Transvestite Caught -- Conclusion free porn video

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"Where are the photos?" Dorothy was standing outside the shower stall, looking in at me through the open door as I stood there, completely nude, shivering with cold and embarrassment. Over her shoulder, I saw Ronnie, the obviously gay Producer/Director. He was in on the secret of my true sex, and his eyes positively glowed as he watched me,holding his portable video camera. "Oh please don't make me do this, Mistress," I whispered in my high- pitched voice. "No one's making you do anything, Gwendolyn," Dorothy insisted, trying to suppress a smile as she looked over my ripe, blushing feminine contours, "I'm just telling you that if you don't turn in a convincing performance, we'll have your little disguise made permanent -- surgically! Or you could get out of this altogether by just telling us where you hid those negatives. Well?" I lowered my eyes, blinking back tears of shame and frustration. And remained silent. "Ready?" Ronnie asked. "She'd better be ready," Dorothy nodded. "Okay," Ronnie grinned and went into his professional jargon: "ADVENTURES OF GWENDOLYN, Volume I,'Bind It Yourself': Scene One, Take One. I'll get the Master Shot with the Hand-Held here and we'll pick up inserts from those hidden cameras on the other side of the mirrors. Okay: Action!" Dorothy backed out of camera range and I obediently closed the stall door and turned on the shower. "Right!" Ron called, "You hear the doorbell now: React!" I shut off the shower and peeked out the stall door. "Fine," Ronnie prompted, "Now you hear it again, and this time let your tit flop into view." Humiliated, I did as he said. On further direction, I stepped timidly out of the stall and ran a big fluffy towel over my wet nudity with erotic exaggeration ("Flaunt'em, Honey!") then held the towel up in front of me and padded out to the Living room. "Okay," Ronnie coached, "Scene Two, Take One," He let the videocamera linger lovingly over my exposed buttocks, and I could feel his hot eyes like a physical touch, all over my smooth, feminized body. I could tell that he found my hidden identity and helpless state intriguing, and I fought to keep from shivering. "Just take it naturally," He went on, "Let Angela direct the action." I scampered to the door and pretended to open it with the fake doorknob that had been screwed on for this occasion. Angela entered, unrecognizable in a dark wig and heavy makeup, wearing a white silk shirt, open at the collar, riding breeches, and knee-high shiny black boots. She was carrying a suitcase with the lettering: "Bind-It- Yourself". "Hello, Madame," she smiled, trying not to giggle, "I'm with Bind-It- Yourself. Can I interest you in our new line of products?" "Well-I-er- have some friends coming over for a party soon and--" I stammered, falling back as she pushed her way in and locked the door. "This won't take long," Angela sparkled, "let's start with the Bridal Bridle, shall we? It's a very popular item, and you wouldn't believe how it cuts down on sales resistance! Here," And in no time, she had slipped a rubber ring into my mouth, forcing me to clamp it between my teeth so that my mouth stayed open. She swiftly buckled it behind my head, strapping the gag firmly in place. I raised my hand to unbuckle it, but when I did that, my towel started to fall, so I quickly grabbed it. Remembering the "script", I brought the ends of the towel behind my back, to knot it in place... which put my wrists conveniently behind my back for Angela's handcuffs! "Great!" Ronnie called, zooming in on my naked backside, focusing on the handcuffs. "We'll hold this and dissolve. Get her suited up for the next scene." For the next scene, I was wearing tight black rubber boots with six-inch heels. They were almost covered by the ankle-length black rubber dress I wore, a dress with cut-outs for my breasts, pussy and ass, yet cut so tight that it outlined my long, shapely legs with each hobbling step I took. A built-in corset crushed my midriff and forced me to sway and jiggle my breasts and bottom outlandishly every time I moved. The high collar and tight rubber sleeves of the dress would have hampered my movements even without the handcuffs that were still in place. In the mirror, I could see that my exposed globes of pink flesh contrasted excitingly with the shiny black rubber as Angela pretended to finish "dressing" me. "All right," Ron called, his video camera whirring, "You hear the door bell now. Angela, go and answer it. Gwendolyn, those are all your friends out there, coming to your party. Look shocked. Look embarrassed. Look for somewhere to hide!" I did as he ordered. Looking embarrassed was easy, for as the door opened and my "company" entered laughing, I blushed furiously. It was Chita and Maria, and Freda, from the nightclub where all my troubles had started, and as they entered and pretended to look surprised and amused at my plight, I truly identified with the part I was playing. Perhaps I became the ultimate method actor... or actress! I don't know. I only know that I turned this way and that, looking for some way to escape the stares and laughter. I minced comically about in my tight rubber dress, flinging my exposed charms about wildly with every move, my long wavy blonde hair tossing gaily as I looked desperately about. But everywhere I turned, there was only Ronnie with his eager camera, and those remorseless mirrors, throwing my sexy image back at me. And I knew, beyond those mirrors, more video cameras were recording this exquisite humiliation from every conceivable angle. Sixty minutes of videotape later, my "friends" had tied me over a footstool, my wrists and ankles lashed to the legs, and laced a tight black rubber helmet over my head, blindfolding as well as gagging me. They lined up behind me, with paddles raised, and Ronnie stood to one side, zooming in on my exposed ass-cheeks as the girls started raining swats down on them. "Perfect!" he cheered. "There's just no substitute for Real Pain! We'll just hold this shot awhile, then I can superimpose "The End" on it when I get back to the lab. Very symbolic." * * * *** **** * ***** * * "Where are the photos?" "Blink twice if you want to tell us." It was a Sunday Afternoon, in late Fall, I think. Angela and Dorothy were lying languorously on my couch, dressed in skimpy silk teddies, holding each other tenderly and looking up with repressed laughter at the sight of me. It was quite a sight. I stood in a glass case mounted on a platform in the center of the Living Room. By now, my blonde hair was quite long and curly, and it tumbled down my naked back very becomingly as I danced for my Mistresses. My only clothing was a pair of high heels and a crushingly tight thing that they called a "venus corset" covered with flesh-colored vinyl that blended perfectly with my pale skin. The girls called it a Venus Corset because, besides confining my waist, it held my arms tightly to my sides, wrapped about my middle, almost completely invisible and totally useless. On my face was a skin-tight rubber mask with a built in-gag that kept my features smilingly motionless, like a happy doll, as I danced about in my three-by-three glass prison, watching myself helplessly in the mirrored walls of my own living room. Oh yes; there was a tiny grape-sized vibrator in my anus, the narrow cord from it barely visible as it ran from my ass-cheeks to the floor. The girls could turn this on and off at will, which accounted for my dancing. "You know," Angela purred, smiling at the sight of my wildly jiggling armless dance, like some hyperactive Venus Di Milo. "Quite aside from the effect of that corset, I do believe her hips and bosom are growing I" "They ought to be," Dorothy grinned proudly, "those shots we give her are in hot demand at every transsexual boutique in town!" "Isn't it sweet, though, how she stays so modest and timid and shy, no matter what we do to her?" "That's the subliminal recordings we play in her sleep," Dorothy explained. "I knew that if we had to keep her prisoner for any length of time, she might get used to the embarrassing things we make her do, and I certainly didn't want that. So every night, while she sleeps, she hears faint recordings, reminding her about how shameful all this is, and how a proper little girl like her should just die of humiliation right on the spot... things like that, you know." "Well it certainly works!" Angela tittered, sweeping back her red hair playfully with one hand as she smiled at me. "She practically faints every time anyone looks her way!" "Oh, that's just one of the tapes she hears," Dorothy beamed, "I also give her tapes to make her more servile, and a better lover, and to reinforce her erotic attraction to Lesbians. Oh, and I sometimes play one to remind her that she's really a man, a man who thought he could temporarily assume the female sex to prey on women! Only now he's stuck that way, growing more and more like a lesbian than he ever planned on, and locked up in the prison that he designed for himself! Oh, I really rub it in on that one!" "It certainly fits!" Angela commented. "How long has it been since she's had any kind of sexual relief, anyway? She must be getting awfully horny by now!" "Who cares?" Dorothy casually moved a hand down over Angela's silk- covered breast. "Maybe the torment of constant sexual frustration will succeed where all our bondage and spankings have failed, and make her tell us where those photos are. But speaking of sexual relief, it's been almost an hour how since we.... " Her words were muffled by Angela's passionate kiss. As the two women gently slid the black silk teddies down off each other's bodies and entertwined there on the couch, I felt my own cock stiffen once again, painfully frustrating beneath the artificial pussy over my crotch. And I kept dancing. That night, Chita and Maria returned to the apartment to resume control of me. I was still in the glass case, wearing my immobile, smiling, face-mask-gag, and my venus corset, but now Dorothy had strapped two false arms to my shoulders, artistically posed, and put an elaborate victorian outfit on me, complete with intricately-styled wig, so that now, as I stood there, I resembled some antique china figurine. The two Latino girls ooh'ed and ahh'ed at the sight of me this way for a moment, then broke up laughing. "She's a real Piece, this one!" Chita gasped, when she finally stopped her convulsions of merriment, "You just never know what she's going to do next!" "Yes I do," Dorothy said with a smile. "Ronnie's coming over next week for more taping, remember." "Wonderful!" Maria cheered. "We're going to be Movie Stars again!" Much later, as Dorothy and Angela were leaving, Maria looked at me, standing motionless and incredibly feminine in my glass case. "Did she give you any trouble this weekend?" she asked Dorothy. "Oh no." My smiling secretary replied, "She's been a perfect Doll!" And the laughter began again. *** ** * * **** ***** * * ****** * * * * "Where are the photos?" I was dressed in my frilly garter belt, sheer black stockings, shiny black patent-leather pumps with six-inch heels, my abbreviated lacey white apron, and mocking maid's cap. Leather cuffs at my wrists and ankles were joined by shiny light brass chains, long enough to give me relative freedom of movement while constantly reminding me of my bondage. Dorothy, wearing a smart blue skirt, white blouse and black necktie, her hair pulled back in a tight, attractive bun, regarded me severely as she asked the question. But as her eyes swept over the pink flesh of my lush, feminine body, trimmed in black silk and white lace, I thought I saw something else in them. Was it desire? After all, I reflected, she likes women as much as I do, and I certainly must look an attractive target right now, blushing and nearly naked as I minced about the bedroom trying vainly to hide my bare breasts and bottom from view, a plainly losing battle amid all the mirrored walls that surrounded us. "We may not ask again, Gwendolyn," Seated at the dresser, wearing her white silk shirt, riding breeches and black boots, Angela finished applying heavy makeup to her face. "After all,' she went on, "It's been long enough now that we really don't have to worry much anymore about those photos turning up by themselves. So it's just a matter now of putting you out of the way so you won't have the chance to dig them out and use them against us. Not that I think you could do anything, now that Dorothy has control of your company, and you've become a Porno Star." She gestured casually at the stack of brightly-packaged videos atop the bedroom DVR, all titled, "The Adventures Of Gwendolyn, Volume--" something-or-other, and all of them featuring a gaudy picture of me on the cover, feminine, bound, and -- usually naked. The girls loved playing these over and over again in the evenings, delighting in the embarrassment on my pretty face as I watched myself docilely acting out their sadistic charades, burning with shame at the thought that these things were for sale or rent in every Porno Shop and Adult Video Parlor across the country. Wondering how many strange men had been turned on or laughed themselves silly (or both) at the sight of me capering about on the screen. I reddened again just thinking about it. But I kept silent. "Very well then," Dorothy said firmly, "It's just a question of what to do with you. We'll think of something, I'm sure." The door bell sounded just as Angela finished putting the dark wig on her head, completing her disguise. "That'll be Ronnie." "Remember," Dorothy cautioned as Ronnie checked his equipment, "we get to preview this tape before you release it, just to make sure no one can recognize us." "Don't worry," Ronnie laughed, "you'll get full approval. After seeing what happened to your poor Gwen here, I wouldn't even think of crossing you two!" He studied me intently for a moment, then impulsively leaned over and kissed one of my nipples, which sprang up immediately while I reddened with shame, "To think this sweet thing used to be a wealthy, hetero Male! But seriously, Dears, there is something I need to discuss with you: "This 'Transformation' Tape should give the Gwendolyn market a boost, but frankly I think the series has about played itself out. If we're going to keep making money off this girl, it's time to move on to different things." - "For instance?" Angela looked interested. "Well," Ronnie cupped a hand casually over my round, pert bottom, "you know I have kind of a personal interest in this, but there's a big market out there for Transvestite and Transsexual tapes. I think if we took off Gwen's little crotch-piece there and played around with her a little, put her in some situations with some different guys or with other transies, we could really clean up. And that's just for starters. Once the tapes were on the market, I could take her to the West Coast for personal appearances: 'Gwendolyn, the reluctant transvestite'. She'd be a hit in the TV clubs and gay bars there. Why, I might even be able to sell her to a Gay Collector in Texas! What do you think?" I could see the girls' eyes light up with inspiration, as if Ronnie had just handed them the answer to the question of how to keep me out of the way. Dorothy in particular looked interested, and I could practically read her thoughts: She was reflecting on me, a man who had lusted after gay women, who had snuck into Lesbian Bars and tried to take videotapes of female homosexuals. And how amusing it would be to see me turned into a feminized plaything for gay men! How richly poetic to watch me scampering about in all-male videos, and know that I was being forced into a life as a shameful, half-sexed male lesbian in a bizarre reversal of my own fantasy. Her smile grew wider, and she whispered something to Angela, who began giggling uncontrollably. Dorothy regained her composure with a visible effort and replied, "Well, it's certainly a possibility, but let's see how this tape goes before we make any commitments. Ready to start?" As the cameras rolled, taping Scene One of "The Transformation of Gwendolyn", I stood meekly in front of the disguised Angela. I still wore my maid's scanties, and I felt the gay Ronnie photographing me with an unusual intensity, the camera poring over every inch of my soft white skin. Out of camera range, Dorothy still watched with obvious lust in her eyes. How confusing! Here I was, looking and acting totally feminine, and yet yearning for sex as a man. And on one side of me stood Dorothy, attracted by my womanlike qualities, while on the other side, Ronnie was clearly turned on by the secret of my disguised malehood! He wanted me, all right, as I suppose a lot of men did -- men who had seen my movies. But they (and Dorothy) wanted me as a woman, while Ronnie loved me as a helplessly feminized male! In front of me, Angela looked merely amused as she recited her lines: "I'm going out for a while, Gwendolyn," she said with campy hauteur, "And while I'm gone, I want you to dye my leather jacket. You'll find everything you need in the Bathroom." "Oh must I, Mistress?" I protested for the camera, "That stuff leaves black spots that stay on for weeks!" For answer, Angela swatted me across the front of my smooth thighs with her riding crop, causing me to cringe in pain. "This will teach you to talk back, young lady," She smiled as she picked up a small leather device that looked like a half-sliced pear. "Stick that naughty tongue out!" It was one of the most sophisticated gags on the market. I obediently held out my tongue as Angela slipped the object over it, then screwed it shut, clamping my tongue firmly inside. The entire thing slipped into my mouth easily enough, although I had to keep my lips slightly open, in a half-smile, to accommodate it. Once in, it was completely invisible and totally effective, holding immovably to my tongue and rendering me incapable of speech. "Now get to work," she ordered. "When I get back, I want to see that coat completely dyed and yourself cleaned up." I curtseyed in acknowledgement, feeling my naughty bare breasts bob saucily as I dipped, then scampered off. "Scene Two!" In the bathroom, I hung the white leather coat carefully from a towel bar in the bathtub, then began removing my own clothing according to the script. "That's right, Dear," Ronnie coached, "Nice and slo-o-ow now. Apron first. Now the garter belt. move your legs to the camera as you roll down your stockings. Okay. You suddenly realize you're still wearing the chains. Take them off. That's right. Now the stockings. Now reach up and un-pin your cap. S-t-r-e-t-c-h those arms, Girl. Right! Flaunt those lucious boobs!" Completely naked now, I stepped gingerly down into the sunken black marble tub and picked up a large bottle, clearly labeled for the camera: "BLACK DYE FOR ALL ANIMAL SKINS AND FURS" and turned towards the jacket. "Cut!" The white jacket was replaced with a shiny black one, and I set the bottle back on the edge of the tub. Ronnie expertly daubed black shoe polish on my hands, legs, breasts, and even a spot on my bottom, clearly enjoying his work. Then he picked up the camera again. "Action!" I put my hands on my hips, smudging them, and regarded the black coat with a look that said, "finished at last!" Then I looked in dismay down at my dirt-smeared body, spreading my blackened palms wide. Kneeling seductively, I turned on the bath taps and filled the tub with bubble bath. Minutes later, I was oozing around in the sunken tub, noting with mimed irritation that the black stain was not coming off. Pettishly, I reached behind me for the Shampoo, and, on cue, "accidentally" picked up the black dye instead. The stuff felt cold and soaking as it poured onto my head. I could imagine it darkening my hair jet black, but I kept my back resolutely to the mirrored walls of the tub, keeping my face obediently towards the camera so that Ronnie could photograph the black gunk running down over my face. On cue again, I pretended to get some in my eyes and dropped the whole bottle into the tub as I raised my blackened hands up to my face. Ouch! That stuff did sting a little! Still following the "script", I ducked my head under the water and squirmed about, churning up the suds (Incidentally spreading the black dye through the water) and immersing myself repeatedly in the warm, dark solution. Finally Ronnie said I'd had enough. "All right Sweet," he continued, "let the water run out, then get up and look at yourself in the mirrors. Then just React!" I didn't need any coaching for that! For as I stood up and saw myself in the mirrored walls, my eyes widened and my mouth fell open in complete shock. I was Black! My entire body had been dyed a deep, brownish black, burnished with a soft ebony sheen. I had been expecting some sort of color-change, but a sort of clownish charcoal-grey was what I'd had in mind; something that would wash off easily. I'd never expected to look so convincingly like a Black Woman! Forgetting the cameras, I reached up and turned on the shower full- force, picking up soap and scrubbing myself vigorously. No use. I tried shampoos, rinses, everything in the tub, but to no avail. My body remained as genuinely brown-black as ever! "That was wonderful, Darling!" Ronnie cheered as I gave up at last. "Sooo convincing! Now dry yourself off, Sweet!" Miserably, I buffed my lush brown figure with an oversized bath towel, noting that the dye was not even coming off on the towel. As I worked, I saw that more of the dye had clung to my hair than elsewhere on my body, turning it a darker black and leaving it somewhat coarse and wiry. I worked on it with comband blow-dryer, but the best I could manage was a full, fuzzy afro. So there I was, transformed to all appearances into a Black Woman! I saw how my full brown breasts shimmered in the lights when I moved, and in the mirror I could see my long, smooth, darkened legs rising to a bouncing chocolate bottom, and above that, my soft, cocoa-colored back. It was awful! I felt almost lost, strangely confused about my appearance and identity. It was as if I had been moved yet another step away from my former self. Would I ever find my way back? "Okay, Hon," Ronnie coached. "Now you hear the door. It's your Mistress returning! Run to tell her what happened." Obediently, I scampered back into the living room. There, Angela, pretending to see me for the first time, fought back a laugh as she tried to look shocked and exclaimed, "Who are you? Where's Gwendolyn? What have you done with her?" I tried to talk, but of course the pear-gag in my mouth prevented that. Angela still feigned outrage and shock, and, in short order, I was handcuffed. Then leg-cuffed. Then suspended by my ankles from the ceiling, my face level with Angela's crotch as she "interrogated" me. "Won't talk, eh?" she snarled. "Well, we'll just get the Police!" "We'll dissolve here," Ronnie called, "Okay, Dotty, come on in!" Dorothy entered on cue. To my surprise, she now wore a Policeman's cap, and had a badge pinned to her white blouse. She also wore mirrored sunglasses and a long blonde wig that made her completely unrecognizable. By this time, Angela had cuffed each of my wrists to the opposite elbow, so as to render my arms totally useless while thrusting out my breasts into greater prominence, as I hung there, my brown feminine body gleaming in the light. "Officer!" Angela cried. "My Slave is missing! I lost a beautiful blonde slave named Gwendolyn, and found this creature here instead! And she won't tell me what's going on or anything!" "She won't, eh?" Dorothy managed to stay in character, despite her amusement at the sight of me. "Well we have ways of fixing that!" From a hook on her belt, she pulled not a billy club, but a flat leather paddle. Taking her cue, Angela seized a rolled-up newspaper, and the two Lesbians stepped behind me. Fwackk! The rolled-up newspaper thudded against my taut brown buttocks. Thwack! Dorothy's paddle followed suit. Crack! The paper. Slap! The paddle. Swack! Crack! Swapp! Smack! I moaned, I twisted, I writhed In agony. And I wondered what else Dorothy had planned for me. Would she really give me to Ronnie? I wished bitterly that I had never tried assuming a lesbian identity at all. Or that I hadn't been foolish enough to blackmail my tough, sexy, gay secretary. Or that I'd been too smart to fall into her simple trap. And most of all, I wished I hadn't destroyed those photos. That's right. I had burned them months ago, that afternoon before Dorothy took me on our first "date" and ended up enslaving me and trapping me in this feminine body. I had burned them because that was the one sure way of guaranteeing that Dorothy could never be sure what had happened to them. And it had worked too well. Now I could neither produce the photos nor convince my captresses that they were gone. I was stuck. Stuck in the body that I had only wanted to experiment with. Stuck in the apartment I had built for my fantasies (Ouch! That paddle hurt!) Stuck in the situation I had thought I could control. Angela and Dorothy were out of breath, gasping from the exertion of spanking me so hard for so long. My own body was covered with an exciting sheen of perspiration over the soft, dark skin. "Getting warm in here," Dorothy said, stripping off her tie and unbuttoning her blouse. "You said it!" Angela agreed, removing her skirt. In short order, the two of them were down to their undies and laying into me with the paddles again. As they did so, they brushed against each other from time to time, displacing a bra-strap here or tugging down slightly on a panty-top there, until the last of their clothing seemed to fall away as they worked me over, leaving them gloriously naked, their pink bodies glowing from the exercise (although the wigs stayed on, and also Dorothy's mirrored sunglasses, as a disguise.) Soon, they were standing on either side of me, embracing, pushing their furry crotches into my face and the back of my head. In front of me, Angela spun about, rubbing her creamy ass up and down my face. Dorothy snaked a hand around my thighs and tapped her fingers sensuously on my false pussy, stroking my male privates beneath into frustrated, cramped, painful arousal. They lowered themselves now, rubbing their firm breasts over my face while they circled me, kissing my bare shoulders and sucking on my nipples until I actually swooned with desire. I got a glimpse of Dorothy's face, smiling knowingly at me from behind the mirrored sunglasses. The little bitch knew just exactly how much this intimate lesbian contact excited me, and how maddening it was after all these months of frustrating denial. "Enjoy it, Hon," she whispered. "Next time, you'll be doing this with guys! Won't that be fun?" She stuck her tongue out at me, then Angela pulled her to the floor, where they curled into a perfect Sixty-Nine while I hung there, bound and transformed above them. And Ronnie deftly maneuvered his camera up from their coupling bodies, past my cute little brown face, over my bound arms and ebony breasts, and around, back to my bare butt for his standard closing shot.... thEnd!

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All characters are over 18Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She raised him and together raised their feminine side to grow up as sisters into beautiful transvestites girls. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect girl life together until zombies attack the city. The girls discovered that people could be cured by having sex. Girls were on their way to inform the news star announcer Jim J.J Johns that zombies can be saved...

3 years ago
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Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She decided to take care of him and raise him like her little brother. Together they discovered and revealed their feminine side and grew up into beautiful transvestites girls. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect life together until… TRANSVESTITES NOT sisterS VS ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE --Name: Béa Chan --Lilly ChanAge : 23 --18Job: Student in...

1 year ago
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Transvestite female style

Jojo Baker sat at her dressing table and using a dark eyebrow pencil, carefully outlined a mustache and goatee over her lip and on her chin!!! When she was satisfied with the result, she sprinkled a generous dab of hair creme into her hand, worked it into her scalp, and then combed her short hair in the classic male style part on the left comb to the right!!! Now for the wardrobe, which consisted of a brilliant white men's dress shirt, a charcoal gray pinstripe suit, maroon tie, and off course,...

She Males
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I originally wrote this story for another site that will remain nameless here. Although you cannot read what came before I think I have given enough information to enable any reader to make sense of the story. There’s enough in what I’ve written to make what I believe is a good stand-alone story. >>>>>> I rarely read cuckold stories. There’s something about them that makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially when the male is a totally accepting wimp, but I did find “A Willing...

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A Rock and A Hard Place 3 Conclusion

Hello Everyone. I’d like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to write the epic conclusion of this love triangle of a story. In my defense it took me this long to get the full story from all of the characters and for enough action to transpire, but I digress. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments and ratings! This story is 100% true. I know each character personally. A Rock and A Hard Place 3 (Conclusion) April 8th, 2013....

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by Oediplex 8==3~ Part 6: Harry's mom arrives with a story to tell The memories, of the last things she remembered, replayed in her head, like a flashback in a 'B' movie. “I love you, Mandy!” cried her son, Jack. The first time he had called her by her first name, when they had made love. “Oh, yess! I love you too, Jack. I love you too, lover!” She said. And then they once more drifted off. Their dreams were lovely, as they cuddled together, on Jack's bed. They...

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Diary of Billy Bob Chapter 10 Conclusion

This is the diary of Billy Bob McTavish, a teen boy, about he and his young girl cousin growing up, having a family and a wide variety of sexual adventures, some quite bizarre. It has ten chapters: (1) Becoming a Man, (2) Marriage, (3) House Guest, (4) Satisfying Our Guest, (5) Helping a Psychologist, (6) More Sex Therapy, (7) Mutual Therapy, (8) Our Daughter, (9) Our Daughter is 13, (10) Conclusion Billy Bob Chapter 10 (Conclusion) The girls were tired of just having sex with each other and...

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The Job Interview Rule 3 Conclusion

Wash The Sins Away:Gina Fellows woke that Monday morning. Up-to-date with her rent, able to purchase a few new outfits with the spare cash she had left over, she had a fresh outlook on her life. Things were looking up.Rising from bed, dressed in pink boxers and tight tank top, Gina strolled into the bathroom, where the sound of falling water echoed from inside. She slipped out of her nightwear and stepped into the cubicle. The warm water hit her naked body, wetting her hair, slipping around...

Oral Sex
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Jock TalesSenior YearConclusion

Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...

1 year ago
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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 66 Conclusion

So now here I was, facing my second week as barman a Mike’s place, with an appointment to service a city businessman on Monday afternoon, just one week after my ‘debut’ on the New York copulation trail. In spite of this firm appointment, and success to date, I wondered if luck would still be with me. But in fact my worries were unfounded, for just as Craig had prophesied, my second week in Mike’s bar produce another crop of visiting cards from men asking me to give them a call and so it went on...

Gay Male
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Terms of Acceptance Conclusion

Terms of Acceptance: Conclusion By Donna Allyson Copyright 2000 Chapter 8 Sarah had been testifying for well over an hour when she was interrupted. The chairman of the board decided to call a recess... "Miss Morton, if you are nearly finished with your testimony, you can rest your case at this point and we can make our judgment base on what you have presented so far, or we can take an hours recess and continue at 8 PM?" "Well sir, I was planning to testify about...

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The DavetoJane Chronicle Part 5 Conclusion

I wrote the first two parts of this chronicle to make sure I never forgot these wonderful events in my life, not knowing they were to be part of a complete change in my life. They were, however, originally written for my eyes only and certainly not intended for publication. My apologies for this being heavy reading. I was instructed to write the remaining three parts by my Lover and Mistress. Together they record my full transformation. Constructive communications may be sent to...

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Adams Pregnancy Conclusion

ADAM'S PREGNANCY (CONCLUSION) by Melissa Tawn (This is a continuation of "Adam's Pregnancy", which should be read first.) Wanda had fainted after Jerzy proposed marriage to him, and it took a few minutes until he came to. During that time, Jerzy retreated, very scared, to a seat in the corner while Tracy and the girls hovered over him. Even though he was not scheduled for his Caeserian until the following morning, Kathy insisted (in her role as resident nurse) that, just to...

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Leslie Says Yes Conclusion

Leslie Says Yes - ConclusionStandard Disclaimer - These are fictional stories. The names have been changed to protect identities. You must be over 18 to read this story. I hope you enjoy the conclusion of this story. Some time in the night, Leslie had either gone to the bathroom or just repositioned herself. I woke up spooning her naked backside. I quickly fell back asleep. When I next opened my eyes, everything was still dark. Hmm, I thought to myself, this can't be right. I went to move my...

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Oh The Webs We Weave Conclusion

Oh The Webs We Weave-Conclusion I have had numerous requests to modify the ending to this story due to its abrupt ending. To be honest I was tired of writing at that time and just wanted to end it. However Suzie Q. Haff, a fan, took the time and effort to create a much better ending to my story. I have decided to post it with a few revisions and expansions on my part. I think it's an appropriate ending and hope that you agree. Thank you Suzie and I hope that this encourages you to...

3 years ago
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Bianca Paragon Conclusion

Foreword: Dear Readers, here's my conclusion to the tale. Again, thank you to friend Avaro Le Banni, whose kindness has saved this story from the blowing sands. Hopefully, I will be posting more of my "lost" stories soon. -- Best wishes, Toxis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIANCA PARAGON A Tale Of Love Perfected by ...

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Sisters of Athernia Part Two Conclusion

This is a continuation and conclusion of a Classic TG tale by Diane Christy called "The Sisters of Athernia", which was posted in 1997, but never completed. Diane Christy is not writing anymore, and her email links have not worked in many years. A post eight or nine years ago said Ms. Christy had been a flight attendant, and had passed away. NOTE: You can find Part One Here at FictionMania by using various search functions. One of the easiest is to use (at the top of the web page)...

3 years ago
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Dot the conclusion

I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to my great grandfather. You have already perused the first four sections of the missive; here is the conclusion. I felt it might hold special interest for you. By now we know that the consumptive young girl known as Dorothea died sometime around 1850 and was replaced by a street urchin, Dick Osgood, who had become her friend and, through a tortuous series of events, had also become her...

4 years ago
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First Dates are Kissing Dates Conclusion

First Dates Are Kissing Dates II Conclusion By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2016 The publishing rights to First Dates are Kissing Dates are reserved. It may be downloaded for personal use or sharing with a friend provided it is not done so for profit. Reproduction in any way or within any website where a charge is rendered is forbidden without the full written permission of the author. [email protected] 'First Dates are Kissing Dates' contains...

4 years ago
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Binoculars on the Beach Conclusion

I recommend you read Binoculars on the Beach before you read this conclusion. It can be found under “Voyeur.” The next morning Robert was just about to leave for his walk along the beach, eager for another rendezvous with the woman in the yellow blouse, when his wife snapped at him. “Robert! Don’t forget. 10.30. Not before - you’ll interrupt my yoga. Not later, you’ll keep the Olsens waiting.” “Yes, Mildred, I know the rules,” Robert replied in a singsong, mocking voice. “And, thank God,...

Wife Lovers
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The Female Orgasm Conclusion

The Female Orgasm (Conclusion) by Charlee White Even though i eagerly anticipated spending an evening at our favorite club to celebrate the six month anniversary of the start of my feminizing treatments, i still felt uncomfortable when the night actually arrived. i always get a little anxious when it's time to put a new phase of my emasculation on display. You would think that i would have gotten used to it by now, but i still find every new reveal to be intensely unnerving. i...

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A Joke another Conclusion

This is my offering of a conclusion to Agena's story 'A Joke'. If you have not already done so, I strongly suggest you read it before reading this. - POL I had heard from Alice, the wife of the man who may have cuckolded me, my wife's sister and my daughter regarding how to resolve the issue with my wife, Flo. I knew if I went to our pastor he would expect me to forgive her just as they had suggested. I finally decided I would wait for the results of the lie detector tests before making...

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Transvestite gets blackmailed

I was just a girl cruising the tinder for her master. Well I wasn’t a girl at all; I was a guy in drag… I advertised on the Internet as a novice TV looking for a master. I got much more than I ever bargained for. I have been cross-dressing since puberty. My friends and I lived near a college, and one day we found a pair of panties on the ground near a dormitory. My friends tossed them around and made up stories about how they got there. The stories they made up had my young mind on fire...

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transvestite in trouble part 5 ride a cock

after feeding me Mary, untied me from the chair, other than keeping my hands tied behind my back, and a short chain between my ankles. She attached a studded collar around my neck attached to a dogs lead, and led me from the room. I teetered on the heels behind her, taking little fairy steps due to my chained ankles. she led me alomg an empty white corridor and into another room.the room was decked out like a c***ds play room, on a rug in the centre of the room was a large rocking horse unlike...

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transvestite in trouble part 3

I felt his stiff cock at my asshole. I shuffled my legs a little further apart, partly to prevent him ramming it into me and it hurting, and partly bacause I just wanted him to fuck me!"you fuckin dirty slut" he whispered...he'd noticed my little subtle movement " you want my cock don't you?....Say it slut""yesszz" i mumbled through the ball gag "please" i tried to sayI was terrified of the situation I was in....what the hell was he going to do with me after he'd screwed me, he'd pretty much...

4 years ago
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transvestite in trouble

i pulled up on the pub's carpark. I was nervous, i'd been speaking with Andrew for about 2 months online and for 2 weeks on the phone, we'd always end up jerking off when we spoke. it was during these chats that i'd told him of my fantasy. The one where i'm overpowered and forced.I was dressed as instructed, black lingerie, suspenders and black stockings, tight high wasted skirt, just above the knee, white blouse and black jacket, i had on 4" heels, Andrew liked the secretary look. there were...

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transvestite mistress gina

i went to visit tv mistress gina one day. as i walked in she ordered me to strip naked and lick her shoes, i did this for a while then she led me to her room. she placed me in a dentists chair spread my legs wide open strapped them down and did the same with my hands. my cock ass and balls were totally exposed. im going to shave you she whispered, and started trimming me down. i was shocked when she lathered me up and used a cuthroat razor to shave me. when she finished she wiped me down and...

2 years ago
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Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She decided to take care of him and raise him like her little brother. Together they discovered and revealed their feminine side and grew up into beautiful transvestites girls. Tthey soon became lovers, living perfect life together until zombies attack the city. Béa was transformed into zombie but Lilly changed her back by having sex with her. Then their neighbour Martin was saved. But people are killing zombies to defend themselves when...

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All characters are over 18Béa was sexy femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She decided to take care of him and raise him like her little brother. Together they discovered and revealed their feminine side and grew up into beautiful transvestites girls. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect life together until zombies attack the city. Béa was transformed into zombie but Lilly changed her back by having sex with her. Now more zombies...

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Caught The Conclusion

Ken sat there with his heart pounding in his chest. His sexy sister had just admitted that she wanted him to ball her.  Dressed in a sexy black nightie complete with thigh high nylons she was a picture of pure sexy. Her eyes were lit with lust that made her look even more desirable.Connie had discovered his cross dressing secret and had promised to keep it to herself, providing he agreed to her demands. One demand was doing her laundry. He was to wash and dry her clothing and put them away. Ken...

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Picture perfect trilogy Pt 3 conclusion

Picture Perfect Trilogy The final Chapter For two hours, Gary listened to every word his ex wife said as she sat across the table from him. It was the first time in, almost, four years since he had seen her. At no time during her story had her eyes been dry and, at times, a tear would escape and leave a trail and it slowly drifted down her cheek. Twice Judy had to excuse herself and go to the ladies room to pull herself together before returning with her account of the events...

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What Now The Conclusion

No-sex! Okay readers, every story must end even though life goes on. So this is it for this one. This one is for the loyal readers who wanted more. Maybe I should have wrote a novel rather then a short story. To new readers, you will need to read the other chapters to get into the story. I will try for a short synopsis to explain what has happened. * George and Dorothy had been married for nearly thirty-three years. One day Dorothy gave a ‘Dear John’ letter to George before going to her...

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House Girl XIConclusion

I felt a weariness overcoming me that I could not fight. The nanobots that I have come to rely on to control my world were no longer under my control. I had been infected with a virulent strain that had replaced the command structure of my inventions, leaving me to be manipulated by… me. I know it seems odd, but until just a few hours ago, I thought I was Dr. David, pioneer in the field of manipulating human behavior, inventor, weapon designer and professor. And then I met the real Dr....

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Bill and Amber conclusion

Conclusion Amber’s right leg was stiff from the half crouched position she had been laying in. She slowly opened her eye lids. The dried tears formed a cloud over her eyes and it looked like she was seeing everything through a thin veil. The house had an almost eerie feeling to it. Everything was dark, empty, lifeless. Amber remembered seeing Bill driving away. She knew it was useless but she had to try. “Bill,” she yelled out, “Bill, please answer me, please Bill, I need you, please, oh...

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Megan At Last Part III Conclusion

“Damn...”, Caroline said, hardly believing what she had just heard after Megan and I finished explaining to her exactly why I just got done taking her best friend's virginity away. “Yeah, pretty much. It's been one hell of a trip, that's for sure”, Megan assured her, looking over at me. “I can hardly believe it myself, but it happened. All of it”, I added. Megan nodded in agreement, looking at Caroline’s face as she tried to read her reaction to our unbelievable tale of love...

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We Need To Talk Ch 03 Conclusion

The week between Chris’ proposal and the wedding, a new partner for Chris, the wedding night, a surprise. I hope you enjoy this. Votes and comments welcome. Signed comments will be answered. We Need to Talk (Conclusion) Chris carried their suitcases out to the car while Sue said goodbye to the owners of the small bed and breakfast they had been staying at for the last few days of their honeymoon. The pair had spent the last month taking a series of one-, two-, and three-day trips around New...

1 year ago
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Starstruck Conclusion

Conclusion: Two years later Sam was sitting under a tall oak tree, sketching a family of bears down in the valley below. She loved Alaska, with its rugged wilderness and beautiful wildlife. In the last year, Sam had become a well known artist. Although at the start she did a lot of commission work, Sam was now known well enough to paint and sketch what she wanted. At the moment she was going through a wildlife phase and was doing a series of sketches of Alaskan wildlife. Hearing footsteps...

3 years ago
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Binoculars on the Beach Conclusion

I recommend you read Binoculars on the Beach before you read this conclusion. It can be found under “Voyeur.” The next morning Robert was just about to leave for his walk along the beach, eager for another rendezvous with the woman in the yellow blouse, when his wife snapped at him. “Robert! Don’t forget. 10.30. Not before – you’ll interrupt my yoga. Not later, you’ll keep the Olsens waiting.” “Yes, Mildred, I know the rules,” Robert replied in a singsong, mocking voice. “And, thank God,...

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Bill and Amber conclusion

Introduction: spin-off from, Picture perfect trilogy. Bill and Amber Conclusion Ambers right leg was stiff from the half crouched position she had been laying in. She slowly opened her eye lids. The dried tears formed a cloud over her eyes and it looked like she was seeing everything through a thin veil. The house had an almost eerie feeling to it. Everything was dark, empty, lifeless. Amber remembered seeing Bill driving away. She knew it was useless but she had to try. Bill, she yelled out,...

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The Sun Hat Conclusion

I recommend you read The Sun Hat before you read this conclusion to the story. (It’s listed under ‘Wife Lovers’) The climb up the private stairway was everything that Greg had hoped it would be. She led the way and he followed closely, two steps below, his face just inches from her jiggling buttocks which warmly smelled of the coconut suntan lotion she used. Even though they had already shared a most intimate sexual experience, they had yet to touch in an intimate way. However, his hands...

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Camping With My Girls Conclusion

Introduction: My final morning with my girls Conclusion We were all in the same basic position when I awoke, the next morning, with the minor exception that Sarahs hand was between our bodies gently massaging my cock. I had recovered enough from the multiple climaxes of the night to respond to her caress, and my shaft started to swell in her hand. My only other response was to run my hand over Sarahs body and whisper into her ear. Good morning, baby. Sarah shuddered, squeezed my cock a bit...

2 years ago
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Will I Like It conclusion

Would I have Liked It? Conclusion I woke the next morning, and my soft cock was nestled between the cheeks of my bed partner. My brain was working overtime remembering all that had happened yesterday. It all came flooding back, the meeting at the rail station. The night of unbridled sex, cum was dried around my arse cheeks the memory of being fucked was still fresh in my mind. My cock started to harden at the thought, this bought a moan from my bedmate. He was still wearing his thong and...

1 year ago
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My Best Friend 6 The Sleep OverThe Conclusion

Disclaimer: She asked me a serious question. How was I going to respond? If you haven’t been reading the previous stories of ‘My Best Friend’ then you might want to go back to find out what has been going on. And now I bring you the conclusion to The Sleepover…. I pulled her out of her crevice and laid her completely on top of me so her whole body would be pressed against mine. I smiled at her, “Since last year I’ve wanted to move beyond friends with you.” I watched her facial reaction as it...

3 years ago
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Escape For Passion Part 9 Conclusion

Introduction: A tutor for the girls is found. Part 9 – Conclusion Chapter 9A A week later, Sid left for another of his business trips and both girls began missing him even before he left. When he came back three days later, he brought Bill with him. Bill was a young, slim man who was introduced as their tutor. Bill was a tall man with wavy black hair cut collar length. His long slender fingers were connected to strong hands and arms. His torso was proportioned evenly. He looked like he was...

4 years ago
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight Conclusion

From THE ORCHARD OF INFINITE DELIGHT – PART ONE The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation. After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.” “Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to … do that. With my tongue.” “Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high I...

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Renee Conclusion

Renee, Conclusion It was a Saturday morning. The kids were with my sister-in-law for the weekend, and Tammy had just left for her job at the local grocery store. She was a customer service manager, but only worked on weekends. I was trying to do as little as possible, and enjoy the rare peace and quiet. After a quick breakfast, I went back to bed to try and catch up on some sleep. I’m not sure how long I was out, but I was jolted awake by a loud pounding. As I reached full consciousness, I...

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Ron and Ronnie The conclusion

Okay, so it was a twenty chapter story, right. Yes, it was but life goes on and I now need to tell the readers what that life looks like. What has happened to the key players and are there some things that didn’t appear in this story? This is about trying to fill in those gaps as best I can. I know, for some it will be boring. I can just see the comments now, "Boring, Goyse! No sex.". But if I don't do this some might say, "Well, what really happened, Goyse? Why did she do it if she stayed...


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