Hilflos, ?ngstlich, Weiblich Sucht free porn video

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Hilflos, ?ngstlich, weiblich sucht By derdurchdiezeitreisende Ihr sympathisches L?cheln hebt meine Laune. Die zierliche Stewardess gef?llt mir. Mir gef?llt, wie sie sich bem?ht freundlich und adrett auf mich zu wirken. Das haben sie Ihr gut beigebracht, denke ich bei mir. Die Amerikanisierung unserer Dienstleistungsbranche und die Angst den Job zu verlieren, macht unsere Dienstboten viel unterw?rfiger. Als ich mich gen?sslich mit einem selbstgef?lligen L?cheln in den Ledersessel der ersten Klasse plumpsen lasse, sehe ich, wie mich die nette Flugbegleiterin mustert. Sie geht auf mich zu. Freiz?gig beugt sie sich zu mir her. Die Bluse hat sie wahrscheinlich absichtlich nicht ganz zugekn?pft. Was ich sehe gef?llt mir sehr. Mit strahlendem Gesicht fragt sie mich, ob sie mir einen Wunsch erf?llen kann. Ich m?chte ihr antworten und sagen, dass ich nichts brauche. "Nichts, gibt es hier nicht junger Herr", f?hrt sie mir unerwartet kaltschn?uzig ?ber den Mund. "Ich werde Ihnen beibringen nicht so arrogant zu sein." Ich bin v?llig ?bert?lpelt und ich bin nicht zu einer spontanen Reaktion bereit. W?tend, ?ber Ihre Unfreundlichkeit sage ich zu Ihr, dass ich mich beschweren werde und dass ihr das noch leid tun wird. Schlie?lich bin ich ja Viel - Flieger und erwarte, dass sie mich dem?tig bedient. Genussvoll, als h?tte sie meine Reaktion vorhergesehen antwortet sie mir. "Nat?rlich werden Sie sich beschweren. Die Frage ist nur, aus welcher Perspektive sie die Konsequenzen erleben. Ich bin Chefinspektorin der Gedankenpolizei. Ich ermittle gegen Chauvinistisches Gedankengut und ich denke sie haben eine Lektion verdient." Sie blitzt mir mit einem feuerzeug?hnlichen Gegenstand in die Augen. Noch bevor ich die Augen wieder ?ffne sp?re ich, dass ich nicht mehr im Flugzeug sitze. Ehrlich gesagt, weis ich nicht genau, was passiert ist. Einigermassen verdutzt blicke ich mich um. Ich bin in der Wartehalle des Flughafens. Gegen?ber im Spiegel sehe ich die Stewardess von vorhin. Sie sitzt alleine auf einer Bank und sieht mir in die Augen. Mich fr?stelt ein wenig und als ich mich zusammenkauere um mich gegen die K?lte zu sch?tzen bemerke ich, dass ich einen Frauenrock trage. Mir wird schlagartig klar, das ich nicht die Stewardess im Spiegel sehe, sondern mich in dem K?rper der Stewardess. Ich blicke an mir herunter. Ich sehe zwei anmutige, blaubestrumpfte Beine unter einem schmal geschnittenen Rock verschwinden. Meine F??e stecken in denen f?r Stewardessen typischen sichtlich getragenen Pumps mit breiter Spitze. Ich schlie?e meine Augen wieder. Bis jetzt habe ich mich noch nicht bewegt. Vielleicht ist alles nur Einbildung. Mit geschlossenen Augen und regungslos versuche ich zu klaren Gedanken zu kommen. Ich f?hle zum ersten mal meine Br?ste. Ich f?hle ihr Gewicht und ihre Empfindlichkeit. Die Seidenbluse gie?t sich f?r mich ungew?hnlich eng um meinen Oberk?rper. Ich konzentriere mich auf meine Intimzone. Zuerst kann ich nur ahnen oder hoffen. Vorsichtig bewege ich meine Beine und reibe die Schenkel aneinander. Kein Zweifel m?glich, m?nnlich ist zwischen den Beinen nichts mehr. Ich sp?re wie sanft meine Beine aneinander reiben. Ich sp?re jeden Luftzug durch meine Strumpfhose. Ich bin mir sicher, dass es eine Strumpfhose ist. Auf dem Platz neben mir liegt eine blaue Damenhandtasche. Daneben ein Brief von der Fluggesellschaft, deren Uniform ich wahrscheinlich gerate trage. Dazu ein gelber Zettel, der mein ganzes Interesse weckt. Hallo Junger Herr, f?r die n?chsten Jahre ist dies ihr neuer K?rper. Sie sind pleite und haben, nach Ihrer Beschwerde auch keinen Job mehr. Ihren alten K?rper gebe ich Ihnen nur zur?ck, wenn sie das Leben von der anderen Seite aus meistern. Vor Aufregung und K?lte zittere ich sprichw?rtlich am ganzen Leib. Schutzsuchend kauere ich mich zusammen. Meine Arme sind spindeld?nn. Mit gemischten Gef?hlen analysiere ich meine feingliedrigen H?nde. Einzeln betrachte ich die gepflegt lackierte Fingern?gel, Jeder Nagel ist exakt gearbeitet. Ich sa? wohl einige Minuten v?llig Gedankenverloren auf der Bank. Fremdartig, unbegreiflich und vor allem intensiv wirkte mein ver?ndertes Geschlecht auf mich. Ich w?re wohl noch ?ber Stunden sitzen geblieben, wenn nicht dieser Pilot gekommen w?re. "Cindy, du musst die K?ndigung nicht so ernst nehmen." Er kannte mich, soviel stand fest. Er setzte sich neben mich und legte seine Arme schraubstockartig um mich. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte ich noch nichts begriffen. Jetzt beklomm mich aber langsam ein ekliges Schaudern. Ich versuchte erfolglos seinen Arm von meiner H?fte zu dr?cken. "Wie locker sitzt Dein H?schen Cindy Sch?tzchen? Wenn Du mir regelm??ig bewei?t wie gut Du bl?st, kannst Du f?r ein paar Wochen bei mir wohnen." Diese Worte schmatzte er mir auf meinen Hals. In Panik schlug ich um mich und schrie, kreischte um Hilfe. Meine quietschige Stimme war ohrenbet?ubend und der Pilot erschrak vor meiner, f?r ihn verr?ckt wirkenden Reaktion. Er entschuldigte sich und verschwand. H?tte ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt gewusst, was die n?chsten Monate und Jahre f?r mich bringen sollten, hatte ich mich nicht so erleichtert gef?hlt als er davonlief. Sicherlich w?re ich auch nicht so unbedacht gewesen, als ich zum ersten mal Uma traf. Uma freute sich ?ber Ihre Bef?rderung zur Vorstandschefin. Sie hatte es sich verdient und die letzten Jahre hart gearbeitet. Vor einer Stunde hatte sie zudem das Vergn?gen Cindy, dieses blonde Dummchen zu feuern. Sie konnte keine der Stewardessen leiden. Aber besonders Cindy hatte es Ihr angetan. Uma hasste Cindy, ohne dass sie wusste warum. Wahrscheinlich konnte Uma nicht ertragen, dass Cindy von allen geliebt wurde und sie eben nicht. Uma musste immer und ?berall Leistung zeigen um respektiert zu werden. Cindy war hingegen bei allen Liebkind. Selbst die Piloten, die ja Ihr unterstellt waren sprachen nur in knappen Worten mit ihr. Mit Cindy hingegen scherzten und flirteten die Piloten am laufenden Band. Uma wahr sehr attraktiv und gross. Sie bevorzugte streng elegante und feminine Garderobe und betrieb einen irrsinnig hohen Aufwand sich zu schm?cken. Heute war ihr Tag. Sie berauschte sich auf dem Weg durch die langen G?nge von den freundlichen Gr??en ihrer Untergebenen. Als sie das B?ro verlassen hatte und durch die Flughalle Richtung Parkhaus unterwegs war, fiel ihr Lautes Kreischen auf, uns Sie organisierte Wachpersonal um nach den Rechten zu sehen. Ich schwitze, mein Rock ist verschoben. Vor mein Gesicht fallen blonde Str?hnen. Ich habe mich mit allem gewehrt, was ich an Energie aufbringen kann. Ich habe Angst. Angst vor allem was sich bewegt. Ich stehe v?llig verunsichert vor dem Spiegel in der Halle des Flughafens. Ich stehe total H?lzern. Wenn ich nicht auffallen will, muss ich aufrecht stehen. Ich zupfe meinen Rock gerade und setzte vorsichtig einen Fu? vor den anderen. Die Schuhe sind eigentlich ganz bequem. Mit jedem Schritt sp?re ich einen leichten Luftzug an der Innenseite meiner Schenkel und gleichzeitig vermute ich hinter jedem Eck die Augen eines Vergewaltigers. Es ist wie ein Alptraum. "Hallo Cindy, hast Du Probleme?". Vorsichtig scannte ich mein neues Gegen?ber. Sie verspr?hte eine Aura, der ich mich wie halbtoter Junkie hingebe. Ich f?hle mich wohl, beh?tet und sicher in ihrer N?he. "Sie m?ssen mir helfen!" Mindestens eine Kopfl?nge ?berragt mich diese Frau. Sie wird von zwei W?chtern in Uniform begleitet. "Du bist pleite, ich habe Dich gefeuert und Du wohnst nur in Airline Wohnungen obwohl Du weist, dass Du eine eigene Wohnung haben solltest. Diese beiden Herren werden Dich jetzt auf die Strasse setzten. Am besten Du sagst dem Taxifahrer, dass er Dich zum Stra?enstrich fahren soll. Da fickst Du dir dann 50 Euro weise die drei Monatsmieten im voraus zusammen. Es sei denn, Du h?rst Dir an, was ich zu bieten habe." Ich deutete mit einem nicken an, dass ich mir Ihren Vorschlag anh?ren wollte. In Wirklichkeit wollte ich solange wie m?glich ihre Gesellschaft haben. "Gut, ich bin Uma f?r Dich die letzt Rettung vor dem Strassenstrich. Du musst deinen s??en Arsch nicht verkaufen, solange du mir meinen k?sst. Mein Hausm?dchen wird mit der Arbeit nicht mehr fertig. Solange du mein Haus putzt, wischst und mir folgsam dienst, wohnst du in meiner Villa." Das krieg ich auf die Reihe denke ich und willige ein.

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At 354 Hanover Lane, they were received by the lady of the house, Mrs. Warner. The house belonged to Mr. Albert Warner, a grain trader of obvious means. Jim introduced himself and Ned. "Madam, I am Major James Tremayne, and this is Mr. Ned Thrush. We call on you to ask whether Alison O'Hare is in your employ." Mrs. Warner was alarmed. "Yes, indeed. She is a good girl." "I shall never doubt your word on that, Madam. The reason we came, is that with your permission, we'd like to...

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If Only He Had Known

The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities of characters in this story with any persons living or dead is totally coincidental and unintentional. Permission is also hereby granted to archive or distribute this work provided that the recipient is of legal age in his/her municipality, the author's name remains intact, and no fee is charged. If Only He Had Known ... --gennie TV -- October 1997 Justine had just finished cleaning the bathroom and since Miss. Gennie...

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Playtime Stories Ch 6 BBC Oreo in a Motel

6. A lot of my playtime is at night. I start in the afternoon and get partially dressed in lingerie, heels, and makeup, and start to play around. I watch some porn get on an adult phone sex chatline on the female side and get nasty men and even a few freaky women off over the phone. Almost every time I am on a chatline I meet T-gurl lovers and occasionally I’ll put together a play-date. It’s a little risky, but it is very exciting to have a stranger knock on your door and expect nothing...

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My Second Piece of AssChapter 19 Playing the Game

The trip home from the Waites' house was the most agonizing fifteen minutes of my life. Laura talked incessantly about the rules of restraint, the game we had been looking forward to playing for over three weeks. "If you don't want me to hold your cock in my hand I won't do it. I can't understand why you're so touchy. All I'm going to do is wrap my small warm hand around your hard pulsating erection to make sure it gets tucked into my pussy to the correct depth. I won't hold onto it...

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The New Apartment Ch 07

Slowly, as gently as I could manage it in the current situation, I was pulling out of Julia’s pussy. Even in the pool’s cool water, we were still burning hot, trying to catch our breath. My cock was relaxing and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get out of the pool without discomfort (I also knew it would be rock hard again in minutes if I was not careful: this always happens after a fast cum…). As for Julia, after breaking the long kiss we began when I climaxed inside her, she reached down and...

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Wild Ride

I’ve got long black hair and bangs, medium sized but very firm tits, and a tight little ass. I’m a lawyer, and usually I have to dress conservatively, but I have a very hot body when I get horny and want to show it off. I’ve always had a fantasy about being fucked by two guys. Sucking two cocks at the same time, or one cock in my ass, one cock in my pussy. Having my face and tits covered in cum. It gets me wet just thinking about it. But because I’m a lawyer, I work all the time. I don’t have...

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Nightblade Genesis

Note: This story contains objectionable content. Minors are encouraged to find something else to read. As for those who believe gender transformational fiction is sinful and evil, you can stop reading now. Go back to undermining free speech. Authors Notes: At the end of the three tales that follow, this universe will be open to any author. Before then, please email me at [email protected] for the specifics. This tale, in itself, contains NO TG, but sets the stage for the ones that...

2 years ago
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First Service With A Mature Lady

I live in Mumbai and presently a student. Since I had ample of time, I decided to enjoy and earn. I had advertised myself on a website for escort services. After a few weeks, I got a mail from this lady named Sunita. She asked me if I really serve ladies, to which I replied in the affirmative. She asked me about my charges and the services I provided. She asked me if I was free on Wednesday and I said yes. She booked me for massage session and also for some sensual work. She sent me her photo,...

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To be or not to be A Cuckolded question

Stella was 43 years old, five foot 10 inches tall around 180 lbs, not slim by any means and often joked the bulk of her weight was in her 38C breasts especially after raising her two sons, John and Jamie. She was married to Jim a 45 year old loving man, five foot four tall and with an extra few lbs, he called his love handles. Jim’s one drawback was his sexual equipment only five and a half inches when erect to the max. Oh of course Stella never complained but secretly she fantasised often of a...

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The Sins of the Peroxide Blonde

Rosie O'Grady had red hair. Her mother and her father thought it was beautiful because it reminded them of their birthplace Ireland. She was teased relentlessly in grade school because she was the only redhead in the entire class of thirty students. One boy had hair that looked a little bit red when the sun hit it just right but nobody made fun of him because he was pretty big and tough. Sister Immaculata told her she was lucky to have red hair because it matched her face which was a "map...

1 year ago
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Wet Day Afternoon

Wet Day Afternoon by Hidden Friend © Mike Watson was 19 years old and he was bored, it was the summer holidays but rather than spending time with his friends he was stuck at home while the rain pored down outside. Turning from the window he made his way to his parents bedroom in search of the porn mags his father had stashed in his wardrobe. He had the house to himself, his mother and sister had gone to the Mall, he could have gone with them, but the thought of being dragged around shops by his...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 24

Even after the wait for the heat to come up, the shower left me with s slight chill. I was still naked when I walked to one of my few purchases. I had bought one of those old fashioned full mirrors with legs when I first moved into the cabin. I removed the towel and put it on a nearby chair. I took a good look at my body. "Not too bad for an old slut," I said, with a smile. My boobs never were big, so they didn't shrink much when I lost weight. They did begin to sag even more. The sag...

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Livein With Fuckbuddy

Hello friends! How are you all? This is Daksh Kashyap (engineer-IIT Bombay) once again to share my new story. Please read to know about my sexual experiences. This story is of last year. In May, I have shared my sex experiences on ISS. I got lots of messages, mostly from married girls. But some wanted just sex chat, and those who wanted sex were from other cities. Finally, one day I got a message from Surabhi, who was from Mumbai and wanted real sex. We started talking on hangout. She was from...

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Chance Encounter The sequel

After the time at the glory hole, both girls knew their lives had changed. They had gone from young wives and mothers to thrill-seeking bitches. Apart from the cocks they had wanked, it had been the first time they had sexually touched each other.Jane had thrilled at the feel of Sue's tongue licking and sucking her clit. Now when they found themselves alone, they never missed the opportunity to make each other cum.This particular Monday morning found them lying naked next to each other, resting...

Group Sex
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ChangesChapter 2

After the short 30-minute ride, the bus pulled up to the massive gate. 'Here we go sugar. You just stay by me and don't let them nasty-ass guards bother you.' Quita said giving Misty a small hug hoping that she would get a chance at her wonderful body before one of the hard-core dikes got her. 'As pretty as you be, I'm sure everybody goina want a piece of you're fine little ass, ' she smiled to Misty and couldn't help caressing under her short skirt. 'I might even give you a try!'...

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The CompetitionChapter 7 Meet the Press

Monday morning, time to return to normal school life and normal school clothes ... and normal school crises. This morning started off with the swim teams in the pool, along with Barbara, who was still taking remedial swim lessons. Over the past weekend she had been dubbed Team Mascot. After spending much of the weekend in the pool at Sunny Acres, she had become much improved, however her swimming skills were still marginal at best. In the office of Principal Hayworth, things were not going...

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Young Waitress0

headed towards a booth in the corner. She slides into the seat beside me, we picked up our menus. I laid my hand on her thigh. Hannah glanced at me, surprised, but I did not appear to notice, and she said nothing. After dinner, we sat in my car on the side of the road, whispering, caressing each other, and kissing until the windows had fogged and we were breathless. Her body yearned for my touch in a way she had never experienced before; her past experiences with intimacy extended to kissing...

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Wife Bani Cheater

Hi all, my name is rajan and I am 30 year old guy from chandigarh.Main new zealand me rehta hu.Yeh story 2017 ki hai jub mai or meri wife ghumne k liye tasmania gye.Meri wife kafi attractive hai and uske figure 36 32 34 hai.Boobd kafi bde or gol gol hai.Most attractive part of her body. Shaadi ko 3 saal hoge the.Koi bacha nhi thaa.Hum dono kafi enjoy kr rhe the.5 din ka stay tha.2 din pura mze se sex kiya lekin main 1 bar sex krke thak jata tha or wife b jada interrsted nhi thi.3rd day humne...

4 years ago
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Promotion Gift

Last Tuesday night, Sam decided to pick me up in school after my 8:30 classes. We’re going to celebrate his promotion in his job over dinner. While having dinner at the Illustrado, I teasingly rubbed my foot to his crotch; he is already hard. He winked at me knowing I want to get naughty with him. I stood up and went to the ladies room and gave him a call saying I’m ready.After a few minutes, he knocked at the door, as he entered the room, he started kissing me and took my uniform off sucked my...

Quickie Sex
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The Queen the Slave ch 14

Ch 1 An idea is the most powerful thing; stronger than the sharpest sword and more resilient than the deadliest virus. Nothing can stop an idea when combined with the strongest emotion. Desire. It was this combination that allowed Alec to enslave Diana, the Queen of the relm. The trumpet blared throughout the hall, signaling that this weeks Passing had been finished. All the nobles stood from their seats and exited the room, remaining silent until they passed the threshold. Alec, however,...

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The Way of WarChapter 36

The mists slowly rolled back and he gasped as the pain lanced through him. He tried to focus his eyes and his mouth seemed full of ashes. He stared up at a figure with a naval shirt on bending over him. The face smiled and lifted his head to drink from a glass. The water seemed the best drink he had ever had. He saw the lips moving and slowly the words registered with him. He was on a submarine heading for Alexandria. He tried to speak but his lips seemed fused together and then another bout...

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The Girl on the Swing

Standing in the palatial entrance hall of the City of London bank of which he is chairman, Sir Henry Northrop consults his half-hunter pocket watch, which he has extracted from his waistcoat by its gold chain. It shows 5.18pm. The monthly board meeting has finished later than predicted, somewhat incommoding the tycoon. Sir Henry’s next train back to rural Buckinghamshire is not until 6.50pm, leaving him with just over an hour-and-a-half to kill. ‘Will you get me a taxi please, Scrubbings?’ He...

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Center of MassChapter 5

Arnie Upson was the most knowledgeable among the wagon train crew on wagons, so he was sent into town with us to find a wagon to be hooked behind the chuck wagon. This wagon was to become a home on wheels for Alice and me. Alice claimed to know nothing about wagons, and I certainly didn't, so we were grateful that Arnie was willing to help us out in selecting a wagon. Arnie warned us that a good wagon could cost $60-75, so he was going to be real picky about the one he recommended. He even...

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bonding with my sister

It seemed like a decade since I had last seen her and she looked magnificent. She stood at 5'1, about 130lbs, with long black beautiful hair that was dripping wet. Just as beautiful as I remembered her, her body was more curvaceous now. With one quick glance my eyes scanned her big round sexy breast and her coke bottle waist that connected to a big, round, beautiful ass. My God my sister was smoking hot; I could not help keep my eyes off of her while I walked her to the living room. "Why...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 49

"Target zero degrees, zero degree, fifty three thousand clicks. Harbourian Battle class CA tracking one eight zero same plane velocity..." McCock broke over the AI responding in a manner as if he had confronted this situation a least once every day of his secure life. "Defensive shields. Graser lock continuous fire. Missiles forward tube full salvos fire when acquired." With only nano second delays in response, hands flashed to control panels and the coxswains moved into control...

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