So This Is 40? Pt 3 free porn video

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So this is 40? By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Three Up to the bouncer they went as he checked their IDs and never even asked a question. As he handed his wallet back to Dan, it would just be a glance checking him out and his sister before a grin and handing them back. "Corrinne, Maryanne have fun tonight, ladies," was all he said as back inside went the IDs and into the bar they went. It would be a packed Friday night full of people from their twenties to fifties as they walked around for a few minutes, checking out the scene. It would be more than half men overall and mostly men around the perimeter of the place, with pockets of women on the dance floor. As Dan and Maryanne strolled, canvasing the club, he had to fight the urge to smile, relishing the feeling of many eyes straying their way. Half way around the room they finally found an open spot at the bar, getting off their heels for a moment as they sat at stools, but then just as Maryanne predicted it wouldn't be long until two drinks would come their way. "From the gentlemen across the room," said the bartender, putting down two glasses. "Told ya'," smirked Maryanne, flexing her brows at him. "Damn, I have to hand it to you," said Dan, feeling some butterflies, watching his drink being filled. "Wow that was quick." "Don't blame me?" joked Maryanne. "You're the one sitting with your legs wide open, inviting half the place over?" "Oh jeez," laughed Dan, quickly scooting back on the stool, tugging his leather skirt back and crossing his legs like a lady. "You think?" "No, don't think for a change, just have fun," said Maryanne, raising her glass to her brother. "And at least this fun won't get you arrested." They both shared a short laugh as they clinked glasses and then looked over, making direct eye contact. Normally he'd be the one sending drinks to women in bars, but this seemed so much better as he giggled with his sister and having accepted their drinks, raising their glasses towards the guys. When he cross dressed on a trip away from home during his marriage, he normally would be just out on his own walking around enjoying the thrill of being a woman and not wanting to be clocked. On the nights he was adventurous to walk into a gay bar or a place where he'd be accepted, he hoped to be lucky enough to be the last call dresser hooking with a hammered guy in the parking lot. Now though his confidence was through the roof, having already proved to himself he could score a man in day light, as they'd now begin to engage in conversation with the two men that sent the drinks as they came over. "Good evening, ladies," said a middle aged guy. "I'm Mitchell, and this is Conrad." "Hey guys, thanks for the drinks," said Maryanne. "I'm Maryanne and this is..." "Corrine," interrupted Dan, elbowing his sister. "Pleasure to meet you fellas, and cheers." They all downed their drinks and then Conrad signaled the waitress for another round as the conversation kicked in. "So you ladies come here often?" Conrad asked, eyeing Dan. "Every once and a while, but not my sister," said Maryanne, giving him a look. "She's kind of new on the scene." "Ah, recently widowed I imagine?" said Conrad, sliding onto the open stool next to Dan. "Widowed?" said Dan. "What made you think that?" "Because obviously just looking at that gorgeous face every day and knowing he had to please a woman like you probably gave your husband a heart attack," said Conrad, looking into his eyes. "With my ex I should be so lucky?" said Dan, rolling his eyes and taking the next drink. "Divorced." "And what fool would divorce a woman that looks like you?" smiled Conrad. "Cheers." "One that I fucked around on like crazy since our marriage was shit," grinned Dan, downing his drink. "Oh?" sighed Conrad. "I'm sorry." "Thanks, but don't be! I'm finally over it," said Dan, shrugging his shoulders. "So you still think I look that gorgeous now that you know I cheated on the asshole every chance I got?" "Wow, you're quite forward?" laughed Conrad. "Well I need to be, because you suck at pickup lines, and I suck at other things," joked Dan, spinning his little straw. "Ok then?" smiled Conrad, leaning in and sliding his hand casually onto Dan's legs just above his knee, softly touching his leg. "Yeah? Maybe even more gorgeous now?" "Maybe?" said Dan, sliding his hand atop Conrad's on his leg. "That doesn't seem like a maybe type move." "No. Not at all." Conrad slid his finger under the edge of his skirt. "How about we replace maybe with definitely. Definitely more, gorgeous." "Well the professor in me definitely wants to vomit with the way you've butchered the English language, but the woman in me feels flattered," smiled Dan, sliding his fingers across Conrad's and poking one under his own skirt. "So you married and out for some fun, or single?" "Single?" sighed Conrad as Dan now squeezed his hand. "My wife cheated on me two years ago." "I'm sorry," said Dan, sliding up his knee, making contact with Conrad's crotch. "Was it because you're maybe?.... average at best?" "I don't think it was and ..." Conrad stopped mid-sentence, feeling Dan's knee push in a little harder against his crotch. "Glad it wasn't, because you seem like a nice guy," said Dan, leaning in, softly kissing him on the lips and holding it for a moment. "So I'm sure you didn't deserve it but maybe we could hook up some other time. It's just tonight I definitely have something bigger in mind, so thanks for the drink." Just that fast, Dan slid off the bar stool and grabbed his pocketbook from the bar, heading away. As he was five steps away, his sister quickly caught up, looping her arm through his. "You're actually insane?" said Maryanne, half laughing. "Where the hell are you going?" "Nowhere?" said Dan as he walked. "Just moving on." "Ok?" said Maryanne a bit confused. "What the hell just happened there?" "Nothing happened?" said Dan, shrugging his shoulder. "I mean it could have but it didn't?" "I didn't exactly see or hear everything being stuck talking to his buddy with my back half turned, but it sounded like things were great and then?" said Maryanne, still a bit surprised. "Well then you didn't make it fifteen minutes without being a bitch." "Yeah well that used to be me, so I'm appreciative of forward women and not leading men on all night," said Dan. "And I said he was a nice guy." "Oh no doubt you were forward, because I caught the end of that kiss," grinned Maryanne. "So kissing this total stranger didn't seem like leading him on to you?" "Compared to the total stranger's hand sliding almost under my skirt?" smirked Dan. "No, don't think so?" "Ah that I didn't see, and tug that down a little, sis," laughed Maryanne, pointing to his skirt. "But I'm surprised then if you let him go that far that fast that you walked away?" "Why?" replied Dan, annoyed, pulling at his skirt. "Should I have just spent his money on drinks for me for an hour and then blown him off?" "That's what I do," laughed Maryanne. "Who's the bitch then?" laughed Dan. "Fine, on those nights me, but not the point?" said Maryanne. "Exactly, and the point is I'm on limited time here sis?" said Dan. "That and the guy had a thimble dick, so I was being kind calling it average?" "How you know that I think I don't even want to know?" said Maryanne, pressing down her nails, feeling a quiver down her spine and a bit grossed out. "And we're in no rush tonight and I wasn't pressuring you to be with him, just curious, so what are you talking about limited?" "Really, because you turned your back on us pretty quick?" said Dan, folding his arms. "Like ok? Job well done and go have fun, sis?" "Isn't that what you want?" said Maryanne, scratching her head. "Isn't that what you get dressed up for or is there more to it? because I'm still trying to figure that out." "You mean you don't think I get dressed up to be limited to meeting guys with beer bellies, too much cologne or bald heads," replied Dan, shrugging his shoulders. "You think that's the fetish?" "Well now that you've eliminated ninety percent of the place and none of which Conrad was, who was freaking handsome?" smiled Maryanne. "Yup, guess you are limited professor, and you already dumped his ass walking over him like doormat, so maybe speak English to me here sis or guess we should just leave then?" "I just meant limited to tonight," said Dan, getting serious. "I'm turning forty in about ninety minutes, so how many times am I going to look like this?" "And there it is professor? The mid-life crisis," said Maryanne, hugging him and then kissing his cheek. "Forty is no big deal sis, and I love you no matter what." "I know, and sorry," said Dan, stepping back and gathering himself. "It's just a lot today and just got me for a minute, but I'm good now." "Ok, and how limited is up to you?" said Maryanne, rubbing his back. "We can do this any night you want all summer blondie." "You know I guess we can until the lips wear off and the dark roots pop out, but I'm not sure I'd like to think too far ahead," said Dan, tossing up his hands. "Really all that emotion and over thinking was about tonight." "Yeah been there and I've got the droopy tits and cellulite thigh to prove it," joked Maryanne, pushing up her boobs. "Be happy you don't have those?" "Don't make me laugh," giggled Dan. "And believe me you're beautiful. Just about every guy here is dying to have you!" "Well then thanks for the fat bald guys with too much cologne that you're going to blow off," joked Maryanne, flicking her wrist. "Sure I'll take my hot younger sister's cast offs and sloppy seconds, but can I ask you a real question?" "Oh gawwddd, stop being stupid," sighed Dan, giving her a look. "But fine? If you have to?" "It's not stupid, but? So this whole Danielle and being a girl thing?" said his sister, looking him dead in the face. "Is it just about sex, or weren't you curious what it would be like to live as one?" "Well who wouldn't be curious, but you did kind of sprung Danielle on me you know," said Dan, looking away and then back at her. "I've really never been Danielle." "But then you are now right?" Maryanne said. "No, tonight I'm Corrinne and how about we save any serious discussion for another day," laughed Dan, sucking in a deep breath. "It's better that way so in case I do something stupid I don't fuck up Danielle's life." "You're right, and seems from what I did hear before you'd rather do someone stupid," joked Maryanne. "And maybe beyond average?" "Well I'm about to be forty, and I just could have had stupid, but let's say average at best," laughed Dan, tapping her arm as they both looked over at a big guy eyeing them up. "But you know someone stupid kind of like that works magnificently, as long as that someone comes in above average below the waist." "You mean like the dark haired guy in the black leather jacket that you finally caught on has been staring at you for five minutes?" grinned Maryanne, rubbing his back now. "Maybe?" laughed Dan, glancing over without trying to be clocked. "You think the big lug is dumb as a rock." "You tell me, you're the scholar, but from what I can see he sure looks above average and solid as the rock you're dying to have for your birthday," teased Maryanne, giving him a nudge. "Now smile and make eye contact, because even dumb as a rock he'll pick up on the big lip bimbo vibe you got with one bat of your eye lashes at him." As Dan looked up it was over as the guy came his way and engaged him in conversation. After a few minutes, he gave sister a look and this time she knew it was time to bow out as they cozied up at the bar. She'd meet a nice guy herself eventually, but peek over watching her brother enjoy making out with his hook up and then eventually come grab her to use the ladies room. "So looks like you found what you were looking for then, sis?" asked Maryanne as they got into the ladies room. "You even take a minute to take your tongue out of his mouth and catch his name?" "Gawwddd yes," hugged Dan. "His name is Brad, and I'll see you in the morning, ok?" "Slow down, Professor Promiscuous," teased Maryanne, squeezing him back. "You sure you know what you're doing here?" "You never know?" laughed Dan, pulling back from their hug. "But who gives a shit?" "I guess no one, Corrinne," winked Maryanne, squeezing his hand. "He does think you're Corrine, right?" "Much as I hate her, no," said Dan, squeezing it back. "I thought about it after Conrad and I'm only forty once, so I have to be me? You know your sister? Danielle?" "I love that," said Maryanne, touching his face. "I'm glad." "Good, so don't ruin the moment getting sappy." Dan turned, fluffing his hair in the mirror. "I'll see you tomorrow." "Ok," nodded Maryanne, smiling and opening her pocketbook. "Be smart, and you going to his place or yours?" "Mine, in case after I get my birthday present that he doesn't react well to," laughed Dan, opening his bag and refreshing his lips. "Worst case after I pop the cork at forty, he can just leave if anything pops on me where it shouldn't." "Well hopefully the lingerie I got you won't let that happen, but better safe than sorry," said Maryanne, fixing her lips as well. "Oh, I'm not sorry," said Dan, tossing his lipstick in his bag and rubbing his lips together. "Maybe I might be in the morning, because Brad feels even bigger than I thought, but he's amazing so wish me luck." "Amazing?" smirked Maryanne, giving him a look. "Interesting choice of words for your vocabulary, professor? What happened to the cougar happy with the guy dumb as a rock?" "Shut up!" laughed Dan, stroking mascara on his lashes. "Oddly it appears he isn't, but that changes nothing. It's not intellectual stimulation I'm out for, so the cougar's got her prey. But isn't that how girls talk?" "It's a start, so worst case you can sit on a pillow tomorrow but luck you won't need, but all kidding aside....sounds like you really like him?" Thought Maryanne, softly rubbing his back. "You know like any girl would, so you sure this is this still a fetish?" "Didn't we agree you'd save that for another time?" smirked Dan, rolling his eyes. "Did we?" laughed Maryanne, walking behind him, lifting some roots and spraying his hair. "How about I just freshen a few curls and you come up with a fresh answer" "Like there is one?" replied Dan as his sister fixed his hair. "You know I analyze and then over analyze and hypothesis for a living, right?" "Meaning that big pretty blonde brain of yours can't answer those questions itself then, can it?" teased Maryanne, tossing the hairspray in her bag. "Why I think I might like him or any guy while I'm like this before even having sex?" giggled Dan before winking at his sister. "Precisely, sis." "But maybe a girl's brain can, so yours will just need some time to adjust," said Maryanne, hugging him again and looking at her watch. "It's midnight, so Happy Birthday Danielle, and I'm pretty sure what it means is maybe you'd like to know what it's like to really be that girl or maybe even have a boyfriend or lots of things, but time will tell?" "That's for that asshole over-thinker professor to deal with, but not the horny blonde," laughed Dan, looking in the mirror and fluffing his hair and glancing at her as they both stared at their reflections. "So thank you, and thanks for this." "You're welcome," smiled his sister. "You do really look so beautiful." "Damn? Who would have thunk it and .... Yeah? Not so bad, right?" Dan smirked at her and turned, looking at his body. "So this is forty? "No, not bad at all, my sister," grinned Maryanne, softly pinching his ass, standing next to him in the mirror. "You look stunning, now go you little slut." "I'm going, and love you." Dan hugged her before making a joke. "Call you in the morning when Danielle gets her shit together." "She doesn't need to, I got that and you can sleep in for a while so just be ready for the big day," winked Maryanne. "It'll all be in your phone when you wake up and it's all handled. No men though, just a girls day tomorrow, so have fun tonight!" "Sounds good! And you know I will," said Dan, leaving the ladies room. Back out he went, taking his man's hand as out the door they went, heading over to his big truck. Dan had hooked up with a man's man of sorts as he opened his door for him and took his hand while Danielle balanced her stiletto on the high roll bar before hopping up into the cab. Like a gentlemen, he closed him in and before Brad even came around to his side of the truck, Dan had slid over on the bench seat. It would not be his first time in a pickup truck, but more the first time picked up, as he always truly wished. There was no under their breath talk of Brad picking up a desperate dresser, as never had Dan felt more a woman. To Dan's house they started, making out at every light and then on the couch before they headed to the bedroom. Dan practically ripped the pants from Brad's body as into his mouth went Brad's cock before he'd even pushed him back on the bed. It would be a night to remember as the special panties allowed for anal penetration and the rest of the corseted lingerie kept everything tight where it should be. He'd sleep in Brad's arms, silently celebrating his milestone birthday without ever disclosing it to his fling, and then kissing his lover goodbye as he kicked him out when the sun began to rise. A few hours later he'd be woken by his sister's texts after letting him sleep in until almost noon, excited to tell her all about his night. She was just as excited for him about the day's agenda and that he'd been sexually satisfied, as his forties had now begun. He sipped his coffee, seeing that his car was back in the driveway as she'd left it for him and then he opened his first package on his kitchen table, just as instructed. A little private giggle would be followed by him holding out a cute capri gold length jumpsuit and then he'd jump in the shower before getting dressed. Over to yesterday's salon he'd go for his appointment to have his makeup done and his hair curled to look his best on his actual birthday. A simple early afternoon pampering would be followed by them suiting him in nude fitting shapeware before helping him into his scarlet red dress and red stilettoes as the birthday girl. Padded hips and buttocks in conjunction with bigger inserts on his chest would now give him his curviest appearance yet as he now really filled out his dress. With full scarlet lips, his platinum hair looking even wavier from a deep side part and darker eye makeup, he headed home as more than just the birthday girl, but now a blonde birthday bombshell. He'd have some time to kill before his sister would arrive, so he shopped a little, enjoying being Danielle, doing some thinking and then took a drive, freeing his mind. He was officially forty trying to shrug off the stigma and his divorce. Somehow today any mid-life crisis didn't matter though, feeling reborn in a way that invigorated him but with him mischief was always right around the corner. He looked at his watch and then smiled, throwing caution to the wind as there would be one thing he couldn't resist as Danielle made her way home. Ninety minutes later.... "Danielle?" shouted Maryanne, coming into the house and tossing her keys on the kitchen table. "You almost ready?" "Yes, but i need a few minutes," shouted Dan. "Dammmnnnn!" "That's fine, and I need a minute anyway, but what's the matter?" said Maryanne, arranging some happy birthday balloons in the hallway. "I heard everything went well, and the girls said you looked amazing in your dress." "Oh yeaah! Yeahhhh," squealed Dan. "Love it! Fucking looovvveeee it." "I'm glad, and I love that dress too," said his sister, placing a vase of roses on the table. "Now come on. Don't tell me you got undressed?" "Oh my gawwddd," yelled Dan. "One more minute. And I'm not undressed, but holy shittttt?" "So if you are dressed, then what the hell are you doing?" said his sister, taping up a happy birthday banner. "Tell me you didn't spill anything on that dress. It's silk." "No it's fine, and woooooowww!" squealed Dan. "I fucking love it! Yeah baby loovvvveee it!" "I'm so glad, and hurry up," said Maryanne, taking a lipstick and drawing a heart on the hallway mirror and putting a 40 inside it. "I forgot that I have these gorgeous drop earrings that are going to look amazing with that dress, so I'll get them and then I have an even bigger surprise that I think will take your breath away." "After I .... Holy shit woooow," Dan sighed as she knocked on his door. "Maybe get a chance to catch it first." "Ok, but do that quick and......Oh gawwddd," said his sister, covering her chest as she walked into her bedroom. "Really Danielle? In the guest room? I sleep in here when I stay over. It's kind of my room and we just got this furniture?" "What the hell are you doing here, and it's my house! Get out!" yelled Dan, reaching behind and holding his man against him. "No, not you! You stay in, and yeah baby! Yeah!"! "Now hurry up whoever the hell you are, and it's your birthday, remember?" said his sister, mortified not leaving and folding her arms. "We have reservations and that's the new ottoman you're bent over that I didn't think we needed to scotch guard. Obviously now you might have to throw it out." "Oh yeah! Just a little more, and please get out Maryanne!" yelled Dan as he was being plowed from behind. "Oh that's amazing and I'll be right out, sis. We're just about threeeerrrrreeee." "Are you fucking serious?" yelled Maryanne as he ignored her. "Is that the boy toy from yesterday? Are you out of your mind, professor?" "Not the time to call me that, and don't you dare stop," said Dan, holding his partner against him. "Now could I get some privacy here?" "Holy shit sis, i see that corvette parked across the street?" Maryanne smacked her forehead. "But I ripped up that number?" "Not the time for that sis, and you know I have almost an identic memory. Now five minutes max! Oh baby! Oh yeah!"! squealed Dan as the guy didn't miss a beat, hammering him hard. "Now please! Get out!" "Unbelievable! It's on you if you want to look like a disaster on your birthday, not me!" said Maryanne, tossing up her hands and turning around. "You just had your hair and makeup done, and you're in a silk dress. I can't even with you?" "I won't, and just get out!" screamed Dan at her as she left. Maryanne wanted to vomit as she slammed her bedroom door as her brother was engaged in heavy anal sex. It would be only five more minutes until the boy raced past her half buttoning his shirt as he hurried towards the front door barefooted and disheveled, with his shoes in his hand. "Ok, have a nice night out, ladies," said the guy, taking his car keys from the hallway table. "Thanks, and maybe not as nice as you had," joked a girl, watching him hopping as he put on a shoe while in motion. "But nice ride you got these days, Stevie." "Thanks, and maybe this isn't the best time but...?" said Steve, checking her out just before he opened the front door. "You know you look familiar?" "Do I?" smiled the girl, batting her lashes. "No doubt, and again bad timing, but I wouldn't mind taking you for a ride someday, babe?" said Steve, leaning against the door frame trying to get the other shoe on. "But so how exactly do you know my name? Do I know you?" "Well we used to go to high school together, but not exactly?" smiled the girl, twirling her hair. "No way?" Stevie stopped at the door. "You? I'd remember?" "You were a senior when I was a freshmen," said the girl, chewing her gum. "So I guess you're enjoying college and all that comes with it I imagine?" "Maybe? But still I'm not sure how I missed you?" smiled Stevie. "Maybe I'll see you around though?" "Back then I was more easily missed, and I'm just in from out of town these days," said the girl, walking a few steps towards him and looking him in the eye. "But you know like you said, now's not the best time but let's just say.. I know how to get your number so maybe I'll give you a call if I decide to take you up on that ride." "Awesome! Anytime," smiled Stevie, looking right back in her eyes. "What's your name?" "Charlie," smiled the girl, blowing a bubble. "Cool, I like that," said Stevie as it popped. "Like short for Charlene?" "Sure, and you can call me Charlene too if you'd like," smiled the girl, tapping his arm. "But you better go." "Jeez you're a chip off the old block!" sighed Maryanne as out the door raced Stevie. "Your father is so screwed!" "Yeah I'm pretty sure he was," smiled Charlie. "By Stevie, wasn't he?" "Girls don't kiss and tell, young lady," laughed Maryanne. "But you know the pain in the ass deserves everything I'm thinking you might about to be bringing him." "Ok, I'm ready sis! A little touch up here and a spritz there and...." said Dan, hurrying out of the bedroom and then stopping dead in his tracks. "What the hell?" "More like the gorgeous spawn of hell in the red pumps, so how does she look?" smiled Maryanne, holding out her hands and pointing towards Charlie. "Do I really have to answer that?" Dan shivered. "Why are you dressed like this, Charlie?" "Well?" Charlie folded his hands and looked down nervously. "Well?" gulped his father. "Oh gawddd! Look at you Charlie!" There stood seventeen year old Charlie with bare legs in three inch pumps in a fitted royal blue satin dress that hemmed just above the knee, and two obvious bumps on his chest sat beneath the high, rounded neckline. Salmon pink lips glistened from his face done in pastels and thick lashes batted above his crystal blue pupils. With his obviously extended brunette hair half way down his back sitting in a long pin straight style from a left side part, and long almond coral nails atop his fingertips, he had been transformed into a pretty teen, stylishly dressed for a nice evening out. For a moment he allowed his father to stare at him with Dan's jaw hanging open and then he shrugged his shoulders, answering back to break the ice. "So then I should have done more than just having my hair blown out, Aunt Maryanne?" joked Charlie with a big smile on his face, tapping his aunt. "I just thought with this dress and these nails if I did too much it would be a little over the top. I'm sorry dad, I figured it was your birthday and didn't want it to be about me?" "About you?" Dan wasflabbergasted. "But I just left you in Arizona and...." "And Aunt Maryanne had this planned for six months," said Charlie, looking down for a moment and then up into his father's eyes. "You know how close the two of us are, and I found your trunk years ago, dad." "Oh then you're did all this for me?" sighed his father, holding his chest. "It's not everything it seems son, and I guess you're old enough now to understand that it's kind of a fetish." "Well maybe, and I do kind of understand that, but..." sighed Charlie, looking down. "I've been here all morning with her at the salon, shopping and getting ready. I've been wearing your stuff for years, and I wanted to look pretty for you since you'd be this way... but?" "But?" asked Dan, afraid to ask. "But I also did it for me," said Charlie with his hands on his hips. "Oh gawwwddd! And you brother?" gulped Dan. "Does he know?" "Yeah, and he wanted a big girl dress?" joked Charlie as they heard the toilet flush. "But..?" "But somebody who will remain nameless?" Snarled his brother as he came out of the bathroom drying his hands, giving Charlie a dirty look. "Yeah don't make a face. I heard that and someone was a bit of a princess about her dress. so this wasn't my first choice dad. but we wanted to match for you?" "Oh gawdddd. Taylor?" Dan stared in shock at his other son. There stood Taylor in the tween version of his brother's dress, waving his pink index finger at his brother, annoyed and looking at his older sibling nastily. Dan had seen that look before between his son's, but never like this, as Taylor's snarl was now surrounded in a pale pink gloss and beneath thick curled darkened lashes. As Taylor shook his head all aggravated, layers of spiral curls rebounded across his shoulders and down his back, and his little drop earrings sparkled in the lamp light. With his hair pulled back off his face and bound in back by a royal bow, it would still be his son's face yet there would be no boy in sight. Instead he was a dainty, curly headed tween in a bow, kitten heels and royal blue dress ready to spar as they always had as boys. With a flat bodice and a knee length skirt with a bit of flair to it, there would be no mistaking they appeared as sisters, down to the smallest detail. "I'm the princess? Me?" grumbled Charlie, pointing to himself. "As if?" "A princess dress does not make me a princess," Argued Taylor, holding out the ends of his dress. "Do you even hear yourself?" "Ah yeah? I'm the big sister, and who's the one that had to have the hair that almost made us late," said Charlie annoyed. "You see me going nuts trying to be Taylor Swift?" "You wish, and you know how I am about my hair, so of course I did! It's a special birthday, and it's not like we have ever gone to a salon before?" grumbled Taylor. "Remember we got a late start there because you had to try on like a million pairs of shoes, so maybe if you didn't you could have been a touch more focused on your hair too instead of being obsessed having them plaster on so much makeup?" "You've got your thing and I've got mi+ne, and you only wish your makeup looked this good?" said Charlie, rolling his eyes then flicking his wrist at his brother. "Plus you're not old enough for heels this high yet, and once you are I'm sure you'll be quite the diva?" "I'm almost a teenager you know, and just because you're jealous of my curls or I got the little sister dress don't think you can keep me in bows and kitten heels all summer?" said Taylor, slamming his hand on the table annoyed. "Not happening sis! And Ouuchh! I better not have broken a nail now?" "Girls? Enough please," said Aunt Maryanne, watching Taylor shake out his hand. "Before someone does break a nail!" "What exactly is happening here?" said Dan, grabbing both sides of his face. "Sorry, dad," said Charlie, walking over to Taylor and taking his hand, looking out it. "Your nails are fine sis, and what Aunt Maryanne thought you'd deal with it better this way." "Deal with my boys as girls?" asked Dan, holding his chest. "But you're a girl now, dad?" Taylor said. "Well yeah but..." said Dan. "Not really? I mean yes and no?" "No kidding," laughed Taylor. "It is confusing, but kind of fun to be a girl sometimes?" "And hard to explain?" said Charlie, shrugging his shoulders. "Was it always like that for you too, dad?" "Always?" gulped Dan. "Uuummm... well... it's just... well... Maybe always was not always but...?" "It's ok, dad," smiled Charlie. "You're still the smartest person I know, even if you don't have every answer." "Thanks, because I've got two master's degrees and a doctorate and I still can't it explain it," said their father, tossing up his hands. "Does your mother know about this?" "No," said Charlie. "Just Aunt Maryanne and now you." "Then you're already smarter than me? For now it's better that way," said Dan, letting out a breath. "She'd be not too happy about her sons looking this gorgeous." "You think we look that pretty?" smiled Charlie, stroking his hair. "Unfortunately?" smiled Dan. "Yeah?" "Told you it was worth it getting all this hair curled?" joked Taylor, putting his palm under his chin, posing. "You're right it was," said Charlie, hugging him. "And if you want, I'll curl it for you anytime." "I'd love that, and sorry about my comment about your makeup," said Taylor, hugging him back. "It was worth the extra time and I do like it with your hair flat ironed like that." "See how nice it can be when sister's get along and don't want to kill each other?" laughed Maryanne, walking over and putting her arm around her brother. "So then you don't want to kill me anymore, do you sis?" "For taking my son's to the salon, buying them dresses and making them look this good?" replied Dan with a giggle. "Trust me, I still want to kill you for that, but just not today?" "You sure?" laughed Maryanne. "Because I didn't even mention the best part yet?" "Oh gawwd there's more?" said Dan, feeling his hands sweat. "Should I sit down? You sure it's you that's not trying to kill me?" "Not for this?" smiled Maryanne. "Obviously I didn't mention yet that I arranged they'll be staying all summer?" "Really? With me?" said Dan, getting emotional. "Did you just say all summer?" "Yup! Who's the best sister?" said his sister, giving him a big hug. "Now how's that for a surprise?" "Incredible," said Dan, wiping a tear. "The best ever." "Even better than me helping Danielle come out for a bit?" questioned Maryanne, squeezing his hands and looking into his eyes. "Not that I'm not appreciative or still mad about that," smirked Dan, sucking up mucus. "But yeah." "Good, then let's go enjoy your birthday and then you can go back to hating me tomorrow," joked Maryanne, giving him a nudge. "Get your pocketbooks girls, and I think we're ready." "This is crazy," Dan took a breath, sliding his finger under his left eye, wiping a touch of stray eyeliner then checking his makeup. "After all this I'm thinking me hating you is over." "I'll remember you said that, because I'll still be that aunt to help them and gets to enjoy the girls, but you get the dirty work," laughed Maryanne. "You might have missed that stage or hidden it from me, but I'm thinking you're about to learn that having teenage girls can be rough." "Very funny," said Dan, rolling his eyes. "I guess we'll all experiment together, but you're not thinking we're all staying girls all summer, are you?" "Ummmm just so you know... yes they're back here because they love you and want to be with you but...?" sighed Maryanne, clenching her teeth a little and turning towards the kids. "Girls, we'll be right there so give us a minute and wait in the car, please." "Sure. Come on Taylor," said Charlie as out the door they went. "But?" Dan wanted to know but almost didn't want to know the answer. "But what, Mar?" "But this is their home and never really wanted to leave but that you knew," said Maryanne, giving him a look. "But.... the rest, well? Let's say they can't do with their uptight mother around, so Charlie wants to go blonde plus pierce his belly button, and trust me rocks a bikini like you can't imagine. Taylor on the other hand wants to try bangs, plus take dance and is kind of in between still loving himself in pigtails and trying to evolve into a teen so...?" "So! So?" gulped Dan. "So meaning that I'm supposed allow all that now? and expected to even help them with that stuff? You're kidding, right?" "Not even remotely, Mrs. Woodridge?" laughed Maryanne, softly tapping him and whispering in his ear, glancing out the front door towards the kids. "What did you think? you could just fuck and suck all summer?" "Mrs. Woodridge?" said Dan, giving her a look. "Please don't call me that?" "Well dad ain't going to cut it professor, but that we can discuss over dinner," winked Maryanne, heading towards the front door. "Oh and back here in Boston they both have boyfriends, and Charlie is seeing a few boys, so from this point forward you'll be dealing with that and mostly be taking them for their nails, hair and shopping, sis. Happy 40th Danielle, so enjoy today while you can and I'll watch them when you're out on your own dates, but beside that time to really be Mr. Mom." "Being Mrs. Woodridge and Mr. Mom!" said Dan, tossing up his hands. "Have you lost your mind, sis!" "Well you can't just be a slut 24/7 you know?" joked Maryanne. "After last night?" smiled Dan. "Maybe I didn't?" "With all those damn degrees you'll figure it out professor. You've always been a genius," smirked Maryanne, turning over her wrist, pointing at him and then giving a wink. "And even as a slut when sleeping around, always put your kids first didn't you?" "What kind of man wouldn't?" shrugged Dan. "One that maybe isn't one, but you didn't anyway?" said Maryanne, tapping his arm. "And remember I asked you how much you wanted to know how the other half lived? Here's your chance, sis?" "Which I wasn't sure I did, and even so this is clearly not what I thought you meant?" Explained Dan, tossing up his arms. "Oh gawddd!.... Raising daughters who are really sons like I'm ... whatever I'm supposed to be? Obviously none of this ever crossed my mind?" "Well, your ex always did complain that men always had it easier, but now you're about to find out if she was exaggerating and what it's really like," lectured Maryanne. "And the only thing you're supposed to be is their parent. They need you more than anyone. You're truly the only one that can understand what they're dealing with." "You know I didn't even realize this could be inherited, so guess it's my fault?" Dan replied. "But besides that? Help understand? I'm not sure I can, or I do? I mean I haven't figured it out in forty years so far?" "Well time sneaks up on us all professor, and think of it like at least now you've got some younger minds to bounce things off, so hopefully it won't take forty more, sis," said Maryanne. "Now everyone looks so beautiful today, so please let's go have dinner and stop over thinking. It's a special day and you're surrounded by everyone that loves you!" "You're right. So then this is forty?" sighed Dan, sliding his finger through his hair, taking a last look at himself in the hallway mirror. "Jeez this is really forty and I guess it could be worse?" "And it will be if we don't leave for dinner now, professor?" said Maryanne, peeking out the sidelight next to the front door. "You're going to need to watch these kids like a hawk for your own sake, Mrs. Woodridge!" "Why? you think they're not ok waiting in the car with the way they're dressed?" said Dan, grabbing his pocketbook. "No, they're fine if that was what they were doing, but take a peek, sis?" said Maryanne, turning to her brother. "I thought I made it clear they were both a bit boy crazy, so you're going to have to be more discreet bringing certain types of men home Danielle?" "Oh gawd, Stevie's still out there?" sighed Dan, peeking through the sidelight. "He's talking to Charlie! Wait, and he's showing the girls his corvette?" "Yup, and flirting with Charlie, so let's go!" smiled Maryanne, opening the front door. "Because I don't think I need to lecture a professor like you that hunky college boys move on from forty year old one night stands pretty quickly when the hot younger version presents herself, so if they flirt anything like you, then today's real birthday present is to be happy she can't get pregnant."

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More Than Friends part 11

Staci groaned as Mr Patton slapped the test on her desk. It had been a short notice test, while not really part of the curriculum, or even required, Mr Patton saw it necessary. So, as a result, Staci and the other seniors in her math class were saddled with a test every month or so. And she was failing them. The boy to her left glanced indifferently over his B, and the boy to her right scowled at the circled F, although Staci distinctly remembered him falling asleep in that particular test....

2 years ago
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Jamie Gets Help

Jamie My legs ached from the wishbone he had created, pushing them apart with his knees as though to see which side broke off from the body. He pulled out of me with a grunt. His cum was leaking out of my pussy while the last few drops of it dripped slowly from the head of his cock onto my belly. We both stared at the tip, with its cream pooling and dripping; our minds were a million miles away or maybe just a few feet away. At one time, I would be licking those last drops with my educated...

2 years ago
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Broken Ch 00

Prologue She is nineteen years old, with the body of a fifteen year old girl, and the eyes of a ninety year old holocaust victim. Her lips are a thin line of pink and crimson, and when they are not, they are parted in unspoken protests, revealing to everyone what happens when those protests are made audible. Her hair is a mess of knotted brown and dirty blonde strands, and her skin is a surprising contrast with its tan almost olive color, and amazingly the bruises are a purple contrast to the...

3 years ago
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CastawayChapter 11

It took me long minutes to recover, if recovering is even what you can call it. As my eyes cleared I became aware of that flattened noseless face against his skull, the face I remembered from my dream. And when I lifted the towel the rest of him was the same, too. His largely hairless underbelly showed the clear evidence of the great cut I'd made, but it wasn't even oozing, and the covering towel was dry and supple. When I could bring myself to look more closely I could see that the flesh...

1 year ago
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Eternal Vale Online

Valeria began as a simple idea by Jun Hessinger. An ever expanding world. No true beginning. No end. For nearly two decades, he spent time, money, and his health to create such a world. From that determination was born the Virtual Link, a device capable of augmenting the human mind into a simulated world. Touch, sight, smell, hearing, even taste were all replicated so as to give a full, life-like experience in Valeria. Two years after showing his device to the world, the first test was...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 23 Recovering

I helped Grace to make arrangements to have the body picked up by a nearby funeral home. We set up a date and time for services and she picked out a burial plot. I made sure all the requisite paper work was completed and that she got copies of everything. The service was held in the cathedral in downtown Houston. The procession to the cemetery was a somber affair with not a word being spoken. I had hired a stretch limo so we could all go together. I held my arms around both Grace and Janet as...

3 years ago
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Getting off the Seesaw Book2 chapter 2

Diane spent Tuesday being pampered at a beauty salon, getting a fake tan, topping up her laser work and making herself feel sexy. She ate healthy and sparse. By seven she was locked into her belt, the MC had the key, her floaty, the almost transparent dress was on, her silk side-tie knickers were in place and her front opening half-cup bra pushed her tits up so that the nipples were very visible through the diaphanous dress.The music started, and she began to dance, spinning, floating, one...

3 years ago
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Field Report The King KUala Lumpur

Sorry for long time absence havent got the time to sit down and write lately. Venue: The KingName: Number ... cant remember but she have a tomboyish look . Race: PoppiahFace 6/10Age: Didnt askLook: GND lookBoobs:Firm not too big not to small Body:Slender and muscle am loving it. Ass: Curvy meat at the right place. Pussy: No smell and clean shavenBBBJ:Yes Deep ThroatDFK: Peck on the lipsCB:Yes all overDATY:YES Did 69HJ: Didnt askFJ: 8/10MOAN:Soft moan but not fake . like it very...

4 years ago
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The Harem Pt10

I woke up and expected the regular headache to hit me. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock: only 9am. After we had partied until 6am and had been pretty wasted I had expected to be out longer. But here I was, wide awake and no headache. I glanced over at my wife, she was still out for good. It had been my 30th birthday yesterday and we had celebrated with around 80 guests, family, friends, colleagues and it had been one hell of a party. I even had trouble remembering the last 2 hours. And...

3 years ago
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The Steam Bath

The steam bath looked to be empty. It’s just about dinner time, so most of the hotel guests should be off making arrangements for supper. My husband and sons are on a snorkeling trip, and won’t be back until later in the evening, so I have all the time in the world to relax. Wrapped in my towel supplied by the resort, I walk past the spa and towards the steam bath. I’ve just come up from the beach, and I’m looking forward to some ‘me’ time in the steam bath. It’s wonderful! The steam is so...

2 years ago
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Deceiving my Mother

Where do I begin? You see, I did something terrible. I'm not sorry I did it, but I do feel guilty. Wait a minute! If it was terrible, how can I not be sorry? That makes it even worse, doesn't it? Anyway, it's time to spill my guts. Maybe writing it down will help my conscience. I'm a fifteen-year-old boy. Yeah, just a kid, so maybe that explains it. After all, everyone keeps telling me to grow up and act like an adult. Well, not everyone. My teachers do, but not my mother. And this story...

2 years ago
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Maa Jhia Ku Genhili

Mo bayasa setebelaku 27 heba aau mu mechanical engg. pass kari pakha factory re service karithili. Pilati dinaru bapa maanku hareithili. Padisa ghara uncle sabu help karuthile aau mu bhala padhkthili. Padhiba sahit mu pranayam aau yoga karuthili. Taa sahit hard exercise karuthili. Thare ama gaon ku jane baba asithile. Mu jauthili aau baba sahit sahit basiki dharma katha sunuthili. Hele dine baba kahile mu mantra karideichi tu bhala padhibu aau bhala re rahibu. Hele daily yoga sahit aau gote...

2 years ago
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The Slave Princess Part 3

  A dragonfly’s wing Rolling amongst brittle leaves; A plaything of the wind, That uncouth and awkward child.   -          The Canticle of Menkeret.       “Menkeret is a kindly god. He is lord of all mysteries, certainly, and the source of all magic, but he is a benevolent deity foremost of all. Invoke him in your hour of need. He is the door of all subtleties and through subtlety we might best understand him. His emanations are manifold, my daughter and his manifestations truly...

Oral Sex
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The Cup Of Milk On First Night

Hi, this is Krish from Chennai again. This story is my cousin’s, his first night story. His name is Sandeep and his newly wed wife is Gokila. It was an arranged marriage and the marriage had happened within a month from their first meeting, that they had rarely talked to each and had no clue what to expect out of that relationship. So, when they sent her in a red Saree with a cup of milk inside their first night room, he was all in anxiety. Describing Gokila, she was of a wheatish complexion,...

1 year ago
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Daddy Dom and Me

Introduction: True story about being a spoiled princess to a Daddy Dom. For a long time I was really confused about what I wanted since Im only 20 and hadnt much experience with these things. I knew I was submissive, but Im also pouty and like to be treated like a little princess. I recently found out through that there are lots of people with these relationship desire…and rather than hardcore bdsm doms, the men are called daddy doms. And Im grateful to be in such an arrangement! The following...

1 year ago
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A Sailors StoryChapter 2

Unlike many people who join the military, I was perfectly suited for my role. My small stature and mechanical abilities made me an invaluable asset on the submarine. Living your life with 154 other men in extremely close quarters is, however, very difficult unless you are comfortable in your own skin. Privacy is practically nonexistent on a sub, even one the size of the Ohio. When we would go out on patrol, we would carry enough food for approximately 60 to 90 days and could travel anywhere...

3 years ago
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Commanding PresenceChapter 11 Dinner Dancing Dominating

Evan had no problems with going out to dinner. In fact his midterm exams were finished and he was looking forward to getting out. The restaurant Cheri picked was reasonably upscale and required a coat and tie for him; Cheri wore the same dress she had for his birthday. She worried if maybe this would be a little too formal for Pam but she felt like dressing up a little. Okay, maybe a lot. She needn't have worried about that. They were waiting for their table when Pam strolled through the...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sex Experience With My Girlfriend

Hey guys and girls this is Ramesh. Let me explain my sex experience with my girl friend. We are in relationship for more than 3 years her name is Anu. We had sex more than 100 times in the past 3 years we both are damn romantic and we enjoy each other very much. Tell about myself I’m 6″ tall and lean and my dick size is around5.5″ I have good stamina to satisfy my girl hours together. Now to tell about my girl she is short and chubby she got a huge boobs and ass her stats is 36D 32 36 the...

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