Unexpected Consequences free porn video

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UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCES "I saw you ogling that woman you know," Kate Archer told her husband of five years, Alan. "You know I can't stand you lusting after other women." Alan was adamant that he hadn't been 'ogling' but the more he denied it the more she thought he was protesting too much. "I love you Kate, why would I look at other women?" "For the simple reason that all men are alike, you just want to plant your seed in as many gardens as you can find." He thought that what she was saying was driven by how much she loved him and didn't want to lose him. He felt the same way about her, but her jealousy was beginning to get him down. This time it was just because he looked in the direction of some women walking in front of them in the shopping precinct. It could just as easily been an advertisement at the side of something on the internet that he was working on. He was a game designer, something that was earning him a steady income in royalties so he was able to work from home while his wife went to her office. Actually she seldom had need to go in, it was her family's business, the Simpson Group, now on the third generation and she employed managers and directors to ensure ran it like clockwork. He sometimes thought that she deliberately left the house, only to reappear soon afterwards, hoping she would catch him with another woman. She couldn't seem to understand that one of his principle qualities was loyalty so he would always be faithful to his marriage vows. What he didn't know was that all the time there was another reason. "What can I do to prove that I don't get turned on by other women? I'd do anything to stop you worrying about it." "Anything at all?" she asked. "Anything, I love you." "We'll see," she told him enigmatically. The following Saturday Kate told him that they had an appointment, driving him to the city suburbs and a large house in its own grounds. As instructed he accompanied his wife to the front door. "Hi Kate." An attractive woman of about thirty, half a dozen years older than them invited them in. "I told you I'd bring him, Zoe, would you like to fit my husband here up with one of your monitors?" Kate asked as they were shown into what appeared to be a doctor's consulting room. "No problem, Alan would you come with me please?" Without any introduction, he looked at Kate who nodded to him, so he followed the woman through another door at the back of the room, leading to what appeared to be a cross between a changing room and an operating theatre. There was a padded table under lights, to its side what appeared to be a gynaecological examination chair and off to one side was a shower stall. "Take off your clothes Alan," she told him. "What's going on and if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" he reasonably asked. "Hasn't your wife explained what we're going to do?" he shook his head and she continued before he could say more. "My name is Zoe Callas and I'm a qualified doctor but I specialise in solving sexual health problems. Take a seat a minute." She offered him one of two chairs beside a desk, she sat in the other. "Your wife complains that you are sexually attracted to inappropriate females so she's so worried about it and that it's destroying her love for you. I know you've denied it," she added hastily, "so what I have suggested is that instead of looking at where your eyes are leading her, we can fit you with a device that will only register your sexual attraction. I've warned her that you may well have insignificant erections, so only if they form a definite pattern will you need to come back here to discuss it. Does that answer some of your worries?" "What does this monitor involve Doctor?" "Please call me Zoe, it will mean that you have to wear a special device that will track your libido. Are you willing to do that?" She pulled a form out of the desk draw and asked him to sign it. "I love my wife very much Zoe, so anything that will set her mind at rest I'm prepared to try." He scribbled his signature without a second's thought. "We'll see Alan, now I must warn you that it will take a bit of getting used to, and to ensure that you can't cheat and take it off, it's going to be fixed to your body using a special adhesive, so because of that I will need to remove your hair from the area, otherwise it will be very painful when it's removed." The reluctant patient stripped and allowed the doctor to spray the contents of an aerosol can around his body. "If you want the hair re-growth to be the same all over, it might be an idea to remove it all, it will also give me an idea of the length it's getting under the monitor." He agreed that he might as well be in for a penny, in for a pound and she covered privates then she sprayed a second, different labelled can explaining that it was the catalyst that made the first on work. He had to stand for more than ten minutes with the chemicals making his skin tingle and then started to heat uncomfortably. It was only then that he was told to get under the cold shower. By the time he stepped out from the jets of water he was as naked of pubic hair and his penis was so small he felt as if he looked like a new born baby. He was glad to wrap the offered bath robe round himself, but the modesty it offered didn't last long once he was sat in the gyno examination chair and his legs were up in the stirrups. As it was reclined he couldn't see what Zoe was doing, he could just feel her drying and then manouvering his privates. He could feel renewed cold wetness round the area then finally some pushing, pulling and squeezing that went on for ten or fifteen minutes. "You're all done Alan," she told him. "Now before I show you what I've done, remember that it's very temporary. Your wife wants to check you over a period of about ten or fourteen days and then you'll return here to have it removed. It's at that point we review how you've been reacting and where we go from there, if anywhere. OK?" Once he had confirmed his understanding, she held a mirror between his legs and he gasped at what he saw. His masculine privates were completely gone, all he could see was what looked like a vagina entrance.. "What have you done with my bits?" he asked rather panicked. "Don't worry, everything's still there, it's just that your testicles are pushed up into your body, your penis is wrapped in your empty scrotum then it's all stuck back to your perineum. The detector is stuck between the two. Your bits will drop back once you're unstuck but you'll have to remember that you're going to have to sit down to pee, then wipe afterwards, in the meantime." The Doctor's reply soothed him a little but all he could think of was what he was going through for the sake of his wife's imagination. As he stood up he had an ominous lack of anything between his legs. It was even worse than that, he could see nothing beyond the curve of his stomach disappearing. When she asked him, he had to tell the Doctor that it wasn't so much uncomfortable as psychologically disturbed, to which she replied that she could understand. He got dressed, glad to be back in at least that form of normality, even more when he went to rejoin his wife who had occupied her time reading magazines in the consulting room they were first shown into. He was once again told to take a seat. "This is your monitor, Kate." Zoe handed over something that looked like a small, very thin remote TV controller. "I've already instructed you on its use, it's got a chain for you to hang it round your neck, it hangs well down so you shouldn't take it off. "Alan, you will now be monitored for your erections. I know that sometimes men get them in inappropriate circumstances and if that happens Kate will now know. If she feels that you shouldn't be attracted to the girl in question she can administer a small electric voltage to let you know. The device records 24/7 everything that happens and that can be used if we need to get together for me to help you further. "All the very best to you and good luck, I think you're doing the right thing." Alan was a little miffed that these last comments were directed towards his wife but didn't dwell on why, he just believed that as she was the one with the problem, it was down to her to be satisfied with the answer. He was more concerned with the strange sensations he had down below as the car vibrated now he was tucked right back between his legs. The thought crossed his mind that it was just as well he wasn't driving, the feelings becoming more and more distracting. A short while later he heard a quiet buzz come from the device hanging round his wife's neck. She glanced at him and smiled. "Who'd have thought that me driving the car would turn you on." "I'm sorry," he explained, "the way I'm tucked back makes me feel all the vibrations and movement of the car, plus it's a bit of an odd situation." She wasn't pleased to hear that it was something other than her causing his excitement and they drove the rest of the way home in a rather icy silence. Alan cooked dinner, as was usual and during the course of the evening Kate resumed her contented and customary pleasant disposition. She had a short swim in their pool, then dressed nicely for the meal which Alan served in their dining room. She explained that she had asked some of her girlfriends over for a dip during the late morning the next day, asking him if he could do them a light lunch, leaving it up to him whether it would be sit down or a buffet. "I take it the girls will want some nibbles and a drink before they lunch?" he asked. She told him that would be very nice of him if he could do some. He was tired after the day he'd had, so they both retired early, him to sleep, her to her latest novel. He rose early the next morning, leaving Kate to lie in while he busied himself preparing various tasty delicacies in the kitchen. He knew his wife's friends always appreciated the time and trouble he went to with his food, even when she didn't seem to. He made four dishes of canap?s and made sure there was a good selection of aperitifs and wine for the meal ready chilled, did what he could to prepare a selection of cold plates for a buffet and even made a few sweet petit fours for after. Having got as far as reasonable with the work he heated a couple of croissants, taking them, jam and coffee up for his wife to have in bed. "Why don't you change into your costume and join us in the pool?" she asked him. "If you recall, I'm going to look peculiar in a swim suit," he replied. She hadn't actually seen what her friend had done to him, only witnessed the results and as she knew that he wasn't able to have sex with her while it was monitoring, she hadn't bothered to pay it any attention. He explained how it had been all tucked away until he made the return visit and told her that he would appear most odd in a costume. "You could always use the bottom half of my bikini if you get desperate," she added with a loud laugh that almost turned into hysterics, she thought it far more funny than him. After clearing up the breakfast things he continued getting their lunch ready, he was enjoying himself with all the little fiddly bits and pieces, so was surprised when the first two girls arrived. He took out a bottle of Champagne in an ice bucket, placing under a parasol together with enough glasses and telling his wife to let him know when they wanted more. Quite a group arrived and he was rather envious of them all splashing around in the water while he was still working in the kitchen but he promised himself a swim once they had all gone home. It wasn't long before more Champagne was called for, two bottles and a second bucket, as the first lasted no time at all. He noted that they all wore the skimpiest swimsuits that were sold. Suddenly aware of the vibrations from the device he had fitted, he quickly diverted his eyes and started to do maths problems in his head to avoid Kate hearing a buzzing noise. He was sure he had succeeded, but it had him worried. Only half an hour later she passed through the kitchen saying that she was going to get a beach robe from the bedroom and would he please take out another bottle to the girls. Now realising that they were all a little high on the three bottles already and on empty stomachs, he took the canap?s out with another two bottles, all on a very large tray. He'd just placed it down when he looked up and realised that four of the girls were topless and the other three were completely naked. He rushed back into the house but it was too late. His wife came back down to the kitchen absolutely furious. "You've been ogling those girls, haven't you?" "I'm sorry but they're all naked out there, I tried not to look but I had too much to do, carrying the nibbles out as well as the bottle you asked for." "I'm going to show you what happens when you have wandering eyes and it serves you right." She pressed the button on the remote she had round her neck and he felt the most terrible burning pain in his groin, so bad that he screamed and collapsed on the floor. "I'm going to set this on automatic now, so that will happen every time you find yourself attracted to another woman." She pressed buttons a number of times. "It's done now, I won't give you any more shocks, you'll do that to yourself whenever you get carried away." He slowly dragged himself up from the floor and wondered how on earth he was going to get out of the trap he was in. Finally on his feet, she told him to follow her. He was led to the bedroom where she gave him the bottom half of one of her bikinis. "Take your clothes off and put this on," she ordered him. He slowly obeyed her, not just through reluctance, he was still in shock after the pain he had suffered. Eventually he stood in front of her, blushing with the shame of what he looked like already and she wasn't half done, sitting him down at her vanity, she started to put make up on his face. Using mauve eye shadow and the reddest of red lipsticks, it wasn't in any way subtle but what he didn't need was any blusher, that he was providing naturally. She unrolled self supporting stockings up his legs and placed his feet in a pair of her highest heels, doing up the ankle strap on the four inch stilettos. "I can't be seen wearing this," he plaintively complained. "Please stop doing this to me." "Do you want me to press that button again?" She was waiving the remote in her fingers. "You are going downstairs, I don't care if you want to make a joke of it, but you are going." "No, please don't, I'll go." He would have been shaky in his gait anyway, after the punishment she had given him, but adding that to the heels he'd never worn before made it even worse. It was as much as he could do, to carry the remaining plates to where the buffet was set up. He was just putting the last two down when the women piled into the room to eat. He felt himself burning up with shame as they started to laugh at him. "Who's the maid Kate?" one of them called out, then they started making disparaging comments about the size of the almost non-existent bulge of his crotch. All he could do was to remain silent and be thankful that the pain he suffered and his psychological state meant that he was no longer being turned on by the lack of clothing of the women who, either because they were too drunk or just because they didn't care, hadn't bothered to dress after their dip. It seemed like an eternity before the afternoon came to a close, by sheer dint of willpower he avoided being electrocuted again. It didn't even help that his wife disappeared two or three times, he was fairly sure that she had been telling the truth when she told him that an erection by itself would cause him to be punished. Once everyone had gone she told him what she had decided to do. "We're going back to see Doctor Callas, I've spoken to her on the phone and she can see us immediately." This came as a great relief to him, at last he could get an expert to explain to Kate that it was perfectly normal for a man to become aroused when naked girls were flaunting themselves in front of them. In a way it actually helped that she wouldn't let him change out of the clothes she had dressed him in, even to the extent of leaving the make up on him. That would mean that she would understand how unreasonable his wife was being. She drove him back to the house where Zoe was waiting for them, but it didn't go exactly as he had expected. "I hear you've still been misbehaving," were the first words she spoke to him as she showed him straight through to her back room. Kate stayed in the front consulting room the same as the time before, raising his hopes that he would be able to explain what had happened in a calm and sensible manner. She sat him down on the padded table and while she busied herself with something he started to explain. "I'm sorry Zoe, but I couldn't help getting an erection, all the girls were either skimpily dressed or had nothing on at all." "Well you know it's wrong and I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any alternative." she told him and with that plunged a hypodermic needle into his arm. "But it's quite normal for a man to react to that, isn't it?" he said but he didn't hear her reply. Everything went black. * * * * * When he woke up he was surprised to find that he was lying in an unfamiliar bed and feeling numb over his body. He tried to work out what was going on but his mental processes were slow and rather foggy. Then the door opened. "Time to get up and dressed Adrienne." He recognised the woman but was having difficulty with her name. The woman pulled back the duvet and he looked down with surprise. He was wearing a filmy baby doll nightie which did little to hide his body. Something was wrong he realised, once he saw that he had breasts. "What's happen...?" He didn't recognise his own voice. "You've got to get to your lessons Adrienne, that's what's happening." She opened a closet which held what appeared to be school uniforms, she took a number of things out and laid them on the foot of his bed. Then she went to a drawer and selected underwear. "Come on, get dressed, I'll be back in ten minutes to collect you." He slowly extricated himself from the bed and picked up a pair of pants, not understanding why they were a sheer black material and so small. He mentally shrugged and put them on but noticed a bra and thought that he didn't wear one. 'But why wouldn't I wear it?' he thought. 'I obviously need to.' Somehow he knew that this was the first time in his life he'd put one on, knew something was badly wrong, but couldn't think what. Added to that the bra was the same sheer black as the knickers, except for a line of stitching of the seam where the cup was shaped. He tried to do up the fastener for some time, but couldn't work out how to do something up behind his back without being able to see it. Having failed, his mind drifted off to what the woman had called him. 'Adrienne'. He thought that wasn't his name but couldn't for the life of him think what it really was. He gave this so much thought that he was surprised by the woman's return. "I thought I told you to get dressed Adrienne?" she told him and was obviously very annoyed that he hadn't got further on. "I'm sorry." He was going to explain his problems, but all he could think of was that he ought to know her, "I can't remember your name." "I'm Doctor Callas, Adrienne, let me help you." He'd hoped that she was going to tell him what was happening, but she just meant to help with his clothes. She wrapped the bra round him at his waist level and did up the fasteners, then swivelled it round, pulling it up and settling his breasts in it. She did more or less the same with a suspender belt, except obviously puling it down onto his hips, then rolled sheer black stockings up his legs, fastening them at the top. She followed this with the white blouse and a grey box pleated skirt. "I'm sure you can manage to put your tie on Adrienne," she said, handing him a diagonally striped school tie. She reached behind his neck and pulled a white ribbon from his hair which promptly fell round his shoulders and almost reached his waist in its length. "I'll do this in nice plaits, shall I Adrienne?" she asked but he was too confused to reply, so she carried on anyway. By the time she had finished, he had two plaits hanging about eighteen inches or so down each side of his chest, finished off with pink ribbons tied in pretty bows. "Put your shoes on Adrienne." He did as he was told and found that even walking in inch and a half kitten heels a strange experience, albeit not for long. "Come with me girl," the doctor told him, "put your blazer on, you've got a make up lesson with Miss Scott this morning." They walked out of the bedroom into a corridor with several other doors at regular intervals. These were ignored and he was taken down to the floor below and into a room with four desks in it facing a podium at the front. Each desk had a mirror with lights round it and a number of cosmetics already standing in a row. He took a seat while the doctor left to be replaced by another, much younger woman, who was very attractive. She pulled chair over from another desk and sat beside him. "Good morning Adrienne, my name is Miss Scott and we are going to work together for you to learn how to change the way you look using cosmetics." she explained and had him take his blazer off. They spent the next couple of hours shading his face different ways and using different colours. He was a quick learner and became interested in what he was being taught, so by the time they stopped for lunch, where they were rejoined by the doctor, he was complimented on how pretty he looked. He felt proud about that, but still knew that there was something wrong. They had just finished eating when he was introduced to another young woman, Miss Williams, who was going to teach him the skill of hair care. Miss Scott acted as guinea pig, as he was shown how to brush and shape her hair while dry, then shampooing and the principals of blow drying and styling. All this took him through to dinner time, just Doctor Callas ate with him and they chatted about both what he'd been doing all day and she started to tell him about the latest trends in fashion. After that he had to get ready for bed, removing his make up, using a moisturiser and taking out the plaits to enable him to brush his hair one hundred times. She gave him some teen girl and women's magazines to read in bed, until 'lights out' time. The next morning he had to get himself ready, including plaiting his hair. He was especially pleased to be able to put his bra on without help, clean undies and blouse, but the same materials and colours of the day before. After a cereal and orange juice for breakfast, another teacher, Miss Smith, came in to teach him etiquette of how to address people, how to do a proper curtsey, lay a table for a formal dinner and serve at that table. The essence of much of these lessons was that young ladies should be seen but not heard. After lunch, at which the ladies Miss Scott, Miss Williams, Miss Smith and the doctor were all present, he had to go through everything he'd learned so far, using Miss Smith as the model. He was quite successful at cleaning off and replacing her make up and washing and styling her hair, so was awarded a score of eight out of ten. The following morning he was told to just put his undies and a dressing gown on and after breakfast the room he was taught in had several different styles of undies. For example bras in his size (36C incidentally) quarter cup, half cup, platform, underwired, long line, backless and even a tight lacing corset with cups. He was shown different panties and had to try on all the different types of everything to feel the difference in both cut and material. He was just in his original underwear when a different lady was shown into the room by the doctor. He thought there was something familiar about her but couldn't think what. "Adrienne," the doctor introduced him, "this is Mrs Archer, Mrs Archer, this is Adrienne Collomb. Mrs Archer would like to know if you would take up the position of lady's maid with her as soon as you've finished your training." "I must say, Adrienne, you look very nice." Mrs Archer told him, she seemed to be quite amused to him, but he hadn't a clue what was making her laugh. "You would look lovely in the uniform I have in mind." For the next two weeks he was busy with lessons each day, seven days a week, and learned just about everything needed to serve as a domestic, including cooking and serving at table, which he proved to already be quite competent. During that time his heels were gradually increased in height until he was comfortable in five inch heels and could even manage six inch high. He was reminded of his family and history, the daughter of an English mother and French father who both had died last year in an accident that caused him such a severe trauma that he lost his memory. He was told that he had been brought up in an identical house and the same neighbourhood as Mrs Archer, who would soon be his employer. He was delivered to his new home late one Monday evening with his meagre possessions of clothes. As he had been told, the house was quite familiar, which was a great help for him to settle in to an attic bedroom, bathroom and small living room, set aside for staff. "Now you're in your own room," Mrs Archer told him, "you can rest this evening, just orientate yourself and start work tomorrow morning, remember your duties are all on the list on the back of the door to help you. Don't forget to put your black uniform on for the daytime tomorrow and change into a pink one for the evening dinner service. There'll only be me here tomorrow, I'm not expecting any guests until the weekend and since I lost my husband in that terrible accident much like happened to your family, so I haven't been entertaining much. Still, now you're here perhaps I'll socialise more." Oh yes, he thought, the terrible accident, Doctor Callas had told him about it, his new Mistress was so upset at becoming a widow. He would try to cheer her up over the next few days, she'd been so good to employ him. It was funny though, that his memory was still fuzzy. As he slipped on a nightie and got into of bed, he admired his breasts that were now as good as any woman, at least he knew he was supposed to admire them. Something was wrong but he couldn't put his finger on exactly what was bothering him. He realised that he was feeling tired already, presumably because of all the excitement, so went to bed early and listened to his music recordings, something he had brought with him from the doctor's house and what he was used to, soothing him enough to quickly drop off to sleep. His alarm woke him at six the next morning and this time he knew he would have to get to work. He gathered his long blond hair into a shower cap, so as not to get it wet and washed himself with a large sponge, wiping down between his legs but careful not to touch himself with his fingers, he knew somehow that would be very wrong. Once dried and powdered, he selected one of his black uniforms and laid it on his bed. First he had to wrap his corset round himself, fasten the busk front, then tighten the laces as hard as he had been taught. There was a hook on the wall next to his en suite door that he had to use to pull the corset closed but before he did that he pulled on his sheer black stockings, making sure the seams were straight. He slipped on the bright red tiny satin g-string and then his five inch heeled shoes as he wouldn't be able to bend easily once the corset was really tight. It wasn't comfortable but he was proud of his 20 inch waist, it made his 36D bust look magnificent and his behind appear larger than its 36 inches, he somehow knew that as it wiggled the men loved it. Not that he was looking for a man, it suddenly occurred to him that men held no attraction to him and he wondered why. Perhaps he was a lesbian, he'd never given it thought before. He brushed his hair out, plaited it and tied ribbons round the ends, stepped into his dress, then lifted the skirt part over the voluminous white satin and net petticoats as he pulled them up to his waist. Once the skirt was settled neatly he pinned the little black satin cap onto his head, making sure the white lace surround was flat and the long black ribbons hung down his back properly. He checked himself in the full length mirror on the bathroom door, grateful that he'd had lots of lessons to make up his face. As he finished with a little gloss to make his lips nice and shiny that odd feeling of strangeness hit him again. He didn't have time to dwell on it, he had his work to do. It suddenly also occurred to him that this hadn't always been a bedroom in the house, but then dismissed the idea. Out in the kitchen he noticed a slotted frame on the wall, it said 'Today is' and there in the slot was the word ?Tuesday?. He remembered from the evening before that it had said ?Monday? so his Mistress must have changed it after he went to bed. He went back to open the door to his room and there, on the back, were lists of his routine jobs for each day. Against Tuesday was: Mistress?s breakfast in bed 8 a.m. Assist Mistress with bathing, hair care, make up and dressing. Clean lounge and both bedrooms and bathrooms Prepare hors d?oeuvres and petit fours for the week. Take delivery of groceries, sort and put away. Prepare and serve Mistress?s lunch in dining room 1 p.m. Clean dining room and kitchen. Do prep. For evening meal. Prepare and serve Mistress?s dinner in dining room at 7 p.m. Clean dining room and kitchen Serve Mistress as required. Unless told otherwise retire at 11 p.m. On the wall in the kitchen there was a blackboard where his Mistress could leave him any particular instructions. All the meals were also listed and against each meal was a space where the number of people his Mistress expected, at the moment they all read ?1? except for Saturday dinner she was expecting ?2? and on Sunday, lunchtime was ?2 p.m.? and ?8?, so his mistress expected seven guests and specified a buffet meal. The more he thought about it the more complicated his job seemed to be, there were so many things to do. At least he had no trouble with the cooking and cleaning, he was good at doing them, it was the personal interaction he somehow felt difficulties with. It was almost as if the way he had to act towards other people was alien to him. Regardless of that he got on with Mistress?s breakfast and knocked on her bedroom door promptly at eight o?clock. Once told he could enter he went in, curtseyed and placed the breakfast tray in front of her. He remembered to curtsey again then waited for any instructions. ?Run a bath for me girl, then get my green suit out for me to wear along with a white blouse and a green undies set.? He was pleased to be doing something, not only was he happier while pleasing his Mistress, standing still in such high heels was more uncomfortable than walking. It occurred to him that he should be used to it after all these years but he wasn?t. Then another thing happened when he was helping his Mistress bathe. He began to think that he ought have unnatural feelings towards her. Thinking back to earlier he realised that he might be a lesbian but he didn?t really have any urges even though he felt that he ought to. It was all very confusing for him as he brushed her hair and fixed her make up. His Mistress was going to be out for lunch that day, so it gave him a chance to give the house a good clean. Because he was confused he supposed that he definitely needed to keep occupied until it was time to prepare his Mistress?s dinner. As he had the day clear, he also did quite a bit of food preparation for the week ahead. Mrs Archer arrived home a little after six and ordered a gin and tonic to be ready after she?d changed into something more comfortable. He served Dinner promptly at seven, standing beside her while she ate to top up her wine glass and in case there was anything else she wanted. ?Get under the table and relax me,? she suddenly told him. At first he didn?t understand what she was talking about, so it had to be explained that it was only doing what she enjoyed and that was what a good maid was for. He felt most strange having his face in her crotch in these circumstances. He thought hard about it, he knew there was something about this that was familiar from a long time ago. He concentrated on exactly what he had done before and knew it was different this time. He knew he hadn?t been on his knees for a start and that this had only been a prelude to something else. Over the following days those thoughts kept coming back to him. Later he performed again for her once she was in bed, over the course of nearly an hour and he lost count of the number of times she orgasmed. It wasn?t until she was too tired to carry on that he was allowed to be dismissed for the night although he still had the kitchen to clean. It occurred to him that he?d forgotten to eat since his slice of toast that morning so he did himself another, after all, he remembered that he?d always had the mantra that he must be conscious of his figure. He wasn?t sure how it had become so much a part of him and although he knew he had to eat something, the least he could manage was surely best. When his alarm woke him at six the next morning he?d only had about five hours sleep but he knew he had to get up and be perfectly presented for his Mistress. He knew that this was the way he had always been trained and his Mistress had to see a smile on his face. He had opted for the life of a maid, so he had to make the most of it, after all he got to wear all these sexy clothes, he was so lucky. Promptly at eight he delivered his Mistress?s breakfast and went through the same routine as each day before. Again she told him that she wouldn?t be there for lunch but reminded him to make a special effort for dinner that had been on his schedule ?I?m having a very important guest for dinner and he may well stay the night.? she hesitated and looked at his face for any response, of which there was none. ?I want you to open a bottle of Champagne at six fifteen, also put candles on the table and light them before we have our starter.? ?Which bedroom shall I prepare for him Mistress?? ?No need to trouble yourself with that Adrienne, he?ll sleep with me.? again she looked to see if her maid had any sort of reaction and was gratified that the news she had given him caused no visible change in his demeanour. After his Mistress had gone out for the day he concentrated on the last few touches to bring his cleaning and laundry up to date but spent longer trying to work out what was wrong. There were now three things that he needed to think about; what wasn?t right about pleasuring his Mistress; something niggled about a man staying the night with his Mistress; and not least he couldn?t remember his life before being trained to do all these things that seemed to be what he had always done. For some reason he knew he wasn?t supposed to ponder on these things, somewhere along the way he?d definitely been told not to even think about them. Why would thinking about a subject be forbidden? He laid the dining room table beautifully, even changing the bulbs in the wall lights to make them subdued so with the candles on the table and some rose petals also scattered on it, the room became a scene of potential romance. He remembered that he?d done it like it before, that?s where he got the idea from, but he was sure it wasn?t so that his Mistress could entertain. Then the memory forced its way to the surface, it was for him, he was the one entertaining, but who, was it a man? No. He couldn?t remember the details no matter how hard he tried. The day passed quickly for him, busy as he was, and before he realised it the time was five thirty and his Mistress arrived home. He had to help her as she freshened up and changed into her sexiest lingerie under a rather revealing evening dress. He could tell she was in a good mood, especially when she saw what he had done with the table. ?Oh Adrienne, that?s beautifully laid, you rememb...I mean...you thought of the rose petals as well.? Soon after six the guest arrived and the maid let him in with a curtsey. He noticed the large man was looking at him with considerable amusement, so Adrienne assumed he was of a happy disposition. ?Henry.? his Mistress welcomed the man with a deep kiss which went on for some time. ?I?ve been looking forward to you meeting my maid, what do you think of her?? Adrienne thought he should be proud of the build up she gave him, he smiled but something was making him uneasy about this Henry. He opened the Champagne and presented them with the glasses to take from the silver salver, curtseyed each time then went to collect the hors d?oeuvres he had ready. As he curtseyed again the man was actually laughing, which was yet another mystery to add to the maid?s growing collection; what did this man find so funny? It was a little later than planned when they sat at the decorated table for their dinner with the subdued lighting the candles providing the main illumination. They had eaten their main course and were being served the sweet when Henry noticed some of his wine spilled on the highly polished wooden surface. In fact he had deliberately splashed it when the maid?s back was turned. ?Look what you?ve done you clumsy girl,? he said. ?do you know the punishment for carelessness?? ?No Sir.? Adrienne curtseyed and didn?t argue even though he knew he hadn?t spilled the wine. ?Serve the next course then get under the table.? He curtseyed again then carefully served the meat course, topped up their wine glasses then slipped under the table, not having the slightest idea why. Henry slapped his own thigh with his hand to get Adrienne?s attention to his undone flies and his penis sticking out of his trousers as he started to eat. ?Relax me girl,? he ordered. The maid didn?t understand the instruction. The only time he?d heard it before was when he gave oral sex to his Mistress but he was sure he?d never done it for anyone else, especially a man. ?Where did you put that crop Kate?? Henry asked his hostess. ?In that top draw.? She indicated a cupboard to his right. He opened the draw and only moved a couple of things before he found it. He reached under the table and pulled Adrienne roughly out by the arm. ?I?ll teach you to deliberately disobey me slut.? The big man threw him onto the table pushing the guest?s plate crashing into his wine glasses to send them all onto the floor, food, drinks, glass and broken crockery making a mess never intended by the guest. Immediately he blamed the maid for his own clumsiness and that made him completely lose control when he started to whip Adrienne?s backside. His g-string offered no protection. The maid screamed which only encouraged the man to beat him harder, raining blows quickly and at different angles, sometimes overlaying previous ones, blood appearing wherever it happened. At some stage Adrienne passed out but neither of the diners noticed until Henry?s arm started to tire. Kate was amazed to find that the episode was a terrific turn on for her and she squirmed in her seat as she watched. ?Take me upstairs now Henry.? She couldn?t wait any longer. Henry let go of the comatose maid and he slid off the table to fall in a heap on the floor while they made their way up to her bedroom. Nearly an hour later Kate came downstairs to get the maid to bring cheese an biscuits to the bedroom with the port decanter but was disappointed to find the maid still out of it. He was lying on the floor exactly the way he had been left. What she didn?t know was that because of his conditioning he had eaten so little food that he was suffering from malnutrition as well as the wounds left by the whip. She left him where he was and took the things she wanted up to the bedroom herself, deciding that she would dealt with the maid?s laziness in the morning. Around midnight Adrienne came round, hardly able to move from the stiffness emanating from his buttocks and the top of his legs. Moving painfully slowly it was three o?clock before he was able to get to bed after cleaning the dining room and kitchen, then the throbbing didn?t allow him to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. When his alarm went off at six he wasn?t at all sure he could walk as far as the kitchen, however, by the time he was properly dressed, while he was still feeling stiff and dizzy, he could at least move about. He got started on more finger food for the lunchtime buffet, with a total of nine people eating, the amount of food was quite substantial. He double checked the wine in the cooler, a dozen of each, Champagne and white wine. There was also plenty of ice and lemons for gin and tonics and the other spirits were well stocked. Promptly at eight he delivered the two breakfasts to his Mistress?s bedroom, surprised at the state of her bed. The bottom sheet was half on the floor and only their feet were covered by one corner of the duvet, the only part on the bed, but as it was a warm morning they didn?t feel the cold even though they were both naked. He was wary to do everything to his best ability, he didn?t trust either of them wouldn?t use an excuse to punish him again. ?Relax me again girl,? Kate told him, they both ate their breakfasts watching the maid in his humiliating position, licking out the fluids she was filled with. As soon as he?d eaten, Henry slipped out of bed and positioned himself behind Adrienne. With an instruction to keep going as he was or face another whipping, Henry entered the maid. He screamed at not only the pain of the entry but also having his injured backside rubbed against. Kate had an immediate orgasm, watching her maid being raped at the same time as he was servicing her. For Adrienne the agony seemed to go on forever but it was in fact only for about ten or fifteen minutes Henry got up, showered, dressed and with a final kiss on Kate?s lips, left the house. In the meantime Adrienne had to spend nearly another half hour between his Mistress?s legs, before getting her ready for the day. Once again Adrienne skipped a meal, he thought that he would probably be sick if he ate anything, so he just had a glass of water. As he got the dining room ready for the buffet, the first of his Mistress?s guests arrived, he found they were vaguely familiar but had been told that they were some of the girls that she regularly lunched with. As they got undressed and went out to the pool, he felt a sense of d?j? vu, then he felt dizzy again so he had to concentrate on what he was doing and not think about it. By twelve the last guest had arrived. At twelve thirty there was another visitor, it was someone he did know, it was Doctor Callas. ?Welcome Madam,? he spoke and curtseyed the way he had been taught. ?Where is Mrs Archer Adrienne?? she asked, not seeing anyone in the living room. ?My Mistress is at the pool with the guests she calls ?the girls? Madam.? ?I don?t suppose you?re after the poor dears the way you used to Adrienne?? she asked him. ?I?m sorry Madam, I don?t understand.? Now was the time for a great curtain to be raised for the good Doctor, although not the one she was expecting. Kate had explained to her that her husband got sexually aroused by the young girls that used to come to her house to use the pool. She claimed that the oldest of them was still much too young for her husband to be interested in them, they were ?inappropriate? for him. That was the way she persuaded the Doctor to treat him because she was told he was a paedophile. Now the Doctor had arrived and she was looking forward to seeing the girls she had saved from this predator. She was proud of the trial of the system she and others had devised, giving the perpetrators a useful life and for ever protecting children from them. As the maid was leading her towards the pool area, she noticed the livid wounds on his backside, some had even started to bleed again, the fresh blood running down over the dried from earlier that morning. There were still even traces of dried semen, he had only made a half hearted attempt to wash himself, it was too painful for him to do much. ?What has happened to your bottom Adrienne.? The doctor had stopped walking and was staring at the area. ?I?m sorry Madam, my Mistress?s guest for dinner last night thought I had spilled his drink when I served him Madam, he was still cross when I took in their breakfasts this morning and Mistress let him enter me as I was relaxing her.? ?Who was the guest Adrienne?? She wanted to find out what had really happened, he wouldn?t have been really raped. She was even surprised that Kate was into a new relationship already. ?Mr Henry, Madam.? ?Do you mean he spent the night with your Mistress, Adrienne?? ?Yes Madam.? ?In the same bed?? ?Yes Madam.? ?What did you mean by ?relaxing her? Adrienne?? ?That?s when I lick between her legs Madam. I was doing it this morning when Mr Henry pushed his penis into my backside and I think he started my cuts bleeding again Madam.? Adrienne was getting worried that he had said something wrong as the Doctor had a bad expression on her face, so he was relieved when they could continue to walk through to the pool. Kate had drunk a great deal the previous evening and had decided that the hair of the dog was what she needed. By twelve thirty she was feeling no pain, Champagne had seen to that. She was surprised to see another visitor arrive, then saw it was Zoe. ?Hi Zoe, take off your clothes and join the girls.? The Doctor looked around at the ?girls?, the youngest of each would have certainly passed their eighteenth birthday, let alone sixteen, the age of consent. Not only that, as well as Kate, without exception they were all in their birthday suits, showing very attractive bodies. ?Hello Kate, I just called in to see how Adrienne?s getting on, I?m a bit worried about the marks on her behind.? She wanted to say more but decided to find out Kate?s side before she made a judgement. ?Don?t worry, a friend of mine got a bit carried away last night, come and join us.? ?Kate, are these the girls that Adrienne became aroused about?? ?Yea,? she slurred her words now, ?you teached... taught him didn?t you?? The Doctor watched as Kate took another large swallow of her drink. ?Shtay for lunch, won't you?? ?You told me the girls he lusted after were underage?? she posed it as a question. ?I know, a little white lie, I needed him out of the way, see? Didn?t you do a great job?? By the time Kate and her friends got out of the water there was no sign of either Adrienne or the Doctor. She had insisted that he accompany her back to her consulting rooms. Kate was furious that Adrienne was nowhere to be seen. She had to show the girls where they were going to eat and even pour their drinks for them. It then occurred to Kate that the Doctor was doing something to further humiliate her husband, so became more cheerful. However he didn?t return, in spite of her frequent phone calls to Zoe?s consulting rooms that went unanswered. By the next morning she was positively furious. She got up, without breakfast in bed, when there was a knock on the door. Three men and a woman stood there, one asked her name and when she told him he handed her an envelope. Inside were what appeared to be legal papers, but before she had a chance to read them the woman spoke. ?Mrs Katherine Archer, you are under arrest for falsification of a medical declaration, conspiracy to rape, assault and grievous bodily harm.? She then proceeded with the official caution. Kate was turned round and handcuffed. ?You?ve made some sort of mistake, I haven?t hurt anyone.? But as she said it she suddenly thought of Adrienne then just as quickly dismissed the idea. There was no way he would have the balls to do this, grinning at the thought. She was taken to the police station and questioned for some time about the document she signed at Zoe?s surgery about how her husband was lusting after young girls. She started to wonder how on earth this was happening, having to insist it was all true. She was then asked to give exact details of when and where that happened with the names and ages of the children involved. After that she was asked for detailed dates and times she had seen Mr Henry Wilde and her relationship with him. It was at that point she decided to come clean but blame everything on Henry, who she was told had also been arrested, including the beating given to her husband by him. She claimed that the whole idea of getting rid of her husband without a division of marital assets was his. This rather fell apart when she was shown e-mails and texts between them, first pointing out the clinical trials of ways to neutralise the threat of paedophiles and then discussing how they could frame her husband into being accepted for the trial. During a rest in her interrogation she looked at the legal papers she had been given. They were a petition for divorce and a restraining order, meaning she couldn?t go home. Reasons for the divorce listed; causing grievous bodily harm and adultery. It was at this point she thought to ask for a lawyer. Zoe had made a clean breast of what she?d done, knowing that she would be lucky to get away with just being struck off. She knew that she should have had a full psychological evaluation done on Alan before any physical measures were taken, but she had known Kate for a long time and trusted her. Her only saving grace was that given time, Adrienne would recover from the operations and his mental conditioning, principally maintained by drugs implanted to make him confused and pliable. Within ten days Alan was starting to come back. He was able to remember everything that had been done to him while he was Adrienne and because of that it was going to be several months before he was completely over the trauma. His physical health wasn?t as bad as he first thought. He still had his male equipment, the doctor had just stitched it up inside him and given him medication to stop him having any sexual urge so the effects of that were easily counteracted. The original intention had been to castrate the subject, but while trials were going on she had only made it a reversible operation, which she had carried out even before Kate Archer was arrested. Doctor Callas reported herself to the General Medical Council but after her criminal trial, which only gave her a suspended sentence, her licence to practice was likewise only suspended for a year. They accepted that she was given a credible story and that she did her best to put things right afterwards. The fact that Alan spoke up for her at both hearings was undoubtedly a factor, he realised that he had been humanely treated by her, even though she thought he was a paedophile. No blame was attached to the psychiatrist that prepared the tapes to ?settle? paedophiles in their new lives, that had worked so well on their subject. Alan spent a long time thinking over everything, eventually opting to keep the breast implants, although he had them reduced a little in size. He realised that there were many aspects of his appearance as a woman that he enjoyed. He loved the way he could change the look of his face with cosmetics and match them with different outfits, all to match his mood. One thing he didn?t worry about was needing the approbation of colleagues, his occupation of writing PC programmes meant he led a solitary life at work and there was no question he could pass when at play. At the delayed GMC hearing the doctor had Alice Scott, the young woman who taught him about cosmetics, to give her moral support. While the doctor was appearing and they were alone in an anti-room, she renewed her acquaintance with Alan, now with his mind fully conscious of what was going on. It was the first time that he had gone out in public after having his breasts reduced and in male mode. They got on very well talking about food and cooking, a mutual interest, and he asked if she would like to come to dinner with him once they got back home and she accepted with an alacrity which surprised and delighted him. One evening the following week, while he was doing the prep work before Alice arrived for the meal they had arranged, he got a call from his solicitor to tell him the outcome of the other trials. He was told that following their not guilty pleas the judge had sentenced his ex-wife was given six years and her boyfriend, Henry Wilde, five years. He shared an evening of celebration with Alice. After the outcome of those trials, his divorce settlement went ahead and he was awarded their house and fifty one percent shareholding in the Simpson Group, that was accompanied by a six figure settlement from Wilde. With these added to his successful programme business he became a very wealthy man. Over the following months they became close, but Alice insisted that he finish his psychiatric appointments before they took it further. One thing (or should that be two things?) she had no objection to was him keeping his reduced sized breasts and she loved going shopping with her ?girlfriend?. It was a year later they married but his Adrienne persona became much less frequent once their family, a girl, arrived over the following year. Two years after that they attended the annual general meeting of the family company, the Simpson Group, and Kate saw him and his wife, pregnant with their second child. She came over and apologised to him. For a moment Alice thought he might get unpleasant flash backs, but she needn?t have worried. ?Kate,? he replied, ?if you hadn?t done what you did I wouldn?t have had the happiness I now have.? It wasn?t the outcome either of them had expected.

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Unexpected Titty

Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that Reddit.com is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Unexpected Desire

To understand how totally unexpected the event of several months ago was, knowing my history, well my sexual history, is helpful. I am a twenty-four year old lesbian. Well, at least I was a lesbian, but now I'm probably bi. The change in sexual orientation is what this story is about. I learned I was attracted to girls when I first turned sixteen and began exploring the secret world of sex in high school. Earlier, I didn't think much about the subject, and it wasn't a topic at home. Some of...

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Unexpected Night With My Best Friend

Hey this is Dhruv. This is my first sex experience which I want to share with u guys. This experience and situation was completely unexpected. Its with my best friend Tina. Tina and me are best friends from childhood.. but one unexpected night got us together physically too.. Coming to info about me I am a boy age 21, and I am studying.. and good looking. My best friend Tina is my childhood friend. Both of us played together, shared everything..but never had such feelings of getting physical....

3 years ago
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Unexpected Restroom Lust 8211 Part 2 8211 The Fuck Part

Hi this is Arjun again for ISS. This is my second story for ISS. To get to know a little about myself and to know what happened before this story PLS check out the previous story “Unexpected Restroom lust”. The previous story had a few spelling mistakes and I think this will too :P. Pls bear with me. This story is a continuation of my first sexperience with my college mate JananiPriya, that too in our college restroom. Weird place to have sex isn’t it. So, with no time to waste; ill start the...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Sex Experience With Lustful Neighbor

Hi friends… Gary from Calcutta. Thanks to ISS for publishing all my previous stories and the wonderful responses from the readers. I have been blessed amazingly in matters of love and sex, especially in last 3 years after coming to Calcutta. For those who are reading my escapade for the first time, I am a 34 year old guy with lots of sex drive. I love to keep myself fit by regularly gymming, and various sports. And being a part of a high end residential society, get many chances to interact...

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Unexpected Sex With School Friend

Hi this is Rohi, I am gonna share with you a story of me and my School friend I use to live in a rented house in Mumbai alone. My daily chores include of morning office evening making dinner and sleep.one day I was bored of going office so decided to skip by giving reason of not well. It was raining heavily outside suddenly I called my school friend Priyanka who was working in nearby area and told her to visit at my place as I was alone and bored . She came within an hour fully drenched in...

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Unexpected Fun After A Ball Party

Hi, this is my first story at ISS. I have been a regular reader of sex stories over here and at last thought to pen down my real experiences. This is my first experience which I am writing here. I am not a descriptive writer so Please forgive me for my mistakes. Fair comments will encourage me to further share my other experiences in a better way. You can send your feedback on my mail address at I m raj at present 32 years of age, highly educated,well mannered, suave and articulate . I stand...

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Unexpected Mommy Parts 1 2 and 3

Unexpected Mommy - Part 1 By Trish5160 My name is Alex. I'm 14 and out of three boys born in my family, I was the youngest and like the runt in a litter of kitties. I am either blessed or cursed with gynecomastia, depending on your perspective. Gynecomastia is unexplained breast development in guys. No one really knows why this condition exists or what triggers it. There are a lot of theories, one being an imbalance of hormones at birth. A boy like me who's body has produced...

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I have always loved reading. I read all sorts of books, both fact and fiction. I like travel books, history books, biographies, mysteries, murders, in fact all sorts of reading material. My very favourite are short stories with a twist in the tale: Those clever stories that have an unexpected ending. A favourite author is Jack Finney whose tales are often about shifts in time. The titles of his various books on Amazon give the clue to his obsession with time - “Time and Time Again,” “About...

1 year ago
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Unexpected Surprise on a Road Trip and Pleasure Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I was going home after a long day’s work and didn’t feel like driving in the crappy weather. It was raining cats and dogs, anything was hardly visible and roads were flooded. In that weather, I found a girl looking for lift. I had to stop and I watched her as she slowly walked towards my car. She stood at the window hesitating. I assured her I am not some kind of psycho. She smiled and slowly got in. I turned on the blower, she was dripping wet. I started the car and slowly drove around. I...

3 years ago
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Warning: As well as the usual transvestite themes this story contains graphic descriptions of both hetero' and homosexual sex. It also deals with incest; so be warned. If you don't want to read this sort of stuff, you know where the OFF button is! Consequences. By Belle Gordon. Chapter One My decline into immorality and depravity began the morning I was summoned into the Headmaster's office. With only another week till the end of the school year, my class was not doing...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 6 Surprising Consequences

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Six: Surprising Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies I was buzzing as Dad rolled off of me. I felt so open now. I wasn't a virgin any longer, and it was amazing. My awesome, sexy dad deflowered me. His cum leaked out of me. I could feel him in me, brimming in me. He was finally mine. Mom was out of town. I had Saturday and Sunday to make him all mine. To steal him utterly from...

2 years ago
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‘You,’ Jason said sternly to his wife, ‘asked me to do this. Go get the brush.’ ‘Wait, let’s talk about this,’ Megan replied. ‘We did. I didn’t want to do this. But you convinced me that it’s what you want.’ ‘Yes, but this isn’t what it looks like.’ ‘No? You didn’t say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?’ Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. ‘I did. But these aren’t mine,’ Megan said as she...

4 years ago
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"Amy, Amy, Amy," I sighed. "How many times have we been in this same position now?""Many times, Master." Amy Richards knelt on the floor in front of me as I sat in my recliner in the living room of my home. Amy was my submissive, and I her Master. However, her submission was still a difficult concept for her to put into practice. Her heart was in it, but her mind and will still needed a little convincing!"Yes, we have. For various reasons, I'll grant you. You seem to always find new ways to get...

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There was a woman already at reception when he came into the hotel. Even though it was only a short walk from his car, the blizzard was so intense snow was caked to the front of his coat."I understand that you've had a relapse," said the therapist. “You appeared to be doing so well, and repairing your relationship with your husband.”“Yes, it was a week ago. With a stranger. Remember the blizzard…”“A stranger. It’s not just sex with someone other than your husband. Strangers can be dangerous. We...

Quickie Sex
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Exposure and Consequences

By suelove58 © Sep 2019I suppose this actually started 3 or 4 weeks ago. The Saturday of that weekend I had worked in my garden most of the afternoon. Afterwards I had a nice long soak in the bath to ease my aching muscles.I settled on the sofa after my bath, removed my robe and started rubbing body lotion into my skin. My skin was glowing with the lotion and my gentle rubbing. I was feeling nicely relaxed.I suddenly realised that it was dark outside, my living room lights were on and the...

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I stood in front of you uneasily. Shifting weight from one heeled leg to the other. Hands at my side. Not looking you in the eye.I had made a reasonable attempt to look nice for you. The maid outfit was fairly cute, I guess. The shortness of the skirt showing off my stockinged legs. The tightness of the top accentuating my little titties. It was the blonde, shoulder-length hair, straight and fringed. And my makeup was smooth and subtle. My lips pink and inviting.But more than cuteness was...

4 years ago
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Swap Consequences

***With the persistence of her husband and a friend, a reluctant wife is finally persuaded to join a swap group. All goes well at first, then events take an unexpected turn. (MF, reluc, wife, voy, swing)***"Why don't you just ask her?" Dave said,."I'm pretty sure she wouldn't go for it.""I had the same problem when I approached Jean. Her first reaction was no way. She wasn't about to become involved in group activities. But I got her thinking about it-the idea was planted, and one day she asked...

3 years ago
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"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the brush." "Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied. "We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what you want." "Yes, but this isn't what it looks like." "No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. "I did. But these aren't mine," Megan said as she placed...

3 years ago
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Kelly Girl 25 Floop or Consequences

Kelly Girl 25: "Floop or Consequences" Down the hall from Barbie and Kelly, in the boys' part of the house, Richard and Pete dozed in front of the big TV in the children's lounge. Richard woke up from a very vivid dream and stared at the screen for several minutes, not really seeing the infomercial that had replaced the Australian Rules Football he and Pete had been watching. "Pete," he said. "Uh," his older brother grunted. Richard turned off the pitch for the ultimate kitchen...

3 years ago
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Caught With Consequences

Caught With Consequences by CC Sondra My wife was sitting across from me with that cat that caught the canary smile on her face. It was a hot summer night, and we were out at the local Dairy Queen, enjoying some iced cream, as well as each other's company. We were sitting inside, where it was nice and cool, and I had just received a compliment on how "pretty my toes looked." Even though you'd think I would be used to the smiles, giggles, and remarks by now, I know I blushed a...

4 years ago
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Unintentional Consequences

UNINTENTIONAL CONSEQUENCES by CutePatti (2/2018) As I walked into the bathroom to take my evening shower I noticed that my daughter's cute pink mary jane shoes and a pair of her white frilly anklet socks were laying on the small dressing bench. The socks had each been separately placed just inside each shoe's opening with great care, certainly not the usual way she would have normally removed and discarded them by flipping the shoes off in 2 different directions and then pulling off...

2 years ago
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Unintended Consequences

    Amy glanced across the room and gave a little shy smile before averting her eyes from the four men who were watching her. She knew that they had taken an interest in her, and the excitement of it all caused her to take in a deep breath that pushed her large breasts tightly against the thin silky material of her blouse. Wearing no bra, Amy was well aware that her nipples were clearly visible against the harsh lights in this corner of the club. Her short flared skirt did little to hide her...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Cheating has consequences

Ruth and Stella had known each other since school. Ruth had been the bridesmaid at Stella and Mark’s wedding. Both Ruth and Stella were 28yo with Mark a year older. Ruth never married, in fact she didn’t even date. She never seen interested in any of the men in town although many had tried. She got the reputation of being a bitch. Maybe that is why she allowed Mark to seduce her. Maybe to prove that she really wasn’t a bitch. Sunday morning Ruth tried to think of why she could go to lunch....

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Winning A Genie Harem Chapter 9 Harem Masters Naughty Consequences

Chapter Nine: Harem Master's Naughty Consequences By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Characters Main Characters Corey Derrickson: College senior, friend of Kyle Unmei, given the chance to marry one of four genie, each from a different tribe, if he can find them at St. Maria Theodora Catholic College! Aleah Buckley: Corey's first sex slave. College senior. He claimed her after Kyle suggested she'd be a good candidate for starting Corey's...

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Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences

Neglect your wife and suffer the consequences or reap the rewards depending on how kinky you are.James pulled out of the drive, swinging the car around onto the street. He looked back at his home just as the roller door was about to contact the paving.It was Saturday, and James would spend another weekend in the office. It's funny how things work out, he thought to himself. James and Joanne were lucky. Nearly three years ago, before the 2008' global financial crash. James had made a daring and...

4 years ago
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"You," Jason said sternly to his wife, "asked me to do this. Go get the brush." "Wait, let's talk about this," Megan replied. "We did. I didn't want to do this. But you convinced me that it's what you want." "Yes, but this isn't what it looks like." "No? You didn't say last week, I need consequences. I want you to spank me for real, if I smoke, and use the brush if I buy any?" Jason picked up a pack of cigarettes off of the kitchen table. "I did. But these aren't mine,"...

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The tickets went unused and the hotel suite stayed empty. Phone calls went straight to voice-mail. My wife, our two kids and my parents did not attend my unit’s redeployment ceremony at Fort Stewart, Georgia. Fifteen months in Iraq, seven months since I last saw them on my mid-deployment leave. I talked to them over a week ago from Kuwait confirming their attendance and my love. My wife had mentioned ‘payback’ before hanging up. Now, nothing. Have to think about this. Put on a happy face....

3 years ago
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The Law of Unintended Consequences

According to Konrad J. Friedman, the law of unintended consequences is the proposition that every undertaking, however well-intentioned, is generally accompanied by unforeseen repercussions that can overshadow the principal endeavor. Last weekend, without telling my wife, Jennifer, that I was doing this, I undertook to save her some aggravation from the noises caused by my various vehicles back-up beepers. We live in a brick Federalist house more than big enough for our needs, behind which is...

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Chapter 1 During our wedding reception, my new bride and I had a bit too much to drink. After the reception, Jen and I piled into our rented limo and headed off to the Inn where we were staying. Our friend Ralph also got into the limo, since he was staying at the same Inn. Jen's pretty with blond hair. She's petite with long shapely legs, a flat stomach, a tight shapely ass, and small but perfectly shaped tits with perky nipples. While Jen and I were going out, we often fantasized about...

4 years ago
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The HandymanChapter 2 Consequences

Ralph Morrow had been almost 35 when he married Allison's mother. He was the product of a very strict non-conformist religious, and temperance upbringing, and he was by any standard, a very autocratic and domineering husband. When Allison was born, he was delighted, although, he had really wanted a son, but he attempted to bring her up in the same way as he had been brought up, with the same strict code of conduct, and religious beliefs He strictly regulated her friendships in her teens,...

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 23 Consequences

Donna was sitting in the spacious living room of Ms. Brendan. The light of the cold December sun was pouring in through the glass door leading to the terrace. It brightened the white room only so much. Especially if you had only recently experienced what a real hot tropical soon was like. The grey appearance of the light only added to her dreadful feeling. It was too cold to sit outside now, and even inside it was chilly. Especially if you were as naked as Donna. She nervously flipped her...

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