Nine Memorable DaysChapter 30: Julie Morris. A Normal Day At School - Not! free porn video

Julie Walked to the bus stop and was greeted with the confused looks of people who would normally either, meet, greet or see her as she made her way there. Usually they smiled knowingly at her state of dress - or undress - as she either passed them or spoke to them. This morning the smiles had turned to expressions that ranged from puzzled to shock, walking down the street naked would have produced less reaction.
Finally she reached the bus stop and the first to greet her was Penny Wallace.
"So, what have you done with her?"
"With who?"
"Well you look and sound like her, but you can't be Julie Morris not dressed like that. Girl, you look a nun."
It hadn't occurred to Julie that the way she was dressed would create such a stir. She looked down at her knee-length skirt and then at her blouse which was buttoned almost to the neck - she had one button undone.
"Maybe she's trying to impress some of the bookish group." Came a voice from behind. The owner of the voice, Sean Middleton, patted her on the arse, leaving his hand there for several seconds squeezing each cheek in turn, as he walked past. "And what's this," he said raising her skirt, not caring in the slightest that there were others at the bus stop apart from the usual gang, "panties two school days in a row!" He laughed. "And virgin white too."
Sean Middleton was captain and full-forward of the school footy (an Australian colloquial expression shortened from Australian Rules Football) team and as such pretty much able to do as he liked with most, if not all, of the attractive girls in the school. And with his girlfriend Cindy Morrison having reciprocal rights in the 'playing around stakes' it was a good arrangement. As she frequently said to Julie, 'as long as his cock is there when I want it or need it who am I to complain?'.
"I'll bet it was because of Friday and Saturday..." said Sean's girlfriend Cindy as she wrapped herself around his six foot two inch frame.
"What the fuck do you know about Saturday?" said Julie smoothing her skirt into place once Sean had let go of it.
"I wouldn't have known nothing, except that my younger sister April is friends with Anna Wilson's sister Jenny, and they went to the pictures on Saturday night." She grinned. "You see Anna told Jenny who told April who told me. I also heard about what happened when you got home from the bowling alley after the abuse you laid on Justin Robertson." She laughed. "So, is your arse still sore? And I'm pretty much guessing that that's the reason for you being dressed like my grandma. Matter-of-fact I think right the moment she's probably dressed sexier than you."
"Fucking... !" Julie stopped suddenly and looked at her watch, the bus was due in five minutes and it wouldn't do to create a scene. Not that she could afford to with her friends, so she bit back any possible retort and forced a smile. "Sometimes you just have to make sacrifices, and besides, with my bum just recovering I don't want to give my parents any excuse to punish me any more."
"So does that mean the poor boy is safe from any of your bitchiness?" asked Penny.
"Bitchiness! I... he... Yes I guess it does. Now can we talk about something else."
"Yeah," said Cindy smiling knowingly. "So how's your sex life?"
Several middle-aged couples, a couple of young men and women in their early twenties and some children about nine and ten had all been listening to the lively exchange, but their ears perked up even more at the last question.
Julie, who had never worried whether she had an audience or not didn't worry now. "Well, I guess since I didn't have sex while I was bowling I suppose it was from lunchtime Saturday until this morning with mum's boyfriend, what's that about sixty-six hours?"
"So when was the last time you went that long without sex?" asked Penny trying her best to be serious and failing.
"Buggered if I know," said Julie solemnly. "I think I must have been about 11!"
The bus was just arriving as Sean said, "So basically you've been a slut since you were 11?"
Julie laughed. "10 if you don't mind, that's when I had my first period."
The bus turned up and they all got on. Two stops later a number of their school and classmates had gotten on. Two stops after that they piled out fifty yards from the school.
Julie, walking with Sean and Cindy and Penny, looked around. Curious she turned to Penny. "So where's Steven?"
Steven Mitchell was Penny's boyfriend for the last two years and they had been practically inseparable.
"Fucking gone hasn't he the bastard." She sat down on a brick wall next to the milk bar and looked at Julie and Cindy and Sean in turn. "I go round there this morning and all I get is a letter from their next door neighbour." A tear started to trickle from her eye. "His father's job has taken him to Tasmania, Hobart to be exact." She stood when Cindy took hand.
When she was on her feet Cindy cuddled her. "But surely it couldn't have happened that quick."
"Oh it didn't. The letter said they'd known for three weeks but he wasn't allowed to say anything. Apparently the school knew but couldn't say anything either. The letter says his transfer to a school in Hobart had been arranged since before Christmas. He says he's sorry and that he'll miss me."
"Yeah like fuck he will," said Julie putting an arm around his shoulder. "You know as well as I do that the first girl who even looks like spreading her legs he'll be 'In Like Flynn'." (Reference of course to the late Australian actor Errol Flynn's reputation with the ladies!)
Penny had started walking toward the school gates. "Why don't you go and get..." and she was about to turn and abuse her friend when something at the gates caught her eye. "WHAT THE FUCK! Will you look at that," said Penny everything she was about to say to Julie forgotten as she stopped dead in her tracks.
Julie's eyes, as well as Sean and Cindy's, turned to where Penny was pointing. She couldn't believe her eyes. Justin Robertson was standing outside the school gates pashing a scantily-clad girl dressed in what looked to be the new uniform of the local Aldi supermarket. And not only was she wearing hardly anything, as she got closer she could see her naked arse being gripped and squeezed by Robertson's hands, she was, Julie was forced to admit, beautiful.
"How in the name of all that's holy does a jerk like Robertson get a girl like that?"
I don't know her name," said Cindy, "but I've seen her a couple of times at that coffee bar where you can take your clothes off late in the evening," she turned to Sean, "haven't we babe?"
"Yes, she's always been with a good looking, friendly crowd, except perhaps for this one guy. Handsome enough, but he always struck me as a bit of a prick, and he was the one she was hanging around with."
"Wonder where he is now then? She certainly seems to be all over Justin," said Penny obviously impressed. "I mean he must have something to score a girl like that."
"Either that or she's got the intelligence of a 2-year-old."
"You know Julie," said Penny obviously rankled by what Julie had said, "I don't know why we stay friends with you, because sometimes you can be a real fucking cow. Like now."
Julie watched as her friends started walking not worrying whether or not she was following. She looked up towards the gate and saw that Robertson and the girl had broken up, that he was walking into school and that she heading in her direction.
She was tempted to stop the girl and say something to her. However this time common sense, and a fear of retribution at home, prevailed and she simply walked past, casually glancing in her direction as she headed to school.
The girl smiled in her direction as she walked past, she evidently must have thought that Julie had some sort of an opinion about her dress.
Julie did, she was impressed because it showed off her figure but at the same made you take an extra look to get more than a glimpse of it. She was also impressed because there were only two garments, the skirt and the crop-top which had the name Aldi's below her right breast and supermarket below her left one. However it was more the girl herself who impressed Julie. Apart from looking stunning she appeared to be a friendly girl with an outgoing personality. The latter of course was fairly obvious judging by what she was wearing, or, in the case of her underwear, not wearing.
It still begged the question though, as she neared the school grounds, just what was a girl like that doing with a loser like Robertson?
She knew she was being unfair to Robertson, and wanted to give herself a mental slap on the wrist because of it. But she just couldn't, months of feeling the way she did had left the thoughts too ingrained in her mind. So instead, as she walked through the gate, she turned her mind to what was awaiting her at lunchtime at the garage where her brothers worked. She hadn't been absolutely sure whether she was going to go, but seeing Robertson with that girl had made up her mind, she was going.

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