Out Of Gas
- 4 years ago
- 30
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The voice came out of nowhere, startling Val and making him lose his grip on his wrench. His hand shot back and smashed into the frame of his currently disassembled motorcycle. Pain bloomed.
"Chyort voz'mi!" the nineteen year old Russian swore. He swatted the power button on the CD player with his free hand, ending the sweet sounds of Korol i Shut, one of his favourite bands and one of the few CDs of Russian music he allowed himself to listen to. He was an American now, as he had been for the last five five years. Americans tolerated difference only to a point, especially here in Arizona. Here he was Val Cosvik, teenager and apprentice mechanic, not Valentin Kostayavich, delinquent Moscow street youth.
He opened his mouth to yell at whoever had startled him but the sight of who stood before him made him stop mid exhalation. It was a girl. He had seen her in school, one of the narjadnyy who wore designer clothes and lived in their daddy's pocket. She certainly looked that part: expensive yellow sweater, white designer slacks that probably cost more than he made in a week and she looked like a movie star. Her hair was cork-silk blonde, eyes blue like the sky set in a face that was smooth, round and flawless. As American as apple-pie was the phrase he wanted, and that she was: the perfect, unattainable dream that every American boy wanted but would never, ever get.
She wouldn't last ten minutes in Moscow.
Val did remember her. Her name started with a 'J'. Julie ... no, that wasn't it. It wasn't Jackie either, but it was similar. Short. Jesse ... Judith... Jenni. That was it: Jennifer 'Jenni with an 'I'' Wescott. Yes, she was sixteen or seventeen and travelled with a group of girls who were just as rich and just as privileged but nowhere near as attractive. They all had the same smell about them, the same sense of contempt for those who worked and had grease under their fingernails; that and the awareness that no boy was ever going to score with them unless he owned a fancy European sports car and came carrying a diamond ring the size of a hub cap.
Yes, he did remember Jenni Wescott-the belokurva. He had talked to her just this morning in fact, in the school parking lot, where he and his bratans were sitting and talking on their motorbikes. He had been talking about his clubhouse (this clubhouse, in fact ... if you could count a half empty, partly converted auto garage as a clubhouse) and laughing at some stupid joke when he had caught sight of her looking at the group of them with that look that only girls like her could have: part shock, part indignation, part disgust but all condescension.
He had been in front of his brothers—pride demanded he do something—so he strutted up to her and invited her over to see his crib (as his American friends called it) and give her a special tour. She had given him a look that could have curdled milk and he had replied ... what had he said? Oh, yes: "you should give it try, kiska. Maybe being with real man would put smile on that pretty face of yours." She had turned and vanished in a huff before he could stroke her cheek.
"Ni khuya sebe," he whispered to himself in the present: 'No fucking way'. "Have you come to take me up on my offer, varustka?" he asked, smile forming on his face and barked knuckles forgotten.
No, she hadn't. He could see by the look on her face, the way she gripped her purse with white knuckles and by the way her eyes darted into every dark corner looking for attackers. She didn't want to be here at all.
"I, I saw the light on," she said falteringly. "I didn't know what else to do. I ran out of gas."
"Out of gas?" Val raised his eye brows. "Here?" He grabbed a rag and tried to clean the engine grease off of his hands, but it was no good. "Why would fancy girl like you be driving in place like this?"
She fidgeted, flushed and wouldn't meet his eye.
"Ah, I see." Val chuckled. "pretty girl in fancy car was off seeing secret boyfriend." She flushed even more and Val laughed loudly. "Secret boyfriend is very lucky boy, but why do you not call him on cell phone so he can ride to rescue like knight on shining horse?"
"I forgot my phone at home," she murmured, her eyes still not meeting his. "Can, can you help me?"
Val's smile widened. "Local princess needs help of lowly Valentin? Do you want phone so you can call rich father to come to rescue?"
"No!" Her eyes widened and met his. "I can't tell anyone I'm here. Can..." she swallowed. "Can I maybe borrow some gas? Do you have any here?"
"Borrow? As in I do favour for you?" His eyes narrowed and he let some anger into his voice. "After you make me laughing boy in front of my friends? Why would I do favour for you?"
She stepped into the shop, her high class elegance completely out of place amidst the dirt, grease and engine parts. "I'm sorry about that ... Valentine."
"Valentin," he corrected with a growl. "I am not holiday with hearts and chocolate."
She advanced closer, until she stood across the tool kit from her. He could smell her perfume through the grease and exhaust fumes of the garage: it was flowery and expensive. She was close enough that he could see the individual fibres in her sweater and the sloping mounds of her generous cleavage. She was wearing a pink shirt beneath it, he could see now, where it peeked out between the valleys of her breasts. The skin of her chest and neck was smooth ... and flushing. He glanced past her red perfect lips into her eyes—they were so, so blue from this close—and saw that she was completely aware of his scoping her out.
"I'm sorry about this morning, Valen..." she stumbled over his name, "Valentin. My friends were watching, too."
He took his eyes on another, more leisurely tour of her body. She really did have one hell of a figure, the kind of youthful perfection that only a sixteen year old could have. Meeting her eyes again—she was flushing more, now—his smile was more calculating. "No one is watching now, Jenni. Is only you and I."
She looked away, her face positively aflame and stepped behind an engine block. She clutched her purse in front of her like a shield. "Look, I said I was sorry and I really do apologize. Do you have some gas I can borrow..." she corrected herself. " ... have?" She reached into her purse. "I have some money. I can pay for it."
Val stepped around the tool box and the engine block until there was nothing between them. He was also, by no accident, between her and the door. He shook his head. "Not money. I am from Russia, where money means nothing. In Russia, business done through barter. This for that." He added at her look of confusion.
"Barter?" She backed away from him, her blue eyes as wide as saucers. "What do you want to trade for?"
Val just smiled.
Jenni was talking faster now, her voice higher. "Look, money for gas is a kind of trade, right? And, I have a watch you can have..." She backed into a wall, right where Val had been steering her. He leaned one arm against the wall over her head, trapping the pretty blonde cypka there.
"I told you, I don't want money," he murmured, "and I don't want watch."
"I don't have anything else I can give you." Her voice was small, almost a child's. It was dark in this corner of the shop and Val blocked most of the light that he would have used to see her, but her eyes, still wide, were plainly visible. They weren't the eyes of someone frightened.
Not moving his body, Val looked around the half empty garage bay. "This is not just garage you come into, little kiska, it is special place with special rules."
It took her a moment to reply. "What kind of place is it?"
He turned back to her. "It is house of sajka. A house of men."
She looked around in a panic. "But you said only you and me here."
"And I do not lie, my kroshka, but as house of men it has rules of men, ones that cannot be broken."
Her eyes glittered. "What kind of rules?"
Val reached his free hand towards her and she made no move to back away. His eyes locked to hers, he drew one grease stained finger slowly down her cheek, marking the perfect smoothness of her skin with dirt and oil. "Is called rule of konkat. Rule of finishing." There was no such rule; Val was making this up as he went along. "When woman enter house of men, men cannot leave unsatisfied."
Her eyes widened. "Unsatisfied?" Her voice was a squeak, but her eyes betrayed a different emotion.
"Unsatisfied." He confirmed. "Woman cannot leave without man getting konkat. Finish. American word is ... go. No: come. Yes, man must come. Splash. Brysgat. Is rule."
"What kind of rule is that?"
"My rule." His voice hardened.
She shrank from him. "How..."
He smiled and took another moment to caress her body with his eyes. "How is up to you." He ran his finger along her bottom lip and her mouth opened at his touch. He could feel moist breath against his finger. "Your lips play leather flute very well, I think, but—" he glanced suggestively towards her crotch "—so too your smonka: very pretty.".
Her face now completely red, she pushed away from him. "I can't ... you can't ... it's wrong!" She rushed towards the open garage door but stopped halfway. She still held her purse in front of her with clasped arms. Slowly she turned to face him, conflicting emotions warring on her face.
Val was happy; she could have run away but she hadn't. Still leaning against the wall he shrugged. "Then walk back to town all alone on bad road. Five miles to nearest gas station."
He watched her standing there, her eyes gleaming in excitement while the rest of her face and body pretended protest. She dropped her purse. "What will you do to me?"
Val smirked and slowly walked towards her, his eyes raking up and down her body; a winner inspecting his prize. "I can do to you, or you can do to me."
Her forehead wrinkled. "I, I don't know what you mean."
He didn't say anything more, just walked past her to the bay door and began to close it. He stopped it about half way, and looked over at her, one eyebrow raised in silent question. She said nothing, just squirmed where she stood and rubbed her hands against the sides of her expensive, designer pants. Neither of them said anything as he finished lowering and securing the door.
"Come, Jenni with 'I', come into traxodrom, come into place of sex."
She started towards the now closed garage door. "I don't think I can do this. I think I should go."
Val stepped in front of her, his eyes locked on hers and not leaving. She stopped, indecision written across her face in huge neon letters. Val stepped towards her, stopping only when he was close enough to feel her heat. "Door is locked. Deal is made, little kiska. Is too late for you to be leaving."
She shuddered at his words but did not retreat. "You keep calling me different things. What do they mean, anyway?"
"Kiska is name for pretty girl. Means 'kitten'." Val smirked. "Pussy." Her breathing quickened. He reached between them to where her hands were fluttering impotently. "Time for talking over, little pussy. Time is for doing." He began pulling her towards the back room, his traxodrom, and she followed passively. "Do you do to me with your pretty, pretty lips, or do I do to your hairy prison with my needle?"
They passed into the back room of the garage, the one he and his bratans had filled with cast off bar furniture. In the far corner, beyond the barstools and the tables was Val's destination: a stained mattress on the concrete floor.
Jenni tore her eyes away from the mattress with difficulty? "Hmm? What?"
Val used plainer English. "I give you choice, little pussy: do you suck my cock with your pretty, pretty lips, or do you take off clothes and I have sex with you on mattress?" His lips twitched. "Either way, I finish in part of you."
She swallowed. "I'll ... umm ... I'd rather go down on you." Her words were like music to Val's ears, made all the sweeter because they came from such an innocent and pretty face. "I'll ... blow you."
Val's smile was cruel. "You think maybe secret boyfriend think this less of cheating, little dojarka, or do you not tell him of your little adventure tonight?"
Anger flared in her eyes. "Look, shut up about that, ok? Please? I'll ... play your clarinet or whatever, ok? Just ... shut up."
Val had been hard from almost the first moment she had entered the garage and now, with her looking both defeated and aroused, he was harder than steel.
"Please to taking off sweater now." His voice was a growl.
She looked up, startled, and clutched her arms to her chest. It just made her breasts seem larger. "But you said I didn't have to. I'm just going down on you."
"I change deal, sweet little pussy," he growled, his eyes locked onto her chest. "I must see titka. Take off sweater or I take off for you." He smirked and held up his greasy hands. "If I take off you must explain to rich daddy why it so dirty."
"God, no! It's cashmere!" In a second it was off and laying across a bar table. Jenni stood next to it, here eyes still wide, now clad in her pink top that hugged her waist like a second skin and held up by tiny straps across her shoulders. Val advanced towards her. She tried to back away but found herself blocked by one of the tables.
Neither said anything as he came close enough to feel her breath. His erect needle, pressing painfully against his jeans, was almost close enough for her to touch. His hands came out and slid around her narrow waist, then down the flare of her hips to the tight globes of her zopa. She gasped and her hands flattened against his chest as he pulled her body against his, pressing her against his crotch and his painful erection. "Very nice, cypta. You have very nice ass."
His hands kneaded her, grinding her hips against his own rhythmically. If her eyes had been open she would have been looking off in the corner. Her breathing was ragged. "What..." she gasped out. "What does sip-ta mean?"
"'Baby bird, '" he growled out. "Is name for pretty girl." Her body was smooth and lean, curved in just the right way. She fit against him like a nesting doll. He pulled her up by her buttocks until she was standing on her toes and ground the crotch of her jeans against him. He groaned. "So, good, cypta. So eblivaya."
He loosened his grip but didn't release her. His hands slid underneath her shirt, fingers meeting at the narrow of her back and then slowly, slowly moving up its length, feeling the perfection of her warm, smooth skin. He felt silk and lace between the blades of her shoulders and slid his hands along her ribs until the peaks of her breasts rested beneath his palms. He gave the cloth covered mounds a squeeze that was more gentle than hard.
Her breath caught. "What does 'ebliva' mean?" Her eyes were still closed.
"eblivaya. Beautiful. 'full of sex'" He pulled up her shirt until it was a pink scarf around her neck and her entire upper body was exposed to him. Her bra was just as pink as her shirt and Val could easily see the outline of her nipples, hard and erect, beneath the sheer fabric. "You are very eblivaya."
He smirked at the sight of his oily handprints on her expensive lingerie and cupped her twin mountains with his dirty hands once again. After squeezing and kneading for a minute he pushed up until the lacy cups hung alongside the matching shirt and he could see her bufera in all their teenaged splendour. They were as perfect as only a sixteen year olds breasts could be: firm, not too large, warm, and full. They fit in his grip perfectly.
He rubbed her nipples with his thumbs and she moaned. "Do you like touch, cypka?" He growled into her ear. "Does touch of real man feel better than hands of secret boyfriend?"
Her eyes snapped open. "Don't talk about that!" Her arms came up to cover her chest and forced his hands away. "Let's just ... do this, ok? Let me suck your thing so I can go."
"Is not 'thing'," Val growled. He took her wrists in his hands and easily pulled them away from her chest. "Is my khui, my needle. 'Three happy letters'." He placed her hands overtop the bulge in his jeans. "Is to be loved and appreciated." Her fingers gently cupped his bulge.
He slid one hand up the creamy smoothness of her arm, along her shoulder and then under the golden cascade of her hair. Cupping her neck, he pulled her towards him. Her breathing was fast and her lips opened in anticipation. Val let his own lips brush her temple as he moved his mouth to her ear.
"Kurite moju trubku," he whispered. "Suck my cock, little pussy." Bringing his other hand up to her shoulder, he pushed her face down to his crotch.
She fell to her knees without resistance, her shirt and byusttalter still hanging around her neck. Her hands rubbed nervously across her jeans. She looked up at Val nervously. His hands were still resting on her shoulders and he pulled her gently towards him. "Use hands and unzip," he instructed, "but please being gentle. Is very tight in pants."
Her eyes fixed on his bulge and her hands came up to his belt. She was hesitant as she unbuttoned him and then slowly, so slowly drew the zipper down over the distressed fabric. The feel of her fingers sliding across his erection made Val groan. "Oh, yes, little pussy," he growled. "Take it out. Touch with hands. Do it now."
She opened his pants as wide as the zipper could go. His erect needle, freer now but still constrained behind his boxers, jutted outwards like a tent. "Take out," Val hissed in frustration. "Kiss with lips."
From where she knelt, Jenni placed one gentle hand on his shaft through the cloth, then glanced up and flashed him a quick smile. It was a smile that would not have looked out of place on a teen magazine. It was wholesome. Sweet. Nice, or at least it would have been if she had not been kneeling with her face in Val's unzipped jeans. That one fact changed it from nice to sexy as hell. Eblivaya.
Lust overpowered him. "Sosi moi khui suka!" he growled. Suck my cock, bitch! He held her in place with his hands and rubbed his throbbing erection against her face, desperate for sensation. "Zazizalka! Suka!" Cock-tease! Bitch! "Do to me now. Take in mouth!"
She pushed her head backwards until she could see his crotch, then pulled his waistband out with one hand and gripped his shaft with the other. His needle, free now, leapt forward and struck Jenni in the cheek. She giggled, then opened her mouth and wrapped her sweet red lips around the deep purple head of his shaft.
Val groaned deeply and lessened his grip on her. He could feel her tongue swirling around his head like it was candy. "So good, kiska. So good."
She continued like that for both an instant and an eternity, rubbing her tongue in circles around him as Val gasped and groaned above her. One of her hands held his shaft steady while the other stroked his balls like they were her favourite pet. After a minute or two of this she pulled her head back but before Val could protest she dipped her head down, running her tongue up and down the length of his shaft.
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Forward:I am a great fan of Bill Bryson. Having read his book entitled, Down Under, I was intrigued by a passage in his book that dealt with his journey from Sydney to Adelaide. During the excursion, he visited a town named Young, also renowned as the cherry capital of Australia. While in this town, he encountered a store that doubled as the local pet store and porn shop, one all the most unlikely and unusual combinations you could imagine. He didn’t elaborate too much about the place but went...
Gay MaleI am writing to tell my story as a survivor of when the outbreak hit. Being locked down within a city, trapped and accompanied by a beautiful woman. It was a regular day for me at work. I work in the city about twenty miles from my home. I was out on a delivery and listening to the radio. Some news reports had been talking about some crazy flu that was sweeping through the cities in the US, ASIA, and some other countries. Some reported an outbreak coming and so on. Shortly after that,...
First let me say thanks to my volunteer editor KJ plotts for putting up with me…I know I can be a handful. This is a long story about some fairly dark subject matter so if that’s not your thing I can completely understand that but you should think about another story then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it and make sure to vote. The Second Coming Turning and turning in a widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer: Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon the...
Shot by benny and left for dead in a shallow grave the courier is saved by victor and healed by doc mitchell. Three days later she wakes up confused not because she was shot but why was she clothed. Journey through the mojave wasteland with are dumb nudist courier as she goes to find the men shot her and a long the way decide which faction rules the mojave, but don't worry she will not be alone as her equally nude followers with help along the way a "hopefully get her to let them wear...
Author's note, I'm new to this, so please excuse me if it sucks. Please leave notes and feel free to add. "Good, you're awake. I was a little worried for a second." says a voice that sounds like it belongs to an old woman. You open your eyes, but can't see clearly. Blinking repeatedly, you get your first good look at the old woman. She's not much to look at, but you've seen worse. Her breasts look like a small B cup, and you can't see her ass. "Who are you, where am I?"you ask nervously. "Well,...
Pick your Character! Crow - Standing in at six foot, Crow is the 'Jack of all Trades' of the team. Equally as capible of talking his way out of a fight as he is at actually fighting it. He's always willing to be lighten the situation with some laughter. With blond hair and blue eyes, his good-looks and charm will get him places the others can't...then again, so will his lock-picking. Midnight - At six foot ten inche of solid muscle, Midnight opperates as the 'Soldier' of the group. His brute...
6:30 AM. The alarm buzzed. I slammed down the sleep button, with every intent of going back to sleep. Five minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom and got up to go. I turned on the light. I looked in the mirror. My wife looked back. I screamed. "What's wrong, Dan?" I heard myself say, from the bed. "Come here, Jessica," I heard my wife's voice say. "Come here. NOW!" I saw myself walk in. "What's wr....DAN! What's going on?" "How should I know? I woke up... and I'm...
This starts with me becoming a massage therapist and I was volunteered by the teacher and owner of the massage therapy school to man a booth at a local holistic fair. he told me to select a female student to go with me so that when we offered a free 15 minute mini massage, they had their choice of gender. The space provided us space to make a temporary massage room with the walls made of the white sheets usually use for doing massages after class. We had a booth out front to hand...
“Remember: sexuality is not meant to be stale. Sexuality is fluid!”Miss Grunee was enthusiastic to speak in her favorite park, to her small audience, “You’re not heterosexual. You’re not LGBT. You are who you are!” the lady ended her monologue with a standing ovation.Next to the group, PJ was doing his reps of traction at the bar. 'Yeah, right,' he thought, ironically.PJ has been proudly gay since he discovered sex: he grew up as a small cub in a small town where he was the only jock in...
BisexualRiya played her eyes around the common room, noticing that one of the couches seemed to have been destroyed, as if something large had torn it up and crushed it. The vending machines were empty and had not been restocked, they appeared to have been unplugged from the wall, too. Everything looked old, not necessarily unkempt, but it was obvious that at some point the base had been left to decay for a long period of time without any kind of maintenance. There was old water damage on the walls,...
He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
There had to be some way to modify the outgoing signal, or to inject his own data into the stream. Schaffer slammed the console with his fist in frustration. He had mapped every function that he could find and was now reduced to trawling the maze of menus and submenus contained within the operating system. Half of the functions required commands that he did not know, the system was entirely custom, though loosely based on a kind of UNN security system management software that he was somewhat...
He awoke to frigid cold. His fingers were stiff, and his breath hung in the air, forming crystals that glittered in the waning light of the dirty bulbs. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but the heating still had not come on. There was some kind of problem. He tried to rise to a sitting position, noting with discomfort that his chapped lips were welded together, but the gravity gripped him like an angry fist and chained him to the bed. It felt as though an elephant was sitting on his...
There had to be some way to modify the outgoing signal, or to inject his own data into the stream. Schaffer slammed the console with his fist in frustration. He had mapped every function that he could find and was now reduced to trawling the maze of menus and submenus contained within the operating system. Half of the functions required commands that he did not know, the system was entirely custom, though loosely based on a kind of UNN security system management software that he was somewhat...
It was a paid job. Grab the girl and take her to the house. Have some fun first. I always liked a con better than chloroform for kidnaping. “Can you tell me how to get to the nearest post office?” Passenger side window rolled down, pretty jogger outside. Sliding door booms open, second man grabs her and hauls her inside. Like that. This time the girl was on the Church Street line heading home to her San Francisco apartment from her job downtown in the financial district. We were on...
As is often the result when the gf goes away i had spent the second she left teasing my hole and preparing it for the next weeks worth of stretching, toying , fingering and gaping but nothing could quite have prepared me for how my nights would go down.Id long known about southampton commons cruising nature but had only dabbled in watching, and enjoying a circle jerk with some local men on the very rare occasion i may be passing ;and despite my frequent visits to marlands shopping center for an...
Do I believe in soulmates? You bet I do, and if you’re destined to meet yours you will, no matter what mountains may be placed in your path. In the case of Evan and me, there was just one mountain and it was an isolated peak of 7200 feet in northwestern Montana. It was called Wolf Mountain and there was a lookout tower on top of it, a fourteen by fourteen foot box perched on stilts above a barren rocky summit, below which stretched sloping meadows of beargrass and dwarf huckleberry interrupted...
RoundaboutInhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver of...
Quickie SexThis all started with me thinking outloud. I was in the kitchen drinking a soda when my eighteen year old sister, Tracy, walked in. Tracy had on a tight pair of shorts and a loose tee shirt. She opened the door on the refrigerator, and bent down to pull out a bottle of water. This gave me a perfect view."Nice ass!" I said this out loud, but I was just thinking it.Tracy turned her head at me, and smiled. "Thanks, b*o."Being two years older than Tracy didn't help me much. I felt like a little boy...
Scoutmaster Dave exploded in anger, “Damn it Ron! You know a Scout is Clean and Reverent yet, you bring your filthy display of self debasement to dishonor the flag, the scouts and yourselves. Get out of here right now go get some buckets and wash my car before you do anything else. When you are finished you have KP and can do all the dishes and pots before eating yourselves. You need to clean up those filthy minds. Then you are to skip campfire meeting and wait by my car until I am back to...
This story contains wife swapping and bisexuality... A swinger's taleSmorgasbord by Thomas Waller"I'd like to see Tim suck another man's cock." Marnie announced this as she downed her sixth glass of red wine. Then, she sat back in her easy chair and stared at the rest of us defiantly. She licked her lips and added. "I would then give the pair of them the most unrestricted screaming fuck they had ever experienced." She was done and peered smugly at Helen and myself."Oh, for God's sake Marnie."...
Stretched out upon the sofa, her head resting securely in my lap, she sleeps peacefully. Necessitating the dim candlelight, the blackout has actually resulted in a romantic setting, the gentle flickering of the candles seeming to cause her face to glow with the innocence of a newborn child. She sleeps, yet a soft smile gently tugs at the corners of her dainty little mouth. I am certain that she can feel my fingers gently toying with her thick red strands, or feel my opposite hand gently...
The invitation came in a black envelope, addressed in silver ink."Blackout Party", said the card, and gave the address of a very good friend. My innards flipped with a thrill. I had been hoping for this to arrive, and finally it was here. Only a work-week away.I had known of my friend's predilection for erotic gatherings of his trusted close group. I don't remember how we got onto the conversation while he and I were out for a drink one evening. But it turns out that he was the host of regular...
Group SexI made my way through the pitch-dark streets, using my pocket torch to light the way. It was 1942, and the blackout was rigorously enforced. I was stationed at the barracks on the other side of town, and I should have been on duty, but Ginger Williams, a mate of mine, wanted to swop passes with me — his sister was getting married at the weekend, and he'd fixed it with the Duty Officer, and I had no objection. I was nearing home — Mum would be surprised to see me, but Ginger had fiddled some...
Savannah, GA August 1985 "Young man, now is not the time for games!" Mrs. Peterson picked up the instrument of power that was her phone and dialed a few numbers. "Could you come out please and deal with an unruly student, he's disrupting registration. Thank you," she said into the phone. "Coach Nevill will deal with you! Now move away! Next please." Tony, Cheri, and Tina moved out from in front of the counter. Anita was sitting in a nearby chair. Marj and Rebecca chuckled softly and...
SCOUTING REPORT KYLE MARTIN (SENIOR, PENN STATE), WR PROPERTY OF THE DENVER BRONCOS FOOTBALL CLUB CONFIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Club Grade for Position (WR): 1/40 Grade Level: Elite/Franchise Projected Draft Rank for Position (WR): 1st Taken Projected Overall Draft Rank: Top 10 pick. At present, our First Round Draft Position is 12. Projected Picks Prior to 12: 1. Washington Redskins DT 2. Detroit Lions OT 3. Kansas City Chiefs OG 4. Seattle Seahawks QB 5. Oakland Raiders...
Cammy smiled as she saw the poor nerdy-looking male typing away at a computer. She slid out of the air duct and then made it look as if she was walking up to him. Her boots clacking against the tile floor of the building. She even went so far as to put a little extra sway in her hips as she moved towards him. Leonhard heard the clacking, and turned his swivel chair around, petrifying in a moment as he saw an intruder in his room. A sexy, female intruder. Trying to keep calm, he asked, in a...
Excerpt from The Miami Herald - "Co-Eds Still Missing"Police remain baffled over the mysterious disappearance of over a dozen college-aged students. The case received unusual notoriety after the release of one eerie viral video, showing a naked woman clutching a unique species of octopus, walking hypnotically into the water. Police Chief Dan Patrick commented on the growing online sensation."So far... we are unable to ascertain if there is any connection [with the video] and any of our...
Monster SexHe left the Audi in the multi-storey and ground his way up through the grim bleakness of the stairwell, the smell of piss and the crunch of spent hypos, discarded like spent shotgun shells to be obliterated beneath his boots. The ambient stench of degradation clung to his Armani three-piece like some foul, invisible smog and, holding a silken handkerchief to his nose and mouth he quickened his ascent, desperate to get back to the luxury and safety of his government...
I lived in a southern state several years ago and found my fondness for mare flesh to be quite compelling. In the course of my search for suitable mares to fuck, I ran across a breeding farm with nearly 90 mares and a few high dollar studs. The farm was somewhat isolated and did not even have a caretaker. What a find! My usual approaches to the farm were across fields and fences in the dead of night. But gradually I became bolder and would drive on in the middle of the day on weekends....
„Hallo, mein Schatz, ich bin zu Hause“, rief ich, als ich das Haus betrat. Meine Frau Marina war in der Küche und bereitete unser Abendessen vor. „Hallo, mein Schatz, wie war Dein Tag?“ fragte sie und gab mir einen Kuss auf die Lippen. Ich zog sie eng an mich und erwiderte ihren Kuss. Meine Frau war mit ihren sechsunddreißig Jahren noch ein echter Hingucker, vor allem wenn sie wie jetzt gerade aufgrund der sommerlichen Temperaturen für die Hausarbeit nur mit ihren sexy roten Hotpants bekleidet...
Es war ein anstrengender Tag gewesen. In der Schule hatten die Lehrer, trotz der Hitze, einiges von uns abverlangt und ich war müde. Als ich nach hause kam, ging ich erst mal ins Zimmer um ein bisschen auszuruhen. Meine Mutter rief mir nach, dass es bald Mittag gäbe. Sorgfältig schloss ich die Tür meines Zimmers ab. Die Tasche pfefferte ich in eine Ecke, die Schuhe in die andere. Ich ging zum Fenster und schaute raus. Es war ein schöner Tag. Vielleicht würde ich am Nachmittag noch ein bisschen...