OSL: New YorkChapter 8: Mistress free porn video

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-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 --

Generally speaking, I consider myself a rather confident young man. I'd gotten laid too many times with too many gorgeous women to ever feel uncomfortable around a pretty face. And yet three steps after walking into the Kwong-residence game room for the second time tonight, I came to an abrupt halt, let my jaw drop to the floor, and felt butterflies in my stomach like I'd turned into a freshman dweeb suddenly face-to-face with the Prom Queen.

I wasn't entirely sure why I was having this reaction. I'd seen lots of women wear skimpier, more revealing dresses. I'd even seen the woman in question completely naked about thirty minutes ago. But there was something about the combination of this particular woman, with these particular curves, filling out this particular outfit that took my breath away.

No seriously, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't talk. I couldn't swallow. And instead of making my grand entrance into the room with all the dashing charisma of George Clooney at the Golden Globe awards, I found myself choking and coughing and pounding my own chest with my right fist in a desperate attempt to re-introduce oxygen into my lungs.

"Whoa, whoa, you okay?" Adrienne was suddenly beside me, one hand on my shoulder and the other on my hip. As I continued coughing, she began to pat my back as if it would help clear the clog from my throat, and she kept patting me well after I finally got my coughing fit under control and began to take deep, calming breaths.

Once I got my equilibrium back, I glanced up at Kaitlyn Reynolds with a sheepish smile and muttered, "Well that was about the least impressive thing I could have done. Stupid dress."

"'Stupid' dress?" The young blonde pouted, looking a little hurt after she'd gotten all dolled up. "Adrienne picked it out. Said you would really like it."

"Liked it a little too much," I said, exhaling slowly and taking one more really long breath as I let my eyes roam up and down the dress I liked a little too much. Later, Adrienne would term it a 'wine-colored, scoop-necked, cap-sleeved dress with an inverted diamond cutout in the bust'. I would have called it the 'stare at my BOOBIES' dress, for the way the outfit riveted my eyes to two of Kaitlyn's best features. "One look at you in that thing and damn ... my heart nearly stopped."

Kaitlyn blushed and gave me a coy smile while drawing her arms together in front of her and posing prettily. "I'll take that as a compliment."

I nodded agreeably. After the locker room, everyone had returned to their own rooms to get dressed and freshen up. Rather than change back into the same clothes we'd worn to dinner, Adrienne and I had donned fresh outfits that smelled and felt clean. After the shower, I could almost forget that I'd already done so much today from morning sex with Moon, helicoptering out here to Montauk, sex in the indoor pool with Adrienne, horseback riding around the countryside, an evening in the game room, and more sex in the Tower Tub. Taylor had been right: I'd needed to pack on the calories to survive this busy day, and the night wasn't over yet.

Not unlike a hotel, our guest room had a mini-fridge; but instead of alcohol, it was stocked with water bottles and Gatorade. Recognizing that the gleam in Adrienne's eyes meant that our night of sex was far from finished, I'd opened and chugged an entire 64oz Berry Rain. Thus hydrated and refreshed, I'd relaxed on the bed conserving energy and watching my girlfriend re-do her hair and makeup.

"Should I ask what's coming next?" I'd called out.

"I'm waiting until precisely 9pm sharp so that we can all meet up at the Playroom to start the pre-organized orgy," she replied with a smirk. "You will be expected to pleasure each woman of the house in order of ascending height."


"Do you really want me to tell you? We both know you like my surprises."


"So relax. Catch your breath. Save your energy. You're gonna need it."

Even though Adrienne didn't tell me what was next, I'd had a pretty good idea. Mystical connection or not, Adrienne knew I had the hots for the young, busty blonde, and the way she and Kaitlyn had left off in the shower room had "To be continued" written all over it. Still, after Adrienne and I had changed into new clothes I hadn't expected to see Kaitlyn back in the same game room. And I hadn't expected her to be alone.

"Where's Jeff?" I asked, after going through my coughing fit and regaining my composure.

Jeff's girlfriend shrugged as she leaned back and planted one hand atop the pool table's side rail. She smiled nonchalantly and explained, "Mia and Rebecca stole him for a little while."

"And he's okay with you being here? With me?"

"Of course," she replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I wouldn't be here otherwise."

"Right, right."

Kaitlyn frowned. "Would you rather him be here? Adrienne suggested the opposite, that you'd feel more comfortable without my boyfriend watching."

I popped my eyebrows and blushed. "Well, yeah probably. And to be honest I'd been wondering how this would work out if it were the four of us. Adrienne's..."

"Off-limits to the guys," Kaitlyn finished for me, turning her attention to my left where my girlfriend had stood aside, her arms folded across her chest and a slightly exasperated expression on her face. "We know. She's been here before."

Recognizing that Adrienne's exasperation was due to the return of my mood-killing hesitance to just go with the flow, I gave her a weak smile and apologized, "I'm sorry. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this whole thing. Mia and Rebecca in the grotto was one thing, but they're both single and you know my issues when it comes to girls with boyfriends."

Adrienne sighed. "I know, but this is different. Her boyfriend knows and is cool with it. We're here, aren't we?"

"Of course, of course. It's just..." I shrugged. "I've never BEEN in a situation where the boyfriend was cool with it, you know?"

Adrienne giggled and shrugged. "Guess so."

"It just doesn't seem fair – to him, I mean. I'm here with his girlfriend, and meanwhile mine's off-limits."

"By my choice," Adrienne explained, and she stepped forward to join me.

"And we're gonna pretend I'd be okay with it if you wanted to choose otherwise?" I glanced back at Adrienne as she came alongside me and slipped an arm around my waist. "YOU said that I'm like 99% of straight males on the planet: wanting to fuck everything with a pair of tits but unable to stand the thought of any other dude touching you."

"With me, that's not an issue."

"Maybe not with you. And maybe Jeff doesn't suffer from the same kind of insecurity that I do when it comes to his girlfriend. But he's a fellow man, and he's a boyfriend, and I know I said I was going to try and enjoy this for the fun it is, but I'm having a hard time putting aside the idea that I'm somehow ... trespassing ... on another man's property."

Kaitlyn suddenly stood up straight. "I am NOT Jeff's 'property'."

I grimaced and held my hands up. "Poor choice of words. I meant ... You're his girlfriend, so that sorta means you belong to him."

"I'm not a 'belonging' either."

"I know..." I winced again, realizing that my mouth was only digging me even deeper.

"Does Adrienne belong to you?" Kaitlyn accused hotly.

"No, of course not."

"Then?" Kaitlyn had taken two steps closer to me, her gleaming green eyes on fire.

I took a deep breath and gestured with both hands for patience. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"No, no, I'm overreacting," Kaitlyn sighed as she backed down and shook her head. "Not your fault; you don't need to apologize. I know what you're getting at. It's just a bit of a touchy subject for me after everything I've gone through with my parents."

I looked at Adrienne for an explanation but she shrugged back at me. She hadn't heard the story either.

Kaitlyn recognized the lack of comprehension on our faces, and she shook her head ruefully before sliding a hand through her hair and over her right ear. "It's a long story, but the point is that my parents raised me to become some rich man's trophy wife from the moment I hit puberty. School was never made a priority, nor a career, nor anything else like that. Instead of helping me with my homework, my mother spent her time showing me how to apply makeup and understand fashion, and shepherding me through the Miss Teen circuit to attract attention from the sharks. The idea was to hunt down the richest eligible man I could hook and then enjoy the rest of my life in luxury as a rich man's... 'belonging'."

I grimaced. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Kaitlyn flashed me a quick smile and teased, "I already said you don't have to apologize."

I shrugged and gestured back to her.

Turning away from the pool table, Kaitlyn paced a couple of steps, her skyscraper heels clacking on the hardwood floor. "I was eighteen when my parents introduced me to John – sicced me on him, more precisely. Newfound billionaire ... a bit naïve at the time ... and he happened to live just upstairs from us. I remember the way my mother prepped me for his visit. She said, 'Don't be too smart. And let him get a good look at your breasts.'"

Adrienne elbowed me in the ribs. "Well you gotta admit those are worth looking at, Tiger."

I blushed and grinned, unable to resist sneaking another peek at that diamond cutout.

Kaitlyn giggled, put both hands on her hips, and thrust her chest forward to let me have a good, long leer. In that position, she still managed to gracefully sashay toward me, her tits leading the way, until she came within a few feet and turned to one side. Batting her eyelashes and giving me a coy smile, she circled around my side while reaching out with one hand to gently slide her fingers across my shoulder and down my arm. "I got very good at attracting a man's attention."

I nodded my agreement.

Kaitlyn stopped next to me, slipped her hand around mine, and led me over to a padded armchair. Adrienne grinned and let me go while I followed Kaitlyn like a lost puppy and let her push me down into the seat. I opened my arms to her as she sat sideways in my lap and wrapped an arm around my head. Still in full seduction mode, she continued to pose, lift up her chest, and smile while explaining, "My mother's singular goal was to find a sugar daddy to take care of me and thus 'own' me. I can't really blame her, as life turned out pretty well for her. I lost track of how many boys I teased and toyed with for 'practice'. I tried to do the same to John, and even though he already had Taylor, for a little while I thought I could be perfectly happy forever as his well-funded mistress."

Suddenly, Kaitlyn stopped putting on a show and gave me a plain look. "John and Taylor taught me how to respect myself better than that. To value myself above being some man's 'belonging'. And then I met Jeff."

The smile that spread across Kaitlyn's face was immediately infectious, and I found myself smiling along with her.

"Jeff knew from the beginning that I was sleeping with John and Taylor. The second time he and I ever got together was a group orgy in John's 5th Avenue apartment with two other guys and four other girls. He watched John fuck my ass right in front of him and still..." Her voice trailed off as she sighed dreamily before finishing, " ... he still wanted to adore me."

Her thousand-yard stare and blissful smile said that Kaitlyn was thinking of her boyfriend, but she was sitting in MY lap and rubbing her hand across the short fuzz on the back of my head. And having a beautiful, busty blonde sitting in your lap rubbing your head is never a bad thing.

Still staring off in the distance, Kaitlyn sighed again. "And he still does adore me, no matter what."

"Even though you're here with us," I said, "and he's not."

Kaitlyn turned her gaze back to me and nodded. "Even though."

I sighed. "Then he's a better man than me."

"It's not a competition for who's 'better'. You're a good man, Ben. We just met, but I can tell. And there's no requirement that someone be able to let his girlfriend be with other men in order for HIM to be a 'good man'."

I arched an eyebrow. "Maybe not. But I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that Jeff's totally cool with you having sex with me."

Kaitlyn gave me a bemused smile. "It's just sex. We both know that, and it won't change the way either of us feels about each other. He's my boyfriend. He's my lover. He adores me, and not even hooking up with someone as amazingly gorgeous as Taylor ever changed that."

"Or you hooking up with other guys at other Playroom parties."

"To be perfectly honest, I haven't been a part of all that many 'Playroom parties'." Kaitlyn shrugged. "Taylor just finished the room a few months ago and it's mostly just been this same group, at least when Jeff and I are around. You're only the second new male we've ever had, actually."

"Really?" My eyebrows popped in surprise. "I'd sorta gotten the impression this was a regular thing for you all, that I was just the Guest Cock for this weekend and there'd be someone new next Saturday."

Kaitlyn shook her head. "It's a close-knit group. Quite a few of Taylor's model friends have come by the house, but most of them have been either girls or gay guys. Taylor throws a lot of parties and social gatherings, but a lot of those are for John's business partners and clients. And while Taylor has a habit of seducing guys for the fun of it, she's only ever brought the one other male here for a Playroom party."

I blinked twice. "Huh..."

"It's kind of a big deal that she decided to have you come not just to visit, but for a Playroom night, especially since she'd barely met you. Adrienne just talked and talked and talked about you so much that you piqued Taylor's interest. And after she sized you up on Tuesday night, she got the idea into her head of a Playroom orgy, not that it's turned out at ALL like we'd expected."

I sighed. "I've been throwing monkey wrenches into all her carefully-laid plans, haven't I?"

"And MY plans," Adrienne added with a groan. "The three of us were supposed to be fucking ten minutes ago."

I shrugged, but Kaitlyn chuckled. She was the one to speak up and say, "Actually, I'm glad things turned out this way. Gave us an extra chance to get to know each other beyond the superficial. I liked figuring out that you're not a macho, egotistical asshole who thinks he's God's gift to women. Believe me, I've met more than a few unapologetic cocksmen only too eager to make me the next notch in his belt. If you were one of those, you wouldn't be making me your next notch."

I held my hands up in defense.

Kaitlyn giggled. "So don't worry about it. Even if this conversation wasn't the best mood-setter, it's made me feel better about what's going to happen. Tell the truth, I wasn't entirely comfortable myself with the idea of having a Playroom party the very first day I met you. Jeff and I talked about it after we landed, and we agreed that if I wasn't comfortable with 'A.D.'s boyfriend' then I was going to be off-limits, period. Nobody here does anything they don't want to do."

I blinked. "And yet ... here we are."

Kaitlyn flashed me a pearly-white smile this time. "Yes ... here we are." And then suddenly she pivoted in my lap, slid her arms around my neck, and gave me a solid kiss. Her tongue didn't penetrate my lips, but it came out to play a bit. And after she backed off, she gave me another smile and said, "Been wanting to do that since halfway through the horse ride."

"Really?" I smiled.

She nodded. "Really. You're cute. And you're cool. And yeah, I want to see if A.D.'s stories about you are true."

I took a deep breath. "And Jeff's okay with it, because HE understands that you're allowed to feel lust, to desire passion, and to seek out a little variety in your sex life. And none of that means you love him any less."

"Absolutely. It means I love him more." Kaitlyn beamed at me. "I picked a great boyfriend."

"And so did I," Adrienne enthused, rubbing my shoulder before lightly rapping her knuckles on my noggin. "He can a bit dense sometimes, but his heart is in the right place and he's willing to learn."

I arched an eyebrow. "Thanks ... I think."

Adrienne shrugged. "Now back to my carefully laid plans for what we were supposed to be doing in here..."

Kaitlyn burst out laughing and abruptly kissed me again. Her hand went back to rubbing my head, and she began to squirm in my lap a little. Her other hand began to stroke my shoulder, and staring deep into my eyes with those brilliant green irises of hers, she ordered calmly, "Ben, stop worrying about my boyfriend. Jeff and I have done this before, and we'll do it again. Actually, we both kinda get off on listening to each other tell stories of the stuff we've done with other people. We'll cuddle in bed, touching each other, caressing each other..."

Kaitlyn had started caressing and touching my chest and arms. Then, her hand slid beneath her body in search of my package while she moved her lips to my ear.

"Fondling each other," she breathed. I felt myself stiffen at the heat in her voice.

Adrienne now joined us, sliding onto the armrest immediately behind Kaitlyn. My girlfriend leaned over, rubbing Kaitlyn's arm and trailing her fingertips down the other blonde's back before gently kissing Kaitlyn's neck.

Jeff's girlfriend giggled at the ticklish touch and fixed her eyes on mine from only inches away. She was back in seductive, "attracting a man's attention" mode, and she murmured in a hushed, erotic tone, "I know that tonight, in our room just down the hall, he's going to tell me how tight and wet Mia's pussy felt wrapped around his cock. I know he's going to tell me just how hard he squeezed her tits. I know he's going to finger my little asshole while explaining in exquisite detail how wide he stretched Rebecca's..."

My dick was now rock hard, and Kaitlyn grinned as she molded my pants around it with her hand. And she finished by pleading in a whimpering tone that made it impossible for me to disappoint her, "Don't make me go back and tell him all WE did was talk."

"Of course not," I sighed, my sigh turning into a bit of a groan as she began to stroke my shaft back and forth. Moments later, she stopped stroking and instead went to work on my zipper.

Just behind her, I saw Adrienne slip some catch behind her neck, letting her entire halter-top dress drop to her ankles. She hadn't bothered to wear underwear beneath the dress, so once she stepped out of the garment she was fully naked save for six-inch black pump heels with peep toes and ankle straps.

With a smile, Adrienne asked me, "Don't you think Jeff would rather hear about how you and I crawled over every inch of his girlfriend's skin? Don't you think he'd rather her tell him about how hard my nipples felt in her mouth, how sweet my pussy tastes, and how thick your cock felt in her cunt?"

"I wanna feel your cock in my cunt, Ben," Kaitlyn pleaded, nodding her head vigorously up and down. "And I wanna get my boyfriend so revved up that he won't be able to wait to shove HIS cock into my cunt."

"Let's give Kaitlyn the best damn Big Ben AND Adrienne Experience we've ever done," Adrienne crooned before nibbling her way along Kaitlyn's shoulder and baring her teeth at the young blonde's neck, Dracula-style. She bit down gently and playfully before adding, "Let's blow her freakin' mind."

"Yes, blow my freakin' mind," Kaitlyn agreed. "But only after I rub my big, mouthwatering breasts all over your face and then cram every last inch of your cock down my throat."

Or ... you know ... you could just talk...

Shut up, you.

I liked Kaitlyn's suggestion more.

I'm not going to bore you with the details of that threesome Adrienne and I had with Kaitlyn as we crawled all over the pool table, got grains of sand wedged into unfortunate crevices on the shuffleboard, and even rutted across the waxy surface of the bowling lanes. Suffice to say that it was spectacular, and I'll leave it at that.


Or maybe I will bore you a little.

It started right there on that armchair. Kaitlyn turned to straddle my lap with a knee to either side of me as she grabbed my head in her hands and shoved my face into that diamond cutout in the middle of her "stare at my BOOBIES" dress. She mashed my face with those melons for a bit while my hands found their way underneath her hem, and my fingers toyed with the strap of her black lace thong before I grabbed hold of her firm buttcheeks and grinded her body down against my bulge.

But just when I thought she and I were going to get things started, Kaitlyn dismounted the armchair and stepped aside. Like I said, Adrienne was buck naked save for a pair of six-inch black pump heels with peep toes and ankle straps, and as hot as I was for "new pussy", my supermodel girlfriend had no trouble getting my attention.

Adrienne literally hopped onto my lap, straddling me the same way Kaitlyn had before. Also just like Kaitlyn, she grabbed my head in her hands, but instead of mashing my face with her melons, she tilted my head back and speared her tongue down my throat.

My girlfriend writhed in my lap like a sinuous serpent, and she hissed in excitement as I ran my hands all over her naked body. Kaitlyn had unzipped my slacks but left me tucked inside my shorts, but Adrienne now extracted my cock and jacked it slowly in her hand. I slid my hands up the bumps of her vertebrae before grasping her shoulders from behind, and I held on for dear life as the renewed passion of her kiss set off nuclear explosions behind my eyeballs.

By the time Adrienne pulled back for air, I was ready to FUCK. My hesitation had been washed aside, replaced by pure, naked lust. Letting go of my cock, Adrienne trapped it between my belly and her naked pussy, and she raised a turgid nipple to my lips so I could suckle while rolling my eyes up to witness the beauty of her smiling face. But before I could progress us any closer to fucking, Adrienne swung a leg back and dismounted the chair as well, standing up on the floor with one hand touching the armrest while she gestured back toward Kaitlyn.

"I always wanted to introduce you like this," Adrienne announced with a theatrical bow. "Tiger, meet 'Kitten'. Kitten, meet Tiger."

'Kitten' was on all fours just in front of the chair, licking her lips lasciviously and keeping her eyes fixed on mine as she slowly crawled forward and up my legs. An outsider might perceive a woman crawling on hands and knees toward a sexually-aroused man to be a demeaning act, but it was clear by the expression on Kaitlyn's face that this 'kitten' was in the dominant position, while I was merely the prey that would satiate her current hunger. Her smile was full of predatory teeth, her eyes gleamed, and even her fingernails made claw-like clacking sounds on the hardwood as she approached.

She did say she was gonna rub her big, mouthwatering breasts all over your face and manhood and then cram every last inch of your cock down her throat. Well ... she did the tits in the face thing already, so...

Fuck, yeah.

But instead of immediately cramming my cock down her throat, Kaitlyn paused with her mouth only inches away from my waving mushroom head. Her right hand went to my left knee, her fingernails poking through the microfiber material of my pants to slightly indent my skin. Her left knee mounted the cushion to my right, elevating her up to my level. And her left hand struck out, latching onto my shoulder while she bared her fangs and readied herself to strike.

Shit, she's not gonna bite you, is she?

She didn't bite. She giggled. "Hi, Tiger," Kaitlyn greeted with a twinkle in her eye.

My eyes briefly yo-yoed to the inverted diamond cutout of her dress and the big, beautiful boobs squished within. But I forced myself to focus on her face as I replied, "Hi, Kitten."

"You sure you want me to do this? I mean, we just met this morning and don't know each other very well. You don't know my favorite color or other little details about my life, like how much I love the feel of a thick, throbbing dick pulsing with energy as it fills my mouth. Or how John tells me I'm so talented at using the little tippy-end of my tongue to pleasure his prick. And let me tell you, that man has had quite a few blowjobs from quite a few different women, so he really knows quality when he feels it. You don't know these things about me, not yet at least, so maybe instead of me sucking your dick into my mouth and giving you one of the most amazing blowjobs of your life, we should take a step back and--"

Kaitlyn abruptly shut up as I grabbed the back of her head and gave her a hungry look. She stared at me with wide green eyes as I growled roughly, "What's your favorite color?"

She grinned. "Vermillion. Some people think it's a kind of green, but--"

"Good enough," I interrupted, yanking her face down toward my crotch. And THEN she crammed every last inch of my cock down her throat.

From that moment on I was lost. I forgot about everything outside this room: her boyfriend, my other girlfriend, the other people in this house. Here, within these walls, it was only me, Kaitlyn, and Adrienne. And while I was fully cognizant that our "relationship" wouldn't really last beyond this night, I was going to enjoy it while it did.

I groaned at the sensations shooting through my nerves, coupled with the visual of this gorgeous, gorgeous creature pleasuring my dick to the best of her abilities. Kaitlyn hadn't been lying about her prowess, as her lips, tongue, and inner cheeks massaged my shaft in rippling waves that somehow felt like a ring of ecstasy that surrounded my circumference and traveled upwards along my shaft from base to tip over and over again, replicating the motion of her head bobbing up and down without actually bobbing her head up and down. I have no idea how she did it, but it felt fantastic. And I placed a hand on top of her head to keep her from moving or stopping whatever she was doing while letting my own head loll over the backrest so I could close my eyes and focus on the incredible sensations.

Meanwhile, Adrienne had circled behind the chair and reached around to unbutton my shirt. While she did so, she draped her tits down on top of my face, which of course made me lick and suckle and nip at whatever I could reach. Once finished with my buttons, she pulled back far enough to give me an upside-down kiss. And we finally removed my shirt to leave me naked except for my pants which had fallen around my ankles.

Then Adrienne went to kneel next to Kaitlyn.


Together, the two blondes nearly made me cum. They took turns sucking my cock, one of them stroking the shaft and the other gnawing on my knob before switching. Sometimes they plain made out with each other with my cockhead trapped between their mouths. Everything they did just worked for me; no surprise there. Sure, it took them a little while to figure out each other's moves and hash out their coordination, but their obvious desire to pleasure me mingled with their equally obvious desire to play together kept up the momentum of delight even when they had to pause and figure things out. In the end I had to push them both away lest I bring our playtime to an abrupt, premature end. It wasn't that I worried about my ability to get it back up. But I knew this night would be a marathon, not a sprint, and I wanted to save every bullet I could for what still lay ahead.

I switched places with Kaitlyn, putting her on the armchair instead of me. Adrienne and I grinned at each other, and just like in our old college days when we mowed down Tri-Delt after Tri-Delt together, we did our best to give this young coed the Big Ben AND Adrienne Experience. Spoken language wasn't needed, as we communicated with just our eyes, our smiles, and maybe a head-nod or two. Call it a burgeoning mystical connection or just call it chemistry after a ton of experience together, Adrienne and I had our teamwork down pat and we put that poor girl through the wringer, so that by the time we were done she was a sweaty, limp, unconscious mess on the floor.

I'm not ashamed to say that we destroyed that "stare at my BOOBIES" dress; in fact, I'm rather proud of it. Kaitlyn knew how much I liked it and when were done, she gave me its remnants as a keepsake of sorts, like the few panties I'd begun to collect lately. Oh, I didn't keep any of those things for long – that would be a little creepy, actually – but I still brought the tatters of that dress back home to show Sasha and recount for her the way I'd bent Kaitlyn face-down over the pool table and pounded the shit out of her from behind. And I'll never forget that for the very last few moments Kaitlyn ever wore that dress, she was flat on her back across that very pool table with me dipping my balls into her mouth every now and again between cycles of shoving my cock through that inverted diamond cutout so I could fuck my dick into her tightly-pressed cleavage. I even came that way, squirting my load so that my cum would stain the fabric from the inside. And after marking my territory, so to speak, I roared with a final burst of adrenaline and literally tore that diamond cutout open with my bare hands.

Same as OSL: New York
Chapter 8: Mistress Videos

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OSL Carter

-- JUNE 1989, SPRING BREAK -- "Mommmm!" I cried pitifully, limping my way down the street. On a normal day, I could cross each square of the sidewalk in two steps. Running, I could do it with one. But the way my right leg hurt, it felt like it was taking a -million- steps just to go from one square to the next. And there were like... thousands of sidewalk squares between me and the house. I was never going to make it. I was going to DIE. "Mommmm!" I cried again. I finally dragged myself...

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OSL The Wedding

-- NEWPORT BEACH -- It was a perfect June afternoon. The temperature wasn't overly hot and the sky was clear with white, puffy clouds scattered around, only occasionally passing in front of the sun. The sounds of birds fluttering about the trees clustered around us filled the air, accompanied by the distant roar of waves crashing against the beach far below. In front of us, about thirty feet from the cliff's edge before it dropped off into the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean, was an elegant...

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OSL Elyse

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series. This story assumes you know the primary characters from that series. Don't bother reading this if you haven't at least read An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life. -- SEPTEMBER 1996 -- "Cut it out, Jake!" I swatted the boy's hand off my ass and glared at him with venom in my eyes. But rather than look apologetic, Jake Harbor just gave me a goofy grin and backed out of range. He knew that I could ... and would ... actually kick...

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OSL Caroline

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series written by an anonymous author. It takes place concurrently with the events of "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2" and "An Ordinary College Sex Life 3". Familiarity with the series is not required, but helpful in understanding Adrienne Dennis and where she comes from. I was at my desk the first time I saw you. That first glimpse only that, a glimpse. Your golden blonde hair catching the corner of my eye as you drifted across...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 2 Saturday

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my girlfriend's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. Moaning in ecstatic pleasure, she dug her heels into my ass and tightened her arms around my back to pull me deeper as she felt the cum flowing out of my body to crash against her insides like waves cresting on the beach, not so different from the actual waves cresting on the beach just outside our window. The first wave would start receding only to be...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 3 Sunday

A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning, the plantation shutters over the bungalow's east window not quite 100% shut. Although the sun rose higher in the sky this close to the equator, it still had to rise over the horizon. And at this very time, on this very date, at these very coordinates on the globe, the sun's rays came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where my face was NOT covered by the naked body of the girl sleeping between me and that east...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 2 A Fresh Start

-- SEPTEMBER 26 -- "C'mon you landlubber! Put your back into it!" Aaron urged from behind me. Setting the business end of my pitchfork on the ground, I turned and shot my roommate a look. "Landlubber?" "Brace those halyards! Man off the port bow!" He gave me a goofy grin and shrugged. "We watched Pirates last night; whaddaya want from me?" I rolled my eyes and then shoved my farm tool into one of the stacked bales of hay before me. And without looking I threw an entire bale at...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 1 Meeting

"Flip your hair, Felicia!" James said as he circled me. "Toss it nice and high and give me a -- yes! That look!" James' camera clicked rapidly, a sound I was used to hearing. A sound that, on a good day, gave me a small buzz. I gave him my most sultry look and winked at him. The winking would never make it into a take but the before or after shot might. Winking has an effect on my face, James often told me. He thinks winking puts me in a higher mood. I stood in a small set in James'...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 2 Reuniting

Adrienne and I rarely sleep in the same bed, and last night wasn't any different. When I awoke the next morning, she had already left. A note had been taped to the fridge: LOVE YOU! With a big smiley face drawn underneath. Just as I'd poured myself some breakfast, I heard my phone ringing in another room. I almost thought it wouldn't be worth the effort of getting up and searching, but I decided to get off my lazy butt and answer it. "Probably Rob wanting a booty call," I muttered to...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 3 No Strings

-- NOVEMBER 7 -- "Mmm-wah! Bye, babe." Deedee kissed me before hoisting her backpack over her shoulder as she descended the porch steps and headed for the hills. Today she and some others would be doing maintenance on the trail to the Garden of Eden. They'd be trimming back branches and clearing out rocks, as well as re-carving part of the trail to curb erosion. "Bye," I waved, leaning against the railing as I watched her go. A hand tapped my ass, causing me to jerk up and turn...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 3 Deciding

Adrienne wasn't home after my dinner with Damien, and I ended up having to calm myself down with a small vibrator and my fingers. I thought of driving down to see Ben and have him fuck my brain into oblivion, but I kind of needed my brain intact. Instead, I called Adrienne Saturday morning, and begged her to come up so we could chat. She told me she'd be here around 5PM. I spent the whole day stewing with a nasty anxiety, the kind that only comes from having a big decision to make and not...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 4 Aurora

-- AUGUST 28 -- Even though I hadn't been this way in over three years, I still knew the roads like the back of my hand. Without needing to consult any maps, I left I-5 and headed west from Yreka, cruising along at a comfortable pace. I wasn't in any hurry. The weather was clear and Orientation wouldn't begin for almost two hours. Almost lazily, I guided my beater Chevy Malibu around the winding mountain roads. I let my gaze drift out to the rows upon rows of verdant redwoods that lined...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 5 Conversations

-- NOVEMBER 6 -- "Balcony?" I suggested as Nick and I met up outside the staff cabin. "We'd better hurry, though. The sun is dropping fast." Indeed, Daylight Savings had ended on October 30, and the sun had been setting around 5pm ever since. We had just enough time to hike out there, enjoy the view, and then get back by 5:30pm chow time. Nick checked his watch and nodded to me. He then stepped off the porch and took two steps before turning around and looking back for me. "You gonna...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 4 Changing

Damien and I hammered out a contract over dinner at a place on the west side of San Francisco called Montgomery Servo. It was just as nice as Cheetah's, and Damien brought a guest along, one of his clients from Hollywood: Ryan Spader. I can't even say how convincing it was to see someone like Ryan, a steady B list actor, someone I knew and had heard of, sitting at a dining table with me. All doubts I'd had about Damien vanished. We laughed, drank, and cracked jokes until about 11pm when...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 6 Breakaway

-- NOVEMBER 25 -- I felt someone gently rocking my shoulder and calling my name. "Marie ... Marie..." As unwelcome consciousness flooded my brain, I turned my head and accidently put my face in the direct path of a beam of sunlight. Clenching my eyes shut against the sudden illumination, I flipped over and then blinked my eyes to find Zoey standing over my bunk. "Hey ... You okay? Bad hangover or something?" I stared at her in confusion, not understanding what she meant. But then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 5 Transforming

I slept for about twelve hours. It doesn't happen very often, but I had a night shoot the next day. I only get night shoots when a photographer wants a specific effect that can't be done in a dark studio, but I'm okay with that, they pay more. Damien called me in the afternoon. It was a very odd conversation. His tone made me feel like nothing at all had happened last night, even though he directly mentioned it. He told me that he had thoroughly enjoyed himself and hoped I had, too. Then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 6 Climbing

A few days after my first night with three men, Damien called me with big news: "You are going to love me for this one, baby. I got you a cover!" I started yelling and almost dropped the phone. Thank goodness I was in my apartment at the time, because someone might have thought I was being raped. I did manage to knock my mug of tea off the kitchen counter when I bumped it with my hip during all the jumping. The crash echoed loudly and I yelped. "What was that?" Damien asked, "Are you...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 7 Awakening

I woke up in the hallway of Damien's building, naked with my robe and pajamas draped over my body like a sheet. My body was exhausted and hung over in a way that I had never imagined possible. Cum and sweat had plastered my hair to my face, and judging from the goopy sticky mess on my face and breasts, I guessed Damien had dumped at least three loads on me during the night, perhaps Ashley had, too. When I finally understood where I was, I jumped to my feet and dressed, then hurried into the...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 8 Seeing

It's amazing how time flies when you're busy. My career had never been better. I think I finally understood how medical residents feel straight out of school when they're asked to work eighty hours a week. If I wasn't running errands, eating, or sleeping, I was working. The FHM magazine eventually hit the stands, and Damien said his phone hadn't stopped ringing since. Even I had to admit, the FHM cover was amazing and took my portfolio to a whole new level. Maxim wanted to book me for a...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 9 Becoming

The next morning I called up Marcos and asked if I could come see him. He told me I could stop by anytime and he'd have room. We went out for lunch at a small café near his building and he cut right to the chase. "What's up?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest and looking at me expectantly. "You dump me because we were both having a bad day. You go with Damien Santos, who I never told you that I despise, and now you call me up as soon as you're getting famous. If you've come...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress

Amelia Marks stood staring out of the large window in her office. The lady with the dark-hair, neatly tied in a bun, smiled as she watched the late summer sunshine rising in the blue sky and begin to cover the new Sixth Form building and the extensive playing fields and sports pitches beyond that. The new Head Mistress at the exclusive, fee-paying Alannah Lawrence Girl’s College closed her eyes and stood day-dreaming for a few moments before she turned her attention back to what she needed to...

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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 45 Working with a New Mistress

In the morning, Gretchen and Nina showered together, with Gretchen making sure that Nina was not only well-scrubbed, but also brought close to an orgasm to start her day. As they dried each other, Gretchen asked, “Are you going to the new client this morning, or are you going to your regular office?” “I was planning to go to the office, first, and then go to the new client, but I could skip the office. This new client is my number one priority right now.” “Good. I’d like to send a present...

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New Job First Lesson with Mistress

New Job, First Lesson:It all began when I moved to New York to get a fresh start. Always a shy loner, I was teased throughout school for being somewhat short and effeminate in looks. After my mother passed away right after I graduated college, I no longer had any ties to Chicago, and I wanted to move to New York to find a new life for myself. I had very little sexual experience, and was hoping to be able to find a girlfriend in a new city. Landing an apartment in Manhatten and a job as a...

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Miss Marks The New Head Mistress Chapter Five The Formidable Form Mistress

It was a masterpiece.There was no other way of describing the work of art that had mysteriously appeared on the whiteboard in Mrs. Halliday’s Form class. The picture covered almost the entire board, was awash with colour and would give the Year Twelve girls in Nancy Halliday’s Form class a damned good laugh when they walked into the room at 8.40am that morning.It was a portrait that even the mysterious Banksy would have been proud of, but there would be no way that this would be removed from...

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Albert Meets His New Mistress

Naked, hands tied firmly behind the back, feet pulled apart and tied to the legs of the chair he was sitting in, mouth gagged, Albert wondered what he had done to get into such a position. He remembered the seductive woman in the black dress, cut low in the back and revealing a hint of breast in the front. He remembered the clink of glasses, toasting the night and the quiet of a near empty bar filled only with smoke and hints of jazz riffs as the band struck down and packed away. And he...

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a new Mistress

I’m a social alpha-male that loves being sexually submissive. Oh, I’ve been a Dom and thoroughly enjoyed it, but my first love is being subservient to a Domme. I had forgotten all the different ads I had placed, even forgotten what my profile said and all the shemale pictures in the profile photo album. I had a shemale lover before meeting my wife. She was a switch—we were incompatible, but the sex was great! Anyway, her message said: saw your ad and checked you’re profile. I live in...

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A New Life With A Mistress

Lauren was shaking as she typed that and posted it in a popular DS forum. This was the last resort for Lauren, 1 week ago she had lost her job and 3 days ago she was told by her landlord that she would be evicted by the end of the year (2 months away) if she did not come up with money to pay for the rent. Lauren had discovered her taste for being a human toilet after her previous girlfriend had forced Lauren to eat her shit which was then washed down with a bladder full of...

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Blind Date with a Mistress

BLIND DATE WITH A MISTRESS by Submiss18 After having scoured several different adult personal services, it seemed I'd finally found a dominant woman who responded to me. Upon sending her an initial email to let her humbly know of my intentions and past experience as a submissive slave, Mistress Diana sent me several other emails questioning my level of commitment and I've learned she is very adept at prodding me to want to please her as soon as possible. She has given me...

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The Mistress

The MistressA soft glow from the desk lamp illuminated slender black leather gloved hands caressing a riding crop.  The silence was palpable.  The only sound was the soft rasp of a tongue gliding over polished leather.  The Mistress’s gaze was piercing as she read the financial report.  She was not pleased with her accountant, and she would soon demand answers from him personally.  The white male slave that had brought the financial report stood at attention with his eyes downcast.  He sensed...

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Serving Mistress

Mistress steps back from the St Andrew's Cross I'm secured to, and I hear her moving across the studio and then rolling one of her toy chests towards me. She takes hold of my cock which is still bound by the cord. "Hm, I suppose I should untie this. Its head is looking very purple and swollen. If I don't release it soon it just might fall off," Mistress muses. I feel her untying the knot in the cord and disconnecting it from the nipple clamp chain, then she pulls the ends of the cord rapidly...

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Settling down with Mistress

As you might expect from a little girl, Claudette threw a tantrum at being uprooted when her ‘father’ took the job at the veterans’ hospital, but that was the only tantrum. Even at her age, she understood just important it was to her ‘dad’ that she became a nurse. We asked what she thought would make the transition easier, and we very were surprised when she said that having a sister might be nice. There were still a number of war orphans in institutions, so within a couple of months of us...

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Meeting Mistress

My first meeting with Mistress was in the horrible, cold and dirty cell I got thrown into, on arrival. Pardon my vulgarity, but they hadn’t even given me the proverbial ‘pot to piss in’. I thought I’d been in it a few hours, wetting myself, and panicking as to what was going to happen to me. I’d been trained in England and I had a fair idea of what sort of treatment I could expect from the Gestapo. To be fair, I was a little surprised that I hadn’t yet been raped; which was the first...

5 years ago
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Omegle Chat Log with a Mean Mistress

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!You: want to watch?Stranger: okayYou: okStranger: Doesn't it hurt?You: yesStranger: do you like it?Stranger: Do you like being in pain?You: yesYou: do u like?Stranger: Okay then hit yourself harderStranger: I like to order around people like youYou: im your slaveStranger: then act like itStranger: that's itStranger: goodStranger: It's what you deserveStranger: is that cum what I see?You: spitStranger: thanks godStranger: I don't remember...

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Esaping with Mistress

I had never liked guns, which was why I’d volunteered to be a pianist, but I knew that there was a chance we might need that machine pistol in the near future. I’d been trained by S.O.E. to handle weapons, so when Mistress handed me a pistol for self protection, she didn’t need to instruct me on how to use it. I didn’t ask where the pistol came from; it probably came out of the stores where Mistress worked, which meant that she must have stolen it for me. If it hadn’t been so serious, it...

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My Aunt My Mistress

My Aunt, My MistressI had just turned thi....teen that summer, when Aunt Susan came to look afterme, while my parents went on a 3-week trip to Rodrigues Island, in the Indian Ocean. I liked Aunt Susan. She was unmarried and led a life filled with friends, mostly unmarried women like herself, and seemed to spend her spare time going to the newest shows,visiting all the clubs, or going off skiing or on extended holidays. She was somewhat older than her sister, my mother, but although she was...

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The Continuing Pleasures of the Mistress

The Continuing Pleasures of the Mistress *at the humble bequest of ?slave2isis?* The Mistress smiled lay on her luxurious bed as she had myriad slaves parade her new wardrobe before it was to be organized by her personal suite staff.  Of course the robust healthy white males kept their eyes downcast and their penises flaccid.  The ready whips of her personal bodyguards were eager to touch their tender skin in punishment.  The slaves were performing against a losing battle as the Mistress had a...

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Yes Mistress

Yes Mistress Yes MistressBy slave ajay With bated breath i opened the elevator door and pressed the button for the 3rd floor. It was my firstmeeting with my Mistress. i had spent a sleepless night eagerly awaiting this meeting. Indeed thiswas the first time ever that i got an opportunity to serve a Domme in real life. i had been waiting for thismoment for years now. As the elevator started its ascent, my anticipation increased. i had never met my Mistressbefore and She had been kind...

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My Mistress

Follow me to my room my pet. I have some things I want you to change into. Yes Mistress. We get to her room and she has a beautiful black leather corset with garter straps, black seam up the back thigh high stockings, Some very sexy come fuck me pumps and a black and hot pink leather collar with a matching leash. I walk over to the bed and get undressed. Before you put the items on that I have layed out for you, let me get a good look at my slave. She walks over and inspects...

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My First Session with My Mistress

                    My First Session With My MistressThis is unfortunately, only a fantasy. If anyone wants to make it a reality, let me knowWe had met on the internet, and we had spoken a number of times, but when Mistress told me She was going to visit NYC and would be available for a live session, I was excited and, I admit, a bit nervous. After all, live IS different from internet and phone. I was torn between physical fear, fear that I would disappoint my Mistress, and fear that the...

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Visit To Mistress

VISIT TO MISTRESS Mistress Carol got a hold of Master at work and asked if She could use me for one night. Master gave Her permission. So here I am walking to the door of Mistress Carol’s house knocking with butterflies in my stomach and a worry look on my face. A tall brunette answers the door, she is at least 2 inches taller and I’m 5’5”. Mistress Carol is 6 feet tall. The girl tells me to come in. I follow her down the hallway to a room where there is a cross and floggers, crops,...

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Step DaughterMistress

My wife Cherie and I had been married for just over a year when she dropped the bombshell that her daughter was coming to live with us. Cherie had told me she had a daughter to her first husband before we were married but Marcia was twenty-five and had a career as a dancer, so why did she have to move in with us? As it turned out she had lost her job and was low on cash so mummy ......and step daddy were bailing her out. I had not even met her until she arrived two weeks ago, now that was...

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Follow a sub through her first day of slave training after being collared by her Mistress

The collaring ceremony and reception had been a great success. It was a small affair but all had a good time. There were only 10 people in attendance, but were very close friends to the Mistress and her newly collared sub. The actually ceremony had been short and sweet, it had been just a mere formality as the two had been together for 2 years now. They signed the formal agreement, which they had drawn up together. It contained limits, expectations, and rules regarding their union. Next the...

5 years ago
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Black Mistress

BLACK-MISTRESS.TXT - by Cindy V. - femdom, TV, humiliation My local newspaper has a small "personals" column, and recently a new ad appeared that simply said "Roleplaying". I watched the news-paper for a few weeks to see if the ad would disappear, but there it was, day after day. Eventually my curiosity got the better of me, and I called the number. The recptionist explained that they did role-playing fantasies involving all sorts of domination, and best of all they were not that...

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Owned by an online Mistress

Owned by an online Mistress After being blackmailed by Master Michael (see "Blackmailed by Master Michael"), I tried to stop being a sissy. I purged most of my sissy clothes and thought my sissy urges would go away if I just quit going online. They didn't. Unfortunately, drinking and being a sissy led to yet another poor decision on my part when I became owned by an online Mistress. It started when I uploaded my cross-dressing photos to Flickr to share with other sissies, although...

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My stalker became my Mistress

I let a woman control me! I was in college. I lived in a big city, it was summer and I was working in a mall. I was talking to a couple while at work, educating them about a certain washer and dryer when I noticed a woman from across the aisle that kept looking at me and every time I looked over at her she would quickly look away with a smile. I spent about 15 minutes with the couple and when they were done asking questions, I looked around kind of expecting this woman to be looking for help...

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Chelsie Meets Her Mistress

Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...

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Screams of my Mistress

with special thanks to Polly Plummer A glass of lemonade! Nina's eyes flew open, fixing the cool patterns of moonlight reflected from hidden smooth surfaces onto the ceiling of her bedroom. The urge had come suddenly, and it had come strong! Half a glass, no more. That would be sufficient. Orange flavour. She looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table: 2:35 Surely Mistress Selene would not be around the ground floor anymore. Nina slipped out from under her blanket, revealing to a...

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Im the Mistress

I walked into the candle lit living room & stood still for a momentto adjust my vision. Just then she moved out of the shadows & quicklywrapped a blindfold around my head & eyes. She whispered to me as she boundthe blindfold, "You are my prisoner now & you will follow my commands tothe letter or else." As she spoke I felt the heat rising in my loins, I gotvery excited when she grabbed my hands behind my back & handcuffed themtogether. I spoke in a low taunting voice, "Or...

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Going To Party With My Mistress

By : Criticalmass Synopsis: The slave girl is going to be taken to her first party with her mistress. This is a firsthand account narrated by the girl. My mistress promised me to take me to a special party on the day I would turn 18, and today is that day. I am 5′ 7″ tall and have a figure of 34D-28-38. I am fair and have long hair. I had met my mistress on my summer vacation 2 months ago. In the last 2 months we have developed a special bonding and trust. The party was late in the night;...

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Oh Gina I mean Mistress

I had just moved into a new neighbourhood after my divorce. We sold our home and acreage and I was able to buy this modest two-story home. I like a lot of space around me and since I'm alone now, this gave me what I wanted. I also work from home and I was fortunate to have a large study on the upper floor. My house is on a corner lot and I have only one neighbour. She lives in a very large house on a double lot. I saw her briefly as I was moving things in. We nodded to each other, but never got...

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The Mistress Manual by: Mistress Lorelei1WHY BECOME A MISTRESS?:Some Unexpected Pleasures"When we are flat on our backs there is no way to look but up." - Roger W Babson"For my readers who have already tasted the heady wine of total control over a submissivemale, this question may seem absurd. The answer is so obvious: being a Mistress is fun.Female Dominance offers the Mistress a cornucopia of delights. (The submissive male enjoysit too, although there are moments in scene when he may not seem...

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emma in the House of her Mistress

Chapter 1 We waved our respective husbands goodbye on their business trip togetherand my heart was pounding. Standing, I could smell the warmth of her perfume,I watched the movement of her body and the caress of her hair surreptitiously.I wanted to touch her, be touched by her. I was horny. I was reluctantly becomingused to having to do whatever Susan asked of me again. It scared me, but italso excited me a little more every time Susan asked me to do something. We had never spent a night...

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