Claudia Macc indian porn

3 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part V

I turn to where I heard That whisper in the night; And there a breath of light Shines like a silver star. - Urbiciani, Canzonetta c. 1250 AD Claudia beamed a smile of satisfaction as she took her seat in the courtyard of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Moments before, an usher had guided her to the middle of the third row; a prime position which gave her an excellent view of the concert stage. The night was warm and still and fragrant with the scents of the countless flowers that...

2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part V

 Being greatly stirred,I turn to where I heardThat whisper in the night;And there a breath of lightShines like a silver star. - Urbiciani, Canzonetta c. 1250 AD Claudia beamed a smile of satisfaction as she took her seat in the courtyard of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Moments before, an usher had guided her to the middle of the third row; a prime position which gave her an excellent view of the concert stage. The night was warm and still and fragrant with the scents of the countless flowers...

2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part III

Day dispossesses day;Moons hurry to be bornAnd race to their decay.- Horace, Odes.  L’Accademia di Santa Cecilia di Agrigento… 11am.“Ah yes, here it is.” Claudia smiled as she read the polished brass plaque to the right of the heavy iron door. The door was nestled in an old arched stone doorway in a quiet side street off Agrigento’s Via Atena. The sheer scale of the doorway suggested to her that it had been the entrance to a grand house, little of which was visible from the street. She found...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VII

At last methought that I had wander’d farIn an old wood; fresh washed in coolest dew,The maiden splendours of the morning starShook in the steadfast blue.- Tennyson.Like the delicate notes that open a violin sonata; each element of the morning combined before her eyes to form a beautiful picture. It was a marvelous tableau of sound, of light, of aroma and of timeless essence. Claudia especially delighted in the caress of the sea breeze upon her face as the first rays of dawn emerged from the...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VI

- Moschus of Syracuse, Europa. The Indo-European thunder god, like most of his kin, goes by various names; in Sanskrit he is Rudra The Howler, in the Norse sagas he is called Thor, in Italy proper under Rome he was called Jupiter. But in the Sicily of classical antiquity he went by a more primordial name; Zeus. As Zeus Brontios, The Thunderer, he assumed his most terrible aspect. Claudia swiftly understood how the ancients had come to revere the name and...

2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VI

 What art thou… that fearest not the sea? - Moschus of Syracuse, Europa. The Indo-European thunder god, like most of his kin, goes by various names; in Sanskrit he is Rudra The Howler, in the Norse sagas he is called Thor, in Italy proper under Rome he was called Jupiter. But in the Sicily of classical antiquity he went by a more primordial name; Zeus. As Zeus Brontios, The Thunderer, he assumed his most terrible aspect.Claudia swiftly understood how the ancients had come to revere the name and...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part I

- Empedocles of Akragas (5th Century BCE) The first thing that you noticed about Claudia was that she was beautiful. Hers was a refined, sophisticated beauty and at its heart lay, an innate earthiness and a rugged independence that surely came from her Sicilian ancestry. Her dark brown eyes and long, flowing black hair shone in the clear morning light. A smile played upon her full lips, lips that were tinted deep red, almost verging on black; like...

4 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part I

 The ethereal power pursues souls to the sea, the sea spits them up onto the threshold of the earth, the earth into the light of the bright sun and the sun hurls them into the whirling ether.- Empedocles of Akragas (5 th Century BCE)The first thing that you noticed about Claudia was that she was beautiful. Hers was a refined, sophisticated beauty and at its heart lay, an innate earthiness and a rugged independence that surely came from her Sicilian ancestry. Her dark brown eyes and long,...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part IV

What they say betwixt their wings? Or in stillest evenings With what voice the violet woos To his heart the silver dews? - Tennyson, Adeline. Claudia awoke and saw that the sun was already well above the horizon. The view from her bedroom window was of a cloudless azure sky and a sea more tranquil than any she had yet seen. It was a calm day and the cool of the night still lingered in the airy room. Her Sicilian summer wore on and with each passing day she...

2 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part IV

 Hast thou heard the butterfliesWhat they say betwixt their wings?Or in stillest eveningsWith what voice the violet woosTo his heart the silver dews? - Tennyson, Adeline. Claudia awoke and saw that the sun was already well above the horizon. The view from her bedroom window was of a cloudless azure sky and a sea more tranquil than any she had yet seen. It was a calm day and the cool of the night still lingered in the airy room. Her Sicilian summer wore on and with each passing day she fell more...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part II

And burn the threshold of the night, Fall from his ocean lane of fire, And sleep beneath his pillar’d light! - Tennyson, The Voyage. Carlo stayed with Claudia at Tintamare for a week. Far from being an idle houseguest, he insisted upon cleaning, cooking and performing whatever household chores she would allow him to do. At first, this seemed to her to be a slight affront to her independence but she sensed that it was his way of showing her gratitude. It seemed too that, temporarily...

4 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part II

 How oft we saw the sun retire,And burn the threshold of the night,Fall from his ocean lane of fire,And sleep beneath his pillar’d light!- Tennyson, The Voyage.Carlo stayed with Claudia at Tintamare for a week. Far from being an idle houseguest, he insisted upon cleaning, cooking and performing whatever household chores she would allow him to do. At first, this seemed to her to be a slight affront to her independence but she sensed that it was his way of showing her gratitude. It seemed too...

2 years ago
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Claudia From The Convenience Store

"Beer and wine” was emblazoned in large letters across the side of the small brick building that housed a small store across the street from a run-down apartment community called the “Spanish Villas.”She was standing outside the “C’ convenience store, wearing tight little short-shorts and a much-too-small t-shirt that accentuated her model-like figure. She had long black hair that curled at the ends, that reached to the middle of her back. Her bronze-colored skin told me she was probably not...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Die Idee zu der Story kam mir, als ich wieder an dem alten Haus im wald vorbei kam. es gibt es also wirklich, im Taunus, nicht weit von Frankfurt. Langsam verf?llt es, aber man kann immer noch sehen, dass es einst sehr stattlich war. Und auch den schon lange nicht mehr betretenen Raum gibt es. Allerdings habe ich nicht mehr als einen Blick hinein geworfen, das Betreten ist viel zu gef?hrlich. Trotzdem hat der Ort eine ganz eigenartige "Ma...

2 years ago
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Claudia Barters Her Ass

In Rome, men are surrounded by beautiful women. When a man walks down any street, he can easily find twenty or more gorgeous women for every ugly one he may run into. That's not to say men in Italy won't try to fuck the ugly ones, too. We do. But with so many pretty girls to choose from, naturally, we don't bother with the not-so-pretty girls, unless we're really drunk. As a man who grew up in Rome, you get used to being around so many hot women. It doesn't faze you anymore, which...

1 year ago
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Claudia the Bitch

Two years ago I got married to a beautiful lady in her late thirties. It is my third marriage and I was determined to make it last, as I begun to worry about my ability to live like the “normal” people, you know what I mean, family, kids, and monogamous marriage. I was on the right track, I was totally devoted to Anna, and other woman did not interest me at all. Our sexual relationship was just perfect, full on, little bit in on a kinky side, satisfying all our needs. We would try anything we...

4 years ago
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Claudia 3

Vorwort Dieser Teil hat etwas auf sich warten lassen. Es waren schon ?ber 80kB geschrieben, da ging es auf einmal nicht mehr weiter. Ich dachte mir, warte ein wenig, dir wird schon eine Idee kommen. So verging schnell viel Zeit, und die Geschichte kam durch andere Ereignisse in den Hintergrund. Aber einige nette Leser lie?en nicht locker. Nichtsdestotrotz fand ich immer noch keine Fortsetzung. Dann habe ich alles weggeworfen und von vorne angefangen. Wegen des schlechten Wetters ...

2 years ago
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Claudia 2

Die geschilderte Geschichte der Minoer mit dem riesigen Vulkanausbruch auf Santorini vor langer Zeit ist keine Fantasy, sondern Real. Ebenso wie die Beschreibung der Insel. Lediglich bei dem Kristall mit den magischen Kr?ften beginnt die Phantasie. Auch hier vielen Dank an Christel f?r ihre Hilfe. F?r Romy war es nun genauso wie bei mir: Alle glaubten sie w?re schon immer ein M?dchen gewesen. Nur das in ihrem Fall die Beziehung zu den Eltern nicht besser ...

4 years ago
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Claudia die Unwiderstehliche f r User hotciao

Dies ist die wahre Geschichte einer Frau, die mitten unter uns lebt. Ihr Name ist Claudia, sie ist 43 Jahre alt und vergnügt sich gerne mit Männern und Frauen gleichermaßen. Sie selbst erscheint für jeden wie das perfekte Objekt seiner oder ihrer sexuellen Begierde. Sie ist so unwiderstehlich, dass jeder - selbst der mit den besten Vorsätzen – ihr umgehend verfällt und sich in dem Augenblick, in dem er sie das erste Mal sieht, mit ihr sexuell vereinen will. Dabei verhält es sich so, dass sie...

3 years ago
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Claudia 8217 s revenge

I sat at the end of the bar on the high stool with my legs crossed and let my eyes wander around the smoke filled room. Normally you wouldn’t have found me in here but tonight was not a normal night for me. It started in the afternoon when I got home from work and found wet towels on the racks in the bathroom. On further inspection I found the shower stall was wet. I looked in the bedroom and knew that was not the way I made the bed. I ripped the covers back and found a big wet spot still on...

3 years ago
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Claudia Near The End Of The Road

Neil and I had driven twenty-two hours straight on summer-hot highways all the way from Phoenix, Arizona, and we pulled into Tacoma at just after midnight. We were red-eyed and stiff but happy to have reached our target destination for the day, and we immediately called Neil's brother Earl. Neil called six times, but Earl wasn't home, or his phone was out, or maybe Earl was fucking his girlfriend and didn't want to be bothered. Neil and I had about twelve bucks left between us, which...

4 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part III

Day dispossesses day, Moons hurry to be born And race to their decay. – Horace, Odes.   L’Accademia di Santa Cecilia di Agrigento… 11am. “Ah yes, here it is.” Claudia smiled as she read the polished brass plaque to the right of the heavy iron door. The door was nestled in an old arched stone doorway in a quiet side street off Agrigento’s Via Atena. The sheer scale of the doorway suggested to her that it had been the entrance to a grand house, little of which was visible from the street. She...

3 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VII

At last methought that I had wander’d far In an old wood, fresh washed in coolest dew, The maiden splendours of the morning star Shook in the steadfast blue. – Tennyson. Like the delicate notes that open a violin sonata, each element of the morning combined before her eyes to form a beautiful picture. It was a marvelous tableau of sound, of light, of aroma and of timeless essence. Claudia especially delighted in the caress of the sea breeze upon her face as the first rays of dawn emerged from...

3 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VI

What art thou… that fearest not the sea? – Moschus of Syracuse, Europa.   The Indo-European thunder god, like most of his kin, goes by various names, in Sanskrit he is Rudra The Howler, in the Norse sagas he is called Thor, in Italy proper under Rome he was called Jupiter. But in the Sicily of classical antiquity he went by a more primordial name, Zeus. As Zeus Brontios, The Thunderer, he assumed his most terrible aspect. Claudia swiftly understood how the ancients had come to revere the name...

4 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part I

The ethereal power pursues souls to the sea, the sea spits them up onto the threshold of the earth, the earth into the light of the bright sun and the sun hurls them into the whirling ether. – Empedocles of Akragas (5 th Century BCE) The first thing that you noticed about Claudia was that she was beautiful. Hers was a refined, sophisticated beauty and at its heart lay, an innate earthiness and a rugged independence that surely came from her Sicilian ancestry. Her dark brown eyes and long,...

5 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part IV

Hast thou heard the butterflies What they say betwixt their wings? Or in stillest evenings With what voice the violet woos To his heart the silver dews? – Tennyson, Adeline.   Claudia awoke and saw that the sun was already well above the horizon. The view from her bedroom window was of a cloudless azure sky and a sea more tranquil than any she had yet seen. It was a calm day and the cool of the night still lingered in the airy room. Her Sicilian summer wore on and with each passing day she...

3 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part V

Being greatly stirred, I turn to where I heard That whisper in the night, And there a breath of light Shines like a silver star. – Urbiciani, Canzonetta c. 1250 AD   Claudia beamed a smile of satisfaction as she took her seat in the courtyard of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. Moments before, an usher had guided her to the middle of the third row, a prime position which gave her an excellent view of the concert stage. The night was warm and still and fragrant with the scents of the countless...

3 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part VIII

The Moon, who from the hilltop streams On each white face and throat her beams, The song-enchanted fellows send Their chords of gold Rippling beyond time’s end. – Robert Graves, Music at Night.   It was a door. But a door like no other. Moments before, it had appeared miraculously at the sound of her voice and now Claudia continued to stand looking at it, mutely, as though awaiting further instructions or some further miracle. She stood for several minutes and nothing happened then she took a...

4 years ago
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Claudia Incarnata Part II

How oft we saw the sun retire, And burn the threshold of the night, Fall from his ocean lane of fire, And sleep beneath his pillar’d light! – Tennyson, The Voyage. Carlo stayed with Claudia at Tintamare for a week. Far from being an idle houseguest, he insisted upon cleaning, cooking and performing whatever household chores she would allow him to do. At first, this seemed to her to be a slight affront to her independence but she sensed that it was his way of showing her gratitude. It seemed too...

3 years ago
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Claudias Partyabend

Die 18-jährige Claudia und ihr Freund Thomas sind seit einem Jahr zusammen. Erst lief alles prima aber jetzt haben sie öfters Streit. Für Claudia war Thomas der erste Mann , Thomas hingegen hatte schon etliche. Er hatte die schüchterne Claudia auf einer Party kennengelernt. Eigentlich war sie nicht sein Beuteschema aber er hatte was getrunken und sie angequatscht. Als er sie in einer Ecke nur knutschte und ihr einen intensiven Zungenkuss verpasste bekam sie einen Orgasmus und krallte sich an...

2 years ago
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Hoofdstuk 1. Langzaam blader ik de dagbladen door. Ik zit lekker warm in de bibliotheek en struin alle dagbladen door naar een baantje. Maar in de Hollandse dagbladen zit niemand op me te wachten. Ik heb wel een redelijke opleiding, maar verder niet bepaald een vak geleerd. Uit verveling en ook omdat ik nog geen zin heb om de kou in te gaan, pak ik een Duitse krant. Er zit een heel pak met advertenties bij, maar ze vragen van alles. Op de laatste bladzijde staan ook nog wat...

2 years ago
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Claudias Heimweg

Der Abend war einfach nur Scheiße. Sie war mit ihrem Freund zu dieser Feier gegangen. Mit ihrem Freund war sie jetzt ein halbes Jahr zusammen und er war für sie die erste große Liebe. Vor zwei Wochen an ihrem achtzehnten Geburtstag hatte sie mit ihm ihren ersten Sex. Eigentlich wollte sie noch warten aber die schöne Stimmung und der Alkohol brachten sie doch dazu sich von ihm ficken zu lassen. Aber auf der Party flirtete er mit einer anderen und ging ihr ständig aus dem Weg. Als sie ihn darauf...

3 years ago
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Claudia 0

Pop Star to whore in one stop We had been driving for maybe five hours, droning south west at what ever the posted limit was, cruising down the freeway through the swamps where I grew up and on past my hometown as I drove Claudia down towards Orlando for her next sell out gig. Claudia, this seasons teen singing sensation, at least her records were sensational, a tribute to the tech guys and auto tune, Aileen she was christened, I knew that I saw her ID enough times when I took her...

3 years ago
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Claudia 1

 Chapter1. Claudia wakes in the morning the sunlight creeping in through the small gap of the red velvet curtains. She looks at the small sunbeam and follows it with her dark green cat eyes as it hits the mirror and reflexes back on its self. Claudia stretches her long slender arms and looks at her neatly painted talon like nails; her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the old fashion phone. She reaches across and lifts the ivory hand piece as she speaks she hears a slight moan...

4 years ago
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Claudia s Dark Education

-=Part One=- Claudia spotted the "new guy" right away. He was all her friends could talk about since she had entered the dark caverns of her favorite goth club. "Did you see how long his hair is?!" ... "He kind of looks like Armand, from the side" ... "Oh god I loooooove his coat" ... they whispered excitedly, blushingly looking at him without trying to be obvious. Claudia was beyond such childishness. She took a long drink of a look at him ... well, he certainly was "dark" enough for this...

2 years ago
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Claudia s Neighbor

 It's a summer weekday, and I'm dragging. The store is a thousand degrees; I'm happy to finally be home. My girlfriend, Britt, is waiting in the house after working all day on a gardening project, so I'm looking forward to a kiss and a cold drink.Britt is in the doorway, waiting for me to make my way up the walk. Her red hair glows. Sunlight splatters her pale chest, igniting her catspaw tattoos.“Hey,” she says. Her brow is furrowed. Uh-oh. What the hell did I do this time?She's holding a pair...

4 years ago
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Claudia s Self Intrusion

Copyright© to LeSerge, 2005 Claudia signed the check, charging the amount to her hotel room. She then stood up, thanked the waiter and headed to her room trough the small paths of the huge tropical garden of the all-inclusive hotel. However, she envied all the other guests. They were here on pleasure, and she wasn't. She wished she could wake up late, put on her bikini and lay in the beach all day tanning. But no. She was here on business, and she had to go out early in the morning and...

4 years ago
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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 32

There wasn’t much to show Adele about his condo, but she appreciated that John had his own home. Rita opened the patio door and leaning to the railing, glanced up expecting to see Carrie. Jackie led her mom onto the balcony. “You do have a nice view from up here.” Adele observed the marina off to the left. John cracked open a large bottle of wine and poured each a glass. “To our Jackie and keeping her leg, may it forever stay healthy!” They toasted. Rita downed her glass then grabbed the...

3 years ago
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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 33

The day finally arrived, June 30th. Dan and Claudia paced restlessly up and down the court hallway awaiting the judge’s appearance. They had been interviewed by Judge Waddell at the adoption hearing to make Allison legally their daughter and hoped they had answered the questions to her satisfaction. “I feel so nervous, you’d think I was giving birth to her,” she joked, to Dan, Allen, Trudy, and her grandparents. “You’ve already given birth to Allison,” Trudy smiled, reassuring her all...

2 years ago
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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 34

Their erotic interlude was broken by the sight of Allison walking towards the kitchen. They quickly pretended to be busy picking up drinking glasses. “Are you okay, Grandma? You look red in the face,” she asked, concerned for her. “I’m fine now honey, thank you. Maybe I’ve been in the sun a little too much lately,” she smiled at Claudia. “I love you, Grandma. Thank you for supporting Dan and Claudia becoming my parents. I can imagine how hard your decision must have been.” “Actually, it...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 35

The air seemed suddenly cool as their passion waned. Everyone took the time to relax with Allison straddling Dan’s thighs. She openly kissed her Daddy and he felt her firm tits. Shirley couldn’t help watching this budding young woman expressing her love for her father. “Is there anything else I should know about your sex lives?” Shirley asked, cautiously. “Mommy and I love to go rollerblading and show off our tits and bare pussies to the people, mostly the men,” Allison revealed. “Dan and...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 36

Shirley decided to stay the night and would sleep in Allison’s bed. She lay awake, first feeling guilty of what she and the others had done, then smiling thinking of the great sex she had with Dan. She touched her pussy mound and it still tingled slightly from being loved by him, Claudia, and Allison. Her fingers explored her pussy and she knew she would never be lonely again. Dan and Claudia lay on their sides marvelling at the sweet beauty asleep between them. He fingered Allison’s golden...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 37

Allison waited anxiously in the spacious kitchen for the doorbell to chime. She had told Dan and Claudia about her girlfriends from school, how old they were, their description and what each one was like. Of her three friends, Savon was her closest. She repeatedly thanked her parents for allowing her to have a sleepover with hugs and kisses. Dan eyed his daughter wearing a skimpy light blue low scooped halter top and no bra, with the upper third of her firm tits showing. Her white soft...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 38

The girls were too involved in the movie to noticed Claudia enter the room. The sound effects of the actors gave away the theme of the movie. She turned to look at the giant screen to see three naked adults. A man was fucking a full-breasted woman doggy style, while she was sucking on another guy’s cock. “Well, this certainly is a different version of a chick flick!” She interrupted, startling them. “Mom!” Allison shrieked. Several hands quickly came from inside bikini bottoms. Claudia...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 39

“Savon, honey, can you come here?” Claudia asked. She and Allison walked hands together to her. She looked shyly at his stiff rod that would soon impale her pussy. Claudia moved aside and helped her to lay beside Dan. “We don’t have to do this, you know,” he offered, sensing her hesitation. “I’ve only been with a boy one time before. We were so nervous about getting caught he only lasted about a minute inside me before he came.” “So you don’t know what it’s like to be made love to a boy or...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 40

Dan woke up with that lack of sleep, scratchy eyes feeling. He was now alone in bed and used the bathroom then went to the kitchen. He leaned against the doorframe and gazed at five sexy, naked women. “Well isn’t this the most beautiful sight in the morning,” he said, eyeing them. “Morning, it’s almost over, it’s 10:30,” Claudia informed him. “The girl’s Moms will start arriving around noon.” All the girls came to him giving kisses, hugs, and a gentle cock stroking which left him semi-hard....

3 years ago
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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 41

The alarm clock on the nightstand went from silence to rock music announcing 4 pm. The family trio took a quick shower together, then dressed awaiting Melissa and Savon. The doorbell chimed at 4:30 and Allison bolted for the front door. “Savon!” She cried as if they hadn’t seen each other for weeks. They had a quick hug then Allison led her by the hand to her bedroom. Once the door was closed, they embraced, kissing passionately and slipped a hand up under the other’s top. “Forgive us for...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 42

“Wow, Mr. and Mrs. Davenport, you sure know how to put on a great spread!” Savon complimented about the array of food, drinks, and vegetable snacks. “Thank you. Savon, I think you can drop the Mr. and Mrs. and call us Dan and Claudia,” she offered. “Thank you, I’d like that. Makes me feel more like a grown up,” she smiled. “You certainly look like a grown up,” Claudia smiled at the slim teen body she has loved. “Savon, honey, can I talk to you a moment?” Mel took her daughter aside and...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 43

“I have to ask you this. Claudia told me about your marriage lifestyle and her Condition. You’re okay with other men fucking her?” “Yes, I am. At first, I was a little jealous, of other men fucking her, or her giving them blow jobs. I guess that’s natural. It was awkward to hear other men making her cum and seeing her swallowing their cum after a blow job. Now feel I proud of her because she’s mine and after all our loving it’s our bed she sleeps in.” “She basically said the same thing to...

2 years ago
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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 44

As Mel waited at a red light, Jenny shuffled forward, arms on the back of the front seats. “So why are you wearing the slutty looking clothes? I haven’t even shown that much skin. You probably wouldn’t let me.” “I would now, as long as I, Claudia, or her husband was with you.” “If you and Claudia are going downtown dressed like sluts, you’re both asking for man trouble.” “I’ve already got man troubles with your dad.” “All she could talk about was babies and when was Dad going to marry...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 45

Dan woke up the next morning to the familiar feeling of Allison’s young body cuddled tightly against his. His arm was held in place for a hand to caress her tit and his cock lay semi-dormant snuggled between her small ass cheeks. She usually liked to bring him to life with a good morning fuck or a blow job. “Come on you two, our moms have got breakfast ready!” Savon began to wake up her lovers. A kiss to them both then lips to a soft nipple, she uncovered Dan’s cock from its warm cocoon and...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 46

Claudia wanted to prepare for Wednesday, so as Dan fucked her pussy she had Mel fuck her ass with the dildo. She told Dan not to cum, saving it for later. The front doorbell chimed announcing the expected guests. “I’ll get it!” Allison yelled. She opened the door and was greeted by a blonde man, woman, and teenage boy all well tanned. “Hi, you must be Allison,” the woman smiled, offering a hand. “I’m Karen Winslow and this is my husband, James, and our son, Ryan. You certainly do look like...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 47

Dan backed the rental Cadillac Escalade into the driveway. “Wow, a Cadillac. I thought you were going to rent a Dodge Mini Van?” Claudia asked, carrying their suitcase out the front door. “I was going to but noticed the Caddy for rent too so I decided to get this one instead. I like driving Cadillacs, but even with our money, I wouldn’t buy one of these. I priced a new one, basic model, compared to the top of the line Grand Caravan R/T. We could buy two Caravans for the price of one...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 2

The next morning Dan enjoyed his jog through the small town. Middleton had barely 2,000 people, including cats and dogs. Several people up that early gave the stranger a friendly, ‘good morning,’ followed by lingering stares. He liked the quietness of the small town and sat on the veranda a moment before taking his shower. Dan’s thoughts continually returned to Claudia. His writer’s block was beginning to melt away, giving him inspiration for the next portion of his book. “Just a minute,”...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 3

Saturday morning was an exact repeat of Friday’s. Claudia surprised Dan with the morning paper and he was naked from the waist up, fresh from his shower. She wore different shorts and a nice low-cut top. You could cut the sexual tension between them with a knife as she waited for him to dress from his shower. They enjoyed another great blueberry breakfast served by Aunt Katherine. She pumped them both for information trying to get all the juicy details about the night before. Neither one...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 4

The evening festivities were to start at 8 pm. Claudia drove her and Dan to her apartment so she could change her clothes and pick up her camera and notepad. She had planned already what she was going to wear for him. He sat patiently in the living room waiting. He gazed around her apartment and liked how the coordinated colour and texture scheme worked. Claudia then came out of her bedroom, “Wow, oh wow, oh wow!” He exclaimed, his eyes widening. She smiled and turned around for him. She...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 5

They said their goodnights with Dan and Claudia taking a cab, “Would you like to go to my place with me or prefer your apartment?” He asked. “I’m feeling really naughty. Why don’t we let Aunt Katherine hear the headboard bang against the bed room wall so she knows we’re fucking!” She whispered. “Oh we’ll make it bang the wall alright!” He grinned. “I’m counting on it,” she smiled. Claudia was quite aroused for Dan to fuck her, though she knew Paul, their cab driver, she didn’t hesitate to...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 7

Claudia drove the short distance to Lockport. Dan used the time to finger her pussy and had her fairly wet when they arrived. “I feel like turning around and heading home already,” she said. “You don’t want to do this?” “No, that’s not it. You’ve got me so fucking hot and horny, I need you to fuck me again really good!” Dan laughed and hugged her, “Don’t worry, I will!” The intense desire in their eyes was only outmatched by the unspoken love growing for the other. They found a coffee...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 4

Claudia finally had an opportunity to look closer at her prison room and wondered what the building had been used for in the past. Placed on the door and four corners of the walls, ceiling and floor were moulded packs of cream-coloured clay. She recognized it as C-4 explosives. Each one had a blasting cap and wires connecting them. She had seen Military displays of C-4 detonations and the destruction just one brick of it can cause. She counted twelve pieces moulded in the room. On the other...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 8

The new foursome took a well-deserved fifteen-minute break. Brian and Claudia snuck off butt naked to the woods twenty yards away to have a pee. Laurie kept busy sucking on Dan’s cock, then took their turn in the woods. “Imagine how easy it is for anyone to be watching us,” Laurie said, as she stroked Dan’s cock. From the edge of the tree line, they could easily see Claudia sucking on Brian’s cock. The group then cuddled close reviewing the pictures and video they’d taken, commenting on how...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 5

Claudia didn’t know how long she slept but woke up to hear Chuck yelling in the hallway. The door burst open and he escorted a young girl roughly by the arm, pushing her onto the empty bed space beside her. The girl’s chest heaved from heavy breathing as he straddled her thighs and used his hunting knife to cut off her clothes. He ripped the duct tape from her mouth and cut the tape binding her hands. “Please don’t hurt me!” She pleaded, panting for breath. “I brought you some company and a...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 6

All the girls were busy handing out flyers of the missing three and Dan called Tessa to mention the missing young girl, named Allison Taylor. She arranged to add her profile to the others making flyers of four missing loved ones. Kim and Emma were at the Westfield Countryside Mall on flyer duty. “Please help us to find our missing friends,” Emma announced with every handout. She handed one to a curly-haired man exiting the mall. He looked at it and smiled. Taking it to his temporary home he...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 9

Dan stirred to the feeling of something warm around his midsection. He opened his eyes to see Claudia dutifully sucking on his cock. He patted her head, letting her know he was awake. She continued pleasing Dan, not saying a word. Music started to play on her radio and Dan saw it was 7:30. Claudia reached over and shut off the radio alarm. “Good morning, sorry I fell asleep on you,” she smiled, lying up beside him. She leaned on her pillow admiring her man. She lightly combed her left...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 7

“What the fuck are you doing with the phone?” Chuck asked as Arnie held the phone sideways, scanning the outside of their hidden location. “This is the phone for Davenport so I’m making sure the video recording works on it.” “Well make sure you erase that shit or he’ll know where we’re hiding the girls.” “Don’t you worry I will,” Arnie promised. Chuck went inside to check up on their girls, “Now how the hell do I get rid of this fucking shit, ah, that ought to do it!” Claudia and...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 8

The next morning, Dan called his bank manager and arranged to make four consecutive withdrawals of 500,000 dollars each day. He insisted the money had to be used, not new bills. The manager informed him that amount of money would be 5,000 100 bills and would take most of the day to collect. He had Tessa drive him to one of the local car rental agencies where a pickup truck was waiting for him. Dan stood in front of his sexy squad as several took his picture in his costume. Tracy had...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 10

There weren’t enough Kleenex tissues in Claudia’s office to dry up her tears, so she resorted to using bathroom tissue to absorb her grief. She called Kim and Tracy to break the terrible, terrible news to them, that Dan had been arrested for the robbery and assault of the Lockport senior. They vowed some sort of revenge towards Dan for hurting their girl. They said they’d meet her later at her apartment to console her and to plan revenge against him. Claudia tried her best to do her daily...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 9

Dan’s body jolted awake as if a bomb had exploded. Sometimes a dream lingers once you wake up and it was very haunting. Chuck was pulling Claudia by one arm while her other fingers were just inches from Dan’s grasp. The more he leaned to grab her, the further Chuck yanked her away. He laughed and laughed at him, “You’ll never have her, she’s mine!” He turned to see Brooke and Kim naked, asleep beside him. He kissed Brooke’s shoulder admiring her naked breasts and smoothed a hand over her...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 11

They had barely closed their eyes when the alarm woke them up, and they took a sensual shower together. Claudia put on the white lace and satin bodice top and white mini skirt she wore to the dance Saturday night. “I think that top and skirt combination is fast becoming one of my favourites on you besides your sexy green teal dress,” he smiled, admiring her scantily clad figure. “I really like wearing nice sexy clothes for you, Dan. I’ll have to go shopping and buy some more sexy clothes...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 12

Kim and Tracy followed Dan and Claudia to her apartment. Kim brought along her little pouch of toys they used to pleasure each other. The group hurried into her bedroom anxious to get the action started. Claudia went to the bathroom and returned kissing Dan. She slipped a Viagra from her mouth to his, he made some spit and swallowed it. “I know you won’t disappoint me.” “Dan, this is my Kim and my Tracy. I expect you to give them both the love and respect that you give me,” Claudia said,...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 11

The concussion grenade fired from the robot had shattered the main window and the blue-white light from the Tactical chopper filled the room. Arnie sat behind his barricade desperately calling his brother’s name but never received an answer. He nervously rubbed the shaft of his rifle, took a deep breath, and aimed his sights out the window. He fired several rounds at anything that resembled a target. His haphazard shots ricocheted off the asphalt. He slid the lever to automatic, firing...

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Claudia s Condition and the Retrospective MurdersChapter 12

“Good morning, I’m Gerard MacDonald, a news correspondent with WZAX TV. I’m here at Tampa Police Headquarters, where, in a few minutes Police Chief Michael Townsend will be giving a news briefing about last night’s dramatic events involving the rescue, from certain death, of four missing women.” A few minutes later the room fell quiet as three people stepped onto a small riser and Police Chief Townsend stepped to the podium, emblazoned with the Tampa Police Department’s crest. “Good day,...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 13

Claudia’s 6 am alarm woke her and Dan from a sound sleep. He stretched and gazed at his naked lover. “I sure can get used to waking up next to you every morning,” he said, leaning to kiss her. “It’s nice to have company in bed now too,” she smiled. “Have Kim or Tracy ever sleep over?” “Not as often as I’d like,” she smiled, then they took a sensual shower. Dan and Claudia gathered the items and clothes she’d need for her videos and headed for the local drive-through doughnut shop. The boy...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 15

“This hasn’t been a very fair day for you compared to me. I’ve already had six cocks and a pussy while you’ve had none,” Claudia mentioned. “I did finger Janice’s pussy while we watched your video.” “I know but you didn’t get a fuck or get a blow job from her.” “So what’s next?” He asked. “Let’s find us a sex store to buy some toys and sexy clothes for me to wear. Then I’ll show my tits and pussy while we eat dinner,” she smiled. Claudia searched for sex store locations on her cell phone...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 17

The summer evening air was beginning to cool as Dan walked Kim hand in hand. “Where are we going?” She wondered. “Golf courses can have some of the most beautiful settings, especially ponds close to the greens,” he said, escorting her along a gravel pathway. “Thank you, Dan, for treating me so special,” she said, hugging his arm. “It’s my pleasure. I love my Claudia and care a lot about you, and Tracy. But right now you are the only woman in my world.” Kim stopped him under a light...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 18

“American Airlines announces the arrival of flight 2017 from Philadelphia and Buffalo,” the public address announced. Dan viewed the large screen displaying the flight arrival. Gate twenty-seven was where he was standing, waiting patiently in the arrivals area of Miami Airport. Claudia hurried along the corridor towards the baggage claim section. The heels of her shoes announced every step along the slate floor, her breasts swaying with each step. Finally through smoked sliding doors, his...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 19

Dan and Claudia spent a long, wonderful day window shopping and taking in the sights. She enjoyed looking in the off-street boutiques at different items and as usual, her tall, sexy figure drew plenty of admiring glances. “Your teal green dress has got to be my favourite,” he smiled, looking at her deep cleavage and short hemline. “If I keep wearing your favourite dress so often, I’ll wear it out sooner than we’d like.” They continued strolling hand in hand. “Hold it, just a second,” she...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 20

It was 10 am on Monday, and Claudia was enjoying her new erotic Miami freedom, walking around naked in Dan’s condo. She ate breakfast on the balcony naked with Dan, not ashamed to stand at the glass-panelled railing for all to see her. “Do you think anyone watched us fucking on the balcony this morning?” He asked, fondling her tits from behind. “I sure hope,” she replied, caressing his cock. She turned, and they embraced, kissing. “Why don’t you pick out the dress you want me to wear for...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 21

“It’s a good thing I packed more than one dress,” Claudia said, slipping her green teal one over her head. Dan came up behind her, caressing her body. “Do you think the people in the next room heard the bed hitting the wall last night?” He asked, fondling her tits. “I sure hope so, otherwise all that good fucking and moaning would have been wasted on no audience,” she joked. They checked out of their room meeting, the group staying next door in the hallway. Claudia smiled and giggled as...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 22

“Ahem, uhhh, excuse me a moment.” They were brought back to reality. A young woman stood close by, watching the kissing and hand groping. “I’m your waitress, Camille. We have several meals available for this evening’s enjoyment.” Dan continued to gently finger Cheryl, while Camille spoke and offered them menus. “Can I offer you anything, from the bar?” Dan continued to finger Cheryl as Camille noticed his busy fingers. “Yes, Camille, can you bring us a bottle of your house champagne? Our...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 25

“Come on, its time to get down, get naughty, and dirty!” She grinned, taking his hand. On the dance floor, she started moving to the strong beat of the music. Dan gazed at her as she’d sway to the music, enticing him with her sexy moves. He was no great dancer but couldn’t keep his eyes off Tracy. She’d move close to him, a tit brushing against his chest and turn in a circle. A slow song started, and she put her arms around his neck. His hands embraced her as her tits flattened against his...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 26

Dan called the local cab company, saying they needed a vehicle that could hold six adults and a short while later, a large Suburban arrived at Aunt Katherine’s door. He and Claudia rode, and he watched, a little nervous, as John and Tracy came out their front door. The cab continued with Doug, and Kim joined them. All three women wore identically low-cut, short-hemmed dresses in different colours and patterns. The sexy trio held hands as they entered the Falls Country Club. Dan knew he had...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 27

Dan stood off-camera smiling, gazing at his lovely Claudia. He was so proud of her and the way she has become welcomed to the Station. Her news segment, ‘Your Community Matters,’ is turning out to be popular viewing. They hugged and kissed just before she went live, teasingly undid the next button on her blouse. Claudia smiled to camera one, “Good morning, I’m Claudia Lockhart, co-host of this year’s WZAX TV’s fifteenth annual Children’s Wing of the Tampa General Hospital Telethon. It is 10...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 29

Brooke declined Claudia and Dan’s offer to join them for the dinner date with Karen or James Winslow. Instead, she chose to stay in and chat with Kyle on Seeme. She would be waiting in bed for them to tell her all the juicy details of their dates. “I remember you saying you were going to be a good girl on your dinner date with James. That dress tells me you will be far from good!” Dan teased, gazing at his sexily dressed girl. “I do have a certain slutty reputation to uphold for you, you...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 30

Karen’s phone chirped, and she answered it. She smiled at Dan and Emma and confirmed the request. “That was James. It appears that Claudia is being double fucked by him and Ryan and needs to eat a good pussy. I guess Emma you get to have your first foursome.” “That’s my Claudia. She has this sex condition that when she’s being double penetrated, she needs more pussy to eat or cock to suck off.” The trio joined the other threesome in the master bedroom. Dan smiled, seeing Claudia impaled on...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 31

Brooke’s shoes barely touched her parent’s, Athens Texas, ranch soil, when a German Shepard sprinted from the front veranda towards her. Barks, high chirps, and furiously tail wagging announced his eagerness and excitement, recognizing his love. A cloud of dust greeted her as his paws dug into the hard ground, skidding to a stop. “Hi Tex, hi my boy, I’ve missed you so much!” Brooke cooed as her faithful four-legged partner fussed over the arrival of his beloved master. “How’s my boy?” She...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 32

“Paula, do I look alright?” Claudia asked, turning side to side at her reflection in the dressing room mirror. Her hands smoothed the sides of her white silk blouse down to the waistband of her red skirt, perfect colours for Christmas. Usually into work for ten in the morning, and being the newest person at the station, Claudia wasn’t accustomed to an earlier start to her day at 8:30. “Honey with a killer body like that, and the beauty of your face, you always look fantastic to me!” Paula...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 33

Claudia finished waving to the crowd and turned to Dan. She cuddled close to him, happy and giddy like a little girl on Christmas morning. Claudia didn’t care about the man seated several feet in front of them, guiding the horses. Needing Dan to love her, she pulled her skirt up to her waist. “Take my panties off,” she asked. He turned and knelt in front of Claudia, slipping her panties off her hips, then down her slender legs, and over her high heels. “I’ve been wet for you since Paula was...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 34

Dan and Claudia returned to her apartment, where Dan had previously left his suitcase. She turned on the Christmas lights, giving her apartment the perfect, romantic glow for the season. They had a quick, sensual shower together and dressed. Their cell phones were re-charged up, and Dan grabbed his camera for lots of pictures. “Are you sure this dress is suitable for getting married in?” She asked, admiring her figure in the mirror. “You know it shows more tit than it covers, and anyone can...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 35

“How is everyone doing?” Margaret asked, stopping at their table. “Wonderful as I can see for myself.” She eyed Dan’s cock erect and shiny from being sucked on. “After your meals and before you all get down to some serious fucking, I’d appreciate it, Mr. Davenport, if I could add your photo to our collection wall.” “You’ve had celebrities here before?” He asked. “Quite a few, in fact. Here at the Diplomat, a customer has several choices. They can have a normal meal, with a sexy server of...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 37

“You got here just in time Dan. Claudia is going nuts!” Paula said. Dan looked at the beautiful sight of his bride being fucked by Jerry up her cute ass and Tim in her pussy. He saw the lustful gleam in her eyes, her body jolting when Tim’s cock hit her G-spot again. “Dan, you know what happens to me when I’m being doubled fucked like this and a cock hits my spot. I need more cock to suck on or pussy to eat. Please find me some cock to suck off?” She pleaded. He looked to Stacey, “Can you...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 38

Dan and Claudia spent a very sensual first Christmas together. She had decorated her apartment like the spread from a home decorating magazine. Everything she had planned for their special day turned out perfectly. Dan had bought her a deep V-neck black tank top and an extremely short skirt made of see-through material. She would be covered yet allow everyone to see her tits and pussy. She thanked him for saying she’ll wear it on New Year’s Eve to the Diplomat. He remembered to replace her...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 39

Brooke spent the day trying to be pleasant while stealing glances at Claudia’s new wedding rings. She was also jealous of the sparkling gold and diamond ring now adorning Dan’s left finger. He and Claudia decided not to show her the video of their wedding but was proud to offer Brooke pictures and videos of their new home. “I’m really grateful that you’re including me in your married life,” Brooke said, hugging her two lovers. “Will you tell her?” Dan said, looking at Claudia. “Brooke my...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 40

Brooke knew what she was going to tell Kyle would likely end their short, semi-serious relationship. “First of all, I want you to know that I’m in love with Claudia, and you already know that I love Dan. I will continue to have sex with them both no matter how close we become.” “I’m in my last year of my modelling contract, and plan on buying out my last six months. Between now and next summer, I’m going to buy a hobby farm, or small ranch and move to Tampa. As you know, I’m from Texas and...

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Claudia s ConditionChapter 41

“Hey, Chuck come here a minute!” “What the fuck do you want now, Arnie?” Chuck complained to his twin brother, swigging on his breakfast beer. “You’re not honestly going to watch all those New Year Day’s parades, are you?” “Yes I am, I like the colours that go into making them, especially the Rose Parade it’s so beautiful. Then we can watch all the Bowl games.” “So what do you want this time?” He crushed his empty can, and tossing it, hit the wastebasket dead center, “Two points!” “You’ll...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 2

Claudia and Dan sat in the physiatrist’s office waiting for her next meeting with Dr. Phillips. It had been five weeks since she and the others had been rescued, and her therapy for symptoms of PTSD was progressing well. He gazed at his love wearing a short pleated, peach coloured skirt, and cream coloured moderately low cut top. She paused from thumbing through a copy of Women’s Health to smile and grip Dan’s hand. Claudia seemed to be the central person to keep in contact with Wayne,...

5 years ago
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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 3

Dan awoke to a warm body cuddled against his back and a hand caressing his chest. He bent his left arm back to give Claudia a teasing tit feel, but the tit was too small. He let go, quickly realizing it was Allison’s tit he fondled. He then placed his arm over hers hoping she was still asleep. “Well don’t you two make a lovely pair?” Claudia commented, on the spooning couple, “Come on you two, breakfast is ready!” She said, tapping their feet. Dan turned to see a sleepy-eyed Allison...

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Claudia s Condition the HealingChapter 4

Claudia walked to the door to answer the door chime. She was practically knocked over by the force of the hug from Julia Bennett. She wanted to kiss her so much but kept it to a polite peck on the cheek. “How are you doing, Julia?” She asked, accepting a breast flattening hug. “Much better, now that I’m here with you!” Dan received just as sensual a hug then they greeted her husband, Rob. Claudia proudly gave them a tour of their home then offered them drinks. Dan showed Rob the bathroom...

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