Nach Sieben Jahren free porn video

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Es war schon später Abend, als ich mit dem Mietwagen vom Frankfurter Flughafen nach Hause fuhr. Nach Hause? Ein schickes, aber leeres Apartment in der City war mein zu Hause, in dem niemand auf mich wartete. Sonst hatte ich absolut nichts mehr, was ich noch ein Zuhause nennen konnte. Meine Eltern waren beide bereits vor mehreren Jahren gestorben, in meinem Elternhaus wohnten mittlerweile fremde Menschen, und außer mit meiner jüngeren Schwester Carena hatte ich auch mit niemandem mehr Kontakt.

Dennoch freute ich mich wieder Zuhause zu sein, nachdem ich zuletzt mehrere Monate in den USA und davor in verschiedenen Ländern in Südostasien verbracht hatte. Ich würde es mir vor dem Schlafengehen noch gemütlich machen, mir noch einen Whiskey gönnen und dabei meine Lieblingsmusik hören. In den nächsten Tagen würde ich dann einfach nur ausspannen, da die letzten Wochen und Monate sehr anstrengend und aufreibend gewesen waren. Ich schaltete das Autoradio ein und fuhr dann auf die weitgehend leere Autobahn.

Heute war Valentinstag. Alle waren bereits zu Hause bei ihren Lieben. Ich unterdrückte einen schwermütigen Seufzer. Im Radio lief irgendeine schmalzige Sendung über Menschen, die ihre Lieben verloren hatten und sie auf diese Weise wieder zu finden hofften. Ich wollte gerade den Sender umschalten, als ich meinen Namen im Radio hörte: „… Martin Bauer. Antje und er waren über Jahre hinweg unzertrennlich, nach der Schule haben sie sich dann aus den Augen verloren. Martin, wenn du das hier hörst, dann melde dich bitte …“

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Nach dem Bro auf den Strich

Ich heiße Jenny, bin 22 Jahre alt, 170 cm groß, wiege 60 kg und finde das ich gut aussehe. Seit 8 Monaten wohne ich mit meinem Freund Lucas 26 Jahre alt zusammen. Wir gehen regelmäßig am Wochenende zusammen aus und er lieb es, wenn ich mich so wie heute recht freizügig anziehe. Ich liebe ihn wahnsinnig doll. Lucas arbeitet seit 6 Monaten als EDV-Techniker und verdient seit dem Studium zum erstenmal Geld. Ich bin bei einer Spedition in der Buchhaltung angestellt. Der Job ist o.k., langweilig und...

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Samstagnacht wir waren aus, feiern in einer Disco. Mein Freund Max hatte endlich mal angeboten, dass er fährt und so konnte ich etwas trinken. Das nutze ich aus und wir hatten Spaß, bis er entschied, dass es an der Zeit sei Heim zu fahren. Er zahlte und wir verließen die Disco, um in seinem Wagen zu mir zu fahren. Ich war noch ziemlich aufgedreht und redete ununterbrochen, bis mir plötzlich auffiel, dass er eine andere Strecke für den Rückweg gewählt hatte. „Woher fährst Du" fragte ich...

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4 Jahre. So lange sind Nina und ich jetzt schon ein Paar. Nina ist sexuell wesentlich erfahrener als ich, sie hat mir vieles beigebracht, was ich so noch nicht kannte, daher hat sich unser Liebesleben für mich immer sehr spannend gestaltet. Enstsprechend groß ist meine Sehnsucht, wenn Nina auf Geschäftsreise ist, was regelmäßig vorkommt. Meine Liebespuppe, die Nina mir ausdrücklich für die Zeit ihrer Abwesenheit an unserem Jahrestag geschenkt hat, ist natürlich kein echter Ersatz für Ninas...

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Stefanie machte sich auf den Weg zu ihrem Nachhilfe Schüler Sebastian. Seit 2 Monaten gab sie dem pubertierenden Knirps Mathe Nachhilfe wobei sie bei ihm eigentlich keine Hoffnung hatte. Er kapierte absolut garnichts von dem was sie sagte, aber seine Eltern zahlen gut dafür also war es ihr egal. Wie immer wenn Sebastian ihr die Tür öffnete grinste er sie dümlich an. Sie begrüßte ihn höflich und machte sich auf den Weg in sein Zimmer. Sebastian schloss die Tür hinter ihr und grinste weiter...

Mind Control
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Nachhilfelehrer wird zum Fusklaven

Zum Zeitpunkt dieser Geschichte war ich 23 Jahre alt und schon länger Fußfetischist. Die Person um die es hier geht heißt Sandra, war zu dem Zeitpunkt 21 und ist die beste Freundin meiner Freundin Jenny. Da Mathe zu meinen Stäkren in der Schule gehörte, fragte mich Sandra ob ich ihr am Wochenende etwas helfen könnte für ihre Arbeit zu lernen. Wir vereinbarten den nächsten Samstag. Das passte auch meiner Freundin Jenny, da die zwei abends eh weg feiern wollten. Als es nun Samstag war, suchte ich...

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Daria ist das polnische Girl in der Nachbarwohnung. Sie ist klein zierlich gebaut und will bald Abitur auf der Katholischen Marienschule machen. Sie ist top geschminckt und trägt ultrasexy moderne Klamotten. Sie hat immer ein ganz kurzes Röckchen an, damit jeder Mann ihre makellosen Mädchenbeine begaffen kann. Beim bücken sehe ich wie sich ihr Slip eng zwischen die prallen Mädchenarschbacken einschnürt. Kaum versperrt mir der String den Blick auf den Eingang ihrer vaginalen Lustgrotte. Wieso...

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Weiberfastnacht 2008

Ich heisse Sabrina Buchholz, bin Lehrerin und seit 2006 verheiratet. Den Tag des Weiberfastnacht 2008 werde ich nie vergessen, veränderte er doch mein gesamtes Leben. Ich war zwei Jahre verheiratet und sehr glücklich mit meinem Mann, hatte er doch sexuell genau die Vorlieben die zu mir passten, er war dominant und ich devot, und wir liebten es geil und hart. Wir hatten uns sexuelle Freiheiten zugestanden, da er oft wochen- oder monatelang als Bauleiter im Ausland unterwegs war es eine zwingende...

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Kerstin ist 32 und seit vier Jahren verheiratet. Glücklich verheiratet? Na ja, es könnte schlimmer sein, aber so richtig glücklich ist sie nicht. Sie hatte halt auch geheiratet als ihre Freundinnen geheiratet hatten. Frank war nett, sehr nett sogar, zuvorkommend. Sie hatten regelmäßig Sex, nicht oft aber regelmäßig, etwas alle zwei Wochen, nur: einen Orgasmus hatte Kerstin dabei nie. Es war ja auch nur meistens eine Angelegenheit von 5-10 Minuten, nicht viel Vorspiel und wenn es dann losging...

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Nachtbarin zur Schlampe gemacht

Es war so gegen 2 Uhr morgens, als ich von der Schicht nach Hause kam. Ich saß noch in der Küche und gönnte mir ein Bierchen. Meine Frau lag schon im Bett und holte sich ihren Schönheitsschlaf, was ich eigentlich auch unbedingt bräuchte. Doch plötzlich hörte ich diesen Lärm aus dem Treppenhaus. Als es nicht aufhörte, ging ich zum Türspion, um mich zu vergewissern, was los ist. Beim Blick durch den Spion erkannte ich erst nichts, weil das Licht ausgegangen war. Als es wieder an ging, beschlug es...

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Nachtdienst im Krankenhaus

Thommy hatte entschieden, dass dies definitiv sein letzter Tag im Krankenhaus war. Der Biker war zwei Wochen zuvor nach einem Motorradunfall hier gelandet und hatte sich mit einer falschen Krankenversicherungskarte und Identität ausgewiesen. Er hatte guten Grund dazu, da die Polizei ihn suchte. Seine Kumpels hatten das gestohlene Motorrad, mit dem er auf freier Strasse verunglückt war, vorher weggeschafft und ihn vor der Krankenhaustür abgeladen. Obwohl ihm bisher niemand auf die Schliche...

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Nachbars junge Tochter

Nachbars junge Tochter Ich wohne in einem Neubaugebiet in einer kleinen Stadt. Unsere Nachbarschaft versteht sich sehr gut und jeder hilft jedem so gut er kann. Im Haus neben mir wohnt eine kleine Familie mit denen ich mich sehr gut verstehe. Neulig kam Helmut zu mir und bat mich, für eine Woche auf Ihre Tochter aufzupassen. Helmut musste mit seiner Frau beruflich für eine Woche ins Ausland und Gabi (ihre Tochter) konnte nicht mit kommen. Ich vereinbarte mit Helmut, dass Gabi bei mir Essen...

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NachbarschaftsausflugMaria und ich treiben es gerne – um es offen zu sagen wir lieben es zu ficken und besonders mag ich daran wie unersättlich sie dabei ist. Ich erinnere mich genau, wie wir damals erstmals den Entschluss gefasst haben es in der Natur zu machen. Zwischenzeitlich hatten wir alle Stellungen, alle Zimmer und Tische im Haus schon durch. Kein Fleckchen im Haus, an dem wir es nicht schon getrieben hätten. Unsere Lust war zu jener Zeit schon so groß, dass wir neue Kicks gesucht...

2 years ago
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Der übliche Familienurlaub zu Weihnachten stand an und wir fuhren in einen der bekannten Centerparcs.Am zweiten Tag unserer Ankunft wollten unsere Kinder wie üblich, schwimmen gehen. Also wurde die Schwimmsachen gepackt und meine Frau Saskia zog sich sehr zu meinem Leidwesen nur in ihre Alltagsklamotten zum Schwimmen an. Gemütlich und voller Vorfreude spazierten wir die 15 Minuten Im Park zum Schwimmbad. Dort angekommen, war es mal wieder brechend voll und es war sehr schwierig überhaupt eine...

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Die Silvesternacht war der letzte Abend, den ich bei meinem Bruder verbringen sollte. Entsprechend war der Plan, noch einmal ordentlich feiern zu gehen, bevor wir uns für einige Zeit nicht sehen würden. Ich hatte mir extra für den Abend noch ein neues Kleid gekauft, Weihnachtsgeld sei dank, dessen schwarzer Stoff hauteng saß und um den Hals mit einem Träger gebunden wurde. Die Schultern lagen frei und auch der Ausschnitt, den es präsentierte, war nicht zu verachten, zumal ich mich dafür...

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Nachbars Garten

Meine Freundin hat einen schönen Kleingarten mitten in der großen Stadt. So ist es auch kein Wunder das wir dort im Sommer viel Zeit dort verbringen. Immer wieder schön an einem heißen Tag etwas zu schaffen und dabei zu entspannen. Man hat unterhält sich gerne mal am Zaun mit dem Nachbar oder trinkt hier oder da mal ein Bier zusammen. Echt schön so ein Gärtnerleben.Leider war meine Freundin für ein paar Wochen weg und so musste ich mich ganz alleine um den Garten kümmern. Macht dann leider nur...

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Letzte Woche habe ich meine Wunschliste für Weihnachten verfasst und Max zugesteckt. Wunschlisten kennen wir sonst eigentlich nicht, aber da dieses Jahr alles ja so anders ist, dachte ich mir, ich schreibe meine Wünsche mal zusammen. Aber ehe nach Kaffeemaschine, Spa-Wochenende oder Urlaub auf Tahiti gesucht wird - es ging in eine völlig andere Richtung, und hier ist ein Auszug daraus: Tantra Massage Noch einmal so ein heißes Erlebnis in einer Therme Bei H&M (oder ähnlich) in einer...

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Are you looking for a completely fresh site for hentai images? This place is unlike anything you’ve seen because it basically features thousands of artists, categories, and tags which contain an even more massive number of hentai pictures and posts. We’re talking, of course, about, a free hentai image site where you can enjoy some of the sexiest hentai creations from the comfort of your bedroom. Let’s dive into this website and see what all the fuss is about.Simple and straight to...

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Free Condom

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Sofia8217s Lust For Cock

Hi guys, I’m Amaan from Hyderabad and I’m gonna narrate you my first and greatest experience of my life. I’m 22 years old and completed my B.Tech. I worked in a BPO, call center during my inter holidays as I had a lot of time to start my engineering. I was quickly selected there for night shift. It was a great office and people too. The manager name was Aparna; she was very sexy yaar. Everything was perfect but the story is not about her. There were 6 men and 4 girls working with me. 2 girls...

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Sonyas Naughty Secret

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The Commuters

On the tip of my tongue were the words “fuck off, pervert”; not particularly lady-like but it usually has the required effect. However from the corner of my eye the frotteur looked slightly interesting if somewhat different.As usual the underground train was squashed with the 'sardines' that made up the commuters of the early morning rush hour. Packed so tightly that one could hardly breathe, and if one did it was air that carried so much halitosis and stale sweat that it was almost possible to...

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My old neighbour

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MY LIFE part 2

Introduction: Here i am again!!! Thnx for all your support. I am continuing my most exciting life story. I hope you all will like it too. So there I was making love first time ever, TO A GIRL, TO MY MOTHER. And the best part was neither me nor my mother felt guilty or embarrassed. Rather we found a new stronger than ever bond between us. After our first love, we sat on her bed talking for a long time. I shared with her the most intimate things in my life which even I didnt share with myself....

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Wes Checks Out Our Toys

It was such a warm evening Suk and I decided to sit out on the patio and have our tea out there. We had been there about ten minutes when Wes, her neighbor and one of the guys in our group, yelled over the fence at us. We had found out that before my hubby met him with the intent of introducing him to Suk, he had been spying on us for a while. Most of the time she and I would be completely naked. Tonight, in our panties, we invited him over to share some tea with us. Aside from our weekly...

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My husband and I are golfers and we got friendly with this new couple at our course who owned a condo in Florida, which they invited us to when they went there for a week. It was in a complex that had two golf courses, no waiting and the third day we were there, the weather was miserable. Gwen and I both did not want to play in the nasty weather, so our husbands went without us, leaving just the two of us for about five hours or so. They were no sooner out the door when Gwen took her robe off,...

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Tuesday Night

It was Tuesday night and just started another week long trip, and as usual I was bored and it was 8pm. It had been kind of a casual day in the field, so I had lots of energy, but no place to put it and I just didn’t feel like going to my hotel room for more work. I was dressed pretty well today and my pants were slightly tight showing off my round ass, which women have always complimented me on. I stopped and asked one of the bell boys where could I go, (and I made him understand I didn’t...

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(an unfinished story i once wrote for a girl i was having the occasional phone fling with..the '90s was a strange time, lol)The hesitant feeling of your motor was the first warning sign, but it didn't give you much time to reach before you felt the power drop off as the engine gave out completely. You turned the wheel, coasting to a stop along the shoulder, as you muttered a curse under your breath.You sat in your seat for a moment, attempting to turn the engine over to no avail. The moon was...

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Slut Stripper Fun part three

Slut Stripper fun: Part ThreeI reached the centre of the room noticing that three of the guys, Paul, Steve and Adam were seated on the sofa and Neil was stretched out on a large bean bag. There was a dining chair in the centre of the room facing the sofa, which the guys had strategically placed so when I would be sitting my Tits and pussy would be facing them. I moved around the sofa slowly doing some bump and grind moves, letting the guys see my crazy sexy net dress, displaying my quarter cup...

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Hipster Bar

It was one of those new hipster bars with couches and love seats all over the place. We had decided to try a new place and this bar had good reviews. You were looking stunning in a dark pair of jeans, sandals and a sexy white tight tank top. The one that I like because it shows off all of your curves and of course your tattoo. As we enter into the bar I let my hand lightly touch the small of your back and I can see you shiver a little at my touch.We get up to the bar and read the Drinks menu....

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blackmail at uncle money bags

abby is 17 and going to be a senior in HS, i'm going to be a freshman at the same school. i know all about who she hooks up with, i've even spied on her when she has differnt guys over.....i get a step latter and peek in through th second floor window in back of the house. no neighbore can see me there. i watch her take control of the guys she is with, it makes me so hard. She's 5'10 130 brown hr green eyes, hair goes a little past her shoulders. she has a very thick full curvy body...

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Brainwashed By Cassandra Morgan The Americans entered the village silently, covered by the dark of the night. Helicopters had transported them through the nearby Kush Mountains, and then they'd made their way on foot to Biryam. There, like death in the darkness, they made their way through the streets, not speaking, communicating only by hand gestures. There weren't that many soldiers. There had been more during the great wars. But most of the local terrorists were scattered now,...

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No Contest Book 2 Hard Fought 199193Chapter 33

When Joe returned to his bed after months away, he almost wished he didn’t have to be away from it soon enough. At least he’d have a couple weeks before heading off for his book/rock tour. hers was being released at the end of the week, and like No Contest, he’d be at the original Barnes and Noble for a lengthy reading and signing that evening. Meanwhile MIRE featuring Rhonda would play clubs in and around the city. Despite being with them just a couple nights before, Sunday, after the wrap...

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Now This Wont Hurt A BitChapter 23

Cassie hurried over to the administrative area just as her last class before lunch let out. She peeked into the Principal's office. "Um, Miss Fuller?" Marcie gave a little start as she looked up. "Oh! Oh, yes, sorry," she said with a sheepish smile, brushing strands of hair from her eyes. "Um... Miss Bendon is not available right now..." "I didn't come to see her, Miss Fuller, I wanted to see you." Marcie blinked in surprise. "Me? But... oh! You're the girl... Cassie?" Cassie...

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She Was My First and Wettest

I left my private boarding school – all boys - totally ignorant of a girl's physiology. I'd seen art pictures in books in the Studio, and I had read Henry Miller's Sexus, masturbating many times over its sexy passages. But the actual sexual details of a woman's body were a mystery to me. So when I met Anna, the sister of my school friend, I was excited but shy with her. I was staying in Johnny's house for a few weeks because my parents were in Nigeria where my dad was working in Shell Oil...

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The House In The Hollow Part 1 of 5

Each illusory self is a construct of the memetic world in which it successfully competes. Susan Blackmore Half-past eight on a warm, bright Saturday morning, and in the foyer of the Gladstone Hotel Sylvia is lingering. Her beringed, scarlet-nailed fingers are toiling tirelessly, twiddling her beads and patting the diaphanous mesh she's wearing over yesterday's shampoo and set, whilst her false lashes are fluttering faster than a hummingbird's wings. She hasn't had it this...

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Learning CurvesChapter 10

As if to prove Molly wrong, Hailey seemed excited about the party when she called Phil in the early evening. She looked amazing as she exited the elevator to meet him in the lobby. She wore a tight black miniskirt and a matching bolero jacket over a low-cut white blouse. “Wow!” Phil said, feeling significantly underdressed in a pair of tan slacks and green pullover. “You look, well, sexy.” “That was the goal,” Hailey said, smiling broadly at him. He noticed that she wasn’t wearing much...

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A Soul touching story from my Beautiful Master De

I come home, I'm wearing the suit you like me in, you always get so aroused seeing me in this suit, it's power, the lines, the way it d****s my masculine physique, it just speaks to the man I am and the man you love.I'm tired, but you've been home all day, waiting for me, dressing up sexy, trying on different lingerie, you can't wait to see me. I perk up, my lovely sissy needs some attention. So I relax on the sofa, instructing you to crawl to me, your soft smooth ass cheeks rising and falling...

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Moms Special Present

I live with my mom since my parents have been divorced for 12 years. My mom is 5'6, a nicely formed body with c-cup tits and a nice round ass. I have always caught myself checking out my own mom, but when its just the two of us living together its hard to miss. Mom always has dates, but she never really likes to be tied down with just one man so she has been single for a while.It all started the night before my 19th birthday. It was a friday night and instead of going out I decided that I would...

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RunChapter 16 Racing

"Get up and move quickly, you two. Now!" Panthea's whispering voice was harsh and urgent. Finch shot out of bed, fully clothed, his brother following him. Sleep shot away as fear took over. He followed the woman into the kitchen where Lauren was crouched down, clearly nervous. Panthea ducked below the windows and motioned the boys to do likewise. She drew the children close to her, said quickly, "something's not right. Stay down." Finch leaned against the counter next to his sister...

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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 10 The morning

We slept like the proverbial log. I awoke in the early dawn and felt Olga stroking my cock. She giggled when I woke up. We both had to go to bathroom. Our bladders were so full, and we forgot to go before we fell asleep. She went first and turned back to me with a wink in her eyes as I went to the toilet in the bathroom of the bedroom, when she was behind me at the toilet and she took my cock with her hand and said, "Your cock is mine, but my pussy is yours." She giggled, I laughed, "An...

4 years ago
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Gay Sex Leads To Fuck A Wife 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am Pradip I am a huge fan of Indian sex stories. This is the continuation of my last story “Gay Sex Leads To Fuck A Wife”. Please read the previous part to understand the incident clearly.This is the continuation of my previous story. On seeing gopal pressing and playing with mary(peters wife), I got a immediate hard on. Peter seen that and put his hand over my bulge and freed my phant and underwear and hold my cock. He stroking it and said too his wife mary, please come and treat...

Gay Male
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RetreatChapter 5

Friday Picking up her phone, she sees it is her brother calling and answers, “Hi Mike, to what do I owe this rare...” “Hi sis, I might need a favour, are you busy tonight?” “No ain’t doing nothin’, Coll’s away ‘til Sunday arvo.” “Apparently my loving wife is taking us on a couples retreat.” “Whatcha mean a couples retreat, why the fuck d’ya wanna do that for?” “No, I didn’t agree to it, in fact she kidnapped me...” “Kidnapped you, you pulling my leg. I mean, you two, you’re well...

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Pacts Gods and FamilyChapter 10

While we all enjoyed the movie, with its various twists and turns, the focus was heavily on the food, as we were all rather famished by then. We had burned up considerable calories, as had been noted before, and were likely to do so again before the night was through. Even so, Blanca made a special point of turning supper into something sexual for her and therefore for us as well. She slid several banana peppers down between her breasts, sticking them on my pizza right afterward with a...

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The Testament Of Jeremy Lord NorthamChapter 10

As I pondered in Boston, I hit upon a scheme that would help me recover my place in England. It was now many years since I had fled but I had not aged. How could I return to the estate, having aged not but a day or two in appearance? I wrote a letter to the estate informing them that I was sending my son, Jeremy, to the estate to learn of his past. He had lost his mother, my wife, and I wished him to assume his place as my heir designate in the manor. I then took passage to England as my own...

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My Mother and I and Sexual Experience

A story concerning my mother. I first saw her when I was young but then she came into my room one night I was about 18 yrs old. She sat on my bed to say good night I guess, this was something that she normally didn’t do, but this night she just did. I was under the covers had already learned that I could masturbate and get a good feeling in my cock fantasizing about fucking someone and that included my mother who I had seen naked. I had seen other pussies on the neighborhood girls but they...

1 year ago
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Surprise Dogging

My wife and I were on a weekend away when we had a drive around the local countryside, the weather was warm with little breeze, I was in shorts and t shirt my wife in a thin cotton summer dress, while driving around I had the air condition on in the car which caused my wifes nipples to poke through the thin cotton. After a while we found a car park in the country near to some woods so we parked up and decided to take a walk. We locked the car looked at the map at the entrance to the woods and...

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Turning the Wheeler Familys Lives Upside Down Part 1 Teds New Job

On the way he practices the speech he will give to Karen. In his mind he sees her smiling, supportive as always, as he tells her they would get back on their feet in no time. They had a good savings account, patiently built, and Ted was the best accountant there was. He imagined her smiling sweetly and kissing him on the forehead. Ted smiled back to the empty air and struggled his way into the house, eager to see the love of his life. “Karen?” Ted yells as he slips off his loafers. ...

1 year ago
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Holiday massage

I woke up on this the first day of the second week of our holiday in Mallorca knowing that I was returning the compliment to Charles. I had booked a massage for him. He was unaware that later today he was to experience the same as he had arranged for me in our first week here, a tantric massage. As usual, he was horny and hard, I teased him, pulling the sheets back and taking his hard cock in my mouth, I felt his cock pulse with each suck. “Enough,” I said and pulled away. “You have a treat...

Straight Sex
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MyDirtyVault Stefanie Mafra Stefanie8217s Deep Love For BBC

We have the gorgour Stefanie Mafra coming in to show us how well she’s worked on her body. After a couple of minutes of her strutting her stuff, our boy Flash comes through and takes a good look for himself. And he definitely likes what he sees. After fooling around a bit and having to hear Flash Brown’s deep moans, Stefanie gets ready to climb that cock and make him beg her to stop. She grinds on the dick and in return, she gets drilled in by Flash’s BBC. Watch Stefanie take...


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