Auntie June
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
Cheaters are exposed in so many ways. Sometimes it's an overheard phone call, an email left visible on a computer monitor, or text messages not deleted from a cell phone memory. There's always the chance a friend, a business associate, or a family member will see the wayward wife or husband with the other person. Occasionally, the cheaters are discovered in flagrante delicto--when a spouse comes home early, for instance. And God help cheaters who talk in their sleep.
When you think about it, there are thousands of ways for an affair to be exposed. Steve Curtis, for instance, read of his wife's infidelity in the newspaper.
He didn't normally read newspapers. He got all his news online or from the occasional nightly news broadcast. His brother didn't try to hide his disgust at Steve's way of informing himself. Jon was the news director at the local Fox TV station and took it as a personal affront when Steve refused to watch the local news.
On the other hand, a man will do just about anything to distract himself in a dentist's waiting room. He'll read every magazine on the rack, count the holes in the ceiling tiles--heck, he'll do anything to keep his mind off the drill's shrill whine coming from the hidden treatment rooms. He will even read a two day old newspaper if he has to.
When Steve did read a newspaper, it wasn't the society section. He'd read the national news, of course, and then skip to the sports section, but he had no interest whatsoever in the affairs of the city's high and mighty socialites. Steve read all the want ads he could stomach first. He even found one for a bass boat he found interesting and wrote down the phone number to follow it up when he had the time. The whirring of the dentist's drill back there increased to a scream. He hoped it was the drill.
Steve had to find something to do. Against his will, he picked up the section labeled with a big "C" at the top. On the first inside page, below the fold, was a series of pictures taken at a local socialites' estate. The first picture of the overweight host at the event was unspectacular. Steve decided that instead of adding ten pounds, this picture must have added fifty or sixty. He was trying to be charitable.
In the second picture of the obese host, off to the side and behind him, Steve's wife was clearly visible walking away from the photographer's vantage point. Her head was turned toward the guy she was with. There was a happy, almost an adoring look on her face. Steve clinched his jaws tight to control a rising anger. He looked closer.
There was another problem--a big one. The man's left arm was extended down at an angle in the picture. It looked like the photo had been edited. If it hadn't been cropped, it appeared the man's hand would be just about in the right place to be fondling Barbara's ass. His wife's smile said she was enjoying the illicit contact.
Steve's world turned bleak. Without warning, he was plunged into a darkness he'd never experienced before. He was numb; he couldn't feel his hands. They were lifeless. The newspaper dropped from fingers no longer strong enough to hold it. His surroundings blurred as unshed tears watered his eyes.
He couldn't think. Nothing would process. Disoriented, he could see only the section of the room directly in front of him. He was on automatic pilot, able to feel only the cramping tightness in his chest.
He responded when the dental assistant called his name. He walked, he smiled at a comment she made, he sat in the chair and waited quietly while she fastened a paper bib around his neck. He seemed to be alert and cooperative with the staff in the clinic, but he wasn't really there.
It was the least painful tooth filling he'd ever known. He literally didn't feel anything at all. By the time Doctor Willis guided the chair back up to an upright position, it was clear the chunk of ice in his gut had taken up permanent residence.
Moving like an automaton, he rode the elevator down to the parking garage but couldn't remember where he'd parked his pickup. He walked nearly every level, scanning each row of parked cars before he found it.
He sat in the big black Ram Charger without moving, without thinking, until he could summon enough energy to start the engine. When the motor started, it roared for a long minute or two before he realized his foot was pushing hard on the accelerator. The noise was an assault on the ears that echoed and reechoed off the concrete walls and down the corridors.
The original owner had blown the engine in the five-year-old pickup truck. He'd bought a replacement that was bigger and more powerful, and then he'd fine-tuned it so it developed even more horsepower. The guy had just finished adding a heavy-duty suspension to go along with the increased power when he had a massive stroke. Steve had gotten the truck cheap. The man's widow had been eager to get rid of it. She wanted nothing around to remind her of her late husband.
The rearview mirror showed the angry face of a man getting into an expensive car on the other side of the aisle. He threw Steve a one-fingered salute and drove off. Finally realizing what he was doing, Steve still had to make a conscious decision to pull his foot off the pedal. Everything was so damned hard now. His world had been blown apart. He was lost, adrift in a sea of misery, rage, and pain.
He'd felt it coming though. The Christmas party had been a wake up call, but he'd felt Barbara withdrawing from him even before that. After the party, and the subsequent argument, Steve had redoubled his efforts to show his wife how much he loved her. He put little gifts, like a tiny bottle of her favorite perfume, on the dash in her car so she could find it when she went to work. A vase with an arrangement of daisies was delivered to her office in the middle of a long week of hard work for her and her firm. He sent e-cards to her vowing his love and devotion to her. He tried to close the distance between them using everything he could think of. Nothing seemed to work.
It had gotten a little better around Valentine's Day. Barb had come to him, finally sorry for the coldness and even sorrier for the way she'd acted at the party, she said. They'd had a month of renewed warmth in the marriage. He'd gotten into the habit of doing his homework for night school while still in the classroom half listening as the professor explained poorly grasped concepts to slower students. Twenty more hours, sixteen of which he had to take in residence at the university, and then he'd be finished. He'd have a BS in Architectural Engineering and would have finished the last prerequisite for the promotion already promised him.
Then in at the end of March, he'd had to go to Washington to represent the firm while they bid on a number of Corps of Engineers construction projects. It was supposed to only be parts of two weeks with the weekend between but he'd been diverted to Little Rock on the way back to work some issues on a building site already two weeks behind schedule. He'd wound up gone three weeks.
When he returned, Barbara had seemingly lost all interest in working on the marriage. If their interaction had been cold before, it was icy now. She'd been pale and listless. All she seemed to want to do was sleep. She'd carried herself stiffly around him, as if repulsed by him. A sex life that had begun a slow revival before his trip dropped to nothing when he returned.
He did all he could to change whatever was wrong but nothing worked. One day, when he sent her a funny email greeting card, she sent it back with a terse reply that she was getting fed up with his controlling, manipulative ways. Stop smothering her, she said.
Yeah, because of all that had happened these past few months, he'd been expecting to find out she was cheating... but seeing the first real proof was still enormously disconcerting. He needed more information. A low-resolution photograph in a newspaper was hardly evidence. For one thing, he needed to see all of what he thought was a cropped picture. He had to see if that man's hand was actually on Barb's ass or not.
"Jon!" he said into his cell phone. He'd been driving around aimlessly. He didn't want to go home. Barbara would be there in a while... at least he thought she would. He didn't know now. Was she out with that asshole right now? He wondered.
"Hey, Stevie boy," Jon said loudly. Jon was one of those people who didn't really believe the volume on a phone was ever set high enough. He sincerely believed if he didn't raise his voice, he couldn't be heard. Steve had to dial the volume down every time he talked to his brother. He let the diminutive pass this time. Jon was older by fourteen months and never let Steve forget it. Today it was comforting.
"Jon--" Steve's voice broke. A sob nearly escaped his throat before he could strangle it. Jon noticed immediately.
"Steve, what's wrong?" Jon said urgently. The background noise abruptly decreased by several orders of magnitude. A TV station preparing for the 5:30 local news was not a quiet place. Jon must have shut his office door... something he almost never did.
"I... I think Barbara is running around on me," Steve admitted. He took a deep breath while he listened to Jon curse. Steve felt a little better. The cursing did nothing, not really, but it helped to know that his brother was squarely in his corner in whatever was coming.
"What can I do?" Jon asked when he ran out of four-letter words.
"There's a photograph in Sunday's Observer," Steve told him. "I need to see the whole thing, not just what they fit into a few column inches. Can you think of any way I can get a copy of it... a good quality copy?" Jon was quiet for a couple of heartbeats.
"Yeah, Steve," he said at length, "I know a guy over there who owes me a ton of favors. He wouldn't have his job right now if it weren't for me. Let me pull his chain and see what I can shake loose, okay?" Steve felt his twisted gut begin to relax minutely. Someone was working with him instead of against him.
He told Jon where the picture was located in the two-day-old newspaper. Jon said the age didn't make any difference at all because they kept digital copies forever in the newspaper industry these days. His buddy would have no chance finding the edition he needed.
Chances were the photograph was in digital format too. Many of their photographers went out with high-end digital cameras that were the equal of any of the old 35mm cameras. Jon would see what he could find out and he'd get back with him. Steve thanked him and thumbed the button to end the phone call.
It had been hard seeing and talking with Barbara that first night and the next one too. A naturally affectionate man within his family, Steve had no desire to be around his wife for the first time in their marriage.
On Friday, Jon brought a thin, oversized envelope to the construction site and delivered it to Steve in the office trailer. Jon was visibly relieved to be indoors--even the insubstantial walls of the converted mobile home were a comfort. There were entirely too many enormous vehicles on the site whose engines roared at unexpected moments for Jon's peace of mind. Just watching the steel girders being slung up to the highest floors by massive cranes was a dizzying, nauseating sight for Jon. He was glad to be inside where Steve could ensure his safety.
Steve showed his brother a small grin. Jon's sweating forehead and nervous talk was a tiny moment of humor in an otherwise somber day. Steve walked Jon all the way off the site and back to his Volvo, thanking him again with every step the pair took. Jon shook his hand at the edge of the sidewalk and exacted a promise for Steve to come over for dinner soon... as in, very soon.
Night had fallen and everything was quiet. Only Steve and three well-armed security guards were still there. Steve had a big .45 caliber semi-automatic in a holster lying on the desk in front of him. He'd fasten the clip over his belt on the right side when he got ready to leave.
Construction sites were dangerous places at night. Crackheads and winos were always hunting a new place to hide and indulge themselves in their vice. Then there were petty, and not so petty, thieves who were always in the market for a roll of copper tubing or something else in the stacks of supplies and building materials they could sell somewhere. After a couple of workers had been beaten up by scavengers on his first job, Steve had obtained a concealed carry permit and gotten into the habit of going armed nearly all the time.
After Jon's departure, the afternoon had been hectic and Steve hadn't had time to sit down and review the packet his brother had brought him. Steve's trembling fingers opened the clasp at the end of the big envelope. He didn't want to look; he knew he had to.
There were three pictures of the party at the mansion with Barbara somewhere in the photograph. None of the three were exclusively of her and this other man. They were always off to the side instead of centered. They had not been the people the photographer had focused on.
The first one was the raw photograph that had been cropped for publication in the newspaper. The 8 X 10 print was clear and sharp. With a magnifying glass pulled from his middle desk drawer, he could see the man's left hand was, in fact, cupping Barbara's right butt cheek. Her short white skirt was hiked up higher on that side. The pleats were badly out of alignment. The man was pulling Barbara closer at the same he was fondling her.
Steve had to force his jaw muscles to relax. He was grinding his teeth and the dentist had warned him against that. Working very precisely, suppressing the urge to rip the photo to shreds, he set that picture aside to look at the second.
This one showed Barbara and the man standing on a grassy area with champagne glasses in their hands. Barbara had her right arm around the man's waist and was pulling him tight against her body. The man's left hand had been caught in a sweeping caress of Barbara's back. Their lips were pressed tightly against each other. Steve felt his jaw tighten again. He set the photo on top of the first.
The third showed Barbara and the man sitting on chairs at a patio table. They were facing each other with the guy slightly offset to Barbara's right. The man was leaning toward Barbara as if about to kiss her. Barbara's face showed her excitement. The magnifying glass showed the man's right hand on the inside of Barbara's right thigh. His fingers had disappeared under her skirt. Detachedly, Steve wondered how far up his wife's thigh this man had thrust his hand after the picture had been snapped.
"AAARRRGGH!" He had to let it out or he would go mad. The first roar was followed by a second and a third. It didn't matter. The security guards were on their rounds. No one could hear him in the office trailer. He wished he had something he could punch. There were only the too flimsy walls. He forced himself to be calm.
His efforts forced the anger inward. Gradually, he made the fiery rage cool. The surges of fury became fewer and less intense. He closed his eyes and sat back in his chair. His hands rested on the ends of the armrests. He deliberately relaxed his fingers and then worked on all the other muscles in his body. After a long while, his churning stomach calmed. He could think again.
From the way Barbara accepted the man's caresses in the photos, the affair had been going on for a time... or the guy worked fast and Barbara was especially receptive to his advances. Either way, Barbara was actively participating in things a married woman could not do.
The pain he felt became almost overpowering. It changed to anger almost immediately and it took a while to suppress again. He didn't know why Barbara was doing this but it was not something he could overlook. All that remained was letting go... and a formal recognition of the demise of the marriage by the courts. He would call a lawyer tomorrow.
The vibration in his pants pocket was a shock. He hadn't been expecting a phone call.
"Hey!" Jon said when Steve answered.
"Hi, Jon," Steve replied. "What's up?"
"Can you talk?"
"Sure, why? Oh... I'm still at work," Steve told him.
"Yeah," Jon said. His voice was full of sympathy. He knew why Steve wasn't at home.
"Well, anyway, I got a call from my guy at the newspaper," Jon said. "He showed the pics to a friend and found out who this guy is. You got something to write with?"
Steve fumbled a ballpoint from his shirt pocket. Suddenly, his heart was racing. Knowing who Barbara's other man was had no real significance. It wasn't going to change a thing, but it felt like he was making some kind of progress. He wasn't just sitting around and taking everything anymore.
"Yeah, go ahead," Steve replied. He heard his brother take a deep breath on the other end of the line.
I was up in the local pub on Thursday night when i bumped into my neighbour Sheila (67) and her friend June (64). Sheila and June were both well on and i discovered that they had been in the pub since lunchtime. After buying them a drink they decided it was time to hit the road, June was going to be staying at Sheilas. Being a gentleman i walked them back to Sheilas house. Sheila invited me in for a nightcap, which i agreed to. We sat in the kitchen with a bottle of Glenmorangie and talked,...
I recently wrote a story and mentioned my late wife June. I said that I found out some things about her past after her passing that were very disturbing. I'll try to explain our short life together, the secrets she kept from me, and what I did about them. Thank you to AirRichard101 for taking the time to edit this story. June and I met at a singles event. We had both been married before. June had a daughter, Susan, who had graduated from high school, got married, and started a family of her...
June and I met the summer of 69 and I was more surprised than she was that we stumbled into the same bar out of the summer ran. Clearly, everyone had the same idea as we did as the cacophony of various voices filled the cramped hole in the wall. ‘I’m not a weatherman but I think he needs a new job.’ Her face full of sweet amusement and full of beauty. At first, I wasn’t sure she was even speaking to me with the various of people piling together, ‘Hello?’ She said trying to get my attention...
The phone rang five times before June heard Alice say, “Hello.” “Hello, Alice. This is June. Autumn told me that you wanted me to call you. What’s up?’ “Oh, hi, June. Yes. I called Autumn to ask if she would lend you to me one Friday for an overnight stay. I forgot Autumn saying at the party that she no longer had any control over you.” “That’s correct. Autumn doesn’t control me anymore. That was only for 30 days. What did you want with me?” “I was talking to some other students about...
June backed up and gave her subject one last look to ensure perfection. She worked as a make up artist for Furr-Green Funeral Home. As she looked at the elderly lady she wondered of the life the woman had lived. Both as a young woman and as an older woman. Nostalgia came over June as she found herself wishing something exciting and monumental would happen to her at least once in her lifetime. She must have zoned out for longer than she thought, because the voice behind her startled her. "Almost...
EroticAt the supper table later that Sunday evening the mood was light and June, Autumn and their parents were idling chatting about their day. The parents talked mostly about their plans for the store the next morning while June And Autumn told them about their visit to Roger’s apartment, explaining what a wonderful time they had chatting with him and looking at some of the pictures he took. June couldn’t get over how nice Autumn was towards her and how nice Roger treated them both. Perhaps, she...
Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it – but it is as though I have just discovered my...
Life after June CHAPTER ONE Being with Louise was like all my unhappy past times with June had severed for good. June, only 59 died last year and left me a shattered wreck. She was my everything and after an innings of nearly thirty years it did seem she was part of me, the wedded bliss had lasted that long. Yet, oddly all that was now in the past and meeting Louise was like a breath of fresh air, and- this may sound couth and I hate to say it - but it is as though I have just discovered my...
MatureAUTHOR’S NOTE: Thinking back I recalled the numerous times that I had sex in a vehicle and I decided to write about those times in my life. My first thoughts were to rank the encounters from the least memorable to the most memorable. However since the best car sex partner ever was also my last, I decided to just go in chronological order. CHAPTER 01 – Penny 1963 CHAPTER 02 – Erica 1963 CHAPTER 03 – June 1967 CHAPTER 04 – Jackie 1969 CHAPTER 05 – Charlotte 1971 CHAPTER 06 – Pam 1975 ...
I was twenty-one when I went to live with Aunt June.I had dropped out of college and was unemployed. Staying with family wasn't an option, so I crashed with some friends who were living with their aunt, a middle-aged woman named June. There were four of us that stayed there with her. Her two nieces, Amanda (17) and Marie (20), and Marie's boyfriend, Will (21).We all referred to her as Aunt June. She was a kind woman who let us do pretty much whatever we wanted and stay there rent-free, but...
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That night, after lights out, her friend June came to her bed and Sherry wasn't sure what to do. She knew that she should leave because the priest would be waiting for her but, in order not to arouse suspicion; she remained with the other girl. It was quick, but it just whetted Sherry's appetite for Father Murphy's ministrations as she and June made another journey to Lesbos. Then, as her friend was relaxing in the restful aftermath of her orgasm, Sherry asked her to return to her own...
I was finally going to graduate with a degree in economics and a minor in business. I struggled through college and I do mean struggled. I came from a poor background having been born into poverty and grew up that way. I was a bit above average in grades in school and knew the only way out of my way of life was through education. I vowed to get that education and worked my way through college, starting with a Junior College and finally finishing the last two years at the state university. I not...
BisexualJune is a 70 year old woman that I know from the senior club. I made the title Ugly June to get your attention but I would never say anyone was ugly. June is not very good looking. She has long hair that's grey black that seemed to never be brushed. She has a big nose, dark brown eyes, here face is very wriggled, with a saggy double chin. Her body from what I could see at the time was very out of shape. She was small at the top then widened out as it went down to her big hips thighs and ass....
The rest of the weekend was quiet. Steve spent Sunday refinishing the back deck and cleaning out the Jacuzzi. It kept him too busy to think and that was its own reward. Sunday evening, he took a couple loads of Barbara's things over to her parent's house. They hadn't remembered Saturday to take anything with them. No one had been home so he'd just off-loaded the boxes on the driveway right against the garage doors. Steve thought he saw Lloyd's car turning the corner down the street as...
June 1 Dear Diary, Finally, the last day of school, twelve long years, I feel like I've been released from purgatory!!! Isaac asked me to go with him to the lake tonight, and I can't wait, he's such a hunk!!! I told Amy right away and she turned green, I love it!!! I just bought a new swimming suit and I hope he likes it!!! Well, wish me luck, diary! Seeya later!!! June 2 Dear Diary, Issac's dad has a new boat and we were flying all over the lake, I even water skied for the !!! After it got...
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"Papa don' want you to plow today," June said, swinging her hips from side to side and cocking her lovely head, eyes shining. "He says it's too damn'd wet." Her long hair hung loosely, falling nearly to her tiny waist and her big boobies bounced beneath her thin bodice, unbuttoned as usual with stay strings dangling. I came and put my hand on her raised hip, bent and enjoyed a sweet kiss and the flick of her tongue tip. I pinched her nipple gently. "He wants you - stop that - to...
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Sunday Julia was especially bright-eyed and animated Sunday evening when she arrived. All through dinner and relaxation afterward, she seemed to exude energy. It was she who suggested it was time for the hot tub. Greg quickly got into his suit and went out to make sure the patio was tidy with Shannon's help. He had just placed a stack of fresh towels in the rack and stood up to see Julia walk out of the house naked. "How do you like my nun's outfit, Greg?" Shannon let out a small squeal...
Sunday As breakfast finished Sunday morning, Ted sent Sean off to play, then addressed his wife and daughters. "Kathy, I am going to tell you some things you are not going to like at all. Please do not object or start to argue. I am telling you this is the way it is going to be. Do you understand?" Kathy looked totally stunned but nodded. "From now on, girls, you are not to ask your mother for permission about where to go, what to do, who to see, or what to wear. You are to ask me. I will...
My first submission was under the direction of my girlfriend at the time, Mistress June. Bold and adoring wife she headed dominated during the first part of leg in the air during which I was attached through the night, she decided when I was riding and when I ejaculate.Sewing up new practices she found it made me suffer (prostate massage, spanking, strapon, a drink made of my sperm and urine, milking …). All these practices gave him pleasure, so I was thrilled.One day she decided to go early...
My first submission was under the direction of my girlfriend at the time, Mistress June. Bold and adoring wife she headed dominated during the first part of leg in the air during which I was attached through the night, she decided when I was riding and when I ejaculate.Sewing up new practices she found it made me suffer (prostate massage, spanking, strapon, a drink made of my sperm and urine, milking ...). All these practices gave him pleasure, so I was thrilled.One day she decided to go early...
Strange voices are saying-- What did they say? Things I can't understand, it's too close for comfort This heat has got right out of hand It's a cruel, cruel summer, leaving me here on my own It's a cruel, cruel summer, now you're gone — Bananarama, "Cruel Summer" (used without permission) Friday, June 8, 1984 9:18 PM The emergency room was a madhouse. A three-car accident on the turnpike had brought six other patients to the trauma center, all with injuries worse than mine. I...
June: 19 Months, 597 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance I'm sitting here waiting for a phone call. I'm still not sure if I've done the right thing but maybe it really is time to move on. It's an irony that Jenny's mother and father have brought matters to a head, but that's how it is. A few weeks ago, I took a call from Inga Palmer. She said that she and Andrew were going to their summer house, south of Stockholm and would I like to go? I was in two minds. Jenny's parents have been...
After his house party Greg had given some thought to his place in the contest between the cousins. Seth had left him in the middle of a local struggle he might have easily laughed off or walked away from if he had been back in St. George. He thought about jumping Evan in the bathroom at school. Greg even toyed with blowing them both at the same time just to see who could get off first. The bet's importance was quickly eclipsed by his father's new plans. Greg was hurt. It showed at school...
The characters used in this story are the property of Archie Comic Publications. No copyright infringement is intended, as the story is written strictly as fan fiction with the hope of bringing enjoyment to readers with no profit to be made by the author. This obviously means it is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the site has free access. (This story was written in frustration at a certain unnamed person's inability to finish Archie and Betty, and as...
For the rest of the week, Steve had half-expected a police cruiser to pull him over every time he climbed into the pickup and went somewhere. By the second day, when there'd been no knocks on the door in the middle of the night and no uniformed cops had come to the construction site to pick him up, he began to relax. His bitter promise to the man who'd been with Barbara not withstanding, he knew he had no legitimate defense to any charge the district attorney might bring against him. While...
[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)AGENT BURNEDThe Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 3 CHAPTER 1 The ballroom was crowded and brightly lit filled with the sounds of laughter and multi lingual conversations. Suzzanne Midsummer...
[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Continuing adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 5 ?DOWN AFRICA WAY? CHAPTER 1 The black cab pulled to the kerb and the door swung open and an elegant leg followed by another stepped out onto the wet pavement. ?Thanks and keep the change? smiled Suzzanne as she paid the driver. ?Much...
[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)SUZZANNOBOT!The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 4 CHAPTER 1She rose from the surf like a Venus, the water cascading down her body giving her tanned toned skin glossy lustrous appearance in...
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Har-Hi and I returned to our dorm and Mao greeted us.” Have you two decided to kill each other at a later time?” “Yes we decided to postpone that.” Har-Hi answered. “That is good. Because we are complete now and I am tired to be behind in everything.” I said.” We are complete in what and where are you behind?” “First things first.” Mao replied.” You got to meet the rest, just in case so you don’t bust furniture across someone else’s back.” Mao stepped into the middle of the dorm room.”...
Midshipman Suppor or actually Namamir of the Suppor Clan was not at all pleased with the development so far. All the things he had done and all the preparation to be her at this event, had not lead to the result he had hoped for. The famous Diamond Ball was nearly over and many of the VIP’s had already left. Emperor Soron, the Fifth was still here and so were other important members of the ruling noble houses of the Thauran Empire, but he had no idea how much longer they would remain. He...
Another tale in the Random Victories universe where two intrepid agents investigate some paranormal events in a small isolated town. Maybe they could make a TV series... Random Victories: The Mid Mountain File Chapter 1: Be afraid, be very afraid... Johnnie was petrified. It was going to happen to him, too, just like those other boys. Mom and Dad and his sister were no help. He shivered in his pajamas and looked around his room His basketball gear, his model cars, even...
The Slide way carried me over the landing field and while I stood on the slide segment I was staring up at the metal sky above me, trying to make out details. I had to remind myself that this was the underside of a star ship. Something that could travel and move through space at incredible speeds. Those tower like extensions, each the size of immense sky scrapers were actually landing gear and not a modern city There were countless stories, rumors and myths about this ship and everyone in the...
Harris watched the young man disappear in his quarters and then went back to Stahl who was still there. “You know this was an exceptionally cruel test. I felt like an idiot acting that way.” “And he had the guts to tell you.” Stahl responded. “That is a first one.” “He is the first one I know off who went to the end, all the way to that triple rotten Light gag. I would have pissed myself without those Saresii Sonics, looking in a TKU and suddenly seeing a light.” Stahl raised an eyebrow....
HMS Wolverine was holding her position to windward of a small convoy of eight sail headed from Kingston to London. On her quarter deck, a very nervous watch officer was constantly checking her course, the wind, the trim of the sails and the horizon beyond the convoy. Mr. Midshipman Thomas Grey was entrusted with the watch for the first time, and a more conscientious watch officer would not be found in the entire Royal Navy. On the outward journey to Kingston, Wolverine had escorted four Navy...
After 20 years since I had become a Teacher I was once more feeling that my career choice was worthwhile. I have spent the past fifteen years since my recovery wondering if I had made a wise choice, of sticking it out when my heart was wanting to give it all up and let me slink off into the underbrush of life, never to be seen again. This anticipation of this year, this class, had revived the enthusiasm with which I ventured forth to my first teaching job. It was a large country high school...
Fucking in Pyramids,fucking in Egyptian beachMy name is Nicey.,live in U.S,like sex with different kinds and shapes,like to do it inside and outside doors,in public and in sex groups. I like and enjoy Masturbation, Threesome, Fingering, Swingers, Pussy Licking, Orgy, Double Penetration, Bareback, Doggy Style, Wife, Slut, Cream pie, Hand job, Cuckold, Pussy, Anal Sex, Wet, Nipples, Licking.Me,my hubby,my brother,and his wife do.wonderful 4 sex group. My story began when I watched a Porno film by...
My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...
No, if he had seen her before the event, he would have probably ripped her clothing off and fucked her until she couldn’t walk, let alone skate. Knowing that he would see her soon, Will picked up the magazine and flipped through it, hoping to see more of Kate in that naughty outfit. Though the pictures of her did not disappoint, it was the pictures of Kate’s hot young sister, Pippa, that made Will become a little harder. Philippa Charlotte Middleton, better known as Pippa to her...
Introduction: With Kates hot little tities out there I felt inspired. I have to say Pippa is so hot! As William stood in line at the convenient store checkout with his few items, he noticed that his girlfriend, Kate, was once again, on the front cover of a tabloid, this time for attending the Day-Glo Midnight Roller Disco. He had not seen the outfit that she worn for the event, but now that he had it was probably a good thing he didnt. Even looking at the pictures of her caused his cock to...
“I think it is safe to say, the Nul took the bait and there is a security leak as NAVINT expected.” Captain Harris said looking at the massive Nul fleet of no less than eighty carriers and sixty Nul Battle ships entering the Algeri System, already releasing their fighters. Stahl standing next to him, grunted.” Yes information about the convoy was sent to the Nul and the culprits have been identified, but the Nul responding with the largest strike force I have seen them dispatch since the...
Partie 1Il est une heure de l’après-midi quand Caroline me rejoint dans la chambre que nous partageons depuis six mois. Sans un mot, elle déboutonne son jean, qu’elle tire à ses chevilles, dévoilant une culotte fuchsia qui prend le même chemin. Le tout atterrit sur le sol. Elle se glisse souplement sur le lit, dispose ses jambes à l’équerre. Provocatrice, comme à l’accoutumée, elle me jette :— Allez, salope, viens entre mes jambes, je sais que tu n’attends que ça.Et c’est vrai. C’est notre...
[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Origins of Agent Suzzanne MidsummerCHAPTER 1 Dave the Fixer carefully he poured the powder mix from the fold of crisp white paper into the neck of the champagne bottle, the powder fizzing as it made contact with the charged contents. He held the bottle up to the light to ensure it was...
Introduction: A depraved midget blackmails his neighbor into giving up his new bride. PART I Im going to be completely honest and tell the whole story, even though Im ashamed to admit any of it… It started about a year and a half ago, when Kelly and I had been living in our new house for only a few months. Everything was pretty great up until that point. Wed bought the place because we were thinking it was time to settle down and maybe have some kids. Kelly, by the way, was my wife. She was a...
Danielle and Teddy were fraternal twins born to a wealthy family in Midtown. Their father, Mike, was a scientist who was credited with creation of many machines and techniques to make the human meat industry very successful. Their mother Brandi, stayed at home and raised the children, enjoying the riches amassed by her husband. At the age of 18, young adults earned the rights to vote, drive, and enter the upper floors of the local meat mall. Prior to 18, children could only enter the...
It was the night before my nineteenth birthday and as usual for a testosterone driven teenager I was horny. I didn’t really know what but I’d been thinking that I wanted something different than a bar hook up. Then an E-mail buddy told me about the Mid-Towne SPA that he went to there in Houston. It sounded fantastic, especially the maze. When he mentioned that it was a chain operation and that he thought they had a branch in Dallas, I went straight to direct assistance. Mid-Towne was one big...
Oral SexThe Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer (A.K.A. The continuing perils and torments of a sexy lady Spy)CHAPTER 1Mission Failure, Suzzanne falls in with some very bad peopleShe heard a soft click and then something cold and hard pressed against the base of her skull, and a cold voice she spoke close to her ear ?Hello Agent Midsummer, we’ve been expecting you?. She shifted her weight and the gun barrel pressed harder, ?Ah Ah, no sudden moves, keep very still? The light clicked on and Suzzanne...
The Hyperion approached Arsenal IV just as Captain Zezz said with only eight hours to spare before I had to report for my third year posting. The extended time of my stay aboard the battle ship appeared to have gone by even faster. The Klack XO touched my face with his antennae. “You have been outstanding at the OPS station. I have seen many others struggle with that position.” “Thank you Sir. Your guidance and the tutor ship of the other bridge officers was the real reason I managed.” To...
Midshipman duty was not just intensified learning but we also rotated to different duty stations on the ship. Security, Navigation, Science, Medical, Engineering and so forth and worked alongside experienced officers who instructed us often by example. This was almost like my time on the Hyperion and what we called the real Officers, Chiefs and Crew members of the Devi were professionals through and through, proud to be good enough to be on the Devi. They were patient and if you did your job...
As they passed through the entrance, she forgot the Narth or Elena and just stared, the interior was breathtaking, a symphony of sparkling lights and surfaces, a silvery bowl shaped hall with intricate swirly columns along the concave walls uniting in a dome shaped roof that showed a view of the local group with the Milky way in its center. A full orchestra floated on a platform of rainbow colored energy fields all across the other side and played strangely beautiful music. There must have...
The Elevator overwrite program was active and the doors opened. Steven commanded his group inside and then the dumbest thing ever happened, he dropped the Spore bomb and the baseball sized doom device rolled away! He yelled at his followers. “Go! I will be right behind you in the next one!” The program could not be stopped. The timing was crucial. He ran after his bomb, hoping the device was not damaged, while the Elevator doors hissed close and his team went up. Sharpton sighed. “What a...
Stahl got up and Alycia said. “Are you leaving?” He smiled at her. “Not just yet, I thought now that most of the big wigs are gone and the band plays nice old Earth tunes I know, I decided to get up and ask you for a dance.” She got up just a little too fast to appear dignified and with a deep smile. “You truly are a master tactician, old man. A simple offer and all my defenses are obliterated.” They joined a few other couples already dancing, almost all of them humans knowing the old...