Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 297
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I was wandering around my aerie, otherwise known as my corporate office high atop Worthington Towers, the headquarters for my three hundred billion dollar business enterprise. I should have been thinking about several dozen different business problems, issues, and opportunities, but my mind was on an even larger picture – my life and all the people in it.
I had surrounded myself with women and men who I loved. We were a polyamorous family: fifteen women and six other men. The women were Elsa, Cindy, Melanie, Sheila, Izzy, KC, Alice, Marcia, Stacy, June, Julie, Kate and Kate’s daughter Tori, and Brita. The men were Carter Tom, Deke, Ryan, Mike, and James, who I all loved without the sexual connection that I had with the women.
Sure I had a ‘regular’ family: my parents and a brother living out in the western states. My poly family was my ‘intentional’ family – the one I really chose in this life. Sheila contended that we all belonged to the same soul group in the spiritual world and that we’d come to this life together as wives and husbands to live out some destiny as we grew and evolved in mind, body, and spirit.
In addition to my intentional family, I had other friends who were just about family members. Many of those had come to our attention through friends and other family members. They often played with us, often in a sexual context, but they held themselves in reserve in someway. They were always welcome in our homes. They included Andy and Margo, Don and Edie, Jon and Amber, Dan and Sandy, Troy and Janet, Ron and Wendy, Sean and Pam, and Greg and Kim, and then some singles like Steve, Celeste, Zoé, and Chloe, and a few others who were more sporadic in appearing at our parties.
I focused on each of them, and silently thanked the Universe that they had come into my life and were part of my family – my clan. I was so full of gratitude for what had transpired since years earlier when I met Elsa at a party. My life had changed for the better in every way I could think of.
Many people measure their wealth by the size of their bank accounts and stock portfolio, and I admit to having done that for years. Other people were always using that yardstick with me. Instead, I’d found a more valuable currency that is worth far more: the love and friendship we mutually feel toward one another.
I have a multi-dimensional relationship in mind, body, and spirit with each of the women, with the exception of Tori, who everyone eschews a physical relationship with until she becomes of legal age. I think we exercise each of those dimensions with one another; just to be sure we don’t get overly focused on one aspect of our relationship.
In addition to my relationship with each of the women, I also have a bromance with the men, as they do with each other. We aren’t gay or sexual, but are comfortable and emotionally intimate with each other, as with the women. We’ve bonded – a favorite term I hear used about male-male relationships.
I felt good about life and the situation. Of course, and I confess with a silent chuckle, part of that was also helped by the continued, but gentle upswing in the stock price of Worthington Industries, and some significant advances in some of the projects we’d launched over the past couple of years.
Summer was fast approaching when my life started to get back to a more normal pace after a hellish six or seven months. The things that occupied a huge amount of my time in that window were a major launch of the Nanotech product line; the Gigabyte Cellular Technology program that Tom Power was overseeing; the launch of two newly approved blockbuster drugs in a couple of foreign markets, one for Ebola and the other for the Zika virus; a change in the corporate auditors; a ground-breaking for a Swedish manufacturing plant; and some trade deals with China. I think I spent more time on airplanes over that winter and spring than I did on the ground.
As a family of fifteen adults and now four children we didn’t seem to be able to create a single cohesive event that we all attended. Sheila just had her baby to great celebration by the rest of the clan. She’d named it Tobias Piers Arden – the surname hers, since there was some uncertainty about the paternity. The child instantly acquired the nickname Toby, but she admitted that was her expectation.
I had major guilt pangs about the birth because Sheila popped a couple of weeks early and I was in Russia at the time, assessing the likelihood of nationalization of some of our corporate resources. The Ruskies were not playing nice with the other children. At least, Sheila was well attended to by most of her sisters and other husbands.
Elsa was back and forth to Las Vegas over a couple of weeks on her condominium project for her architectural firm. Since the Cessna Citation was laid up, she traveled commercially. When the jet did become available, Cindy flew some of the group to St. Croix for a long weekend even though it was the start of summer. Deke flew with another group up to Maine and they started to hike south on the Appalachian Trail, not even getting out of the state because some parts of the trail were either so hard to traverse or so inviting to stay and camp for extra days.
Philip Emerson was a year and a half; the oldest of his cohort in the family. Close behind were Jenny and Patricia each now over a year old, and only weeks old Toby.
Thus, for the first time in months, I headed home early on a Wednesday night in late October.
As I got off the elevator at the condo, Kate was waiting to take the lift down to the garage to get the new car I’d bought her and drive off to work at the Club Infinity. She loved the Jaguar, and had somehow gotten the vanity license plate ‘PUSSY’ to go on it. Since her stage name was Kit Katt, we all thought that was more than appropriate. I got a warm kiss and a cheery hello from the gorgeous stripper who happened to be my wife; well, one of them.
Kate whispered to me, “Mark, I hope you’re going to be home in three weeks come Saturday. Tori has a function she needs you for. Don’t disappoint her. It’s important – like, majorly VERY important.” She didn’t wait for a reply, just gave me another kiss, and got into the elevator and disappeared. As she did, it occurred to me that I had barely seen Tori over the last couple of months, in fact since we’d been on St. Croix. I had heard through the family grapevine that she planned to take a summer job with Deke, working in various aspects of his new security business, from office work to helping wire some of the homes and commercial establishments that had hired his firm. She was finishing her senior year in high school, would head off to college.
Of course, I insisted that I pay for Tori’s college one night just after we got back from St. Croix. I’d never had TWO women dissolve into tears so rapidly. They both threw themselves into my arms almost shouting their gratitude to the skies. I loved to do things to provoke that response from my family members. Kate had not once ever asked me for anything, and like many of the others went out of her way to try to contribute with both money and energy to the welfare of the family.
As I went into the condo, I got wave after wave of attractive females greeting me with hugs and kisses. The guys were there with fist bumps and handshakes. Julie brought Philip Emerson to me, and he allowed me to hold him for all of three seconds before he wanted to get down and race around the condo some more; enough of this fatherhood stuff. As he scooted away, Julie took off after him after we shared a lovely kiss. I missed these homecomings when I was on the road.
Later, ten of us headed down the street to our little French restaurant. At least, Philip allowed me to push his stroller and get him seated in his toddler’s chair at our long table. Dinner was chatty, mostly about jobs and the coming holidays. There was some enthusiastic talk about having some kind of party to celebrate the summer solstice that would include a lot of erotic partying – sex.
With Tori around, and Philip, Jenny, and Patricia becoming cognizant of what adults were doing, virtually all of our exhibitionist tendencies had been curtailed. Our lovemaking had migrated behind closed bedroom doors, and consequently we were nowhere near as decadent as we’d been. An era passed that we mourned, but we knew we had to grow up sometime.
After returning to the condo from dinner, I sat with Elsa, KC, Stacy, Melanie, Mike, and Deke talking about our social life, our outside friends, and how big and splashy a party to hold. Partway through the discussion, Tori came and sat down with us. She was just in time to hear about the latest release of some adult videos by Juul and Rolfe in Denmark. The idea was that we’d get copies and have them playing on some of the TVs when we held our party. Beyond that, not much more was said, and our group broke up with a few people drifting away, I thought to perhaps make love in Deke or Mike’s bedrooms.
Tori quietly caught my eye. She smiled at me nervously, “Mark, do you have a minute for me?”
I held my arms open to her and said, “Tori, of course. I’m sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in business. The tide is shifting back the other way now, so I should be around more. Come and let me hug you. You do know I love you, I hope.”
Tori snuggled in against me, a very rare event since joining the family. She said, “I have a very big favor to ask of you ... and I want it to be you and no one else.”
I nodded encouragingly, hopeful that I could meet her needs. No doubt, this was what Kate had prepared me for.
“I want you to take me to a Daddy-Daughter Prom on Saturday in mid-May. It’s a dinner and dance at a hotel downtown instead of in the gym, and it’s supposed to be black tie for the men and a formal dress for the girl. I have to get a dress and you’ll have to rent a tuxedo.”
I chuckled and told her, “I own six tuxedos, Tori. I’m good on that score, and yes, I will be exceptionally proud to take you. I consider it an honor to ever be considered for the event.” I knew Tori’s real father had long disappeared from the scene and there was no love lost there either. “I assume stepdads are admitted?”
“Oh, yes, absolutely, otherwise there wouldn’t be anyone to attend. Some girls bring their older brothers instead, but I want you more than you know.”
Tori sighed and locked eyes with me, “There’s a little more.” She looked uncertain about how to phrase the next part of what she wanted to say.
“Tori, you can ask me anything – anything; tell me what you want and I promise I won’t get mad or react negatively; I promise.”
She said, “I hope so. I want you to take me to a hotel afterwards and make love to me all night long.”
“I can’t do that until you turn eighteen. You know that.”
Tori looked worried and tearful that I was looking for an excuse to turn her down, “But, I’ll be eighteen three days before the prom, so...”
I pulled Tori to me. “Tori, since that’s the case, I will delight in doing what you want that evening. I lost track of the date. I just ... well ... I am a lot older than you. Do you really want this old guy doing that with you.”
Tori nodded as tears ran down her cheeks, “Yes, I want you. I love you. I really do. You have been so nice to mom and me, right when we needed help most you were there, and then mom fell in love with you, and then so did I.”
I said, “I don’t want you making love with me or anyone else out of a sense of obligation. That’s fraught with anger and bad feelings later. I wanted to do those things for you because I love you and your mom, and I don’t expect your nubile body as payment.” I tried to be serious but keep the moment light with my last comment and a chuckle.
Tori shook her head, “Mark, that’s not the reason at all. I love you. I feel passionate about you. I want to be with you in a physical way because of that. You are such a nice man, and I know you’ll be gentle and kind with me. Most of all, I am strongly and sexually attracted to you. Please...”
I thought for a moment and Tori watched me like I might suddenly evaporate. Finally, I had an idea, “Tori, I want you to talk to some of your aunts, I guess you could call them, about the dress you want. If you want, they can take you to a little boutique named Serendipity and get you the perfect prom dress, shoes, and ... well, even lingerie. I’m also going to talk to them about borrowing some jewelry from them that might go well with it. I don’t think they’ll mind, but you have to be my guide about this about what’s proper dress and all at the prom.”
Tori lit up like a Christmas tree. “Oh, Mark, you’ll do it. I’m so ... excited, is the least of it. I’ll talk to them. They’re more like my big sisters that I wished I’d had growing up and now they’re there for me. I will talk to them.” She added about a dozen ‘Thank yous’ as she danced away.
Elsa looked up at me from across the room, “She could borrow the dress and diamonds you outfitted Cindy or me in for that first gala we went to. We’re probably close to the same size, and diamonds fit anybody well.”
“Show her, and see what she thinks. I’m more than happy to send her to Serendipity for a dress, shoes, and such. Maybe you could play the role of Prom Mom in this situation. Kate is so busy with work and her parents.”
“I will. Kate’s dad does seem to be on the mend, but that was a pretty big dip he took. She was really worried about him.”
I asked Elsa, “Are any of the girls’ or guys’ parents holding back on health care because of money or anything. I want to know about it if that’s the case.”
“I don’t think so, but I’ll ask around. We’re a pretty healthy bunch, parents included. Kate’s dad was an outlier. He was still a smoker until the heart attack.”
Cindy and I studied Tori. Cindy told her, “OK, strip. Lose the sweatshirt and jeans.”
Tori looked both worried and excited. Her clothes went flying. We were in one of the spare bedrooms where Cindy, a few of the other women, and I kept our ball gowns and cocktail dresses. Eventually, Tori stood in front of us completely naked.
I walked over to her and did a little reconnaissance of her body, touching and smoothing over some of the surfaces to feel her tautness and stretch. Cindy followed and together we allowed our hands to roam over nearly every square millimeter of her body, focusing especially on breasts, ass, and pussy areas.
Mark I realized that something was amiss when I heard a commotion in my outer offices. When I ended a phone call and went to see what was happening, there were Lucas, Elsa, Cindy, Marcia, Sheila, Melanie, KC, and even Izzy, all talking at once in excited and mostly happy voices. “WHAT’S GOING ON?” I said loudly as I approached the group. I guess I sounded irritated, because for everyone to be together in my suite and talking in excited tones, something big was going on that I was not privy...
Mark I was shocked and felt like my gut had been ripped apart. Worse, I knew it was my own damned fault. I showed up with a corsage in my hand to pick up Elsa, and instead I found the dress I’d bought for her, plus all the accessories, and a caustic note on the front door. Further, the bouquet of flowers I’d sent her the day before lay on her doormat, obviously stomped on by her comings and goings. I got the message. She was royally pissed. Elsa had apparently discovered who I really was....
Mark Brita asked if I would stay overnight with her, and I did. We cuddled together in her large bed, and in the middle of the night we made love again. We ate breakfast in the nude, and then I fucked her on her kitchen table. It was just the right height. After that we showered together. “Can you stay today? I have meetings this morning, but I’m pretty sure I can blow off the afternoon.” Brita asked. “I’ll make it happen. Does that include dinner and another sleepover?” I teased. She...
Mark Her name was Brita Jean Thorsen. She was the most beautiful Dane I’d ever met and came close to the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, excepting my loves at home. Here she was sitting across the table from me as I negotiated to buy a sixty percent stake in the pharmaceuticals company she owned. By a fluke of inheritance and family line of succession, she’d taken over the privately-held company named Danskpharma a decade earlier when she was only twenty-eight, and then by sheer...
It was a cool day in June. Peggy was doing the morning dishes. Looking out of the wondow. She saw Betty her next door neighbor. Getting her news paper from her mail box. She thought to herself, how lovely Betty always look. Even on this cool morning she look gorgeous. As she clench her robe tightly, around her firm twenty nine year old body. She is such a nice person to be around. Not like that husband of hers. Tim is such a snake in the grass. He's always trying to fuck someone. I would think...
EroticI slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Synopsis of Story to This Point (story continues further down the page). Elsa Conner and billionaire Mark Worthington meet at a party, only he hides his true worth and identity from her in fear this nice girl might be another gold digger trying to get into his wealth. They date, but when the truth is discovered Elsa breaks up with him in anger over his lack of trust in her. In love, he grovels his way back into her good graces only she sets a condition of reestablishing the relationship as...
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Mark I sat in the conference room at Darwin Architectural Group with Greg, Sean, and Elsa. They were all grinning. Sean explained, “You’re the first client to see this new system. It’s like the fly-through we showed you several times of the house on the large laptop, but this is like a hundred times more realistic. For one, it’s big screen TV, and then we added music given the kind of venue, and some of the avatars actually move around the screen giving the feel of a movie. We can create...
Mark If Elsa and Cindy were going to fly, I wanted them in the safest planes with the best training possible. I had their instructors checked out several different ways, and they received exceptionally high ratings as instructors who imparted an attitude of safety to their students. Both men had been military pilots and so had several thousand hours of flight time. The planes and the flight school were another story. An absentee manager who showed up once a month to audit the books owned...
Mark I made two long trips over the four weeks before Philip Emerson Worthington arrived in this world. On each trip I made a relatively large amount of money since some of what I was selling was from my non-public corporation: two-hundred-and-fifty million dollars is not to be sneezed at. Further, I bought three small companies that I knew I could sell in a year’s time at ten-fold the purchase price, also netting out at more than a quarter of a billion dollars. The absences for travel had...
Mark July first finally arrived; it was as though that date had been hanging over the entire family for nine months – the gestation period for our new home. The girls had arranged a huge party at The Meadows. Every construction worker from any trade who had worked on the house, their spouses or partners, kids, and everyone we knew was invited. The party officially started at noon, but my arrival at The Meadows had been announced as one p.m. There was no ending time given. Elsa, Cindy,...
Mark My dear friend and lover, Brita Jean Thorsen, was one of the most influential women in Europe, and except for the Queen of England and one or two others maybe one of the richest. She was the chief executive officer of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. She was a multi-billionaire. She was beautiful. She was a slut. Brita had loved the day and a half she’d spent in front of the cameras with Rolfe and Juul filming her slutty behavior. Eight men had fucked her,...
Mark I called Elsa on Saturday morning, getting her on the first ring. She informed me that my caller ID on her phone still showed me as ‘Mark Worth’ due to the character truncation, but also reminded me that I was forgiven. I asked about Cindy. She was doing her own errands and such that morning, but the sisters had planned to get together for a late lunch about one-thirty unless I had better plans. My request to join them was met with enthusiasm. I worked all morning at my corporate...
Mark I had two ultra-high priority projects going on inside my company – Worthington Industries: the Gigabyte Cellular Technology (GCT) job and the Lithium Air-Thallium battery project, that we shorted to simply call the Battery Project. I tried to spend a minimum of eight hours a week on each one, shepherding each so they moved as fast as possible to market. For each project, I went to people associated with the task and asked them what they needed to do their job better and faster. I...
Mark Mid-morning Saturday, the week before the party, I stood beside our array of cars at the farm. We were five days into work on the new house. Greg and Sean from Elsa’s architectural firm were atop a pile of dirt about twelve feet tall with the new construction manager, Doug Reed. They were looking at a page from the hundreds of blueprints for the house, and pointing in various directions. When I’d arrived on site, Elsa had stuck a printed page into my hands, and said, “Here are our...
Mark I sat in the jump seat behind Cindy Conners, one of my ‘wives, ‘ and John Morris, the senior captain for all the aircraft in my private and corporate fleet. I’d passed up the luxury at the rear of the Cessna Citation in order to follow the entire flight halfway across the continent ending at Teterboro Airport in Bergen County, New Jersey, a short limousine ride from Manhattan and Wall Street. Cindy was flying left seat as John checked her relevant skills. When our trip ended, he’d sign...
Mark I admit to a moderate degree of over-confidence as Cindy and I strode into the large conference room, followed by my financial colleagues from Worthington Industries. We were identified as WI on the ‘Big Board, ‘ the trading exchange that only the best stocks appeared on. I would be in control of this situation from the get-go. My goal was to have every financial analyst in the earnings report meeting walk away at the end of the day believing that Worthington Industries was one of the...
Mark I said to Elsa and Cindy, “What shall we do today? Actually, I have all weekend.” “We just want to be with you,” Cindy crooned as I rolled on my back so I could hold both of the girls against my buff body. They each draped one of their breasts on my chest in a highly seductive and revealing way. Elsa popped up, “Hey, let’s do another barbecue out on your deck. The weather is supposed to be great.” I gave her a suspicious look. I’m sure she read it as my being suspect of her wanting...
Mark Sheila stood at my office door smiling at me. “Pardon me for making an observation, but you are very different today. I don’t know what happened to you over the weekend, but ... well, you’ve changed – in a good way, of course.” I tried to sound gruff, my usual business-as-usual demeanor; “What’s that supposed to mean?” I frowned in her direction to discourage any derision. She laughed, confident that she was one of only a very few people that could get away with laughing at me, “Well,...
Mark In the morning, I rode in the helicopter from the Worthington Industries HQ building to one of our commercial electronics plants a hundred miles west of the city. Because of the interest Elsa and Cindy had in flying, I paid more attention to what was happening a few feet in front of me in the cockpit. The mass of gages, levers, buttons, radios, display screens, and what not in front of the two pilots fascinated me. I studied each instrument until I felt reasonably certain I knew its...
Mark Sheila was panting hard, almost gasping for air that wasn’t there. She usually started the physiological response about a minute or two after I started to check with two fingers whether she was adhering to the office dress code – no panties. I checked Sheila, Melanie, Izzy, and Marcia frequently during the day unless I had back-to-back meetings. Checking usually involving a thorough rogering with two fingers and maybe even my tongue if time allowed for a cleanup afterwards in the...
Mark Melanie came into my office in tears. She was sobbing so badly I couldn’t understand her. Sheila was right behind her and in worse condition. I instantly realized that something really really bad had happened. I thought, ‘Oh, my God. Cindy. Elsa.’ Sheila choked out through her tears, “City hospital, right now. It’s bad; very very bad. Elsa’s been shot and lost a huge amount of blood, maybe too much to survive. Tanner’s dead. Limo waiting.’ She sobbed wildly but pointed towards the...
Mark KC and I slept most of the way across the Atlantic Ocean. We’d left Copenhagen about eight a.m. for the ten hour flight in my larger jet – a Boeing 737 outfitted for transoceanic performance. We were in the queen size bed in the plane’s stateroom at the rear of the plane. KC and I again joined the Mile High Club despite the foursome the night before that went most of the night, and then we slept in our sexual stupor and happiness at the fun we’d had with Brita and Nils the night before....
Mark Elsa fired about a hundred questions at me like rifle shots at a carnival, expecting me to instantly respond with the first answers that occurred to me. I did, but I wasn’t sure I was giving the answers that would keep me in her good graces. Some of her questions and comments confused me, especially where involving her sister was concerned. I couldn’t fathom what she was suggesting. Elsa had started to smile a lot, and the initial sad look on her face had given way to glee about...
Mark Barnes came back to the condo after I called and fixed us all a late dinner, for which we were all grateful. Elsa was a basket case, and her sisters weren’t much better. The runner had been our stalker. Unfortunately, Marshall, driving the limousine, never found the man again. He’d seen him, but after racing around the corner, the man had disappeared down an alley and through some backyards. Marshall hadn’t pursued him too diligently because he thought he might need to take Elsa to...
Mark Damn. I forgot that my security team had an unobstructed view of the beach right where Cindy, Elsa, and I had fucked away a large chunk of the afternoon before falling asleep in a sexual stupor in the warm afternoon. We were all asleep under some palms and naked when Lucas, my head bodyguard, woke me with a concern about some approaching boats. We responded by going up to the house, but any exhibitionist damage had been done long before. The girls were slightly concerned and partly...
Mark I had a hard time getting my head wrapped around what was happening. I had just made love with Elsa AND Cindy. My system was on overload and every circuit had blown. I’d never had a threesome before, although I’d watched a lot of porn that featured two gorgeous women and one man. Near as I could tell, there wasn’t any configuration that I didn’t like. We tried them all by the end of the evening. The time was positively electric. I had started the evening knowing I was on tenterhooks...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Mark The kidnapping attempt was a close call, the closest I’d ever had and with the most men involved. I was in my suite at the hotel, having just come back from dinner with the head of the large chemical company headquartered there. I heard a noise, and glanced at the source, one of my windows. I caught a glimpse of a rope dangling past the window and being jerked around. My instincts kicked in and I immediately shouted out the door of my suite into the hallway, “Security. In here,...
Mark Unlike many of the casual parties we’d had in the past, the one in early-November seemed to take on special meaning and celebration. There was more planning and scurrying around in terms of preparation. The food couldn’t be just any kind of food; it had to be special. The guests were treated like royalty, especially since some new people I had only heard about and hadn’t really met would be joining us, although I’d seen some of them in videos that Elsa and Cindy had made months earlier,...
Being a billionaire changes life. I had to leave my old life behind. I changed everything from my name to my face and even my accent. It’s easy to do if you know the right people. Politicians, lawmakers, and even the fucking police are all just bootlickers. I can make or end them. They’re tiny flies that live in the ecosystem of my ocean. I don’t even consider them living brings at this point. Complete immunity and the ability to do anything I wanted were nice for a few months. Then it got...
The next morning as Peggy was getting out of her car. Betty rush to her side door. Saying good morning Peggy, lovely day isn't it. Peggy replied yes it is. Then Betty ask in a whisper and how was your night? Peggy smiled and said we need to have a cup of coffee. Your house or mine Betty replied. Yours said Peggy, I just pick Cliff up from the air port, and he really needs it quiet to get some rest.Then come on over when you can. I'll see you in a few Peggy said as she went into her home. Betty...
EroticDisclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...
The following Wednesday Mark took Marcie on their first real date. The Vietnamese restaurant, Pho Cali, located at the foot of Bednarik Crossing, a half block from Coyne’s Steakhouse where Marcie played piano nightly. Marcie bought a little black dress especially for the evening. It was a little too short and a little too clingy and it cost twice what she’d intended on paying, but it was perfect for the evening she had in mind. The slinky black dress combined with black thigh highs, her only...
Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...
It was wrong and he knew it. He had driven Andrea home the night before, after a dinner party planned by his wife. There were problems and he was unable to keep his silence. While driving her home, the two friends had talked. At one point, Andrea had placed a hand on his leg. He was nervous, but he liked it. The night ended with their lips locked together, their tongues dancing against one another. Andrea's hand gently pressing against the swelling in his pants. His hand firmly cupping one of...
Mark I knew something was up when I got home from the west coast Thursday morning. I’d slept on the plane – my own personal red eye – coming from Silicon Valley, and was in the office at seven-thirty. Melanie was already there, being hyper efficient, but there was an air about her that told me that something was amiss. Since I was still learning her moods and emotions, I didn’t ask her anything, but hoped she’d feel comfortable enough to come to me eventually with whatever it was. I hoped...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
My friendship with Mark and Sandy had taken on a whole new meaning after our first experience out in the middle of Lake Michigan. We had a few more similar encounters that summer, but it wasn’t an every weekend thing. It was usually me fucking Sandy while Mark watched. He would usually fuck Sandy afterward.One night I joined Mark and Sandy for a nightcap on their boat. We had been with a larger group of people but wanted to wind the night down with something a little more intimate. There was a...
BisexualCatherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...
Mark Tom sat in a relaxed position on my sofa next to Mel and Andy. I sat in my usual casual chair on the other side of the coffee table. We’d been talking for the past half-hour about the Gigabit Cellular Technology program Tom had taken over and beefed it up to where large strides were being made almost daily in getting things to market. Tom said, “The big accomplishment over the past month was to complete the patent applications on GCT. There are two-dozen separate elements that we’ve...
Mark Sheila sat in one of the chairs in front of my immense desk. Why someone thought I needed an ‘Executive Desk’ that more closely resembled the deck on an aircraft carrier was beside me. To move papers across it to someone, I had to almost throw them and hope for a tailwind. The two of us had been going over the chart of accounts for our family finances. She normally handled all the bill paying and home financial things for me, but once in a while she’d give me an update. We were meeting...