Black Is My Favourite Colour
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Die Reise zum Mars. Was einst als irreale Träumerrei galt, liegt im Jahr 2032 scheinbar in naher Zukunft. In einer Kombination aus verschiedenen Staaten und diversen Unternehmen arbeiteten hunderte Wissenschaftler unermüdlich an der Realisierung dieses schier unfassbaren Ziels. Jetzt, da es scheinbar tatsächlich in begreifbare Nähe gerückt war, kamen weitere drängende Fragen abseits der technischen Machbarkeit auf. Eine davon lautete: Wen sollte man dort hoch schicken?
Nun war die Zeit der Verhaltensforschung gekommen. Was mussten Menschen mitbringen, um die Strapazen der langen Reise schadlos zu überstehen und in Jahren der Isolation fern ihrer Heimat dem Wahnsinn zu trotzen. Die Antwort war überraschend. Nicht Erfahrung zählte, sondern die Jugend. Jüngere Menschen seien nicht nur anpassungsfähiger und oftmals auch robuster, als ältere, sondern auch lernfähiger. Schnell war eine entsprechende Entscheidung getroffen. Statt auf ausgebildete Wissenschaftler und Astronauten, setzte man auf junge Erwachsene. Doch selbstverständlich stellte eine theoretische Behauptung immer nur den Anfang dar. Es musste einen Testlauf geben. Einen isolierten Ort, an dem man Menschen in diesem Alter in einer Gemeinschaft beobachten konnte, die völlig von der restlichen Gesellschaft abgeschnitten war. Aus diesem Grund baute man ein Habitat auf einer einsamen verlassenen Insel inmitten des Ozeans. Bald schon wuchs eine gewaltige Kuppel aus dem zuvor kargen Felsengrund und inmitten dieser wurde eine Schule gebaut, groß genug für etwa 400 Menschen, was in etwa der Kapazität der geplanten Kolonie entsprach. Kleine Gruppen von je 10 jungen Männern und Frauen gelangten 5 mal im Jahr per Boot auf die Insel, nach 4 Jahren nahm man diejenigen, die bereits am längsten dort waren, wieder mit. Damit wollte man in etwa die mögliche Fluktuation darstellen. Um Anreize für Bewerber und eine geschäftige Atmosphäre zu schaffen, bot man den Teilnehmern dort eine kostenlose Ausbildung, die später auf ein mögliches Studium angerechnet werden konnte. Im Ausgleich dafür verpflichteten sie sich bei empfindlichen Strafen das Experiment nicht abzubrechen ohne in Lebensgefahr zu schweben, da sonst das ganze Projekt gefährdet wäre. Damit das Ganze auch als Testlauf für eine mögliche Ausbildungen, der späteren Kolonisten diente, wurden neben diversen Mint-Fächern einige weitere Unterichtsinhalte vermittelt. Darunter war vor allem eine spezielle technische Ausbildung, zur Nutzung und Wartung von High-Tech Ausrüstung und "Marskunde", wobei man sich vor allem mit den Gefahren, der Topologie und der Besonderheit des roten Planetens auseinander setzte. Aber auf drängen der USA maß man auch der militärischen Ausbildung eine gewisse Beachtung zu, da laut ihren Befürwortern der dabei vermittelte Drill in Extremsituationen hilfreich sein könnte. Wie genau diese Extremsituationen aussehen würden, konnte allerdings niemand schildern. Doch die USA war einer der größten Geldgeber, also fügte man sich ihrem Willen.
Ein Lehrbetrieb erforderte natürlich auch ständiges Personal, weshalb man einen Lehrkörper von 25 Personen anwarb. Dessen Mitglieder verpflichteten sich zu gleich 10 Jahren, hatten jedoch das Recht gelegentlich für ein paar Wochen nach Hause zurückzukehren. Bei ihrer Verpflichtung spielte neben ihrer Fähigkeiten auch das möglichst junge Alter der Angestellten eine große Rolle, um kein allzu großes Gefälle zu schaffen. Keiner hatte das 30te Lebensjahr bereits hinter sich. Diese Maßnahme rechtfertigte man der ursprünglichen Studie gegenüber mit der Vermutung, dass auch einer Kolonie aus jungen Menschen einige etwas ältere angehören sollten, die eine längere Ausbildung genossen hatten und so mit ihrer Erfahrung den Vorteil der Jugend ergänzen sollte. Es schien nur logisch, dass die Älteren auch die Positionen mit der höchsten Verantwortung besetzen sollten, womit auch das Lehrer Schülerverhältnis ins Bild passte.
Die Lehrer waren neben dem Unterricht auch mit der Dokumentation des Ganzen und dem Bericht darüber betraut. Einen ständigen Datenverkehr oder eine Inspektion von außen lehnte man ab, sodass neben einer einzigen Telefonleitung, deren Benutzung das sofortige Ende des gesamten Projekts bedeutet hätte, und die Unversehrtheit der Heimkommenden, der Besuch des Festlands durch die Lehrer die einzige Möglichkeit war, sich von dem reibungslosen Ablauf des Experiments zu überzeugen. Zu den Lehrern gehörte auch eine bereits ausgebildete Ärztin, die die meisten Krankheiten und Notfälle in der schuleigenen Krankenstation behandeln konnte. Somit waren die Schule abgesehen von den Nahrungslieferungen nahelos vollkommen isoliert und konnte im Grunde schalten und walten wie sie wollte.
Problematisch bei der gesamten Angelegenheit war ein kleines Detail, dass den Verantwortlichen nach eigener Aussage während des gesamten Projekts verborgen blieb. Die ausgewählte Insel war früher einmal ein geheimer Umschlagplatz für Schmuggelware gewesen. Besonders beliebt war damals wohl ein bestimmtes synthtisches Aphrodisiakum namens Fd43 gewesen, das ursprünglich von einem Pharmaunternehmen entwickelt, dann jedoch verboten wurde, weil die Wirkung zu extrem und unabsehbar war. Kaum ein paar Jahre später brachte dasselbe Unternehmen eine abgeschwächtere Form des Wirkstoffes auf den Markt, jedoch war die ursprüngliche Formel irgendwie durchgesickert und die illegale Herstellung florierte. Es wirkte olfaktorisch - also über den Geruchssinn - und weckte in denen, die es rochen, die verborgensten und verdorbensten Gelüste. Konzipiert war es für Paare, die ihrem Sexleben etwas Schwung verleihen wurde, genutzt wurde es vor allem in der Rotlichtszene, um willige Prostituierte zu erzeugen. Bereits eine geringe Dosis genügte, um eine starke Steigerung der Libido zu erreichen. Die Spermienproduktion der Männer wurde stark erhöt, was die nötigen Verschnaufpausen zwischen den Orgasmen erheblich verkürzte, während die Sensibilität von Frauen sowie ihre Erregbarkeit konstant hoch gehalten wurde. Langzeitstudien zu regelmäßigen Konsum wurden nie erhoben, doch es war nicht ausszuschließen, dass der Sexualtrieb dauerhaft verändert werden könnte.
Nach dem der Schmugglering, der den Posten auf der Insel betrieb ausgehoben war, verebbte der Handel in dieser Gegend. Der Schmugglerposten wurde verlassen, jedoch nie als solcher enttarnt, also wusste man nichts von dem unterirdischen Hohlräumen, in denen man das Mittel gelagert hatte, als man den Ort für die Schule bestimmte. Auch beim Bau viel es nicht auf, selbst als die Bohrungen ein Netz winziger Risse im Felsenboden verursachte. Diese waren durchaus vorausgesehen worden, bedrohten jedoch nicht die Sabilität der Gebäude und wurden somit ignorert. Tatsächlich zogen sich die Risse jedoch bis in die Decken der unterirdischen Hohlräume und die Ausdünstungen der Substanz bahnten sich einen Weg an die Oberfläche. Die Bauarbeiter merkten nicht viel davon, vielleicht ein paar weitere Gedanken an ihre Partner, die zuhause auf sie warteten. Der Wind verhinderte, dass der Stoff sich in ausreichendem Maße konzentrierte. Dann wurde jedoch der Kuppelbau abgeschlossen, der Wind wurde von einer automatischen Lüftungsanlage ersetzt, die die Luft immer wieder aufbereitete und zurück unter die Kuppel leitete. Zusammen mit dem zu Tage dringenden Gas wurde somit die Konzentration Tag für Tag gesteigert, bis die Druckverhältnisse sich angeglichen hatten und eine maximale Konzentration erreicht war. Dieser Prozess dauerte länger an, als das Projekt lief, doch bereits nach etwas mehr als zwei Jahren war die Konzentration ausreichend, um erste Effekte zu zeigen. Im Jahr 2038, in dem unsere Geschichte nun endlich beginnt, übte die Substanz bereits vier Jahre lang starken Einfluss auf die Lehrer und Schüler aus, ohne dass die Aussenwelt etwas davon mitbekommen hätte.
It was an early Saturday morning in mid-July two days after her sweet sixteen when Jackie stood in front of the full-body mirror in her room and looked at her naked body. She was running her hands over it, cupping her small but firm breasts, giving the bright pink nipples a pinch and a twist, causing herself to moan. She was tall and slender without any particularly feminine form.Her hips were narrow and gave her a straight contour rather than an hourglass-like shape. Her arms and her legs were...
MasturbationThe fact of the matter was that Lenny was gone forever and there was no chance of him ever fucking a deal up again. I knew that and Ramon knew it and a handful of our handlers back east knew it, but most of the connected guys around town had no idea of who he was and how bad he had fucked up.I knew that I had better get off my ass and get up to Hollywood and talk turkey to the Hollywood madam about the circumstances of Lenny’s unfortunate demise. Ramon was of the opinion we were better off with...
Straight SexBrian Welker couldn’t help but smile as he wiped the sweat from his brow. Earlier in the day, he had been promoted to shift foreman at Harding Containers, effective immediately. The icing on the cake was working night shift for the foreseeable future. Most people hated night shift, but the timing was great for Brian. His son was a junior in high school. He participated in several sports and clubs. By working nights, Brian would be able to attend his son’s activities without missing work. He...
This story is a stand-alone one about how Jeff Trumbull, from The Real Me, became Mary. One does not need to read the first story to enjoy this one. For a change, Alistair "Ace" Trumbull woke up early on a Saturday. He was a good husband and good father, but he liked his weekend lay-ins. His wife, Meredith, was more than fine with it because her man deserved the rest. Her Al was a hard worker. He worked on the Southampton dock. A hard drinker, Ace was a regular at The Griffin and The...
The day was busy as always as Shannon stood behind the reception of the Movie Heights Grand Hotel. It was getting late in the afternoon as a taxi pulled up in front of the reception and a man climbed out of it. Nothing special but the receptionist found herself unable to look away for long. He had red hair and a red beard and when he stepped into the hotel foyer, she noticed him wearing a perfectly tailored deep-green suit. “How can I help you, Sir?” she asked and smiled as he stepped up to the...
Mind ControlAll of the characters are fictional and have no link to real people, and they are fictional, I also do not condone this behavior in real life it's fictional. Part III is in rough draft mode and will post here shortly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 12, Year-End High School Dance After the team finished practicing John and Tori remained on the field to "work on her swing." John offered extra one-on-one tuition to individual players on the...
The female characters from the ninja seeking club will be facing their toughest challenge yet! And if they’re not too careful, they could end up in revealing situations. Will their ninja skills be enough to help him? Or is there no escape for their embarrassing fate? Rules: Things that are allowed: ENF, EUF, Wedgies, pantsing, upskirts, wardrobe malfunctions, Exhibitionism, Mind Control, Hypnosis, teasing breasts and butt touching (not too extreme though). Things that are not allowed:...
His other hand roamed up to breasts, playing with her now pert nipples, squeezing gently and sending ripples through her body, he must of noticed the goose bumps on her torso because he suddenly hooked a hand around her red collar and yanked her down the bed, “Do your job tart,” he ordered. She crawled down between his legs. Lifting up his growing penis she licked at the bulbous head. She sucked gently at the head then enveloped her warm mouth around his now stiff cock. She went down till...
"Teresa's Torture - Epilogue!"Some time after I finally saw the film in 2001, the infamous film of my Stepmum's prostitution to an exclusive BDSM circle to save us from debt and bankruptcy, I visited a sex shop in a big city in the South.Minding my own business, perusing the goods, I was surprised to hear a customer ask the staff for the sequel to Teresa's Torture! Initially I thought somebody had recognised who I was and was taking the mickey. No, they were serious. Looking toward the counter,...
I turned to look at the front door with the open sign and I recalled the information I had gleaned from Dana earlier. House Volantis, physically, was made up of Trinity Oaks apartment complex. Many of the occupants of those apartments were House members and Officers. Oddly, though Lord Fanelli owned the complex, he didn’t live here. He had his own estate further north. He worked here as a rental manager, like Milena at the complex where I lived. Two of his officers, a House Guardian named...
The Ship The first tight-beam transmission was garbled by distance, but the Ship interpreted enough of it for a general location of the alien ship as it neared the solar system. Much later, she received a clearer tight-beam as the scout followed the enormous alien ship partway across the solar system. Jeff, Arlene and Ann were sitting in the Captain’s Ready Room aboard Ship as they discussed strategies. “I worry that our scout is going to be seen now that the alien ship is basically just...
"I've got to hand in my homework on Monday to Dr Shangwal." said mom, in conversation on the following Saturday. I was making a cup of coffee as she put on her gardening clothes. I hid my pup tent at her mention of it. I'd seen the half finished scrapbook a few days before. I wondered if I could sneak another look at it in her room while she was out in the garden.This was what I did. Opening the briefcase in her room, I found the finished work. I wouldn't have time to wank over it, I'd have to...
THE HUSBAND, THE WIFE AND THE SCHOOLBOYSPart OneLet me explain. My name is Justin. I am a healthylooking 40-year-old married guy and in quite good shape. Not film star shape but I can still pull acompliment or two. I was lucky to marry an extremelypretty, little women called Carrie. She is still 30and we have been married for 10 years so you haveprobably guessed that she was 20 when we married. Iwas lucky, O.K? She has certainly stayed in shape andher slim body pert little upturned breasts and...
THIS IS FOR HOPE. THIS IS FOR A NEW LIFE. COME TO US, WE WILL SAVE YOU." * It was during Christmas Eve, of 2012. My girlfriend of a year and a half and I were visiting my parents for Christmas. I was in love with this girl, she was my everything. I was going to propose to her on Christmas morning in front of everyone. My whole family, and friends. This dream I was having was so weird, there was a storm, lighting blasting and destroying everything in its path, thunder causing...
Pink hair be damned, Jill thought. I am going to enjoy this. The bathroom was a marble creation cool to the touch. How it had survived the Sonic attack was unclear. It must just be tougher than glass. There was an open window covered by a green and white embroidered curtain. Jill turned on the water and felt the hot water flow over every inch of her body. She scrubbed herself with soap lathering and thoroughly enjoying every second. The pink dye bled out of her hair and down the drain,...
InterracialAs the bus was halted, Aarav’s dad came and asked Aarav to go and sit where he was sitting as he wanted to sit in his place. It was very awkward. I was naked under the blanket and had to get up. I somehow got up and let Aarav move out. His dad went in and sat in his place. Luckily, the lights were still off. After 5 minutes, the bus started moving. After some time, I could feel a hand pulling me towards him and when I looked it was Arrav’s dad’s hand. I was shocked. I looked at his face and it...
Chapter II Slut Wife Nescafe Worships Big Black Cocks (INTERR, MMF, BBC, BJ, ANAL, WIFE, CUCKOLD) My name is Aziz; I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair...
CuckoldIntroduction: Dont freak out, she is over 50 years old. She loves to role-play. Have you ever felt when you were about half asleep that someone was watching you? Happened to me a few days ago after I had worked all night Friday night and was going to let myself sleep in on Saturday morning. With the sun trying to shine through my windows and all the early morning noises, I wasnt able to pull it off. I hadnt opened my eyes yet, but had the strangest feeling I was being watched. I finally got...
Well, my wife and I have had an active few months cuckolding. This past weekend we went skiing in the mountains of North Carolina. It was a pretty weekend and we talked on Saturday afternoon about possibly finding a man for her to sleep with Saturday night.On the slopes around 4:00 on Saturday we met a guy named Joseph. He was a dark skinned guy, with a one day growth of beard, and was in great shape. We rode the lift together a couple of times and all three talked. He was there alone, saying...
Wild world by Sylvia Wechsel Prologue As the judge enters the room, I stand up, just as everybody else in themcourtroom does. He sits in his bench, everybody else, but me, sits, and then he looks straight into my eyes and says, "Having heard all evidences presented in this case, I concluded that the accused is guilty of rape and murder of a young woman." "Do you wish to say something before I give my sentence?" So, I am doomed, and since I have nothing else to save, but my...
The story of Evan and his twin sister Ella - to say nothing of Rebecca, Shanti, Scott and others! - has grown significantly since I started it in the Christmas 2019 incest collection. I have completed three stories so far, taking place over the Christmas Holidays, a panicked Valentine’s Day mishap, and a lazy, frustrated summer of COVID quarantine. Throughout it all I have been thrilled and shocked at how many of you have come to love these characters like I do, and I am excited to plan future...
IncestDutch was rummaging in the file cabinet searching for a file he knew was in there but couldn't seem to find. "Damn," he said as his phone rang. "Every time I need that damn file it's in a different place, I've got to get more organized." He shoved the file drawer shut and went to answer the phone. "Perry," he said brusquely. "Wouldn't you know it," a female voice said and he knew instantly it was Van Sciver's daughter. "My husband left town this morning, an emergency business...
"Are you Ok in there?" My mom said in a concerned voice. "I'm not feeling good Mom, and not going to school today" I replied. "Anything I can do?" She questioned me again. "We need to talk, but after Mike goes to school" I said to her while holding my hands over my tummy as the pain returned. Mike leaves for school about the same time I do. I waited another 20 minutes before getting out of bed and looking for Mom. Dad already left for work, I heard his car pull out of the...
This story happened when I went to visit my old village in Lohegaon. I left my small town for higher studies when I was 18.after completing my graduation I decided to visit my friend who still lives there. I went to his place but it was locked when i decided to search for him, his mom who we used to call bhabhi came and asked me “who i was”it’s quite understanding that after so many years she did not recognized me. I told her that I am Raj who used to live in front of their house she was quite...
Roger Tells It: Raising a kid alone has got to be one of the toughest, most demanding situations any responsible human could ever face. And I was pretty well-off, financially; I can't begin to imagine how someone making less than I do could manage it. I, at least, could always afford to have someone stay with Bill during the day until he started school. And I could afford to have someone be there for him when he came home or when business took me out of town. For the first six years after...
Hello friends, motherhusband is ready with a red hot incest story that I promise you will love. Please send me feedback at Shalini, 31 years old divorcee, was walking past her 18 -years old brother Jagan’s room one day when she heard a moan. Thinking he might be ill, she peeked through the slightly-open door. The sight that struck Shalini’s eyes shocked her. Her brother lay on his bed naked and was masturbating ofcourse, this fact alone came as no surprise to Shalini. She knew that all boys...
IncestMarcus Takes A Spouse --------------------------- Disclaimer: No one and nothing in this story is real. If you have any questions or like my story, tell me at [email protected], k? Author: Changeme -------- Synopsis -------- Jim and Marie are excited about their wedding. Marcus is too. ---------------- Chapter 1 - Marcus Arrives ------------- "Remember, honey my brother is stopping by soon. He just called from the airport to let us know he's on the way." "Are you...
Bobby rammed into his cock into his mother's snugly sucking asshole as hard as he could, making her squeal and gasp. He leaned forward and cupped her hanging tits, feeling them quiver as he pounded his prick into her. Debby lowered her shoulders to the bed, raising her ass to her son's powerful thrusts. Bobby's fingers gripped her roughly, literally pulling his mother's tight, clasping anal sheath over his cock as he slammed the thick glistening, incestuous shaft deep up inside her...
Right from the Start, Chapter Twenty - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door who has now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Friends, Mary is 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher; Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist; Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist;. Sophia & Alicia; Mary and Sandra's mothers;. Jeanette...
Chapter One At twenty nine years old Joe and Marcie Streeter were the average couple with aspirations and dreams that so many couples their age had. He was a research executive and Marcie was a staff person in marketing at Fielding and Croft. Joe had sandy hair that he wore a little on the long side and he had a winning smile that he didn’t use enough. Marcie was on the tall side, close to five feet eight inches tall in fact and she was painfully aware of her height. She had a bad habit of...
We had only been at my apartment for half an hour when the knock sounded at the door. Knowing who was coming, I didn’t bother to check the camera, which in hind sight might have been a good idea. “Hi lover!” Angela stepped in and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a very serious kiss. “Hi Baby! I wasn’t expecting you tonight!” I said, thinking maybe I had forgot something. “I know.” Angela said with a smirk, brushing past me. “Hi! You must be Abby. I’ve heard a lot about you and I...
One of the first things you learn from both history and in engineering school is that to the uneducated savage common things we take for granted in our everyday lives can appear to be magic to them. To me and my coven the Hyperborean engines that ran their spaceship and the things that supplied the power to motivate it was Magic not the science we knew anything about. The only thing we knew for sure was the Power, used to run it, came from us humans. In fact their, the ancient Hyperboreans,...
Mary was walking down the road in Little Hampton when she slipped of the kerb and twisted her ankle and was laying in the road.I happened to be driving past at the time, Mary was a gorgeous older aged woman with a figure of someone much younger her beautiful long blonde locks now looked dirty from laying in the wet dirty road.I switched on my hazards and pulled the car over, I got out and helped her back up onto the pavement.She was a little shaken, I offered to drive her home after she said...
After the unexpected, but highly pleasant events on the first night of my stay in Tenerife with Dave and Claire I was rather uncertain what was going to happen the day after. I had only briefly seen Dave and Claire on Sunday morning. All seemed to be fine with them and no mention or any other indication was made of Claire and Maria’s visit to my bedroom for what had been my first FFM threesome. Quite an event after nearly a year without sex. I had arranged to catch-up with some other friends...
MatureThis is a story about a typical housewife, with a typical family in a typical suburban setting. The 32 year old housewife's name is Christi. Christi shares a house with her husband Mike, that's me, and our 5 year old son. Christi is an exotic beauty with long dark hair and lovely big brown eyes. During Christi's pregnancy with our son, she put on a few pounds. For years she struggled with diets in order to lose the weight and get back her shape. Recently, with determination and discipline...
i came, just now.,... to an all morning scene running through my mind of a step father and his hot sub wife, as well as his hot young step daughter. once they had become comfortable and familiar with each other, he occasionally, playfully tweaks his step daughters nipple now and then but she's not sure if he is just playing inappropriately and doesn't realize it's inappropriate... or does he mean it sexually. letting her guess, acting innocent, he enjoys knowing she thinks and wonders about the...
Hannah was looking in one direction, Elle in the other. They were making sure their teacher wasn't coming. The three had the system since the beginning of the year. Texting and spotting. 'What do you have next period?' It was his best friend (and not-so-secret crush), James. 'Geometry. Marks. Why?' 'I thought so. You have a sub today, so I was wondering if I could take you out for your birthday.' 'Sounds good. When?' 'Next period. Duh. No one would notice you're...
Carrie – a surprise visitor Donald Dentley © 2017 I like to sunbake sometimes. Naked. Doesn’t happen often for several reasons. My wife doesn’t like it. Well, OK, she doesn’t like the idea of anybody seeing me naked. Social stuff! I’m pretty sure if there were just the two of us she wouldn’t give a fuck. But there’s the catch. We live in the centre of a village. The garden is well screened by thick high shrubs and bushes – but it is overlooked from the bedrooms of two neighbours. So I only...
Kavita and I had been married for more than a year when I shared my erotic fantasy with her. During the initial stage of our marriage, things were really good. Kavita came from a very conservative family. Hence she was a virgin. I took her virginity on our honeymoon. Kavita was very satisfied with me because she had nothing to compare me with. I was 24 when we got married, and Kavita was 21 years old. Ever since college, I had a weird fantasy of seeing women get fucked in front of me. I say...
The incident with the dust cloud was now over six weeks ago. Down here in completely unexplored space, it really hit home how big our galaxy really was. Back home in the Upward sector with Hyper Highways and Space trains; with known planets and systems and of course with everyone connected to GalNet space did not feel as empty and vast. We had crossed the gap and now steadily went further down the Coreward sector. Our sensors picked up some space traffic now and then, but in general, this...
As the day went on, we set up the table and started to get ourselves ready. It was only a casual affair, but Beth always likes to dress to impress when we had guests. She'd bought herself a new black dress, tight fitting in all the right places and it sat just above the knee. Beth had great legs and always took every opportunity to show them off, and this dress had a split up one side that showed the whole of one leg. She was wearing high black heels as well to make her legs look even...
Disclaimer This story is entirely fictional, and has nothing to do with my life. It is also my first story, so comments are greatly wanted!!! Hope you enjoy!It's dark, quiet. Calm and cool. Peaceful. And yet, Amelia Trimble cannot sleep. As of late she was struggling with feelings she had no business experiencing. In every sense, her mind screamed its protest, and she knew how wrong, morally, she was. She was irrevocably, completely, and utterly in love with her older brother, Samuel. And,...
IncestIt was the first day of the summer holidays and it was very hot in the early afternoon sun. I was just kicking around as you do when there is sod all to do. I was doing some work on my computer when my mum knocked on the door and let herself in. “Now you know its your fathers birthday soon, so I decided that he and I should go away for the weekend to a health club. I was going to tell you earlier but I’ve just been so busy organising it and everything, is that ok?” “yea sure” I...
My name is Jack. I'm the lucky husband of a beautiful woman. AnnMarie is very shy and it took me a long time to get to know her well. But it was very worthwhile. From the first time I saw her I knew she had an absolutely lucious figure. She's 5'10", slim with 34C breasts, long legs and a sweet ass. Her hair is black and luxurious. In a word..she's an exquisite beauty. When, finally after dating for almost 3 months, she agreed to sleep with me. I was blown away by her nude beauty and very...
Now these are your orders master snapped down the phoneHave yourself ready to be picked up at 8pm sharp and make sure that your fully shaved and smooth you are going to learn how to impress me tonight and make sure your wearing something easy to change out of as I will be providing your outfit slut.At 8 o'clock sharp master pulled up and sissy dutifully climbed into the passenger seat she asked where are you taking me a burning sensation crept across her face from the slap she had just received...
ZoZo Chat, aka Kik Sexting! There are several reasons for you to use a sex chat site, if not for anything, to allow you to get naughty and say anything you want online and give you a chance to release your sexual tensions in the process. Add that to the possibility of hooking up with equally raunchy people, women from all over the world who bring their version of sexy to the site, and the prospects of building more than just friendship. These and many more are some of the reasons you will love...
Sex Chat Sites‘You’ll be fine in here,’ Baz chuckled, his face a bit sweaty and red as he stumbled through the fur-covered doorway. Lynn’s bleary eyes settled on the bed in the darkness as she followed him. She could feel the goofy grin on her face parting the overwhelming heat of the alcohol-induced blush she couldn’t hide. She lost her balance a bit coming into the space, and stumbled, leaning on the bed. Baz lost it – laughing out loud at her and finding it hard to keep standing himself. ‘Hoo! You are...
Aidra Fox waits patiently on the floor. She is a good little BDSM sex toy, waiting for instructions from her master. He snaps his fingers and brings the all natural pet slut to attention. She crawls towards him with anticipation and excitement. Aidra is gagged. She is then manhandled and tossed around in ways that make her pussy explode with orgasmic delight. She loves to be used as a set of holes to make her master’s huge cock feel good. He pounds away at her pussy and ass, bringing him...
xmoviesforyouFriday In the morning, we talked about it. Janie was sure Mom wouldn’t be freaked out, and was pretty sure that Mom had warned Dad years ago. She promised to talk to our two sisters-in-law, and then to our brothers to make sure they knew that she instigated it. Mabel, usually the less talkative of my two housekeepers, gave me an affectionate kiss on the cheek when she brought breakfast to the table. “You lead a strange life, but you make everyone around you happy,” she said emotionally,...
I hope you enjoy my stories and please feel free to leave comments, both positive and negative are all welcome, or please feel free to email me on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. Toy Story (A tale or individual needs) I was away on business in London for nine days. I was due to return and then Robyn and I were due to fly to Tunisia on holiday. She had been missing me and our regular sexual activities badly. Robyn is a very curvy blonde with 38DD...
A black leather clothed horseman arrived at the clearing. He descended from the horse groaning and moaning, stayed for few seconds in the bent over position and arose finally. The sounds coming from his spine resembled shredding of paper and the man grimassed. As soon as he arrived in the vertical position, his face lit up and he sighed with pleasure. Just in the moment he wanted to be happy about the new found place, seven masked shapes jumped off the bushes. The leader of them approached the...
I got up and walked passed him, into the bathroom. I could feel my throbbing, virgin pussy lips as my juices stained my thighs, rubbing together as I walked. I closed the door behind me, and reached for my shaver. It was pink, and five inches long. It was sure to burst my cherry. I turned the shower on, and sat down in the tub, my legs spread open giving me easy access to my pussy. I rubbed the end of my shaver over my clit, and gasped when pleasure shot through me once again. I couldn’t...
First TimeI become the Second Woman in a Threesome During the two months after my divorce became final, I sold our house, split the profit with my ex-wife and moved my business back to my old hometown. It had been three years since I had been back and things had changed some but not a lot. I needed a place to stay while I searched for a house to buy and my oldest friend Jay suggested I stay with him and his wife until I found a house. Jay and I had been roommates prior to either of us getting...
Dear friends, this is the story when Neeru, my sister-in-law, could achieve her desire to sleep the whole night with me ending up having sex multiple times. It happened in our house in Bangalore, which is actually smaller than my in-laws’ house in Chennai. This shows that we can plan hundreds of things, but when things happen, they just do. Let me start at the beginning. My in-laws and Neeru came visiting us in Bangalore during the monsoon time. Our house is small and they were staying for a...
IncestLife is simple for you married with children. But as you know life is never simple or straight forward you remember the day you made the "MISTAKE". Life was simple my wife worked away a lot most daily interactions involved caring for our now teenage son Ryan. He was a good lad and he's done well for himself getting a girl like Rebecca. They share a room in our house we don't mind her staying over after all they are both 18 and seemed to have sex a lot something i was lacking right now. Well it...
BDSMWhen I first heard of Sumo Search, I thought it was a site for gay fatties. I guess you could use it for that, since they’ve got listings for male, female and trans escorts selling their services in your area. I have to say, though, I was pleasantly surprised to find the place full of way more hot chicks than fat dudes.Despite the weird-ass name, is an escort site that aggregates listings from other sites like MegaPersonals and SkipTheGames. The whole idea is to save you time...
Escort SitesThis story is a collaboration between the talented Milik Redman and myself. I am happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to write with him. Philippe gazed at the leather bound documents with a trepidation he had not felt before. Oh, Mon Dieu! What am I doing? he thought to himself. He was usually a man of intellect and analytical certainty. The growing conflict between an action he knew to be wrong and the equally irresistible impulse to do just that had set his heart and mind into...
Nickey Huntsman is excited to be LIVE and can’t wait for Jay to get up her skirt and fuck that gorgeous hairy pussy of hers. She knows how much Jay loves sucking her toes too and shoves almost her whole foot right into his mouth making him gag… now he knows how it feels! Ha. Nickey loves that cock and loves that tongue of Jays. Feeling his tongue all over her sweet pussy and feeling that big cock penetrate her deep while you all tell her just what you want to see. Nickey will gladly...