Multiple Orgasms Multiple Histories Part 2
- 4 years ago
- 49
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Emma grasped the cock that she had been encouraging for the last fifteen minutes and forced it upright. It was time to fuck it. She knew what she liked and the one she found before her, in the plush hotel room, attached to a hunk of a male prostitute, was just right.
There would be no ‘too soft’, or ‘too hard’ stories to be told here. In fact, as far as Emma was concerned, too hard could never be considered as an issue, and she never experienced a too soft either, especially after she had stripped naked to reveal her wonderful body.
Emma was not the skinny type, but she wasn’t fat either. She was, as she would say, voluptuous, well endowed with good sized breasts and a curvy arse that most women were jealous of. Even she was jealous of it, and if she could have fucked it herself, she would have done.
As she held the cock upright in one hand, she positioned her pussy over it. She had been working up to this moment. She had licked the head with her tongue and sucked on it with her lips; the balls had their moment as well when Emma found herself gargling on them like they were mouthwash.
She had fingered herself while bobbing her head up and down and she knew that she was certainly wet enough. Her mouth salivated as it sank down on the juicy cock. But now it was time for one of her other holes to be filled. The most important one, on this occasion anyway.
Sucking cock always made Emma wet, it was the one sexual trigger in her body she could rely on, and once she was as wet as this, she knew that she would cum easily. It never failed her. Something inside her triggered an orgasmic response as soon as her mouth enveloped a hard cock. The more she sucked and swallowed the hornier she became.
With the head of the cock just penetrating her outer lips, she deliberately sank down onto it. The owner of the cock, just lay there, motionless, leaving his client to take her pleasure, as instructed. Emma sat down hard on the nine or more inches that she was presented with. It filled her completely.
As she sat on it, she twisted her head to one side and bared her teeth in a growling display of carnal desire. Its head pushed right up into her cervix and she released a heavy moan with its intrusion. She rocked her bum too and fro for a while, savouring the deep penetration.
Emma fucked the hard cock by raising herself off it and then allowing herself to sink back down along its length. She loved how that felt, how the emptiness gave way to the fullness of hard cock. She repeated the motion over and over with her hands clamped around the back of her neck.
After several fucks in that position, Emma felt that the time had approached, and she would give herself up to that much-needed orgasm. On the downward stroke, she pushed backwards on the cock and rocked her body along its length; her hands now resting, palm down, on the man’s chest. She fucked his cock until she came, emitting multiple expletives as she did so.
Emma was breathing heavily towards the end of her fuck sprint. She was centimetres from the guy’s lips as she kept telling him how good a fuck he was; her eyes were closed as she nodded her head. Her lower regions were alive as if she had been plugged into the mains supply, constantly shaking and quivering in post-orgasmic bliss. She didn’t care whether the guy had spurted inside her or not, she hoped that he had, but she didn’t really care. She enjoyed it immensely, so much so, that she was going to have a second one, perhaps a third as well.
Reset. Make History Point, Emma thought.
Emma thought the two phrases in her mind, though she didn’t need to, it was second nature to her now, but she felt, that by thinking them, she was sure that they would happen. Emma found herself back at the history point that she had made earlier, back at the start when she decided to fuck the man in front of her.
Emma grasped the cock that she had been encouraging for the last fifteen minutes. As she held the cock upright in one hand, she positioned her pussy over it and sank down onto it in one go. Emma fucked the hard cock by raising herself off it and then allowing herself to sink back down its length. The feeling was wonderful. The cock was ultra-hard, as she expected it to be; she wasn’t paying for something that was ‘just right,’ this one had to be spot on.
Emma found herself in her element, once more. She repeated the motion over and over with her hands clamped around the back of her neck. This time, Emma lowered her hands to the man’s chest much sooner. Towards the end of her second fuck sprint, she was gulping in lungful’s of air and the expletives were louder and more frequent than before. Her orgasm ripped through her for a second time. This time, she felt the guy’s balls empty as his cock channelled the fluid upwards; spurting and splashing inside her.
That was a good one, thought Emma, I got him that time, for sure.
The fuck was more intense, so with a wry smile on her face, she let him off for coming too soon. In any case, she thought, he’d probably taken a long-lasting pill just to be on the safe side. She smiled at the thought, knowing that he wouldn’t really need it. But he didn’t know that, did he?
“One more,” she said aloud. Though, Emma was certain that one more wouldn’t do it for her this time, not with a cock that size.
The guy under her agreed and he raised his hands to cup her breasts. But despite Emma’s voluptuousness, horniness and the energy she exuded for fucking, she didn’t need his agreement for a third one for her and a second one for him. In fact, Emma was going to take him back to his first one, again!
Poor chap, she thought. She let him play with her breasts for a while. His hands felt nice against her soft skin and she liked the way he pushed them together and rolled them in his hands. She squirmed when he pinched one of her nipples and she let out a loud gasp. This encouraged him to do it again and again. It was turning Emma on so much, and even though his cock was still hard inside her, she decided to reset.
She thought the same phrase, once more.
Every history point that Emma created caused a branch in the multiverse. Every conscious decision she made to make a history point allowed her to revisit it, if she needed to. To all intents and purpose, it was a wonderful gift to have, especially if her life was in danger, or she had made the wrong decision or things hadn’t turned out as she had expected.
Once, she even used it to reset back to the moment when she was about to purchase a lottery ticket. It earned her a few million but she only ever did it the once. So far! And it was the reason why she could afford such luxury. But Emma used it for all sorts of fun things, especially fucking. And especially when she was fucking a cock that made her feel this good.
Once more Emma was lowering herself onto the same hard cock from the same point in time. The guy knew nothing of the first two fucks, in fact, for him, it was the first time his cock sank into her, and he watched as the head of his engorged member slipped past all of Emma’s sentries on its way inside her tight little cunt. Emma watched the big grin spread across his face, just like she had done twice before.
That was the second most valuable gift Emma had. She could remember every one of the events before, use them to her advantage, or in this case, use them to fuck again, and again, and again. It was a very neat trick and a very different way to experience multiple orgasms. To a physicist, it was multiple orgasms in multiple worlds, but that was grasping at straws as far as Emma was concerned. She was having more than one, and the poor guy below her was still on his first.
Emma decided that even after her third fuck, the guy’s cock was too good to put down. In fact, Emma had three more fucks and four more orgasms before she finally let the timeframe move forwards as it ultimately had to do. After the sixth fuck, she decided not to reset the timeframe and to allow the history to continue.
She thanked the man and casually watched him get dressed before he was ready to leave. She paid him and waited for him to remove himself from her hotel room. She often wondered, whether they, the ordinary people, remembered what had happened at all.
Just before he left, he approached Emma and planted a quick kiss on her cheek; nodding his head in recognition of his payment. She could tell from his demeanour that he showed no recognition of what had happened. It was a shame, if only he had known that he had really fucked her six times, giving her seven orgasms, spurted inside her, over her breasts and down her throat, then he would have been so proud of himself.
She loved her gift. To this day, Emma still doesn’t understand how she came by it. She only found out that she had it when she was splayed, hard against a grotty wall, in a dirty alleyway, about to get fucked by some dirty Spanish grunts. She was on holiday and was walking back from a few drinks at one of the local bars and a little unsure on her feet, though she definitely wasn’t drunk. She didn’t register that the three men approaching her would want to hurt her. In fact, she didn’t notice them at all.
She was musing away to herself about the night she had had and how her temptress of the night, a classy woman in a black lace dress, had flirted with her at the bar. It made her feel sexy and she made several mental notes to be more outgoing in future. Emma admitted to herself that she had found the woman extremely attractive and horny but she made the decision at the bar that she would not follow her up on her invitation.
Emma approached the confines of the alleyway, where she had to twist her body to skim past the three men that were now approaching her. That was when one of them grabbed her hand and twisted her around so quickly that her back was against the wall. The last of the three grabbed her other hand while the middle guy pawed at her body. Emma tried to scream but nothing came out, and soon afterwards a hand was placed over her mouth; stopping any further attempts at drawing attention to her. She heard trousers being removed.
In her head, Emma was screaming, ‘No please, don’t do this. Don’t –”
Hands pawed at her body while Emma screamed some more, “No, no, no, I wish I had stayed with the woman. I – ”
That was when Emma found herself at the bar saying goodbye to the sexily dressed woman in front of her.
She remembered the woman asking her whether something was wrong, and Emma shook her head negatively, saying that she needed to pop to the loo. While she was away Emma replayed the night’s events over and over in her head. She could remember leaving the bar, she could remember smiling at her thoughts, she could remember the three men, almost like a distant memory, but one that was certainly not in the past.
Emma returned to the bar and picked up where she left off. That night was her first experience with a woman and one she was extremely thankful for.
It would take Emma several more attempts at understanding what had happened that night. But it was a fateful night that allowed Emma to find her gift. She then found out that resets would take her back to a point in time where a decision had been made. The history points would establish a reset point, a branch in history signifying a decision had been made, should she ever need to return to it. By using them in conjunction with each other, she was, in essence, creating the same point in time, over and over.
The man made his way to the door. In this history, he had only had a single orgasm but he had enjoyed it immensely. After her final reset, her sixth fuck, Emma had fucked herself through two orgasms and she could see the expression on his face, that it was all he could do to hold himself back from ejaculating. He was told, in no uncertain terms, that he had to unload the contents of his balls down her throat.
On her fifth fuck, Emma had found out that he was a big cummer when she pulled off him and allowed him to spurt all over her stomach and tits. So, for her sixth and final fuck, she had decided to end it by swallowing his load.
Emma virtually jumped off his cock when she was told that he was about to cum. Her hands came upon his cock swiftly holding it erect. Her lips just about enveloped his cock head when he let loose an almighty rope of cum into her mouth. The saltiness wasn’t as she expected, in fact, there were other flavours there as well.
There was a sweetness to his cum that she wasn’t expecting, but it was a nice sweetness. The second and third jets filled her mouth before she swallowed. She hadn’t stroked his cock once with her hand, but it kept gushing into her. By the fourth time he spurted, Emma had his cock halfway down her throat and was swallowing every five seconds or so. She was now stroking the base of his cock, encouraging it to empty even more juice down her throat.
The guy didn’t disappoint. Her moans and groans coupled with a mouth full of cock seemed to encourage him, and the way she twisted her body and head from side to side as she slithered down his cock was enough for any guy to continue cumming hard.
Emma, he thought, was a good one, and he hoped he would get a second chance of pleasuring her while she stayed at the hotel.
Oh! How much she loved it. Emma was on top form, but enough was enough. Yes, she had seven orgasms over six histories but most women like her, wouldn’t stop at that. Emma would have gone for more, but she had an upcoming dinner date that she just couldn’t be late for.
Fortunately, she hadn’t created too many histories to make the path diverge too much. The dinner date would still be there – eventually.
One day, she thought. One day she would meet someone just like her, someone who could affect history and change the order of events; move history forwards and backwards when they wanted to. She wondered what that would be like, to be able to fuck someone just like her. Who would be changing who’s histories without the other knowing? And how often?
Emma heard the click of the door as it shut tight. She slumped back onto the bed, fully satiated, with only a slight dribble of white fluid sneaking out between her bright red lips. With her eyes closed, she revelled in the pleasure that she had received and made a mental note to thank the agency that sent him.
Unconsciously, she raised a finger to the left side of her lower lip and gathered the spunk that was slipping from her mouth. She slipped her finger back between her lips and sucked on it.
A well-deserved smile swept across her face as the audible alarm informed her that it was time to get ready for dinner.
No rest for the wicked, thought Emma.
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Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...
With Clemson slipping away once again, Alex and company decide some 'R and R' might be good for morale, but is 1944 Hartford ready for the Empress and her entourage? How could a young girl, killed in 1942 Burma, possibly make one of Emily's hometown neighbor's life complete? Episode 5 "Departures" 1050hrs, Pearl Harbor, August 20th, 1944 "Cap, Admiral Demmit and Mrs. Scott just appeared on the bridge," Jack informed...
XXVIII. Departures. It was one of those mornings that seem unable to decide what it wants to be. Halfway to the airport, a fine rain blew up against the windshield of the pick-up. A few miles later, the sun unexpectedly broke out from a temporary gap in the impregnable line of gray clouds massed like battleships laying siege on the horizon It had finally been agreed that Phoebe would return to New Jersey and sign in to an outpatient rehab clinic. At the same time, she would take...
One aspect of these sex sessions that Jessie Harper found herself noting and being really intrigued about was the way she always seemed to have a much better singing voice the next day at a choir practice or even at a church performance as a result. Somehow all the naked, sexual fun of the night before seemed to enhance her auditory awareness and her ability to find perfect pitch when she was about to perform. And it was one such sex session at the Terrence’s house the day before the final...
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The Orgasm Queen's scream of fury made everyone freeze and stop what they were doing to turn and look at her. Those familiar with the Orgasm Queen knew what that look of pure wrath and rage meant. Hannah actually jumped up and got in front of Ron's naked body, not wanting her Master castrated any time soon by Lana's dark side. "Umm," Trixie said nervously from on top of Roberto, not liking the look Lana was throwing at her at all," now don't get mad, we're all...
Manufacturing a Partnership Part One By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers JUST BEFORE MIDNIGHT "Hey, you ok?" said Greg seeing Blake looking wiped as rummaged through the red pocketbook on the vanity. "I'm fine," shivered Blake as he stood staring at his reflection. "But I need a minute. This has all been just too much to handle!" He took a deep breath standing in front of the bathroom vanity clutching the ends with his hands quickly becoming mindful of his sharp long...
Janet was laying on her back, knees pulled up and spread wide, feet flat on the bed, while Jason slid his dick in and out of her pussy. They had just started actually screwing, and already her mind was wandering. In all of her more than 19 years, she had never had an orgasm. In fact she wasn't sure that all the talk of orgasms wasn't just hype. Or perhaps, it was just her who was different than everyone else. But she wasn't thinking of that at the moment. She was thinking of other lovers. Other...
"What's the worst thing that could happen to you?" asked Frank. The five men were sitting on Frank's rear deck having a beer in the Sunday afternoon sun, leering at a 24 year old bombshell while their wives prepared the barbeque."I guess it would be if my dick was so small, I couldn't have sex," laughed Henry."Well, I haven't been getting much lately, so I guess it would be the loss of my right hand," countered a morose Greg."Hey, both those things must be true for Jimmy," laughed Dave.But...
Hi this is Prakash as you might not have ever come across any stories of mine since this is the first post I want this story of mine to be deicated to all the Ladies, Aunties Old girls & Smart, Bold & beautiful Matures, specially all of these categories who fall in Hyderabad. Im actually a Designer by profession, I do Interiors for many show rooms in & out side the city, i also desing Small restuarants, Coffee Shops etc, but since I have traveled around the world & the most favourite pas time...
It happened 2 years ago. I had to go to Lahore for work & was staying at Holiday Inn. I did not know anyone in the city, so all I could do after work was drive back to hotel, hit gym, take a shower and then take my laptop to lobby & chat while enjoying some eye-candies. I used to choose a place where I could see the entrance of lobby. Thanks to the wedding season, I never got bored; the lobby was filled with many beautiful girls & not to mention well dressed boys.The day I checked in, I saw a...
I have just about thirty minutes before Kevin is due. I decide to start getting ready. I wonder if Kevin will think I'm pretty. I'll try to look my best for him. I put on some cologne and light make up. Now I need to decide what to wear. I have some laying on the bed. I pick up a semi sheer white shorty. It comes to just below my ass. It should get his attention. I don't want to look like a hooker. I get out a condom and lube putting it on the nightstand. I'm all ready go watching TV till he...
Stroking my pussy furiously I am so horny. I can’t believe we got interrupted this morning and I need to hurry as he will be back soon. I hear the key in the door, he's back already, damnit but I can work with this. I moan loudly, he will not be pleased with this, well he will be but I always feel he protests too much and I plan on giving him one hell of a show now. The bedroom door opens; fuck his dick is almost bursting out of his trousers such an awesome sight. I guess he didn’t like...
Straight SexMary Wilson had been sitting on the side of her bed, watching the tall thin young man as he worked on her computer. A faint smile played around the corners of her mouth as he asked the question. The sexual scenes that had been running rampant through her mind as he worked would have probably scared the poor boy to death, if she were to verbalize them. The rumors around the neighborhood coffee clutches, had been running wild for the last few months, about the young computer geek that was hung...
I had met her in the mall a few weeks ago. She had her beautiful blonde hair pinned up in a bun. She was wearing a tight white top that revealed just a little cleavage. She had very nice breasts, probably C or D cup. She had on a very short sexy pink mini shirt. I become aroused the moment I saw her. I just had to meet her. I was barely able to speak to her. I was so overcome by her sheer beauty. Plus, I'm not really used to talking to girls, let alone hot ones. I was somehow lucky enough to...
It was a first date that took some convincing for the both of them. Jenny had just left her husband a short 6 months ago, and Tom was enjoying the single life. Both were doubtful that anything of real significance would ensue from one innocent date, so they took the advice of their trusted mutual friend and set it up. Jenny was petite, not only in stature, but personality. Standing only 4'11, she had striking blue eyes. Eyes that conjure up memories of lying on a Caribbean beach, drenched in...
Here's a few fun tips n tricks we've found very enjoyable and fun...Hope you will try some n enjoy 2!- Buy a massaging showerhead. Use on clit, dick, but don't direct the jets directly inside you coz u can get tiny air bubbles in which isn't good at all. Also high power waterjet can cause water to go into womb or urethra. So OUTSIDE USE yeah? I like to put it on slow massage, good jet power & work on my clit underwater....Feels much nicer that way, a bit softer than if its out of water. If...
Tracy returned to her old self after that. She spoke to me again but now without the contempt that she'd shown before. She was actually nice to me. However, she never mentioned what I did to her in any way. Sometimes I would catch her watching me. Three days after our last episode she was constantly looking at me in the evening. I think she was expecting something. She went to bed a little earlier than usual. Keeping with the plan I didn't go to her room that night. In the morning at...
I knew the coming discussion would change my life, yet I debated with myself whether it was for the better or worse. My wife decided that we could not live together anymore and filed for divorce. The court served papers on me today.In recent weeks, maybe the past three months, one of my neighbors, single and in her early 30s, spends a lot of time helping around the property and helping with garage sales. We enjoy having dinner together, having a couple beers or glasses of wine together. We have...
My first a train compartment.It was almost exactly a year since my 'Changing Room' incident that was revealed in my previous story. I was a year older, but was I any wiser? I'd been working away from home for the whole of my summer holidays and it was time to return there, and then within days back to school. I was 16 and had been 'sort of apprenticed' to a foreman in charge of refurbishing shops for the last 6 weeks. The job wasn't really the type most schoolboys got in their...