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Rest Stop

I had been in this position before, stuck for hours in the same spot. My thumb out, hoping for a ride.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Brian. I'm sixteen year old and the reason I'm here in the first place was that I blew the engine on my VW bug. To top it off, it had been my own fault for installing an external oil filter that leaked. It would take a while for me to get the money together to fix it. I have friends all over, so instead of driving, I'm trying to hitch a ride. The year is 1974 by the way and hitchhiking was still very common.

'Of all the bad luck, ' I thought as a second hitchhiker showed up, standing the semi official distance away.

To my disbelief a car pulled up within minutes of the other males appearance. I watched jealously as the window was rolled down. To my surprise I saw a shake of a head. The car then came up to him.

"Were are you heading?"

"Redding." I said, looking into the car. It was fairly new and I spotted something that was the craze of many of my friends. A CB radio.

"No problem, climb in."

I had a small duffle bag with a few clothes in it. Back then I traveled light. It carried a shirt, underwear, socks, and my toiletries. Grabbing it I climbed in, setting my bag on the floor.

As we took off he pointed to the CB. "Ever use one of these before?"

"No, a couple of friends told me they just got them, but I've never seen one in use."

He had a smile on his face. He seemed pleasant enough. I'd heard stories of course, but had never experience anything weird. I figured as a male I wouldn't have much of a problem anyway. It was the female hitchhikers who had problems.

"Let me show you." He said and them pointed out how it worked. I heard chatter come in. A lot of language that was strange. "It's CB talk, kind of code words." He said answering my question.

"We all have handles, that is names that we use."

"What's yours?" I said, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Fastboy." He said with a smile.

We listened to the conversations running back and forth. He explained a few of the terms the truckers used to let others know when they saw a Highway Patrol car.

Then all of a sudden I heard his name, Fastboy, on the air. He picked up the mick.

"Ten four good buddy, the pork is wrapped up."

"Good, can't wait to get my hands on it. Were here waiting. See you when you arrive." Came back the response.

I was thinking that this guy was a butcher possibly, or maybe he knew a good meat shop. Must be visiting relatives. He turned off the CB after that and turned on the radio.

After he did that his hand came down and patted my leg. "I'm going to need to stop at the rest stop, another 5 miles the sign just said. You need to go?"

I didn't like the way he had touched me. I said, "Yes." Even though I didn't. I wanted to get out of his car.

That was the end of the conversation. I was coming up with a reason to take my bag with me and had just come up with a plausible excuse when we took the off ramp to the rest stop.

He pulled between two vans and before I knew it there were two guys on my side of the car. I tried to lock my door, but it was opened before I could.

I didn't have a habit of wearing my seatbelt and I was grabbed and pulled out of the car. It shocked me and before I could think I was slammed against the car. I was about to scream when I was punched in the stomach knocking the wind out of me.

I remember them throwing my arms around their necks as they carried me into the bathroom. It was unfortunately empty and I was in no shape to move. Although I was tall, I was skinny as a rail and that punch did me in.

Pulling me into the handicap stall, I saw one of them pull out a 2 foot piece of wood. It looked like the dowel that was used for closets. I started to get scared as to what they were going to do with that. Especially after the other one pulled my shirt off, ripping one of my sleeves in the process.

As it was, he set it on the toilet, just behind the seat. Then he pulled out a length of rope. I was paying attention to what he was going and not the other one who was holding me. I should have. He had pulled out a gag and in a flash had it put into my mouth.

I struggled as he pulled it back to tie it. That got me another punch in the stomach. I dropped to my knees. The gag in place, a piece of the rope was tied to one of my wrists.

The wooden dowel was then picked up and my hand was bound to it at one end with the rope. I was then stood and walked over to the toilet. They pushed me over and one of them guided the wood to where it had been placed before.

I watched, helpless to do anything as the rope was guided around the bottom of the toilet to the other side of the dowel, my other hand being bound.

Now I was in a leaned over state. My stomach was still reeling from the pain of being punched twice. One of them left the stall and I was relieved until I turned my head and saw the driver of the car come into the stall. He came over, reached between my legs and unbuttoned, then unzipped my pants. My shoes came off first, them my pants and underwear at the same time. I heard them joke about how cute I looked that way.

I felt totally humiliated, but it wasn't over yet. I saw another dowel with eye screws on each end. I couldn't figure out what that could be for until my legs were being pulled apart. My knees were strapped to this dowel, holding them apart. I was now being held in a bent over position, my butt sticking up in the air, and my legs spread. I couldn't do or say a thing about it.

I felt some cold slimy stuff land on my hole, then a finger circling it around my rosebud. I tried to clench my cheeks, but it didn't help much. They just laughed. "Save that till later boy. It will feel good if you do that when our dick is inside of you."

The full realization of what was going to happen hit me. I was about to get butt fucked. I tried to move, but the only thing that accomplished was I got slapped on the butt. Then a finger invaded me. I tried to cry out, but the gag prevented it.

Bill Walter was in a foul mood; well to tell the truth that was nothing new, but it had been getting worse. For the past 15 months he had been in that mood. His daughter Trudi, who was driving, had come to expect it. None of it was directed at her but she wished she knew what the problem was so she could help.

In the eyes of the law they were probably pushing it a bit. Trudi was only 15. Even so she had driven for the past few months. She had to.

The automobile accident had killed her mother, left her father disabled for the time being. She had been cut out of that car, but walked away unscathed. After a year in the hospital, she drove her father home. He never said a word about it but as soon as she could get her permit he was going to make her do it.

Bill was mad at life. He lost his wife. Not that they had a perfect relationship, far from it. He never realized how much she gave to him though, that was until she was gone. One of those things was sex. It may not have been in interesting positions, but she had never deigned him. Never said no. That was something that he had taken for granted. Now without it, he was needy with nowhere to turn.

The thought of his daughter was never to enter his mind. He did have other strange thoughts, always late at night when he would wake from pains in his legs. The thoughts disturbed him greatly because they didn't involve women, but men.

He tried to rationalize it, but he knew the answer. When he was in physical therapy the hands of the male nurses holding his legs, holding him around the waist, giving him baths made him stirred his sexual needs. He knew at least one of the male nurses enjoyed cleaning him. He could feel the lump in the pants as they rubbed up against him. It had frightened him at first, and then excited him later. Once shortly before he was released, he got an erection and he had let that nurse had stroked it until he erupted.

That was over 3 months ago. Trudi had insisting on sleeping in the room with him, as he needed to get up and move his leg muscles 2 or 3 times a night. She had moved an extra twin bed into the room, leaving it a bit cramped. That left him with little to no privacy. He hadn't had any release in that time and hence his mood was getting worse. He couldn't tell his daughter about his need. She was fairly innocent. He really couldn't say anything about his male fantasies. She'd have him committed.

He was dependant on her to get around. He needed support. The doctor had wanted to give him an old persons walker. He refused. With Trudi on one side and a cane on the other he managed. As time was going it was getting better. The doctor said maybe another3 or 4 months and he'd be walking on his own again.

He saw the sign the same time she did. "Dad, would you like to stop? You probably need to stretch."

Even in his bad mood, he smiled at her. This had been a rotten way for her to spend the last year. She had to deal with her mother's death with the help of her friends and their families while he had been in the hospital, now she needed to take care of him. She was being good as gold, always thinking, always being considerate. "I think so sweet heart. Thanks."

She pulled off at the rest stop and parked as close to the bathrooms as possible.

"We've got incoming gimp." I heard from outside the stall, it sounded like outside the doorway.


"Maybe he'll have fun with our toy and we can come back to him."

"Fucking yea we're coming back."

They left the stall and it sounded like the bathroom. I didn't know what to expect next. What I heard wasn't anything like I could imagine.

"Is anyone in here?" Came the voice of a girl.

A girl? I couldn't respond, then after a moment I heard. "Coast is clear dad," From her again.

My ears were working over time. I realized from the noise that someone was helping another in. It hit me. This person was handicapped. A girl was helping him in. I was in the stall they would go to.

I tried to pull and twist, but to no avail. I heard the door open behind me.

The gasp was first from the girl. Then a moan from the man.

"Trudi go away." The man said. He snapped when he saw me, poised in perfect position. My hole glistening with lubrication.

"Dad. Dad! What are you doing Dad!" Trudi was transfixed. She had never seen a naked boy before.

"Trudi go." Then I heard what sounded like a zipper. He couldn't take it anymore, he wasn't thinking with his big head, the small one had taken over.

"Daddy! What are you doing! No, you can't do that." Trudi saw her father fish out his dick. She had never seen it before. It was getting bigger and harder. She saw her father step up behind the boy. Her eyes were wide as saucers.

The man put his hands on my back and that gave him the stability he needed. His now erect dick pushed against me.

Trudi was horrified at what she saw her father doing. She bent over to look at me in the face. I would have like to turn away from her, but I couldn't. He took one hand and gilded his shaft to my opening. Trudi then noticed the gag in my mouth. As Bill pushed in, Trudi saw tears form in my eyes.

I was very embarrassed to have a girl see me this way. "Dad he's crying and he has something stuffed in his mouth. Stop dad, stop. Please."

Bill wasn't listening, he was in heaven. The tightness around his shaft was so wonderful. It had been so long since he had his dick in anything. A few more strokes and he came, filling my bowels with his gism.

As soon as the spurts started to die down, The man's large head started functioning again. He realized what he had just done, what his daughter had just seen him do, and pushed back from me in horror. Off balance he fell back against the wall and slumped to the floor.

He looked across the stall to see his daughter, her face with tears running down it. He couldn't look at her any longer. As he pulled his eyes away he saw my hole, still open from his intrusion, liquid starting to drip out. As guilty as he was feeling, the sight stirred him. Trudi noticed it and his dick rising again.

"Dad you can't. I'm untying him." She said defiantly and soon my hands were free.

The first thing I did as I straightened up was to get the gag out of my mouth.

She almost knocked me over when she wrapped her arms around me, giving me a hug. "I'm so sorry for what my dad did to you." She cried.

I was naked and she was nice looking. And, well, to tell you the truth, although strange, it did have an effect on me as I was getting reamed. Needless to say She hadn't noticed before she wrapped her arms around me that I was semi hard. With her body pressing against me, I was at full attention. She felt it, because she pulled back suddenly and looked down.

She looked back at my tear stained face as I said I was sorry.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. It is my father," She turned and glared at him. "I can't believe what he did to you. Who did this to you and left you like this?"

I told them the story, as I knew it. Then I said to her, that they probably saved me from a worse fate. Then I remembered what they said when they left. "They said they'd be coming back for me." I said.

"No. Dad we can't leave him. Especially after what you did to him. You owe him."

Then she looked back at me and down between my legs. I had gone semi soft again, but when she said, "I will undo your legs." I started to firm up again.

She kneeled down, her head was at my crotch and although she was looking down the effect was more than I had ever had experienced. My voice wasn't normal and I made a strange noise. She looked up at me, causing my hard tool to caress her cheek. Realizing what she had just done, she turned red with embarrassment.

Quickly she put her head back down and finished untying my legs. I sat down on the toilet, as my legs were sore.

"Put your clothes back on and we'll get out of here." Her father said.

I looked around. "I don't know what happened to them. They're not here."

"You can't leave like this." He said. "I have some clothes in the car, we can go back to the car and get them."

I started to get scared, "No, don't leave me. They will come back."

We looked at each other trying to figure out what to do. I was a bit more embarrassed as I was the one in the buff with both father and daughter glancing at me. It took all my will power to keep from rising, as the daughter was more than just glancing.

Just then we heard a voice, I recognized it as one of the men. "You almost done in there?" He said with a bit of a laugh in his voice. "We want to finish up."

I backed against the wall, my skin feeling sweaty. "Almost done." The father said.

"Dad, what are we going to do?" The daughter said in a low voice.

"Leave us in here and get to the car. I don't think they are interested in you. Lock the door and use the CB. You remember how I showed you to use the emergency channel 9?"

"Yes," She said shaking. "You want me to leave you? What are you going to do?"

He grabbed one of the wooden dowels, we will hold them off. Just get on that radio. Make sure you say you're at the Willows Rest Stop and you need help."

I added, "Tell them there are three men and they tried to rape your friend. You got away, but your friend is still in trouble."

"When you see the Highway Patrol show up, get a pair of pants and a shirt and come back." I was shaking my head yes.

Her face showed the worry she felt. "Ok, I'll do it."

She opened the door to the stall and I shut it, locking it behind her. We heard her walk to the other side of the bathroom and then we heard conversation. It was not clear as it was at the doors edge.

"Where's your father?"

"He had an accident, I have to get something out of the car."

"Sure sweetheart. Take your time will you."


I looked at her father. He was still on the floor. "I'm sorry." He said to me.

I shook my head; it was no time to think about that. "Lets brace ourselves against the door."

We heard the footsteps and then a bang on the door. "Come on old man, we just want a some time with our little friend."

"Go to fucking hell." He said.

The whole enclosure shook when one of the men slammed his body into the door. I saw a hand reach under to grab a leg. My wooden dowel came down fast and hard.

"Fuck! Son of a bitch. You are going to pay for that you fuckin shit."

Tudi was shaking so hard by the time she got to the car, she dropped the keys and then had a hard time getting the key into the lock.

She got into the car and locked the door. Putting the keys into the ignition and turning it she was able to use the CB.

Turning the selector to channel 9, she didn't wait, didn't use the standard language and so got her message heard better than most. In her shaky girl voice she repeated what she had been told to say.

Within a minute she saw an 18-wheeler, then another come off the ramp, pulling into the car area and stopping. Two truckers rushed from their rigs, pipes in hands.

Cars started coming, one after another, filling the parking lot. All of them getting out of their cars looking around. A lady came up to her car and Trudi shrunk down in the seat. The lady yelled through her window, "Did you make the distress call?"

Trudi noticed others had gathered around her car. Her eyes were filled with tears, she shook her head yes. One of the truckers yelled through the window, "Do you know where are they?" He was slapping the pipe in his hand.

The two men slammed against the partition door and pushed us away from it. "Don't you ever fuck with us. We do the fucking understand?" Then he said, "I guess we have two asses to fuck, one for each of us."

We hear a call from outside. "Ray I don't like what I'm seeing."

"Shit, that little fuck gets scared of nuns." He grabbed the dowel out of my hands and swung it over my head. "Don't try and move, understand?"

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Car Trouble4

Somehow the car kept going, rolling along at almost a snails pace. Finally she spotted signs of life. Ahead was, oh miracles, a garage. She put the car into neutral and rolled down the rest of the way. Coming to a halt in the front of the garage. As she did the car coughed once and died again. Rose climbed out of it, brushing back her long blonde hair as the wind caught it. Her white cami style top and short denim skirt were not built to keep out the sort of wind you got on these...

4 years ago
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Patty Meeting My First Older My Married Lady 1977

I was working at my second summer job at a national fast food place, and could work any shift and I was often called in for day or nights when needed. Our manager often called me in and I was a quick study so I learned and qualified for all the different positions at the Fast Food place. I got called in to work day shift and met several women much older than I was. Patty was 25 and about 5' 6", with white alabaster skin and red hair, with a very fine light red arm hair. She was shapely and...

3 years ago
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Shy Wife gets Nasty in a Adult Theater

moving from Utah to Las Vegas opened up a whole new world and wild adventures for my wife and i. coming from a real small town my Valerie was very shy and timid when it came to sex. it took some talking just to get her to watch porn with me, so i knew getting her to go to a adult theater was going to be tough. don`t get me wrong our sex life was great and she was nasty as hell but only in our bedroom. hell i was open minded and ready and willing to try new things. so i did not give up i keep i...

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Reset part 1

I felt a painful crack on my head before-. " WAAAAGGHH!" I screamed as I woke up in bed, breathing hard. Now that! was a freaky nightmare. I walked out to the back veranda and immediately tripped down the stairs 'again,' and struck my head on the concrete. " WAAAAGGHH!" I screamed, waking up in bed 'again,' panting. Okay, this was really getting freaky. I got up 'again,' and walked out to the back veranda. This time when I tripped 'again'. I nearly went down the stairs, but...

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My best friend

Introduction: Its been a while. Half stories/fantasies sit unfinished on my laptop. At last I have found the enthusiasm to finish one! I hope you enjoy, constructive comments are always appreciated. I had met Peter in my late teens, he was my first boyfriend, he took my virginity, we had been together for many, many years. Sex was very average, it wasnt until the explosion of erotic fiction onto the book market that I started to realise how crap he actually was. Sex was often uncomfortable, I...

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Baraknes compendium

Welcome to Barakne's compendium! It's not much at the moment, but I intend to create a series of shorts that I have the impulse to write and to see how I can take the story from there (or if I should choose to do so). Any stories here can of course be used to develop your own story or to be lead on as you see fit. I'm just going to categorize it into 2 main tracks, because I guess it's what I'm into? Of course, feel free to drop a comment or request on an idea or thought you would like to see...

4 years ago
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Control GeekChapter 4

Chapter 4 By Randy MacAnus Copyright 2018 All rights reserved by the author Trevor told Mitch that coach hung out at the local coffee house after school. Figured. A lot of cute guys came there after school. Mitch figured coach would likely follow Trevor into the men's room. Mitch would be in one of the stalls when they came in. As coach passed his stall, Mitch would stick the needle in his ass. This would give Trevor a little information, namely that Mitch was injecting something...

3 years ago
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A sexual journey Chapter 4

We were both now in the clutches of the evil Marge and Dominique. Having crossed the line I realised that there would be no escape from their depraved actions. Reg knew it too. He had been drawn in and, surprisingly, seemed very comfortable with the way it was headed. I could only ponder what was coming next. The only concession was that Reg was turned on by my surrender to whatever they wanted to do to me or whatever I was required to perform for them. The answer to that was revealed the next...

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The Intruder

Introduction: Tiff and Daniel are having some marriage issues THE INTRUDER When Daniel and I had got married, it was a dream come true. I was only 24 at the time, and he was 30. He was sweet, caring, funny, energetic, and very loving. We always went on date nights, and had romantic dinners, it was wonderful. But over the first year of our marriage, he started to change. He would stay later at work and leave me eating alone 2 or 3 times a week. It was heart breaking to say the least. Every time...

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Part 11Girl Time

I laid in bed that night, listening to my mom moaning and screaming in her room, getting fucked by Bill, and some other guy I didn't know. I was too tired to try watching what was going on. My pussy, ass, and even throat were sore, I didn't want to be walking around, I felt like I had no energy. I loved the sound of my mom's screams and moans, they turned me on, and I could just imagine what they would do for men. I could clearly make up the words, "Fuck me daddy", I loved the way that...

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Lady with big tits or I spent a lot of time in the

The lady with big tits was always around. I spent a lot of time in that bathroom. The lady that worked there hired me and would always bend down near me so I could see her tits. It took a while before I caught on, that she always wore a bra, but right before she would do this, she'd use the bathroom Obviously that's where she took it off and undid an extra button. I didn't know any of it was intentional till later. I just went for the toilet every time I saw her tits. One day I got...

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SRU To Tell the Truth

This story utilizes a different version of the traditional "Truth or Dare" Game. Unlike the original, the option is given to the asker and not to do doer, thus the "dare" is given, rather than taken. There are lots of sex scenes here described in detail. If such things disturb you, read another story. * * * * * * * * * * * * SRU: To Tell the Truth Mark and Denise scowled at each other again as they continued through the Mall of America. The...

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Gaffars Family With Gowri

This is This story happened to my best friend Gaffar who got a lucky chance to get his sex goddess Gowri.. Gowri is a beautiful woman of age 24.Her hair is so long of always having a nice smell .Her boobs are so perfectly with round shape and beautiful areola of one rupee coin dimension. She is so innocent at her face always with sindhur and every boy who attends their temple wants to suck her beauty off . The students who come to their father to learn has to control their dicks while she was...

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Amber at Home

Standing at 6’5”, Micaiah was very skinny, almost to the point of anorexic. He had red hair, hazel eyes, and a slightly athletic build. Amber was 5’8”, a little less skinny, and had more of a dancers body. The room was simple, a closet full of simple things and a large queen size bed took up most of the room. Micaiah slowly took off her clothes and she started to undress him as well. He took off her shirt, revealing her size 36 c tits, and then moved down to remove her miniskirt. She bent...

4 years ago
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The Stocking Dead

The Stocking Dead by Arcie Emm Shrieking snapped Matt awake, but only silence greeted him. Memories, nothing more than terrible memories that found fallow ground within his mind during those moments just before sleep ended. "Can't sleep, Rock Star?" Matt looked towards Jase, recognizable in the sliver of moonlight that squeezed through the boarded up window at which he kept watch. Not yet answering the one time drummer of their band, Fade to Gray, he sat and stretched, cushions...

3 years ago
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PatrickChapter 10

Mum was talking to Rob when we came in. "And... ?" he asked me. "I'm to begin Scotch College on Monday. I need to get uniforms. They recommended some place on Hay Street." "Oxford, I'm sure," said Mum. "Right." "I'll phone Michiko right away, the four of us can go shopping tomorrow morning." "Get me a beer first, please" said Dad. "I'm going to get out of this costume." "I'm getting out of my suit, too," I said. "But no beer for me." When I emerged from the...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Mi Ha Reporter Takes on Monster Cock

BangBros reporter Mi Ha meets us at an undisclosed location to introduce BangBros’ new secret weapon in the big black dick game Mookie Jordan. She introduces us to this new monster cock, but in the middle of it, she decided to try out that big cock. She begged for Mookie to pull his giant cock out. This thing barely fit in her mouth. After struggling with it and choking on it a few times, she decided to let this monstrous cock penetrate her. Her pussy got stretched in several different...

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Den of IniquityChapter 4

While Claudio was speaking to the waiter, Chantelle and I finished our ports and a busboy cleared our table. The dull orange glow of the sun was no match for the lights of the city, and would soon give way to the night. I was wondering if I was becoming a nuisance. I looked at Chantelle, who was organising her handbag. "Chantelle, are you sure it's okay if I tag along again tonight? I don't want to overstay my welcome... or cramp your style." "Nonsense Roger, of course it's okay. You...

2 years ago
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The Tower Chapter 1

The TowerI woke up with a fog in my head, I must have banged it really hard! I needed to stretch, I tried and couldn't! "What's going on?" I thought. I opened my eyes and I couldn't see, what the hell was going on? I screamed long and loud, but nobody came, I waited for what felt like an eternity. Before my mind began to wander.I was cold, hungry, thirsty and naked, and the surface I was on was cold and hard. "Where am I? What happened? How did it happen?" Were all that were going through my...

4 years ago
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Random Encounter

My boyfriend and I had recently split up after only a few months of dating. No matter how long we'd been together, I was in serious need of some dance therapy. Clark, one of my good friends, offered to take me out one night... a hard opportunity to pass up. Clark didn't drink much, and he never had issues taking care of me if I accidentally drank myself silly. After agreeing to go out, I put some real effort into myself while I got ready. I straightened my hair, fixed my make up quite nice, and...

1 year ago
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Mother Daughter Hard Party Girls

Sunday — Harry Lynch was trimming back his shrubs on the Saturday that his safe, warm, family life came to an end. He was intent on his attack on the overgrown plants when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his neighbor, Cal Dillon. "Hey Harry, can I borrow your lawnmower? Mine just died and Marge will kill me if I don't get the yard done before her fancy-smancy tea this afternoon." Their Maryland neighborhood was made up of 'mini-estates' of homes on one and two acre lots. Everyone...

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Die Knigin mit dem Dorn im Po

Die Königin mit dem Dorn In einer schwülen Sommernacht Hat die Lust mich auf die Prisch gebracht. In einer dunklen Gasse sah ich Sie, wie: Zwei Typen sich an ihr ergötzen Und in die Löcher ihrer Fotzen Reinbumsten und kamen, Um sie einzusamen. Danach ließen sie Sie allein später wurde sie mein. Tränen über ihre Wangen kamen, Zwischen den Beinen lief der Samen. Ich hatte mich erfreut gerieben Und es mit mir selbst getrieben Nun ging ich mit pochender Hose Zu der gepflückten Rose. In mein...

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My first voyeurism experience

Capturing a beautiful woman on camera has been a fetish of mine for quite some time now. I've met some amazing women over the past few years, who loved being my muse...I've also gotten myself into some trouble in the past taking unnecessary risks...but that's a story for another time. This story is about my first experience with voyeurism or candid videos. I was out one evening to pick up some deodorant or something like that, when I noticed this woman who appeared to notice me at the exact...

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First bus

There is a lot that Kik doesn’t know. This trip to her parents’s home that she is having to make by herself on the bus is scary. It’s the first time that she would travel on the air-conditioned coach by herself. And it’s a good 12-hour trip. Her dad Pon drove her to the bus terminal in his taxi that’s very much on its last wheel. He shouts his instruction to her about what not to do during the trip and what to do when she gets to his village. Not that he was all that concerned. He always...

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The public showers

I was talking to another girl online and asked about if they liked the idea of sex in a public shower/changing room and this fantasy popped into my head with her.... Hope you all like this.After a few hours in a public swimming pool we go to the public showers. We go to the disabled area with a long wall around it that has a closable door on the inside. You press the button to turn the shower on, getting your one piece swim suit wet again. You apply shampoo to your wet hair and mass it in. You...

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LA FunChapter 62

I woke up at my usual time, and I wasn’t alone. Sumi was still hugging me with her lips touching my chest. I didn’t feel guilty because Jules had said to enjoy this woman, nor did I feel guilty because this little dynamo wanted what we did last night. I would be sad if I was wrong, but this woman wanted me for some strange reason. I wanted to say something nice to her while I did my bathroom duties and got into the shower, but I couldn’t come up with the words of saying ‘thanks for the good...

4 years ago
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Hot Sex Movie hall

Hi Gals and ladies, I am M 25 from rajkot city (ALone), I would like to start my story from here now… After finishing my daily office i went to cyber cafe for chatting as it was olnly means for me to spend my time. I was chatting for alomst 2-3 hrs daily. Once i got invitaion from strnage Id to chat… i thought to ignore but then i replied saying hi and all that normal stuff. I thought some stupid male is jus doing time pass wid me as my ID had word cupid… After some time that id gave me msg...

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Bec4 The Wrong WardrobeChapter 26 Sunday and Monday Tara

Editor’s Note: The next page is another extract from the journal of Tara Freeman. Sunday December 5. I’m trying to get my homework done for tomorrow so I probably shouldn’t spend too long writing this. I did end up sleeping in Dan’s bed last night. I didn’t go to the bathroom with him this morning though. I waited until he was finished and went on my own. I was nervous but I did it. At breakfast we talked about me going back to school tomorrow. I think I can do it. I’m going to try. Dan...

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JJ and Her AdventureChapter 5

At dawn, Mike stood at the door of the bank, waiting for the place of business to open, holding Donna in his arms. She was limp, sweating in a high fever, and unconscious. Her shallow breathing was ragged with a harsh whistling sound on each inhale. Her skin was pale and clammy to the touch. It was obvious that she was a very ill young woman. JJ stood next to Mike, carrying all of their gear. She kept glancing at the damsel fearful that she would die at any moment. There was a sense of...

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Hypnotized Confession

Patty opened her eyes, they were slightly glazed and unfocused as she looked at Doctor Marks, the drug had taken effect. ‘How do you feel, Patty?’ he asked the pretty twenty-six year old, and she blinked long lashes at him. ‘Ok…’ she said, her tone was rather vague and her eyes seemed to have trouble focusing on him. Smiling he sat back, she’d asked him to hypnotize her for this particular counseling session… they were going to explore some of her basest instincts and she felt rather...

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A Prostitute Satisfied My Father8217s Lust

This story is a true one. I and my family is based in the city of Howrah, West Bengal. My family consists of my father, mother me, and my chacha chachi. My father is a trader and is middle-aged and my mom is a few years younger. This is about my father’s‘ kands’ and ‘tamashas’. He is very strict with me and my mother. The family and does not give us money to spend easily even though he is earning well. About two years back things started taking a new turn. My father started to come home very...

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Winter in Sweden Part 14

Chapter 31 – Masha’s First Time31 Prelude – Sitting TogetherOn a cold December evening Masha and I are sitting together after a long walk through a forest near Cambridge. Masha begins to tell: „I will tell you the story of my first time. Like your teacher story I have never told anyone before. It is not as interesting as your one. But listen. “ 31.1 The Party

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The New Yorker

The New YorkerBy, U. Will Lovett So, I decided I needed a new car… well, not a new, but a better car than my current ride, I remembered that a trannie friend of mine had told me that she had purchased a new used vehicle from the nicest salesman… a really cute Latino guy named Johnny. So, I decided to give Johnny and Sunnyside a try. Little did I know; it would be Johnny who would end up “trying me on for size.” When I got to the lot at Sunnyside Motors, I asked the receptionist, Phyllis for a...

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