Bikini Beach: Spring Break free porn video

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Bikini Beach: Spring Break By Elrod W Stan and Chuck were still wiping their hands as they emerged from the restroom. They moved slowly; from the fatigued look in their eyes, one would correctly guess that they'd been awake for a very long time. Jack stood up behind the windshield, peering at the two. "Come on, guys! Time's a-wastin'." He slid back behind the steering wheel of his Camaro convertible, a sleek midnight blue car suited for a young man. Right now, however, it looked to be in rather tough shape. A faint dusty haze dulled the finish, and small circles of dust dotted it like a leopard's spots, the residue of a light rain they'd driven through. The floorboards and back seat were littered with the remains of on-the-road snacking; candy bar wrappers, fast-food sacks, and an occasional beer can. A soft snoring came from behind Jack. He glanced over his shoulder. In the back seat, sprawled amid the debris, Brett leaned his head back, his mouth gaping open as he caught a brief nap. Jack reached around and shook him. "Hey, man. Pit stop." Brett's mouth flopped a few times, and then his head slowly rose. His eyes, dull from sleep, slowly opened. "What?" he finally mumbled. Jack snorted his disbelief. "Pit stop. You got to pee?" Brett let the words sink in slowly. Finally, he nodded, then pried himself from the tiny back seat and crawled over the side. With a bit of a stagger to his gait, he ambled to the rest room. Chuck leaped into the front seat. "Shotgun!" he cried with glee, happy to have gotten the extra legroom. Stan started to protest, then reluctantly crawled into the back. He pushed some of the garbage aside nonchalantly as he sat down. "How much further?" he asked finally. Jack smiled. "The last sign said one hundred miles. We're almost there." Stan let a smile creep over his features. "Within two hours, the babes are going to have their dreams come true. Stan the man will see to that." Chuck laughed aloud. "You mean their nightmares, don't you?" He thrust out his chest. "Tell you what - I'll toss a leftover or two your way so you can get laid at least once." For all the bravado of his words, he sounded much less confident than Stan. Jack shook his head, laughing under his breath. "There's going to be enough to go around," he finally said. Stan nodded his agreement. "This is going to be so cool! Everyone says this is the hottest spring break site in the country! Beach concerts, wet T-shirt contests and parties all night long! Man, I'm getting stoked just thinking about it." Brett shuffled slowly back to the Camaro, arriving just as this bit of macho posturing ended, and he slumped back into his spot in the back, almost ignoring Stan. He was asleep again before the car even got back on the highway. ***** Stan pried himself from the back seat up onto the boot covering the folded-down convertible top. With a flourish, he levered off his sunglasses. The hotel parking lot was full. Very full. Lots of college kids, which meant lots of parties and lots of action. Jack pulled into one of the few empty parking spots and shut off the car. After nearly nineteen hours on the road, the silence and lack of engine vibration seemed odd. "I'll go get us checked in." It was easy to see that Jack was the de facto leader; it was his car, he'd made the reservations, he was checking in their room. The reality was that none of this trip would have happened if it hadn't been for Jack taking charge. Stan popped open another beer as he sat. He smiled at the girls walking by, noting in particular the state of dress. Shorts, tight T- shirts, bikinis, halter-tops. All skimpy, all fitting for a warm spring day. Unlike the cold snowy city they'd left less than a day ago. Within a few minutes, Jack returned. "Okay, we're in. Let's get the stuff out of the car." "And then it's party time!" Brett added with glee. ***** Stan was miffed that they had to walk two blocks to get to the beach. His complaints, however, were silenced when Brett pointed out that lack of parking meant the beach would be crowded. And that meant - girls! A grin returned to Stan's face. But Stan ended up disappointed. Like Brett and Jack and Chuck. The beach was crowded, that much was true. But there was some type of surfing competition going on, and a lot of the crowd was associated with that. And a bodybuilding contest. "Where are the babes?" Stan complained for the hundredth time as they threaded their way through the crowds. Oh, sure, there were girls here, but most of them seemed to be already hanging on someone. There weren't a lot of unattached girls around. "What about those girls?" Chuck asked, pointing to a cluster of young ladies sunning on their beach towels. Stan felt a shudder course through his body. "I'm not desperate yet," he said disdainfully. It wasn't that the girls were unattractive; in a girl-next-door sort of way, they were quite nice looking. But Stan had his mind set on curvy super-model types. And these girls just didn't fit his desires. After wandering for a couple of hours, Stan's disappointment was, if anything, more acute. "Some spring break this is turning out to be," he complained bitterly. Jack sighed, again. "Give it a rest," he chided. "Look, it's Saturday. Probably most of the people are still on their way, or resting. I mean, it was a long trip." Brett chimed in. "Yeah. I'm kind of beat myself." "Would you two little old ladies like to take a nap?" Stan asked sarcastically. "This is spring break. Party time." "So what do we do, then? Huh, asshole?" Chuck's angry question turned the tables on Stan. ***** "One large pepperoni, one large sausage, mushroom, and olive." The waitress set the two pizzas on the table, leaving only a bit of space for the mugs of beer the boys were drinking. Stan gave the waitress the once over. He looked up admiringly. "Say, sweetie," he said with a friendly tone, "what are you doing after work? We've got a pretty good party at..." The waitress gave him a friendly but withering smile. "Listen, sonny," she said, "I've got all I can handle working to feed me and my little boy without running around picking up boy-toys." Stan looked like he wanted to crawl under his chair, while the other three struggled to keep from laughing aloud at her put- down. "I wasn't..." Stan started to mumble something to save face. The waitress shook her head. "Listen, why don' t you guys go find some girls your own age, huh?" Brett sighed. "We've been trying. Where do you keep all the girls in this town?" Jack glumly nodded his agreement. "We were at the beach, and the mall. Where are they?" The waitress shrugged. "I don't know. Hmmm. Might be at the water park." Stan's ears perked up. "Water park? What water park?" "Bikini Beach. It's kind of new, but I've heard it's supposed to be one of the best." ***** Jack whistled as he shut off the car. The parking lot was full; a steady stream of lovely young ladies passed the four gawking boys, heading toward the ticket gate. "Jackpot!" Stan exclaimed, his head swiveling to track one particularly attractive girl. Brett watched the girls, almost in awe. "Wow!" He continued to gaze at the bikini-clad women. "Hey, I don't see many guys!" Stan nudged him in the ribs. "Lucky for you there's not much competition, right?" He glanced at the other men. "So what are we waiting for?" Almost comically, the four scrambled to exit the car - by the doors, over the back, any way possible. With their heads threatening to snap off from the constant turning, they walked to the ticket booth, still engaged in some serious girl-watching. "May I help you?" The voice from the ticket booth was soft and melodious, a siren song to these girl-starved men. Jack interrupted his gawking. "Uh, yeah. We'd like tickets." Anya didn't even flinch. It was spring break, after all. At least these guys weren't trying to hit on her. Yet. "For how long? One- day, two-day, three-day, or week?" Stan edged in beside Jack. "Depends. How often are you working here?" Anya rolled her eyes. Another one. "The best price is on the seven day passes," she continued as if she hadn't heard Stan. Brett peered over Jack's shoulder. "Wow!" he mumbled. "Aren't the passes kind of steep?" Anya shrugged. "That's the price. Take it or leave it." She made a show of glancing around the guys, at the customers lining up behind them. "Listen, while you guys think, could you let me sell some passes?" Jack looked up at her, and then glanced behind him. A few other people were waiting in line. "What? Oh, yeah." He caucused his friends quickly. "I guess we'll take the week-long passes." The boys ponied up their money, and then took the passes from Anya. "And remember to shower before you go in the water." She flashed a curious smile at them. "Health regulations, you know." Then she turned to the next customers. ***** Jack pushed his clothes into the locker, then shut it and pocketed the key. "Kind of small locker room, isn't it?" Stan was in the shower already, eager to get out near the babes. "I like it that way. Less competition." Brett stepped into an empty stall and turned on the water. "You need every edge you can get," he said dryly. "I was talking about competition for you guys," Stan retorted. "I've never had..." His voice cracked briefly, like something irritated his throat, "hmmm, any worries about competing." Stan flipped off the warm tingly water and pushed open the curtain. "Time to find some babes." He turned to the door, and froze, his mouth agape. Chuck was leaning against the row of lockers, already done with his shower; he was just waiting for the other guys. Unlike Stan and the others, Chuck was a little reserved, and didn't really want to be out with the girls by himself. He looked at Stan, at the way Stan seemed to be staring at him; a frown crept onto Chuck's face. "What?" he demanded. Stan stared for a long moment, and then raised his finger to point. At Chuck's chest. Chuck glance down - and gasped. "What...?" he sputtered. His hands reached up to touch the tiny cones on his chest, but stopped short, afraid to touch them. And even as he watched in horror, his hands upheld, the cones continued to grow, slowly pushing out from his chest, as if they somehow yearned for the grasp of his hands. He lifted his head, ashen-faced. Another gasp erupted from Chuck's lips. His eyes, already wide with surprise, widened even more. "Oh, my God!" he said softly, staring at Stan. "What the...?" Brett's voice called out in surprise from the showers. Chuck and Stan turned to see him, and saw his eyes darting back and forth between the two, his jaw dangling in shock. Stan glanced back at Chuck. Or more precisely, at what had been Chuck. Even as he watched, the breasts on Chuck's chest continued their slow inflation, now starting to round as they filled. Below them, Chuck's waist was still narrowing, softening, losing muscle definition. Further down - Stan let a tiny cry of alarm escape his lips - Chuck's swimsuit was now a very sexy thong bikini. And it was flat on the front. Empty. Devoid of a dick. Stan stared at Chuck's empty crotch in horror. Chuck looked at Stan, then at Brett. Both were staring at him - at his crotch. Chuck peered down - between the round feminine orbs adorning his chest - and cried in surprise. He saw his bikini bottom, the emptiness of his crotch. He glanced up at his friends. "What the hell?" Brett's dark hair was growing as he stared, flowing like molasses down his shoulders, splitting between his front and back, continuing to creep down in dark straight locks. The hair touched the impossible boobs growing on Brett's chest, and parted around them, still lengthening even as his newly grown breasts pushed outward, parting the stray locks even more. Jack heard the commotion above the spray of the shower. Puzzled, he turned the knob off and parted the curtain. He froze, his eyes trying desperately to bulge from their sockets. Brett turned to him, still recognizable Brett in his softened facial features, but every inch a young woman. Jack stared, taking in the changes. Maybe five foot five, he'd lost eight inches of height in just a few moments - and forty pounds of muscle. His arms were much more slender, less muscular, like his now- shapely legs. Long dark hair, parted in the middle, swept down from his head to the small of his back. His hips were wider, made to look even more so by the narrowing of his waist to pleasing feminine proportions. Soft brown eyes, looking even bigger on his smaller face. Cute little nose. Jack's gaze wandered, to Stan. Stan, the one the girls considered attractive, with his well-built body. Now all that remained was a trace of his features on a very pretty face. Full pouty lips. Soft blue eyes. Wavy blonde hair hanging just to his shoulders. Big - Jack's eyes widened as he saw the size - big round hooters on Stan's once-muscular chest. Narrow waist. Wide hips, with a soft round girlish ass. Long shapely legs. Chuck stood near Stan, staring in bewilderment among the others, his eyes pleading to understand what had happened to him. Shorter than he'd been, but still taller than the other two. Where the other two now looked to be ideals of soft feminine charm, Chuck's transformed body had an athletic grace and power. More muscular than the others, his body was nonetheless completely and totally female, from the firm modest breasts to his narrowed waist, from his rounded hips down his smooth legs. Where the swimsuits of Stan and Brett had changed into sexy bikinis, Chuck's had altered into something which might be worn by a swimmer; less revealing, but still a woman's suit. Chuck's face was softer, less angular. His jutting jaw was no more; neither did he have the perpetual stubble of a beard. Soft skin, lightly tanned, covered his attractive features, while wavy sandy-blonde hair framed his face, falling to below his shoulders. Jack's jaw seemed to lock open, so great was the shock. "What the hell is this?" he tried to say, but even those words seemed inadequate. Even as Jack watched, the magic put its finishing touches on Stan, Brett, and Chuck. They looked at him, and saw a mostly- masculine man staring at them, topless as they were. Chuck giggled, while Brett and Stan screamed. They turned and ran from the locker room. Jack took a step to chase after them; something was horribly wrong. He recognized them, or what remained of them - they were his fraternity brothers. Somehow, they had been changed, altered, and now were girls. The motion of taking a step, however, was ... wrong. It didn't feel right, as if his feet were smaller. Jack frowned as the second step felt worse; his center of gravity was shifted, altered to a stance on wider hips, though he didn't yet realize it. On the third step, Jack felt something tugging lightly at his chest. On the fourth step, a wet mop of hair brushed against his shoulders. On the fifth step, the room seemed to be larger, as if it had grown in proportion to Jack. Jack opened the door and stepped into the bright sunlight, aware that something was very, very wrong. Across the way, he saw a girl emerging from the women's locker, topless, but Jack was too distracted to notice. He shifted his gaze, and found his three friends, standing in conversation with an old woman. And they were acting like nothing was wrong at all! In fact, Stan and Brett were tying on bikini tops like they'd done it all their lives. Jack turned toward them, just as the old woman turned his way. "Young lady, I do not permit topless sunbathing in my park," she said as she confronted Jack. His jaw dropped open, uncomprehending, so the woman turned him. With a sickening feeling, Jack realized that he was staring at the young girl again. More precisely, he was staring at what he thought was the young girl. Slowly, Jack realized he was staring at a mirror, and that he had undergone the same change as his friends. The old woman turned him, and held out a bikini top. Jack's protest died in his throat, replaced instead by an apology for forgetting her top. Jackie giggled as she tied the top on, and then smiled innocently at the old woman as she walked away. "Well, what do we do first?" Colleen asked. Though she looked like Chuck would have, had he been born a girl, she apparently remembered nothing of him. Tiffany, the female image of Stan, frowned. "I don't know why you guys wanted to come here," she protested. "There aren't any guys around." Brittany giggled. "Tiff, that's all you think about, isn't it." She turned to Jackie. "What do you want to do first, Jackie?" Jackie's face clouded for the briefest of moments, then cleared. "Let's try the tube rides on the volcano," she said cheerfully. ***** Tiffany sat in the back seat, fighting as the breeze tossed her hair. "Can you slow down," she complained again. "This is like really messing up my hair!" Brittany laughed. Her long hair was fastened in a ponytail, so she didn't have Tiffany's problem. "You're just pissed because there weren't any guys there." Jackie stole a glance at Colleen, sitting in the passenger seat. All of Tiffany's talk about sex seemed to be upsetting Colleen; Jackie guessed that she was still a virgin. "So what are we going to do when we get back to the hotel?" Brittany glanced at Tiffany, and then the two grinned. "Party!" they sang out. The other girls complained about just how long it took Tiffany to get ready; the party they found was at another hotel, and was in full swing when they arrived. Colleen seemed a bit anxious as she sipped a drink; Jackie realized it was probably because she was a freshman, and this was her first big party experience. But the other two - Tiffany and Brittany - started drinking heavily. Shortly, Tiffany had a couple of guys hanging all over her, and not too much later; Jackie couldn't find either Tiffany or Brittany. She worried for a bit about leaving them, but they showed up - both looking very drunk and very, very pleased with themselves. ***** Sunday brought another day at Bikini Beach. They tried everything possible, from the wave pool to the speed slides. But again, Tiffany complained about the lack of guys, and again, Colleen seemed embarrassed by her talk. They left the park late in the afternoon, and changed at their room. As they headed to the car to search for a party, a guy told them of a club. It was supposed to be the favorite hangout of the local college crowd. The Beach House, down by the ocean. The guy was not exaggerating; it was quite a club. Colleen was nervous as they tried her fake ID, but she got in without a problem. The music was loud, the crowd was excited, and the dancing was great. Jackie was enjoying herself when she noticed that Colleen seemed to be a little tipsy. The worst part, though, was that Tiffany seemed to be helping her get drunk. Jackie fought a couple of guys off Colleen, and spent most of the night protecting her from the predators. Tiffany scoffed at Jackie - she was missing the chance for lots of great sex. Clearly, Tiffany was both drunk and horny, and on the prowl for guys. It was very late when Jackie gave up on finding Tiffany and Brittany; they'd long been gone, and the club was getting ready to close. Colleen passed out on the way back to the room, leaving Jackie the chore of lugging her up the stairs and to their room. ***** Colleen staggered out of the bathroom. "What was I drinking last night?" she asked softly. Her eyes were red, and she was walking as if every movement hurt. Given her state from the previous night, it probably did. Jackie shook her head. "You ever have a hangover before?" she asked. Colleen nodded, deciding that even that was a mistake. "Not like this." The door opened with a bang, and Tiffany and Brittany marched in. Colleen flinched from the noise and the light, and again when Tiffany slammed the door shut. Tiffany plopped on the bed. "So what did you girls do for fun last night?" she asked teasingly. Jackie felt her anger rising. "Where the hell were you two, anyway? I had to leave without you." Tiffany glanced at Brittany, and then both started giggling. "We left before you did." Jackie's frown indicated her displeasure. "Well, you could have been left behind." Brittany laughed. "Don't worry about us. We know how to get guys to take us anywhere." She turned to Tiffany. "What were their names, anyway?" Tiffany giggled anew, while poor Colleen looked embarrassed and uncomfortable with their brazen discussion. ***** The night's party was at their hotel; Tiffany was strangely hanging around Colleen a lot, while Brittany seemed to be seeing just how many different guys she could tease. Jackie went to get another drink, but when she got back, Tiffany and Colleen were nowhere to be found. In her state of inebriation, Jackie lost track of Colleen, and she hunted for her friend for quite a while. Finally, she decided to check their room in case Colleen had passed out again. At the last possible second, Tiffany and Colleen showed up. Colleen looked quite drunk, and Tiffany seemed pleased with herself. Jackie took Tiffany aside. "What the hell are you doing?" she demanded. Tiffany tried to look innocent. "Just partying." Jackie frowned. "What are you trying to do to her? Don't you know she's a virgin?" Tiffany giggled. "Not any more, she's not." She glanced at Colleen. "And from the look on her face, I'd say she's glad of it." ***** Tuesday was a wet T-shirt contest at the beach. Jackie realized that something had happened to Colleen; the formerly shy girl was the first to enter, and egged on the others to join her. And she was so pleased with herself as she displayed her body. Tuesday night's party was at a local fraternity house. Colleen was the first to disappear with a guy. Shortly thereafter, Tiffany and Brittany were nowhere to be found. And then even Jackie let the alcohol and party atmosphere win out; she, too, left the party in the company of a young man. ***** It was Colleen who complained the loudest about the lack of guys at Bikini Beach the next day. After finally tiring of her wailing, they all left and went searching for a major party; as expected, one of the hotels had a really jamming party. Jackie lost track of Colleen, and went hunting for her again. She heard quite a bit of sound coming from behind the door to one room. She threw open the door, and her jaw dropped. Three guys, and Tiffany, stared at the door, surprised. Only Colleen wasn't looking guilty, and Jackie realized that was only because she was bent over the crotch of one guy while another did her from behind. Tiffany giggled, then turned her attention back to the guy she was with. A couple of guys nudged past Jackie as they came into the room. And then, for some reason completely unknown to her, Jackie asked them if she could join the fun. ***** Thursday, Jackie realized early on that Bikini Beach was starting to get a bit boring. They all left by early afternoon, eager to go somewhere a bit more lively. All of them understood that they meant `more guys'. That night, and on the following Friday and Saturday, the hours seemed to fly by: they went to the beach for a concert and swimming; they went to a fraternity house party that turned into a wild orgy, they went to the Beach House club for dancing and drinking. The girls partied at their hotel, and at other hotels. And wherever they went, the guys soon appeared in hovering packs. Even by the standards they'd set during the week, they really outdid themselves Saturday night, their last night of Spring Break. Not only did they start the nude swimming in the pool, but they each did multiple partners in a seemingly non-stop marathon of sex that lasted well into the night. ***** Sunday morning, the alarm clock went off at ten. Jack reached over and swatted angrily at it; on the third swing, he hit something and the noise stopped. Across from him, Brett stirred. "Quiet," he hissed softly. Jack pried his eyes open and slowly crawled from the bed. He staggered to the bathroom, emerging a bit later to find his three companions still sleeping. Jack stumbled to the window and threw open the curtain, letting the bright light stream into the room. "Hey!" Stan protested weakly as he pulled a pillow over his head. Jack stared out the open window, unaware that a) he was naked, and b) one of the cleaning ladies had just seen him and was now running in fright. He finally turned. "Guys, we've got to hit the road." A couple of loud moans greeted his statement. Jack ripped the covers and pillows from his friends. "Come on guys," he said insistently. His head throbbed from the hangover; it was going to be a long trip home. "You can sleep in the car. Now let's get going!" ***** Brett was asleep in the back, sprawled in what looked to be a position of medieval torture. Chuck sat beside him, sipping on a can of juice, his eyes shaded by sunglasses dark enough to weld with. Stan reclined in the front seat. He took a big swig of his soda, and then belched loudly. "That was some break," he said softly. Jack smiled. "Yeah, we've got to tell the guys about this. I think we ought to plan on a trip here next year." Chuck grinned in the back seat. "That was great!" he echoed. Stan and Jack exchanged a knowing grin. Until this trip, Chuck had been a virgin. Stan stretched. "I must have done twenty or twenty-five girls!" Then he rubbed his thighs with both hands. "But somehow, I managed to pull both groin muscles!" Chuck laughed softly. "Too much sex." Stan joined the laugh. "Yeah, and if that's how I feel, imagine what the poor girl feels like!" Chuck and Jack grinned. "Just wait till next year." ***** Anya stretched in the chair, across from her grandmother. "I don't understand the whole thing," she finally said. The old woman looked at her, puzzled. "What part? We did good business this year." She smiled. "Spring Break is always good for business. Maybe we should advertise more next year." Anya frowned. "I understand the business, but it doesn't help with the privacy, does it." The old woman smiled pleasantly. "It's to help out the girls who come on Spring Break." She looked at her granddaughter. "Think about what happened to those four boys who bought passes." Anya looked thoughtful for a moment, and then frowned. "I still don't understand." The old woman shook her head. "No, I don't suppose you do." She smiled at Anya's innocence and youth. "What do guys on Spring Break want?" Anya frowned. "Girls." "And for what?" "Sex?" The old woman smiled. The connection was there - if only Anya would make it. The light bulb clicked on. Anya's eyes widened. "So instead of them preying on girls, they are the prey!" She smiled. "And by turning up their sex drive, you help make sure that they are preyed on a lot." The old woman nodded with a smile. "And that's how I protect the girls. The more guys can fool around with the changed ones, the fewer need to mess with real girls." Anya frowned again. "But don't they remember..." The old woman smiled. "All they remember is a week of sex. They don't remember that they were the girls. And next year, when they tell their friends..." Anya grinned. "More guys come and get changed, fewer real girls have sex forced on them, and we make a lot of money it the process." The old woman smiled. "You're such a smart girl." FIN

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Bikini Beach The BrotherinLaw

This started as a quickie piece. It didn't finish up that way. There is, by the way, no relationship between this story and my recent (and forthcoming) Altered Fates stories. * * * * * Bikini Beach: Brother-In-Law By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 Lynette Dorsey was working at the sink when Carter Dorsey came into the kitchen. He stood by the door for a minute, watching the way her slender body moved and how the early evening light made her dark blonde hair seem to glow. He held...

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Bikini Beach A Private Matter

Bikini Beach: A Private Matter By Bashful Anya called her grandmother and told her the bad news. "We've had another incident, someone sprayed 'Silly String' inside a locker and ruined a girls leather coat." "Damn it! Of course, no one saw anything, right?" the old woman said. "Nothing. I told the girl we would replace the jacket but she said she wasn't coming back. I'm sorry grandmother, I don't know what else we can do." Anya was near tears. There had been many incidents...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Fund Raiser

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be freely posted at Fictionmania. Any other site, free or otherwise, must ask permission. *** This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee,...

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Spring Break at the Beach Part 1

I walked out of class exhausted. It was a long day, and I embraced the breezy Spring air as I stepped outside. Julia, one of my friends at college, was standing outside. "Hey," she said. "Hi," I replied back. "Sooo..." she began, "Looks like we have something to do for spring break." "Holy crap, really?" I asked, surprised. We had been looking for something to do for spring break, but all the decent beach houses on the shore were either taken or too expensive. Our little circle of...

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Bikini Beach Junior Prank

Bikini Beach: The Junior Prank By Heather St. Claire Because the magic of the Bikini Beach water park is designed to affect men, some people might mistakenly assume that men are the only ones who can be taught lessons there. That's far from the truth. Let's look back at a story from Bikini Beach's past, when Anya was younger, and not long after Grandmother first allowed her solo duty in the ticket booth. It was early March, and a beautiful weekday. The clouds had parted...

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Bikini Beach A Punks Story

Bikini Beach: A Punk's Story By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 By the time we came back after the Memorial Day break, the school year's just about over. Sure, there were a couple weeks left -- and the exams, but who worries about them? Me, I was thinking about the summer, three months to have fun and raise hell. It looked like the fun was starting early. It was just a couple of days after we got back. I was walking around, looking for Bill Gerhart. Bill was just a guy I knew, but...

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Bikini Beach Same Old Story

Bikini Beach is the creation of Elrod W, who has kindly let me visit and helped with editing this tale. May the Maker smile upon him! Bikini Beach: Same Old Story By Anne-Mal Hello. My name is Tina, or at least that is what I like to call myself. You see I was born male, but always wished to be treated as if I was female. So while my real name is male, please just think of me as Tina! One of my passions is dressing up as a woman. I have thought about undergoing the various...

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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

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Bikini Beach The Band

Bikini Beach - The Band ElrodW A high school garage band isn't doing very well at getting opportunities to perform. Some of the band members think they'd go further if they could replace the female lead vocalist who moved away. The problem is where to find such a singer. Then one of them decides to see if he can find a girl to recruit at Bikini Beach... ********** Bikini Beach: The Band This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative...

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Bikini Beach The Sub

Bikini Beach - The Sub ElrodW Synopsis: A young man is dropping his sister and her friends off at Bikini Beach, and overhears a problem with lifeguard staff. Anya realize he might be able to help, but he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. This story and the Bikini Beach story theme are copyright, all rights reserved. Use of the characters or them without the express permission of the owner is a violation of copyright...

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Bikini Beach The Family Outing

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the express permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The Family Outing By Elrod W "This one doesn't look good, either." Mike Harwin slid his key into the ignition as he slammed the car door. He glanced over the seat. "Sorry kids, but this doesn't look like a very nice beach." There was an immediate cry of protest from little Jimmy and his older sister Nichole, seated in the back of the sedan....

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Bikini Beach Initiation Rites

*********************************************************** This is the second in my Bikini Beach series. The good news is there are at least 5 more such stories in my head. The really good news is that I'm writing easily again :) Enjoy. And please comment... ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Initiation Rites by Elrod W Allen sighed as he drove slowly away from the beach. No luck - in fact, he'd almost had his face smashed by a few...

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Bikini Beach Wandering Eyes

Bikini Beach: Wandering Eyes By Elrodw An active volcano would not have fumed so much as Brenda. It always got to her. At first, she'd considered that she was just being jealous, that her husband's roving eye bothered her because she felt threatened by other women. But now, after several months, she was certain that it wasn't because he was jealous - it was because Dennis' ogling really bothered her. She slapped him lightly. "Stop that," she hissed. Dennis turned his gaze back...

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Bikini Beach Dear Jenny

Bikini Beach - Dear Jenny ElrodW Melinda and Jenny have a fling during Melinda's temporary job as a lifeguard. Jenny finds herself falling for Melinda. But Melinda's time is up, and Mitch has to go back to his life. What is Jenny going to do? Author's note: This story takes place after The Sub, but before Cousin Trouble. It is strongly suggested that you read Bikini Beach: The Sub first. This story and the Bikini Beach characters and universe are copyrighted by the author,...

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Bikini Beach The Regatta

Bikini Beach: The Regatta Synopsis: A few friends are looking for sponsors for their sailboat in the big annual regatta, but no one wants to help out. One of the guys overhears a conversation about 'diversity' in sponsorships, and he gets an idea. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: The Regatta by ElrodW Tim flinched visibly as he heard Mike give the number. "That much for the entry fee?"...

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Bikini Beach Teaching Sally

Bikini Beach - Teaching Sally By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author's Note: When I wrote "Swim Date", I got several comments about how rotten I was to Sally, the young transformee that Paula met briefly on Sunday. It wasn't right, the comments said, for the Old Woman to take her memories away. Here's the whole story of Sally's transformation. Judge again, now that you have all the facts. * * * * * * * * * * * * "There's some cops out here to see you, Mitch,...

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Bikini Beach The Gift Certificate

Bikini Beach: The Gift Certificate Elrod W Something strange was going on, Rick knew. That new water park, Bikini Beach, was a tremendous success; everyone was talking about how great it was. Yet something - some little quirk - tugged at the back of Rick's mind. The park was advertised as a haven for young ladies. So why weren't there hordes of guys going there - to pick up the babes? Perhaps other guys weren't paying attention to the little details, but Rick was. And that was...

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Bikini Beach A Day At The Beach

Bikini Beach: A Day At The Beach By Paul Jutras Pat and his friends Louis, Paul and Steve arrived at Bikini Beach and were given a change receipt before they entered the beach shower area. Before they were allowed in they were forced to answer questions on their favorite color and what they thought the perfect woman would look like. "Enjoy your stay at Bikini Beach." Josie laughed as she watched the shower doors close. She knew first hand what it meant to enter those...

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Bikini Beach Child Star

Thanks to Elrod for building Bikini Beach and letting us play there, and to him and Radioactive Loner for the encouraging words and the great patience shown in editing my draft. Many thanks also to Tiana Red Wolf for the Spanish translation that appears in this story (and to the others who offered to help). Tiana, your translation came through without a hitch. Thanks again. Speaking of which, any Spanish-speaking readers might want to skip over the short Spanish...

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Bikini Beach YuGiOh Style

I'm doing putting a different spin on Bikini Beach by using Yu-Gi-Oh characters. Wait and see what happens. I should probably say I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or the idea of Bikini Beach. This is not an official story in the Bikini Beach Universe. *** Yugi waited for the doorbell. He was taking T?a to the beach for a date. He was going to go to the new one called Bikini Beach. T?a finally arrived at Yugi's house. Yugi said goodbye to Yami. "So Yugi, are you ready for this?" T?a said "Yeah o...

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Bikini Beach Hey Hey Paula

Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula ElrodW A friend of Melinda's has some serious difficulties with women, mostly because he gets all tongue-tied and clumsy when he's around a girl he's attracted to. Jenny and Melinda think that a trip to Bikini Beach might help him find a different approach. ********** Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs...

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Bikini Beach Saving A Life

Bikini Beach: Saving A Life Copyrighted 2000 By Radioactive Loner and JDG I was not a happy man. The heat was baking me. Well, not just me, but pretty much all the residents of the fair city where I lived, except those with air conditioners. I was unfortunately not among that number, and so I lay prostrate across my bed, sweat popping out of every pore in my body, feeling as if I was being baked in a slow heat, heat resounding both into and out of my body in a languid...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Date Rape Avenger

Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger When a friend of the nerds is date-raped, the nerds decide to help see that justice is done. ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. ...

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Bikini Beach The Purse Snatcher

Author's Note: This story got written while I was also working on the story, "Teaching Sally". I never meant it to be so long, but after I set up the initial situation, which involves a thirty-day pass, I had to do something to fill that time. I decided to try developing multiple story lines, sub-plots. So, this is an experiment. Let me know what you think. Negative constructive criticism ("I don't think you did X very well") is welcome. Suggestions on how to improve ("I...

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Bikini Beach Choices

Bikini Beach: Choices By JDG Brad Damien was not a happy man, but then, he hadn't been really happy for some time. It wasn't really anything he could readily identify. He was content in his work, being a construction supervisor was rewarding. You got to see the physical manifestation of your effort come together bit by bit. It wasn't his kids. His daughter, Jan, was the prettiest 16 year old at Arcadia High School, and the best behaved too. His younger daughter, Patricia, was a...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Revenge

Bikini Beach: The Nerds - Revenge By Elrod W Brandon and Robert had been the best of friends since they were four. They'd grown up across the street from each other. They went to the same schools, and they shared most of the same interests. The one problem, to the consternation of their mothers and the disappointment of their fathers, was that neither boy took any sort of interest in sports. Neither boy was built for sports; they were under six feet in height, and rather slight...

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Bikini Beach Another Mans Shower Part 1

I wrote this story a long time ago and held off trying to post it. If I can find where I put my old notebooks I think I have at least one more chapter of it hand-written somewhere. Anyway, the idea was somewhat inspired by Ellie Dauber's story, Bikini Beach: The Novitiates. I wanted to explore what might happen if someone was changed into someone else's female alter ego at Bikini Beach and what might happen both to them and the rest of the world as a result. I want to thank Elrod W...

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Bikini Beach Self Sacrifice

1. The Penitent "You don't want to do that." The gunman's head jerked round, eyes flashing dangerously; had Brian misjudged things? Had he allowed his bravado to take him just a step too far? Would today be the day he drew his last breath? The boy could not have been more than nineteen; perhaps this had been a mistake; perhaps he was one of those in-between teenagers, where a mature view of the world had not quite caught up on the panic of being cast into it as an adult. He took...

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Bikini Beach Customer Service

Bikini Beach: Customer Service Synopsis: As Anya takes over more duties at the Beach, she realizes that not all of the patrons are adapting well to the change. She decides that something needs to be done. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Customer Service The red Porsche, its license plate reading 'BAD BABE', screeched to a halt, the tires making a loud squawk on the asphalt. Whether it...

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Bikini Beach Boyfriends

Bikini Beach -Boyfriends ElrodW Despite the girls telling them no, the boys follow Natalya, Megan, and her friends to Bikini Beach to surprise them. Now the girls have to deal with an unexpected complication in their tween romances, and then the fallout of the boys having changed afterwards. ********** Bikini Beach -Boyfriends This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported...

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Bikini Beach The New Neighbor

Copyright by author of story. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The New Neighbor Elrod W Everything about Ronald Harris screamed of power - his clothes, his facial expression, his speech mannerisms, and his choices of words. And Ron Harris enjoyed his power. Particularly like now, when another of his plans was coming together. Even surrounded by construction workers and vehicles and equipment and noise,...

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Bikini Beach Bimbo Petes Whore Wife

Pete wheezed, wiping sweat off of his forehead. It was such a terribly hot summer day. He had arrived nearly an hour ago, yet his wife had failed to show up. Pete always tried to have infinite patience with her but he was beginning to grow tired of waiting out in the roasting sun. Frustrated, he sat down at a nearby bench and stared outwards at the waves. It was no soon after he had taken his seat when he felt two hands slide around from each side of his head and cover up his eyes. "Guess who!"...

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Bikini Beach Priorities

Bikini Beach: Priorities By Bashful "Johnny, would you come here a minute, I need to speak to you?" The voice belonged to John's grandmother who he had lived with since he was twelve years old. He was now twenty-three. "Damn it Grandma, I've asked you not to call me Johnny any more. My name is John," he said gruffly as he entered the living room. His grandmother was sitting in her rocker and she looked very old and weary. "Johnn...John, I got a call from Carole Thornton...

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Bikini Beach Desperate Times

Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Synopsis: Fred's life is coming apart, and in his desperation, he is gambling on a very extreme strategy. After a meeting with Anya at the park, however, he discovers a new, less final way to save what's important to him. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Most of you know me. You've seen me countless...

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Bikini Beach An Affair to Remember

Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember ElrodW A man who's having an affair would love to leave his wife for his best friend and love. The problem is that the wife has the power to ruin him if he tries. He needs help - magic help of the kind that Bikini Beach specializes in. But the results aren't quite what he was thinking. *********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: An Affair to Remember This story is copyright by the author. It is...

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Bikini Beach Julies Dilemma

Bikini Beach: Julie's Dilemma This is the prize for my first story-writing contest, for Julie (who wrote the winning entry). Julie provided the idea, and I filled in the details. So she gets most of the credit for this one. Now whether this story bears any resemblance to reality is a question to ask Julie, not me. [email protected] ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Julie's Dilemma By Elrodw Julie eased herself...

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Bikini Beach Midnight Swim

Bikini Beach: Midnight Swim By Elrod W Mark turned away from the ticket booth, his face a mix of disgust and disappointment. Slowly, he trudged across the hot asphalt toward the car. He opened the door, frowning. "Well?" Mark Wilson shook his head as he slid into the seat. "No dice. It's way to expensive." Bill Jennings leaned forward from the back seat. "It can't be that much," he protested. " Mark turned his head. "You want to give up beer for the next month?" Bill...

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Bikini Beach the Nerds Frat House

This tale is very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds, and is set in the Bikini Beach universe. The characters were initially defined in my earlier tale "Bikini Beach: The Nerds - Revenge", and are listed here for reference. This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be posted on Fictionmania. Any other free site may post this story with permission of the author. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and...

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Bikini Beach One Summers Day

BIKINI BEACH: One Summer's Day By- G.K.S Chapter 1- One Summer Afternoon My parents were yelling again. I didn't know whether I wanted to go up and check to see what was going on. No doubt my Dad was being emotionally abusive to my mother. The last time they got in an argument, he smashed her hand in a door on 'accident'. I've hated him for that ever since...I think he's a overgrown boy with a temper, a real selfish sort of tyrant. Lying on my bed staring at the ceiling I could...

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Bikini Beach Understanding A Girlfriend

Bikini Beach: Understanding A Girlfriend ********************************************** ElrodW Taking the steps two at a time, Don smiled as he anticipated a hug, and maybe some cuddling, from his roommate and girlfriend. He hated these business trips, but that was life in the consulting business. Once in a while, like now, the job finished early. Don hadn't even had time to call Leslie. This was going to be a very big surprise. As he reached the top of the stairs, his hand...

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Bikini Beach The Orphan

Bikini Beach: The Orphan Elrod W A young boy, feeling unwanted in a foster home, gets a free pass to Bikini Beach as a gift. Does it hold anything special for his life? ********** Bikini Beach: The Orphan This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. "Austin, wait out here while I talk to the tailor," the woman said sternly. Her expression matched her words; she expected...

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Bikini Beach Peeping Tom

Story copyright by author. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the author's permission. Bikini Beach: Peeping Tom By Elrod W Alan Jenkins smiled to himself as he sat in his car. Parked near the ticket booth, he had a prime view of the girls coming and going to Bikini Beach. And he couldn't be happier about that view. With the convertible top down, the CD player turned up loud, and his shades on, Alan looked cool. Or so Alan thought. On such a hot day,...

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Bikini Beach To Serve and Protect

Acknowledgments. My sincere thanks to ElrodW for his review and approval of this story in his universe using his characters, to Ellie Dauber for her help with the basic plot and storyline, for her comments and for the use of her character, to Denise Em (the daughter of the Blue Pen) for her detailed proofing, and to my special friend for her thoughts, help and comments. Permission is granted to Fictionmania, Nifty and ElrodW to post this story to their respective sites. Anyone else...

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Spring Break at the Beach

It was spring break, and I had gone to the beach with a few of my college buddies. It was very cold at the beach so we didn't do much but just chill in the hotel and walk on the beach looking for chicks.By the third night I was there I was getting kind of bored with the regular routine and I decided to go out on the beach by myself at around 3am in the morning. After walking along the beach for about a mile I spotted some other spring breakers all obviously drunk and walking along the beach...

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Bikini Beach A New Experience

Bikini Beach: A New Experience By Roy Del Frink It was another boring old day at the water park. Anya sighed. Nothing unusual, or even notable, about today's customers. Sure, seventeen men had come along with nearly two hundred women, but they'd just gotten one-day passes. Not a single customer purchased a pass lasting longer than a week, and all buyers were female. And the lifeguard and security may as well have stayed home today; their presence had proved unnecessary. Even her lunch...

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Bikini Beach Cheer Squad

Bikini Beach: Cheer Squad A young man enjoys being on the cheer squad, but it causes him a lot of social problems. A friend suggests that maybe, if he wants to continue as a cheerleader, Bikini Beach could help out. ********** Bikini Beach: Cheer Squad This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Will Harding closed his eyes and took a deep breath, visibly...

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Bikini Beach Mommys Girl

Bikini Beach: Mommy's Girl By Ellie Dauber (c) 2001 "Alex, what are you doing downstairs?" Jill Nash stood in the living room doorway glaring at her sixteen-year old son. Alex jumped, pulling his long legs off the top of the coffee table. "I'm just watching SportsBeat, Mom. They're doing a feature on East Side's baseball team. Mr. Graham said we should watch it for English class." Alex's high school team was the likely city champion for the third year in a row, and the whole school...

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