Sklavin gesucht
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Sklavin gesucht!
Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen.
Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische Geräte an ahnungslose Kunden verscherbelte. Sabrina war mit ihren 26 Jahren die jüngste im Team aber auch die auffälligste Erscheinung. Mit 1.92m Größe überragte sie alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen und mit ihrem Aussehen hätte sie ohne weiteres auch eine Modelkarriere machen können, allerdings waren ihr Äußerlichkeiten absolut unwichtig. Auf ihren nicht Enden wollenden Beinen, ruhte ein makelloser Körper, der sich durch wohlgeformte Brüste in 80 B, einer sehr schlanken Taille und einem festen, runden Po auszeichnete. Zu ihrer Standardgarderobe gehörten allerdings nur flache, bequeme Schuhe, Jeanshosen, eine Bluse und darüber meist ein taillierter Blazer, der ihre Figur nur leicht betonte. Bei den Kollegen war sie geachtet aber nicht unbedingt beliebt, weil sie allein durch ihre Größe und ihre aufrechte Haltung etwas arrogant wirkte. Die glatten dunklen Haare trug sie immer in einem losen Zopf nach hinten gebunden und geschminkt hatte sie hier auch noch keiner gesehen. Die geschwungenen Augenbrauen über den dunklen Augen und die vollen Lippen ließen sie trotzdem sehr erotisch erscheinen. Auch wenn sie lachte und ihre blendend weißen Zähne zeigte, konnte ihr keiner der Kollegen mehr atwas abschlagen. Einige Kollegen hatten sich in Gesprächen schon oft darüber unterhalten, was aus ihr alles zu machen wäre, wenn sie sich mal etwas fraulicher kleiden und vernünftig schminken würde.
"Na, schon was gefunden?" Ihr Kollege Willi Terheiden stand in der Türe und sah sie fragend an.
"Nein, nur die üblichen Anzeigen", antwortete Sabrina gelangweilt und konzentrierte sich wieder auf die Zeitung. Ihr Kollege ging weiter in sein Büro, das nebenan lag. Plötzlich blieben ihre Augen an einer Zeile zwischen zwei Kleinanzeigen hängen:
´Sklavin gesucht´stand da ganz unscheinbar ohne Fettdruck nur mit einer Handynummer dahinter.
"Das gibt´s doch nicht!" entfuhr es ihr entrüstet. Diese Schweine! Wer ist schon so blöd sich darauf zu melden, ging es ihr durch den Kopf. Diesen Perverslingen müßte man ein für allemal das Handwerk legen. Das wäre was, wenn es ihr gelingen würde, solche Leute zu erwischen. Freiwillig meldet sich ja keiner als Sklave, dachte sie zynisch. Die Mädchen werden doch alle erpresst. Na, denen werd ich´s geben, die mach ich fertig, war sie sich auf einmal im Klaren. Schon wählte sie die Nummer und machte sich auf ein Gespräch bereit.
"Hallo Sklavin," ertönte eine ruhige Frauenstimme von einem Band, "schön das Du endlich anrufst. Du hättest dich schon viel früher melden sollen. Gib´mir nach dem Piep Deinen Namen und deine Telefonnummer, Du erfährst dann umgehend weiteres. Piiiep!" Sabrina war etwas verdutzt. "Eh, Sa... eh, Sandra hier", stotterte sie und gab dann ihre Mobilnummer an.
"Ich hoffe Sie melden sich bald" fügte sie noch hinzu und legte wieder auf. Ihr Herz schlug bis zum Hals, sie atmete erstmal tief ein und aus und setzte sich dann auf ihrem Stuhl entspannt zurück. Gebannt starrte sie auf das Telefon. Was hatte sie gemacht? Soll ich jetzt die Kollegen informieren oder erst mal sehen was dahinter steckt? Na, abwarten, die Kollegen kann ich immer noch rechtzeitig informieren.
In den nächsten Tagen wartete sie gespannt auf einen Anruf, aber es tat sich nichts.
Als am Freitag Abend ihr Handy schellte, hatte sie schon gar nicht mehr daran gedacht.
"Hallo Sklavin" ertönte wieder diese Stimme von einem Band, "komme am Samstag um 15.30 Uhr zur Neueröffnung in die Schillerstr.36" Das war alles. Verdutzt schaute Sabrina auf ihr Handy. Das schaue ich mir jetzt doch schon mal aus der Nähe an, dachte sie sich und ging hinunter zu ihrem Wagen. Schillerstraße ist doch dieses Altbaugebiet, wo laufend was abgerissen wird und Hausbesetzer sich herumtreiben. Nach ca. 15 Min. war sie am Ziel. Schillerstr.36
Es lag ein kleines Ladenlokal vor ihr, bei dem die Fensterscheiben noch mit Zeitungen verklebt waren. Der Name des Ladens war zu erkennen: BODYART stand in großen Buchstaben über der Türe. Auf einem Plaket an der Türe noch: Neueröffnung am Samstag, mit dem Datum von Morgen. Hier würde sie Morgen auf jeden Fall auftauchen und am Montag sofort den Besitzer feststellen lassen. Dann könnte sie die Falle zuschnappen lassen. Sie freute sich schon, die werden nicht mehr viel Spaß an ihren Sklavinnen haben, lachte sie innerlich.
Am Samstag konnte sie es kaum erwarten bis endlich die Zeit gekommen war. Pünktlich um 15.30 Uhr stand sie in der Tür und trat hinein. Na, ein Renner wird der Laden wohl nicht werden, dachte sie. Kein Mensch zu sehen. Als ein junger Mann aus einer kleinen Türe plötzlich auftauchte und freundlich lächelnd auf sie zukam erschrak sie kurz, fing sich aber sofort wieder. Sie gab sich etwas naiv und sagte: "Guten Tag, ich sollte mich heute um diese Uhrzeit hier einfinden." "Wirklich schön, daß Sie gekommen sind", begrüßte sie der junge Mann sehr freundlich. "Ich darf Ihnen doch als Erstes ein Glas Sekt zu unserer Neueröffnung anbieten"? fragte er in zuvorkommendem Ton, lächelte offen und drehte sich schon wieder um und verschwand hinter der Türe. Da konnte sie schlecht nein sagen und nickte nur, aber das sah er schon nicht mehr. Sie hörte einen Sektkorken knallen und kurz darauf erschien er wieder mit zwei halbvollen Gläsern. Er war bestimmt 20 cm kleiner als sie und blickte bewundernd zu ihr auf. "Sie sehen toll aus, wenn ich das so sagen darf" entschuldigte er sich gleichzeitig, "aber leider etwas zu groß für mich. Prost". Er stieß mit ihr an und sie leerten beide das Glas in einem Zug. "So", sagte er, "dann kommen wir jetzt schnell zu den Formalitäten". Damit griff er unter eine kleine Theke und legte ein Formular auf den Tisch. " 50,-- Euro Mitgliedsbeitrag und Ihre Unterschrift brauche ich dann noch" und deutete auf die unterste Zeile auf dem Formular.
"Wie, 50,-- Euro!" entfuhr es Sabrina. "Da brauche ich aber eine Quittung", ergänzte sie schnell. Das Geld bekam sie ja wieder, wenn sie den Fall gelöst hätte. Schon hatte sie ihr Portemonnais in der Hand und holte das Geld heraus. "Und eine Kopie vom Personalausweis" sagte der Mann schnell und zeigte auf ihren Ausweis. Verdammt, da hatte sie nicht dran gedacht. Jetzt war ihr richtiger Name und ihre Adresse bekannt. Mist, flucht sie innerlich, gab das Stück aber bereitwillig heraus, um kein Mißtrauen zu erwecken. "Ich mach´kurz eine Kopie davon" erklärte er und war sofort im Nachbarzimmer verschwunden. Sie hörte das Rauschen eines Kopierers und dann kam er auch schon zurück. "Jetzt nur noch die Unterschrift und dann zeige ich Ihnen mal, was wir alles so machen" reichte ihr den Kugelschreiber und sie setzte ihre Unterschrift mit einem etwas mulmigen Gefühl unter das Papier. Flink war es in einer Schublade verstaut und der Mann ging zu der Tür zum Nachbarraum und hielt sie ihr offen."Kommen sie ruhig herein, es passiert schon nichts schlimmes." Der Mann verströmte soviel Offenheit und Freundlichkeit, daß sie von ihm keine Gefahr erwartete. Im Nachbarzimmer war es drückend warm. Sie merkte wie ihr die Atmung schon Mühe machte. Dem jungen Mann schien die Hitze nichts auszumachen. Er schaute sie nur fragend an. "Ist Ihnen nicht gut?" "Oh, es geht schon, aber hier ist es so warm drin" antwortete Sabrina und ergänzte "aber mir wird auf einmal auch ganz schwindlig." Sie hielt sich an der Liege fest, die mitten im Raum stand und schwankte. "Setzen Sie sich doch bitte" bot der junge Mann ihr an und führte sie zu einem etwas ungewöhnlichen Stuhl. Erschöpft ließ sie sich fallen und merkte plötzlich, daß sie ihre Arme und Beine gar nicht mehr bewegen konnte. Sie wollte aufstehen und etwas sagen, aber es rang sich nur ein lallender Ton aus ihrem geöffneten Mund. "Keine Angst" versuchte der Mann sie zu beruhigen, "entspannen Sie ganz einfach, lassen Sie sich fallen. Ich kümmere mich schon um sie." Die Stimme beruhigte sie etwas aber sie konnte sowieso alles nur verschwommen wahrnehmen. So bemerkte sie gar nicht richtig, wie der Stuhl auf einmal seine Position veränderte und in die Waagerechte nach hinten gedreht wurde. Er öffnete jetzt ihre Hose und zog sie ihr aus. Dann folge ihr Slip und er schaute nur kurz auf die braunen Locken auf ihrem Venushügel. Mit schnellen Fingern knöpfte er ihre Bluse auf, streifte ihr Unterhemd hoch und öffnete etwas mühsam ihren BH, den er dann einfach nach oben streifte.
Als er ihre Brüste freilegte, stieß er aber einen anerkennenden Pfiff aus. Man, das waren Dinger. Prall und fest und die roten Nippel in den dunkelen Aureolen zeigten kess nach oben. Er griff einmal kurz zu und ließ die Brüste bis zu den Brustwarzen durch seine Finger gleiten. Die Frau schien davon nichts zu bermerken, denn sie stierte nur zur Decke und Speichel lief aus ihrem geöffneten Mund heraus. Sie stöhnte leicht. Jetzt erst befestigte er Arme und Beine mit Lederriemen am Stuhl und klappte mit einem kurzen Griff die Sitzfläche in waagerechte Position nach unten. Jetzt lag Sabrina fast wie auf einem gynäkologischem Stuhl. Ihre gespreizten Beine legten ihre Scham vor dem jungen Mann völlig frei. Jetzt musste er ihr nur noch einen kleinen Knebel verpassen und dann konnte er anfangen.
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xmoviesforyouRimi laying naked, surrounded by 3 dicks. One in her pussy and 2 in her either hand. She is stroking both the dicks with her hands and moaning while getting fucked very hard. It’s 4:00 am and the heat in the room is gradually increasing. She could hear the moaning of someone beside her, which turned her on even more Hey guys, back with the most awaited part of the series. Do read the previous parts of this series to understand the story. Well, sorry for the long delay. I was caught up with some...
In response to several readers who wanted me to provide more details regarding the romance between Rick and Erika I’ve written this sequel. While it could be a stand alone story I strongly recommend that you read ‘Fighting Terrorism – Finding Love’ first. I hope you enjoy reading the sequel as much I did in writing it. I, also, wish to thank Blunajana for her help in correcting some of my German terms and translations. I hope they have all been addressed in this sequel. Thanks for reading...
First let me start with saying, we are not swingers. My wife and I have always been pretty sex positive and are very open about using fantasy for play, but we have never actually been with any other couples or invited singles into our play. My wife had always liked talking about fantasies that involved other people, but insisted that she would never be into a threesome or other people. For several months, the fantasy topic that seems to have elicited the most wetness from my wife was for us to...
I always had a sick cum fetish but I really wasn't gay so I went to a place were no one knew me and that was I Queens new york I had heard about gay black guys fucking in toilets so I thought I would try it. After a few hours of driving I reach Queens and I head for a place next to the basketball court. "Hey, sorry bra but were is the public toilet?" "ther' toilet is right' there' white boy!" "Okay thank you. " I park my car and head for the toilet, I enter the cubical with holes on each side...
Gay*****This was the first story I ever wrote. I know its not in the best format, but I've decided I wanted to leave it be instead of virtually changing the story as I try to make it more organized. I think it has its own charm in being a story of a new writer and I wanted to let it stay that way. I'd love to hear what you think!***** It was a typical day. Well not so typical. I was going to see Master. And not only for a few hours. ALL DAY. It had been awhile since he had been able...
My name is Sue. I'm 28, 5'6" and weigh 118 pounds. I've got firm C-cup tits, a trim body, pale skin and shoulder length brown hair. I've been married to Jim for almost three years. I was not a virgin when we married. I lost my virginity up at our lake house, to my uncle who was fifteen years older than me, when I was 16. I had been with several boyfriends before getting married to Jim and had enjoyed good sex with each of them, but I had decided that I would be happy to settle down...
I run an social group in San Francisco. A few days before our last event, a new member, L, emailed me and said she wanted to come to the Happy Hour but was shy in big groups (our group usually attracts 70 or so people ). No problem, I emailed her back, come find me or one of the other organizers and I'll introduce you to a few people.The night of the Happy Hour, she shows up and I realize I'm fucked. She's cute, petite, dresses well - I'm instantly attracted to her. But I'm on this...
I have never met a man or woman as confident as the young woman who took my anal virginity. She was not dominating, or arrogant, just very confident in herself and her judgments of people. How she knew a guy like me would give her what she wanted, and what I learned to want, I still do not know. We met when I was doing a work survey of a local university to add some decorative pieces to the administration areas and the student union's offices. I had started up a specialty business to do...
The the little tease handed coach the medical note sheepishly averting judging eyes , slightly flushed by embarrasment .The note read, Please excuse sharon from practice as a vibrating buttplug is firmly ln her anus.Her vergina is in a delicate state.No physical activities . Sharon slowly walked to the bleachers with a faint humming and a dampness ln her panties . Coach moved up to the bench , there was a low cinder block block wall obstructing his view of most of her body. The ...
Hello indian sex stories dot net doston me chandubakchod fir se hazir hu ” couple dance with bhabhi” aapne pdhi hogi I m 24 years be graduate avg body wheatish lounda from bhilai , ghar me mere mummy papa hn dono govt job me hain aur bhiya bhabhi , and 3 bahane , 1 badi h aur 2 choti h , meri elder sis ka naam sakshi , she is 5’4 fair has figure 32-27-32 , 26 year be etnt , working as asst manager in reputed company , ek din di boli- chandu teko 2 sal ho gya passout hue ghar me bas tv dekhta h...
By : Writernial Hello to all the readers on ISS. I would like to first thank all the readers who had written to me after reading my story uploaded a few days ago. The response I received was tremendous and it was not possible for me to reply each and individual mail though I did reply to a selected few of them. I had received scores of request for adding them to chat but it was not proper to accept some and decline others. After much deliberation, I am writing my next experience in sex with yet...
Rosa stamped her feet in frustration. "Why can't I see him?!" Roberta, her mother, shook her head. "It is complicated, but I'll explain it to you. Just be patient." The teen drew in a breath, and held it, trying to relax. "Okay, mom. Explain it to me." Roberta wrestled with the words in her mind. "It would be easier if I spoke Spanish." Rosa shook her head. "Uh uh. You know the rules. We can only speak English." She nodded wearily. "I know. I know. "Carlos is going through...
Maddie grew up in a small village and has lived nineteen years of her life being a good girl. Unlike all her peers she rarely went out and almost never got drunk. She tried cigarettes when she was sixteen but she saw no fun in the coughing and smelly breath that followed. So it was her first and last time.Having been accepted to her first choice university, she has been studying towards becoming a teacher. She even went to church every Sunday with her family. Not because she believed in any of...
LesbianNot that they had been doin' us much good that we could tell, we got word that the soldiers at Fort Gaines were bein' sent ta New Orleans. An attack wuz expected by them damned English down there, an' the soldiers were needed more there than here. Anyway, we wuz operatin' on what the Army called "heightened alert." The Army left an' the Injuns got the hint. The trouble started slowly, but it was steadily increasin', 'til we had a full fledged war on our hands, again. At least, by...
Octavia Red loves showing off her sexy body during the summer. The stunning blonde in a red bikini knows that her new gardener, Isiah Maxwell, is looking at her with lust while she sunbathes in the yard. The sight of the gorgeous hottie flaunting her sexiness outdoors is too much to resist. Isiah goes straight to Octavia and lets her suck his cock. After the sensual blowjob, the horny duo goes to the room to continue the fun. Isiah enjoys sucking Octavia’s big titties and eating out her...
xmoviesforyouI was halfway through shaving my tits when I heard the doorbell over the music. My Were senses engaged suddenly as I looked into the mirror. I'd shaved one breast smooth and the other still had a rough five-day stubble smothered in shave gel. I reached out a wet, foamy finger and the extended claw tapped the screen with no effect. Grimacing, I angled my hand until the pad of the finger touched pause, silencing the music and leaving a smear on the phone screen. I listened, noticing that I'd...
SupernaturalBig titted MILF Dee Williams wants her stepson to be a brainiac. So, when he comes home from school complaining about having a bad day, she is upset that he is not getting the most out of his education. She hopes to turn his attitude around by having him teach her at least one cool thing he learned today. He makes up a fun fact, that MILF breasts grow when their stepsons reach a certain point of sexual maturity, and Dee just eats it right up! She whips out her growing boobs and slides his thick...
xmoviesforyouI had never even seen a picture of Alex before I got on a plane to meet her. We had emailed and chatted, mostly about writing and sex. Every now and then the conversations would get flirty, but they never turned into anything promising.Believe it or not, there was a time when just writing on the internet could lead to a meaningful relationship. This was in the early 2000s. I was posting erotica on a blogging site and had about 200 regular readers. I was twenty-four and single and had money...
TrueIt had been a bad day, all told, the masters had been especially attentive to his studies recently, something that always annoyed him as he was used to having a rather higher autonomy than others. Kai wasn’t like other students, he was a prodigy of sorts, an illusionist in the college without peer for his age, his fellow students leagues behind him in this school of magic. He had shortcomings, of course, his success and prowess outside of illusionary magic was limited, but while the Masters...
"No way," my dad said. "Your mom and I can catch up anytime. You moved out of town again. You were gone four years in the Air Force. then two years in that community college thing down east and now you are living in the mountains. So tell us all about the place where you live." "I live in a fifty year old motel, how exciting can that be?" I asked. "So have you met anyone interesting?" mom asked. "If you mean have I met any men, I had a date last night. The first date I have had in...
Wow, What a day, turning 17 sure was fun! I lay back in my bed trying to recall what had just happened. I came home from school at 5pm to find a note on the table from mum telling me to go round to grandpa's to thank him for my present. So I ran upstairs to change. As I passed Uncle Toms room I glanced in, the dirty old git was at it again, laying on top of his bed wanking his enormous cock. I moved back a little so that he did not see me and watched as he pumped his manhood harder and...
IncestIt was weeklong intercollegiate Science exhibition at our college. So as part of my job assigned I have to take care of the visiting colleague to where to our college for an exhibition. people contact me. My life was always full of fun laughter and surprises. Shikha was a 28-year-old chemistry teacher for a reputed college in the city. They had their project setup in our college. From the first meeting we had she requested me that she didn’t have a clue about competition and if I should help...
Hello friends…Mera naam Sushant h…Meri height 6.2 inches h aur fair skin tone h…Mere dick ka size 7 inches h aur mera stamina bed me bht zyada h…Ab me seedhe apni life k real incident par aata hu jo aaj se 2 saal pehla ka h jb mene MBBS first year me hi tha…Meri ek cousin sister h jo mjhse bus 1 saal choti h….Jo bht zyada beautiful aur hot h…Uska figure 34-28-36 h…Wo uske sare bhaiyo me se sbse zyada close mjhse thi…Mjhe pta nhi kyu hmesha esa lgta tha ki wo mere liye kch feel krti h.. Wese wo...
The internet is just a pool of photos with little explaination that make one question, theorize, and fantasize about the backstory to the photograph. Here I'm encouraging authors to find some of their favorites and see what they can do with their minds and a google image search. Enjoy what their perverted minds have come up with and here is a link to the forum page where people can post images they'd like to see here.
Megan was still asleep, and I had been watching her for nearly twenty minutes. Her blonde hair cascaded in waves over the pillow and her face was peaceful and content. I smiled as I watched her breathing, her chest slowly rising and falling in rhythm with her breaths. The sheet had fallen down around her waist, leaving her chest exposed. I slowly moved my hand over to her breasts. They were still asleep, just like the rest of her, but I had made up my mind to wake them up. I slowly began...
We met at a café with good coffee and a quiet corner and talked about our lives, politics and culture. Why did we not talk about sex?Her screen name on Hamster was horny_Scot, but her real name was Lena, and we had messaged for a wee while, sharing some sexual fantasies, and she had liked them enough to meet me.When I had sat down at the table to wait for her, I had been nervous as hell. What if she didn't like me? What if I didn't like her?The latter worry turned out to be unwarranted: she was...
I was just about to make a call when Lara poked her head into my room. “Back to the telephone life, huh?” she said, giving me a sympathetic look. “Yep. Hard times again.” “You could’ve been born a hundred years ago,” she observed, “and then you wouldn’t even have had the phone.” “If I’d been born a hundred years ago, I would’ve missed out on her completely. And on you too, sis ... But I’m glad for the phone either way.” Lara nodded thoughtfully. “True. Come up to the cabin when you’re...
My relationship with Sean lasted all Sumer while I was working at the law firm. I was having a great deal of sex that summer when I was nineteen. Not only were Sean and I fucking a lot but I was still dating Derrick and he and I fucked a lot as well. Sean knew about Derrick of course but Derrick did not know about Sean. It was easy to cheat on Derrick, not that I considered it cheating. Like with any guy who wants to date me I am honest and upfront about what I am looking for in the...
TrueChapter 1: At the tearoom of the airport. In the evening, Sylvie and Rick sat down at the tearoom of the airport. Theydidn't intend to catch a flight. They just enjoyed the view of planes landingor parting. And to have a drink of course. They were a couple for only twomonths. Still much exploring to do. ?So when did you have your first sexual experience, Rick?? ?Whoa! Sensitive subject. I lost my virginity at the age of eighteen.? Theman admitted. ?There's no shame losing your virginity at...
We have all had encounters that we remember and those we want to forget, but this particular one I had has stuck in my mind, even though I have for so long tried to put it out of my mind. I periodically I find myself remembering this eventful time in my life and I slip back to when it all happened. Maybe I wish it would somehow materialize again or that I could somehow go back and relive the experience. I have mixed feeling about it, but when it creeps back into my thoughts and I end up...
"Good day Frank. Same place?" asked the waitress. "Good morning Sylvia, you know me well", he answered with a smile. His muscle memory lead him to his favourite seat, a single-person sofa connected to a small table. It was covered by a long and fancy tablecloth that extended to the ground all around, with the exception of an area around the sofa itself. People of this era gave this particular setup the name of "serviced table". Frank had a very long and stressful week of meetings...
Kink watched the clock closely; he wanted her to have time to worry about what was going to happen but not too much time. As the clock approached the two hour mark he took a deep breath and got ready to go back upstairs. This was the moment of truth, could he turn her? Could he show her she was actually a submissive in her heart, underneath all her bluster and bravado? Along with the other side of the coin, in some ways she was changing him. He would always be a Dom, but he was able to stay...
one day after school, my little sister came into my room and started asking me a lot of questions about sex. she had been talking with her friends at school and wanted to know how it worked. i didn't know much about sex but i told her that the boy's penis gets hard and stiff and goes into the girl's vagina. she said she had never seen a penis and asked me to show her mine. she watched in fascination as i took my clothes off and proudly showed her my privates. "now show me yours", I said, and...