Patty The Horny Nympho
- 3 years ago
- 39
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It started with an innocent request: "Feel up to going to a party with me and having a drink or two?"
It wasn't the first time that Janis had asked me that, but I'd usually said no in the past. Janis wasn't looking to hustle me, she just wanted company at another affair that she really didn't want to go to anyway. Janis, my boss, was a political animal and as such she always felt the need to put in an appearance at parties and events that our customers and suppliers put on.
Janis was a stone fox and Janis alone at one of those affairs was a green light for every guy there to take a shot at her. She was very capable of handling herself, but as I said, she was a politically minded person and she always worried about upsetting someone who might have been important to our company. You know what I mean; she puts down some obnoxious asshole and it turns out that he is the favorite son of a good customer. The son tells daddy, "That bitch was mean to me" and you can see where it might go from there.
The solution to that problem, as far as Janis was concerned, was to not go to those kinds of events alone. I'd gone to a dozen or so with her and she had stayed long enough to see and be seen and then we would leave and she would go her way and I would go mine.
Then I met Patty, fell in love with her, convinced her that life without me would be barren and bleak and we got married. That put an end to my attending parties with Janis.
That night I said yes not realizing that by doing so I was going to radically change my life.
The day started out like a hundred others had. Patty and I woke up, made leisurely love, took showers, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. After breakfast we both got ready to leave for work. Patty walked with me to the front door, I put my suitcase down and she gave me a hug and a passionate kiss and told me to keep my thoughts on her while I was gone.
I have a very good job and I make very good money, but one of the unfortunate aspects of my job is that I occasionally have to travel and I was leaving on a two-day business trip. Patty kissed me again and then said:
"Don't forget that I might not be home tonight when you call."
I must have gotten a confused look on my face because she said:
"You did forget, didn't you? I told you I was having dinner with my mother and sister tonight, remember?"
"Oh yeah, I guess I did forget."
"I'll probably be home by ten-thirty or eleven, but I can't promise. You know my mother when she gets to talking."
One more kiss and I left.
My flight wasn't until two that afternoon so I spent the morning working at the office and at eleven-thirty I headed for the airport. I was sitting in the boarding area when the announcement was made that there would be a slight delay because of a mechanical problem. To shorten the story some, four delay announcements later it was announced that the flight was cancelled. I called Chicago and told them that I wouldn't be there until the next day and I left the airport.
I had to go right by the office on my way home so I stopped in to check on some paperwork. Janis was still there and she asked me if I would go to a cocktail party with her. Knowing that Patty would be having dinner with her mother and sister and not feeling up to going home to an empty house I said I would. Knowing Janis, I knew she wouldn't stay at the party very long and I would be home by ten. I might beat Patty home or I might not, but either way it would be a surprise to her.
The party was a cocktail party put on by one of our customers in conjunction with a trade show that was being held at the downtown Hilton. It was being held in one of the hotel's convention rooms and there must have been a hundred people there. I was off to one side of the room standing with Janis as she talked to someone she knew. I was staring at the other side of the room when Janis dug an elbow in my side.
"Earth to Rob, come in please."
That got my attention and I turned to look at her and saw that the person she had been talking to had moved away.
"What are you staring at?" she asked.
"My day and my life turning to shit."
"You have never met Patty, have you?"
"No. Every time she's been to the office I have been gone somewhere."
"Well tonight you are going to get to meet her. Look over at the bar. See the redhead hanging on the arm of the guy in the gray sharkskin suit?"
"That is Patty, but the guy in the suit is not the mother and sister she was supposed to be having dinner with."
"Oh shit Rob, promise me you won't kill him."
I looked at Janis confused and she said, "You don't know who he is?"
I shook my head no.
"That's Randy Trumbull, the son of Jason Trumbull, as in Trumbull Industries? One of our biggest customers?"
"And that is supposed to mean he gets a free pass for being with my wife?"
"Oh come on Rob, I'm sure there is some reasonable explanation for it."
The words were no sooner out of her mouth than Randy bent his head and Patty turned hers up and they kissed. A long, lingering kiss and as he kissed her his hand dropped to her ass and stayed there.
"What are you going to do?"
"Depends on how bad you don't want me to kill the both of them here in public."
"What do you mean?"
"If you want me to keep this civilized here is what I want you to do."
"Randy," Janis said as we walked up to them, "How nice to see you."
"Hello Janis, you are looking as lovely as ever."
"Well thank you sir. Who is your lovely partner?"
"This is my girlfriend Patty."
"Oh you devil you. A married woman for a girlfriend. How deliciously wicked of you."
"Oh, you mean the rings. Actually Patty is going through a divorce and she says she won't take them off until the divorce is final."
He turned to Patty and said, "Isn't that right honey?"
It was only then that he saw her standing there like a stone statue and with a face that was pale and ashen. "Is something wrong sweetie?" he asked.
"I think she is just a little surprised and she isn't the only one" Janis said. She turned to me and said, "You didn't tell me anything about a divorce Rob."
"I'm just as surprised as you are Janis. I sure didn't know about it when I left the house this morning to catch my flight. It is just amazing the things you can learn when your flight gets cancelled."
Randy turned to us with a confused look on his face and Janis said:
"Oh heavens, where are my manners. Randy, this is Rob Thomas, Rob meet Randy Trumbull."
I stuck out my hand to shake and Randy took it as Janis said, "Rob is Patty's husband, or was I guess I should say seeing as how he is getting divorced."
"Nice meeting you Randy. Be careful she doesn't stick it to you like she stuck it to me. Come on Janis, we still have some people to see and then I need to get a hotel room for the night."
"Bye Randy, we'll talk later," Janis said and we turned and walked away from them.
As soon as we were away from them Janis said, "I'm ready to leave now if you are."
"Actually I'm in no hurry to leave. I'd like to stick around and ruin their evening."
"You promised me Rob."
"All I'm going to do is be here. My being here should make them uncomfortable as hell. I want to stay until they leave. You go do your thing Janis, I'll just hang around, nurse a drink and keep watching them to see how nervous I can make them."
I was at the bar getting a fresh drink when Randy came up and stood next to me. He gave me a nervous look and then said:
"This is a little awkward for me. I don't know how to handle a situation like this."
"Well, if it helps any it is new to me too."
"All I can say is that I didn't know she was married. I mean I knew she was still married, but I believed her when she told me she was going through a divorce and that it wasn't final yet. You weren't kidding me, were you? You really aren't getting a divorce?"
"The first I heard of it was from you. When I left the house this morning I got a passionate kiss and a "Hurry home lover." If my flight hadn't been cancelled I wouldn't have been here tonight and I would have never known. Where is she?"
"She went to the ladies room."
"How long has the affair been going on?"
"Almost three months now, but I wouldn't call it an affair."
"Why not?"
"All we have done is dated and we've had some pretty intense make out sessions, but she has refused to let me make love to her. It's like the deal with the rings. Just as she said she wouldn't take the rings off until the divorce was final she wouldn't have sex until then either."
"But you tried right?"
"Oh boy did I ever."
"What has she been telling you about when the divorce would be final?"
"She didn't know when it was going to happen. She said you were fighting it and constantly throwing up road blocks."
"I guess you had better get back to her. She's bound to be out of the john and looking for you by now."
"You aren't taking her home with you?"
"What are you going to do?"
"Get a room for the night, leave on my trip in the morning and see a lawyer when I get back home from it. Stick around, I'm not throwing up roadblocks any more and I think in this state a divorce can become final in a little as sixty days. Take care" I said and then I walked away to find Janis.
"I saw you talking to Randy," she said as I walked up to her. "It didn't look like angry words were spoken."
"There weren't. Basically he was apologetic. He didn't know she was lying to him."
"What are you going to do?"
"Turn her pretend divorce into a real one."
"Not going to sit down and talk with her first?"
"No need. According to Randy they have been keeping company for three months now. That's all I need to know."
"You about ready to go?"
"Yeah. I just need to hit the john first."
I headed for the men's room, took my whiz and when I came out I found Patty waiting for me. She looked like she wanted to rush to me and throw her arms around me, but the look on my face must have given her pause and then I said harshly:
"What do you want?"
"You said you were going to get a hotel room. Why aren't you coming home?"
"What? And ruin it for you and your lover? Isn't that where you fuck him? In my house and on my bed?"
"It isn't like that. I need to explain Rob, it isn't what you think honey, honest it isn't."
"How the hell can it not be what I think? You tell me you are spending the evening with your mother and sister and I catch you out with another man. I see you kiss him and then he tells me that you are his girlfriend and it isn't what I think? Get serious Patty! Just get the fuck away from me. Go find your boyfriend. You are starting to make me feel guilty for ruining your date."
"Please Rob, let me explain" she was saying as I walked away from her. I found Janis waiting for me by the door and we left.
I sat staring out the window as Janis drove and it was a minute or so before I noticed.
"Hey boss, you are going the wrong way. The office is the other way."
"We aren't going to the office."
"But that's where my car is. I have to pick it up and go find me a hotel room."
"You aren't going to be staying in a hotel room. I'm taking you to my place."
"I don't think that is such a good idea Janis."
"I think it is an excellent idea. I want you where I can keep an eye on you. If you go to a hotel room you will sit there and stew about your wife and God only knows what you might do. I need you on that plane tomorrow so you can straighten out the McDougal account, not sitting in a jail somewhere charged with spousal abuse or assault and battery."
"I wouldn't do anything like that."
"I'll still feel better if you are with me."
Why fight it. I wasn't going to get any sleep anyway. Janis had a two-bedroom condo and she put me in the guest bedroom and said goodnight. I climbed into bed, tossed and turned for a while and then, just as I knew I would, ended up lying on my back and staring up at the ceiling wondering what had gone wrong between Patty and me. To be honest with myself I guess that deep down I knew that this day would eventually come. I had hoped and prayed that it wouldn't, but I knew that it would. Patty was just too wild, too much of a free spirit. I guess the big surprise should have been that she had kept it suppressed as long as she had.
I remembered the night I met Patty. It was at a birthday party being held for my cousin Lou. I knew who Patty was, I'd seen her around campus a lot and I'd heard all the stories and rumors about her. That she had pulled trains at the Kappa Phi house and that on a dare she had dated and fucked every member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, but they were just rumors and I didn't believe any of them. You only had to look at her to know they were bullshit. No one that sweet, young and innocent looking could possibly have done what she was supposed to have done.
I was at the party with my girlfriend Stella and I just happened to be looking at the front door when Patty and her date came in. There was something about her that drew my attention that night and from the time she got there I couldn't take my eyes off of her. It was maybe an hour into the party when it happened. I was looking at her across the room and she looked my way and our eyes met. Neither of us looked away something passed between us and after several seconds she left the people she was talking to and walked my way. She walked right up to me and said:
"Did you feel it too?"
"Yes I did."
"Then let's get out of here."
"What about your date?"
"Fuck him."
"I can't just leave. My girlfriend is here with me."
"To hell with her too. She was history when our eyes met. Come on, let's go."
She took my hand in hers and led me away. Once outside she asked me where I lived and when I told her she said:
"My place is closer."
As we got in my car she slid over next to me, her hand went to my zipper and she said:
"I have never believed in that 'love at first sight' bullshit, but what just happened is what it must be like. That or lust."
We hadn't gone three blocks before her head bent toward my lap and my cock was in her mouth. All of my pre-conceived notions about Patty really being sweet, young and innocent disappeared in about five seconds. No one who could suck a cock the way she sucked mine could be inexperienced.
She took it in her hands and rubbed the shaft with her fingers, her nails lightly dragging along the underside. She ran her tongue up and down on it several times before licking the head and then taking it in her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down taking a little more of me in on each down stroke until I felt the head of my dick hit the back of her throat. Her tongue slithered around on my cock. I kept one hand on the wheel and the other went to the back of her head and held it as I arched up off the seat to face fuck her. I moaned that I was going to cum and she clamped her lips tight around me and held me while I erupted. I felt her throat flutter as she swallowed every drop and then when no more spurts came she took her mouth off me, looked up at me and winked.
"I like to get the first one out of the way baby, it makes the second one last a lot longer."
When we got to her apartment she led me straight into the bedroom and stripped off her sexy little black dress and kicked it to the side. She wasn't wearing a bra and she slid her skimpy thong off as I dropped my trousers to the floor. My cock throbbed as I saw her standing there in high heels and thigh highs and she moaned:
"Hurry baby, hurry, I need it, I need it bad" as she climbed onto the bed.
I followed her and pushed her legs apart and moved between them and then put them on my shoulders. She reached for my cock and pulled it to her pussy lips and I pushed it in slowly. She hissed out a "Yessss" as I sank into her inch by inch and when my balls hit her pubic bone I started slowly fucking her. She pushed up at me to meet my downward strokes. Her nails were digging into my back as she tried to pull me deeper into her. I went harder and faster as she moaned and begged me to make her cum. I reached under her and gripped the cheeks of her ass and pulled her tight to me and then slammed into her as hard as I could and she cried out:
"Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh yessssss" as she had her orgasm and my whole body shook as the cum burst out of the head of my cock and flooded her insides. I pulled out and fell to the bed beside her and almost as quickly sat back up.
"Oh sweet fucking Jesus. I'm sorry, oh god I'm sorry."
As Patty walked into the bedroom, her cousin Cathy hastily closed a small, battered brown leather suitcase. Spread out on the bed around her were several yellowed newspapers, a white teapot with a chip in the spout, two rather forlorn-looking old rag dolls and a funny kind of a map all covered with lines of different colors. Patty and Cathy were both teenagers, just slightly plump but showing the promise of adulthood in their budding breasts and the smooth curve of their hips. Though cousins,...
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MatureChapter one.Patti was a tomboy, 16 years old, hair cut in the schoolgirl style and pretty quiet for the most part. She didn't seem to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and I didn't know very much about her even though she was my next door neighbor. Our parents had no contact with each other mostly because of indifference. I had never really paid any attention to her. She was actually very good looking, blond with clean, flawless skin and a nice face and small but obvious tits, however she walked...
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I love women! I love asses! I love my ass! So, the following true story is near and dear to my heart, or cock, or maybe they are the same ;) She was my employee, she was older, she overweight, she was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So when she and I were talking in my office and she suggested that she suck my cock, I gladly accepted of course. She gasped when she saw my big cock and dove for it. That wasn't unusual in those days; I was young, hung, horny and not bad looking. Her...
Chapter one. Patti was a tomboy, 16 years old, hair cut in the schoolgirl style and pretty quiet for the most part. She didn’t seem to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and I didn’t know very much about her even though she was my next door neighbor. Our parents had no contact with each other mostly because of indifference. I had never really paid any attention to her. She was actually very good looking, blond with clean, flawless skin and a nice face and small but obvious tits, however she...
Patti had a teen son who was beginning to get interested in sex. She caught him staring at her tits and other women's asses. It was time to show him how the birds and bees do it. She was going to be a great teacher. She had already fucked two of his friends, and it was great. She loved the young cocks.On Saturday she told Tom to go to his room and undress. He looked surprised so she told him that if he didn't strip she would undress him. She was going to make him a man today. She gave him ten...
Do you ever see a happy family eating out at a restaurant and ever stop to think to yourself, ‘gee, I bet the reason they are so happy is because they are fucking each other.’ Then you start to fantasize about the grandfather eating out his granddaughter’s tight college-age pussy while the grandmother watches and sucks off her son-in-law. All the while their daughter eats out the asshole of her dad.Be real with yourself: it would not be the first time that you have had these fantasies after...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesMy name is Ebenezer Screwed, and this is the story of how, i found my Christmas spirit.It was a cold Christmas Eve evening, when my one and only Employee, Bob Crotchlick came to me and asked if he could have tomorrow off."You want tomorrow off? Why?" i asked back."It is Christmas sir, and no one works on Christmas, it would be a waste of money if we did!" he replied.There was only two things i hated in this world, wasting money and women who refuse to suck cock, so reluctantly i let Bob head...
Mom loves her k**s When I opened the door my mouth fell open and I screamed!There was my son Matt grinning at me with his arms open wide. He was dressed in his camouflage Army uniform and had several bags s**ttered around his feet.“MOM!” He said, with that lopsided grin on his face, “I’m home!”I couldn’t believe my son was actually standing on the porch in front of me! He had just turned twenty one and I hadn’t seen him in over a year. A year of constant fear that he was going to come home in a...
A married couple have been stranded on a deserted island for many years. One day another man washes up on shore. He and the wife become attracted to each other right away, but realize they must be creative if they are to engage in any hanky-panky. The husband, however, is very glad to see the second man there. "Now we will be able to have three people doing eight hour shifts in the watchtower, rather than two people doing 12-hour shifts." The newcomer is only too happy to help and in fact...
David looked as his watch two hours later ? Blackmailed, spanked and screwed.? By BlackStar? This story is not fantasy.? It actually happened in real-life.? Eventually the blackmailer got four years.? But Valerie got a well-deserved hiding she would never forget. David sat in the living room while Valerie looked out the window.? David watched her with concealed amusement.? It was obvious that she was extremely edgy while she waited for a exceptional client to turn up for his...
Slow Comfortable Screw Lillian, a nice lady in our church had an emergency operation and had to stay on bed rest for six to eight weeks. Several of us in the church signed up to take turns checking in on her and seeing to her needs. We were one of the first couples to visit her and that was when she requested us to visit her husband in prison. We didn’t even know that her husband was in prison. She told us the necessary information and then she whispered more information to my wife,...
Hi. I’m Nisha. I want to share how I lost my virginity. I have earlier written about how I was educated about the pleasures of sex in my story, “My father fucked the maid”. My father and mother have sex everyday and I get to see them through my window and enjoy their pleasure. I have a sexy figure of 36-24-36. My boobs are big and I love to see my father Mr.Brij satisfying two women at the same time. I’m fair and have attractive black eyes. My neck is long and I have seen boys staring down at...
Simply Screwed by Debra Harry stood helplessly staring at the doorknob waiting fearfully for it to turn. Actually, stood is something of an understatement. Teetered about would be a better description. Only by constantly shifting his weight could he even remain upright in the painful shoes he wore. Seven inches high with needle thin spike heels, lots of straps and patent leather toes that pinched his feet unmercifully. His thoughts flew back momentarily to what his...
Screwing by Vickie Tern "Oh, Dottie, is this a bad time? I'll call back if you think so. I'm just ... I need your advice, Dottie. There's this problem and I've got to deal with it and I'm not sure exactly ...." "Don't you worry about it, Vera, now is perfectly fine! But honey, you sound just awful! Are you angry about something, or crying, or what? I can't tell!" "Both! I'm furious and I'm ... no, it's worse than both! Oh, I don't know .......
Hi all readers this is Jerry Finolen from Chennai here to narrate you all the best of my fucking sessions.I have been following ISS for almost 4 years and here is my first story. This my sexperience with my lecturer who eventually became a secret lover.Hope you will enjoy it. I look forward for your comments and feedbacks. contact me at “”. It was the time for the Annual Cultural Meet in our college and i was doing my final year engg. The heroine is my Lecturer named Nimmy, 28 years of age ,...
This started over a year ago. One day my wife wanted me to make love to her and I tried everything to get hard enough to slide inside her including Viagra. I told you I am a diabetic and the diabetes has killed my ability to get “rock hard” to penetrate but still gets hard enough to jack off ok. I told the wife I would look for someone to have sex with her for me, and I would be there the entire time holding her hand. Well, we found a guy here in Vegas that said he really wanted to fuck her...
Hi all This is my first exp that I’m sharing with u guys…I’m 22 now and a pure gay bottom from Hyderabad….just add me on Fine, back to my exp….I was 19 then and was away from home, studying in a place closer to Hyd…I was living with a bunch of friends’ shared my room with a guy, but he is not my man. My Partner was from the adjacent room who lived alone. Earlier I dint now about me being a gay but it happened one evening…. hat day me and my friends played cricket for 4hrs and then returned to...
Gay MaleThis is a story told to me by one of my neighbours, an old man called Charley, who told me this tale in the year 2000 during the 55th anniversary of VE day. We were watching the celebrations on his television – we had an open bottle of Glen Morange between us. It was when Queen Elizabeth, along with the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret came out onto the balcony of Buckingham Palace. The commentator started to talk about the day fifty five years before when King George with his queen and two...
This time around she stepped in first and as I heard the clatter of water, I decided to move away for a while and take a breath of fresh air. Unknown to me, and by some strange chance the next door occupant threaded into our room by mistake and without a hiss when straight into the bathing area. I still did not know and I imagined that my GF would come out soon so I could than proceed to have my refresh. As it took her a long time to finish up, I went over to the shower and to my surprise; I...
"Damn I’m screwed," thought Stefanie as she saw the reflection of her seventeen-year old son Stefan in the bureau mirror. She was just coming down from an awesome orgasm with her lover Harley’s cock still buried in her cunt.She was further shocked by the big grin on Stefan’s face. What the fuck was he doing home anyway, and how long has he been there watching, she thought.Then Harley began to stir. He began slowly fucking her. His cock was hardening again as he slowly picked up the pace. Damn...
IncestHe had tried for weeks to get me to meet. At first I just deleted the messages: after all, anyone with the username "Lets Screw" was nothing but trouble, right?Then I started responding just for something to do and the exchanges were fun and a little hot. I had just joined a dating sight after a year and a half of being separated from my soon to be ex-husband and I thought I knew what I wanted. THIS WAS NOT IT but it made me laugh so I thought what the hell. He was bold and had a confidence...
Screwed Randi's excitement grew as she walked outside to her car. She'd been preparing for this all day and dreaming it up for weeks. She began the day by showering and shaving her legs, followed by putting on a nice red nail polish on her fingers and toes. She went to her dresser and picked out a black pushup bra and some jet black pantyhose. After strapping on the bra, she sat on the end of her bed and drew the pantyhose up her long legs one at a time. At 6'3" with long skinny...
By : Bsathya Hi I’m Sathya a general practitioner in a private hospital in Coimbatore. This incident is about a nurse who was working in the same hospital she is very shrewd and used to do things swiftly When I was new to the hospital she taught me many things like how is the characters of the fellow doctors. Let me tell about her she was in her early twentys and had a long hair, short in height but her assets were a perfect fit for her body. Her structure is so good that every patient stares...
There are just a few things to keep in mind when talking to Dad about money - dress short, reveal lot. And when you are down on your finances, desperate to keep your apartment and your appearances, you don't think much of the propriety of acting sultry with your father. Especially when your mother isn't of much help. Then again, I guess I deserved it. I walked out of my home when I was just seventeen, moved in with a boyfriend, and shut off my parents for an entire month. The relationship...
This was one of three Halloween stories I did at the same time. The theme was things that you are afraid of or terrified of. I am not a fan of rape so this was a first for me to write. I stretched my five foot, eight inch body as I walked out the back door of the building I was working in. Groaning as my back made a few popping sounds. Shaking my head I cleared the brown hair that had fallen out of place in my face. Walking to my car I sighed, consigning myself to the fact that I would be...
Welcome all, to the first episode of Cheezy Sexual Theatre 3000! Right out of the box, we have a stinker of biblical proportion. The green fog of death from the Ten Commandments can't hold a candle to the deadly combination of cliché, poor grammar, and just plain god-awful writing in this story. I don't know how we survived it. Notice that we? That's right, I'm not the only poor fool suffering through a story of less than stellar merits. FallingToFly has made the ultimate sacrifice and...
Me? Oh yes, a little bit of an introduction would probably help a little. I am Jason Grant, a 17 year old "would-be" game designer. I'm studying but hardly, really. I am trying to battle school, which in RPG terms stands at like 20 levels less than I, but I am unarmed. In other words, lately shit just keeps fucking up. I have short black hair and brown eyes, and stand about 5'6. I would be taller but - a whole lotta coffee can indeed prevent you from growing too tall. Thanks a lot,...
The last I heard of it, she had ran aground and sank, somewhere in the Aegean Sea, so ended my association with the Birka Princess. My last journey on our 24 hour ‘Booze Cruise’ to Åland started in great style, by me being ‘Hit-on’ by a strange little man who obviously had heard that Swedish girls liked to let their hair down, along with a few other things, as the wine flowed and inhibitions relaxed. At the after end of the ship you can drink as you watch Stockholm dissapear into the distance,...
You are a traveling adventurer, in a land of fables and magic. You have interrupted your journey to rest for the night in a small roadside inn, and you have spent the evening in conversation with the inn's only other guest. She's beautiful, she's intriguing, and after losing a friendly wager with you, she must now tell you a story. Specifically, she must tell you a story about what might happen if the two of you had sex. She starts her story by properly introducing herself. From this point...
FantasyIt was the summer holiday period and, like so many students, I was working to pay off a bit of debt and fund my fun for the coming year. I was working on a farm helping with the harvest. We worked long hours at night but had late starts while we waited for the dew to dry off. I was staying in a house for the season and, in the morning, I would have a cup of coffee sitting outside and read the paper and chill before the day got going. This was pretty uneventful for the first week. I was sitting...
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