teeth. Shasta recognized the girl; it was Zsofia.

"Not now, Sosho," Nesho said, her face an expressionless mask, although Shasta could feel the anger radiating from the older woman through the strengthening bond they held. "Now is not the time, daughter. Soon it will be, and there will be a reckoning. But not now."

"She'll stay with us," Sosho stated. Nesho nodded tersely as if to say, "Of course."

Shasta was about to go over and see if she could help Sosho with the distraught Zsofia when one of the village women approached their group.

"Mistress," she said nodding to Nesho. "We had hoped you would be coming and we set aside a room for all of you. If you'll follow me I show you where it is. I'm sure you must be tired."

"Yes, we are," Nesho answered. "What about the rest of these women?"

"If their families aren't in this cave they'll be taking shelter in one of the others. We'll get them set straight tomorrow." The woman glanced at Sosho and Zsofia then over to where Zsofia's mother and father were arguing in what appeared to be a quiet, but rather nasty way. "Some of them... Well, we'll deal with that."

"Where is the Women's Council, Ilona?" Sosho said over the top of Zsofia's head. "We expect them to do something about this, or we will."

"One battle at a time, Mistress Sosho," Ilona said with a nod. "Right now even the Woman's Council is... not fully in accord. But we will take action."

"They may find time running away from them," Sosho replied icily. "For now Zsofia will stay with us, and any other that their families deem not acceptable to associate with."

Ilona nodded grimly and beckoned them to follow her. She led them to one of the woven wall hangings and pushed it aside. Shasta walked into the alcove behind the hanging with the others and was surprised at its size. It was easily three times the size of the old room she shared with Katern, more than enough room for the four, now five of them, plus the babies. There were a number of straw-filled canvas mattresses covered with blankets on the floor and a small lamp turned low sitting on a ledge to one size.

"I know it isn't much, mistress," Ilona sighed, "but it's the best we could do for now. Hopefully we can get something decent for you in a few days."

"This is more than adequate," Nesho reassured her. "We need nothing else. However I wonder if you might know where any other of our household staff are located?"

"Aye, mistress," Ilona nodded. "None of them are here right now, but we will be sending for them as soon as possible. We should be able to gather them together by tomorrow, or the day after at the latest."

"Thank you, Ilona. Is there anything you need from us?" Nesho asked. "If not then I think we have a couple of babies to feed and change, then I think we will need some sleep ourselves. By the by, where do we take care of our... necessities?"

"We have a separate cave set aside for that mistress," Ilona replied. "It's off to the right; just ask anybody. I think sleep would be a very good idea, mistress. Do you require any food or drink tonight?"

"Just some water, please." Again with a nod that was almost a bow, Ilona left them and dropped the hanging behind her.

Not having much, they settled in fairly quickly. Nesho sat down and started feeding the now whining Makro while Sosho was doing the same to the gurgling Nilsen.

"Is there something I can do to help?" Shasta whispered as she knelt next to Sosho.

"Not unless you can squeeze some milk out of those big boobs of yours," Sosho chuckled. Shasta blushed and vainly tried to pull the top of her blouse together.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Sosho chided. "It's just that I wouldn't mind another set around right about now. This little guy is a real tit man. He can drain them both in nothing flat!"

"I mean, can I help you with... ?" Shasta used her chin, pointing to Zsofia who was about ten feet away sorting through the baby things Sosho had brought in the basket.

"Thank you," Sosho said with a genuine smile. "But no. I know you probably know more about what she is going through than we do, but -- and don't take this wrong, love -- she doesn't need to be reminded about it right now. I know we'll need you later, when it really hits her and she has to deal with it. I think what she needs right now is just someone to cuddle with her, and that's what Clarise and I will do tonight. Why don't you just take care of Nesho tonight? That would be a big help."

"That asshole father of hers better snap out of it quick," Shasta growled softly, "or I'm going to take his balls off."

"I like the way you think, sister," Sosho smirked. "You take the left and I'll take the right."

They smiled at each other and Shasta nodded. Standing up she went back over to where Nesho was just finished changing Makro's nappies.

"What can I do to help?" she asked.

"Nothing right now," Nesho said as she stretched her arms up and groaned. I think it's time for bed. "Are you done over there?" she called to Sosho.

"Almost," came the reply. "Just need to change Master Poopers here and we'll be ready. Shall we leave the lamp lit?"

"Yes," Nesho said. "We'll keep it low, but it would be too much of a pain to have to find something to light it with if we need it. I don't think it will keep us awake tonight."

Nesho wrapped up the sleeping child in a blanket formed into a makeshift basinet, stood up and started to take her clothes off. In no time at all she was down to just her salidin and earrings. Glancing over she saw that Shasta was still dressed.

"Come on, honey," she said pointing to the mattress and blankets. "I'm sure you're as tired as I am and it's far too uncomfortable to sleep in your clothes. Unless it bothers you to sleep next to a naked woman?"

"No, of course not," Shasta mumbled as she peeled off her own clothes. Soon she was down to the same as Nesho and she hurried over to get under the blanket.

"So, you have the old lady duty tonight, eh?" Nesho quipped.

"Old?" Shasta sighed. "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!"

"Thank you, dear," Nesho said squirming down under the blankets. Their bodies were touching and Shasta could feel the heat coming off the other woman's body. "I don't feel very pretty now, and I do feel old. My feet hurt and my back aches. I thought we would never get here."

"Oh, I promised you a back rub," Shasta said, sitting up. The blanket fell off her shoulders and pooled around her hips. It was a touch chilly in the cave, but not unbearable. The chill did make her nipples stand up, though; at least that's what she told herself.

"Oh no, dear. You don't have to do that," Nesho muttered. Shasta didn't answer; she just leaned down and pushed Nesho onto her stomach. "Oomph," was all that Nesho could say until Shasta started working on her back with her fingers and the heel of her hand.

"Oh, by the gods that's good, Shasta!" Nesho sighed. "If I knew you could do this I'd had you rubbing me down every night! Oh yes, yes, right there," she groaned.

Used to working on a hairy, and usually flabby back, Shasta was sure she was getting as much enjoyment out of this as was Nesho. Her mistress's back was an expanse of absolutely flawless, soft and supple skin. She had drawn the blanket down to just above Nesho's bottom while she worked on the back. But soon Nesho pulled the blanket completely off and whimpered, "My legs, please do my legs!" Now Shasta had a delectably nude woman directly beneath her. Nesho's body didn't have the same feel as Katern's did; it was softer, rounder, more feminine and much sexier. Shasta couldn't help herself; her motions became less that of a masseuse and more that of a lover. Shasta was infatuated by this woman's body; it drew her like a lodestone drew iron, like a moth to a candle flame. Then she could really see how perfect this body really was and she couldn't help but compare it to her own scarred and, she thought, ravaged one. Unbidden tears welled up in her eyes and fell onto Nesho's back. Her vision blurred and she lifted her hands to wipe away the tears. Suddenly she felt herself being pulled down into Nesho's warm embrace.

Same as Shasta's Tale
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My Sweet Rayne by Reeb   The cold of the evening air in London on a January night was almost unbearable at times. The chilling cold penetrated deep into my bones through the layers of my uniform. As I stood at the rail terminal waiting my train to Norwich through Ipswich, my thoughts reflected over the last three months of my life.   It was late January 1944 and I had just been promoted to Captain in the US Army Air Force. Along with that promotion, I was awarded the command of my own...

3 years ago
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Our Darkest Fantasies

"Well, then let's go on a road trip!" Chad says to me, after I complained that we hardly do anything anymore. Chad and I have been together for almost two years. I love him, with all my heart. He is the only guy that I have ever been with. We tell each other everything, from our darkest fantasies to our darkest secrets. But lately, all he ever does is work. All he gives me is false hope and broken promises. "Are you mocking me?" I ask, angry. "You think that after ignoring me for almost one...

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Busted 3

In the months that followed mine and Carrie’s little ‘thing’ I suppose I was a little bit cold towards her. I felt disgusted with myself, not only for cheating on Jamie (with his SISTER) but for being with a woman! I had never, ever had a lesbian thought in my life – so why couldn’t I get Carrie out of my head every time I felt horny? I started avoiding her, and when we had to be in the same room I pretty much ignored her. At first she seemed disappointed, maybe even hurt – but then her armour...

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Greener Grass Right Next Door

Doug Graham was the perfect neighbor. He lent me tools and returned mine, took great care of his lawn and was almost as lousy a golfer as me, but still a blast to play with the five or six times a year I felt like hitting the links. Well, almost perfect. Perfect ended two years earlier when his first wife Emma caught him banging his secretary and divorced him. Emma had been a good friend of my wife Marie, still was, and the divorce ended any possibility of us doing anything with Doug as a...

3 years ago
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Luck By Chance With Friends Wife 8211 Part 2

Hi readers, this is Sarfaraz Khan back with another story. This is the continuation of the story with the same title about my friends wife. I had received many requests and pleas to complete the second part. Though I tried writing, compiling, and lengthening it many times, I couldn’t complete it due to various reasons. But now I’m back with it. Those who don’t know about me, I’m a 23-year-old male from a South Indian city. I never force a lady for sex. It’s always the other way around. I let...

2 years ago
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My Maid My Mistress

My Maid, My Mistress I am a 29-year-old hedge fund investment consultant working in India. My name is Rahul. As my field of work is relatively rare my services were well paid for. I had built up a fairly profitable practice and worked from home. I was living alone in a small but comfortable apartment in Bombay. As is customary I had employed a maid to take care of the housekeeping. Her name was Namitha. She would reach the house at 9.00 am and work for an hour every morning. She was...

1 year ago
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Techno CultivatorChapter 39 Merging Spirit Realms

As the core of the Guild sat in the office, James finally opened his eyes. Unceremoniously wiping away the tear on his cheek, James willed it, and his guild seal appeared floating in front of him. Much to the surprise of the others, not only did the guild seal appear on the round table, so too did the incorporeal, ethereal form of Jasmine appear. She sat in a seizer position on the table and wore a flowing silk gown, making her only more enchanting than ever. That is, apart from the obvious...

3 years ago
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Part 2 of my mother in law experience

Around a two weeks had passed since my experience with Helen (my mother in law) and her friend Susan. I had hadn't seen my either of my inlaws since then and wondred how awkward things might be if they visted us or my wife and I visited them. Luckily I was in no rush to visit them and my wife was on the second day of a week long business trip so that gave more time before we may visit them.Around mid morning I decided to mow the lawn which needed doing. After mowing the lawn I went back into...

4 years ago
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The Accident Ch 05

After that night with Sue I was mixed up inside. Torn between wanting her back in my life full time and still angry over her having cheated on me. I spent the next week plotting my revenge on Bill, and working extra hard at my job too. One night, after not having seen or talked to Sue all week, I arrived at my apartment to find Sue standing by the front door with two bags of groceries in her arms. I walked up wondering what she was up to, and as I opened my door, held up my arm to guide her...

2 years ago
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Mom Daughter

As a mother, I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but it's true: I've been making it with my daughter Carla for the last six months.It all began one sunny afternoon two years past my divorce. Carla was in one of her college classes, and I was at home, wouldn't you know it, doing the laundry. When I was through, I brought her clothes into her room and put them in her dresser. Carla could perfectly well do the job herself, but I really don't mind.Well, when I put several pairs of panties into...

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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 2

“The fuck was that this morning in the hallway?” Mike boomed, setting his lunch tray down to my right. “QUIET!” I seethed. “Nothing. I don’t know.” “THAT was not nothing,” Shelby added quickly from my left. I dropped my spoon back into my chili and closed my eyes. Oh yes, chili, maybe my favorite school lunch. And it seemed to taste better than usual today. Then again, maybe everything had started to taste better lately. “Look, I’m as confused as anyone. I’ve known Alexis since what,...

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stolen panties

Ace, Lila, her Mom and her Mom's PantiesAce sat on the couch and watched 18 year old Lila, his new girlfriend of three months, doing a little dance in front of him. She seductively shook her perfect derriere in front of his face. She was such a tease! He hadn't even touched her yet. He had gotten a few peeks at her panties a couple of times while they were watching TV. He had even sniffed on a pair he found in her bathroom just the other day. He had stuffed them in his pocket and was in fact...

2 years ago
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Aimees Makeovers

Aimee's Makeovers Part One By Jena Corso Tony and Aimee have been dating since the last two years of college and their relationship had never been better. Since Tony's graduation, they've spent a lot more quality time together than when they were in school. Aimee is in her third year of school and is looking to become a fashion designer. As for Tony, he now has a degree in finance and has been horsing around with his band with the hope of becoming a rock star. He figured he...

2 years ago
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The Awakening

The morning sunlight broke through the windows, casting a brilliant golden hue in the small bedroom. Jerry awakened slowly and looked over to see that Sarah was still asleep. She was lying on her side with her arms caressing the pillow. Her dark curls partly covered her face leading Jerry to focus on her full puckish lips. He couldn't help but recall the night before and the heights they reached with their love play which concluded in a magical union of flesh, fluid, and spirits. They drifted...

Love Stories
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Testimony Of Hameeda 8211 Part 9

When we were on the way home, I called him. -imad? -yeah? -how many sex positions do you actually know? -hmm…maybe about 50? -what!? I was astonished. He smiled. -eh…you know what? There are hell a lot more than that! Some do not even have names. You see a lot of them in porn movies I knew what are porn movies but I had never watched any. I considered them as too anti religious activities. -well…can you show me a porn film? -well…take my laptop, type… I did as he said, and watched the porn. I...

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Fly The Friendly Skies

Fly The Friendly Skies (Or possibly a fifth addition to the original Airport film series) The receptionist ended her call from the boss in the head office then looked to the man sitting in the waiting area and told him his meeting was next. Tim Benson set the copy of "London Life" down then got up, smoothed his suit and snapped the handle of his briefcase. He nodded, smiling as he passed the receptionist then began the climb up the half dozen steps behind the desk in the large waiting...

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It was 7:30 on a Monday evening in May. I had just finished my last class of the semester at the community college. At 42, I was going back to school to learn a new career being unemployed during this economic downturn. I had to stop at Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of things for my supper that evening. I don’t know why I decided to stop at this particular Wal-Mart instead of the one in my hometown twenty miles away, but I did. I felt a sense of dread pulling into the parking lot: I used to...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 29 Which Way Forward

August 1982, Chicago, Illinois I woke early on Sunday morning after a good night’s sleep. I was pleasantly surprised to not find Elyse in my bed. I wasn’t sure what our relationship was going to be, and I wanted to talk to her before anything happened, rather than afterwards. I went out to run, though I really would have preferred a sauna to help clear my head and organize my thoughts. When I got back, Elyse had just started a pot of coffee and I went to the shower. When I finished and...

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Masseur Extraordinaire 1

" Masseur Extraordinaire" reads the business card of my friend Phil, who looks like he is a slightly elder brother of meI still remember our satisfied smiles and the large eyes of Louise with the little tits, when he disclosed his sexy secrets:" As you see, I am quite tall", he told us during a pre-lunch drink at a terrace in the inner city of Namur in Southern Belgium" So I ordered a custom-built portable table with leather straps at all four corners, in order to tie up my costumers if they...

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My beginning

I have been a closet cross dresser since my early teens seeking my mother's panty hose and underwear I thought I had kept it well hidden when I turned twenty I got a place of my own I found it very hard to get my women's clothing since I didn't have the courage to go out in public which brings me to my story . a friend of moms named Sherri was bag ng problems with her old man and they had spot up she came to me and asked if she could move in and help with the rent I was all for it Sherri wes a...

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Aunt Pearls hotel room

“What’s the matter? Didn’t expect this?”I gawked, speechless. She was looking at me, a hint of a knowing smirk on her lips, eyes flashing mischief.“Weren’t so shy last night, were you?” She said it in accusation but there was no sting in her tone, just wry amusement. “So,” added my aunt, “tell me, what do you think? Am I what you’ve imagined?”As I boggled, not believing she was there, naked except for the deep girdle of the suspender belt, the stockings, and shoes.My father’s sister’s head...

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Boomerang Written by Dauphin "Don't push me!" I shouted at John. I wanted to hit him, but he was too strong. It was a common day occurrence that John would tease me whenever he had a chance. He was not as smart as me and not as cute. The only thing that he had going for him was his strength and his ability to make others afraid of him. It seemed like that bullying me was his main hobby. He would call me a cherub or a geek. He thought I looked...

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The airpalne ride home pt2

John and Jamie's weekly lovemaking had been as intense and satisfying as it always was. She relished feeling his come leak out of her swollen pussy. Even after 20 years, she enjoyed the sensation of a come filled pussy. There was a wantonness about it that enthralled her. In one of her sexual fantasies, she envisioned many men filling her. The thought of all of their swimmers competing to fertilize her egg caused a tingle in her nether regions.Her hand trailed down over her sweaty breasts. Her...

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The Halloween Crosdressing Mistake

The Halloween Crossdressing Mistake My wife Stacy and I were standing in a room with about 30 other people. The room, was one of those fancy ballrooms that you only find in old universities, or houses that were owned by people with entirely too much money. I mean really, who has the extra money just lying around to build a ballroom!? You can use these things what, four times a year if you are lucky? Well, I digress. So we are standing there in this ballroom, at what is...

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