Nine Memorable DaysChapter 47: Friendly Persuasion free porn video

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"You do realise that I'm putting a deal of trust in you Mr. Hacker?" The change in tone from the friendly banter and the using of his Christian name to the more serious tone and the use of his surname said as much.

"Absolutely Estelle and I promise not to abuse it. After all I, we--" he turned to Carol and smiled "--count Justin, and his girlfriend Vikki, as very good friends. And," he smiled again, "it's not just for the sex."

"No, indeed it isn't just for the sex," said Carol smiling, "though heaven knows it would be almost worth it if it were. No--" she looked at the NUM and nurse Keighly "--they are special people. Rarely do you find people like Justin and Vikki, people who so many of their family and friends would go to such extraordinary lengths for."

"And that's why we want to do this Estelle," continued Brian Hacker. "Not just for Justin, not just for Vikki but for both of them." He laughed. "Estelle, what is going to happen tonight at 'Pussy Galore' will have to be seen and heard to be believed. Now Vikki took some convincing to still go and do what she has planned, especially as she still believes that Justin won't be there. And that's despite Justin doing all he could to convince her she should go, despite the fact that she agreed in principal that she would." He leaned forward on the chair, placed both elbows on the desk, clasped his fingers together and tucked his thumbs under his chin as he looked at the NUM in charge of the nurses. "That's why he has to be there, that's why I'm placing this vehicle at your disposal."

Estelle White leaned back in her leather bound chair, folder her arms underneath her bountiful breasts and looked at the young man. If you had asked her before today's meeting with these brash young rock stars she would have offered a less than favourable opinion of the relative humanity of such people and their ability to mix with the ordinary man and woman, boy and girl and teenager in the street. After all it was one thing to mix with the prettiest and the handsomest of them while in the protective atmosphere of a rock venue with its surfeit of security personnel. But these two had her bluffed. That they cared was obvious, that they were doing everything they could for that remarkable young man and his equally remarkable girlfriend was also obvious. It was also quite clear that this wasn't a stunt, after all what rock stars with such a high profile would walk unannounced into a school simply to find a young 17-year-old schoolboy with a view to supplying the help promised in the noisy, sexually charged atmosphere of a venue like the 'Palais' in St. Kilda?

"So how do I know that this vehicle will be adequate for the required movement of young Justin from this hospital to 'Pussy Galore' and back again?" asked Estelle White finally.

"You don't, you can't," responded Brian Hacker, "not until you see it for yourself." He looked the woman right in the eye, never blinking, never looking away. "But remember one thing. I spent the best part of twenty-five thousand dollars fixing up a Ford Transit similar to my fathers much loved one, the one which had to be consigned to the scrap heap after it had been T-boned by a drunk-driver who ran a red light with a blood alcohol content of .212. I fixed it up so that my father, who is confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life thanks to that drunken bastard, could have the freedom to go where he wanted to.

"He also has a permanent butler slash chauffeur, or general factotum I suppose you could say, to help out my mother and to take some of the burden.

"I guess what I'm trying to say, Estelle, is that I love my father and I would do anything for him, anything to make his final years more comfortable, and I most certainly would not risk his or my mother's safety in a vehicle that wasn't capable of doing the job. I've even gone as far as having the Transit certified, unofficially I have to add because it's not in their control at all times, by the Royal Ambulance Society of Victoria. So you tell me Estelle, under the circumstances do you think I can do any more. You see after I explained the situation to my parents, and to Ralph their..." He smiled. "I was going to say Chauffeur and Butler but that would be a trifle unfair to Ralph, he's almost like a member of the family now. Anyway as soon as I explained the situation they absolutely insisted that Ralph drive the Transit and that he pick up Justin and Mony here and take them to the pub for the show, stay for its duration and bring them back here.

'I guess all that's left is--" he walked behind Estelle White's chair, reached around and gently massaged her breasts through her heavily starched blouse and heavy cotton bra "--for you to add your official permission to Lois who has already given hers."

Estelle looked at him as he kissed her on the cheek. "You know I rarely if ever get a chance to meet such high-profile rock stars." She looked at Carol Baker who was sitting on a chair and now had Mony on her knee and one hand inside the nurses open black and white check blouse while her other hand was exploring beneath her black mini skirt that was a part of her sexy uniform. "So I think I might need a little more persuading before I add my permission to Dr. Mortenson's."

"Oh do you indeed." Brian took the NUMS right hand in his own and eased her out of the chair before sitting down and positioning her on his knee. "Well maybe I could start by paying some attention to these splendid mammaries that you seem to try so hard to imprison beneath such passion-killing material." And as she put her right arm around his shoulder he began to unbutton her blouse, not stopping until the final button was extracted from its button-hole.

He pulled the blouse out from the waistband of her skirt, eased it off her shoulders, down and off her arms and was about to throw it to the floor when the matronly NUM snatched it out of his hand.

"If you don't mind young man," said Estelle with a smile, "I'm not one of those little slips of things you get your hands and various... er... other parts of your anatomy on. I'm particular about where and in what state my clothes finish up." She indicated behind her. "You'll find four clips at the back, you can undo my bra while I fold my blouse."

As Estelle folded her blouse, and as she felt Brian Hacker begin to undo her blouse she looked across and saw an extraordinary sight. Her delightful nurse was naked again and was laying on her desk with her legs either side of Carol Baker's head while the rock star had her hands full of her naked arse and her tongue dipping into the sweet honey that seemed to be continuously leaking from the nurses pussy.

Then suddenly she felt her bra being removed and two hands on her now naked breasts. She looked down and was shocked to see that only one of them belonged to Brian Hacker. Further investigation revealed that the other hand, obviously since Carol Baker had her hands full of Simone Keighly's naked bottom, belonged to her nurse who was reaching out to toy with her left breast.

"Ohh, oohhh, ooohhhh! Oh Carol that is so... ooohhh... !" Mony looked up into her NUMS face from her upside down point of view. "Oh ma'am I... OH GOD... I didn't mean to..." She went to take her hand away but her immediate superior stopped her.

"Don't you dare Nurse Keighly, if you want to do the right thing you can massage my breasts and pinch my nipples." Estelle turned to Brian Hacker. "And as for you young man, I'll let you take your hands away long enough to remove my skirt and underwear." She stood up, turned away from the young rock star, leant over the desk and almost placed her voluptuous breasts into the clutching hands of her nurse.

Brian didn't know whether the middle-aged matron was expecting him to return his hands to her breasts but he had other ideas, and her current position, bent over the desk, offered him the ideal opportunity. Now he didn't know if the head nurse, having requested him to strip her naked, expected him to fuck her, and obviously he couldn't know when, or indeed if, Estelle had had the pleasure of an erect penis exercising itself within any of the available openings of her body, but somehow he knew that it would have been a while, if at all.

Carol couldn't see very much from her position with her head buried between the legs of the delectable Mony but she could hear, and she understood what she heard and what the woman wasn't asking for directly. Estelle White was hot for it, even if she didn't know it.

She ran her tongue up the length of Simone Keighly cunt enjoying her tasty juices as she did so. Then she fastened her lips around the erect bud of the nurses clit and sucked hard and continued sucking until the orgasm that Mony had been on the verge of arrive with the prerequisite screams and every 'dirty' word Simone Keighly could think of.

Carol also knew Brian, and as she continued to lick Simone Keighly's cunt taking her speedily to a second shattering orgasm she knew exactly what Brian would do, exactly how he would handle the sight of the tall, heavily built but voluptuously naked spinster Estelle White.

Carol wasn't Brian's long-time girlfriend, band member, fuck-partner and sexual confidante for nothing. She was very rarely if ever wrong about Brian and his sexual desires and this was to be no exception. Where the NUM Estelle White was concerned she had her boyfriend pegged perfectly.

Brian undid the knee-length skirt, slid it down her legs, knelt down after pushing the chair out of the way, waited for the woman to step out of it and then folded it carefully before placing it on top of the woman's blouse and bra.

After placing the skirt Brian stepped back and knelt down with the intention of sliding the NUMS underwear down her legs but he stopped, he was too stunned to do anything but look for several seconds. For the first time he understood that memorable scene in 'Bridget Jones's Diary' where Hugh Grant looked on in admiration at Renée Zellweger's panties.

"Oh Estelle they are exquisite." He ran his hands from the waistband down her hips on either side to the leg bands that clutched tightly to her upper thighs. "I just love them." He smiled as he fiddled with them. "I see so many thongs and G-strings, so many lacy French cut panties and so many little cotton nothings that I'm almost blasé about them. But these--" he moved one hand round to the front where it explored the elasticised material as it pulled tightly at her stomach and one hand to the back where he ran it up to where the panty-girdle provided a formidable barrier to her full and well-rounded bottom "--are gorgeous. No wonder Hugh Grant's character Daniel falls in love with them. However, be that as it may," he pushed his right hand between Estelle White's legs and pressed his index finger where he knew her sex would be even though he could barely feel it and ran his left up and down her firmly encased buttocks, "these marvellous panties will simply have to go." He moved his hands to the formfitting garments waistband and with a little struggle managed to slide his fingers inside. "This is a bottom I simply have to become better acquainted with."

"Oh God Brian are you really sure?" asked the NUM who was suddenly and unaccountably nervous, turned on though she was. "After all it's one thing to see it encased in a garment like this," she said as she reached a hand around and ran it up and down the side of her panty-girdle, "but it's another thing entirely to see this fat bum in the flesh as it were."

"Oh I wouldn't worry if I was you Estelle," said Carol Baker as she sat on the desk after having removed her own clothes and pushed Simone to her knees and brought her head in between her open thighs, "you'll quickly learn that my Brian has quite a liking for the... er... shall we say fuller-figured woman." She looked over her shoulder and grinned at Brian. "Isn't that right babe?"

"Carol's right you know Estelle," said Brian as he began to slide the panties over the broad expanse of the woman's bottom. "There's something about a big woman that makes my cock grow an extra inch." He slid the tight-fitting garment over her voluptuous bottom until it was hooked underneath the massive globes of flesh forcing them up and into hands that gripped each cheek as if magnetised "And I have to tell you, my cock has already grown that extra inch!"

Brian's hands didn't stay on Estelle White's bottom for long though, he needed to see the rest, needed to remove the garment completely so that his eyes could see all the fleshy delights in there natural glory. And that is exactly what he did. It took a while too because, while he had pulled the back below her broad buttocks, the front was still very much in place, not of course that that was going to stop him. And slowly but surely, inch by revealing inch he managed to ease the panty-girdle down until finally it was at her upper thighs all around. From there it was a matter of seconds until the garment was at the NUMS feet, she was stepping out of them and he was placing the underwear on the rest of her clothes.

Brian was in heaven. He stood behind Estelle White and looked at the huge expanse of lily-white bottom flesh and looked at the barely visible hairy pussy between her slightly spread legs.

It was time now he knew. He wasn't even sure how far he could take this adventure in sexual exploration, but he knew he had to give it a try. He slid his zipper down slowly and silently as he looked at his smiling girlfriend who seemed to be in heaven with the treatment she was receiving from the nurse Simone 'Mony' Keighly. Then as he pulled his erection out of his pants he looked at Estelle and saw that her eyes were riveted on the action between her nurse and his girlfriend. The decision was made.

He reached around Estelle with his right hand, felt between her legs and found to his delight that she was wet. Then while his left felt around both cheeks of her arse and up between he felt her push ever so slightly into his probing right hand and that more than anything decided him!

He moved his hand from her bottom up to the middle of her back and eased her slightly forward, then he used the same hand to ease her legs slightly further apart. There was now no turning back. He took his cock in his left hand as he continued toy with her pussy with his right and ran it up and down between the outer labia using her juices and his pre-cum to lubricate the entrance.

It was at that point that Estelle swung her head around and looked him in the eye, at the point where her eyes met his that the head of his cock slid past the outer lips and on into her tight vaginal entrance.

"Brian I... I've never... That is... I'm a..." She was looking at him blushing. "I don't know if I..."

She didn't finish, instead she just looked at him over her shoulder her face getting redder by the second. Eventually she said, "I... I've never had sexual intercourse before..."

Before she could say anything else Brian interrupted and tried injecting a little humour into the situation by saying, "Neither have I, I've had sex, made love and fucked but I've never had sexual intercourse."

"BRIAN!" said Carol having finished her sexual tryst with the nurse. "That's enough. Now did you ask Estelle if she wanted to have sex with you?" When he didn't answer immediately she added, "I think maybe you should pull out and ask..."

This time it was Estelle White's turn. Now that the head of his penis, she still found it hard (excuse the pun) to think of it as a cock or a dick, was in her vagina and now that he'd been still for a while she wasn't finding it too bad. "No, no, no I don't think he should pull out." Estelle was now looking at Carol Baker. "I think, now that Brian hasn't moved inside me for a while that it isn't too bad. And after all--" she managed a smile "--us NUMS can't expect our nurses to engage in therapeutic sex if we're not capable of supplying that kind of service ourselves." She turned back to Brian Hacker. "Now carry on young man," she said, "make love to me, but be gentle. My vagina is privileged, I know, to have a rock stars erect penis, but--" and she smiled at this "--you have to realise young man that your penis is equally privileged to be the first to have intimate knowledge of my vagina."

Brian was shocked. "You mean you weren't kidding? You're a... a... ?"

"Virgin, Master Hacker?" Estelle now had a smile on her face. "As far as erect penises are concerned I most certainly am. Fingers and tongues on the other hand are a different matter." She laughed at the shocked expression that had suddenly appeared on nurse Keighly's face. "What's the matter, Mony, didn't you think I was capable. I was young once after all. But sex with the male members, terrible pun I know, of the various educational establishments I attended would have been, in equal parts, messy, time-consuming and mentally detrimental to my studies, so I..."

"... Made do with the tongues, tender flesh and soft hands of your fellow female students?" asked Carol.

"I-I'm not s-sure what I-I thought," said Simone Keighly responding nervously as she continued to lean over the desk and continued to gaze on the junction of the Hacker-White genitalia. "I think it's just that... oooh... !" She jumped a little as she felt a finger, Carol Baker's of course, slide into her pussy. "I guess it's just kind of hard to look at your immediate..." She stopped suddenly as the first finger was joined by a second and they both started slow and steady in-out movements. "Oh God... oh my... Carol's finger-fucking me. I'm going to come again."

"Please do nurse Keighly, please do. A satisfied employee is a happy employee. And as for your immediate superiors being capable of enjoying sexual unions in such a manner, I have to remind you that under some circumstances I am a woman first and a NUM second. Now if you'll just reach across I'm sure that you'll be able to reciprocate with Miss Baker." Then she turned to Brian Hacker. "Now Mr. Superstar, Mr Superstud, Mr. Rock Star haven't you got some... er... fucking to do?"

"Indeed I do Miss White, indeed I do," and he began to slide his erect cock ever so slowly into the virgin-for-cock pussy of the magnificently full-bodied NUM.

In and out of her tight, never-fucked pussy his cock slid touching every inch of its interior as it did so. He moved his hands to her hips and adjusted his and Estelle's position slightly so that he could slide his cock against the erect bud of her clit that had popped out in all the excitement.

"Oh my! Oh I have to say, fingers and tongues never felt... OH!... never felt quite like... OH, OOHH!... quite like this." She turned her head and kissed his lips as he leant over her. "Now, young man--" she continued to look at him "--I think it's time you fucked me the same way you fuck all of your other sluts. Don't you?"

"Miss White," said nurse Keighly as she sighed from the two fingers that continued to probe her pussy, as she continued to do the same to Carol Baker, "are you saying that you're a... ?"

"SLUT?" She almost shouted, even as she grinned. "Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. If all of the good women, all of the young ladies and all of the sexy little teenyboppers can be sluts then so can I at times like this. BUT," and she continued to grin, "if you ever address me in such a manner outside of this office and during all of the times we are engaged in, quote-respectable-unquote, activities you and your horny little cunt will be out of this hospital and out of a job so fast that your head will spin. GOT IT!"

"Y-Y-Yes M-M-Miss W-White I... er... understand clearly."

"Good." She reached across and stroked the young woman's cheek to show that she wasn't upset with her in any way. "Now carry on, nurse Keighly." The NUM then turned to Brian Hacker. "Now then Brian, I thought that we agreed that you were going to fuck me?"

Brian grinned. "I was indeed wasn't I." And with that started to fuck Estelle White with long, hard quick strokes of his cock, speeding up with every stroke."


"I take it then--" said Brian Hacker slightly breathlessly as he continued to pound his cock in and out of Estelle White's tight and relentlessly squeezing pussy "--that you give your permission for Justin to go to 'Pussy Galore'?" asked Brian Hacker as he referred back to the question he had asked a while ago now.

"What, what... ?" asked the NUM momentarily puzzled before she suddenly remembered. "Oh that. Yes, yes I most certainly do." She laughed as she squeezed his cock with her pussy muscles. "In my mind I had already agreed to go along with Lois's opinion, I just wanted my first ever sexual experience to be with a piece of genuine rock-cock." She thrust back against Brian Hacker's cock and laughed again. "Yes Mr. Hacker young Master Robertson can make the journey to 'Pussy Galore' as long as Mony here agrees to accompany him."

"Oh I do Miss. White, I do."

"Good that's settled." She turned again to Brian Hacker. "Now, I think it's time you stopped treating this as a vagina--" she squeezed his cock extra hard causing him to groan "--and started treating it like a cunt, and me like a slut!"

Around about the time Brian Hacker was starting to get rougher with Estelle White's self-proclaimed cunt Maria Anne was in deep discussion about the number eleven and the band 'Multitude of Sins'.

"11-fucking-inches! Don't you lie to me Maria Anne Robertson."

"I'm not Josie, I'm not," insisted the bubbly, bouncy and attractive 13-year-old as she lay back on her bed. She was naked and in the arms of her equally naked friend Josephine Wilkinson. "Tell her 'Becca, tell her it was my mum told me all about Justin's big dick."

"Yeah, she did too. But that wasn't all she told us, fuck I was leaking like a tap by the time she finished telling all of what happened Mari's big brother since Friday."

Josie turned to Maria. "You mean your big brother is big all over. How in the name of all that's holy did your mother find that out?"

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"Aunt Madge's Fetish Persuasion" Tommy and three of his friends stood on the front steps at Madge's front door, Tommy scuffing the concrete step with his tennis shoes. "Can Timmy come out to play? We need another guy for a game," he said while another young man tossed a football up and down while he waited. "I'm sorry boys. Timmy can't come out and play today. He's been misbehaving and has been grounded and sent to his room for a few days," Madge said sternly as Timmy's friends...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 52 Madeleines Story Continued Its A Small World

By the time we turned onto the West Gate Freeway, crossed over Southbank and headed towards Port Melbourne Dad and I were decent again, Vikki and Mum having accomplished the not so easy task of stuffing our erect cocks back into our respective pants. However by the time we crossed over the West Gate Bridge and continued along the freeway through a whole bunch of western suburbs Madeleine began to get a might impatient. Not only did she want to take her turn at my cock she was also getting a...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 6 The Phone Call And The Plan

I waited the required ten minutes before picking up the phone. I heard the phone ringing on the other end of the line and wondered just who was going to pick up the phone at the other end. I don't know why but I hoped it wasn't Julie Morris. Oh I knew the call was about her, I'm not that silly, but I just hoped that mum didn't have to talk directly to the bitch. "Hello," came the breathless voice on the other end of the phone, "Jane Morris." Now I understood. It seemed obvious that...

4 years ago
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“EEEEEEEE!!!!  It is beautiful,”  She squealed with delight when the door swung open.  He stepped back, placed his hand on the small of her back as she clapped and hopped through the doorway.Her hands fell to her side as she looked up, turned slowly and let out a low “ohhh”.  Her eyes were twinkling and her smile lit up the already bright room.  The cabin impressed her and she was literally speechless.She walked over to the large bay window that offered a view of a valley.  Snow topped mountain...

Love Stories
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A Memorable Trip To Pune

Hi friends… Sagar here from Bangalore and i thought of sharing one of my memorable experience with my friend while I was on an official tour. I am 33 years old, 5’6″ height and having average built personality. Let me come to the story. Recently I had visited Pune for an official trip and had stayed in a luxury hotel. After office hours in the late evening, I called Pooja, a friend of mine who is staying in Pune with her husband and kids (I had a relationship with her when i was working in Pune...

3 years ago
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Memorable Birthday Gift

Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...

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Memorable Time With Neighbor Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Till now I have been enjoying blowjob and Tung fucking. I made most use of Tongue. It was a pleasure and excitement doing this. After kissing all around satisfying our self we used to settle for 69 position. Bhabhi take whole of my Penis inside and I will go deep into her pussy. Whole room get fill with our moan. Aaaaaaaaaaa , uuuhhhhhh. We can not moan loudly other wise will get caught. Bhabhi got a habit of not taking my Penis out till my penis becomes smaller and asking me to go deeper and...

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My Life My Choice 8211 Memorable Day With Raj

Hi all, I am Pallavi from Mysore. Presently I am working in Bangalore. I would like to share my real experience with you all readers. I am an open minded woman. Married four years back with software engineer who is working in Mysore. I’m little dark in complication. My structure is 34-30-36. After my marriage I enjoyed my honeymoon in Kulumanali for 15 days. Later my husband was busy in his work. I was getting bored by sitting in home. I spoke with my husband shall I apply to job. He said OK....

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Memorable Day In Ukkadam 8211 Part II

Thanks lot for many readers who appreciate my story and share their story / fantasy with me and I heart fully thank each and every one of you. Those who miss first part can read the story from below She called me on Wednesday and asked me whether I was free or not and i told her that I’m free and she asked me to come to her place and I took my bike and bought some condoms and went to her apartment and rang her bell. She opened the door and she was in light green fancy saree and she was...

3 years ago
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My life after a memorable event

My life after a memorable event. A summary of my early years from Part 1 I was a typical boy of fourteen who lived for football, cricket and field hockey, when I wasn't playing sport I was playing with my mates. After a year of visiting various medical experts, I had a hospital appointment that changed my life. The doctor described lots of things that I hardly understood, babies born with anomalies called inter-sex babies. He explained that the majority of babies are born with xx...

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My memorable journey

The names are not real due to personal issues. I am ajay from jaipur. The story i am telling is a true story which happen 1 year back when i was travelling from indore to jaipur in 2 tier 2nd class ac compartment. Here i meet puja. Puja was around 29 year having 38-26-36 figure. She was very sexy having bulgy boobs. Puja was travelling with her husband in the train. The couple was having only one confirm ticket of 2nd ac and another ticket was of 2nd class ordinary. They ask the t.t. to arrange...

1 year ago
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A Memorable 21st Birthday

Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...

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A Memorable 21st Birthday

Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...

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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 10 A Most Memorable Wedding Night

Doctor Robert Ruark peeled off his surgical gloves. The operation had been a difficult one, but after seven hours of grueling work he had succeeded in repairing the damaged heart valve. His brow was deeply furrowed as the tall, lean black man allowed thoughts of Alice to enter his mind for the first time since entering the operating room. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' He wondered. There was no denying he was profoundly in love with Alice. Of that he was sure. 'But why can't I perform...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 24 Rick Mason Framed and Hung

"Almost in the bag? Justin how can you say that? I mean you don't even know if what you suspect is true, and even if it is how can you know if you're plan will work?" "Trust me Vikki love, I know my father's friends and they're good at what they do." "Yes of course I understand that. But you've still got to get Mason to cooperate in the first part of your plan don't you?" "Vikki we're going to his home turf right. I mean 'Shoot Em Up' is where he hangs out where he's boss....

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 25 Barbecue and a Skinnydip

I walked through the front door after paying off the taxi, I had Madeleine's left hand in my right as I walked into the lounge. It was almost half past six. Mum and dad were sitting there, dad was dressed in black slacks and a plain white polo neck jumper while mum was dressed in a hot pink half thigh length mini-skirt and a black crop-top short enough to expose her belly-button and tight enough to emphasise the lack of a bra. I quickly made the introductions. "Hello Madeleine love,"...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 26 Vikki With Some Help Story Eight

Vikki looked at everyone in turn but in particular at my parents and me. "Well I guess it started with..." Vikki turned to her parents and grinned. "I guess we won't be going to the Binghams the way you went last night?" "Hardly," grinned her mother, "after all I think there might be some hot and hornies..." "More like young and horny." "Yeah that too. Anyway I think that they'd prefer us to be wearing a full set of clothes so that they can undress us rather than us being...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 27 Three In A Bed

We walked into the house, and while my father went to check the answering machine my mother turned and held up her hand. She had Vikki on her right and Madeleine on her left. "Just you stop right there Justin Robertson." My mother faced me squarely, left hand on one hip and the index finger of her right hand wagging at me. "Now you told me all about how much you fantasised about Vikki here." She took my girlfriend's left hand, she was holding her supermarket uniform in her other hand,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 28 Twin Delights

I woke up just before the alarm and made as if to reach over Madeleine, but she wasn't there so I moved the button to off and was thinking of going in search when I felt movement on my left. "She went about a couple of hours ago she wanted to spend some time with your parents. Now are we going for a run?" Then she must have thought about something because she added, "Hey I think we missed out on something, didn't we?" I turned the other way and stretched out to kiss my girlfriend good...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 29 Julie Morris The Usual Morning For a Slut

Julie didn't know anyone was in her room until she realised the covers were off her and she lying there stark naked in full view of her brothers and her mother. Not that being naked in front of her family and their 'friends' was at all unusual. After all she'd fucked them and fucked in front of them, bathed in front of them and pissed in front of them as well as having her father and both her brothers pissing on her and making her, not that they had to try hard, drink it. Jane Morris,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 31 After School Before Bowling

I was the first out of the classroom, first out of the main building, and the first to reach the gate. At least I was the first of my class and most of my year. The reason of course was obvious, Vikki. The reaction this morning had been amazing, most of my class had seen us together at the gate and had wanted to speak to me especially Gerry Connolly and Colin Bucknell. After I had listened and responded, as best I could, to the good-natured barbs from Gerry and Colin I talked to most of the...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 34 Post Bowling Surprises

"That was incredible Brian, real fucking good." Sarah looked up at her boyfriend Robin Ottoman, at Mum who was dressed again after Vikki's mum had cleaned her up, Vikki and her mother, both of whom had covered up their breasts and finally at Madeleine who had also dressed before joining us after being 'cleaned up' by a volunteer from the audience. "Just think," she giggled, "I've got Brian Hacker cum in my pussy." She kissed Robin. "What do you think Rob? Should I get some tissue...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 35 Caroline The Second Session

Brian Hacker grinned as he pulled up outside Caroline Herschfeldt's house and turned to Vikki and I in the back. "That was fun." He must have seen the doubt in my voice, the suspicion in my expression that I thought he was only being polite. "No I mean it Justin, you're quite a guy and don't let anybody tell you different." He reached for Vikki's right hand and when she held it out took it in his own as he smiled at her. "I know you know what I mean don't you?" Vikki just smiled....

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 37 The Coffee Bar Part One Meeting Sean And Cindy

We walked into the coffee bar at ten fifteen, which meant of course that we were precisely fifteen minutes late, and were immediately greeted enthusiastically by Ian and Trish Matheson. "You don't know how good it was to hear that you would be here tonight, that you were going to honour that promise you made yesterday," said Ian as he gave Vikki an enthusiastic hug and a more than friendly kiss. Then, when he realised she wasn't wearing panties beneath her short skirt, he moved his right...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 38 Part Two Another Two notches On Justins Penis

That was all it took, Sean and I had both begun to droop a little but just the sight of Trish Matheson in all her naked glory was enough to have our cocks standing to full attention. "Well come on then," she grinned, "get those arses into gear. My husband already has the couch out into a bed, and he's already on his back with young Cindy riding him for dear life, Vikki's on her back, legs spread just waiting for you, Sean." Then she turned to me as we approached the doorway. "And as...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 40 Just An Afternoon At The Beach

"You're sure that that's what will happen Mr. Barnet?" "Please, call me Frank. And yes, if I know Vikki, and I think I do, that's exactly what I think she'll do." "And you're sure I can't talk you into telling me what song she'll be doing Frank?" "Sorry Justin, that's one part of her surprise it would be more than my life's worth to divulge. And unfortunately we don't have a copy of the song you mentioned, we are however big on Cliff Richard so we will have the song of his...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 41 Before The Concert

We walked into the kitchen of my house at just after four thirty and saw my mother talking to Jill McLelland. She turned to me and smiled. "So has my studly son had a good afternoon?" "A fucking good afternoon," said Vikki laughing, "if you get my drift. Especially an episode in the taxi on the way to the beach." Suddenly she turned to our neighbour. "Oooh, excuse me I hope I didn't offend you." My mother laughed. "Offend Jill? You have got to be kidding. After what her son did...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 42 The Concert

I looked around the enclosed area of the 'Sin Pit' from which the seats had been removed and saw that while plenty of girls wore very little none were topless or naked. It was apparently an unwritten rule that girls, and guys for that matter, didn't upstage the band by getting naked before them. However once the band got naked and once the selected members of the audience arrived on stage it did, as I was informed by Samantha Carson, become a sexual free-for-all. Then just as I was...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 43 Aftermath

Naked scared and upset, and with tears streaming down her face Vikki was running flat out in the direction of Justin's house. She was hoping against hope that the thought of her bringing help would make them leave Justin alone, prevent them from doing him some real harm. She was only a matter of a hundred yards down the pathway when she ran full tilt into the arms of two middle aged men and a woman all of whom seemed to be about to have the sort of evening she had been planning with...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 44 Playing Musical Chairs

Vikki looked at the clock, it said ten to six. Roughly seven or eight minutes had gone by since she last looked, more than forty five had passed since she had woken up. She had had she guessed about two hours sleep. She got out of bed quietly so as not to disturb Madeleine, went to the bathroom for her morning piss, then washed her hands and cleaned her teeth before she went to Justin's built-in-robes and pulled out the same navy blue netball skirt that she had worn Tuesday morning. Then...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 46 A Bed Bath With A Difference

Mony looked at my cock which was still as hard as ever, looked down at the mix of my semen and her pussy juice that was dribbling out of her pussy and attempted a smile as she looked at me. "I guess I should go and clean up before I start to wash you," she finally managed as she lifted off me and carefully moved off the bed. "Oh I wouldn't worry about that," said Vikki eying her lecherously. "If you wash my boyfriend I think I can take care of your little cleanup job." She smiled....

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 48 Karaoke Night Leaving The Hospital

A little while later, after the room had been aired out and cleaned and after Mony had cleaned me up again, a little more professionally this time, I managed to turn my head and see that the time was twenty minutes to five. And that was when Mony came in with an older nurse. "This is the young man I was telling you about Jeannie," said Simone. "Justin Robertson? Ah kin (Scottish dialect - understand) that," replied Jeannie in a broad Scottish accent. "But what I cannae (can not,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 49 Karaoke Night Pussy Galore

It didn't take long to get to 'Pussy Galore'. But we didn't go to the front entrance we pulled to the rear service entrance where there was a ramp for a wheelchair. Once down and on the approach to the ramp Lois came up to me and patted my arm. "I'll see you inside Justin, a little later." She looked back to where the van was reversing into a spot next to a large rubbish skip. "When Chris has parked the van we'll be going in the front way." When we were on our way inside I turned...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 50 New Nurse More Therapy

Breakfast was at seven-o-clock. The thirty something lady who delivered it had a grin a mile wide on her face as she looked from my face to my groin and back again. "What?" I asked while managing to keep a straight face. Oh I suspected what was on her mind but I wanted to embarrass the woman into telling me. Fat chance of that it turned out. She laughed as she poured out my black coffee for me. "You know very well what, young man. But, if you have to know, you're the talk of the...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 54 Triple Treat

I stood there with my sisters thong tucked into the waistband of my trousers, I was clapping and whistling and cheering along with my parents and Madeleine and the rest of the crowd. That Vikki had the sort of amazing talent that was going to take her away from me for at least six months I already knew, But Maria being able to move and sing like that once she had gotten over her nerves, that was as completely unexpected as everything that had happened to me since last Friday. "Well," said...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 55 Marias Virginity

Instead of parking in our driveway dad had parked in the street outside our house and Vikki and I followed mum and Maddy onto the footpath outside our house where we were quickly joined by dad and Maria. The McLelland's and Jim Redmond, Jill's younger brother, walked over to greet us, and Vikki was the first to greet them as introductions were made. She walked up to each in turn and hugged them, a huge smile on her face saving a tearful but happy Jill McLelland until last. I watched as...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 59 Back To The Bowl

"So you'll be back on Monday?" asked a middle to late forties man who was standing next to a button that operated the large roller door that fronted the very large, and at the moment very empty, garage that housed the two fire trucks. "My names George Green and I'm the station manager. We stopped, and for a second we stared before Vikki said, "Of course." She smiled. "I mean it's a helluva way to start the day. By the way my name is Vikki Thompson," she indicated me, "and this is...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 2 An Early Morning Run

I waited as long as I dared until the movement of my father onto his left side and the placing of his right arm just below and touching my mother's breasts drove me downstairs and away from the sight of my mother's naked body. From there I went to the kitchen, filled up my drink bottle with purified water from the fridge and ran out the back door checking my watch as I went. I still had time to get to Station Street; this was my main reason for getting out of bed in the morning - apart from...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 3 A shower And Some SelfGratification

A ten-minute cold shower was immediately refreshing and just what was needed to cure my rampant erection. I stepped out ready to dry myself. No towel! I checked the clothes on the stand by the sink. My shorts, sports socks and favourite Nike running shoes were all there along with my favourite Los Angeles Lakers T-shirt and a girly magazine, but there was definitely no towel. I wondered if I should call out or use the small towel on the rack that would dry me enough so that I could put on my...

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