Tabby and Pierre Et Al
- 2 years ago
- 25
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I should have kept it to myself.
Walking on fallen blossom leaves, the tree-lined boulevard carried the scent of hope. In a brief interlude of sunlight, we basked in the first warmth of spring. Fingers entwined, her expression pensive and doleful, we stopped for a moment under a weathered statue; it must have looked glorious once.
I used to enjoy the silences, now it felt awkward. Tugging my hand, she embraced me, her head against my chest. The citrus tone of her perfume evoked last summer, that summer.
I had to know, “Did you think about what I said?”
I felt her nod and she clutched me a little tighter, “Oui.”
The textures of fabric denied me the softness of her skin. Clothes flattened out the curves where her touch inspired passion and longing.
“What do you think?”
“Je ne connais pas, c'est impossible.”
She eased away and showed me the melancholia in her eyes. Caressing her cheek with the back of my hand, she turned into it with closed eyes. I felt it, the cruel blow of irony; I did not know then, I knew now, and it felt possible too.
This is a true story and it happened twenty years ago. The passage of time smoothed the rough edges and left nostalgia in its place. The events and sentiments feel as vivid as last week, when I struggle to recall a nondescript yesterday. A lot of the dialogue is lost to time and memories conjure the sentiment. Some of it is as high fidelity as it gets, vivid recollections never forgotten, as private thoughts triggered by a sight or smell.
In my early twenties, being clumsy with people’s feelings was a hazard easily tripped over. It was not deliberate and I never sought to hurt. Truthfully, I did not understand affairs of the heart or relationships very well. Nature abhors a vacuum and fear took its place, getting my fingers burned the year before did not help.
With this angst came its antagonist, my libido, and animal lust bested any sentimentalism. As a simple head versus heart consideration, my brains resided in my genitals. I sought out liaisons that turned fantasies into experiences. Thinking back, I enjoyed them all, however, they were another hazard easily tripped over.
I existed as a contradiction between the frivolous and finding ‘that special someone’. Idealistically, I believed that commitment was the right thing to do. As an optimist and hedonistic freewheeler, I hoped to be inspired one day and break the cycle. Procrastination is always something you can do tomorrow; I was young and there were plenty of tomorrows to come.
Neither did I expect to confront this dilemma here of all places: Paris, the City of Light.
I knew something of its people, a different story for a different time. That was on home turf, a mutual pact of lust, companionship and our unique personalities. Their requirements were clear; I did not need to consider this perennial question.
To that question, Anne-Pierre, Chloe, or Elodie might agree or they might not; nostalgia does weird things to a person.
The door slammed, its noise belied her strength. In one lunge, she pounced and pressed her lips to mine. Our kiss deepened as frantic hands pulled at garments and their fastenings. Eschewing clothes at a feverish pace, air hissed, and lips smacked. Lust that simmered for hours boiled over; at the party, the goading caresses, and that spectacle in the bedroom, it brought us to this point.
The first caress of our naked torsos churned at my insides, and it ached. We did not kiss like this at the party, intense and carnal. Deep and longing, her hands wandered over my body, clothed, and unclothed. In retaliation, I mauled her breasts, two springy handfuls with erect nipples that seemed hardwired to her loins. Impatient fingers unlocked my belt, the button, and zip of my chinos.
Prizing herself away from my clinch, she took my wrists and lofted them over my head. Grinding against my thigh, I felt her heat. Determined eyes bored into mine and the cushion of her breasts squashed against me. Her head tilted, she waited, and I felt her challenge. Leaning forward to kiss her, she dived in and escalated it; tongues deep and drained the fight from me.
Her amused smile held me captivated, “Keep your hands up there, English.”
Opening my trousers, cool fingers defeated the elastic of my briefs; she enjoyed how I flinched.
Seizing my erection, I groaned.
“Fuck!” It was a half-hearted protest.
“You have something I want,” and nuzzled my earlobe, “Stand still…” and she giggled, “if you can.”
Stroking my constrained cock, her hands followed her lips; on my shoulder, she bit it playfully; down to a nipple, she sucked and flicked at it. At my abdomen, the tip of her tongue blazed a trail; two thumbs taunted my nipples. Paralysed by anticipation, she took to her knees and pulled my trousers down hard.
Meeting my eyes, she clearly enjoyed the suspense. Easing my underwear down, it sprang free. Her fingers and their crimson nails barely wrapped around it. I gasped as she stopped; through narrowed eyes, I watched how she examined her handiwork: foreskin fully withdrawn, head corpulent and fat, and every meaty vein bulged. Fascinated, she held it, moved it from side to side, squeezed it, and fixed me with a stare. Looping a loose trestle of hair behind her ear, her expression leered back at me. She stroked it and watched my reaction.
Air rushed out clumsily, I swallowed and groaned, “Fuck!”
Her grin bared her teeth, “Mmm, this looks good.”
“Th… Thanks.”
“Now, watch me, English.”
Slow seductive kisses grazed its head and inundated my loins with hot lava. Gratuitously, she held it up and kissed the length of its curve. Her lewd stare did not waver when she licked up and down my rigid shaft. Meeting my helpless eyes, she closed her mouth around it. The hot vacuum and soft warmth made my chest stutter with a fevered groan.
She did it again and took more, its potency made me throb.
My head banged against the hollow wall with a thud, “Oh Christ!”
Her hands climbed my smooth torso and took residence on my nipples. Provoking savage moans, the sensation of hot velvet worked up and down my length. Taking as much as she dared, I witnessed her sunken cheeks and wide-eyed servile gaze. That knot of pressure, hours old, pulsated and swelled harder.
Easing it from her mouth, she stroked it, the combination of her soft grasp and saliva created an insane lack of friction. It was late-May, not Christmas, it might be her birthday; her expression had that kind of glee.
“Putain, c'est une belle queue.”
Breathless, I frowned, “Wh... what?”
She smiled, “You have a nice penis.”
“Th… Thanks.”
“Keeping watching English.”
Her relentless application reduced me to half-moans and half-whimpers. Legs weakening, I reached out to hold her, and she pressed on my automatic hips to hold me still.
Looking up, she licked around the head, it throbbed, and that amused her. My chest heaved to expel more airy groans, mind gone, eyes pleading; she did it again. The twisting corkscrew motion of her grasp matched how her tongue swirled. Taken into her mouth, this unholy trinity of sensations reduced me to a light-headed muddle and random moans.
“Fuck… please… don’t stop.”
Her confident self-assured grin did nothing to placate me. The cadence of her hand and mouth built; that knot of pressure surged to a mass of absurd dimensions. My vehement erection felt numb, something had to give yet I had no idea when. The heat in my loins kept building, the intense need for relief reduced once sturdy bones to rubber.
Enveloped in wet silk, a tender caress of my balls and her deft fingers rubbed my perineum. I felt it, distant but growing stronger. Our eyes met, and I mumbled some disjointed words to warn her. Her expression, expectant, I tried to warn her again and she pressed on with relentless determination.
The helter-skelter twist on my shaft and elegant sweeping stroke edged me closer. My last vain effort barely audible as solitary words carried on random breaths. The seething mass tightened to the point I could no longer control myself. My legs trembled and her encouraging eyes met the alarm in mine.
Only her mouth now, deep and rapid, she gripped the back of my thighs and took it deep. I snatched deeper and deeper breaths until the dam broke. The alacrity of how it uncoiled made me roar; long spasms of release pulsed as white heat through my core. Each noisy gulp eviscerated me and the fury of my ejaculation would not stop. Rich pulses of muscular convulsions made me shudder as my penis twitched around her lips.
The pulses softened into echoes of deep spasms that reverberated through me weakly. Tranquilised by a post-orgasmic warmth, I felt so feeble. Easing it from her mouth, it still twitched with aftershocks as she licked its length and flicked at its tip. I flinched, so sensitive, and still so vehement and angry.
Nonchalantly, she wiped the edges of her lips as if she polished off dessert.
“Better now English? You looked so tense and serious all night, like you were in pain?”
“Wh… what?”
She giggled at my incredulity, “I knew you needed a drink but when I felt that pressed against me? No one should have that much frustration inside. You gave me so much. When was the last time someone did that for you?”
“Like that?” I gasped, “Never. That was incredible.”
I think she took it as a compliment.
“And fucking, English? When was the last time you fucked?”
“Oh… that? Months ago.”
“Mon Dieu,” she muttered, “You poor thing.”
The walk home through Gallerie Vivienne always felt symbolic; work existed at one end and home at the other. Its distractions and beauty shook off my work persona and transformed me back to my normal self.
Today, peevish and conflicted, my work and personal life felt so tangled; the problem: an innocent remark. I asked Elodie about her weekend and found myself with an invitation to a flat-warming party. We would go out at the weekend for the first time, alone.
Out of the Gallerie, I made my way towards the statue of Louis XIV around the small circus of buildings. The traffic heavy, an overexcited moped broke my train of thought.
Thanks to Veronique, I understood what I blundered into: the exact opposite of what I wanted to achieve; I only wanted to be friendly.
Elodie Duprix, the office manager was all froth and happiness. Before I arrived, she helped me with the practicalities of this assignment and we talked at length over the phone many times. If I had known what she looked like, rather than be effusive with charm, I would be tongue-tied.
Around my age, flirty by default, it was difficult not to reciprocate. She was smart, effervescent, and had a svelte body built for sin; pretty face, a flawless honey complexion, wavy flaxen hair, and azure eyes. Always dressed immaculately, not overtly sexual, it accentuated the power of her femininity: an elegant and beautiful creature. She occupied a no-mans-land in my thoughts, a colleague, a friend, yet I admired her from my desk.
I was not unattractive; they told me I had nice eyes. Everything was in proportion with one above-average exception and I never had a complaint there. Athletic in build, I kept up with my enjoyment of swimming and running; I made an effort in my appearance and demeanour. Good manners cost nothing and neither did good conversation.
Crossing the road, the weight of traffic lightened, people milled around shops, and the sedentary relaxed in bars and cafes. The longer warm evenings brought them to the tables and chairs outside.
Once in Paris, Elodie took me under her wing and invited me to join in with her circle of friends: men and women. Nothing major, lunch and after work drinks – she helped to alleviate my homesickness. They wanted to practice their English; I tried to practice my French. That is how my moniker stuck - ‘English’. I accepted it with good grace and soon eased back into my old self.
Passing the Church, I rounded the corner at the bottom of Rue Montorgueil, my home for the year. These are the enclaves where the locals live and play. Close to the office, what it saved in commuting, I paid in high rent. My budget only ran to this bijou accommodation, an apartment of two above-average sized rooms and a small bathroom.
Walking the stairs to the first floor, my footsteps lumbered and I felt a growing dread. Of course, I had the most unsavoury thoughts about what I would like to do to her. Yet, Elodie and I worked in the same quirky office. I needed friends like her more and promised myself to build on our friendship despite the flirtatiousness.
All I had to do was not kiss her.
The dim bedside lamp threw long shadows over her slender frame. No deed went unpunished, she writhed at the hips, and I held her flanks tight.
“Putain…” repeatedly, soft, and barely audible.
Tutored by her soft gasps, she wriggled and moaned. I exposed her clit, pursed my lips, and took it. Enjoying her taste, attenuated to every whimper and flex of her lithe body, I knew what to do. Easing two fingers inside, I felt how she grasped at them. Sucking softly with a delicate flick of my tongue, her gasps matched the rhythm of her hips. Clutching my head, she steered me until she stiffened, yelped, and shuddered hard.
She laid on the bed, arms above her head as a wanton invitation; hair luscious and scattered, eyes inviting, and her instruction simple – fuck me.
She took me, guided me in, and I watched her eyes widen and her lips pout. The rich, snug envelopment around my girth soaked it with heat. Each time, the delicate travel each thrust gave her more until we pressed against each other.
She squeezed at my behind; those expressive hands needed no accompanying words. Legs splayed; she let me have her on her back. Neither of us gave ground, each of us assertive to have our say and push the envelope of our mutual understanding. Limbs wrapped tightly around me forced me to slow, or exert my strength, every time a test, all of it as a delectable experience of trial and error.
I prized her from me, fingers entwined, my arms locked to hold her in place. Feeding the yearning at my core with the slow measured thrusts, she curved her spine, rocked her hips, and gave me the angle I craved.
She bucked and twisted, I relented, and our roles reversed. She let me admire her body, from her brittle collarbone and slim arms, I lingered on the ripe cups of her breasts. Eyelids heavy, she eased me in again and when she took it all - ground her sex against mine. Her hands, always moved, their caress enticed and roamed free over my body. I gave her what she wanted, her poise a visual feast of athleticism and sublime pleasure. She showed me everything, leant back, legs opened, and revealed how I breached her. Upright, back curled, a measured grinding movement that held me trapped entirely.
“Just like this, huh, English?”
I groaned.
“Tell me you would fuck her like this too.”
I groaned again.
“Tell me,” and she quickened her hips.
I groaned louder, “Fuck, yes, yes I would.”
She purred contently, “Mmmm, English, I would like to see that.”
It was not an appeal to my vanity; it was the deviancy of our shared experiences. She knew and I knew, my response was immediate and I thrust back. Not to be outdone, she upped the ante, a wet soft kiss on my lips and my neck. She took my hands, lifted my arms over my head and the collision of our bodies filled the air with our staccato rhythm. Sucking on her nipple, she pressed down hard, swirled her hips and gasped loudly.
“Mmm, English, this what I would do to you and she would watch.”
Easing off me, down she travelled, kissed my stomach, my thigh. Gripping the thin cotton sheet in anticipation, she kissed my wet erection, looked up, and gave me a lascivious grin.
God, I must have looked so helpless, she grinned wider and grasped my girth. She stroked it with that twist of the wrist as her mouth engulfed me, a wilful act to provoke my surrender. Her expression laced with the fascination at how I groaned and writhed for her. The slow bobbing motion, the measured rhythm of her hand - my back arched and my breathing quickened. Taking it in, slowly, that silken feeling reduced my mind to pulp.
Winning that battle, my mind seared the fluidity of her slender body as a treasured memory. Taking an anti-posed position, her slender flanks straddled my face. A tiny triangle of pubic hair decorated her mons. At the cleft of her peachy derriere, the smooth cushion of her vulva and fine labial lips glistened in the soft light; I captured the scene forever.
The heat of her sex mere inches away, I blew softly and made her giggle. Holding her firm, I impaled her with my tongue and made her groan long and airy. The shrill-tone of her stifled yelps became a reprise to my deeper moans. A leisurely soixante-neuf, we lingered, nibbled, licked, and sucked. Learning by her whimpers, I tongued her sex; its taste consumed me, bittersweet, delicious, it flowed so easily.
Enflamed to my core, I had to do it; the tip of tongue traced a line along its lips. Along the taint, I pushed her down and she pitched up; the tip of my tongue traced around the crunched knot of her anus. I flicked at it once and she yelped. Circling it, I did it again; now, she flexed to meet it and groaned softly with every application of my tongue. Chest pounding with excitement, I knew then, Anne-Pierre was no ordinary lover.
“Mmm,” she mumbled, “you are full of surprises.”
Holding her cheeks apart, I enjoyed how sharply she took in air, yelped and murmured soft words of encouragement.
Returning to my length, her solitary digit toyed with that tight knot of muscle. I groaned hard, poleaxed as her fingers teased my anus too. A match for my predilections, I pressed and impaled her up to my first knuckle; she penetrated me too. Groaning with encouragement, she kept going.
“Oooh, English! You like that don’t you?”
“Fuck yes!”
The tip of that finger only fuelled my eagerness; she knew what it did to me. I pulsed hard, her tongue swirled over the head, and she eased me into her mouth. It was a superlative sensation, something that left me rigid, swollen to the maximum. Chasing her swollen clit with the tip of my tongue, I pursed my lips, captured it, and lashed at it. Wriggling more, she muttered soft words, expletives, and then attended to my girth again. The draft of her mouth and skilful grasp numbed me; taunted until my overloaded body trembled.
Resolute but light-headed, single-minded with intent, I watched how she extracted herself. Moving down the bed in reverse, she knelt into position, giggled, and held me. Leant forwards, I got the whole view, the plump cushion on her sex all glossy and swollen, pert bottom and tight anus.
Hovering over my stout erection, she pressed down, impaled herself, and stole my breath. Caught in the reflection of the bedroom mirror, it captured her fluid movements and feverish amusement. Slowly, she gave an exhibition of her slender body, her lips half-open, eyes intense, and the rhythm of her swaying breasts.
Clenching at the sheet with two handfuls of linen, I felt the enveloping heat. She turned to look back, lustrous long hair draped as a curtain over one eye, and fixed her stare into my eyes.
“Oh, God!”
“Oui,” she purred with a half-smile, “Watch how I fuck you.”
Distracted, my coffee cup clattered on its saucer. Peering down onto the street below, a very French game played out before me: a man and a woman talked outside a shop.
When I did not know, I did not see it. It amused me how this game hid in plain sight.
Massacring some French as I tried to order lunch, I fell back to English. Rory, an ex-pat and Veronique commiserated on my valiant effort and we chatted whilst they waited for the bill. It was Veronique who noticed the cute blonde that kept looking at me. Mentioning she looked a little bit like Elodie, I shared my quandary about her flirtatiousness. My bafflement made them laugh and the next ten minutes became a revelation.
In France, men and women flirt, it is the normal everyday discourse, a playful battle of the sexes. They flirt in the street, in a shop, at the office, a café, a bar, anywhere. Admiring looks, a compliment, strike up a conversation, it is possible to make ‘Bonjour’ or ‘Bonsoir’ sound flirtatious.
I took another sip of coffee and across the street, he seemed to be doing well; confident, smiling, and she was playing with her hair.
This is how men and women are; if you liked someone, you asked if you might meet again. My concern at the situation with Elodie made Rory laugh. There were no ‘dates’, you met, you listened, you entertained, no fixed list of venues, and all very disorganised. Veronique nodded and said she put Rory through hell; Parisian women are tough operators. I imagined that the ‘three dates and get laid’ rule was too crass for this game too; I did not ask. Besides, the bill arrived, I thanked them and they wished me luck.
The purpose of this game is simple, a kiss, a Prince Charming and Sleeping Beauty kiss. This is romance, you are now girlfriend and boyfriend, and they expect fidelity. There is no ‘talk’, that is it, boyfriend and girlfriend. I could only imagine the fun and games required to get them to have sex.
Of course, I tried: two polite but flat refusals, one had a boyfriend, three did not speak English, and one accepted an offer to meet again. Chloe, demure, brunette, attractive, and spoke good English.
When she took me to a café to meet some of her friends, it came as no surprise. I played to her air of mystique with well-natured charm. As our fourth ‘rendezvous’, I caught some of her signals, the lingering smile, and a chance glance at my lips - twice. I knew the endgame approached: kiss her.
Taking another sip of coffee, it still felt exhausting just thinking about it.
At the end of my ‘date’ with Chloe, we walked from the café for a while. I thought about inviting her to the flat warming party, yet I was Elodie’s guest. Our brief walk to the Metro station was pleasant, she was pleasant, and when it came to part, I did not kiss her. My mind jumbled, I folded, and chose to postpone such a big step.
Watching the man and woman chatting, the notion of fidelity made me baulk. This straitjacket, this cultural conformity would make me choose; I feared it.
I liked Chloe but something held me back. Polite to the point of humility, I thanked her and forgot to ask we could meet again. She saw this as a challenge and told me she had my number; I forgot that too and she would call me in a few days.
Finishing my coffee, the woman on the street handed him a piece of paper, her phone number perhaps. With a flounce of her long auburn hair, she walked away and that fine derriere swished - he admired it.
Walking to the kitchenette, I put the coffee cup in the sink and sighed. Weary, the flat-warming party was this evening. Tired of over-analysis, I resolved to stick to my simple plan for Elodie, do not flirt, do not have too much to drink and do not kiss her. I would kiss Chloe, wake up Sleeping Beauty, and live happily ever after – or not.
Washing out the cup, I weakened again and pondered if I should kiss Elodie. She was a beautiful kind-hearted woman, yet a spurned advance might cost me a friend – my only friend here. Even if my advance was accepted, the expectation felt insurmountable. It would be tough to date someone from the office too.
I shook my head; this was a mess, so I would remain on my best behaviour.
That mirror captured us in a three-quarters view and a tawdry provocation of her body. Riding me in reverse, the view of her behind and sex before me. Clutching my shins, she drove up and down as the snug muscular heat enveloped my girth. The air hot, she flexed and contorted for our pleasure, my hands restless over her damp body.
At first, I watched, and every time she took me; the compulsion to respond grew stronger. Once, I bucked back, she yelped. Timed to match her tempo, she quickened and we found a new rhythm.
Sat upright, she displayed herself flushed, skin mottled by arousal and exertion. Clasping her breasts, she took it to the hilt, her sex cleaved, and features contorted with endless airy sighs. We grew in purpose and confidence, our gasps mixed with the rising clatter of our bodies.
She leant forward and I met her firmly. Sheened with perspiration, she hammered down harder and its intensity forced the air from me as deep growls. My firm grasp tried to slow her and she refused to relent. I had to respond and rubbed my thumb against her anus; she gasped and pleaded for it. Pressing harder, I defeated the tight ring of muscle and with a yelp; she reared up and quickened her hips.
“You like that?” I looked at her in the mirror, flushed, her body shone with a sheen of perspiration.
“Oui…” she whimpered, “… don't stop.”
Grinding against me, it conjured a rapid friction that forced the need to buck back. Writhing as one, the loud collision of our bodies rose above our moans. Sinews and muscles tight, neither of us gave ground.
Pulling at my hand to stop, she lowered herself and reached back. My legs bent at the knees and her feet on my raised thighs; she revealed how I impaled her. The tempo relentless our two bodies collided as one. Mauling her breasts, I plucked her nipples and her hips thrashed. Sobbing airily and soaked with exertion, we slipped against each other. We struggled for purchase as wet hands slipped over soaked skin.
Struggling, her arms and legs gave out underneath her. Resting on me, her body urgent, she rippled through her abdomen and hips. I met her at the apex and pushed up hard as she bottomed out. Each moan and gasp for air shortened and limbs stiffened. Locking her in an embrace of arms and legs, there was no chance of escape.
Breathing laboured, her high-pitched yelps grew in their fury, “Oui, oui,”
I could not help myself, one hand provoked her sensitive nipple; the other slid down to her mons. Her clit, evasive at first, felt so hard as it slipped over my fingers. For a slender woman, she had such strength, her breasts shook, and the toes on each foot curled tight. Her finesse seemed to ebb away, her body more mechanical than fluid.
“Cum,” I hissed.
She liked that word a lot in the following moments. Small tremors built in her legs and travelled into her hips and torso. Heels dug into the bed, she tried to arch her back, and I held her tight to my body. Her once strong cries of pleasure, now so weak, completely stopped. Crunched tighter and tighter, her leaden body went stiff and began to shake.
“Putain...! Putain!”
Fully impaled, captured in my embrace, the first rolling seizure rippled through my length. Thrashing noisily, her back arched and I kept fucking her. Unwinding as a wild shuddering, I pushed my entire length into her and felt how she squeezed it tight. Strong convulsions became a massaging vice as she tried to flail.
Ambushed, it reduced me to a clattering set of demented lunges. A few curt words of warning only made her squeal with desperate mechanical lunges. Crossing her legs at the ankles, the extreme tightness threw me over the edge. I grunted hard, deep groans and staccato thrusts that yielded my release. The mirror captured the last pulses of my perineum that injected my seed into her.
Released from my weak hold, she fell to the bed limp amidst our sobs for air.
It was a short walk through the Second Arrondissement to Rue Saint-Denis and Elodie’s apartment.
As soon as she opened the door, we gave our customary greeting, a kiss on each cheek. Now I knew what I was doing, it felt awkward. She beamed and complimented me on my appearance. I wore aftershave, a seldom occurrence, she recognised it and complimented me on my taste.
In a couture cream dress, just above the knee, tight fitting and elegant; Elodie looked beautiful. I knew the rules of the game now and it would have been churlish not to reciprocate. She twirled, struck a pose, and giggled.
I kept time with the click-clack from her heels. We strolled through the streets and she attracted many admiring looks. I looked at her, she liked it, and I complimented them on their taste too. So much for self-control, the notion that we were a couple made me feel gooey inside.
Depending on your mood, the party could be chic, moody, and stylish; or arrogant, a pastiche, and dull. I opted for chic. The half-lit rooms, swoopy ambient electronica, and friendly people; it helped ease my reticence.
Nursing a glass of wine, Elodie introduced me to many people and I struggled to remember the whirlwind of names. Little room to move, bubbly chatter rose over the music, spoken at speeds that made it incomprehensible. As people spoke, my eyes wandered. I stared at the fiery-haired force of nature, all gestures, and an expressive face. Sat on the sofa, she wore a loose strappy printed dress that revealed the embonpoint of her breasts. Whoever she was, did not wear a bra.
She became my point of reference, she moved, I moved, like pieces on a chessboard. No boyfriend here, no rings on her fingers, there were a few admirers and that was understandable. Impossible to ignore, I lingered on her mesmerising eyes, strong jawline, and juicy porcelain cheekbones. She carried herself with a confident poise, that long hair in loose trestles, a prop to emphasise a point, an extension to her personality. I appreciated her from afar until she caught me, and smiled. It felt so easy to smile back.
When she patted a scarce spot on the only sofa, she made the first move; no one had done that before.
In France, she should not have done that at all.
Limbs entwined, the cadence of our groans matched the symbiosis of our bodies. Hair damp, faces flushed, the musky scent of sex, aftershave, and light perfume notes mixed in the torpid air. From a prone position, her blunt heels pressed into the back of my thighs. Our earlier enthusiasm gave way to slow and languid pleasure. Her caress lingered up the valley of my spine.
Flexing at the hips at the apex of each thrust, the tight envelopment of her sex massaged my girth. I impaled her fully; she gave out a long groan and clasped my behind. Mollified, for now, I did it again; another deep moan and warm exhaled air caressed my damp body.
“C’est bon… c’est bon…” whimpered under her breath.
Arching her back, I pawed her breast and teased its hard nipple. Rising above her, she opened her thighs to invite everything I had. Pulling at my waist, quick undulations of her hips sent the pleasure rushing through me. Fucking me back, I groaned and her rhythmic massage weakened me to the point I fell into her embrace.
She bucked and I relented; we rolled. She rose, determination in her eyes, an escalation as slow pile driver motions battered me into submission and pummelled the fight from me. Clattering down hard, I clasped her breasts and teased her hard nipples.
She rose onto her haunches and hammered me into the bed. Neither of us would back down, I thrust back to provoke her yelps of pleasure.
Gazing upon me with half-feral eyes, she smiled, “You… you are good.”
“I… I can’t normally hold out this long.”
“I like it. Do you like surprises, English?”
I frowned.
She snorted with a giggle, “It’s okay, I promise you will like it.”
Running her slim fingers through her wet hair, she reached across the bed and took something. Easing me out of her sex, I felt it, cold and slippery.
“What the?” I gasped.
Giggling, she reached behind herself for a moment.
“Dans ma cul,” she mumbled.
“In my ass, silly!”
Its shock took no time to register; eyes wide, it was obvious.
“Yes, English?”
I gulped, “Yes.”
“Have you done this before?”
I shook my head, “No.”
“Then let me show you.”
Straddling me, she squatted on her haunches again and pressed my erection to that spot; I froze. The tight ring of muscle was no match for the rigidity of my penis and gravity. She hissed loudly and eased down gingerly. Her mouth made an ‘O’ shape as her eyelids fluttered. Her opening defeated, my turn to groan came as the first couple of inches impaled her.
“Surprise!” she exclaimed.
“Christ! That’s tight.”
We looked into each other’s eyes, I watched hers narrow, she bit on her bottom lip and steered me in deeper. My look of astonishment said it all, she scrutinised me and made small circles with her hips. Amused at my reaction, she pressed down hard and let out a tiny yelp.
“You okay?” I had to ask.
Exhaling loudly, I felt her clasp at my girth, “Relax, you will not hurt me.”
Overwhelmed by the pleasure, she towered over me and watched. She took it with a long, slow travel; the tightness clasped everything until she rested at its hilt. Her stare never wavered as the tempo built. On her knees, each rocking gesture made us groan, the grinding movements, and up-down bounce of her thighs. The hot warmth and tight friction provoked the full swell of my arousal.
The intent in her eyes combined with these sensations reduced me to a groaning state of delirium, “I… I…”
Putting a hand over my mouth, she slowly ground onto me.
“Shush, relax,” she kept her hand there until I eased, “Let me do this for you.”
Manipulating her sex, she propped herself up with her arm on my chest. I felt it, two fingers in her sex, and they pressed at the thin membrane. I groaned hard, my hips rose from the bed and she nailed me back into place.
Her hand, rubbing at her sex, the provocation in her eyes, I tensed hard and then eased back. Toying my nipple, she knew my weakness and exploited it without hesitation. I stretched out and grabbed at the bed sheet. I tried to thrust back and she pounded me down onto the bed again. Our drenched bodies smacked together, it rose above the fusion of our yelps and groans.
Fleeting at first, I felt it coming and needed to wait for its certainty. Muscles tightened, the tension pulsed in bigger and bigger waves. I felt so swollen; she could not mistake it in such a tight place. It rose slowly, gathering in pace until I knew it would not subside. My cries were obvious and how I tightened through my legs would squeeze my release from me. The clattering noises built, the rhythm of her determination and whimpered with each one.
“Do it,” her voice frantic, she bit her top lip and gasped.
Her hand worked her sex and made her gasp with a pout. Dropping down faster, so hot and tight around me, she struggled to maintain this tempo. Seized tight, she met the implacable steel of my tense body. Her eyes flickered and with a long outpouring of air; I felt that first deep shudder from her core. The intense echoes of her orgasmic pulses send my body off the charts.
“Cum…” she yelped loudly, “… cum for me.”
Clenching hot waves of release trapped me against the strength of her convulsions. I shook from my stomach and the first deep spasm made me roar. Sharp juddering movement of her hips held me deep; the sweep of friction goaded me to buck in time with each lusty belt of my climax. Our cries so loud, the neighbours must have heard them.
The intense strength felt as if it would go on forever. Nothing else mattered; I felt nothing but exquisite release. She did not stop until I went limp; lost in a woozy and ethereal haze. Easing me from her, she sniggered at the faint convulsions that twitched through my fading erection.
“Uh huh?”
“You lasted very well.”
I mumbled; words felt so difficult. Light and carefree, muscles paralysed in a rich warmth, she laid beside me. Hot, bothered, we remained motionless until our frantic breathing eased.
“I can feel what you left inside me.”
I gasped, “Uh huh.”
Her arm draped across my chest, her hand rested on my still thumping heart.
“Okay, English?”
Slowly, after staring at the ceiling for a while, I felt some strength return, “Yeah… yeah, I’ll live.”
“Come, a cool shower will revive you.”
Over the loud chatter and louche electronic breakbeat, she patted the seat on the sofa again. The fiery-haired woman reclined, arms outstretched across its back. Her gaze did not waver from mine. Elodie looked deep in conversation with someone called Gaspar so I slipped away.
Edging towards her, I avoided guests sat on the floor with small crab-like steps.
Arriving, her jade eyes sparkled, “Salut.”
“Bonjour, je m’appelle Martin. Vous parlez Anglais? Mon Français n'est pas bon.” It plodded a bit.
“Yes, you are ‘English’. I am Anne-Pierre.”
“Wow, is my French that bad?”
She giggled, “No, that was very good. I asked my friend who the handsome man was talking to Elodie and everyone calls you ‘English’. Will you join me?”
“Thanks,” I paused a little taken aback, “I’d be delighted to join you.”
“Your glass looks almost empty. I have been watching you, you are not drinking?”
Flashing my eyebrows, I nodded, “Long story. I could use a drink.”
“Here, allow me,” and a lusty helping of white wine followed.
“Salut,” and clinked her glass against mine.
She drained almost half of her glass as I watched slightly incredulous, so much for aloof women and the flirting game
“Go on, English, drink.”
I did the same.
I eased out a big sigh, “Yes, much better.”
Anne-Pierre provided a link between the hosts and Elodie: as a yoga teacher, she worked at the host’s studio and Elodie was a student. Over more glasses of wine, we shared potted biographies over the airy electronic swishes. We laughed a lot, situations, difficulties with the language barrier, the cultural differences. Her delicate hand rested on my forearm and I reciprocated.
Inky black outside, small groups around the sofa came and went, all keen to talk to ‘English’. A little tipsy now, I felt more confident and always grateful when people switched to English, or Anne-Pierre translated.
Eventually, we found ourselves alone, a few danced, most guests seemed coupled up. Anne-Pierre nudged me halfway through another amusing story and I almost dropped my glass into my lap. She pointed as Elodie kissed Gaspar. I admit I felt a pang of envy mixed with relief; she knew how to kiss too.
“I thought she was yours?” Anne-Pierre’s tone sounded severe over a very persistent bassline.
I shook my head, “No.”
“Why not? She is very attractive.”
I shrugged, “Yes, but she is not my girlfriend, so I would not do that.”
Anne-Pierre leaned in, she looked at my lips and then back into my eyes. “So you would not do that to me? I am not your girlfriend either.”
Amused at how she skewered me; I gave thanks for the last inch of wine in my glass, “Are you anyone else’s girlfriend?”
Her eyes lingered on my lips and then came back to my eyes again, “Non.”
That is how it happened and our kiss tasted of summer berries. An evocative scent of whatever she dabbed on her neck amplified its effect. The delicate tip of her tongue against mine became the overwhelming memory. A swell of desire rocketed through me and built so ferociously that it connected with my loins and tightened them in an instant.
It came out of nowhere and I blurted it out, “Wow, you kiss good.”
Her expression coy, coquettish perhaps, “So do you, do it again.”
Her fingers through my hair felt so sensuous. I lost count how many times we kissed like that until we adjusted ourselves and she sat side-saddle on my lap.
There we sat, drank wine and talked, punctuated with tender caresses as provocations to kiss again. The music quieter; I counted eight people where there were once thirty. All of us coupled up, and Elodie was not amongst them.
Now, every kiss hinted at an escalation, each caress edged towards the more salacious. My hand rested half under her hemline, each finger made delicate circles on her milky thigh.
Biting her top-lip, hopeful eyes looked into mine. Her fingers slid across my chest and over my thumping heart; it betrayed me. They slid over the buttons on my shirt, and then back in-between them. My reaction to her touch curled her lips into a smile. A soft caress of a nipple raised a murmur of pleasure she would feel.
She wriggled against my erection and grinned, “Am I being too forward?”
Her fingers did not stop, “No. All I know is how we are supposed to do this and we have done everything in the wrong order.”
She giggled, “This is true and I am very forward.”
I kissed her, “Good, because I am very forward too.”
I took my chance, squeezed her breast, and found her nipple, erect through the fabric. She wriggled against me with a stifled murmur.
“Come with me,” she purred, timed perfectly during a quieter movement in the music.
Everyone else seemed pre-occupied as we left the sofa. I followed her around a bend in the corridor. Half-lit, she stopped at a door ajar, also unlit, and silent. Turning back, she looked at me, mischievous, sexual I hoped. Dry-mouthed with excitement, I watched her push the door and crept in.
She stopped in the doorway and I peered around. To my surprise, I lingered on the curve of woman’s naked back sat astride someone on the bed. Moving slowly, her fluid gestures made it impossible to misunderstand; long blonde trestles swished in time with her body.
A chill soaked through me, it had to be Elodie. Frozen to the spot, Anne-Pierre took my hand, I could not move now. Together we watch the ebb and flow of their careful fucking. Elodie leant forward, revealed her peachy rump, and the stout erection that bucked into her sex.
It did not take long until I felt it; Anne-Pierre massaged my groin. Biting my lip, I stifled any involuntary sounds. Of course, I was aroused, worse than ever, and she groped it to sense by how much – a lot. Heightened by the sense of danger, I threw caution to the wind. Pressing at the confluence of her thighs, between two layers of fabric, I felt her heat.
There we stood, a minute if that, as voyeurs stimulating each other, enjoying the sights and sounds of a slow easy fuck. Elodie’s lithe body ground slowly, she whimpered softly, the long travel of his hips brea,ched her sex and matched her tempo.
My weakness unleashed, it stripped away any sense of decorum; I needed to fuck. Pulling on her hand, Anne-Pierre got the message. Chest thumping, I eased the door back to where I found it.
Pulling her close to me, she grasped the bulge in my trousers, “Did you like seeing your friend fucking English?”
Her expression full of mischief, I kissed her deeply to give my answer. Easing the zip down, she slid her hand in. Staring at me, she rubbed at my erection.
“She is just like us, would you like to fuck her too?” she hissed.
I groaned, my mind fused, no time for the truth or the situation. I blurted it out, “I want to fuck you.”
The images of Elodie fucking still seared into my mind, blood awash with lust and wine, Anne-Pierre backpedalled easily and I pressed her against the wall. Our bodies slotted together, a ying and yang of need. The provocative leer on her face, I pressed my lips to hers, full-blooded, no quarter, and tongues deep. In that moment, I knew. I found the rebel I sought and the animal in me took over.
Easing my hand under the hem of her dress, my hand squeezed her thigh. Looking into her half-closed eyes, she offered no resistance as I cupped her sex, tugged at her panties, and eased my fingers in. Breeching her sex, copious juices spilled forth; rubbing it over her vulva, she soaked readily.
“Putain,” she gasped and clung to me.
Impaling her deeply, she held me tightly as her knees buckled.
“You felt how hard I am?”
“Oui, it feels big.”
“You are very wet.” Pressing another finger inside, her rich viscous juices made it so easy, and Anne-Pierre whimpered, “Would you like it inside you?”
“Yes, come back to mine,” she whispered breathlessly, “it’s not far.”
“He is French, bi-lingual, handsome, twenty years younger than us, well hung and Judy suspects bisexual. “Judy told me me we can have our way with him as long as I tell her all about it on the phone next day. “Might be a fun way to spend a holiday afternoon baby? “You and and I make love together, and we do it beautifully. When we have a third person that is just sex for sexual pleasure. “Remember outer sex only, no intercourse.” When Monday came around we were both determined to make the...
The next morning Darla awoke in her own bed to a strange dream of being taken from behind by a strange looking four legged animal in the jungle. The dream began with her running from some type of danger, however, the danger she remembered was actually quite pleasurable. Then she recalled the tongue of this animal beast pleasuring her beyond any human limitation until finally, just as she was about to cum, her alarm went off and brought her crashing back down to reality. As Darla awoke and...
—————————————————————————————————————— When are you going to take me dogging Daddy?” Chloe looked up at her father from her position kneeling in front of him as he sat on the edge of the bed. She still had hold of his cock, her face streaked with his cum. “Now the lockdown is over you promised you would take me,” she added, scooping his cum from her face and licking it off her fingers. “It’s not as easy as that sweetheart,” her mother responded, “we’ve been looking on the websites and...
By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.His name was Dave Foster and he was a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman. (Oops. “Retail Associate Salesperson” the last seminar he had to attend told him) Basically he travelled around in his hatchback giving live demos of his company’s “Rainbow Lite” vacuum cleaners. He would provide quick demos at trade shows, retail outlets and in peoples’ homes by appointment. He had a pretty good base salary and a more than decent...
By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.His name was Dave Foster and he was a traveling vacuum cleaner salesman. (Oops. “Retail Associate Salesperson” the last seminar he had to attend told him) Basically he travelled around in his hatchback giving live demos of his company’s “Rainbow Lite” vacuum cleaners. He would provide quick demos at trade shows, retail outlets and in peoples’ homes by appointment. He had a pretty good base salary and a more than decent...
It was a busy Saturday night, the club was banging and the drinks flowing freely. Chloe was looking like Malibu Barbie, the special edition one with the massive tits, there wasn’t a man or woman in there that hadn’t stopped and looked and she fucking loved it. Chloe made her way back to the table where a few of her friends were about to do shots, she went to get her phone from her purse and she noticed there was a blindfold with an envelope attached to it. Curiosity took over and she opened it,...
Chloe sat in the middle holding her phone with one hand and her father’s cock with the other. Roy had his arm round his daughter’s shoulders, his hand resting on her breast as he gently tweaked her nipple. Ann had her hand between her daughter’s thighs, two fingers slowly stirring inside the girl’s cunt. “We’re so proud of you,” her father said, “you did so well having to think quickly when he changed the time, Suzy did a great job of filming it. Have you sent a copy to Grandad?” “Yes,”...
Chloe got pregnant at f******n, she had to get her GED and worked all sorts of jobs to provide for Jamey her only son. The father was not in his life and her parents had given up on her. Chloe did her best for what she had. They lived in a single wide trailer on a open piece of land, no neighbors no friends. As Jamey got older Chloe noticed some changes in him, not like normal boys. He grew his hair long never wanting a hair cut. His brown hair was down his back. Jamey was skinny, he loved to...
Chloe and I flipped a coin to see who would tell you all about Easter. I lost--or won, depending on how you look at it--so it's my turn again but don't worry, Chloe will have plenty to say. "Chloe! What... ?" She cut me off that Saturday morning by launching herself into my arms laughing and giggling and squeezing. She hung onto me until she heard Kathleen's voice from the kitchen. "John, who ... Chloe?" Chloe released me and stepped into Kathleen's arms and plastered herself...
“Beautiful aren’t they?” Roy whispered as he came behind her, putting his arms around her, cupping her breasts, rolling his thumbs over her nipples. “They look so sweet, so innocent,” Ann whispered, leaning back against him, feeling his erection pressing against her back. “Hardly innocent,” he chuckled, “that daughter of ours is a right little pervert.” “I should say,” Ann sighed, “you should have seen her pushing that wine bottle up my arsehole yesterday.” “Which end?” He said, pinching...
Chloe was a very different experience. While she took several classes with me and was my major advisee as well, Chloe and I knew from the day we met that we were going to fuck while she was in school. How do I know this, you might ask? The answer is, she basically told me so. She came to my office the first day of class to have me sign a slip transferring her from a colleague’s section of Intro into mine. Totally routine, usually due to a time conflict with the other section. So I was...
“What about us?” Chloe laughed. “I heard you’ve been fucking your mother with a wine bottle,” Grandad said, “so l thought l’d give her some of my cock while she’s still loose.” Just then the door to the hall opened and Bob walked in accompanied by Darren. “I asked the other two to join us,” Bob said, “but they had one of their regulars to service so l just brought Darren. You must be Suzy,” he said, walking over to her. “Very nice,” he said, tweaking her nipples, “l hear you like plenty of...
But if you want you can get a taste here first, feel free to do so. I'm a farly new writer with english as his second language, which doesn't mean my stories are any less good but it does mean that I'd like some feedback. Please consider leaving some ... Scene 1 Daniel is sitting on his bike in front of her house. Today he woke up next to the one girl that he just can’t quite figure out. Maybe, that’s what he likes about her so much. Who knows, he certainly doesn’t. But who cares, nobody...
CHAPTER 1Curiosity got the better of Chloe. She knew she shouldn’t look but it was hardly her fault the laptop was left open. After all, Clark and Lana Tate employed her to come in twice weekly to clean their swanky 6 bed pad overlooking the River Thames. They should be more careful. Chloe was paid to clean and tidy up after the them, having access all areas. Well, mostly. The successful business owners clearly too busy to do their own housework. Or maybe just too rich to put themselves through...
But it slowly progressed... *hugs* became *kisses*.. *kisses* became *a slip of the tongue*.. A kind of second experimental phase via the internet.. until I one day released the limits holding back my writing talents. Where Instant messages became closer.. more experimental. I found women who were similar to me and we went at it.. And I got good. Very good. I was always that kind of person in the bedroom. I was and am very aware during sex. Being able to pay attention to what my lady...
Chloe -- the G Man - 2004 She was in a padded cell unlike anything she had known. It was on the smallside, but not cramped. The walls were padded in a soft white. The lightingwas warm and illuminating, coming from a mirrored ceiling. On one wall wasa ?couch? formed into it seamlessly. The wall curved out and then back to thefloor to provide the seat. The floor was covered in an off white spongy rubberlike material. Firm enough to be stable to walk on but with enough spring toprevent injury....
Peter and Chloeby IntrospectiveWandererPeter Jacobson was sitting at the dining table, slowly scooping cereal into his mouth. High school ended the week previous and now he was faced with an uncertain future. He knew that he was destined for college; he just wasn't sure in what. He had an interest in architecture as well as engineering. But then he also had a knack for business. He had been worked as an intern at a local investment firm as part of one of his classes. He impressed the owner...
Introduction: cream of the season I fucking hate Christmas, Piper muttered with disgust to herself. She kicked one of the packages under the gaily-decorated tree. When she heard something break, she laughed bitterly. The holidays had sneaked up on her. Piper was 14 year old, and Christmas no longer held the magic for her that it once had Fuck Christmas! she cursed. Who the hell needs it! It was all such a big hassle. The family togetherness was driving Piper straight up the wall. Though it...
I consider myself to be a sexual girl. the day prior to this particular story, I’d had the ninth and tenth different cock fill me with cum. I’d had sex with the three members of my adopted family, as they sought to use me as their sex toy. The day began as any other weekend would but once my eyes were opened, seeing my step-brother Rob in a more sexual light, there was no turning back, despite resisting the urge to masturbate in front of him. My fall into the abyss really started when I went...
Exhibitionism“Wear a short dress, no bra, no panties,” she told her as Lucy got out of the car. “Yes Mrs…Ann, sorry,” Suzy replied, “can l stay over at your place again tonight?” “Check it out with your mother first,” Ann replied, “we don’t want her getting suspicious.” Lucy agreed that she would and went into her house. “Now she’s had Daddy’s cock she can’t get enough,” Chloe giggled. “Yes well she needs to get plenty of practice before your Grandad gets her,” Ann replied, pulling the car away. “Do...
She kicked one of the packages under the gaily-decorated tree. When she heard something break, she laughed bitterly. The holidays had sneaked up on her. Piper was 14 year old, and Christmas no longer held the magic for her that it once had “Fuck Christmas!” she cursed. “Who the hell needs it!” It was all such a big hassle. The family togetherness was driving Piper straight up the wall. Though it was cool that her Aunt Chloe was visiting, Chloe was the sexiest of all her mother’s...
"Oh, why did I come here?" I groaned, walking into the joint. "The gym hasn't lost a damn thing, it's still too hot, and the same polyurethane wood floors too. I'm pretty sure it was at least ten years old when I was a freshman, and now I'm at my ten-year high school reunion," I let out, glancing around nonstop.I began strolling around with my arms crossed. "I surely don't want to see roughly 95% of the people here, and seeing them ten years older doesn't make me like being here...
ThreesomesSeries: Jerks Finish First Sub Series: The Bachelorette Party Author: Nick Schwartz Keywords: MF, maledom, femsub, dom, sub, bdsm Summary: Kent is a jerk. He meets vulnerable Chloe who’s having trouble finding entertainment for her friend’s bachelorette party. Kent was a jerk. He had made his peace with that. At 24, he preferred getting his rather than caring about others. Kent still was very much a frat boy, even though he had graduated from college, and most of his friends...
NGIS Part 9-Chloe and the Surprise House Guest Chloe froze in that moment she heard the announcement over the school intercom. What is doing on, she thought worryingly. M, in her mind's realm, was trying to think a way out of this situation. She stared off for a moment, before hearing a voice: "Hey Chloe, you going to the office?", Claire her friend and study partner, asking with concern. "Ah, it's nothing, well I suppose I'd best go see about this. Perhaps we can meet up tomorrow...
Chloe quickly closed the door shut behind her. Her heart was racing frantically, threatening to explode. She took quick, shallow breaths and cold sweat formed on her forehead. “What did I just see?” she asked herself. She was alone in her room. It was the same room she spent her whole childhood in, she was familiar with every inch of it. Still, after more than a decade away from home, living her own life, it somehow ended up as her sanctuary. “Calm down, Chloe, it was probably nothing...”...
Christmas was just what I needed. Restful, happy. The whole study group was home, we had a wonderful reunion. We found we all had new friends, new lovers. We were just as close, but somehow we didn't end up in bed. On the other hand, Frank, a junior now, was busy catching up with his old girlfriends, some of whom spent the night. Ralph had his own girls, usually in the afternoon. I spent hours with Mom and Dad, telling them about college, the group, our plans for Still Waters Art. I had a...
This is my first story so would appreciate any feedback from anyone!Tamara was sitting at her desk thinking how perfect her life was. She was the Manager of a 25 million dollar a year company with 75 staff reporting to her, she had paid for her house in full, had a new BMW and a hot boyfriend. And she was only 24. There was just 1 thing - although she had plenty of money, she always wanted more. She couldn't bring herself to be satisfied. She used to work a second job at night to get extra...
I'd been running my own masseuse business for a while now, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine someone like her would walk in asking for a massage. Usually I'd turn away walk-ins as my sessions were usually for pre-booked appointments only.But when Chloe Grace Moretz of all people showed up just as I was about to close for the day, I found it impossible to resist attending to her needs. "Hi! I'm so sorry to drop in so late in the day, I just wondered if there's any chance I could...
Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) At the base of the stairs I called loudly for Julia, who answered from the kitchen, which was only a few steps away. I jogged into the kitchen. Julia was in the kitchen with Robert and a couple of the bug sweeper guys, who were doing their thing with an impressive looking bunch of equipment being wheeled around on a trolley. Despite my being dressed in only a towel, I'd been hoping that Julia wasn't alone, figuring that Chloe would behave herself better in...
Chloe perched on the edge of kitchen bench, her legs crossed at the knees. A silver heel dangled from one set of toes while the other lay on the tiles at her feet. A feeling of contentment washed over her. She tossed her black hair over one shoulder and glanced around the chaotic kitchen. There were empty glasses everywhere, half-finished plates of food, and someone's forgotten jacket draped over a dining chair. She drew in a breath, her chest lifting beneath her blue party dress. Chloe...
ExhibitionismThis story is inspired by the Betty spanks series and is written with the permission of the original copyright holder Peter242. Betty & David’s Punishments continued Chloe remained somewhat fascinated by the fact that David had developed an erection when Chloe had spanked Betty. Chloe decided that she would take things further and look to initiate contact between David and Betty but she needed to test out the waters so to speak. Chloe realised that...
IncestSunday afternoon, early October "Yes yes yes yes, oh god oh god don't stop don't stop!" I didn't. No way I was stopping. "Yeah yeah yeah!" In the next moment, though, I had Kathleen's legs back against her shoulders as I throbbed and spurted as deep inside her as I could get, and I had to stop then. "Oh, god." "You can say that again." She smiled up at me, her lips soft and a little puffy, her eyes dreamy. "Oh, god." "Hah hah hah." I softened and slipped out and moved...
It wasn’t until one day while exploring the site that we discovered the forums and the stories, and we loved them both. The only problem was that sometimes the forum discussions and the stories having to do with consensual incest would piss me off. I was amazed at what some people would say or write about a subject they obviously knew little about. I was left with the impression that perhaps these people had had a bad experience, or it wasn’t what they had expected, or they were misinformed,...
Tuning Chloe, Part 1 Story by All These Roadworks (2022). Author's Note: If you're enjoying Tuning Chloe, you can find lots more incest and hypno erotica - and support my work and the creation of new erotica - in the All These Roadworks store! (Click here to view the store.) Also - my kinks aren't my politics. Please support positive, enthusiastic consent, and check out my content policy for more on how I engage with gender-degradation kinks in ethical ways. (Click here to view.) For the...
IncestShe wore tight, black skinny jeans, with few rips in the knees. She wore only a thin tank top, her small, perky breast, bra-less. She stood before a large silver elevator, staring at the numbers descending until they reached her floor. She pulled out a slip of paper folded carefully in her pocket. She whispered the floor and room aloud, third and twenty-seven. She took a deep breath and walked in the elevator. It was cold and soft music played dramatically as she waited. Finally the...
?24 Hrs?; Thoughts of a Remorseful Punished Chloe ?24 Hrs?; Thoughts of a Remorseful Punished Chloe. By Carolina Spanker The following story is a fictional representation and exists only in the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to any literary work is strictly coincidental. The story has a new humiliation device that a friend of mine just sent me from his recent trip to Japan. He tried this device and I thought I would introduce it in my story. Also some of the juicier...
The train journey took two hours, and I sat staring out of the carriage window, oblivious to the countryside flashing by, oblivious to other passengers, oblivious to everything except thoughts of my daughter Chloe. It had begun when my wife was killed in a car crash when Chloe was s*******n. I was devastated – it had been a terrific marriage, not least for the fantastic sex, where nothing had been taboo. Chloe seemed to grow up overnight, taking charge and looking after everything. She was...
The train journey took two hours, and I sat staring out of the carriage window, oblivious to the countryside flashing by, oblivious to other passengers, oblivious to everything except thoughts of my daughter Chloe.It had begun when my wife was killed in a car crash when Chloe was s*******n. I was devastated – it had been a terrific marriage, not least for the fantastic sex, where nothing had been taboo. Chloe seemed to grow up overnight, taking charge and looking after everything. She was...
Chloe sat at her desk in her social studies classroom. It was the last class of her day, and although Chloe was trying to pay attention to what the teacher was saying, she was having trouble concentrating. This was unusual for Chloe, who was normally a good student. She was on the honor roll, and wasn't ashamed to admit her intelligence. Far from a quiet, nerdy type, Chloe, was 5'8" and 140 pounds with a slim, athletic build.She had long legs, curvy hips, and a fully womanly figure, with low-C...
I was on my way home from work, I worked in the city so the drive home could take me nearly 3 hours, especially on a Friday, rush hour was horrendous.I phoned Chloe‘Hey babe, just on my way home, heavy traffic and a crash so stuck in gridlock, sat nav says I’ve got 3 hours until I’m home’‘Ok babe, Erin’s round tonight, we’re going to get take out, watch a movie or something’My heart pounded, Erin was going to be atmy home if I got back at a reasonable time. I hadn’t seen Erin since she sucked...
Becoming Chloe Part 2 She felt so guilty about the incident at the bar with Ricky and wanted to make sure I wasn't hurt and explained that the only reason things went that way was because of the heightened sexual tension that was happening between her and I that night. She explained that with their sexual foreplay, all the drinks she had, things just got away from her and when Ricky showed up she wanted to tease me even more. She did admit that she enjoyed her time with Ricky but...
One of the problems we'd had in the months before Christmas was with testing data being sent to and returned from one of our third party suppliers. This meant that I'd had many a call with our supplier liaison team and particularly with Chloe who was always cheery and helpful despite of all the issues we were having. As we got to know each other we flirted a bit over the phone. Once when I hadn't called for a few days she'd said she'd missed our chats. After discussing the late return of...
I should just warn you that it is just a story, it hasn't happened.........yet! A guy can dream.It was my first weekend back at home in several weeks, working away wasn't the glamorous lifestyle it promised to be, having to stay indoors with a laptop and phone for company. I was looking forward to seeing the lads again, getting stoned; getting pissed and just having a good time after all I hadn't seen them for nearly 2 months. It took nearly 3 hours to get back, I fucking hate trains, and I...
Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) I took over, "Chloe, I'm very shortly going to tell you what Julia calls, 'The Secret'; what I was waiting for you to work out for yourself. Once you know it, you'll be able to start changing yourself immediately. Knowing Julia, she'll be helping you as much as she can, because that's the sort of person she is. And, to save Julia the trouble of saying it, I'll add that I'll help you too. Julia would no doubt point out that's the sort of person I...
At the end of part one Chloe had finished sharing herself with Dan and company, and she headed home to Dave. After I, Peter, had finished relaying the story to Dave, he asked me if I wanted to know what happened when she got home. “Of course,” I replied, thinking he might have some excuse for why Chloe behaved like that, that maybe she was getting revenge for something he had done. I was wrong. “When she got to the car she called me on her cell,” he said. “She instructed me to go to the...
CuckoldChloe got home from work over an hour later than usual. “Oh, I called in at the tattoo shop. Look.”she said, lifting up her red leather mini-skirt. “Max took out my old cunt rings and put in these bignew 6 gauge silver titanium rings. Don't they look so fucking slutty, Dave?”The four new rings through her labia, two on either side, were at least three times the size of her oldones. They were, indeed, incredibly slutty!“Max told me not to change the ring in my pierced clit hood because it would...
Chloe had met Ian on a visit to the UK. They had shared a few passionate nights and a few wild days (stories about this to come later). They had continued communicating through email and had shared a few steamy fantasies. Their relationship was strictly sexual and both were fine with that. Chloe was muscular with curves in all the right places at 5'7" with wavy auburn hair slightly past her shoulders. She had piercing green eyes and a prominent jawline. Her lips full and luscious and when she...
Love StoriesIt was the winter of 2003 the bell had just indicated the end of the school day and I now had to make the 20 minute walk to my aunties house as she would look after me until my mum had finished work. I was standing outside the school gates waiting for my cousin Chloe, she was in the year below me and every school day for the past 4 months we had been walking to her house together. Once she arrived we started the walk, snow had been on and off continually throughout the day and it was starting...
Tom couldn’t refuse her. He took hold of her shoulder with the hand he had been using to grope her. He put her on her stomach and climbed on top of her. The day before, Tom had fucked her missionary the entire time. Now, he wanted to see how good she was when being mounted like a bitch. The feeling of power he got from taking her from behind made his cock hard as a rock. When he made the first thrust into her already wetting pussy, he put his left hand on her hip, but he put his right hand on...
"Ok, class can I have your attention please?" the teacher exclaimed as the class was still chatting away or getting to the seats. The start of the high school day tended to be like that, especially for a homeroom day. The teacher, Mr Lionel waited one moment more, then exclaimed harder, "Alright let's settle down please!" and that seemed to work as the class settled down from that point. Clearing his throat, the teacher spoke up: "Alright I know the fall semester is only a few weeks...
New Girl in School Part 6: Chloe meets the (God)Father It was the most pristine if serendipitous sight for at the school, for in the central courtyard, stood a massive ash tree. And at its foot, in midst of the crisp autumn leaves, laid a couple-Joey the meek but lanky fellow, sitting besides his new girlfriend Chloe as they indulged in a nice lunch outside, despite being it being early October. Sure they had gone on enough dates that for intents and purposes they might as well be a...
Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) Chloe had been looking increasingly unhappy all through my conversation with Diana, so as soon as Diana was out of earshot I turned to Chloe and said, "I hope you were listening carefully, because most of that was for your benefit." "It was?" asked a surprised Chloe. "Of course. Wasn't that obvious? Julia and I have spent ages talking to you, and you just don't seem to get it. I thought your listening to my talking to someone else might give you a...
My first wife and I met in college and by our junior year we were living together. Neither of us being virgins we had a splendid sex life. She was 5-4 and wanted to be taller. Her hair was auburn near to dark red that fell softly to her shoulder. She had sparkling green eyes that could turn into icy cold pieces of glass or soft, wet windows that shows the heat within her body. Her lips were wide and so soft and inviting that once kissed could become an obsession. Still, it was her body that...
It was about a year ago when Kate was putting my dry cleaning away when she noticed 'the box' and that's when the changes started. She found my secret stash of women's clothing and made me explain in detail why I would hide this from her. Since the box contained every feminine item you can think of in my size along with size-9 high heels, there was no escaping a truthful answer. With a heavy heart, I explained that I had been dressing in my sisters and moms things since I was very...
She met her guide Eloa, because being only 19 and in a strange country. She wanted to be sure, she didn’t get lost and end up in a dangerous area. Eloa was 24 and your classic Brazilian beauty. 5’6”, 125 lbs, curvy and she wore clothing that showed them well. Chloe was very conservative and had never thought of being with another woman. But, something about Eloa, made her stomach jump. She just brushed it off, to being in a strange land and around unfamiliar people. The first days were as...
This story is based on the idea Chloe Smythe isn’t a celebrity. Story Code: M/f, Oral “Hey mister, ya got any candy?” Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this extremely young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he...
The cold Chicago air was a jarring but welcome feeling for Chloe Bennet. Chloe had slept for almost the entire length of her four hour flight, LAX to ORD. Shooting on the ‘Agents of Shield’ set had wrapped the night before and she was completely exhausted. Her comfy-yet-cute black sweat suit she was wearing kept her warm enough in the near freezing weather. The rising star spent most of her days in the warm LA sun. She had moved out to California several years back to start her acting career,...
By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.“Hey mister, ya got any candy?”Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he didn’t like c***dren,...