OSL: Morris CampChapter 4: Aurora free porn video

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-- AUGUST 28 --

Even though I hadn't been this way in over three years, I still knew the roads like the back of my hand. Without needing to consult any maps, I left I-5 and headed west from Yreka, cruising along at a comfortable pace. I wasn't in any hurry. The weather was clear and Orientation wouldn't begin for almost two hours.

Almost lazily, I guided my beater Chevy Malibu around the winding mountain roads. I let my gaze drift out to the rows upon rows of verdant redwoods that lined my path. Above them to both sides rose the imposing Marble Mountains, any surfaces not covered with trees instead exposing rocky brown-gray faces. And below ran the ever-changing, ever-moving blue and white surface of the river.

I pulled into a turnout to let the tailgating black GTI sprint past me and watched it take the next hairpin curve at about sixty-five. I waited and listened to hear if it went crashing through the far side guard railing, possibly to explode on the valley floor in a roiling fireball like in the movies. While the driver of the GTI surely wasn't actively searching for his or her violent death, I could certainly understand such an act as being ... simpler ... than life's continued existence.

But no such explosion came, and I shook aside my morbid thoughts. If I really wanted to kill myself, it would have been much easier to do so back home. I hadn't driven all this way up north just to end my life. Instead, I had hopefully driven all this way to FIND my life once again.

After checking to make sure the way was clear, I pulled back into the road and resumed my trip. I navigated the twists and turns of the mountain road as it hugged the river, sighing in melancholic nostalgia at all the familiar sights. And about forty-five minutes after leaving the highway, I made the final turn onto the main driveway and passed beneath the archway sign that read "Morris Camp".

I followed the driveway, with the creek running on my left and an open field on my right, bordered by a horse fence. About a hundred yards from the road, the Main Lodge appeared amongst a stand of conifers. There were a lot of them around this place (conifers, not lodges): Brewer's spruce, foxtail, ponderosa, and if memory served there was a grouping of mountain hemlock on the far side.

Hemlock ... A different plant by the same name was used to kill Socrates.

Enough with the death thoughts. Pull yourself together, girl.

I bypassed the Main Lodge. The parking lot was only partially full, and I still had more than an hour to get to Orientation. Instead, I drove straight on, leaving the paved asphalt and moving onto dirt roads that got narrower and narrower as I continued. My destination wasn't very far.

And there they were. They looked just the same as they had three years ago. I couldn't go inside; both cabins were currently occupied by paying guests, and would continue to be so through Labor Day weekend at least. But in my mind's eye, I could still see the interiors of both spaces. I could see his bunk in the cabin on the left and remembered the way I'd stroke his hair as he slept, right before tickling him or jumping onto his belly to wake him in the mornings to go to breakfast. I could see my own bunk in the cabin on the right, which would still have both our initials carved into the wood from when we were eight, and the very place where I'd given him my virginity on my sixteenth birthday.

I turned the engine off and lay my forearms on the steering wheel. I set my chin down on top of them, letting my mind fill up with old memories of who I was – who WE used to be. And after staring off into the past for a little while, I tilted my lips down and kissed the silver bracelet that circled my right wrist.

Ben Forever.

Here was where we began. Here was where we would end.




But not today.

Ben was my goal, still my goal. I craved him, needed him in my life. I felt it deep in my pores, and without him I felt like a fish with dry skin. He was the oxygen I needed to breathe. He was the nourishment I needed to survive. Regardless of whatever else had happened to us in the past, I still knew these basic facts deep in my soul. It had nothing to do with our parents. Well, it had everything to do with our parents. But their influence and their subtle (and not-so-subtle) nudging to pair us together were all a part of the past. They were things that had happened already, and nothing short of a time machine would erase them. I had lived my entire life to this point with Ben as a huge, integral, necessary cog in my existence, and the time spent away from him this past summer was nothing if not a reminder that he would continue to be so.

Would he be my husband, the way I'd always dreamed?


Would he be a sibling, like Brooke or Dayna or the twins: just another part of our joined families?


Would he just be a friend, someone I'd grown up with and then grown up from, like so many people I'd known in grade school and high school and college who might say 'hi' if we passed in the street, but nothing much more than that?

I'd rather die.

Would we find some other balance, some way to be ... special ... to each other and yet without that defining, romantic love? It seemed to be working for Adrienne. She always said he was her rock, and she's never seemed happier than the way things were now.

Adrienne. She had been there, the last time I was here. She'd been WITH him, romantically, as his girlfriend, while I was just the friend. I remembered that day like it was yesterday, hugging him from behind with my forehead against his shoulder. We were standing ... there ... by that parking spot where they always parked his van. And I remembered my own words.

"I love you, Ben," I had whispered, softly so that his girlfriend wouldn't hear. "I'll always be yours ... forever. Don't forget that." And I'd kissed the back of his neck.

"We're still young, Ben, and we've got time. Someday, I WILL marry you."

I could have done it. It would have been so easy. Ben was the spontaneous, romantic type. For all his wonderful qualities, he wasn't the greatest at thinking five steps ahead (except between the sheets). He led with his heart, and sometimes that let him leap before he looked. I could have talked him into getting married a week after breaking up with Ryan, before starting our Junior Year. Nobody would have even questioned us. I was me. And he was him.

But I wasn't me anymore. I wasn't even sure who "ME" was. The girl Ben fell in love with got corrupted somewhere along the way, and I had to find her again. I had to become Ben's soulmate once more.

If that was what I still wanted.

Did I?

I closed my eyes and sighed. Seriously, dying in a fiery explosion would be sooo much simpler than this.

The road trip with Gwen and Robin had given me some space. I'd spent the first part of the trip just trying to FORGET Ben, because to think of him was to remind myself of the evil slut I had become. Selfish actions had led to guilt, which led to a sense of impurity, which led to anger with myself for not being as perfect as I wanted to be. Then I would try and lose myself in some new selfish action, like an overweight glutton diving into a tub of ice cream to simultaneously make herself feel better AND punish herself for previous failures. And the cycle continued to the point where I was already regretting the things I was doing AS I was doing them.

I knew better, but I did it anyway. And I cursed myself for doing it all the while.

Every thought of Ben recalled the very things I'd done to betray him. My very love for him had become a poisonous symbol of that which I'd lost, a reminder of how far I'd fallen, and I'd needed to get away from it all.

It hadn't been easy, and I hadn't been entirely successful. Sure, seeing new things and visiting new places had been a welcome distraction, and as long as I was occupied with posing for pictures with the girls or poring over the maps to make sure we didn't get lost, I had been fine. But for at least a few minutes every night, just before I could fall asleep, my bad deeds would come back to haunt me, and it was all my friends could do to keep me from driving myself insane.

It got easier to avoid my self-loathing as the days went by and as we put more and more miles between him and me. That was when I'd started blaming our families, blaming the pressure put on us to be together and unite the families as one. I began to convince myself that -I- controlled my own destiny, and it was not written in stone that he and I were meant to be together. Gwen quite insistently advocated the notion that there were plenty of guys out in the world, and I started to think I could live a perfectly happy life without him.

By then, we were clear across the country in Washington, D.C. We girls had a few drinks. The lawyer sitting with his friends at the bar was very cute. And for one night, I let myself go. For once, I would enjoy my physical sexuality without Ben around. For once, I would take a step toward an independent future on a path that DIDN'T lead to him.

It had been a mistake. Lying there beneath this stranger, all I could think about was Ben. As cute as Mr. D.C. was, there was no way he could make me feel the way I did with Ben. There was no way he could possibly push my buttons the way my soulmate could.

I couldn't find orgasm. I could barely keep myself from crying. I faked it and Mr. D.C. was satisfied. And then I left to go back to my girlfriends the first chance I got.

I couldn't move on from Ben. I couldn't go back to him. I was trapped on one side by my undying love for him and everything he represented in my life. And I was trapped on the other side by the horrors of my failings and the deep-rooted knowledge that the girl I currently was just wasn't good enough for him.

I'm not worthy of him. And I don't honestly know if I ever will be.

Perfect was impossible. Perfect was an ideal, a mathematical limit that could never be reached. My attempts to BE perfection had always been doomed to fail. Now? Now all I wanted to be was ... his.

Bless his heart, he probably would have taken me back the way I am now. I could see it in his eyes before I left him yesterday. He told me he accepted me however I was. He told me he would be perfectly happy with an imperfect me.

But I still had my pride.

God damn my pride.

Sure, it would have been easier to just crawl back to him and heal together. Easier, but not better. Not for him. He deserves better.

I wouldn't let him take me the way I am. I couldn't. To return to him now, before I'd come to terms with what I'd done, would poison our relationship. It would eat me from the inside, a rotting cancer at my core. For his sake, I knew I had to be better. The only question was: how?

This was my solution. I had come back to this place – this special, special place. It was the birthplace of "us", of the "we" we would become. They say that to find yourself you need to go backwards, to retrace your steps until you find the time when you still recognized yourself in the mirror. I was going back to the beginning, the beginning of Ben and me. I was going back to the place where we recognized each other as soulmates in the hope that one day, I might find myself again.

And I would be doing it as a completely different person.

Checking the time, I saw that I still had about fifteen minutes before the start of Orientation. Plenty of time to check in and get my informational packets. Re-starting the car, I first glanced into the rear-view mirror to make sure I could back out safely, and on impulse, I tilted the mirror down and then smirked at my own reflection.

Same sky blue eyes – apart from color contacts those would never change – but I now put on thin-frame glasses with false lenses. Although I needed no vision correction, the rectangular shape added an edge to my face and already I looked different to myself. Feeling the pads slip a little, I pushed the frame back up the bridge of my nose with my right index finger and sighed. These were going to take a little getting used to.

Above the glasses, I'd cut my bangs into a relatively even row across my forehead. The rest of my hair I'd pulled into a functional ponytail, absent of any sort of style one might consider to be "pretty". And not for the first time, I marveled at my hair's even shade of dark brown, dyed just last night.

The rest of my clothes were similarly plain. The weather was too warm for a sweater, but the baggy plain blue polo shirt was a size too large and did absolutely nothing for my figure, especially with a full coverage, flattening bra underneath. Comfort-fit Lee jeans were similarly unflattering, and the brown hiking boots on my feet were the antithesis of "sexy".

I'd given up my pride. I'd given up my beauty. For far too long in my life, I had been the golden child, the pretty girl, the one who always got her way. I'd used my looks as a weapon to manipulate those around me. I'd played on people's perceptions to make them see me as better than I truly was. I'd cruised through life getting everything handed to me, and grown up to believe such an easy path was my birthright.

I wasn't perfect. I wasn't even going to try to be. I didn't yet know who I would become, but I was determined that the future me be someone who was fully grounded, who EARNED the things she received. I was determined to truly BE a good person, and not just look like one for the sake of looking like one. And I hoped to be someone worthy of him.

I'd put myself in a good position. I was in a place of familiarity, comfort, and warmth. While the work would be hard, I knew all my basic needs would be taken care of. It was a new me in an old place. And here I would make my fresh start.

Upon entering the Main Lodge, I found the signs directing me to the auditorium where Orientation would be held. In the hallway, I saw a familiar staffer at the registration desk, and allowed myself a little smile when he looked at me without familiarity.

I helped him find me on the registration list, and smiled again as he gave me a double-take after reading my name. He slid over an 8 ½" by 11" sheet with several peel-off nametags on it, three of which were already missing. I picked up the black Sharpie, and drew a long line straight down to begin the letter 'D'.

But then I stopped. I stared down at the nametag, visualizing the rest of my name, and I realized something: This was the final thing I had to give up. My name had represented everything of who I was. It had been Ben's favorite word in the whole universe, but now had to be a source of frustration and pain. I didn't deserve that name anymore. The girl I was now wasn't the girl that name truly represented.

Someday ... soon, hopefully ... I would deserve that name again. Someday ... soon ... I would BE the girl for him.

But not today.

I glanced back at the registration list, reading it upside down and a new name caught my eye. It was a name that had always been mine, and yet a name I had scarcely ever used. It was the middle name my parents had given me, in honor of my paternal grandmother long since gone.

And steadying the Sharpie once more, I wrote in neat, blocky letters: Marie.

-- AUGUST 29 --

"What about you, Marie?"


That's YOUR name, remember?

Jerking my head up, I blinked twice and looked in the direction of Sunflower, the girl with the hippie parents who had just spoken to me. Glancing around the circle, I realized that the other four girls sitting with us were ALSO looking right at me.

"Uh, can you repeat the question?"

Sunflower (or "Sunny" as she liked to be called) giggled and glanced at the others. "We were just sharing what made us join the program and come here. It's your turn."

"Oh, um. Yeah, uh..." I fumbled for a moment, staring at my kneecaps in my seated position. Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose, I shrugged and explained, "Just needed a break from school. Took a year off."

"Which school?"

"Uh, I'd really rather not say."

Sunny's eyebrows went up in surprise. "Uh, okay then ... Have you been to the camp before?"

"Yeah, yeah. I gather that pretty much everyone has."

"When did your family usually come? I don't know if any of us has ever seen you before. Ashley and I were August kids. Zoey and Tamara were July. Lucy came in June."

I blushed and looked down. I actually recognized Tamara, although she was a few years older and we'd never hung out during previous years. I would have thought I'd recognize Zoey, my roommate, but apparently her family just came for the occasional weekend and we didn't really cross paths. Still, I didn't know who else might recognize the real me, and I kept my eyes downcast as I replied, "Well, I'd rather not say."

The girls all sort of looked at me for a second, wondering what kind of weirdo had come to join their midst. A second later, Tamara changed the topic by volunteering to share her life story. And I let out a big sigh.

I was going to have to decide soon: either come up with a fake background to give to everyone and hope I remembered all the details, or just spill the beans and hope nobody connected me to ... myself.

Or just keep saying "I'd rather not say".

Yeah, I liked that better.


"Edwin?" I suggested.

"Nerd. And not in a cute, geeky way," Zoey scoffed.

"How about George? He's handsome and studly."

"Maybe. He's a lead, though. The really hot girls always go after the leads first. Look at me, I can't compete with them."

"Sure you can. You're very, very cute yourself."

"Am not. I'm weird and I've got purple hair and cute guys don't like sarcasm," Zoey sighed, picking at her cuticles. "But you're pretty hot, at least if you'd try to be. YOU could get George."

"Not interested," I drawled, waving her off immediately.

"I know, I know. Your funeral." She sighed and leaned back on her towel, adjusting her sunglasses. "I can't hook up with one of the jock-types. I need somebody weird ... quirky ... like me."

"Aaron's a certifiable nutcase," I suggested with a little grin.

"Aaron? Yeah, right. A little too nutcase, if you ask me." She turned her head and rolled her eyes.

"Maybe. But if you ask me, he likes you."

"Does not."

"Oh, yeah? Then why is he always going out of his way to needle you?" I waggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"Because I react. It's an attention thing and he's a pest. If I could get myself to stop reacting to him, he'd leave me alone."

"'You 'fight back' is more like it. It's sparring. It's you guys' way of flirting."

"I'm not flirting. Gawd. As if I'd be attracted to so repellant a human being. Aaron is a foul-mouthed, uncouth barbarian."

"Getting a little worked up over someone you claim to have no interest in."

"As IF..." Zoey rolled her eyes. "Aaron and I are about as likely to hook up as you and ... and ... Fat Nick!"

"Pssht," I scoffed. "Yeah right."

Zoey likewise started laughing. "Ohmigawd, did you see his swim trunks today? Neon ORANGE. As if he didn't stick out enough like a sore thumb already. Where is he anyway? Guy that big should be hard to miss."

Zoey turned and scanned the water. It was a lazy Thursday afternoon, and with the full summer staff still in place, the camp wasn't putting us to hard labor just yet. We were still going through orientation, shadowing the regular staff, and being introduced to some of the basic "chores". Technically, we were spending the afternoon going over water safety. But that had finished twenty minutes ago and now we were just hanging out until dinner.

"Ohmigawd. Is he drowning?" Zoey suddenly gasped.

I picked my head up and followed my roommate's line of sight. Sure enough, there was a large, pale mass of human being foundering in the water just twenty feet away from us. I gasped in surprise, and instinctively got up to help. But while we were still in the getting-to-know you phase, in the interests of keeping my body under wraps and avoiding unwanted attention, I had not changed into a swimsuit and instead remained fully dressed, complete with a wide-brimmed hat and light long-sleeved overshirt.

My hands fumbled at the buttons to strip off my extra clothing, but Zoey had already taken off. We had been lying out on a grassy strip alongside the lake, where there was no sandy beach to speak of and the water dropped four feet immediately over the edge. Zoey launched herself in a perfect dive, and after three strokes she'd already reached Nick, who had gone under the water twice by now.

I ran to the water's edge myself, just in case Zoey needed more help. But fortunately, fat is quite buoyant. And as Zoey settled into a lifesaver's side stroke with Nick being towed on his back by her off-arm, I quickly realized that she was doing just fine on her own.

By now, a small crowd had formed, mixed guests and other ranch hands. A few of the guys were already chuckling to themselves about Fat Nick needing to be rescued by a 115-pound GIRL. And I shook my head as well in mild disbelief.

Hey, at least nobody was looking at me.


Somewhere behind me, I heard the sounds of feet scuffling in the dirt, followed by a male voice warbling, "Whoa! Whoa!" And then there was a meaty thump.

I stopped walking and turned about to see Nick face-down on the trail, snorting out dust that had gone up his nose. Aaron and Zoey were howling in laughter, and I shot Aaron a dirty look, wondering if he'd tripped the poor guy. When I realized that no one was immediately going to help Nick up, I rolled my eyes and backtracked to the fallen schlub, kneeling beside him and touching his shoulder.

"C'mon, it's not very far now," I encouraged. "We're almost there. Really. Since you've never been, this is something you really shouldn't miss. And we're running out of time."

With a groan, Nick rolled onto his side and accepted Aaron's proffered hand. Once he was upright, Aaron made some dry comment about hitting absolute rock bottom, which didn't exactly help his spirits any. And I wondered to myself just how much more the guy could take.

It had been easy to see from the beginning that Nick was completely out of sorts here at Morris Camp. Whereas everyone else in the ranch hand program had at least come from an outdoorsy background, even if not from the Camp itself, the guy seemed like his most extensive camping experience had been pitching a Power Rangers tent on his bedroom floor. He'd started off with a little self-confidence, almost cocky at Orientation in his nice shoes, designer jeans, and expensive cologne. But then he'd been rather rudely introduced to raw physical labor, and that confidence had more or less evaporated by the end of the first day.

In a word, Nick was pathetic. He was obviously out of shape, and had picked up the nickname "Fat Nick" on Day One. I refused to call him that, and certainly I'd seen fatter people in my life. But it was a moniker that wasn't altogether untrue: Though his excess weight was more overall chubbiness than a rotund waistline, Nick was fat, especially in comparison with the rest of us.

He didn't belong here – he knew it, I knew it, everybody knew it. Seriously, who wears cologne at a rural camp in the middle of nowhere? Nick was a fish out of water, completely out of his element, and lacked even Clue One about how to fit in. A week of having the crushing realization of his utter ineptitude had completely beaten him down, ripped out his soul, and left him a walking shell of a man. He was perpetually out of breath, he sweated more than he could possibly drink, and he was clearly miserable at all hours of the day. So why stay? We weren't prisoners. This was a voluntary program with no penalties for quitting. It made no sense that he was here.

There was much speculation amongst the ranch hands as to exactly WHY a fat, uptown city-boy had signed up for a year in the great outdoors with little pay and few creature comforts. People who asked got half-assed explanations about his parents sending him out here to build character and other bullshit, but I personally thought there had to be more to it. The guy was 23 and already graduated from college. Men that age don't get 'sent' where their parents tell them to go – we weren't high schoolers off to summer camp anymore. But Nick had very quickly become the "unpopular" guy, not because he was unpleasant to be around but really just because he was out of shape and didn't know how to do some of the most basic ranch chores. And no one really wanted to form their budding clique of friends around the unpopular guy, so no one really got close enough to him to find out more.

Except for us. Aaron was Nick's roommate, and whatever character flaws Aaron had, disloyalty wasn't one of them. He stuck by his roommate, doing his best to show Nick the ropes and prod him from Point A to Point B is his own sarcastic, sometimes rudely harsh way. I was more surprised to find that Zoey had some interest in Nick, not romantic in any way but an almost maternal concern for his well-being. Perhaps she felt some sort of cosmic responsibility for him after the lake-rescue. Personally, I thought she liked Aaron more than she let on – nobody banters THAT much with a member of the opposite sex without it meaning something. Hanging out with Nick would then be more of a by-product of her simmering crush on Nick's roommate.

As for me, I was still trying to keep out of the limelight. Others girls had made initial overtures at being friends, and some of the guys had noticed my attractiveness beneath the glasses, lack of makeup, and frumpy clothes. But I resisted all of them. It wasn't that I was against having friends; but for now at least, I really just wanted to focus on the job and have a little more time for self-reflection. Falling in with a crew that included the least popular person in the program was just ... convenient.

At least I wasn't worried about him hitting on me. Aaron was an unrepentant letch, but other than staring at my ass a few times, he respected my wishes to be left alone. Nick didn't even stare. He was so far gone that every ounce of his willpower seemed to be consumed by merely putting one foot in front of the other, especially as he made the hike with us up to The Ridge. And even when he wasn't hiking uphill, his ego had reached such a low point that he seemed to have lost his masculinity period. Hell, the guy barely even glanced at Deedee when the busty blonde walked by in a scoop-necked top. It was as if he'd completely given up.

And yet he hadn't walked away from the program. Why?

As it turned out, I would be the first to know ... sort of. Once atop the ridge we wound up sitting together, and I found myself asking him why he was here.

And he told me ... sort of.

I didn't get the details. He didn't offer them and I didn't press. But one thing I got was that despite the obvious differences between us, our situations weren't really so dissimilar.

We'd both made mistakes in our previous lives. We both were here as a form of penance because of those mistakes. And for both of us, this was an opportunity for a fresh start.

NOW we had something to talk about.


"They keep going and going and going..." Nick sighed, watching a red Honda Pilot kick up a cloud of dust as it drove past us, went through the archway, and then made a left turn onto the main road. "How many has that been?"

"Fuck man, you seriously thought I was counting those things?" Aaron scoffed.

"That's the sixth SUV we've seen, four minivans, two sedans, and the 70s-era Oldsmobile," I stated before looking up the road to see a Dodge Grand Caravan pull out of the main lodge parking lot. "Make that five minivans."

Zoey rolled her eyes and dropped off the horse fence that we were all sitting on. "You people need a better hobby. And I need a Coke." She dusted off her knees and then looked back at me. "Coming with?"

I closed my eyes as a burst of wind rushed cooling air through my hair and over my face. We were well-shaded by a tree and really didn't have anywhere to be. It was the afternoon of Labor Day, and fully 90% of the camp guests were packing up and heading home to return to school, jobs, and the rest of their lives. Just about all the summer staff were leaving as well, and as the grand majority continued to depart, I actually thought I could feel the whole camp becoming quieter.

I liked it.

Opening my eyes after the wind died down, I shook my head and replied, "I'm good right here."

"I'm going," Aaron spoke up and hopped off the fence. "Cold drink sounds great. Nick? Surely you can't turn down an ice cold Diet Coke."

Same as OSL: Morris Camp
Chapter 4: Aurora Videos

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My Encounter with Morris Ch 01

I got a job at a casino as a blackjack dealer, because after years of dealing drugs, dealing cards just seemed to make sense. A few months earlier I had been busted at a friend’s house when the police raided him for growing pot in the basement. I didn’t even know he was growing it. Shows what a great friend he was. The police busted me too because I had a crack pipe and a couple ounces in my jacket pocket. I’d been smoking pot since I was fifteen but I didn’t see that I had a problem with it....

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friend fucked by morris bbc

hi well, i belong to a book club and other social places were white women get together, most of them married , and of all ages ,shapes and sizes. just as i said in my other storie, we in south africa dont do the race crossing thing very easily it is just not done. well i got fucked by a work collegue a while back , he really fucked my white pussy so hard and deep, that he hurt me my pussy was so red sore and swollen that i walked funny for a while. i asked him to stop but he didnt take no for...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 5

All characters are fictitious, If a character name is used in connection with a side, it’s just co-incidence if that given name belongs in that side. Insofar as song lyrics being included I don’t know the legalities or etiquette involved, I have given the opening few and last few lines if that is all that is needed or the song in full if the text needs it and credit to the author in either case, traditional songs are treated the same but credited as Traditional. This is a fiction story,...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 7

All characters are fictitious, If a character name is used in connection with a side, it’s just co-incidence if that given name belongs in that side. Insofar as song lyrics being included I don’t know the legalities or etiquette involved, I have given the opening few and last few lines if that is all that is needed or the song in full if the text needs it and credit to the author in either case, traditional songs are treated the same but credited as Traditional. This is a fiction story,...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 2

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter Three Love? “Ok, you stay there whilst I get myself sorted out and then get things started”. I push back the duvet and unzip my bag, getting out I scoot to the edge of the bed and locate my t-shirt and trousers, sliding into them next stop is the bathroom,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 29 Julie Morris The Usual Morning For a Slut

Julie didn't know anyone was in her room until she realised the covers were off her and she lying there stark naked in full view of her brothers and her mother. Not that being naked in front of her family and their 'friends' was at all unusual. After all she'd fucked them and fucked in front of them, bathed in front of them and pissed in front of them as well as having her father and both her brothers pissing on her and making her, not that they had to try hard, drink it. Jane Morris,...

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In the Lands of Aurora they say a person can attain vast fame or fortunes, they call it the land of great opportunity, and that even a pauper with only the clothes on their back could make a new life for themselves, if they are willing to risk their body trying to become a warrior, or their minds as they try and study in the many facets of the magic arts, finally if all else fails they could even risk their very souls with one of the many denizens of the land, as they trade promises of easy...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 3

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter Five Deception We leave the bar, and go down the steps, turning left towards the exit for the toilets, downhill to the toilets and I tell her once she has changed, to go out the door at the end and find us in the marquee, Jenny goes into the ladies with her...

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A Morris Mans Tale

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter One Meeting It’s Friday 29th of April, 4pm and I’ve just driven into Fort Pitt Grammar School in Rochester. It is a grey and chilly afternoon as I drive through the car park and onto the sports field, a short drive along the right hand side of the field to...

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Morris Dancers in London

Denzil Penhalligon an me growed up down Port Wen. One Sat day us went up the smoke for a bit of a spree . We went up on the train to Paddington which is as near London as the train gets. We bought they saver tickets about a month afore so’s we could afford it. We knew the streets weren’t paved with gold but we had at least expected some tarmac not pot holes held together with more pot holes and us ant realised how much they rip off bastards charged for everything. Anyway us went up the...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 8

All characters are fictitious, If a character name is used in connection with a side, it’s just co-incidence if that given name belongs in that side. Insofar as song lyrics being included I don’t know the legalities or etiquette involved, I have given the opening few and last few lines if that is all that is needed or the song in full if the text needs it and credit to the author in either case, traditional songs are treated the same but credited as Traditional. This is a fiction story,...

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Willie Wilhelmina Aurora

I heard some commotion down by the corner, so I thought I’d go check it out. I’m really glad I did. There was this girl. “Good evening, ma’am. Are you new around here?” “Kind of. First time at this dump, anyway.” “You have a name?” “Of course I do. We all do. My friends call me Willie. Wilhelmina Aurora Jackson.” “Well, Willie Jackson, what brings you out on a nice evening like this?” “Target practice.” She pulled her gun, aimed quickly and immediately fired twice. I watched two rats...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 4

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. I must apologise for an admin cock up yesterday, a duplicated Chapter Five of the original appeared in parts 2 and 3, Chapter Eight Revelations and Education We continue to cuddle and snuggle closely together, lying on our sides facing other, looking closely...

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OSL Pledge Initiation

-- DECEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR -- I was told to be ready at 8:30pm sharp, dressed informally despite the supposed formality of the event. I was told to expect the unexpected. And I was told to have eaten and hydrated beforehand. It was all very mysterious and cloak and dagger. But even so warned, I was still surprised to find three people standing outside my door at the appointed time. I was even more surprised to find that they were all cloaked in black robes with ominous hoods, Venetian...

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OSL Carter

-- JUNE 1989, SPRING BREAK -- "Mommmm!" I cried pitifully, limping my way down the street. On a normal day, I could cross each square of the sidewalk in two steps. Running, I could do it with one. But the way my right leg hurt, it felt like it was taking a -million- steps just to go from one square to the next. And there were like... thousands of sidewalk squares between me and the house. I was never going to make it. I was going to DIE. "Mommmm!" I cried again. I finally dragged myself...

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OSL The Wedding

-- NEWPORT BEACH -- It was a perfect June afternoon. The temperature wasn't overly hot and the sky was clear with white, puffy clouds scattered around, only occasionally passing in front of the sun. The sounds of birds fluttering about the trees clustered around us filled the air, accompanied by the distant roar of waves crashing against the beach far below. In front of us, about thirty feet from the cliff's edge before it dropped off into the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean, was an elegant...

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OSL Elyse

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series. This story assumes you know the primary characters from that series. Don't bother reading this if you haven't at least read An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life. -- SEPTEMBER 1996 -- "Cut it out, Jake!" I swatted the boy's hand off my ass and glared at him with venom in my eyes. But rather than look apologetic, Jake Harbor just gave me a goofy grin and backed out of range. He knew that I could ... and would ... actually kick...

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OSL Caroline

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series written by an anonymous author. It takes place concurrently with the events of "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2" and "An Ordinary College Sex Life 3". Familiarity with the series is not required, but helpful in understanding Adrienne Dennis and where she comes from. I was at my desk the first time I saw you. That first glimpse only that, a glimpse. Your golden blonde hair catching the corner of my eye as you drifted across...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 2 Saturday

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my girlfriend's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. Moaning in ecstatic pleasure, she dug her heels into my ass and tightened her arms around my back to pull me deeper as she felt the cum flowing out of my body to crash against her insides like waves cresting on the beach, not so different from the actual waves cresting on the beach just outside our window. The first wave would start receding only to be...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 3 Sunday

A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning, the plantation shutters over the bungalow's east window not quite 100% shut. Although the sun rose higher in the sky this close to the equator, it still had to rise over the horizon. And at this very time, on this very date, at these very coordinates on the globe, the sun's rays came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where my face was NOT covered by the naked body of the girl sleeping between me and that east...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 1 Meeting

"Flip your hair, Felicia!" James said as he circled me. "Toss it nice and high and give me a -- yes! That look!" James' camera clicked rapidly, a sound I was used to hearing. A sound that, on a good day, gave me a small buzz. I gave him my most sultry look and winked at him. The winking would never make it into a take but the before or after shot might. Winking has an effect on my face, James often told me. He thinks winking puts me in a higher mood. I stood in a small set in James'...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 2 Reuniting

Adrienne and I rarely sleep in the same bed, and last night wasn't any different. When I awoke the next morning, she had already left. A note had been taped to the fridge: LOVE YOU! With a big smiley face drawn underneath. Just as I'd poured myself some breakfast, I heard my phone ringing in another room. I almost thought it wouldn't be worth the effort of getting up and searching, but I decided to get off my lazy butt and answer it. "Probably Rob wanting a booty call," I muttered to...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 3 Deciding

Adrienne wasn't home after my dinner with Damien, and I ended up having to calm myself down with a small vibrator and my fingers. I thought of driving down to see Ben and have him fuck my brain into oblivion, but I kind of needed my brain intact. Instead, I called Adrienne Saturday morning, and begged her to come up so we could chat. She told me she'd be here around 5PM. I spent the whole day stewing with a nasty anxiety, the kind that only comes from having a big decision to make and not...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 4 Changing

Damien and I hammered out a contract over dinner at a place on the west side of San Francisco called Montgomery Servo. It was just as nice as Cheetah's, and Damien brought a guest along, one of his clients from Hollywood: Ryan Spader. I can't even say how convincing it was to see someone like Ryan, a steady B list actor, someone I knew and had heard of, sitting at a dining table with me. All doubts I'd had about Damien vanished. We laughed, drank, and cracked jokes until about 11pm when...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 5 Transforming

I slept for about twelve hours. It doesn't happen very often, but I had a night shoot the next day. I only get night shoots when a photographer wants a specific effect that can't be done in a dark studio, but I'm okay with that, they pay more. Damien called me in the afternoon. It was a very odd conversation. His tone made me feel like nothing at all had happened last night, even though he directly mentioned it. He told me that he had thoroughly enjoyed himself and hoped I had, too. Then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 6 Climbing

A few days after my first night with three men, Damien called me with big news: "You are going to love me for this one, baby. I got you a cover!" I started yelling and almost dropped the phone. Thank goodness I was in my apartment at the time, because someone might have thought I was being raped. I did manage to knock my mug of tea off the kitchen counter when I bumped it with my hip during all the jumping. The crash echoed loudly and I yelped. "What was that?" Damien asked, "Are you...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 7 Awakening

I woke up in the hallway of Damien's building, naked with my robe and pajamas draped over my body like a sheet. My body was exhausted and hung over in a way that I had never imagined possible. Cum and sweat had plastered my hair to my face, and judging from the goopy sticky mess on my face and breasts, I guessed Damien had dumped at least three loads on me during the night, perhaps Ashley had, too. When I finally understood where I was, I jumped to my feet and dressed, then hurried into the...

2 years ago
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OSL FeliciaChapter 8 Seeing

It's amazing how time flies when you're busy. My career had never been better. I think I finally understood how medical residents feel straight out of school when they're asked to work eighty hours a week. If I wasn't running errands, eating, or sleeping, I was working. The FHM magazine eventually hit the stands, and Damien said his phone hadn't stopped ringing since. Even I had to admit, the FHM cover was amazing and took my portfolio to a whole new level. Maxim wanted to book me for a...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 9 Becoming

The next morning I called up Marcos and asked if I could come see him. He told me I could stop by anytime and he'd have room. We went out for lunch at a small café near his building and he cut right to the chase. "What's up?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest and looking at me expectantly. "You dump me because we were both having a bad day. You go with Damien Santos, who I never told you that I despise, and now you call me up as soon as you're getting famous. If you've come...

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OSL New YorkChapter 2 Manhattan

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for...

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OSL New YorkChapter 3 Model United Nations

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2006 -- The elevator dinged, and the LCD display informed us that we'd reached the top floor nightclub. At this time of year, the sun hadn't yet fully disappeared over the horizon despite the late hour of the evening, and dark orange rays reflected off of multiple shiny surfaces up and down the hallway as we stepped off the elevator car. Adrienne led the way, excited and eager for her first true night of socializing since her return to the Big Apple. Moon remained by...

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OSL New YorkChapter 4 M John Fitzherbert III

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2006 -- Even though it was well after midnight, the city lights burned as brightly as they had at 9pm. I stared out the driver's-side window of our taxi watching skyscraper after skyscraper anonymously pass by without recognition. I didn't know where I was, had no clue how much longer it would take, and the urban jungle of Manhattan only amplified my feelings of being lost without direction. Twenty minutes ago I knew who I was, knew who I was with, and knew why I was...

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OSL New YorkChapter 5 Merry Birthday

-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...

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OSL New YorkChapter 6 Model United Nations II

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006 -- "Salud!" "Prost!" "Kanpai!" "Santé!" Seven glasses clinked together in the middle of the table, the guys chuckling and the girls giggling (even Raven). Sometime over the course of the evening, I'd shared with my co-workers my old tradition of celebrating "cheers" in other languages. So for the past hour or so, actually saying "cheers" or other English salutations had been expressly forbidden, and everyone wracked their brains trying to come up...

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OSL New YorkChapter 7 Montauk

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- I grunted and gripped her tight ass harder, pulling her body against mine despite the viscous resistance surrounding us. Her long, lithe legs scissored behind me, supporting her own weight while she thrashed in our lovemaking. I grunted again and really began to pound her. Our movements were slow, but powerful and steady. I pushed our bodies forward until her backside was pressed up against the far wall – there was a glass partition there that made a distinct...

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OSL New YorkChapter 8 Mistress

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- Generally speaking, I consider myself a rather confident young man. I'd gotten laid too many times with too many gorgeous women to ever feel uncomfortable around a pretty face. And yet three steps after walking into the Kwong-residence game room for the second time tonight, I came to an abrupt halt, let my jaw drop to the floor, and felt butterflies in my stomach like I'd turned into a freshman dweeb suddenly face-to-face with the Prom Queen. I wasn't...

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OSL New YorkChapter 9 Madam

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She couldn't quite take it, gagging before pulling off my prick and coughing. And my eyelids fought for a bit before successfully breaking through overnight crustiness to open so that I could identify my mystery fellatrix. Through slightly bleary eyes, I glanced down to find a...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 6

All characters are fictitious, If a character name is used in connection with a side, it’s just co-incidence if that given name belongs in that side. Insofar as song lyrics being included I don’t know the legalities or etiquette involved, I have given the opening few and last few lines if that is all that is needed or the song in full if the text needs it and credit to the author in either case, traditional songs are treated the same but credited as Traditional. This is a fiction story,...

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Me costó un poco de esfuerzo y tres azotes más conseguir que me dijera el nombre de su compañera de trabajo, la propietaria de la regla con la que me estaba dejando el culo rojo, pero valía la pena. Sabía que durante mucho tiempo, recordaría aquella sesión y agradecería a Aurora el haberse dejado la regla olvidada el viernes encima de la mesa. Le conocía de Internet. Habíamos chateado varias veces y un par de encuentros a tomar unas cañas habían despejado mis miedos sobre si sería un asesino o...

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Morris Family side story Yuukos destiny

This is a spin off of the Morris Family, I wanted to put some background on Yuuko. Thanks to frogprince for his help editing it. I was raised to be the proper wife of a person I had never met. Behave well, don’t talk unless spoken to and don’t think more than what I am told. That was until I got the opportunity of my life and a view of the world that had been hidden from me forever. During my last year of high school, I won a scholarship to a university in the US. Without thinking twice I left...

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Terri Morris Storyaarons Mother

Terri Morris hung up the phone. The vision of her son slamming his cock into his daughter’s cunt while another girl sat on her face got Terri’s juices running. Denise, her son’s wife, had called her, to let her know what a pervert her son was. Instead of disgusting her, it excited her. Denise had let her know that Aaron had left. She had thrown him out, she couldn’t let him continue to molest Jill and her friend Mary. Mary’s parents would probably want him arrested if he stayed around. Denise...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 4 Morris Camp

-- MONDAY, JULY 2, 2007 -- I thrust forward a final time, closing my eyes and throwing my head back as I grunted out my orgasm, feeling the delight of a quart of spunk flowing out of me and into Adrienne’s still quivering pussy. My fingers tightened their grip on her shoulders. My pelvis pivoted forward with my knees as fulcrums so that my feet came off the bed, all of my weight and energy being put into that final deep thrust. And I kept my cock buried at full depth down the gorgeous...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 30 Julie Morris A Normal Day At School Not

Julie Walked to the bus stop and was greeted with the confused looks of people who would normally either, meet, greet or see her as she made her way there. Usually they smiled knowingly at her state of dress - or undress - as she either passed them or spoke to them. This morning the smiles had turned to expressions that ranged from puzzled to shock, walking down the street naked would have produced less reaction. Finally she reached the bus stop and the first to greet her was Penny...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 19 Winters and Morris

The final month of the University year progressed; assignments were finished, reports written, lecture notes were pored over. For sailing on the Sunday after we had inspected the Crystal Ballroom and the new house, the race was the second heat of the Quartet Bowl. We did one better than we did in the first heat, a second behind ‘Fat Cat’. Jeff Carter wasn’t racing; he still needed to repair the damage ‘Ed Ake’ suffered in their wild broach the previous weekend. On the Wednesday afternoon the...

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James had done relatively well for himself. At 23, through with college on scholarships alone, and living in his own two bedroom house he'd never given much thought to the "what-if's" in life. Even two years ago, when the news not only confirmed the existence of UFO's and aliens, but an FBI agent had been hosted on a live report confirming aliens. The U.S. Government, along with several others from around the globe including Great Britain and Japan, had been harboring them in secret locations...

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Wolf WorldChapter 15 Crisis on Aurora

Harg, closely followed by Audrey, moved cautiously through the gloom of the caves and connecting tunnels. The clamor of combat had died down, and by the time they reached the underground room that was their goal it was plain that the fighting had ended in an apparent stand-off. A rank of Shadow People headed by their first friend Ka-Kachima held their weapons at the ready, menacing a dozen or so wolves across the width of the chamber. "Harg! Tell them we are not their enemies, that it is...

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Before Need Dark TemptationsChapter 3 Coltons Aurora

About Colton's ... It is pretty well known for finding black guys on the make. Every kind of fetish is appreciated so long as you want dark meat. AND if you want dark female this is NOT the place. Mostly it attracts little white girls and boys who want to find out if all that shit about black men is right. Whatever the truth might be - Colton's has attracted the stereotype - lots of BBC owners show up here to tap the white sluts. The entry is really hidden and exclusive I suppose. When I...

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The Morris family Chapter 4

It was four weeks, since my big brother's wedding planning started. He and my twin brother found the perfect tuxedo. They actively looked for the apartment my lover/twin brother and I will share. They have found some, but I rejected each and every one we saw. I want the perfect love nest for Rob and me to start our life out of our parent's house. Free to show our love at least in the limits of our house. While Rob and Tom looked for more options for me to reject, I was here with my favorite...

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The Morris Family Chapter 2

Everybody told me I met her the day I was born but of course I don’t remember. My first memory of her was at five years old. She was six and we both were hiding behind our mothers skirts when we went on vacations to Mexico. That was until we ran to each other, my mother screaming “Mama” and her mother screaming “Maria”. She was introduced to me as “Tia Juana”. In my childish speak she was for that moment on Joanna, I ignored completely the “Tia” since I didn’t know the meaning of it.Five years...

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The Morris Family Chapter 3

So here we are, my sister and I make the two hour trip to see our brother just to find him going at it with our aunt and he asks, 'What brings you here?’ That is an excellent question, and to answer we need to go two weeks back.Two weeks earlier  It had been a couple of months since Annie and I found out our feelings for each other. Our being in the same house as Mom and Dad had presented a bit of a problem finding some time for us alone. Except for the Fridays when they went on their romantic...


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