The Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Ch. 2 free porn video

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Chapter 1 – A Reprise of my Circumstances

For those who have not yet been acquainted with my story, allow my introduction. My name is Caroline Pendrake and I was born in the Year of our Lord 1880. I but recently came to live in America, traveling from my home in England.

Physically, I am somewhat on the small side, being but five feet in height and weighing only a hundredweight. My hair is a golden blonde, which I wear long, to my waist, and I have deep blue eyes. My limbs are slender, as is my waist, though my hips are wide-set, and my bosom is the product of a most generous Creator. It may be vain to admit it, but most gentlemen seem to find my form rather appealing.

My father was a Captain in the British Army, seconded to the Foreign Office, and he and my mother were stationed all over Europe. Inasmuch as they did not consider this lifestyle conducive to the rearing of a young lady, I spent much time in the care of Mrs. Pembleton’s School for Young Ladies, a finishing school for young ladies located near London. Think not that they were foisting me off on others while they gallivanted around the continent, I spent all my vacations and summers with them. We were a most loving family!

When I was thirteen, that is to say, between three and four years ago, my parents died in a small typhoid epidemic. My nearest relative was a rather elderly second cousin who allowed me to continue my education at Mrs. Pembleton’s. However, earlier this year, he passed away, and his son decided that since women had no need of an education, he would no longer support me. Rather, I should specify that he would be happy to support me only if I were to move into his household. His smirk as he said this told me exactly the sort of sordid occupation he considered me suitable for, so I thanked him and removed myself from his odious presence as soon as possible.

Mrs. Pembleton and my father’s solicitor endeavored to discover any other relatives that I could turn to in my hour of need. Mrs. Pembleton considered that it was quite probable that I would be able to make my way as a clerk or shopkeeper, or even as a teacher or governess, certainly until I married, and as my background and family were most suitable, that I would most likely be able to marry well. You can imagine our surprise when we received a telegram from America, stating that a distant relative had been found and that he was welcoming me into his household.

It was with some trepidation that I made the journey to Saratoga Springs, in the province of New York, to greet this gentleman. I had assurances that if things did not work out, I would be welcomed back in England, but I was determined to begin making my own way in the world. However, no one was more surprised at my appearance in Saratoga than my Uncle, Mr. James MacAllister. He is somewhat farsighted and had misread my letter, and thought I was six, and not sixteen. He had even engaged a nanny for my care!

In any event, we all overcame our surprise and he welcomed me into his family, such as it was. James is a man in his early forties, though I am not precisely sure of his age, and is a tall and well-formed gentleman in the peak of his life. He is quite strong, though I was to discover that his musculature is rather wiry and not of great bulk, though he has a broad and manly chest, and is darkly tanned, with flowing and prematurely silvered hair and a generous mustache. He has several scars, derived from a youth spent abroad in India, the most notable being a long white scar along the left side of his face. He is an extremely attractive gentleman! He dresses predominantly in various shades of gray, charcoal, and black, though he always wears a snowy white silk shirt, as well as knee length cavalry boots, though he has never been in the military. He generally carries a walking stick which conceals a long blade, similar to a rapier, and often carries a small derringer in a vest pocket.

He had no other relations than myself, not having married, and his household primarily consisted of his friend and companion Ahkbar Singh, a Musulman and a Sikh whom he had met and befriended in India. They were inseparable. Otherwise, he lived on a vast estate dedicated to the raising of thoroughbred and race horses, in a mansion outside of Saratoga Springs in the Adirondack Mountains of Upstate New York. He is immensely wealthy, being an investor, though he came from quite humble beginnings. He made his first wealth in India, though some would consider it ill-gotten. He managed to rifle the jewelry of a local potentate when said individual turned on him and Mister Singh, intending to kill them. They managed to make their escape, killing the Sultan in turn, and escaped with their lives and his crown jewels, among other valuables.

The rest of the household consisted of Mrs. Siobhan Rourke, a beautiful red-haired Irish widow from Boston, whom he had originally intended to be my nanny, and then upon determining that I had no use for such, converted to his secretary. Otherwise, his household was a bachelor one, though he had a multitude of servants.

I settled into my new life eagerly and gladly, thankful for the Divine Providence which had enabled it. A minor assistance I made to my new Uncle caused him to make me a secretary as well, allowing me to earn my keep, though it was not necessary. James gave me an ample allowance and credit at all the local shops, and though he never precisely stated it, gave me considerable cause to believe that his bachelorhood was a decided fact and that I could consider myself his legal heir. Since he was in the prime of his life, I considered any such inheritance an unlikely event at best.

I also soon discovered the bawdy and scandalous nature of his household. Any number of brawny and well-formed young men lived in the bunkhouse, and the household servants were all comely young ladies, and there was a considerable amount of comings and goings between the two residences. Furthermore, my Uncle had a secret tendency towards the voyeur! His mansion was honeycombed with secret tunnels and doors, which I perchance happened on, and while exploring them, discovered they gave forth all over the servant’s and guest’s quarters of the house. Most of the rooms were possessed of large mirrors which could be viewed through from behind, and this enabled James to walk through the walls and view the antics of his amorous employees.

I should explain that the nature of his household was aided and abetted by Mister Singh. Ahkbar was a fakir, or shaman, familiar with the use of various Eastern and Indian herbs, and knew of a potion, which when added to an inexpensive and tasty wine that the servant girls had easy access to, prohibited their becoming with child. This was a most astonishing discovery to me, though James and Ahkbar kept it secret from all others, and the effect was obvious. Though none understood the cause, it was a fact that none of the girls would discover themselves in a family way whilst in our employ, and their young and libidinous natures thrived. Absent the fear of pregnancy, they gamboled with the men of the household with gay abandon.

I also discovered that James partook of the pleasures of the flesh with these young ladies as eagerly as any of the other men in residence. I never considered this as a deviltry, since I had sufficient experience with my own parents’ marriage, as well of those of some other people, such as Mrs. Pembleton and Siobhan, to realize the joys inherent in expressing a physical love with another. Whilst I was yet innocent of a man’s touch, I looked forward to the day when my husband would introduce me to such enjoyments. In truth, I had already sampled the pleasures to be had with a woman, and enjoyed them tremendously! Verily, my maidenhead was lost not to a man, but to a hairbrush at Mrs. Pembleton’s, wielded by a close friend.

The most momentous change in my life occurred in the fall of 1896. I had been living with James for the summer and had become close
to him, and felt that he was becoming close to me as well, though neither of us expressed these feelings. Then, one night whilst I crept through the walls, I heard him approaching behind me. I immediately ducked through a door and discovered I was in Siobhan’s rooms. She was bathing and I scurried under the bed, intending to leave once she had gone to sleep. To my utter horror, James followed me through the secret door and spent the evening fornicating with Siobhan. I spent the evening cowering beneath the bed, crying silently, as the bedsprings creaked above me.

Then, to my utter amazement, the pair took a break from their merriment and began discussing James’ feelings towards me! I discovered that James was in love with me, though he considered himself too old for me, and was unsure of what he should do. Siobhan told him that he should express himself to me, as she had no such feelings towards him, but simply was a lusty wench and friend. They decided that he would invite me on his next trip to New York, where he frequently traveled on business. They then continued their tryst, and I crept from beneath the bed after he had left and Siobhan went to sleep.

The next day he made the invitation and I accepted. Siobhan gave me some excellent advice on how to win James’ heart, though I did not inform her of my discovery relating to her, and I put it to good use. Throughout our first week in New York, as we stayed in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, I wore increasingly less demure dresses and began brushing against James and began kissing him less as an Uncle and more as a lover. James was powerfully affected and on more than one occasion I saw that his manhood was pressing most immodestly against the front of his trousers. Finally, after a ball that we attended, I forced myself upon him and he succumbed to my charms, ravishing me as I so thoroughly desired. The next morning he made a proposal of marriage and I accepted. I shall continue my narrative from that wonderful moment.

Chapter 2 – Our Return to Saratoga

We spent the remainder of the weekend in our rooms, living on room service and never fully dressing. Indeed, James seemed to revel in dining with me en deshabile, wearing only a dressing gown and his trousers, and I would wear even less. Most meals I wore my stockings and slippers alone, though occasionally I would add a transparent robe or ‘Merry Widow’ corset of the sort that cupped and exposed my bosom to his view. Needless to say, our deserts were often each other!

Monday morning we dressed and James ordered up a coach to drive us to a jewelers’. Once inside, he reached into his pocket and pulled forth a small velvet bag and emptied it onto a velvet mat on the counter. The young clerk stared at the vast array of diamonds inside, and almost ignored James’ statement that he wished one of the stones set in a ring, for our engagement. The astonished young man scurried into the back, to return shortly with an older gentleman, who seemed much less surprised by the sight. He traded greetings with us, then began examining the diamonds carefully, even going so far as to place a lens to his eye.

‘Extraordinary!’, he breathed quietly. ‘Magnificent!’ He repeated these words several times, then looked up at us and smiled hesitantly. ‘A ring, you say?’

James smiled and nodded towards me. ‘An engagement ring, if you please. I assume that you should be able to make an appropriate setting. I realize this is somewhat unusual, but the gems have been in my possession for a while now.’

‘Certainly, sir.’ The jeweler looked over the stones briefly, then picked one up. He examined it a second time, and set it aside. ‘That would be the one.’ I glanced at it, it was a large gem, though not the largest, and seemed somewhat large for a ring. ‘Somewhere between three and four carats I should say, and flawless and perfectly cut.’ He waved a hand over the others and said, ‘These are either smaller or not quite as well cut or the same quality stone, you understand. Nothing wrong with them, really, excellent quality, excellent. Just not the same…’

‘That would be fine.’, replied James.

In short order I found myself being sized for rings, both engagement and wedding, in gold, though the wedding would take place the following summer. James had wanted an immediate ceremony but I had insisted that we wait, I had also informed him that the joys of the wedding bed need not be delayed until the wedding, so he had happily acquiesced. As we prepared to leave, James scooped up the loose jewels and began placing them back in the velvet sack.

The jeweler watched this wistfully, and said, ‘You know, I would love to do something with those stones. Perhaps a necklace?’

James stopped and eyed the gentleman curiously. ‘Really? I must confess I’d never considered such. Could you?’ He set the bag down on the counter again.

The jeweler poured the diamonds onto the velvet again, then briefly went about arranging them, smiling as he did so. He grinned at us, and replied, ‘One worth a king’s ransom! Please, allow me. I’d kill for the chance for a commission such as this. The rings shall be free, simply give me the chance!’

James laughed and agreed, leaving the bag of gems upon a receipt of their ownership. As we left he laughed. ‘A king’s ransom!’

I tucked my arm in his and replied, ‘A sultan’s, at the least.’


We stayed in New York a few days more, seeing the sights until the rings were prepared. The necklace would take several more days, and the jeweler promised to bring it to us personally. We departed on Thursday morning for the train ride back to Saratoga. It was an early morning ride, so we had most of the baggage prepared the night before, but we still managed to oversleep and very nearly missed the train. We had but minutes to rouse and bathe and dress, and no time at all for a breakfast. We dined on the Pullman car as soon as practicable.

Once we were in the first class carriage, I began to torment my beloved in a most delightful way. Shortly after we had left the station, I turned to him, and in a very low voice, said, ‘James, I fear to admit this, but we were so hurried this morning that I forgot to put my bloomers on.’

He stared at me and gasped, ‘You mean…you…on the train…’

‘What, James, you mistake me! What a scandalous thought. I simply wanted you to know.’, I replied.

He surreptitiously looked at my lap, then glanced away out the window. I kept up this delicious torture for the balance of our travel. Several times an hour I would say something along the lines of, ‘I’m so sorry James that we were hurried this morning, since I know how much you enjoy me waking you up.’, referring to our habit, whereupon I almost always would wake before him. Since we both slept naked in each others arms, it was very easy for me to slide the covers down and lower my face to his loins, to lick and suckle him to release within my lips. Often this would lead to a second, more active, session of loveplay. I also asked if train rides were conducive to such bouts, since the rhythmic motions of the ride had heated my loins and moistened them.

James became more agitated at each such teasing, to the point where he exclaimed that he would be retiring to the parlor car, where women were not welcome. I desisted at this pointed, hugging him and kissing him warmly, and promising to behave. ‘By God, Caroline, you will be the death of me yet. I have a good mind to give you a proper spanking!’

‘Oh, but James, whenever you have lifted my skirts in the past, spanking has never before been on your mind.’, I replied.


I laughed and embraced him again, then he relented and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I fell asleep with my head on his chest. I next woke when we stopped in Saratoga, and we hired a carriage to take us to his estate. The entire household greeted us when we came in, and James announced to one and all that we were to be married. This set the maidservants i
nto an uproar, crowding around me and ogling at my new ring. I immediately asked Siobhan, who had returned from her vacation in Boston the prior day, to be my Maid of Honor, and she promptly accepted, setting off another flurry of congratulations. Even Mister Singh seemed taken with it all, repeatedly congratulating James and offering me his sincerest condolences.

Following a late lunch, James invited me into his study, so we could peruse the correspondence which had assuredly accumulated in our absence. Once inside, however, James locked the door and strode up to me. He embraced me most heatedly, then twirled me around so as I was facing his desk. Pushing me face forward across the desk, he stepped behind me. I could hear him undoing his pants, then I felt his hands lifting my skirts to my waist. As I had told him, I was naked beneath but for my stockings, and he immediately inserted himself into me.

As soon as I had understood his intentions, that is to say, once I witnessed him locking the door, my quim had moistened with the thought of his impending assault. James slipped easily into me as he pushed his immense manhood into me from behind, and I whimpered with the pleasure as he caressed my buttocks as he did so. I should mention that James is a most masculine gentleman, having an organ of regeneration fully ten inches in length and two inches wide, and in our present position I could sense every inch as he sank into me. This is one of my most favored of positions for our pleasures. Whilst I prefer to gaze at him and kiss and embrace him in our more loving interludes, in those which we undertake more from our lusts, I greatly prefer this method. It makes me feel so helpless, so vulnerable as he uses me for his wanton pleasures. This was precisely what he wished now, to use me and release himself inside me, and I desired it as well.

SMACK! James brought his hands down upon my buttocks even as he thrust into me, stinging me. Squealing with outrage, I thrust back away from the desk, but this only served to seat his cock deeper in my cunny, and I moaned as I began spending. ‘You said that I would never spank you if I were to see your bare bottom.’, he whispered in my ear, bringing his hands down again in another stinging rebuke. ‘Well, as you can see, you were wrong, weren’t you, eh?’ He caressed my rump briefly, then spanked my reddened buttocks yet again. I moaned with my spending, unable to stop this savage yet delightful punishment. ‘I see no reason why both of your needs can not be attended to.’ He thrust himself into me, rogering me fiercely whilst he alternated caressing me and spanking me, until he gave out a vast groan and collapsed over my back, his loins pumping his hot seed deep towards my womb.

We panted with our exertions for a moment, then James straightened up. I was terribly pleased that he did not withdraw, since I could feel that though he had spent, his manhood was still stiff and vigorous within the fleshy folds of my quim. I began to squeeze my cunny around him, to assist in reviving him, and our mixed love oils began dribbling down my thighs. James undid the buttons running down the back of my dress, then reached through and undid my corset. Pushing my clothing apart, he ran his strong hands around me to grasp my heaving breasts, and began to slowly thrust his loins at me again. I gasped at the shocks he gave to me, my reddened and sensitive buttocks eagerly accepting the feel of his hips thrusting at me. I began whimpering with joy anew, as James rode me into a second and a third spending before exploding within.

I lay panting atop his desk as he pulled away and did up his pants. Then, as if to signal we were finished, he gave me a final spank, and as I bolted upright, to glower at him as I arranged my own clothing, he smiled and kissed me, saying, ‘That shall teach you not to be a tease.’ I kissed him back, then left in a great huff, much to his amusement.

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 8 Harry and AnneMarie Arrive

The next day, Monday, Harry and AnneMarie were to arrive. They were traveling by way of the private coach that Harry had obtained, if but as a loan from another rich friend, and we were to meet them at the train station in Saratoga Springs shortly after lunch. I was on the verge of asking David and Mary if they wanted to come and see it as well, but I stopped short when I realized they had other plans in mind. With their daughters off exploring, and little David sleeping, Mary giggled at her...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 10 Al Fresco and Au Naturel

The next two days passed rapidly. Events had now progressed to the point that, short of calling off the wedding, they were out of our hands. With only a few days left, if something needed ordering or purchasing or planning, it was simply too late, and we would make do. This actually proved rather restful, in its own way. The estate continued to receive guests arriving, many of them James’ associates in business, traveling from Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. They used the time before the...

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Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady Volume IIIChapter 11 The Last Supper

We hurried back to the mansion so that James and I could bathe and dress for our dinner that evening. Mrs. Whitney had invited us to dine at the estate, where a number of our guests were staying with her. Ahkbar Singh had managed to avoid this dinner by complaining of an intestinal ailment, but the amused look in his eyes convinced me that this was a most opportune illness. However, James and I would be accompanied by both my Matron of Honor and my putative father, Siobhan and Uncle Wally....

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"...a few hours later slowly escaping from the dream, I felt like I was leaving a place I had been for years, as though I belonged there. I woke with the images still in my vision and the most sensual feeling of waves of luscious moisture rushing over my body. I continued moaning uncontrollably, my feet digging into the mattress allowing my hips to flow forward, over and over again. Realizing at that moment I was gripping something I looked down to see my daughter's eyes closed and her...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter

Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter

Introduction:Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, also known as Fanny Hill is a novel by John Cleland. Written in 1749, it is considered the first erotic novel, and has became a byword for the battle of censorship of erotica. Fanny's story, as she falls into prostitution and then rises to respectability, takes the form of a confession that is coloured by copious and explicit physiological details of her carnal adventures.During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I...

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Memoirs Chapter Six

Aging is highly over-rated. No one told me that I would become old without even realizing it. It just happened all at once. I recognized it without acknowledging it. My energy at the restaurants declined. Consequently, I gave more and more responsibilities to the managers. They were younger and far more enthusiastic about the job than I. They were running the restaurants for me. More of my time was spent playing golf or volunteering for community service. For my sixtieth birthday, I decided to...

Straight Sex
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Memoirs Chapter One

I'm an old man now and my health is just short of the grave, but you know, I still have the mind of a teenager. They have always said that at a certain age, people revert to their childhood and that must be true in my case. The thing is, although the body gets old and weak, it doesn't always apply to the mind. My mind is as fresh with memories as if they had happened yesterday. Early in life I was aware of my sexuality. It took awhile to connect that with the other gender. This is to say, I was...

Love Stories
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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 1

-------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 1 Madam, I SIT down to give you an undeniable proof of my considering your desires as in dispensible orders: ungracious then as the task may be, I shall recall to view those scandalous stages of my life, out of which I emerg'd at length, to the enjoyment of every blessing in the power of love, health, and fortune to bestow; whilst yet in the flower of youth, and not too late to employ the leisure afforded me by...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 2

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 2 About eleven at night my two ladies came home, and having received rather a favourable account from Martha, who had run down to let them in, for Mr. Crofts (that was the name of my brute) was gone out of the house, after waiting till he had tired his patience for Mrs. Brown’s return, they came thundering up stairs, and seeing me pale, my face bloody, and all the marks of the most thorough dejection, they...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 3

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 3 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who could...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 4

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 4 To this purpose were the reflections of the whole day, of which every minute seemed to me a little eternity. How often did I visit the clock! nay, was tempted to advance the tedious hand, as if that would have advanced the time with it! Had those of the house had the least observations on me, they must have remarked something extraordinary from the discomposure I could not help betraying; especially when at...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 5

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 5 We had certainly been but a few instants away from it, and yet on our return we saw everything in good forwardness for recommencing the tender hostilities. The young foreigner was sitting down, fronting us, on the coach, with Polly upon one knee, who had her arms round his neck, whilst the extreme whiteness of her skin was not undelightfully contrasted by the smooth glossy brown of her lover’s. But who...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 6

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 6 My eyes were instantly filled with tears, but tears of the most delicious delight; to find myself in the arms of that beauteous youth, was a rapture that my little hear swam in; past or future were equally out of the question with me; the present was as much as all my powers of life were sufficient to bear the transport of, without fainting. Nor were the most tender embraces, the most soothing expressions...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 7

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 7 It was then broad day. I was sitting up in the bed, the cloaths of which were all tost, or roll'd off, by the unquietness of our motions, from the sultry heat of the weather; nor could I refuse myself a pleasure that solicited me so irresistibly, as this fair occasion of feasting my sight with all those treasures of youthful beauty I had enjoy'd, and which lay now almost entirely naked, his shirt being trust...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 8

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 8 Phœbe, my kind tutoress Phœbe, was at the time gone out, perhaps in search of me, or their cooked-up story had not, it is probable, passed smoothly. This negociation had, however, taken up some time, which would have appeared much longer to me, left as I was, in a strange house, if the landlady, a motherly sort of a woman, to whom Charles had liberally recommended me, had not come up and borne me company. We...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the First Part 9

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. Letter the First - Part 9 I had now got down at least half a partridge, and three or four glasses of wine, which he compelled me to drink by way of restoring nature, but whether there was any thing extraordinary put into the wine, or whether there wanted no more to revive the natural warmth of my constitution, and give fire to the old train, I began no longer to look with that constraint, not to say disguise, on Mr. H...., which I...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part1

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure.- or FANNY HILL LETTER THE SECOND Part-1 Madam, If I have delayed the sequel of my history, it has been purely to allow myself a little breathing time not without some hopes, that, instead of pressing me to a continuation, you would have acquitted me of the task of pursuing a confession, in the course of which my self-esteem has so many wounds to sustain. I imagined, indeed, that you would have been cloyed and tired with uniformity of...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part2

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-2 In the order of our sitting, it was Harriet’s turn to go on. Amongst all the beauties of our sex, that I had before, or have since seen, few indeed were the forms that could dispute excellence with her’s; it was not delicate, but delicacy itself incarnate, such was the symmetry of her small but exactly fashioned limbs. Her complexion, fair as it was, appeared yet more fair, from the effect of two black eyes,...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part3

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-3 “What shall I say? my emotions of fear and surprise were instantly subdued by those of the pleasure I bespoke in great presence of mind from the turn this adventure might take. He seemed to me no other than a pitying angel, dropt out of the clouds: for he was young and perfectly handsome, which was more than even I had asked for, man, in general, being all that my utmost desires had pointed at. I thought then I...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part4

----------------------- MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND Part-4 As soon as he was off, I ran to her, and sitting down on the couch by her, rais’d her head, which she declined gently, and hung on my bosom, to hide her blushes and confusion at what had passed, till by degrees she re-composed herself, and accepted of a restorative glass of wine from my spark, who had left me to fetch it to her, whilst her own was readjusting his affaire and buttoning up; after which he led...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part5

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. LETTER THE SECOND PART-5 As it was an inviolable law for every gallant to keep to his partner, for the night especially, and even till he relinquished possession over to the community, in order to preserve a pleasing property, and to avoid the disgusts and indelicacy of another arrangement, the company, after a short refection of biscuits and wine, tea and chocolate, served in at now about one in the morning, broke up, and went off in pairs. Mrs. Cole had...

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Fanny Hill Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure Letter the Second Part6

MEMOIRS OF A Woman of Pleasure. PART 6 Whilst I was chaffering for the fruit I wanted, I observed myself followed by a young gentleman, whose rich dress first attracted my notice; for the rest, he had nothing remarkable in his person, except that he was pale, thin-made, and ventured himself upon legs rather of the slenderest. Easy was it to perceive, without seeming to perceive it, that it was me he wanted to be at; and keeping his eyes fixed on me, till he came to the same basket that I...

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A Housewifes Memoirs Part One

"Hello, Mrs. Patterson. Please sit down. May I call you Laura?” he politely asked. She just smiled without objecting."We're so glad you came in for an interview today, Laura. You should know that it is important that if you choose to work here, you need to be totally satisfied with us as we are of hiring you. It's a two way street, if you see what I mean."Laura nodded as if she knew what he meant. "Of course, Mr. Stellers," she said. "It's like working at Walmart where they call the hired help...

Wife Lovers
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Reform School Memoirs of a Nun

Reform School: A Nun?s Story  Jill Crokett?sReform School: Memoirs of a NunChapter 1In 1999 I received a telephone call from a man who introduced himself as an attorney calling from San Francisco, in America. The only unusual thing about the call, other than the fact that I had never heard of him, was the fact that I live in the town of Dubbo, in Australia, several hours drive west of Sydney.My father?s side of the family has lived here in New South Wales for generations, but on my...

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My Mothers LoverChapter 9 Victorian Home

Diary: Havelock House, Sunday, Septermber 2, 1973 Dear Diary, This old house has one more tale to tell. And I'm afraid I may have some explaining to do to my son. We'll see. The house itself really is a wonderful specimen, but there is no way I could have anticipated just how complete the renovation could be. It includes a fairly complete exploration of some of the sexual mores of the Victorian Age, that were brought into bright and intense focus for me for the first time. Extraordinary...

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The Victorian

The Victorian by Sarah Miller THUMP. Thump. Helen was startled by the load noises coming from upstairs. It sounded as though something heavy had fallen over, but there was little furniture up there. Only David, doing some cleaning and prepping for a new coat of paint. Concerned, she bounded up the stairs two at a time. "Honey, are you all right?! Sounded like the roof caved in. David?" She looked around the open area that comprised a large area of the second floor, but...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 4 Threes Company

This is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading the first 3 installments to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Thanksgiving break came and went. Jeff and I never really spoke about that night at his parents’ house, but it wasn’t awkward between us, either. We acted like we always did, like best friends. We never had the opportunity to do it again, but I know it was on our minds. At least mine, anyway. So back to school we went. I got back...

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Memoirs of the Kosmetics Killer Entry 6 and 7 Final

I was rather guilt ridden for a while after what I did to my pretty young and unsuspecting step niece. For a while, I tried to stop having dark thoughts about beautiful dead women but in the end, I could not control my lust. Two months after my step niece was drowned, I began to notice a very beautiful teacher working in a school nearby. She was beautiful in every way , sexy and graceful. She always dressed in a proper yet sexy manner which fuelled my desire for her all the more. For several...

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Memoirs of long ago

Memoirs of a past that had some great times in it, this is a true story that happened to me in the early 1970s so I am showing my age now. I married young, just 19 and my wife was 17, we married as was the standard of the time, because she was pregnant, a man did not run away like they do today, he stayed and faced his responsibilities. I was already working for a large department of government and held a secure position so income to support us was not a problem and by the time I was 21 had...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 8 Another Chocolate Chip in the Cookie

This is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading chapters 1-7 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. Chapter 8 Spring Break was upon us and I was temporarily living with Felecia. Something happened with the plumbing in the bathroom of my apartment and the maintenance people had to tear into some walls to fix it. So instead of sharing the other bathroom with my two roommates, Felecia said I could stay with her until everything was fixed. She...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 3 What a Long Strange Trip Its Been

This is the 3rd installment of the series“Memoirs of a Bisexual.” I recommend reading the first 2 chapters to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline of the story. This story is based on true events. Thanksgiving break was finally here. I was home from school for a week and I couldn’t wait to hang out with my best friend, Jeff. He had been looking forward to us hanging out, as well. He had surprised me with tickets to see the Pink Floyd laser show and 2 hits of LSD! Wow! What a...

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Memoirs Of A Bisexual Chapter 2 Cunnulingus and Pink Floyd

This is the 2nd installment of the series, “Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading Chapter 1 “The Sexual Revolution” to get up to speed with Chapter 2, which is the immediate continuation of the story. The next morning we all woke up in a rush. Layla and Amanda were freaking out because they were late for class. So there was no mention of the wild night before. Just rush, rush, rush. In fact, there was not much talking at all. Jeff and I dropped the girls off at their dorm then decided...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 7 An Unexpected Surprise

This is a continuation of the series ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual.’ I recommend reading chapters 1-6 to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. The following is based on true events. I returned to school from Winter Break a few days before classes started. I always like to get there a few days before the start of a new quarter so I can learn where my new classes are and plan my route through campus. The University of Georgia is a big campus, so the more I know on the first day of...

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Memoirs of a Bisexual Chapter 5 Fuck Buddies

I recommend reading ‘Memoirs of a Bisexual: Chapters 1-4’ to familiarize yourself with the characters and timeline. This story is based on true events. Fuck Buddy: n. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with who is not your significant other. Chapter 5: It was about noon when Felecia came knocking on the door. She gave her signature 2 knocks, then walked right in. I just got back from an 8am class and was cleaning up the kitchen. ‘Hey,...

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