Sklavin gesucht
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Sklavin gesucht!
Sabrina Schmitz saß an ihrem Schreibtisch und studierte die Kleinanzeigen in der Tageszeitung. Nicht, das sie etwas spezielles für sich suchte, sie las alles eher aus beruflichen Gründen.
Als Kommissarin der Polizei in Aachen, verfolgte sie mit ihren Kollegen im Kommissariat für organisierte Kriminalität alles was ihr ungewöhnlich erschien. So konnten sie im letzten Jahr eine internationale Hehlerbande dingfest machen, die über Kleinanzeigen Fernseher und andere elektronische Geräte an ahnungslose Kunden verscherbelte. Sabrina war mit ihren 26 Jahren die jüngste im Team aber auch die auffälligste Erscheinung. Mit 1.92m Größe überragte sie alle Kolleginnen und Kollegen und mit ihrem Aussehen hätte sie ohne weiteres auch eine Modelkarriere machen können, allerdings waren ihr Äußerlichkeiten absolut unwichtig. Auf ihren nicht Enden wollenden Beinen, ruhte ein makelloser Körper, der sich durch wohlgeformte Brüste in 80 B, einer sehr schlanken Taille und einem festen, runden Po auszeichnete. Zu ihrer Standardgarderobe gehörten allerdings nur flache, bequeme Schuhe, Jeanshosen, eine Bluse und darüber meist ein taillierter Blazer, der ihre Figur nur leicht betonte. Bei den Kollegen war sie geachtet aber nicht unbedingt beliebt, weil sie allein durch ihre Größe und ihre aufrechte Haltung etwas arrogant wirkte. Die glatten dunklen Haare trug sie immer in einem losen Zopf nach hinten gebunden und geschminkt hatte sie hier auch noch keiner gesehen. Die geschwungenen Augenbrauen über den dunklen Augen und die vollen Lippen ließen sie trotzdem sehr erotisch erscheinen. Auch wenn sie lachte und ihre blendend weißen Zähne zeigte, konnte ihr keiner der Kollegen mehr atwas abschlagen. Einige Kollegen hatten sich in Gesprächen schon oft darüber unterhalten, was aus ihr alles zu machen wäre, wenn sie sich mal etwas fraulicher kleiden und vernünftig schminken würde.
"Na, schon was gefunden?" Ihr Kollege Willi Terheiden stand in der Türe und sah sie fragend an.
"Nein, nur die üblichen Anzeigen", antwortete Sabrina gelangweilt und konzentrierte sich wieder auf die Zeitung. Ihr Kollege ging weiter in sein Büro, das nebenan lag. Plötzlich blieben ihre Augen an einer Zeile zwischen zwei Kleinanzeigen hängen:
´Sklavin gesucht´stand da ganz unscheinbar ohne Fettdruck nur mit einer Handynummer dahinter.
"Das gibt´s doch nicht!" entfuhr es ihr entrüstet. Diese Schweine! Wer ist schon so blöd sich darauf zu melden, ging es ihr durch den Kopf. Diesen Perverslingen müßte man ein für allemal das Handwerk legen. Das wäre was, wenn es ihr gelingen würde, solche Leute zu erwischen. Freiwillig meldet sich ja keiner als Sklave, dachte sie zynisch. Die Mädchen werden doch alle erpresst. Na, denen werd ich´s geben, die mach ich fertig, war sie sich auf einmal im Klaren. Schon wählte sie die Nummer und machte sich auf ein Gespräch bereit.
"Hallo Sklavin," ertönte eine ruhige Frauenstimme von einem Band, "schön das Du endlich anrufst. Du hättest dich schon viel früher melden sollen. Gib´mir nach dem Piep Deinen Namen und deine Telefonnummer, Du erfährst dann umgehend weiteres. Piiiep!" Sabrina war etwas verdutzt. "Eh, Sa... eh, Sandra hier", stotterte sie und gab dann ihre Mobilnummer an.
"Ich hoffe Sie melden sich bald" fügte sie noch hinzu und legte wieder auf. Ihr Herz schlug bis zum Hals, sie atmete erstmal tief ein und aus und setzte sich dann auf ihrem Stuhl entspannt zurück. Gebannt starrte sie auf das Telefon. Was hatte sie gemacht? Soll ich jetzt die Kollegen informieren oder erst mal sehen was dahinter steckt? Na, abwarten, die Kollegen kann ich immer noch rechtzeitig informieren.
In den nächsten Tagen wartete sie gespannt auf einen Anruf, aber es tat sich nichts.
Als am Freitag Abend ihr Handy schellte, hatte sie schon gar nicht mehr daran gedacht.
"Hallo Sklavin" ertönte wieder diese Stimme von einem Band, "komme am Samstag um 15.30 Uhr zur Neueröffnung in die Schillerstr.36" Das war alles. Verdutzt schaute Sabrina auf ihr Handy. Das schaue ich mir jetzt doch schon mal aus der Nähe an, dachte sie sich und ging hinunter zu ihrem Wagen. Schillerstraße ist doch dieses Altbaugebiet, wo laufend was abgerissen wird und Hausbesetzer sich herumtreiben. Nach ca. 15 Min. war sie am Ziel. Schillerstr.36
Es lag ein kleines Ladenlokal vor ihr, bei dem die Fensterscheiben noch mit Zeitungen verklebt waren. Der Name des Ladens war zu erkennen: BODYART stand in großen Buchstaben über der Türe. Auf einem Plaket an der Türe noch: Neueröffnung am Samstag, mit dem Datum von Morgen. Hier würde sie Morgen auf jeden Fall auftauchen und am Montag sofort den Besitzer feststellen lassen. Dann könnte sie die Falle zuschnappen lassen. Sie freute sich schon, die werden nicht mehr viel Spaß an ihren Sklavinnen haben, lachte sie innerlich.
Am Samstag konnte sie es kaum erwarten bis endlich die Zeit gekommen war. Pünktlich um 15.30 Uhr stand sie in der Tür und trat hinein. Na, ein Renner wird der Laden wohl nicht werden, dachte sie. Kein Mensch zu sehen. Als ein junger Mann aus einer kleinen Türe plötzlich auftauchte und freundlich lächelnd auf sie zukam erschrak sie kurz, fing sich aber sofort wieder. Sie gab sich etwas naiv und sagte: "Guten Tag, ich sollte mich heute um diese Uhrzeit hier einfinden." "Wirklich schön, daß Sie gekommen sind", begrüßte sie der junge Mann sehr freundlich. "Ich darf Ihnen doch als Erstes ein Glas Sekt zu unserer Neueröffnung anbieten"? fragte er in zuvorkommendem Ton, lächelte offen und drehte sich schon wieder um und verschwand hinter der Türe. Da konnte sie schlecht nein sagen und nickte nur, aber das sah er schon nicht mehr. Sie hörte einen Sektkorken knallen und kurz darauf erschien er wieder mit zwei halbvollen Gläsern. Er war bestimmt 20 cm kleiner als sie und blickte bewundernd zu ihr auf. "Sie sehen toll aus, wenn ich das so sagen darf" entschuldigte er sich gleichzeitig, "aber leider etwas zu groß für mich. Prost". Er stieß mit ihr an und sie leerten beide das Glas in einem Zug. "So", sagte er, "dann kommen wir jetzt schnell zu den Formalitäten". Damit griff er unter eine kleine Theke und legte ein Formular auf den Tisch. " 50,-- Euro Mitgliedsbeitrag und Ihre Unterschrift brauche ich dann noch" und deutete auf die unterste Zeile auf dem Formular.
"Wie, 50,-- Euro!" entfuhr es Sabrina. "Da brauche ich aber eine Quittung", ergänzte sie schnell. Das Geld bekam sie ja wieder, wenn sie den Fall gelöst hätte. Schon hatte sie ihr Portemonnais in der Hand und holte das Geld heraus. "Und eine Kopie vom Personalausweis" sagte der Mann schnell und zeigte auf ihren Ausweis. Verdammt, da hatte sie nicht dran gedacht. Jetzt war ihr richtiger Name und ihre Adresse bekannt. Mist, flucht sie innerlich, gab das Stück aber bereitwillig heraus, um kein Mißtrauen zu erwecken. "Ich mach´kurz eine Kopie davon" erklärte er und war sofort im Nachbarzimmer verschwunden. Sie hörte das Rauschen eines Kopierers und dann kam er auch schon zurück. "Jetzt nur noch die Unterschrift und dann zeige ich Ihnen mal, was wir alles so machen" reichte ihr den Kugelschreiber und sie setzte ihre Unterschrift mit einem etwas mulmigen Gefühl unter das Papier. Flink war es in einer Schublade verstaut und der Mann ging zu der Tür zum Nachbarraum und hielt sie ihr offen."Kommen sie ruhig herein, es passiert schon nichts schlimmes." Der Mann verströmte soviel Offenheit und Freundlichkeit, daß sie von ihm keine Gefahr erwartete. Im Nachbarzimmer war es drückend warm. Sie merkte wie ihr die Atmung schon Mühe machte. Dem jungen Mann schien die Hitze nichts auszumachen. Er schaute sie nur fragend an. "Ist Ihnen nicht gut?" "Oh, es geht schon, aber hier ist es so warm drin" antwortete Sabrina und ergänzte "aber mir wird auf einmal auch ganz schwindlig." Sie hielt sich an der Liege fest, die mitten im Raum stand und schwankte. "Setzen Sie sich doch bitte" bot der junge Mann ihr an und führte sie zu einem etwas ungewöhnlichen Stuhl. Erschöpft ließ sie sich fallen und merkte plötzlich, daß sie ihre Arme und Beine gar nicht mehr bewegen konnte. Sie wollte aufstehen und etwas sagen, aber es rang sich nur ein lallender Ton aus ihrem geöffneten Mund. "Keine Angst" versuchte der Mann sie zu beruhigen, "entspannen Sie ganz einfach, lassen Sie sich fallen. Ich kümmere mich schon um sie." Die Stimme beruhigte sie etwas aber sie konnte sowieso alles nur verschwommen wahrnehmen. So bemerkte sie gar nicht richtig, wie der Stuhl auf einmal seine Position veränderte und in die Waagerechte nach hinten gedreht wurde. Er öffnete jetzt ihre Hose und zog sie ihr aus. Dann folge ihr Slip und er schaute nur kurz auf die braunen Locken auf ihrem Venushügel. Mit schnellen Fingern knöpfte er ihre Bluse auf, streifte ihr Unterhemd hoch und öffnete etwas mühsam ihren BH, den er dann einfach nach oben streifte.
Als er ihre Brüste freilegte, stieß er aber einen anerkennenden Pfiff aus. Man, das waren Dinger. Prall und fest und die roten Nippel in den dunkelen Aureolen zeigten kess nach oben. Er griff einmal kurz zu und ließ die Brüste bis zu den Brustwarzen durch seine Finger gleiten. Die Frau schien davon nichts zu bermerken, denn sie stierte nur zur Decke und Speichel lief aus ihrem geöffneten Mund heraus. Sie stöhnte leicht. Jetzt erst befestigte er Arme und Beine mit Lederriemen am Stuhl und klappte mit einem kurzen Griff die Sitzfläche in waagerechte Position nach unten. Jetzt lag Sabrina fast wie auf einem gynäkologischem Stuhl. Ihre gespreizten Beine legten ihre Scham vor dem jungen Mann völlig frei. Jetzt musste er ihr nur noch einen kleinen Knebel verpassen und dann konnte er anfangen.
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Hi to all ISS readers this is Varun back to share my another experience with you it is my 15th story in ISS and for those who don’t know me I am Varun 23 years old guy from Chennai with an average body and have a six inch tool. Anyone can contact me through This is my experience of fucking a lady in a moving train and in middle of nowhere. Now coming to the story I used to get reply for my stories and I got a mail from a lady named Nalini (name changed). She is from Delhi and she dropped me a...
Hello ISS lovers! The following story was inspired by a brief line sent to me by one of my friends ( a female, of course! ). I hope you would love reading my first attempt to post a lesbian story for you to enjoy! Vanishree, was petite although she always evoked those usual glares from guys around. Migrating from a small town to a buzzing city wasn’t easy although she had begun coping up with the ordeals of being a part of the cosmopolitan. She wasn’t feeling humiliated anymore whenever guys...
LesbianBy: Ramya Hi, ISS readers. This is Ramya. An Indian housewife, 28 yrs old. I wish to share my one more experiences with the readers of this website. This is a year back. Ours is arranged marriage and we live away from our parental place. My husband is in a corporate company. Doing well but has to travel a lot. We have a son who is 2.5 yrs old. By nature I am bit bubbly and I also like to get naughty. When in college I had a lot of boyfriends with whom I used to flirt a lot, nothing more. I...
Caleb loved his job as a personal trainer at the local gym. Everyday he went to work and got to work out and get paid doing it. Caleb was 21 and every muscle on his body was rock hard and chiseled. He took pride in how his body looked. He pecs were perfect and his abs were an 8 pack (not just a 6 pack). He had a perfect V that pointed straight to his crotch. He also was waxed from head to toe to make every muscle pop!Part of the package of joining this gym included 1 free session with a...
( A short review of Part 1. Tom had gone to take a nap before going out on a date with Jane.)Tom and Jane were swimming in a pool naked. Tom had always wanted to go skinny dipping with Jane. They were splashing each other and laughing. They had a beach ball that they threw back and forth.Tom swam underwater towards Jane and came up right in front of her. He grabbed her, kissed her and pulled her close to him. He could feel her bare breasts against his chest which made his cock spring up.He...
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She's sitting at her favorite table by the front window, her back to the wall, so she has a clear view of the room. She is carefully nibbling an almond croissant with her coffee, reading a book. She is probably around thirty, but presents herself as older. She has quite a pretty face made dour by the absence of any make-up. Her hair is a nice medium brown with some natural red toning, pulled tightly back in a workday bun. Her only jewelry is a thin gold chain around a first-class neck. Her...
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With glistening lips and my mouth in an O shape, I took his cock in my hand and pointed it at my mouth. The thought of what I was about to do made me shudder inside. The thought crossed my mind that I ought to just pick myself up and leave this man who thought he could do this to me. Instead, I pulled the head towards my O shaped mouth, pursed my lips together and kissed it, ever so briefly. It was like I was paying homage to this symbol of his masculinity. But I knew he wanted more. His cock...
Interracial“Fine. I’ll go.”“Excuse me?”I sat at one end of the kitchen table looking at my husband of six years. He had been browbeating me into making a decision for the last two weeks. “I said, fine, I’ll go.”“Oh my God Katherine, are you serious? You will?”I continued to look into his eyes while I cut my steak. “I will.”“Katherine, I’m shocked but very pleased. I’ll go let the Fosters know we are coming.” He came around the table, kissed me hard and left the room.My husband Tim and I received an...
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My mother and father had recently divorced and we moved to a new town for my mothers new job. This was a great thing, my mother had been working as a waitress in coffee shops and we had been poor, really poor. This new job was a new beginning for her and our little family, all four of us. I have two older siblings, a brother whom I constant fought with and is 5 years my senior and a sister who liked to dress me up and was 6 years older. She was mischievous, she once painted my nails and I...
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xmoviesforyouNot that connecting with the police was expedient. No. This was a country CLUB ... Members and their Guests ONLY ... exceptions must be cleared by the council. The cops objected when the ambulance was waved through but they ... the minions of the law ... were kept out while the council sorted. It was soon handled. Wendy, decently dressed, picked up the phone and explained. If explained is the correct word. Another 911 dispatcher might not have been so understanding ... but this one was a...
i****tia, where everything that is agreeable is also legal.Everything. _____Part 4_____For hours after screwing his virgin daughter in front of hundreds of i****tians, Yuri was dazed. With his brother’s help and that of his three c***dren, he was led back to their home in the i****tia temporary housing center. It took time to revive him fully and even longer to assure him that everything that had happened was okay with them.He had never dreamed of such things in all of his years living in...
Bette and Don continued to receive letters from other couples and single women who had found dogs and other animals to be sexually exciting and satisfying. They were amazed by the number of people who engaged in bestiality in one form or another. There was one letter that interested both of them very much. It was from a middle aged couple who had a small farm about seventy miles from the city. She, Marcia, said she was simply crazy about animals and that Jack, her husband, had also engaged...
Debra walked into the house at about half past six in the evening. It had been a long day and she had spent most of it driving home. She was more than tired and just wanted to slip into Janet’s arms, have a snog, a grope of her tits and then maybe go out, or stay in for a meal. Debra walked into the lounge and saw a note on the table. She could see Janet’s handwriting and prepared for the fact that she would not be in. Why else would she leave a note? she thought. Debra picked up the note....
HumorHello guys. This is Rohan Sharma. I am 27 years old and single. Right now, I am in Lucknow. I am going to share some real life incidents with you. This story is about a doctor. He is 49 years old, brown and athletic. He has been in this job for 13 years. His clinic is located near a chauraha. I am going to share two incidents which most people are unaware of. First I am going to tell in short how he tricked a maid into sex. There was a beautiful maid who was working in that clinic. She is...
I was 27 yrs old and had been married for about six months. We both worked and I was an office manager, my wife worked in retail.One very wet day as the office was closing one of my male co-workers asked me if I could drop him home as we lived in the same general direction. I said sure and he suggested we grab beer in a bar next door to miss the traffic rush, which we did.Afterwards we got in my SUV and were sharing a joke and he put his hand on my thigh to emphasize the punch line. We were...
The inmates dutifully got into a line for breakfast, slowly, as was their usual way, as the corrections officer in charge watched them carefully. There had been a few new arrivals when he was on his days off, so he knew that he would have to give them his speech about rules and regulations concerning going to the dining hall. He waited until all forty-two were in line and quiet before he spoke. He glanced at his watch briefly and then addressed them. ‘Before we go down to breakfast, there’s a...
Today is the culmination of your whole life. Graduation day of your 18th year. After today you will be assigned to your profession, graded for mental, physical, and emotional potential, and be allowed time to field offers/seek re-evaluation. You've listened to your parents tell their tales of this day ad-nausea. Your mother 73/59/82, was given an accounting offer and the blue pill. Your father 66/81/92, was given a policing offer and the blue pill. As you finish your breakfast, butterflies fill...
Kelli began to want so much sex during her last two years of high school that she began to date several guys at the same time. She sometimes went out with more than one guy in a single evening, and loved all that it brought her way. Kelli had more than enough energy and sexual desire and hunger to enjoy being with two or three guys in an evening and have each one of the slide inside her and fuck her until he shot his jism load inside her. Then, in her final year of high school, Kelli began to...
I could feel something touching my body as I lay sleeping. I was at the in between stage of sleep and awake. It was a warm, wet touch, one that I had grown to enjoy over the past few days. I slowly opened my eyes to find Jack kissing and licking his way down my body. His hands were lightly touching me. My soft moan let Jack know that I was awake and enjoying him doing this to me. He moved down closer to my wetness. His tongue grazing over my belly button as his hands moved down past my hips...
Hi Readers I am one of the regular visitor here and I thought I will put in my experience. I am Sanjay and my wife is Shalini. We are in Bangalore, though belonging to Chennai and when this incident happened I was 38 and she was 33. We both had read about threesomes and for long kept talking of it during our love making. We would generally always bring in a 3rd person of our knowing and have a great session. It would really excite both of us. During my visits to Chennai where I was posted...
I was one of the only new frat member left at the start of school partyI got friend pretty quick with 2 black guy in their last semester they where living in a big condo with a pool at the topI left the party with them being too drunk to drive home, invited to sleep at them placewe arrived at the condo and went straight for the pool, no one was there being 2ambut it was lock at night Mike got over the fence and unlock for us they light up some weed and all got in our boxer sit in the pool...
UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCES "I saw you ogling that woman you know," Kate Archer told her husband of five years, Alan. "You know I can't stand you lusting after other women." Alan was adamant that he hadn't been 'ogling' but the more he denied it the more she thought he was protesting too much. "I love you Kate, why would I look at other women?" "For the simple reason that all men are alike, you just want to plant your seed in as many gardens as you can find." He thought that...
Strong actions are often required of strong people, and Cheryl was a very strong person. Her contract to manage Greg was immoral. But there was no question it required incredible strength. When a crisis hit her family, Cheryl stepped in and used her strength to keep her family from disintegrating into a dysfunctional mess. She was driven by a deep love for her brother and her sister, and an innate respect for the family as a vital institution. In many discussions with Cal and the girls,...
Evelina picked up her phone and cautiously dialled the number."Yes?""Uhm, is that Mistress Alexxa?""Yes.""Uhm... my name is Evelina and I came across your website and I was wondering if...""Yes? What is it?""Well, I was wondering if I could serve you?""Send Me an e-mail to this address, telling me all about yourself. Attach a recent photograph of your face. I want it within the hour."Then, the line went dead."An hour?" thought Evelina. "I can't do it in an hour!"After much thought, she decided...
The summer ticked by, day after day, and I started to lose all hope of ever getting to spend another night with Sammy. I knew, deep down, that I had fallen in love with him and I had to know if he felt the same. My uncle came to me one day to tell me that he had planned to surprise my aunt and the boys with a camping trip and that I, of course, was invited to come along as well. This was it, the moment I'd waited for the last month. I looked him squarely in the eye and asked if it would...
We expected Leia sometime in the afternoon, but she must have been anxious because she pulled up to the gate just as I was preparing lunch—hot dogs on the grill. “Hello! I don’t know what to do.” “Hi, Leia. Smile…you’re on camera. Hold on and I’ll buzz you through.” “Okay—uh…do I have to worry about Max?” “No, he’ll remember you.” I pressed my remote and the gate swung open. I watched as Leia drove her VW Beetle through and down the driveway. I called Cindy and put a few more...
The TeardropMaking a hasty escape from the law and his band of creditors along with his semi aristocratic family , James Smith found passage on the Cutty Sark on its return voyage to India and Ceylon.In truth the family were happy to see the back of him as he was worthless and without morals of any kind and a Libertine of the worst kind.How many illegitimate c***dren he had left behind and how many ruined young maidens no one knew and that he had sold or taken with him almost half of the...
The winter weeks passed and I continued to rotate my bed partners, always wondering how this was even possible. The women had spats over things but never over me. It just wasn't normal that never a word was lifted in true anger over my actions. "Just think of their normal raging hormones, " I thought. Other men were not so lucky. It was not uncommon for me to pass a couple having some sort of unpleasant words or dispute. The wonder of the deferential nature of my women confused me but I...
Kenneth Monroe is a handsome African-American teenager who begins an affair with his best friend's mother. Alley never expected to take a lover, let alone her son's best friend, but when she sees his enormous black cock for the first time, she is drawn to its magnetic energy, and she craves it in a way she can’t explain… [email protected]  All rights reserved.
Interracial"John!"your busty MILF of a stepmom Meredith calls from downstairs. "You little pervert! Did you take my bra again?!" "No, Meredith!"you call back. Ugh. She was so annoying! It was bad enough having to put up with her and your bratty twin stepsisters Riley and Miley when your dad was alive, but now that he was dead, they made sure to make your life a living hell. Although you did take Meredith's bra a couple times... But even so! The only reason Meredith ever married your old man was because of...
Mind ControlNikki had no idea how the hell she was going to bug the conversation between Costa and the Captain. That he even knew Angelo Costa well enough to meet with him in a less than official capacity was a bit worrisome. It was well known that Costa played on the wrong side of the law, but he was extremely smart and the Barrow group had very good lawyers, so it wasn't a surprise he wasn't behind bars. Still, she'd asked for, and gotten, today off, so she'd at least be able to tail the Captain....