Ohne Willen
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Indem ich immer dominanter wurde in unserer Beziehung, habe ich herausgefunden, dass ich sein sexuelles Vergnügen komplett von meinem eigenen trennen wollte. Ich wollte die Vertrautheit seiner Lippen und seiner Zunge auf meinem ganzen Körper. Ich wollte, dass er mich mit Orgasmen verwöhnt so oft, wie ich es verlangte, während ich ihm sein Verlangen verwehrte. Ich wollte, dass er sich vollständig darauf konzentriert, mich zu verwöhnen. Ich liebe es, meinen Ehemann in einem geilen, gefügigen Zustand zu halten und manchmal finde ich es schwierig, ihm etwas Erleichterung zuzugestehen. Wenn er unter Spannung gehalten wird ist er meinen Bedürfnissen gegenüber so aufmerksam und so bemüht, mich zu verwöhnen. Nachdem er einen Orgasmus hatte, dauert es immer eine Weile, bis er wieder in die rechte Spur kommt. Das ist der Grund, warum ich ihm den die meiste Zeit verweigere!
"Nein, ich werde dich heut Nacht nicht kommen lassen, Süßer. Du darfst nicht einmal wichsen, während du mich beobachtest. Du hast Glück, dass ich dich überhaupt meine Möse sehen lasse! Ich will ganz sicher nicht, dass du deinen harten Ständer berührst während du daran denkst, wie gut meine Möse sich jetzt um deinen Schwanz herum anfühlen würde, so warm und feucht, während du hinein- und herausgleitest und hinein und heraus. Meine hungrige kleine Möse würde deinen Schwanz schlucken und versuchen, jeden kleinen Tropfen Wichse aus deinen dicken Eiern zu saugen, wenn ich sie nur lassen würde! Nein, das wird nicht passieren, Baby. Du wirst sie noch nicht einmal schmecken!"
"Uhhhh...da läuft jemand aus...am besten ich höre auf, ihn zu berühren. Wir wollen doch nicht, dass du einen schönen befriedigenden Orgasmus hast, oder?"
"Armer Junge, es ist erst eine Stunde und du fängst schon an zu schreien, dass ich dich erlösen soll. Es macht mich heiß, dich schreien zu hören und zu wissen, du würdest alles tun, um jetzt zu kommen. Aber weißt du was mich noch heißer macht, mein Kleiner? Zu wissen, dass ich dich hier noch stundenlang halten werde, gefesselt, auf der Kippe, und es verdammt nochmal gar nichts gibt, was du dagegen tun kannst."
Ich wichse seinen harten Schwanz schneller und schneller...seine Eier sind kurz vor dem Platzen, während sein Orgasmus sich aufbaut...näher und näher...dann...KLATSCH! Ich ohrfeige seinen Schwanz und lache, als er vor Frust weint.
"Du hast versucht, mir einen zu verheimlichen, nicht wahr? Streite es nicht ab, ich kann in dir lesen wie in einem Buch. Du hast versucht, so zu tun, als ob du nicht kurz davor warst, so dass ich nicht aufhören würde, dich zu wichsen und du würdest einen Orgasmus bekommen. Das war ein großer Fehler, Freundchen. Ich werde dich so oft bis kurz davor bringen, dass du weinen und darum bitten wirst, dass ich aufhöre, aber ich werde dein Geschrei nur ignorieren und immer weiter und weiter machen!"
Während ich seinen Schwanz blase, achte ich sorgfältig auf ein Zeichen, ob sein Orgasmus sich ankündigt. Ein Zittern seiner Augenlider, ein schnelles Einatmen oder ein sanftes Stöhnen...und SCHNAPP! bohren sich meine Zähne in seinen Schwanz und sein Orgasmus ist in voller Fahrt gestoppt.
"Mmmmm, dein Schwanz wird mit Sicherheit hart wenn du so auf meine Möse starrst! Willst du deinen steifen Schwanz in meine heisse nasse Möse stecken und sie ficken bis du deine große dicke Ladung Wichse tief in mich hineinschießt?
Nimm deinen Schwanz in die Hand und fang an zu wichsen. Ich will, dass du auf meine Möse starrst und darum bettelst, mich ficken zu dürfen während du dein Teil wichst. Guter Junge. Stell dir vor wie gut meine Möse sich anfühlen würde, meine heiße nasse Fotze um deinen pochenden Stab, wie sie dir deine große Ladung Wichssahne aus deine schmerzenden Eiern zieht und dich einen Schuß Wichse nach dem anderen tief in mich spritzen lässt.
Wage es nicht, schon zu kommen! Ich will, dass du dich selber bis kurz vor deinen Orgasmus wichst über die nächsten vier Stunden. Wenn du das ohne abspritzen schaffst, lasse ich dich meine Möse ficken. Aber wenn du kommst, bevor die vier Stunden um sind...heißt das weitere sechs Monate der Keuschheit und du wirst den Schwanz meines Freundes lutschen wann immer er will.
Living without you is hell for me. I know that, is it my fault we are not together now? I don’t think so. You left me on the 08/08/08 I remember it well, I will never forget the date, how could I? Your fortieth birthday, the day you had told me on the first day we met. One of your little quirks was always telling everyone you would be forty on the 08/08/08, you did it all the time, even to those that already knew. Yes you left me then, you stayed in the same house, the same bed, but only now...
Gesine wollte nur noch raus. raus aus dem Haus ihrer Eltern, raus aus der Uni, raus aus ihrer Beziehung, raus aus ihrem verkorksten Leben - einfach raus. Aber dazu müsste sie Geld haben, eine Bleibe, Leute zu denen sie gehen kann, bei denen sie sich ausheulen konnte. Das Leben war eine Schlampe. Und Karma is a Bitch. Und überhaupt ist die Welt ungerecht. Das alles hatte sie jetzt bestimmt schon zum vierten Mal dem Barkeeper in der kleinen Kneipe hinterm Bahnhof erzählt. Und er hatte die...
FetishEs ist einer der ersten wärmeren Tage und an wärmeren Tagen trage ich gerne mal einen etwas luftigeren Rock - nicht zu knapp, so etwa bis zur Mitte der Oberschenkel reichend, aber wegen der Wärme mag ich es, wenn die Luft zwischen meinen Beinen durchzieht. Am geilsten ist es natürlich, wenn die Luft nicht nur an den Beinen entlangstreift, sondern auch der Rest, der vom Rock versteckt wird, etwas davon ab bekommt - sprich meine Pobacken und meine Möse. Zu diesem Zweck lasse ich dann gerne das...
Alles begann im Alter von 13 jahren, ich ging noch zu Schule und nach der Schule hatte ich ein bin in einem Bistro im nachbarort. Ich hätte sehr viel Spass und meine Chefs haben mich sehr gemocht. Eines Abends kam der jüngere Chefs mit seiner Freundin, eine wunderschöne Grösse Blondine mit Blauen Augen und ein geiles Gesicht. Sie sassen am Tisch und ich durfte dann auch mit am Tisch sitzen und erzählen. Die blonde Frau fing plötzlich an mich zu küssen und zu befummeln, dann auf einmal hat sie...
Living without you is hell for me. I know that, is it my fault we are not together now? I don't think so. You left me on the 08/08/08 I remember it well, I will never forget the date, how could I? Your fortieth birthday, the day you had told me on the first day we met. One of your little quirks was always telling everyone you would be forty on the 08/08/08, you did it all the time, even to those that already knew. Yes you left me then, you stayed in the same house, the same bed, but only...
Bei ihren täglichen Sportaktivitäten im Urlaub läuft Melanie immer dieselbe Strecke und oft wenn sie an der Gabelung vorbeigekam, dachte sie wo wohl dieser Weg hinführt? Heute wollte sie diesen weg mal testen. Blitzschnell trifft sie die Entscheidung, warum sollte ich heute nich einmal diesen Weg wählen und schon nimmt ihre Joggingrunde einen neuen Verlauf. Zuerst ist der Weg nicht viel anders als der gewohnte, doch nach einigen hundert Metern wird der Wald zunehmend dichter und man merkt, dass...
Was ich erzählen will, habe ich erlebt, als ich an der Uni studiert habe. Ich war nach der Schule zu Hause ausgezogen, um zum Studieren in die große Stadt zu ziehen. Ich teilte mir die Wohnung mit einem anderen Mädchen, damit wir uns die Miete teilen konnten. Eines Abends kam ich in die Wohnung, meine Mitbewohnerin hieß Rebecca. Es war spät am Freitagabend. Ich war in der Bibliothek gewesen, um mich auf meine Prüfungen am nächsten Montag vorzubereiten. Im Wohnzimmer war ein kleines Licht zu...
Als die achtzehnjährige Studienanfängerin Astrid das große, möblierte Zimmer in unmittelbarer Nähe der Uni bekommt, kann sie ihr riesiges Glück kaum fassen. Auf Anhieb hat ihr die sehr nette, drei Jahre ältere Kommilitonin Jutta das Zimmer in der Studenten-WG gegeben, und das bei der Wohnungsnot in dieser Stadt, von der sie soviel gehört hat. Und dann noch zu dieser geringen Miete! Astrid vermutet zunächst irgendwo einen versteckten Haken an der Sache, doch so sehr sie auch sucht, sie findet...
I didn't know if I should meet. Mr. and Mrs. Bohner were expecting me for my first visit and my inspection. I had been waiting for this day for a long time, but the seriousness of what I was getting myself into was only now hitting me. I had told Mrs. Bohner that I was willing to submit to her and her husband. I had made promise to be subject to their desires and to be trained to fulfill any need they may have in their family. Now as I stand at their door my heart is racing with thoughts about...
Auf mehrfachen Wunsch unsere Leser poste ich hier nun doch das letzte Kapitel:Kapitel XV Erstens kommt es anders ... Nach jenem entscheidenden Sonntag war Bruno mehr oder weniger ständig mit Tina zusammen. Er ging bei Willi und Traudel ein und aus. Jürgen hatte inzwischen erfahren, dass seine Schwester Tina schwanger war und dass Bruno die Verantwortung für ihren Zustand übernommen hatte und gewillt war, Tina zu heiraten. Aber er hatte ein schlechtes Gewissen, indem er sehr stark vermutete,...
Es war schon später Abend, als ich mit dem Mietwagen vom Frankfurter Flughafen nach Hause fuhr. Nach Hause? Ein schickes, aber leeres Apartment in der City war mein zu Hause, in dem niemand auf mich wartete. Sonst hatte ich absolut nichts mehr, was ich noch ein Zuhause nennen konnte. Meine Eltern waren beide bereits vor mehreren Jahren gestorben, in meinem Elternhaus wohnten mittlerweile fremde Menschen, und außer mit meiner jüngeren Schwester Carena hatte ich auch mit niemandem mehr...
Es war ein wunderschöner Frühlings morgen und ich wusste es würde ein guter Tag werden.
Sie lachte. Als Tibor das erste Mal seit zwei Wochen kam und auf den Teller mit dem Goldrand und den Pizzaresten spritzte. Die harten trockenen Ränder ihrer Meeresfrüchtepizza – Sabrina aß niemals die Ränder mit – würden bald aufweichen. Am meisten amüsierte es sie, daß Tibor weinen mußte, während sein kleiner Penis noch zuckte. Sabrina schlug das rechte Bein über ihr linkes. Ihr Rock rutschte hoch, so daß Tibor ihre wunderschönen nylonbestrumpften Oberschenkel sehen konnte, jetzt, nachdem er...
Natürlich ist diese Geschichte frei erfunden. Weite Teile der Story sind schon fertiggestellt, jedoch bin ich mir nicht sicher ob man dies hier posten darf. We will see. -------------------PrologIch beobachtete Sie nun schon seit knapp 2 Monaten und meine Notizen sind in dieser Zeit immer umfangreicher geworden. Ich weiß welchen Weg Sie von der Arbeit nach Hause nimmt, wann bei Ihr das Licht in der Wohnung erlischt und wo Sie gerne Ihre Einkäufe tätigt. Bei der Sie handelt es sich um Lara. Ein...
Auf meinem Schreibtisch türmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehlergewesen, in dieses Büro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zuteuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Aufträge von einer besserenKlientel.Und ich wollte diese Überwachung von Ehemännern loswerden, denn das warfast ausschließlich mein täglich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang voreiner Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir alsDetektiv erträumt hatte.Meine Sekretärin war ich mittlerweile los, weil...
Auf meinem Schreibtisch t?rmten sich die Rechnungen. Es war ein Fehler gewesen, in dieses B?ro zu gehen. Es war sehr Schicki-Micki, und viel zu teuer. Ich hatte mir mehr davon versprochen, Auftr?ge von einer besseren Klientel. Und ich wollte diese ?berwachung von Ehem?nnern loswerden, denn das war fast ausschlie?lich mein t?glich Brot gewesen. Im Auto stundenlang vor einer Wohnung zu sitzen war nicht unbedingt das, was ich mir als Detektiv ertr?umt hatte. Meine Sekret?rin war ich mittlerweile lo...
It was Saturday morning; the sun was shining and my Lisa was due home for a week. I looked in on Jenny as I went to make some coffee, she was cosy and fast asleep.A text from Mike with a link to his AirBNB profile told me that his interview went well and we agreed to meet in the pub lunchtime for a quick pint and a chat, I had told him that Lisa was home today and he was excited to finally meet her.Jenny appeared for her coffee and after seeing the ‘private’ pictures was also super excited to...
It was amazing how something intended as only light hearted relief could change lives so completely and irrevocably. Craig had only put the advert into the local rag for amusement, hoping for, though not really expecting, a response. He was fairly honest with what he put in, since it didn't cost him anything. Tall male, mid 20's, into fitness and music, GSOH, seeks SWF slightly younger with similar tastes, for fun and friendship. He had five responses, and diligently replied to each,...
My god ... Is that... ? It can't be. I didn't know Stacy Kiebler had a twin sister. I know dim bar lighting plays tricks, so I HAVE to get closer to those fabulous legs. When she left her escort and wobbled slowly to the bar, I wiped my drool and moved toward her. Despite her towering height, she had to scrunch up onto the high stool and rest her heels on the bottom rung. Her snug black skirt climbed from a few inches above her knees to far up her long, sexy thighs. When she twisted slightly...
We were dressed in T-shirts and shorts and sandals and Tom was on the couch and I sat in a recliner chair while we began watching the movie. The movie had something to do with an office guy messing with his secretary and then her with another office girl and the guy with the other girl and so on. Mainly it was about people getting naked and fucking each other. We watched the show and commented on the girls' ample tits and made jokes about them using dildos and stuff. A few minutes into...
I guess most people would say I have a decent figure, but I think I needed to tone up that half an inch that I gained over Christmas. I like to keep fit and I’ve been running for a couple of years now, but I rarely go the gym. If possible I wanted to lose a little weight off my hips without changing my bum. My new photographer likes my bum, he says it’s sexy. I think he means it’s big, but he’s the expert. I decided to join a gym in town in January as a sort of new year’s resolution. I wandered...
Straight SexThe story starts in their freshman year of high school and lasts for many years thereafter. Justin and Brittany were complete strangers as they went to different middle schools. Both kids lead very different lives. Now Brittany was a beautiful girl. She was short and petite, with long black hair, usually straightened. Being half Mexican and half white, she looked amazing. Her boobs were, of course, smaller, maybe Bs, but it fit her smaller frame well. Her ass was an amazing gift of nature,...
I couldn't deny... I was slightly nervous. Standing in the shower, the powerful force of the jets spraying down on my naked body, the tingling of the water as it splashed down onto my stiff, hard cock. It had been five years since we had last seen other. Five years since we had spent three glorious hours in each other's company, exploring each other's body, relishing the touch, the feel, the pleasure. Five full years since, for the third time, we had climaxed together, your legs wrapped tightly...
I knew things weren’t going to be easy. I had been trying to date Faye Carlton for three years. She consistently turned me down until the night of my eighteenth birthday party. She showed up way late for the party and caught me in the backyard with Susan Merriman. We were only kissing, but from the way that Faye acted you would have thought she nailed us naked in the bedroom. ‘Hi Faye,’ I muttered lamely. ‘Well, Kevin, I see you’re occupied.’ ‘It’s not like you think! I thought you were...
Tabatha turned sideways on the bed, her eyes still closed. She reached out for the loving warmth she knew was there, but her fingers met only an empty sheet. ‘Damn! He’s already gone!’ She opened her eyes and looked over at him. Jake was sitting in a chair, just looking at her. “What?” she asked sleepily. “Just you,” he replied, quietly. He smiled. “Don’t tell me,” she said, sounding sarcastic. “You were watching me sleep, right?” Jake looked disappointed. “Yes, of course I was. You’re...
Note: FYI, I am std free as of today. I always get checked before and after I have some sort of sexual encounters. Always stay safe whenever you are having sex and make sure you and your partners are std free. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! Thanks and enjoy. December 2017: It’s tough around the holiday season. Buying Christmas presents for families, and traveling to certain locations to meet them. College finals were also coming along during that month, projects had deadlines,...
It was the summer and I had just turned 18. I needed to earn some money, and I saw an ad in the paper about a guy who needed someone to come in a few times a week and clean house. The pay was pretty decent, and I called on the job. The gentleman asked me to come in for an interview. I did so, and was hired on the spot. I had been working for him for about a month. He seemed very lonely. I knew he had been married to the same woman his whole life. I was always a shameless flirt and I had tried...
Straight SexThe day Part 1 By Amanda Walker [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ow!" Billy cried out as the pin stuck into his leg. "Sorry dear, but do stand still!" "But I feel so stupid!" "Oh don't be silly, this is a great help to me. No one will know." Billy was stood upon a small table while his mother pinned and adjusted a wedding dress. Fortunately for her Billy matched the measurements of the girl who...
Jack was the owner of a weapons manufacturer based in the Midwestern United States. He inherited the company from his father at age 28 when his father passed away. Now 34, Jack was firmly entrenched as the CEO and was, for all practical purposes, set for life. At six feet tall and 170 pounds, Jack was not an imposing figure. However, his three piece suits and clean shaven face told the world he was all business. The secrecy involved with Jack’s job was his biggest stressor. He knew...
Sam Drucker watched the well-built neatly groomed young man once again trudge past his small grocery store. Well, trudge wasn’t really the word for the movement. The young man was on foot, true, but he was moving at a right smart clip, Sam thought. He moved with purpose, as if he had a mission that was time sensitive. It was already hot this mid-July morning, and the sweat was rolling off the man Sam was watching. He and his friends were sweating slightly, just sittin’ and whittlin’. Sam could...
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Sandra continued to refuse to get out of the water. Naked, she stood neck deep hoping her antagonist would just walk away. Some hope. He undid his pants and dropped them and then his underwear. Sandra gasped as she saw his erect penis pointing straight at her. “What’s the matter miss” he said laughing “you never a big black cock before”. Sandra shook her head but her eyes zeroed in on the man’s impressive equipment. He walked into the water and pressed his body to hers. She could feel his cock...
Dara sat near the edge of the lake, looking out between two white birch trees at the flotilla of canoes moving away from the island. The visit with her mother had helped, numbing the pain with touches of anger that had gripped her the day before, but certainly not erasing it. Watching Chase lead his friends across the lake brought some of the sting right back. Thirty years old and I’m acting like a schoolgirl being ignored by her crush. “You okay?” Without turning around, she said, “I’m fine,...
Pat walked quickly along the dark road towards her house. He didn't notice the cool air, he was too excited to be going to her house and getting invited to such an exclusive . He recognized the driveway and made his way to the door. He knocked a couple times, then realized that there wern't any cars in the driveway or anywhere around. Figuring he must be a bit early, he knocked again. The door opened and he felt himself go hot. There she was, one of the hottest girls he knew. Her name was Elen,...
EroticPART 1I have started this diary to try to keep my sanity. The world haschanged so quickly in the past couple of years. I do not know who ifanyone will ever read this, so I must explain a little. Untilrecently the world was a patriarchial society. The early 21st Centurysaw a shift to a Matriarchial society. Women bagan holding more andmore powerful offices. The U.S. where I lived was by far not thefirst nation to elect a female as its top leader. It was however thefirst to elect females...
I guess it was a real date so I picked her up at her place. I would have said house but it wasn't; it was a fucking mansion. Not that I would have expected anything less; I'm sure Tink Inc. brought in enough cash annually to buy most of Tampa once or twice over. Actually it was kind of fun rolling up in my leathers and walking up to a front door that was probably wider than the Katherine. Their driver was out front doing chauffeur stuff to the limo and I'm sure he at least got a chuckle...
I was shopping in the upstairs part of a sex shop in town, when I heard a comution downstairs and a slamming of the doors. I thought nothing more of it and continued to look at the cuffs on display. I had put down the pink chastity cage I and ball gag I had discovered and with my hands behind my back I was trying to see if would be able to unlock the cuffs if both wrists were locked."I'm sorry" said a womans voice behind me "We've had to close the shop for a while, I thought we had got everyone...
My wife and I have been married for 25 years and we seem to have hit a bit of a stale spot in the bedroom. We have never been very active sexually due in large part to my own inadequacies in both size and stamina. I'm not very big at all and I've never really been able to last very long when having sex but now that I'm nearing fifty years old, I'm much worse off than ever. I've had some medical issues which make it nearly impossible to get hard at all. Even enhancement drugs don't...
Sandy quivered helplessly in spite of her best efforts to control her anticipation as Laurel tied each of her wrists securely to the posts of their bed. Laurel leaned forward and tenderly kissed the clenched fingers of each of Sandy’s wrists before pulling away, a mischievous smile spreading her lips wide as she got to her feet and made her way to the end of their bed. Sandy cried out in surprise as Laurel gripped her feet tightly in both of her fists and roughly jerked her legs widely apart,...
LesbianScene: an apartment living room. It’s basic and not luxurious. The living room connects to a kitchen. 2 bedrooms have doors to the living room. Tall mirror on wall between the 1st bedroom & kitchen. (But the entire wall cannot be a mirror) A stunning blonde enters from outside. Early to mid-20s. Long hair. Small but perky breasts. Very short skirt. High heels. She goes to her room. She’s sad and slowly undresses — not sexily. Her underwear is sexy. she strips nude & hangs her outfit in...
It was Thursday, Maria and I had a date to go to Berkeley looking in some art galleries. Maria called and was running late, but said the door was open and I should come over. I drove to her house, parked in the driveway and entered. She was not downstairs, so I walked up to the second floor. I heard the shower running in the master bedroom. I had never been in her bedroom and walked in silently. The door to the master bath was open and the lights were on. I peeked in and there was Maria in the...
LesbianBeing Trustworthy Part V by Sissie Maid Cuckold Karen observed the two sissies as they dealt with the objects penetrating them. She noticed how fluid Alice seemed to be, how she became one with the machine. It impressed her how pliable Alice was, accepting whatever the machine did. Her mouth seemed to continually suck but in a gentel determined way not as if it were labored. She was part of the system. On the other hand, Cindy looked like she was resisting. She could not resist much...
It's friday night and it's a family tradition that you watch a movie every friday night, the entire family without exceptions. You have to watch from beginning to end, with a designated pee break in the halfway through the movie. Every week your mom goes to the rental and picks out a movie for you to watch. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. Your mom doesn't really know which movies are good or not, so sometimes it's a pain and sometimes it's fun to watch. This time she picked an...
IncestThis is a story about me getting a chance to satisfy a house wife in front of her husband. Later her husband also involves and give a great fuck to her together. [email protected]
IndianMy HOT Indian sex stories readers . . . here is another MOST UNEXPECTED HOT “INCIDENT” (not a story) Thanks to ISS teams who help us to communicate . . . . Small request, if you like don’t just LEAK – send one line of reply – we (Writers) too spend time in making you enjoy – Girls, ladies, boys and Guys please reply…. Some times, I think certain EXITING things happen, unknowingly . . I had a mild accident (a twist in the leg) and was bed ridden for a short while. My Sister-In-Law- (SIL /...
IncestMF f-solo voySummary:My new neighbors liked to host parties and usually they just kept me awake at night. Then one night I watched the "after-party" events and suddenly my interest in their parties changes considerably! Table of Contents: Chapter 1 – A Bit of Voyeurism Chapter 2 – New NeighborsChapter 1 – A Bit of Voyeurism==============================Although I was only f******n when I lost my virginity, I knew from the very first time I felt the warmth of a boy’s cock in my pussy that I...
"Eat my cunt, baby!" Shellie groaned. "Oh, suck me hard! Make me come now, Jay!" Jay buried his face into the hairy wetness of his mother's cunt, sucking and licking. Shellie grabbed the back of his head, humping her pussy up and down, beating it into his mouth with wild twists and churns of her rounded hips. Jamming his tongue into his mother's cunt, Jay closed his lips around the softly haired pussy and sucked very hard, clinging to her thighs to hold his body out of the water....
I was on my way to work, stopped at the light. Suddenly, my car shook sharply. The driver behind me had hit my car very gently. The light changed and we pulled into a lot across the street. I got out waiting for the driver to get out of the beat-up old car.She was 5'10-1/2 and black, or at least part black. Her skin was lovely cocoa color. Her hair was crazy-curly-on top, but flat on the sides. Her boobs where Double D's at least. Her shirt was pink, silky, and tight. I /could see a...
April and Rachel had just finished getting each other off orally, when April began wishing she had something in her pussy. She remembered her mother had plethora toys, and since she was in the kitchen, she could quickly slip in and borrowing a few, her mother wouldn’t mind. She hoped that she had a double ended dildo so both she and Rachel could enjoy it at the same time. She padded quickly and silently down the hall and into her mother’s large master suite. She didn’t notice the two on the...
Patricia sat inside the tub. She had turned on the shower to scalding hot, letting it run for several minutes before turning it off once again, stepping in, then lying down. As was usually the case, she actually blushed when thinking about her private little ritual, her perhaps thought of 'perverted' or even 'kinky' little session. Her live in boyfriend Craig had left for work leaving her alone. And though they certainly had an active satisfying sex-life, there were some things Patricia,...
The decision to marry someone, especially if the other one already has grown-up children, is difficult. However, such a decision comes easily to Vincent. He wants to marry Barbie Brill’s mom. To celebrate their engagement, he plans to take the whole family to Paris. Barbie can’t help but feel excited as the thought of being in France fills her mind. Before Barbie can enjoy her out-of-the-country vacation, she should learn how to speak French. Luckily, Vincent is willing to spare...
xmoviesforyouANYTHING FOR ERNIE ? by: r.gold 'The Present' I sat at my make-up mirror, fixing my hair and my face. I wanted to look perfect for my lover and I knew that he would be home at any minute. After I finished my foundation and blush, I worked on my eyes. I was too young to wear a lot of makeup and had to be careful to accentuate my strengths and not overdo it. 'A little bit goes a long way,' as my mom always said. I used mascara and liner and smudged on some color above and on the...
Amelia was calling around to see who would want to stay over for the weekend. I was the only one to accept her invitation because everyone else had plans. I arrived at her house on Friday night expecting to see her slightly younger sister Ella in the house. Amelia essentially kicked her out to be with another one of her friends just for a sleepover. When Amelia opened the door, she was wearing a black tank top with athletic compression shorts on. She had already ordered pizza and was ready to...
It was hard to leave Heather that evening. We cuddled on the couch for an hour. I wanted to stay with her, forever. Eventually, her parents finished their card game and migrated to the kitchen. The bright lights woke us. We didn’t even hear their footsteps. We went into the house, catching Aongus kissing Mairead a little more than casually. I smiled to myself at the reversal of roles. “Dad,” Heather drawled. They took their time finishing while we walked through the kitchen. “I won the...
Queen of Draconia, Princess of Draco I sat holding her hand as she was introduced to the first Feeder. "It's ok Tiffy, this is her job, her free choice. But you must only take a little bit like your Daddy and I do," I encouraged her. She'd already had two rations of synthetic blood. But synthetic, was like broth to a starving person, and she like the others had been living on the synthesized blood for probably five years. She needed the real thing now, they all did. They'd been...
Hello Everyone, I’am Naes here.This is my First story.I belong to a normal indian middle class family.This story is about seducing my neighbour aunt and even she losing her control.Let me start the story…………I would narrate my story in hindi as i can explain in detail. Me 26 yrs ka hu, ek simple middle class family se belong karta hu.Mere sath jane anjaane kayi ghatnaye hui hai relating to sex bachpan se hi.Ye particular story mere padose aunty kalpana and mere bich ki hai.Kalpana normal indian...
Here is a rewrite of an old story I wrote about 3 years ago. Archivable at any site, which allows free readership. Copyrighted to Caleb Jones 2000 A.D. All Rights reserved. Two Genie Tales By Caleb Jones A Last Request Bill Brewer couldn't believe his eyes. In his fifty-five years of life, nothing magical had ever taken place... until now. He had just cleaned an antique lamp of the layer of dust covering it, and a beautiful woman suddenly stood in front of him,...
(Yeah it's been a while but i'v been busy … doing the thing in real life with a new guy i met and there is not much need for xhamster at the moment :) . The story below is based on a true experience and i just changed a few details to spice it up a bit)This story is based on a true experience and happened a few years ago, on a great night out in Amsterdam. It was before i had sex with guys on a regular base and i entered a complete new and exciting world...During that period of my life i was...