Memoirs Of A Young Victorian Lady - Volume IIIChapter 5: A New Maid free porn video

Within the next few weeks, as word of James ‘return’ to his habit of old of enjoying the pleasures of the flesh with the maids and cooks, it seemed as if all the maids and cooks joined us in our dalliances. This proved an extremely enjoyable method of making the deepest acquaintance possible with the staff. Whilst I had thought I had become quite familiar with them up to that point, I can assure you that in no way was I as familiar as a lover, for that is what each of them was to become! James was not content to simply frolic with these girls, even in my presence, but insisted, much to our delight, in spending those recuperative moments between bouts of lovemaking witnessing the others and I being intimate. Then, rejuvenated and having arisen to the occasion, he would join us for another threesome, or foursome, for a few of the girls would bring a friend.
Only one young lady did not so enjoy our company, a very new and very young maid who had only been hired into the household that winter. Olivia Hooks, Livvie as she was called, was a younger cousin of Becky Sparks, one of the cooks, and had only joined us in December. She had been introduced to us at the Thanksgiving feast, a late November celebration that supposedly reprises the feast the Indians gave to the invading Pilgrims. It seemed a rather poor bargain for the noble savages, and after James hired Livvie I suspected as much of this bargain, as well. Mind you, there was nothing wrong with the poor girl, she was extremely polite and courteous, and certainly tried to do her job as best she might, but all in all, she did not seem a very good fit to the household.
Quite specifically, she was rather different, in the physical sense, than the rest of the women of the household. James’ tastes ran to the buxom. He was a confirmed voluptuarian, and I blush to admit that a generous Maker had armed me so that I could vie with any other member of the household in this regard. Livvie, on the other hand, was rather thin and tall, and had an overall sense of supreme gawkiness about her. This is not to say that she was a beanpole, but she was even taller and slimmer than my good friend Siobhan, who while shapely enough for James’ liking, was still the tallest and slimmest woman in the household.
I asked James about the girl shortly before we traveled to New York at Christmas time, right after she had managed to spill an entire pot of coffee over the dining room table. She was crying as she cleaned it up, and after she had removed the damages, I turned to him curiously, with a half-smile, and said, “Darling, I am sure that Livvie would make a fine barmaid someday, but what in the world possessed you to hire her for here?”
“Worried about my china dear, or perhaps yours?” he teased, referring to our impending nuptials and his oft stated order that I was to consider myself his heiress in any case.
I snapped my napkin at him lovingly. “Oh, please, James! It’s just, well, really, she is nothing at all like any of the rest of the women around here, whether you are marrying them or not.” Fortunately, I was wearing a most low-cut gown that hung well off my shoulders, exposing a very considerable quantity of my neck, shoulders, and bosom for my fiancée’s inspection. “And, besides, she is so young! Shouldn’t you have waited a year or two?” We had learned that Livvie was almost a full year younger than me, putting her at not quite sixteen.
James smiled as he raised his eyes from my décolletage to answer, though he took several moments to consider his thoughts. “Caroline, do not think me condescending to say that perhaps I am a better judge of women than you.” He held up a hand to still any possible protest and continued. “Seriously, allow me to express the opinion that I am a connoisseur, a connoisseur of womanhood like some men are connoisseurs of wine, and I say to you as an expert in the field, that that girl is a rare and exceedingly fine vintage, freshly bottled perhaps, but of the most exquisite taste and bouquet. She is a wine that will only become better as she ages. At present, you see but the ugly duckling; I see the swan she is becoming, even as we speak.”
He continued on in this vein, “Trust me, I guarantee you that within the year, maybe even only a few months, she will have shed her awkward and maladroit look and behavior and will have begun to fill out to a more womanly form. Within two years she will be the most beautiful of our serving girls, within five the most beautiful in this part of the state! If she can hold out for ten years, she will have her choice of robber baron or real baron for either lover or husband. You mark my words!”
I gawped in astonishment at these words, and then shook my head, laughing. Grabbing a bottle of wine from the counter, I wiggled my finger at him and said, “Come along, James, and let us see what you think of a different vintage. It’s slightly older, but certainly much more robust and full-bodied, and you are going to be required to make a very long tasting before you can put the cork back in the bottle.” James laughed whole-heartedly at this and took my hand to lead me to our chambers.
Still, I watched with silent amusement and wonder as James’ predictions began coming true. I had started to notice a change before we left, but certainly by mid-February it was coming true. She was becoming decidedly graceful, and her new-found poise showed in her confidence and appearance. Additionally, she began filling out, so that whilst she would always be slim, she would no longer be skinny. Her bosom, in particular gained, so that though she was in an absolute sense possessed of a bosom equal to Siobhan’s, on her slimmer form it seemed of a size or two larger. Finally, as she became more confident in her new surroundings and relaxed in her duties, she began to smile and laugh much more frequently, and I was amazed to discover that doing so caused her to practically glow with a radiant beauty.
Certainly, the other men of the estate, the ranch hands who tended to the farm and racehorses, took to noticing her. In fact, the only time she ever lost her fresh confidence and began to revert to her old ways was when the men began to pay her compliments and ask for her company when doing chores and such. None forced their attentions on her, for James was strict in this regard, that the maids and cooks could keep company as they saw fit, and any man who attempted to force his affections on a woman would find themselves sacked, usually after a sound thrashing. However, there was no way that a beautiful young woman could be in the presence of such robust and manly gentlemen without arousing their more ardent desires.
It was towards the beginning of March that Becky came to me to discuss this. James was absent for the moment, so I invited her to sit with me in the parlor. By this time, I should note, all of the woman of the household had managed to work their way through our bed, including Becky, a very delightful time indeed, with the sole exception of Livvie. “How can I help, Becky? Another repeat of that marvelous afternoon romp, perhaps?” I said with a smile.
Becky grinned at that as well. “Come to think, that will probably be involved as well now, won’t it?” I looked at her curiously, so she continued. “Well, it’s not about me, but Livvie I’d be asking. You see, it’s always been considered the Master’s right, Mister MacAllister’s I should say, to be the first one with a new girl, and we was wondering and all...”
This startled me greatly. I had never really considered how James got the girls into his bed, especially after I had been practically forced to drag him into mine! “Droits de seigneur?” I replied.
“An old term from the Middle Ages. It means the rights of the lord, the right to have any village wench on her wedding night before her husband.” Becky’s brow furrowed at this, not knowing of such, so I waved it off and went on. “I take it that Livvie wishes to join us?”
Becky shrugged pleasantly. “I’d not be saying that she wishes so, not yet anyways, but she is most certainly curious! I mean, she’s not blind, and she is more than a bit smarter than me, so she surely knows the comings and goings of this place if you get my meaning. And the other girls, praising him to the sky and all, well, it’s certainly got her all het up. I’d be thinking, that if you were to invite her, and talk to her beforehand, like, well to get her over the hump so to speak, she’d be right willing to join in.”
“Really, it does sound intriguing,” I replied.
“Oh, sure it would be. Then after, once she’s been broached so to speak, we can sort of introduce her to the fellows in the bunkhouse and give her a taste of the fun to be had around here after work, and she’ll settle right in, sure enough,” she continued.
Rather decadent visions began to fill my head at the very thought of this ‘broaching’, and I agreed to discuss it with Livvie two days hence. James would be in Albany for the day, and Becky would bring her to my rooms in the morning.
Livvie seemed somewhat apprehensive that morn as Becky ushered her in, perhaps expecting James to throw her down and ravish her virtue upon her entry. Instead, she found me by myself, if not fully dressed, at least in a nightshift and robe. I greeted her warmly and bid her and her cousin sit in comfortable armchairs so that we could talk. “I am so glad we had this chance to talk. I know you are somewhat new here, and I was hoping that you were becoming comfortable with the household,” I said.
“Oh, yes, Miss Caroline. It was a bit of a shock the first few weeks, what with my being away from home and all, but I’m not really all that far away, and I’ve gotten to know some people here. Everybody has been so friendly!”
“I hope so, I truly do. I know what it must have been like. I only moved here last summer, and my home is so far away that I really didn’t have any choice.”
“Oh, I know, I mean everybody says...” At this her eyes widened, and a pained look entered her angelic face. “I mean, it’s not like I gossiped, I mean...”
I simply laughed and patted her hand warmly. “I dare say that my entry into this household has been the most astonishing thing to occur here in years! If you hadn’t gossiped, that would have been the amazing thing. So, everybody has been friendly?”
She nodded, happy to be taken off the hook she had hoisted herself onto. ‘Oh, yes, very friendly. In fact, I think a few of the fellows would like to become even friendlier,” she replied with a giggle.
“Really? Well, that simply shows what a pretty and popular young lady you are. I take it that you are thinking about such things?” This seemed a perfectly good way to introduce the topic of the morning, so I continued at her smiling, yet slight, nod. “Well, James’ policy has always been that the people here are grown up enough to do as they see fit, without the need of rules or false modesty. By now, I am sure that you understand precisely what my meaning is?” I asked. Assuredly, any casual observer could not help but notice the considerable traffic between the maid’s quarters in the house and the men’s quarters in the bunkhouse, and vice versa. She blushed furiously but nodded in agreement.
“Well, Becky says that you grew up on a farm, so you must certainly understand the basics of the birds and the bees, eh?” I asked.
Livvie laughed at this and nodded. “I should hope so! One of my jobs was to bring the cows to the breeding pen for Old Jack, our prize bull, to mount them and breed them. Besides, on a farm, everyone knows everything.”
“How so?” I asked.
“Well, I mean, ever since I was a little girl I’ve known. I can remember when I was just old enough to go swimming down at the pond, I saw my older brothers swimming naked, and afterwards they all congregated together behind a rock and started pulling and rubbing themselves. It was a race to see which of them could shoot off first. That’s what they called it, shooting off.”
I nodded in understanding, and Livvie continued. “Then, later, I remember seeing Momma go into the barn when Poppa was there, and I followed her inside, and I saw Poppa bending her over a bale of hay while she pulled her dress up and mount her just like Old Jack did with those cows. Sounded just like them, too, what with Poppa and Momma snorting and bucking at each other. I learned fast that they really liked it, both of them, not just Poppa, because I found where they kept a couple of blankets up in the loft, and every few days they would take a break from work and go up there. I remember once hiding to watch, and Momma had Poppa undo his overalls and lay down, then she climbed on top of him and rode him like one of the horses. She even undid her dress and pulled it down so Poppa could play with her boobies.”
“It sounds like they love one another and enjoy each other greatly,” I commented.
“Oh, I agree, they surely do love each other. I mean, Momma, she is shaped more like Becky and you, Miss Caroline, if you know my meaning, and Poppa, well, he is always joshing her about going to the barn for a milking. Then Momma will come right back and say as how she needs to see how Old Jack is doing, even when he’s out in the pasture!”
“Have you ever seen any others having such pleasures around the barn?” I asked curiously.
“Some,” admitted Livvie with a pleasant shrug of her shoulders. “My oldest brother Jacob, he lives with his wife Millie in the house. They’re working the farm to buy it from Poppa someday, and those two are always going at it. I remember once how I saw Jacob working in the stalls when Millie came by. He called her over and dropped his overalls, then had her kneel in front of him. I couldn’t really see, but it sure looked and sounded like she was licking and kissing him down there, and then he suddenly cried out and started shaking. Afterwards, she stood up and licked her lips, then kissed him and went back to work. I’ve seen them use those blankets up in the loft a couple of times, too.”
“Livvie, I think you understand that those sorts of pleasures do not require the blessings of a preacher and a wedding. In fact, I think you could find that sort of thing going on around here most evenings,” I said.
Livvie nodded in agreement. “Oh, yes, I understand that. Back home, I once watched Jacob get Millie up in the loft before they got married, and they went at it for the longest time. They both got buff naked, and first Millie was kissing him between the legs, and then when she was finished, he did the same to her! And if that wasn’t enough, Jacob got up behind Millie like Old Jack does with the cows, but Millie told him that it was the wrong time, so he had to put it in her ass! I swear, that’s what she said, clear as a bell. I didn’t even know you could do that sort of thing!”
I smiled, but Livvie continued, “And, I know about what happens here. I’ve seen Becky here visiting the bunkhouse and coming back late at nights, and I have even watched a few people as well. Everybody seems to be having a lot of fun doing it.”
“Are you interested in having that sort of fun, Livvie?” I asked. Her eyes widened at this, and a small look of fear came over her face, so I asked, “Maybe you want to, but you’re a little bit nervous?” Livvie nodded agreement, and I patted her hand reassuringly at this. “Well, the same rules apply to you as to the rest of us. You do not have to do anything you do not want to, and you are free to enjoy whomever you do want to. Do you understand? If you want to join in the pleasures you perceive, we will be happy to help you and teach you. Would you like that?”
Livvie blushed, but her voice was loud and clear. “Yes, I would, Miss Caroline. Please?”
Smiling, I stood and lifted her to her feet, to wrap my arms around her and hug her, much to her surprise. “I was hoping you would say that. I had many friends here to help me when I wished to learn these enjoyments, and they have made my life very full indeed. Now, allow us to do the same for you!”
With these words I drew Livvie over to the full-length mirror along one wall, to stand her in between her cousin and myself. I kept to myself that this mirror was only partially silvered, so that if James were to be standing in the secret passageway beyond, he would see us all. James was in Albany and had no need of such enticements; they were for later!
“Now, the first things to consider are your physical attributes. You have a very lovely countenance, and your form seems quite lovely, but may I suggest a closer inspection? Here, let me loosen your dress so that we can envision you in your shift.” With this, I began undoing the buttons down the back of her dress. Livvie was startled, but made no move to stop, and in short order Becky and I had her dress off. I tossed aside my robe, to stand in my nightshift, a sheer linen affair, and Becky began removing her own dress. “Hmm,”, I muttered, “We still need to remove more to get a good view.” Becky and I began removing the rest of Livvie’s clothing, with Livvie helping us silently, and we soon had her in the same glory as when she was first brought into the world.
To be perfectly blunt about it, Livvie was an amazing beauty, with the most perfect combination of features imaginable. Her waist and limbs were slim without being thin, her hips were wide-set and womanly without being overly broad, and her bosom, though large on her slender frame, was not so grand as to be out of proportion. She was taller than I, by almost a head, but since I am so short, this did not take her above a pleasant height for a man. Rather, her form was perhaps the most perfect of dimensions that I have ever beheld. I sucked my breath in as I watched her in the glass, posing with a maturity she did not even realize she possessed.
I was pleased to note that she had already taken up the habit of a most thorough personal hygiene; specifically, she denuded her body of all hair below the head. Her legs and private parts and below her arms were all shaved to a complete smoothness, which I knew James preferred above all other modes.
“Oh, Livvie, you are beautiful! The men will be throwing themselves at you! You will have your pick!” I exclaimed, much to her amusement and Becky’s nodding agreement.
“It’s true, cousin! The other women are going to hate you, since compared to you we are just a bunch a second raters!” said Becky.
Startled, Livvie got a wild look in her eyes and protested, “They won’t, will they?”
Laughing, I hugged her and said, “No, or at least not for very long. Trust me, men are fickle, and soon enough another pretty face will come along and be the belle of the hour. Do not worry! Now, see how Becky and I differ from you.” With those words I tossed off my own shift, and Becky did the same with hers. “James has a personal preference for women who are somewhat different in proportion, but I know for a fact that he finds you very attractive. He has told me so.”
“And you do not mind this?” she replied.
I waved it off as we looked at each other in the glass. “James loves me, and whilst we have a somewhat unconventional life, it is by no means an evil one. Besides, trying to keep a man from looking at other women reminds me of the fellow who tries to teach a pig to sing. It is bound to fail, and it annoys the pig!”
With that, both of the girls gave a loud laugh, and I pulled them away from the mirror towards my bed. Laying Livvie down in the center, her head propped high on pillows, Becky and I sat on either side of her. “Now, tell me, when you watched your parents and your brother and his wife enjoying themselves, did you enjoy it as well? Did it make you feel warm and tingly, perhaps between your own legs? Did you enjoy those feelings?”
“Yes! How did you know?” exclaimed the girl, sitting upright to stare at us with a gaping mouth.
“Because we all get those feelings. Have you ever made those feelings come on their own, without watching others? Maybe late at night, in your bed, if you couldn’t sleep, maybe you touched yourself and those feelings came back?” I responded.
She nodded with a guilty smile.
I laughed. “Again, everybody does it! Show us what you do to get those feelings.”
Shocked, Livvie said, “What?”
“Show us,” I said. “Please, it is important that not only the man enjoy himself but you as well. Didn’t you say that both your mother and Millie both enjoyed their relations with their husbands? They must have, for otherwise they would never have started things themselves all those times. How are you ever going to tell a man what you enjoy and what you want him to do, if you do not do it to yourself first? Now show us what you do, and we will show you what we do, and you can practice with us, all right?” I answered brightly.

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