Bikini Beach - Twilight Zone Edition, Chapter One free porn video

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Bikini Beach - Twilight Zone Edition Chapter 1 There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. Rod Serling Somewhere out in that far flung fifth dimension an alarm clock on a bedside table gave a click and then flooded the small room with music. It took a few moments before a hand finally emerged from under the sheets of the bed next to the alarm clock. It groped it's way about and finally found the button to shut it off. A young man emerged from the bed covers. With blood shot eyes he squinted at the clock for a moment before he groaned and fell back into bed. It was the first day of summer vacation, and here he was waking up at eight in the morning. The young man's name was Billy Boswell, and young Billy has just returned home from his first year at Enormous State University. His parents had welcomed him home with open arms and told him how proud they were of him and his 3.9 grade point average. Then they gave him a tour of their new home. While Billy had been toiling away at the University, his parents had been busy moving from their small rural town to the state capital about five hundred miles away. His father had obtained a prestigious new job at a much higher pay rate, and they had happily relocated from their bucolic home town to the big city. It was certainly a very impressive house, much roomier than the old place, with a fancy modern kitchen for Mom and a sweet entertainment center in the basement. It had a big screen television, a DVD player and the latest gaming console. He'd immediately made plans to spend the entire summer loafing on the couch playing video games. Then his father had drawn him aside for a little talk. "Your mother and I have discussed this at length. You're an adult now, so we will need you to act like one. You're gonna need to get a job, son. It'll help pay for your commissary when you go back in the fall, and give you a little pocket change to spend this summer." Being the good and tactful son that he was, Billy didn't complain. He bit his tongue and assured his father he would do as he was told. His father could be overbearing at times, but he had Billy's best interests at heart. Thankfully for Billy, the painful news that he was expected to get a job was softened somewhat by the fact that his mother, father and sister happened to be leaving the very next day for a long anticipated three month tour of Europe. Three months of privacy, relaxation and living far from the pressure cooker that was Enormous State University didn't sound too bad to Billy, even if he did have to get a job. He lay there in the bed yawning for a few minutes before he finally dragged himself from the bed and headed to the bathroom. He turned on the water and stepped in when it had warmed. As the hot water poured over his head, he made his plans for the day. First he'd take a look at some online employment agencies, then he'd go through the help wanted ads in the local paper. After a few phone calls he'd hop on his bike, ride into the big city and fill out some applications. Stepping from the shower, he looked for the towel that should have been hanging from the towel rack, but wasn't. Dripping water, he left the bathroom and headed towards his room in search of the missing towel. As he passed the door to his sister's room he caught the scent of perfume and on a hunch he changed direction, twisted the door knob and stepped inside. Her room smelled like a girl's would. What with the odor of all the perfumes, cosmetics and hair care products lingering in the air it couldn't have smelled like anything else. He knew that he shouldn't be in there, but he also knew that he was alone in the house and that no one would ever be the wiser. On the back of the chair to the dressing table was the missing towel. He grabbed it and dried himself off as he looked himself over in the mirror. A guy with an average build, standing at about five foot eight with average mousey brown hair looked back at him from the glass. Nothing like his fraternal twin sister Gina. A photograph wedged into the frame of the mirror showed his sister in a bikini from last summer. Long blonde hair, hourglass figure and cornflower blue eyes set in a very pretty face. His sister was a stunner, to say the least. He wondered for the millionth time why his sister had gotten all the looks while he was just so..well, average. Ever since Billy could remember, all the boys in the neighborhood had been chasing her around like bears after picnic baskets. Poor Billy had never had to deal with that kind of problem. Girls just tended to ignore him, like he didn't exist. Even after a full year a major university, he'd hardly even kissed a girl properly. The growls from his stomach distracted him from his thoughts, telling him that he needed to eat. He went to his room, pulled on some clothes and headed down to the kitchen for some breakfast. Once there he poured out a large bowl of corn flakes, topped it off with some milk and carried it over to his Dad's computer in the den. He slurped it down as he halfheartedly surfed through a couple of employment sites. A few of the jobs seemed to be nearby, and as he was reaching for a pen and paper to write down the addresses, a pop up ad appeared in the lower corner of his browser. The box was filled with images of green palm trees, pretty girls in swimsuits and cool blue waters. At the bottom, in bright red letters he saw the words Bikini Beach Water Park, and Click Here. Intrigued, he clicked as instructed and the main site opened up. "Wow," sighed young Billy, who'd been living like a hermit for the past three weeks while cramming for his final exams. "A water park. That sure looks like fun." Billy began to go through the web site and examine all the photos. There were lots of photos. There were shots of the beach, the swimming pools and all the different water slides. A few showed the proprietors of the park, a young attractive brunette named Anya and some old woman with white hair. The remainder of the photos showed crowds of hot, bikini clad women enjoying themselves at the park. He studied a map to the park and realized that it was very close, only a couple of miles away. The place looked like a lot of fun, the kind of place to maybe meet some new friends. And if those friends just so happened to be girls, then all the better. His father wasn't there to check up on him, so what would it hurt if he waited a day or two to fill out those applications? He could relax and depressurize from his long stint at Enormous State University before he started looking for a job. Billy printed out the directions to the place and put his bowl in the sink. He loaded a towel, swim suit, suntan lotion, sunglasses, a good book, a piece of fruit and a couple of sandwiches into his backpack. Then he hopped onto his ten speed bicycle and eagerly started peddling towards Bikini Beach. -------------- As he rolled into the lot, he noticed that things in the park didn't look quite as nice as they had on the website. Take the sign at the entrance, for instance. The photos on the website had shown a brightly lit neon sign with the words "Bikini Beach" flashing in red and blue. Now, the sign listed severely to one side, several of the light tubes where burned out, and one blinked on and off in a haphazard manner. He locked his bike to a light pole and looked around. In the middle of the parking lot sat a large office trailer that he didn't remember seeing in any of the photos on the website. Pieces of discarded rubbish lay here and there on the ground, the grass was uncut, and the peeling paint on the buildings made the place look decidedly seedy. "I hope they didn't pull a bait and switch on me," he thought to himself as he headed towards the entrance. "It looked great on the internet, but here in person it looks kind of run down." As he walked along the tall privacy fence guarding the the edge of the park, he spied a spot where two sections where sagging apart. Peering through the gap in the fence he could see attractive bikini clad women laughing, splashing and cavorting in the water. The advertisements hadn't been a total lie. Pretty girls were crawling all over the place! He spied the sales booth next to the entrance and eagerly walked towards it. Instead of the attractive brunette with the brown eyes he'd been led to expect, a sweaty, half bald and very fat little man sat on a stool inside the booth, an unlit cigar hanging from the corner of his mouth. When he caught sight of Billy, a smile that looked more like a sneer appeared on his unshaven face. "Hello, sir. What brings you to our fine establishment?" he asked, his piggy little eyes giving Billy a long, slow once over that made his skin crawl. "I found your place through your website this morning," said Billy as he eyed the empty beer cans and candy bar wrappers littering the floor of the booth. "It doesn't seem quite the same here in person." The man nodded his greasy head and tried to look contrite. "Oh, I am sorry sir," he apologized. "We haven't had a chance to get the park up to standards yet. We've had so much to do since the ownership of the park changed hands. We just haven't had the time." "What? There are new owners?" asked Billy, disappointed that he wouldn't be meeting the pretty Anya. She had looked like quite a dish. "Yes, it's the economy, you see," the man chortled, "they couldn't keep up on the bills or the taxes, so they had to sell." He seemed pleased for some reason with the misfortune that had befallen the original owners. Billy didn't know or care much about bills or taxes, living off of his parents as youngsters will do. So he quickly changed the subject. "Okay, so how much does it cost to get inside the park?" The little man just gave him a dead pan look. "I am so sorry sir, but this is a members only park." "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize....." began Billy, but he stopped when the little man brought a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture. He quickly looked to the left and right to make sure they weren't over heard and then whispered, "Today's your lucky day, kid! I've got a few summer passes that I can let go for cheap." "Really? Well, I just need one. How much is it?" asked Billy. The little man named his price and added, "Believe me, it's a steal for three whole months of unlimited access to our wonderful park. As hot as it gets around this area, there is no better place to spend the summer!" He grinned like a wolf and rubbed his small hands together as he said this. Billy looked at the lonely twenty dollar bill in his faded billfold and sighed. "Never mind," said Billy woefully. "I'm tapped out." He turned away from the ticket kiosk dejectedly. He had just started to trudge back towards his bike when the man called out, "Please, young sir, not so fast, don't go yet!" Billy turned around, and the little man said, "You may qualify for credit, sir. If you'd fill out this form for me, I'd be happy to try and set something up for you." "Credit?" asked Billy hopefully, feeling flattered somehow. He'd never been offered credit before. "Yes sir, we can set you up for a payment plan. You could start using the park today, and your first payment wouldn't be due till next week." The man handed Billy a form and a pen. Billy was somewhat hesitant at first, remembering his father's lectures about the evils of credit cards and compounded interest. But it was hot, and the sounds of splashing water and the gentle tinkle of female laughter wafting over from the park made those thoughts quickly fade from his mind. He took the pen in hand and quickly filled the form out. With a grin the man took the completed form and told him he'd be right back. He exited the rear of the stall and walked across the parking lot to the nearby office trailer. .......................................................... While Billy waited outside, the fat little man entered the trailer and then pushed open the door to an inner office. The owner of Bikini Beach lounged comfortably in a large leather chair behind a huge mahogany desk. He wore a rumpled old suit that looked as if it might have been bought from a thrift store. He was old, and his hair was white but his back was straight and his eyes where intelligent and blue. "Well, Mr. Cerberus?" asked the old man in a imposing voice. The little man hugged the paper to his chest and said in a very respectful voice, "Sir, we have another young man looking for credit." "Excellent, let me see his application!" "I'm pretty sure the kid's broke," he said as he handed it over. The old man looked up from Billy's application, his eyes narrowing. "Mr. Cerberus, I've already gone over this with you. It doesn't matter. I want you to sign up everyone, and I mean everyone, good credit or bad. You do understand me, don't you?" Mr. Cerberus cringed at his Bosses' tone of voice, and nodded his head in agreement. "We are not do-gooders or philanthropists like the former owners. I bought this dump to make a profit, and by god that's what I intend to do." And with that the old man grabbed the rubber stamp laying on the desk and slammed it down on Billy's application, 'Approved for Bikini Beach'. ********************************* Billy was still leaning against the ticket kiosk when the little man returned to the booth a few minutes later, a thick stack of paper in his sweaty little hand. "You've been approved," he said with a wide grin, showing off his long, sharp teeth. He set the tall stack of paper on the counter. "Just sign here at the bottom, and initial each page. You're agreeing to repay the balance in just 12 easy weekly payments." The paper, Billy noticed, was not your typical white copy paper. It was thicker and felt much different from normal paper, kind of like old fashioned parchment paper. And the smell that wafted up from it, was it....sulfur? Billy started to read the fine print that covered every page, but he was distracted by the sight of two beautiful girls walking out of the changing room on the way to their cars. He followed them with his eyes, taking in the jiggling boobs and firm young asses. Billy forgot about reading and quickly signed the papers. The little man took the contract back from Billy with a grin. "The changing room is right through that door," he said, pointing towards a door marked Men. "And a shower is mandatory before you can enter the park, sir. Health department rules." Nodding his head in agreement, Billy pushed through the door and stepped inside, glad to finally be away from that weird little man. The room inside was rather small, and everything in it, the benches, the floors, the lockers, were all covered in layers of dust. "Man, this place is a real dump," thought Billy as he changed into his swim trunks. "They really need to clean it up!" He gingerly stepped onto the filthy tile floor inside the shower stall and twisted the rusty handle on the faucet. The water quickly changed from cold to hot and he stepped under the spray, letting the water pour over him, relaxing him and taking his mind away from the nasty foot fungus that was probably lurking on the dirty tiles. He closed his eyes and sighed as the steam from the shower began to gather, never noticing as the mist slowly changed to a strange pinkish hue. The pink fog slowly swirled around inside the shower stall, enveloping Billy until he was hidden in the thick murk. There was no warning. One minute he was enjoying a hot shower, the next he was suddenly afflicted by a gut churning dizziness that forced him to lean against the wall of the shower stall in order to stay upright. Pain flared throughout his body and his breath came out in ragged grunts and groans, his cheek pressed tightly to the cool tile wall. It felt as if his skin, his muscles, his very bones were moving and stretching just like pulled taffy. Finally, after what seemed like forever to poor Billy, the pain slowly faded until he was finally able to push himself upright. He opened his eyes and gasped for air, not quite sure what had just happened. Reaching to turn off the water, a slim arm that certainly did not belong to him appear before his dazed eyes. And the long pink fingernails at the end of that dainty hand, they couldn't be his either, could they? Confused, he lifted his other hand into view and compared them. Two small, soft hands, each with exquisitely manicured nails painted a soft shade of pink. It was then that he noticed other sensations that he'd ignored up until now. There was a heavy weight dragging at his chest, and the sensation of a soft, wet mass running down his back. He reached behind his neck only to find a large mass of wet hair coming out of his head and hanging down to the middle of his back! Billy slowly tilted his chin towards his chest and gasped in astonishment when he saw the two firm, perfect breasts capped with pink, jutting nipples that were now mounted on his chest. With a shout of surprise, he pushed open the stall door and rushed out, almost slipping and falling on the slick tile floor. He rubbed the condensation from the mirror, leaned forward and peered into it's depths. His eyes widened when he found himself looking into the face of a young woman. While it was bad to see a woman's face where his own should have been, it made matters even weirder because she was a dead ringer for his sister Gina. Billy looked closer and noticed a few small differences that would set them apart. Gina's nose was a bit longer, and her jaw was a little sharper. But even so, they now looked close enough alike to be identical twins. He pulled back from the mirror and with trembling hands he lifted and gently squeezed the large, firm globes that were now attached to his chest. They were so soft, and the pink nipples were so very sensitive. His hands went lower, over his flat, hairless abdomen and into the bikini bottom that he hadn't noticed he was wearing until now. His hand moved down between his legs, already knowing what he would find, and dreading it. His penis was gone! In it's place were the soft, sensitive folds of a smooth shaven vagina, neatly tucked between his legs. "Ha ha, it never gets old!" the voice behind Billy crowed. "First they're all surprised, then they gotta explore the new real estate!" Billy quickly pulled his hand from his swim suit, embarrassed that someone had seen him touching himself. He turned to see the fat little man standing behind him. "What the hell happened to me?" demanded Billy, "I'm a chick! And I look just like my sister!" The little man seemed to be enjoying himself. "I don't know your sister, so I'll have to take your word on that," he said, scratching his chin and smirking. "But when you think about it, it doesn't seem that strange, you being siblings and all." "What the fuck did you do to me, you little smart ass! I'm a girl! I've got tits," Billy shouted hysterically, his hands waving in the air. "What the fuck is going on?" "That's enough of that," said the little man as he snapped his fingers in Billy's face. A small puff of black smoke sprang from his fingertips, and Billy felt the hysteria suddenly being pushed from his mind by a cold, icy calm. "This is Bikini Beach, numbskull," explained the little man, like he was talking to a small child. "It's women only, so any man that wants to become a member must become a woman. Understand?" "But..but how..why?" asked Billy, calmer but still dazed. "How the hell do you think, dummy. Magic, of course. The original owners of the water park created it as a private refuge for women, a place where they can come to get away from the leering eyes of men. A sort of safe haven. And in order to keep all the males out the magic in this park turns all the men and boys into women and girls. "Magic?" scoffed Billy. "That's impossible." "Impossible?" the little man asked with a grin. "Then how do you explain the tits?" Billy looked down at the two large breasts that were now hanging from his chest, at the flat abdomen, lush rounded hips and slim, feminine legs. "I..I guess you're right," she finally admitted. "Darn tootin' I'm right. Now put this on. You can't go out in the park topless, you'll get our license pulled." Billy took the proffered bikini top and with little thought he effortlessly corralled his large breasts into the cups and neatly tied the strings behind his back. "And just so you know, the magic in this park is powerful. Very powerful. Not only does it change men into women, but it changes and distorts reality as well. For instance, all your friends and family will believe that you've always been a female. When you go home and look in your dresser, all your formerly male clothes will be frilly female finery. And your name will change. Your name was Billy, so my guess is your new name is probably..." "Lilly!" finished Lilly. "My name is Lilly!" She wasn't sure how she knew that, but she did. "Now you're catching on, kid! My work here is done. Now get out there and enjoy yourself," he said as he placed his hand on Lilly's arm and led her towards the exit. "But..but how do I change back?" she asked as the little man pulled her to the door. He laughed and said, "Oh, you'll change back all right. Just not till the end of the summer. You did buy a summer pass, you know." The little man continued to laugh as he opened the door and gently pushed her out into Bikini Beach. ******************************************** Eight crazy hours later, Lilly lay on a chase lounge and soaked up the last of the sun's rays as it slowly disappeared behind the horizon, hating the fact that her day had to end. She'd had probably one of the most exciting, fun and just plain different days of her young life. At first the realization that she was stuck as a woman for the rest of the summer had had her walking around like a shell shocked zombie. But two of the nicest girls she'd ever met had noticed her plight, taken her under their wing and had showed her around. The girls were named Bambi and Tiffany. Bambi was a pretty petite blonde with a slim toned body in a tiny red bikini. Tiffany was a dark eyed brunette with more generous curves on open display in an equally tiny yellow bikini. They'd shared a few beers at the Tiki Hut, and the alcohol soon loosened Lilly up to the point where she was able to relax and have some fun. Thankfully, the conversation had never turned to uncomfortable subjects like whether or not anyone had ever been a man. They just naturally talked about things that girls liked, such as clothes, and cosmetics, and their hair, and their friends, and the men that they dated. Lilly really didn't have much to say about men, but Bambi and Tiffany sure did. She listened with rapt attention as they described in anatomical detail each and every guy they had ever dated, and then talked at great length about how good they were in the sack. An unfamiliar itch began in Lilly's lower tummy as she listened to their gossip. Unfortunately, Bambi and Tiffany both had night jobs, so when the shadows began to grow long, they made a promise to get together the next day. After an exchange of hugs and phone numbers, Lilly was left alone as the day wound towards it's end. As she lay there daydreaming, a familiar voice jarred her back to reality. "Time to go, Miss Boswell. Park's closing!" The little man gave her chase lounge a kick to let her know he was serious. "I'm going, take it easy," said Lilly as she got up off the chase lounge and gathered her things. "I'll take it easy when your ass is out the door, kid. You're the last one here and I wanna go home!" Lilly looked around and discovered that he was right. The park was dark and they were all alone. The two headed towards the entrance, and when she started to move towards the door marked MEN the little man stopped her. "Hey kid, I moved all your stuff over to the ladies side. Don't forget, that's where you'll need to go from now on," he advised with a chuckle. Lilly found the woman's locker room to be neater and cleaner than the men's side, but like the rest of the park it was tired and rundown. She found her back pack inside a locker, and when she peaked inside she was surprised to find a small blue dress, a tiny pair of matching blue panties and a flimsy strapless bra in place of the jeans and tee shirt Billy had worn earlier in the day. Lilly stripped off her swimsuit, rinsed off in the shower and dried before she slipped on her soft, silky lingerie. The blue panties were very sheer and barely covered her bottom, and the strapless bra was more about forming and displaying her breasts than in securing them. She stepped into her dress, pulled it up her hips so she could run her arms through the spaghetti shoulder straps and with some difficulty pulled up the zipper in the small of her back. She examined herself in the mirror, still amazed at the transformation. Long, blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a lean but curvy figure only enhanced by the lovely blue dress she was wearing. The top displayed more than a hint of cleavage, and the flouncy skirt fell to a few inches below her knees. The fabric of the skirt was light and airy, and had several layers of built in petticoats that peaked out at the bottom to give it a frilly, feminine look. A pair of tan sandals strapped to her small, perfect feet completed the outfit. With some trepidation, Lilly shouldered her back pack and headed out the door. Leaving the security of Bikini Beach left Lilly with a sense of unease, feeling a bit like an imposter who was at imminent risk of being unmasked. "This morning, I was a boy, and now I'm a girl and I'm wearing a dress," she thought as she made her way through the darkened parking lot towards her bike. "I really can't believe that I'm wearing a dress." In place of her swift red ten speed bicycle, Lilly found a pink and white Schwinn beach cruiser leaned against the light pole, locked with the same padlock Billy had used that morning. She didn't try to make sense of it, she just unlocked the bike and headed home. Her new bike had a much larger and more comfortable seat than the ten speed. She also noticed how her male equipment no longer dangled there, getting in the way. Instead she could feel a very sensitive vagina making contact with the seat through the thin fabric of her panties. She could also feel her breast swaying as she rode, her stiff nipples rubbing against the fabric of her bra. She tried to ignore the sensations, but it was all so new and thrilling and it was giving her such an itch deep inside of her belly that she almost didn't notice when the red convertible came racing down the street. The car slowed as it passed her, then turned around and pulled up right next to her. She stopped the bike and turned her head to look. A young man with dark, wavy hair and brilliant blue eyes smiled up at her. The itch in her belly kicked up a notch. "Hey Gina," said the good looking young man in a deep, mellow voice. I'm surprised to see you. I thought you would be off to Europe by now." It took a moment for Lilly to realize that he had mistaken her for her sister Gina. Before she could formulate a reply, he asked, "Do you need a ride home?" Lilly opened her mouth, intending to tell him that she was not Gina, but then she thought about how tired she was after her day of fun in the sun and how she still had several more miles to go. It wouldn't hurt to keep him in the dark, at least until he'd driven her home. "Sure, that would be great!" she replied with feeling. The young man put her beach cruiser into the trunk of the car and held the car door for her to get in. Lilly hopped in and away they went. "Why aren't you in Europe?" he asked. "Oh, um, my parents forgot that my passport had expired, and they didn't have time to get a new one," said Lilly, making it up as she went. "That's too bad! I'm sure you're disappointed!" he said, and patted her knee in a sympathetic manner. Lilly looked down at the large bundle of keys in the ignition, and noticed a name tag with Kyle spelled out in gold letters. "So what do you plan on doing this summer?" he asked, one hand on the steering wheel and the other still on her knee. She thought about pushing his hand away, but she didn't want to be rude. After all, he was giving her a ride home. "My dad says I've got to get a job, uh, Kyle?" replied Lilly hesitantly. Was his name really Kyle? "Things could be worse," advised Kyle, reassuring Lilly that her guess was correct. "Just make sure you find a job that you like. If you enjoy what you're doing, it makes all the difference in the world." A few minutes later Kyle turned onto Lilly's street, slowed down and pulled into her driveway. "Here you are, safe and sound," said Kyle as he turned the key and the sound of the motor died out. Lilly hesitated to open the door and exit the car and just sat there in silence for a moment, listening to the music of the crickets. Kyle took this as some sort of sign of approval. He slowly leaned towards her. Not being sure what was coming, she didn't try to pull away. Kyle looped his strong arms around her and pulled her close, pressing his warm lips against hers. At first Lilly was surprised to find that Kyle was kissing her, but even so she found herself responding, returning his kiss. After all, what could be more natural than for a pretty young girl to share a kiss with a handsome young man? It thrilled her to the core when she felt his tongue pushing into her mouth. Her lips clung to his, their tongues intertwined. The itch she'd felt in her belly earlier returned in force as Kyle pulled down the front of her dress and popped her breasts from the flimsy cups of her bra, all while never breaking their kiss. Lilly found herself drowning in a rising tide of pleasurable sensations as his fingers pinched and pulled at her fat, jutting nipples and his tongue explored the deep recesses of her mouth. When his lips finally did leave hers, it was only to suckle her stiff pink nipples, making her gasp and sigh with delight. He pulled up the hem of her dress and one hand snaked it's way up her bare thighs to her panties. "Spread your legs," he ordered between kisses, his fingers rubbing her moistening vagina through the thin fabric. Lilly obeyed, lost in a sea of incredible sensations that were so very new yet at the same time so maddeningly familiar. His hand quickly took advantage of her wide spread thighs, slipping inside of her panties. His tongue delved deep into her mouth as his finger sank into her vagina, relentlessly stroking inside of her. Using a combination of hot, wet kisses and his deep reaching fingers, Kyle quickly brought her to a robust orgasm. Her body bowed up off of the seat as her first female orgasm roared through her body like a run away freight train. His finger finally slowed and withdrew, and his mouth released hers. "You sure came quickly, Gina," he said with a grin. "I didn't know you had such a hair trigger!" He allowed her to sit there a moment and catch her breath before he took her hand and placed it on his denim encased erection. "How about you do me too?" he asked as her fingers explored the outline of the hard length in his pants. "I promise I'll come quickly." Billy probably would have run screaming from the car at this point, but Lilly did not find Kyle's proposition to be at all unreasonable. In fact, her heart was pounding and her pretty little head was full of a weird mixture of curiosity, wonder and lust as she eased down his zipper and found the hot, hard length inside. Kyle let out a gasp of pleasure as she grasped his hard cock and slowly began to pump it up and down. "Use..use your mouth, baby," he begged. "If I wanted a hand job I'd do it myself." Lilly didn't stop to consider if it was right or wrong. She bent at the waist and brought her mouth down to his hard penis. It was salty yet sweet, she found, tickling her taste buds and bringing on a hunger that she had never known before yet intuitively understood. She found she loved the feeling of his cock filling her mouth. She slid her lips up and down the shaft, being careful to not let her teeth rub against it, using her tongue to massage it. Her head bobbed rhythmically as she lost herself in sucking on his penis, her lips smoothly sliding up and down his shaft. After a few minutes of this, Kyle proved to have a quick trigger as well, his sperm shooting into her mouth in spurt after spurt of thick, creamy cum until he collapsed back against his seat, gasping for breath. Lilly did her best to swallow it all down, then carefully licked every inch of his cock clean of what she had missed. When Kyle finally recovered, he refastened his pants and helped Lilly get the bike out of the trunk. He gave her a kiss and left with a beep and a wave. Physically and mentally exhausted from the longest, weirdest day of her young life, Lilly staggered inside the house, removed her clothes and fell into bed, asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. End of Part One

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You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling The Book - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Mark Faylor had an ongoing vendetta against his sister, he wanted to dig up dirt on her and make her life miserable at home with their parents. He thought he found just what he was looking for, when he...

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The Portal A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling ****** The Portal - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Covington's anger at a colleague had built into a rage, forcing him to commit the unthinkable and taking a life, murdering Doctor Goodwill. Eric attempts to escape justice by using a portal...

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A Home Is Made Of Love Alone A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. - Rod Serling A Home Is Made Of Love Alone - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Cade, in a desperate attempt to flee from his Mother's abuse, runs away. His only crime was trying to escape the wrath of a spiteful, drunken woman that hated everything about her son. On a...

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The Indian Maiden A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Indian Maiden - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop An ancient, blind Indian woman is asked to provide a squaw for a brash, handsome warrior prince. She agrees and summons one through the spirits. Here on this sacred land, drums pound the beat,...

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Beware The Reapers Wrath A Twilight Zone story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling Beware The Reaper's Wrath - A Twilight Zone story By Anon Allsop Kenny Edholm was a thug. His entire existence rode upon the backs of the less fortunate. He was a parasite of the worst degree. Inside Kenny's cold, calculating heart beat the blood of pure...

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Kendra A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Kendra - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Kendra Allen tried to use an ancient magic book to cast a spell, a book he had no right of possessing. His intent was kindly, his motive honest...but somehow, I doubt if Kendra had intended for the outcome to be...

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Becoming Samantha A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Becoming Samantha - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop He was mesmerized by her youthful beauty, but not as you may think. He didn't want to possess Samantha as a lover might, he wanted to become her, stepping into her life completely....

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The Runaway A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Runaway - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Philip was a young teenager running from abuse, an abuse brought on by his foster father. Thinking escape was the only option for him, he bolted from home and ran head-on into the warm embrace...

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"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling ****** Gwain - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop He loved his Princess deeply, yet because of her royal station, and his lowly stock, he stayed away. On the very night he finally was going to express his love for her, she is confronted by a sorcerer bent on...

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The Street Rat A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Street Rat - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Eric Carroll was a child prostitute who did his tricks for drugs. An unscrupulous doctor with a strange kinky desire, traded the drugs he supplied to the boy with feminine hormones from the hospital's...

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Pleasure Island A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Pleasure Island - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop For two boys fantasy takes on a whole new meaning when they discuss being on a deserted island with a beautiful 'willing' girl. When Logan stumbles upon an ancient Indian artifact, their fantasy suddenly...

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The Miracle A TWILIGHT ZONE story

This story is dedicated to a beautiful young girl who tragically took her own life on September 5, 2006. This story is not about her. Nor does it involve her suicide, but rather, is a result of my own grief for her family. When I feel the ache of sadness, I's the only way I am able to understand and cope with tragedy. - Anon Allsop ***************************************************************** "You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight...

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The Haunting A TWILIGHT ZONE Story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** The Haunting - A TWILIGHT ZONE Story By Anon Allsop Somewhere within the darkened hallways of the Steward Manor, lurks an entity seeking to claim his lost love, a love which can only be found by entering through a doorway into...The Twilight...

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Into the LookingGlass A TWILIGHT ZONE story

"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop A cursed mirror begins our trilogy of an evil, vain young woman's trip into the unknown. Ending somewhere between there and here, where the known and unknown intersect. Only to play itself out...

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Twilight Zone Miladys Pleasure

"There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.... It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity... It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears, and the summit of his knowledge... This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone. A dapper middle-aged man in a black suit with a familiar voice is smoking a cigarette on a silent...

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After the Energists Rebooted Teen YearsChapter 48 Twilight Zone

Wheels’ Resort Cafeteria, Chatham, Ontario 4:49pm, Saturday, March 10, 1979 “Are you alright, Viktoriya?” I asked the thirty-seven-old Ukrainian beauty as she sat in a dazed state in the cafeteria at Wheels’ Resort. We were still inside an Energist energy bubble because everyone around us was still distant, immobile and exactly in the same positions as before. “I fine, Michael, but...” she confusingly replied as she tried to make sense of what just happened, as well as why everyone here...

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Sexy Spin On An Old Twilight Zone Episode Dead Mans Shoes

Narrator: "Nathan Edward Bledsoe, of the Bowery Bledsoes, a man once, a specter now. One of those myriad modern-day ghosts that haunt the reeking nights of the city in search of a flop, a handout, a glass of forgetfulness. Nate doesn't know it but his search is about to end, because those shiny new shoes are going to carry him right into the capital of the Twilight Zone." A late model Chevy four door car stops in an alley. Two men get out and open the trunk. They wrestle a body of a man out...

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Bikini Beach Glenn Matsumoto Visits

Bikini Beach: Glenn Matsumoto Visits By Daphne Xu Teaser: This is another excerpt from my still-incomplete sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", and is set immediately before "Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits". Attorney Glenn Matsumoto has to consult with Bikini Beach's Grandmother for professional reasons. The Disclaimer Any comments about Bikini Beach, how it works, what it does, by characters other than Anya or...

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Bikini Beach A Friend In Need 2019 update

I admit that my story work seems to have been getting longer and longer, primarily due to the way I have tried to embellish the tales with as much detail as possible to place the reader right there in the story. If this is getting to be too much, I would like to hear from you. There are a couple significant names used in this story. See if any of you can figure out just how they may apply to anybody in RL. True to form for me, you just know I'm going to say that this story utilizes...

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Bikini Beach Whats Good for the Gander

Bikini Beach: What's Good for the Gander... By Jezzi (c) 2000 As he neared the ticket booth, Carl Desmond's mind was filled with evil glee as he thought of what he had done to that little bimbo office girl temp. She had been eighteen, fresh out of high school with a virginal beauty oh so rare these days. Carl had played nice boss, drawing her out over several lunches, finding that she was a genuinely nice girl, a virgin saving herself for marriage to her college sweetheart. Carl...

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Bikini Beach The Doctor

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

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Bikini Beach Guideline and Concordance

Bikini Beach -- Story Guide As one of the reviewers of stories for Elrod, I've been asked about guidelines and such. Elrod had a bunch of material on his web site, but he took that all down. I had printed some of that out. I also reread all of his stories. I'm treating the material I printed, his stories, plus those stories of mine that he had reviewed for me, as "canon." Here it all is. If you have a story you'd like me to review, in keeping with the wishes of Elrod some...

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Bikini Beach

******************************************************* This one came like all the others - in that strange world between dream and fantasy. What would happen if two macho guys went to a private beach where the price of admission was a change? I've got at least four story ideas in this same setting to follow - someday. In the meantime, if anyone else finds this stirs a story idea, I'll post the rules to the list. ******************************************************* Bikini...

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Bikini Beach A Boys Visit

Bikini Beach: A Boy's Visit By Daphne Xu Bikini Beach and its principal characters are copyright 1998 by Elrod W. ********************** The lines at all the checkout stands were long. That was to be expected on SuperSale Day, Black Friday, the Day after Thanksgiving, and I kept fidgeting impatiently. Ahead in line was an old woman and a pretty lady who looked like she might have been a college student, or in her lower twenties. I didn't realize...

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Bikini Beach Addiction

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. This tale may be archived on Fictionmania; all others, ask. Bikini Beach: Addiction By Elrod W Calvin Lawson should have been overcome by lust as he and Fred walked toward the gate of Bikini Beach. All around him, luscious babes, most wearing next-to-nothing, streamed toward the gates. It should have been a man's paradise - a water park surrounded by hordes of beautiful shapely women. But there was something nagging in the...

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The Twilight Bone

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. Your next stop, The Twilight Bone! The goal of The Twilight Bone is to provide some fun, quick, and "single-sitting" stories. If you like any of these shorter stories and are looking for something a little longer, feel free to check out one of my other stories! I also wanted to do something a little fun and exciting. For this...

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Bikini Beach Swim Date

Bikini Beach: Swim Date By Ellie Dauber (c) 2000 "Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde, about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria. Paul Kauffman put down his Coke, and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think she's stuck-up, man." "Then why won't she go out with anybody? She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You think?" "Nah. She's new here, just moved in the...

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Bikini Beach Summer Fun

Bikini Beach: Summer Fun By Paul G. Jutras Charlie, Barry and Larry were on their summer vacation in Florida, listening to music on the radio. The group passed many billboard signs for water parks, amusements and resort areas. The group couldn't figure out which one to go to. Then a sign got their attention. BIKINI BEACH NEXT EXIT. "That's for me." Charlie said as he turned off the road and followed the road signs down to a parking lot. There were many cars in the parking lot,...

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Bikini Beach If I Should Die Before I Wake

Bikini Beach: If I Should Die Before I Wake by Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2000 (This story can be posted at Fictionmania or any free site. If you're not 18, or are offended by transgendered themes, don't read it!) (This story begins immediately following the events in Caleb Jones' story, "Gidget Surfs Up at Bikini Beach", and involves Gidget's dad and Gidget, from the TV series, as well as mentioning the character, Biff, from Caleb Jones' story.) July 2, 1968, 5:15pm Gidget...

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Bikini Beach Spring Break

Bikini Beach: Spring Break By Elrod W Stan and Chuck were still wiping their hands as they emerged from the restroom. They moved slowly; from the fatigued look in their eyes, one would correctly guess that they'd been awake for a very long time. Jack stood up behind the windshield, peering at the two. "Come on, guys! Time's a-wastin'." He slid back behind the steering wheel of his Camaro convertible, a sleek midnight blue car suited for a young man. Right now, however, it looked...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

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Bikini Beach The BrotherinLaw

This started as a quickie piece. It didn't finish up that way. There is, by the way, no relationship between this story and my recent (and forthcoming) Altered Fates stories. * * * * * Bikini Beach: Brother-In-Law By Ellie Dauber (c) 2003 Lynette Dorsey was working at the sink when Carter Dorsey came into the kitchen. He stood by the door for a minute, watching the way her slender body moved and how the early evening light made her dark blonde hair seem to glow. He held...

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Bikini Beach A Private Matter

Bikini Beach: A Private Matter By Bashful Anya called her grandmother and told her the bad news. "We've had another incident, someone sprayed 'Silly String' inside a locker and ruined a girls leather coat." "Damn it! Of course, no one saw anything, right?" the old woman said. "Nothing. I told the girl we would replace the jacket but she said she wasn't coming back. I'm sorry grandmother, I don't know what else we can do." Anya was near tears. There had been many incidents...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Fund Raiser

This story is copyright by the author, all rights reserved. It may be freely posted at Fictionmania. Any other site, free or otherwise, must ask permission. *** This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee,...

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Bikini Beach Junior Prank

Bikini Beach: The Junior Prank By Heather St. Claire Because the magic of the Bikini Beach water park is designed to affect men, some people might mistakenly assume that men are the only ones who can be taught lessons there. That's far from the truth. Let's look back at a story from Bikini Beach's past, when Anya was younger, and not long after Grandmother first allowed her solo duty in the ticket booth. It was early March, and a beautiful weekday. The clouds had parted...

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Bikini Beach A Punks Story

Bikini Beach: A Punk's Story By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 By the time we came back after the Memorial Day break, the school year's just about over. Sure, there were a couple weeks left -- and the exams, but who worries about them? Me, I was thinking about the summer, three months to have fun and raise hell. It looked like the fun was starting early. It was just a couple of days after we got back. I was walking around, looking for Bill Gerhart. Bill was just a guy I knew, but...

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Bikini Beach Same Old Story

Bikini Beach is the creation of Elrod W, who has kindly let me visit and helped with editing this tale. May the Maker smile upon him! Bikini Beach: Same Old Story By Anne-Mal Hello. My name is Tina, or at least that is what I like to call myself. You see I was born male, but always wished to be treated as if I was female. So while my real name is male, please just think of me as Tina! One of my passions is dressing up as a woman. I have thought about undergoing the various...

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Bikini Beach Friends with Benefits

Bikini Beach: Friends with Benefits By: Light Clark Synopsis: Andy seems like the kind of guy that has it all, rich parents, good looks, and smarts. However, in spite of all that, he leads a double life while hoping to find a special friend who might be willing to share in it. A heavy sigh slid out of my lips as I plunked down at one of the round, common area tables with my lunch tray in hand. It wasn't because of the low-quality, lukewarm meal. I wasn't picky. Nor was it...

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Bikini Beach The Band

Bikini Beach - The Band ElrodW A high school garage band isn't doing very well at getting opportunities to perform. Some of the band members think they'd go further if they could replace the female lead vocalist who moved away. The problem is where to find such a singer. Then one of them decides to see if he can find a girl to recruit at Bikini Beach... ********** Bikini Beach: The Band This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative...

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Bikini Beach The Sub

Bikini Beach - The Sub ElrodW Synopsis: A young man is dropping his sister and her friends off at Bikini Beach, and overhears a problem with lifeguard staff. Anya realize he might be able to help, but he doesn't know what he's getting himself into. This story and the Bikini Beach story theme are copyright, all rights reserved. Use of the characters or them without the express permission of the owner is a violation of copyright...

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Bikini Beach The Family Outing

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced without the express permission of the author. Bikini Beach: The Family Outing By Elrod W "This one doesn't look good, either." Mike Harwin slid his key into the ignition as he slammed the car door. He glanced over the seat. "Sorry kids, but this doesn't look like a very nice beach." There was an immediate cry of protest from little Jimmy and his older sister Nichole, seated in the back of the sedan....

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Bikini Beach Initiation Rites

*********************************************************** This is the second in my Bikini Beach series. The good news is there are at least 5 more such stories in my head. The really good news is that I'm writing easily again :) Enjoy. And please comment... ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Initiation Rites by Elrod W Allen sighed as he drove slowly away from the beach. No luck - in fact, he'd almost had his face smashed by a few...

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Bikini Beach Wandering Eyes

Bikini Beach: Wandering Eyes By Elrodw An active volcano would not have fumed so much as Brenda. It always got to her. At first, she'd considered that she was just being jealous, that her husband's roving eye bothered her because she felt threatened by other women. But now, after several months, she was certain that it wasn't because he was jealous - it was because Dennis' ogling really bothered her. She slapped him lightly. "Stop that," she hissed. Dennis turned his gaze back...

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Bikini Beach Dear Jenny

Bikini Beach - Dear Jenny ElrodW Melinda and Jenny have a fling during Melinda's temporary job as a lifeguard. Jenny finds herself falling for Melinda. But Melinda's time is up, and Mitch has to go back to his life. What is Jenny going to do? Author's note: This story takes place after The Sub, but before Cousin Trouble. It is strongly suggested that you read Bikini Beach: The Sub first. This story and the Bikini Beach characters and universe are copyrighted by the author,...

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Bikini Beach The Regatta

Bikini Beach: The Regatta Synopsis: A few friends are looking for sponsors for their sailboat in the big annual regatta, but no one wants to help out. One of the guys overhears a conversation about 'diversity' in sponsorships, and he gets an idea. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Bikini Beach: The Regatta by ElrodW Tim flinched visibly as he heard Mike give the number. "That much for the entry fee?"...

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Bikini Beach Teaching Sally

Bikini Beach - Teaching Sally By Ellie Dauber Copyright 2000 Author's Note: When I wrote "Swim Date", I got several comments about how rotten I was to Sally, the young transformee that Paula met briefly on Sunday. It wasn't right, the comments said, for the Old Woman to take her memories away. Here's the whole story of Sally's transformation. Judge again, now that you have all the facts. * * * * * * * * * * * * "There's some cops out here to see you, Mitch,...

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Bikini Beach The Gift Certificate

Bikini Beach: The Gift Certificate Elrod W Something strange was going on, Rick knew. That new water park, Bikini Beach, was a tremendous success; everyone was talking about how great it was. Yet something - some little quirk - tugged at the back of Rick's mind. The park was advertised as a haven for young ladies. So why weren't there hordes of guys going there - to pick up the babes? Perhaps other guys weren't paying attention to the little details, but Rick was. And that was...

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Bikini Beach A Day At The Beach

Bikini Beach: A Day At The Beach By Paul Jutras Pat and his friends Louis, Paul and Steve arrived at Bikini Beach and were given a change receipt before they entered the beach shower area. Before they were allowed in they were forced to answer questions on their favorite color and what they thought the perfect woman would look like. "Enjoy your stay at Bikini Beach." Josie laughed as she watched the shower doors close. She knew first hand what it meant to enter those...

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Bikini Beach Child Star

Thanks to Elrod for building Bikini Beach and letting us play there, and to him and Radioactive Loner for the encouraging words and the great patience shown in editing my draft. Many thanks also to Tiana Red Wolf for the Spanish translation that appears in this story (and to the others who offered to help). Tiana, your translation came through without a hitch. Thanks again. Speaking of which, any Spanish-speaking readers might want to skip over the short Spanish...

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Bikini Beach YuGiOh Style

I'm doing putting a different spin on Bikini Beach by using Yu-Gi-Oh characters. Wait and see what happens. I should probably say I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or the idea of Bikini Beach. This is not an official story in the Bikini Beach Universe. *** Yugi waited for the doorbell. He was taking T?a to the beach for a date. He was going to go to the new one called Bikini Beach. T?a finally arrived at Yugi's house. Yugi said goodbye to Yami. "So Yugi, are you ready for this?" T?a said "Yeah o...

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Bikini Beach Hey Hey Paula

Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula ElrodW A friend of Melinda's has some serious difficulties with women, mostly because he gets all tongue-tied and clumsy when he's around a girl he's attracted to. Jenny and Melinda think that a trip to Bikini Beach might help him find a different approach. ********** Bikini Beach: Hey, Hey, Paula This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs...

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Summer fling nude beach edition

This story goes back exactly twenty years, I was fresh out of college and working in Santa Barbara California, a jewel of town on the coast of California and YES, I was fortunate. I lived in an area between Santa Barbara and Goleta, not far from a beach called More Mesa. Upon moving there I’d heard that the beach was clothing optional and quite popular with locals and UCSB, a hidden gem for beachgoers. I started visiting soon thereafter and really enjoyed it although it did take some getting...

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Bikini Beach Saving A Life

Bikini Beach: Saving A Life Copyrighted 2000 By Radioactive Loner and JDG I was not a happy man. The heat was baking me. Well, not just me, but pretty much all the residents of the fair city where I lived, except those with air conditioners. I was unfortunately not among that number, and so I lay prostrate across my bed, sweat popping out of every pore in my body, feeling as if I was being baked in a slow heat, heat resounding both into and out of my body in a languid...

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Bikini Beach Nerds Date Rape Avenger

Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger When a friend of the nerds is date-raped, the nerds decide to help see that justice is done. ********************************************************** Bikini Beach: Nerds - Date Rape Avenger This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. ...

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Bikini Beach The Purse Snatcher

Author's Note: This story got written while I was also working on the story, "Teaching Sally". I never meant it to be so long, but after I set up the initial situation, which involves a thirty-day pass, I had to do something to fill that time. I decided to try developing multiple story lines, sub-plots. So, this is an experiment. Let me know what you think. Negative constructive criticism ("I don't think you did X very well") is welcome. Suggestions on how to improve ("I...

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