Patty, My First. free porn video

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I saw her sitting alone at lunch, a cute blond with curly hair and a nice smile.

I asked her if I could sit down, the cafeteria was very busy and I didn’t see any empty tables. She waived her fork at the chair across from her, I took this as a yes.

We ate silently for a bit, then she broke the silence.

“You’re not in my class are you?” She inquired.

“Not sure.” I replied. “I’m a Junior, don’t recall seeing you in any of my classes, but I could be wrong.”

“Nope.” She smiled. “I’m a sophomore.” “I should be in your class, but I started school late.” “I’m Patty, by the way.”

“Hello Patty, I’m…” She cut me off.

“I know who you are.” She giggled. ”Everybody knows who you are.”

I just sat there puzzled. I was a geek, nobody paid me any mind.

Sensing my confusion, she continued. “You are probably the smartest guy in school.” “Did you really ace the SAT?”

The SAT scores had only been out a few days, I didn’t realize anybody cared. I only took it because the college I was going to attend required it. I didn’t even study.

“I did OK I guess.” I admitted. “I didn’t get a perfect score if that’s your question.”

“You got the highest score in the school.” She chirped. “That’s pretty impressive.”

“I did?, I had no idea.” I said, somewhat embarrassed.

“You REALLY didn’t know?” she queried.

I just shook my head. I’m not sure she believed me.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why did you start school late?” I queried.

“My dad was in the military when I was young.” She stated. “He was stationed in Korea.” “The school for us wasn’t the greatest, so when we came back here, they started me a year behind to make sure I could keep up.”

“I just turned 18.” She chuckled. “I’m the oldest k** in my class.”

“I know the feeling.” I laughed. “I barely missed the cutoff, I turned 18 back in September.”

We talked through lunch, and before we parted, I asked her if she’d like to go out this weekend.

She smiled coyly, nodded her head and hastily scribbled her phone number on a scrap of paper, then was gone.

Thus started our relationship. We rapidly escalated from there and within a few weeks were nearly inseparable. If I wasn’t at her house, she was at mine.

Of course, we were both horny teenagers, so we had started exploring each others bodies.

She was somewhat reluctant at first, but with gentle coaxing, she became rather enthusiastic.

She had never seen one before so she was captivated by my cock. It amazed her the first time she saw it grow from nearly nothing to full mast.

“Doesn’t it hurt when it swells like that?” She asked.

“No, it’s what it’s supposed to do.” I instructed.

Her parents were very strict and the only info she’d gotten from her mom concerning sex was “Act like you enjoy it.”. Apparently, her dad was no stud.

I gave her a quick lesson in male anatomy, she seemed particularly interested in seeing it work, so I asked her if she’d like to stroke me.

She blushed deeply and stammered. “Y-y-y-e-e-s-s-s.”

I quickly pulled off my clothes and laid back on her bed.

She reached out and wrapped her fingers around my shaft and started pulling. I gave her gentle corrections where needed and soon she got the idea.

“Are they all this size?” She asked, staring at my member.

“No.” I answered. “They come in all shapes and sizes.” “From what I’ve seen in gym class, I’m bigger than most, but not the biggest one.”

“It’s getting even bigger.” She squealed.

Before long my need to cum became overwhelming. I arched my back, grunted and exploded. I covered her hand and arm and my chest and stomach with my load. She eyes got wider with each spurt.

She finally released her grip on my now slippery, cum covered rod, and watched it deflate. She played with the sticky stuff, surprised at it’s warmth and slickness, she even took a tentative taste of it.

We had a bit more fun as she cleaned me up with warm cloths, bringing me to erection again.

“My turn.” I grinned, and started undressing her.

Once I finally got her naked, I was pleasantly surprised. She wore loose clothing, (mid 70’s, it’s what we did) so I had no idea what awaited.

She was about 5’6”, a little shorter than me, probably 135 pounds, perky tits, 36D I’d find out later, and full wide hips with a natural wispy blond bush.

I have always liked bigger girls, and she really tripped my trigger.

She let me play with her tits all I wanted, and she liked “petting” my rod (her words), but I couldn’t get south of her navel to save my life.

We both had big tests the next day, so I went home. Things were looking up.

I have an uncle who is only a few years older than me, he was kind of the big brother I never had. I always turned to him for advice, so naturally I sought his help.

He was already a ladies man, so he was very helpful in formulating a plan.

Our next date was at my house, my parents were out of town, so we’d have the place to ourselves. My parents knew Patty was coming over, all my dad had to say was, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”. This got him an elbow in the ribs from mom who added. “We’ve had ‘the talk’ and we trust you, just be careful.” Did I mention my parents were awesome!

I made dinner for her and we retired to my room. We both quickly stripped and jumped in my bed. After we had made out for awhile, I started rubbing her back and shoulders.

“OOH!” She cooed. “That feels good.”

“Roll over on your front.” I instructed. I then straddled her, my stiff dick laying on her butt crack, and started massaging her.

She purred and sighed as I worked on her. As I got her relaxed, I started moving down. Soon I was kneading her firm ass and thighs, and much to my surprise, she spread her legs a bit as I massaged the insides of her thighs.

I finished at her feet, rubbing her arches and toes, then told her to roll over.

She flipped over slowly, her eyes closed, a dreamy smile on her face.

I resumed, massaging the front side. Again I started with her shoulders and arms, then proceeded to her tits.

Her nipples were already rock hard and she groaned and squirmed as I kneaded and pinched them.

After giving her boobs the attention they deserved, I hesitantly moved lower. I rubbed her stomach, at times grazing her sparse pubic hair. No resistance so far!

I bypassed her pussy for the moment and massaged her thighs and legs, again, she spread her legs apart, this time, even further.

Once I’d made it to her feet, I started back up, this time running my hand up the insides of her thighs until I made contact with her pussy.

I’d never been this close before, I knew what to expect, but was still surprised by the heat and the wetness.

I stroked her fur, eliciting a moan from her, and slowly parted her labia revealing her inner workings.

Drawings in medical books did not prepare me for the sight of a real pussy, it was amazing. All the creases and folds, the bumps, the color variations, and the wetness. My God, she was drooling down her crack and puddling on my sheets. Guess she liked what I was doing!

I took my time, moving slowly. I ran a finger through her slit, smearing her honey all over the area. Deftly, I probed her folds. I knew what a clitoris was and where to find it and soon found hers, lightly stroking it, making it stand out even more.

She moaned and panted, not fully understanding what I was doing, but liking it nonetheless. I probed the depths of her vaginal canal, again amazed at the feel, the tightness.

Removing my finger, I took a light swipe across her clit with my tongue. The texture was incredible, both hard and soft at the same time, and her honey was delicious, I was hooked. Now I was sure I could do the thing my uncle told me would have her eating out of the palm of my hand. I was going to eat her!

I wrapped my arms around her legs and pulled her to me, running my tongue up her slit, darting briefly into her hole, then stopping at her clit.

She nearly screamed and clamped her legs shut on my head.

I still had full access to her pussy, so I slowly started kissing her clit and running my tongue through her folds, lapping up her juices as I went.

In less time than I thought, she grabbed my head, stiffened, and came, shuddering and shaking.

I’m not sure how much noise she made, I was still clamped in her thighs.

Finally, her legs fell open and she released me. I gave her one final lick and sat up.

“W-w-h-h-a-a-t d-d-did y-y-you j-just d-do to me?” She stammered.

“The technical term is an orgasm.” I responded. “I made you cum.”

“I’ve never done that before, didn’t even know I could.” She stated.

“Did you like it?” I asked.

“Yes, it was incredible.” She said. “Is it like this for you?”

“I don’t really know, I know I like it when I cum, it feels good and all, but after seeing you, I think your orgasm is very different than mine.” I explained.

“I’ve heard my older sister talk about sex, but I just thought she was pulling my leg.” She mused. “I couldn’t believe what she said.” “Now I believe.”

“Glad I could help.” I laughed.

I watched as she blushed again and fell silent.

“What?” I asked.

“Can we do that again?” She said, so quietly I barely heard her.

I’d have to thank my uncle later.

“We can, but how about we try something a bit different this time?” I asked, pulling a wrapped condom from my nightstand.

“What is that?” She queried.

“It’s a condom.” I said. It covers my dick and prevents my sperm from getting to you.” “Birth control.”

“You want to…?” She blushed again.

“Yes, I want to have sex with you.” I answered. “You’ll be my first, I’ll be honest.”

“Mine too.” She admitted. “You’re the first person that has ever touched my…”

“Guess we need to give it a name you’re comfortable with.” I smiled.

“My sister uses the p word, I can’t even bring myself to say it.” She spat. “It seems so vulgar.”

“Vagina is too clinical.” I added.

“Ooh, I’ve got it.” She squealed. “How about ‘kitty’.”

“I like it.” I grinned. “It’s perfect.”

“Now that we have a name, would Kitty like me to make her happy again?” I asked.

I could tell she wanted to, but was having a hard time weighing her desires against her upbringing, after all, her mom told her sex wasn’t anything to enjoy, just endure.

“We don’t have too.” I assured her. “I can lick you again if you want.” “Don’t do anything you don’t want to.”

“I REALLY want to.” She purred, squirming. “I just don’t want to be branded a slut or whatever they call them.”

“Patty.” I leaned down to look in her eyes. “I love you, I want to share this with you.” “It’s my first time too, I want it to be special.”

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. “I love you too, and I want to make you happy, but…”

“But what?” I asked.

“It’s so big.” She stated. “Are you sure it will fit, will it hurt me?”

“You do know babies come out of that thing, right?” I smirked. “I’m not as big as a baby.”

“But I’ve heard the first time hurts.” She plead.

“OK.” I said. “I’ve heard that too, but I don’t know for sure.” “Let’s try this.” I’ll lay on my back and you can ease yourself onto me, that way, you can control what happens.” “If it hurts, we can stop.” “Sound good?”

“We stop if I say so?” She asked. “You won’t be mad at me?”

“Of course I won’t be mad, I love you.” I reassured. “We stop when you say so.”

“OK.” She smiled.

I laid back on my bed and rolled the condom on my raging boner. “This is it.” I thought to myself. “I’m finally going to have sex.”

Patty straddled my chest and hung her tits in my face. I feasted on her bounty, nibbling on her erect nipples and making her moan and squirm.

“I like that.” She purred.

“So do I.” The words garbled by boobs.

She slowly slid down, her pussy making contact with my upright member. The heat was incredible, even through the condom. She rubbed herself on me, lubricating everything with her copious secretions then lodged my cock head in her slit.

Biting her lower lip she said. “Here goes.” And cautiously sat on me.

The feeling of my cock sliding into her pussy for the first time was indescribable. I groaned and grabbed her hips.

“Did I hurt you?” She asked, concerned.

“No, it feels SO good.” I moaned, nuzzling her tits.

Within just a few minutes, she hit bottom, her pubic hair pressing against mine. She sat up smiling. “All in.” “That wasn’t so hard.”

I was in heaven, encased by her warm, tight tunnel. I continued to massage her tits with one hand, and slid the other between us and lightly stroked her clit, making her purr.

“Ooh, I like that too.” She cooed. “It feels different being so full of you.”

She laid down, blanketing me with her body and kissed me. “Now what?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, puzzled. “Where we go from here is up to you.”

“Well, now that I know you fit, and it doesn’t hurt, I want you on top so we can hold each other.” She stated. “Is that OK?”

“Roll over honey.” I beamed.

Patty rolled over and spread her legs, her sopping wet pussy beckoning me. She held out her arms and pulled me into her. Finding its own way, my cock slid into her, slowly gliding to full penetration.

I looked into her eyes briefly, then kissed her. “You ready?”

She reached around and cupped my ass cheeks, pulling me in even deeper. “Yes.” She hissed, biting her lip.

I pulled out, then sank back in, relishing the feeling. She moaned deeply when I hit bottom, my pubic bone mashing her swollen clit.

My cock was screaming, GOD it felt great.

I started fucking her in earnest, slowly picking up the pace until we were slapping against each other. Her tits bounced at the end of each thrust, mesmerizing me. I’d never seen anything like it.

Patty was starting to pant and moan, tossing her head from side to side as she got more aroused.

Increasing speed, I started tweaking her nipples, making her moan even louder.

Eventually, I settled on a rhythm that allowed me to really fuck her without blowing my load too soon.

All too soon, I shot my molten semen into her no longer virgin pussy, the condom preventing me from filling her up. Feeling the spasms and warmth of my orgasm, Patty came seconds later, convulsing, nearly screaming as her release overwhelmed her.

We lay in each others arms for quite awhile, sweating and panting, spent. When we recovered, we kissed and cuddled. We both laughed out loud when my deflated cock popped out of her pussy, plopping onto her thigh.

“How was that?” I finally asked.

“I like that better that the first one.” She cooed. “But I like them both.”

“You want to go again?” I said. “You know, just to make sure.”

Again with the blushing.

“What now?” I grinned. “I’m starting to like it when you blush.”

“Well.” She sputtered. “You licked me, right?”

“Yes.” I answered, not sure where this was going.

“Did you like it?” She queried.

“Yes, a lot.” I chirped. “Why, do you want me to do it again?”

“Yes, I mean no, OH!” She spat. “I would like it, but not now, I have another question.”

“And.” I teased.

“Has anyone ever done that for you?” She asked.

“You mean a blowjob?” “No, why?” I questioned.

“Can I?” She plead. “Knowing how it made me feel, I want you to feel that way too.”

I couldn’t hide my grin. Earlier today I wasn’t even sure she’d let me touch her, now, I’d fucked her and she wanted to suck my dick.

“I’d like that.” I stated. “But I need to clean up first, don’t go anywhere.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” She purred. “We’re not done yet.”

I’m really gonna have to thank my uncle! He told me if I could make her cum, she’d be mine. Boy was he right!

I took a hasty pee and cleaned up, disposing of the used condom. I’m glad I bought more than one, looks like I might be needing them.

I returned to bed. Patty was stretched out naked, what a sight. I can still see it in my mind 40 odd years later. I plopped down next to her and kissed a nipple making her purr.

“Hold that thought.” She cooed. “Lay down.”

Doing as I was told, I laid down, erect cock pointing straight up.

Patty looked at it, unsure how to proceed.

“You don’t have to.” I reassured her.

“No, I want to.” She said. “I just don’t know how to start.”

With that, she wrapped her fingers around me and kissed the head of my cock.

“I think that’s a good start.” I grinned.

Smiling, she flicked her tongue over the head, making me moan.

“Like that?” She teased.

“Very much.” I answered.

With her confidence bolstered, she parted her lips and slid the first few inches of me into her mouth. She held me there for a bit, working her tongue back and forth. I’d never felt anything like it before.

She was a fast learner and soon was bobbing up and down on my swollen member with enthusiasm. She couldn’t get more than half of me in her mouth, but it was her first blowjob after all, so I wasn’t complaining.

I was moaning and squirming, getting close to cumming. I reached down and pulled her off my cock.

“You want me to stop?” She bemoaned.

“No, but I’m close, I..”

She interrupted. “I started this, I’m going to finish it.”

I smiled. “OK.”

She returned to her task, looking up at me, trying to smile.

A few minutes later, I grunted and came. She didn’t manage to pull me out of her mouth soon enough and the first spurt hit her tongue, the second hit her nose and lips and the subsequent ones ran down her hand.

u*********sly, she licked, wiping the drip from her nose and upper lip and swallowed. She wrinkled her nose, seemingly not caring for the taste.

“Do I taste like that?” She frowned.

“Probably not.” I answered. “But I’ve only tasted you.”

Before I could react, she jumped up and kissed me, her tongue carrying the last bits of my cum with it.

“No, you don’t taste like that.” I stated emphatically.

“It’s OK I guess.” She mused. “I’m sure I’ll get used to it.”

She cuddled up next to me smiling. “This is nice.” “I wish we’d started sooner.”

She straddled me again, dropping those luscious tits in my face one more time. “You got another condom?”

I just smiled. Damn, this was going to be fun.

She wanted to be on top this time, and after wrapping my rod, rapidly impaled herself on me making both of us groan.

I reached up, kneading her tits while she slammed herself down on my cock. I could watch those melons bounce all day!

She was starting to pant and howl, so I started rubbing her clit with my thumb. She came almost instantly and continued to orgasm every minute or so until the fourth or fifth time, then she collapsed on me, breath ragged and whispered in my ear. “You’ll have to finish, I can’t.”

I rolled her over, somehow managing to keep my cock wedged in her inflamed pussy and started pounding her.

She shrieked and came again, kicking her feet against my ass. By this time, I’d cum 3 or 4 times, so I wasn’t going to pop again any time soon. I really let her have it, slamming my cock into her with great zeal, causing her to orgasm repeatedly.

The whole time she just panted. “More, More, MORE!”

Finally, I can’t take it anymore and sweating and heaving, cum into the condom, then crumple onto her chest.

After that, we evidently fell asleep, just as we’d fallen. I awoke later only to discover to was approaching 1AM. She was supposed to be home at midnight.

“Patty, wake up!” I nearly screamed. “We fell asleep, it’s after midnight, we’re in deep shit!”

She didn’t even have time to clean up, She actually dressed in the car after running from my house naked. Glad the neighbors didn’t see that.

Her parents met us at the door, PISSED. I made an excuse that we were watching TV and fell asleep, apologized, telling them it was my fault, and made myself scarce before her dad killed me.

I just hoped they believed me.

She was grounded for 2 weeks, but after that it was back to business as usual.

We continued to fuck like rabbits for about 3 years, damn that girl was insatiable. We even briefly talked about marriage, after college of course.

But it was not to be. During her first year of college, she discovered she liked girls too and left me for a girl she’d met there.

She was my first real love and my first sexual partner. Deep inside me, the 17 year old boy that once was, still loves her, even though the man that he became had to move on.

Oddly, about 2-1/2 years ago, she showed up in my office. She needed a medical procedure and knowing I was a doctor, and by her standards, a damn good one (her words), she wanted me to do it.

She said she understood if I didn’t want to do it and apologized for how we broke up, but she was still with the woman she’d left me for.

I told her that I was hurt, but had gotten over it long ago. I said I was truly happy for her (and I really am) and I was flattered that she still thought enough of me to put her life in my hands.

We smiled and hugged, then walked out together to schedule the procedure.

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Pattys Pen Part 1

Patty's Pen Justin was in his hospital bed. Even though he was twelve-years-old his parents decided he needed a mastectomy. He was suffering from gynecomastia which was male breasting. It happens sometimes to boys going through puberty and usually it disappeared on its own. But Justin's case was a bit more severe than most and so he was going to have those growths as he called them removed. He had worn a bandage across his chest for several months to hide them. But after...

2 years ago
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Pattys Pen Part 2

Several days later, after Justin had started learning a bit about women's fashions he happened to remark that "Women's clothing is so much different than men's clothing. There was so much to worry about. Everything had to match and the styles seem to change from magazine to magazine." Karen said that wasn't always true. Women usually wear the same types of things as men. Well dresses and skirts are an exception. But it's really all the same thing." Then she jokingly said, "I'll...

1 year ago
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Patti Part 3

Patti By Princess Panty Boy Part 3 CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS: "OK OK Barry we're going to the college for the cheerleading tryouts. The tryout starts in the gymnasium. Come on with me if you don't want to try out you can watch I guess." I look at Patti smiling at me. "Yea like I'm going to try out in my jeans anyway," I giggle. Patti is smiling at me. "Here let me fix your ponytail, it's falling out." Patti starts putting the hair tie in my hair closer to the top of...

3 years ago
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Patti by: Princess Panty Boy Part 1: The Mall I'll start my story when I just turned 18, but I look a lot younger. I was always small and kind of skinny for my age. My mom always kept telling me how cute I was and to get my hair cut. I wouldn't. Saying all the cool guys had long hair, so I let it grow and grow. I was 18 now so no one was going to tell me what to do, I laughed to myself. I have two little brothers and a little sister. I'm the oldest even though my brother who...

2 years ago
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Patties new life

Two black lesbians and a middle aged blonde housewife and mother whose wanted her enslaved PATTIES NEW LIFE THE BEGINNING OF CHANGE Two black lesbians and a middle aged blonde housewife and mother whose husband wanted her enslaved. Wow, was she ever in for more than she ever dreamed of. Patty was forty years old but looked more like thirty. She had three kids, boys 17 & 15 and a girl of 14. They had all been born c-section which helped her keep her figure. Blond hair cut short and...

4 years ago
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Patti Part 4

Patti Part -4 By Princess Panty boy I wake up the next morning shaking my head hoping this was all just a really bad dream. I sit up in bed seeing I'm still wearing the hello kitty nightgown. I lift the edge of it up and see I'm wearing a Barbie diaper. Well at least I'm dry. My life sucks I can't believe I woke up in a diaper and all I think about is that I'm dry. I am so messed up. "Honey come down and eat breakfast is ready. Hurry before it's all gone." I roll out of bed and...

3 years ago
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Pattie Bound to please

======================================================================== It was in the third week of our 'relationship,' when we realised it just was not working out. We had spent our first week together fixing up the cellar, installing the equipment and then the finishing touches like the mood lighting in red green and blue as well as yellow and clear neon, all controlled remotely from a digital handset that controlled the CCTV and door locks and also operated various vibrators...

3 years ago
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Pattie Bound to Please a cautionary tale

Disclaimer.  Any similarities between the people here depicted and persons living or deceased is entirely unintentional and the author wishes to apologise in advance for any mistaken impression that may arise.Pattie, Bound to Please. A cautionary tale.It was in the third week of our 'relationship,' when we realised things were just not working out. Perhaps having a 24/7 sex slave should have remained a fantasy but with Pattie desperate to pay for her doctorate and with less than a year to earn...

1 year ago
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Patti Part 2

Patti By Princess Panty Boy Part 2 The School: (The next morning) I wake up and start thinking about yesterday. Was it all a bad dream? I roll over feeling my sore butt and then noticed I am still wearing the hello kitty nightie. Oh no it is all true, oh no as I shake my head sitting on the edge of the bed. "Knock Knock" I hear someone at my bedroom door. "Who is it?" "It's me sis hehehehe." I hear my baby sister Miley calling me sis again. "Mommy wanted me to give you...

3 years ago
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Patti Visits The Nudist Mobile Home Park Chapters 1 2

In the first place, even Patti would have to admit that she had no idea the appointment to do an in-home massage was inside a nudist mobile home park. She only knew it was called Gulf Side Sunny Acres and that the woman who placed the call sounded like she was a senior citizen with a need for relief for a bad back and other issues with her knees and lower calves.She was not entirely certain that the sign at the entrance included the word “Nudist” but there was no doubt in her mind when she...

2 years ago
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Patti Was a Tomboy

Chapter one.Patti was a tomboy, 16 years old, hair cut in the schoolgirl style and pretty quiet for the most part. She didn't seem to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and I didn't know very much about her even though she was my next door neighbor. Our parents had no contact with each other mostly because of indifference. I had never really paid any attention to her. She was actually very good looking, blond with clean, flawless skin and a nice face and small but obvious tits, however she walked...

First Time
3 years ago
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A Night of Firsts

I have been crossdressing in private since I was young. Now in my late forties and after three failed marriages, I had decided to step outside as Jessica.So after a lot of planning over several months, the day had finally come.I stepped in the bath as JD and shaved any hairs on my body that should not be there. It did not take long as I had been preparing my body for weeks to be smooth. I stepped out of the bath as Jessica and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself just like any...

4 years ago
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A Day of Firsts

A Day of Firsts by Kathy Nelson [email protected] (c):Kathryn Nelson, 1998 It was one of those hectic work periods where I was putting in 70 to 80 hours a week. You know, when there's no time for anything else in your life except the job. But, thank god the rush was over and it looked like things were going to calm down. Friday night had come around and I was going home at a decent hour. I even had the whole weekend off and I was ready to celebrate. Well, more like...

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An Afternoon of Firsts

The bar was crowded for the big football game. Standing room only. I was alone but hoped to find another regular to watch the game with. I ordered a beer and resigned myself to a disappointing spectacle. A good game was much more enhanced when watching with a familiar face or two. Halfway through my beer, I see Jim walk in. Jim was a guy a frequently chatted with and we really hit it off. He was the perfect guy to watch the game with. I flagged him over, shook hands and told him "Looks like...

1 year ago
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Pattys Pen Part 6

This started the schism in their relationship. Karen was going through a separation when this all started and being a kid seemed like a lot more fun than being an adult so she leaned toward more of the boyish activities she now enjoyed. Justin found being an adult an adventure. He could do what he wanted and didn't see any limitations. So slowly at first and more and more each day, Karen spend more time as a boy and playing with Justin's friends and Justin became the adult woman and...

3 years ago
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Pattys Tattoo

Patty's TattooOn Sunday afternoon, Walt J, of Walt's Tattoo shop was telling his buddy Earl of the latest customer."I tell you, Earl, you know I got nothin' personally against spooks, they're my customers like everyone else, but this salt and pepper couple come in my shop today. Ah seen lots of stuff, lots of good lookin' babes with bucks, an ah see everythin', but today was intense! After they left, just to tell you how intense it was, I had to take out my little weenie and jack off. Yeah, I'm...

3 years ago
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A Confession A Night of Firsts

I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there... I strongly suggest reading them as they are wonderful and written by very talented people. Enjoy! A Confession – A Night of Firsts I am a bit worried as I write this. Mostly because of what I have done and what I know, with absolute certainty, I...

3 years ago
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A Confession A Night of Firsts

Introduction: A teen girl meets the guy she wants to make her a woman. Hello! Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging me to keep writing. This story is not intended to be part of a series, but I hope it is well received. I hope you enjoy it. Please PM me or comment below and let me know what you thought. Of course I also encourage voting. If you go into the Forum section of the site you will see the Sex Stories Section. The CAW10 entries are there… I strongly suggest reading them as...

2 years ago
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Dedicated to a lovely young lady that would have graduated in 1960 with a first initial of "J" First and most important, this is a totally true story. Because it is true, there is little sex and what there is, has not been embellished to the best of my knowledge. One almost always remembers their "Firsts." Their first kiss, first date, first love, first sex and first crush. This is a story of all the above and more. I have always been a shy person. All through my freshman and sophomore...

3 years ago
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A Night of Firsts

Anita lay naked on the bed, her body trembling with anticipation. Her small breasts heaved against her chest as she looked at him. Her eyes focused on his finger tips as they reached into the waistband of his black boxer briefs. A fairly significant bulge stuck out. She knew it was going to hurt. But she didn't care. She wanted to feel a cock inside her for the very first time. It was Alicia who suggested Bobby.Bobby and Anita had known each other for about a year, they met through Alicia. She...

3 years ago
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A Long List of Firsts

It’s funny how simple things trigger memories in a person. Sights, sounds, smells and even feelings of pain or pleasure can spark a flashback. That pain I was now feeling as my cock strained against denim made me recall how all this began. 15 Months Earlier It was Friday night, not long after leaving work, where I found myself in my favorite place. My home away from home, at least from the time just prior to my divorce until now, where I could relax before heading home or in this case to...

1 year ago
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My night of many firsts

I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...

2 years ago
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A night of many firsts

I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....

3 years ago
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A night of firsts

I was a horny but shy guy in school and I never had the guts to ask girls out. After getting out of high school I finally had to shed my virginity. I was a regular at the local adult bookstore and I decided to get a swingers magazine. I still lived at home so I had to try to find someone to host After sending several letters out I got a reply back from Joe and Patty, they were in their mid 40’s. Patty was a tiny blond with a nice body. Joe was a taller guy 6’3” about 250 with a slight beer gut....

2 years ago
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A night of many firsts

I was never a big hit with the girls in High School and I was a virgin by the time I graduated. Now with living at home and just working I didn't have a real chance to date. It was the 80's and I didn't have a computer yet and when I hit at the age of 18 I was able to go to the Adult bookstores and I was a k** in the candy store. Well I would gather up some masturbating supplies and race home to jerk off, some of the items I would get were the local swingers magazine. I figured that I wanted to...

2 years ago
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Patti Petite Ron Jeremy and my first wild crazy

I love women! I love asses! I love my ass! So, the following true story is near and dear to my heart, or cock, or maybe they are the same ;) She was my employee, she was older, she overweight, she was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So when she and I were talking in my office and she suggested that she suck my cock, I gladly accepted of course. She gasped when she saw my big cock and dove for it. That wasn't unusual in those days; I was young, hung, horny and not bad looking. Her...

1 year ago
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A Night of Firsts

A Night of Firsts By Sexy Laura This story is property of me, and may not be resubmitted without my consent. [email protected] ************************* "Tommy.. Can you give me a hand for a second?? Please???" I hated when my sister Shelley asked me for a favor when she had clients over. I always feel uncomfortable. Especially since my sister has a clientele that is slightly different then most people would imagine. She is a professional dominatrix. Complete with the...

2 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts

Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest…..The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude, so,...

2 years ago
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Night of Many Firsts

Night of Many firsts (Part One)Don Abdul ©She was engaged to be married, but a couple of weeks to the wedding, her whole world came crashing down around her, when she received an anonymous tip that took her to a motel on the edge of town. At the motel, she caught her man, and her would-be maid of honor, stepping out from a raunchy fuck fest.....The trauma of that incident and the heartbreak it caused her would have put some other person in a sanatorium. Dawn however is a sister with attitude,...

3 years ago
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Patti Was a Tomboy

Chapter one. Patti was a tomboy, 16 years old, hair cut in the schoolgirl style and pretty quiet for the most part. She didn’t seem to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and I didn’t know very much about her even though she was my next door neighbor. Our parents had no contact with each other mostly because of indifference. I had never really paid any attention to her. She was actually very good looking, blond with clean, flawless skin and a nice face and small but obvious tits, however she...

2 years ago
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Pattis Son

Patti had a teen son who was beginning to get interested in sex. She caught him staring at her tits and other women's asses. It was time to show him how the birds and bees do it. She was going to be a great teacher. She had already fucked two of his friends, and it was great. She loved the young cocks.On Saturday she told Tom to go to his room and undress. He looked surprised so she told him that if he didn't strip she would undress him. She was going to make him a man today. She gave him ten...

4 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 12 A Day of Firsts

First day of school for both Murphy kids saw a return of a family tradition: Mom fixed a full breakfast for everyone. Pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, fruits and all kinds of baked goods. She generally cooks for the family, then the mothers from the neighborhood carpool come and enjoy a wonderful meal at their own pace. There were usually a few empty bottles of wine in the trash when the kids returned home from the first day of school. Rumor has it the same carpoolers also got together toward...

1 year ago
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A Real Challenge A Night of Firsts

Reassured of my dominance, I licked his cum off my hands and went back to his friend. I patted his hard cock on my tongue, moaning playfully. I was having the time of my life, people were stopping in the street to watch, and I was loving it. I took the second man’s cock back into my mouth again and again, slowing going deeper each time. Then I kept my tongue out, flicking along the underside of his shaft as I took him down my throat. As the tip of my tongue touched his balls, he came, sending a...

First Time
2 years ago
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A Night Of Firsts

The date did not get off to a good start. I arrived early as always, ordered a drink and found a nice seat outside to enjoy the amazing summer sun that for once was beating down on London. As the minutes ticked by I began to think that I’d been stood up. Suddenly, fifteen minutes late, my phone buzzed with a message apologising but assuring me she was on her way.She finally arrived thirty minutes late and I was taken aback - she had looked very cute online but her picture really didn’t do her...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 163 Firsts

"Mr. Clinton, this is Brian Frost." "Hello, Brian." Did he sound exceptionally cool? "Sir, I have been given the privilege of accompanying your daughter, Cassandra, on her first official date this Saturday." "I'm aware. She told me months ago. I suppose there isn't much I can say about it, now. What is it you wanted?" "I wanted to make sure my choice of activities would meet with your approval before I purchased the tickets. The Notre Dame Ballet Company is performing...

1 year ago
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A Few Firsts

OK this time in my life was turbulent, as far as sexual relations developed, with here I am at the beginning of the Sexual Revolution, Vietnam Protests, Protests in general, Peace Love Dope, Flower Power, Flower c***dren, Acid Rock, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Timothy Leary, even the dawn of Gay Rights. That plus I had a head start in knowledge. I was torn between what I was taught was proper and paths others led me down. My girlfriend, which I was taught was the normal thing, I thought, where...

3 years ago
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"I need to find someone to take me camping," she said while standing in my cubicle. We'd just been talking about how much we enjoyed camping and the outdoors and I'd been showing her some of my nature photos. I can't even remember what brought it all up, but it was fun to open up with a coworker like that. I like to feel the intimacy that comes from opening up to others and having them accept me. It's even better when we have similar interests and I can feel that rapport growing almost...

2 years ago
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A Night of Firsts

We had been building up to this for many months. She was the gorgeous account manager, I was the admiring customer. She had captivated me from the first moment we met, and countless texts, emails and phone calls later, I knew she was someone very special. Innocent on the outside, something much more intriguing on the inside. After a fabulous dinner, followed by a few drinks in one of those hidden bars that only the locals know in my town, she boldly told me it was high time I delivered one of...

1 year ago
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A Fist Full of Firsts

David Miller and his wife Mandy were an attractive looking couple in their late thirties. Mandy stood just under five and a half feet, with David nearly six. Though David had always admired his wife's full rounded breasts as being one of her major attributes, her tight muscular ass was certainly another which he couldn't help but reach out and fondle whenever she walked by. Mandy of course thought her eyes to be her best feature, an almost cobalt blue that was accentuated greatly by her near...

2 years ago
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A Lot of Firsts

My encounter at the Seattle ABS frightened me so much that is was three or four months before I would go into another one and I had transferred to San Diego in the meantime.I had been thinking about that blowjob and decided that since I had enjoyed it so much I was curious to try some more and what better place to try to find more than another ABS. There were a few of them some distance from the base so it seemed safe. This was back before Don’t Ask Don’t Tell so the services were still...

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