Hilflos, ?ngstlich, Weiblich Sucht free porn video

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Hilflos, ?ngstlich, weiblich sucht By derdurchdiezeitreisende Ihr sympathisches L?cheln hebt meine Laune. Die zierliche Stewardess gef?llt mir. Mir gef?llt, wie sie sich bem?ht freundlich und adrett auf mich zu wirken. Das haben sie Ihr gut beigebracht, denke ich bei mir. Die Amerikanisierung unserer Dienstleistungsbranche und die Angst den Job zu verlieren, macht unsere Dienstboten viel unterw?rfiger. Als ich mich gen?sslich mit einem selbstgef?lligen L?cheln in den Ledersessel der ersten Klasse plumpsen lasse, sehe ich, wie mich die nette Flugbegleiterin mustert. Sie geht auf mich zu. Freiz?gig beugt sie sich zu mir her. Die Bluse hat sie wahrscheinlich absichtlich nicht ganz zugekn?pft. Was ich sehe gef?llt mir sehr. Mit strahlendem Gesicht fragt sie mich, ob sie mir einen Wunsch erf?llen kann. Ich m?chte ihr antworten und sagen, dass ich nichts brauche. "Nichts, gibt es hier nicht junger Herr", f?hrt sie mir unerwartet kaltschn?uzig ?ber den Mund. "Ich werde Ihnen beibringen nicht so arrogant zu sein." Ich bin v?llig ?bert?lpelt und ich bin nicht zu einer spontanen Reaktion bereit. W?tend, ?ber Ihre Unfreundlichkeit sage ich zu Ihr, dass ich mich beschweren werde und dass ihr das noch leid tun wird. Schlie?lich bin ich ja Viel - Flieger und erwarte, dass sie mich dem?tig bedient. Genussvoll, als h?tte sie meine Reaktion vorhergesehen antwortet sie mir. "Nat?rlich werden Sie sich beschweren. Die Frage ist nur, aus welcher Perspektive sie die Konsequenzen erleben. Ich bin Chefinspektorin der Gedankenpolizei. Ich ermittle gegen Chauvinistisches Gedankengut und ich denke sie haben eine Lektion verdient." Sie blitzt mir mit einem feuerzeug?hnlichen Gegenstand in die Augen. Noch bevor ich die Augen wieder ?ffne sp?re ich, dass ich nicht mehr im Flugzeug sitze. Ehrlich gesagt, weis ich nicht genau, was passiert ist. Einigermassen verdutzt blicke ich mich um. Ich bin in der Wartehalle des Flughafens. Gegen?ber im Spiegel sehe ich die Stewardess von vorhin. Sie sitzt alleine auf einer Bank und sieht mir in die Augen. Mich fr?stelt ein wenig und als ich mich zusammenkauere um mich gegen die K?lte zu sch?tzen bemerke ich, dass ich einen Frauenrock trage. Mir wird schlagartig klar, das ich nicht die Stewardess im Spiegel sehe, sondern mich in dem K?rper der Stewardess. Ich blicke an mir herunter. Ich sehe zwei anmutige, blaubestrumpfte Beine unter einem schmal geschnittenen Rock verschwinden. Meine F??e stecken in denen f?r Stewardessen typischen sichtlich getragenen Pumps mit breiter Spitze. Ich schlie?e meine Augen wieder. Bis jetzt habe ich mich noch nicht bewegt. Vielleicht ist alles nur Einbildung. Mit geschlossenen Augen und regungslos versuche ich zu klaren Gedanken zu kommen. Ich f?hle zum ersten mal meine Br?ste. Ich f?hle ihr Gewicht und ihre Empfindlichkeit. Die Seidenbluse gie?t sich f?r mich ungew?hnlich eng um meinen Oberk?rper. Ich konzentriere mich auf meine Intimzone. Zuerst kann ich nur ahnen oder hoffen. Vorsichtig bewege ich meine Beine und reibe die Schenkel aneinander. Kein Zweifel m?glich, m?nnlich ist zwischen den Beinen nichts mehr. Ich sp?re wie sanft meine Beine aneinander reiben. Ich sp?re jeden Luftzug durch meine Strumpfhose. Ich bin mir sicher, dass es eine Strumpfhose ist. Auf dem Platz neben mir liegt eine blaue Damenhandtasche. Daneben ein Brief von der Fluggesellschaft, deren Uniform ich wahrscheinlich gerate trage. Dazu ein gelber Zettel, der mein ganzes Interesse weckt. Hallo Junger Herr, f?r die n?chsten Jahre ist dies ihr neuer K?rper. Sie sind pleite und haben, nach Ihrer Beschwerde auch keinen Job mehr. Ihren alten K?rper gebe ich Ihnen nur zur?ck, wenn sie das Leben von der anderen Seite aus meistern. Vor Aufregung und K?lte zittere ich sprichw?rtlich am ganzen Leib. Schutzsuchend kauere ich mich zusammen. Meine Arme sind spindeld?nn. Mit gemischten Gef?hlen analysiere ich meine feingliedrigen H?nde. Einzeln betrachte ich die gepflegt lackierte Fingern?gel, Jeder Nagel ist exakt gearbeitet. Ich sa? wohl einige Minuten v?llig Gedankenverloren auf der Bank. Fremdartig, unbegreiflich und vor allem intensiv wirkte mein ver?ndertes Geschlecht auf mich. Ich w?re wohl noch ?ber Stunden sitzen geblieben, wenn nicht dieser Pilot gekommen w?re. "Cindy, du musst die K?ndigung nicht so ernst nehmen." Er kannte mich, soviel stand fest. Er setzte sich neben mich und legte seine Arme schraubstockartig um mich. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt hatte ich noch nichts begriffen. Jetzt beklomm mich aber langsam ein ekliges Schaudern. Ich versuchte erfolglos seinen Arm von meiner H?fte zu dr?cken. "Wie locker sitzt Dein H?schen Cindy Sch?tzchen? Wenn Du mir regelm??ig bewei?t wie gut Du bl?st, kannst Du f?r ein paar Wochen bei mir wohnen." Diese Worte schmatzte er mir auf meinen Hals. In Panik schlug ich um mich und schrie, kreischte um Hilfe. Meine quietschige Stimme war ohrenbet?ubend und der Pilot erschrak vor meiner, f?r ihn verr?ckt wirkenden Reaktion. Er entschuldigte sich und verschwand. H?tte ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt gewusst, was die n?chsten Monate und Jahre f?r mich bringen sollten, hatte ich mich nicht so erleichtert gef?hlt als er davonlief. Sicherlich w?re ich auch nicht so unbedacht gewesen, als ich zum ersten mal Uma traf. Uma freute sich ?ber Ihre Bef?rderung zur Vorstandschefin. Sie hatte es sich verdient und die letzten Jahre hart gearbeitet. Vor einer Stunde hatte sie zudem das Vergn?gen Cindy, dieses blonde Dummchen zu feuern. Sie konnte keine der Stewardessen leiden. Aber besonders Cindy hatte es Ihr angetan. Uma hasste Cindy, ohne dass sie wusste warum. Wahrscheinlich konnte Uma nicht ertragen, dass Cindy von allen geliebt wurde und sie eben nicht. Uma musste immer und ?berall Leistung zeigen um respektiert zu werden. Cindy war hingegen bei allen Liebkind. Selbst die Piloten, die ja Ihr unterstellt waren sprachen nur in knappen Worten mit ihr. Mit Cindy hingegen scherzten und flirteten die Piloten am laufenden Band. Uma wahr sehr attraktiv und gross. Sie bevorzugte streng elegante und feminine Garderobe und betrieb einen irrsinnig hohen Aufwand sich zu schm?cken. Heute war ihr Tag. Sie berauschte sich auf dem Weg durch die langen G?nge von den freundlichen Gr??en ihrer Untergebenen. Als sie das B?ro verlassen hatte und durch die Flughalle Richtung Parkhaus unterwegs war, fiel ihr Lautes Kreischen auf, uns Sie organisierte Wachpersonal um nach den Rechten zu sehen. Ich schwitze, mein Rock ist verschoben. Vor mein Gesicht fallen blonde Str?hnen. Ich habe mich mit allem gewehrt, was ich an Energie aufbringen kann. Ich habe Angst. Angst vor allem was sich bewegt. Ich stehe v?llig verunsichert vor dem Spiegel in der Halle des Flughafens. Ich stehe total H?lzern. Wenn ich nicht auffallen will, muss ich aufrecht stehen. Ich zupfe meinen Rock gerade und setzte vorsichtig einen Fu? vor den anderen. Die Schuhe sind eigentlich ganz bequem. Mit jedem Schritt sp?re ich einen leichten Luftzug an der Innenseite meiner Schenkel und gleichzeitig vermute ich hinter jedem Eck die Augen eines Vergewaltigers. Es ist wie ein Alptraum. "Hallo Cindy, hast Du Probleme?". Vorsichtig scannte ich mein neues Gegen?ber. Sie verspr?hte eine Aura, der ich mich wie halbtoter Junkie hingebe. Ich f?hle mich wohl, beh?tet und sicher in ihrer N?he. "Sie m?ssen mir helfen!" Mindestens eine Kopfl?nge ?berragt mich diese Frau. Sie wird von zwei W?chtern in Uniform begleitet. "Du bist pleite, ich habe Dich gefeuert und Du wohnst nur in Airline Wohnungen obwohl Du weist, dass Du eine eigene Wohnung haben solltest. Diese beiden Herren werden Dich jetzt auf die Strasse setzten. Am besten Du sagst dem Taxifahrer, dass er Dich zum Stra?enstrich fahren soll. Da fickst Du dir dann 50 Euro weise die drei Monatsmieten im voraus zusammen. Es sei denn, Du h?rst Dir an, was ich zu bieten habe." Ich deutete mit einem nicken an, dass ich mir Ihren Vorschlag anh?ren wollte. In Wirklichkeit wollte ich solange wie m?glich ihre Gesellschaft haben. "Gut, ich bin Uma f?r Dich die letzt Rettung vor dem Strassenstrich. Du musst deinen s??en Arsch nicht verkaufen, solange du mir meinen k?sst. Mein Hausm?dchen wird mit der Arbeit nicht mehr fertig. Solange du mein Haus putzt, wischst und mir folgsam dienst, wohnst du in meiner Villa." Das krieg ich auf die Reihe denke ich und willige ein.

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Professional Pleasure

Screw being professional ... her erotically-neglected body was wracked with desire at the mere thought of his strong, masculine frame dominating her lithe, needy curves! She knew it wasn't very professional - although not her actual client, John was the son. This was the first time Anita had met him, as he entered half-way through her home-visit with his elderly mother. From that point onwards, Anita had found it more & more difficult to concentrate on her work. Although John sat quietly...

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Maris Confession Part 3

This story takes place straight after "Mari's Confession (Part 2)" I didn’t realise how tired I was until I started to drive home. My legs and arms ached, and I hadn’t really been able to clean myself up properly. I felt stiff as I climbed out of the car at the beach house and went straight to the shower. Standing under the blisteringly hot water, my eyes closed, I started to come down from the high. I couldn’t remember a more intense experience in my life than I had had that afternoon. I held...

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The Omega Project Chapter 3

As he took his place at the front of the class, each student looked at him with anticipation, their books open, ready to learn. He told them all to read the next three chapters, which they all did immediately. Except for Ellie, who walked up and stood in front of him as he sat at his desk. Ellie was a cute little brunette, with long dark hair that hung down her back; brown eyes that looked innocent and were filled with curiosity; full lips that gave John no end of lewd fantasies. Then there...

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Playing With Fire Four

Oh My God! You are Disgusting! - 17/05/20 Our sex life has been good lately. The last time we had sex she’d said she wasn't up for it and just offered doggystyle. She never cums doggystyle. She just uses it, when she isn't in the mood. To get me off as quickly as possible so that she can get some sleep. I took it slow and gentle. I gradually got her worked up. I reached around and gently massaged her clitoris. I told some her dirty stuff. I said the kind of things that I sometimes say. ‘You...

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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 41

She’s barefoot, naked and smiling as we walk up the stairs side by side. I’m wearing my jeans and boots, carrying my shirt. Each time I look over at her, I see more and more, how much she resembles Sherry. I’m still not sure how all this works - with the Power of The Amp. Surely there’s a connection somehow, when I wish for a girl or woman, to look and feel beautiful - even to herself. To me, there’s only one person who meets all the criteria for a totally, absolutely beautiful woman from...

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My Fantasy Girl Ch 03

AUTHOR’S LAMENT I have been disappointed at the response, or should I say the lack thereof, to the first two chapters of my story. I am sure there are thousands of men and probably a number of women who have had an experience similar to mine. If you ever longed for someone but didn’t pursue it because you were not attractive enough, or not personable enough, or not charming enough, or most likely, just plain not confident enough, you know what I went through — in spades! Please send me your...

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Surprise HoneyChapter 6

Our stay in Juneau was just over night. I took everyone out to dinner and a few drinks. Carl had repaired our pump and had done some critical parts shopping in preparation for our open water cruise. Jan had filled our freezers and shelves with food, since we would be out away from civilization for an extended time too. Anne and Julie had been working hard on the boat too. I even pitched in and helped polish some brass fittings and 'swabbed the deck'. I felt more and more like a buddy...

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On a list of the top one hundred things I wanted to do it was about number three hundred and seventy-six. To begin with, I did not like Leslie. She was one of those "I'm cool, you're not" kind of girls. You know, the girl who smiles and says, "Hi Roger" when she passes you in the hallway between classes and after passing you by she turns to whomever she's with and says, "What a dweeb." But she was Betty's friend and Betty wanted to double date with Leslie and the loser that Leslie...

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Random Victories Youre Gonna Carry That Weight

Part of the RANDOM VICTORIES universe. See LEGEND OF HAIR HOUSE. You're Gonna Carry that Weight Chapter 1: Under Pressure Jim was staring at the wall of his dorm room. He had not slept for thirty hours and the books before him were starting to blur. It was the beginning of finals week. Empty pizza boxes were all over the floor and his sweat suit was feeling very grungy. It was two years since he and Sharon had graduated high school. She had gone to a school in the next state...

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Mark The Ladies

Angie's bobbed furiously as she tried unsuccessfully to deep throat her grandson's penis..instead Mark turned her over in the doggy style position & rammed his dink up her cunt like a piston . Jamming it in the old bags cunt , Mark didn't hold back as his granny moaned in ecstasy as she was fucked by the. giant donkey dong. Hearing the screaming & moaning sounds & seeing that her son's bedroom was slightly ajar Joyce Evans looked in & saw how much pleasure her mom was getting &...

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Cousins at Christmas

I never really knew my cousin. His family was on the west coast and he couldn't afford a trip home over Christmas, so he stayed with Mom and I during his college break. We'd met a couple of times over the years, but he was older and I was mostly just running around screaming and giggling with all the other little girls at family events. That was all years ago. I was a little shy when he arrived, but he was kind and funny. Mom made a nice dinner that first night and we all sat around the...

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Losing Virginity To A College Senior

Hi all, this is Raj again with another story for you all. This is not my story it is the story of a fan and im narrating on her behalf. For the reasons of her privacy i will not mention any nams and all the names are fake however the story is real. Kindly mail your feedabacks and experiences at Hi, im geeta, a 32 year old married woman with 2 children and a loving husband. This story is about the day i lost my virginity. No it was not to my husband, or even a boyfriend. It was the most...

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How I Gave My Virginity To Mr Roy

Hi everyone!!! This is my first story. In fact, it happened in real. My name is Manisha and I am 26 years old. I am on the chubbier side. I stand 5’6 tall and I have 36C boobs and 43 inches ass. It would be 36C -32 -43 when said properly. I have always been interested in sex right from my teenage. I grew curious about it. I learned to masturbate at the age of 18. The first time I masturbated, I read an instruction from the internet. It said to rub your clit continuously. I went to my room and I...

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The Girl on the Train part 1

First of a multi-part, disjointed but semi-sequential tale I started some time ago. Here's the first part, just a bit of gentle exhibitionism to get started :) Worth pursuing? Comment and let me know!The Girl on the TrainPart One of ???Sitting alone on the train, she yawned and checked her watch. It was just before 4am. She'd had to rush to catch this one actually, having finished work at the studio only 20 minutes earlier.Not many others were up and about at this time, in fact the carriage...

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I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...

2 years ago
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Bianca and the AmnesiacChapter 4

THE BARN WAS EMPTY. It smelled of dust and dryness and hay. There was no one in the farmhouse when we'd arrived in search of a place to hide and rest, but it wasn't deserted - the property too well maintained. My clothes itched. I'd sweated in them and slept in them for the past three days, maybe more but I couldn't remember. I was tired, too. Bianca looked a bit bedraggled, her hair messy. She looked exhausted, her face drawn. Despite that, her Egyptian blue eyes were clear and bright...

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Jia8217s Erotic Photoshoot in the Wild 8211 Day 1

Hello All. Nishant here from Bengaluru. I thank and appreciate all for reading my experiences and writing back to me. I have been offering massages for about 8 years now. My author page would give you a link to read more about my experiences if you have not read. I can be reached on or on my facebook page “Nish Massage Club” This happened about 6 months back. Unlike other experiences which is mostly a massage, this is not the same. This one is of an erotic photoshoot. Hopefully, you would...

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Missing the Cut

                                                                                                          Missing the Cut                                                                                 By                                                                           Lex Ludite                                    Chapter 1 (revised)        At  nearly 14 Micky, short for Maxine, Wilson was getting more coverage on the men's tour than they were. Using sponsor exemptions, her father was...

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Things Get BetterChapter 3

The one single day I could point to and say my life began to get better was a Friday. “Rodeo Rosie,” as I had started to think of her over the years because I could only take about eight seconds of her bull, made another attempt at ruining my day but was bucked off at six seconds when my fifteen-year-old daughter rushed out of the house with her duffle and announced she was ready to go. To make sure we did, indeed, go, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the car. Rose followed us and was...

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Weekend Fantasy Part 2

Our sex life definitely perked up after that first weekend away, with sex happening more frequently and more often instigated by my wife - I had certainly awakened something in her and often caught her with a smirk on her face, if I asked her what she was thinking about she would say 'revenge'. The Saturday before our next weekend away my wife announced that we would not be partaking in any sexual activities that week, and made me promise that I would not play with myself either - she knew this...

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The Vine

Let’s set the scene a little then we will become her in the story We see Zeta tending her garden on her knees with her tight shorts and snug fitting top that just clings enough to show the outline of her breasts and hard nipples as she is not a perfect ten. A little extra weight here and there. But still a nice looking young woman. She is pulling weeds and planting new plants in the bed. She sees a strange plant that looks like a vine. As she starts to pull it up she stops and thinks to...

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Airgasms Between Orgasms

This is a sequel to Airgasms Before Orgasms and you will miss much if you haven’t read that. ‘Just you, me, and the sky then.’ ‘I like the sound of that.’ ‘Does that mean I can bum a ride back to town with you tomorrow?’ I knew right after I said it that something was wrong. Randi tensed up like she’d just heard a pilot say, ‘Oh shit.’ She rolled off me and turned her back to me and I could sense the heat getting sucked out of her opinion of me. ‘Hey. What did I say?’ ‘It’s nothing.’ ‘It’s not...

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GangbangCreampie Alena Croft G90

Part 2 in Episode 90 of GangBangCreampie is as always the hot, creampie filled GangBang of Alena. Alena has been very very naughty this year, that doesn’t mean she’s getting coal. Quite the opposite, this year she’s getting cum. And lots of it. Our little eskimo is very overdressed, so the #Cocksmen make short work of those snow boots and yoga pants. They surround her, eat that delicious pussy, fill her mouth and hands with their cocks. She takes cock after cock from every...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 2 My first encounter with the strap

"If this is a slave's life, give me more of it," I thought to myself as I reclined in the first class seat for the flight to Riyadh. Previously my flights had all been economy class with limited space. Sapphire must have read my thoughts for she leaned over and murmured, "Make the most of it, the next part is on one of our own aircraft and you will start your life as a slave." On this flight the king had bought the whole of the first class cabin for our sole use and he expected and...

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Ahemdabad Se Ajmer Ka Rasta

Doston,ye meri pahli kahani hai ummid hai ki aap ko uttejit karegi utsahit karegi aur prerit karegi mera naam Yogi hai mai 42 saal ka fit kad kathi 5.11″ 64 kg wajandaar shaks hoo mai ek manovigyaan subject ka asst profesor hoo aur mujme insaan ki shakl dekh ke uske hav bhav dekh ke uski Manosthiti jaan ne ki kshhmta hai,mai kai baar is shakti se kai shadi shuda aurton ko apna saathi bana chuka hon ye meri pahli story hai pasand aaye to daad dena housla badhana mail bhej ke Hai baat 3 saal...

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