Auntie June
- 4 years ago
- 23
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After his house party Greg had given some thought to his place in the contest between the cousins. Seth had left him in the middle of a local struggle he might have easily laughed off or walked away from if he had been back in St. George. He thought about jumping Evan in the bathroom at school. Greg even toyed with blowing them both at the same time just to see who could get off first. The bet's importance was quickly eclipsed by his father's new plans. Greg was hurt. It showed at school where he became withdrawn in class. After their first fight Greg simmered through Monday and then left for St. George Tuesday morning. John found a terse note when he went to the trailer so his sister Rose was prepared when Greg materialized at supper time. Greg fidgeted around his aunt and uncle's house for an hour and then retreated to Zoë's house as soon as he could.
Zoë's mother let him into the house with an appraising look that spoke of long experience with Greg and directed him to the family room. He found her at the computer when he tramped down the stairs. She glanced at him over her shoulder and then turned back to the computer and closed a window dramatically. "Well darn it all you just made me waste thirty-five minutes writing you a letter." She swung the chair around and held out her arms as she stood to greet him. Greg was wrapped in her soft flesh for a moment before she slapped him on the side of his head, pushed him away to demand an explanation for his unexpected presence and then drew him back for another hug. They were about the same height but she outweighed his 73 Kg by 20. Their friendship extended back to the third grade and she had been picking up the broken pieces of his life ever since he had wet himself accidentally in the back of the school bus on their way to Claybank. She told him to take off his coat and then she folded herself onto the couch and watched him expectantly. Greg began to talk.
She patiently listened to him until late in the night even though he knew she had to get up for school in the morning. It all came out; Going north to Bonner, the silence from his other friends in St. George, the cliquish high school, his father's avoiding memories of his mother, brother and sister, his father's sudden marriage that made him feel like Hamlet, and the mistake he had made with Seth. She interrupted him at that point to ask him what he thought his mistake had been. He had paused in confusion, thinking he had been clear. He had looked at her expectantly but her only response was to hug him and tell him to go back to his Aunt and Uncle's place because she needed to get some sleep.
Greg slept in till about 1:30 PM. His Aunt and Uncle were at work so he had the place to himself. He had a long shower and decided to go to the music store before heading over to the high school where he hoped to connect with his friends. When he left the store he did not think it was odd that he had picked up a capo and a Green Day book he thought Seth might like to work through. Seth was bored with the old songs in the books Greg had bought in Saskatoon. Walking the hallways of the school was strange. It should not have been. He had only been gone a little over four months and everyone knew he was going to come back. He thought about how quickly you can get disconnected. He finally found Allan in the crowd of students streaming out of the school. Allan used his cell phone to connect with Tim Gillard. Greg was struck again by the similarity between Tim and Evan Peterson. Greg put the months of long silence between them aside and hugged his friend. After that it was easier to imagine his life could still return to normal.
Tim, Allan and a few of the others celebrated Greg's return with a game of touch football on the lawn in front of the Assiniboia Legislature, then it was supper time and Greg knew he should see his aunt and uncle. There was talk of a party, but it was a school night and people had work to do. Tim drove Greg back to the school where he had left his car. They stood together beside the Mustang. Tim told Greg about Allan's new girlfriend, a girl Greg had slept with, and Tim said the parties were not the same without him. Greg teased him back and described Evan to him. He twisted the truth a little and made Evan Tim's clone and the parties laughable. Tim saw the guitar book in Greg's car and asked him if he was playing again. Greg mentioned Seth and Tim laughed calling Seth fresh meat. Greg lapsed into silence, his afternoon a sudden shambles.
His dad had phoned while he was out and his aunt Rose forced him to promise he would phone back. After supper Greg drove the brightly lit streets of St. George for an hour. He stopped at the Qu'Appelle Mall and wandered through the scattering of late night shoppers. He ordered a plate of Chinese food and picked at the food. It only served to depress him. Family groups and desperately bored adolescents Seth's age caught his eye and he came to understand that there were no answers for him in St. George. He returned to Zoë's house knowing he would be heading back to Bonner the next morning.
"I'm attracted to him, but it isn't right." It seemed to Greg that Zoë would approve of his restraint, as she had never approved of his abandon. She had sat him down, and made him listen to her winter tales of family and friends. After hearing about her aunt's medical troubles and her older sister's new baby, there were pictures, she ignored his growing restlessness and slowly explained the frustratingly slow progress on the school yearbook. Finally, when Greg was at his wit's end, she had asked him how he was feeling. After Tim's comment outside the school his thoughts had turned to Seth.
"Why, what is so wrong with it?"
"He's young and inexperience. I feel like I used him." This was difficult. This was a part of Greg's life rarely shared with his friend. She leaned forward and touched his cheek softly.
"Did you hurt this boy?" she said it softly. Greg sighed. He thought she saw him as an overenthusiastic boy with a tendency to bruise his knees or break his toys. He did not understand that he was Eros to her, playful and thoughtless and she knew when he put on his aspect he was a force of nature.
"I might have" he admitted in aggrieved voice "I don't know."
"What has he told you?" She sat back.
"Nothing I think"
"Are you actually listening to him?"
Perhaps not, thought Greg. "He afflicts me" Greg blurted out.
"What an odd thing to say Greg, how Biblical, how unlike you"
"It's been hard, you know? I've tried to get on since ... since the accident. Seth isn't part of that. He's this fresh kid, this really nice guy, who likes me, but he doesn't understand what happened. Well maybe he understands. His dad died." Greg paused for a breath "Now dad is rushing into this fucking marriage with his mother like..." he paused again helplessly.
"The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables?" Zoë contributed helpfully.
"Exactly! So I'm expected to just move on and Seth ... Seth takes their place. I can't handle it." Greg held his head.
"Do you feel good around him?"
"I need him. Oh I love him. It's just he is doing this insane thing and acts like they don't..."
"Whatever are you talking about? I mean your Seth." My Seth, thought Greg. There was silence for a while as Greg scanned back in his mind. When he spoke again his voice was low.
"He has a way of stumbling over things I'm sensitive about. Playing the guitar ... I do homework with him like I did ... I can tell he is so excited about coming to live with me. I could feel good around him Zoë." She suddenly returned to an earlier point.
"You have not been moving on Greg, you have to understand that."
"Christ that's all I have been doing since the accident, moving. First to my aunt and uncle's, then I followed dad to Bonner on the edge of nowhere Saskatchewan, and I'll trail after him now to I don't know where as part of his new family. It has been so hard to hold on."
Zoë paused and looked at him after that. Then she spoke quietly to him, "A Zen master sat before a young man who had come petitioning him to accept him as a student. He had traveled far to meet the master because word of his wisdom had spread to his distant country and the young man yearned for enlightenment. The master listened to the young man describe the path he had been following and the many teachers he had listened to before finding his way to the master. He nodded his approval for the young man's efforts and gestured to an empty tea cup on the table before reaching for the pot beside the brazier. The student was honored to be served by the master and lifted the cup carefully. The master began pouring the steaming tea into the rough bowl of the delicate cup and the young man flinched and looked up in surprise as the hot tea spilled over the lip and onto his fingers. Hesitantly he cautioned the master to stop pouring. The cup was full he said. The master paused and then placed the tea pot back beside the fire. When he turned back to the young man he replied, you are not yet ready to learn." Greg looked at Zoë blankly and she sighed. "Okay, so I'm not a Zen master. Greg, think about it, you're not living the way you're going. Take a chance. I'd like to see you really happy." Greg shook his head and looked at the fire. "I'm going to bed and you need to go back to Bonner in the morning and deal with things."
Greg returned to Bonner on Thursday. John only comment was that he might have brought the golf clubs back with him. Greg and his father settled down into a quiet truce. Debbie Patterson wisely let him brood in class. He wasn't rude to her. Somehow in his mind it wasn't her fault. Being drawn north to Bonner was his father's decision and he had never been consulted. He was still furious that once again his future was being decided for him. Greg's father had made it clear that if the Patterson's wanted to come it would happen. Seth's mom had left the decision in the hands of the University of Assiniboia Faculty of Graduate Studies. The weeks that followed left Greg tense. Greg suspected they would go to St. George anyway. His father was certainly optimistic.
Evan and Tyler teased him once about having to listen to his "mom" in class. They dropped it when they remembered he had lost his family so recently. Seth had it worse in the Middle Years room. He couldn't get his classmates to stop referring to Greg's father as either "your daddy" or "your mom's boyfriend". They were less sensitive to his feelings and despite John's awareness of the problem Seth found himself on detention frequently. John would retreat to his office to minimize the eighth grader's agony. Greg tried hard not to let his anger spill over on Seth and the two continued going back to Aspen to play with Alex and Mat. They both forgot their troubles in the music. The drives home were still pregnant with the erotic memories of their first drive home.
The trailer had grown warm in the early June heat. The Cox's had no air conditioning and he imagined Greg lying in the bed at night stripped to the waist, his chest slightly damp, waiting for the soothing cool of a northern summer night. Seth was in no hurry to go back to the school. He lingered in Greg's room puzzling out a way to close the breach with Greg. He returned to the picture of Greg and Hal. Maybe this all would have been easier if he could have dealt with the younger Greg in the picture. He wondered what Greg had been like. "You were like, what, fourteen here?" Younger Greg would have leveled the playing field here. Seth would not have felt so inexperienced. Greg at fourteen might have been less judgmental of his awkwardness. Young Greg had a nice smile, old Greg did not smile enough.
"More like thirteen" Greg was stretched out on his bed watching Seth. Seth had this way of pushing his cap back on his head. He never wore it squared or backwards. It made him seem young. He was bumping his crotch against the edge of the built in chest of drawers and his left foot rested on his right as he swayed slightly back and forth in thought. Greg imagined himself reaching over to scoop him back by the waist onto the bed just to feel his warmth and see him smile.
"So did you know he was gay then?"
"No" Or maybe he would stand behind Seth and pretend to study the picture over his shoulder. His groin would press lightly against Seth's cheeks as they swayed. He might slide a hand across Seth's stomach. He was a lean boy and there was no fat beneath the silk skin he had touched so long ago. His hand would move up onto Seth's chest as he enjoyed the scent of his body. Seth turned toward him, his eyes on the picture in his left hand. Greg blinked as Seth settled back against the drawers before crossing his legs. His right hand slid under his T-shirt as he scratched a spot below his armpit conveniently exposing an expanse of smooth skin. Seth you little poser, thought Greg; torn between admiring the swell of the boy's crotch and the soft eyelashes.
"Were his friends gay?"
"What do you mean? I never met very many of them. I guess most were. Some probably were straight."
"I mean did they seem gay?" Seth had stopped pretending to scratch and had now found something worth touching on his shoulder.
"You mean were they flaming queens or something? No, not around me; I know one guy like that ... drama queen. Actually, I don't even know if he was gay."
Seth finally met Greg's eyes with a slight smile. "So he might not have been gay, but he was really gay." He broke eye contact and went back to his study of the younger Greg. The eyes seemed so open. Seth shifted his attention to the older brother. Like the pictures on the walls at the school, the ones of the people who died, it was hard to relate to this face. When Seth looked at his dad's picture the pain all came back to him. He did not understand why Greg kept this picture close. It would have to be painful.
Seth knew Greg had his eyes on him. Being watched by Greg felt different than being stared at by Dean Wallace; he liked that Greg seemed unconscious of his fixation. It was a new feeling for Seth, being watched like that, it made him tingle. It made him feel special. Greg's eyes seemed to say he cared for Seth, yet he had never given Seth an explanation for why he would not even talk about what had happened between them. Greg was confusing. He turned away to put the picture carefully back on the top. He noticed a book that had fallen behind the lap top on Greg's desk and picked it up. Stephen King, Seth was not a big reader but he did find horror movies interesting: The Girl who Loved Tom Gordon. It was not too long. Seth showed the cover to Greg and asked, "Is this good?"
Greg was uncomfortable. He wished Seth would put Susan's book down. Seth flipped the book over and read the back cover. "Well, it's about this girl who gets lost and she has to take care of herself."
"So is some freak thing or pervert after her?"
"It's a bear."
"What happens? She gets it in the end doesn't she? Shoots an earring or something stupid; all his movies end like that." Greg had not read past the point where Susan and he had closed the book the night before she died. It had taken them so long to get there. "Is it any good?" Seth gave Greg his full attention.
"Yes, it's not that bad." He tried to say it lightly. He would never finish the book, Wikipedia it, or see the movie whenever King got around to making it. When, inevitably, he accidentally learned how it came out he would imagine he did not know.
"I'm still stuck for a book report for your dad and he is on my case about it. Mind if I borrow it?" Seth figured if Greg thought it was alright he should give it a try. He turned to the first page and read a paragraph. Nine year old girl; Seth was not sure about that, but it was as good a reason as any to delay leaving Greg's room and a part of Greg he could take with him when he did leave. He risked sitting on the bed and lay back where he could prop his head on Greg's crossed legs. He did not notice Greg's long silence.
It was like the time Seth had asked for Hal's guitar. Greg looked at Seth's profile as he scanned the text. He had curled the cover back over the spine taking possession of Susan's book. He could not bear to think that someone would learn how it ended when Susan never would. It was so unfair. Greg turned it over in his mind and found he could not explain that to Seth. It would be too hard and it was just a book. It was just one of many things Susan would never get to do, or that Greg could share with her. He cleared his throat, "yes." Seth looked perplexed by his words. "Yes you can have it." Seth nodded his head slightly in understanding. It was a small thing to Seth; he had already assumed it was his to borrow.
"I hope you can help me with the report. Your dad doesn't think much of my writing." Seth smiled at Greg and rolled over so he could rest a hand on Greg's leg.
"Sure" It was the only answer that came to mind. Seth's closeness and desire was overwhelming Greg and driving a wedge into the cracked armor he had drawn around him after the accident. "Hey" Seth waited expectantly "You should probably get back to the school. Your mother is going to be ready to go." Seth sighed and submitted to the inevitable.
Greg got up with him and followed him to the front door. After Seth had left, he paused to grab a drink from the fridge. But he did not feel like a drink. He slammed the door and headed back to his room. He needed to vent. He hesitated at the door to his room and considered first the guitar propped on its stand and then the computer. Zoë might be home, or she might be working after school. He could not remember what she had told him. Finally he turned to the bathroom and slammed the flimsy door shut. He looked at himself in the mirror then leaned on the counter as he fumbled with one hand to open his pants. He did not need any lubrication. He just began pumping.
It was always the same now; he did not know why he even tried. He would begin by thinking of his partners in St. George; the special ones, the ones of his most erotic intimate moments, girls and boys he had crushed over the last three years. As he brought himself closer it had to be the boy. Not the fresh before; not the first time Greg had allowed himself to be seduced in the basement of his home surrounded by other couples, not the first time he had penetrated Courtney or been taken by Will; but the changing moment that night in the car on the side of the highway when he had tasted Seth and heard Seth's heart beating through his trembling belly; the moment when Seth paused in his retreat and bent his head toward Greg's mouth for the first soft kiss. The moment when he cracked and something got through to him. The air seemed to rush out of his lungs when he came and he collapsed over the sink; Greg could not shake free.
The dishes and silver clinked in the silence of the small kitchen. John broke the two-week truce. With the start of June father and son had to discuss the future. "The house has been sold." Greg's pause was imperceptible before he continued to eat. John watched him slap some mashed potatoes on his plate before attacking the chicken.
"I thought you would keep it since you plan on bringing Seth and Debbie." Greg had difficulty keeping the bitterness from his voice. He absorbed himself in dissecting the breast.
"Well that would have been the economical thing to do, but I don't think it would have been good for any of us." Greg warmed a little at this. He glanced at his father before returning to his plate. "That house is our memories Greg. I, we, need a fresh start." they hadn't talked about the future much. "What would you like to do after next year Greg? Are we still talking about university?" It was still what he wanted to do. He and his friends talked about sharing an apartment near the St. George campus. Some of the plans were unrealistic. When he really considered it he wasn't sure they would be able to afford it. He told his father about the plan and waited for his reaction.
"That's what I would be thinking about too I guess. I'd rather see you in residence the first year. At least till you found your way around the classes." John really wanted him to stay at home, wherever that was. But he remembered how he had felt at eighteen and he was prepared to accept that his son would want his freedom. At least his one remaining child was not demanding to go to Medicine Hat and the main University of Assiniboia campus.
Having his father accept the idea that he would move out encouraged Greg to share his doubts. "I know I'm probably asking for a lot. I don't know how much money I can earn." Still residence seemed a little confining to him. He had seen the new towers on campus. He had a year to figure out how to convince his dad to go with an apartment. "I guess a residence might be okay" he conceded.
"I'll help you with that Greg. You need to be able to focus on doing well. I don't want you stressing things; particularly in your first year." Greg appreciated the reassurance. He sat back and looked at his father.
"How serious are you about the Patterson's?" Greg meant was this permanent. "I mean, why move in with her? You could just date each other like you are doing now." His father fiddled with his food a moment before replying.
"It hits you like that sometimes Greg. You don't feel cautious." He waved a hand as if it would capture his thought. "It feels right to me." He looked at his young son. "Don't you ever feel that way?" Greg did, but it unsettled him to think his father could act so passionately.
"So are you telling me you two are going to get married?" Greg didn't sound as critical about this as he had been. John found himself saying more than he might have thought wise.
"It doesn't matter to me. I guess I would wait to see how things work out down the road. Debbie wants to marry me. She thinks Seth would be upset by our just living together. She thinks he is pretty innocent." John gave his son a shrewd look to see how he would react to this. Greg kept his thoughts to himself. The silence dragged a bit so he couldn't resist saying something.
"Mom's always wanted to think their boys are sweet and innocent." He thought of his mother with a smile. John saw the smile and decided to open the door farther.
"Debbie said Cliff's mother used to tell him when he was sharing too much information. She said there were some things she was happier not knowing. I told her Mary wasn't like that. Your mom wanted to know everything. You know she went through your drawers. She even read Susan's journal."
"You talk about mom with her?" Greg was a little surprised.
"Sure Greg. Cliff and Mary are the silent partners in our relationship. They are going to be looking over our shoulders all the time. It helps me to understand what Seth's father was like." John said it quietly, but he was angry. Did Greg think that nineteen years of marriage simply evaporated when a partner died? The boy thought he was so shallow. "You obviously talk to Seth about Hal."
"Why do say that?" Greg knew he probably did. He worried about what Seth had said to his mother and what she might pass on to his dad.
"Seth asked me if Hal ever took you to parties." John smiled at Greg. Greg went back to eating. "I've seen you with Seth and Susan. You are a better big brother than Hal was Greg. You shouldn't feel bad about that."
"He had a lot going on. You don't understand." Hal had struggled with his personal life.
"Greg, I know Hal was gay. I'm not talking about his lifestyle or his parties. I just meant you and Sue never fought. You listened to her. You even helped her with her reading; and now you make time for Seth and his problems." Greg didn't know what to say. He choked on his chicken. "What? You think Hal kept that from his old man?" John enjoyed his moment. He hadn't been happy with it, but it was Hal. He looked at the rerun sitting across the table. Greg was so straight; he was all about the girls, he'd give John some grandchildren. He was a good looking kid and John had seen the little girls flirting with him; hopefully the grandchildren wouldn't be too soon.
"So Hal told you; about his being gay?"
"No, but you can read the signs." At first it had been his interests and then John had noticed Hal never talked about the women in his life. He had so many close male friendships. "Did he tell you?"
"Yes," John had thought as much. Greg idolized his brother. He would not have seen it for himself. It was good to know Greg had accepted his brother with all his limitations.
"Did mom know?" Greg couldn't imagine it.
"God bless her no. She wouldn't be good with that. I always thought I would let Hal tell her when he finally came home with ... well you get the picture." John laughed weakly.
Greg had met some of Hal's friends. Hal would have had to just tell her. "I think he did okay dad. It was always easier for me to connect with Susan." Susan and Seth, Greg didn't want to talk about them anymore.
Mr. Cox had just flipped open his Social studies binder to the assignment when his mother poked her head in the door to catch his attention. They exchanged a significant look and Greg's father tossed the binder back onto the table and went to have an inaudible exchange of words. Seth slumped deeper into his desk wishing himself out of the classroom. Nina Getty poked him in the back and he was aware that Nigel Switzer was eyeing him from across the room where the sevens sat. He avoided watching the two adults and began adding another guitar to the smudged cover of his duotang. "Look everyone, pull the Cree case study out and try not to burn the room down while I'm away." Seth sighed. Just a month ago he would have been relieved to have Cox leave the room. It was one of the advantages of having the principal for a teacher. Now it meant he would be forced to listen to the guys. He kept his eyes on the cover and added a few bars of notes next to his latest creation. Normally the class would have lapsed into quiet conversation but all he could hear was the rustling of paper and the odd whisper. Seth glanced at the door where his mother stood arms crossed. Her eyes showed no recognition as they passed over him. He opened to the assignment and stared at the words. Time dragged on. Finally Seth raised his hand.
"Yes Seth" his mother responded in the neutral teacher voice he had come to expect at school.
"May I go to the washroom please?" He responded in a similar tone. It was like a game they played for the benefit of the students and teachers. Seth had noticed Greg and his father did not play it. Greg actually called his father 'dad' in front of everyone. She paused as if to consider his ulterior motives and then gave him permission. He realized suddenly he would not miss this old building. It was going to be a relief not having his mother around all the time. Seth's footsteps echoed around the high ceilings of the entrance way as he thumped down the steps that led to the basement. The washrooms were in the far corner just past the furnace room door and the open area that served as the school's gym. It was not entirely fair to criticize Mr. Cox or the other teachers for turning a blind eye to the boy's activities. There were few enough people to supervise and trouble was not expected here in the basement where at worst a kindergarten student might soil her pants. Problems would happen in the newer restrooms where the high school boys read pornography and the high school girls cried.
Seth paused at the door, listening for the sounds of activity, before moving into the washroom. It had the rank smell of generations of boys. You could imagine the boys varnishing the old wood work around the porcelain with their inattentive movements. Or you could see it for yourself. Seth watched young Matthew Haley, Beth's brother, swing around momentarily to see who had intruded on his business. The urine arched onto the floor like a sprinkler before he recognized the benign Seth and swung back to the urinal. Seth had an impulse to slap Matthew on his bare butt. He had dropped his sweat pants down to his thighs. Matthew knew enough about masculine etiquette to finish his business in silence and was enough of a boy to cast sidelong glances at Seth as he eased his cock out at the urinal beside him. Seth had not come down to the restroom to relieve himself so much as he had needed to escape the claustrophobia of the middle year's classroom and his mother's eye. He shifted beside the small boy as he fingered himself before the flow began. Matthew hiked his pants up and left with a final glance at Seth's heavy penis.
Seth was zipping up when Dean Wallace surprised him. "Hey Patterson, what's up?" Seth shrugged a noncommittal answer. Dean was not a friend. Seth would have simply pushed past the older boy except he was self conscious and thought Dean would make a crack about washing his hands. He paused at the cracked sink before he left. Dean leaned against the wall and watched him. "You know Cox; do you think he will do it?"
"How should I know?"
"You hang out with him all the time now. Does he have a girlfriend? Hugh's brother said Cox is all over the chicks in Aspen." Seth was tired of being asked about Greg. There was no paper towel left so he shook his hands off before wiping them on his pants.
I was up in the local pub on Thursday night when i bumped into my neighbour Sheila (67) and her friend June (64). Sheila and June were both well on and i discovered that they had been in the pub since lunchtime. After buying them a drink they decided it was time to hit the road, June was going to be staying at Sheilas. Being a gentleman i walked them back to Sheilas house. Sheila invited me in for a nightcap, which i agreed to. We sat in the kitchen with a bottle of Glenmorangie and talked,...
I recently wrote a story and mentioned my late wife June. I said that I found out some things about her past after her passing that were very disturbing. I'll try to explain our short life together, the secrets she kept from me, and what I did about them. Thank you to AirRichard101 for taking the time to edit this story. June and I met at a singles event. We had both been married before. June had a daughter, Susan, who had graduated from high school, got married, and started a family of her...
June and I met the summer of 69 and I was more surprised than she was that we stumbled into the same bar out of the summer ran. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as we did as the cacophony of various voices filled the cramped hole in the wall. ‘I’m not a weatherman but I think he needs a new job.’ Her face full of sweet amusement and full of beauty. At first, I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me with the various of people piling together, ‘Hello?’ She said trying to get my attention...
The phone rang five times before June heard Alice say, “Hello.” “Hello, Alice. This is June. Autumn told me that you wanted me to call you. What’s up?’ “Oh, hi, June. Yes. I called Autumn to ask if she would lend you to me one Friday for an overnight stay. I forgot Autumn saying at the party that she no longer had any control over you.” “That’s correct. Autumn doesn’t control me anymore. That was only for 30 days. What did you want with me?” “I was talking to some other students about...
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EroticAt the supper table later that Sunday evening the mood was light and June, Autumn and their parents were idling chatting about their day. The parents talked mostly about their plans for the store the next morning while June And Autumn told them about their visit to Roger’s apartment, explaining what a wonderful time they had chatting with him and looking at some of the pictures he took. June couldn’t get over how nice Autumn was towards her and how nice Roger treated them both. Perhaps, she...
Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it – but it is as though I have just discovered my...
Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it - but it is as though I have just discovered my...
MatureAUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
I was twenty-one when I went to live with Aunt June.I had dropped out of college and was unemployed. Staying with family wasn't an option, so I crashed with some friends who were living with their aunt, a middle-aged woman named June. There were four of us that stayed there with her. Her two nieces, Amanda (17) and Marie (20), and Marie's boyfriend, Will (21).We all referred to her as Aunt June. She was a kind woman who let us do pretty much whatever we wanted and stay there rent-free, but...
Spanking"Henry and June" It was early morning, a couple hours or so before I was due to head off for work. I had gotten up early, had done some paperwork, cleaned up the house and made coffee and after bagging up the trash I decided to take it out back. I looked at the clock and noticed it was just about five a.m. then decided to take the chance and take the trash out. Now normally there wouldn't be a problem in taking out the trash. It was just a short walk down the sidewalk through the...
That night, after lights out, her friend June came to her bed and Sherry wasn't sure what to do. She knew that she should leave because the priest would be waiting for her but, in order not to arouse suspicion; she remained with the other girl. It was quick, but it just whetted Sherry's appetite for Father Murphy's ministrations as she and June made another journey to Lesbos. Then, as her friend was relaxing in the restful aftermath of her orgasm, Sherry asked her to return to her own...
I was finally going to graduate with a degree in economics and a minor in business. I struggled through college and I do mean struggled. I came from a poor background having been born into poverty and grew up that way. I was a bit above average in grades in school and knew the only way out of my way of life was through education. I vowed to get that education and worked my way through college, starting with a Junior College and finally finishing the last two years at the state university. I not...
BisexualJune is a 70 year old woman that I know from the senior club. I made the title Ugly June to get your attention but I would never say anyone was ugly. June is not very good looking. She has long hair that's grey black that seemed to never be brushed. She has a big nose, dark brown eyes, here face is very wriggled, with a saggy double chin. Her body from what I could see at the time was very out of shape. She was small at the top then widened out as it went down to her big hips thighs and ass....
The rest of the weekend was quiet. Steve spent Sunday refinishing the back deck and cleaning out the Jacuzzi. It kept him too busy to think and that was its own reward. Sunday evening, he took a couple loads of Barbara's things over to her parent's house. They hadn't remembered Saturday to take anything with them. No one had been home so he'd just off-loaded the boxes on the driveway right against the garage doors. Steve thought he saw Lloyd's car turning the corner down the street as...
June 1 Dear Diary, Finally, the last day of school, twelve long years, I feel like I've been released from purgatory!!! Isaac asked me to go with him to the lake tonight, and I can't wait, he's such a hunk!!! I told Amy right away and she turned green, I love it!!! I just bought a new swimming suit and I hope he likes it!!! Well, wish me luck, diary! Seeya later!!! June 2 Dear Diary, Issac's dad has a new boat and we were flying all over the lake, I even water skied for the !!! After it got...
EroticApril and June Let me introduce myself, my name is Clifford, but you can call me Cliff. I'm just your average guy, single, work for a living, have a one bedroom apartment, and a cat. For most of my 38 years, I've been single. I love women, but have a pattern of becoming fast friends with them and when I want more, they don't. It is always the same, "I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin our friendship." Trouble is, the longer we stay friends, the more I feel for her, the...
"Papa don' want you to plow today," June said, swinging her hips from side to side and cocking her lovely head, eyes shining. "He says it's too damn'd wet." Her long hair hung loosely, falling nearly to her tiny waist and her big boobies bounced beneath her thin bodice, unbuttoned as usual with stay strings dangling. I came and put my hand on her raised hip, bent and enjoyed a sweet kiss and the flick of her tongue tip. I pinched her nipple gently. "He wants you - stop that - to...
“I can only pray your animal instincts aren’t going to leave me tied helplessly to the rail and subjected to the same pirate predations as my poor daughter,” said June. “‘Fraid so,” grinned Sean. He stroked a hand over her back, slowly up to the big ribbon that was almost hidden under the ends of her blonde hair, then a bit further up, to her neck. He pulled an end free from each bow and passed one to Mark, who was looking dazed on her other side. Sean took hold of the ribbon on the front...
My first submission was under the direction of my girlfriend at the time, Mistress June. Bold and adoring wife she headed dominated during the first part of leg in the air during which I was attached through the night, she decided when I was riding and when I ejaculate.Sewing up new practices she found it made me suffer (prostate massage, spanking, strapon, a drink made of my sperm and urine, milking …). All these practices gave him pleasure, so I was thrilled.One day she decided to go early...
My first submission was under the direction of my girlfriend at the time, Mistress June. Bold and adoring wife she headed dominated during the first part of leg in the air during which I was attached through the night, she decided when I was riding and when I ejaculate.Sewing up new practices she found it made me suffer (prostate massage, spanking, strapon, a drink made of my sperm and urine, milking ...). All these practices gave him pleasure, so I was thrilled.One day she decided to go early...
Strange voices are saying-- What did they say? Things I can't understand, it's too close for comfort This heat has got right out of hand It's a cruel, cruel summer, leaving me here on my own It's a cruel, cruel summer, now you're gone — Bananarama, "Cruel Summer" (used without permission) Friday, June 8, 1984 9:18 PM The emergency room was a madhouse. A three-car accident on the turnpike had brought six other patients to the trauma center, all with injuries worse than mine. I...
June: 19 Months, 597 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance I'm sitting here waiting for a phone call. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing but maybe it really is time to move on. It's an irony that Jenny's mother and father have brought matters to a head, but that's how it is. A few weeks ago, I took a call from Inga Palmer. She said that she and Andrew were going to their summer house, south of Stockholm and would I like to go? I was in two minds. Jenny's parents have been...
For the rest of the week, Steve had half-expected a police cruiser to pull him over every time he climbed into the pickup and went somewhere. By the second day, when there'd been no knocks on the door in the middle of the night and no uniformed cops had come to the construction site to pick him up, he began to relax. His bitter promise to the man who'd been with Barbara not withstanding, he knew he had no legitimate defense to any charge the district attorney might bring against him. While...
I was finally going to graduate with a degree in economics and a minor in business. I struggled through college and I do mean struggled. I came from a poor background having been born into poverty and grew up that way. I was a bit above average in grades in school and knew the only way out of my way of life was through education. I vowed to get that education and worked my way through college, starting with a Junior College and finally finishing the last two years at the state university. I...
Dear readers. I am not a regular visitor of this site. I thought of sharing this experience of mine as I feel it could be unique, sometimes. I am Ancy Thomas, a 31-year-old housewife from Kerala. I am now residing in the Middle East with my husband Simon, an IT professional and my 7-year-old kid. I am 5″6 tall with wheatish complexions with stats of 34 32 38. I was born and brought up in a traditional family. My studies were within the State of Kerala only. After completion of my PG, I got...
This is my first attempt at writing. It was the beginning of summer, me and my cousin decided to spend our first week out of school at out grandmas. Every year we would spend our summer staying at different family member’s house. This was great for us because we got to spend time with distant family members. If we weren’t feeling the vibe of one place we would pack up and go to the next family member’s house. It was just us. We saved up enough money throughout the year to be able to get to...
IncestI own a mostly antiquarian bookstore in a Boston suburb. Just off the main drag in this commuter town. Most of my business is mail-order, of course, and in the past year or so I've been on Bibliofind, a Web Site, and business is good. Not that I'm getting rich; nobody gets rich in the retail book business. The front of the store looks pretty nice, because I want it to. It could look terrible and it probably wouldn't make any difference to the business. But I like it when the locals wander...
Sunday Shannon had decided Sunday would be her study-free day so she did her workout in the morning. When Greg returned from his run and showered, she was in the gym. He read the paper as he ate his breakfast. When she finished and came into the kitchen, they both were a little withdrawn. She asked if she could have a massage after a quick shower and he said certainly. He had already massaged her three times, and should not have felt uncomfortable, but after last night... He went through the...
Wednesday Why was he so nervous about picking up a 13 year old girl? A very sweet thirteen, almost fourteen, year old girl. He had met her only twice before, but he did not think she would be uneasy around him. The hard part was he had to do the prepartion for the visit and the briefing afterward. Of course some would fall to Caroline, also. After much uncertainty, they had decided to go with Julia's recommendation. He would tell the kids of her nakedness before they arrived. He still was...
Sunday Julia was especially bright-eyed and animated Sunday evening when she arrived. All through dinner and relaxation afterward, she seemed to exude energy. It was she who suggested it was time for the hot tub. Greg quickly got into his suit and went out to make sure the patio was tidy with Shannon's help. He had just placed a stack of fresh towels in the rack and stood up to see Julia walk out of the house naked. "How do you like my nun's outfit, Greg?" Shannon let out a small squeal...
Sunday As breakfast finished Sunday morning, Ted sent Sean off to play, then addressed his wife and daughters. "Kathy, I am going to tell you some things you are not going to like at all. Please do not object or start to argue. I am telling you this is the way it is going to be. Do you understand?" Kathy looked totally stunned but nodded. "From now on, girls, you are not to ask your mother for permission about where to go, what to do, who to see, or what to wear. You are to ask me. I will...
Sunday Ted's family arrived at Greg's that Sunday, without Kathy. She had left that morning for her parents' home, about a four hour drive away. Ted was concerned about the impact of this trip. Evelyn, Kathy's mother, was the source and reinforcement for many of her phobias and her Victorian ideas. He knew her return could not bring an easing of the conflict. He spent a long time with Julia that afternoon. Fortunately, the children were completely absorbed with the pool. Later, at home,...
Saturday Greg had no trouble picking Laura out in the small crowd standing at the curb. It still seemed discourteous to him not to meet her in the terminal, but since he could no longer go down the concourse, and since she had only a carry-on bag, she had been able to convince him. Using their cell phones, they had been able to get the timing just right. It was late Saturday morning, and the airport traffic was light. She could only stay for one night, but with Rick's perks, she was used to...
ULI AND FRIENDS OBSERVED Ulrika stretched luxuriously as the masseuse's strong fingers worked the weeks of tension and anxiety out of her back. On the table next to her Trudi was receiving the same care and attention from Inge, her eyes closed in bliss as the dark girl leaned into her shoulders, probing and twisting. Uli rolled her head and smiled at Inge. 'I'm so glad Luke arranged these sessions. It was good before the exams, but now they're over it's just heaven. The only thing...
Cheaters are exposed in so many ways. Sometimes it's an overheard phone call, an email left visible on a computer monitor, or text messages not deleted from a cell phone memory. There's always the chance a friend, a business associate, or a family member will see the wayward wife or husband with the other person. Occasionally, the cheaters are discovered in flagrante delicto--when a spouse comes home early, for instance. And God help cheaters who talk in their sleep. When you think about...
"Baby Candy" by Baby Jennie A fantasy 'Dominated, Diapered and Petticoated' tale for all you big babies to enjoy. Please note; this story is based on a 17-page short story entitled 'Candie' (author unknown) I re-wrote and posted in a few places years ago. I decided there was too much narration, not enough dialogue, and too little exposition. Then there were complaints that I made the main character too young, so to avoid any (unwarranted) accusations of kiddie-porn, I upscaled all the...
Moira had told me I wasn't allowed to borrow her computer since she used it for editing her 'important' art projects. Luckily she was not good with passwords, so she had to trust on her word being enough. Usually it was, since I had my own laptop anyway, but unfortunately this time I had forgotten to bring it with me.I worked furiously on my essay for a while, but then I started getting comfortable with the feeling of getting it finished in time and my interests started drifting elsewhere.I...
IncestWell this was supposed to be summer, and all it seemed to do was rain. We had been trying to get a long weekend away for the last couple of months. Finally, the forecast was looking good for the forthcoming weekend, so arrangements were made. My husband and I decided to go down south for three days of fun and sex. We made our way down on the Thursday evening and booked into a small hotel in a fishing village on the coast. Friday was spent walking on the beach and sunbathing. I decided to do...
In the early hours I awoke to the light filtering through the curtains, Steve was still fast asleep. I carefully slipped out of the bed and went to the shared bathroom. After peeing I needed a drink so set off to the kitchen, as I passed Hekla’s room, I heard Icelandic voices inside, the door was open so thinking I would ask if they wanted anything from the kitchen, I took a quick look inside. I could see Hekla sitting cross legged on the bed, I couldn’t see Freja without going closer to the...
you start your adventure in a warm tavern bed. sunlight streams in through the curtained windows, and a warm fire crackles at the foot of your bed. this was the inn where you chose to stop after a long day of travelling. the innkeepers had welcomed you with open arms, offered you all the food and drink your weary heart desired, and prepared your room whilst you warmed up by the fire. most of the evening had involved telling the people at the inn stories of your travels, every set of eyes in the...
Fantasy24 August, 1686 Evening It was evening by the time Isabel and Teresa had made there way back to the Maidens Revenge. After they had climbed aboard Claire greeted them, "Isabel, and this is Teresa I presume." Isabel smiled, "Hi Claire, yes this is my sister." "Welcome Teresa, I'm Claire," Claire greeted the girl extending her hand. "Hi," Teresa responded softly very nervous about meeting all these new people, and also nervous about being in a place that was completely foreign to...
Flight attendant: Hello, we will be taking off soon for our flight to the tournament, we will be stopping twice for fuel but you six should be sleeping during those stops. We all buckled ourselves except for Matthew and Kevin who were sleeping together in a seat, we stowed are bags and got ready for a long flight. Will: Aren’t the twins just the cutest thing? All snuggled up together? Kyle: Yea totally. Adam: Yea they are. The plane took off and within minutes, the seatbelt sign went...
They were getting close enough to Mescalero territory that Otto resumed wearing the talisman that Striking Snake had given him to use. They were still on the alert for fear that Chiricahuas would take the talisman as a challenge. Otto was beginning to think that he was starting to sport too much jewelry and was a little uncomfortable at the thought. Nevertheless, he had the good sense to continue wearing it. They were traveling through a particularly hot and dry territory at the moment, and...
As I hoped, when Zhenzhen arose early, waking me and Shira and giving each of us a kiss before hurrying off, her cute tusch shifting most alluringly, what tiredness had not enabled when we went to bed, rest had readied me for enjoying Nick's gorgeous black angel. It started with a sixty-nine between her and Shira, my newest wife on the bottom. I climbed behind Salomé, and she lifted her tight butt, and with Shira clinging to her, we shared her sweet and musky and magical flavor. Sometimes...
My sweet wife had asked me to do the groceries, since she was going that morning to play tennis with her bitchy girlfriends.So I was there, moving around some isles in the store, looking for best sales…I was examining some red wines, when I saw a mature slim lady trying to reach a tall shelf above her with certain difficulty. She looked hot, wearing tight jeans, a tank top and sexy sandals.She looked at me: “Could you pass me a box from those, please" , "Certainly, Ma’am" I answered; and...
This is a story written at the request of a very good friend of mine. “I wanna B gang fukd” “U wanna what?” “U heard me, I want 2B fukd by lots of coks” This latest round of texts was not at all what I had expected from one of mine and my wife’s good friends. Tina was a girl who we had become to know through one of our kids baseball leagues. As the convener, she was the go-to person for any and all complaints and concerns that any of the parents had. After one of the games, my wife and I needed...
We drove home in virtual silence. I was so horny because of what we had just done but couldn’t help wondering if Mary felt the same. I was now hooked on watching my wife with another man. I was unsure what I would do if she didn’t want to go on.When we arrived home Mary got out of the car saying, "We need to talk" as she disappeared into the house leaving me to put the car away. That’s it, I thought, she’s embarrassed by what’s happened and wants to stop. Damn. I had to try and talk her back...
ExhibitionismEmma’s eyes glinted as she kissed Alastair her hands holding him firm their tongues met and entangled in each other mouths. As Alistair’s hand wondered up to Emma’s breasts Emmas hands drifted down to Alastair’s crotch gently she began to massage his member feeling the rigidness form and the bulge start to appear in his trousers My what a big boy you are getting she said as her fingers nimbly unfastened his belt, top button of his trousers then undid his zip with her hand so they fell to the...
Since meeting you I can't seem to get you out of my head, but I certainly don't mind. I like thinking about you and how it would feel to be in your arms. Lying alone in my bed, with the lights dimmed, I let my mind wander through all my fantasies of you and create new ones. I want you here with me so badly, to touch your face, smell your scent, taste your skin. Closing my eyes, I can feel you lying down next to me, your warm body close against mine. Your hand slides along my side, brushing...
Straight SexI had recently moved into a new apartment complex and was still getting used to the layout. I was out one evening walking my dog, a black lab named Midnight, and I happened to come to a place where the sidewalk had been torn up for repairs. We were pretty near the end of our walk anyway, so I decided to cut through one of the yards to get back home quicker. I knew Annette, the woman that lived in that apartment, as I had seen her a few times before while out walking Midnight. She hadn't been in...
VoyeurNote: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Mumal Oasis, The Halani Desert I groaned as the female entity in the water of the oasis engulfed my cock. She suckled at me with a passion. A hunger that...
Hello everyone.this is Manish. I am from hyderabad.I’m a guy of average height and age of 23.I completed my bachelor’s degree and joined in a reputated company.I got posted to a place and I began in search of a room to live. I was a virgin then and later had many is where my luck changed. I got into a room and talked to the owner.he said he lives with his wife and a child aged 7 and goes to school.he is a business man mostly goes on tours.I forgot to say I live on the first...
Only the previous week, Samantha had found out we'd been secretly using her place for our masturbation group – and that her little brother had organised it. Instead of freaking out, though, she'd ended up joining us and had even helped Tiff and I to buy our first vibrators.Every session started off with solo play. It was during that part when Samantha made an announcement. 'Tiff and me, we're now a couple.''What?' I said. 'That's insane. You only met a week ago.''You’ve seen us. We go well...
TeenI met the entire family rather formally at dinner. Mrs. Klugman was friendlier; at least I got that impression. I had made it a point to complement her dress, which wasn't a problem because it was a sensational outfit, and it looked very good on her. She insisted I call her Sheila and not Mrs. Klugman, and then regaled me with how difficult it had been to find the dress. Warren was still overly concerned about my hand, more so when I admitted that it had started to throb. "The medication...
Hey, I’m back with another story about me and my uncle. This also happened last summer when I was in Delhi at my uncle’s house. We had come really close to each other now and felt very comfortable with each other. Only problem was that we didn’t get enough opportunities to be alone because of my watchful aunt who would rarely leave the house leaving uncle and me alone. Well, we would still catch a little kiss or a hug or some touching here and there when no one would be around. After a few...
IncestThe Bet by Karen Singer Chapter 47 (Wednesday - week 7) It was the strangest dream he ever had. He was supposed to be... a pony! He was almost entirely naked except for a leather harness that was strapped around his body. His arms were bound tightly behind his back to the harness - as if he had no arms at all. Another harness was strapped around his head with a metal bit stuck between his teeth. Long leather reigns were draped from the bit between his teeth, over the...