How to Avoid being Blown
- 3 years ago
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Savannah, GA August 1985
"Young man, now is not the time for games!" Mrs. Peterson picked up the instrument of power that was her phone and dialed a few numbers. "Could you come out please and deal with an unruly student, he's disrupting registration. Thank you," she said into the phone.
"Coach Nevill will deal with you! Now move away! Next please."
Tony, Cheri, and Tina moved out from in front of the counter. Anita was sitting in a nearby chair. Marj and Rebecca chuckled softly and took their places at the counter. It was time to register for school and this year's classes. They were going to the junior high afterwards to enroll Anita in eighth grade. That she was a bright little girl they all knew, but that she had skipped the fourth grade had never come up until it was time to register.
Tony mentally corrected himself, girl, not "little girl." The latter was a sure way to fire up Anita's temper. He did mutter under his breath to Tina, "I told you she'd blow a gasket".
Tina tittered but managed to control herself as Coach Nevill emerged from his office.
"Ah, Mister Smith, it seems you've managed to ruin Mrs. Peterson's carefully orchestrated registration. May I ask what the issue is? Oh, I'm sorry, I recognize Tina, who are these other two lovely young ladies?"
"Hey Coach!" Tony said, then indicated Cheri. "This is Cheri Harris, she's uhm, my charge, I guess is the best word. This young lady is Anita, she's my sister. Well that's not exactly right, yet, and all this is a bit of a legal mess. Can we talk?"
"Come into my office. Ladies if you will excuse us, we'll try to make this brief." Tony followed the man into his office.
"Sit Tony, this sounds rather intriguing. We normally require a parent or guardian to register a student."
"Uh, well, I'm acting as both today. I assume this conversation can be considered confidential? There are some personal issues about Cheri that I'd rather not be well known." Tony nodded toward the door and Coach Nevill understood he meant Mrs. Peterson, the town gossip.
Coach Nevill nodded.
"I'm actually Cheri Harris' legal guardian. I have a power of attorney for myself and my sisters."
"But your sister, you told me she was..."
"Yeah, that was Tammy. My family is adopting Anita. Currently they are court-appointed guardians pending the adoption process. But she's not the issue here. We're going over to the junior high to register her after we're done. She needs a family; I'd rather no one actually voice the fact that she isn't my sister by birth. She is my sister in every other way."
"OK, that makes sense. Now there is no way you are Cheri?" Tony nodded at him, "Cheri's guardian; you're a high school senior Tony."
Tony flicked through some papers, brought out the proper document, and handed it to Coach Nevill. He perused it for a minute with a furrowed brow.
"Captain Tony Smith?"
"Yes sir, it's a long story. Legally I'm the captain of a commercial vessel. It's the loophole they used so that Cheri didn't either get thrown into the New Jersey foster care system or put back into a very ugly situation at home. Do you remember Rebecca Harris?"
Coach Nevill nodded and smiled. "Of course, the girl who learned to walk, she was out in the office. I was so proud of her every time I saw her. You two are pretty close, it's easy to see."
Tony smiled. "Yes that's true. Cheri is Rebecca's cousin. She actually lives with them and they are suing for custody. Like I said, she had a bad life at home; abusive stepfather, you get the picture. So legally, I'm her guardian, but she lives with her aunt, uncle, and Rebecca. It will be a few more months before it's legal and all. Her aunt is outside and really was supervising the whole thing with me. She just can't legally register Cheri for school yet. Only I can."
"There has to be a good story behind that I'm sure. That's a big responsibility, you know that don't you?"
Tony laughed. "Yeah Coach. It's not something I did without talking to all the parents involved. Well not Cheri's parents, they're animals as far as I'm concerned. But yeah, I did talk with mine and certainly Mr. and Mrs. Harris. They will be her permanent guardians when the court thing is done. It still scared me to death until we got her back here safely."
Coach Nevill nodded. "You understand then I see."
"It's just legally I have to sign any papers. I didn't realize the number of important decisions one has to make concerning a child. Heck technically she lives on my boat and is just visiting her aunt. The legal stuff comes to Kalliste "care of" my home address. Uh Kalliste is the name of my boat."
"Extraordinary, OK I guess that's alright. It must be one heck of a boat to have its own address."
"Yeah, Rebecca insists on calling it a ship but she's only fifty-five feet."
"Yep, that's a big one alright. Now, about you and Tina, how come your parents aren't here?"
Tony dug out another paper. "I have power of attorney for me, Tina, and Anita. Mom's in court today and Dad is in Alabama on business. He works for National Pacific. Plus, well we are going to need this through the year from time to time. We're musicians and sometimes we need to go out of town to play. There will be some weeks that I'll need to sign us out of school to get to a performance in time. We have some booked for Statesboro already. I have one for Rebecca Harris as well so I can sign her in and out of school. Good thing Mom's a lawyer or all this would get expensive." Tony handed Coach Nevill another paper. "And hey, maybe if Rebecca isn't feeling so well we won't have to involve the police this time. It was a bit embarrassing last year."
"You know I'm going to check all this out don't you? I know about the music, it was all over the papers."
"Of course Coach, you certainly should. It's just a bad day for my parents so they just sent me along to deal with everything. Well I guess Cheri is mine to deal with, and we do talk all the time.
"Look, I'm not here to purposely rattle Mrs. Peterson's cage. I guess it could look that way. I'm just kind of playing with what I have Coach. Marjorie Harris is outside, Rebecca's mother. She knows the whole story."
Coach Nevill did talk with Marj outside. She must have convinced him that everything was on the up-and-up because he left the outer office and returned a couple of minutes later with Xerox copies of all the documents Tony gave him. He gave them to Mrs. Peterson then bent down and talked quietly in her ear. Then he escorted Tony and the girls back to the front of the line. Once the people who were currently at her desk were done she addressed Tony. "You know young man this is highly unusual."
"Mrs. Peterson I do know this is highly unusual. I'm absolutely positive that it's actually unique. It's the position we find ourselves in though. We have all the paperwork and class requests filled out. My mother actually signed the ones for Tina and I. I just have this paper in case there is a problem. I signed Cheri's Harris' admission request, but her aunt is right here." Tony pointed at Marj. "If there is a problem with her application we will consult her aunt just like Tina and I consulted with our parents on ours. Legally though, I'm still going to have to be the one to sign the admission papers. You remember Mrs. Harris right? She's Rebecca's mother, the girl I took to the hospital and who had to be admitted to intensive care while you refused to look up her contact number?"
"Yes young man, so I've been told. We will investigate this you know. Don't be surprised if you show up to school next week and your registration is invalid."
"Mrs. Peterson, do you know I actually have my very own lawyer on retainer? Well I actually have two lawyers on retainer. Only one is here in Savannah. Tina and I call her Mom. Believe me, if that happens I won't argue, but you can bet she will. I think I'll have her call Coach Nevill later today when she's done with her court case to make sure things go smoothly and there are no, um, errors."
Rebecca had moved to Tony's side at that point. She took his hand, pulled him down, and whispered in his ear, "Tony, you know what I told you once about that whole in-charge asshole thing being sexy for just a few minutes? Well it is now, give that bitch hell!"
Mrs. Peterson mumbled something under her breath and said, "I'm sure Mister Smith that there will be no problems."
"Nothing wrong with double-checking on that Mrs. Peterson so I'll make sure she makes that call. We'll see you next week."
Once they were done registering at the high school the kids were going to the junior high. Marj was going back to work and the rest were going back to the Smith house to continue their summer bliss by the pool after taking care of Anita.
Rebecca jumped into Tony's arms just outside the school doors. "Carry me!"
"OK, but don't make a habit of it, you still need to walk as much as you can." He picked her up as one would a child.
"Don't want to walk, that made me all squishy," she whispered in his ear.
"Squishy? Is my Rebecca thinking naughty thoughts?"
"Uhhm hmmm."
Tony gave her a sound smack on her bottom. He got an entirely unexpected result. As usual, when Rebecca got a particularly stimulating, but non-direct contact that excited her she slammed her thighs together. Then she moaned into his ear and trembled in his arms.
"You are an amazing girl Rebecca," Tony whispered.
Rebecca just groaned near-silently.
"Well I guess we know now what will happen the next time you're a naughty girl," he said.
The others noticed that Tony had whispered something in her ear. Why that caused her to practically purr they didn't know.
Anita's registration was not quite as hostile though still a bit arduous. The school really didn't mind an older brother bringing a student in to register. The problem was that the older brother didn't have the same last name. Once again documents had to be produced, but at least this time they were accepted without undue scrutiny. Of course, doing that upset Anita. It brought back to the forefront of her mind that this wasn't really her family and she had a minor breakdown during the process.
Tony and Tina put off the normal "meet the teacher" visit for a bit while they calmed Anita down. Once that was done they visited the music room that was located in a separate building with the gym.
Tony expected a battle here. The result was actually a comedy. Tony knew that anything that had to do with music was Tina's domain, but he never expected her old junior high music teacher to bow to her wishes quite so easily.
Guitar was most definitely not taught in junior high. If you took music you went into what amounted to a feeder system for the high school marching band. That was the only reason for the class in the first place, to prepare the next year's freshman band students. To talk to Mr. Givens, the music director, Tony had, of course, brought in the big guns. He brought the most amazing student the junior high music teacher had ever taught. He brought Tina. It took her less than five minutes to convince him to take on his first guitar student. His only caveat was that Anita had to audition after school on the first day. He knew she would pass the audition because Tina had recommended her. He did, however, have to have a plausible reason to keep every kid (meaning most of the boys) taking music from suddenly switching their instrument of choice to the guitar. Requiring an audition would prevent that. The band members knew that in the time they had Tony, Dewayne, and Tina could prepare Anita to knock his socks off.
By the time they got back to the main building Mrs. Robinson was nowhere to be found. A quick check of the clock showed that it was lunchtime. Instead of having lunch and returning, they decided to just go home and spend the day at the pool with Rebecca and Cheri like they had planned.
Oh, and by the way the image above depicts the first test of maximum energy release from my penis, a long work in development, exactly, well about two weeks after my arrival at the dairy. It was indeed cosmic and an experience to die for. Yes, that good. But the ultimate experience came later when attached to a vagina, specifically one belonging to one of the sister nymph goddesses. That back pressure made all the difference. If you need, well if you want to find out details about the...
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This was all nuts. My ego let me get caught up this weird religious stuff only because I thought I was going to get laid - and I was. I did. I was also being laden with some kind of strange worship thing but the cost was too high. I had some principles. I pulled out of my goddess friend’s vagina and stood up to look at the crazy congregation as I fired off one last ejaculation adding some English to it and the front row ducked. I didn’t want to be something of worship, like an icon, a god or...
I was ready to fall in love with her, remembering or not. She was something! Stimulus: I looked at Sylvia and Maria thinking about my lovers and all the fun we’d been having. I didn’t know I was special in any sexual way, the special woman pleasuring way, the furnace man my candy lady relationship gave rise to. I was just a shy person doing the dirty job no different from what I’d grown up as. But memories surged, and they were compelling yet kind of creepy. /s/21507/1964-the-dairy-of I...
As we laid around on Sylvia’s bed, she, Maria and I, I told them more stories about the dairy. “It’s quite a long story yet only lasted about three months before the sisters transitioned. But what a time that was.” I told them about arriving and being left all alone to hike up the highway to a bunk house full of mentally challenged men. “I was scared so bad. I left my clothes on including my shoes all night long. And then they got up at 3:00 in the morning to go out and ‘call in the cows’....
The sister nymphs, goddess deities, were not part of faith-religious community of spirits whatsoever but were charged with observing humanity in its entirety, every aspect. And because the faithful were being called on, a demanded change up to deductive reasoning, the sisters were returning from their realm for a visit to the time bound worlds as the embodiment of human females although strange in their own way. They were so sexy. The future of Earth’s Humanity was hanging in the balance and...
It was time for some major recollecting. Here I was standing around all naked and part of an assemblage of characters quite unique. We were partying with the S.acred H.eart I.nterpretive T.ask force attached to the nunnery, the Swill Sisters, Sylvia and Maria, six of the goddess nymphs from my dairy days who were spirits of other realms and Father McGillicuty. Soon Sylvia’s husband would be arriving home from work and who knows who, what else, probably a couple of his girl friends from work....
Waking the next morning in my own bed at home I jumped up realizing I wasn’t dreaming all that took place the day before. I was naked livestock starting a new day, a new job, not just a furnace man. I stood up and felt rather strange, reminisces of the old dairy days. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror and truly I was the image of myself at 18 years old although appearing a bit older. I was bald with the ID tattoo on my head. I had that hot burn brand reddish emblazoned on my...
Carol was a bit apprehensive while descending the stairs in the nude. But turns out there was nobody there. “I wonder where Sylvia is?” I guess because I was forced to be naked maybe for good I didn’t consider the fears of others having to run around in the buff. “No worries. It’s just the two of us apparently. I love this.” I knew Sylvia was around somewhere but since the place was uninhabited, other than just us, I sat at the edge of the spa on one of those swivel seats with a backrest and...
Turns out Realms are made and Realms are destroyed in the mix of Nature’s role. It’s a non stopping process in seeking balance yet never quite achieving it. And perhaps that’s why faith is such a popular crutch. It isn’t easy for the human ego to accept being physically snuffed, poof! And in fact most don’t get granted the exclamation point when it happens. If you can’t stop the bubble machine, you know, I mean if you are truly afraid of dying there are always the icons paid your worship in...
Now boosted, ego established, I was salved to recover from shy by not being the only one naked in the crowd. The amazing sisters were moving through among party goers simply glowing their way around. Many a horny male, now reduced to drooling foolishness, cast wary glances at them, goddesses to be worshipped rather than fucked. I thought worshipping them was quite appropriate at the moment. And then six sisters descended on me as I hoped for the best yet knowing of their gremlin...
All of the old people remembered well, back then, better times were had. There were FAR fewer of us. In many ways life was so much better we allowed the rigors of others to manipulate our minds. It was okay, a kind of side show. Mostly you could always get away from it when you wanted to, no intrusive media constantly in your face telling you shit. Simply stated life was simple by comparison and there were always lots of extra resources around easily taken for granted. So, life got crazier,...
Strange realm? Oh yes. It, gathering et al, was almost like going home to the dairy and my sister nymphs had gathered close around completely blocking any party goers from view as things were discussed in private. Their goal was to bring a mindset to life by causing the party goers hallucination, for lack of a better way to define it, but it was more like a bunch of stoners having found and passed around some wild strong pot. They partied but one by one stopped in a stupor, a big smile on...
There she was. My wife was standing in front of me from where she’d come I didn’t know. When I’d asked for her hand in marriage, the old fashioned way, as her father drove me to the airport to catch a flight back home, he warned me about her. I’d already been given hints by her brothers and her father explained how she “has a sense of logic that’s almost always correct. I have to admit it. She sets me straight on matters a lot of times. It’s kind of uncanny.” We were young, mid twenties,...
My wife’s response took me by surprise so I cautiously moved back into the water to be with Loon and Branch. “Can I, may I, have a little time for talking with you about something? I’m a little confused to say the least. I know you can help me and you know I love you.” I was pleading not wanting to upset my wife wondering how to respond to what she just said in response to Sylvia. I’d just made love to my life partner in the most outrageously glorious sex ever thinking we were all alone and...
Judy was busy building a fence to cut off part of our driveway, formerly shared. Without a word about what had happened to her husband at the hands of the sisters she blocked us off. I guessed she was paranoid after meeting the strange sisters raping her big ol’ husband in our kitchen. And besides my wife and I really enjoyed seeing him get although it may have been rather “unkind”. It was an “Oh well” moment in hopes the neighbors wouldn’t come back again and it all turned out okay, for...
What an unfortunate butt fucking turn of events, Sylvia’s home made dildo. Before the dildo broke, came apart in my butt, Maria had moved in to coax me to give her cunnilingus. As long as I was bent over, why not, and I’d inserted my long tongue in her vagina leaving it anchored as the shock of what Sylvia was doing to me set in. I was not happy with her and it seemed the penance for fucking her in the butt, my mistake, was too severe, not something friends do to friends. Siza spoke up as...
Mother Nature knew how to put on a great show; of course she did. She presented a cavalcade of my accomplishments as the breeder livestock skilled with satisfying supreme goddesses and their needs to be serviced with requirements unlike any other human before. I was an accomplished fucker although a rather humble one. She spoke of how I was groomed from the extreme distant past before time began, a rather difficult concept for most of the crowd attending. And it was a diverse crowd for...
“The most important thing you have to understand and wrap your mind around is the fact, if you think of committing an act of ‘magic’ it will happen; beware of the consequences. In other words understand the physical consequences before you think it. This is entirely new to you and it coincides with being a timeless creature. Seriously, this will take practice because for the most part humans think before they act and as you know from your youth acting before you think can really create a bad...
Now with two big bins on wheels trying to negotiate them rolling down the rocky driveway I arrived at the road to arrange them correctly so the garbage truck driver, I mean Sanitation Worker, could drive up and load them with the mechanical arm. Meanwhile I was feeling sorry for myself. First, for starters, I was just a furnace man getting seduced by a furnace customer while cheating on my wife (super risky fun) and the customer making love to me was cheating on her well known attorney...
With one coffee shop down I now headed for the oil company tank yard so I could park and walk across the street to join the likes of Louie, the gang, the endless joke telling, more coffee and a chance to see Carol. I walked in to more greetings from people I didn’t know but they knew of me. I was stopped as I passed tables on the way to my group, people who wanted an autograph perhaps, a great laugh if I laid my penis out long on the table. Some university students who wanted a group photo,...
“Oh, not long,” said the girl who gave me a hard-on at the coffee shop. Something in recognition hit me like a bolt of lightning. “Excuse me?” I queried her. “Who are you?” “I am the daughter of Ben the son of the dairy owner. He’s one of the big brothers who came to the dairy weekends after my grandfather had his heart attack. You and my mother ran into each other one morning and seeing your penis pointing straight at her, well, she just freaked out. She’s been telling the story ever since...
As craggy as David the tree was he could manage a smile and I wanted to laugh at how silly that looked but didn’t dare get that personal with him yet. He stared at me for moments and then said, “There’s something we’re going to do to you since already your cognition regarding the future, memories of the past are coming along so well. Mmmm-hmmmm.” My clothes were still lying on the ground where I’d left them when I went for my neighborhood streak. I questioned my tree friend with my concerned...
Two things: You can go read some of “The Dairy Of Desire” to see what was up with that or you can simply read on and not have to endure. The first chapter of the first experience at the dairy talks about my arrival, how scared I was, so naive about everything, meeting the dairy owner’s wife and being told about the mentally challenged men who lived in the bunk house where I was headed on my own. This time I just winked at the wife, knew she was going to have sex with me before long and...
I explained to the old man how I would be leaving and what would take place. What was going to take place, simply, was the life he lived presently the summer the former me played out the role of becoming livestock and learning to be the lover of the sister nymphs. Yet he would have relevance of mindset knowing there were other realms in time. When he needed me I would be available. But letting the old early version of me play out was important, the introduction of the Swill Sisters, an...
Mrs. Sutlevich had nice neighbors. The cute young neighbor who wanted to dress my cuts and scratches lived close by and she coerced her neighbors into leaving us alone. I don’t know how that happened but it was like magic. She seemed very accepting of me, my condition, my situation almost as if she knew me. I would have to explore that. “You know, you don’t have much control over your own powers,” she said as she showed me through her front door. That was curious. “How do you mean?” I asked....
With a handle now regarding eternity, infinity, stuff like that, you can imagine my existence somewhat as livestock, a god, learning to be omnipotent, something like that. But mostly, being available for folks to fuck, I had to wonder if perhaps ancient cultures had a god of lust, most likely male, whose purpose defined doing it to mere mortals. I really liked fucking human girls. And they appreciated it so much. I thought about that at some length as I hung my thumb out trying to hitch a...