Ohne Willen
- 2 years ago
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Indem ich immer dominanter wurde in unserer Beziehung, habe ich herausgefunden, dass ich sein sexuelles Vergnügen komplett von meinem eigenen trennen wollte. Ich wollte die Vertrautheit seiner Lippen und seiner Zunge auf meinem ganzen Körper. Ich wollte, dass er mich mit Orgasmen verwöhnt so oft, wie ich es verlangte, während ich ihm sein Verlangen verwehrte. Ich wollte, dass er sich vollständig darauf konzentriert, mich zu verwöhnen. Ich liebe es, meinen Ehemann in einem geilen, gefügigen Zustand zu halten und manchmal finde ich es schwierig, ihm etwas Erleichterung zuzugestehen. Wenn er unter Spannung gehalten wird ist er meinen Bedürfnissen gegenüber so aufmerksam und so bemüht, mich zu verwöhnen. Nachdem er einen Orgasmus hatte, dauert es immer eine Weile, bis er wieder in die rechte Spur kommt. Das ist der Grund, warum ich ihm den die meiste Zeit verweigere!
"Nein, ich werde dich heut Nacht nicht kommen lassen, Süßer. Du darfst nicht einmal wichsen, während du mich beobachtest. Du hast Glück, dass ich dich überhaupt meine Möse sehen lasse! Ich will ganz sicher nicht, dass du deinen harten Ständer berührst während du daran denkst, wie gut meine Möse sich jetzt um deinen Schwanz herum anfühlen würde, so warm und feucht, während du hinein- und herausgleitest und hinein und heraus. Meine hungrige kleine Möse würde deinen Schwanz schlucken und versuchen, jeden kleinen Tropfen Wichse aus deinen dicken Eiern zu saugen, wenn ich sie nur lassen würde! Nein, das wird nicht passieren, Baby. Du wirst sie noch nicht einmal schmecken!"
"Uhhhh...da läuft jemand aus...am besten ich höre auf, ihn zu berühren. Wir wollen doch nicht, dass du einen schönen befriedigenden Orgasmus hast, oder?"
"Armer Junge, es ist erst eine Stunde und du fängst schon an zu schreien, dass ich dich erlösen soll. Es macht mich heiß, dich schreien zu hören und zu wissen, du würdest alles tun, um jetzt zu kommen. Aber weißt du was mich noch heißer macht, mein Kleiner? Zu wissen, dass ich dich hier noch stundenlang halten werde, gefesselt, auf der Kippe, und es verdammt nochmal gar nichts gibt, was du dagegen tun kannst."
Ich wichse seinen harten Schwanz schneller und schneller...seine Eier sind kurz vor dem Platzen, während sein Orgasmus sich aufbaut...näher und näher...dann...KLATSCH! Ich ohrfeige seinen Schwanz und lache, als er vor Frust weint.
"Du hast versucht, mir einen zu verheimlichen, nicht wahr? Streite es nicht ab, ich kann in dir lesen wie in einem Buch. Du hast versucht, so zu tun, als ob du nicht kurz davor warst, so dass ich nicht aufhören würde, dich zu wichsen und du würdest einen Orgasmus bekommen. Das war ein großer Fehler, Freundchen. Ich werde dich so oft bis kurz davor bringen, dass du weinen und darum bitten wirst, dass ich aufhöre, aber ich werde dein Geschrei nur ignorieren und immer weiter und weiter machen!"
Während ich seinen Schwanz blase, achte ich sorgfältig auf ein Zeichen, ob sein Orgasmus sich ankündigt. Ein Zittern seiner Augenlider, ein schnelles Einatmen oder ein sanftes Stöhnen...und SCHNAPP! bohren sich meine Zähne in seinen Schwanz und sein Orgasmus ist in voller Fahrt gestoppt.
"Mmmmm, dein Schwanz wird mit Sicherheit hart wenn du so auf meine Möse starrst! Willst du deinen steifen Schwanz in meine heisse nasse Möse stecken und sie ficken bis du deine große dicke Ladung Wichse tief in mich hineinschießt?
Nimm deinen Schwanz in die Hand und fang an zu wichsen. Ich will, dass du auf meine Möse starrst und darum bettelst, mich ficken zu dürfen während du dein Teil wichst. Guter Junge. Stell dir vor wie gut meine Möse sich anfühlen würde, meine heiße nasse Fotze um deinen pochenden Stab, wie sie dir deine große Ladung Wichssahne aus deine schmerzenden Eiern zieht und dich einen Schuß Wichse nach dem anderen tief in mich spritzen lässt.
Wage es nicht, schon zu kommen! Ich will, dass du dich selber bis kurz vor deinen Orgasmus wichst über die nächsten vier Stunden. Wenn du das ohne abspritzen schaffst, lasse ich dich meine Möse ficken. Aber wenn du kommst, bevor die vier Stunden um sind...heißt das weitere sechs Monate der Keuschheit und du wirst den Schwanz meines Freundes lutschen wann immer er will.
Living without you is hell for me. I know that, is it my fault we are not together now? I don’t think so. You left me on the 08/08/08 I remember it well, I will never forget the date, how could I? Your fortieth birthday, the day you had told me on the first day we met. One of your little quirks was always telling everyone you would be forty on the 08/08/08, you did it all the time, even to those that already knew. Yes you left me then, you stayed in the same house, the same bed, but only now...
Gesine wollte nur noch raus. raus aus dem Haus ihrer Eltern, raus aus der Uni, raus aus ihrer Beziehung, raus aus ihrem verkorksten Leben - einfach raus. Aber dazu müsste sie Geld haben, eine Bleibe, Leute zu denen sie gehen kann, bei denen sie sich ausheulen konnte. Das Leben war eine Schlampe. Und Karma is a Bitch. Und überhaupt ist die Welt ungerecht. Das alles hatte sie jetzt bestimmt schon zum vierten Mal dem Barkeeper in der kleinen Kneipe hinterm Bahnhof erzählt. Und er hatte die...
FetishEs ist einer der ersten wärmeren Tage und an wärmeren Tagen trage ich gerne mal einen etwas luftigeren Rock - nicht zu knapp, so etwa bis zur Mitte der Oberschenkel reichend, aber wegen der Wärme mag ich es, wenn die Luft zwischen meinen Beinen durchzieht. Am geilsten ist es natürlich, wenn die Luft nicht nur an den Beinen entlangstreift, sondern auch der Rest, der vom Rock versteckt wird, etwas davon ab bekommt - sprich meine Pobacken und meine Möse. Zu diesem Zweck lasse ich dann gerne das...
Alles begann im Alter von 13 jahren, ich ging noch zu Schule und nach der Schule hatte ich ein bin in einem Bistro im nachbarort. Ich hätte sehr viel Spass und meine Chefs haben mich sehr gemocht. Eines Abends kam der jüngere Chefs mit seiner Freundin, eine wunderschöne Grösse Blondine mit Blauen Augen und ein geiles Gesicht. Sie sassen am Tisch und ich durfte dann auch mit am Tisch sitzen und erzählen. Die blonde Frau fing plötzlich an mich zu küssen und zu befummeln, dann auf einmal hat sie...
Living without you is hell for me. I know that, is it my fault we are not together now? I don't think so. You left me on the 08/08/08 I remember it well, I will never forget the date, how could I? Your fortieth birthday, the day you had told me on the first day we met. One of your little quirks was always telling everyone you would be forty on the 08/08/08, you did it all the time, even to those that already knew. Yes you left me then, you stayed in the same house, the same bed, but only...
Bei ihren täglichen Sportaktivitäten im Urlaub läuft Melanie immer dieselbe Strecke und oft wenn sie an der Gabelung vorbeigekam, dachte sie wo wohl dieser Weg hinführt? Heute wollte sie diesen weg mal testen. Blitzschnell trifft sie die Entscheidung, warum sollte ich heute nich einmal diesen Weg wählen und schon nimmt ihre Joggingrunde einen neuen Verlauf. Zuerst ist der Weg nicht viel anders als der gewohnte, doch nach einigen hundert Metern wird der Wald zunehmend dichter und man merkt, dass...
Was ich erzählen will, habe ich erlebt, als ich an der Uni studiert habe. Ich war nach der Schule zu Hause ausgezogen, um zum Studieren in die große Stadt zu ziehen. Ich teilte mir die Wohnung mit einem anderen Mädchen, damit wir uns die Miete teilen konnten. Eines Abends kam ich in die Wohnung, meine Mitbewohnerin hieß Rebecca. Es war spät am Freitagabend. Ich war in der Bibliothek gewesen, um mich auf meine Prüfungen am nächsten Montag vorzubereiten. Im Wohnzimmer war ein kleines Licht zu...
Als die achtzehnjährige Studienanfängerin Astrid das große, möblierte Zimmer in unmittelbarer Nähe der Uni bekommt, kann sie ihr riesiges Glück kaum fassen. Auf Anhieb hat ihr die sehr nette, drei Jahre ältere Kommilitonin Jutta das Zimmer in der Studenten-WG gegeben, und das bei der Wohnungsnot in dieser Stadt, von der sie soviel gehört hat. Und dann noch zu dieser geringen Miete! Astrid vermutet zunächst irgendwo einen versteckten Haken an der Sache, doch so sehr sie auch sucht, sie findet...
I didn't know if I should meet. Mr. and Mrs. Bohner were expecting me for my first visit and my inspection. I had been waiting for this day for a long time, but the seriousness of what I was getting myself into was only now hitting me. I had told Mrs. Bohner that I was willing to submit to her and her husband. I had made promise to be subject to their desires and to be trained to fulfill any need they may have in their family. Now as I stand at their door my heart is racing with thoughts about...
Auf mehrfachen Wunsch unsere Leser poste ich hier nun doch das letzte Kapitel:Kapitel XV Erstens kommt es anders ... Nach jenem entscheidenden Sonntag war Bruno mehr oder weniger ständig mit Tina zusammen. Er ging bei Willi und Traudel ein und aus. Jürgen hatte inzwischen erfahren, dass seine Schwester Tina schwanger war und dass Bruno die Verantwortung für ihren Zustand übernommen hatte und gewillt war, Tina zu heiraten. Aber er hatte ein schlechtes Gewissen, indem er sehr stark vermutete,...
Es war schon später Abend, als ich mit dem Mietwagen vom Frankfurter Flughafen nach Hause fuhr. Nach Hause? Ein schickes, aber leeres Apartment in der City war mein zu Hause, in dem niemand auf mich wartete. Sonst hatte ich absolut nichts mehr, was ich noch ein Zuhause nennen konnte. Meine Eltern waren beide bereits vor mehreren Jahren gestorben, in meinem Elternhaus wohnten mittlerweile fremde Menschen, und außer mit meiner jüngeren Schwester Carena hatte ich auch mit niemandem mehr...
Es war ein wunderschöner Frühlings morgen und ich wusste es würde ein guter Tag werden.
Sie lachte. Als Tibor das erste Mal seit zwei Wochen kam und auf den Teller mit dem Goldrand und den Pizzaresten spritzte. Die harten trockenen Ränder ihrer Meeresfrüchtepizza – Sabrina aß niemals die Ränder mit – würden bald aufweichen. Am meisten amüsierte es sie, daß Tibor weinen mußte, während sein kleiner Penis noch zuckte. Sabrina schlug das rechte Bein über ihr linkes. Ihr Rock rutschte hoch, so daß Tibor ihre wunderschönen nylonbestrumpften Oberschenkel sehen konnte, jetzt, nachdem er...
Natürlich ist diese Geschichte frei erfunden. Weite Teile der Story sind schon fertiggestellt, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher ob man dies hier posten darf. We will see. -------------------PrologIch beobachtete Sie nun schon seit knapp 2 Monaten und meine Notizen sind in dieser Zeit immer umfangreicher geworden. Ich weiß welchen Weg Sie von der Arbeit nach Hause nimmt, wann bei Ihr das Licht in der Wohnung erlischt und wo Sie gerne Ihre Einkäufe tätigt. Bei der Sie handelt es sich um Lara. Ein...
Auf meinem Schreibtisch türmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehlergewesen, in dieses Büro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zuteuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Aufträge von einer besserenKlientel.Und ich wollte diese Überwachung von Ehemännern loswerden, denn das warfast ausschließlich mein täglich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang voreiner Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir alsDetektiv erträumt hatte.Meine Sekretärin war ich mittlerweile los, weil...
Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...
We fade in on our ‘bedroom’ set. All in darkness, then turn on the spotlights, highlighting the rusty, ugly old bedstead, and dirty mattress. It’s a sleezy scene, a bed that no self-respecting woman would lie down on ... And she comes now... We hear footsteps approaching – multiple footsteps, and two women walk into frame. One is a little heavyset, wearing jogging pants that should be baggy but stretch over her large frame, and a t-shirt that hugs her round belly and big boobs - frankly...
Hello friends,I am Aditya Basu,22 years old from Kolkata. I am good looking,tall with a good dick size. This is a real incident which I am going to narrate. It happened on 27 th December,2014. On this memorable day,I lost my virginity to our long time maid,who is 10 years older to me. About the maid : her name is Rita, 32 years old, with big round boobs, chocolate colour nipples, good big asses, deep cleavage & she is a bit in darker side but she is amazing & sexy, perfect to be called as a...
male-female sexual intercourse with a man! My friend is James Worth. James is a handsome, virile man who has confided in about me his bisexuality. And I have likewise confided in James about my feminine, bisexual orientation. We are a perfect match, for James has always wanted as a lover a man who pretends to be a woman. James told me that he often fantasizes while having sexual intercourse with his wife that she is actually a male transvestite. He told me that he always becomes more...
100% fiction I lied on the bed naked. my cock erected after that hour of passion with my sister. i never really thought that this moment was really going to happened. i couldn't help but feel a bit unusual after that moment my head kept on going remembering what had happened i could steel hear her soft moan's as my cock went in her pussy. I could feel my cock getting erected again just thinking of her. "i have to get up" i whispered slowly. as i got up i sat a moment on the bed.i could smell...
IncestThe land lord just shot my sister full of cum. He told me if my father was here he would clean us both he said. But you clean your sister good boy. NO mother yelled stop he will not if you don't like are deal will stop. Fine cunt but my friend and me will be fucking you hard tonight understand . Mother looked at us and said yes .Around 6 the landlord called and said they would be there the next night something came up. my sister went for a ran around the high school track. About 2 hours later...
Well first off, I want to apologize for this story coming after Halloween instead of before but I?ve never been really any good at writing fiction, even in doing my own self bondage and bondage fantasies. Thus, I usually have to actually perform what I write about. Live it to write about it as it was. My name is Natalie, and I?m 27 Caucasian, with long straight naturally strawberry red hair to the middle of my back. I?m 34B-26-34, five foot ? five inches tall and about 108 pounds; just...
Nov. 16th 2018 So today, I wake up mute. I was also still experiencing a light to mild cognitive fog. I started crying because it had been over 36 hours since this particular episode had started. I haven’t experienced one this long since my initial illness in August 2017. I was afraid something had shifted in my brain and this was now permanent. It’s now 12 hours later and while I’m not mute I’m still having cognitive and speech issues. The few brief periods I’ve not I’ve had a nice migraine...
I am Sam, living in Mumbai, 30’s something, an average built, I am 5.8” and my junior is 6.5” with a big circumference of 2”.I was in kullu sometime back for some business work when this life changing experience occurred in my life. As I availed a local bus transport for commuting from mandi to kullu,i realised that the bus was completely filled and there was no space even to move a bit.It was 4pm and as the bus snailed the ghats to reach kullu in another 3hrs I was initially little...
What is it about Polish bitches that make them so sexy? At least part of it is the resiliency required to grow up in the Eastern block. Life isn't easy for everyone, but that same resiliency makes them immune to hard fucking. You could drop your cock from the Empire State Building, and that bitch would still take it like a champ. Polish pussy is built out of adamantium.From Eyeliner to Guy RiderPayton Preslee is one of those Polish bitches. Born in Poland, she moved to the united states at only...
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Há uns anos atrás, vivi 4 meses na Alemanha. Mas a história não envolve nenhuma Alemã (com pena minha) mas sim uma norte americana. Chamemos lhe K. K era uma mulher loura com cabelo curto mas bom para agarrar, peitos pequenos mas firmes e, mais importante ainda, uma maluca entre 4 paredes. Curiosamente, a primeira vez que a conheci estava um bocado (muito) embriagado, mas ainda sabia o que estava a fazer, numa festa com um pessoal que se encontrava na mesma situação que eu (erasmus). Eis que...
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Winter was melting away to the new blossoms and fresh air of spring when the phone rang. It was my cousins wife, Mary. ‘Del it did not work. I am not pregnant,’ was all she could stammer between her emotional sobs. The line then went dead. I waited a few minutes and called her back. She told me she was so convinced our union at Christmas would get her pregnant and she was so hurt it had not worked. Mary shared with me that she had had multiple tests and she could, in fact, have a child. It...
THE MORGAN (A Gay Tale) PART 2Al parked the car near the hotel and the two men walked in and headed directly to the men’s room. As they walked by the restaurant, Harry wanted to show Al the waiter, but it was late, way past dinner, and the waiter had left. Harry would have enjoyed a 3-way.Then they headed for the men’s room. There were six men at the urinals, mostly middle-aged. Al wanted to see some cock so he slipped in the space between a blond and a grey-haired man. Harry got into a stall,...
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Day 6 (13) –Duke and Richard "Wake up, sleepyhead!" Lani's breath tickled Duke's ear. Her body curled against his side, leg thrown over his. She squeezed his morning wood lovingly. Duke drifted in that half-awake morning lassitude. Lani's handjob definitely qualified as a great way to wake up. Her hand slid up and down slowly. Even with all the crazy sex they'd had last night, he found his libido stirring. "Ugh. What time is it?" Duke blearily looked around. He found he couldn't...
There’s been sexual tension between voluptuous Russian babe Kira Queen and her curvy Hungarian friend Kiara Lord for months. They’ve been masturbating to fantasies of fucking each other every night! Today it seems it will become a reality as the girls meet at the poolside for a massage from busty Romanian brunette bombshell Honey Demon. Kira goes first, and the slut can’t help but get wet as she feels Honey’s skilled fingers running up and down her well-oiled butt, and...
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I should probably introduce myself, Cassidy, 17 and drop dead gorgeous, with short, slightly wavy brown hair, blue eyes, and, if I do say so myself, a graceful neck leading to a more than adequate c cup that really accentuated my face, when guys bothered to raise their eyes. Oh and did I mention I was modest as well. Guys. That was the current problem. If I had a boyfriend we would probably already be bouncing around on my bed. I had had a few, but the first two were terrible in bed, and...
I started to really like Sean. He was more than just a famıly friend for me. He liked me too, at least that's how it seemed. I don't know, being around him just felt good and I that's what I did. Whenever he was over, I was downstairs pretending to be grabbing a snack or something. He would always say "Hey" and I'd nod and smile. Every single time, he appeared to have gotten hotter and hotter. A jerk-off was a must. At least one jerk-off, that is. I wondered if he jerks off. I bet he does. In...
Trickster By Maskedscribe The way to the witch's hut was gloomy and foreboding. The further she followed the path, and the further the hour went from noon meant that the shadows would grow longer and more sinister. All of the trees that crowded around and blotted out the sky were barren of leaves dark and gnarled looking like scores of claws grasping at the sky. The path snaked though the swamp's pools of stagnant water and fallen logs and eventually...
Living the Dream, part 16 By: Malissa Madison The next morning at breakfast I was helping Sherry with her times tables, when Sara stopped briefly at our table. "So what was it like Losing?" she asked giggling. Then hurried on past before I could reply. "Don't mind her," Joy her roommate said. "She'd never have seen the race if I hadn't shown her the web site. I think you still won though. You showed that Wolf guy that he couldn't cheat and win." "Web site? What web site?"...
Hi this is Pushkar from Bangalore and I am persuading my B.E. from one of the reported college in Bangalore and stay with one of my friend bibin in a flat near my college. Any girl, bhabhi or aunty want to enjoy some spare time with me can contact me at pu Now coming to story; five days before Bibin told her that he planning for a surprise party for her gf on her b’day and he spent some alone time with her so we planned just invite my gf on that occasion. I called my gf on b’day date but she...
Title: Femme Your Hubby - Installment #1 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be emailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...
Jim always disliked traveling for business. He always had to leave the office late, catch a plant (which was inevitably always delayed), arrive in a city he was not familiar with, rent a car, and drive between one and three hours to arrive at his destination. Jim was a Portfolio Manager for a large NY Investment Bank managing construction projects in the energy space. Jim disbursed funds to the Projects, which always made him popular with the developers. It was early October and Jim...
It had been a long tough summer. My company had assigned me as usual to be the lead on major development project. For the past four months I had worked seven days a week, twelve plus hours a day. It seemed all I did was work and sleep. I seldom even had the energy for a stress-relieving jack off. The big celebration party and large bonus check after the successful completion of the project had done little to help me recover my wits. As I sat at my desk trying to get through yet another inane...
We were lucky. The 'crocoshark' did not escape. The line fastened to the harpoon played out as it attempted to flee and then it stopped as it reached the end of its tether. The creature thrashed about for a while, actually becoming entangled in the line that held it. Eventually, it died. When it had, Vicky towed it back to the beach with the boat. Pebble and Shell were ecstatic. The bear was another story. There was no way that I was going to get it on shore without some help. The Argo had...
Hi ISS readers. I am Naresh Patil from Mumbai central suburbs and back with a new incident. I recently posted an incident in Couple section HAD SEX WITH COLLEGE FRIEND. The day this story got published on ISS I started receiving many emails complimenting my story. I was really happy as I was not expecting such a huge response. Thank you all who read it and appreciated me. I replied to each and every mail that I received. In this story I’ll narrate you how I satisfied one of my reader. I...
Introduction: Brother and younger sister fulfill dirtiest fantasies in Rio The turbulent heat struck me like a wave as I stepped out of the Boeing 747 at Rio de Janeiro airport. My sister and I in Brazil, alone. The previous weeks had been difficult. In a household breaking apart, each night we would go to sleep to the bitter shouting matches of our parents piercing the wooden floorboards. The only way to protect ourselves against the ravages of the interminable conflict and terror of the not...
"Listen, Sheldon," Sylvia said, "I've got a problem." They were at Sylvia's office, going over plans for the new building. She went to the door and closed it. "What's up?" Sheldon asked. "You remember what I said the day we met? I don't date clients?" "Yes. And I was kind of surprised — pleasantly — that you changed your mind. You're pretty decisive." "Yeah. Well, I've made another decision. It's over and I shouldn't have broken my rule." Sheldon was surprised. "What...
March 20, 1984, Rutherford, Ohio I arrived at the halfway house in Rutherford just after 2:30pm on Tuesday afternoon wearing my cassock to keep up appearances. I was shown into Mr. Gilbert’s office. He offered coffee which I accepted and we sat down in a pair of chairs next to his desk. “Is everything OK?” I asked. “Yes, it is. I just wanted a word with you so I could thank you for the help you’ve given Paul Reynolds. I started doing this six years ago when I retired from GE, and we’ve...
I don’t know how I managed to get through the rest of the week. Constant phone calls from friends and others, the law firm my father used, the insurance agent for the company (the accident was considered on company property), the funeral arrangements. There would be no viewing. I was told his body was completely crushed and virtually unrecognizable. I think that upset Mom and I more than anything. My dad’s parents would arrive on Friday afternoon at the Redmond Airport, so I didn’t have to...
With those two indisposed for the rest of the evening knowing Nate she would need to do something to entertain herself until she was ready for bed. All she knew was that she really couldn't think all that good and decided that after a nice hot bath with Amanda's special soap she could figure out what she will be doing for the rest of the night. Steph got up to her room and started the bath while she got undressed. She quickly stripped down to nothing and waltzed over to the tub. She measured...
Novels“Oh, that virgin, that sweet innocent virgin,” I thought to my self.I looked up and there she was standing their. I looked into her beautiful eyes I knew I had to have her. She had long brown hair and eyes you could get lost in. She wore an outfit that defined all her best features. Her shorts hugged her ass showing its perfect roundness. She had then turned around giving me a perfect view of her perky breasts they weren’t very large, but highly noticeable. I had turned away in a hurry before...
Rebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....
Wife LoversA mother begins to feminize her son who was always feminine and beautiful. She instills upon him the want, the desire to become a woman. He, later on she, loves this and gives into his unknown desire to be a vivacious, sexy and beautiful lady. He will become the perfect proper daughter, a powerful woman and a true Goddess. Mother's Love: A Goddess Awakens My father had left my mother when I was a child. I know he caused her a great amount of pain when he left. Since those days I...
It was early afternoon at Tammy’s house...“Ugh... Ugh... Fuck me!"“Oh, God, you’re so beautiful,” Joel said in Tammy’s ear. He started kissing her and stroke her lovingly. She giggled at the compliment as she looked back at him. “I get that a lot for some reason,” she smiled. Joel loved her smile. They met eyes. He went faster, penetrating her sweet womanhood.“Ugh! Ugh! Fuck me! Fuck me with your big dick! Oh, God!”He looked at Tammy and her raw beauty as he got to squeeze her ebony breasts. He...
CheatingElissa had been dating Thomas for about six weeks now, but they’d never had sex. But that all changed when she went to his house one afternoon. Elissa had dark chocolate hair and smooth olive skin, with orange-green eyes. Thomas was sort of the opposite – tan skin and dark blond hair and bright blue eyes. She giggled and threw her head back. Thomas leaned in and kissed her. He was expecting her to pull away with a shocked look, but she kissed him back. Gently French kissing, she pulled off...
You are relaxing at home late one night when I call you into the bedroom. You walk in to find the room lite with candles and a present laying on the bed. I come up behind you, wrap my arms around you and start kissing your neck. Moving my hands all over you body, I slowly begin to strip you down enjoying every inch of your sexy body. Once I have you standing there naked in front of me, I whisper in your ear, "I think you have a present on the bed." You slowly move the bed and open the small box...
I had my first sexual experience after one of my parents’ parties; not only was it my first time having sex, but it was also the first time that I fucked a BBW AND the first time that I was with someone with both tits AND a cock. Let me explain. Mom and Dad often had small parties at our house, and so I was exposed to a variety of people who were usually drunk. My own mother and sisters were skinny, but for some reason, I was always attracted to very large women. One of their friends was a...