Necessito Acabar My Wet Hot Mexican Spring Break
- 3 years ago
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It was my senior year of high school, spring break, and I was sitting in my seat preparing myself for my first flight south of the border. A lot of firsts were going to happen this spring break, actually.
My varsity soccer team had qualified for an international invitational tournament in Mexico. It happened to coincide with our school's spring break, which meant that we were going to get to spend an entire week living it up in Campeche, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. And, with the approval of the wealthy parents of our private school, our coach had booked the entire varsity team's flight and hotel in one big group.
Most of my teammates had been to Mexico during spring break before, sometimes even without a parental chaperon. But not me. Slated to be valedictorian of our small private school, I had spent every previous spring break prepping for SATs or volunteering at a food bank to pad my college resume. It was a miracle that my parents even let me go on this trip, despite the fact that I'd already been accepted to Stanford for the following year.
Or at least, it was a partial miracle. Because, unlike the rest of my teammates' parents, my parents couldn't bear to let their little golden child out of their sight for even a week. So, I got to be the eighteen-year-old virgin loser whose parents were tagging along on the spring break trip. Yay.
Whatever. At least they had the decency to sit a few rows behind me, so I didn't have to associate with them every second of the flight. I had been assigned a window seat next to two of my teammates, Jessie and Kaitlyn. I liked Jessie alright--she was outgoing and funny. Pretty too, with her reddish curly hair and freckles. Life of the party type, but still kind. Jessie was our sweeper. You have to be pretty loud to do that job. Kaitlyn wasn't as outgoing as Jessie, or as funny, but she was still very much the popular type. Long bleached blonde hair, tall and shapely. I didn't know Kaitlyn as well off the field, but she and I played well together as dual center midfielders and I liked her well enough.
The two of them were already busy giggling about the cute flight attendant, leaving me alone with my nose in a book.
So there I was, with the seat in its upright and locked position, ready for takeoff.
The flight went pretty smoothly. It was hard to get much reading done with my teammates gossiping the entire time, and I couldn't help but eavesdrop a little. I got to learn a bit about who had a crush on which boy and what kinds of crazy shit happened at last week's party, all of that. As the smart kid on the team, it was sometimes hard to break into the group dynamic. My teammates were never rude to me or anything, but I still had never really felt like I was part of their social group, and I certainly didn't have the time to socialize outside of practice. It was clear that they didn't quite know how to interact with me either. But all of that stuff seemed to fall away when we were on the field together. Playing soccer was one of the only times I ever felt like I really belonged anywhere. And it let me get out from under my parents' thumbs, which was another plus.
"--hello? Earth to Quinn!" Jessie's voice cut through my drifting thoughts.
"Oh, what?" I responded, looking up and focusing on what Jessie had said to me.
"I said, what are you doing reading a book when we're on spring break?" Jessie said with a playful nudge. "You're going to have to come out of that shell eventually."
"Hah, yeah," I said noncommittally.
"Did you hear what we were talking about earlier, about going out tonight? They basically have no drinking age in Mexico," Jessie said, clearly making an effort to include me.
"Oh, um, no, I don't think so," I said in my usual quiet way. "I'm kind of tired... I'll probably just find my hotel room and go to bed. Plus, my parents are here..." I let my voice drift off in an attempt to get Jessie to drop the subject.
"Rejecting the invitation before it's even offered! Bold move!" Jessie said with an easy smile. "I'm not giving up that easy, Vernon. You're going to have some fun this week whether you like it or not!"
Feeling uncomfortable with so much attention, I smiled back and gave a half-hearted laugh as I replied, "Okay, haha," with a shy smile.
"Dude, I don't know how it's possible for you to be such a beast on the field when you're such a meek little mouse the rest of the time," Jessie pushed.
"I'm not that meek," I protested, feeling a bit attacked. "I just have other interests."
"Yeah, sure," Jessie replied, her voice heavy with sarcasm. "Your parents have other interests, you mean."
I fell silent at that, feeling the sting of truth in her words.
Jessie noticed my change in demeanor and stopped pushing so hard. She turned to Kaitlyn on her other side and said, "Quinn's coming out with us tonight, cool?"
Kaitlyn's eyebrows raised just a bit, but her tone was light. "Yeah, of course. Stick with us, Virgin--we'll show you how it's done," she replied in a teasing voice. Ugh, that nickname. It had stuck to me before the kids at school even knew what it meant. It wasn't even very original; it just vaguely resembled my last name.
"Not for long if we can help it!" Jessie quipped back, winking at me as she did so, which took some of the sting out of the nickname. I smiled at her, a twinge of excitement creeping through my body as it occurred to me that I might actually be going out drinking tonight.
When we landed at the Campeche airport, our coach and parent chaperons gathered the team up to find our luggage before we filed into the reserved bus that would take us to our hotel. It turned out that our hotel was actually a beautiful hacienda, located roughly equidistant from the beach and one of the bigger city markets. It was absolutely gorgeous.
The team waited out front while the adults checked us all into our rooms. Unfortunately, my parents being who they are, had insisted on booking my reservation separately from the rest of the team, under the pretense that "I would get better sleep if I didn't have to share a room".
So, I watched as my teammates planned out their sleeping arrangements in their groups of four while I stood with my parents. So much for a team bonding experience.
After a few minutes of everyone getting settled, I noticed that Jessie, Kaitlyn and our goalkeeper, Roach, were talking together and seemed to be looking at me. I cocked my head at Jessie, trying to figure out what they were saying, and Jessie noticed and waved me over.
"Hey Quinn, we have an extra spot in our room. Why don't you stay with us?" she said when I got close. My heart skipped a beat at the thought. It would be nice to be able to hang out with my teammates instead of having to stay with my parents all week. I never seemed to get to be part of the group. My mom had always made sure of that. There was always some reason, some excuse, that I needed to leave early, or have my own room, or eat some special kind of lunch away from the other kids. Always for my own good, of course. But it meant that I just never really felt like I belonged.
Thank god for Jessie, though. She really did seem to want me around, and it was nice to feel that way for once.
"Um..." I started to respond with a smile, "yeah, that sounds cool!" As soon as the answer escaped my lips, I heard my mother's voice behind me as she lightly grabbed my wrist to turn me back around.
"Quinn, I don't think it's a good idea for you to share a room before the tournament," she started. Her fun-radar was honestly astounding. How had she even heard Jessie ask me? "You're such a light sleeper, and you really need your rest before the game tomorrow morning. And we got a suite so that you'll have your own room, your own bed, everything you need," she continued quietly but firmly.
"But--" I started to object.
"No buts," my mom cut me off. "You know how important it is to keep your stats up. Stanford is still watching you, and any slip in your standing could keep you off the team next year."
I nodded in agreement. It was pointless to argue with her. She had an answer for everything.
My mom noticed the surrender in my body language and perked up a bit. "But how about this," she continued with a magnanimous smile. "You stay in the suite with your dad and me until the end of the tournament. And after you win, you can have a slumber party the last few days with your little friends. They can even come to our suite and we'll make virgin margaritas to celebrate!"
"Yeah, okay," I replied in defeat. It was hard to be frustrated with her when she always went above and beyond to give me everything I could possibly need. My mom nodded at me in approval and turned to Jessie and the others.
"Did you ladies hear that?" my mom asked them. "Quinn is going to stay in her own room with us until after the tournament is over. But she can join you all in your room later in the week."
Kaitlyn and Roach looked at me with a mix of pity and annoyance, but Jessie didn't seem fazed. "Sounds good, Mrs Vernon," she replied. "Quinn's so lucky to have a mom that looks out for her so much," she said without a hint of sarcasm. But as Jessie turned back toward Kaitlyn and Roach, she gave me a subtle nod of solidarity.
As the evening wrapped up, I followed my parents to our suite and diligently got ready for bed, sure that my teammates were already out having a blast while I stood there brushing my teeth.
Saturday was a whirlwind. We had a double-header for the first round of the tournament and ended up winning both games, despite the fact that around half of our players seemed to be hung over. I was on fire, though. Scored in both games, plus a couple of assists. And inevitably, after our two awesome games, we went out for dinner as a team. And equally inevitably, my parents tagged along and pulled me away just as my teammates were getting ready for another night on the town.
So, with aching envy in my heart, I walked back to the hotel once again alongside my parents. Thankfully, we weren't scheduled for a game on Sunday, so maybe I'd get to explore Campeche a bit more. Maybe even escape the never-ceasing watchfulness of my mom.
The next morning, after having missed out on the festivities the past two nights, I was feeling a really strong urge to do something extreme. Thankfully, the market was relatively nearby, and my parents were fully supportive of me going out and practicing my Spanish among the locals during daylight hours. So, around 10:30, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, I grabbed my bag, impulsively threw a halter top and a jean mini skirt inside, and informed my parents that I wanted to explore the market while my teammates were still asleep.
"Wonderful idea, Quinn," my mom replied, beaming with pride. "You should pick up some souvenirs to give your teachers when you get back to school. And probably something for your grandmother too. She'd love to know you were thinking of her," she continued, not recognizing the irony that now I'd be buying those gifts out of obligation and not my own desire.
"But make sure you're back by five o'clock!" she added. "Your dad and I made a reservation at a fancy restaurant. You can bring one of your friends if you want! Our treat!"
"Okay," I replied, not having the energy to argue with her. It would be nice to be able to spend some time as part of the team, but it just wasn't going to happen with Mom around.
"Mary-Ellen," my dad chimed in carefully from their bedroom. "Maybe Quinn should join her teammates for their dinner instead. They have a lot to celebrate, and she doesn't get the chance to spend much time with them during the semester, with all of the studying she does."
My mom pursed her lips at that suggestion but ultimately seemed to decide against fighting about it. "If that's what she wants to do," she replied. Then, turning back toward me, she repeated, "Either way, be back by five o'clock. It can be dangerous to be in the city by yourself in the evening. And your Spanish really isn't where it needs to be to get around properly."
"Yep," I replied, avoiding eye contact in the hope that she wouldn't find something else to say before I could escape.
Making brief eye contact with my dad as a silent thanks for coming to my rescue, I darted out of the hotel room and quickly speed-walked to the front of the hotel.
Finally free and on my own, I slowed my pace a bit. What should I do? I could do anything at this point. There was no one with me, no one watching over my shoulder or following me. It was just me, in a foreign city, with a passport and some cash. And some slutty clothes tucked away, for some reason. No way was I going to spend this brief moment of freedom buying souvenirs for my teachers; I was going to do something fun.
As I continued walking toward the city center, my thoughts started to race while imagining the possibilities. Where should I go? I knew one thing: I wanted to find myself some alcohol.
So, not really knowing the procedure for finding alcohol in a random Mexican city, I sat down at a nearby restaurant to get my bearings and check out their menu. Seeing the words "piña colada", I decided to go for it. I was easily over the drinking age in Mexico, but the waiter didn't even think to card me when I ordered. I waited the five minutes it took for my frozen drink to arrive, growing more excited by the moment.
When the waiter finally returned with my drink, I sat there with my drink in hand, basking in the freedom it represented. It wasn't much of a rebellion, but it was mine. And I was going to fucking enjoy it.
I sipped the sugary drink slowly from my newfound place of agency and watched the pedestrians outside. I felt like an adult for the first time in my life. All because I had ordered a piña colada by myself.
I stayed at the restaurant for lunch, ordering a few more piña coladas and some food. But as I ate my lunch, a deeper itch started to form in the pit of my stomach. This wasn't enough. I wanted something more. I wanted to experience something. I wanted risk. Alcohol wasn't going to cut it. Tingling with a sense of urgency and discomfort, I quickly paid for my meal, and before I left the restaurant, I took a trip to the bathroom and changed into my floral halter top and mini skirt. I let my hair down from its usual ponytail, flipping my sun-bleached locks to frame my face in the mirror. Finally feeling ready to take on the world, I left the restaurant, searching for something to satisfy this growing need within me.
Finally, it hit me. I was a young American teenager surrounded by men who felt perfectly fine whistling at me and grabbing their crotches as I walked by. Surely, I could find someone moderately attractive to hang out with. Maybe I could even kiss someone. My mind started to wander, imagining the possibilities and realizing that the tingling sensation was starting to cluster between my legs. I suddenly found myself wondering if I would be able to find the word for "condom" in my Spanish pocket dictionary. I could feel my face flush as more and more scandalous thoughts whisked through my teenage mind.
Finally, being sure to pay attention to my surroundings, I found a seedy-looking bar. Now certain of what I wanted, I hatched a plan. I ordered a beer from the bartender and started sipping on it. Slowly. I didn't want to actually get drunk. I just wanted it to look like I might be drunk. Sitting in my jean mini skirt, my tanned, toned legs crossed in front of me, I scoured the bar for a potential target.
Knowing what I wanted gave me a sense of power I had never experienced before. It was exhilarating. I felt this sense of certainty that I could have any man I wanted. And I was going to.
After a few minutes, I noticed a group of three young men enter the bar. It was hard to tell how old they were, but my guess was mid-twenties. They were good looking, though nothing spectacular. Though one of them in particular, the middle one, looked intriguing. He had those deep, penetrating eyes and a hint of dangerous appeal. A minuscule grin started to form at the edge of my mouth as my eyes narrowed with decisiveness.
It briefly occurred to me that they might not be interested. But I was too far gone to let that thought take root. I was high on adrenaline, along with being ever so slightly tipsy. And it was going to stay that way. I wanted to savor and remember every second of today.
So I simply watched the three of them take a seat at a nearby table, chatting together in Spanish, much faster than I was able to parse. And instead of averting my eyes and shrinking into myself as I would have done in the past, I let myself keep my gaze steady and directed. There was no mistaking that I was looking at them. Or the way I was looking at them. And within a few seconds, they were looking back.
The middle guy noticed me first. His eyes locked with mine, and instead of looking away, I tilted my head ever so slightly and cocked my eyebrow with a confidence that was only partially feigned. I lifted my bottle of beer to my lips and took a tiny sip, never letting my eyes leave his. The other two were quick to follow his line of sight, and suddenly I was the center of attention.
After no time at all, the three of them seemed to come to a collective decision as they stood up and walked over to my table. They asked if they could sit with me, and of course, careful to remain nonchalant, I said yes.
What followed was about twenty minutes of very light conversation in my mediocre, broken Spanish. They asked me how old I was, and when I said I was eighteen, they were quick to indicate that they were also eighteen. I had my doubts--they definitely seemed older than that to me--but it didn't really matter. They asked me why I was here, and I told them about the soccer tournament. They asked where my friends were, and I told them they were still asleep at the hotel. And that I wanted to see the city by myself. I wanted to have fun. Did they know of anywhere we could have fun?
I quickly learned their names. Santiago was the good looking, stoic and quiet one with penetrating eyes. Then there was Diego, also good looking, and Carlos, not really my type but very talkative. They bought me another beer, and I sipped on it, careful to stay alert and in control. Eventually, they tried to buy me yet another beer, but I really didn't want to be impaired, so I declined, claiming that I was already too drunk. It was a lie, but I could tell that the idea excited them, and they accepted it without question. I even caught them exchange a couple of knowing glances afterward.
Since I had declined their offer of another drink, they finally asked if I wanted them to show me around the city. So we ended up walking back through the market, and we found a seat on a park bench near the fountain. I made sure that I was seated next to Santiago, but I still wasn't sure he was the one I wanted. Honestly, being the center of attention of all three guys was intoxicating enough as it was.
But the conversation quickly ran up against the limits of my Spanish abilities, and I started to get bored. Finding a burst of bravery, I leaned over to Santiago and quietly whispered to him, "¿Quieres ir a otro lugar?" which probably wasn't the most natural way of asking if he wanted to go somewhere else, but it certainly got my point across.
He perked up at the suggestion and asked if I meant all four of us or just him and me, and I responded in a low whisper, "Solos". He nodded, grabbing my hand as he stood up. I didn't quite follow the rest of the conversation, but from what I gathered, he told Diego and Carlos that he and I were leaving together. Their response was a mixture of disappointment and lewd smirking as Santiago, and I walked away.
Once we were on our own, Santiago asked me where I wanted to go. I had no idea. I was high on adrenaline and willing to do almost anything at this point, but I was also starting to have flashes of fear. What the hell was I doing, going off alone with some random guy I don't know in a foreign country, after all the stories I've heard about girls getting kidnapped here?? What on earth was my plan here?
Santiago didn't seem like a genuinely scary guy, and so far he hadn't been pushing me to do anything. It had all been me. But I couldn't stop the racing thoughts. At the same time, I wanted this. I wanted to have an experience. An experience that wasn't sanctioned by my overbearing mother. One that was all mine.
So I finally suggested that we find a hotel. We went up to the front desk of the first one we found, but Santiago didn't have enough money. Technically, I had a credit card with me and quite possibly enough cash to cover an hour or two in a hotel, but there was no fucking way I was going to leave a paper trail that I had rented a hotel room in the middle of the day in Mexico. So I told him I didn't have any money either. He was a bit irritated at that but accepted it. It was probably a smart decision to say that I didn't have any money, though. Chances are he was harmless, but since I was already being reckless, probably good to not paint a target on my back by flaunting wealth. I consoled myself with that thought as we walked away from the hotel to find somewhere else.
We wandered through the streets, neither of us really knowing what to do. I started to get that bored feeling again. This was not going to end with me walking through a street with a guy! I was at least going to kiss him, dammit.
Not long after that, Santiago led us to a park. It seemed relatively empty, though a few pedestrians were walking around. We stopped on a bench and sat down to get our bearings a bit.
Not wanting to let the moment pass, I looked deeply into Santiago's eyes, daring him to kiss me. He leaned over with his full weight, pushing his tongue into my mouth in a wet, slobbery kiss. It wasn't exactly the romantic moment I had fantasized about, but hey, it was something. His breath tasted like stale cigarettes and his hands were rough as they explored the outside of my clothing. Part of me wanted to spit out the cigarette-flavored saliva and go back to the safety of my hotel, but at this point, I was too determined. Dammit, he's going to be my prince charming, I thought to myself. Even if I have to pretend he's someone else. I tried to think about anything besides the cigarette taste.
As his coarse hands were grabbing at my breasts, a couple passed close by on the path through the park. Shit. This wasn't going to work. It was too exposed.
Santiago grabbed my hand and led me further into the woods, deeper into the park. We found ourselves seated on an old abandoned stone wall off the main path in an area that seemed a bit more secluded, and we settled back into our kissing.
This time, instead of outside my shirt, Santiago's hand found its way to the edge of my skirt. His muscled arms pried my inexperienced thighs apart and he placed his middle finger on the outside of my panties and started to rub, rough and fast.
It had been only a few months since I had first even explored my own body enough to reach an orgasm, so I was hardly an expert on the subject at this point. But even from my relative inexperience, I could tell that what Santiago was doing wasn't going to lead to any sort of climax. Yet, despite his clumsiness and roughness, I found myself growing more and more excited. I was getting used to the cigarette taste, and I started to let myself make noises.
As soon as I started to moan, Santiago grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. I could feel his erection through his jeans, but I didn't quite know what to do with it. I moved my hand in circles against the bulge in his pants as he slid his finger past my panties and rubbed hard against a spot about an inch above my clit.
Frustrated and embarrassed, I didn't know what to do, but I started to feel that bored feeling creep in again. Santiago seemed to be feeling just as frustrated, so he moved my hand away from his crotch and unzipped his jeans, freeing his throbbing uncircumcised cock from his pants as he sat next to me on the stone wall.
That was the first penis I'd seen up close like that. I was entranced as I watched him start to stroke himself. He grabbed my hand and pushed it against his cock, and I did my best to stroke it as he had been doing. But my motion was stiff and jerky, and I didn't know what I should be doing. My hand fell still around his cock as he continued to poke around with his hand under my skirt. It wasn't working.
Santiago finally stood up and awkwardly squeezed his torso between my legs, pulling my panties to the side. His knees were bent at an odd angle because the height of the wall was just slightly too low, but he managed to almost line himself up. I could feel his thick cock pressing up against the delicate folds of my pussy, but again, he had placed it much too high. He started thrusting, several inches away from my opening, growing ever more frustrated as he couldn't seem to find my entrance.
All the while, I wasn't even sure if I was ready to have full-blown sex. I'd never even held a cock in my hands before today. And what about condoms? Do they use condoms in Mexico? All of my insecurities and fears started tumbling back through my mind as I realized the stupidity of the situation I had put myself in. What if I get pregnant? I can't have a baby at eighteen! I can't have sex with this guy without a condom! And what about STDs? What the hell was I thinking?
Santiago readjusted himself, lowering and pushing his cock closer to my opening, but still with no success at actually penetrating me. Even when he lined it up perfectly, the angle I was sitting at wouldn't let him inside me. And with my tumbling thoughts, I was not really any help. He kept kissing me with more intensity and force, his tongue almost choking me as it explored the back of my throat.
I glanced down at my watch, realizing it was nearly 4:30. Shit! I told my mom I'd be back by five o'clock! Finally realizing and accepting that it just wasn't going to happen today, I told Santiago that I needed to leave.
He was not happy with that idea. He groaned at me, thrusting harder against the outside of my pussy and grabbing my tits with urgency. He placed his mouth against my ear, grunting "Necesito acabar."
Being a decent Spanish learner and someone who enjoyed saying curse words in foreign languages, I knew exactly what he had just said to me. It titillated me, hearing someone tell me they needed to cum. A shiver ran through my body, culminating at my clit as I suddenly ached with sexual need. I wanted him to cum. I wanted to see him cum. This was it, what I had been expecting all this time.
But I still didn't want him to cum inside me. The threat of disease and pregnancy was too much. I stood up and kissed him firmly on the mouth and leaned up against a nearby tree. I pulled up my top, exposing my breasts, and said, "Okay". He seemed to know what I meant for him to do, and he immediately grabbed my right tit with one hand and started pumping his other rapidly up and down the length of his cock.
I gasped for air as the sensation of his hand on my nipple sent tingling shock waves through my body. My clit spasmed with excitement as I watched Santiago jerk himself while he grabbed me and stared at me with such animal urgency. His eyes never left my breasts as he continued to pump his hand up and down the length of his now purple and engorged cock. He started moaning as his hand sped up, and finally, his eyes clenched closed in a grimace as his hand twisted my nipple and he spent himself onto the ground in front of me, some of it landing on my foot and leg. I watched as spurt after spurt of white fluid splattered onto the leaves, moaning with pleasure as I watched him pump the last few drops from his cock, his hand still firmly on my breast.
After he had finished, Santiago grabbed me around the waist and kissed me fiercely up against the tree. I sighed as waves of exhilaration crashed over me. I was more turned on than I had ever been in my life. I felt like I could probably cum right there if I had even a few minutes to myself.
But no. I needed to get back to the hotel. I would need to hurry if I was going to make it back by five. So I told Santiago again that I needed to leave. He mutely agreed, and he walked me back toward my hotel. I was a bit worried about leading him all the way back because I wasn't sure I wanted him to know exactly where I was staying. But I couldn't figure out a way to get him to leave. Finally reaching the main road, I told him that I could find my way back from there.
Saying goodbye, he leaned in, roughly shoving me up against the building at the corner into another violent kiss. Moaning slightly, I closed my eyes kissed him back, letting one leg lift up around his ass as he pushed himself against me. Overwhelmed by the intense feeling of power and freedom I was feeling, I slowly allowed my eyes to open once more.
I realized in horror that I was looking straight into the angry eyes of my mother, who, accompanied by a couple of my teammates, had just turned down the street to find me making out with a random dude on a street corner.
Kaitlyn and Roach had apparently been leaving the hotel lobby right when my mom decided she needed to go down to the market to find me, despite the fact that it wasn't even after five yet.
Kaitlyn's eyes were wide as she took in the scene of me making out with a random guy, and Roach looked like she was about to burst out laughing. Thankfully, my mom is allergic to outright confrontation, preferring to have her fights in the privacy and safety of her own space. So, instead of yelling at me in front of my teammates, she simply pursed her lips in the usual way, her hand on one hip as she watched me with disapproval. Acutely aware of the splatter of semen drying on my leg, I quickly disentangled myself from Santiago's embrace. Using whatever presence of mind was left to me, I somehow managed to overcome my terror, and I actually had the audacity to introduce Santiago to my mother and vice versa.
I think my mom was as shocked by that fact as I was, and she was surprisingly polite to him as I made the most awkward introduction of my life. In the end, I was quick to say "adiós" to Santiago, and I walked back to the hacienda with my mom in complete silence while Kaitlyn and Roach left toward town.
To this day, my mom has never said anything to me about that interaction with Santiago. She never asked where I met him, what we did, or anything else. I think she's blocked it out of her memory.
But I certainly didn't block it out.
In fact, I was still so turned on by the whole affair that as soon as I returned to the hotel room and my mom went out on the balcony with my dad, I laid down on the couch in the hotel room, and my mind wandered back over the events of the day. Acutely aware that my parents were out on the porch, only separated from me by a thin sheeting, I shoved my hand between my legs and started furiously rubbing. And unlike Santiago, I knew exactly where my clit was.
After the adrenaline rush of being caught by my mom compounded with the intense arousal I'd experienced earlier when Santiago jerked off beside me, I was sopping wet. My fingers slid through the folds of my aching pussy, encircling my clit and sending spasms of pleasure through my entire body.
I closed my eyes, remembering the feeling in the park as Santiago grabbed my breast and came all over the ground and brought myself to a quick, urgent, pulsating orgasm. I could barely keep myself from screaming as the waves of pleasure overtook me, and I pressed my mouth into the side of the couch to muffle the high-pitched squeaks that escaped. Knowing that my parents could walk back in at any moment only made me cum harder and faster.
After my climax, I collapsed onto the couch and stared up at the ceiling, lost in delirium and amazement at what I had done that day. It had been dangerous. Reckless. Amazing. Powerful.
As I relaxed, prone on the hotel couch, I felt a sense of calm confidence wash over me. I made that happen today. I decided do do something on my own, and I did it. Maybe it hadn't been the smartest decision, and it easily could have gone horribly wrong, but it had been fine. More than fine!
After I caught my breath, I stood up in front of the hotel mirror. Where before I had seen a meek, naive schoolgirl, now I saw something new taking root. I had experienced what it felt like to make a decision, to take control of my own future.
I had a taste for it now.
Author’s Note: As mentioned at the beginning, the events of “Necesito Acabar” constitute a true recounting of events from my past, and this marks the end of that true story. However, Quinn’s story will continue as full fiction in several sequels, so stay tuned! Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments or questions, I would love to hear from you! My contact information is available in my bio.
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NO ONE IN THIS STORY UNDER 18 YEARS ENGAGES IN SEX. Karen and I knew from the beginning that we were meant for each other because we are both sex fanatics and willing to experience anything that sounded like fun. On the day of our seventh wedding anniversary, we were in San Diego attending a convention. We had elected to stay at a motel near the airport rather than the Convention Center Hotel. We wanted total privacy away from the other conventioneers; away from people, we knew. Karen and I...
The governor's daughters' Cynthia and Stacy knew that their wealth and social status came with certain responsibilities and obligations, whether they wanted to oblige or not. If the truth be known, they didn't give a rat's ass about the immigrant workers, legal or not. They thought minimum wage and access to health benefits (although expensive) was more than fair compensation for allowing the mexican immigrants to work for them. But with all of the uproar in the media of abuse with...
Two k**s and twelve years later, I was living the 'American Dream'. We had just purchased a new house in a nice, safe suburb, and we both had great, well-paying jobs. I had broken free of the historical chains of manual labour in my family and was a successful accountant working at the biggest firm in the city (there was even a bidding war over me of sorts when I finished my degree). I was the most successful member of my family and the only one not doing menial labour like cleaning houses. I...
I have had an interest in the study of human sexuality for many years, and specifically the way it evolves over time. That’s why it's interesting that the events taking place in this story could have been such a surprise to me. My name is Ed, and my wife, Joan, and I are fifty years old and have two children who are out of college and living in different Phoenix suburbs with young families of their own.Joan and I had a robust sex life from the time we met in college until the past two years....
InterracialMy name is Amy, and my husband, Doug, and I grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina, although we didn’t meet until college. He’s one year older than me, and we went to different high schools in the city. That was lucky for me since he didn’t know my reputation as a slut before we met. We are both computer science majors and earned our bachelor’s degrees at UNC in Charlotte.Doug moved back to Raleigh one year ahead of me and got a great job in the systems department of a large corporation. We got...
Wife LoversMexican Beauty Mariko Martin stared at the girl on his comp screen. She was a short girl with bronze skin and black hair -- a Mexican beauty, she might have been the daughter of a Mayan king. Her hair was long, brushing against the small of her back, and shone like a mountain lake at midnight, when the water was as black as sin and the moonlight danced across the surface. Her eyes were large and soulful, if currently soulless, but the thing that really got your attention...
My name is Enrique and I am from Chihuahua Mexico. Since a c***d I never really liked girls, but I didn’t seem to like boys either. That was true until I first went to visit the USA. I fell in love when I met a white American boy. His beautiful blue eyes, his pretty smile, his perfect body, and his tall frame attracted me to him. I never met a man like that in my life. I was 18 and he was about 23 years old. I didn’t know much English so it was hard to talk to him. But he knew I wanted him. He...
Joan Mertz lay back in the king-sized bed in the cottage she had her husband had rented for their two week Mexican vacation. She was wearing only her white cotton panties and they barely fit her anymore. She rubbed her large belly, six month swollen with their child, then she reached below her stomach and felt her labia, wet with desire. Steve had already left for the airport and had left her lying in bed; wet, horny and angry. He refused to make love to her saying that the baby would be in...
"Tomorrow, my sweet Carmen, tomorrow we shall shave your legs, under your arms and your pussy. But, tonight, I shall make a woman of you." I promised. At that, I turned and faced her, Carmen launched her naked body from a standing position, from three feet in front of me, landing in my arms with her legs spread around me, her hands around my neck and her pussy impaling on my steel hard, mushroom headed rod. As her hymen tore, she shrieked in pain, but then drew herself, with the heels of her...
Rosa was on the University's volleyball team, but she wasn't sure how she even made it. First of all, she was out of shape, being a little heavier than the skinny girls on the team. Also she wasn't that good at the sport, she couldn't really serve and her spike needed a lot more practice. She wanted to try out just to try something new. She was now the only Mexican girl on the team, and definitely the thickest. Her ass was very wide, just plain big compared to the other girls'. Rosa really...
FetishMy name is Maxwell & this story is damn crazy. Let's start off with my mom she's a mexican women she's 36, short about 5'1 or 5'2 she's has a nice thick body nice size in titties 34c long black hair & beautiful light brown skin. She also doesn't know much Spanish. Now my friend Chris his black his 19 I'm 18 by the way his pretty cool his skinny maybe 5'10 also he plays basketball. Ok now that I let you know a little bit about me & my mom & friend let the story start. One day me...
You might want to read Parts One and Two of this story to get a better idea of the characters and context of the story, but I will give a brief synopsis in the following paragraphs.In Part One we learned that my name is Ed, and I was forty-seven years old at the time of this story when we were living in Atlanta. My wife Joan was forty-five, and although we previously had an active sex life, in the past couple of years she had lost interest in sex. I didn’t really know why, but I do have a small...
TabooMexican Donkey Slut By Shabbadew2002 Email me: [email protected]? ? Chapter 1 Mama?s Punishment It was Sunday, after church and Maria sat on the toilet, peeing, brushing her hair, and looking at herself in a worn, hand-held mirror. ?She liked what she saw.? She had a pretty, round face, full lips, even white teeth, beautiful dark brown eyes with thick lashes and her skin was smooth, supple and brown.? She was a full-figured, pretty chica.? Brushing her long, thick black hair, cut just below...
Once we were there he flirted with me and I flirted back. Eventually I was starting to get a buzz and he just kept ordering more drinks. Soon I was drunk some and then he started making some moves on me. He was telling me how beautiful I am in my ear and then took me by the hand to a back corner. He put his arms around me and we started kissing. I felt so so good. I could feel my pussy getting wet as we French kisses. Him holding my head as he moved his tongue around my mouth, making me...
Edgar was a tall handsome Mexican with broad shoulders thick black hair, handsome eyes and face a woman would die for. He was my waiter that evening, the last evening I would be in Cancun. Our cruise ship was set to sale at 10:00Am the next day. I must have summoned the waiter a hundred times just to look at this gorgeous man. He gazed at me with love in his eyes and I at his. I wanted Edgar. I was hot for Edgar, but was he hot for me? After paying for dinner my beaux and I left and all I...
A warm wind blew off the grasslands and into a secluded, wooded valley. The whir of a rope broke the stillness of the afternoon, missing a tree stump by mere inches. A blue jay cried its objection at having humans so close to its nest. A killdeer called plaintively as it ran down the yellow sand of the only road in the valley. A buzzard circled lazily overhead, looking for a meal. Daisy’s littered the grass around the stump, creating a blaze of color in the otherwise green...
Valerie Luna swiped her green charge card. The deposit was a thousand bucks.The notification arrived on Braxton Lowe’s phone. It prompted him to get a signature. He held out his device to the five-foot-two, olive skinned lady.Valerie used her forefinger to sign.“Thank you, Valerie!”“Agustin and I want this Quinceañera to be fabulous!”“Oh it will be,” the slim, chocolate-skinned party planner assured her.“Nathalie is his little princessa,” remarked the woman who had been born in Puerto Rico.“I...
Bikini Beach: Spring Break By Elrod W Stan and Chuck were still wiping their hands as they emerged from the restroom. They moved slowly; from the fatigued look in their eyes, one would correctly guess that they'd been awake for a very long time. Jack stood up behind the windshield, peering at the two. "Come on, guys! Time's a-wastin'." He slid back behind the steering wheel of his Camaro convertible, a sleek midnight blue car suited for a young man. Right now, however, it looked...
As the new school year progressed Ron assigned the two eager for more power beavers to put together an assertive classroom management program. Jill and Kelly were given the curriculum review challenge. It quickly became evident one after school work session per week with the four of them would make little progress. Half of Alaina's weekly free periods she met with Kelly to work on their project. Jill found herself giving up her free periods to work with Kelly and Ron Freeman conducting a...
Huge Mexican Tits Camille was without a doubt the biggest girl in my class. At fifteen she was a head taller than most of the boys and her tits were probably bigger than any ten girls put together. I had admired Camille since the start of school when she transferred in. She spoke good English and even better Spanish. She was a big girl but she was also pretty. She had a big belly, a big butt, and even bigger boobs. She reminded me of a younger and prettier version of my own...
I did get some research done for my thesis Sunday morning. The only reason I could concentrate on it was because it was about the show. It was a relief to be able to look at numbers regarding the show instead of looking at content. CEN wasn't making a fortune off the show. It turns out that the ratings for the first week were weak. We'd find out our second week ratings on Tuesday. I wondered how much we paid for the vital statistical information we got from this company. Donna was in charge...
The story I'm going to tell you is absolutely true, it happened in May, 2018 and it's your decision to believe it or not...January, 2018:I was happily married with "the girl of my dreams", her name was Aleyda and we planned to have c***dren as soon as possible to start a big family as we dreamt years ago when I met her at the University.Once, I went to the hardware store for something that I needed for the garage, she told me that she wanted to eat pizza for dinner and I agreed with her. So I...
(episode 6)Over the Christmas Holidays after that hike in the mountains I hooked up with Jennifer two more times and we decided that we would see each other exclusively. Once back in Athens, I found myself spending most nights at Jennifer’s apartment that she shared with her best friend, Brittany. I found myself experiencing sex on a regular basis over the next several weeks and it was absolutely fantastic. That winter semester I pledged the fraternity that mt friends Nick and Bob were in and...
College SexVolume I – Exposing Cindy: Spring Break Chapter one: setting the context I was raised in the Midwest, Ohio to be precise, and my move to south Louisiana, to attend college, was a culture shock of biblical proportions for me. I arrived on the LSU campus, an innocent 17-year-old product of an ‘all-girls Catholic school’, quite naïve and a bit overwhelmed. I had received a partial academic scholarship to attend Louisiana State, which made this my lowest cost option to get a college education. I...
ExhibitionismWe decided to drive to Mazatlán on the western coast of Mexico. It was a long trip, but one that was worth the long drive across Texas, and then the northern parts of Mexico.The Hotel Riu, which overlooked the Pacific, was a luxurious destination spot, one we had found by pure accident on the internet. While the rooms were air-conditioned, the hotel lobby and corridors were not, which I found a strange upon our arrival, but once I saw a bevy of bikini-clad women wandering through the lobby, my...
Quickie SexSon watches as mom gets used. I arrived home very early from my summer job. I had been home from college for a couple days, and that meant I could have a relaxing day. I had read my work schedule wrong and I wasn’t supposed to work that day. ‘Fine by me,’ I thought as I u-turned for home. As I walked in the kitchen, I saw a commotion outside the kitchen window. In the distance, I saw my mom and our Mexican gardener, Luis. Luis was a tall, rugged looking man. At least 6’4” with a husky build....
Son watches as mom gets used.I arrived home very early from my summer job. I had been home from college for a couple days, and that meant I could have a relaxing day. I had read my work schedule wrong and I wasn't supposed to work that day. 'Fine by me,' I thought as I u-turned for home. As I walked in the kitchen, I saw a commotion outside the kitchen window. In the distance, I saw my mom and our Mexican gardener, Luis. Luis was a tall, rugged looking man. At least 6'4'' with a husky build....
Aurélie's Mexican vacationsChapter 1: First days in MexicoAurélie laid her back against the hot stone of the altar. She spread her legs and arms, imagining herself the future victim of an Aztec High Priest. She smiled as wild fantasies passed through her mind. Her abundant, curly auburn mane was splayed all over the stone as her chest heaved up and down. Climbing all those stairs had been a serious effort and she had worked a sheen of perspiration. She had opened the two first buttons of her...
The best fun I’ve ever had was during vacation. Ever notice that when they show Spring Break videos featuring college students having fun, they almost never show black students? That’s messed up, you know. I guess that’s why my friends and I decided to make our own black-themed Spring Break video. Show the world they were wrong and display once and for all the fact that black male and black female college students can get down with the best of thing. After all, I’m pretty sure our ancestors...
We were pretty somber the day after the party. Sheriff Donaldson called to say that Cathy had definitely been drugged, but that she would be all right since we'd alerted him about her condition. Brenda came to collect Dawn first thing in the morning and they went to visit their friend in the hospital. We sat at the table wondering if we could have or should have done something more or different. Both girls were a bit more reserved when we met in class. Cathy gave me a whispered, "Thank you....
"I don't want to go," Danielle said defiantly. After our food chemistry exam Wednesday, the triplets had come out to the ranch to run their next experiment in French cooking and I decided to join them. I'd made a stop when we got home to go to Theresa's and play with the babies. Of course, at three months, playtime mostly meant holding my son in my arms while Theresa and I talked. Doreen had only two months off and had gone back to work after Valentine's Day. Theresa had taken on the...
That same evening I put a pill on Victor’s wine glass and my loving hubby just passed out in few minutes. He barely limped to our dormitory and fell on the bed.Then I went to Watson’s home. He was waiting for me, as he massaged his huge black dick.Entering the room I could smell fresh paint mixed with the sweat of that black man. He had been working there along with three other Mexican workers, painting several rooms of his house.After entering that place, Watson grabbed me by the hair and...
Bonnie, Tina, and Denise had been dreaming of Spring Break all winter long, and now it was finally here. They were juniors in college and, as such, all finally able to legally drink. They had planned for over a year and managed to rent a three-bedroom condo online using Bonnie’s older brother Joe’s name and credit card. Joe was twenty-nine and happy to help the girls out. He remembered how much it sucked being too young to rent a hotel or a car when he was Bonnie’s age and had relied on an...
College SexWe kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...
We kept up our same rhythm until Spring Break. Sylvia and I decided to stay at the college, while Jay and Valerie both went home. Sylvia moved into my room and we only got dressed to go to the dining hall. The dorm was mostly empty, so we fucked everywhere we could. It got warm one day so we spent the day at the pool. I was required to swim nude, and Sylvia chose to do the same. We met a couple of girls there that neither of us knew. They were admiring my uncut cock and asked Sylvia if it was...
BisexualSPRING BREAKI love going to Spring Break ever since I was a freshman in college. I also love fucking well hung black men since I discovered them in my sophomore year. It was during my second Spring Break that I combined them and never looked back. Getting married, I never kept any secrets from my husband who full well knew that during my college years I had a big thing for well hung black studs, especially young ones that could go all night. We are both white, 30 years old and straight. ...
Mary and Tracy were spoiled sisters. They were pretty young blond girls who were sluts in college fucking anyone and everyone who made a pass at them. Their mother knew that. She had caught them with the red headed paper boy when they were twelve and thirteen. Tracy had her blouse off and her panties were down around her ankles. The paper boy was sucking her little breasts and Mary was undressed masturbating her pussy watching. She did not scold the girls. She took them to the doctor and put...
Group SexI count our blessings at Crete, with my bred babes all four due to deliver some time in early SpringI count our blessings of making lots of money in Autumn, servicing at the I count our built-up income and ask our mighty Mama to propose a proper place for all us, for all SpringI count our built-up experiences gathered: well integrated into the local Crete community, Mom thanks!I go with Grandma on an inspection tour of several nearby premises, finding a villa with a view at the seaI go with...
It had been years since I had been on vacation and I was happy as all get-out when the wife planned a visit to the Emerald Coast of Mexico. The drive was going to be a long one, but I didn’t mind, since we were saving on airfare. (This was all pre-COVID19).We spent the night on the Texas-Mexico border and then a night in the mountains of Saltillo, Mexico outside of Monterrey, where we picked up my father-in-law and started our trip to Durango and then on to Mazatlán.The beaches and the...
Straight SexEverybody in town knew of Carla Fernandez. She was of course the 33 year old wife of the Town mayor of Darkhill, Mr Goren Fernandez. She was also one of the most beautiful Mexican woman anybody could say they had seen. She was also really smart and intelligent,having her husband sponsor her University education at Yale or so the Townspeople has heard. They still had no children between them however and many suspected that they’re married life mustn’t have been that good or that one of them...
My wife Linda and I moved to the Denver area from Philadelphia for my job 10 years ago, when I was 50 years old and she was 47. This was a great move for us professionally, and I have prospered with my company. The problem is that both of us were born and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs and had lived there our entire lives until the move, and we lost our support group of friends and family. My name is Ed, and Linda and I always had a close relationship and a very active and normal sex life,...
Fbailey storyCamille was without a doubt the biggest girl in my class. She was a head taller than most of the boys and her tits were probably bigger than any ten girls put together.I had admired Camille since the start of school when she transferred in. She spoke good English and even better Spanish. She was a big girl but she was also pretty. She had a big belly, a big butt, and even bigger boobs. She reminded me of a younger and prettier version of my own mother.One day I got up the courage...
Richard had just finished highschool and was attending san gabriel community college.standing at 5 foot 11,3rd generation mexican.richard was confidentin his skin.when he wasnt at college he was at the local boxing gym,building up his already cut physique.his friend pete was caucasian about an inchtaller than richard.pete had transferred from pasadena to take a computer class that was already booked up.pete did a smart alec wit to him that seemedseemed to compliment richards street...
My wife Linda and I moved to the Denver area from Philadelphia for my job ten years ago, when I was fifty years old and she was forty-seven. That was a great move for us professionally, and I have prospered with my company. The problem is that both of us were born and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs and had lived there our entire lives until the move, and we lost our support group of friends and family.My name is Tim, and Linda and I always had a close relationship and a very active and...
InterracialHe lay there in heaven as Marta sucked his cock. He couldn't take it much longer the intensity of her mouth work was driving him on and he was about to lose control. Her luscious mouth was working him over like no girl had ever done before. 'God! It felt so good,' he thought. Jason was glad that he'd come along with his friends to Tijuana. He'd never been over the Mexican border before and had been apprehensive at first. The stories about people getting in trouble with the Mexican police...
The legal stuff was moving along its appointed course but it gave me time to realize how much I enjoyed living here. Hey, I wasn’t a hero at home! The weather was great and I had inherited a lot of family. I guess I’d become a snowbird, living here in the winter and back in the states in the hotter weather. That could be great! Tucker came down to see us and I didn’t see hide nor hair of him or Isidra for two hours after he walked in our house. I expected that and even told them they could...
It's Spring Break. The women in the Our Bodies Ourselves group have gone to Ft. Lauderdale FL. Well, not everyone. My name's Dave, I'm Susan's boyfriend. Is it OK to say that? It's not OK for me to call her my girlfriend, she's my womyn friend. Oh, well. Susan, Charlene and Katie's Gyrlfriend Allyson have all gone to FL. (I guess it is OK for two lesbians to call each other gyrlfriend. At least if they do it with each other.) I guess Susan thought it would be safe to leave me on my own...
Usually, Marilyn could study better at Andy’s than at the house. Sure, they made love before getting down to work, and on Saturdays she cooked a meal. When they did sit down to study, though, his example kept her studying longer and with fewer breaks than the constant coming and going of the study room allowed. Even if he said nothing, even when he didn’t know what she was studying, Andy’s presence seemed to communicate, “Studying for tomorrow afternoon? You should have that done and be...
Spring Break by captv8td [email protected] 1Spring break couldn’t have come soon enough for Anna. School was hard this semester and most of her courses were boring. It had been a grueling two months and she needed a break. She and her friend, Amy, were finally free.The two girls had planned the road trip at the beginning of the semester and now they were on their way to Arizona where Amy had an aunt and uncle. They planned on staying with the relatives and working on their tans...
Note: not my story, but a good one...My freshman year in college I got the chance to go to spring break with a group that was mainly seniors and juniors. I didn't know it at the time but it was probably because I had a car. We were having a great time taking over the streets of Palm Springs, and generally being drunken maniacs. I was hanging with Steve, Bruce and Sheila, and I got IDed going into a bar. I think Steve and Bruce would have passed on going in, but Sheila wanted to check out the...
FRIDAY, March 10 2006 — SOUTH BEACH, MIAMI, FLORIDA "Oh look Mandy," I cried as we turned left off 5th Street onto Ocean Drive and saw the white capped blue waves breaking on the famous beach to our right, while on our left the architectural splendor of the Art Deco district flashed by. I could feel the excitement of Ellie and Crystal behind me as Mandy slowed her red A-6, as engrossed by the passing scenery as the rest of us. "There it is!" Ellie screamed in my ear, her arm pointing...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Being yesterday’s hero took some getting used to. Cole Reynolds was no longer the star quarterback. No, at the tender age of eighteen, he was a has-been, already looking back with nostalgia at those thrilling Friday nights on the gridiron, sharing the heat of battle with his loyal teammates, cheered on by his adoring fans. But life goes on, and for him that meant getting through his last semester at Damascus High, applying for college and keeping himself in shape to perhaps play college ball....
Spring BreakChapter 1: The VideosIt all began the spring of my first year in college. Spring break was a week away, and my friends were planning a road trip to florida for the week. Seeing as how I was completely broke, I couldn't go with them, and was forced to spend the week at home with my mom. I figured I could at least watch some Girls Gone Wild, maybe feel like it was really spring break. I was pissed that my friends would be getting so much action, while I sat at home and played scrabble...
My hands held the back of her head in place, her nose was pressedagainst my stomach, my cock slid down her velvety throat and all I could think of was how glad I was that I had jerked off earlier in the day. She was so good at giving head that it was almost scary. I was glad I took care of my own business earlier, fore if I had not, I would have shot my thick load down to the caverns of her belly long ago, ending what was turning out to be the greatest night of my life. Her name is Marcy, she...
Straight SexSpring Breakdown "Spring Break, woohoo!" Jay shouted as he saw the edges of the beach city in the near distance. He has going to have the time of his life, the first spring break vacation from the drudgery of college life. He looked over to the driver's seat, where his best mate Matt Williams was driving steadily above the speed limit, looking a bit downcast. Jay swept a hand through his short sandy hair, and spoke up again. "Hey man, cheer up, it's gonna be a week of sunshine,...
It began innocently enough. This was my first year at college and I was determined to do all the stuff that college kids do. Isn’t college about experimentation and finding yourself? And isn’t a girl entitled to have some fun? I hadn’t dated much in high school. I’ve always been shy, and I knew I needed to spread my wings. So I decided to go to Florida for Spring break. The roommate the school had assigned to share my apartment (my parents signed the lease) wasn’t available to accompany...
College Sex