Howie Returns to PennsylvaniaChapter 3
- 4 years ago
- 44
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“Strip!” barked the guard.
“All right! I heard you the first time,” Heather
Stanton replied. As an FBI agent, Stanton made
countless trips to prisons around the United States,
but she was accustomed to more preferential treatment
under the aegis of her gold badge. Today she signed
into the prison visitors’ area as Shelby Taylor, and
she had a role to play.
Stanton normally wore business suits and subtle
cosmetics. In the guise of Shelby Taylor, she wore
platform shoes, bell bottom dungarees, a baby doll t-
shirt, bright lipstick, heavy dark liner around her
blue eyes, and reddish-brown fingernail polish, a
color named “Morrocco” that deserved a less exotic
label like “Mud”. Shelby Taylor would have been the
finest example of trailer trash womanhood imaginable,
if not for the corrections officer in the room with
The CO’s dark hair was combed down flat against her
head. A severe part ran down the middle exposing a
strip of her white scalp like the center line of a
divided highway. Her jowls sagged, but looked almost
high and firm compared to her double chin. She had the
body of someone who had super-sized her McDonald’s
lunch a hundred times in the past year, and a vacant
look in her eyes that indicated despite her
familiarity with the Big Mac, she still had no idea
what the sum of $3.79 and 39 cents was. The strip of
bakelite pinned to her uniform had the name “Drury”
etched into it.
Stanton made a mental note of Drury’s name, and
started to take off her shoes. She looked away from CO
Drury as she unlaced and kicked off the platforms, and
then wiggled out of her blue jeans. Drury glanced at
Stanton’s legs, and her eyes narrowed. Normally Drury
liked to rush this along and make things as unpleasant
as possible on visitors, as she had when she called
this one out of line and into the room for a spot
search, yelling orders in a clipped voice. Now,
though, she thought it might be nice to slow this
sweet thing down, get her to take her time getting
“Wait a second,” Drury said. She pointed to a shiny
band around Stanton’s ankle. “What’s that?”
“Ankle bracelet,” Stanton replied.
“I know that, missy!” Drury snapped. “What’s hangin’
from it? Some kinda contraband?” There was no ‘r’ or
‘d’ in the way Drury pronounced the word, and somehow
an extra syllable slipped in. It sounded like
Stanton mimicked the pronunciation. “It’s not
‘conchabayin’. It’s just a charm.”
“Let me see it,” Drury said, licking her lips. “Put
your foot up on that chair there.”
As Stanton obeyed, Drury moved closer, took hold of
Stanton’s ankle with one pudgy hand, and examined the
heart-shaped charm. Her face stood inches away from
Stanton’s bare knee. Drury looked up from the cheap
piece of jewelry. White cotton panties covered
Stanton’s crotch, and Drury looked them over far
longer than she had examined the charm. She knew she
was going to see it all soon enough, and the sight of
the flimsy underwear and the contours of the mound
underneath only increased her anticipation.
“I guess that’s okay,” Drury relented, not bothering
to look back at the anklet.
A cold shiver went through Stanton’s body. She took
her leg off the chair and pulled her shirt over her
head. The dark hair that hung in her face obscured her
vision, and Stanton was glad that she didn’t have to
see Drury’s reaction. She stood still.
“What’s your name again, missy?”
“Shelby Taylor,” Stanton answered. Who the hell came
up with that name?, Stanton wondered. But she was
relieved to concentrate on her figurative cover rather
than her uncovered figure.
“And where’r you from, Shelby?”
“Springfield,” Stanton answered.
“Well, Shelby, I don’t know what they teach you in
Springfield, but when I say ‘Strip’, I mean it down to
the bone. Now keep on goin’.”
Stanton quickly unhooked her bra and rolled her
panties off her legs. The skin itched where the
underwire of her bra had pressed against the soft
flesh of her breasts, but she didn’t want to draw any
more attention to herself by scratching them. The
irritation simply added to her discomfort. “Sit down.”
Drury said tonelessly.
Thankful that the seat was wooden and not metal,
Stanton sat down. It was still cold, however, and heat
seemed to rush out of her body through her back and
backside. Drury watched as Stanton’s nipples hardened
in a purely involuntary response. Drury approached the
chair and took Stanton’s head in her hands.
Carefully the CO ran her heavy hands through Stanton’s
long dark hair. She pulled out a hairpin and continued
the search, looking down at the brunette’s bare
shoulders, her breasts, and the nipples that stood out
proudly. Drury wanted to stop for a moment and feel
the hard curve of her shoulders, and the soft curve of
her breasts.
“Stand up,” Drury ordered. “Grab the table.”
Clenching her teeth with anger, Stanton followed the
CO’s instructions.
She bent slightly at the waist and rested her weight
against the edge of the table. Staring at a chip in
the paint on the wall, Stanton braced herself for the
body cavity search. Momentarily, she was jarred from
her quiet resolve by the snap of latex gloves being
put on behind her. Wrapped in latex, Drury’s plump
fingers looked like small sausages.
She squeezed a dollop of lubricating jelly on to her
right hand and smeared it around her fingers. She took
a moment to admire the smooth firm haunches in front
of her, the muscular back and the furrow that reached
to her waist and ended at the tailbone, flanked on
either side by a little dimple. Drury could just see a
tuft of dark hair at the juncture between her legs.
“Spread ’em,” Drury ordered unceremoniously. Stanton
moved her feet apart as far as she could and held her
breath. She felt the cool, slippery gloved hand
between her legs, spreading, stretching, poking.
Despite the lube, some of Stanton’s pubic hairs were
caught in the glove. She winced once, slightly.
“If you shaved that it wouldn’t hurt,” Drury said
knowingly. In one rough thrust there were two fingers
inside her, probing the smooth walls of her sex.
Stanton allowed herself to exhale when Drury removed
them, seemingly hours later.
“Bend over more,” Drury commanded. Again Stanton
complied. Drury spread some jelly around the winking
hole of Stanton’s ass and then worked a gloved finger
inside. She used her middle finger, and placed the
butt of her palm against one of the smooth strong
cheeks of Stanton’s ass. Awkward as that was, it left
Drury an open view of the woman’s pussy flushed red
and wet with lube.
Drury pushed in until her knuckles rested along the
crack of Stanton’s ass. She heard the naked woman gasp
for air. The CO smiled and took her time removing her
chubby finger. Drury stepped back and took a moment to
admire the fine form in front of her before ripping
her gloves off.
“OK, get dressed,” Drury said. Then she mumbled to
herself, “Did that little girl a favor. Now her con
boyfriend can take her any way he wants her.”
Stanton rushed back into her clothes. She avoided
looking at Drury and followed her out of the room.
Outside the door stood a tall male CO with a toothpick
jutting from between his lips. He wore sunglasses,
tinted dark brown, but tilted his head up and down to
let her know he was looking her over. He shifted the
toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other and
“Oh, Jesus,” Stanton thought, “He saw that, didn’t he?
Through a window? Maybe even a camera. They probably
have that on tape. They’ll be taking bribes from
convicts to show it on television.” That kind of
corruption was the reason she was there. The Bureau
had an agent inside the prison to investigate
allegations from former inmates. The undercover
operation was running smoothly until one inmate made a
big stink one night. He had noticed that although the
agent wrote and received plenty of letters, he never
had a visitor. Enter Shelby Taylor, as portrayed by
Special Agent Stanton.
The tall CO stepped out of Stanton’s way when the
magnetic lock released. A loud buzz sounded, a green
light flashed, and the barred door to the visitors’
area slid open. Stanton was one of the last in, having
been delayed by the strip search. Drury hadn’t offered
her anything to clean herself with, and as she walked
through the tables, she felt the lube squish between
her legs. Almost as cloying, she felt the eyes of
guards and prisoners on her as she looked for the
Stanton was given his assumed name, Leo Calderone.
Without knowing his real name, it was impossible to
slip up. She had seen his picture, and he had the dark
Latin features to match his surname. Stanton scanned
the room, looking for him. She spotted one inmate with
a woman’s head bobbing up and down between his legs,
and another with a blonde straddling his lap, a short
skirt hiding their copulation from view. What a
welcome, Stanton thought. She spotted Leo. “Leo,
“Oh, Shelby, you look good, baby!”
The two embraced. Stanton closed her eyes as they
kissed, and felt his hands reach for her ass and give
her a playful slap. Had to play the part. At least
Calderone was easier on the eyes than Drury.
Her brief was thorough, her job minimal. All she was
supposed to do was get inside and give Shelby Taylor a
face. She was to hold hands with Leo, complain about
her boss and her job at his little accounting firm,
and ask when Leo was going to get out of jail. It was
a simple performance, pure fluff, but Stanton decided
at that moment to ad lib a bit. She started to cry.
Agent Stanton buried her head in Leo’s chest and
sobbed, heaving her chest as if she’d lost control
over her ability to breathe properly.
“Hey, hey, Shelby, what’s wrong?”
“Oh, Leo,” she said between sobs, “When are you
getting out of here?”
“Soon, baby, soon,” he answered, wrapping his arms
around her shoulders and holding her tight. Stanton
returned the embrace, and buried her head in his chest
for a moment. When she looked up again, she saw a
guard walking by escorting a prisoner through the
visitors’ area. It was time.
“Oh, Leo, I don’t think I can do this again, baby. I
can’t come back here again!”
“Shelby, don’t get upset,” he said. “I’ll be out soon.
You don’t have to come again.”
That was all Stanton needed to hear. She hoped the
guard and the inmate also heard the exchange. Shelby
had a face, and now a damn good reason not to have to
show it at this prison again. Stanton was satisfied
with her performance, glad that she was through being
humiliated, and looking forward to coasting through
the rest of the visit. The pair of agents quickly
moved through the litany of Shelby’s frustrations at
work. Stanton rattled off her complaints and Calderone
dutifully nodded his head and sympathized. Calderone
mentioned possible dates of release, and it was
Stanton’s turn to nod in ascension. After that she
figured it was high time to leave the place behind. It
was at that moment that she saw Curly Williams.
The nightmare of any agent working undercover is to be
recognized for what they really are, to be ‘blown’ as
the saying goes. As a Special Agent, Heather Stanton
had investigated and arrested Curly Williams for
running a prostitution ring out of a set of dry
cleaners and tailors. The press labeled Curly the
‘while-u-wait’ pimp and jokes about ‘sew-jobs’ filled
the late night talk show monologues. Having your cover
blown was no laughing matter, though, even if it was
the while-u-wait pimp who did it. There was nowhere to
run. Curly might see her, he might not, but he was
certainly headed her way. Stanton’s mind raced to find
a means of disguise. She hadn’t realized she’d stopped
speaking in mid-sentence.
“What’s the matter, Shelby?”
Blown. It was the only word that came to mind.
Stanton snapped back to her surroundings. Wondering
where Curly was, she took a quick look around. To the
left was a woman resting on a prisoner’s lap. They
must have finished. She wondered if the other one was
done giving head to her…
“C’mon, Shelby,” Leo pleaded, “What is it?”
No sooner had he finished asking the question than
Stanton’s head was buried in his lap, and her fingers
were working the button fly of his prison coveralls.
The undercover agent was so surprised when she took
hold of his floppy dick that it actually shrunk back a
bit. “What the…?”
The man gasped when Stanton took his limp organ in her
mouth and swirled her tongue around its soft crown.
Whatever surprise and nervousness he felt dwindled
rapidly, and in equal measure his cock swelled in
size. “Oh, fuck!” he stammered. This was the first
time he’d ever met the brunette agent and her pretty
blue eyes; now she was kneeling between his legs and
sucking on his prick as if a snake had bit him and she
needed to extract the venom.
“Damn, Shelby,” he said in utter amazement. This agent
sure as hell knew how to get into the act. Quite a
finale considering a few minutes ago she was signaling
that under no circumstances was she making a repeat
performance. His cock had stiffened and lengthened,
but she continued to work over its full length, with
her hands resting on his thighs, and her dark hair
falling near his navel.
Who was this woman? He wanted to get another look at
her. As he tried to brush her hair out of the way, one
of her hands leapt off his lap and slapped him sharply
on the wrist. For the first time since she’d suddenly
dropped to her knees, Stanton released her mouth from
his shaft. “Leave the hair alone,” she said quickly,
before going back to work.
“Whatever you say, baby.” He was as confused as when
she started, but aroused enough not to care anymore.
Rock hard, his cock pulsed in her mouth. Stanton
thought Curly had to have passed by now. She pulled
off again, taking the wet sticky shaft in her hand.
“Can you see Curly?”
“Curly?” he said in surprise. It just so happened the
man was walking by at the time.
“Yeah, what you want, man?” Curly asked loudly.
Stanton’s heart leaped into her throat. It was a good
thing that she no longer had a cock there; the
collision could have been rough. She had to get rid of
Curly. She squeezed Leo’s cock. “Ahhh,” he exclaimed.
“Nothing, man. I’m busy.”
“Shit, I can see that. Izzat yo woman?”
“Yeah,” Leo answered.
“Well, when she’s done there, send her my way.”
“Fuck you, Curly.”
Curly laughed and walked away. “See ya back at the
yard, man.”
Now Leo could guess why the agent had buried her face
in his lap. That was a pretty smart move. He was about
to tell her that the coast was clear when he
remembered that he was sporting a monster hard-on,
there was a blue-eyed girl with her head between his
legs, and he was in prison, undercover or not. “Keep
going,” he whispered. “Curly’s a few feet behind you.”
She worked slowly and methodically. Leo helped by
guiding her head with his hand, but he was careful to
let her hair cover her face. Her mouth was warm and
wet sliding along his rigid prick. “Keep going,” he
said. “That’s so good.”
Stanton heard the last bit of what he said, and it was
her turn to realize what was going on. But she was a
bit too late. Leo erupted in orgasm and two months of
frustration burst from his balls and into the roof of
her mouth. If she pulled off at that point, she risked
a shot in her face or hair, so Stanton let him blast
away. Two, three, four warm streams filled her cheeks.
When the spasms stopped, Stanton opened her mouth. The
goo trickled along his shaft and down onto his balls
in his coveralls. Most of it, anyway. She wanted to
smack him, but instead she kept to their cover. She
actually smiled.
“You’re the best, Shelby.” he said, and meant it.
“I can’t wait until I get you outside this prison,”
she replied.
She meant it, too.
Stanton let him peck her on the cheek, and then she
turned to leave. Naturally, Curly was nowhere to be
seen. As she walked, she felt the lube again between
her legs. She wanted a shower. She wanted a breath
mint. She needed to get the hell out of there. What
she got was a guard stopping her on the way out.
“That was a helluva show you put on there.” Drury said
to her.
“Fuck off,” Stanton replied.
“Hold on there, bitch,” the guard said, catching her
by the arm.
Instinctively, Stanton thought of flipping the CO over
her hip. Instead she stopped and stayed in character.
Drury went on talking. “We have rules here, and that
little indecent act is against ’em.” Stanton met her
with a blank stare. “The fine is fifty bucks,” she
A bribe, Stanton thought. On top of all that, she
expects a bribe. Stanton pulled three twenties from
her jeans and thrust them at the CO. “Happy now?”
“Not really. But now that you know the rules I guess
you can go.”
Not really happy, Stanton thought. She wasn’t the only
one. She made her way back to the beat-up CRX the
bureau procured for Shelby Taylor and headed back to
the field office. During the debriefing, she simply
mentioned a ‘distraction’ that she arranged with Leo
when she saw Curly. She filled out the bureau’s
copious forms, and a local field agent gave her a lift
to her hotel. After a long hot shower, she met her
partner Maytag at the hotel bar.
“How did it go?” he asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Stanton took a long
swallow from her gin and tonic, then looked over at
her partner. “Hey,” she said. “What happened to that
orange tie you had on this morning?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Maytag answered. It
was a story for another time. They finished their
drinks in silence.
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Howie got home about four a.m. on New Year's Day. He slept until nine then ate breakfast with his parents and children. After they ate, Howie washed dishes with his mother. She asked, "How was the dance?" "Very fancy, but I wasn't able to dance much. It is a high society club. Did you have a good time on the cruise and at the country club?" he asked. "The cruise was wonderful and very romantic. I recommend it for any old married couple. Actually the country club was very nice. They...
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After we booked the snot nosed kids, I was thoroughly disgusted with humanity. I just wanted to go home. I had one thing I had to do first. I had to stop off at Mary Ann’s apartment. I needed my Baby Sparrow fix. I used my key to gain entry to Mary Anne’s apartment. Her car was missing from her assigned space in the lot. I went inside her place to snoop and to make sure Sparrow wasn’t there alone. I admit it was terrible thing to think, but it was a thing we had investigated before. Hell she...
When some guys recall the story of the first blowjob they ever received, it usually takes place with a girlfriend in a car and being really inexperienced. A few of my closest friends have told their stories, and it contains a lot of confusion and uncomfortableness from both people involved. I had the pleasure of being with a girl that had her share of experience. I was sixteen and just starting to develop what I thought was a high sex drive. I went to a high school that was pretty laid back,...
When some guys recall the story of the first blowjob they ever received, it usually takes place with a girlfriend in a car and being really inexperienced. A few of my closest friends have told their stories, and it contains a lot of confusion and uncomfortableness from both people involved. I had the pleasure of being with a girl that had her share of experience. I was sixteen and just starting to develop what I thought was a high sex drive. I went to a high school that was pretty laid back,...
Oral SexI just rounded the corner toward the bathroom, having just woken up and wanting to take a shower. The door was slightly ajar, and the light was on. Through the narrow crack, I could see my sister, Shelby, two years older than I, completely nude.Now, if this had happened at any other time, I would have been polite and left, but I still had my morning wood, and I was horny as hell. Plus, I had always been dying to catch a glimpse of my sister's fat tits, anyway.I watched as Shelby reached around...
My name is Sam and I manage a small company offering leisure services. There is a small team of staff and the nature of the business means that some weeks we just see each other at team meetings and work independently the rest of the time.Four weeks ago I was working on my own at a computer in the office. I needed to research something on the internet and opened the browser to look for the information that I needed. When I started typing something into the address bar the autofill came up with...
Hello, my fans, followers, and friends. I, Shivangi, am back with not a sex story but with one of the sexiest incident of my life. This took place a few days back when I was coming back to my home from Ahmedabad domestic airport. I went there to drop my hubby as he had to go to Delhi on an urgent basis and his driver was not available. I had to go with him to the airport. His flight was on schedule at 21:45. I dropped him early and was on my way home but due to traffic, I preferred to go...
Sunday, July 14th, 1996, Sanford Maine “Still, no word?” I asked Amber as she came out into the backyard to bring me a tall glass of cold iced tea. She sighed heavily as she passed me the glass, “Nope, she’s not answering my calls at all. I’m tempted to get CC to drive me over, but I’m not sure about confronting her at her home just in case she makes a scene or something. Her parents could be there, and that could make things a gazillion times worse if they overheard something.” “That...
SEX The happiness of all human beings, men and women, depends largely on their rational solution of the sexual problem. Sex and the part it plays in human life cannot be ignored. In the case of animals sex plays a simpler and less complex rôle. It is a purely natural and instinctive function whose underlying purpose is the perpetuation of the species. It is not complicated by the many incidental phenomena which result, in man’s case, from psychologic, economic, moral and religious causes....
A thorough understanding of Adxxxxxxxe in society depends on information from various perspectives, including psychology, biology, history, sociology, education, and anthropology. Within all of these perspectives, Adxxxxxxxe is viewed as a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, whose cultural purpose is the preparation of children for adult roles. It is a period of multiple transitions involving education, training, employment, and unemployment, as well as transitions from one...
Sexual activity in general is associated with various risks. The risks of sexual intercourse include unwanted pregnancy and contracting a sexually transmitted infection such as HIV/AIDS, which can be reduced with availability and use of a condom or adopting other safe sex practices. Contraceptives specifically reduce the chance of pregnancy. The risks are higher for young adolescents because their brains are not neurally mature. Several brain regions in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex...
SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...
e amaze each other, Jennifer, but I'm going to amaze you the most. I have a passion to live within easy reach of Shaftsbury Avenue and the rest of theatreland. Footlights and greasepaint are part of me and I constantly need to feel the pulse of the West End. That being the case I'm going to make Horace Pratt an offer for this house." "You're going to buy number nineteen?" Jennifer asked incredulously, "But how? You're always so short of money. You never have two brass pennies to rub...
SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...
SHOWTIME Part 5 Daylight cutting in between ill-fitting curtains awoke Jennifer Hancock early, but it took several moments for dormant cogs of concupiscence to crank into motion. Eventually she wiped the back of a hand over her eyes to brush away a wisp of hair before rolling from her bed and lurching across to the window. Rain was falling; fat wet drops bouncing on the sills outside as she gazed out on the closely packed roofs and chimney-pots opposite, all standing on top of...
Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...
Showtime 2 "Lady and gentlemen. Tonight we have for your pleasure a bridegroom on his honeymoon here in Bangkok. His nineteen year old bride is on her way to our breeding farm where she will be continuously bred until she becomes infertile in probably 20 to 25 years time. Then she will have a brief career as an actress starring in her one and only film. "Contrary to convention James here has taken his wife's name of Veronica and as you can see she is wearing her wedding lingerie. I...
“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...
Asteroids tumbled around the two Crytherian freighters as they slowly skirted the Oort cloud, at edge of the system. Aboard the Crytherian freighter, Bountiful Trove, Captain Jelkisa watched their escorts hyper to the ninth planet, to check out the sensor target they have picked up. Watching the view screen, he said, "Navigator Tilsi, set coordinates for two destinations, one the ninth planet, the other for the planet Karsakini." Turning to another Crytherian he continued, "Liskeria,...
The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...
‘So how may I help you today?’ I asked. ‘I’m not sure you can’ she replied. Her voice was very quiet, self assured. ‘Try me’ I said giving her my best smile. She paused and looked around before looking up at me as if contemplating her next words. ‘I’m looking for some advice for a project’. She stated very matter of fact. ‘Ok, why not tell me what it is that you are looking for and I will see if I can help?’ ‘Maybe’ she replied and turned away and started to read some display material. Her...
By Gail Holmes Howard glumly sat at the kitchen table taking note of his Mothers advice she was always good at giving it out, He could but pay attention; he knew she wouldn’t resign until she’d had her say. “Well, don’t just sit there! Am I right or wrong” She turned Howard’s father with a fierce look that could have killed him. If anyone was under the thumb, it was poor old Ray he had more than suffered the wrath of...
I pulled my horse up up aside of the wagon, leaned over and said “Well, ladies, we’re going to make it into Sante Fe in a couple of hours, but you both look a little trail worn. We should pull over by that stream there, rest the horses so they look perky, and maybe spruce up a little. I could use a wash and shave myself.” “ Horse, that’s one of the better suggestions you’ve made lately. I feel like I’ve been rode hard and put up wet,” Sandra retorted. I kind’a snickered at the rode hard bit,...
When I left Sara’s place it was still fairly early morning and as I walked down the street I received a few small smile, and nods, but none of the wary looks I had received yesterday. Seems that word had gotten around that I wasn’t the enemy, even though I couldn’t figure out how it had spread so fast. Smoke signals, maybe? I guess it’s just that no matter how fierce a people can be in war, they’re just people, nevertheless. Not that these people didn’t have a reason to be distrustful of the...
These stories are meant to be read serially. I woke with every intention of following my last thought last night to get things organized and re-start our journey. And I would have too, but I looked next to me on the bed at the gorgeous naked lady and thought “Well, it is still real early, and I don’t want to rush into anything. And it looks a little rainy outside. Besides, I don’t hear Tom and Sandra rustling around yet. They probably need more rest, so I think I’ll just lay down aside of...
When we woke in the morning Jack and I almost were caught sneakin’ out the back door but I think we got away clean. We got our horses, I told Jack I’d see him later, and I left for home. When I entered the gate Pablo urgently motioned for me to pull into the stable without waiting to get off the horse. After I entered and did get down he said, “Senor Sam, I think someone is spying on you. I don’t know if they want to hurt you, but I thought, to be safe, you should not pause in the yard.”
“What the hell is the screaming about” I thought as I pulled my horse up. Another sharp yelp split the air, but this one sounded like a different voice but was definitely female as was the first. I was almighty curious as you don’t ordinarily hear such some days away from “civilization”. Dismounting and tying my horses, I pulled my rifle from the boot and snuck through thru the trees ’til I could see into a clearing. There was a small wagon off to the side with two draft horses ground staked...
When I awoke I discovered that Naomi must have silently slipped away sometime during the night. Damn! I guess I shouldn’t be greedy, she is living here too, so that’s a good thing, and I had plenty to do today anyway, what with moving the girls here from the hotel. While I was dressing there was a knock on the door and I rushed over to open it. Maybe Naomi just left for a few minutes. Damn again! It’s not her. Instead there stood a tall, middle aged, gray haired lady with a long all black...
I had set my internal clock and woke well before dawn. I wanted to check on Pablo to see if he was alright and how much damage had been done to the house. After checking on the guards around Sadie’s house I hurried to mine. I almost silently approached, only softly whispering, “Pablo….Pablo,” when he answered from the stable. “Here, senor. I have been sleeping and watching from here. They can’t get a clear shot at me here. All the windows have been shot out except here in the back where the...
I woke up startled. I couldn’t figure out why I was naked as a baby. Then I looked around. When what to my wondering eyes should appear. Was this Christmas? What the hell did I do to deserve two gorgeous, naked, sleeping, girls lying aside of me. Then my memory cells started firing. WOW, did that really happen? And if it did, could I repeat it? Taking stock of myself I realized that, yes, maybe I could, but not right now. I was goin’ to have to recuperate a while first. I cleared my throat...
When I awoke the next morning and got off the bed I was greeted by a sight I’ll never forget. There before me were three puffy pussies, six bountiful breasts, and seemingly uncountable shapely arms and legs, all entwined in such a combination that it was hard to be certain which body part belonged to which body. If I had only a modicum of artistic talent and the right equipment I would have put such amateurs as Rubens to shame. Unfortunately, although it was an extra large bed, with one small,...
Comments/criticisms are welcomed by me. These stories are meant to be read serially. The next morning I was barely able to get off the ground. It seems something else did come up and I was able to cope with it. Barely. Those ladies almost did me in. This morning I felt like I might not make it so Sante Fe if this kept up. After thinking about that for a while I smiled to myself and figured, what the hell, if it happens I don’t make it I can’t think of a better way to go. But we really had to...
I woke up feeling pretty chipper, The sun had just come in the window and it looked like a real nice day. My houseboy and all around caretaker, Pablo, must have heard me stirring around and getting up and dressing, ’cause he showed up with another damn cup of hot chocolate. “ Damn it, Pablo, I’ve told you I like coffee, not chocolate, in the morning.” “ No, Senor Sam, chocolate is best in the morning.” This is the same argument I’d had with him every damn morning since I hired him. I know,...
How’d that happen 5 These stories are meant to be read serially. The first ones can be found on my profile We got up the next morning pretty late as the sun was already above the hills on the horizon. We were determined to make good time so for the next days we really hustled with only a few invigorating interludes. What with hard driving from almost dawn to dark, we were pretty exhausted at the end of the day. I was becoming especially burned out as the girls could alternate when it came to...