Fate of an Illegal Mexican girl
- 3 years ago
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"Tomorrow, my sweet Carmen, tomorrow we shall shave your legs, under your arms and your pussy. But, tonight, I shall make a woman of you." I promised.
At that, I turned and faced her, Carmen launched her naked body from a standing position, from three feet in front of me, landing in my arms with her legs spread around me, her hands around my neck and her pussy impaling on my steel hard, mushroom headed rod. As her hymen tore, she shrieked in pain, but then drew herself, with the heels of her feet into the small of my back, all the way onto me. I stood there, my hands supporting her ass, as she gasped, allowing the sensation of pain to ease, holding on to her and not moving, allowing her to control the depth of my penetration.
Her 30 year old virgin pussy was soaking wet. It was soaking wet and hot. Her mixed fluids of vaginal lubrication and blood entombed my pulsing cock, her inner muscles flexed, undulated, kegeling unconsciously. I ejaculated into her with only one short thrust. She felt my squirting, realized what it was and began to pant, to moan, and as I thrust slightly, a second time, and on my last rope of cum, she orgasmed.
This 30 year old woman, a virgin, is Carmen Sanchez. Carmen had lived all her life in the remote wilderness in Northwest Mexico, known as the Sonoran desert. Carmen had been a member of a small tribe of Mexican people that struck out on their own under the repressive governments of 1920 Mexican Autocracies. Her grandfather, uncles and aunts, father, all her brothers and sisters, had died or been killed while warring with the Sonoran or Mexican federal authorities, or by ranchers while stealing their livestock. Carmen and her mother were alone hunkered down in a tiny wilderness watering hole, an eternal spring of water, the source of life on the desert. They ate whatever they could; rattlesnake, mice, and birds that they were able to snare, coming into the oasis for water.
I am Bill Travis, a Colorado rancher and farmer. I was in Northern Mexico, that February, on a cattle buying trip. Mexican calves are cheaper and hardier creatures and seem to survive our harsh Colorado conditions better, and with less cancers and health issues, than the hormone injected crop of cattle that we are raising here in the United States, in Louisiana, Missouri and Texas, from where I usually buy my calves. I'd heard that there were some big ranches in Northwest Sonora, Rancho El Saucito, Rancho El Tordillo, and Rancho El Quernado with tens of thousands of momma cows and baby calves on the range out in the desert and they were dirt cheap. I needed to buy about 27,000 head of calves for the feedlots I ran, as well as a few hundred momma cows-to-be, among the better heifers I could find for my cow-calf ranch operation. Due to great winter snows and heavy spring rains, grass would be plentiful this year and I wanted to graze it up and sell it as beef rather than let it dry up and lose the income. The free trade agreement between Mexico and the United States allowed the import of beef on the hoof with proper veterinarian certification.
I rented a helicopter and a pilot in Tucson and met the owners of the three ranches in Moctezuma, right on Mexican Highway 17. One at a time over a period of a week, we took one of the ranchers up and flew over his property identifying about how many head he had to sell, their size and quality. Once back in Moctezuma, we'd agree on a price per head, and how many head we wanted (could get) from him. It was up to him to truck them to me in Colorado, so we also had to figure in his transportation costs. Mexican calves were a lot cheaper. Overall, this would cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, but save me additional hundreds of thousands, and, at market, would net me millions, if I had it figured correctly (and I did).
On the last day out we were flying over Rancho Quernado with the owner, Senor Delmar Quernado. I thought I saw a couple of people near a spring, though they were trying to hide near some rocks.
The rancher, Senor Quernado, told me that they were just the remnants of a Gypsie tribe of bandaleros who had spent several generations stealing their cattle and living off their land.
He said, "Nobody has seen any of them for over 14 years," and was surprised that they were still here. He indicated that if we'd land he'd shoot them and be done with the thieves. He had no love for them, at all.
"Nobody is going to die today, senor" I told Senor Quernado. "Put your pistol away, we will land and see about their welfare. I only see two women, where are the men?"
There were no men, the two women had never seen a helicopter and were duly frightened, thinking it was a god from the sky. They'd seen jets flying over at 37,000 feet, but nothing like this.
"A god coming from the sky to take us away" is what they'd thought, Carmen later told me, when they'd seen the helicopter circle and land.
One of the two women was an old and somewhat infirm woman of about 70. The other was a young and stunning woman of 28. They spoke very little Spanish, having learned to communicate in their own invented language, but they did speak enough Spanish to communicate with Senor Quernado a little.
"My mother is sick." The younger woman said. "Can you help her?"
When I understood, I acknowledged that we could and would and asked her to help us get the elder woman into our machine and we'd transport her to the nearest hospital, in Naco Zari de Garcia, a town of 8,000 about 100 miles to the north of where we were.
The helicopter was crowded and very nearly overweight. That we had used up over half our fuel already allowed us to take on the extra passenger's weight. We made it to Naco Zari de Garcia on fumes, but we made it. Carmen and her mother, Maria, were taken to the local hospital, where her mother promptly died. She didn't make it to nightfall. I wondered if it was natural causes or sinister interference. I never found out for sure.
Senor Quernado was anxious to get back to Moctezuma, so he could take his prize, the lovely Carmen back to his ranch and enslave her, rape her and maybe even sell her.
Let me tell you about Carmen; she is an exotic Mexican beauty. At the time, she was 28 years old; the best we could figure from stories her parents had told her about the time she was born. Her dad died when she was about 14 or 15, killed probably by Senor Quernado or one of his men. He was the last man of the group, and he left her mom and her to fend for themselves in the desolate land of Sonora. She is 5'5", 100 pounds, very long black hair and has the most stunning olive green eyes, and caramel colored skin. Her breasts are 32 inch 'b' cup and her waist a tiny 25 inches. Her ass rounded to a comely 32 inches. She had lived a very disparate life, existing on the scarce bounty of the desert, and her body was lean, hard and she was very strong, physically for her size. So, she was tall, lithe, and elegant but with no formal training. She'd had no contact with another human, other than her mother for 13 years, and, Carmen had never, ever been with a man.
The rancher assumed she was his and began his domination of Carmen as we left the hospital, after her mother had passed away. Carmen was crying, wanting to be with her mother, protesting and fighting. I have since wondered that if I'd left her to fend for herself, she very well could have kicked his ass and escaped back out to the desert. But, at the time, I had no idea of such things and interfered, soothing her with a calm voice and holding Delmar Quernado at bay. She hid behind me, this tall gringo with blue eyes, sandy hair and nice features, and I became her protector. Eventually I'd become her friend, then her husband, then her lover.
Once back at Moctezuma, we agreed on the number of calves that Senor Quernado would deliver to me in Colorado, the transportation costs that I'd reimburse him for and the amount of money I'd pay him for his livestock. We established a final figure. It was in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
"One more thing, Senor," I said. "The girl leaves with me or no deal."
"That is crazy, Senor," Quernado shouted, "She is not an American citizen, she has no papers, she speaks no English, she was found on my ranch and is my property. You will leave her here, she is my family."
"Very well Senor Quernado, it was nice to have met you. I think I have decided that I will trim my herd and not take your 8,500 head of cattle after all." I calmly intoned. "Just deliver to me 4,500 head; instead, same price per head and the transportation costs also the same per head."
Carmen was watching us, without being able to understand our words, but understanding that she was the topic and that her future was being negotiated. Her olive green eyes were fearful and frightened and grew large as saucers.
I rose to leave the hotel lobby, I bid Carmen farewell with a tip of my hat and a touch of my hand to her wrist. I walked out the door of the hotel to the helicopter pilot and the pickup we were using.
We'd driven to the edge of town, where the helicopter was waiting our liftoff for Tucson. As the blades were beginning to whirl, and the noise of the engine wrapping up, an old pickup came screeching up in a cloud of dust. Senor Quernado exited the pickup and slammed the door with great force, cursing and taking giant steps towards our almost-to-lift-off whirlybird.
"Espera, Esperame" he cried over the noise. "Tu puede tiene la mujer" ("Wait, wait for me" "You can have the woman.")
"Pero, yo quiero diez mil mas dolares" he bargained. ("But I want ten thousand more dollars").
"Senor, ella no es suyo vender." I replied. "Ella es una persona libre." ("She is not yours to sell, she is a free person")
"Un mil, senor, solo un mil mas." He begged. ("One thousand, sir, only one thousand more")
"Senor, no," Yo no comprar todo las vacas sin mujer. El es la via el es. Con mujer, yo comprar todo las vacas" I said. ("Sir, no, I will not buy all the cattle without the woman. It is the way it is. With the woman, I will buy all the cattle.")
He relented and Carmen was motioned out of the pickup and into our helicopter for her ride to a new life in the United State of Colorado.
"One day, I will even this score, senor" he threatened under his breath, not thinking I had heard him with the noise of the helicopter whirring.
I had bluffed, taken a gamble and won. Now, what, how do I help Carmen Sanchez? She got in the helicopter for her second ride, holding onto my arm and gratefully acknowledging her deliverance from what she realized would have been a lifetime of servitude, misery and torture.
But, the unknown was, 'what she would face with me.' She seemed to sense that I was no danger, that I would not hurt her, but, she too was gambling.
I was 38 at the time all this occurred, divorced with no children. My grandparents had passed away when I was just coming out of my 4 year marriage, and left me 5 feedlots, 60,000 acres of cattle ranch a bunch of rental properties in the towns of Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Trinidad, Walsenburg and Limon. The estate was equity rich, but cash poor and I sold off all the rental units in those towns to raise the cash that I'd need to continue to ranch, raise cattle feed and feed cattle.
My ex-wife wasn't entitled to anything, since our divorce was final a week before the death of my grandparents and she was livid, the cheating slut. Now her shiftless lover and her could find work somewhere else, make their own lives in another state. I fired the son of a bitch when I took control of my grandparent's estate. He was a feedlot manager for one of my inherited feedlots. It left them broke and without much recourse. Nobody would hire him around these parts, and they were not appreciated much when folks found out the jist of my story.
We helicoptered from Moctezuma to Tucson and I bought a pickup truck in Tucson and drove us back to Colorado. Carmen, not having any papers, proof of birth or any legal status in the United States would not be allowed to fly with me back to Denver International Airport. I was prepared to do whatever it took to protect her, see to her support, any medical treatment and education, so I knew that we'd need to begin applications to make her a United States Citizen.
We stopped at a J.C. Penney and bought her several shirts and jeans, dresses and skirts, shoes, boots and socks, with the help of a very nice sales girl. We also bought panties, but no bras. I didn't think she would appreciate the bra, never having worn one, and she really didn't need it anyhow.
The trip took two days and one night. We spent the night in Trinidad, Colorado at a chain hotel. I left her alone in the bathroom, but later found out she didn't know what to do in there and had peed and pooped in the bathtub. I got double beds and Carmen slept in a bed with sheets, pillows and blankets, without being able to see the stars for the very first night of her life, and she was 28 years old. She never slept a wink that night.
In the morning, I went through the drive up lanes in McDonalds and got us each a bacon egg and cheese biscuit with potato patty, coffee for me and juice for her. She loved the biscuit and egg and cheese, but wanted to know what the bacon was, what creature? I just took her bacon, which she'd removed from the sandwich, ate it and said, "mmmmmm good!" She looked totally perplexed. I laughed. But, after she'd eaten, she was still hungry, I could tell, so I went back through and ordered two more of the same sandwiches and juice. She devoured them, bacon included, potato included and juice too.
About an hour down the road she had to pee, but was not about to tell me. Her squirming in the seat though told me something was up, so I stopped at a rest area. She had no idea what to do, so I took her into the men's room and into a stall. I was going to close the door to the stall and stand guard while she peed, but she stood there, not knowing what to do. I unbuttoned her newly purchased pants and pushed them down, revealing a lush black bush of pubic hair and alarm in her eyes. I gently sat her down, and she peed. She was able to pull her own pants up, though she struggled with the button and zipper.
I was hard as a rock. But, I had no intention of forcing myself or taking any advantage of this lovely senorita. My job, as I saw it, was to protect and educate her and give her the options to make her own decisions when she could. Until then, I would do all I could to bring her along into the civilized world.
We made it back to my Colorado ranch on the second day out from Tucson and were welcomed back by the couple who live in my ranch house, Victor and Sally Torrez. They work for me, he is my foreman on the ranch, she works in my home, cleaning and cooking. They have their own house on the ranch, just a few steps out my back door to theirs. They're a young couple of 35 and very much in love, dedicated to one another. I told Sally, I expected to be an uncle someday. Her eyes always glisten when we talk that way.
Sally helped Carmen, got her settled in her room, showed her around the house and began the long road of learning to communicate with her. The two seemed to get along very well. Sally was grateful to have another woman close by, since the ranch was sort of remote and it was not often that she could see others.
After telling them Carmen's story, I asked Sally and Victor to help me educate Carmen to our way of life, to the world as much as possible. It would be good to start at home and pursue something more formal later.
In March, about a month after I got back from Mexico, semi loads of calves began showing up. I was having all of them delivered to the ranch, we'd sort them and disperse them to the various feedlots and decide on which females we'd keep for our cow-calf operation. I'd use my own bulls and buy several new ones to diversify the bloodlines we have. Overall, in the months of May and June, we took in 28,312 head of bawling, hungry, thirsty calves. We had our hands full; keeping them sorted and moved out to the feedlots. The feedlots were busy buying grain and sileage, mixing the feed and feeding them. Vaccinating, castrating the bulls and branding was also keeping everyone very busy.
In late April, I saw a line of cattle trucks lining up on the road outside the ranch entrance. I motioned for the lead driver to come in, we were expecting them and they began their roar into the unloading chutes we had built for this purpose.
I never saw him until later, but Senor Delmar Quernado was in one of those trucks. He slipped by me and went to the house when I was busy with all the commotion. It was noisy, dusty and chaos reigned as these hundreds and hundreds of cattle were being off loaded.
Quernado went into the house and was going to kidnap Carmen. He didn't get very far. Carmen hit him with a piece of firewood, coldcocking him. When we found Sally, she had been beaten and tied and gagged to a kitchen chair. I went into the house to get the bank cashier's check for the cattle, and found Carmen with a butcher knife at the throat of her assailant. She was red hot angry and probably would have killed him if I hadn't showed up when I did.
I held off on paying Quernado for the cattle, called the sheriff made a complaint, leaving Carmen out of the picture, just using the assault on Sally and breaking and entering as the reason for my complaint.
Quernado spent 90 days in the county lockup, was deported back to Mexico. He called me from his ranch and wanted to know about payment. I told him, to send the next wave of trucks loaded with calves and I'd pay for them all when they were off loaded and inspected. I warned him not to accompany the cattle, or I'd turn Carmen loose on him, and, what she did not do, I would finish. He said that he understood and would not be coming with the next load.
Other of the ranchers had come with their cattle and we threw them a feast, had a party for the drivers and ranch hands, tequila and cervezas flowed, along with 'bifsteaks, frijoles, ensaladas, y tortillas' and merriment were the order of the day each time we had a big shipment come in. Not so with Quernado and his guys, unfortunately. However, on Quernado's second shipment, we did throw a big fiesta for his drivers, once I determined no foul play was afoot.
Carmen is quite apt, intelligent and has a knack for learning. She had become skilled at survival without a man in the unforgiving Sonoran desert and she was quickly learning about Mexico and her neighbor, America. Sally and Victor are second generation Americans, their parents having come from Hermosillo, Mexico, (also part of the Mexican state of Sonora) so they really found many things in common with Carmen and they became fast friends, confidants and Amigos.
The Torrez's were teaching Carmen to read, teaching her geography of the region of her birth, and of the area in America where she lived, they taught her many cultural things, because they, too were learning cultural things as the years separated their parents and their own experiences in America. The situation seemed ideal. I was so blessed to see Carmen bloom in my own home. She is a voracious learner, absorbing almost every detail presented.
We began the process of documentation, the application process to citizenship. It is grueling and can take years. Carmen was eager for the challenge and applied herself with vigor. Carmen, I was finding, approached all of life with vigor, with a zeal for living and experiencing new things.
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Fbailey storyCamille was without a doubt the biggest girl in my class. She was a head taller than most of the boys and her tits were probably bigger than any ten girls put together.I had admired Camille since the start of school when she transferred in. She spoke good English and even better Spanish. She was a big girl but she was also pretty. She had a big belly, a big butt, and even bigger boobs. She reminded me of a younger and prettier version of my own mother.One day I got up the courage...
Richard had just finished highschool and was attending san gabriel community college.standing at 5 foot 11,3rd generation mexican.richard was confidentin his skin.when he wasnt at college he was at the local boxing gym,building up his already cut physique.his friend pete was caucasian about an inchtaller than richard.pete had transferred from pasadena to take a computer class that was already booked up.pete did a smart alec wit to him that seemedseemed to compliment richards street...
My wife Linda and I moved to the Denver area from Philadelphia for my job ten years ago, when I was fifty years old and she was forty-seven. That was a great move for us professionally, and I have prospered with my company. The problem is that both of us were born and raised in the Philadelphia suburbs and had lived there our entire lives until the move, and we lost our support group of friends and family.My name is Tim, and Linda and I always had a close relationship and a very active and...
InterracialHe lay there in heaven as Marta sucked his cock. He couldn't take it much longer the intensity of her mouth work was driving him on and he was about to lose control. Her luscious mouth was working him over like no girl had ever done before. 'God! It felt so good,' he thought. Jason was glad that he'd come along with his friends to Tijuana. He'd never been over the Mexican border before and had been apprehensive at first. The stories about people getting in trouble with the Mexican police...
The legal stuff was moving along its appointed course but it gave me time to realize how much I enjoyed living here. Hey, I wasn’t a hero at home! The weather was great and I had inherited a lot of family. I guess I’d become a snowbird, living here in the winter and back in the states in the hotter weather. That could be great! Tucker came down to see us and I didn’t see hide nor hair of him or Isidra for two hours after he walked in our house. I expected that and even told them they could...
As I walked to the counter to return some library books I was brought up short, the girl…well, woman waiting to service me took my breath away; and I have no idea why. I like my ladies tall, slender and dark complexioned with black hair. This lady was probably five feet nothing tops, red headed with a complexion like clotted cream. A spray of freckles over her pert little pug nose, emerald green eyes and full heavy breasts and she was round, I mean everything seemed to be round. Her...
Earth Maiden************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan April 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. *************************************************Our village has a problem. Earth Day is approaching, the due time for the annual...
One shouldn’t generalise, but when all the past sexual experiences you have had with Latinos were great, then it’s hard not to do so. In particular, I always found the Mexicans to be the cream of the crop. It was hardly surprising, therefore, that I decided on a holiday in that part of the world. A friend of mine also gave me the name of a sauna in the major city I would be visiting, which he had described as fan-fucking-tastic.As you can imagine, no sooner had I booked into the hotel, I headed...
Gay MaleI knew the family well, Bill, his wife and I had all been in the same class at school. We grew up in the same neighborhood. I spent a lot of time at their house, they almost seemed like family to me. Me, I was still single. I just never met the right girl and my store took up a lot of my time. I owned a music store in the local mall and it was always busy. We sold music, videos, players and video games. One of my innovations was a small soda/burger shop at the back of the store that quickly...
I painted a 4-foot tall painting of an alien angel. It was admired by an older Mexican woman that I kept flirting with, but could never make a move on. I wanted to, but couldn’t think of what to say. She asked me to sell her the painting a day after I brought it back home from the gallery. We made plans to meet at her studio the next day. I carried the painting from my apartment to her studio. When I got there, she offered a trade instead of the $300 I was asking for it. This is not uncommon...
Now she isnt the best looking women, but she more than makes up for it in with 2 things. 1. That big ole butt and 2. She is a fucking lush. I mean she only needs a few and shes smashed and horny. Also once she starts she wont stop till she passes out. Now for years i have taken advantage of this and fucked her while she was drunk and passed out. Even fucking her in her brown asshole, which she hates otherwise. But I only have a 5 inch penis and am a cuckold. I am always fantasizing about...
Ginger made her way back to her room hoping that her room mates were either asleep or gone. They were there and wide awake. Alice was lying back on the bed nude, twisting her own nipples as Bee slurped noisily on her clit while banging three fingers into the sloppy cunt. Alice came with a groan and pulled Bee up to hug her, licking the juices off her face she kiss her deeply. Gingers presence was finally recognized as she passed the two to collect her things. Bee cuddled in Alice’s arms...
[[[This is part 3 of . . .probably a lot. The stories are inspired by Japanese idol Kanna Yume. You can see her galleries and videos on xhamster. Many of them are saved in my favorites. Here is one that I enjoyed tonight: https://xhamster.com/movies/7248000/celebrity_idol_immediately_cums_kana.html]]]Something happened last Friday that showed me how little I knew about my new wife. I picked her up at school and took her home to change. On Friday's we would usually go to the mall because...
MEXICAN SHORTCUT Our Mexican vacation had been my idea. Or at least that's what Ithought. I realize now that my wife Angeles had planted the idea in mymind. I like women who look like her, short, with olive-colored skin,dark hair, and figures with exaggerated busts and bottoms. Not only do Ifind that look exciting but, being short myself, I appreciate havingsomeone I don't have to literally look up to. She kept k**ding me abouthow a trip south of the border would let me ogle as much of...
Edgar was a tall handsome Mexican with broad shoulders thick black hair, handsome eyes and face a woman would die for. He was my waiter that evening, the last evening I would be in Cancun. Our cruise ship was set to sale at 10:00Am the next day. I must have summoned the waiter a hundred times just to look at this gorgeous man. He gazed at me with love in his eyes and I at his. I wanted Edgar. I was hot for Edgar, but was he hot for me? After paying for dinner my beaux and I left and all I...
Adultery Mexican Style by VIProffri www.viproffri.co.ukI was living in a small town in western Mexico by the sea for a few years and I decided I wanted to try a mature Mexican pussy since I had already had a few teens and marriageable candidates. It was pretty simple. All the local women over 25 were married with c***dren and plenty were expecting. They all went to church regularly with the k**s and husband and you would never think that you had a hope of nailing one of them. I was feeling...
MEXICAN SHORTCUT By Throne Our Mexican vacation had been my idea. Or at least that's what I thought. I realize now that my wife Angeles had planted the idea in my mind. I like women who look like her, short, with olive-colored skin, dark hair, and figures with exaggerated busts and bottoms. Not only do I find that look exciting but, being short myself, I appreciate having someone I don't have to literally look up to. She kept kidding me about how a trip south of the border would...
The Mexican Magician By Ellie Dauber © 2015 A Mexican magician claimed that he could disappear on the count of three. "_Uno!_" he exclaimed, waving his magic wand, "_Dos!_" And, suddenly, he vanished in a puff of smoke. Gone without a _tres_.
I painted a 4-foot tall painting of an alien angel. It was admired by an older Mexican woman that I kept flirting with, but could never make a move on. I wanted to, but couldn't think of what to say. She asked me to sell her the painting a day after I brought it back home from the gallery. We made plans to meet at her studio the next day. I carried the painting from my apartment to her studio. When I got there, she offered a trade instead of the $300 I was asking for it. This is not uncommon...
Mexican Adventure My latest girlfriend, Vicky, is a vivacious, buxom bombshell that loves life, not to mention outrageous flirting, sex in all forms and, on occasion, also tequila chasers. I am very happy to be the envy of my friends and family. Whilst I do enjoy a drink now and then and also have a good sense of humor, unlike my busty lady, I am skinny and taller by just an inch at five foot seven inches. We get on extremely well... We have been together almost six months now and...
by Quiver Author's Note & Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at a first person narrative. But I figured this would be a good candidate for it, because this story is actually based on a true story from my past! Some identifying and personal details have been altered, but overall this is a surprisingly accurate recounting of some true events. This story contains graphic depictions of sexual activity and is intended to be read only by adults of legal age in legal contexts. All characters...
I did the craziest thing this past weekend. I took a drive and wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going. I ended up on a country road, when I saw this older woman outside having a yard sale. I’ve always had a fondness for older women. When I say “older” I mean a woman who can be like my “Grandmother.” I just find women that are older, might feel like their time is almost up. Most of their spouses have passed on and they probably don’t even consider dating anymore. I like to give...
First Time"I'm Mexican Misty, I'm called that cuz I only fuck. Mexicans!" "Oh, ok! " I replied. As the days stretched on she'd always tell me some sexcapade she'd had. I was so excited yet bored with her stories. Not enough detail! She tells me one day. "I think the guy I fucked last night was queer! " "He kept trying fuck my ass!!' I got so excited I almost popped!! "So what'd ya do?" I asked hoping she'd answer. She didn't disappoint me & said "I told him exit only! Just...
I am a 34 year old middle class overweight white guy that works at a local hotel because the economy and outsourcing to Mexico forced me out of a much better job. Like most hotels it is owned by a middle eastern family, who are very tight and don't want to pay anyone anything. Which leads me to Mary, Mary is a 13 year old Mexican illegal who they let work nights. In exchange for cleaning rooms the owner lets her family stay in a housekeepers suite. She only works at night cleaning rooms...
When I married Kristi I felt like the luckiest man in the world. I'd been a bachelor for the past 2 years ever since I'd caught my first wife cheating on me. We split up right then and there and it wasn't until I met Kristi that I had any sexual relations with a woman again. My bride was 10-years younger than me at 24, and a whole lot sexier than my first wife. In fact sometimes I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to keep her satisfied. I mean Kristi was a real fireball. When...
My first breeding lead relationship was after I had been married with 1 c***d. Had been trying for a second but was not happening.Family moved to new city and I started a new job for the government . The first day was in a hotel with around a dozen new starters, the big boss and his deputies and two trainers.The first day was not exciting but for the fact one of the trainers in her early thirties was worth watching. She had been with the government her whole adult life. The introductions...
Donna was a 22 year old virgin, a coloured girl, light skinned and beautiful. She had a lovely shapely big ass with wide hips, lovely thighs and smallish 32c breasts. Her best asset was her big mouth and sexy body. Chloe was a year younger than Donna whilst Donna was voluptuous Chloe had a petite body with a bam in your face JLo ass, her boobs though not huge looked really big on her petite frame. Like Donna she was also a self proclaimed virgin. Her features were slightly Indian kinda like...
A new story with a few new themes I wanted to explore. For those who know me somewhat, yes, she is a bit docile for my taste but Ill try everything once. Enjoy! By the way… I wanted to design this story in a way that I, as a writer, can get my kicks out of it too. For those who are not true sadists, like myself, youll find out that not every story is meant to please you. Part two will follow. Someday. Id like to get you all nice and anxious. Part I She sat in the garden silently gazing at...
My Mother The 37 Year Old Virgin The very day that I turned sixteen my mother offered herself to me sexually. She knew that I only had an ordinary six-inch cock but she really wanted it. She was thirty-seven years old at the time and she was technically still a virgin. You see my father only had a cock that was an inch and a half long when fully erect. He managed to get mom pregnant but he never even broke her hymen, the doctor did that during one of her obstetrician...
Hello friends. Itis Rakesh, after a long time, again. It’s been boring a few months after college. Let me tell about myself again. I am Rakesh. Age 24. Graduate and working as a freelancer. I have a not so good-looking body though I am mediocre-looking. Sorry for the long post for but I think it is worth it. Let us jump right to it. I was bored one weekend and thought of installing a dating app. After successfully failing in my search in various dating apps like ‘Tinder’, I thought I had my...
Ginger was just getting into it when there was a knock at the door and room service was announced. Dan backed off the bed and threw on a robe to answer the door leaving Ginger to pull the covers over herself just in time to not give the waiter a heart attack. The waiter rolled in the cart covered with breakfast delights, Dan offered him a generous tip and the man withdrew grinning from ear to ear after scanning Ginger’s covered form in the bed. “You did that on purpose didn’t you!” she...
I was having dinner at a new Mexican restaurant in my hometown with a girl friend and her husband after another female friend was a no show. Naturally, dining with a married couple makes a single woman feel like a third wheel. I sat across from my friends as we munched through the chips and dip. Kathy’s husband has always struck me as, well, OK, good body, runs, bikes and swims but she has said little about their sex life. Oh the normal girl talk, sex just has not been one of our hot topics....