Miss Sister 2008
- 4 years ago
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Ich heisse Sabrina Buchholz, bin Lehrerin und seit 2006 verheiratet.
Den Tag des Weiberfastnacht 2008 werde ich nie vergessen, veränderte er doch mein gesamtes Leben. Ich war zwei Jahre verheiratet und sehr glücklich mit meinem Mann, hatte er doch sexuell genau die Vorlieben die zu mir passten, er war dominant und ich devot, und wir liebten es geil und hart. Wir hatten uns sexuelle Freiheiten zugestanden, da er oft wochen- oder monatelang als Bauleiter im Ausland unterwegs war es eine zwingende Voraussetzung für unsere Ehe.
Nun zu mir : Ich war 28 Jahre alt, Lehrerin am Gymnasium, für Sport, Deutsch und Mathematik. Mein sehr hübsches Gesicht umrahmten meine etwas gelockten, gut schulterlangen brünetten Haare, ich hatte wie mein sagt strahlend braune und doch sehr sanfte Augen, volle Lippen, einen kleinen festen Busen, mit kleinen braunen Vorhöfen, kleinen Warzen und Nippeln; eine Wespentaille mit Knackarsch wie mein Mann immer sagte und lange wohlgeformte Schenkel; meine 56 kg verteilten sich auf 1,72 Größe. Meine Pussy ist rasiert. So sehe ich auch heute noch aus, ich wollte nur klar machen wie es war als es anfing.
Mein Mann mochte es sehr wenn ich Mini, Shorts und knackige Jeans trug, bauchfrei, oft ohne BH und Höschen. Und so sexy war ich auch in der Schule gekleidet, allerdings dort mit BH und wenigstens String. Die Schüler in der 13 machten mir schon häufig Komplimente und ich hatte das Gefühl so manch einer hatte schon einen Steifen wenn er mich sah. Insgeheim genoss ich es solche Wirkung auf die 18-19jährigen Burschen zu haben. Doch auch zwei Mädels hatten mir unter vier Augen Komplimente gemacht und sich dann jeweils rot anlaufend aus dem Staub gemacht.
Ich fühlte mich an der Schule sehr wohl. Und es machte mir unheimlich viel Freude dort zu unterrichten. Auch die Kollegen hatten alle ein sehr gutes Verhältnis untereinander. Was ich nicht ahnte war, dass ein Schüler meiner Klasse 13 ein Auge auf mich geworfen hatte und mich auch schon ausgekundschaftet hatte, wie z.B. wo ich wohne, wie ich wohne, die Tätigkeit und Abwesenheit von meinem Mann.
Dann kam Weiberfastnacht 2008. Es war um 11 Uhr Schulende und mein Mann, mit dem ich sonst an Weiberfastnacht auf die Rolle ging war vor drei Wochen für 6 Monate nach Australien aufgebrochen. So würde ich alleine los ziehen, was bei uns in einer Karnevalshochburg natürlich kein Problem war, ich würde schon was finden wo ich feiern konnte, so machte ich mich schnell auf den Weg. Es war unvermittelt kalt geworden, doch ich hatte mich schon vorher für ein bestimmtes Kostüm entschieden und so zog ich es auch an. Vorher rieb ich vor lauter Geilheit noch mein Fötzchen.
Sorgfältig schmickte ich mich dezent. Und dann schaute ich mich im Spiegel an, ja ich war zufrieden, ein süßes Cowgirl schaute mich an, ich hatte eine schwarze Kurzlederweste an, die bis kurz über meinen Bauchnabel ging, ein auf dem Bauch geknotetes kariertes Hemd, dazu einen kurzen Jeansminirock und Wildlederstiefel die fast bis an meine Knie gingen; ich hatte weder BH noch Höschen an. Brrrrrr, dachte ich nun doch bei mir, es würde zwar kalt sein, aber ich würde es schon überstehen. Und ich war eins, total geil auf Flirts und ggf. heisse Ficks.
Stilgetreu hatte ich einen Wildlederbrustbeutel angelegt, den ich mir unter die Jacke steckte, in dem bewahrte ich Geld, Ausweis und nachdem ich auch sorgfältig abgeschlossen hatte meinen Schlüssel auf. Fröhlich machte ich mich auf den Weg in die Altstadt. Ich nahm den Bus, der war natürlich proppenvoll. Und ich musste ungefähr 20 Minuten in dem Bus aushalten. Puuuuuh, dachte ich, das kann ja heiter werden. Doch kalt wurde mir im Bus nicht. Noch ahnte ich nicht was der heutige und die folgenden Tage bringen würde, die mein Leben verändern sollten.
Vor mir stand ein Indianergirl mit greller "Kriegsbemalung" und sah mich an, lächelte mich an, ihre braunen Augen strahlten und ich strahlte zurück. Und dachte bei mir, hmmm, die Gesichtsfarbe sieht aber echt aus. Hinter mir stand ein bestimmt 1,85 großer Indianer, ebenfalls grell in "Kriegsbemalung". Ewig wurde im Bus was gedrängelt und es dauerte nicht lange und der Indianer wurde voll gegen mich gedrückt und ich spürte seinen harten Schwanz der in meine Pospalte drückte; wow, und ich wurde heiss. Das Teil fühlte sich gut an. Ich biss mir auf die Lippen um nicht laut aufzustöhnen als er sein Becken leicht vor und zurück bewegte und so seinen Schwanz durch meine Pospalte schob.
Ich merkte wie meine Nippel steif wurden und das Indianergirl meinte flüsternd "Hey, deine Augen leuchten so, bist du geil ?" Ich nickte nur und versuchte zu vermeiden dass ich laut aufstöhnte. Der Indianer legte seine Hände auf die Aussenseiten meiner Oberschenkel, schob den ohnehin kurzen Jeansmini noch höher und liess seine Hände über meine Oberschenkel Richtung Schritt wandern, ich stöhnte leise auf, die Indianerin verschloss meinen Mund mit einem Kuss und schob ihre Zunge in meinen Mund, ich legte meine Hände auf ihren strammen Hintern und zog sie etwas näher, sie fickte mich mit der Zunge in meinen Mund und streichelte meinen Bauch, und der Indianer streichelte meinen Kitzler und meine immer feuchter werdende Pussy.
Dann hielten wir, die Beiden flüsterten mir ins Ohr "Wir sehen uns und dann machen wir dich fertig du geiles Cowgirl und werden dich gefangen nehmen." Dann stiegen sie aus und auch ich musste aussteigen, wie ich erst jetzt bemerkte. Ich rückte meinen Mini etwas zurecht und sah mich um, doch im Gedränge sah ich sie nicht mehr. Wow, die hatten mich richtig heiss gemacht, schade ich hätte sofort weiter gemacht, obwohl ich noch nie was mit einem Girl hatte war ich überrascht wie geil mich das gemacht hatte; oh jaaaaa, das wollte ich bald richtig erleben.
Mort's Magic Mix 2008 Edition A 4th of July Wish Fulfillment Story by Rugburn Elements include: Multiple Transformations and Effects () () () () () () () () As Guy came into the clearing he was met with several "Heyo's" "Heyo Yourselves," Guy exclaimed with a grin on his face. He hefted his bag and walked toward the ring of his peers sitting around a campfire where the flames were was just starting to dig into the heavier logs. Guy looked around the the grassy clearing and...
As for the start of the affair - UK 2008 a Solicitors Office in the North East.... A new underwriter ( Simon ) arrived in the summer of 2008 and we got on really well laughing and joking etc – he was married and I had Bill so there was never anything going on just a lot of flirting and him trying to embarrass me as I was quite and demure at work and appeared shocked at rude jokes and comments ..... I loved flirting with him , got quite turned on about it if the truth be known .....showing an...
There wasn’t going to be a whole lot of grand legislation going on in 2008. This was an election year, and it was going to be a big one. We would start off with the primaries, which would take up most of the late winter and early spring. After that we would have a brief lull through the summer, and then go into the conventions. After the conventions it would be full out bloody warfare. This was on top of the regular fun and games. Every House seat was up for election, as were one in three...
Hi, my name is Anoop. This is a true story from 2008. I was in college and was working part-time for an insurance company as a financial advisor. I had very less time for myself, college and work at weekends. I was trying to balance my life by earning some extra money for myself. As you all know the corporate world is all about targets, things were very stressful. I got a call from my boss and he advised me to meet a client that evening. I rushed over to the client’s place on a local bus. To my...
The night was cool with a mist of rain in the air. I wore a hot pink padded push up bra with matching lace panties under my jeans and sweater as I headed out to have a few drinks and make another fantasy come true: sex in a limo with my Master. Master instructed me to wait for Him at the bar while we sat far apart from one another. This only heightened the anticipation. I could barely see Him as He conversed with other patrons, drank beer and ate pizza. He is a strikingly handsome man at 6...
The night was cool with a mist of rain in the air. I wore a hot pink padded push up bra with matching lace panties under my jeans and sweater as I headed out to have a few drinks and make another fantasy come true: sex in a limo with my Master.Master instructed me to wait for Him at the bar while we sat far apart from one another. This only heightened the anticipation. I could barely see Him as He conversed with other patrons, drank beer and ate pizza. He is a strikingly handsome man at 6 foot...
In this dream, I have a two month old baby girl Elizabeth and my son Corey; I am in what appears to be a hospital in London. I wake up in the hospital with some grungy man trying to kidnap/ rape me. He forces me to leave the hospital at knife point. After about fifteen minutes of walking he lowers his defenses just long enough for me to get the knife away from him and start screaming at the top of my lungs. A couple walking nearby hears me scream and the husband runs and tackles the man down to...
You can see us, but you do not know where we are. You can hear us, but you do not know what we are. You can even speak with us, but you will not know who we are. We are an invisible empire, a secret kingdom, and we rule the world. PREVIOUSLY: Stanley develops his gifts further, and cements his relationships with his lovers. He also participates in a major agency operation that ends with mixed results. A talent named Phillipa is recruited but at a cost Stanley regards as...
seven years later Sally Stratton collapsed into the couch, her younger sister Ellie falling into a nearby chair. Both women sighed contentedly, then Sally reached for the bottle of Cabernet she'd left on the end table. Cautiously extracting the cork with her fingers, she filled a glass with wine, pausing to savor the bouquet before taking her first leisurely sip. "Hey, can I have some of that?" asked Ellie. Sally gave her sister a sideways glance. "And you a mere child of seventeen ......
Scott was pleased that he now had sufficient working capital to do everything he thought he needed to do. What was more of a worry was that he had now been back in 2008 AD for almost four months and he had been unable to recruit a single person to take back with him. He knew time was running out if he was going to return on the 31st of May. He had continued to chat on the Scottish forums for hours each night, but had so far been unable to unearth a single likely candidate. He thought back to...
May Karachi ka rehnay wala houn. Yeh story bilkul sachi hay. Mera Aik jokay defence may rehta hay. Meri us ki dosti 5 sal pehlay hi hoi thi kissi aur dost ki waja say. Actually wo meray dost ka dost tha aur mera bhi acha dost bun gia.May na computer hardware maintenance ka course bhi kia hay aur may installation bhi janta tha. Aik din meray dost jis ka nam Shahid tha call ki aur kaha us ka gher ka computer nahi chal raha. May aker dekh loun. May na us sa kaha ka ma dosray din 10:00 a.m. Tuk...
SATURDAY, May 7, 2016 Rachael was one of the first girls to wake up in the Stoner's photography studio. She made a beeline to the bathroom, knowing that seven other girls would want to be using it soon. She dressed in the clothes she had in her bag, and then crept upstairs. "Ah, the first of the zombies awakens," Mrs. Stoner said with a smile. "She is Rachael, not a zombie," little Danni retorted as she ate her breakfast. Which turned out to be an early lunch. It was past 11...
CHAPTER TEN ‘Ariana.’ She looked up, surprised to hear her father calling her name. ‘What do you want?’ Ariana asked, clasping her son to her breast as if to protect him from some evil force. ‘To talk. To explain why I did things the way I did them,’ Glen answered. ‘Explain what? Why you imprisoned me after mom died? Why you tried to force me to marry someone as despicable as Jack!’ Ariana exclaimed. ‘Yes, I would like the chance to explain,’ Glen told her. ‘Explain then,’ Ariana said. ...
This is more a reality check than a story, since it will deal more with attitudes and understandings than “I sucked him until his head caved in!” I will get to all that later. First, I am a published author, retired government type, and retired military type, and have literally gone around the world … I have sucked cocks in thirty seven countries! I am in my late sixties and grew up in a world of nuclear threat, segregation, and bigotry. But what was worse than all that was the fact that a gay...
Gay MaleTuesday: At 2:00 AM Candy woke up screaming. She must have been making a lot of noise before she actually awoke, because both her father and mother were at either side of her. In her sleep she had relived her rape but this time instead of the nine teachers it was all the boys from the football team, the basketball team, the track team, and the baseball team. About 200 boys in all and instead of only fucking in one hole or another all 200 fucked her in mouth, pussy, and ass. Both her mother...
Tara: While the gruff older guy on my left buckled the collar around my neck, he asked the guy I only knew as 'Jack, ' "How many women do you think you can handle, Lieutenant?" Jack looked sheepish and replied, "I plan to stop interviewing now, Sir." "It sounds to me like you still have a babysitter to exploit." "That's collateral damage," Jack replied. I rotated the collar a bit and asked, "Is it straight?" The little chick, Frieda, grinned. Well, she had my...
Seoul Bound 4 I was transfixed by a little small brush, wire bristled on one side and a small mirror on the other. Studying my reflection, I was lamenting the short order that I was escorted to an operating table. I thought that we were just going for a consultation to see what could be done to increase my feminine persona for this experiment that Dan and I found ourselves in. It was a surreal experience, talking in generalities and all of a sudden being handed surgical gowns, I donned...
Hi, I am vishal from solapur, maharashtra. mai pehli bar iss pe story post kar raha hoon. pichle 5 sal se me iss ka reader hoon. lekin post pahli bar kar raha hoon. Mai apne bare me batata hoon. mera nam vishal hai, mai solapur me rehta hoon. age 31 aur married hoon. hight 5.9″, waight 70kg. na slim na havey. normal body hai. aur mera size 5″ hai. medium size. mera mail id- Ab story pe ata hoon. Ye baat 2 sal pehle ki hai. jab mai ek company mai kam karta tha. aur muze aksar kam ke silsile me...
CHAPTER 1 Duke Caine arrived home from work at 2:15, ending his workday as a shift chief electrical engineer at Fulton Mine. The mine was only a 10-minute drive away and that allowed him to rise twenty minutes before he was due to clock-in at 6 a.m. He’d attend to ablutions, dress and feed the cat before climbing into his trusty red Holden ute (pickup) he called Gipsy Rose. He’d then have breakfast in the café at work providing he didn’t arrive during an electrical emergency. The thirty-four...
My husband left me years ago and, at the time this story begins, I was thirty-five years old. I’d been feeling horny for most of this particular day but I still hadn’t done anything to satisfy my arousal before my teenage son came home after visiting friends.At sixteen years old, Sam was tall with a medium build that wasn’t too muscular, and he kept his black hair short. He was fit — didn’t smoke — and was extremely well endowed. Yes, I confess I’d seen him in the shower a few times and,...
IncestMere ghar k samne bhabhi (preeti) rehti hai. Married hai but jaldi shadi ho gayi thi unki or dekh kar bilkul nahi lagta k wo 32 ki hai. Jab se unko mene pehli baar dekha tabse me unke bare me soch kar daily masturbate krta rha. Preeti bhabhi ka figure ekdum mast hai. 34-30-36. Bhabhi jab bhi pocha lagate hue apne ghar k darwaze par aati hai tab me apne 1st floor k ghar se unke boobs dekhta tha. Aaj bhi dekhta hu. Hayee subah subah hi mann kar jata h bhabhi k soft boobs dabane ka. Unka chhota...
The shepherd stumbled out of the tavern, closing the heavy wooden door behind him, his feet slipping in the ever-present mud. The village was overcast by dark clouds, an eerie mist clinging to the ground like a carpet. He flipped up his tattered hood to shield himself from the light drizzle, setting off home, his path lit by the yellow glow from the dirty windows of the adjacent buildings. As he stepped gingerly around a particularly deep puddle, he heard something behind him. He turned to...
John had a busy job as a company business director. He was constantly working. He was a nice guy- warm and friendly. Yet the dedication to his work had taken its toll on his marriage, and a few months ago his wife had left him- ran away with the local plumber. John didn’t have much time for housework, but liked to keep a tidy home. When Heather, one of the secretaries at work, told him that her daughter needed a part time job, he was happy to hire her as a cleaner.Chelsea was 18 years old. She...
The first time I ever sucked a cock was when I was married to my second wife. Before we married, we talked about doing group scenes but it was then just fantasy. However, a couple of years after we had married, she again broached the subject. And like many men, I leapt at the chance of being with my wife and another person…especially another woman, I had visions of me fucking another woman while my wife (an admitted bisexual) french-kissed her and sucked her tits.However, I soon learned that it...
Diane’s Decadence- A Party - Chapter ThreeSo all that activity in the previous chapter took place nearly twenty years ago. k**s have grown and flown the coop, though still nearby and one with her own k**s so now I’m a Grannie and loving it.Marriage to Dave has continued in rather pleasant circumstances since he is still my best mate and we enjoy our lives together. Sex has dropped off a bit but great when it happens. I’d like more but Dave is not the fitness fanatic that he was though still...
After my hot, housekeeping boy left, I sat in the chair for a few moments. I finally was able to rouse myself to climb in the shower and get cleaned up for the family thing for Christmas Eve.I headed over to my parents house and, arriving around noon, we did the whole Christmas Eve deal. A couple of step-cousins had even made the trip from the west coast. We hadn't seen them since their parents died a few years ago. Keith was my age and Leslie, the youngest of the family, was five years our...
The text said second floor, room 209. She tapped her foot impatiently as the lift doors crawled shut, then peered into the mirrored walls to check her appearance. She smoothed down her hair and dabbed her shiny face with a tissue. Examining her clothes, she frowned. Her jeans and T-shirt were decent enough but far from what she’d planned: the new sexy black dress and shiny black heels were still stuffed in her bag.She slumped against the cold mirror, cursing the torrential rain that had caused...
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When Deira was 18 her family introduced her to her distant cousins, the oldest boy she was going to be engaged to marry when she got out of college. She thought he was cute, but she thought she was too young to be thinking of marriage. Her fiancée's younger brother never looked up from playing video games. They went on a few dates after that. He took her to the mall, to a movie, and twice he kissed her, putting his tongue in her mouth, not very good at it yet she thought. Deira would sometimes...
It was an unfamiliar footfall that arrived in the morning. It was someone carrying his breakfast bowl, but it wasn't the usual woman. It was Rachel! The second-grade teacher. "You slimy bucket of shit!" she said. "You raped a dozen women, multiple times. I will teach you a lesson you will never forget." "But, ma'am..." "Silence! When I want your opinion I will ask for it." "Here is your breakfast," she said, placing the bowl six feet outside the bars. When she walked up the...
Some say every person is like a coin. There is always another side to them. But let me tell you friends, a person is more than a coin. He/she is a multi-faceted dice. A dice which rolls on its own and shows what it wants to depending on the person it shows to and the situation it is in. And I, yours truly, am no different. So world, this is Vanita Hiral and this is my sex story. This is my side which no one knows other than me and I am putting it out in the world for all to know. Born in a...
The sun stood an hour above the ridge before any of the plane-wreck castaways were awake. Joan stirred in Jim's arms, sleepily; she stretched and opened her eyes to the sunbeams filtering through the branches overhead. She winced. Her head ached, slightly, from the effects of the whiskey she had consumed. Ruefully, she told herself that, in the future, she would have to ration consumption of alcohol. Last night had been a little too much for her. She arose, stirred up the fire and put the...
If I could have jumped up out of my skin, I would have. I badly wanted to, but the shock had numbed my mind, turned my muscles to jello and the best I could manage was to scuttle backwards like a sand crab until my shoulders rammed into a headstone. I slipped on the cold ground and landed flat on my back, with my legs still scrambling for traction. She walked towards me, a crooked smile on her lips. Her hair was lighter than I remembered, more brassy than the burgundy red I was familiar...
Hello, everyone…. How are you all??? I know it’s been a long since I had written my last sex story…. But I promise the wait is worth it :-) Thank you guys for living my stories and making them present in HOT category….. For those who don’t know me… This is Tarun Goyal from New Delhi… I m 22 years old M 5’8 tall with an average body of fair color… Complimented by an adorable face cut(others say so)… M not a professional writer but I just pen down my true incidents with all the emotions that I...
"Jen!" exclaimed Karen. "Hi, how are you?" she asked, surprised to see her. Jen smiled, leaning over to give Ryan's mother a hug as she sat in the chair. "Fine," she told her. "Wish I could say the same, but... " Karen told her with a sad smile. "He'll be okay," Jen said positively. "We're praying," Karen told her. "Where's Robby?" she asked Ryan. "He's at home. He'll be okay," he answered. "Where's Dad?" "He's getting coffee for us." "Oh." Ryan sat down...
The rain spattered down, Only a few lights from a nearby bar lit the otherwise deserted streets.Jo couldn’t believe her luck. What a time for her car to break down. Her phone was dead. She was in the wrong part of town, and at this time of night...Still. Maybe the place wasn’t as bad as everyone made out. She’d have a look in the bar. Maybe there was a phone in there she could use.She entered the bar. It was unusually full. A thick smoke hung in the air. The bar went quiet as she opened the...
Even though their day had only begun, all the unusual sexual exertion took its toll on Ron. He napped several hours before awaking to a warm sensation at his groin. As his eyes opened he was momentarily bewildered. Then he remembered laying down in his parent's bed. A glance down his body confirmed his suspicion. His bed partner lay between his legs, slowly, sweetly nursing on his rising cock. About half of his member was between her lips. Aunt Pam was softly running her tongue over the...
I looked around when we entered the leather shop. It isn’t exactly crowded but there are half a dozen couples and a few single males looking around. The owner saw us enter and waved from the counter. He finished ringing up the sale he just made and hurried over to greet us with a big welcoming smile on his face. Kelly said to him, “My friend wants to be fitted for a set of those restraints you sold us yesterday if you have the time.” His eyes slowly scanned Bev’s sexy body. He leered openly...
My name is John Lee and I have a weird thing for incest. I love anything to do with the topic and living with three stunning women whom I am related to. Mum - Mary Lee A beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair and nice C cup tits. Her ass, not perfect but still nice and firm. She is now a single parent and isn't interested in looking for another relationship because she cares too much for her kids to put them through the pain of accepting another dad. Older Sister - Maddeline Lee A stunning 22...
IncestActing as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected. Chapter 2 - My Sister's Cleaner On the whole my work at the bank had been going well for the last few months since we had returned from Spain. The team in Madrid had been quite small and mostly responsible for migrating the latest software to the Spanish networks. I often had to visit regional...
Note to the reader: this story is based on a young woman from California who is currently visiting family in New York and is separated from her boyfriend. They exchanged erotic e-mails on what they would do in a rain storm, which turned into this story. Like most of my stories, the characters are real but the story is total fantasy. Let me know what you think and I’ll let them know for you. Enjoy. Thanks to Amber who looked through the story and corrected my errors. EroticaSeanStyle * * * *...
JFK, New York: Sunday 11th February 2018The cup of coffee was a life-saver. Strong, black, Grande. Full of the flavors of Africa.There are very few friends I like enough to get me out of a warm bed at six a.m. on a New York winter’s morning. But Francis, especially in his current state of mourning was one of those few friends.But without that steaming cup of Ethiopian black, I’d have been little use to him as I helped him with his bags. He gave me the length of hug normally reserved only for...
Wife LoversI take a deep sigh as I step out of the small clinic, my face tingling from the lasers that had swept their way over it mere minutes earlier. Despite my face being make-up free- and covered with a very patchy 5 o'clock shadow- no one gives me a second look as I head down to the tube train that ferries me to my next destination. Well, that's not strictly true, people ARE giving me a second look, but not because of the hair on my face, but because of the pink tights covering my...
As a naked Jenna (Jenna Foxx) readies herself for work, she hears a commotion outside. Peering out her window, she sees a rugged, good-looking tow-truck driver (Tommy Gunn) preparing to tow-away her Jeep. A panicked Jenna wraps herself in a towel and runs outside to plead with the truck driver. The RepoMan is eager to “work something out” so Jenna agrees to do whatever it takes. This highly motivated sexy slut works his huge thick cock, giving it all she’s got; sloppy sucking and hard fucking,...
xmoviesforyouLady Gang is enjoying some serious flirting with her beau, Sam Bourne. She sends him some arousing text messages, complete with pictures of her fabulous big tits. Sam gives the correct answer: He’ll be right over to take care of her needs. While she’s waiting, Lady takes the time to redo her makeup. Sam lets himself in and watches as Lady gets herself all dolled up for him, then instantly makes sure that she’s rewarded for her efforts. Coming around behind Lady, Sam kneads and...
xmoviesforyouI moved ahead, my hands rubbing at the cute girl's asscheeks while I aimed myself forwards. Mrs. Robinson came right up to whisper in my ear. "And I mean FUCK her. I want you to split her in half so that she'll never forget it." I could not disappoint my goddess. So the moment I got my other head firmly situated, I rammed in with all the force my hips could generate. Gabrielle screamed in pain as her supertight tunnel was instantly stretched farther than it had ever gone before, and...
Her chest heaved as she gasped in great lungfuls of air. The sweat beading on her cleavage belied the exertion she was being put through and she looked at me with longing in her eyes in the brief respite. Alison lay on her back on my desk. Her shirt was open and her bra pushed up, revealing two impeccably round and firm orbs topped with perfect pink nipples. Her jacket was hanging loosely off the edge of my desk, removed and discarded in my urgency to have her. Her trousers and red lace French...
Straight SexThe wind wafted up the valley carrying citrus and olive grove smells into the stone farmhouse. The cold stone floors seemed to hum with life, history and a certain joie da vie that I was unsure what to call in Italian. "La Bella Vita" didn't seem to quite explain these feelings - sure it was "the Beautiful Life" but it was more than that. It was heaven. "Cielo!" Heaven.The decision, journey and last couple of weeks had been hectic and painful. It would take years to get over it all but right...
Love StoriesIt all started on here, the internet. I met a girl on IM, and our talk soon got very sexual. I would type out small stories for us to masturbate to. Over time our stories got kinkier and kinkier, they involved threesomes, anal play on both sides, her using strap-ons and such. This of course starting getting me curious, I had heard after all about how great a guy could have an orgasm with a little backdoor stimulation. I started with a finger, or two, then started using whatever I could find...
BisexualThe betrayal of trust in a relationship is heartbreaking and one of the most hurtful things you can do. Unfortunately for my wife, you can times that by ten when you catch your husband fucking your own daughter and finding out she was pregnant with his child.A week had passed since my wife had caught us, and I still hadn't heard from her. Least she hadn't called the police I thought. Even so, Megan and I were still making love every day and now Megan had even stopped wearing clothes at home. As...
IncestDave came home from work early, his bitchy boss having told him he wouldn’t be needed there anymore. He hated his life! How was he ever going to get laid when he was unemployed and still lived in his mother’s apartment at 25? Something was weird. His mother’s clothes are scatted all over the living room. She pitched a fit if Dave so much as left his jacket on the arm of the couch, but now her bra is hanging from the ceiling fan. Her clothes weren’t the only ones either. A man’s jeans and...
Har-Hi was led to a Wisdom keeper, who was without question an old Dai. The revelation that there was a Dai was quite a surprise for Har-Hi. He had not expected that, but since he had become a Union officer and traveled with Erica, he had met and seen the unthinkable. Living dust clouds, planet surface covering creatures and a planet-bound, desert scavenging Dai. He had met Dai that were born in captivity and knew a Dai tribe leader was engaged in selling Dai Than as slaves. Meeting a Dai...
I was summoned back to the Head Master’s office of the Board School where I was just starting my freshman year of college. I was to report at 8pm, long after everyone had left the building. I entered Mr. L’s office and he said in a stern voice, “Close and lock the door Timmy and remove all your clothing.” I quickly complied with his request. I closed and locked the door. Then I decided to tease him and try to take command of the situation. I stood in front of Mr. L’s desk and pulled my shirt...
Gay MaleThe Deception of Choice. Episode Eleven, comprising Chapters 27 & 28 Preamble: David, back from his sojourn in the Venumar Foundation's Hospital Research Facility feels a sense of homecoming on his return to the comparative privacy of the Holding Wing. And such a welcome from all the girls! Not to mention Dr. Tabatha and his instructors. Escape seems further away than ever and sometimes that seems less important. Oh and Coralie returns, but alas no longer the girl you may...
(September 17, East of Shaktoolik, Alaska) After the hunting season was done, Will joined two of the guides from the big fishing lodge to herd the horses to the Wilderness Lodge to over winter in the fancy heated barn. Over the road it would take a full day, and then he would return by truck. Once the horses were in the winter quarters, the focus turned to the few winter guests. Some weeks as many as six in a group came, but normally it was two to four and for partial weeks. The snowmobiles...
Fred's Slut by AbeTiffani stepped out of the car without waiting for Fred to open the door for her. He seemed to be in a strange mood, dissatisfied with her, somehow. When they had decided on a romantic dinner to discuss the matter, Fred had insisted on this strange, distant restaurant, which was so crowded that they had to park way in the back in the dark. Still, it was always fun to show off at a restaurant. Wobbling a bit on her highest heels, she struggled to pull the hem of...
As Brent moved the plane from the hanger to the runway, Melanie suddenly felt a sense of freedom. She knew it was only temporary, but she resolved to not think about work for the whole weekend. It was a beautiful day to be flying. As the plane ascended, Marcie looked down at the patchwork quilt of the central Iowa farmland. Green crops, interspersed with yellow patches of oat crops and pastureland, spread as far as her eye could see. The engine noise made conversation difficult, but she...
Her eyes are what drew my attention. I first saw them on my way out of the hotel, in the lobby. A slight pause as her gaze caught mine. We both kept walking. I wondered if her thoughts were as interrupted as mine. I stepped out into the streets of Los Angeles. The city of angels. Beautiful views, exciting architecture, classic feel, all of this was ignored after a one second connection with her eyes. The next encounter was just as unpredictable as the first. My workday was complete. I had...