Lowborn Ch. 08 free porn video

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Mindblind stood staring at the wall, fist clenched tight around his sword hilt, and his vision red with rage. He tried to master his emotions, as he’d done all his life, but it was having no effect.

After everything – even killing the last of the assassins – he was no closer to discovering who was really behind it all.

Behind him, Indigo related what he’d learned from the women locked in the back of the establishment. The assassins had stormed their family farmstead, killing every male, and forcing the women to provide cover during the flight from Draxnog’s wrath.

Apparently pleased with the convenience, the guildmaster had kept the women in tow. Since then, they had served to slake the carnal lusts of the guild, and provide a concealing front for the murderers by cooking for the eatery.

“There’s more than enough here for them to take this place as their own, or pack up and go home without having to worry about coin for a while,” Raven said.

“Blood money,” Indigo said with disdain.

Raven countered, “You don’t think they’ve given their share to deserve it?”


Voices raised in anger snapped Mindblind from his state of numb rage, and he spun on the open door, sword at the ready.

“Easy,” Raven said before darting past Indigo into the hall. Her battle-ready posture immediately dropped, and she chuckled.

“What the hell is it?” Mindblind growled – the first words he’d uttered since finding out that the guildmaster hadn’t written down who had hired him.

Raven walked back into the room, still chuckling. “I was wondering what we were going to do with the fat fuck swimming in his own piss out there. Problem solved.”

Mindblind finally sheathed his sword and followed Indigo into the hall. The handsome Draxnian muttered something in his own language and froze before Mindblind could see what had caused the commotion.

In the hall, one of the women had retrieved a kitchen knife. Her skill at carving meat and vegetables apparently extended to carving human beings as well. She consoled the youngest woman of the group, bloody knife still in hand. Even though he couldn’t understand more than a few words, it was enough for Mindblind to fathom that the woman had endured the fat man’s embrace quite often to protect herself and her family.

“Tell them this place and everything in it is theirs now, as long as they don’t mention that we were here,” Raven said.

Indigo nodded and walked toward the women, still looking a little pale.

“Except this, of course,” Raven whispered, patting the pocket where she’d stuffed a bag of gemstones. The small, easily concealed sack would have ensured that the guild could quickly relocate and set up shop elsewhere, if necessary. Since they no longer had any use for it, she had appropriated it.

When Mindblind barely reacted, she asked, “You okay?”

“Fine,” he growled under his breath.

“You’ve got to get it together. We need to get back to the Wench. The law is on the take around here, but they can’t completely ignore random bodies. The last thing we want to do is be anywhere near when this all starts coming out.”

“Seems like the law’s fucking corrupt everywhere.”

“Everything’s corrupt. Rotten to the core. Come on. I need to knock back a few and sleep for a couple days.”

Though he nodded as he followed her out, Mindblind doubted that sleep was in his immediate future.


Knocking back a few proved to be a vast understatement. Mindblind was taken aback and more than a little baffled as Raven seemed to toss all caution to the wind. She didn’t bother with beer, going straight to whisky in large quantities. Lost in his own chaotic thoughts, he nursed the same flagon the whole time.

At some point, Kayleen had come down and whispered something in Raven’s ear, which had the effect of partially sobering her up. She had left without a word – more than a little unsteady on her feet. He knew that he should probably be concerned, but nothing seemed to be able to compete with the red rage slowly boring deeper into his brain.

He had no idea how much time had passed when Kayleen stopped at his table again, though the shorter candle in the middle of the table suggested it had been a while.

“I… Can I talk to you?”

It took a moment or two for her words to pierce the chaos of anger roiling in his mind, but he finally answered. “What is it?”

“Not here.”

Letting out a grunt, he stood, and noticed that the blonde’s eyes were red, as if she’d been crying. “Okay, let’s get out of here.”

She led him back to their room, and he was surprised that Raven wasn’t there. As she shut the door behind them, Kayleen said, “She’s with her sister. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m really worried.”

“Okay, what’s wrong?”

She plopped down on a bed and cradled her head in her hand for a moment. “Yani was acting odd. That’s why I came to get Raven. She stopped and talked to the innkeeper on the way there and got some sort of potion. After she drank it, Yani fell asleep.”

“Probably a good thing.”

“That’s not the problem, though. Raven was on the verge of passing out too, and she started talking – saying terrible things. She was saying that Yani would be better off dead than mad. There were other things, but I couldn’t understand her. I’m not sure she even knew I was there after a while.”

“Probably just the booze talking. You know how that is.”

“I do, and that’s why I’m worried. This is something else. Cerebus, she’s hurting. She hides it in the way she acts, but she’s in pain. She has been for a very long time. We… We talked a little at night, and she told me some of the things that have happened to her. I can’t imagine how anyone could survive through what she’s endured.”

“She has, though. Look, she’s tough as nails. That ain’t all an act. Maybe she plays the part sometimes, but it’s who she is. Her sister’s getting worse, and maybe she’s having trouble dealing with that right now, but she will.”

He paused, thinking about the way Raven acted around Kayleen. It made him consider that there might be a soft spot in her iron exterior. “Don’t mean that you shouldn’t try to talk to her, though. And you can keep an eye on her. If she starts talking that way when she’s not boozed up, let me know.”

“Are you sure?”

He shrugged. “When can you be sure about what anybody else is thinking? All we can do is the best we can.”

“Do you think there’s anything that can be done for Yani? If she got better…”

“I don’t know. Never seen anything like it. If you can try to watch out for her, that might help. Get her that tea when she needs it.”

“She does seem to listen to me a little when one of her spells comes on.”

“Good.” Though he didn’t say anything, his own red rage had dulled as he talked to her. “Think you have a knack for that.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“And we’ll both keep an eye on her. Why don’t you go to bed? They’re probably both out for a while between the booze and whatever Raven gave Yani. Not doing anybody any good if you’re dead on your feet.”

“I’ll go stay with them. I already asked Cammie to switch rooms around. You can have this one to yourself.”

“Go on, then.”

Kayleen stood up and walked to the door. She paused before opening it, though. “There’s more to you than people see, too. There’s more to you than you know. You’re a good man. Better than most.”

He let out a snort. “Don’t know about all that.”

After she left, Mindblind slipped out of his gear, propping his sword up next to the bed – thinking he should take his own advice. Now that he wasn’t overflowing with blind anger, he felt his eyelids getting heavy. He wasn’t going to be of much use if he was exhausted, either.

It still took him some time to fall asleep after hitting the rack.


Mindblind’s sword swept in great arcs, cutting down all that stood before him. Whole tribes of goblins fell like wheat before the scythe. The blacksmith who had cheated him when purchasing his first sword. Arrogant Reed, calling his mother a whore. They all died in a rending of flesh, crunches of bone, and fountains of blood. Then, a sudden attack.

His fingers dug into Raven’s shoulders, shoving her upright with a roar as he tried to sort through the chaotic fusion of reality and dream.

“Easy,” she slurred, prying at his fingers.

She was naked, sitting astride his body, but it still took several pounding heartbeats before that registered and he relaxed his grip.

“Much better,” she said, reaching for his breeches and ignoring the angry red marks on her shoulders.

The door opened and Kayleen hurried into the room looking bleary-eyed. “What’s wrong?”

Raven looked back over her shoulder. “Mmm… Nuffin’. Get over here, honey.”

“Not in the mood,” Mindblind growled, pushing her hand away as she tried to expose his manhood and Kayleen closed the door to the room.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Raven said, wobbling unsteadily atop him. “Fine. Kay and I can play, then.”

The blonde stepped up next to the bed and reached out to caress Raven’s shoulder while leaning in to whisper something to her.

Raven snapped in response to the quiet words, “Don’t call me that. That’s not my name.” She tried to slide off her perch atop Mindblind, but her inebriated state made it more of a lurch.

He moved, pulling his legs out from under her, and at the same time, Kayleen slipped into the bed and threw her arms around the dark-haired woman. He could only hear a few words of what the blonde said as she pulled Raven close and held her tight. “It’s okay to need…”

“Get off me,” Raven protested. She struggled a little, but Kayleen held on strong. “Get… Get off,” the thief repeated, but this time, it trailed off into a sob.

Mindblind watched in stunned amazement as the hard-edged woman melted into Kayleen’s embrace, sobbing into the blonde’s shoulder. Kay held her, stroking Raven’s hair and back, rocking from side to side. After long minutes, Raven’s sobs quieted, and Kay guided the other woman to lie down. Mindblind scooted farther onto the opposite side of the bed, giving them room. Once the two women had fully reclined, Kay looked over Raven and gestured with her eyes.

Interpreting the signal as her wanting him to join in the embrace, he shrugged his shoulders and lifted his eyebrows. Kayleen’s gaze intensified, and she nodded her head almost imperceptibly.

Tentatively, he rolled onto his side and slipped an arm beneath Kayleen’s and around Raven’s body. Though he couldn’t hear them, he could still feel sobs shaking the thief. He moved closer, letting his body come into contact with hers – more than a little surprised by how good it felt.

Ever so slowly, Raven’s sobs stilled, and her breathing slowed. Mindblind had nearly dozed off when he felt the mattress shift. Raven whimpered as Kayleen slipped out of the bed, but Mindblind pulled the dark-haired woman closer, quieting the unconscious protest.

Kay leaned in and whispered into his ear. “Please, just hold her. She needs it, but she’s afraid to ask. I need to get back to Yani. Cammie is watching her, but she has… She has someone waiting.”

Mindblind gave a slight nod in response, and then heard Kayleen tiptoe across the floor, followed by the creak of the door opening and closing. Snuggled up next to the thief in a strangely comfortable embrace, he drifted back off to sleep.

This time, no dreams of blood and death haunted his slumber.


Sunlight shining through the window and the heat of the day dragged him back to wakefulness. Raven was lying with her head on his chest, and her expression bore hints of a smile. His arm was asleep from lying beneath her, and he moved, trying to pull it free without waking her up.

“Mmm. Just a minute more,” she said in an uncharacteristically soft voice. She raised her shoulder, allowing him to move his arm, which he lifted to stroke her hair, though he could barely feel it through the pins and needles of returning circulation. She moaned again in response.

Sweat was beading on both of their bodies, and kicking away the covers with as little movement as possible did nothing to alleviate it.

Raven sighed, giving in to the inevitable, and braced an arm on the bed to lift up from his chest. Before he could think of anything to say, she leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips. “Thank you.”

She sat up and wiped her brow – and then a bead of sweat running between her breasts. She fixed him with a gaze surely meant to be stern, but still shot through with hints of the gentler emotions that had overwhelmed her the night before. “I swear to the gods that if you ever tell anyone about this, I will cut your balls off before I slit your throat.”

“Who’d believe me?” he responded, and then chuckled.

“There is that,” she said, and flashed him a smile. A second later, she pinched her eyes closed and groaned. “Gods, I feel like I have an army of dwarves marching on my head.”

The door creaked as it opened, but only wide enough for Kayleen to peek in. “Is it okay if I come in?”

“Yes, Kay,” Raven answered as she moved to lean up against the headboard.

The blonde opened the door a little wider, and then struggled to pull inside a narrow shelf cart. It wouldn’t have been difficult if she had fully opened the door, but knowing that Raven was nude, she avoided that. Once the cart was inside, Mindblind could see a pitcher, two cups, and a large ceramic bowl sitting on top. Kayleen also carried a bundle of what looked to be Raven’s clothing under her arm.

“So, you’re not too mad at me?” Kay asked as she pulled the cart up next to the bed.

“No. Thank you, Kay. But like I told him, if you ever tell a soul…”

The blonde offered a beaming smile. “I won’t. I brought some cold water to drink, to help with the hangover, and some to wash with.”

“Gods know I need it. I’ve got rivers of sweat running between my tits and down my back into my ass,” Raven said as she levered up from the bed, slipping back into the character with which they were all more familiar.

Kayleen sat the bundle of clothing down on the foot of the bed. “Yani seems better today. I didn’t give her as much of the tea, and she’s been up and talking. Becky is with her, but I should probably get back.”

“Thanks, Kay. I may come see her later,” Raven said as she picked up a cloth from within the bowl and squeezed excess water out of it.

“I’ll be there if you need me,” Kayleen said, and then snuck back out the door while Raven wiped away the sweat on her face.

Raven turned back toward the bed. “I’ve been thinking that maybe we should buy another wagon.”

“Suppose it would be faster if they all could ride,” Mindblind agreed, rising from the bed with intentions of pouring a glass of water.

“I had the greasy bastard move the one we have out back. He’s got a hidden gate in the wall back there. When we leave out of here, I’d rather not leave by the normal gates if we can avoid it.”

Having a little trouble keeping his thoughts focused with Raven standing nude next to him, washing her breasts with the cloth, he said, “Probably a good idea. I guess we should start looking around.”

“Fuck that. I’ll have Magar send word around to find us one and a horse to pull it – though I’ll have to tell him to make sure they just find it and don’t pinch it. Last thing we need is a stolen wagon right now. Gave him some of those gems to fence, too. Can probably sell them to anybody in dribs and drabs later, but for now…”

Mindblind downed his cup of water in one long pull. “Roads will probably dry out pretty fast in this furnace. How long do you figure if they do, and it doesn’t piss and pour on us?”

“If we leave at daybreak, we can probably make it to Lakenshire by dark.”

“So, tomorrow, if we can find a wagon?”

“Tomorrow, whether we find one or not. I don’t like hanging around anywhere there are bodies I’m connected to.”

It was hard to argue with the wisdom of that.


The taproom was loud with laughter and chatter, rapidly filling with smoke despite numerous wide-open windows. An evening overcast had resulted in nothing more than a few sprinkles, but thankfully broke the sweltering temperature of the day. The reprieve had encouraged the townsfolk to leave their basements or wherever else they’d taken shelter from the heat.

Alice and the women who were staying at the inn did a brisk business, and were rarely in attendance within the taproom for more than a few minutes. Mindblind had little doubt that the girls who were bunking at the bawdy house were doing just as well.

Though leery of the Draxnian at first, Indigo’s charm had won over the trust of the taproom patrons in time. He held court at a table near the bar, speaking of his homeland and making ladies swoon.

Raven was in good spirits, as her sister was much improved from the downward spiral of recent days. Yani sat near Indigo – who was helping to keep an eye on her – flirting with men who mistakenly believed she was a potential bedmate who would only cost a few drinks rather than hard-earned coin.

Kayleen also watched over Yani, though she did so while carrying trays for the barkeep. Once again, flustered barmaids had made her request for temporary employment an easy sell.

Mindblind was at ease, drinking his beer and watching everything unfold. A second horse and wagon now sat in the yard behind the inn, already provisioned and ready to roll out in the morning. It was larger than the first, and unless they chose to do so, nobody would have to walk on the last leg of the journey.

The journey home.

It was hard to believe that by this time tomorrow, they should be back in Lakenshire. The whole thing was almost a blur as he thought about it. He knew his family would have noticed his absence by now, and heard about what happened at the Cat. That thought caused his vision to go red, and he chased it away with a long pull that drained the beer from his mug.

He started upon turning toward Raven and seeing a woman whispering in the thief’s ear whom he hadn’t even noticed approaching. Raven’s eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly, and the other woman vanished into the crowd a second later.

“What’s up?” he asked quietly, using his empty mug as cover.

“Magar has a couple of the guards on payroll – beyond the bribes. They passed the word that someone came into town and has their bosses asking questions about us. Get Indigo, Yani, and Kay. I’m going to grab Alice and send someone to the Cradle. Tell them not to make a scene, but to get their stuff and get to the wagons – fast.”

“How long?”

“Magar’s boys will throw them off the scent for a while, but not long. Make it quick. I want to be out of here an hour ago.”

“Got it,” he said as he stood and headed to the bar with his empty mug. Raven walked along with him, but once they reached the bar, she slipped out the door and into the hallway that connected to the inn.

Mindblind left the barkeep a tip, and then set about the task of gathering up everyone still in the taproom – all the while cursing the decision to leave his sword in the room.

He wasn’t going to feel comfortable until that weapon was once more strapped on his back, within easy reach.


Raven paced next to the wagon, twitching at every hint of movement, tiny sound, or shifting breeze. Mindblind stood nearby, somehow containing both his own nervous energy and a nagging desire to draw his sword – to feel the leather-wrapped steel sitting comfortably in his grip.

Indigo sat in the driver’s seat of the new wagon, ready to snap the reins and move out at a moment’s notice. A sandy-haired blonde girl named Frannie, who had revealed some experience driving a wagon on a farm before she had turned to prostitution, held the reins of the other wagon. All of the other ladies of negotiable virtue had hastily gathered their acquired belongings and climbed into the wagons, ready to leave – except two.

“If they aren’t here soon, we’re leaving them,” Raven warned in a whisper, the sound nearly swallowed by the cacophony of crickets. “I know this feeling, and we’re about to get nabbed if we don’t move.”

He found it hard to argue with that. His instincts were screaming to leave immediately as well. Before he could respond, all eyes snapped toward a door opening.

“Sorry,” Alice said as she hurried out, carrying two canvas bags. Behind her, Becky followed, her dress pulled up and a hand pressed between her legs. “Guy just wouldn’t finish up. I finally went in and got my tits out and licked him a bit while he went at her, and the two-for set him off and made him happy.”

Becky gave one last wipe with the rag between her legs and tossed the semen-coated cloth aside. “Sorry. He was one of Yvonne’s regulars, and…”

“Never mind. Just get in the wagon,” Raven said, cutting the brunette off. She then nodded to a disheveled boy standing nearby, and the child vanished like a ghost into the shadows. She turned to Mindblind and said, “Give it a few minutes and Magar’s people will sneak out in sight of the south gate. Once the guard takes the bait, we’ll get the hell out of here.”

“Aren’t they just going to find us on the road or see where we cut through the grass?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Farmer’s track will take us west. We can run along the edge of the pasture north, then meet up with the road. They’ll go after the pigeons Magar’s sending south, and by the time they lose them or figure out it was a goose chase, we’ll be long gone. If we were dumb enough to stay, they might all jump us, but doubt anyone’s paying them enough to go chasing us out into the hinterlands in the dark.”

He felt a curious and disquieting sense of disappointment in that. The anger he’d felt at not discovering the person behind the whole plot had returned with a vengeance, and he felt the need to lash out.

A few quiet, tense minutes later, Raven froze in place, looking as if she had heard something. “That’s it. Let’s move,” she declared, and hurried to the hidden gate to open it.

The gate was narrow, and the new wagon was barely able to pass through. Then, they were outside the town, visible even in the darkness to anyone who might happen to look out a back window. They followed a narrow dirt farm road, moving away from the secret gate to the west. Raven and Mindblind jogged ahead of the slow-moving wagons, ever alert for signs of pursuit or dangerous wildlife, attempting to locate hazzards hidden by the darkness. Fortunately, the track was reasonably level and solid.

The road continued west until the town was no more than a faint haze of light in the distance, and then they reached the pasture. It took another hour of dodging startled cattle, but the course eventually led them to where the road wound north, toward Lakenshire.

Once on the road, Indigo was able to push more speed from his horse, because the tall grass surrounding the better-maintained road helped define it even with the poor illumination. The less experienced Frannie needed only to follow the wagon ahead, and the horse she guided did that instinctually.

Raven and Mindblind took up positions on either side of the road, though he was considering a return to the front to look for the numerous ruts and bumps that regularly jarred the wagons.

Ahead, campfires created spots of orange light alongside the road, and off in the plains. When Mindblind turned around, he noticed one or two campsites between their position and the direction of town as well. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and he felt the presence of unseen eyes watching him. When an especially strong jolt hit the wagon, he slowed with the intention of moving to Raven’s side of the road to talk to her, but she was ahead of him.

The nimble thief bounded atop the rear wagon, and then balanced with cat-like grace on the narrow side board, staring off into the distance.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“Looks like nobody’s dogging us.” She jumped down from the wagon. “We should probably find a good spot and get off the road. We stand out like a sore thumb running in the dark. Make like any other travelers and set a camp. Leave the moment there’s enough light to see.”

“Feels like somebody’s watching us,” Mindblind argued.

“Plains cats. Saw a flash of one’s eyes. Another good reason to stop and light a fire. One young enough or hungry enough might go for one of us, but unless one’s starving, it’s not coming near a fire.”

“I’ll go tell Indigo.”

A few long-legged strides brought him to the front of the small caravan. “Raven says it doesn’t look like anyone human is after us, but she sees some plains cats skulking around. Thinks we should make camp and get some fires burning.”

“There are a few trees ahead, I believe. It is difficult to tell in this gloom.”

“Sounds like as good a place as any. Close to any of those fires?”

“Not too close.”

“Make for it. Even if it’s just the dark playing tricks on you, we don’t want to get up to those other camps. Got to find something soon.”

Ears perking at every sound, now that he knew about the nearby plains cats, Mindblind fell back into place beside the wagon. As they rolled on, he could tell that Indigo wasn’t imagining things. A small patch of trees emerged from the sea of grass. They weren’t likely to find a better spot, and at least the huge, tawny-colored cats wouldn’t be all but invisible, as they were in the grass.

Turning off the road into that grass was enough to prompt Raven to jump up on the wagon, and Mindblind prudently followed her example. She wasted no time as they rolled up to the trees, and hopped down to fashion a crude torch, which she sparked light to with flint and steel. The earlier storm had knocked down some large, dead limbs, providing plenty of fuel for a pair of fires.

With the darkness – and with luck, the cats it shrouded – chased away, everyone settled in. Though Raven took the first watch as usual, Mindblind found sleep elusive. He sat near one of the fires, sword still strapped to his back, staring off in the direction of the road.

Quiet footfalls alerted him to someone approaching, and he turned to see Alice. “Can’t sleep?” he whispered.

She cupped her abundant breasts and followed his example by whispering, “Blessing and a curse. I swear they’re still bouncing everywhere from that wagon ride. Besides, I’m nervous out here in the middle of nowhere, and anxious to get back.”

“Y’all been holding up pretty well.”

“It may look that way, but I think we’re all about three seconds from panic at any given moment.” She sat down next to him and shrugged. “We’ve got a lot of practice ignoring our feelings and laughing things off.”

“Reckon so.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Becky, Cammie, and I sort of had this idea. The men let loose of their coin pretty quick when new girls are around. We were thinking that maybe we could trade girls who wanted to between Yvonne and Yasmine’s places. They know each other, and another madame named Samantha in Fightershaven. You think it might keep guys excited?”

He let out a grunt. “New girl’s always going to catch your eye.” A thought occurred to him, and she added, “Always go hog wild on something you have to wait for, too – like melons in the summer.”

A wide grin spread across her face. “So, you think it would turn the trick?”

“Makes sense to me.”

“I was thinking about going back to that town…” She trailed off and chuckled. “Never even knew the name of the place. We were just calling it Stingy Pussy. Me, Becky, and Cammie. Maybe work something out with the barkeep and the owner at that inn until we could get our own place. Couple of other small towns around there. Maybe all three of us could have our own places eventually.”

“Sit down and count the coin instead of laying down with your legs in the air, huh?”

“We’re not getting any younger.”

It might have seemed absurd coming from a woman in her mid twenties – at most – but he knew it was true in her line of work. “Rough road, going your own way.”

“Kind of hoping we can get Yasmine and Yvonne to help us out at first if we can make them some good money with our idea, and be in on it.”

“Might just work,” he responded, once again surprised by just how smart and resourceful some of the women were. It was also yet another reminder that despite all the prejudice he endured, he had his own pre-conceived notions as well.

“Hope so.” She went quiet for a minute or two, then surprised him again. “We all want to say sorry for… Well, you know, the way we were back at Yasmine’s. To you, I mean.”

“Used to it. Don’t worry about it.”


“You got over it. Good enough for me. Damn sure made this nightmare easier, helping out the way you have.”

“Had to do something. We’d all be dead or slaves except for you two coming after us.”

“Had our own reasons, though.”

“But you’re still dragging us along, aren’t you?” she said, and then stood up. “You ever need some company, any of us would be glad to help you out with that.”

He chuckled. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

Alice returned to her place in the wagon to bed down for the night, and a few minutes later, Mindblind felt his eyelids finally getting heavy. He looked over at Raven, knowing his own turn at watch would come all too quickly. She seemed lost in thought, but still alert for danger.

As if to prove her awareness of her surroundings, she said, “Hit the rack. Be waking up Indigo soon. And if you need any company, I might not even charge you.”

Shaking his head upon seeing her wry expression in the firelight, he stood up to go try to find some sleep.


The lonely last watch drew to a close – false dawn giving way to the real thing and heralding the time to move. As Mindblind turned back toward the wagons, he saw Raven stretching, already awake.

“Time to get moving,” she said as she walked over. “Bury the fires while I get everybody up. Last thing we want is a damn wildfire chasing after us, and the wind’s kicking up.”

Fortunately, there was little need for the weary and uncomfortable prostitutes to do much. Giving everyone time to answer the call of nature took longer than anything else in the preparations to roll out. The women helped strike the canvas, and then pulled out food for breakfast, which would be eaten on the way.

The sun still wasn’t halfway above the horizon when Indigo looked back to ensure everyone was on board and ready to go. Just as he was about to snap the reins, Raven grabbed his hand and said, “Hold it. Everybody be quiet.”

The women obeyed that order without the slightest thought or question, stopping in mid-sentence and even freezing in place. As soon as quiet descended, Mindblind heard the sound of a horse at full gallop.

“Somebody’s in a hell of a hurry this early in the morning,” Raven remarked.

Though they were certainly visible from the road, there was nothing that could be done about it. They were at least outside of the direct line of sight. Someone would have to be purposely looking off to the sides of the road to see them, and have good reason to do so while moving at the pace the hoof beats indicated.

The sound grew louder, and then the rider appeared at a bend on the road. It only took a few seconds to recognize the horse as coming from expensive stock. The saddle and the clothes the man wore likewise spoke of wealth. He rode by without pause – eyes fixed on his path – and soon galloped out of sight.

“Old blueblood or Draxnian lackey,” Mindblind grumbled, and then turned toward Indigo when he realized what he’d said.

“No offense taken, my friend,” the smiling Draxnian said.

“And out of Lakenshire,” Raven added. “Those stirrups are pretty much unique. Come out of the most expensive tack shop for miles. You can bet your ass that’s where the gold to look for us came from.”

“I got a fair look at the man,” Indigo said. “I shall see if my father’s name and rank will grant me audience with those of power in Lakenshire. If he is known there, we may yet find who is behind these horrible acts.”

Raven said, “Me too. I’ll see if anybody on the dodgy paths knows who he is.”

Knuckles white where he gripped the tailgate of the wagon, Mindblind growled, “Riding like that, he probably knows he’d found us, and that we got away.”

“Then we’d better get moving and get back there before they have time to get ready for us,” Raven said as she jumped up onto the wagon and slid into the seat next to Frannie.

“They’d better get ready,” Mindblind growled under his breath before taking his place in the seat next to Indigo.

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My First Initial Partly Sexual Experience With My Sexy Chachi

Hello friends, This is Pankaj Gupta from Bhopal (M.P), I am a medical student (doing MBBS from a reputed private medical college in Bhopal). I am approx 24 years old, very good looking, smart, handsome, sexy, attractive guy. I do gym/exercise regularly so I have a good body shape with well built. My fully erected dick size is 6.5 inches and width is 3 inches. I am a great fan of ISS and I have been reading stories since 5-6 years and finally posting my story with my sexy Chachi. Any sexy female...

2 years ago
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Broken Marriage Leads To Sex With Ex Part 8211 2

Hi to all those ISS readers and fans of this site. I’m Mr. Erotic and welcome to my fantasy world. The below mention story is pure fantasy, and completely fiction. Persons and names mention in this story have no relation to reality. Here is the 2nd part of the story. Those who haven’t read the previous part, I request you to read that to understand this part. Without much ado let’s head to the story………. As I took a cab to the airport, all I was thinking about how it’s going to be, it’s been...

2 years ago
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Coworkers ass becomes my new favorite pussy

You could say i became addicted after the first time sliding my cock into his tight ass. I saw him again the next day and everything felt different and he knew it. I ended up taking a break from work and going into the bathroom, he followed me and came over and started rubbing all over my cock as he pushed me up against the wall, his hand grabbing my cock as i became hard instantly. "Did you like fucking my ass?" he asked as i replied yes, a bit shocked myself. He continued to tease me as i...

4 years ago
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“And you too baby,” she smiles as she puts on her dress, then her heels. “I want us to be the centre of attention. Is my dress too short, does my ass look big?” “Yes and yes, but I love both,” I respond. “And I want you to wear tight trousers so that your more than average cock is obvious to the men and women,” she tells me. We are a professional couple in our early forties. Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little...

1 year ago
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Mum is in need of a fuck

At 42 years old you would be thinking that I was having a lot of sexy but that had not been the case, seven years ago I had been having sex every day and it was so great when my husband was here, but when I found out that he was shagging my best mate, and I caught them doing it in our bed, he became history that instant, now, seven years later all I can think of is sex and more sex, not that I was obsessed or anything but a woman has needs and I am no exception ,all I want is to have sex with...

3 years ago
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Kitten Darlas story part 3

Kitten, Darla's story 3 By: Malissa Madison We watched their flight leave and I realized that while I was happy I was staying with Aunt Bev, I was sad to see my Mom leaving. "Hey Sweetie, we don't have to get back home right away, would you like to go to the Mall. I haven't been since I took Hope for her birthday. Smiling I said, I haven't been since, well I can't remember. The mall she was talking about was twenty miles from home in Ann Arbor. Smiling I remembered the place...

2 years ago
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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 8211 13

Hi dosto me sandy fir se aap ke samne tarak mehtaka hot chasma ka agla episod pesh karta hu… Please reply me  on co.in, com Pichli bar aap logo ne pada ki kis tara sabhi ledies komal bhabhi ki chudai ki dastan sunte hai … Kis tara komal bhabhi ne sodi ko seduce kiya aur apni aur akarshit kiya… Aur end me apni chut ko sodi ke land se mila hi diya… Ab age.. Daya bhabhi :- waaa komal bhabhi aap be to sodi bhaisab se ekdam achese chudai ki meri chut to ekdam garam ho gai hai lagta hai ghar jakar...

1 year ago
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Love Never ChangesChapter 16

The flight from Boston Airport to Diamond City was quick. Bennett landed us on the street, right in front. As Bennett finished shutting it down, we hopped down. A couple of guards came up, the curiosity on their faces apparent. “I’ll stay here, answer questions, and keep nosy fingers away.” “Very good, Bennett.” I heard one of the guard’s whistle at something. “What?” “Oh, sorry, ma’am. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just saw what you have painted on your armor. We’d heard that the...

3 years ago
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AKA Erica

A K A Erica ? by: Britney Kandey Another experience with our dear friend Erica otherwise known as Ernie. When we last met Ernie he was still 17 and had just started going out with Heidi, the girl next door who turned out to be the girl of his dreams. There relationship was going very well and they had now been together for 12 months and there sex life was still healthy indeed. Ernie still on the odd occasion would try on Heidi's clothes when she went out of the house. Ernie...

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Sharon goes dogging

“There were all these guys just turning up and wandering around checking out the cars,” Marcus heard the voice say. It was an innocent enough sentence at first and he only recalled it because of what was said next. “Then I saw them standing next to this car that had its internal lights on and they all had their dicks out near some sheila.”Marcus looked around and he was pretty sure that the bloke talking on his mobile phone had no idea that anyone could hear him. Hidden behind a wall of hoses...

2 years ago
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I feel your eyes locked into mine, and they could have been staring straight into my soul. No matter how hard I try, I can't break away from your gaze, which seems to physically trap me. I feel your soft hands run up against the thighs of my jeans. Your eyes never break contact from mine as you lightly place the tips of your fingers on my crotch, feeling the outline of my throbbing penis through the denim. You trace my penis with your finger, circling it, teasing it. A fiery sensation runs...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 2

The waning moon cast its light, draping the shadows of the passing clouds upon the town. The white radiance streamed through the glass windows of a room at the inn, leaving two figures, Noah and Valia, standing in the thin darkness and relying on their sense of taste and touch. They savored each other’s sweet flavor as their lips formed a seal of passion and their tongues danced. Their embrace was tender, and though their hands wandered of their own volition, it was more than attraction that...

4 years ago
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A Winters WarmthChapter 4

Jacko's was a local gourmet burger joint, and it was HOPPING. There was a fairly long line to order, and it seemed to be moving slowly. It took us 30 minutes just to get up to place our order and pay, and now we were standing in ANOTHER line, waiting for our food. "It's worth the wait," Mia said as I fidgeted in line for probably the hundredth time. "Chill out." Hey, I love food as much as any guy and I can pack it away. But, given the choice of waiting in line for a tasty burger...

2 years ago
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NFL preseason action

I was watching home shopping network one morning and Valerie Stup was hosting and she was wearing a Tampa bay buccaneers t shirt and blue jeans. "so football season is finally here" I told her,. "yep just around the corner." she replied as she was going through these large NFL throw blankets."you're checkin me out aren't you?" she asked "no no no" I'm just lookin at these NFL blankets." i told her she smiled. "c'mon don't lie I know you're checkin out my tush" she says. "I can't believe...

3 years ago
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Die beste Freundin meiner Frau 3

Ich drückte mit meinen Schwanz gegen ihr Loch. Langsam, ganz langsam gelang es mir, meinen triefnassen Schwanz hineinzudrücken. Puh, das war ganz anders als ihre Fotze. Eng und trocken. Wie ein Schraubstock umfasste ihr Schließmuskel meinen Schwanz. Ich sah, wie Anna eine ihrer Hände zwischen ihre Beine nahm. Offenbar streichelte sie sich den Kitzler. Ich drückte langsam weiter und steckte bald bis zum Anschlag in ihrem Arsch. Was für ein geiles Gefühl.„Okay", meinte Anna, „jetzt kannst Du...

3 years ago
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My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter part 2

My Stepmothers Sissy Daughter, part 2 By: Malissa Madison I lay there sleeping peacefully, feeling safe for the second time in so long I couldn't remember. I heard voices and I woke up, I was facing toward them on my side. A woman I didn't recognize but looked a lot like the girl in the diner said, "I think she's so sweet. I'm glad Dave brought you here last night. I was afraid to say anything about the bruises on your face, I didn't want to scare you." "Thank you Monica," mommy...

3 years ago
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Caught by an older man

Back then I still had the body to wear my little white bikini, and I did as often as I could. I was 5’6, brown hair, blue eyes, 120 lbs with perky b cup tits that were almost a c cup. I was hot and knew it. One afternoon, when my parents were both at work and nobody was supposed to be dropping by, I had an idea. I would sunbath nude and get rid of my tan lines! I set up my lawn chair and pulled off my bikini. Put some sunscreen over sensitive areas so they would not burn and...

3 years ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 59

Time: Unknown, parked in a field of corn... We all woke up about the same time in the cockpit. Hoshi looked totally confused and surprised that we were still in one piece. The view outside was that of a setting sun. The plane was surrounded by a vast expanse of corn... I probed with my mind and sensed the 400-foot sound barriers in all directions, about 23 kilometers away. I probed a little more closely. I think my seat in the cockpit was directly opposite the center of Antelope Freeway....

3 years ago
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my wires best freind part two

i got text from sue at 6pm saying see u in hour just gettin dresst 4 u half hour later iam takein my wife 2 sues 2 baby sit and mal says did i mind givein sue lift 2 town as she got meet ner new guy in town i said no probs we got 2 surs and sue lookt stuning she said hi and went in kictchen with mal sue shouted ill be 5 mins two me and i could here mal askin who she was meetin sue said u want aprove hes married mal says u want 2 dress diffrent 2 that or he will just want get in2 your nicks and...

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My Teaching Sexcapades 8211 Pt 1 Seducing Shy Student

Hi all the good people of ISS, it has been a long gap since I wrote on ISS because of various reasons. I was having fun with my new role as a lecturer but the site was blocked so I couldn’t. But since we are back online, I want to bring you my new experiences as a lecturer and sex teacher. I am Kishan from Bengaluru and I am the hero of this story. This is only the first part of the series I am about to write. After working in a private sector for a few years, I got bored with the mundane life...

3 years ago
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My weirdest sexual encounter at 19

You eat an ice cream for the first time and enjoy the taste, the coolness, and texture, all combine to trigger the response and it becomes a favourite, an acquired taste and this for me is how my sexual tastes are added, through experience, something happens, you get a kick out of it, and bang, before you know it, your out there doing it again.I was 19 and at the home of one of my boyfriends relatives. One of the guests was a man, extremely fat and hairy, like an ape, but make him even more...

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Elisabeth Grey Parts 23 24

Elizabeth Grey By Carmenica Diaz Part 23: Darling of Britain. I spent the rest of the day on the telephone. The press had hounded Mum but I felt relieved when she told me that a security woman arrived, saying she was from Fiona Woolf and would keep the media away. 'She's a little thing, Liz,' Mum said 'but she doesn't take no for an answer. She scared them off quick smart.' When I was on the phone to Mum, Dean came up behind me,...

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The Rask RebellionChapter 25 Cleanup

Hoff placed the plastic explosive on the roof of the tunnel, gingerly pushing the detonator transceiver into the clay-like lump. He tapped at his wrist computer, syncing the device to his system, then gave Brenner a thumbs-up. “We’re good to go, LT. Don’t know how sturdy this tunnel is, though. Whole fucking thing might come down on us.” “The map has been ... reasonably accurate so far,” Song added, examining the holographic readout on his display. “We should be right beneath the basement...

1 year ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 47

"Commodore, Crypian McDermid. I have just received signal orders to report to the Admiralty with my staff for discussions regarding possible operations in this area. There is a memo from Evan Cochrane personally asking you attend quote as an observer unquote. A nice touch, that, I thought. When would it be convenient for you to travel?" "Let me mull this over for a bit ... Crypian, I'm going to try something. I'll com you back. Clear." McCock extracted his PDA and entered a com...

1 year ago
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Tori Part 1 Getting into debt

My ex-wife is a total train wreck waiting for a place to happen. Tori was a week away from turning seventeen when I met her and I was nearly six years older. She was a perfect natural beauty. We dated for a nearly a year before I asked her to marry me. Sadly, our marriage lasted only four years but rewarded us with two great children. It turned out that she was not as ready to settle down and I was. The funniest thing about our relationship was that even after the divorce, we would still have...

2 years ago
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Fun At Work Sex With A Colleague

This is just a fantasy, hope you like it. “The date on you entry is wrong, its 2015 dumbo”, she said with a smile. “Then please correct it madam”, I said to her. She wasn’t the best looking woman in office but God did she have a figure of a sex goddess. We sat next to each other and I spent half my day just talking to this babe, just to catch a glimpse of her huge melons. Her name was Trisha, a young woman of 24, recently married and the woman of my fantasies. She had flesh in the right places...

1 year ago
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Edited by Barney R. Final edit and spelling and grammar checked by Grammarly Tweaked by me all errors are on me. Author’s Note; All military training and action references are totally made up I have no sniper experience, and I was not a supply clerk. I was a maintenance man in a hospital unit. This is fiction after all. This is a longer than normal story for me. She showed me the home pregnancy kit it had turned blue. I was not happy. Dramatis personae Sidney Greenleaf (Me) John...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel April Olsen Orgasmic Kinky Anal Fun

Bodacious brunette April Olsen struts by the pool, showing thicc thighs and a phat ass. She peels off her purple lingerie and masturbates sensually. Porn pro Mark Wood slides his big cock between her lips, and April gives him a drooling blowjob. She shoves her fingers in her tight asshole. Mark’s throbbing boner drills her pink sphincter. He buttfucks her hard as she screams in orgasmic delight. April climbs on top and grinds on his thick boner. She gets off on an intense anal orgasm. Her...

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Kutia saas ki chudai

Hi friends mera naam shanu hai. Main gwalior mein rahata hu.meri age 28 hai mera laand 6.5″ lamba aur 3.5′ mota hai.maine bahut hi sexy hu mujhe sex karna acha lgta hai maine aaj tak kisi kesaath sex nahi kiya tha mera sochne tha ki jo maza biwi ke sath sex karne main e hai vo kisi aur mai kaha es liye maine muth mar ka hi kaam chala ta tha par meri abhi abhi shadi huyi hai.main apko meri pahali chudai ki story sunanae ja raha hu. Meri shadi yahake ek neha namke ladaki ke satth huyi hai. Neha...

2 years ago
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For a Run 3

I walked to the park and got behind the hedge. I could see through the cracks of the door that Brad was already there since there was some light comming through. At least I hoped it was him and I could feel me cock hoping as well. The thought of that body, that butt and that face... Mmmmmm I was ready. When I opened the door Brad was there all right, fully naked with a boner to welcome me. He stood against the wall smirking and when I came in he walked up to me and kissed me long and...

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The things I do for you

You take out a marker pen, push dark hair away and write it on my forehead. S L U T. I'm on my knees, looking up at you and your erection is already showing under your jeans. I'm wearing red lipstick because I know you like to see it marked on your shaft. White lace underwear because you like me in the colour of innocence. Black mascara because you like to watch it run down my high cheekbones.I take a few calming breaths in anticipation of what's to come, as you hand cups my chin and our eyes...

3 years ago
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Romantic Relaxation From Tiredness By Chandana The Sexy Maid

Hi friends, this is my first story to ISS network. Forgive me if anything seems wrong. And this is totally a true story. Please give me feedback if you like it. You can contact me in my mail id Before beginning about myself, I am KK from Burdwan, West Bengal, Currently working as a manager in a company. I am 5ft 9inch in height. Have a average body. So let me start my story. This story is about my maid and me. Her name is Chandana. She is of age between 27 – 30. She is nice looking with good...

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A Villains Tale May

For those listening instead of watching, I stand at 6'3 and weighed in at 243 pounds. I've got brown hair and a solid build. You may have heard of my as Slick Jack the Frost, self-named of course. I arrive quickly and leave you shaking and this, my friends, is my story. It was a thick winter as I trudged home from the gym. A stiff breeze blowing down Main Street; the cold stabbed through my layered jacket as I walked the 2 blocks to the parking lot. Hunching over, I tried to preserve as...

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Lessons A Paul Purple Story

A bell woke me, I reached out to turn off the alarm only to find... nothing, the clock I was aiming for wasn't there, and instead there was a wooden bedside cabinet with a drawer and a telephone on top of it. I raised myself up and realised I was in a strange room, a hotel room (?) The bell rang again; it was coming from the door. "Come in?" I said realising that I'd need to get up and open the thing when it seemed to open on its own. A young girl, about nine years old, entered, she was...

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DreamweaverChapter 71 Into the Fire

When I woke up this morning I had a short list of things to do: see Tony about the corporate filing and Christine's sexual harassment suit; farther down the list was talking to Rod and Rebecca about someone called The Black Queen -- who she was and why she might be interested in me. I had put that conversation off because I knew Rebecca would want to know about what I had learned at the church and why I had needed a background check on Tony on a Sunday. I had confirmed during the...

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Penny and Laura Part 1

When Penny moved into her apartment three years ago it was because she fell in love with the way it seemed to combine the cozy vintage feel with the crisp edges of modern design. The rent was a little higher than what she had originally wanted to pay but once she viewed the space she couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The open floor plan made the kitchen and living room area feel large and comfortable instead of the cramped basement suite she was living in before she moved. Exposed brick...

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Fun With a Soft Cock

In spite of expert fondling, licking, and sucking, the older man’s penis just lay softly on his balls. “Damn”, thought the 40-year-old voluptuous redhead, “That’s the problem with an older husband. I am still SOOO horny!” When they made love it was very good and very satisfying but it didn’t happen nearly as often as she needed it. She was well into her sexual prime and her pussy asked for the sensations of a firm penetrating penis, the soothing warmth of semen, and the tingly pleasures of an...

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ExpeditionChapter 34 Moving on

Kurt here... Lori is coming up on 4 years old. Junior Cheese (Burger) is almost 3, as are nearly all the first generation of the Family. When the water nailed the women it got them all so there's 66 almost three year old kids with Lori type minds.(Some of them are mine ... that's a scary thought) It's hard to refer to them as Lori minds as each one is as individual as anyone could want, they do things together though. I think they could move the moon if they all got together. I know they...

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Please officer Ill do anything Part 2

I sat back in my seat as the clock turned to six. My eyes were staring down the front door as I saw his shadow walking around inside the house. My mind swirled, and my tongue wet my lips as best they could. I was really nervous, and found my knees bouncing up and down. I was terrified. What had I got myself in to? I did know for sure though, that I was never going to drink and get in a car with a drunk driver again. ‘Here goes nothing,’ I breathed, my eyes turning towards the car door, opening...

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12 October 2008Chapter 3

“Now where were we before the pleasant interruption, oh yes, I was fucking my loving husband!” “There you go again with the husband title. When will you break down and actually marry me?” “Never!” she teased gripping his cock with her pussy muscles. “Besides, you’re already married to Karen and Wendy is your common-law-spouse.” “Actually, since we’re living together, once you give birth to our baby, we’ll be considered common-law spouses too.” “You’re joking, aren’t you?” “No, it’s true....

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 17 A New Hope

June 1981, Milford, Ohio We arrived back in Milford just before 7:00pm on Monday evening. I pulled the car into the driveway and parked. We grabbed our bags and went inside. My first order of business was to find my dad and find out what had happened on Friday night. I had thought about calling, but in the end, decided I wanted to talk to him face-to-face, and there was nothing I could’ve done from Chicago, anyway. I found my parents together and given the temperatures were in the upper...

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My Rapist the Worst Thing That Can HappenChapter 3

The rest of the week was normal. Just like a regular life! I wasn't raped again. No strange men came to my home and abused me. Sean and I still made love every night. Except that now, taking his cock into my mouth and throat for seconds had become a part of our routine. I didn't mind. I liked that I could please him. And it assuaged my guilt. I couldn't help feeling guilty for allowing myself to submit to that man, my rapist. On Friday we went out for dinner to celebrate Sean's promotion...

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Mother in law takes my length

The following story is the final outcome of my previous two stories "Mother in law shock proposition 1&2"..Having had the briefest of moments with june my mother in law, a couple of weeks ago. I finally plucked up the courage to take the risk of accepting her surprise offer of an afternoon of fun! Since our brief fumble a while ago i have done nothing but fantasise about what could potentially happen should i take her up on her offer! two weeks spent weighing up the risks and comparing that...

1 year ago
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Locked and Mysterious Part 2

The day dragged on and I tried to keep my mind off of the horrible situation. I watched TV and tried not to move around much, since every time I did, I felt the prison on my cock and the fear returned.The device itself wasn't as uncomfortable as one might think. I mean, it definitely felt tight and restrictive, but as of now, it wasn't unbearable at least. Nothing was having its circulation cut off or anything like that.A hard knock echoed through my apartment. I rushed to the peephole and...

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9 July 2008Chapter 3

The third night and results show always featured the contestants singing in groups to different songs. Brad and Abby were happy to be practising an extra song to help the time pass by quicker and take their minds off the impending voter results. The theatre was again filled to capacity, the Hayward and Kendall families so excited for and proud of their son and daughter. “Welcome to Canadian Idol! I’m your host Ben Mulroney and tonight these sixteen performers will learn their fate. Only ten...

4 years ago
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27 Minutes Part 1 of 3 Le train

July 2011. In all my travels, the Paris Metro is one of my favourite transport systems. Whether whizzing across to breathtaking views of La Tour Eiffel or hopping up to Anvers to marvel at the gleaming Sacré Cœur and bustling artists of Place du Tertre, it’s an essential piece of kit to explore what is arguably the most romantic European city. To plan a Metro journey, just like most other underground systems, the rule of thumb is to allow roughly three minutes per stop. While transit time...

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My Japanese Love Part 3

“Your….Your Parents are coming here? When?” I asked Amya. “They should be here day after tomorrow” said Amya. “But why?” “I told you. Hiro called them and told them what happened. Knowing him he told them a lie. It doesn’t matter they are coming and they are upset. When they come I’ll tell them our side and what that bastard did to me.” “True, But do you think they are going to be happy with you after you tell them?” “Look AJ. I know they probably think I dishonor them by...

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Story Night

Billy sat uncomfortably on the settee facing Jake. Apart from the fact that he had only just met him, their meeting had also been thrust upon him by his wife Suzy. Having casually dropped it into the conversation at the end of dinner, she had given him only fifteen minutes notice before the doorbell rang and in stepped Jake. But that was Suzy all over, suddenly thrusting things upon people and catching them by surprise. If there was one thing she could not accuse him of after almost five years...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 50 Leslie Novak

January 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “I think I’m going to have the vasectomy,” I said. “But not until Jess delivers.” Jessica, Kara, and I were cuddling in bed early on Sunday morning. “Just in case?” Kara asked. “Yes. None of you girls has had any problems with carrying to term, but you never know. I’d hate to put us in a position where we couldn’t try again if we needed to.” “That makes a lot of sense, Tiger. It’s very responsible of you!” “It may be responsible,” Kara giggled. “But...

4 years ago
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A Better Solution Than Divorce Part 14

A Better Solution Than Divorce - Part 14 By Jennifer Allison The High School Gym - Monday Morning An announcement was made during the first period. "Will the following students please report to the gym." All the side betters along with Tommy and Wally were call out of class. Mr. Brown awaited them. "I know about the incident Saturday night between Wally, Tommy and Jennifer McLean," he announced. "If you know all about it, why were we all called out of class?"...

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Judy8217s Summer Adventure

Judy had mixed feelings when her husband announced that they were going to spend a week on a fishing trip on Lake Michigan. She loved the lake, and a week of rustic living would be nice, but she knew from past experience her husband Ted and their son, Ted Jr. would be spending their days out in a boat, leaving her alone for long stretches. It was an isolated rural area and there wasn’t much to do when you’re by yourself. So, when they arrived at their rented cottage and unpacked, she knew that...

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Graduate WorkChapter 7

Jared sat on the plush "boyfriend bench" in the changing area of Victoria's Secret, his feet lost in a growing crop of shopping bags, listening to his mom negotiating with the store manager. "Ma'am, I'm afraid that this is highly irr-" the woman began, and then Jared heard the sound of bills being ruffled by nimble fingers. "I'm sure we can find some way to compensate for the inconvenience," Karen said. "Of course, we'll buy everything we try on; we simply desire a little, shall...

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Lusts What The Doctor OrderedChapter 6

The sun had set as Prinz pulled onto the Coast Highway. He leaned forward to turn on the driving lights of his automobile, and as the traffic thinned, he looked up the highway to see a pair of hitchhikers standing beside the road. At first, he thought the hikers were two longhaired boys, but as he drew closer, he saw they were girls dressed in shirts and jeans. Pulling onto the shoulder, Prinz leaned over and opened the door of his Mercedes. Breathlessly, the girls ran to the car and peered...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2114 Suddenly Last Summer

By the last week of August, everyone had come home to the ranch. Angela and Del were taking a month to move to her new position at The Hutch in Seattle. They were spending the first two weeks at the ranch. She did a lot of hovering over Doug and reviewing his medical records to see if she could spot anything the doctors had missed in his bone marrow transplant. “I’m going to find a cure for this, Doug. Just hang on. As soon as I get to Seattle I’ll make arrangements for you to come out....

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The Big Fight

I had a couple days off from work, so I just pretty much laid around the house. Daddy came in the familyroom and told me, that Brian had been calling the past few nights. It didn't make any sense why he hasn't been around or coming up to work. I called Brian to tell him to come over, that I had the house to myself for a few hours. When Brian got to the house, I had my robe on, covering up one of my new nighties I bought just for him. Brian walked into the familyroom, seen me playing with...

2 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 20

We wake up to the alarm. We’re soon washed and ready for the day. We walk out to meet the rest of the group just as Room Service finishes setting out the breakfast for us. Passing Debbie I caress her arse, and say, “Tonight’s your night, if you want?” She smiles, and nods agreement, causing some giggles from my other girls. The usual morning briefings, and Rob informs me he’s gotten onto a deal for some heavily armoured coach buses. A couple are fitted out as luxury mobile homes, a couple as...

2 years ago
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Bottle Butt Scene from NicoleX

Thomas sits on his couch in nothing but his underwear. They are completely soaked with his cum. On the cab ride home, Emma had undone his buckle, slid her hand into his boxers and jerked him off. THOMAS You sure you want me to leave these on? Emma spreads out on the floor before him, down to her lace lingerie body suit. Her round aerolas peep through. Her tits aren’t nearly as big as Chelsea’s, but they are perky and her body more than makes up for it. Working her ass round and round,...

3 years ago
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CastawayChapter 16

It was a question he really didn't want to answer, I knew immediately. I could feel him, in my mind, casting around for ways not to answer it, for ways to avoid it, even for lies he could invent to conceal the truth. Ours wasn't, however, the basically one-way mental connection I knew he was accustomed to. It wasn't just him reading me, I could read him, too. Oh, I couldn't quite influence his thinking the way he'd influenced mine, I hadn't the practice for that, this was all too new...

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