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Chapter 1

Julie looked around at her hotel room and sighed.  The paint was peeling off the wall, the floor was rippled where the floor boards had risen up or sagged, and there was a pungent smell of mildew.  She had only been in the city a week, but she was already having second thoughts.

She had thought so long about running away.  There was only so much that one could hear that they were worthless, and would never amount to anything, before they had to put it to the test.  Her make-shift foster home was in better repair than this place.  Yet there she had to listen to the incessant complaints of her foster parents.  Why was she not working hard in school?  What was she going to do with her life?  Why was she dressing so poorly – so trashy?

At least when she dressed like that, she got some attention from the boys at school.  If it wasn’t for those lustful glances, she may as well have disappeared into a hole in the wall.

Yet all that was in the past now.  She had sworn that she would never go back to that place.  Not for the first time, she felt all alone.  She had not felt completely whole since her mother died in the car accident, 6 years ago.  She had never known her father.  And with no family ties, she was passed off like a hot potato to a series of foster homes.  Each successive home became more restrictive than the last.  Or was she just becoming a wild child, as her last ‘mother’ claimed.

She rummaged through the free newspaper, and the various agency brochures she had picked-up.  She had dressed as nicely as her limited wardrobe permitted, and pounded the pavement looking for work.  Yet there appeared to be no openings for an 18 year old girl with no experience. 

Maybe she should have finished school, she thought.  She liked reading, and she had a curious mind, but she could never seem to keep focused.  And as her prospects dimmed, so did people’s perception of her, and in turn her own self-confidence.

She looked at the hand written phone number from one of the job-search agencies.  It was for Ms. Cane, a volunteer at the placement agency.  From all appearances, she was quite well off.  Likely, she was some rich socialite who dabbled in social services so she could feel special talking amongst her rich friends.  Julie didn’t care.  In fact, she kind of liked Ms. Cane.  This in itself was a surprise, as Julie tended to rebel against women in authority; particularly those who dressed nice, and seemed to have all the advantages in life.

The last two days, Ms. Cane brought her to lunch.  It was wonderful to be in a nice restaurant.  She sat ever so properly, as Ms. Cane quizzed her about her life.  She responded as politely as possible, at least as she understood it.  Proper decorum was never her strong suit.  She was a little overwhelmed that this well-educated, authoritative, and beautiful woman in her mid to late-30s, would show such interest in a runaway like her.

The agency itself seemed to be a waste of time.  She had been going there for 3 days, but none of the positions seemed available to her.  Qualifications.  Qualifications.  Qualifications.  It seemed that she was as hopeless as ever.  Some training programs were presented to her – specifically requiring her to go back to complete her diploma.  Yet that seemed about as appealing as going home to the foster mother who said she dressed and acted like a slut.

She curled up on the lumpy bed and drifted to sleep.  Fitful sleep, with dreams of past accusations, and a future back alley she would call home.

In the morning she decided to call Ms. Cane.  An invitation had been extended for Julie to visit Ms. Cane’s home.  As she had no other prospects for the day, a visit to this woman’s no doubt lovely home, seemed the most promising.  Ms. Cane answered the call, and suggested that Julie come by for noon so they could have lunch together again.  Julie readily agreed.

She consulted her city map which Ms. Cane had marked for her, and set-off.

‘Thank god for the map and directions’ she thought as she walked up the long winding road which led to Ms. Cane’s home.  All of these houses were immense.  She had never conceived of so much wealth, and had never known anyone who lived in places such as these.  She eventually found the address.  Ms.  Cane’s home was a large mansion at the end of the cul-de-sac, with large hedges on either side, sheltering it from outside viewers.

Julie hesitated momentarily, her nerves getting the better of her for some reason, and then rang the door bell.  Ms. Cane soon answered, and she looked stunning in a long summer dress.  Julie had never noticed other women before, but for some reason Ms. Cane attracted her attention.  Maybe it was just that she had never seen such elegance before.  Even in casual dress, Ms. Cane outshone any stepmom,  teacher, or fellow student that Julie had ever known.

For a moment, her lack of confidence kicked in again, and she wondered why she was being welcomed into this woman’s home.

Rather than sitting at the table, they sat on the couch beside one another, and leisurely nibbled at the assortment of cut sandwiches and fruits Ms. Cane had prepared.

?This is a lovely house, Ms. Cane,? Julie remarked.

Ms. Cane was sitting back on the couch and idly stroked Julie’s hair and back.  Julie felt the touch both friendly and relaxing.  ?Yes, it is.  But it can get a bit lonesome at times.?

Julie looked surprised.  ?You’re not married, or don’t have any children.?

?No.  Never found the time, or the right person to settle down with.  What about you??  Ms. Cane already knew the answer to this, but wanted to question the girl further.

?No, not really.  I just moved here, so I don’t really know anyone.?

?What about back home?  Anyone anxiously awaiting your return?  Family??  ?How about a boyfriend?? she said with a wink.

Julie blushed.  ?No, nothing like that.  My last family doesn’t even know where I left to.  I couldn’t wait to get out.  As for boyfriends, well?? she hesitated, ?let’s just say there was never anyone special.?

?That’s too bad, but I’m sure you’re stay here will change all of that.  Ever try playing the other side??

Julie was alternately comforted and puzzled by the remark.

Ms. Cane leaned forward and whispered in her ear, ?Girls.  Have you ever kissed another girl??

Julie turned even redder and nervously smiled at Ms. Cane.  Ms. Cane was now rubbing her neck and shoulders.  It was oh so relaxing, and yet unnerving at the same time.  She looked down at the floor, but could not find the answer.  She raised her eyes to look into Ms. Cane’s eyes.   She found Ms. Cane’s eyes searching, scanning her body and face for any reaction.

Julie looked down again meekly.  ?Once.  I was experimenting with a friend from school.  Her parents found out about us, and I was forbidden from ever seeing her again.?

?Sometimes parents don’t know what is best.?

Julie looked back up to see Ms. Cane smiling at her.  She found that smile to be contagious, and she smiled back.

As lunch was ending, Ms. Cane extended her hospitality.  ?I bet you would enjoy a swim in my pool.?  She nodded towards the back of the house and stood up.  She extending her hand, ?Come.?

Julie took the proffered hand, and stood up.  She was then lead to the back door, and from there could see the large pool, and a hot tub to one side.  The back yard stretched for what seemed like ages, and with the large hedges on either side, Julie felt the exclusive privacy this place enjoyed.

?It’s lovely Ms. Cane.  It’s been years since I have had the chance to swim.  But?? she bit her lower lip anxiously, ?I don’t have anything to wear.?  She wanted to ask if she could come again, but that would be imposing.

Ms. Cane smiled, ?Oh don’t be such a prude.  No one is going to see you.  You don’t need a swimsuit.?

?You mean go naked!??  Julie was shocked.

?Sure.  Why not?  This is quite secluded, so no one will see you.  And besides, you have nothing to be ashamed of, you have a lovely body.?

After all those times her foster mom had admonished her for wearing skimpy clothing, she couldn’t help being affected.  Yet her at last she was finding encouragement.  Someone who thought she was beautiful.

?Are you going to join me??  She wasn’t certain if she wanted Ms. Cane in the pool with her wearing a bathing suit, while she was naked.

?No, I’m afraid not.  I have some work to do.  But I’m going to bring my laptop onto the deck, so I can enjoy the sun.  You enjoy yourself.?

Ms. Cane disappeared into the house to retrieve her computer and files.  Meanwhile, Julie undressed to her bra and panties.  These could make do as a bathing suit she thought.

When Ms. Cane returned, she saw Julie dabbing her feet into the water.  ?Don’t be silly girl!  You’ll ruin your undergarments that way.  Take them off!?

Julie decided she was right.  She removed the bra and panties, and placed them on the lounge chair along with her other clothes.  She could sense Ms. Cane eyeing her body, but for once she didn’t care.  At last someone found her beautiful.  Rather than being scolded for showing her body, she was being encouraged.

She smiled, and dived into the pool.

Ms. Cane did some work on the computer, but in actual fact, much of her time was spent watching the naked Julie, splashing about the pool like a care free child.

After about 40 minutes, she exited the pool.  Ms. Cane stood up and beckoned Julie to her with her finger.  She then stretched out a towel in her hands, and began to dry her off.  Julie reached for the towel, but Ms. Cane slapped her hand away.  ?Let me.?

Julie acquiesced to the gentle touch.  The soft towel, strong hands, and warm sun were all intoxicating.

She was then led to a lounge chair and encouraged to lay face down.  She did as instructed, and was surprised when Ms. Cane returned from the table with some sun tan lotion, and began applying it to her upper back.  She was about to get up and protest.

?Shhh?it’s OK little one.  You don’t want to get burned.  I’ll take care of you.?

Julie laid back down, and relaxed.    The sun tan lotion was applied all over her body.  She felt strange as Ms. Cane massaged the oil into her buttocks, but what was the harm.  She lay like this for nearly an hour, almost drifting off to sleep.  Ms. Cane returned to her work.

She was startled awake when Ms. Cane tapped her shoulder.  ?I think your back has had enough sun, it’s time for you to turn over and do the front.?  The heat in her back radiated through her skin, and she was reluctant to move, but she knew too much sun would turn this gentle heat to an intense burning before too long.

She turned over, and reached for the sun tan lotion in Ms. Cane’s hand.  Ms. Cane pulled it back.  ?Don’t be silly.  Let me.?

Not wanting this lovely sensation to end she nodded, ?OK.?

Relaxing her body, she allowed Ms. Cane to begin applying the lotion to her front.  Ms. Cane started with the legs, then circled the hips.  She then applied lotion to Julie’s inner thigh.

Jule gasped and raised herself onto her elbows and stared down at the woman massaging her.

?Shhh??Ms. Cane soothed her.  Then kissing her on the forehead, she gently guided her back down.  She then returned her attention to the inner thigh, and eventually brushed her oily hand to brush over the young woman’s sex.  Julie resisted the urge to protest, and her muscles tensed up involuntarily.

Soon those moist warm hands moved upwards to caress her belly.  Julie almost felt like rising up to have those hands once again over her sex.  The warmth radiated within her, and she longed for release.  But this was not the time.  She eased back to let those magic hands continue their work:  over her arms, over her shoulders, and gentle strokes over her face.  She closed her eyes and allowed it all to happen.  The final spot was her breasts.  To her surprise, Ms. Cane grabbed both breasts and gently kneaded them, allowing the warmth and oil to sink into them.  With gentle teasing, her nipples firmed up and pressed into the palms for further stimulation.

Julie kept her lips firmly closed to prevent herself from gasping in surprise, or perhaps worse, moaning.

She was disappointed when Ms. Cane returned to her chair and continued working.  Yet she relaxed as best she could and absorbed the sun rays.  She would have a wonderful overall tan.  And for the first time ever, there would be no tan lines.  She almost giggled as she thought of herself lying here naked, at the home of woman she barely knew.

Oh well, the pleasure overrode all other considerations.

When she felt the heat getting too much for her, she was encouraged to return to the pool.  She dove in without hesitation.  This was the life.

When she exited the pool, she went to Ms. Cane, and allowed herself to be dried off again.  This time there was no resistance.

Ms. Cane then picked up Julie’s clothing and entered the house.  ?I think I have gotten enough done for one day. It is time for me to start preparing dinner.?

As Julie re-entered the house she felt self-conscious once again about her nudity.  She stared at her clothing in Ms. Cane’s hands.  She didn’t seem eager to release them.

Sensing Julie’s thought’s, Ms. Cane felt it was time to advance things further.  ?I hope you don’t mind me saying this Julie? I mean I understand you don’t have a lot of choice, no money and all?.?

‘Oh god, here comes another lecture about my clothes’ Julie thought.

?? but I don’t think these clothes really suit you.  I’m going to buy something nicer for you.  Something less restrictive.  But it is too late to go shopping now.?  She paused to stare in Julie’s eyes.  ?Would you mind not wearing these tonight??

Julie wasn’t certain she had heard her right.  She wasn’t  a big fan of the dress she had worn either; much longer than her other outfits.  Yet what was she going to wear.  Ms. Cane was much taller than her, nothing of hers would fit.

?I didn’t bring anything else with me Ms. Cane.  I’m sorry, I wasn’t expecting to be here so long.  Please don’t get me wrong?? she hastened to add, ?I love it here.  You have been wonderful to me.?

?Why thank you Julie, I am really enjoying your company.?

‘She is falling right into my trap.  This is almost too easy,? Ms. Cane thought.

?I just don’t like you wearing that dress, and you now have such a lovely tan now.  It would be a shame to cover it up.?

?You want me to remain naked?!?

?Why not?  You have been naked most of the afternoon.?

Julie couldn’t argue with that reasoning.

?I’ll prepare dinner.  Why don’t you go take a shower.  I have a new hairbrush and toothbrush you can use.  I will set them on the counter for you.?  Julie was then directed to the bathroom upstairs off the master bedroom.  Surely, there was another bathroom in a place this size, so Julie wondered why she was walking through Ms. Cane’s bedroom, rather than a guest room.  ?Take your time,? was the only thing Ms. Cane said.

She allowed the warm water to wash over her, and rinse out the chlorine.   And when she exited the shower, she found the brush, toothbrush, and a razor on the counter.  She rubbed her legs and arms, and found them smooth.  No need for the razor.  Then she looked down at her pubic hair.  This could use a little trim.  She felt kind of guilty trimming this hair now, as the bush covered her sex.  Once it was trimmed, her pubic lips would be visible, and her sex more pronounced.  Oh well, she thought, I want to look good for Ms. Cane.  She then proceeded with the trim, and to brush her hair and teeth.

As she exited the bathroom, she noted the robe on the bathroom door.  Perhaps she could wear this.  But she thought better of it, she didn’t want to wear any of Ms. Cane’s clothing without her permission.  She walked down the stairs, and entered the kitchen.

?Perfect timing,? Ms. Cane remarked, as Julie entered the room.  ?Dinner is almost ready, have a seat.?

Julie felt quite uncomfortable sitting at the table completely naked, while her host remained fully clothed.  However, as the evening progressed, she began to relax.  They chatted, and really developed a friendship and trust for one another.  With time, Ms. Cane steered the conversation to why Julie had left home.

It was a subject she felt very uncomfortable talking about, one that she had not discussed with anyone.  Yet she now felt she could trust Ms. Cane.

?I didn’t feel that I could do anything right.  I was constantly being criticized for the way I dressed, for not doing well in school, for not having a boyfriend.  You name it, I couldn’t do anything to please them.?

Ms. Cane listened intently to her story.  ?Well you certainly seem intelligent and observant, so I wouldn’t worry too much about school.  You obviously learned what you needed to learn.  Just keep an open mind.  As for a boyfriend, well I don’t think the boys in school would have known what to do with a beautiful young woman such as yourself.?

Julie blushed at the compliment.

?However, she may have been right about the clothes you wear, judging from the dress you wore today, and those stuffy slacks and blouses I have seen you wearing at the agency.?  Ms. Cane said with a smile to disarm her criticism.

Julie laughed.  ?Actually the dress I wore today, she bought for me.  It was what she deemed ‘appropriate’ for dinner with a lady.?  She shook her head and laughed, ?Lord, if she could see me now.?  She looked down at her naked body.

?She actually made you wear that hideous dress, covering up that beautiful body of yours!?  Ms. Cane exclaimed in mock surprise.

Julie nodded.  ?I think that was the whole point.  She always disapproved of me and my body. ?

Ms. Cane shook her head in disbelief.  Then she tapped her lap, ?Come here.?

Hesitating, Julie rose and moved over to her host.  Ms. Cane stared at her, admiring her beauty, and coaxed her onto her lap.

Julie sat down sideways on her hosts lap, so she could face her.  She shifted, trying to hide the moisture between her legs, but it was no use.  And now her breasts were nicely presented before her host’s eyes.

Ms. Cane stroked Julie’s hair, comforting her.  ?All that is over now, OK.  You ran away to be free.  You were lead to believe that you are not beautiful, and you should cover up in order to receive approval.  No wonder you were confused, and rejected.?

Ms. Cane held Julie’s chin with her other hand, her arm resting on Julie’s chest.  ?You are a work of art, a true beauty.  I promise you, I will not let you wear those horrible clothes again.  I will ensure that your body is as exposed as possible.  Don’t ever doubt yourself again.  Trust in me, and I will make sure that you will be fully appreciated.?

Julie began to cry, tears of joy.  All the years of frustration were being released.  At last someone believed in her, cared for her, and thought she was beautiful.

Julie nodded, ?I promise.?

?Continue pet?

?I promise to trust you.  I trust you will make the right decisions for me.?

Ms. Cane smiled, ?Thank you my dear.?  She then leaned forward and kissed her.  Julie had nowhere to go, but she didn’t want to.  She yielded to the kiss.

?Stay here with me.?

Julie only nodded her consent.  With a pat to her behind, she was directed to stand.   Then Ms. Cane led them, hand-in-hand, upstairs and into the master bedroom.

This was no school-girl flirtation.  No parents would interrupt and admonish them for these caresses.  She was being led by a mature woman who was not experimenting, but rather understood the female form intimately.

Ms. Cane sat on the edge of the bed, and guided Julie to stand in front of her.  She nudged her legs apart, and stared at this lovely body.  ‘How could anyone discourage this beauty from showing off?’ she wondered.  Julie was clearly nervous, but she held her place, trusting in her hostess.

Ms. Cane began to stroke her pledge, running her hands along her side.  And then she circled over the chest, and began to squeeze the ample breasts.

?Lean forward for me, please.?  To Julie’s surprise, her breasts were held and guided to Ms. Cane’s mouth as she leaned forward.  It was hard to maintain steady with all the pleasure radiating through her body.

She longed to return the pleasure, to touch this elegant woman who had so completely opened her up.  She reached out  to caress the silk blouse which covered those ample breasts.  But she was shocked, as her hand was slapped away.  ?Not until I say so.?

This didn’t make sense to her, but she resigned herself to her place; leaning forward so the mistress of the house could suckle her breasts.  She sighed, and arched forward, feeding her breasts to Ms. Cane.   It felt so good that it was easy to forget everything else.

Ms. Cane then released her breasts, and ordered her to stand up straight.  She straightened herself and arched her back so that her breasts could still be touched.  It had the designed effect, as Ms. Cane reached up to grab one of her breasts.  And with her other hand, she reached between Julie’s legs and began to caress her inner thighs.

Julie fought the instinct to close her legs from this intrusion.  But the pleasure she received from the insistent hand as it raised up and began to stroke her sex, overrode any sense of modesty she had remaining.  She was so aroused that the moment Ms. Cane’s inserted two fingers into her sex, a huge orgasm shook her.  She cried out, and her legs shook with the intensity.  It was difficult to remain standing.

The fingers were never withdrawn, and Ms. Cole only smiled at the quivering young woman.  She allowed the clit to pressure and release her fingers.  The moisture dripped down her fingers.

As Julie’s breath returned to normal, she stared down at the woman whose fingers remained inside her.  With a simple smile between them, it was understood that the hand would not be withdrawn, nor did either of them wish it to be withdrawn.  Ms. Cole inserted a third finger, and began to massage the clit again.  Julie took deep breaths, allowing the slow waves of pleasure to radiate throughout her body.  She continued to stare into Ms. Cole’s eyes.  The other hand had reached up again to stroke her breasts.

?Lean forward pet.?

Julie did not know why she responded so instinctually to the phrase ‘pet’, but she did lean forward.  Ms. Cane rested her hand along her chin, and then kissed her passionately.

The hand was then removed from her sex.  ?Climb onto the bed.  On your hands and knees.?

She complied.  Ms. Cane stood up, and then smacked the raised behind.  Julie gasped in surprise.

?Sorry, I couldn’t resist.?

Julie made no reply, and only held her place as directed.

Ms. Cane removed her clothing, and slipped on a night gown.  She brushed her hands along Julie’s buttocks, and squeezed them lightly.  She loved how Julie remained on her hands and knees, exactly as ordered.  This girl definitely had potential.  Ms. Cane climbed onto the bed, and rested against the headboard in front of Julie.  She parted her legs at the knees.

She then placed her hand along the back of Julie’s head, and directed the pet’s head forward to her waiting pussy.  ?It is time for you to service me.?

Julie’s only previous experience, that school girl flirtation she had mentioned earlier, had not gone this far.  She didn’t really know what to do.  She could only react instinctively.  Stick out your tongue, and lick. Do what you think is pleasurable.

It seemed to have the desired effect, as Ms. Cane moaned, and stroked her head, encouraging her onwards.  ?Good girl, good girl?? she moaned..  With this encouragement, Julie licked more vigorously, burying her face in the open pussy.  She inhaled the musky aroma, and delighted in the legs which tensed around her.

Ms. Cane’s breath was becoming shorter, her squeals of delight more intense.  Julie knew she was getting close.  And then it happened, Ms. Cane’s legs clamped shut, locking her pet in place as a huge orgasm rocked her body.  Julie couldn’t breath, but didn’t want to.  She was being sustained for the moment by the juices of her lover which flowed into her gaping mouth.

The legs relaxed, and the head was released, as Ms. Cane’s breath became regulated.  She looked down at her charge, and smiled.  ?As I suspected, you are a natural.  It is your instinct to give pleasure.  Any attempt to cover you up, or try to coerce you into other pursuits, or convince you that you are not beautiful, is an exercise in futility.?

Once again, Julie felt a welcoming unlike any other.  She did belong here.  She was not only allowed, but encouraged to be sexy.  She was told she was beautiful, and well behaved, not called an uncontrollable slut.  She didn’t even have that much sexual experience, but from the way her foster parents and teacher reacted to her dress, you would think she was sleeping with boys every other night.

All her supposed weaknesses were now her strengths.

Ms. Cane was right, all that was in the past now.  The woman reached out to caress her.  She pulled her into her and they embraced.  They began to kiss and fondle one another, rubbing their breasts and thighs together.

That is how they drifted into sleep, amongst a sea of caresses, kisses, and murmurs of endearment.

Chapter 2

Julie awoke to the sound of the shower running.   She looked around the bedroom as the morning sun cast a warm glow over everything.

She looked down at her naked body, and rubbed her breasts as the memory of last evenings returned.

Then the shower stopped.  She listened intently to the shower curtain being pulled back, and the sound of rustling around in the bathroom.

And finally, Ms. Cane emerged.  Wearing a lovely set of bra and panties, she was quite the statuesque beauty.  She proceeded to the closet, and began to pick-out her clothing for the day.  ?I hope I didn’t wake you dear.  You looked quite peaceful sleeping there.?

Julie just smiled in response.  She had in fact had the best sleep since she had arrived in the city, indeed for a long time.  She normally was restless and worried, not knowing what she was going to do the next day.  But last night was different.  For the first time in a long time she felt at home, and that she belonged.  Not to mention the restful feeling that came from the release of such sexual energy.  She smiled to herself with the memory.

From the looks she received from Ms. Cane, she imagined that she could start all over.  Ms. Cane was now getting dressed, buttoning up the blouse she had selected, and then pulling up her skirt.

?I have to go into town to run some errands.?

?Can I come with you??

?I don’t think that would be appropriate.  I don’t think a naked girl would go over well in the shopping mall, and other places I am going to.?


?Have you forgotten that you don’t have any clothes yet??

?What about the dress, I wore yesterday.  And I know we are different sizes, but perhaps I could wear a T-shirt and shorts.?

Ms. Cane shook her head dismissively, ?Have you forgotten already that I will not let you wear that awful dress again.  I should burn that hideous thing.?  She looked over Julie’s body, pretending to examine her size.  ?Hmm? I don’t wear t-shirts and shorts.   They are very un-ladylike, and nothing else will fit you.?

Julie nodded her head in understanding.

?You just stay here.  Enjoy the pool again.  And there is some exercise equipment in the recreation room, perhaps a good work out will help to stretch your muscles out, and help you to relax.?

?But what am I going to wear.?

?Nothing of course,? the hostess  stated as though this was the most obvious thing to do.  And then seeing the worried look on Julie’s face, she assured her, ?Don’t worry pet, you’ll be fine.  This is my home.  No one is going to bother you.  You are free to go around naked.?

She then walked over to Julie resting on the bed.  ?You should remain naked.  It will help you to lose the silly inhibitions which have plagued you.  With time, you will find that it is far more natural for you to be naked.?

Julie didn’t really believe her at this point, but she desperately wanted to trust her new friend.  She always seemed to know what was best, and her sense of confidence and control was overwhelming.  She nodded her acceptance.

Ms. Cane kissed her.  This surprised Julie, but she instantly yielded to the passion.

?Come.  It is time for breakfast.?

Ms. Cane finished brushing her hair, and applied some lipstick.  Then the two proceed downstairs.  Over breakfast, Julie did start to relax and stop blushing when Ms. Cane looked at her.

?And if you could do some cleaning, it would be appreciated dear,? Ms. Cane remarked as she prepared to leave.  The kitchenware and dishes from last night and this morning were still laying about the kitchen.

Julie nodded.  Cleaning the home was the least she could do.  Truthfully, she was more disappointed to see her host leaving her alone.  She had secretly hoped for a return to last night’s pleasures.

As the car pulled out of the driveway, Julie returned to the kitchen and set to work washing the dishes.  Then she wiped down the counter, and the table.  She then noted the floor needed to be cleaned, and began cleaning it as well.

It was strange, as she had never been one for housework, but being in this home, alone and naked, she felt an overwhelming urge to make her hostess pleased.  She wanted to make the home spotless for her return.  She dusted, did the laundry, and tidied up the bedroom.  Being in the bedroom made her ache for Ms. Cane’s return, and her sex was already wet from memories and anticipation.  She debated rubbing herself to a climax, but decided against it.  She settled on a soothing shower.

Upon drying herself off, she returned to the laundry and brought the clothes to the bedroom.  As she was placing clothes away in the walk-in closet, she noted a cabinet hidden in the corner.  Curiosity got the better of her, and she opened it.

She found a secret treasure:  A collection of adult films, magazines, and erotic novels.  She pulled out a few of the magazines and books, and lay down on the bed.  All of them were lesbian based, which wasn’t too big of a surprise after last night.  Yet as she gazed at the pictures, she realized another reoccurring theme.  All of them involved a dominant mistress and a slave.  The slaves were mostly naked.  For the most part the mistress was older and taller than her submissive.

Julie gazed down at her naked body.  Ms. Cane had insisted on her being naked almost from the moment she had arrived here.   Julie was also much younger, and a few inches shorter.  And given their completely opposite financial positions, they fit the profile exactly.

‘She is training me to be a slave.’  Julie sat back and pondered all of this.  ‘A slave!?  She had grown to trust Ms. Cane, was extremely attracted to her, and was eager to please her? but being a slave.

She stood up and went to the closet.  She wasn’t sure where Ms. Cane had put her dress, so she would have to select something else from the closet.  She stood in the middle of the closet and looked around her.  They all looked so lovely, but it was impossible to choose.  Nothing seemed to be appropriate for her.  She eventually chastised herself for being so silly.  She needed to just grab anything and get out of her before Ms. Cane returned.

She selected a simple top, panties and a skirt.  She hastily got dressed, but as she was exiting the bedroom, she stopped to see her reflection.

She didn’t look right in these clothes.  She started to walk back to the closet to select something else, but then stopped.  She sat down on the bed, and buried her head in the hands.  Who was she kidding?  It wasn’t these clothes.  She didn’t look right in clothes.  Ms. Cane would be terribly upset with her if she was dressed.

She thought more about her situation.  Where would she go – back to the hotel?  The thought of that dingy room made her cry.  And then what?  With no work, no friends or family, what was she going to do?  Ms. Cane gave her a home and more importantly a sense of confidence.  She was the first person to give her a sense of belonging.

Yeah, a sense of belonging to her, she joked to herself.  She began to laugh; at herself and the impossibility of the situation.  She became overwhelmed with laughter, and she began to wipe away her tears.

She then undressed, and returned the clothes to their place in the closet.  She then returned the magazines and books.  She glanced at the DVDs covers to confirm what she already suspected, they all involved a mistress with female slaves.

Let’s just see what happens, she thought.  She walked downstairs, leaving the bedroom in pristine condition, and not a hint that she had discovered the hidden cabinet of erotic material.

It had been nearly 5 hours since her mistress left and she wondered where she could be.  She caught herself for a moment; she was already referring to Ms. Cane as her mistress in her thoughts.

Oh well, she may as well relax.  Ms. Cane – Mistress – Julie giggled to herself, had suggested she go for a swim.  And that is what she decided to do.

Over an hour later, Ms. Cane arrived home, and she found Julie relaxing on a lounge chair.

The lady leaned over and kissed Julie, who raised up to receive it.  ?You look lovely dear.  I’m glad to see you are getting an overall tan.?

Julie smiled.  It was a lovely compliment of her body, and she was glad we she was naked to receive it.

Ms. Cane left her to go upstairs and drop off her bags.  When she returned downstairs, Julie was standing in the living room.  ?Can I help you with anything Ms. Cane??

?No, thank you dear.  I see that you did a thorough job cleaning.  Good girl.?

?Thank you.  Did you find everything you were looking for??

?Yes, I did,? she couldn’t help stating with a mischievous smile.

?Did you buy some clothing for me, to your liking??

?Yes, but we are not going anywhere this evening, so we don’t need them now.?

‘No, of course not, the mistress would like to keep her slave naked,’ Julie thought.  She only smiled in response to Ms. Cane.

Looking to the kitchen, Ms. Cane remarked, ?It’s time I started preparing dinner.?

?I would like to help you.  I need to learn how to prepare a nice meal.?

It would be a useful skill for a slave to have Ms. Cane thought, agreeing to teach her.  Unbeknownst to her, Julie was thinking the same thing.

They chatted idly, as they prepared dinner.  The lady of the house gave various pointers and advice along the way.  Of course, she didn’t miss any opportunity to reach across and casually stroke Julie breasts, or to brush against her backside.

All this exposure was making Julie incredibly aroused, and since she was naked, her arousal could not be hidden, which made it all the more intoxicating.  The fact that Ms. Cane could remain so calm and in control was driving her crazy.

They continued their conversation over dinner.  They discussed social mores about relationships, sex and the status of women.   Ms. Cane had some quite liberal attitudes in these regards.  According to her, women placed a great deal of emphasis on their bodies, so why shouldn’t there be a value placed on the possession of these bodies.  The rich controlled everything anyways, so why should beautiful women be denied the company of powerful men and women, just for the sake of romantic notions of equality.  A woman should do what comes natural to her.

Any personal conversation centered around Julie and her experiences.  Ms. Cane plied her with questions.  Julie had been put off by all this questioning before.  But now she had come to accept the two aspects of this questioning.  First, the lady was showing a real interest in her, in a way that no one had ever done before.

And secondly, she wanted to know more, so she could acclimate her to a life of slavery.  As she stared at this elegant and controlling woman, and felt the heat building up between her legs, the more she wanted to be of service to her.

Knowledge is power.  And as Ms. Cane learned more about Julie, the more she gained power over this pretty girl.  Julie in return, learned virtually nothing about Ms. Cane.  They both became more comfortable and intimate, as the exchange of power increased.

After dinner, Ms. Cane relaxed on the sofa, and made some notes.  Julie volunteered to clean the kitchen.  And when she was done, she sat down on the sofa next to the hostess.

Ms. Cane stroked Julie’s hair and smiled, and then asked her to lie down so her head rested in her lap.  This left Julie completely exposed and vulnerable.  The lady continued to run a hand through her hair, and caressed her breasts.  Julie could only look up with longing as her sex moistened and her nipples stiffened in response.

The pleasure was evident, but apparently so was her nervousness.  ?What’s wrong my pet??

Julie sighed and bit her lip.  She wanted to know if her suspicions from reading the magazines were correct.  But then again, she wasn’t certain if she could handle the truth.  Ms. Cane squeezed a nipple, which was both pleasurable and painful, ?Come on, tell me.?

?Ms. Cane?.well, when I was cleaning ?? she attempted to look away, but it was impossible resting her head on the lap, and Ms. Cane’s hand in her hair.  ??I was a bad girl.?

She paused, not knowing why she had said that exactly, as bad girls must be punished.

?When I was putting your clothes away, I found a cabinet in your closet? and I peeked.  I know I shouldn’t have!?  Ms. Cane made no sound or movement, but Julie squirmed from the inevitable chastisement.

?All those movies, all those magazines, all those stories?? she was tensing up, and her breath became more ragged.  Her chest rose and fell into Ms. Cane’s hand with each breath.  ?They are all about mistresses and their female slaves.  Naked female slaves.?

?This is an unfortunate turn of events,’ Ms. Cane thought.  She had wanted to break this one in a bit more slowly, even if she was making great progress.  She remained silent, forcing Julie to continue.

?Well, I was wondering? I mean, I fit the profile? we fit the profile.?  The girl was near hysterics.  She wished she could turn away, or at least not long into those piercing blue eyes.  ?I was wondering if I am being trained?? still no response from the lady, ?I mean, are you training me to be your sex slave??

She didn’t know if it was fear, shame, or just plain nervousness, but she began to cry slightly.

Ms. Cane lightly brushed the tears away, and looked down at her.  She debated denying everything, believing the girl was not ready.  Yet, perhaps she was.  The girl had strong evidence to believe she was being enslaved, and how did she react.  She cleaned, she cooked, and most importantly she had remained naked and compliant.  No doubt, other strong minded girls would have run out the door, likely never to be heard from again, given these circumstances.

No, this girl was a natural slave.  She deserved to hear the truth.

?Yes, I am training you to be a sex slave.?

To her own surprise, Julie’s breath began to relax, and she became more composed looking into her mistress’ eyes.  She had built up so much nervous energy, not knowing.  I guess the truth really does set you free; in a manner of speaking.

Once Julie was fully composed, Ms. Cane continued.  ?I had hoped to have gone a little slower, getting you used to being naked and obedient, before I told you the truth.?

?However, I must say that I am very proud of you.  You have remained naked.  You have not tried to protect yourself.?  Her hand which continued to caress the girl’s breasts was evidence of that.  ? You have been forthright about your experiences, your thoughts, and your situation.  And you have shown an eagerness to please and be of service.?

?Some girls are strong willed, and they have to be broken, so they can accept their position in life.  Others are so lacking in self-confidence, that they have to be shown how beautiful they are, and how much pleasure they give others.  These girls need to be shown how valuable they are.?

?You my dear, are the latter.  Don’t be afraid of your training.  You are a slave.  It is your nature.  I just need to train you, so that you can be proud of yourself.  A well-trained sex slave, especially one as young and beautiful as you, is quite valuable.?

?I see so many young women coming into town who have no opportunity.  A young woman, such as you, must always sell her body.  They either end up on the street, hooking for some rough pimp, and often getting hooked on drugs.  Or they marry some guy who looks nice, but they spend the next few years of their life chasing after him, trying to please him and care for him in an endless, monotonous relationship.  Others try to maintain a degree of independence, working dead end jobs that make them feel worthless, and they never have the money or opportunity to do anything special for themselves.?

?You my dear have been given the opportunity to serve powerful men and women, and to be appreciated for your body.  You are a natural submissive, I think you will be eager to please them, once you see how appreciative they can be.?

?It sounds like you have done this before??

?It is what I do.?

Julie looked at her, puzzled by the answer.

?I am a slave trainer.  I find young girls.  I break them, train them, and then sell them.?

Julie was shocked.  ?You are going to sell me!?

?Yes, when you are ready.  Don’t worry dear, you will never be harmed.  I only deal with reputable buyers.?

?You make it sound almost routine.?

?Oh no, It is not routine.  Every girl is different, special.  However, the slave trade is quite extensive.  My network deals with thousands of girls every year, all over the world.?

?This can’t be legal.?

?No.  But I know enough people with powerful connections, that I can deal with girls as I like.  No one will ever take the word of a runaway over mine.  Once a slave has been registered, there is no escape.?

Julie was starting to tense up again.  ?You make it sound like there is no choice.?

?Oh you do have a choice dear.  You can choose to be my slave.?

?You mean, you are not holding me here.?  Julie sat-up, and looked at Ms. Cane.

Ms. Cane gently stroked Julie’s face, and then kissed her.  ?I have never forced you to do anything.  Now lie back down, like a good slave.?

Julie stared at Ms. Cane.  This was her second chance to escape, her choice.  She lay back down, nestling her head in Ms. Cane’s lap.

?Good girl, good girl?? Ms. Cane murmured, as her hands returned to stroking Julie’s hair and breasts.

They just relaxed without saying a word for a while, allowing Julie to become more comfortable with her position.

After 30 minutes of gentle stroking, Julie began to wonder what comes next.  Her mistress noted the change in her eyes, and felt she was ready to proceed.  ?Let’s go upstairs.  It is time for you to become accustomed to bondage.?

?OK.? Julie responded nervously, knowing she was already excepting this new role.

?From now on, you should address me as mistress.?

Julie looked down afraid to look Ms. Cane in the eye, and bit her lip, ?Yes mistress.?

The two stood up, and Ms. Cane led Julie upstairs by the hand.

When they reached the side of the bed, Julie was directed to remain standing while Ms. Cane retrieved some items from the dresser behind them.  From this vantage point, Julie could not see what they were.  Yet she did not have long to wait.  Ms. Cane returned, and placed a set of leather cuffs on the bed.  She immediately placed one over Julie’s right wrist, and tightened it into place.

Julie stood immobilized, not knowing what she should think.  The next leather cuff was placed on her left wrist.  She was then ordered to put her hands behind her back, at which point they were locked into place.  Ms. Cane then knelt down on one knee, and tightened the ankle cuffs into place.

?Lovely,? Ms. Cane murmured, as she stood up and gently stroked her pet.  ?Now, kneel down.?  This was surprisingly awkward with her hands bound behind her, but with Ms. Cane holding her she managed to kneel as instructed.  Ms. Cane then attached a small chain between the wrist and ankle cuffs, locking Julie into the kneeling position.

Ms. Cane then sat down on the edge of the bed in front of Julie, and observed her.  She was very pleased that Julie had not said a word.  Of course the girl was nervous, and shaking. but that was to be expected.  In fact, she would be disappointed if Julie was taking all this casually.

She then retrieved the collar, and showed it to Julie.  ?You can see that I have been making plans for you.?   The tag read, ‘JULIE, Property of Alexandra Cane.?  A single tear came from Julie’s eye, but neither could tell what the emotion behind the tear was:  joy, sadness, fear, expectation, or simply being overwhelmed.  Perhaps it was simply the tears which rise up upon receiving a gift of incredible beauty, because the craftsmanship in this leather collar was exquisite.  It was so strong, and yet gentle to the touch, and decorative in design.  It may have been all these things.

Whatever the reason, Julie remained motionless as the collar was placed around her neck, and fastened into place.

Ms. Cane then removed her panties and lifted her skirt.  Spreading her legs before the bound submissive, she once again held Julie head and pushed it into her sex.  ?You did well last night, experimenting with the feel and taste of a woman for the first time.  Now let’s see how you do on your second time, worshipping your mistress.?

Julie’s tongue immediately went to work.  Finding her mistress’s sex already moist, she tasted her juices with long slow licks.  As Ms. Cane’s breath quickened, so did the pace of Julie’s licking.  She buried her tongue in further.  The hand at the back of her head never allowed her more than a moment’s breath.

This is what she had longed for all day; the chance to sexually please this elegant woman once again.  Her technique was improving with experience, and she buried her face in the sex and warm thighs that enclosed her.  Her licking seemed to go on for an eternity, but all too suddenly it came to an end.  Ms. Cane exploded with a wonderful orgasm.

To her surprise, Ms. Cane composed herself and then stood up.  ?Very good dear.  You are developing quite the skilled tongue.?

?However, I haven’t forgotten that you looked through my things without permission.?  She stood up and stared at her new slave, who only lowered her head demurely.  ?It is time for your punishment.?

She unhooked the chains which connected the cuffs together, so that her arms and legs were now free.  ?Now lean over the bed with your arms in front of you.?  Julie crawled forward, but was stopped after a short movement.  ?Not too close dear, I still need your sex exposed.?  With her arms and shoulders outstretched over the bed, Julie leaned into the bed, her breasts squeezed along the edge.  Ms.  Cane nudged her legs apart, and Julie compliantly spread her knees as much as possible.

She was not looking forward to this, but it was to be expected for snooping in Ms. Cane’s private possessions.

A soft leather flogger was selected for the first initiation into punishment.  Julie had never seen one before today, when she had looked through the magazines.

Without warning, the first strike hit her buttocks.  Julie jumped forward and cried out in alarm, ?Ohhh!?

She returned to her position, and Ms. Cane lightly drew the floggers weather strips along her back and rear, caressing her with the soft leather.  And then the second blow landed on her left thigh.  This time she managed to keep steady, but she still couldn’t help gasping.

The third hit her lower back; the fourth her buttocks.  And then her mistress began to strike her quickly, so that she lost all track of the blows she was receiving.  Her moans became one long deep throated cry.

Tears were streaming down his face when the whipping stopped.

When her breathing returned to normal, her mistress resumed whipping, but in another manner.   These lashes were slow and deliberate, between her thighs and directly on her sex.  She jolted forward, and closed her legs.

?Now, now pet.  It is not appropriate for you to refuse access.  Get back here.?

Julie sighed in resignation, and returned to her position with her legs spread.  She buried her head in her arms and cried as the whipping continued.

Yet even with the pain, she couldn’t help being aroused with the heat that was being generated with each stroke.  Her whole backside and sex was extremely sensitive after the tenderizing it had received.  She was beginning to understand the women who deliberately sought out punishment.  Even if this was her penance for invading her mistress’ privacy, she could understand how these punishments could be welcomed.

Just as she was beginning to lose consciousness, her senses overwhelmed, the whipping stopped.

Without saying a word, Ms. Cane reattached the handcuffs, and helped Julie to stand.  The bedcover was pulled back, and Julie was guided onto the bed.  Ms. Cane removed her clothing and rested against the headboard, a replay of last evening.  Julie sensed what was coming next, but was not certain how with her hands bound behind her.  Mistress grabbed her head and directed her downward into her waiting sex.

The bound slave stretched out her legs, laying helpless between her mistress’ legs, and began to lick.  Clearly her mistress had already been aroused by whipping her, as it was not long before she came again.

Julie went to sleep that night at the bottom of the bed nestled against her mistress’ feet, her hands bound behind her.  Yet, In the middle of the night she was awakened by her mistress nudging her with her feet.

?Come up here pet.?

Julie squirmed up to her side.  To her surprise, the handcuffs were unchained.  Ms. Cane then kissed her.

?Just keep your hands to your side, and arch your back.  I wish to enjoy your breasts.?  With her breasts pushed forward, Julie’s nipples were soon in the mouth of her mistress.  Her mistress continued to play with the breasts, alternating between licks, caressing, and squeezing.  Julie drifted off to sleep with her breasts being suckled by a mature woman.

Chapter 3

Julie awoke with the sun streaming into the bedroom.  Her mistress, curled up beside her, was sound asleep.  Julie, looking down at her body, wondered what she should do.  She was reluctant to take a shower, as this wake Ms. Cane.  Perhaps she should remain in bed and await her mistress’ instructions.  Part of her wanted to slip between those beautiful legs and resume last night’s love making.

In the end she decided upon a more domestic form of servitude.  She quietly slipped out of bed, and crept down the stairs into the kitchen.  She then prepared breakfast.  

She was placing Ms. Cane’s breakfast on a tray when her mistress entered the kitchen, looking relaxed in her robe.

?Good morning pet.?  She kissed her.

?Good morning mistress,? Julie blushed.  Caught in her mistress’ gaze, she stammered, ?uh? I prepared your breakfast.?

?Good girl.?  Ms. Cane casually sat down at the table, as though it were perfectly natural for a naked girl to serve her breakfast.

?Have you eaten yourself??  Ms. Cane asked, as she began to eat her breakfast.

?No, I was waiting for you.?

?Good.  I want to monitor your diet.?  Pointing to the floor beside her, ?Kneel down dear.?

Julie responded immediately, surprising herself with her ready compliance.

?You have a beautiful body dear.  I will train you to maintain your figure.  All works of art must be cared for.?

The fact that she was naked, and kneeling beside a woman who had whipped her and openly admitted to her intention to enslave her, was oddly irrelevant.  She was beautiful and a work of art.  That was all that mattered, and Ms. Cane was the only person to see something special in her.

Looking up at her mistress with longing, she knew she would do anything for her.

Ms. Cane began to hand feed her.   First some dry toast, and then some fruit.  She stood up and walked to the counter, instructing Julie to remain kneeling down.  She returned with a tub of jogurt which she spoon fed to Julie.

Once she was finished, she simply stroked her pet’s hair.  ?You can clean up now.  And once you are finished, run my bath.?

Julie attended to her duties while her mistress relaxed on the sofa, reading a magazine.  Then, standing before her mistress, arms politely resting behind her back, she announced, ?Mistress, your bath is ready.?

Ms. Cane patted Julie’s behind, and directed the girl upstairs in front of her and into the bathroom.  She dearly loved the firm buttocks swaying before her.

The lady dropped her robe and stepped into the tub.  Her servant stood to the side, uncertain of what she should do.  Ms. Cane handed her a sponge, ?Bathe me dear.?

Julie was not exactly certain how to do this, but knelt down to begin.  Leaning forward, so her chest rested along the side exposed, she started at her mistress’ feet.

Ms. Cane, slightly tickled by the urgent touch, withdrew her foot, and stared at her young fledgling.  ?When you take a bath, and try to relax, do you start with your feet??

?No mistress.?  Julie was afraid that she had failed and would be punished.

Recognizing the fear in her pet’s eyes, the lady caressed Julie’s face.  ?Relax pet.  I am instructing you, so you can be a good pleasure slave.?

?Now, how would you start to bathe yourself??

?I would soak the sponge, and run warm water with lots of bubbles over my shoulder, arms and chest.  It helps my muscles to relax, and the water always feels nice.?

?Very good dear.  Remember, you are a woman, and a submissive.  You instinctively know how to give pleasure.  Trust your instincts.  Proceed.?

Julie proceeded, slowly gliding the warm sponge over his mistress’ body; altering pressure, and monitoring the sighs of her lady to ensure the maximum pleasure.  Her mistress was right.  Once she relaxed, and simply focused on giving pleasure, it was completely natural.  It was wonderful to hear the sighs she was eliciting, and to have her mistress smile at her.

Every once and a while her mistress would press down on her hand to keep her massaging the most sensitive spots.  When Julie reached her mistress’ mound, the fingers were pressed in, indicating she was to massage the moist sex.

With her mistress’ eyes upon her, Julie did not hesitate.  She inserted two fingers, and first rubbed the inner lip.  And finally, she nudged her fingers in more, and rubbed the clitoris.  Ms. Cane was breathing heavily, and arched her body forward, opening herself to the intense pleasure.  The water was flowing in waves to the rhythm of her body movement.

And then clamping her thighs shut, enclosing her pet’s hand on her sex. Ms. Cane cried out in climax.

She eased back into the water, and allowed the warmth in her body to blend with the warmth of the soapy water.  ?Very good pet? very good.?

Julie beamed with pride.

Stepping out of the tub, she stood outstretched allowing her slave to dry her.  She was pleased that Julie acted without instruction and instinctively knew what was expected of her.  This one was one of the finest slaves she had ever trained.  She would sell for a nice profit.

?Remember dear, especially with a mistress, that you must worship her body.  Show her how beautiful she is, and give your body over to her pleasure.?

Julie nodded.

?? Even if she is not beautiful in the conventional sense, or an older lady.  She is your owner, and to you she is beautiful.?

?I understand mistress.?

?Good girl.  Now quickly shower, we still have much training to do.?

Exiting the bathroom after her shower, Julie was greeted by her mistress elegantly dressed as always, standing by the bed.  On the bed was a collection of restraints, whips, and sex toys.

The handcuffs and ankle cuffs were quickly placed upon her.  The collar came next.  Julie stood still as these were placed upon her, oddly comforted by the now familiar leather restraints.

?Have you ever taken it up the back side dear??

Julie was both shocked and uncertain if she had heard correctly. ?Excuse me??

Ms. Cane looked at her rather sternly.  ?Have you ever been fucked in the ass slave??

Julie stepped back, and shook her head.  ?No, certainly not.?

?Well then, I guess it is time for you to be stretched.?  The lady picked up a rubber plug with a large bulb that tapered off at one end, and attached to a leather harness.  Julie recognized it from one of the magazines as a butt plug.

Julie backed up even further.

?Julie, I’m disappointed in you!  You have been doing so well, and now this? refusing me access to your body.?

Ms. Cane grabbed her pet’s hand, and pulled her back to the bed.   Then pushing her back, forced her to bend over; hands braced on the bed.  The legs were kicked apart.

The girl was shocked by how quickly she had been subdued and forced into position.  She remained steady, fearing further wrath from her mistress.  The lubricant was cool as it was liberally applied between her ass cheeks and over her anus.  Yet her mistress’ hand was warm as she massaged the oil in.

Julie gasped as the first finger was inserted, and soon after the second.  The fingers were well lubricated, and gradually the muscles in her rectum relaxed.  At which point, a third finger was inserted.  The thrusting and stretching was becoming relaxing and incredibly arousing.

Then the fingers were withdrawn.  Julie looked back at her mistress, surprised by the sudden withdrawal.  Her emotions were conflicted, as part of her longed for the fingers to be reinserted, while another part dreaded what was to come.  Mistress was applying lubricant to the butt plug.

?It is important for a slave’s anus to be stretched.  It is inappropriate for a young lady to be sodomized, which makes it a slave’s ass all the more enticing.  Masters enjoy anal sex, as do some mistresses with their strap-ons.  Therefore, you must offer up your ass without resistance.  And to do so fully, you muscles need to relax, and become accustomed to a penis inside you.?

The plug pushed at her butt hole.  The pain was intense as it pressed inwards.  Julie lowered her head, concentrated on her breathing, and tried to relax.  And with a sudden pop, it was fully in.  Her muscles closed in around the plug, holding it firmly inside her.

Her mistress casually wrapped the leather straps of the harness over her sex, around her waist, and clasped them into place; keeping the phallus pressed deep inside her.

?That’s a good start.  I’ll increase the size as your training progresses.?

With the pain she felt now, Julie couldn’t believe she would be accommodating larger sizes.   Julie was then ordered to sit on the bed, a rather disconcerting sensation with the butt plug pressing into her bottom.

?I’m not a big fan of these things myself?? Ms. Cane remarked as she picked up the leather strap outfit on the bed.  ?I prefer the natural bare breasts of a woman, but? a lot of masters and mistresses like to adorn their slaves.  And I have to ensure you are accustomed to all manner of restraints.?

?Lift up your arms.?

Julie complied, and what appeared as a mesh of leather and steel straps encircled her.  Her mistress tightened the straps into place.  Her breasts were lifted up and squeezed by the straps.  Mistress pinched the presented nipples and held each breast, ensuring the proper fit.

Other straps attached to the collar, dangling across her neck and shoulders, tickling the sensitive skin.  Lower straps criss-crossed her belly and wrapped and around between her legs, forcing them to be slightly parted.

Ms. Cane scrutinized the fit, tightening here and there, and ensuring that it left the body completely exposed.  The completed straps made up a bodice which accentuated her naked body.  The straps pinched and squeezed her in all the right places, but still allowed her full motion.

?Now it is time for you to learn some positions.  First, kneel down.?

Julie knelt down, sitting back on her haunches, facing her mistress who was now seated on the bed.

?When you are kneeling there are a few things to consider.  First of all, your legs must always be spread.?

The lady lightly stroked the now exposed inner thighs and pussy with the riding crop.  ?Very good.  Now, if you are in an empty room, waiting for your mistress, or otherwise not attending to your owner, then you may rest your bottom as you are now.?

?However, when kneeling before your master or mistress, you are presenting your body to them.  Therefore, you must kneel up so your breasts and sex are more readily available.?  Mistress demonstrated with further caresses of the riding crop. 

?Furthermore, it shows that you are more ready for giving oral pleasure.?  With a slight tug to the back of her head, Julie was guided to her mistress’ dress-covered crotch.  She was then promptly released.  ?More of that later, Ms. Cane said with a smile.

?Next you must have your arms in one of two places, crossed behind your back.? The lady demonstrated the positions, ?? or behind your head like this.?

Julie copied both notions, leaving her arms behind her head.

?Personally, I prefer arms behind the back, but either are acceptable.?  Julie lowered her arms and crossed them behind her back, per her mistress’ preference.  Ms. Cane smiled, acknowledging the gesture.

?When in doubt you must consider which position leaves you the most available, and sensually exposed.  Modesty is not permitted.  Can you remember these positions??

?Yes mistress.?

?Good, now stand up.?  Julie stood up, parted her legs, and crossed her arms behind her back.

?Very good dear, that is almost perfect.  Now, tell me why you chose this position.?  Mistress continued stroking her  sex, breasts and body was becoming incredibly arousing.

Julie was nervous to explain, fearing she had erred, despite her mistress’ congratulations.  ?I thought my legs should be parted to give you access to my cunt, and my arms should be behind my back, exposing my breasts and front.?

?Very good.  You really are a natural slave.?  Julie blushed at the compliment.

?One minor correction, but you must remember to keep your eyes downcast.  You must not watch your mistress.  I’m not terribly strict on this point, as I like to look into my slave’s eyes.  However,  when I have guests, or for your future owner, it may be an important sign of respect.?

Julie nodded.

?Now, arch forward.?

Julie struggled to maintain her balance with her hands behind her back.  She found that spreading her legs further helped.

Her chest was directly in her mistress’ face.  Evidently that was the point as each breast was in turn squeezed and licked.  When mistress bit her nipples, the pleasure rippled through her body, making her legs shake.  Yet she managed to hold her position while her mistress enjoyed her breasts.

Her breasts were released, and Ms. Cane smiled, wishing she could continue.  ?Lean back.?

?Okay, now bend over and stretch your arms onto the bed beside me.?  Julie stretched out with her breasts dangling beneath her, and her now moist sex exposed with her legs spread.  Leaning forward, Ms. Cane grabbed a firm butt cheek and gave it a little slap.

Julie gasped in surprise, but did not move.

?This is a popular position, if you are to be penetrated from behind.  It is also popular, bending over a sofa, particularly when you are between two mistresses or masters.?

?It’s perfect for spankings.?  A few more slaps emphasized the point. ?? and your body is fully exposed and easy to caress.?  Mistress ran her hand along Julie’s sex, caressed her leg, and then grabbed one of her breasts.  Each movement, each touch, was slow and deliberate.

Julie was becoming increasingly aroused by all this touching, and all these exposed positions made her horny.  She wanted to beg her mistress to let her cum.  Yet instinctively she knew better than to interrupt her mistress’ deliberations.  Even the butt plug inside her was now turning her on.

?Okay, now kneel down on all fours.?  Ms. Cane, didn’t want to stop caressing this beauty, but it had to wait.

Julie knelt before her.

?Depending on circumstances, there are two positions.  First, as you are now with your hands down and your body raised.  If you are to give oral pleasure this is a practical position.  It is also ideal when your body is being examined.?  Ms. Cane stood up, and ran her riding crop along the length of the body.

?Now if you are to be fucked, or whipped, or simply presenting yourself accordingly, you will position yourself with your head to the floor and your ass raised in the air.?  Julie lowered her head and arched her back as instructed.  ?? stretch your arms out in front of you.?

?If you are with a master who has a preference for anal sex, assume this position.  It emphasizes your lovely round and firm ass, and assures him that you are ready for penetration.?

With her ass raised and butt cheeks spread, Julie became all the more aware of the butt plug pressed inside her.

Ms. Cane rubbed the riding crop between the butt cheeks, and tapped the end of the butt plug.  ?Nothing entices such a man more than a young beauty raising her ass, and begging him to fuck her ass.?

Mistress stepped in front of the kneeling slave.  ?This position is also ideal for foot worship.?  With the lady’s high heel shoes directly in front of her, the implication was clear.  Julie began to lick the toe, and then long licks along the side.  She then worked her way down to the heel.  She repeated this process with the other foot.

Ms. Cane debated taking off her shoes so she could fully enjoy this tongue on her feet, but decided this could wait.

With the riding crop, Julie was directed to kneel back.

?Very good dear.  These are the standard positions.  Remember them.   If you forget or are uncertain which position to use, simply assume the stance which leaves you the most vulnerable.  A slave must never protect herself or show modesty.?

?Now, two things.  First, you deserve a reward for learning your positions.  And secondly, you must be punished for resisting the butt plug.?

Julie was about to protest, but from the look in her mistress’ eyes, she knew it would only make matters worse.

?First the reward.  You will have the honour of pleasuring your mistress.?  Ms. Cane lifted her dress and sat down, then removed her panties.

Julie waited until her mistress’ hand guided her to the open pussy.  This was indeed a reward, to lick her mistress’ juices and inhale her musky scent.  She took her time, savoring the taste.  She only quickened her pace as her mistress pressed her face in further, and her rapid sighs emphasized her urgency.

Mistress cried out with our climax.

As the lady regained her breath, she stroked Julie’s hair and smiled.  ?Good girl, good girl?? she murmured.  Julie continued to gently lick her mistress’ sex, delighting in the orgasm she had elicited.

?Now we must attend to your punishment.?  The lady put her panties back on, and lowered her dress.  ?Bend over my lap little one.?

Feeling like a little girl, only she did not have memories of such spankings, she bent over.  Her arms and legs dangled helplessly on either side of her mistress’ thighs.  Her ass was raised, and her legs nudged apart.

?I am putting great effort into training you.  Therefore, I expect you to say thank you for your punishment.?

Mistress picked up a paddle from the bed, and her slave’s  butt cheeks tightened, nervously awaiting the punishment to come.

The first blow landed with a loud smack.  Julie cried out, and wanted to withdraw but couldn’t move.

?Aren’t you forgetting something pet??

Julie’s senses ran amok.  She should do something.  Yes, she should be grateful.  ?Thank you.?

The second blow landed, ?You know how to address me.?

Despite the pain, her need to please was everything.  ?Yes mistress, I’m sorry.  Thank you mistress.?

The third blow landed.

?Thank you mistress.?

A fourth blow landed, and then a fifth.  With each strike of the paddle, the slave showed her gratitude.  As the pace of the paddling accelerated, and the overall pain consumed her, the ‘thank you mistresses became one long moan, ?thank you, thank you? oh mistress, thank you.?

The beating seemed to go on forever from the new slave’s perspective.  In fact, it was only about 15 minutes.  When it was over,  her bottom had a rosy glow, and the skin was extremely sensitive.

Mistress reached across to the side cabinet and retrieved some skin cream.  She applied the cool lotion to the bottom and rubbed it in.  Initially the hand pressing into her red skin made the pain worse.  Yet with the smoothness of the lotion and her mistress’ hands, her behind began to tingle.  The warmth became a gentle throb which aroused her further.  Suddenly the pain from her spanking became pleasurable, and she began to understand the fine line between pain and pleasure.

Mistress released her, and they both stood up.  ?That’s enough for now.  It’s time for some domestic service.?

Chapter 4

Julie prepared lunch, with her mistress’ direction.   She made a mental note of the different seasonings, and preparation techniques her mistress suggested.  The thought they both had last  evening was now explicit.  Preparing meals would be a useful skill for a slave to have. 

In the past she had shied away from domestic duties, as these were expected of a proper young woman according to her foster mothers.  Yet now she relished in these same skills.  Rather than fulfilling societies expectations of woman’s work, she was delighting her mistress.  She only had to look in her mistress’s eyes to confirm this pleasure.

Two meals were prepared, and set side by side at the end of the dining table.  Mistress sat down, and gestured for her pet to kneel beside her.  Like breakfast, the lady enjoyed her meal, and selectively fed her pet.  Julie made no protest, as she was becoming accustomed to this position.

After the meal Julie immediately cleaned up the kitchen.  Instruction was not necessary.  Meanwhile, Ms. Cane changed into some sportswear.

Returning to the kitchen as Julie was completing her duties, Ms. Cane provided further guidance.  ?I think it is time to start you on a fitness regime.  We want your beauty to last.?  They walked into the recreation room, Ms. Cane guiding her pet with a hand on her bottom.  ?Let’s start with some stretches.  Show me what you know.?

Julie did a few stretches she recalled from her physical education classes.  ?OK, not bad.  Now try these.?  Ms. Cane demonstrated some new stretches.

Julie followed the pattern, with her mistress’ encouragement, ?that’s good, a few more--- remember to keep your arms behind your back or head.?  Mistress pinched the exposed nipples.  ?Better.?

A pair of new running shoes and socks were then handed to the naked slave.  ?You can wear these for exercise only.  We don’t want to damage your pretty feet.  And I think you have been stretched enough for one day.?  The butt plug was removed.

Julie gasped from the sensation of how open her anus now felt.

?OK, now on the treadmill.?  Mistress set the controls, and then set it in motion.  It started with a slow jog, but gradually sped up so that Julie was struggling to keep up.  Her breasts bounced with each stride.  Her breaths became labored and her muscles ached, but she dared not slow her pace with her mistress scrutinizing her.?  The pace being altered periodically by the machine.

Finally, the treadmill slowed and stopped.  Julie gasped for breath from the intense workout.  The mistress looked on and smiled, petting her slave.

?I think that’s enough for today, but I want you to run this program every day.  You will see that I have the selection programmed for you.?

Julie looked at the control panel and saw under the saved programs, ?SLAVE.?

?Yes mistress.?

?We will work with more of the equipment in the days to come.  Just stay away from the weights.?  Julie looked at her with a puzzled expression.  ?The purpose of your exercises is to tone your body, and keep you fit and flexible.  Nobody wants a female slave to be strong.  Certainly not strong enough to resist.?

?Of course mistress,? Julie nodded.

?Now do some stretching.?  Julie did so slowly, repeating the exercises she had just learned.  Mistress exercised along with her.

Mistress then announced, ?Time for a shower.?  With a pat to her behind, the naked girl was guided upstairs and into the bedroom.

Julie was a bit stunned to see her mistress undressing, which the lady unnoticed.  ?You may remove your restraints and shoes dear.?

They walked into the bathroom, and mistress turned on the shower tap, tested the temperature, and stepped-in.  Julie followed suit.  With soap and sponge in hand, the lady began to rub her pet, soothing the aching muscles.

Julie ran her hand along her mistress’s body and arms, delighting in the smooth skin.  She arched her back and opened herself to each caress from her mistress.  Mistress kissed her slave and their tongues entwined.  The warm water rushed between them, cascading over their breasts and the length of their bodies.

The soap and sponge were exchanged, and the caressing continued.  One long embrace as Julie relished the opportunity to worship the body of this elegant woman.  She dropped to her knees, hands behind her and licked the open sex.  Ms. Cane spread her legs, enjoying the sensation of this soft tongue inside her as the water soothed her body.  It was not long before she climaxed.

The two dried one another.

In the bedroom, Ms. Cane dressed while Julie knelt beside the bed.  The lady noted that she was kneeling exactly as instructed earlier for when she was not in use.  The slave had improvised in the shower by licking her, but she couldn’t chastise her for that.  A slave should be eager to give pleasure, and this girl had certainly developed a skilled tongue.

After nearly 3 days without clothing Julie was becoming accustomed to her nudity.  However, it still felt unusual to watch her mistress dressing while she remained naked.  Or perhaps it was just disappointment that they were not going to ‘play’ some more.

It was now mid-afternoon.  Mistress sat on the bed stroking her pet’s hair, and nonchalantly squeezed the exposed breasts.  ?Does anyone know where you are slave??

?No Mistress.?

?Anyone know the hotel you were staying at or how to find you??

?No mistress.?

?OK, then it is time for us to take care of some practicalities.?  Ms. Cane stood up and walked to the closet.  She reemerged with a short sun dress.  ?Put this on.?

Julie felt strange putting on clothing, even if it was revealing.  With no panties or bra underneath, the dress did not leave much to the imagination.  She was then handed a pair of sexy high heels.  It was exactly the type of outfit which her foster parents hated.  Julie loved it.

Ms. Cane walked them, hand-in-hand, to the garage, and they got into the car.  The moment they sat down, Mistress directed her slave to lift up her dress so she sat bare bottom on the seat.  As they drove out of the neighbourhood, the lady rested her hand on Julie’s inner thigh.  Julie instinctively parted her legs, welcoming the touch.

?You must always sit like this when you are in transport.?

As they drove into the city, Ms. Cane said, ?We’re going to the hotel.?

Julie was frightened for a moment.  Had she done something wrong to be sent away?

?I want you to get your things and check out.  It’s better if you do it.  When I retrieve clothing and check out a young woman it raises questions.  Keep it simple, so you disappear without a trace.?


?Yes dear.  When you are sold as a slave there should be no record of your past life, no chance of escape or rescue.  This provides you further motivation to be a good slave.  You will have a new life.

Julie nodded.  This level of reality scared her.  She knew she was being enslaved, but this sounded so final.  Her mistress’ hand, stroking her inner thigh, reassured her.

They arrived at the hotel, and Julie got out.  Mistress waited in the car, and Julie walked into the lobby of the hotel.  It felt strange to once again walk up to her room.  Even though she  had just stayed here for little over a week, this was her door to independence.  She had fled her home and her overbearing foster parents, and was opening up a new world of opportunity.

She collected her belongings, and stared about the room.  It was a dingy, flee-infested hole, but it was hers.

Then she looked down at her dress.  Even with her nipples clearly visible through the shear material, and the short helm of her dress which showed off her legs, she longed for something else.  She longed to be naked in front of her mistress.

She gathered the remainder of her things, and went to check out.  In the lobby she looked around once again before walking out to her mistress’ car; choosing once again to be a slave.

They drove back to the house in silence, with Julie’s dress raised and Ms. Cane’s hand between her legs.  Once home, Julie prepared dinner and they ate in the usual fashion with Julie kneeling beside her mistress.

Following dinner and cleaning up, Julie joined her mistress in the living room.  The fireplace was lit, which she though unusual given the summer heat.  Yet she  did not dare to question her mistress’ motive.  She knelt before her mistress, feeling the heat of the fire along her back.  Mistress opened up the duffle bag of retrieved clothing, and began to scrutinize each article of clothing.

The bras were summarily tossed into the fireplace.  Julie looked on in astonishment, but did not move.  A simple glance from her mistress, and she knew better than to say anything.  Her slacks were next to enter the fire.  Two-long sleeved blouses were tossed in.  A short skirt was raised up, and the length judged.  This skirt infuriated her foster-mother since it barely covered her behind when she walked.  Mistress set it to the side.

Her pantyhose were tossed, as were a couple of sweaters, and a few pair of socks.  All t-shirts, gone.  Any plain looking panties were thrown into the fire.

Virtually all her clothing was going up in smoke.  Only two short dresses, the short skirt, 3 pair of panties and some socks remained.  Not a word was spoken between the lady and her pet.

At the end, Ms. Cane looked through Julie’s purse, and picked-up her IDs.  ?You will be provided with some new identification.?  These were then tossed into the fire.  Julie only cried as her connections to the outside world sizzled and burned.  The bag, and its remaining contents were also tossed into the fire.

Ms. Cane then ushered her pet upstairs to the bedroom.

The remainder of the evening was devoted to instruction.  Julie became acquainted with various restraints, and a variety of torments.  The evening ended with love-making on the bed.

Chapter 5

Once again Julie awoke before her mistress, and immediately prepared breakfast.  While in the kitchen, she heard the shower running upstairs.  Her breakfast preparations were completed just in time, as her mistress entered the kitchen fully clothed.

They ate in the usual fashion.  Once the meal and cleaning were completed, Julie was ordered to exercise.  A few new maneuvers were added, but it was largely the same routine.  Mistress only watched and instructed.

Stretched and sweating, Julie was  ordered to take a shower.

She was immediately scared as she exited the bathroom, as there was mistress on the bed with a whip in hand.

?I think we will start the training today with a thorough whipping.?

Julie had not forgotten her last punishment from the night before.  Indeed, she still had the stripes along her back side.  Her mind reeled, trying to think of what she had done, or failed to do, that would warrant this whipping.

?Bend over this chair dear.?

Julie held back, and looked into her mistress’ eyes.

?But why do I have to be whipped?  I try to be a good girl.?

?You are a good girl.  Whipping is not always for punishment.  You must understand that your body is meant for pain and pleasure, the two blend into one.  All that matters is the complete surrender of your body to your owner.?

?But it hurts mistress.?  She had red stripes throughout her body as proof.

?Of course it does sweetheart.  You must learn to endure, to hold steady so that your master or mistress can utilize you as they like.  Right now, I would like to whip you.  You want to please your mistress don’t you.?

?I suppose so.?

?You suppose so?  A good slave wants to be whipped if It pleases her mistress.?

Julie didn’t say anything, just continued to look at her mistress with pleading eyes.

?It appears to me that you are not happy with your position.  You think you can tell me what I may or may not do with my slave.?

Julie shook her head to refute this statement, but her mistress ignored her.

?In this room there is a power struggle, but there can only be one mistress and one slave.?  Ms. Cane stared at Julie to gage her reaction.  ?So here is what I am going to do.  I am going to let you decide.  I am going to set this whip on the table.  If you think you should have a say in what goes on her, than you will want to be the mistress.  So, you will pick-up the whip, order me to remove my clothing, and then direct me to bend over, so you can whip me.?

Julie couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

?Now if you wish to stop questioning my authority.  You will pick-up the whip, as a slave holds it, and you will kneel before me, and present it to me.  You will then position yourself as I direct you, and receive your whipping.?

?Pick-up the whip.?

Julie looked at her mistress in shock.  ?I can’t whip you mistress.  I could never hurt anyone.?

?Yet you claim that I am hurting you, and you have objected to me whipping you further.?  Julie didn’t know how to respond.  ?One of us is getting whipped dear.  This is a place where slaves are trained, and whoever holds the whip has every right to use it as she sees fit.  Now pick it up.?

Julie paused.  How she picked it up was important.  She hadn’t forgotten her training from yesterday, on how a whip should be picked-up , and rested on open palms.  She should pick-it-up this way.  Yet the moment she did, she would need to present it to her mistress, so that she could be whipped.

She looked into her mistress’s eyes, and she knew she could never whip this women.  Ms. Cane was in charge, and  all she ever wanted to do was please this woman.  If whipping her slave girl pleased her, than who was Julie to argue.

With a degree of shame and having questioned her mistress’ authority, she picked-up the whip so that it rested in her open palms.  She knelt and held the whip out, ?I am sorry for questioning your authority Mistress.  It will not happen again.  Please whip me as you desire.?

Ms. Cane took the whip by the handle and silently sighed with relief that this little gambit had worked, but in truth she had little doubt.  ?I accept your apology slave, but you do understand I will have to whip you extra hard for questioning how I may use my property.?  She grabbed Julie’s breasts to leave no doubt as to what property she was referring to.

Julie nodded, ?Yes, I understand Mistress.?

She was then directed to lean over the chair, and the whipping began.  She received 20 strokes, but this time she didn’t whimper or cry out.  Her mistress was clearly enjoying herself, and such noises distracted her mistress.

Mistress was pleased with her reaction to the whipping.  Her slave was no longer moving away, or protesting.  Even her whimpering was kept to a minimum.  She kind of liked these short little whimpers of distress, so she decided that she wouldn’t correct this behavior.

?It is now time for you to learn that a slave is an object of beauty.  Stand here beside the sofa, with your legs spread.?  Julie instantly complied.  ?Now place your hands behind your back.?

?Stay like this.?  Ms. Cane stepped away to retrieve some items.  ?Now as a slave you can be bound or tied so that you remain in a sexually vulnerable position.  However, it is also important for a slave to remain immobile without any constraints.  She can be used as decoration.  One can have complete access to her body,? and with this remark she inserted a couple fingers into the spread pussy to emphasize her point.

?? or she can be subjected to subtle torments.?  She selected a nipple clamp from the side table and placed it on the left breast.  Julie winced, but did not move.  The matching clamp was placed on her left breast.  A decorative chain was then attached between the two clamps.

The butt plug she had worn inside her yesterday was now re-inserted.

?Now, a slave must remember to be beautiful at all times.  She must remain available at all times.  She must remain silent unless spoken to.?

Julie nodded her understanding.

?You will remain standing here.  Sometimes the biggest challenge is to remain available, and in position, without being used.?

?Yes mistress.?

Ms. Cane retrieved some files, and her laptop, and sat down on the sofa.  She then began to open her files and review her work.  Truth be told, this was almost as difficult for her, as It was for the slave.  It was difficult to concentrate with a naked and available slave standing beside her.  Yet the slave needed to learn how to remain immobile and available.  Ms. Cane glanced at her from time to time, enjoying the sight of this firm young body.

Over an hour passed with Julie standing there.  Her leg and arm muscles began to strain from the pressure of maintain one position.  Her nipples ached with the constant pressure of the nipple clamps.

There was then the sound of a car entering the driveway.  Julie glanced towards the front nervously.  She couldn’t be naked in the living room, when her mistress had guests.  What if it was a delivery?  She stared at her mistress to gage what we should do.  She didn’t dare move without her authorization, despite how much her muscles ached for release from this position.

Yet she certainly wasn’t expecting Ms. Cane’s next request.  ?Please answer the door dear.?

She stared at her in disbelief.  She was about to question her mistress, and remind her that she was naked as if anyone could forget.  Yet from the look in her mistress’ eyes, she knew it was pointless.

She walked to the door.  Just before she arrived in the foyer, the door knocked.  Nervously standing behind the door as much as possible, she opened it to see a well dressed man.  She estimated he was in his mid-40s, but he still had a nice physique.   And with his height just over 6’, he was a striking figure.

He didn’t seem to be the least phased that a naked young woman had answered the door.  ?You must be Julie,? he smiled.  ?I’m a friend of Alexandra’s, can I come in.?

?Uhh yes.?

She hastened to close the front door, so no one could look inside and see her naked.  Mind you, this left her fully exposed before this complete stranger.

For a moment they stood in the foyer.  Julie didn’t know what to say, and the man just looked over her body appraising her.

?Don’t be rude Julia.  Invite Mr. Redding into the living room.?  Ms. Cane shouted from the living room.

Julie, her moment of awkward silence broken, guided Mr. Redding to the living room.

Ms. Cane was still sitting on the sofa.  ?David, thank you for coming over.  Would you care for a drink??

?That would be nice.  A coffee.?

?Julie.?  Ms. Cane simply looked at her pet, and Julie went to the kitchen to prepare the coffee.

A few minutes later when she returned, she found Mr. Redding sitting on the sofa with her mistress.  The man continued to look over her body, enjoying her charms.  She found this incredibly disconcerting, but didn’t know what she should do about it.  She set the coffee on the side table beside him.

?Come, sit down Julie,? Ms. Cane directed.

Julie took a couple steps to the side, and sat in the sofa chair facing them.

?Don’t be so impolite dear!  Can’t you see that there is a master and a mistress sitting on this sofa?  How can we touch you, if you are sitting over there?!?

Julie rose, and went to the sofa, sitting between them.

Ms. Cane reached over to spread her pet’s legs, and then rested her hand on Julie’s inner thigh, and casually stroked the exposed sex.  ?My apologies David, she is still a little shy.?  With a hand gesture, she beckoned him to join her.

He reached over to squeeze one of her breasts, and ran his hand along her front.

The slave between them was trapped, and completely exposed.  The only thing she could do was sit back with her arms at her sides, and allow them to enjoy her.

?Very nice,? David murmured.  Then speaking to Ms. Cane.  ?And you say she has only been with you a few days.?

?Yes.  This is her fourth day.?  Ms. Cane raised Julie’s chin so she could look at her directly in the eyes, even as she was speaking to Mr. Redding.  ?She is coming along quite well, a real natural.  I believe she will be ready for the next auction.?

David was surprised.  ?She already knows she is to be sold into slavery.?

Ms. Cane smiled.  ?Yes she does.  I told her on the second evening.?

Julie was getting extremely aroused by the stroking of her body.  Her breasts were being squeezed, and fingers inserted into her sex.  Mr. Redding also liked to periodically lick her nipples, or stick his tongue in her ear, or give a long lick to her neck.  All this attention, and the casual conversation of her enslavement, was driving her to distraction.

Ms. Cane continued, ?And the best part is, I have never had to restrain her or confine her – well, not unless we were playing.?  She had a wicked smile which told all about their bondage games they had played over the past couple days.  ?She has had plenty of opportunity to escape, but she has decided to remain here and continue her training.?

?Julie knows that she is property, and we are doing what’s best for her.  Don’t you slave??

Once again, Ms. Cane stared directly into Julie’s eyes.  Caught like a deer in the headlights, Julie responded.  ?Yes mistress.?

Mr. Redding nearly shot his load when hearing this pet respond so effortless to her enslavement.  It doesn’t come much better than this.

Ms. Cane noted the strain in David’s pants.  ?Julie, I believe it is now time that you show us your cock sucking skills.  Kneel down and service Mr. Redding.?

Julie glanced at Mr. Redding, who was staring at her with a raw lust.  She kneeled down, and gently began to unbuckle his belt and unzip him.  He raised up and pushed his pants down past his buttocks.  Julie pulled them off, folded them properly, and set them to the side.  She then leaned her head forward to take his cock into her mouth.

‘Cock sucking skills?  What did Ms. Cane know of her cock sucking skills?’ Julie thought.  Yet in truth she had not hesitated to suck off her high school boyfriends.  Yet, she had never been with a man, and never been presented with a cock of this size.  The thought made her all the more wet, as she felt the cock pushing into the back of her throat.

He was already excited and very hard.

She alternated between deep throating him, and licking his shaft and balls.  She apparently had some skill, as Mr. Redding soon grabbed her head and held her with his cock deep inside her mouth and shot a load of cum into her.

Julie swallowed everything.

Mr. Redding looked over to Ms. Cane, nodded and smiled.

?Apparently you do have some skill in this department.  That’s good dear, it will make your training much easier.?

Julie blushed from the compliment, and was somewhat embarrassed by the compliment for that which she had been so criticized in the past.  She remained kneeling before them, and observed a smile on both their faces.  They were both pleased with her, which made her very happy.

The two of them resumed the caressing of her body, appraising her, and judging her reactions.  Julie jerked her body, resisting the touching of her body, but dared not move to get away.

?I think I should host a party.  She needs to become more comfortable with groups of people observing and touching her.?  Ms. Cane had clearly noticed her discomfort.

Julie shuddered at the thought of being naked amongst a room full of people, all of whom with the right to touch her even in the most intimate of ways.  And no doubt, she would be used for their sexual pleasure.

?? I don’t know why she is so nervous.?  Ms. Cane observed.  ?She has such a beautiful body, and she is such a natural slave.  She should be proud to show herself off to a group of masters and mistresses.?

?I have been working on positions, and her threshold for pain this morning.  Perhaps we can further develop her pleasure skills.  She has been proven to be quite adapt with her hands and tongue for giving me pleasure.  Our love making in the evenings have been quite enjoyable, and she has proven to be a quick learner with various techniques.  With you here, we should see how well she reacts to pleasuring a man.?

Mr. Redding nodded.  It was always a treat to be a friend of Alexandra Cane when she was training her new slaves.  These beautiful young women could be exploited in so many ways.  And they were always eager to please, wanting to show how devoted they could be for their mistress.  Yet this one was extra special.  She was not complying out of fear for further punishment.  She complied out of sheer pleasure and love for her mistress, and the world she was being ushered into.

?Would you like to proceed now David, or would you like to have some time to recover?  Perhaps we should have lunch, and then you can really give it to her.?

Much as he wanted to fuck this young beauty, it was probably better to let the anticipation build.  And truth be told he was not as young as he used to be, and he could use some time to get it up for a second round.

He and Ms. Cane continued their discussion as Julie prepared lunch.  And once lunch was prepared, Julie knelt in her usual place beside her Lady.  This natural expression of servitude impressed Mr. Redding.

?I know Julie is not a virgin, but I don’t believe she is overly experienced.  Isn’t that right pet??

?Yes mistress.?

?How many times have you been penetrated??

Julie was shocked at this intimate question.  ?I am not sure mistress.?

?Oh come now, you are not that experienced.?  Ms. Cane lifted her chin so that she stared into her eyes.  ?How many boys have penetrated you.?

The crude expression of her youthful expressions of love and intimacy was disturbing, ?Three, mistress.?

?Did they all fuck you multiple times??

?No mistress. My first boyfriend only penetrated me the once.?

?And the second??

?A number of times before we broke up.?

?How old were you then??

?I was 17 when we started dating.?

?A good age for a slave to start receiving cock.?

?What about your third??

?The third,? Julie looked down in embarrassment.  ??The third was my boyfriend’s friend.  My boyfriend loaned me to him.?

Ms. Cane beamed with delight.  ?You were already being used for sexual favours, how wonderful.?

Once again her slutty behavior for which she had been chastised was now a source of pride before her mistress.

Mr. Redding, listened to this interrogation and watched the slave respond to her mistress.  At this pace, he found himself stiffening, and ready to pump a second load into this young slut.

?Have you ever taken it up the ass, dear??

?No mistress.?

?Well,? Ms. Cane looked back at David, ?I think we know what we can introduce her to today.?

Mr. Redding smiled and nodded.

?Let’s go upstairs shall we.?  They walked upstairs together, with Julie leading the way, mainly so her mistress and her guest could enjoy her bottom displayed before them.  Ms. Cane even remarked on the firmness of her bottom.

Julie walked on in silence.  She was beginning to understand that she was an object of beauty, and her masters had the right to appraise her , and she must accept this without a word.  She was learning to take pride in the enjoyment others derived from looking at her body.

Reaching the bedroom, Julie was pushed backwards onto the bed.  She stretched out, and waited as Mr. Redding undressed.  Her Mistress sat on the edge of the bed, and stroked her pet’s hair.  

Mr. Redding climbed on top of her, and unceremoniously thrust his cock into her.  Julie gasped from the sudden penetration.  The size and thickness of his penis shocked her.   She had never felt anything like this before, her boyfriend flirtations being far surpassed by Mr. Redding’s size and intensity.  The rhythms of his thrusts were hard and steady, and her whole body shifted with each thrust into her.

Her mistress merely looked down into her pet’s eyes, and continued to stroke her hair.  Julie’s gaze shifted between Ms. Cane and Mr. Redding.  They both delighted in her moans as the fucking sped up.  Her whole body shaking, and breasts bouncing with the sway of her body.

She remembered the gleeful looks she received from her boyfriend and his friend as she sucked them off.  The look of enjoyment they received from using her for their sexual gratification.  It was now the same look she received from her mistress.  The lady enjoyed seeing this young woman in heat.

Mr. Redding was getting close to cumming.  His breath was shortening, and his thrusts were longer and deeper.   His body tensed, and she lifted her bottom up to receive him.   He thrust in fully and shot his load deep inside her.  With the fullness of him inside pressuring her clit, Julie climaxed in unison. 

He collapsed on top of her, and they lay together for a moment catching their breath, with his cock resting inside her.  The mistress continuing to stoke her now sweaty pet.  The lady was an accomplished lover and trainer.  She knew when her slave had pleased a man.  She had kept her arms to her side, but had stretched her body and yielded her body to him completely.   Once again a natural slave, one who knows how to deliver her body to the wanton desires of the man possessing her.

Mistress leaned forward and kissed her slave.  ?Very good pet.  Mr. Redding was in complete control fucking you.  Very good.?

David rolled off the girl, and relaxed on the bed beside her.  Julie remained on her back, with her legs spread.  She sensed correctly that they were not done with her.  Mistress reached into the stretched pussy, lightly thrusting her fingers in and out.  She then pulled her fingers out and brought them to Julie’s mouth.

Julie opened her mouth and licked up the mixture of her Mr. Redding’s cum and her own pussy from her mistress’ fingers.

Mr. Redding idly stroked her breasts and pinched her nipples.  As her mistress had indicated, it was relaxing to be shared by a mistress and master.

Ms. Cane was then in need of some release.  She removed her panties, lifted up her dress, and then knelt over her pet, pinning her to the bed.  She then lowered herself, her pussy in Julie’s face.  The expectation was clear.  Julie began to lap at her mistress’s sex like a hungry kitten devouring warm milk.

Her lower body was completely exposed.  This allowed Mr. Redding to retrieve a dildo from the side drawer, and plunge it into the waiting pussy.  The intensity of the having her pussy filled once again, while her mouth was filled with her mistress’ cunt excited her.

All she needed was her other hole filled.  That was soon rectified, as she felt the butt plug being nudged at against her tight hole.  She raised herself up to allow the insertion.  The dildo and butt plug rubbed against the other inside her, making her all the more sensitive.  She would have screamed with pleasure had her mouth not already been filled.

David continued to thrust the dildo in and out, fast and slow. 

The lady humped the face of her slave, and with her hand, never let the slave’s tongue out of her wet pussy.  She rode her through one orgasm, and held the girl’s head tightly in place to suck up all her juices.  She knew Julie could lick for hours, and elicit multiple orgasms.  And multiple orgasms is exactly what she desired.

When the quivering of her second orgasm subsided, she released her pet, and climbed off.

By this time, Mr. Redding was once again hard.  His endurance for a man is his late 40s never ceased to impress Alexandra.  Indeed he had the perfect combination of sexual energy and experience which attracted him to her.  He was the man she called upon the most to break-in her new slaves, although there were obviously of plenty of willing volunteers.

To Julie’s surprise, the butt plug was removed.  However, it soon became apparent why.  She was ordered to turn over.  Mistress sat against the headboard before her, and spread her knees.  Not unexpectantly, Julie’s head was pushed down into the waiting crotch to resume her licking.

Meanwhile, David lifted up her behind so that she was now kneeling with her knees parted, and her ass raised.  Her asshole, now stretched by the butt plug, glistened with a welcome invitation.  An invitation he accepted.  He drove his cock into her with one thrust.

The pain was intense, and Julie could not help screaming out.  Over the course of the past few days, her back passage had been stretched, but she was not prepared for the sensation of having a large cock thrust into her like that.

Yet she was not given any opportunity to protest.  Ms. Cane quickly pressed her charge’s head back to the waiting pussy, and Mr. Redding began a slow but steady thrusting of his manhood into the rectum.

Slowly the pressure on her inner wall from the thrusting and stretching of her insides had an effect she would not have imagined a week ago.  She began to like it.  No, she began to crave it.  She shifted her behind in unison with his thrusts.  She welcomed the slaps he now delivered to her raised butt.  And clearly he sensed her excitement, or did not care, and he began to thrust with greater speed and intensity.

Above her, the circle was complete, as David leaned forward and kissed Alexandra.  Their tongues entwined and then released.  Their breaths were ragged, as their bodies enjoyed the sensations elicited from this young slave girl trapped between them.

As they had both cum before, they were able to hold out for some time.  David was the first to climax, shooting a load of cum into the tight ass.  And seeing the strain on his face, while her slave moaned into her pussy, Ms. Cane immediately followed with a climax that shook her body.

They all collapsed in exhaustion on the bed.  They lay there for a while, basking in the warm glow.

Julie was ordered to take a shower first, while her master and mistress continued to rest.  Next, David took a shower.  When he exited the shower, Julie dried him off.  The softness of her hands gliding over his body would have immediately provoked a reaction had he not already been exhausted.  Even now, he stiffened in response.

Lastly, Alexandra entered the shower, and was also dried by her pet.

It was now nearing 7pm, so it was decided that they would relax over some dinner.  Naturally, Julie made the preparations.  Over dinner, Ms. Cane and Mr. Redding resumed their discussion of Julie’s training, and a variety of other business.  Julie said nothing as she knelt at their side.

After dinner, David had to leave.  He and Ms. Cane kissed, and then he left.

Ms. Cane than decided she wanted to relax on the back deck.  She suggested that Julie would benefit from a swim to relax and stretch her muscles.  The naked girl merely nodded, and was soon diving into the pool.  Her mistress stretched out on a lawn chair and watched her pet splashing about.

They went to bed early that night.  Ms. Cane no longer had the energy for much more.  Neither did Julie, but she had little say in the matter.  The two women cuddled and gently stroked one another, allowing all the except the excitement of the day to ease away.

Before they drifted off, Ms. Cane kissed her slave, and whispered.  ?You did good today slave. I am very proud of you.  The only thing I don’t want is a repeat of is the whipping incident this morning.  So tomorrow, after your exercise and shower, I want you to ask me to whip you.?

As terrifying as this sounded, the only words that resounded with Julie was, ‘I am very proud of you.’  She didn’t want anything to interfere with that.  She whispered in return, ?Yes mistress.? 

They then drifted off into a deep sleep.

Chapter 6

The next day started with the newly established routine; breakfast, cleaning, exercises and shower.  Yet as the morning progressed, Julie became more and more nervous.  She hadn’t forgotten Mistress’ instruction last evening.  By the time she exited the bathroom she was visibly shaking.

She sighed with relief when her mistress was not in the bedroom.  However, she knew this would not be the end of it.  Clearly her lady wanted the act to be more deliberate and drawn out.

Julie picked up the whip with open palms and proceeded downstairs.  She found her mistress in the living room.  She stood before her for a moment, summoning up the courage to complete the instruction she had been given.  She presented the whip to Ms. Cane, ?Please mistress, may I be whipped please.?

Ms. Cane took the whip and smiled, ?Certainly dear.  It is important for every slave to be tormented regularly.  Lean over this chair please.?

Julie complied, and braced herself as the whipping began.

Following the whipping, Mistress simply ordered Julie to return it to its proper place.

The day proceeded with a variety of instructions.  The butt plug was inserted, and the lady took full advantage of her naked pet.  However, most of these instructions were of a domestic nature; cooking, cleaning, how to address guests, etc. 

At all times Julie was reminded of her primary duties, and how to present herself.  She stood, knelt, sat and bent over as she was instructed.  Her breasts were regularly squeezed, fingers were inserted into her pussy, and all manner of sexual degradation became the norm.

The following days proceeded along much the same fashion.  She serviced her mistress sexually and domestically.  She was whipped, spanked, clamped, tied-up and gagged.  She became familiar with all manner of torments and restraints.  She learned to take it all in stride, and did not dare resist.

If she ever doubted herself, she just had to look into her mistress’ eyes, and see her smile.  Ms. Cane was clearly pleased with her pet, and encouraged her at every step.

And the love making and constant caressing enticed her further.  She loved her mistress, and longed for every opportunity to taste her and pleasure her.  Mistress’ introduction a strap-on dildo made their play all the more fun.

The constant attention had the desired effect.  With time, Julie became desensitized to her treatment.  It was now completely natural for her to be used in any manner.

One day she was excited to learn they were going on a day trip to the country.  Apparently Ms. Cane had some friends for whom she wanted to show off her new pet.

Julie donned one of her own dresses; one of the two deemed short enough that it gave her mistress access to her breasts and sex.  Again, it felt strange to wear clothing.  She remembered how to sit, and was in a constant state of arousal as they travelled.

They arrived at a large country home in the middle of nowhere.  Ms. Cane immediately removed her pet’s dress, and tossed it in the car.  She wanted her slave to be presented properly, naked with hands behind her back.

A couple in their mid-40s greeted them on the porch.  They warmly welcomed Ms. Cane, and then turned their attention to the naked slave girl.  ?So, this is Julie.?

Mr. and Mrs. Witter continued to appraise her, running their hands over her body and encircling her.  They made various comments to Ms. Cane, all of which were positive.  Julie was proud to make such a good impression for her mistress.

They entered the home, and the discussion continued on the status of her training.  Julie was never addressed, and was constantly referred to in the third person.  Needless to say, Julie didn’t dare say a word.

Julie knelt in the living room between the sofa and chair, in which her mistress and their hosts were seated.  The couple continued to pet her, and Julie absorbed the attention like a young puppy.

She only became startled when a naked woman entered the room and took orders for drinks.  She was naked except for high heels, restraints and a collar.  Julie couldn’t help looking at this beautiful woman in her late 20s, average height, athletic build, ‘C’ cup breasts and long blond hair.  Julie knew she was supposed to keep her eyes lowered in deference, but the excitement of seeing another slave was greater than she had realized.

Apparently the subject of discussion was a race of some kind.  And given the glances at Julie and the other slave, it was apparent who the contestants were going to be.

The group walked to the back of the house.  Mrs. Witter gave some instructions to her slave, who was finally addressed as Lillian.  Upon her mistress’ instruction, Lillian took her fellow slave’s hand and lead them both into a large shed.

They walked to a collection of hand drawn carts, or were they rickshaws as Julie had seen in some tourist areas of the city.  Whatever they were, Lillian selected two and pulled one out of the shed.  Julie followed her lead with the other cart.

Their owners awaited them, with each of the ladies having a riding crop in their hands.  Equally disturbing was the pony tails with butt plugs in the hands of Mr. Witter.

The slaves were provided running shoes, which confirmed it would be a real race rather than simple pony play.  As the girls finished tying up their shoes, they were ordered to remain bending over.  To no one’s surprise, their asses were lubricated and the butt plugs inserted.  The pony tails swished between their legs as the girls stood up.  Julie giggled slightly as the tail tickled her inner thighs.

They were then harnessed up to their respective carts.  The ease with which Lillian was strapped-in revealed how accustomed she was to these pony games.  This made Julie nervous.  She was racing a thoroughbred.

The final touch was a decorative head piece, and bits were placed in their mouths.  The two mistresses then sat in their respective carriages.

For Julie’s benefit, the pony girls were allowed to warm-up.  Julie learned how to turn, and how to pace herself based on the pull or tension of the reins.

Once the ponies were ready, they were lead to a track that twisted its way through the Witter’s field.  They lined up beside one another.  Julie’s heart was already beating fast with excitement and nerves; she wanted to do well for the pride of her mistress.  Mr. Witter raised a race flag and called out, ?On your mark?get set? Go!?

With the lash of the whip, they were off.  Julie struggled at first, adjusting to the weight and her own exertion to run as fast as possible.  Lillian pulled her mistress to an early lead, but Janice soon found the ability to keep pace.  The riding crop along her back ensured that giving up was not an option.

Lillian handled each turn with precision.  Yet with her burst of energy, Julie made-up ground on the straight-aways.

Their muscles were on fire, and their breath was labored.  As they entered the home stretch, the mistresses knowing their slaves’ fatigue now egged them on further, whipping them liberally.

Julie managed to pull even, but with 100 meters to go, Lillian found her second wind and pulled forward.  With this final surge, Lillian pulled her mistress across the finish line a full cart length ahead of her young challenger.

Both slaves gasped for breath as they passed the finish line.  The mistresses rewarded them with petting, and stroking of their beautiful manes.  Alexandra soothed her pet with encouragement, ?Good girl, good girl??  They were then released from their harnesses, head dress removed, and they were allowed to remove their shoes.  And to Julie’s disappointment, the pony tails were removed. 

Before they moved on, Ms. Cane whispered in her pet’s ear, ?This was your first time, running against a champion pony, therefore you did good considering.  However, mext time you lose a race, you will be punished.?  Julie nodded her head in acknowledgement.

With a pat to their behinds, the girls were directed to the back of the house.  The slaves were then ordered to stand with their legs apart and hands behind their heads.  A garden hose was picked-up by Mr. Witter, and he then unceremoniously washed them down.   The water was cold, and their bodies tensed up in response.  They were circled with the hose to ensure that the water reached their entire bodies.

Once the pets were cleaned, the group walked to the patio.

Ms. Cane and their hosts sat at the table having a light dinner while their slaves knelt at their sides.  After dinner, the owners continued their conversation for a short while in the lounge, and then Alexandra decided she needed to start the drive home.

Julie was instructed to kiss the feet of their hosts, which she did so humbly, and then they departed.  Julie dressed in the car as the pulled out of the laneway.

Chapter 7

It was nearing two weeks since Julie had entered Alexandra Cane’s home as a guest.  Her routine and training were proceeded like clockwork, above Ms. Cane’s expectations  Julie’s past, the life before she came to the city and her struggles to find a position, was fading away to a distant memory.

Julie enjoyed her mistress’s attention to detail.  She welcomed every instruction and every correction.  She was learning so much, and achieving so much.  The lady truly knew what was best for her.

Therefore, it was a point of pride when her mistress announced that they needed to start preparing for Julie’s ‘coming out’ party.  Apparently Ms. Cane knew many people in the ‘community’, and she felt it appropriate to introduce her new slave.  Among the guests would also be some potential buyers.

It was made clear that Julie had to leave a good impression so everyone would know that she was a good slave.

Julie responded, ?Yes Mistress,? proud that she was being given the opportunity to honour her mistress and reveal her training.

The party was scheduled for the following evening.  Apparently Mistress has already confirmed the guests by phone or email.  To an outsider, it would appear as any other private party.  Yet for those on the guest list, an invitation from Alexandra Cane to a party could only mean one thing.  Given the nature of Alexandra’s parties, and the beauty of the slaves she trained, her invitations were highly sought after.

Like any party, the first thing to take care of was the practicalities.  A shopping list was prepared and then they headed out.  Julie hated this part, getting dressed.

Much of the day was devoted to shopping and initial preparations.  They didn’t have much time to relax until after dinner.

Mistress gave her some advice on how to present herself at the party, and they reviewed some positions that would best expose her to visiting guests.  Clearly the guests were expected, or rather encouraged, to grope and feel her subtle young body.  Julie had to not only expect this attention, but welcome it.

She was not whipped that day.  Her mistress said that her body should be left free of marks, and that she would no doubt receive ample punishment from the guests.

That evening, Julie could barely sleep.  The excitement of being exposed, nervous energy of wanting to do well, and sensual thoughts, left her pussy dripping wet.  Her mistress barely touched her, preferring to let the slave’s anticipation and sexual frustration build.

The next morning, Julie was a bundle of nerves as she prepared breakfast, and did her standard exercise routine.  She was advised not to take a shower as she still had much house cleaning and preparation to do.  By mid-afternoon, the layout was complete and she was permitted to have something to eat and then shower.

With Ms. Cane’s instruction, Julie then made the final preparations in the kitchen.  A variety of party entrees were prepared, as well as an assortment of treats and finger food.  The wine was ready, and the glasses were already laid out in the lounge.

And more to the point of the event, there was a collection of paddles, whips, clamps and other sexual toys laid out around the room.  The guests were to be given every opportunity to explore this new girl.  Julie placed them carefully, knowing full well the intended use of these toys.

It was nearing 8:00 when Julie was ordered to once again get cleaned up in the bathroom.  Her collar and restraints were attached, and at her mistress’ request, she rubbed an oil all over her body which made her whole body shimmer.  Looking in the mirror, Julie could not help but be excited.  She looked great.  How could the guests not want to fuck her, or spank her ass, or best of all, purchase her.

Her mistress dressed in a gorgeous cocktail dress.  The two walked down the stairs together, and waited in the lounge for the guests to arrive.

The first guests arrived about 9:00, a couple in their late 50s, who had their own naked slave on a leash.  Julie and Ms. Cane welcomed them at the door.  Ms. Cane kissed them on the cheek and showed them her latest prize.  Relaxing in the lounge, Julie turned for them, allowing them to fully appraise her body.

The next guests arrived shortly thereafter.  And they continued to arrive in close succession until the room was nearly full by 10:30.  It was a wide assortment of people: couples, single gentleman, and the odd single lady, ranging in age from mid-30s to the late 60s.  All were wealthy, most were fit, and they were all elegantly dressed.  There were a few other slaves, including a naked male slave, which surprised Julie.  The male pet belonged to a master, and was clearly desired for anal pleasures.

Yet Julie was not permitted to be distracted by the other slaves.  She was the center of attention.  They all eyed her and liberally touched her.  The casual manner with which these strangers reached in and felt her pussy would have shocked her only two weeks ago. 

Julie’s face was a bright red from blushing.  Never before had she been naked before a group of people, unless you counted the girls locker room at school.  In those locker rooms, they were all naked and eyes were kept averted.  That was certainly not the case here.  The clothed men and women who surrounded her were examining her body in great detail.

With time, Julie’s anxiety subsided, and those eyes began to arouse her.  And those probing hands aroused her further.  She smiled and welcomed their appraisal, particularly those without slaves who were potential buyers.

She was struck by a young woman who was about her age.  She entered the party with a couple that appeared to be her parents, and a delightful female slave that kneeled at the parent’s feet.  The young woman spent a great deal of time examining Julie, and making remarks to her parents.  She used the paddle on Julie’s buttocks, and then the nipple clamps.  She seemed particularly pleased with Julie’s breasts.

It was apparent that this young woman was being introduced to the pleasures of female bondage, and with her parents experienced guidance, she was preparing to purchase her own slave.  Julie struggled to make a good impression, and was pleased to hear the favourable responses she was receiving.  Clearly this family would be bidding on her.

Mistress Cane circled the room, conversing with her guests.  She glanced back at her slave, confirming that she was behaving.  Her pet never had a respite from the hands which probed her body.

One of the masters requested permission to whip her, and from the murmurs in the room, it was something they were all anxious to witness.  Ms. Cane gave her consent.  Julie’s hands were bound, and she was hooked to a chain which dangled from the ceiling.  So there she stood stretched and vulnerable.

The whip struck with a loud crack.  Julie gasped and shifted, a bright red stripe now across her back.  The next blow was to her buttocks, and her whole body jumped.

The master paced himself, allowing the pain and anticipation to course through his helpless victim.  The crowd murmured their approval.

He whipped her without mercy, quickening his pace to throw off her senses once again.  After multiple lashes, Julie lost control and began to cry and scream out in pain.  By the end, his arm was sore from the thrust of the whip.  Yet that was nothing compared to the slave’s pain.  Red stripes circled her body, front and back.

Not a word was spoken as Julie was released and collapsed to the floor.  All masters and mistresses watched, intoxicated by the raw show of pain and subjugation.

The master stood before the slave who lay at his feet.  Julie leaned forward and kissed his boots.  The audience murmured its approval.  Even more so, when the master lowered the whip before Julie’s mouth and she kissed it.

Ms. Cane was very pleased.  Julie had never been whipped this severely before, but she had handled it well; no resistance and with complete respect to her superior.

Julie was allowed to rest for a moment on the floor, and the master disappeared into the crowd.

Another master who was seated near her, admiring her now warm red body, remarked, ?She suffers beautifully.  Let’s see how she is at oral service.  Come her slave.?

Julie crawled to him, and knelt before him.  He unzipped his pants.  Needing no further instructions, she leaned forward and took his penis into her mouth.  She began to suck it eagerly, relaxing her throat to take him all in.

With dildos and other recent experiences, she had become quite adapt.  Her school boyfriends had always been appreciative of her blow jobs, but now she could take them all in and alter sensations with her lips and tongue.  The licked and swallowed the cock, alternating the pleasure.

The man had great endurance and great length.  Yet with her technique she prevailed, arousing his huge member.  He gripped her head, thrusting deep into her throat, and shot his load into her.  She swallowed every drop.

He leaned back in exhaustion, never releasing her head, ?Ohhh yeeaaahh!?

Another man stepped forward, ?I want to fuck her.?

The first master exited the chair and Julie knelt on hands and knees in the middle of the room.  This new master knelt behind her and unceremoniously thrust into her wet pussy.  Julie gasped, bracing herself as he thrust into her with furious energy.  At this point, he could not long endure.  Within minutes, he shot his load deep inside her.

Another man stepped forward.  ?Let’s try her ass.?

Julie remained kneeling as the next man knelt behind her.  Some lubricant was dropped into her anus, and it was rubbed in with the man’s course fingers.  The fingers were removed and then the man’s penis was inserted.  With one painful thrust, he was deep inside her.  Julie gasped but managed to remain still.  He thrust into her with long slow thrusts, eliciting further moans from the slave he impaled.  He held her ass tightly, squeezing the sore ass cheeks and delivering the occasional slap.

The sexual excitement in the room was evident.  Masters and mistresses delighted in the show, stroking and kissing one another, as they watched.  Fellow slaves were quickly trapped between their owners legs to provide oral relief.

The master shot his load into Julie’s backside, and withdrew.

Two masters now approached her.  ?Now that you have been warmed up?? they grinned at the slave sweating and sore kneeling before them.  ?It is time for some double penetration.?

One master removed his pants, and lay down on his back.  Julie was ordered to mount him.  She briefly glanced at Mistress Cane who nodded affirmatively.  She climbed over the man, spreading her knees.  She held his cock and then lowered herself onto him.  Her dripping wet pussy took him in easily.

The man held her ass, and spread her cheeks.  This allowed the other master to kneel behind her, and within moments he was slowly inserting his cock into her stretched anus.  The two thrust into her.  The sensation of the two cocks rubbing along her insides was intense.  Trapped between them, all Julie could do was remain steady as the sensations overtook her body.

Her whimpering and gasping intensified with every thrust of the men inside her. She knew she was not supposed to orgasm without permission, but she was now having difficult restraining herself.  Her breath shortened, and then she cried out in one major orgasm.  Her body tensed, and her whole body tingled.

The men felt the tension on their cocks, pleasantly squeezing them, and they in turn climaxed.  Two thick loads within her ass and her pussy only served to extend Julie’s orgasm.  The three of them collapsed into a pile on the floor.

The crowd clapped and cheered in approval.

Julie was permitted a belief respite, as the two masters withdrew.  It was now getting late, and some of the guests began to depart.

The young mistress who had examined Julie in detail earlier now stepped forward.  ?She seems quite adapt at pleasing men.  I would like to feel that tongue on my pussy.  Let’s see what she can do for a woman.?

Ms. Cane smiled.  She knew more than anyone that Julie could give hours of pleasure licking her mistress.  Julie crawled to the young lady no older than her, who now sat down on the sofa chair and stretched out her legs.  The young woman ran her fingers through Julie’s hair and then watched her as she lowered her head and began to lick.

The young mistress gasped at the gentle pleasure.  Despite her many fantasies, she had never been licked by a woman before.  She had kissed and fondled the breasts of her parent’s pet, but never received such attention.  The boys who would perform cunnilingus for her were rash and sloppy.  This lick opened her up with the smoothness of the tongue, and then touched all the right places.  Julie proceeded slow and deliberate, licking and sucking, savouring the musky taste of womanhood.

This was the pleasure that Julie longed for, to kneel before a mistress and pleasure her.

The crowd settled down from the earlier excitement, enjoying the sensual pleasure provided by a slave to a young mistress.  The deep moans of the young lady aroused the crowd.  It aroused Julie even more, and she intensified her licking.  The young lady cried out when the inevitable orgasm struck her, her body tensing, and her legs clamping down on the prone slave between her thighs.

Julie beamed with pride for the climax she had elicited.  They young woman breathed heavily and just stared at Julie kneeling before her.

More of the guests began to leave the party, and Ms. Cane wished them well at the door.  The parents of the young mistress retrieved their coats, and motioned to their daughter. 

She leaned forward to kiss the slave kneeling between her legs.  ?You are quite the prize.  I am going to own you.?

Julie smiled in return.  She was going to be owned, and she may have a beautiful young mistress to serve.  Most importantly, she had achieved what her mistress had set out for the evening, to make a good impression.

Chapter 8

After the party, it was clear that the slave auction was not far off.  Mistress and a number of the guests had discussed it at the party.  Her Lady had clearly been in sales woman role the night of the party.

Neither would know the result of their efforts, Ms. Cane’s selling and Julie’s submitting, until the auction.  Yet Julie felt comfortable.  She now knew that she could work a room.  She now knew she could handle being naked and used like a toy, or an animal, or an object by a large group of people.  In short, she believed in her core that she was a well trained slave.

Apparently the spirit and pride radiated from her.  Her mistress remarked upon it as they lay together the next morning.  Ms. Cane was also pleased since her pet had indeed impressed the gathering.  She felt that a few bidders had now been lined up.

The auction was scheduled for this coming Wednesday evening, only 3 days away.  Ms. Cane felt so comfortable with her slave’s indoctrination that she told Julie the date of the impending auction.

Despite what would appear to be a short time frame to prepare, the two slept in on Sunday.  They showered together and generally relaxed.  Julie only had to clean up after the party.  Mistress even permitted her to forego her usual exercise routine.  Mistress indicated that her pet had quite a workout the night before and her body needed some time to recover.  Julie was indeed sore and aching, and appreciated the respite.  The two even swam together in the pool, allowing the warm water to stretch and sooth any aching muscles.

It was a beautiful day.  The two women played together and cuddled.  One woman was a mature and accomplished professional and the other her young naked slave girl.  Both women were completely at peace with who and what they were.

The next day they returned to their routine.  Julie prepared breakfast, cleaned, exercised and then showered.

All cleaned-up, she found her mistress sitting in the lounge.  Her Lady beckoned to her, patting the cushion beside her.  Julie promptly sat down beside her with knees properly spread.

?I am very proud of you Julie.?  Mistress rarely called her by name.  The Lady ran her hand through her pet’s hair and glided it over the young firm body.  ?You are perhaps the most natural slave I have ever trained.  I know you will be happy no matter who buys you.?

Julie blushed at the compliment.  Ms. Cane looked her in the eyes.  ?I want you to know that I love you, and I want what is best for you.  Finding you, training you, and now selling you; that is how I show my love.  You deserve the opportunity to be someone’s prized possession.

Tears swelled up in Julie’s eyes.  ?Thank  you mistress.?

?I am going to miss you pet.?

?I am going to miss you too mistress.?  Julie had not expected this level of intimacy from her mistress.  All of her emotions and worries bubbled up to the surface and were released along with her tears.  Overcome, she leaned forward and embraced her mistress, resting her head on a firm shoulder.

The two cuddled together in silence for a while, delighting in the embrace.

Upon releasing her pet, Ms. Cane remarked, ?I will not have many opportunities to enjoy you further, so let’s make the most of it.?  She picked up a paddle from the side table.  ?I don’t want you to be marked prior to the auction, so I can’t whip you anymore.  However, a good spanking should redden your behind nicely without any permanent marks.  Bend over my knees please.?

Julie used to dread spankings, the chastisement for troublesome girls.  She had received her fair share in her youth to little avail.  She could never seem to please her foster parents.  Yet now with her mistress, she took pleasure in the heat that radiated from her behind.  And more importantly, her mistress delighted in the loud ‘thwack’ as a hand or paddle struck her.

All this went through Julie’s mind as she lay prone across her mistress’ lap.  Her ass was nicely raised and vulnerable, and her legs were slightly parted.

The spanking was slow and hard.  Julie gasped and struggled to maintain her position.  Her mistress intensified the force and speed as the thrashing proceeded.  When it was over Julie slipped off the knees and onto the floor.  She knelt and kissed her Lady’s feet.  ?Thank you mistress.?

Ms. Cane had other plans for her slave, but at that moment arousal got the better of her.  She pulled her panties down and off.  With her slave kneeling in front of her, she parted her legs.  Then a simple push to the back of her pet’s head and a command, ?Service me.?

Julie did not hesitate.  To lick and taste her mistress’ sex was one of her greatest rewards.

She was permitted to be slow and deliberate.  She utilized all of her experience over these past two weeks to ensure that her cunnilingus skills would not be forgotten.  She managed to solicit two orgasms from her mistress before they stopped.  Mistress was gasping for breath and sweating.  Her pet’s face was covered in her Lady’s juices.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent in the basement.  Julie was tied up with ropes and hung from the ceiling.  She was left spread and exposed.  This facilitated the last step in her anal training.  Her anus was lubricated, and the largest of mistress’ butt plugs was inserted.  Even with the stretching she had endured these past weeks, not to mention being buggered at the party, the size of this plug made her cry out.

Mistress left her in the basement, tied up and dangling from the ceiling, and the butt plug making her ass  extremely sensitive.  She hung exposed like this for a few hours, alone with her thoughts.

So this was what the remainder of her life was going to be like.  She would be used and then hung like a piece of meat.  Yet even as she was trapped, she couldn’t help being aroused by the ropes.

All such hesitation and doubt disappeared when her mistress came down the stairs to inspect her pet.  She was so beautiful.  The Lady kissed her and stroked her.  Her body swayed with the touch of her mistress.  The ropes tightened and stretched, squeezing her body within them.

Mistress hand fed her some assorted fruits and snacks, and continued to pet her.  ?Do you want to please me slave??

?Oh yes mistress.?

The lady stroked Julie’s face and stared into her eyes.  ?Tonight is the last night you will spend in this house.  Think of the ways you can pleasure me on this special night.?

Mistress kissed her, and then walked back upstairs.  Julie was stunned.  She thought the auction was two nights away, but now this was her last night with her mistress.

She was becoming increasingly aroused.  The stroking from her mistress had greatly intensified the sensation of ropes rubbing against her.  Her whole body ached.  The more she struggled against the ropes, the more her muscles tensed and ached.  It was only when she learned to relax and accept her restraints that the ropes and suspension became pleasurable.

It was near dusk, not that Julie would know hanging in the basement, when her mistress released her.  It took some time for her muscles to stretch out, and for her to get her coordination back.

Mistress took her hand and lead her to the lounge.  By the time they reached the room, there was only one thing on her mind.  How can she pleasure her mistress on this their final night together?  She had certainly had a few ideas while she hung in the basement.

Her mistress had thought of something that had not occurred to her.  The Lady put on some slow music and sat down in her chair, and stared at Julie who stood before her in the center of the room.  ?Dance for me my sweet.?

Julie stood there stunned.  ?Uhmm? I don’t really know how to dance.?  She looked at her mistress, wanting to do something to please her, and fearing her displeasure.  ?I mean?uh? what do you want me to do??

She trembled nervously.  She would surely be punished for being disobedient.  But she wasn’t trying to be disobedient, she wanted to please her mistress.  She nearly burst into tears at this conundrum.

Her mistress recognized the girl’s nerves, and was far more soothing than her pet expected.  ?I am not expecting a choreographed routine.  Dancing is a primal part of our nature.  Sway your body to the music.  Seduce me.?

Julie took a deep breath and started to sway her hips.  Her movement started jilted and awkward, but gradually she found the rhythm.

?Slowly darling, feel the music.  And look into my eyes.  Seduce me.?

Julie lost herself in those piercing blue eyes.  How many nights had she lost herself in longing for this woman.  Her chest heaved and nipples stiffened.  Her dance slowed to subtle thrusts of her hips, and the arch of her body.

?Use your hands dear, feel yourself.  Show me the body you want me to have.?

Julie held her breasts, squeezing them, and then glided her hands down her body.  Bending forward, she thrust her breasts out as she rubbed as she rubbed her hands along her inner thighs.  She turned to the side and arched her back.  She slapped the thrust out ass.

Her eyes never left her mistress.  They stared at one another, gagging the other’s reactions.  The Lady was as cool as imaginable, sitting with legs crossed, observing.  Only her eyes told the real story.

Her slave was becoming intoxicated.  One hand went to her sex and she began to finger herself.  Her other hand rubbed and squeezed her body.  The dance was now simply masturbation set to music.

Mistress never moved an inch, only stared as her pet brought herself to orgasm.

The music ended and the dancer collapsed to her knees.  Shaken by her climax, she gasped for breath.  She looked up at her mistress who only smiled at her.  She crawled to her and kissed her feet.

The kisses became licks, and she alternated between feet.  She kissed the lower leg, and moved upwards.  There was no apparent reaction from her mistress, but the heat of her skin told another story.  Julie kissed upwards, and now gently flicked her tongue along the inner thigh.

Mistress raised herself slightly, and lifted up her dress.  She removed her panties and spread her legs.  Without a word, she gently guided Julie’s head between her thighs.

Success!  She had successfully aroused her mistress, and this was her reward.  Julie licked with abandon, long deep licks that savoured her mistress’ taste.

Her mistress held out for some time.  Yet eventually she gave into the pleasure and her body tensed in orgasm.

The Lady then guided her pet to the bedroom, and there they made love long into the night; two hot bodies entwined and thrusting together amongst a sea of kisses.

They awoke late the next morning.  Julie was about to rise and begin her routine, but her mistress pulled her back into the bed for further love making.

Nearly an hour passed of slow passions with both women climaxing. Then Julie was released and allowed to begin her routine.  It was only after breakfast, exercise and her shower that Julie looked at the empty bed.  With a mixture of shock and mourning she realized that she would never sleep in it again.

Mistress emerged in the bedroom and retrieved the small cases which contained Julie’s limited wardrobe.  She walked down the stairs with the cases.  Julie stood for a moment at the landing and watched as her mistress descended the stairs.

Julie walked downstairs to the lounge as her mistress placed her bags in the car.  When the Lady re-emerged, she beckoned to her pet and they sat on the sofa together.  Ms. Cane rested her hand on Julie’s thigh and they sat in silence for a moment.

Looking at the clock, Mistress remarked, ?You may remember this all began with a swim, and a naked dip in the pool.  There’s still time if you would like to do a few laps for old time’s sake.?

Julie did not know what to do.  She did not want to leave her Mistress’ side, nor did she want to disappoint her.  In the absence of any other thoughts, she followed Mistress to the deck.  Her Lady stretched out on a lounge chair and pointed to the pool.  Julie walked forward in a daze and then dove in.

The water awakened her, and like a giddy school girl she began to splash about.  She lost herself in the moment.  When she emerged from the pool, the memory recreation was completed; Mistress was waiting for her with a towel.  She sat down and allowed herself to be dried.

She had no concept of what pleasures awaited her when her hostess towelled her off on that first day.  Now, it was all she could think about, and her rapidly approaching departure saddened her.

?Go up to your room and get cleaned-up little one.?

When Julie came back downstairs, Mistress was preparing a late lunch.  She set a plate on the floor beside her.  ?Eat up dear, we have a long drive ahead of us.?

They ate in silence, then made the preparations to leave.  Julie was given her dress, which she reluctantly put on.

Julie stood before the front door and began to cry, ?I don’t want to leave you Mistress.?

Ms. Cane hugged her.  ?I know sweetheart, I am going to miss you too.  You have been such a good slave girl.?  She stood back and wiped the girl’s tears away.  ?I know you are nervous, but there is a whole other adventure waiting for you.  This is what you are meant for.?

Julie nodded, ?I know mistress.?  She had known from the beginning that this was inevitable.  She composed herself and they walked out to the car.  She sat properly with legs spread, and Mistress rubbed her inner thigh.  The two barely spoke as they drove out of the city.

Chapter 9

By mi-evening they arrived at a large ranch in the middle of no where, after several hours of driving.  A large estate home centred the property.  The entire property was surrounded by a high wall.  An iron gate blocked the laneway, and Mistress announced herself through the intercom.

They drove up the long laneway.  As they passed the hedges which closed off the field from prying eyes, Julie noticed a number of naked women, and the odd naked man.  All were active in some form of servitude; pony training or otherwise.

When they arrived at the house and stepped out, Julie was immediately ordered to remove her dress.

A tall man in a 3-piece suit walked towards them.  ?Alexandra, how wonderful to see you!?  He  opened his arms for a polite hug.

?Hello Robert.?  Ms. Cane accepted the embrace.

Then he turned his attention to Julie.  ?You must be Alexandra’s latest slave.?

?Julie,? Ms. Cane interjected.

?Julie?? Robert let the name roll from his tongue.  He held her chin and looked at her face.  He held her breasts, bouncing them in his hands.  He ran his hands over the body, feeling the curves and tender flesh.

Julie stood still allowing herself to be examined as the prized chattel she was.  He circled herself, alternately stroking and squeezing her young body.

?I don’t know how you do it Alexandra.  You always find the most exquisite beauties.  And kind I assume her training was to your usual standards??

?Yes, this one responded remarkably well.?

?Excellent.  Come in and get comfortable, and I will arrange for her to be processed.?

?Wonderful.  Just don’t complete the? uh? registration.  I want to be with her for the final details.?  She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, ?I haven’t told her about the marking.?

This secrecy made Julie more nervous, but she didn’t dare ask any questions.

They walked to the manor.  Once inside the door Robert called to an attendant, ?Phillip, would you mind taking Julie here to the dungeon, and providing her with some restraints.  She is being sold tomorrow, so put her with the other slaves ready for auction.?

?Yes sir.?  Phillip attached a collar and lead, and began to walking her to a large barn or warehouse adjacent to the manor.  Julie looked back to see her mistress, but she had disappeared inside.

At the barn door, Phillip swiped a pass card and placed his hand on the scanner.  The door slid open and they walked inside.

Julie had known about the slave trade, and had been with other slaves, but she was completely unprepared for this facility.  Dozens of naked slaves were constrained by chains which hung from the ceiling.  There was no discernable pattern.  There were women and men of all races, ranging in age from late teens to late 30s.  Some of them were being whipped, and most were gagged.

Phillip provided some introduction.  ?These are slaves in the initial training stage.  They are being broken in.  Some of them will never graduate beyond manual slaves for work details and the like.?

They continued walking and entered what could only be called the training facility.  Slaves were bound in immeasurable ways.  Some lay down exposed as their bodies were stroked, clamped and/or whipped.  Others knelt before a master or mistress and provided oral service, with or without their cooperation.  Julie noted that many of them had butt plugs inserted. 

She was further intrigued by an exercise bike with paddles that struck the slave’s bottom with each cycle.  A petite slave was paddling furiously, giving herself a thorough spanking as a trainer looked on.

One of the slaves was barely recognizable as human.  She, or so Julie supposed, was bound up completely in rubber, with only a tube for oxygen to her nose. Her arms  were constrained to the bodice so that were virtually undistinguishable, and the legs were stretched out and encased in the same rubber.  The body hung from chains leaving the slave completely cut-off and defenceless.

The trainers alternately circled the room, or stood at attention, monitoring everything.  They uttered commands, and were quick to reprimand any failure.

Phillip and Julie moved onwards and arrived at what resembled a kennel, a series of cages lined up in rows.  Julie was lead to an empty cage.  She stood waiting at the cage while her attendant retrieved some wrist and ankle cuffs.  She remained still as these were placed on her.  It was apparent that many of the caged slaves were now staring at her with curiousity.

After all this journey, nature was calling.  Julie lightly asked, ?Sir, may I use a toilet.?

Phillip smiled, tempted to make her wait and suffer.  Yet he decided there was not enough time for this particular game.  He led her to a row of toilets against the wall.  They were back in the training area.  Recognizing there was no other option, Julie sat down, embarrassed by her exposure.  She expelled, cleaned herself, and was permitted to wash her hands.

She was led back to the cage and ordered to crawl inside.  It was a tight fit.  She could curl up to sleep or kneel on her hands and knees, but not much more.  Phillip locked her in the cage and walked away.

She was surrounded by her fellow slaves in their cages.  A beautiful woman in her 30s was on her left, a black man to her right, and a young Asian woman was in the cage behind her.  Julie had no idea who these other slaves were, or even if they were local to this area.  She had heard that transporting slaves from other countries was prominent.

As a number of the attendants were around, not a word was spoken.  The caged slaves were completely quiet.  Julie looked around her, observing the caged slaves.  They all rested in wait.  Yet like her, there was a sense of nervous anticipation for what was to come.

From down the corridor they heard the screams and moans for the initiate slaves, begging for mercy, and the lash of the whips.

Julie was starting to settle into her cage when she saw her mistress with two masters walking towards her.  She rose up on her knees, excited to see her mistress.

They released Julie from her cage, and together they walked out of the warehouse and to the manor.  They proceeded to a lounge where a few masters and mistresses were seated and in idle conversation.  They observed the slave with a mild curiousity.

Julie noted a blazing fire in the fireplace which was rather odd given the season.

She was ordered to kneel down on her hands and knees next to the fireplace.  Her mistress sat in the chair in front of her.

?Julie, there is two more things we need to do to prepare you for sale.  First of all, we are going to install a tracker.  It’s a little chip that will allow us to track you anywhere in the world.  It’s to stop you from escaping should you ever have second thoughts, or prevent someone from stealing you.

Julie was not certain if she should be insulted by the suggestion of escaping.  The casual manner of her mistress this was just a formality.  ?All slaves are tagged, most of them when they are first captured.  Now hold steady.?

One of the masters grabbed her from behind, and pulled her head back by the hair.  In his other hand was what looked to be tranquilizer gun, which he pressed against her.  He shot her just behind the ear.  Julie muffled her scream.

?There you go dear,? her mistress continued.  ?That wasn’t so bad was it?  It will sting and give you a headache, but now the chip is imbedded in your skull.  It is impossible to remove or damage without injuring yourself.?

It took a moment for mistress’ words to sink in, and the pain to subside.

?The second item is perhaps more symbolic.  Yet I find it most appealing, a mark of a true slave.  We are going to brand you.?

Julie bolted up in alarm.  Yet her mistress quickly held her and stared into her eyes.

?Now, now dear? I know you are nervous.  Yet all slaves are chattel, and all chattels are branded.  It is a mark of quality.  It indicates you have been approved for sale at this auction house.  You do want to show people that you are good slave don’t you??

?Yes mistress.?

?OK then.  Kneel back down.?

Julie slowly returned to her position on her hands and knees.  By now all eyes were upon her, and all conversation had stopped.  Mistress inserted a leather bit into her mouth.  ?This may help dear.?

She held steady as the master pulled what she had thought was the poker out of the fire.  She stared into her mistress’ eyes as he pressed the branding iron into her butt cheek.  She tried to remain steady as she cried out and bit into the mouth piece.

The pain jolted through her and then subsided, except for the intense burning sensation which radiated from the new mark on her ass.

Mistress stroked her hair and soothed her.  ?Good girl, good girl? that’s a good girl.?  She then stood up and inspected the brand.  Then looking down at her slave, ?Sleep well tonight pet, you have an important day ahead of you.?

Julie was then directed to stand, and the lead was re-attached to her collar.  The general conversation in the room resumed as the show was now over.  Another male attendant led her back to warehouse and her cage.

Activities for the night were coming to a close within the warehouse.  The lights were dimmed, and except for the incessant whining of some of the new slaves and the occasional whip lash to silence them, all was quiet.

It took some time, given the pain and unfamiliar setting, but eventually Julie drifted off to sleep.

She awoke in the middle of the night as a hand was stroking her pussy.  She was about to look down to see whose hand was caressing her.  But just then, the woman in the cage next to her reached through the bars to caress her shoulders and arms, ?Shhhssshh?? she whispered, ?quiet or the attendants will hear us.?

Julie then realized that the hand stroking her pussy was from the man to the other side of her.  Her female companion smiled as the recognition donned on Julie.  Then the woman ran her hands down Julie’s arm, and began to stroke her breasts.  Julie continued to stare at her, uncertain if she should do anything.  She assumed that this was completely improper, but she couldn’t say no to this pleasure.

She was about to reach through the bars to return the caress, but her female companion stopped her.  The woman placed Julie’s hand back at her side, and returned to caressing Julie’s breasts.

Julie looked back at the man who was fondling her.  His eyes were closed and appeared to be lost in a  dream.  Her slave sister whispered, ?Don’t stroke him.  He needs to remain hard and ready for sex at the auction tomorrow.?

So Julie kept her hands at her sides and allowed these two strangers to fondle her in the most intimate manner imaginable.  The skill of their hands made silence difficult.  It took concentration not to gasp or moan when she was brought to an orgasm.

And then, like a dream, the hands were withdrawn and her slave neighbours drifted back to sleep.  When Julie awoke the next morning she was not even certain if it had just been a wet dream.  There was absolutely no reaction from either of her slave companions.

A bowl of food was slid into her cage.  It looked and smelled unappealing.  Yet like her fellow slaves, she ate her designated meal.

Julie and the other slaves were then released from their cages.  She noted that they all stood at attention with arms behind their backs, and promptly followed suit.  As they were led out of the building, they could see that the new slaves’ training was once again in full swing.  The lash of the whip, screams and begging for mercy once again filled the hall.

Julie and her cohorts walked single file out to the yard.  There was nothing binding them and only a few attendants watched the group.  All the slaves acted in an orderly fashion, and were clearly well trained. 

They were then put through their paces.  It was an intense exercise routine which left them all exhausted.  Yet thanks to the workouts over the past couple weeks, Julie was in top shape.  The exercise even helped to take her mind off her impending sale.

Upon completion, the group stood at attention with hands behind their heads as they were sprayed down with the hose.  The lead attendant paced before the line of slaves, scrutinizing them.

?Today is the big day for all of you.  Your training is complete.  Therefore, no whipping, and no lessons will be administered today.  Instead you will be prepared for presentation.  Any resistance or misbehaviour, and you will not be sold.  Instead you will remain behind for further training and punishment.?

They were led into the house and up the stairs.  One by one, they showered and were lead to a bedroom.  Each slave in turn lay on the bed and was massaged with a form of baby oil.  Their skin glimmered, highlighting every curve and muscle in their body.  Next their hair and make-up were done.  Slowly and meticulously they became visions of perfection.  Each slave silently enjoyed the attention, delighting in the beauty that was all around them and within them.

For dinner they had the honour of sitting at a long dining table.  It had been some time since any of them had sat at a table for dinner.  And most of them, coming from poor backgrounds, had never been in such an elegant dining room.

By the time dinner was completed, many of the masters and mistresses had begun to arrive.  There were a rich variety of races and ages.  All were elegantly dressed in suits or cocktail dresses.  They gathered in the large party room, milling about in polite conversation.  Drinks and hors d'oeuvres were being served.  Waiters and waitresses in revealing dress circulated the room, serving their patrons.

A sudden silence enveloped the room as the naked slaves entered the room in unison.  They were naked except for the thin slave collar with a numbered tag around each of their necks.  In all, there were 30 of them, 23 female and 7 male slaves.

They were led through the crowd to the stage at the end of the room.  They waited at the bottom of the stage as Master Robert, the master who had inspected Julie upon her arrival the previous evening, took the stage.  With a microphone in his hand and the spotlight now upon him, he began the proceedings.

?Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to the House of Black.  We have a fine assortment of property available to you this evening.  There are dossiers available which outline their fitness, training, physical specifications, and other pertinent details for each of the slaves listed this evening.  Please consult Master William,? he pointed to a man standing at a booth to the side of the stage, ?for these records.  Trainers are also available for consultation.?

?All slaves are available without reservation.  All have been suitably trained, and lacking identity so they may be readily transported.  I will introduce them to you now.  Bids will be submitted in writing with Master William.?

?Once the slaves have been introduced they will circulate the room, giving you an opportunity to examine them.  We will reconvene at 10:00 to complete the bidding.?

?Our first lot, #1, is Ying Mae.?  An Asian girl in her late teens walked onto the stage.  ?A refugee from rural China.  Purchased from a group of slaves shipped from China for use in an east coast bordello, she has shown great potential and responded well to training.  Sold into slavery as a child, she is a rare find to be without disease or pregnant.  She is excited by the chance of being a high class slave.?

The girl was directed off the stage, and the next lot was brought up.  A white girl from the mid-west was brought into the spotlight.  She was likely another runaway with hopeless dreams in the big city.

Julie was lot #17, and walked into the spotlight light as a red headed beauty exited the stage.  ?From one of our local trainers, Alexandra Cane, I present Julie.  She consented to become a slave.   Shuffled between homes as a child, she is eager to please her master or mistress.  Very skilled at oral service.?

And with that brief statement, she was ushered off the stage.  With the spotlight upon her, she could not identify anyone in the crowd.  She now waited at the bottom of the stage with her fellow slaves as the introductions continued.

Once the introductions were over, trainers began to lead the slaves individually out into the crowd.  From out of the traffic, Ms. Cane emerged and took Julie’s hand.  Julie was so excited to once again see her mistress that she nearly hugged her.  Mistress smiled and kissed, setting her at ease.  She was then led out into the crowd of admirers.

Once they began to mingle, Julie recognized some of the faces in the crowd.  The young lady who had fondled her and whipped her at the party was starring at her with intent.  Mistress Cane noted her pet staring at the young woman and whispered in Julie’s ear, ?She will be bidding on you.?

Julie turned to her mistress and smiled.  It would be a pleasure to serve that beautiful young mistress, as she had the previous Saturday.

Her attention was then turned to the throng of masters and mistresses which gathered around her.  They stroked her body and discussed her features openly.  Ms. Cane stood nearby, responding to inquiries:

?How does she respond to being whipped??  ?Does she have experience with electro-play??  ?What role play scenarios has she participated in???

All questions and comments were directed to Ms. Cane.  Julie was expected to remain silent.   She assumed a variety of positions and attempted to remain calm as fingers were inserted into her pussy or anus, her breasts were squeezed, and her hair was pulled.  The intimate comments they made about her were unnerving.

Julie maintained a level of peace with mistress near her.  She listened to the comments her mistress and others made about her and was filled with pride.  It appeared that the sale was going well, and she would be just where she belongs.  Her mistress had said right from the beginning that this was the most natural place for her to be.  Now amongst the crowd of men and women wishing to own her, Julie agreed that this was her place.

The hours passed by in a blur.  At 10:00 Master Roberts returned to the stage.  ?As you have seen, there is a fine selection of slaves available this evening.  We have received multiple written bids for all of our slaves.  We would like to now welcome our slaves back to the stage for the final bidding.

Ms. Cane patted Julie’s behind, and then she walked to the stage, naked and alone amongst a sea of eyes.  Her fellow slaves did likewise.

Master Roberts continued once they had all assembled at the bottom of the stage.  ?Let me show them all to you once again, beginning with Lot #1.?

Ying Mae walked onto the stage, clearly frightened by the attention.  ?We have received 6 bids for this Asian beauty.  The bidding now stands at $80,000.  She has certainly appreciated in value since her parents sold her in Jiang Xi province.?

?Lot #2, Christine.  We have received 10 bids for our beauty who is fulfilling her dream of being a star on stage.?  The athletic brunette blushed, as the crowd chuckled in response.  ?The bidding now stands at $95,000.?

Each slave took their turn in the spotlight.  ?At Lot #17 we have Julie.  The slaves trained by Alexandra Cane have a reputation for excellence, and this young beauty is proving to be no exception.  We have received 12 bids, and the bidding now stands at $120,000.?

Only 1 other slave received a higher bid.  A Latin beauty from southern California received a bid of $125,000.

Master Roberts retook the stage to start the final bidding, presenting Ying Mae.  ?The bidding for Lot #1 now stands at $80,000.  Do I have any further bidding??

The Asian shifted nervously before the crowd as her fate was determined.  Each slave in turn stood before the audience awaiting judgement.  As Julie stood before the room, her body glistened in the spotlight.  She could now make out some of her admirers.

From the look on her face, Julie determined that the young mistress had placed the bid of $120,000.  The bidding escalated to two contenders.  A man in his mid-40s who had examined her in detail this evening, competed against the young mistress.

Julie stood motionless, eyes downcast demurely.  She was an image of calm.  Yet inside was a storm of emotion.  More than anything, there was arousal.  Mistress Cane had been right about her from the start.  Listening to the bidding war to possess her filled her with pride and made her pussy wet with excitement.

There was a buzz in the room when the bidding hit $185,000.  The man stood with a smug look on his face.  The young mistress quickly consulted with her mother.

Master Roberts called it out.  ?$185,000 going once? going twice? sold for $185,000.?

The young mistress turned away, clearly disappointed.

Julie was lead out of the room to a side room.  The auction was proceeding behind her.  She waited silently with only an attendant standing with her in the room.  Her breath eased and body relaxed after the excitement of the stage.  Yet the intensity of the experience had left her incredibly aroused, and she longed for the opportunity to masturbate herself to orgasm.

After about 20-30 minutes her new master entered the room along with Mistress Cane and another master.  Julie stood at attention, arms behind her back.  Mistress Cane came to her and petted her.

?Congratulations pet, we have completed the paper work, and you are now the property of Master Daniel.?

Master Daniel stepped forward and stared at his new slave.  ?Kiss my boots slave.?

Julie knelt before her master and kissed his boots.  Upon his direction, she stood up again and returned to her earlier position.

Mistress Cane hugged her, surprising Julie with the intimacy.  ?I love you pet, make me proud.?

Julie was in tears having to say goodbye.  ?Thank you Mistress, I will.?  She looked at Master Daniel.  He was handsome, powerful, and had a strict but appreciative look on his face.  She would love him and honour him in every way.

Mistress Cane kissed her cheek and then exited the room.  The other master and the attendant followed her out.

Master Daniel continued to look at her and smiled.  He attached a lead to Julie’s collar.  ?Come slave, let’s go home.?

They walked out of the mansion together and into Julie’s new life.


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Earning Julie

Prologue This is still difficult for me to believe after all these years. I never dreamed or hoped my life would end up the way it has, but I give thanks every day when I wake up and look at the woman next to me. I guess I need to explain. See I was a virgin until my early forties, and I was scared of women. Terrified of the fact that somebody might actually have an interest in me other than work related. I still have that fear, but now I have help to conquer it. I may never do...

3 years ago
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Pam Sam and Julie

Pam Coburn could not concentrate on her work. No matter how hard she tried, her mind just was not in it. Pam was a thirty-two year old single mother of Sam, who was fourteen. She was raised in a Christian home and believed most of what she was taught in Sunday school. She attended one year at a Christian college but was asked not to return for the following year when she could no longer hide her pregnancy. She knew fooling around with Tom was a stupid thing to do but being young and away from...

1 year ago
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The Emancipation of Julie

An unsatisfied teen girlfriend takes an older lover Julie was 19 years old when we met in the early 80s. I was in my 30's. She was willowy and elegant with beautiful light brown skin, a great benefit from her Portugese and African heritage. Her 100 pound body was topped off with silky dark brown hair that nearly reached her narrow waist. Her breasts were small but very firm and needed no support from a bra. Without a bra, her nipples made a definite impression on her blouse, and me. I met Julie...

3 years ago
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Julie By Waldo([email protected]) All rights reserved by the Author. This may be posted on web sites or BBS where stories are distributed for free; just send me an e-mail telling me where you've posted it. It's an adult story. Author's Note: Some of you might recognize some of this story. This was started about three years ago and even partially released to a list of readers where it had been stopped at a point. It then sat while other things were worked on. However, it bugged...

2 years ago
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The taking of Julie

A story about a young couple where she is taken by older and he yields. Comments appreciated.Julie and I moved into a two-flat rental at age 22. We were two young people in love, sill maturing and just starting out. We were both lean and physically developing. I had no facial hair and a young penis with a small tight ball sack below. Julie had 32B breasts and long blond hair. She had a small pubic mound above her sweet tasting, young, tight pussy. For us, sex was always tender and...

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Kath Julie

Hello all iss readers. This is a real story which contains sexual features in it, therefore I kindly request that I will not be responsible for any miss happening. If u likes the story u can mail me on or Kath and Julie are sisters. They live in the inner city, on the tenth floor of a modern high-rise apartment building, with a beautiful view of the harbor. Julie is the older of the two ladies; she is 57 and Kath is 55. Neither has ever married. Their father had been an abusive man, causing...

3 years ago
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Raping Julie

Shawn, Julie, Erica and i are headed up to a little timeshare beach house where we'll be getting nothing but pussy for two weeks. Everybodys coming to my house because im driving im the only one with a reliable car and for some people a license. I know this sounds mean but im a little embarrassed to be seen with Erica at the beach , all those tanned hotties and i got the bride of frakenstein not to mention the hair she never combs. After this vacation i think imma call it quits....

4 years ago
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Annie and Julie

Annie watched the spread-tied girl's narrow hips thrash as the young victim tried futilely to kick her legs free. Her open-legged struggle caused her pussy to "dance" above the bed delightfully. Annie reached out and grabbed a thatch of the girl's pubic hair, pulling her upward by it until the girl tore her hips away. Meanwhile Julie pinned the girl's shoulders down and buried her face in the girl's left breast, sucking voraciously as if she could force milk from it. Her free hand plucked the...

2 years ago
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Helping Out Aunt Julie

After returning home with my brother we found out that our parents had split up and dad had moved out, well he was'nt round all that much anyway.. his two favourite things to do were working and drinking, full time job and helping friends and his younger brother plant and harvest vegetables.His best feature was he was very good worker but not really that good at anything else, both my brother and myself worked with him sometimes on weekends and school holidays, as it was my brothers last year...

4 years ago
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My Day With Julie

It was a beautiful spring day in San Francisco. Warm but not hot and the fogs of summer hadn't begun to roll in. I work for myself, and this was a day to play hooky.I had one errand that took me downtown, but then I was free. I decided to drive out to the beach and look at the Pacific Ocean. It is still a novelty for me. I've been here ten years since coming from England, but still get a charge out of where I live. I like being a tourist sometimes and I chose a route that took me along Haight...

Straight Sex
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Jasons QuestChapter 27 Jason Julie

Table talk at supper with Jed and JIll was lively and entertaining. After introduction of the wives, the two couples exchanged stories and histories the rest of the evening. Jase and Julie were glad to hear that Jesse and Marie were well and happy, about to get started putting together the beginnings of their dreamed of horse ranch. All Jed could tell Jase about finding the location of Jesse and Marie was that Jesse had intended to continue west up the Brazos for some distance yet, perhaps...

2 years ago
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JULIE  JULIE?? Julie was a submissive. Julie had always been a submissive, but if you ever asked when it started, she would not be able to tell you.? I remember her once telling me that the first time she was ever tied up, was in a college play, when she played Joan of? Arc, and was tied to the stake. She told me that she had a strange feeling about it, but had no idea what it meant.? Her next role was as a roman slave girl, and yes, she was tied up again. In fact, in most of her roles...

3 years ago
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A new experience for Julie

Julie was fed up. It was the same every evening, left on her own while her husband went down the pub. She’d opened the bottle of wine and sat in front of the television, crap on as usual. Eight o’clock already she thought, well sod this, I’m going out. Julie was feeling a bit tipsy after drinking half a bottle, but what the heck. She went upstairs to the bedroom and stripped off her clothes, she was proud of her body, her firm breasts stood out against her slim and tanned body, and she...

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Julie was sitting on the couch when Pam walked in the door. Pam walked to her and sat beside her and grabbed her face and kissed her. She said "Did you miss me?" Then she undid Julie's shirt and kissed her nipples. She looked at Julie and told her "I have been thinking about these big tits all day. I just need to lick and suck them." As she sucked each nipple she undid Julie's pants and put her hand down them. She found the clit and pinched it then began to rub it. Julie then told her "Let's...

2 years ago
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Nurse Julie

I was walking thru my friends mobilehome park the other night, talking on my cell phone, when I fell in the mud. I dropped my phone and layed on the ground for a few minutes. My friend that I was talking too must have hung up, cuz she wasn't there when I said hello.I called my friend Aaron, whom I was visiting. I told him that I fell in the mud and I think I broke something. I told him I was just around the corner from his house. It was nighttime and he walked right past me. I yelled for...

4 years ago
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A new experience for Julie

Julie was fed up. It was the same every evening, left on her own while her husband went down the pub. She'd opened the bottle of wine and sat in front of the television, crap on as usual. Eight o'clock already she thought, well sod this, I'm going out. Julie was feeling a bit tipsy after drinking half a bottle, but what the heck. She went upstairs to the bedroom and stripped off her clothes, she was proud of her body, her firm breasts stood out against her slim and tanned body, and...

Group Sex
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 90 Erotic Massage Tutoring Julie

Mark In keeping with the villa’s unwritten dress code all of us were naked. It was the sexy kind of naked and not the clinical or gym locker room kind of naked; there was no embarrassment and no worry about being probed in the wrong place in the wrong way by the wrong person. Sure there were a lot of different shapes and a little cellulite and sag here and there, but the way we thought about it made it sexy and arousing. Celeste and Julie were lying face down on our two massage tables that...

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Revenge 2 Sister Julie

My sister Julie got married to Russ and both of them made fun of me called me a queer. Russ, like so many of the other men in town , worked in the coal mine. They took a honeymoon to Myrtle Beach, then came back home. I was seething with anger when Russ told me he had banged my sister with a big hard dick and that I would never know what it was like to fuck a woman. Julie just giggled. That evening I looked at my journal and saw that two days from now would be a good time to fuck...

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2nd time with Andy and Julie

That evening, I had been out with some friends and got back late, letting myself back into the apartment quietly. I was tiptoeing towards my room when I heard his voice call from his room “Hey John, is that you?” “Come in here” Sighing to myself but knowing I couldn’t avoids him forever, I opened his door and stuck my head round. The sight that greeted me was surprising to say the least. Andy was sitting back on his bed, naked, together with an equally naked quite pretty brown haired girl....

4 years ago
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I never knew my natural Parents my adopted Parents names are on my Birth Certificate along with my adoption Certificate. I only found out when my Father a Solicitor and my Mother told me on my s*******nth Birthday what a gift along, with the news of my birth came a gold locket no inscription but it was hallmarked which the adaption society told them my natural Mother asked them to give me the locket when I was s*******n . To say the least it was shock I love my Parents and I wouldn’t do...

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I am an ardent fan of Kerala Erotica. I came into this site by chance and was thrilled after going through its contents. I see to it that daily at least twice I enter the site and go through its various topics. Regarding the stories I am not sure whether how many are true but nevertheless it does certainly titillate you. After much thinking I thought of putting my story and experience in this site. By doing so I am sure I will get lot of relief since I can’t say about my experience to anyone.My...

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 34 Julie

I didn't run, but my hunger made me walk fast as I headed around the lake to the outdoor Pavilion. I could smell the barbeque and it was making my mouth water. I may not have been the last one there, but I sure wasn't early, I realized as I made my way to the end of the ten mile long line. It wasn't actually ten miles, but it sure seemed it to me. I picked up a plate and loaded it up with three quarters of a ton of barbeque, and baked beans and homemade potato salad. I'd have to make a...

4 years ago
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Fucking Julie

Lynn and I had met in college when I was going out with one of her roomies. She lived in a sprawling house with a variety of people – girlfriends had boyfriends living there, girlfriends had girlfriends living there and I was having a nice fuck buddy relationship with the roomie when I met her. Lynn would see me at breakfast and noted my big feet, large hands and big nose and assumed big cock…my fuck buddy told her I was a great fuck so Lynn asked to “borrow” me for a date. We went to my...

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Kerries Journey Chapter 3 I meet Julie

In Kerrie’s Journey: Chapter 2: I explore online, I described how, after an erotic massage in Phuket by a woman, I came home and started to explore online. I was keen to understand the growing need in me to be touched again by a woman. Eventually I discovered a lesbian chat site. There I found other women, who like me were exploring their bi-side. They introduced me to the joy of cyber sex.At home I continued to have a great sex life with my husband, Tom. Indeed if anything I was hornier; a...

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Let me tell you about Julie. Julie is 29 and is single and unattached. I am not really sure why she has no significant other. I am positive she is not gay, doesn’t have a secret life and desperately wants to hook up with someone that can appreciate her attributes. Julie is a hard worker and does a credible job at most everything she takes on. She has a dynamite figure with big breasts and a derriere that begs attention. As far as I can see, Julie’s only problem is that she is attracted to bad...

3 years ago
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More Fun with Stuart and Julie

Brian leaned over to me, kissed me and held me close to his chest. He whispered in my ear that tonight is going to be a good sex night. I giggled back and said we will have to see if Stuart likes to be sucked off by another man. When I said that, Brian let out a loud chuckle and grabbed my ass. I stroked Brian"s chest and arms, as he slipped his hands down the back of my pants. Julie began moaning as Stuart sucked on her tits. I seen Stuart help Julie off the counter, then seen her bend...

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DeannaChapter 11 Julie

The next two weeks were pretty interesting to say the least. Dee's friend Julie practically moved in with us she was here so much. She had other side issues going on at home that made her invasion very acceptable to Dee and I. Carol was becoming a regular as well, but it was no big thing. Dee seemed to have that affect on friends. In all of that however, Julie didn't lay a big sob story on us. Dee laid it out for me and Carol so when Julie got here there weren't a lot of embarrassing...

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Lonely Julie

Julie was 29, pretty with dark brown hair to her shoulders- and married! Her husband Roger was a workaholic and was constantly too tired for sex –he said ! That morning Julie and all but raped him and he still rushed to pack and leave on a four months assignment overseas. In their flat there was a toilet and shower “en suite with the big bedroom and when the sliding door was open – and it always was – the toilet was immediately opposite the big double bed and barely 5 feet from the end of...

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Gang banging Julie

Julie and Zoe were both very attractive young woman, and had been the closest friends since their school days. They were now both 20 years old and in their second year of university, sharing a dorm room in an all girls house. Julie was about 5'2" tall, with long dark hair and a lovely pair of large breasts. She kept her body in shape with regular gym sessions and running at least 4 times a week. Zoe was slightly shorter at about 5'0" with long blond hair and a pair of small pert breasts....

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more of Julie

After the first night of Julie and Sherry’s lesbian encounter, they got together for lunch the next day, and although both were slightly embarrassed about what they had done, soon overcame that and began to talk in earnest. Sherry wound up confessing to Julie the entire story of our reconciliation brought about by her fucking Harvey and me showing up the next day. She told Julie the entire story just as I related it here. Julie was dumbfounded to say the least, however, by the time she...

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As I entered the bar, the clientele seemed a bit unusual. The women were extraordinarily beautiful, many dressed in expensive, revealing gowns. There seemed to be a preponderance of "middle aged" men, not a few showing a bit of paunchiness. The affection being showered on these gentlemen by the women at the bar and around the tables drew me into the place. I spotted a vacant bar stool and installed myself, ordering a rum and coke from the handsome young bartender. As I began sipping my...

4 years ago
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Jasons QuestChapter 22 Jason Julie

While sitting in the gazebo with Julie, a number of thoughts raced through his mind, What's happening here? Have I finally found my girl? What will her family think? What will I do with her on my search for Jesse? What in the world does she see in me? It was at that point that they rose and embraced. After the two broke their passionate embrace, Julie, following the example of her younger sister, said, "I'll have Sam fix up a guest room and you shall stay here. Daddy is due back with the...

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Stuart and Julie

So, I'm off to work with all the plan-o-grams for the set up of my store. I lug my stuff to my car, daddy gives me a quick kiss and a slap on my ass for luck. Brian left for work a few hours earlier. I'm sure he will be by at lunch. Once I find my parking spot in back, I go to unlock the backdoor and walk in. I look around, then head out to my car. I grab pretty much of all the things I need and head back to the door. As I struggle on opening it, some chick grabs the door for me. I say...

2 years ago
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John and Julie

John Shepherd was jolted awake by the ringing of his phone. He fumbled for it, glancing at the time as he did so – six-thirty. Oh, well, he sighed to himself, he was going to get up around seven anyway. A weak female voice at the other end pleaded ‘John, you’ve got to help me. I don’t know who else to call…’ John struggled to identify the voice. It was somewhat familiar, a little like his cousin Julie, but why would she be calling him? They had never gotten along with each other. ‘Julie? Is...

5 years ago
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...

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Getting Close to Julie

Getting Close to Julie By Heather St. Claire I used to wish I had thought twice. I used to wish I had chosen my words with a lot more care. If I had, I might not be in the state that I'm in now. But when I look deep into my heart (not that I actually have a heart any longer), I have to realize it all worked out as it was meant to.... I am a woman's blouse and have been for at least 20 years now. I was a man for 34 years before that and had lived a rather unremarkable and...

1 year ago
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Sweet Julie

A week ago something happened which I just can’t keep to myself – I just have to tell someone about it. My daughter Jennifer had a friend of hers, Julie, staying at our house for the half-term holiday. Normally it is just Jen and me in the house because I was divorced 5 years ago, and I got custody of my daughter. Her mother is an alcoholic and was not judged fit to bring her up. Jen is 15 and her friend Julie is the same age. We have often had Jen’s friends stay over and I welcome it because...

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At The Stables ndash Mary and Julie

At The Stables – Mary and JulieI’m David, 35 attractive with a hard body. Toned after two years fixing this place up. I was your average horny husband and never strayed. My wife and I enjoyed an active but vanilla sex life. I have no complains. We would fuck at the drop of a hat and enjoyed oral especially, if one was tired or we had time limitations. That ended two years ago in a car crash in which my wife died. The compensation from the crash paid for these rundown stables and the money to...

2 years ago
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Going to UK to Meet His Love Julie

Never in his wildest dreams did he think he would meet Julie. He never thought it would happen but the hands of fate intervened and took control. He could barely believe his good fortune. He had recently met this attractive woman online. Unfortunately, she lived in the UK and he lived in the States. He tried to calculate the odds of being picked for a business trip to London but he gave up and just smiled. He settled into his seat and prepared for a long flight. In just a few hours, he would...

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Jasons QuestChapter 29 Jason Julie

After full daylight, Jase and Julie went back to the fire to fix breakfast and coffee. While Julie made those preparations, Jase dragged off the bodies of the dead Indians and rolled them over the bank onto the stream bed that had provided cover for him and Julie the night before. Jase noticed that the Indian in the middle during the brouhaha the night before, had two bullet holes in his chest on and in a line between his nipples. Some shooting, he thought, Julie is definitely one to ride...

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Naturist School CounselorChapter 3 Julie

I forgot that the camp mainly served vegetarian foods, so lunch was a bit of an adventure. I tried to set a good example by sampling a little of everything and was pleased to find that the vegan options were just as good as last year. I even tried tofu, which was good, but had a weird texture. After eating I camped out on one of the benches that lined the Green while I waited for Julie to freshen up. Rhianna seemed to be holding court and was surrounded by several of the juniors from...

2 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 16 Raping Julie

It was late in the evening. My two kittens, my slave and I had asked Jarred and Julie to join us at my house in Aspen after the orgy where I fucked ten women as part of a sorority initiation and to fulfill part of my assignment Uncle Bert had left me. Mary and Lisa were in the back bedroom with Jarred letting him live out his fantasy of a threesome. I knew he was having a good time. I had enjoyed Mary and Lisa together on several occasions. Julie, Andy, and I were in the hot tub. We were...

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The Sorensons Meeting Julie

I was fifteen when I first met the Sorenson's and their daughter. Tom and Julie Sorenson were both thirty and very nice people. Tom was kinda short but good looking. Julie was taller with what I considered a nice figure. Sandy, their daughter and a year younger than me, hated me at first sight. Even after doing all the 'right' things and trying to be nice, she remained hostile and often spoke harshly at me. I decided to let it go and just leave her alone. Two months after I turned sixteen...

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JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...

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Melissa And Julie

Melissa and Julie As I walk up the stairs to the slaves shared bedroom I hear a low moan comingfrom behind the door. Sneaking towards the door I push it open a fraction Ipeer through the gap, inside I see Melissa kneeling on the bed her arse inthe air and her face buried in the pillows with Julie behind her lapping ather pussy and arse. Frowning as I had ordered neither of them to cum todayas I had plans for the evening. Striding into the room I shout at the two ofthem, pushing Julie away and...

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Aunt Julie

Due to 'irreconcilable differences', your Aunt Julie had left your Uncle Frank for a 'trial separation' in preparation for what was bound to be a messy divorce. To give Julie adequate time to sort her life out, your parents have invited her to stay in the spare bedroom of the family home for a few months. Having harbored a secret, incestuous crush on Julie for the past six years, naturally you had no objections to this arrangement. In fact, the news that Julie was gonna be spending the summer...

3 years ago
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Old folks help teach sex to Julie

Old folks help teach sex to Julie, their granddaughter Vickie and Rick are both 59 and tho they still enjoy sex, the technique has changed recently to accommodate bodies not so flexible anymore. Our granddaughter came by the other day and asked me a very strange question for a fifteen year-old. Julie asks "So grandma, do you and grandpa still have sex?" I was in a bit of a shock by this line of inquire and knew it might lead to some frank talk about sex. I ask back - "Why in the world would...

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Aunt Julie

Two days after high school graduation, I was up and dressed and ready to continue searching for the summer job I needed to help pay for college expenses in the fall. I usually had a summer job lined up by this time of year but the economy was slow and the builder I usually did labor for had already laid off a couple of his regular workers. I was a little anxious about that situation but determined that I would get a job somewhere.Mom and dad had already left for work that morning and I had...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...

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My Sex Journal pt4 Julie

The week after my encounter with Debbie and I was finished with school. I wouldn't be going back after the summer and had only to wait until my birthday in July and I could leave the home too. That was a great summer, knowing that in a matter of weeks I would be free to go where I chose when ever I pleased. I could practically taste freedom and my spirits were higher than they had ever been.Within the first few weeks of summer I had met a girl who had just finished school and would be going to...

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My Friends Little Sisters Julie

Send feedback please, don't hold back. If it sucks, I want to know, so I can improve for my second story and beyond. If you'd like to hear more, there is another part of the story, I'll check in throughout the next week(s). Happy Reading. Around the time I was a senior in high school I had a habit of staying at my friend Matt’s house for extended periods of time. Matt’s father Jim told me I was welcome whenever I pleased and had even considered giving me a house key in...

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Rediscovering Julie

Rediscovering JulieYikes, it was hot! Matriculation day at the Citadel. I was walking out of the sports arena where the new cadets had been assembled and marched off, leaving parents, wiping sweat from my forehead. I was intently admiring the quite fine ass of a black lady about my age 6 feet in front of me. That behind, its particular sassy sway, stirred a slight erotic memory from my deep subconscious. Forty years before a girl in my high school would cause my cock to tingle and waken just...

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My First Time With Julie

It was Labor Day weekend 1974.The summer was winding down and my parents decided to take one last camping trip to upstate New York before my school vacation ended. As an eighteen year old boy, I enjoyed the camping trips that year. It was a welcomed change from the apartment life we lived in New York City. That summer we had gone camping in central New Jersey and in Canada. I remember the long solo treks into the forests and being one with nature. However, this last camping trip would be...

First Time
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I fucked Julie

Dear all, this is a true incident that happened just a few weeks ago. I am Sameer. I am good looking with a strong and muscular body. This is about julie, my friend pranay’s wife. Pranay got married to julie just a year ago. Julie is from kolkata, truly a bengal tigress, beautiful with a voluptous curvy figure, silken smooth long hair and a naughty smile always on her face when we are all around. Pranay was fat and we always knew that he used to boast about his size. Julie always used to make...

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People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...

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