Sieben Jahre ohne Orgasmus
- 2 years ago
- 48
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Es war schon später Abend, als ich mit dem Mietwagen vom Frankfurter Flughafen nach Hause fuhr. Nach Hause? Ein schickes, aber leeres Apartment in der City war mein zu Hause, in dem niemand auf mich wartete. Sonst hatte ich absolut nichts mehr, was ich noch ein Zuhause nennen konnte. Meine Eltern waren beide bereits vor mehreren Jahren gestorben, in meinem Elternhaus wohnten mittlerweile fremde Menschen, und außer mit meiner jüngeren Schwester Carena hatte ich auch mit niemandem mehr Kontakt.
Dennoch freute ich mich wieder Zuhause zu sein, nachdem ich zuletzt mehrere Monate in den USA und davor in verschiedenen Ländern in Südostasien verbracht hatte. Ich würde es mir vor dem Schlafengehen noch gemütlich machen, mir noch einen Whiskey gönnen und dabei meine Lieblingsmusik hören. In den nächsten Tagen würde ich dann einfach nur ausspannen, da die letzten Wochen und Monate sehr anstrengend und aufreibend gewesen waren. Ich schaltete das Autoradio ein und fuhr dann auf die weitgehend leere Autobahn.
Heute war Valentinstag. Alle waren bereits zu Hause bei ihren Lieben. Ich unterdrückte einen schwermütigen Seufzer. Im Radio lief irgendeine schmalzige Sendung über Menschen, die ihre Lieben verloren hatten und sie auf diese Weise wieder zu finden hofften. Ich wollte gerade den Sender umschalten, als ich meinen Namen im Radio hörte: „… Martin Bauer. Antje und er waren über Jahre hinweg unzertrennlich, nach der Schule haben sie sich dann aus den Augen verloren. Martin, wenn du das hier hörst, dann melde dich bitte …“
Ich heiße Jenny, bin 22 Jahre alt, 170 cm groß, wiege 60 kg und finde das ich gut aussehe. Seit 8 Monaten wohne ich mit meinem Freund Lucas 26 Jahre alt zusammen. Wir gehen regelmäßig am Wochenende zusammen aus und er lieb es, wenn ich mich so wie heute recht freizügig anziehe. Ich liebe ihn wahnsinnig doll. Lucas arbeitet seit 6 Monaten als EDV-Techniker und verdient seit dem Studium zum erstenmal Geld. Ich bin bei einer Spedition in der Buchhaltung angestellt. Der Job ist o.k., langweilig und...
Samstagnacht wir waren aus, feiern in einer Disco. Mein Freund Max hatte endlich mal angeboten, dass er fährt und so konnte ich etwas trinken. Das nutze ich aus und wir hatten Spaß, bis er entschied, dass es an der Zeit sei Heim zu fahren. Er zahlte und wir verließen die Disco, um in seinem Wagen zu mir zu fahren. Ich war noch ziemlich aufgedreht und redete ununterbrochen, bis mir plötzlich auffiel, dass er eine andere Strecke für den Rückweg gewählt hatte. „Woher fährst Du" fragte ich...
4 Jahre. So lange sind Nina und ich jetzt schon ein Paar. Nina ist sexuell wesentlich erfahrener als ich, sie hat mir vieles beigebracht, was ich so noch nicht kannte, daher hat sich unser Liebesleben für mich immer sehr spannend gestaltet. Enstsprechend groß ist meine Sehnsucht, wenn Nina auf Geschäftsreise ist, was regelmäßig vorkommt. Meine Liebespuppe, die Nina mir ausdrücklich für die Zeit ihrer Abwesenheit an unserem Jahrestag geschenkt hat, ist natürlich kein echter Ersatz für Ninas...
Stefanie machte sich auf den Weg zu ihrem Nachhilfe Schüler Sebastian. Seit 2 Monaten gab sie dem pubertierenden Knirps Mathe Nachhilfe wobei sie bei ihm eigentlich keine Hoffnung hatte. Er kapierte absolut garnichts von dem was sie sagte, aber seine Eltern zahlen gut dafür also war es ihr egal. Wie immer wenn Sebastian ihr die Tür öffnete grinste er sie dümlich an. Sie begrüßte ihn höflich und machte sich auf den Weg in sein Zimmer. Sebastian schloss die Tür hinter ihr und grinste weiter...
Mind ControlZum Zeitpunkt dieser Geschichte war ich 23 Jahre alt und schon länger Fußfetischist. Die Person um die es hier geht heißt Sandra, war zu dem Zeitpunkt 21 und ist die beste Freundin meiner Freundin Jenny. Da Mathe zu meinen Stäkren in der Schule gehörte, fragte mich Sandra ob ich ihr am Wochenende etwas helfen könnte für ihre Arbeit zu lernen. Wir vereinbarten den nächsten Samstag. Das passte auch meiner Freundin Jenny, da die zwei abends eh weg feiern wollten. Als es nun Samstag war, suchte ich...
FetishDaria ist das polnische Girl in der Nachbarwohnung. Sie ist klein zierlich gebaut und will bald Abitur auf der Katholischen Marienschule machen. Sie ist top geschminckt und trägt ultrasexy moderne Klamotten. Sie hat immer ein ganz kurzes Röckchen an, damit jeder Mann ihre makellosen Mädchenbeine begaffen kann. Beim bücken sehe ich wie sich ihr Slip eng zwischen die prallen Mädchenarschbacken einschnürt. Kaum versperrt mir der String den Blick auf den Eingang ihrer vaginalen Lustgrotte. Wieso...
BDSMIch heisse Sabrina Buchholz, bin Lehrerin und seit 2006 verheiratet. Den Tag des Weiberfastnacht 2008 werde ich nie vergessen, veränderte er doch mein gesamtes Leben. Ich war zwei Jahre verheiratet und sehr glücklich mit meinem Mann, hatte er doch sexuell genau die Vorlieben die zu mir passten, er war dominant und ich devot, und wir liebten es geil und hart. Wir hatten uns sexuelle Freiheiten zugestanden, da er oft wochen- oder monatelang als Bauleiter im Ausland unterwegs war es eine zwingende...
Kerstin ist 32 und seit vier Jahren verheiratet. Glücklich verheiratet? Na ja, es könnte schlimmer sein, aber so richtig glücklich ist sie nicht. Sie hatte halt auch geheiratet als ihre Freundinnen geheiratet hatten. Frank war nett, sehr nett sogar, zuvorkommend. Sie hatten regelmäßig Sex, nicht oft aber regelmäßig, etwas alle zwei Wochen, nur: einen Orgasmus hatte Kerstin dabei nie. Es war ja auch nur meistens eine Angelegenheit von 5-10 Minuten, nicht viel Vorspiel und wenn es dann losging...
Es war so gegen 2 Uhr morgens, als ich von der Schicht nach Hause kam. Ich saß noch in der Küche und gönnte mir ein Bierchen. Meine Frau lag schon im Bett und holte sich ihren Schönheitsschlaf, was ich eigentlich auch unbedingt bräuchte. Doch plötzlich hörte ich diesen Lärm aus dem Treppenhaus. Als es nicht aufhörte, ging ich zum Türspion, um mich zu vergewissern, was los ist. Beim Blick durch den Spion erkannte ich erst nichts, weil das Licht ausgegangen war. Als es wieder an ging, beschlug es...
Thommy hatte entschieden, dass dies definitiv sein letzter Tag im Krankenhaus war. Der Biker war zwei Wochen zuvor nach einem Motorradunfall hier gelandet und hatte sich mit einer falschen Krankenversicherungskarte und Identität ausgewiesen. Er hatte guten Grund dazu, da die Polizei ihn suchte. Seine Kumpels hatten das gestohlene Motorrad, mit dem er auf freier Strasse verunglückt war, vorher weggeschafft und ihn vor der Krankenhaustür abgeladen. Obwohl ihm bisher niemand auf die Schliche...
Nachbars junge Tochter Ich wohne in einem Neubaugebiet in einer kleinen Stadt. Unsere Nachbarschaft versteht sich sehr gut und jeder hilft jedem so gut er kann. Im Haus neben mir wohnt eine kleine Familie mit denen ich mich sehr gut verstehe. Neulig kam Helmut zu mir und bat mich, für eine Woche auf Ihre Tochter aufzupassen. Helmut musste mit seiner Frau beruflich für eine Woche ins Ausland und Gabi (ihre Tochter) konnte nicht mit kommen. Ich vereinbarte mit Helmut, dass Gabi bei mir Essen...
NachbarschaftsausflugMaria und ich treiben es gerne – um es offen zu sagen wir lieben es zu ficken und besonders mag ich daran wie unersättlich sie dabei ist. Ich erinnere mich genau, wie wir damals erstmals den Entschluss gefasst haben es in der Natur zu machen. Zwischenzeitlich hatten wir alle Stellungen, alle Zimmer und Tische im Haus schon durch. Kein Fleckchen im Haus, an dem wir es nicht schon getrieben hätten. Unsere Lust war zu jener Zeit schon so groß, dass wir neue Kicks gesucht...
Der übliche Familienurlaub zu Weihnachten stand an und wir fuhren in einen der bekannten Centerparcs.Am zweiten Tag unserer Ankunft wollten unsere Kinder wie üblich, schwimmen gehen. Also wurde die Schwimmsachen gepackt und meine Frau Saskia zog sich sehr zu meinem Leidwesen nur in ihre Alltagsklamotten zum Schwimmen an. Gemütlich und voller Vorfreude spazierten wir die 15 Minuten Im Park zum Schwimmbad. Dort angekommen, war es mal wieder brechend voll und es war sehr schwierig überhaupt eine...
Die Silvesternacht war der letzte Abend, den ich bei meinem Bruder verbringen sollte. Entsprechend war der Plan, noch einmal ordentlich feiern zu gehen, bevor wir uns für einige Zeit nicht sehen würden. Ich hatte mir extra für den Abend noch ein neues Kleid gekauft, Weihnachtsgeld sei dank, dessen schwarzer Stoff hauteng saß und um den Hals mit einem Träger gebunden wurde. Die Schultern lagen frei und auch der Ausschnitt, den es präsentierte, war nicht zu verachten, zumal ich mich dafür...
Meine Freundin hat einen schönen Kleingarten mitten in der großen Stadt. So ist es auch kein Wunder das wir dort im Sommer viel Zeit dort verbringen. Immer wieder schön an einem heißen Tag etwas zu schaffen und dabei zu entspannen. Man hat unterhält sich gerne mal am Zaun mit dem Nachbar oder trinkt hier oder da mal ein Bier zusammen. Echt schön so ein Gärtnerleben.Leider war meine Freundin für ein paar Wochen weg und so musste ich mich ganz alleine um den Garten kümmern. Macht dann leider nur...
Letzte Woche habe ich meine Wunschliste für Weihnachten verfasst und Max zugesteckt. Wunschlisten kennen wir sonst eigentlich nicht, aber da dieses Jahr alles ja so anders ist, dachte ich mir, ich schreibe meine Wünsche mal zusammen. Aber ehe nach Kaffeemaschine, Spa-Wochenende oder Urlaub auf Tahiti gesucht wird - es ging in eine völlig andere Richtung, und hier ist ein Auszug daraus: Tantra Massage Noch einmal so ein heißes Erlebnis in einer Therme Bei H&M (oder ähnlich) in einer...
Are you looking for a completely fresh site for hentai images? This place is unlike anything you’ve seen because it basically features thousands of artists, categories, and tags which contain an even more massive number of hentai pictures and posts. We’re talking, of course, about, a free hentai image site where you can enjoy some of the sexiest hentai creations from the comfort of your bedroom. Let’s dive into this website and see what all the fuss is about.Simple and straight to...
Hentai Porn SitesThe tale of my first sexual adventure, which I narrated to my wives on their insistence to know about my prior sexual life.Up to the age of eighteen, I had remained in perfect ignorance of all those matters related to sex, which careful parents are always anxious to conceal from their c***dren.It was around 5 years back when I was aged 18 and had finished my schooling. At the end of the month of March when I was walking in one of the streets of New Delhi, near our house, I saw two beautiful...
The second my borrowed high-heels hit the sidewalk outside the restaurant I knew I'd made a mistake. My stomach twisted with the horror of what I'd done, how callous and selfish and unbelievably childish I'd been. I swayed on my feet and paused, secretly wanting Adam to come bursting out the door, to grab my arm and spin me about and apologize, to tell me his story and kiss me until I forgot it all. But he didn't. I started walking vaguely in the direction of home but with no real...
Hi guys, this is Ruchi again with Part 2 of the college life series. Please read the first part here if you haven’t read it already. Wanted to thank you all so much for all the positive comments and encouragement. Just wanted to say, please feel free to leave suggestions (as specific as you like) in your comments. If they turn me on I will surely try to use them in my stories. Anyway, without wasting much time, here’s part 2. Next day before going to college I was both nervous and excited. Due...
Tina’s apartment was a converted garage loft out back of a large house on Franklin Mountain. It had begun life as a small barn but then the farm had been sold and the new owners converted it to an apartment upstairs and a garage downstairs. It was only ten minutes from her new job, and an hour away from her family, which was perfectly fine with Tina. She loved her family dearly, but she wanted to be on her own. Tina walked into her apartment to find a visitor already there. She smiled as she...
My name is Zoë and I am nineteen, I have three loves, good coffee poured over a vanilla pod, good books and screwing beautiful girls. Oh, while I like my coffee vanilla I want my sex to be anything but. I spend hour’s hanging out at the local library and I know many of the librarians well, some very well. About a week ago a new librarian caught my eye. I do not know why. Her hair was a mess, she had no idea on how to use make up and her clothes, well she is fashion’s equivalent to the titanic.
"Give me your belt and lay across the bed. You know what is going to happen. You have have been a bad boy and need a spanking don't you?" I asked. "Yes Mommy," he said as he handed me the belt. Then he calmly lay across the bed for me. I began by striking him one stiff blow, then I eased off. After the initial pain it was for the illusion more than anything. "Now are you going to be a good boy?" I asked. It was time to set the hook. "Yes Mommy please, I promise I will be a good...
Hi Everyone, before beginning the story, I would like to thank all of you who mailed me feedback for my first story – ‘My Lucky Bus Ride’. If it was not for all the positive reviews I received for that, I wouldn’t have attempted to write a second story. After about a month after I posted my previous story on this site, I received a mail with subject line – “Hi:) i read your story in indiansexstories site. Loved t :) i like to hav some fun :)” Without any content in the body or anything about...
I now look back with fond memories of that summer when I was delivering papers in the old part of the city where the houses were large and the women were mature. The one that I will always remember is MsPaddySpurs, she was about 56, 5 Foot 4 in Black Nylons, 124 pounds, reddish brown hair, pouty Red Lips, hour-glass figure and 36DD breasts which were always cradled in a sexy Bra. The reason I remember her is that when I came around to collect she was always wearing Black Nylons, a Tight Skirt...
Hi everyone, I am Raj, and I am 19 years old. I am staying with my mom Shalini in Mumbai. She is 45 years old and works in a bank near our home. I always wanted to have a gf as I was a virgin but I was a bit shy about girls. I had many friends in my society with whom I used to hang a lot. They used to talk about girls, Milfs and bhabhis a lot. I too started fantasizing about milfs but I was not that lucky to get a milf. I had a friend in my society whose name was Rocky. He was 23 years old and...
“So, augmentations today, that’s a pretty big deal, don’t you think?” Dan remarked to Ayumi as they sat together, her hand now caressing his ass and his fondling hers, too. “And orientations, too. Another biggie,” Ayumi agreed with a wink and kiss for him. “Definitely a biggie, of course. We need to know what the fuck we’re doing here, to the extent that we don’t already know, of course,” Dan concurred. “No doubt of that,” Farah chimed in now, a big smile on her face as she contemplated...
This is how I made two 19 year old twins my sexual playthings – I will call them Adam and Cassi (not their real names). Adam has been a devotee of mine for some time; he had initially discovered me on Tumblr and then exchanged e-mails. I discovered that he lived within travelling distance of my establishment and he had been allowed to participate as a voyeur at some steamy parties. From my few exchanges with him it became apparent that he was a bi-submissive. Then I discovered that he had a...
The house, being over a hundred years old, was in the historical district of our town. Regulations required owners to maintain the integrity of the homes and their historical value. Modernization was allowed, as long as it met standards set by the historical society. It had been well maintained and modernized kitchen, baths, etc.While doing a title search, I discovered it had changed hands several times over the last couple of decades, which was uncommon for the area. I had learned about it...
'I wish we could afford a nice holiday!' Julie said, sulking looking at her friends latest holiday pic's on fb.Things hadn't been going so smoothly for me lately with work, coupled with some expected large outgoings, our finances weren't looking great.'You know its been tough for me lately!', I replied. 'Maybe you could get yourself a job!'That didn't go down too well. My wife got up and stormed off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Damn she looked sexy when she was angry!The next...
I’m not a terribly big reader, but I do enjoy a good book now and then. And so whenever I find the time, I’ll visit the local library after work, especially since I’ve found out that besides books they’ve actually got a decent CD and DVD collection. And so it was this one time recently when I was there, browsing through a few books, late as usual since I can never seem to get off early from work. I had found a few CDs and was now going curiously through a row of self-help books about love and...
Your feedback is most welcome. ***** My name’s Dan Zander. I’ve been working as a journalist since I graduated from college. For a long time I covered local news for local newspapers, basically hopping from one sinking ship to the next. Fifteen years ago I got a break, and for a while now I’ve been in the jet set, working for Rolling Stone. Traveling around the world, reviewing concerts and festivals, interviewing rock stars. Tough job, but somebody’s gotta do it. It was probably my...
:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':' I ran my fingers through my best friend Cody's sandy blonde hair and smiled at him. "Ungh... Paris... Milan... Please, stop... I... I can't take it anymore. Please." He said through pants. He squirmed against mine and Paris' grip. "Cody babe. As you wish. There will be days like this in the future, and days where Paris and I do as we wish with you." I...
Victorious Girls Play Truth Or DareHAVING JUST returned from another star-studded event in Beverly Hills, the "Victorious" cast arrived back to Victoria's quaint one bedroom apartment in downtown Los Angeles. There they stumbled inside and collapsed to the sofa, and helped themselves to more alcohol before Elizabeth suddenly produced a hefty joint."Whoa! Where did you get that?" Ariana inquired."One of the guys at the party just gave it to me.""Really?""Yeah, I offered to give him a hand job...
I knew what she likes and she knows what I like. We teased each other all day. She would rub my cock through my pants to get it hard, pressing against it over and over. She undid my jeans, pushing them down and taking my cock into her mouth for just a minute before getting up and walking away at some point during the day I slid my hand into her shorts only to discover there is nothing underneath them. My probing fingers searched for and found the slick wetness of her pussy. I teased her clit...
"What are you looking at?" Jen accused. "Nothing," I said not willing to admit I was staring at the beautiful cheerleader. "Hmmph!" She knew she was a big shot on campus and she acted that way. The thing was Jen was a sophomore, a grade below me, yet since she was a cheerleader, it put her in the upper status at school. As Jen walked by to meet her friends during the lunch break, I stood waiting for my friends, Evan and Greg. We had similar interests in all things science fiction. We...
"Welcome, Miss Harter. Have a seat." Still unsure of why I was here, I made my way across the room and sat down on the plush tan sofa that is the trademark of a psychiatrist's office. It wasn't the first time I had entered my parents' counselor's room, but I was surprised when he asked to see me and my parents separately. Surprised since I wasn't the patient. Unfortunately, though, Mom was. She had undergone a huge metamorphosis in the last few months, ever since her bookstore had...
Tess lay in her hammock in the shade. Christmas lunch was over. The boys had cooked an enormous turkey with all the trimmings. They had waited for Geoff to arrive before they had opened the presents and then had eaten together. She knew she had over eaten and that tomorrow she would ask Dave to accompany her on a long ride on the mountain bikes to try and burn some calories. But now the table had been cleared and the dishes were being washed in the dish washer. Drew and Dave had gone off in a...
BisexualThis happened a few years ago when i was single and living in Wiltshire. I was invited to an evening out celebrating my mate Sue's birthday. Sue was married to W**** and we all had shared a house together when i worked in Norfolk. They had since relocated to Somerset to be nearer to her family. Sue was the middle of three sisters, S****a and S**** being the other two. All three girls and a couple of other guys as well as myself were invited along to a Robbie Williams tribute act, i wasn't sure...
The Retirement Home - Family Ties 3 Requested Changes Made To say that I was worried, was putting it mildly, but as I remembered that her wish was my command, I just said that I would be happy to follow up with her wishes. After leaving her with her friends, I found the medical office, walked in and mentioned that I was here as requested by Ms. Kate, and who I was. The attendant simply said, how nice to see you again Tonya, but I didn't recognize you dressed in your caregiver...
"Where are the photos?" Dorothy was standing outside the shower stall, looking in at me through the open door as I stood there, completely nude, shivering with cold and embarrassment. Over her shoulder, I saw Ronnie, the obviously gay Producer/Director. He was in on the secret of my true sex, and his eyes positively glowed as he watched me,holding his portable video camera. "Oh please don't make me do this, Mistress," I whispered in my high- pitched voice. "No one's making you do...
I want some ass play tonight before I fuck you into oblivion! You need to eat my man ass out real good. I didn't get a chance to shower or bathe today. And I had no time to before my long walk in the excruciating Georgia heat and humidity. I just finished my long walk and my body is just drenched in sweat. My balls and undercarriage are especially damp and rank. You follow me up to my bedroom after I come in from my walk. I take off my shirt and shorts and underwear and throw them to the...
SMACK Brilliant searing pain across his ass-cheeks as Sir brought a wooden paddle down across his rear with all her might. 'eeeEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR!' he shrieked into the gag, actually sounding like a squealing piggy now. Titters and sneers from the Zeta girls watching, his cock swelling to full size at the sound of their ridicule. She was spanking him, he realized, horrified. She was spanking him in the Zeta common room, in front of the whole house with a wooden paddle bearing the Zeta...
With a basket full of my dirty clothes, I struggled into the local Laundromat. It was three years since I had routinely been to the Laundromat, but after splitting with my boyfriend it became a Sunday tradition. No Sunday roast with my parents, instead I spent the nicest part of the day sitting on a hard little wooden bench. You see, Peter got the washing machine in the split, and I hadn't got around to replacing it. As much as I hated to admit it, I still needed to feel hard done by;...
hi my name is mark and this is a brief account of my first long awaited cuckold experience. it all started with a chance meeting in town with an old friend from college namely Simon. i knew Simon from about 4 years ago when we both attended the same college and had a shared interest in football and this is where the story begins to unfold. Simon was 6'1 built for athletics and black as coal and had returned back to London from university. he was looking for a local team to get a game with on a...
Chapter 1 Dressed in black with a white collar and white-on-black nametag identifying her as Lucy, the slightly tentative waitress with a soft smile said goodbye and to call again, her eyelids fluttering. At that Ryan knew he only had to ask and she’d date him. Oh brother, act your age, the newcomer to the city mused. He’d welcome her company but that would almost amount to cradle snatching. ‘I’ll call again,’ he said pulling out a friendly smile instead of a flirty one and pushed five bucks...
The noise was coming from the front bedroom again. The squeaking sound. Sidney was awake and he wondered what time it was. He looked at the alarm clock. It was about 4:30 in the morning. He listened hard, but he only heard a murmur of voices. He really wanted to know what Debby and Fred, his foster parents, were doing this early in the morning. He was not covered by his sheet because it was hot outside. All of the windows in the house were open, if they could be opened, and the screens kept...
TabooPart 1 It wasn’t that the firm was sexist or a bunch of misogynist dinosaurs (of a porcine persuasion): she just rubbed them up the wrong way. Lynda was tall, blond and frighteningly efficient. Perhaps the men felt threatened: perhaps she just rubbed them up the wrong way. She always dressed well, neatly pressed clothes and tidy hair, though invariably in trousers. Perhaps it was this that annoyed the men in their rather crumpled suits, the result of hurried dressing after a shower and...
It was Halloween night. Actually, this was the first party I'd actually bothered making a costume for. I adjusted the halo on my head again and pulled my white dress a little lower as I twirled in front of the mirror. Little did I know that in just several hours the little angel staring back at me was going to turn into a devil. "Robert needs help with his vampire make-up, do you have any red lipstick?" read the text that I had just received from Alex. Alex is a senior, and I basically consider...
Group SexYe hadasa 3 sal ke pahele huva tha me isse paheli bar likhake batan e ki koshish kar rahi hun! jise me aaj, 3 sal bad batane ki himmat jutha payi hun. Mera naam Jyoti hai aur mere bhai ka naam Sanjeev 3 sal pahele ki bat hai tab meri age 18 sal ki thi me dikhane thik thak se khubsurat hi hun to muje aur mere bhai ko 2 din lambe train ke safar pe jana tha Mere bhai ki shadi dur ke gao me tay huvi thi aur usi ke bhai ke sath meri shadi tay honewali thi. Mera bhai mujase 4 sai badha hai hum log...
Jimmy Carver invested his reduncy pay off in a Ski chalet business with his son and his parner the young couple had been skiing for a number of years and decided to give up the world of finance and start a ski chalet and summer trek and mountain biking business. Jimmy started his working life as a chef and had advised on cooking for guests and setting up a working kitchen and arranging menus for guests. The 1st chalet they were buying had problems and the Chalet that they had really wanted came...
First Time“Ah pleaase!” He begs me for the millionth time. I shake my head. I worked a shitty cleaning job for two years to pay for my computer so I had no intentions of sharing it with my little brother.“Just once? One game?” he persists. I sigh. “No” “You can watch! I won’t break anything I swear.”I hesitate.“I’ll do anything!” My little brother adds to his pleads. I want to reject his offer but my mind goes to a dark place. “Anything?” I ask. He nods. Seeing a chance he repeats his offer. “Anything!”...
Monday came round before Frankie realised and after having a late night the previous night with quite a lot of booze consumed she didn’t feel her best.She struggled to get showered and dressed and her make up sunk straight in as she applied it, she was annoyed with herself for drinking so much the previous night but couldn’t do anything about it so took a couple of paracetamols and hoped she would feel better before Bob arrived.She had taken care in dressing, though she struggled with it, as...
Alexa Raye is a huge Vanessa Cage fan. So it’s perfectly normal that she would break into Vanessa’s home to snap pictures of her. Alexa is fucking hot, but she is not fucking smart as she ducked into a closet and snapped a picture with her flash on. The blonde Goddess Vanessa, locates her voyeur spy fan and drags her out of the closet by her hair. Vanessa demands that her biggest fan strip nude. Vanessa licks her lips as Alexa strips to reveal her sweet teen body. Upon getting totally naked,...
xmoviesforyou"Hold it. Just hold it a second." he said, and sat up while the girls glanced at each other nervously. He put an elbow on his knee and leaned his forehead into that hand, thinking intensely with his eyes closed. Finally he looked up, his eyes locking with Cindy's. "You never for a second really believed that we'd be able to 'love Amanda back to health', to get her to stop being masochistic." he stated. She held his gaze for a moment. "No." she agreed. "Emotionally, I really...
Guilty pleasureHesitantly Anne turned into the seedy street. With a shudder of pleasure she remembered the first time she had been here, but then her Master had accompanied her, had taken her here. Now, alone the anticipation was mixed with apprehension."How much for a quick blowjob?" a rough voice close to her ear asked.Out of the corner of her eye she saw a well-dressed fat man walking next to her. She hurried on. She wasn't a streetwhore.Or was she? The offer had shocked her, but it had also...
Paul got to work and checked in with everyone before heading to his office, shutting his door and taken a seat at his desk. He pulled out his daughter’s phone and right before he opened it up he looked at her picture on his desk. Sara was the perfect daughter getting straight A’s all through school, never getting into trouble and being captain and star athlete. She had a body of an athlete at 5’6” and under a hundred pounds. Paul never really checked his daughter out but knew that unlike her...
I had been making almost weekly trips to the new operation in Vancouver since January. Keith and I supervised the removal of old equipment, setting up the offices and arranging for services. The production area was gutted, painted, and re-built from floor-to-ceiling. Both of us wanted it to be spotlessly clean and kept that way, no easy feat for a plastics blow-molding operation. We were going to make containers for food and pharmaceuticals, and the environment needed to be pristine. While...