Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 9 More Guests
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As the month of August approached, Uncle James informed both Siobhan and me that the start of the Saratoga social season was nearing and suggested that we both make sure that any dresses and such that we would need had been procured by then. It seemed as if the local merchants all had two sets of prices and menus. The normal one was used but for eleven months of the year, the other showed double prices and was used in August, a fine example of Yankee ingenuity!
By then, I had written Mrs. Pembleton to send any remaining possessions which might be in storage, along with a lengthy letter of thanks to her and an appraisal of my new circumstances. I lied only by omission, leaving out the facts of my uncle’s permissive and libertine household, and simply told her the truth; that I was enjoying myself immensely. Within a few weeks’ time, several large trunks showed up, much more than I had realized, much of it my parent’s clothing, but also a few keepsakes, and my mother’s meager jewelry.
Mind you, I am not complaining. When I showed my father’s uniform, sword, and pistol to Uncle James, he very tenderly took them and said they would be treated well. I cried at his kindness, and in remembrance of my family, and he took me in his arms to embrace me until I felt well enough to continue. The uniform he had cleaned and stored away properly, then he personally took the sword and revolver. Taking me downstairs, he had Ahkbar take the blade to the wheel and put a good edge on it, then led me to his gun room, where he maintained a small arsenal of lovingly kept pieces and cleaned and oiled the weapon. Afterwards, when he asked if I knew how to shoot and I replied in the negative, he took me to his shooting range beyond a hillside out back and taught me to fire the weapon. It made the most frightful noise and kicked like a mule and was really far too heavy for me to use, but he was most insistent that I should learn to protect myself if necessary.
Mama’s jewels were few but of good quality, he announced upon seeing them. They consisted of a strand of pearls, a pair of small diamond earrings, and her engagement and wedding bands. He allowed me to store them in his office safe and offered to loan me a few trinkets if I ever felt like wearing anything else. He said that he had picked up a few items in the Orient, but they were such that he would look awfully silly wearing them.
Mama’s clothing proved surprising for several reasons. First of all, she had an inordinate number of fineries, fit only for viewing by Papa, I am sure. To be delicate about the matter, she had the most complete and indecent trousseau! While I knew that she and father were a most loving couple, I had no idea they were that, well, adventurous! In addition, she and my father had the same tastes for public display as Siobhan and her late husband had. While she always acted and dressed as the pretty yet demure mother when with me, she had the most extensive array of dresses which emphasized her bosom. I should mention that while Mama was not as well blessed as I in this regard, she was still above the average, and she delighted in displaying her charms to my father and others! These dresses I showed to Siobhan, and she squealed with delight. A seamstress was in residence, a charming girl named Nancy who was a full member of the household, in all its meaning, and she was summoned. She eagerly undertook the assignment of modifying the dresses to fit my frame, which was shorter but more buxom. Nancy explained that while her talents were sufficient for what we wanted; any special outfits must be done up by one of several seamstresses in town. Regardless, my supply of clothing which would highlight my finest assets and prove intoxicating to the male spirit multiplied several-fold with this acquisition!
Midway through the first week of August, Uncle James informed us over dinner that the next day we would be receiving our first guests of the season. The social season in Saratoga revolved around the races run every Summer, and our guests were all individuals associated with the thoroughbred trade. They would be staying to view the stables, attend a few races, and perhaps purchase some of the colts and fillies he bred. I asked him who was coming.
“Well, there will be about six, I should say. First off is a breeder from Kentucky and his wife, John and Hope Bainbridge. Very nice people, very much salt-of-the-earth types, quiet but solid. He’s a bit more of a professional about it than I, but I like to think we have some good bloodlines here, and he is looking for a few additions to his stables. He’ll be looking for quality, not quantity, but will pay the price if he thinks it worth it. We’ve dealt before, and I think you’ll like them,” he replied.
Continuing, he said, “Then there are the Kendricksons, Harry and Robert. I’ve never met them before, so I really don’t know much beyond what Harry wrote me. It seems that when their father died, they came into an inheritance from, of all things, the manufacture of pickles! They also received quite a bit of property, including a stable, and plan to revive it as a going concern. They are from Connecticut, and that is about all I know of them.”
“The last is an old acquaintance, Mister William Harrison Rutherspoon, the Fourth. You remember him, don’t you Ahkbar?” asked Uncle James.
Ahkbar muttered something in an Indian dialect, then said, “Verily, and if Allah has put a stupider fool on the planet, I will become a Jew!”
“And I will join you, my friend. We shall look quite ridiculous reading the Torah, eh?”
“I don’t understand, Uncle, I thought you said he was your friend?” I asked. Siobhan looked at him curiously as well.
“No, I said he was an old acquaintance. It is not at all the same thing. The man has determined, all without his knowing it, that his work on this planet is the conversion of a large fortune into a small one. The last three generations of Rutherspoons have managed to build a huge amount of wealth. The fourth is intent on spending it all! Worse, he has absolutely no sense at all. I could sell him a three-legged mule, and he would stand it to stud.”
Siobhan and I tittered at the thought, and Siobhan protested that this was simply too much.
Ahkbar laughed and interjected, “Nay, young miss, you are wrong. Once, I saw him point to a pair of matched chestnuts we were using as carriage horses and inquire as to their suitability for breeding. They were geldings, of course. I had to bite my lip and bury my face in my beard to keep from laughing on the spot. I have no idea how James kept from laughing!” A glance at my uncle’s grinning countenance proved the truth of this outrageous statement.
“Oh, yes, and the man extends his folly to every arena.” He faced me, and a more serious expression came upon him. “I must warn you now, my dear, of something which will sooner or later crop up. I am sure you are of an age where you will understand this. It is not uncommon for a gentleman of a certain age, say mine, to have accompany him a young lady, typically his niece or cousin, who, shall I say, is not a blood relation at all. A young lady who works on commission, perhaps? Do you see my meaning?”
I blushed slightly but smiled. “Perhaps the relation is more than a friend but less than a wife? Please, Uncle James, such things are not limited to the colonies.” I stressed the ‘Uncle’ heavily, with a wink at Siobhan, and was delighted at his startled look.
“Child, you shall be the death of me! Well, since you are so sophisticated, you may know that this fool will almost certainly be bringing a ‘niece’ or ‘cousin’ with him. If he actually had this many female relations, it would be a most astonishing statistical improbability, especially considering he once told me that both he and his parents were only children.” Siobhan and I both giggled at this. “Regardless, I do try to maintain a liberal attitude towards my guests, so we shall treat the young lady as a relative.”
Siobhan smiled. “Indeed, sir. Why, I am sure that they will need adjoining bedrooms, so that he can be assured of her treatment.”
Uncle James smiled and said, “Precisely so.”
So it was that the next afternoon Uncle James, Ahkbar, and several men drove the carriage and a buckboard into town to retrieve our guests from the train, while Siobhan and I made the final arrangements for their stay with us, ably assisted by the rest of the staff. This sort of thing was quite an old hat to them. It was expected that the Bainbridges would arrive either later or the next day, so it was with some surprise that we witnessed the arrival of all at once. Ahkbar was driving the carriage, while my uncle rode inside with two men and two ladies. The other two men were driving the buckboard, while the stable hands perched atop the luggage behind them! These new drivers jumped down lightly and assisted the ladies from the coach, then Uncle James led them inside while the hands tended to the luggage under Mister Singh’s watchful eye.
“Introductions are in order,” he announced as we gathered in the foyer. “This is my niece, Miss Caroline Pendrake, who is my European secretary, and this is Mrs. Siobhan Rourke, my domestic secretary. Ladies, allow me to introduce the Kendricksons. This is Harry, and this is Robert, and these are the Bainbridges, John and Hope. Last but not least, allow me to introduce you to Mister William Rutherspoon and his niece, Miss Angelique DuBois. Did I get that correct, my dear? Miss DuBois is a French relation and has accompanied William here to see the States.” He pointed to each of us in turn and for several moments there was a flurry of arms crisscrossing as we all shook hands.
I should take a few moments to describe the new, though temporary, residents of the household. Robert Kendrickson and his brother Harry were as different as possible; it was hard to imagine them being at all related. Robert was a thin stick of a man, about thirty years of age, with thinning hair and all the charm of a dead fish, with a handshake to match. He resembled nothing so much as a dyspeptic bookkeeper. Harry, on the other hand, was two years younger, and as vigorous as his brother was bookish, and could easily have charmed a Hindu into eating a beefsteak! He had been one of the two men driving the buckboard.
The other was John Bainbridge. As foretold by my uncle, the Bainbridges were pleasant though quiet, and very much salt-of-the-earth types. They were not flashy at all, but rather more conservative, though not plain. They were of forty years or so, and long married. Hope Bainbridge was a rather handsome woman and was most certainly a beauty when younger. As it was, she was a short woman and buxom, much like myself, and though childbirth had thickened her waistline, she was by no means stout, and I could easily envisage her maintaining her husband’s interests. In many ways, I hoped this would portend hope for me in the years to come!
As for William Harrison Rutherspoon the Fourth, to paraphrase one of my uncle’s sayings about politicians (“How do you know they are lying? Their lips are moving!”) you could tell the man was a fool because his lips were moving. He was stout and bombastic, with little more sense than God gives geese! I had no doubt that my uncle would be able to cull his stables nicely with the eager help of the man. His ‘niece’, Angelique, I am sure must have thought this commission was a trial.
Angelique was a young woman, midway between Siobhan’s and my years, slim and tall, with brown hair and eyes, and a most fetching countenance. Unfortunately for her employer, the fool had rented himself a doxie with only the most rudimentary of English skills, so that once they landed in New York from his recent trip abroad, where he explained that he had met the French side of the family, she was only able to converse with some difficulty. Needless to say, the idiot could barely speak French, at least beyond ‘Get undressed and lay down!’ I wondered how long it would take her to rid herself of this fool and either manage a ticket home, or more likely, meet a patron who spoke French.
Within the next few weeks, as word of James ‘return’ to his habit of old of enjoying the pleasures of the flesh with the maids and cooks, it seemed as if all the maids and cooks joined us in our dalliances. This proved an extremely enjoyable method of making the deepest acquaintance possible with the staff. Whilst I had thought I had become quite familiar with them up to that point, I can assure you that in no way was I as familiar as a lover, for that is what each of them was to become!...
James’ and my passions had been so intense the prior night that we both slept later than our norm, though as usual I awoke before him. By now I knew his habits, and I knew by the depth of his snores that he would not awake if I made my usual attempt, that is to say by suckling his cock with my lips and tongue. Climbing from his bed, I made my way to my bath and began running my bath water. I had just climbed into the tub, when I heard a faint knock at my door, and acting upon my suspicions,...
I spent considerable time with Mary over the next several days, though it was not precisely of an intimate nature. The next day, I breakfasted with James in the main dining room of the grand hotel, then returned to our rooms alone while James went about his business. I found that Mary had entered whilst we dined and had cleaned. She had also fallen asleep on the sofa! Knowing how much I hated to be awoken from a nap, I let Mary be and took up some embroidery I had begun and did needlepoint...
The next several days were spent in a most leisurely and pleasant fashion. Daylight hours would find Siobhan and I working alongside my uncle in his large and elaborate study and library, reading and taking correspondence and otherwise assisting him in his investments. I soon came to realize the grand scale of those investments, and how the breeding stables he maintained here were at best an avocation. Still, he explained to me at one point that even in this he was successful, and the profit...
Amidst these pleasant interludes, one event continued looming ever larger in my thoughts, and that event was James’ and my pending nuptials. All through that late Winter and early Spring, Siobhan was gaily leading the charge upon the necessary preparations, and it seemed as if a veritable army of people were becoming involved. Certainly, the volume of my personal correspondence multiplied, as did the number of people involved! I had already received assurances from Mrs. Pembleton that she...
I avoided both Siobhan and Uncle James the next day, pleading a headache and eating breakfast and lunch in my room. I was both despondent and elated at the same time, trying to sort my feelings from all I had heard the previous night. I had not slept a wink since then. Could Uncle James truly have feelings for me that were more than those of an uncle for his niece? And if so, was Siobhan correct in believing that I had similar feelings for him as well? I allowed Siobhan to bring me down to...
I awoke the next day an hour or so before noon, with a great deal of confusion and a small but bothersome headache. I was in a bed and felt a great weight on my arm. Opening my eyes, I found myself back in my room, in my own bed, and the weight on my arm proved to be James’ hand clasping mine. He was sitting in an armchair, still dressed from the previous night but without his coat or hat or ascot and with his shirt mostly undone, and amazingly, was unshaven! I attempted to retrieve my hand...
Both James and I had more than sufficient sleep the day before, so we both woke early. My headache was completely gone, although I still had a small and tender bump on the back of my head. After we dressed and took our breakfast in the dining room, James hired a brougham and took me through the New York Central Park. It was an astonishing sight, such a wide and open expanse of land, so artfully landscaped, in the very center of the metropolis. When I asked how it had come about that none...
The household rapidly reverted to normal pursuits as Mister Singh recovered his strength. He was able to make his way downstairs about a week later, though he was still very tired, and his robe (for he still maintained his dress in the Eastern fashion) hung loosely on him. Still, though he was in generally good spirits after such a close call with the Grim Reaper, he seemed preoccupied with some deep thoughts. Even James noticed and asked his old friend if he could be of some assistance,...
The next morning James and I were able to begin again our usual routine. Awakening slightly before him, I gazed lovingly upon his chiseled form and slid the covers down below his loins. I traced gently the veins upon his wondrous organ until it had stiffened sufficiently, then lowered my face and opened my lips. I could taste the residue of our passions from the night before and savored the flavor of our mixed love juices. I slowly stroked his mighty shaft while suckling fiercely upon his tip...
Throughout the month of May, as my nuptials approached, I became increasingly nervous. It seemed as if things were piling up all around me and I had nowhere to turn. This, of course, was the sheerest nonsense since both Siobhan and James had shouldered a burden worthy of Atlas. By the time June arrived I was wishing the entire thing was over and done with, yet more difficulties arrived daily. In retrospect, with the wisdom of age and the experience of other weddings, I can now say with...
I awoke the next morning in much the same condition as I had awoken the previous morning, wrapped around James with his arms wrapped around me, but with the singular distinction that now we were both naked. As before, my head was on his chest with an arm thrown across him, and one leg wrapped around his lower limbs, while his arms were around me. I found this much to my liking, and cuddled against him, feeling the animal warmth of his person as I listened to his baritone purr. As my eyes...
We hurried back to the mansion so that James and I could bathe and dress for our dinner that evening. Mrs. Whitney had invited us to dine at the estate, where a number of our guests were staying with her. Ahkbar Singh had managed to avoid this dinner by complaining of an intestinal ailment, but the amused look in his eyes convinced me that this was a most opportune illness. However, James and I would be accompanied by both my Matron of Honor and my putative father, Siobhan and Uncle Wally....
We spent the remainder of the weekend in our rooms, living on room service and never fully dressing. Indeed, James seemed to revel in dining with me en deshabile, wearing only a dressing gown and his trousers, and I would wear even less. Most meals I wore my stockings and slippers alone, though occasionally I would add a transparent robe or ‘Merry Widow’ corset of the sort that cupped and exposed my bosom to his view. Our deserts were often each other! Monday morning, we dressed, and James...
I slept late the next morning, so late in fact that rather than my awakening James pleasantly, it was he who awoke me in such a fashion. I climbed from the depths of my slumber with a mounting feeling of pleasure, and by the time my eyes fluttered open, they did so to look around with considerable joy. James had carefully pulled the sheets from me and pushed me onto my back, then had spread my legs apart and crawled down between them. He smiled up at me from their juncture, where he was...
I awoke the next morning with James standing by our bed shaking my shoulder. “Come on, you slugabed, wake up!” he ordered. I rolled to one side rather grumpily, but he persisted. “Up and at them, sleepyhead! We have to go!” I managed to pry my sleep-encrusted eyes apart and noticed that bright sunlight was pouring through our windows, and that James was putting the finishing touches on his regular outfit of charcoal and black. I also noticed that I was laying on our bed, still dressed in my...
Everyone considered the evening’s entertainment to be everything that had been hoped for. Certainly, the final act had been the most astonishing, and both Harry and James were quite impressed, and perhaps even cowed, by the length and size of the ‘blacksnake’ the buck had possessed. Needless to say, this most intimate of introductions had made the closest of friends of AnneMarie and I. Although we both intended to sleep late the next day and lounge at our leisure, we also decided to get...
For the rest of August and into early September we frequently had guests to view the stables and see the races. I was fascinated to see my uncle becoming more and more jealous and protective when the younger gentlemen or the sons of the older gentlemen paid attention to me. I was somewhat curious as to this, especially as, other than my attire, I never gave him the slightest cause for concern. Inasmuch as he had no apparent slaking in his thirst for the ladies of the household, I failed to...
When we arrived at the train station to begin our return home, I had a slight case of sniffles; by the time we had returned to the estate I had a most pronounced cold. I immediately retired to bed in the hope that I would be feeling better in the morn. This was not to be. Over the next several days my condition worsened to the point that James summoned the doctor from town, who promptly pronounced that I was suffering from the influenza. I was constrained to a strict bed rest with visitors...
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The month of October passed with my beginning to assume the station of Mistress of the House. James let it be known that he considered my commands as his, which I felt was somewhat overblown, but dared not deny him. I solved this problem simply by not giving any commands, and by simply going about my, by then, normal existence. Our first day back in Saratoga, James had asked me, after dinner, when we were alone and thinking of retiring to bed, if I would consider sharing his bed prior to our...
AnneMarie eagerly agreed to my plan of providing a second entertainment for our pleasures and the pleasures of Harry and James. She agreed to bring her fiancée to dine with us a few days hence, and after a sumptuous meal, I would invite them to our rooms for dessert. Needless to say, it was our intention that we would be the dessert! I should explain that while the thought did cross my mind, it was not our intention to swap our partners. AnneMarie would love her Harry, and not my James, and...
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The next day, Monday, Harry and AnneMarie were to arrive. They were traveling by way of the private coach that Harry had obtained, if but as a loan from another rich friend, and we were to meet them at the train station in Saratoga Springs shortly after lunch. I was on the verge of asking David and Mary if they wanted to come and see it as well, but I stopped short when I realized they had other plans in mind. With their daughters off exploring, and little David sleeping, Mary giggled at her...
The next two days passed rapidly. Events had now progressed to the point that, short of calling off the wedding, they were out of our hands. With only a few days left, if something needed ordering or purchasing or planning, it was simply too late, and we would make do. This actually proved rather restful, in its own way. The estate continued to receive guests arriving, many of them James’ associates in business, traveling from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. They used the time before the...
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This is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading chapters 1-7 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Chapter 8 Spring Break was upon us and I was temporarily living with Felecia. Something happened with the plumbing in the bathroom of my apartment and the maintenance people had to tear into some walls to fix it. So instead of sharing the other bathroom with my two roommates, Felecia said I could stay with her until everything was fixed. She...
This is the 3rd installment of the series“Memoirs of a Bisexual.” I recommend reading the first 2 chapters to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline of the story. This story is based on true events. Thanksgiving break was finally here. I was home from school for a week and I couldn’t wait to hang out with my best friend, Jeff. He had been looking forward to us hanging out, as well. He had surprised me with tickets to see the Pink Floyd laser show and 2 hits of LSD! Wow! What a...
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This is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading chapters 1-6 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. The following is based on true events. I returned to school from Winter Break a few days before classes started. I always like to get there a few days before the start of a new quarter so I can learn where my new classes are and plan my route through campus. The University of Georgia is a big campus, so the more I know on the first day of...
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This is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading chapters 1-5 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. The following story is based on true events. Chapter 6: Winter Break started and we were off from school for almost a month. Felecia went home to Louisiana for the holidays. I went back to my hometown and got a part time job bartending at a local restaurant. I needed the extra money for Christmas. I was excited because Jeff had lined up an...
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Group SexEmma was pregnant. I thought it was mine. Emma's pregnancy was the third shoe to drop after losing Molly, my girlfriend, and losing my job. Molly never found out about me and Emma. If she had, we would have parted much earlier. Emma was one of the college girls I had photographed before Molly and I split. Molly dumped me because Deede couldn't keep her mouth shut about our little "dalliance," as Molly put it. Emma, however, did keep our secret and just wanted to feel whole again. Emma meant...
Straight SexDuring the first few months back home in Bloomington, I sailed in uncharted waters. I had no clear direction and spent the days aimlessly trying to find a clear path in life. Civilian life was a struggle. I was accustomed to being scheduled and told what to do in the army. Now I had to find my own way. Jack, the wheeler and dealer, had sold me a fancy Leica camera back in German. It was such a great bargain, I bought it but had no idea how to use it. The camera seemed to me to be a nice...
Straight SexI had another year of active duty to serve in the Army after returning from Germany. As I said, it was my winter of discontent. I missed Hilda so much I fell into fits of deep depression. I couldn't even think of being with another woman, at least at first. My job as a chef in the army made me the butt of good natured jokes around the barracks. "Hey, Cookie," they'd say, "When are you gonna serve us a real meal instead that crap you call food?" I'd smile and ask if they were referring to our...
Straight SexMemoirs of a past that had some great times in it, this is a true story that happened to me in the early 1970s so I am showing my age now.I married young, just 19 and my wife was 17, we married as was the standard of the time, because she was pregnant, a man did not run away like they do today, he stayed and faced his responsibilities.I was already working for a large department of government and held a secure position so income to support us was not a problem and by the time I was 21 had...
Chapter 10 It was the end of the school year. It was a Wednesday and Jeff was already coming up that night for the weekend parties. There was one more day of exams, but Felecia and I were finished for the summer. Jeff had wrapped up the previous week at his school. It was about ten in the morning and Jeff wouldn't arrive until around three or four in the afternoon. I was bored so I picked up the phone and called Felecia to see what she was up to. The phone rang a few times, then she finally...
BisexualThis is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading chapters 1-7 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Chapter 8 Spring Break was upon us and I was temporarily living with Felecia. Something happened with the plumbing in the bathroom of my apartment and the maintenance people had to tear into some walls to fix it. So instead of sharing the other bathroom with my two roommates, Felecia said I could stay with her until everything was fixed. She is...
Group SexThis is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading chapters 1-6 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. The following is based on true events.I returned to school from Winter Break a few days before classes started. I always like to get there a few days before the start of a new quarter so I can learn where my new classes are and plan my route through campus. The University of Georgia is a big campus, so the more I know on the first day of...
BisexualThis is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading chapters 1-5 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. The following story is based on true events.Chapter 6: Winter Break started and we were off from school for almost a month. Felecia went home to Louisiana for the holidays. I went back to my hometown and got a part time job bartending at a local restaurant. I needed the extra money for Christmas. I was excited because Jeff had lined up an...
BisexualI recommend reading "Memoirs of a Bisexual: Chapters 1-4" to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. This story is based on true events. Fuck Buddy: n. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with who is not your significant other. Chapter 5: It was about noon when Felecia came knocking on the door. She gave her signature 2 knocks, then walked right in. I just got back from an 8am class and was cleaning up the kitchen. "Hey,...
BisexualThis is a continuation of the series "Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading the first 3 installments to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Thanksgiving break came and went. Jeff and I never really spoke about that night at his parents' house, but it wasn't awkward between us, either. We acted like we always did, like best friends. We never had the opportunity to do it again, but I know it was on our minds. At least mine, anyway. So back to school we went. I got back...
BisexualThis is the 3rd installment of the series“Memoirs of a Bisexual.” I recommend reading the first 2 chapters to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline of the story. This story is based on true events. Thanksgiving break was finally here. I was home from school for a week and I couldn’t wait to hang out with my best friend, Jeff. He had been looking forward to us hanging out, as well. He had surprised me with tickets to see the Pink Floyd laser show and 2 hits of LSD! Wow! What a...
BisexualThis is the 2nd installment of the series, “Memoirs of a Bisexual." I recommend reading Chapter 1 “The Sexual Revolution” to get up to speed with Chapter 2, which is the immediate continuation of the story. The next morning we all woke up in a rush. Layla and Amanda were freaking out because they were late for class. So there was no mention of the wild night before. Just rush, rush, rush. In fact, there was not much talking at all. Jeff and I dropped the girls off at their dorm then decided to...
BisexualMemoirs of a CD By Alyssa Davis I have always been physically small for my age, sometimes called petite, and it hasn't been easy. During my childhood, boys wouldn't play with me because I was too little and just got in the way, so they said. My size was no problem with the girls who let me join them in their groups. Maybe they felt sorry for me. In school, during boy/girl activities, such as dancing or competition, if there was a shortage of girls, I was routinely assigned to the...