Mare's Tales - 25 free porn video

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Mare's Tales - Chapter 25 ? by: Beverly Taff Jane had chartered Captain Pedersen's little ship again and our group prepared to meet the ship by prearrangement. Our little convoy of wagons crouched together on the old stone quay as the last flurries of winter snow swept down from the surrounding hills. The little harbour offered excellent protection from the thundering seas as they crashed against the dull black headlands but there was no escape from the bitter moaning wind. On the exposed stone jetty, Jane and I crouched disconsolately behind the meagre shelter of the vans as the spray and snowflakes searched and burrowed through our thick winter clothing. The centaurs looked sympathetically through the windows of the vans as we shivered in the cruel cold. Eventually we spied the ship as it plunged and reared through the wild winter seas. Like a tormented ghost it drifted into and out of sight as the snow flurries swept across the harbour and Arctic Ocean swells climbed like rolling hills to hide it. We watched frozen to the marrow until the plucky little ship eventually beat a path into the harbour and it's frightening gyrations eased as she made the welcoming shelter. The wind however, still made manoeuvring difficult and the ship struck the quay quite hard as she finally made her docking. Captain Pedersen let out a loud curse as the ship shook under the impact whilst Jane and I hurriedly seized the mooring ropes. "Damnation to this bluidy veather. I stay here until the storm is passed." I looked up apologetically. It was our charter that had dragged him and his ship into these inhospitable waters during the worst time of the year. Despite the high charter fees, I could understand his anguish. Once the ship was secure alongside he stepped ashore and approached us. "Hello again ladies. Vhy you drag me here again at such a dirty time of year. It is still Vinter. I should be down south now around Germany and Holland." The idea of Holland or Germany being considered 'warm' in winter brought a smile to my lips. It spoke volumes for the brutality of the cold arctic seas. We made our apologies and invited Captain Pedersen into the lorry where he met our friends for the first time. His reaction at first seeing the centaurs spoke volumes for his capacity to deal with surprises. He stared at them for several silent seconds as his brow furrowed and his jaw set firm in his hand. "Well?" I asked nervously. "Hhrrmph," he snorted, "Vell indeed you can say! Are de'es creatures horses orrr-orr people?" He demanded looking straight at Jane and I. "PEOPLE!" chorused my four friends. Captain Pedersen spun round at the sound of their female voices and he looked uncertainly at them. They had each put on a long trench coat cum horse-blanket to protect them from the cold and any gratuitous stares. Captain Pedersen could not see their revealing unitards underneath. Only their hooves, hands and heads were visible. As he studied their beautiful faces and crowning heads of hair he let out a thunderous oath followed by a roar of laughter. Eventually he recovered his composure as a thoughtful expression crossed his face. "Ha! So dees are my special cargo. My er- passengers den." "Exactly captain," I agreed crisply. "Ahh for Satan!" he cursed. "Vat der hell! I take dem to your country und de autorritees can sort it out when dey land." "But there are no immigration formalities now," I argued. "We are still in Europe; even up here. There's no need for the authorities to know," I protested "Yah!" he agreed, "But do you t'ink dis vill remain a secret if my crew find out?" I was forced to admit that the tough old captain had a valid point. Here Jane interrupted. She was used to dealing with all the immigration procedures and had long experience with the problems likely to be encountered in different ports. "We can simply declare them as passengers and let the authorities try to sort it out." "Ya. So you say," countered the captain. "But how vill dey be hidden vhen we arrive and try to land dem?" "Why that's easy. They each have a private compartment in their camper vans where they can rest." "Vell ve shall see," shrugged the captain. "So long as dey get offf my ship widout beeing found out, den my problems are over." "Good. That's agreed then. Now is there anyway the crew can report them if they find out while we're at sea?" continued Jane. "Only if dey have mobile phones and I don't t'ink dey haff." "Well that's a risk we'll have to take." "Ya. As you say. It's a risk. But you offer a damned goot price and de crew get a bluidy goot bonus. I'll take it. After all, vat law is being broke ya?" With these final words the captain roared with laughter and we set about loading the convoy of trucks. Despite the ice, wind and swaying ramp, the ship was loaded and the trucks were swiftly driven aboard and secured on the hatch tops. Within hours everything was securely battened down in anticipation of the voyage home. Captain Pedersen advised us to sail straight for Britain instead of going via Norway or Denmark and arrange to arrive quietly at night in a sleepy little coastal port. We decided this was a safer option for at least the centaurs had passports and 'right of abode'. The ship was prepared for a longer voyage from the Arctic and then south into the North Sea. The first step however was to await the end of the storm. The ship slid away from the quay and anchored in the middle of the harbour to await the calmer weather. If she had stayed tied up to the quay she would have grounded as the tide ebbed. Finally after twelve hours waiting the ship poked its nose out from between the headlands and slowly ploughed south. We were 'going home'. It is almost impossible to keep a person cooped up in a small rolling swaying camper van for days without forcibly detaining them. Naturally it's even more difficult to keep centaurs thus cooped up. It was inevitable that they would want to move around and stretch their legs. This caused the incident that led to their discovery. The Northern Seas are never quiet for long in winter and it was only a matter of three days before the next gale swept in from the frozen bitter wastes of the North Atlantic. The little ship started to pitch and heave as the mounting seas tossed and plunged her in their titanic grasp. Huge cold grey waves thundered onto the decks and sent huge showers of spray and ice over the hatch-lids and camper vans. As the ice accrued over the ship's metalwork the camper vans eventually became cocooned in a spectacular filigree of wind-driven crystals. Every few hours we had to accompany the crew to chip the ice off the camper vans and then check on the condition of our friends. Our anxiety eventually translated its-self to the crew and they realised that there were some sort of animals in the camper vans. They became curious about them and we tried to put them off by telling them that they were horses. For another few days this satisfied their curiosity. Unfortunately an incident occurred that betrayed us. As another arctic dawn broke cold and dull, the mate noticed that one of the securing chains on a camper van was coming loose. The gale was still pounding the little ship and the ice was still occasionally building up. He called the captain to the bridge and they decided to re-secure the van. The mate and some seaman carefully struggled out on deck and picked their way over the hatch lids to the vans. There they set to tightening up the chains. The mate and his crew were lying on their backs under the van attending to its chains. The van started to slide on the ice until it came up against the slack chain with a jerk. The sudden motion caused Vee to squeal with surprise and the crew realised that there were people in the vans. They immediately thought of illegal immigrants. The mate came running back to the captain to inform him of the discovery and captain Pedersen immediately called Jane and me to the bridge. "I tink you owe my crew de true explanation. Ya?" Jane and I exchanged looks and realised the game was up. We ruefully accompanied the mate to the vans and unlocked the doors. Once inside he let out an oath of shock and staggered back out of the van. Out on the deck he told his crew what was in the vans and they stared at him in disbelief. Then there was a mad scramble to see the incredible creatures for themselves. It shouts volumes for the tolerance and phlegm of seamen that there wasn't a riot. Once they were introduced to our friends and became familiar with their human characteristics they started to treat them like normal human beings. I took the crew aside to explain at length how their conditions had come about and they stoically accepted my story. For the rest of the voyage they couldn't do enough for my friends and the ordeal of the centaurs was over. They had the run of the ship and access to the main accommodation. They still had to sleep in the camper vans however, for ships bunks are totally unsuitable for centaurs. The final hurdle was cleared when we agreed with the crew that for a certain sum they would not divulge our secret for at least a week after arriving in our home country. We even took video pictures of our activities on board to lend credence to their story, which they had determined to sell to the newspapers. The crew recognised a bargain when they saw it and realised the news story was worth more than any possible reward they might (and it was a very big might,) get from the authorities. Seamen had little time for authority anyway. There lives were one long round of confrontation and persecution by officious immigration authorities, customs and health officials. Several days later, in the cold dark small hours, a weather beaten coaster docked in driving rain at an isolated little Scottish port and secured to the quay to await the arrival of the authorities. Like officials everywhere, they tended to keep 'official hours. They would arrive in the morning and the ship lay alongside through the wet windy night as though patiently waiting for their arrival. In the dead of the night however the four centaurs quietly slipped ashore and clambered into a nondescript van that had been casually parked in a discreet car park by prearrangement earlier that evening. We smiled as we considered that any witnesses would have been accused of drunken hallucinations. In the morning there were only the humans listed on the passenger manifesto. Our friends had escaped ashore without detection. The crew stuck to their word and did not disclose the centaur's existence for several days. By then we were safely ensconced in a secret location to await our going public. This public declaration was to be presented at our old Alma Mater as a lecture about, 'Recent Developments in Organ Donation and Computer Techniques in Genetic Engineering'. We deemed this to be a suitably wide title and awaited events. It was not long in coming. Jenny was still a reader at the university and her lectures were always awaited with eager anticipation. We timed the lecture to coincide with the publicity of the ship's crew. It was cruel trick to play on an unsuspecting congregation of academics. We discreetly parked our vehicles at the rear of the large lecture hall and entered secretly via the rear entrance. Jenny mounted the stage and put her head around the curtains. She caught the Professor of Mathematics' eye and smiled. He smiled back and settled into his chair by the lectern. What followed became legend in the annals of the university. Jenny was wearing a velvet navy 'trench-coat cum blanket' that exactly matched the navy velvet of the curtains. As she stepped from behind the curtains it was several seconds before the audience realised that her body extended backwards. The maths professor realised first and he let out a strangled gasp as he fell backwards off his chair. His reaction was the signal for pandemonium to break loose as the various academics struggled to get a better look. The subject of her lecture had attracted the whole ambit of the sciences, Medicine, Vetinary science, Genetics, Zoology and Mathematics and her revelation caused absolute chaos. As the uproar threatened to overwhelm the meeting the maths professor had regained his composure and tried to commandeer the microphone. Jenny however, had a firm grip on it and her sheer equine bulk prevented him. She then spoke slowly and demanded order. Slowly the shambles sorted itself out. For all their shock, the audience were after all, level-headed academic scientists. They realised that they would gain nothing if the prime subject could not be heard or understood. Eventually, they had all settled into their chairs and Jenny commenced her lecture. The professor had now seen the rest of us waiting patiently behind the curtain in the wings. I had to admire his presence of mind as Jenny presented her lecture. Eventually, after nearly two hours she finished with these words. "You can all see that our researches have been solidly proven. My own condition can be no better proof of that. I must however, present the rest of the team who are all equally responsible for the success of our work. Each of us has contributed a necessary discipline and you may rest assured that we have already patented many developments that are clearly commercially viable. All academic and scientific information is here in note form and on computer discs for open perusal by the scientific field. I must now present my friends. First, Miss Beverly Hart, M.D." There was a silence as I walked nervously into view and Jenny continued. "Miss Hart has been the inspiration and director of our researches. Without her initial determination, I wouldn't be standing here before you today. Those of you who know me will remember the desperate condition I suffered as limbless torso throughout my years here as a student." She turned to the professor who nodded before nervously starting the applause. Slowly the whole hall erupted into applause as the congregation recognised the research and science that had been involved. The legal and moral questions were forced to take a back seat for science had made another quantum jump to leave the philosophers and lawyers struggling in its wake. As the hubbub subsided, Jenny introduced each of our friends with a brief breakdown of their individual contribution. Finally as the six of us stood before them the hall erupted into a deafening series of cheers and shouts. Slowly the roar subsided, we stepped down off the stage and ventured amongst the audience. Fortunately, the centaur's equine bulk again saved them from the crush as everybody pressed forward to congratulate or question them on their work. Again, the math professor finally brought order to the scene as he organised a question and answer session. The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent in this fashion with everybody foregoing lunch as each question stimulated yet more questions. Suddenly a commotion erupted at the back of the hall. The press had finally received the disclosures by the crew of Captain Pedersen's ship. Someone from the audience had contacted the press at the same time and the whole ballgame was starting to roll. The hall erupted into a thunderstorm of flashes and roaring as reporters frantically tried to get to the centaurs. The academics jealously guarded their privileged positions and some physically prevented the reporters from advancing down the hall. The situation was beginning to get awkward and the Professor caught Jenny's eye. She took the microphone and tried to establish some order but it was useless. The press were determined not to be denied their scoop and the academics were equally determined that their meeting was not going to be turned into a circus. Eventually Jenny and I managed to make us heard. "Ladies and Gentlemen, PLEASE! It's getting like a fair in here. Will everybody please return to his or her seats and will the press come to the front of the auditorium. Nobody will achieve anything like this." After several minutes of Jostling and shoving the press finally settled with their cameras in the pit of the lecture hall. We six friends had a quick conference and decided that the centaurs should remove their outer trench coats. A rustle of anticipation swept through the hall as I announced this. I then turned to my friends again and whispered. "Look, I think it's best if only the girls take off their coats. If Jenny exposes her stallion's cock under her unitard there might be all sorts of questions." They concurred with this. If questions about Jenny arose then there might be all sorts of implications going way back to Miss Lane's academy. We wanted to avoid this. Jacky then pointed out that she had once been a 'boy' and the same questions might arise with her background. The upshot was that only Veronica and Cynthia took their coats off to stand in their unitards for the entire world to see. There was an explosion of light as the cameras frantically gathered the evidence and the cheering broke out again. Finally, after Vee and Cye had done a catwalk number for the press, I took the Microphone again and motioned for calm again with my arms. "Right Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm quite sure that's enough for one day. It's obvious that nothing more can be achieved here." I turned to the maths professor who had given up completely on the lecture. He sat mopping his brown and shaking his head. Never in his long academic career had anything like this happened. It was obvious that we would get little more out of him so I grasped the nettle one more time and spoke into the mike. "I think more would be achieved if we organised a series of smaller meetings with specialist academics and any colleagues they wish to bring along. I will be in touch with department heads at a later date. A press conference will also be arranged at a later date. That is all gentlemen and ladies." There was another crescendo of noise from the press but I was too tired to care. By this time my friends had already slipped backstage and made their escape in the vans. Their escape had occurred so quickly that the press was taken by surprise. They had vanished before any reporters had realised and were well on the road to our old home before anybody else had left the hall. I was left as the 'fall guy' to arrange meetings and press conferences with them and they grudgingly returned to the hall as they realised my friends were nowhere to be found. After an exhausting afternoon and evening I was finally allowed to escape but I knew full well that they would be watching me so I simply stayed at a hotel for that evening. My stay was not a peaceful one of course because every newspaper tried various ploys to try and buy the exclusive rights. It was several days before I managed to escape undetected. My father had been caring for our old home at the hall and it was soon made habitable again when my friends the centaurs reached there. By the time I managed to return they had the place resembling its old self. As I stopped in the driveway to study the house a soft tear of joy trickled down my cheek. It was good to be home. I approached the hall as Jenny and Jacky heard my engine. They let out a shout and trotted onto the forecourt to greet me. It was a very happy band that gathered together that evening. We knew it wouldn't be long before the press finally realised where we were but nevertheless, that night we organised a reunion party. Two days later I stood on the steps to welcome my father and stepmother as they allowed my children to pour out of the people carrier. "I didn't use the helicopter it would have been too conspicuous," he observed. I was forced to agree with him as we turned to watch another car coming down the drive. It was Margaret who had also arrived with her two children. It was a memorable day as the children scampered around riding the centaurs in the grounds. Once the children were put to bed the serious business of our futures was discussed. A day or two later the various academics arrived with their selected staff. They were discussing our work in depth and Jacky, Jenny and Cye spent many hours describing the scientific work. Veronica and I were more concerned with the Professor of Law and his opinions. After some deep and earnest discussions he simply shrugged his shoulders. "I'm afraid the burden of proof rests with the authorities as the law stands at present. They would have to prove that you conducted experiments on human embryos. They would have to prove that your experiments were cruel and they would have to prove that your friends were operated on unwillingly. The strangest item is the fact that the original horses are technically still alive and enjoying an enhanced existence by experiencing their lives through shared human senses and sensibility. I haven't got a clue how a judge could deal with that one. He'd have his work cut out, I can assure you! Because you are so advanced in these fields there is no one who could prove you wrong. It's an impossible case for the authorities. All I can ask is that you swear on oath that you did none of the above things." Veronica and I were able to answer with a resounding NO! And we had all the evidence in the world to prove it. Hundreds of millions of millions of 'bits' of evidence on computer plus the testimony of the centaurs themselves. If the authorities wanted to be malicious and act against us, they would take decades dealing with the evidence and still fail to twist it around to their favour. The professor continued. "They would be reduced to common law and fundamental arguments and there are some strange historical cases thrown up in that field. I remember a famous case used in the eighteenth century where the judge declared that if a being was capable of reproducing a sentient human child then that being must be deemed human. This was thrown up in some old early anti-slavery debates about Negroes being deemed human, but it's the sort of strange fact that could be used in legal argument today on the basis of legal precedent. What's the situation with your friends on reproduction Beverly?" The professor asked this question unwittingly as the rest of the academics and my friends were re-entering for dinner. A hush descended as my friends giggled self-consciously and blushed. I looked questioningly at my friends and they all nodded their assent so I took the plunge. "Are you ready for this Professor?" He nodded his head philosophically. "After what I've seen and heard here, I'm ready for just about anything. "Well the answer to your essential question is yes; they can have children, but, additionally, they can have foals also." As this thunderbolt crashed down the crowd stood silent as I continued. "Except Jenny of course, but I will explain why later. I think now it's about time we let our medical friends and their veterinary colleagues examine my friends. All has not been revealed by any means. I will however hold all of them to their Hippocratic oath and demand that the rest of you sign a written agreement not to divulge any personal medical secrets about my friends. Do you all agree to this precondition?" All the academics were itching to see what lay under the unitards and coats and they willingly agreed to our preconditions. The medics and vets were itching to get their hands on my friends and we knew we had to come clean with them to gain any sort of support. Nervously, my friends started to strip off their coats. A desperate hush descended as they self-consciously slipped into the cubicles and removed their unitards. I carefully studied the meeting for any sign of licentious curiosity but every face showed a genuine and dispassionate scientific interest as they entered the cubicles to privately examine my friends. Despite their attempts to maintain a proper professional interest it was hard for them not to show surprise and shock when confronted with the full anatomical arrangements of the centaurs. There was much scratching of heads and pondering as the vets and medics self-consciously examined the various arrangements under the concentrated gaze of their closest colleagues. We answered their questions, as fully as we could and after nearly thirty minutes my friends complained that they were getting cold. As they redressed the academics returned to the library and were joined by us later. A reader in medical jurisprudence was elected to speak for them. "It seems that within the narrow bounds of medical and veterinary law, you have not transgressed any serious legal boundaries. It would appear that you are within the law. There may be a legal case to answer but we are not entitled to decide exactly how or what. I must add that my veterinary colleagues are fascinated by the fact that each horse has access to full human faculties. The advances in medical technology are quite outstanding." My friends and I slumped into the large sofas with relief. We had been fairly certain about our legality but it was good to have some of the best legal and scientific brains generally agree with us. The business of the meeting was essentially over and the rest of the evening was spent socialising. Our home was a largish hall with some twenty or so bedrooms and most of the academics had elected to spend the weekend before returning to their colleges. Others were staying at the inn down in the village. As the party started the medical and veterinary professors tried to monopolise Cynthia and myself all evening as they chatted about the horse-human relationship. "So you mean that the horses are still quite definitely 'alive' in there and able to communicate with their human, -(he paused searching for words)- p- partners?" "Well it's more than that really," replied Cye. "The cortex connections are so complete that the two separated brains are almost one. We actually have access to each other's senses so I can smell what the mare smells whilst she shares my colour binocular vision. We even 'talk' to each other though it's really a sharing of thoughts with commensurate speed and efficiency. Our equine partners are almost human now and I say that without falling into the trap of anthropomorphism. "B-but that's absolutely incredible. You're light years ahead of anything we've been doing." Thus our conversations revolved around these topics until the law professor admonished his colleagues and separated us. Most of the people at the party were discussing the various opportunities afforded by our work. We had no fears for this because Veronica had already sown up our researches and developments in watertight legal patents. During the party she had by far the most enjoyable time discussing the legal and moral aspects of our case. With all the years she had had to prepare her arguments and the painstaking care she had taken in deciding what legal routes our researches were to follow to avoid such complications she knew she was on pretty safe ground. Her legal colleagues chuckled ruefully as they declared that any judge or jury would have hell's own job making legal sense out of it all. Eventually the party took on a lighter mood as the evening progressed and my friends received some amazing propositions, as inhibitions were lost. They had no trouble handling the strange offers but some of the more persistent offenders received short thrift when unwanted hands were felt in unaccustomed places. Several toes and shins were the worse for wear that evening as hooves were discreetly lashed out in surreptitious defence. I noticed several sudden and surprised expressions of agony from across the room as one of my friends made a simpering smile before asserting her right to remain unmolested. I had to suppress several chuckles as I watched several injured party's hobble painfully from the room with his or her activities for the night being severely curtailed. By late evening only those genuine souls who had a real scientific interest in our work were left and we had some enjoyable moments together as we discussed possible avenues for further research. Whatever the legal outcome, our old Alma Mater had much to gain from our work and the senior academics were eagerly anticipating our co- operation. They reluctantly bid us good night as they finally made for their rooms. The library was ours again and we fell into discussing the various assaults on our dignity that had taken place. "Did you see that cheeky young law lecturer?" squeaked Vee. "He actually groped my pony pussy. I was so surprised that I didn't even react." "No but I did," added Cye, "He'll have bruised toes for a good few weeks. I might even have broken one or two." "Yes, I noticed him hopping up the corridor. And several of the professors noticed too. He deserved it," I finished. "If he loses his job so much the better. He seemed to think that we were all fair game," grumbled Jacky. "Well he didn't try anything with me," laughed Jenny. "But that strange girl from the Pharmacy department showed an unusual interest in my cock." We all giggled and waited for the next tit-bit. Jenny paused as I prompted her. "And?" "Well, she pretended to have dropped something and groped my cock as she pretended to search for it." "Go on," urged Jacky excitedly. "I sidled round and gently pressed her against the wall." "So?" "Then she couldn't move as I whispered into her ear." "Oh come on Jenny. Out with it," squeaked Vee. "Don't keep us in suspense." "I warned her that I'd shag her stupid if she so much as touched me again." "What did she do?" I demanded. "She actually squeezed my cock until it became hard." "Cheeky bitch," said Cye. "Did you make a date?" "She'll get a surprise tonight. She's in one of the single bedrooms right at the end of the north wing. You know, the remote one near the back stairs. I'll visit her and give her a hell of a shock." "Be careful Jen. She might enjoy it," cautioned Vee gleefully. "Well she enjoyed feeling me up. We'll see how she likes the real thing." With these words we left for our own private apartments. These were securely separated from the other parts of the house and there was little chance of our own relationships and personal arrangements being discovered. That night was the first time that we been together properly for several weeks and we tumbled onto the big bed in joyous abandon. Jenny however, could not get the proposition she had received, out of her head. She giggled as she slipped her hoof mufflers on and crept through the darkened house. We couldn't resist the temptation to follow her and promptly followed her example. Jenny had a passkey and she silently opened the door of the girl's room. We waited with nervous anticipation expecting a petrified scream. To our surprise there was nothing more than a nervous gasp followed by a suppressed giggle and some whispering. I turned to Jacky and whispered. "Bloody hell! I think She's scored." "Bugger!" cursed Cye, "That's Jenny's cock gone for the night." There was a soft footfall in the bedroom. "Me-thinks not. Quick! Back to our room," I urged. The four of us shuffled silently back to our own apartments and quickly clambered onto the big bed. "Thank god for the hoof mufflers," chuckled Jacky, "We'd have sounded like a herd of wild horses and woken the whole house." As we lay expectantly in the pitch dark the door scraped quietly and we all peeped discreetly at the centaur and rider. They had paused in the doorway with the moonlight of the corridor softly illuminating them. We lay in the deeper shadow of the room so the girl couldn't see what she was about to experience. Jenny stepped gently forward as the girl eagerly anticipated a night of strange sex. We could see that she was whispering in Jenny's ear and her hands were cupped around Jenny's breasts. As the pair was silhouetted in the moonlight we could all see that Jenny's prick was as stiff as a board. Suddenly the rider stiffened. She had realised that there were others in the room. "Who's there?" she whispered hoarsely. "Some of my friends," replied Jenny. "Wha-" "Quiet!" admonished Jenny, as she turned to cover the girl's mouth. "D'you want to wake the whole house." There were some muffled squawks before the girl stopped struggling and responded to Jenny's beseechments to be quiet. As she finally settled down she slid off Jenny's back and nervously stepped forward. Her eyes were adjusting to the deeper shadow of our room and she reached out cautiously. Uncertain fingers contacted soft velvety skin and she gave a nervous little whimper of surprise. "Who- who's that?" Cye gave a little start as the investigating fingers inadvertently fumbled against her pony pussy. "Oooh! Careful with those fingers love. You could start something you might not be able to finish." "Who- who is it?" demanded the girl again. "I might well ask you that question. Who are you; coming into a girls bedroom so late at night. I should scream rape or fire or something." "N- No. Don't do that. They'll come to s- see what's going on." "Why. What is going on?" teased Cye. "No- nothing," the girl protested in a forceful whisper. "Oh that's a pity. I was looking forward to something more exciting than nothing." The girl realised that something was on offer but she wasn't sure what. Her fingers lingered a little longer on Cye's rump before becoming a little bolder. They tried exploring the earlier place but Cye shifted modestly and slid her rump further up the bed. Not so fast however that the girls hands couldn't follow. She reached forwards and rested her knee on the bed. Cye let out a little muted whinny as the girls trembling fingers became bolder and knowingly probed the warm moist organ under Cye's tail. Jenny now intervened and gently pulled the girls fingers from Cye's rapidly dampening pussy. "Don't start what you cant finish young lady," she admonished as she gently slid on the bed beside the girl. Cye and Jenny now had her gently pinned between them. The girl gave a little giggle as she caressed the soft velvety flanks of both centaurs. This ended as a suppressed squeak of delight as Jenny's educated fingers gently searched and found the stiffening bud between her soft human thighs. There was a gasp of surprise as Cye gently led the girl's hands onto Jenny's stiffening cock. We others lay perfectly still hardly daring to breath. The girl had not yet realised that there were four centaurs and myself in the bed. We simply lay still as Cye whispered to the girl. "Now my dear. D'you think you could really take that between your lovely legs?" "N- not all of it." "Well you'd probably get all of it if you started. Jenny gets a little carried away and she might not be able to stop." We heard the girl swallow with fear as she realised that she would not be in control. Cye spoke soothingly again. "Now, my dear. There's no need to be afraid. I don't think that Jenny is going to do as she threatened. She gets enough satisfaction serving us three girl centaurs. However, if you'd like to stay, there is a lovely boy cock amongst us and you could enjoy that." There was a sudden jerk as the girl stiffened with fear before she spoke. "What. Here now?" "Yes my love,' giggled Jenny, on the other side of Cye. The girl sat bolt upright and stared over Cye's golden rump. "Wh- who's there?" "We are," chorused my friends and I. "Oh God," swore the girl. "How many are there?" "Six," chuckled Cye. "No seven," added Jane. "Bloody hell Jane! When did you get into bed?" I squeaked. "Never mind," she replied, "I'm here now." The new girl let out a sigh of resignation as she swarmed over the bed trying to decide what was what. Eventually she gave up and demanded the light be put on. "I- I want to know what I'm into here." "You must promise not to reveal what you see." "You must be joking. I'd loose my job and my reputation if I did that." I sat up and reached over Jacky's flanks to switch on the large bedside light. I knew that my illuminated bare bum would be 'presented' to her gaze and she let out a squeal of surprise as she finally focussed on the strange duality of my genitalia. The incongruent erect cock jutting stiffly from the front of my invitingly damp pussy. "Oh my God!" she gasped, "You- you've got both bits." "Lucky me," I smiled, "Would you like to try them?" "Bu- but you're a girl." "What, with this?" I turned to face her and she finally realised the size of my cock. Her eyes widened with surprise then she licked her lips as her indecision gradually melted away. A little smile played along her lips as she cast about the group. All she saw was six pretty girls from the 'waists' up. The sheets covered whatever lay below those waists but the mountainous shapes confirmed four centaurs. Her smile widened. I realised that here was girl who enjoyed 'kinky' sex and I looked straight into her eyes. She smiled knowingly and nodded slightly before speaking. "I've never been in an orgy before." "We don't really consider this an orgy. We sleep like this all the time." A little frown crossed the girl's brow. "I- I'm sorry. I didn't realise. "Well don't jump to conclusions then," I admonished as I dowsed the light again. Even as I turned to rejoin my friends I felt a soft body gently moulding itself to mine as the new girl insinuated my stiff cock into her desperately needy cunny. "Mm- Mmmm! That's nice," she groaned as my overlarge organ slowly embedded itself into her desperate sex. Within seconds her libido had overcome whatever reservations she may have had and her whole being erupted into paroxysms of ecstasy as she writhed and thumped herself to orgasm. Her urgent actions became infectious and spread rapidly to the rest of us. Our bodies had been denied their regular cravings for too long. The sea voyage followed by the frantic activity to get ourselves properly organised had left us little time for other enjoyments. This was the first proper evening that we had been able to enjoy ourselves with our usual abandon. The added spice of another girl, a stranger with all the delicious little pleasures yet to learn, only added an extra dimension to our enjoyment. It was several hours before we finally fell into an exhausted sleep. Dot woke us early the following morning and we all grumbled as we went about our toilets. The new girl wiggled self-consciously across the bedroom floor with her hands trying to cover her breasts and her thighs squeezed together. It was only then that she realised she had come without any clothes, -a Lady Godiva of the night. Dot was despatched to fetch them from her bedroom while she sat self- consciously naked on the bed watching us as we assisted each other. I caught her greedily studying the various forms around her and beckoned to her. "Come and help me with the centaur's unitards." "B-but I'm naked." We all looked at each other and laughed as we chorused together. "So are we!" For a few moments she hesitated uncertainly before resignedly shaking her head and boldly standing up in all her naked glory. There was no denying she had a beautiful figure and we all paused admiringly before Dot returned with her cloths. "Come on now girls. Our guests are stirring. It wouldn't do to be seen coming out of here all together. Get a move on." Reluctantly we resumed dressing and arrived for breakfast just as the first guests were getting up. As each guest joined us the conversation swelled to babble while arrangements were made for further studies. Our old University lecturers had much to gain from our work and therefore much to do. By mid morning they were leaving. As we made our farewells the press was already gathering at the gates but their efforts were frustrated by our arrangements with the local chief constable. He wasn't too happy to have us on his patch but we hadn't broken any laws so he allowed us the luxury of a policeman on duty by the gates provided we paid for the costs. The overtime charges were of little import to our growing income. The officer had the simple task of maintaining order amongst the press, which wasn't a difficult thing because most of the time they had to stand around hoping to catch a glimpse of a centaur. The job soon became popular with the local police for they could simply stay in the old gatehouse and enjoy the fruits of Dot's excellent cooking. He was in communication with the house and we would warn him of any comings and goings. It was an attractive overtime turn for any officers deputed to it and the overtime pay was always welcome. We organised several press conferences and once or twice we invited them into the house. Despite our acquiescence to their photo call demands there was always some idiot from the gutter tabloids seeking a prurient angle. It was these occasional pests that the police had to deal with when they trespassed. In the early days we were even buzzed by helicopters but eventually this hubbub calmed down as the newsworthiness of our story subsided and the price of a helicopter wasn't worth the remote chance of seeing a centaur casually trotting around the grounds. The excitement gradually subsided and the press dribbled away. Reluctantly the police finished their duties. They had come to know us quite well especially when the centaurs had delivered their meals. They had spread the word locally that the strange centaurs were no danger at all and lovely people to talk to. With this unconscious preparation by the police we decided to risk going into the village. Jenny -ever the boldest of the centaurs- and I decided upon a little shopping expedition to the local store. We departed through the gates, were we had seen no reporters for a month and picked our way to the little village shop where Dot and I had once purchased my children's first cloths. It seemed so many years ago. Dear Old Mrs Dale was still behind the counter and she welcomed us like an old friend. She eased her generous bulk off her little stool and plodded around the counter to shake my hands and give me a hug. Dot had often bought some supplies there and we were welcome customers. "Well! Well! Well," she gurgled, "If it isn't our very own celebrity. Beverly my love, It's been such a long time. How are you and the children?" "Oh they're doing fine Mrs Dale and how are you and Alf?" Mrs Dale owned and ran the store. Alf, her husband, worked in a factory some miles away and only helped out in the evenings and weekends. Like all small stores these days, they had to stay open all hours to compete against supermarkets. Mrs Dale only survived because of the remoteness of the village. It was over an hour to the nearest town with a big supermarket store. She continued hugging me like an old friend as she laughed. "Well all that business up at the hall with your experiments and that has done wonders for my trade; what with sandwiches and things. Harry, the landlord at The Bell, has done a roaring trade too with all the journalists drinking and carousing. All in all we've had a little mini- boom recently. The garage has done well too what with petrol and things. So what can I do for you then?" I leaned across the counter conspiratorially and smiled my most becoming smile. Mrs Dale was a sweet old dear and Dot and I had become quite fond of her in olden days. There was no doubt that she was a gossip but there was little malice in her activities. Indeed, she would be an ideal unwitting ambassador for my friends. "Would you like to meet one of my friends Mrs Dale?" She stopped and stared as her jaw fell. A silence settled on the little shop before she found words again. "Gosh! My golly! That would something. Could you arrange something then?" I pictured Mrs Dale sitting on her stool chattering on about how she'd met the centaurs and then I decided to plunge in at the deep end. "Just one moment Mrs Dale. I'll see what I can do." I stepped outside again and tapped on the side of the van. Jenny answered just as Mrs Dale had hobbled out behind me. She let out a gasp of astonishment as Jenny gracefully stepped down from the back of the camper van and gave Mrs Dale a winsome smile. "Good morning Mrs Dale. So nice to meet you again." "W- well! I'll go to the bottom of our yard!" exclaimed Mrs Dale. "Here. Don't just stand out here. Come in girl, come in." She waved her hands about in a fluster as she ushered Jenny into the shop and Jenny carefully followed her. I paused outside to ensure that nobody had seen us then followed them in. Mrs Dale had turned to study Jenny with a mixture of amazement and admiration. "Well I'll be jiggered. Come here my love; let's have a proper look at you. It must feel miles better than that terrible old electric wheel chair thing." She carefully squeezed around Jenny shaking her head and fussing like an old hen. Jenny simply waited patiently and smiled until the old lady had finally seen enough and had her fill. Eventually Mrs Dale caught on and realised that there must be some other reason why we had chosen her shop. As Jenny and I saw the vague dawning light in her eye Jenny spoke. "We'd like some stores please." Mrs Dale resumed her friendly business-like self and settled on her stool again. Naturally it was a fairly large order. Feeding four centaurs with human provisions did not come cheap and the item list grew steadily. She was more than happy to oblige and she smiled with satisfaction as it was completed. We made it clear that we would continue to deal with her provided there wasn't too much 'sensationalism'. "We would like to place a nice regular order of this nature and collect about twice or three times a week as necessary. That is if you have no objections," suggested Jenny sweetly. "Why no bother at all young -eh -lady." Poor Mrs Dale hesitated as she struggled to fine the right mode of address. The words 'young lady' suited Jenny fine and she continued smiling sweetly as we gathered the goods together. Mrs Dale fussed and flapped as we assembled the order for it was clear that it would greatly benefit her business. As the pile grew on the counter Jenny continued chatting amiably. "It won't be a regular day because that would attract rubbernecks and we'll see enough of those anyway. However, most of the goods will be non-perishable so if you make an order up each Monday, Wednesday and Friday we'll be able to collect it when it's convenient during the week. Is that satisfactory?" "Oh yes Ladies," gushed Mrs Dale, "That'll be no problem at all. "Well there's only one final thing Mrs Dale. Please don't divulge our orders to the press. There's nothing extraordinary about our food and stuff but you know how the press will get hold of it and try to twist it. So until the middle of the week then, bye-bye." We paid with cash and gathered the bags. Mrs Dale took some and assisted us to the van. As we loaded the van, another of Mrs Dales' customers entered the shop. She let out a loud gasp of surprise as Jenny courteously wished her a good morning but she had no further time to react before Jenny and I had clambered into our van and driven off. Our last view in the driving mirror was the agitated exchange she was having with Mrs Dale and the shocked stares from the shop doorway. Jenny and I chuckled as we returned to the hall.

Same as Mare's Tales - 25 Videos

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Fractured Fairy Tales

First Name = Hero (Male) Last Name = Sidekick (Female) It's another boring day at your new job, working as assistant librarian at the local library. You'd only been there for a week and a half, but you've already learned that you have very few visitors. Books just don't have the appeal they used to. So basically you just wander around all day or, when the boss is away, take naps in the fiction section. You are currently asleep in the corner of the library, a copy of Don Quixote draping over...

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Fractured Fairy Tales

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Free Sex Games
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Thousand Tales

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TRAVELS (GAY TALES)As a follow-up to my Lesbian Tales entitled TRAVELS, I will use the same approach with gay men telling stories about their sex life when they are travelling.ROBERT (30 years-old. Single. Top gay. American. Clean-cut and handsome salesman.)I was told Switzerland was pretty uptight when it came to sex. I don’t know if it depends which part of Switzerland you go to, but I found Geneva very open-minded. I travel to a different country in Western Europe every two years. I started...

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ASYLUM TALES The title of the story describes it all Author’s Note:  Damn, it’s been about three months away from the keyboard with the exceptions of a couple additions already laying around to other stories.  JJ seems to be a prophet; I’ve gotten the urge to revive and add a couple chapters of ‘The Nanny’ next month with it being the most popular of my tales.  (And on its anniversary since I started that story last October)   But first, I figured I’d do a one time deal and rattle off some...

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Election 04 and Related Tales

"The Election" is a setup story. It provides the background forall the other stories here, so I highly suggest you read it first. While almostcompletely devoid of erotic content, it is fairly short, and should still hopefullybe entertaining to read. All the other stories are individual tales of various people that happenafter the events described in "The Election" take place, and theywill be chock full of eroticism. I will be adding tales from time to time,so look for future updates.

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The Fury Saga Book 3 Kat O Nine Tales

NEW TG: Hell Hath No Fury (Femdom, genetic mutation) Part 3 ========================================= (c) [email protected] 1997. Introduction from Darkside. =========================== This is the cumulation of about a years worth of effort on my part. Nine months planning the whole thing out and three months actual writing. Infinite thanks must go to Vickie Tern without who's patient re-reading and suggesting made this, my first story what it is. You are welcome to do...

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Too Twisted Tales

This story will be an anthology of discomforting short tales. It is a place for me to flesh out my ideas that aren’t long enough for their own separate stories and are too ‘twisted’ for anywhere else. It can be a place for you to do that too if you want. That said, the rules of this site will be adhered to in terms of content restrictions. And furthermore, all characters in these stories are over 18 years of age. As much should always be understood and no attempt will be made to suggest...

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Rescuing Princess Nina And Other Tales

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Twisted Fairy Tales

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Cat Tales

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Amoral Faerie Tales

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a beautiful maiden. In all of the lands, there was not a woman who lived, more beautiful. So benevolent was this woman, that her kindness stretched to the four corners of the world. Kings, and Queens came to her, to show their gratitude for her simply being alive. The maiden was called Divinity Mundane, and for all of the beauty that she possessed, she was a woman of common wealth, common possessions, and common wisdom. Like all women of such wealth,...

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Immoral Fairie Tales

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04 The Chico Tales

"Yes, one of the is your mother," Julie said with a smile, "and who do you think the other one is?" "Ummm," Michelle stammered, studying the photo, "you? …. but how?....... what?........ where?....... when?" Julie threw back her head and laughed at her young companion’s bewilderment, "I have known your mother since before you were born, and we have stayed in touch over the years, as we have very similar interests.” Julie continued, “a few years back, while your father was on a...

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Strapon Tales

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Humilating Tales

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TRAVELS (LESBIAN TALES)Many of the lesbians I know or I’ve met, single or married, told me that much of the exciting sex they have had was on a trip, either a holiday or business. Here are a few examples, although all are fictitious, written as if they were narrated to me. MANDY (Single. 40 years old. Canadian. Brunette, rather plain face, nice body)I was never one to “go south” during our long cold winters, but last year I was fed up by the time Christmas came around and went to a travel...

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Masseur Extraordinaire 2 Canterbury Tales

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SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales)THE DINERIt was 5AM and Jim couldn’t sleep. He was too horny. It was raining.“The hell with it”, he mumbled to himself. He put on his raincoat and left his apartment. It was dark and drizzling. Two blocks away the familiar letters in yellow neon lights spelled “Roger’s Diner”. It was open 24/7. Maybe someone he knew would be there. A young couple had the corner table in the rear. They were silent and sipped their coffee. Roger nodded to Jim. Jim sat on one of the...

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SHORT PIECES Lesbian Tales

SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)THE WAITRESSAfter 27 years at the same restaurant, Lorna knew how to size up a new waitress, how to tell, you know. Eyes mainly, where they looked, if they looked. Never mind the young ones, they wouldn’t be interested anyway. A mature waitress, with experience, coming into a new job. Why ? Not Lorna’s problem. At least with a woman her age, she could tell. Like with Marge.“Sorry honey, let me squeeze in here”, Lorna would whisper as she rubbed her stomach against...

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Two Genie Tales

Here is a rewrite of an old story I wrote about 3 years ago. Archivable at any site, which allows free readership. Copyrighted to Caleb Jones 2000 A.D. All Rights reserved. Two Genie Tales By Caleb Jones A Last Request Bill Brewer couldn't believe his eyes. In his fifty-five years of life, nothing magical had ever taken place... until now. He had just cleaned an antique lamp of the layer of dust covering it, and a beautiful woman suddenly stood in front of him,...

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Shalini8217s USA Trip 8211 The Wife Tales

Introduction Hi Everyone, this is Shalini and it is my first story on ISS, Recently I went out for office trip to USA and had an awesome experience, I was discussing this with Yug and he suggested that I should write this experience in ISS. So here I am sharing my USA Previously you must have read stories posted by my husband about our European vacation (Dreamy vacation 1,2 &3), the feedback on those stories have been phenomenal. Thanks!! Just to refresh those who are reading it for the first...

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Two Tiny Tool Tales

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Twisted Teen Tales

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Raynes Tales

Blood.. it had become my second skin, my mask of deception, my one true calling. Death, war and pain were the only things that ever pulled me back into this godforsaken reality, nothing could settle my unforgiving hands and the urge to bring never ending chaos upon this pitiful place we call earth. For many years I have wondered to many far and wide places but none of them seem to fill this gaping hole in my chest, those who I called friends have gone their separate ways from me and I can’t...

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Persona 5 Enf Tales

Shibuya Japan is one of the biggest cities in Tokyo Japan. With its large population, grand architecture, and impressive urban infrastructure who wouldn’t want to live there. Recently the group known as the Phantom Thieves have skyrocketed in popularity. Unknown to the rest of the city, what makes up this Rouges gallery of thieves consists of regular high schoolers. And like all regular high schoolers, they aren’t safe from societal fears of embarrassment. One of these tales of misfortune...

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Vallejo ABS Sucktales

When I was 24 and in the Navy, they sent me to a school at Vallejo California, where I spent the next 12 weeks. Vallejo is a small town north of San Francisco. I mean a small town. On the first visit I discovered the only ABS in town. It was enough. There was no internet back then, and I would buy porno playing cards (good for jerking off in the bathroom) and magazines. Straight porno because that’s what I enjoyed looking at while I jacked off. But then I would leave my bag up front and go back...

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03 The Chico Tales

The thought of her father's fat, heavy cock increased Michelle desire, as she slipped a finger inside herself, and feeling her wetness, pushed the finger deeper. It was at that point that she remembered the hidden cameras her neighbour Julie had planted, and hoping she had the angle right, pulled her panties to her ankles and opened her legs. The thought that Julie was watching her wanton display made her finger herself faster. As she rubbed, she mentally photoshopped the image, where is was...

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Speedo Stains Tell Tales

It happened at the swimming-pool where I go two or three times a week, quite early in the morning. It’s a modern pool, shared with the Secondary School next door and sometimes the pool sessions during the day are shared too; on my days off, I’ve been there later in the day when the older boys of the Upper School are having their lessons – lean young 16 to 18 year-olds, nearly always wearing those baggy board-shorts; the serious ones sometimes wear compression-style “Jammers” but always in...

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Ninja tales

This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)

2 years ago
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Piano Lessons And Monster Tales

The young Isabeau clenched her jaw and struck the ivory keys of the piano with her fists four times in quick succession. “Arpeggios, arpeggios, arpeggios! I despise arpeggios!” she screamed out in anger and frustration.Isabeau stood from her piano bench and stomped her way to the open window that looked out over the impeccably maintained garden of the mansion’s grounds. She stood in defiance with her back to her piano teacher, the Maestro, her arms crossed under her small breasts and her head...

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A Tale of Two Tales

Part One ~ his perspective~My wife Brittney and I married early in life. That was the best part. Because we both loved each other and also knew that there was a difference between love and sex. And we LOVED sex. We always flited with our friends and really enjoyed the times when we one would watch the other making out with one of our friends, and while the furthest either of us got was either giving or getting head, or eating pussy or getting pussy eaten; we’d never really had an opportunity to...

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Psychic Tales

I had an apartment in Torrance, California about 20 years ago. As my Dad was out of town, my Mom took me to dinner. On the way there I had this strong feeling that something horrible was about to happen..I couldn’t eat. I thought I might lose a grandmother, or a major earthquake, I just knew it! My Mom was concerned about me so she drove me the long route home so we could talk. I got home and friends were waiting for me, so I told them something was going to happen, but what? I decided to walk...

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01 The Chico Tales

It had seemed like a great idea at the time, having just finished her senior year at college, she remembered her parents offering her the prospect of six months in England, as a gap year, while she made up her mind whether to get a job or go to graduate school. It sounded so wonderful at the time, even though her Mom couldn’t accompany her & her Dad. While Mom would miss them both, she had to stay behind for her job. Michelle was excited though, that she could actually take Chico with her,...

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02 The Chico Tales

“Go to your room,“ Michelle’s mother said quietly to her daughter as she looked for a floor cloth. “Where’s Julie?” Michelle asked still in a post-orgasmic daze. “Thank goodness she wasn't here to witness you being a slut,” said her father, “now go to your room.” Michelle trudged up the stairs with leaden feet as the enormity of what had just happened started to sink in. Her parents had caught her with the family pet and heaven only knows what would happen now. ‘Oh no’ she thought in...

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05 The Chico Tales

**************** Sarah tried to shield her eyes against the strong Mexican sun as she walked down the steps at Mexico City airport, wondering if this was such a good idea. Here she was, a few months into the swinging nineties, and just a few weeks before she was due to get married to the man of her dreams, in the middle of a foreign city, all at the whim of someone she hadn't seen in four years. 'I must be mad' she thought to herself, as she remembered how the conversation had gone with...

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06 The Chico Tales

Julie had just finished recounting the story of the wild time her and Sarah, (Michelle's mother) had in Mexico where Sarah had been ganged by seven dogs. Julie paused for a moment as she looked at Michelle's sweet young face and the pure pleasure that was etched across it as Chico throbbed and pulsed inside her, filling her with his seed. Julie knew that Michelle had come a long way in such a short time and was still young, but she was confident that Michelle could handle the final tasks....

2 years ago
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07 The Chico Tales

"Yes," purred Julie, "Every member, myself, your mother and everyone you meet who is a fully-fledged member." Michelle drifted off to sleep, her head on Julie's shoulder, as she imagined her best friend and mentor Julie moaning with pleasure as she was fucked in the ass by a dog. The weird thing in her dream was that Michelle suddenly pictured Julie as Mary Poppins and she giggled in her sleep as Mary Poppins / Julie was fucked by a large dog. Michelle was still tired and struggled to...

4 years ago
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Witch Tales

-Clive Barker *** Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?” Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move into a place like this like this, he thought. The realtor was...

3 years ago
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Three Tales

If you don’t like interracial porn stories where a white wife goes black etc etc, then you may want to choose another story, in another category perhaps. Also, the black men in this story aren’t thugs or “gangsta,” they simply have sex with white women only. There are good guys and bad guys in this. Some form of justice is served in the end. As always, the appearance of characters are based off real people. Lisa is based off Lisa Ann, and Denise is based off Denise Milani – both appear in...

4 years ago
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Genie Tales

****I apologize to all my readers who read what should have been the ending to Conner Evans. The Breast size problem wont happen again I promise. I am definitely not the original writer of the genie chronicles, just a fan. Here’s a spin-off I hope all you guys will like. =) James walked out of the school, feeling the sun on his skin and taking a deep breath of fresh air. When he stood in the sun he felt like everyone else was gone, leaving him standing in his meadow. But he knew that they...

2 years ago
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Fairy Tales

Just as well, thought Daali. She'd been feeling the ache since last night, but unfortunately she had been responsible for accomplishing more important tasks before dawn. And so, tonight she exited and secured the locker, adjusting her black stockings before strolling down the avenue. Her hips, wrapped in the scarlet dress she had chosen for this evening, swayed in time to the beat of her stilettos against the asphalt. She loved the way her ass looked in this outfit - it (and she) would be...

2 years ago
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The Succubus Tales

It was more than just a house to me the house was part of who I was, most of my memories were of this house and most of them were happy ones. That was until the night when my father’s debts were prayed, in blood. my father’s first as he opened the door the knife was immediately plunged into his chest and he fell back with a gasp still alive as he watched the man step over him we were screaming, my fright burnt in my head bright hot screaming at me to run but my legs wouldn't move, mother...

2 years ago
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Real Horny Housewives Tales

Prologue.Amanda and Nancy have much in common. They share the same birthday, grew up on the same street, went to the same schools and graduated from a prestigious university.They both married into the same, influential and very rich family. This wasn’t by fluke or fate. Amanda and Nancy had conspired and meticulously planned out their future, shortly after entering university.It didn’t take the two very beautiful and shrewd blondes any time at all to master the art of manipulation. A professor...

4 years ago
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Marine Corps Tail Of All Tales

Here is how Justin looks in the eyes of the one man who had protected, sheltered Justin for his 18 years living on earth. Justin stood about 5’7” tall and weighed a solid 156 pounds. Since nobody had a clue as to whom his mother was, Justin’s skin complexion offered signs that he may have been born as a mixed race. His skin complexion is naturally an olive color with his hair being a brilliant blond, bordering pure white. Even Justin’s thin eyebrows were nearly invisible due to its white...

1 year ago
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The Succubus Tales

Introduction: Hey so Im writing something a bit darker than my normal stuff, it gets less dark as I continue, the start is the darkest so dont be put off. I liked my house, it was old set in the middle of the countryside just outside a small village. Before I came it had been empty for years no one wanted to buy the home which had been the site of such brutality. I loved it despite its history I had been happy there for a while, until we got into debt but even then my father had refused to sell...

4 years ago
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Vixen Tales

Laying on my bed listening to my music is how I prefer to spend my nights after work. But it was saturday night and my ass didn’t have a thing to do. My phone was blowing up with texts, but I was waiting for him to text me. My night always turned out right when he contacted me. I looked over at my clock, 9:30pm. Still early. He was probably on his way home from work. Now, I didn’t know him that well, Hell, I met him at the club four weeks ago. He was into his music, and he had the club...

2 years ago
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veggie tales

Me and my wife did some realy good cristal this one time, and after we did this is what happened. We were really spun so she decided to go shopping and I stayed home to watch porn because cristal makes me really horny. So she left and I put in my favorite flick and loaded up the bong. After a few hits and a couple of scenes showing toys and ass I decided it was time to try it for myself. I looked around trying to find an improvised dildo when I remembered my wife had gone shopping. Inside the...

3 years ago
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Chasing Fairy Tales

How do you tell someone you want to be fucked within an inch of your life without sounding like a total whore? This was my dilemma with Matt. We met my first day at Channel Five where I’m a technical advisor and Matt is the hot smarty-pants who does complicated shit that makes my head spin. If I’m to be judged cruelly, I should mention that this was my first position after leaving university. Before then my resume sparkled with puffed up work experience from Hot Dog on a Stick, Go-Go Service...

2 years ago
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Pussy Tales

That was a very difficult decision, but at that moment, common sense failed me and I became lost as I thought about Lorenzo’s offer           “You don’t have to have sex unless you want to.” Explained Lorenzo smiling and caressing my hands softly.             I was still speechless, and thought that possibility this was something that I could do. Finally, I decided that I would open my mind to the possibility of becoming an escort. This was unlike me. I was a wife and a mother. But none of...

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Orderly Tales

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...

4 years ago
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Orderly Tales

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...

2 years ago
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Old Mans Tales

    I am 60 years old as I write this, and it is all true. The only thing changed is the names. I have been married for 35 years, and for most of that time I have been true to my vows. Sometimes though, a person can only wait so long before their needs and desires overcome any resistance they may have. I met my wife Ann when we were in college, and both of us were virgins. She had gone out with a few guys but nothing ever happened. I had never even kissed a girl and I was very shy. I am just a...

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Stereotype gun tales

The stereotype gun created by why not go say hi to them and for more information on the gun and its origins check out the original story here; Stereotypes, who needs them right? The bimbo cheerleader, the meathead jock, the submissive Asian maid, that kind of thing. Just a bunch of cliches that only exist in porn and lazily written fiction. But what if they didn’t have to be?...

3 years ago
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Enf Tales

First you have the blonde Leonie, she’s 5’11 and D-cup breast’s and a good butt. Her hair goes down to just her neck. She’s athletic but is sometimes shy. Lucy- another blonde who’s hair comes down to just past her shoulders. She’s 5’7 and has D-cup breasts and a great butt, with a good build. She is nice but very embarrassed about being naked. Then there’s the brunette Carol, who is 5’8 and has C-cup breasts that goes well with her butt. She does athletics and isn’t very shy about being naked...

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