Late Spring In Omaha free porn video

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Late spring in Omaha (revised) Introduction: This story is an extensively rewritten version of the original that first appeared in 'Fictionmania' on (5-21-08 ). This is a story of fiction set in the 23rd century. The world has still not recovered from a gender specific plague that devastated the Earth in early twenty first century. Some technological advances have been made, but societal norms are very standard, if a bit twisted. This is an introductory story for a trilogy that will follow. It is XXX rated because of the explicit sex scenes. Some scenes involve minor children, but are not of malicious intent. Characters: Carol Constancedaughter; Matron of her branch of the Constancedaughter matriarchy (40 at start of story) Anne Constancedaughter; Carol's mother and US Senator (61 at start of story) Peter Constanceson; Carol's oldest son (18 at start of story), Marie's son Katherine Constancedaughter; Carol's oldest daughter (17 at start of story), Julie's daughter Connie Constanceson; Carol's sissy son (15 at start of story), Marie's son Billie Mae Constanceson; Carol's youngest sissy son (13 at start of story), Julie's son Debra Constancedaughter; Carol's youngest daughter (12 at start of story), Julie's daughter Marie Debrason Constancedaughter; Carol's first wife (36 at start of story) Julie Michelleson Constancedaughter; Carol's second wife (34 at start of story) Franklin Donnason; Carol's first consort (36 at start of story) Michael Winnifredson; Carol's second consort (33 at start of story) Jason Janetson; Carol's third consort (31 at start of story) Other main characters: Penny June Anglelason; Connie's classmate sissy and best friend Margaret Alicesdaughter; Mistress Schoolmate of Connie and Penny Mary Ann Morgannason; Peter's future sissy consort Sybil Morgannasdaughter; Mary Ann's mother Preface: The year was 2228 and all was well in the United States. The nation had survived a disastrous biological accident. Marie Constancedaughter was holding the front door open against a blustery prairie wind as the children trooped out of the large house to board the awaiting school's hydrogen powered van. Holding her cotton house dress down against the stiff breeze, Marie inspected the children as they bolted through the door. First, as always was Debra, perfect in her green and white tartan slacks and white blouse, her book bag bouncing off her shoulder. Next was Connie, holding her short pleated skirt down against the breeze followed by the somewhat dour Billie Mae, also in short tartan skirt and white blouse. Last, as always, was the regal Katherine, dressed in her tailored tartan slacks and uniform blouse. Katherine assumed her position as 'shotgun' as Mister Sonjason, the driver made sure all doors were properly latched and he then pointed the St. Agatha's school van down the long driveway. Arriving at school, Connie found her best friend Penny at her locker space talking with Margaret Alicesdaughter, the most beautiful and sophisticated mistress in the school. Penny was blushing furiously and Connie held back until Margaret noticed her and waved her over. Clutching her notepad to her developing bosom, Connie stood in front of Margaret and waited for her to speak. Looking Connie directly into her eyes, Margaret began, "My mother has given me permission to date after this term ends tomorrow. I would like to ask you and Penny to be my dates at the country club's Junior Ball next month." Astonished, Connie was speechless. Penny stuttered, "I, we would love to, but I would need my mother's permission to start dating." Looking side ways at Connie, Penny could see Connie's head bob in agreement. Margaret, pleased with this initial response, continued, "I've always been fond of you girls, but you know, socially, sissies and mistresses are not supposed to associate outside of the family. However, as mother said last night, once you are old enough to date, these restrictions may be lifted. I hope your mom's approved. If you like, I can ask mine to call yours and see if it's OK." Connie, finally catching her breath, "Oh, Margaret, you don't know how happy Penny and I would be to be your dates for the dance. I haven't talked with my mother about dating, but darn it, I'm fifteen and we can't wait forever," she gushed. It was Penny's turn to bob her head in agreement. Margaret smiled hugely, kissed them both a quick peck on their lips, and turned to leave. "I'll ask my mom to call," and blowing another kiss left to join a small group of her fellow mistresses walking down the hallway. As Margaret disappeared around a corner, Penny and Connie embraced each other and squealed, "Can you believe it?" simultaneously. Connie felt her 'enabler' graze her prostate and emitted another small squeal. "Oh, Connie, my 'thingy' is trying to swell," moaned Penny. All sissies who had reached puberty were required to wear chastity devices. The entire chastity device was constructed of 'plasteel', a semi-organic polymer that could be easily shaped by hand, but when the correct electron stream was directed at it, the compound would harden to the consistency of a very hard steel. The ring was also plasteel, but it had a different electronic signature and therefore, did not bond with the tube and restraint sections. ---------------------------- Connie recalled two years ago, when she had been fitted for her first restraint, the doctor had told her to remove her panties and lie on her back on the examination table. The doctor lifted the front hem of Connie's skirt and had her raise her knees and spread them. To Connie's mortification, her erect penis was in its full glory. The doctor sprayed compressed carbon dioxide on her penis, it deflated immediately. She then produced a spool of wire like plastic and wrapped the wire around Connie's scrotum until she was satisfied that it was just snug enough and then clipped the molded section of wire from the spool. Taking an electron beam emitter, the doctor 'sprayed' the wire with electrons and it instantly hardened into a ring, encompassing Connie's root behind the ball sack and over the base of the penis in front. The nurse then brought over a tray of tube like devices with hooks and oddly shaped pieces of plasteel. Picking one of the tube devices, the doctor sprayed its interior area with an inert lubricant and slid it over Connie's penis. Pressing Connie's penis between her thighs and pointing its head towards her anus, the doctor the slid a little hooked portion of the tube onto the rigid ring behind Connie's ball sack. She then took the odd, forty five degree pieces of plasteel and slid the narrow end under the ring and it bonded immediately with the tube upon contact. Pressed against Connie's lower abdomen was the wider piece of the plasteel flange, preventing the device from being removed without the proper electron signature. When she had finished, the doctor looped a thin, gold chain through a hole in one end of the emitter and handed it to Connie's mother. "There you go Carol," smiled Doctor Janice Anitasdaughter, "Connie's all safe and sound. I'll check the fit at her monthly visits and adjust the size accordingly." Connie was aghast, looking down at her naked crotch, her little friend was no where's to be seen and it was slightly uncomfortable sitting on her balls all squished in with her lost friend. All she could see was the top of plasteel locking panel a glint of the scrotum ring holding it in place. Connie cupped her now vacant groin with both hands, blushing, she asked, "Can I get dressed now?" Doctor Anitasdaughter smiled and shook her head, "Not just yet young lady, we have a couple of more things to do." The doctor waved the nurse over. The nurse, a pretty middle-aged sissy was carrying a tote bag and handed it to Connie. "Now dear, in the bag is a choker in the St. Agatha's tartan and two wrist restraints. I'm going to fit the choker on you now. It does not permanently lock; it closes with a simple clasp. The wrist restraints are also closed with a simple clasp and chains on the wrist restraints lock onto the small plasteel hoop woven into the choker." Connie sat there, humiliated at being trussed up half-naked. The nurse first fit the choker around Connie's neck and clasps it snug. Handing Connie a small hand mirror, Connie investigated the strange, lace edged garment encircling her neck, dreading the glinting plasteel hoop at its front. Doctor Anitasdaughter circled the examination table, admiring Connie's new accessory. The nurse quietly told Connie to lie down on the table and turn over onto her stomach. Approaching the repositioned teenager, the nurse wrapped each of Connie's wrists in tartan-patterned cuffs and attached each of them to short chains that she then locked to the hoop in Connie's new choker. "Now dear, keeping your head on the table, get on up onto your knees," directed the nurse. Mortified, Connie was now facing down on the examination table, on her knees and with her butt pointing to the ceiling. Doctor Anitasdaughter nodded her approval towards the nurse and facing Carol, she said, "Would you like to perform the task, Matron?" Carol shook her head no, "I just want to watch an expert at work," she grinned. "Please release Connie," said Doctor Anitasdaughter to Carol. Carol, positioning the electronic 'key' between her forefinger and thumb, depressed the surface of the device and with an almost inaudible click, the restraint parted. The doctor removed the upper forty five degree piece from beneath Connie's scrotum ring and carefully slid the tube section off Connie's penis and unhooked it in the rear. Connie's little penis sprang free and became instantly erect. Connie entire face and upper body turned scarlet as she buried her face in her bound hands. Leaning down next to Connie's ear, the doctor whispered, "I need to take semen sample to determine how fertile you are. This will not hurt. I dare say that you will enjoy this much more than the rest of us. Just relax, if you can. The first thing that I am going to do is insert a small device up into your rectum. After it is in place, it will start to vibrate. It has been medically determined that sissies should always have something in their rectums when they ejaculate. Ejaculation is what is going to ultimately going happen during this part of the examination. After you ejaculate, Nurse Sonjason will run your sperm sample through a simple test to determine the amount and activity of your sperm cells." Connie was barely listening, her face buried in her hands in shame. "Please place the collector onto Connie, Nurse," ordered Doctor Anitasdaughter. The nurse lifted the hem of Connie's skirt and draped it over her back. Her naked buttocks were now on display and Connie started to sob quietly. Nurse Vicky then grasped Connie's unprotected and now very rigid cock and slid what appeared to be a condom over the eager member. Connie's cock was throbbing as the nurse slowly rolled the condom up and over her organ. Once she had finished with placing the condom, the nurse took a tube of lubricant from a tray and squeezed a large dollop into Connie's exposed rosebud. Carol was beginning to get very excited and started to breathe deeply. The nurse was working the lubricant into Connie's anus, alternately probing the orifice and packing more lubricant into it. Wiping her rubber gloved hand on a wad of tissues, the nurse then picked up the penis shaped vibrator from its box and smeared more lubricant onto the smallish object. Poised with the vibrator resting on Connie's anal ring, the nurse waited for the doctor's permission to insert the object. Connie was shaking badly by now. She had never been so personally manipulated in her young life. Carol had a twinge of compassion for her sissy son, but knew that she would be a very changed young lady in a very few minutes. Doctor Anitasdaughter nodded towards the nurse and she began to insert the dildo into Connie's rectum. After overcoming the sphincter, Nurse Sonjason slowly slide the infernal object all the way to its hilt into the protesting young bottom. Connie was moaning, groaning, bucking and grinding as the dildo made its way to final resting place. Nurse Vicky Sonjason was also in some pain as her own penis was trying to burst its way out of its plasteel prison. Doctor Anitasdaughter, admiring Nurse Vicky's work, reached for hilt of the vibrator and depressed the switch. Connie's previous reactions to this intrusion became magnified five fold. Looking back between her slightly spread knees, Connie watched as the doctor took her throbbing cock between her forefinger and thumb and began to stroke member slowly. Breathing heavily, Connie was experiencing the previously unknown domain of very erotic sex, public sex at that. She came in a high-pitched groan. Her hips bucking and grinding as her pent up load exploded into the condom. The doctor massaged her ball sack and continued to pull upon her softening penis until she was satisfied. Beaming with the knowledge of a job well done, Doctor Anitasdaughter stood up and briskly removed her surgical gloves and smiling at Carol, who had silently orgasmed during the procedure. Nurse Vicky quickly removed the condom and the vibrator and then cleaned Connie's penis. Taking the condom with her, the nurse proceeded to document the results. "Carol, would you please replace Connie's restraint," asked Doctor Anitasdaughter. Connie was starting to harden again. "I'm sorry mommy, I can't help it," pleaded Connie. "Its alright baby, I'll manage," squeaked Carol as she fumbled with restraint and the stiffening organ. The doctor stepped over to the examination table and sprayed Connie's crotch with compressed carbon dioxide. The numbingly cold spray, took all of the fight out of Connie's soon to be repressed testosterone. With the doctor's assistance, Carol had Connie soon tucked securely away. Nurse Vicky reappeared with the test results and as the doctor reviewed them, she released Connie's wrists from their restraints and carefully cleaned Connie's rectal area of excess lubricant. "One last thing, Connie, before I can let you go home," intoned Doctor Anitasdaughter. "Do you know what an 'enabler' is, Connie?" Still in her much compromised position, Connie shook her head that was resting in her hands. Smiling, the doctor continued, "An enabler is a device used to apply the medication that will enable you to become the beautiful sissy you want to be, with breasts and curves. It will also supply your body with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. Finally, it will modify your gait, the way you walk, making the restraint much more comfortable." Connie just nodded, weakly. "I am writing a prescription for your medications and your mother can have them filled at any pharmacy. I am going to give you a weeks supply before you leave this afternoon so you can get started on them immediately. Also, I am going to give a douche kit, if you find the one I provide uncomfortable or otherwise unsuitable, they are sold in many varieties at all pharmacies. You must douche every morning after you have a bowel movement. Keeping a clean bottom is the golden rule for all sissies." Stepping in front of the hunched up sissy, Doctor Anitasdaughter displayed the enabler to Connie. It was a longish butt plug with a perforated stem and a removable bulb. Opening the bulb, the doctor demonstrated to Connie how to fill the hollow plug with the medicated cream. Going around to Connie elevated rear, the doctor continued, "I am going to insert the enabler now, but you will have to do this yourself, every morning after you douche, do you understand?" Connie nodded, again weakly. Doctor Anitasdaughter gently inserted the four-inch long, one-inch wide tube into Connie's rectum, forcing the wider ring past her sphincter with hilt flange resting on her rosebud. Patting Connie lightly on her naked rump, Doctor Anitasdaughter said, "You may get dressed now, dear. In addition, if you experience what feels like a small electrical shock in your bottom, it is caused by your enabler brushing against your prostate gland. Do not worry about this sensation, but do not deliberately maneuver your enabler to willfully cause this reaction, it can be very harmful to you health." Connie clambered off the examination table a Nurse Vicky motioned her into the adjacent examination room, handing her panties to her as she fled by. Doctor Anitasdaughter huddled with Carol, explained that Connie's sperm count was generous and healthy, and gave her Connie's hormone and antibiotic prescription. "I think that Connie may look forward to her next visit here. Part of the prescription mix is a mild arousal drug that may cause her drip uncontrollably, so she may need to start wearing panty liners. In addition, I encourage you to masturbate her at least twice a week, more if you like. Multiple masturbation sessions will encourage sperm growth and will make her a very happy sissy. However, when you do masturbate her, always make sure that she is stimulated with a vibrator in her rectum. This stimulation is a training device to induce her into associating anal stimulation with ejaculation. Her future matron will greatly appreciate all efforts by you in preparing Connie for her reproductive future." "How soon can I expect to see breast development and other female traits start to make themselves apparent, doctor? " asked Carol. "Probably not before six weeks," answered the doctor. "But, every case is different. We must be very careful with the testosterone blockers; we don't want a sterile sissy if we can help it." Carol nodded and saw Connie re-enter the main examination room, very flushed, but with a definite hip swaying, stride making her short pleated school skirt dance around her narrow hips. --------------------------------- "Earth to Connie, Earth to Connie," giggled Penny. "Girl, you just, kind of spaced out, where were you?" "Oh, when you said that your thingy was starting hurt, I just remembered my first visit to the gynecologist. More then my thingy hurt before I got out of her office," laughed Connie. The girls linked arms and made for their first class. Billie Mae was waiting for the school van to take the girls home when Katherine arrived at the stop. "Why so glum, squirt?" asked Katherine. "I didn't do anything, but the principal called me into her office and gave this letter to take home to mom. Funny thing though, she told me how much they had enjoyed having me at St. Agatha's and she wished me good luck?" muttered Billie Mae. Katherine's brain dusted off its rust and wheels started to turn and realization flooded into previously vacated areas. She smiled at Billie Mae and gave a gentle tug to her braids. The other two children soon arrived at the van stop, Debra in a dead sprint and Connie in a decorous wiggle. As Billie Mae entered the front door, Katherine was right behind her and whispered in to Billie Mae's ear, "Go see mom right away and give her the letter." She then squeezed Billie Mae's arm and kissed her on the cheek. Billie Mae was very puzzled, Katherine was rarely this affectionate, especially to her, but she followed her sister's advice and started searching the large house for his mother. "Auntie Julie, have you seen mom?" asked Billie Mae. "She's in the kitchen, dear," replied Julie. Seeing his mother sitting at the kitchen table, Billie Mae carefully approached her. "Mom, the school principal gave this letter for you," Billie Mae whispered. Narrowing her eyes at her youngest son, standing in front of her clutching at the hem of her skirt, Carol took the letter from the trembling hand. Opening the letter, Carol brushed past the salutations and getting into the meat of the correspondence, her face pinched up and she started to weep. Tears flowed down his mother's cheeks and Billie Mae became very uncomfortable. She had no idea of what she could have done to elicit such a reaction from her mother. Putting down the letter, Carol held out her hand to Billie Mae. As she took her mothers hand, she was pulled into her mothers embrace. "Billie Mae, the letter is about you. The school officials including the school doctor have decided that returning to St. Agatha's next year is not in your best interest. Two men are coming to the house tonight, two soldiers. They are from Shiloh Academy, Peter's old school." Billie Mae's eyes widened, hoping against hope. "They are going to take you with them tonight to Shiloh..." Carol blubbered. "You are not to change, or take anything with you. You will stay at Shiloh for two weeks and then you can come home on weekends. Do you understand, precious?" Billie Mae shook her head slowly, her pigtails flopping about her broadening shoulders. "Why, mom. What does this mean?" whispered Billie Mae. "You're going to be a man, sweetheart. Like your brother Peter," Carol moaned. Standing in the doorway, Marie and Julie were suppressing teary smiles. "Like Peter, mom?" asked Billie Mae, breathlessly. Slowly smiling through her tears, Carol nodded, "Like Peter, honey bunch." Just then, the melodious tones announcing a holo call drifted through the house. Marie answered the call and informed Carol that it was for her. "It's a Colonel Aliceson from Shiloh Academy, dear." The uncles, Frank, Mike and Jason were lying low in the poolroom, idling shunting balls around the pool table and drinking beer. Connie came into the room, knowing something was amiss and she determined to find out what that was. "Uncle Frank," Connie asked, "what's going on. Who are those soldiers in the kitchen with mom and Billie Mae?" Jason handed Connie a cold soft drink and looked at Frank. "Yeah, Uncle Frank, what is going on? Jason snidely echoed. "Connie, come here and join your uncles in a toast," Frank enjoined. "You're going to have a new brother in a few minutes. The school officials at St. Agatha's have deemed Billie Mae to unworthy of their company in the future, so they cast 'him' off to Shiloh." Mike stood up and raised his bottle, motioning to Connie to do the same, "To Cadet William Constanceson, and may he bring honor to the Constancedaughter family. "Hear, hear," intoned Frank and Jason. Connie's throat constricted and tears started to form and she felt very alone. Frank put his arm around Connie's soft shoulder's and whispered to the distressed sissy, "Only about one in five boys make suitable sissies, sweet heart. Don't cry for William, he will be very happy at Shiloh. You, on the other hand are a true blue sissy of the first order. A first class heart breaker in the making. You haven't lost a sister, you've gained a brother." About ten minutes later, Billie Mae appeared in the doorway to the poolroom. The gathering turned silent as they stared at the frightened boy in a skirt and blouse, fingering his pigtails. Carol appeared behind him and choked, "Bill, err William will be leaving with the soldiers now. He wants to say goodbye and that he will be back in two weeks." William made his way around the room, hugging Debra, Katherine, Marie and Julie and shaking hands with the uncles. He stopped by the crying Connie and gave her a manly hug and kiss on her cheek. "Be happy for me, please. I want to go. I don't feel right as a sissy." He clasp her hands with his and then turned to leave. Carol put her arm around William as he walked towards the two soldiers waiting at the front door. As he was about to walk out the front door, he heard his name called. "William, "cried Frank. William turned and saw his uncles in a neat row and they then saluted him. William's heart nearly burst as the Colonel and Sergeant Major strode up on either side and joined him in returning the salute, they were much more practiced at it than William. As the trio left through the door, Carol had her last glimpse of her lost Billie Mae and her swaying skirt. Dabbing her eyes with tissues, Carol strode into the poolroom and took the aunts restraint keys that were always left hanging on a peg next to the bar. Looking at Marie and Julie, "You two are with me tonight. I need some serious hugs and cuddles." She then turned and made for her bedroom. Connie looked wanly at Frank, not saying any thing. Frank then opened a fresh soft drink for Connie and sat down on the couch next to her. Putting his arm around her shoulders, he started to explain a fact of life to the desolate sissy. "Sweet heart, what happened to Billie Mae tonight happens all the time at this time of year. It happened to me when I was thirteen, it happened to Mike and Jason. It even happened to your brother Peter. It's how he became your brother. Not every male can adjust to becoming a sissy. Most of us become too big and bulky. Some can't wrap their minds around the expectations society demands of a good sissy. In our little stratified society, women occupy the top rung because only they can bring life. You sissies occupy a rung below the women because only you can give life. We males don't even have a rung on the ladder. You keep us around because we can protect you and most important of all, give you a really good time. Jason chortled at the good time remark. "Uncle Frank, what will happen to....William?" Connie spit out the unfamiliar name. "Well, tonight, when he gets to the barracks, they will issue him his uniforms, cut his hair, show him his bunk and generally start him down the long and difficult path to manhood. Tomorrow, he'll have a complete physical and start his basic military training," reflected Frank, remembering his first days at Patton Academy. "We'll see him soon enough. I expect him home for a weekend in a couple of weeks. However, don't expect to see a lot of him this summer. He will under go a full summer of physical education, close order drill and classes on military deportment, very different than your deportment classes at St. Agatha's." Mike was behind the bar, smiling and he gestured towards the ladies, "Please join your uncles in a good luck toast to William." He then filled wine glasses for Katherine, Debra and Connie. Marie and Julie already had theirs. Giving fresh beers to his fellow uncles, Mike raised his bottle and made a short toast to the newly minted Shiloh cadet, "Good luck Willie and may God always be at your side. ----------------------------------------- Connie awoke with a start. It was the last day of school for this term. She was thinking about 'Willie', she decided that she liked William much better, she never had the opportunity to discuss 'dating' with Margaret Alicesdaughter and Penny. Stepping out of the shower, she dried and then proceeded with her douche. Starting with a soapy cleanser in the bag, she eased the nozzle up past her sphincter. Satisfied that it was seated properly and more than little horny, she rotated the nozzle in rectum and released the valve. Enjoying the filling sensation in her bottom, she smiled, thinking that she might douche four times this morning, the last two with the rose scented fluid. Her imprisoned cock was trying harden and was pinching in its tube. "Oh stop, you silly thing," Connie reprimanding her penis. After she had completed titillating her rectum, she then stepped into her cotton panties, making sure her exposed cock head received a good rub of the soft material. Sitting at her vanity, she inspected her developing breasts. "I'll need new bras soon," she thought as she cupped and jiggled the two well- formed mounds. She then started on applying the light make up allowed at St. Agatha's. Joining her mother and siblings at the kitchen table as Marie and Julie organized and served breakfast; Connie took a deep breath and started, "Mom, I have an important question to ask you," Connie began. Carol peered over her coffee cup at her remaining sissy. "Yesterday at school, a mistress, Margaret Alicesdaughter asked Penny and me if we would be her dates at the Junior Ball next month at the country club." Carol's eye's narrowed, 'I just lost one sissy to the world and now my last one wants to start growing up,' thought Carol. "This Alicesdaughter girl, is her mother the chief of detectives for the police force?" asked Carol. Shocked at her mother's choice of words, it was unusual for a female to refer to another female as a 'girl' in front any non-female person. "I don't know mom, Penny and I only talked with her for a couple of minutes. She's in the junior class, so I've known, or at least known of her since first grade," replied Connie. Carol, enjoying Connie's discomfort with her choice of words, partially relented, "If this Margaret 'girl' is Captain Alicesdaughter daughter, then you may be escorted to the dance by her." Connie's heart fluttered at her mother's reply. "Oh, thank you, thank you," gushed Connie. "Connie," continued Carol. "Make yourself available Saturday, we are going shopping, all of us," she finished, glancing at Katherine and Debra. ---------------------------------------- Connie nearly ran up the main entry stairwell at school, hurrying towards Penny's locker area. Her exertions caused her enabler to graze her prostrate three times, resulting in generous dollops of precum to dampen the heavy liner in her panties. Seeing Penny, she waved and pulled her best friend by her arm over to a more secluded area in the busy hallway. "I can go," whispered Connie excitedly. Penny's face opened to a wide smile, "So can I." The two sissies held each others hands and were nearly jumping with excitement. "Good news?" Margaret's voice penetrated the girl's excitement. Simultaneously turning, both sissies saw Margaret standing next to them. They instinctively hugged the reserved mistress, until they realized what they were doing. Margaret, although of a slightly stuffy personality, was not about to let a good thing pass her by and she returned the hugs and planted a not very chaste lip lock on both sissies mouths. Reddening, Connie stuttered that there was one catch. "What's that?" queried Margaret. Connie took a deep breath, "My mom say's that I can go with you, if your mother is the Chief of Detectives for the police department." Penny stood by looking confused. Margaret smiled, "The very same. In fact, your uncle Mike works for my mom." A great weight slid from Connie's shoulders. The trio started a group hug again when a senior mistress, wearing a hall monitor's armband interrupted and warned them about the schools policy concerning excessive public display's of affection. Margaret, nonplussed about the interruption, suggested that they meet at lunch period and start making plans. The two sissies nodded vigorously in agreement and the first date was set. "Oh, Connie, I can hardly wait to see the reactions around the lunchroom when we sit down with Margaret," squealed Penny. Connie was more worried about when she could change out of her now very wet panties into the fresh pair she always carried in her tote. -------------------------------------- Katherine hated these end of term mandatory, mistresses only socio- historical lectures that were absolutely required attendance. She and her equals made small talk in the classroom until the lecturer; a very handsome mistress from Creighton University entered the room. "Ladies," my name is Augusta Charlottesdaughter, please be seated. Our talk today will be about the Great War and the rise of feminine domination. "As you all know, the great war was a result of the attempt by the Chinese Peoples Republic to destroy the Vietnamese rice crop by means of a very selective biological attack in the year 2020. The botched delivery attempt and the resultant worldwide plague targeting women have been covered in your standard history classes. What we are going to discuss today is the Social Reform Act of 2039. As you are aware, the Great War has, for all practical purposes, not ended. The Western Alliance has been in a continuous state of armed conflict to various degrees of intensity for the past two hundred years. Currently, the list of stable political entities, i.e. functional governments, is quite short. It consists of the United States, it protectorate Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. The rest of the world is very dangerous and mostly unknown territory. By satellite observation, we know that there is very little industrial activity outside of the Western Alliance areas. The United States also has military forces in Western Africa, notably Nigeria and several outposts in coastal China and Southeast Europe. Aside from what we can ascertain from satellite observation, the rest of the world is a blank spot. As a result of the plague, the Western Alliance and most notably, the United States and Australia have been engaged in low level armed conflict for over two hundred continuous years. Our population has dropped from over three hundred million to less than sixty million and is still falling. The Chinese virus has been persistent and female live births have not exceeded thirty five percent of those conceived for the past one hundred years. Despite the vast resources we have poured into medical and biological studies, we have not been able to make more than marginal gains in eradicating the plague. What we have been able to do however is some remarkable gender blending. Many of you have sissy brothers at home. Although, I doubt if you think of them as brothers. The creation of sissies as gender was brought about in the 2040's, when young girls going to and from school, or any place else, for that matter, required bodyguard accompaniment. Originally, the thought was that dressing pre-adolescent males in then female clothing and have them schools with females would protect them from the rampant sexual predication that prevalent in all male schools of time. The results of this 'unisex' clothing program was astounding. It was discovered that about twenty percent of the feminized males preferred their feminine roles and personal behavior by all elementary school aged males improved dramatically. It was decided that those males that did not adapt to a feminine persona would be segregated into male only schools as soon as their masculine behavior surfaced. It was not until around 2050 that the modern concept of the role of the sissy started to coalesce. The Social Reform Act of 2039 was a result of women threatening mass suicide if they were not given the reins of government. It was a desperate time and women were faced with a lifetime of forced sexual servitude. Worse yet, was the disintegrating social fabric of the United States as kidnapping and forced slavery of females was becoming common place. The organized military, still a very potent force at the time, agreed that something had to be done before the country slid into chaos. Units of all of the armed forces rounded up all members of congress and forced a vote on the Social Reform Act at proverbial gunpoint. The Act gave women the power to protect themselves from deprecation from the lawless bands of males that roamed the countryside. That power was the organized military and a limited martial law was initiated.. The Social Reform Act of 2039 was essentially a deal cut between the three major women's organizations of the time, The National Organization of Women, The Christian Women's Alliance, The Organization of Professional Women and the Department of Defense. It was a simple concept that satisfied everyone except the then current political power holders. Women would be handed all political power in the United States in the form of being the only gender legally eligible to hold elective office. The military would be politically subservient, as was traditional with one major exception. The new political power brokers could not direct the application of military force as a general concept or national goal. Women had no input, whatsoever in the application of the military force, nor could they engage in any foreign diplomacy. In fact, all American diplomats are military officers and women have been forbidden to leave the United States with the exception of Canada and those Caribbean islands directly controlled by the US military, which thankfully, is most of them. Also, when the space program was re- established in the late twenty first century, NASA has permitted some sissies to join the program, but women have forbidden to engage in space exploration. When the practice of sissification of young males began in the 2040's the military acquiesced with a suggested innovation that remains with us to this day. They recommended that all school children be raised female until it became obvious that those males who were undoubtedly unsuitable for the feminine role be withdrawn from the primary school system and be enrolled in military schools, overseen by the Department of Defense. This solution is with us to the present. Males are withdrawn from primary schools when they become obviously male in physique or demonstrate anti-social attitudes. These anti-social attitudes are usually demonstrated by surly behavior, lack of attention in class, depression and falling school grades. When males are removed from primary schools to be enrolled in the military schools, they are sterilized through a series of inoculations incorporated with standard anti-disease vaccinations. So ladies, as it stands, the only way to get pregnant is intercourse with a sissy." Augusta closed her note pad and smiling at the gathered young mistresses, "If you plan on children, which is your national obligation, you'll need a sissy. So treat them kindly. Thank you ladies and good day." Katherine had tears welling in her eyes, thinking about the lost Billie Mae. ------------------------------------- Late Spring 2229 The alarm sounded a soft gonging sound and Connie felt a warm soft breast press into shoulder. "Time for you to get up, sleepy head, and please turn that alarm off," muttered Mary Ann. Carefully removing Mary Ann's arm from around her waist, Connie reached over to the nightstand and turned off the alarm. Sliding out of bed, Connie caught her reflection in the vanity mirror. A tallish, 5 foot nine inches, very slender sissy with shoulder blade length auburn hair. Nice breasts, not as full as they will be and a small nose framed by a pretty, but not beautiful face. She admired her trim waist. It required a corset for dresses to hang right, but at sixteen, she didn't go to that many places requiring a dress. She briefly recalled her first time in a corset, the Junior Ball last summer with Margie and Penny. She did a brief twirl, to watch her filmy baby doll nightie flare out around her widening hips. Glancing at her crotch in the mirror, knowing the smooth front of her tiny sleep panties was the result of her little prison. 'No unsightly bulges for you, my girl.' she thought, realizing that she had not even seen her penis for nearly three years. "Thinking about your cock?" murmured Connie's groggy bedmate. Blushing, Connie made for the bathroom to start her morning routine. Over her shoulder, she remarked, "All the time, just like you." Mary Ann laughed a little sad laugh at Connie's remark and started to climb out of bed. Opening the bathroom door, Mary Ann heard the multi headed shower thrumming over Connie's body. "Honey, can I come in? I've really got to go." "The more the merrier, do you want to share the shower?" asked Connie. Mary Ann grunted an acknowledgement, sitting on the throne, feeling her warm stream spray over her compressed buttocks as her tightly confined penis directed its stream towards her anus. Still seated, Mary Ann stepped out of her nearly transparent panties and pulled off the flimsy top. Grabbing some tissues from the roll, she blotted the big drops from her bottom and flushed the mess away. Opening the shower door, she stepped through the fog and embraced the lathered teenager. Connie loved showering with this beautiful sissy. Their lips met, mouths opened, and Connie could play with Mary Ann's tongue stud. Breaking the embrace, Mary Ann turned her back to Connie and the youngster started to lather the twenty year olds magnificent body. No corset for this sissy, admired Connie. She worked the lather over Mary Ann's back and shoulders, reaching around to caress the older sissy's full c-cup natural breasts. Now fully embracing Mary Ann from the rear, Connie's hand found it's way down the sissies front to her crotch and fondled the plasteel encased penile tube, lathering liberally between her partners thighs, eventually giving special attention to the exposed cock head tucked tightly between Mary Ann's thighs. Moaning, Mary Ann whispered to her playmate, "do my bottom, the special way I taught you." Working the soft soap to a generous lather, Connie started caressing Mary Ann's buttocks, sneaking gentle strokes between the well-rounded orbs. Leaning forward and partially bending her legs, Mary Ann fully exposed her rosebud to Connie's ministrations. Connie slid a soapy finger up the sissy's bottom, past the sphincter and started searching for girl's prostate gland. Finding her prize, she started to massage the organ and Mary Ann started to mix groans with her steady moan. Finally, a spurt of sticky semen worked its way out of Mary Ann's jealously guarded penis. Connie kept her finger in place and worked the other girl's prostate; Mary Ann had a generous release, no orgasm, but some relief nonetheless. Connie's finger slid out of Mary Ann's rectum and she washed it thoroughly. Mary Ann turned and embraced Connie, their breasts squashed against each other's. Giving the schoolgirl a deep mouth tonguing, asked, "Do you want me to do you?" "No time, lover. I've got to douche and get ready for school," murmured Connie. Lying on the large bed in her silk robe, Mary Ann watched the pretty schoolgirl prepare. She especially enjoyed watching the final act. Connie squatted and carefully injected the freshly packed enabler up her butt. She then reached down and pulled her panties up from around her ankles, briefly flipping the hem of her short, pleated skirt up over her back, giving Mary Ann a delicious view. Straightening, Connie rubbed her ass cheeks together, enjoying the sensation the medicated butt plug gave her. The panty liner she wore received it's first shot of precum of the day. "Bravo, honey buns, but proper sissies do not bend from the waist," laughed Mary Ann. "I'll bet that horny mistress girlfriend of yours goes through half a dozen panty liners a day, just thinking about you." Connie smiled at the compliment and leaning over the bed gave her playmate a goodbye peck on the lips and waved 'Ta Ta' on the way out of the room. -------------------------------------------------- Mary Ann lounged on the bed staring at the ceiling, reflecting upon the circumstances that made her possibly, the luckiest sissy in Omaha. She worked as a salesgirl at the 'Sissy Shoppe', Omaha's most upscale sissy specialized department store. She had only been working full time at the 'Shoppe' for a couple of days when first met Connie and her mother Carol. They were on a shopping excursion and Mary Ann was the lucky soul that assisted them that day. Connie was getting ready for her first formal date and her skinny boyish frame needed a waist nipper corset to aid in creating a figure. She had spent over three hours with Connie and Carol that day and had earned a huge commission. 'What I didn't realize,' she thought was the impression she had created with Carol. 'What a na?ve dummy I was,' mused Mary Ann. 'I didn't realize that Carol was that 'Constancedaughter'. I think that was the clincher. Carol thought that I was a very pretty and polite airhead with just the right mix of personality and knowledge to be suitable arm candy for one of her offspring.' ----------- -------------------------- Walking down the sidewalk in front of St. Agatha's, Connie saw Margaret sitting at a picnic table in the schools mall area. Margaret waved at Connie and she rushed over to her mistress, at a respectable gait, however. They made small talk until Penny arrived and sat down next to Connie across from Margaret. Smiling at her two treasures, Margaret reached into her handbag and withdrew two small ring boxes. Placing a box in front of each sissy, Margaret stammered, "I've thought all winter about this, but now that we have finished our freshman year, I would like to formalize our relationship as upperclasswomen. " She then flipped the lids open on the boxes in front of the two sissies. Nestled inside the two boxes were identical small rubies set into simple gold bands. A short, slim gold chain was attached to each ring with a simple clasp at one end of each chain. The girl's eye's widened at the sight of the rings. "These are friendship rings," Margaret continued, "the jeweler said that you clip the clasp end of the chain to your choker rings and let the ring dangle. It's supposed to signify that you have a 'steady' date." Neither sissy moved a muscle and Margaret begin to think that she misjudged their relationship. Penny blurted, "Oh, Margie (Margaret hated the diminutive) I knew we were best friends, but I could have never guessed. Oh, Margie, err Mistress Margaret, I am honored to be your steady." With that pronouncement, Penny took the ring out of the box and started to hook it to her choker ring. Margaret motioned for her to stop and held out her hand for the ring. Penny's face clouded over as she handed the ornament to her mistress. Looking deep into Penny's eye's, Margaret smiled and reached over the picnic table and inserting her little finger into the forlorn sissies choker ring, pulled Penny's head towards her and kissed the sissy while clasping the ring and chain to her choker. Connie, watching the simple ceremony between Margaret and Penny, took her ring out of it's box and presented it in her open palm to Margaret. The simple ceremony was repeated with Connie. With her sissies gazing adoringly at her, Margaret sat back, "And one more thing, my dears. As upperclasswomen, you are permitted to wear your hair down. I have no objection to this. However, every time one of you addresses me as 'Margie', you will both remain in pigtails for a month. I fully expect to see both of you in pigtails in your graduation holo's." ---------------------------------------- A heavy mist was rising from the Niger River delta enveloping Camp Forward of the 2nd Battalion of 506th Airborne Infantry Regiment. Corporal Peter Constanceson of Company C loaded onto the stealth helo with his eight-man squad. They would be transported to the northern outskirts of the suburb of Harcourt where they were to set up an ambush of northern Nigerian Moslem raiders. The raiders had evidently started to expand their area of operations southeast from the former city of Warri. The raiders were primarily after young boys to add to the raider's communal harems, but they would also engage in casual looting and murder. The 82nd Airborne Division was responsible for maintaining port security in this dismal Nigerian town, but did expand their scope of operations to inflict casualties upon the Moslems. Approaching their landing zone, Peter ordered his troopers to switch on full body armor and activate the stealth suits that they all wore. Settling down on the roof of a ramshackle two-story crumbling masonry warehouse, Peter ordered his two fire teams to set up the two particle beam projectors to cover the northeast and northwest corners of the building. He then pulled out the small antenna from one of his dangle bags and locked in on the stationary satellite in high orbit that gave him constant one meter definition in all weathers for one quarter mile from his location. The stealth helo was also on station in dead silent hover, all weapons systems at the ready. He knew that the raiders would have little, if any weaponry that was newer than 2030 vintage, but occasionally they surprised you. "Peter, you have potential hostiles approaching from the northwest." Chuckling to himself, Peter always was startled by the sweet, cautioning sissy voice that the satellite was programmed with. Peering through the mist, he saw the crew chiefs of both of his fire teams raise hands in acknowledgement of the satellite's warning. Watching the satellite's display on the inside of his night vision visor, Peter saw that the raiders were cavalry and had dismounted and were proceeding on foot down the street to the west side of the building. "Peter, the potential hostiles appear to have reinforcements to the northwest." cooed the satellite voice. The helo chimed in after the satellite warning, "Pete, we may have as many as three to four hundred mounted following the skirmishers." "Acknowledged," was all that Peter could say. "Corporal 'C'," it was the battalions executive office Major Reneeson. "Yes sir," responded Peter. "We're going to attempt a company strength flanking attack on the reinforcements, but it will take at least an half an hour to organize and execute. Can your men hold that position? We need you as bait." "Will do, sir," responded Peter, hoping that that he sounded more confident than he was. Looking around, Peter saw the raised hands of his fire team leaders. "Here come the skirmishers, Pete," advised the helo. Seeing the first of the dismounted raiders turn on the street to the west of the warehouse, "At one hundred meters, fire at will," Peter advised his fire teams. "No flares," requested Peter to the helo. The northeast fire team then reported to Peter, "Skunks penetrating the quarter mile surveillance boundary." Peter saw on his satellite display that the raiders were trying pass two columns on foot past the old warehouse. He doubted that they knew he was there, but he couldn't afford for them to close, even though armed only with ancient AK's, they were still a very dangerous adversary. A blue white pulse of energy erupted from the northwest weapon and was followed a few seconds later by another. "Damn slow," thought Peter, "These pulse weapons are the tits, but with a five second energy recycling sequence, they are slow." The helo had maneuvered to the east of the warehouse and was assaulting the large column of raiders on that side with their old-fashioned chain guns. Firing a burst and darting to a different location, relying on their stealth to prevent accurate return fire. The battlefield was becoming very noisy. The particle beam weapons, far from being silent, created little thunderclaps at every discharge with the searing beam passing through the cool air. The whiney rattle of the chain guns was like watching a history holo of the terrorist wars of the early twenty first century. Peter watched, fascinated by his visor display showing the disorganized east column of the raiders futilely attempt to find cover from the 20mm cannon fire from the helo and the energy bolts from the warehouse gun emplacements. Sharp snaps in the air above his head brought Peter out of his complacent observation of the unfolding firefight. Chunks of disintegrating masonry were starting shower the roof top, he knew that the raiders had found his little command. "Medic, Medic," echoed a voice over the communication interlink in the trapped squad. Peter saw the motionless figure of one the riflemen supporting the northeast weapon lying on his back with .30 caliber AK rounds chewing at the small masonry parapet he was sheltered by. Crawling up to the disabled trooper, Peter was relieved to see that the private had only caught a masonry fragment that shattered his night vision and display visor. He did have plastic fragments embedded in his face and was bleeding, but not arterial blood. "Calm down, Marty," urged Peter to the panicky soldier. "It's nothing, just a few cuts. However, your visors shit canned. Try and return fire to the muzzle flashes and draw as much fire away from the E-guns as you can." The recovering trooper nodded and bellied up to a gap in the parapet's masonry and started firing. Just as Marty got back into the fight the entire quadrant to the northwest of the embattled warehouse erupted in blue-white energy flashes and the rattle of chain guns. The raiders east column, hung up trying to get past the northeast corner of the warehouse, started to withdraw. When the assault began on the west column, the retreating east column disintegrated into a disorganized run for the rear. The Helo's, knowing the precise locations of the raiders picketed mounts, charged in on them and a nasty slaughter of the fettered equines began. With nothing left moving, Major Reneeson, called a cease-fire and for a helo to pick up Peter's squad. After the helo's left the area, local inhabitants moved out of their shelters and started stripping the dead and dying raiders of anything of value, especially the freshly killed horsemeat. ------------------------------------------- Upon returning to Camp Forward, Peter's Platoon Sergeant informed that the exec wanted him to report ASAP. Presenting himself in front of Major Reneeson as ordered, the Major began, "Good job tonight Pete, I hate to engage those shit heel raiders, but we can't let them penetrate too far into city. We need the port facilities to badly. If you sign on for another hitch, I'll get you that third stripe." Peter smiled, "No sir, I've had about enough of guarding oil derricks and chasing nomads about the countryside." The Major smiled, "I guessed you'd say that, but I will get you a pretty companion for that Purple Heart you earned a couple of months ago. Dismissed." ------------------------------------ Julie knocked on Carol's in home office door. "Come in," ordered Carol. "Dear," started Julie, "Your mother is on a holo call for you." Carol nodded and Julie retreated out of the office. Flicking the receiver on, Carol saw the image of her mother sitting at her desk in her senate office. "Mother, this is a pleasant surprise, what can I do for you?" asked Carol. "I need to see my family and get out of this infernal city for a few days. Would you object to visit by your lonely, elderly mother?" questioned Senator Anne Constancedaughter. Laughing, Carol replied, "By all means, Mother. We specialize in ministration to the old and decrepit." Smiling, Anne Constancedaughter gave Carol her basic itinerary concerning her arrival in two days and the projected two-week stay. "Two weeks with that domineering old battleaxe," Carol was appalled. She understood that there was barely room enough in the house for her own generous ego. "I'd better announce the impending disaster to the household," she thought. Leaving her office, she started her search for her wives. Quickly finding them chatting over iced tea in the kitchen, "Good, your sitting," said Carol. "My mother, the noted United States Senator, is gracing us with a two week state visit, starting in two days." "Oh shit," muttered Marie. "Two weeks?" added Julie. Pouring herself a glass of iced tea, Carol sat down with her girls. "Yes, two goddamned weeks, or so she is threatening and we have Peter coming home and hopefully a wedding to plan. When mom finds out about what's going on around here, she'll spend the summer and we'll all be chattels at her beck and call. Julie, do we have an especially lumpy mattress?" In mock defensive surprise, Julie haughtily replied, "No ma'am, we do not even a slightly lumpy mattress." Marie added, "If we did, you'd be sleeping on it." Carol caught Marie a sharp glance, "Keep that attitude up young lady and I'll throw away your' key'." Marie chortled at that remote possibility. ------------------------------------------- Two days later, the Constancedaughter family was lined up in formal array in the VIP terminal at Omaha National airport, awaiting the arrival of her eminence, Senator Anne Constancedaughter. The passenger transport vehicle had just completed it short trip from the small supersonic congressional jet parked on the tarmac to the VIP lounge, off loading Senator Constancedaughter. As the single passenger emerged from the transport, Carol was relieved to see that her mother had not brought an entourage. The Constancedaughter family was in a rough reviewing line as Senator Anne Constancedaughter disembarked the transport. The trim matron quickly reviewed the assembled devotee's and noted two exceptions to her expectations. "I am so happy to see you mother," gushed Carol. "I'm sure that you are thrilled, daughter. However, it has been at least a year and a half since I have annoyed you and I wanted to see my grandchildren." Chuckling, Carol noted, "I don't see Molly or Cindy, not to mention Milton or Charlie, are you traveling light this visit?" "Molly and Cathy are following on the next flight, and those two worthless lay about men of mine are off on some Canadian fishing expedition. With luck, they'll be eaten by bears," Anne remarked as she approached Julie and Marie and gave them each a sincere hug, with firm handshakes for the uncles and finally she targeted to true reason for her visit. After hugging Katherine and Debra, Anne embraced Connie who had been holding hands with Mary Ann. Releasing Connie, Anne faced the somewhat frightened Mary Ann, studying the comely sissy closely. "I am Grandmother Constancedaughter, my dear", introducing herself and grasping Mary Ann's hands simultaneously. Mary Ann did an unconscious, but graceful curtsey and gave her name. Smiling at the sissy, "We'll talk later, privately dear." Releasing Mary Ann, the senator turned to the uncles and ordered them to recover her luggage and prepare the transportation for the trip home. Later that evening, Anne and Carol were seated in Carol's home office with an expensive single malt scotch to loosen their tongues. -------------------------------------------- "So, Billie Mae didn't pass muster," said Anne, sadly. "I hope I am able to stay long enough to see William. You say he is getting two weeks leave?" Carol nodded, "So the academy said, they will send him home for your stay, but you know the law, once they have physical control of him, he is theirs." Anne sighed and nodded, she then brightened, "I have news of Peter. He is going to awarded the Bronze Star with the 'V' device for valor in some skirmish with Moslem raiders in Nigeria." "He's all right?" exclaimed Carol. "Oh yes, there was one soldier slightly wounded in the affair and of course, they didn't count the raider casualties. The Secretary of Defense told me this morning at a defense sub-committee hearing. He said that Peter's commander was desperate to get him to stay in the army and had requested that Peter also be awarded a commission. That was denied, as he told me, what little control we have on the military lies in controlling the officer corps." "Good," replied Carol, "I want him to get an education and I also want to keep him out of some matron's harem." "That, I presume is the reason for the presence of Mary Ann," queried Anne. "Tell me about her." Refreshing her drink and taking a long sip, Carol started her tale, "She is the sissy of Matron Sybil Morgannasdaughter, a distinguished name without fortune or current connections. Sybil has one wife, a sickly thing that she has adored for nearly thirty years. She took a single consort, with whom she also was deeply in love with. Her first child was also male; his name was Oliver Morgannason, a Captain of Marines. He was killed in action in China. Upon hearing the news of Oliver's death, David, Sybil's consort suffered a massive cerebral embolism and died instantly. Left with a sissy daughter of seventeen and a sickly wife, Sybil fell into a disabling state of clinical depression. The sole source of family income was young Oliver's and David's life insurance. Apparently, the insurance policies covered the family's outstanding debts, but not much more. Fortunately, Mary Ann was near graduation from St. Cynthia's and was allowed to graduate early so that she could pursue employment to support the family." Anne sat back and shook her head, "There, for the Grace of God," she muttered. "So, this is all very tragic, but how did Mary Ann wander into your life?" Dabbing at tears, Carol took a long pull on her whiskey and after a deep breath, "The girl was recommended to the manager of a department store here in Omaha, called the 'Sissy Shoppe' as potentially, a very good salesperson." "And....?" urged Anne for Carol to continue. "I took Connie on a shopping spree to update her wardrobe on her fifteenth birthday. Naturally, one of the stops would be the 'Sissy Shoppe.' It is very upscale and caters to both mistresses and sissies. Mary Ann was our salesgirl. We purchased a few items, over a three and a half hour period to the tune of two thousand four hundred dollars. As I said, they saw that the girl had sales potential. But, during that expensive afternoon, I became sure that this sissy had the manners, decorum and intelligence to be a consort to Peter." "Not to mention the looks," interjected Anne. "How did you know she was sterile? If she was a fertile sissy with those features, she would have had a line of mistresses and matron's doting on her a mile long." Carol smiled, "I didn't, but I did guess that if the girl was fertile, she probably wouldn't be a shop girl at the 'Shoppe.'" Continuing, Carol told Anne that she had contacted the Shoppe's general manager in her official status as Chairwoman of Omaha's Aldermanic Counsel. "I praised the girl to the heavens for her service and conduct and got her mother's name, the rest was easy." Chuckling, Anne asked, "I'm impressed with your investigated prowess, Sherlock, but how did you meet with her and close the deal?" Smugly, Carol eyed her mother and said, "I went through the back door. I requested another meeting the Shoppe's manager, a very cordial, but tough sissy, by the way, and told her what I had in mind. The truth, sometimes it's works." "You told the manager that you wanted to take her new prize sales girl away and make her a mare for a soon to released paratrooper? I bet that she was very enthusiastic about that prospect," Anne said as she held out her glass for a refill. Taking the proffered glass, Carol continued, "NO, I mentioned that I was aware of the girl's family financial circumstances and that I was all in favor of her staying employed at the Shoppe. I also said that if Mary Ann accepted my proposal, that her earnings would continue to go to her mother and that I would maintain her in a more than suitable fashion." Staring hard at Carol, Anne asked, "Are you saying that you and this manager bargained over this child's services?" Stopping, Carol reflected, "It's sounds like that doesn't it, mother? I'm so sorry that I related the manager's conversation with me so poorly. In fact, as I recall, she was not buying my pitch. Until I pulled a holo cube of Peter out of my purse and displayed it upon her

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Living Next Door to Heaven 256 Spring Breaks

"I don't want to go," Danielle said defiantly. After our food chemistry exam Wednesday, the triplets had come out to the ranch to run their next experiment in French cooking and I decided to join them. I'd made a stop when we got home to go to Theresa's and play with the babies. Of course, at three months, playtime mostly meant holding my son in my arms while Theresa and I talked. Doreen had only two months off and had gone back to work after Valentine's Day. Theresa had taken on the...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 297 Spring Break

I did get some research done for my thesis Sunday morning. The only reason I could concentrate on it was because it was about the show. It was a relief to be able to look at numbers regarding the show instead of looking at content. CEN wasn't making a fortune off the show. It turns out that the ratings for the first week were weak. We'd find out our second week ratings on Tuesday. I wondered how much we paid for the vital statistical information we got from this company. Donna was in charge...

3 years ago
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The First Day of Spring

It’s the first day of spring. I wake early and sitting on our front porch I admire the beauty of the day. The sky is a glorious blue, and I can hear a gentle breeze sighing in the trees. Birds are chirping in their branches, singing their songs. The grass is covered with a thick carpet of fragrant flowers. I’m wearing only a thin, white, cotton summer gown with spaghetti straps, it barely covers my ass cheeks. I sit back with my legs propped up and drift away in the growing warmth of the...

1 year ago
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When Worlds Collide a Vision Spring Story

When Worlds Collide: A Vision Spring story (Authors note: It's probably a good idea to read the first two stories before reading this one) Last time... (From This is how a Heart breaks) "He told me his story Itzel, and it doesn't change anything. I.. I love him anyway," Sara said "Love?" the creature said. "You can do more than summon shadows Sara. Look into his heart, and see the darkness there!" Unable to resist, Sara looked at Gregory, and suddenly her...

3 years ago
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Spring Break in Panama City

(episode 13)My heart was set on getting a big group of my friends together to go to Florida for spring break like we had done the year before. And I especially was looking forward to some special fun with my girlfriend Jennifer. But events never turn out the way you plan, our desires are often crushed.Despite Jennifer coaxing me into new sexual experiments like the little vibrator in my ass incident, anal licking and making videos of our love making, some tensions between us had developed...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Necessito Acabar My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break

by Quiver Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at a first person narrative. But I figured this would be a good candidate for it, because this story is actually based on a true story from my past! Some identifying and personal details have been altered, but overall this is a surprisingly accurate recounting of some true events. This story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters...

2 years ago
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Taking My Spring Break in New England Part OneChapter 2 Back at college

Back on campus, I’d parked my car up, gotten back to my dorm room and slept much of the day; I got up late afternoon to go find something to eat. The place was empty; pretty much everyone else was away on Spring Break. Just a few losers like myself who had no place to go and no-one to go with. Even my socially-challenged roomie had gone home to New York for the week, so I was at least on my own. I would have laid down some hefty bucks that he hadn’t blundered into the kind of surprise that...

2 years ago
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The Divine Spring

The clearing was bright and very green, and the gentlest of breezes made the grass and flowers dance where they grew. Three figures approached the spring and were sweating profusely from a whole day's walking under the sun's merciless rays.The lawyer was the first to reach their goal, and with a heaving sigh he slumped down before the pool of water and dropped his heavy rucksack. He let himself fall into the grass, stretching out his long arms and legs and took a long, relieved breath. The...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Exposing Cindy spring break

Volume I – Exposing Cindy: Spring Break  Chapter one: setting the context I was raised in the Midwest, Ohio to be precise, and my move to south Louisiana, to attend college, was a culture shock of biblical proportions for me. I arrived on the LSU campus, an innocent 17-year-old product of an ‘all-girls Catholic school’, quite naïve and a bit overwhelmed. I had received a partial academic scholarship to attend Louisiana State, which made this my lowest cost option to get a college education. I...

2 years ago
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Spring Broken

Spring Broken We drove into Fort Lauderdale about an hour after dark. My name is Candice Hubbel. Candice, never call me Candy. My husband, Dave Girard was asleep in the passenger seat of our rental Challenger. Dave had just worked out his notice with his old firm in New York City. He was going to start at his new job in Wichita Falls, Texas in 4 weeks. Neither of us had the money when we were in college to attend spring break. We had some money set by now that we were in our early...

1 year ago
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Necesito Acabar My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break

It was my senior year of high school, spring break, and I was sitting in my seat preparing myself for my first flight south of the border. A lot of firsts were going to happen this spring break, actually.My varsity soccer team had qualified for an international invitational tournament in Mexico. It happened to coincide with our school's spring break, which meant that we were going to get to spend an entire week living it up in Campeche, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. And, with the approval...

2 years ago
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Onsen Onna Hot Spring Lady Part II

Now that Erika seemed comfortable talking about her love of nylon stockings—not to mention how she enjoys wearing them all the time, even while bathing—I ventured to suggest that we share our own experiences. Talking can be the best therapy—besides, I was eager to learn more about her obsession, and not just for academic reasons. "So, Erika," I started, "when did you first begin to become attracted to nylon stockings? In America, many men have a fetish for garter belts and sheer nylon...

4 years ago
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Black Spring Break

The best fun I’ve ever had was during vacation. Ever notice that when they show Spring Break videos featuring college students having fun, they almost never show black students? That’s messed up, you know. I guess that’s why my friends and I decided to make our own black-themed Spring Break video. Show the world they were wrong and display once and for all the fact that black male and black female college students can get down with the best of thing. After all, I’m pretty sure our ancestors...

3 years ago
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Spring Breeze

Ah Spring, when a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of … well … sex actually. Or baseball, but that is a completely different story. Washington seasons suffer from ‘mood swings,’ especially when it comes to the temperature during the spring and fall. This spring was no different. Yesterday, the weather gurus had been calling for a high in the mid to upper sixties, yet it had struggled to get to fifty. Today, they were calling for highs in the upper sixties to lower seventies, so it was no...

1 year ago
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Spring Break in Mexico

Spring Break In MexicoIn the Spring of 1984, I had the unbelievable gift of going to Mazatlan, Mexico with my stepdaughter. As most, if not all stories on xhamster are fantasies or at best, some one’s dreams, this is a true story in every detail. Hope you enjoy it.MEXICO SPRING BREAKWe had parked my car on the Arizona side of the border. My stepdaughter and I were on our way to Mazaltan. She had won a bikini-contest the spring break before, and having no current boyfriend, asked me to go with...

2 years ago
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Spring Break Slave

Spring Break Slave By humbleslave "You fucking bitch!," I exclaimed for about the one hundredth time as I saw her holding up a DVD as she boarded the plane. A week ago, I had landed in Mexico, a regular college guy looking to blow off some steam on spring break. What I am now, and will be in the future, entirely depends upon the devious mind of the girl who just boarded the plane, whom I know only as "Mistress Ashleigh." I met Ashleigh my first night in Mexico. Returning to...

2 years ago
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Spring Break at the Beach Part 1

I walked out of class exhausted. It was a long day, and I embraced the breezy Spring air as I stepped outside. Julia, one of my friends at college, was standing outside. "Hey," she said. "Hi," I replied back. "Sooo..." she began, "Looks like we have something to do for spring break." "Holy crap, really?" I asked, surprised. We had been looking for something to do for spring break, but all the decent beach houses on the shore were either taken or too expensive. Our little circle of...

4 years ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 9 The Spring Dance

A New Christmas Mommy Part 9: The Spring Dance (March 6-7, 9-11 2019) "Oh goodness, what a busy day...." Diana said wearily as she opened the door to her condo. She took a moment to take off her high heels, rubbing her stocking clad feet for a moment. Ah, Jane isn't back yet.... as she noticed no other sound coming from the condo. Ah well, she figured, I can unwind with luscious mistress of wine, as she placed her clutch purse down and walked over to the kitchen fridge. Opening it up,...

2 years ago
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Season Spring

1 Spring - Sprit Man She leaned over and looked at her reflection in the clear cold water. Her hair was in twin long black braids and shined of the bear grease she had used in it. They were held in place by the leather band that was around her head. She dipped the skins into the still cold stream. The water still had the icy feel of the melting snows from the mountains. The air in the early morning had the bite of the passing winter, yet it also carried the sweet smell of the coming...

1 year ago
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Blue Spring Coal Blue Spring Oklahoma

The spur line, long abandoned, ended at Blue Spring Coal, it too a victim of foreign imports, and a push towards Clean Air. But it was the short way to the water of the mine's namesake. Blue Spring, deep in the Oklahoma panhandle was clear, clean and the summer destination of every boy with a bike within 10 miles of the rail head. The colliers had ridden in and out on the same trains that hauled the coal they mined. Blue Spring Coal had no road access. For quite a few years ... since 1890 ......

3 years ago
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Spring Breeze

Ah Spring, when a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of ... well ... sex actually. Or baseball, but that is a completely different story. Washington seasons suffer from "mood swings," especially when it comes to the temperature during the spring and fall. This spring was no different. Yesterday, the weather gurus had been calling for a high in the mid to upper sixties, yet it had struggled to get to fifty. Today, they were calling for highs in the upper sixties to lower seventies, so it...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 221 Spring Break

We were pretty somber the day after the party. Sheriff Donaldson called to say that Cathy had definitely been drugged, but that she would be all right since we'd alerted him about her condition. Brenda came to collect Dawn first thing in the morning and they went to visit their friend in the hospital. We sat at the table wondering if we could have or should have done something more or different. Both girls were a bit more reserved when we met in class. Cathy gave me a whispered, "Thank you....

3 years ago
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Mysterywriters Final Spring

Note from the author I hope you enjoy this piece but I don’t much care if you like my grammar or my spelling. So don’t bother sending me email about it please. If you want more of the same there is a free web site with nothing for sale, no adv, and no popups, just about two dozen novels and short stories galore. Email me for the address. If you hate it, let me know that too as I always love to hear from people who can write better. C Gurkin Mysterywriter’s Final Spring. When I saw the lights...

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spring Break2

When we got off the plane, I was so excited to see Alex, I couldnt wait to start my spring break. Then I spotted him, wearing a typical Florida attire, Shorts, a tank top and sandals. Maybe it was the excitment of beaing away from home, maybe it had just been along itme sinve I had seen Alex, but he looked great, even Jen whispered under her breath "your brother is hot". And I had to agree with her, Alex is a little over 6' tall, tanned, and the tank top showed off his well defined arms...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Twenty Spring Break

We kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...

2 years ago
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Another College Spring Break Junior Year

(Episode 21) This story is about spring break of my junior year in college and follows “Make-up Sexathon!” Weeks before spring break, the girls in my close knit gang of friends came up with the marvelous idea that our entire gang should spend spring break together. I was absolutely delighted with that idea. In fact, it erased the dread I had harbored deep inside about the possibility of Jennifer and I going on separate spring breaks. The worry over any potential damage that would do to our...

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Karas Spring Break 3

Kara pushed open the door to the shower and took a couple of steps inside. Stopping abruptly at what she saw, she quietly stepped back out and carefully closed the door. She looked at it. Stenciled lettering clearly said 'Women'; it even had the correct international symbol below it. Looking about she reaffirmed what she had seen on her walk from the boat; the marina was deserted. It was seven in the morning and the few marina guests, likely spring breakers, were still asleep. She was beginning...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Power Chapter Twenty Spring Break

We kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...

3 years ago
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Spring Break

SPRING BREAKI love going to Spring Break ever since I was a freshman in college. I also love fucking well hung black men since I discovered them in my sophomore year. It was during my second Spring Break that I combined them and never looked back. Getting married, I never kept any secrets from my husband who full well knew that during my college years I had a big thing for well hung black studs, especially young ones that could go all night. We are both white, 30 years old and straight. ...

1 year ago
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Spring semester college life 19

*******************Friday, my classes were over and done with in a hurry. The sad part washaving to see Hayden after my first class nearly break down since he wasn'tallowed to go with us. I really felt for him and promised I have Scottbring him something special along with keeping an eye on him. He laughedand wished me luck on the last part since he knew Scott far too well.Finally about noon, the twelve of us gathered together. We were veryexcited to get going and see what the week held. It was...

2 years ago
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Mia Chapter 10 Spring Break Part I

Mia felt the cold breeze of the air-conditioning make the hairs on her arm stand on end. The warmth from the setting sun was still beating down outside the car. Looking over to the driver seat through drowsy eyes, she smiled inwardly at herself as she admired the view of her boyfriend Jesse. They had already crossed quite a few state lines as they got closer and closer to their spring break retreat. Daytona Beach was the destination and they were planning to stay for the full week. Mia relaxed...

2 years ago
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This is How a Heart Breaks A Vision Spring Story

This is how a heart breaks Six months ago. ...Sara woke from her usual nightmares. Weak and shaking, she barely managed to get herself up and deal with the waking world. She had thought things were getting better, she had made such progress, but lately things had gotten worse again. The first set of dreams involved the case that had sent her on leave from being a social worker. It had seemed like a very straightforward case. A young boy, about 5 years old, had lost his parents in...

2 years ago
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Spring Breakdown

Spring Breakdown "Spring Break, woohoo!" Jay shouted as he saw the edges of the beach city in the near distance. He has going to have the time of his life, the first spring break vacation from the drudgery of college life. He looked over to the driver's seat, where his best mate Matt Williams was driving steadily above the speed limit, looking a bit downcast. Jay swept a hand through his short sandy hair, and spoke up again. "Hey man, cheer up, it's gonna be a week of sunshine,...

2 years ago
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Spring Break

Bonnie, Tina, and Denise had been dreaming of Spring Break all winter long, and now it was finally here. They were juniors in college and, as such, all finally able to legally drink. They had planned for over a year and managed to rent a three-bedroom condo online using Bonnie’s older brother Joe’s name and credit card. Joe was twenty-nine and happy to help the girls out. He remembered how much it sucked being too young to rent a hotel or a car when he was Bonnie’s age and had relied on an...

College Sex
2 years ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 5

Saturday afternoon and evening--Tylea and Lee. The glamor shot picture-taking event had been interesting. The four 'interns, ' as the students from Middlebury College had been dubbed by Deuce for the rest of the engagement, were driven to an upscale photography studio near Boston University just a few blocks from Fenway Park. Clothes, makeup, and jewelry were there in abundance as part of the glamour shot business for which this studio specialized. There were even two stylists on...

1 year ago
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Mary and Tracy missed spring break

Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Spring break

Note: not my story, but a good one...My freshman year in college I got the chance to go to spring break with a group that was mainly seniors and juniors. I didn't know it at the time but it was probably because I had a car. We were having a great time taking over the streets of Palm Springs, and generally being drunken maniacs. I was hanging with Steve, Bruce and Sheila, and I got IDed going into a bar. I think Steve and Bruce would have passed on going in, but Sheila wanted to check out the...

3 years ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break Reposted to correct problems

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

1 year ago
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SaMs Place Chapter 13 of 15 Spring Break

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

2 years ago
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The Girls Next Door 9 Spring Break Pt1

The Girls Next Door – 9 Spring Break Pt.1 When my alarm went off I rose up and looked around. On one side of me was CJ, an 18 year old brunette lying on her side, facing me with the covers kicked off. Her hair was in pigtails and she was clutching a doll between her 36C breasts. On the other side was Anna, another pigtailed brunette, 15years old, laying on her back, her 34D breasts pointing towards the ceiling? I leaned over and took one of Anna's nipples in my mouth. As I sucked on...

2 years ago
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Cool Spring Nights Part 2 Loose1 gain2

---------------------- ---------------------- You should read part 1 first. ---------------------- ---------------------- Cool Spring Nights (Part 2: Loose1 gain2) It was somewhere near 4am when the police arrived. I remember them helping me get up and dressed but then somewhere along the line everything became a blur of sirens, questions, flashing lights and paramedics. I vaguely remember a trip to the hospital in the back of an ambulance where I cried the whole time because my...

3 years ago
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Tiffany goes on spring break Ch 1

Sandy, my best friend in the whole world, invited me to join her and her boyfriend Rick on their spring break trip to Miami. Rick and a bunch of his fraternity buddies had pooled their resources to rent a van for the week. The guys planned look for a cheep hotel once we arrived in Miami since all we would be doing there was sleeping and showering. Well, the day before we planned to leave we all got together mostly so Rick could introduce me to the rest of the group. I already knew one of...

4 years ago
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Love In Time Of Goddamn Arab Spring

There is no underage sex in my story. Ahmad was a thirty-three years old single Egyptian man, living alone in Old Cairo. He was a secular, believing in Deism and Western civilization values. And he disliked Theocratic Abrahamic Terrorist nations like Saudi Entity KSA and Zionist Entity, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, Erdogan’s and Justice and Development Party’s Turkey and Sudan. But he was facing another Theocratic catastrophe that was int the year Two Thousand and Eleven, Obama’s Arab...

3 years ago
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Hidden Spring

A crisp breeze heavy with the scent of pine rolled in from the jagged peaks to their front. They looked to each other, then back to the gorgeous peaks to their front. In his backpack he had a little food to eat along with a bottle of fine champagne and a large thick blanket. The morning air was warm and alive as they set out up the trail to their front. They set out at a brisk pace towards a secluded place he had heard of some two hours hike ahead of them. She thought they went up for a...

2 years ago
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Spring, a time a rebirth, fresh beginnings, a time of lust. Well, everyone is a bit aroused during spring, doesn’t it seem so? A certain beach house suggested this lustful time to be true. It was a two story house in a sort of L-shape, with a pool and Jacuzzi in the backyard, and a path leading down a cliff to the beach. A young couple were staying there for spring break, to enjoy the pleasant company of the beach, being from St. Louis and all. Sean and Liz had been partying at Mardi Gras...

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