Nine Memorable DaysChapter 54: Triple Treat! free porn video

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I stood there with my sisters thong tucked into the waistband of my trousers, I was clapping and whistling and cheering along with my parents and Madeleine and the rest of the crowd. That Vikki had the sort of amazing talent that was going to take her away from me for at least six months I already knew, But Maria being able to move and sing like that once she had gotten over her nerves, that was as completely unexpected as everything that had happened to me since last Friday.

"Well," said mum looking at me and smiling, "talent certainly does run in the family." I started to protest but mum cut me off before I could even manage one word. "And don't you even think about getting all modest on us Justin, you were good last night and don't you forget it!"

I shrugged my shoulders yielding the point and looked up to see my naked sister, skirt and top in hand, and naked girlfriend attempting to make there way to where we were seated. On the stage I saw Brenda Calloway walking towards the microphone stand as she held her hands up in a bid to get some quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, young ladies..." she began until the continued whistling and stomping and cheering from the girls forced her to stop. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, YOUNG LADIES!!!" she repeated much louder and more forcefully.

The silence came after two or three seconds and the principal continued. "I give you the sweet, beautiful, sexy and very talented Maria Anne Robertson," and she unnecessarily indicated my sister as she came within two rows of where we were seated. "And I would also like to thank the equally sweet, equally talented, and equally sexy Miss Vikki Thompson for helping young Maria get over her stage fright." She looked behind her. "Oh and if you have any doubts about their sexiness I suggest you take a close look at the band who, it would seem, find them sexy in the extreme."

Every eye in the place, including mine I have to admit, focused straight on the band. And every eye, much to the bands collective chagrin, saw seven distinct bulges in seven pairs of jeans.

I looked back in time to see Vikki arrive back and sit in her seat without bothering to put on the two articles of clothing she had removed to get naked. I then looked for Maria and saw her being mobbed by three girls, she was still naked and, like Vikki, didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest. A far cry from the distraught girl who looked ready to burst into tears before my wonderful, adorable Vikki, made it her mission to rescue her.

Finally she was able to get away from the clutches of her grinning friends and make it to where we were sitting, at which point she promptly plonked herself on my lap with her arms around my neck while my parents and Madeleine fussed over and congratulated her.

Maria locked her eyes on Madeleine and said, "So you're the girl I'll be sharing with, you're my new sister." She grinned lecherously as she reached out and fingered Maddy's pussy that she was making no attempt to hide. "That is just so cool. I hope you like girls!"

"Are you kidding," said Madeleine with a huge grin, "cocks, cunts they all... er... cum the same to me." She leaned across, and while my sister continued to finger her pussy kissed her on the lips before saying. "You know, I think we're going to along famously."

After giving Vikki and my sister time to make it back, after giving the audience time to settle after watching them both move through the audience naked for the second time Brenda finally said, "Maria, Miss Thompson, if you would both please get dressed," she smiled, "at least for the moment, we might be able have luncheon with a modicum of decorum. So if those of you that are new to this school will follow our girls or those parents that have been her before--" she smiled at my parents "--like Maria's parents Louis and Mary, luncheon will be served.

Maria jumped off my lap, squeezed between me and the seat in front of me and pressing her naked bottom against the back of the head of the man that was seated directly in front of me said, "so what do you think older brother?" she laughed. "I was going to call you big brother but I can't do that any more can I?" and she bent forward and kissed me smack on the lips before she suddenly squealed. "Ow, who did... ?" she began to ask as she turned to look behind her.

"So sorry miss," said a very handsome looking Italian man in broken English with a decidedly Italian accent. Your bottom too nice, me no resist." He held out his hand. "Joseph Bettino..."

He didn't get a chance to finish before Maria was turning around and hugging his chubby face to her budding breasts. "I know, your Paullina's daddy." I watched her smile at the short, slightly plump black haired girl standing next to him waiting to move to the aisle. "She's always talking about her sexy teddy bear daddy."

"Oh I did not," said Paullina laughing. "Daddy, I just said I loved you to death."

"Indeed she does," responded a cultured voice from the other side of Paullina, a voice that didn't have a trace of an Italian accent. "And one of these weekends Paullina and our eldest daughter Sandra might do just that. I'm Janice Bettino the poor woman who has to keep the rest of this scurrilous family in line."

Her husband grinned. "You talk good Janice, but maybe we ask postman and gardener if they have any story to tell." The big, strong, slightly overweight Italian man laughed heartily as his wife punched him lightly on his massive chest and as Vikki and my sister began to get dressed. "Oh she right," he finally agreed with a hearty laugh, "but maybe me like to go that way!"

"Couldn't agree more," said my father as he snatched Maria's thong briefs out of my waistband. "My Maria can do that to me any time she likes."

"Oh daddy," she said laughing, "not before Justin gets first crack at my crack."

My father held out the scrap of white material. "Here baby do you want to put these on while we have lunch?"

"Oh daddy don't be silly," she said taking them from his outstretched hand and giving them back to me. "I'd only have to take them off again, now wouldn't I."

And seconds later we were off and following the crowd to the dining hall. A few minutes after that my parents were heading to the main table at the head of the room to sit with the teachers while Vikki, Madeleine and I joined Maria and eight of her friends at another table.

All down one side of the room was the food. There was pork, beef, lamb and chicken, various vegetables and salads of all descriptions. And to wash it down there was coffee, tea, soft drink and varieties of pure and not so pure fruit juice.

I went to sit down and found myself being railroaded to a particular seat between two girls who seemed to be more than a little curious about me. In fact both of them seemed unable to take there eyes off me. And then it started!

"Well, aren't you going to introduce us Mari'?" said the girl on my right.

"Yeah," added the girl on my left, "if you were any sort of a friend you woulda done it by now."

There seemed to be universal agreement from the remaining six girls, and so Maria officially introduced Vikki, Madeleine and I to all eight girls telling us all of their names. I doubted that I was going to be able to remember all of them on such short acquaintance. However I was going to remember the last two girls, the ones either side of me, simply because they were introduced last. But I was destined to remember them for more reasons than that.

"So is it true Justin?" asked the girl on my right. Her name I had learned was Rebecca, or as Maria called her 'Becca, Clarke.

"Is what true?"

There seemed to be universal giggling all round the table, but it wasn't loud enough to disturb the head table. Just for a change Vikki seemed as curious as I was.

"Is it 11-inches?" It was asked with a straight face and the girl leaned her elbow on the table, stuck her chin in the crook between her thumb and forefinger and looked at me without even the hint of a smile.

I decided to pretend ignorance. "Is what 11-inches?"

She continued looking at me and tried to maintain that straight face but failed miserably as she eventually broke out into a broad grin. "Your cock. Your mum told Mari' and me over the phone how big it is." She looked across the table at my sister. "Didn't she Mari?"

"Oooh, she sure did." Maria turned to me. "Mum told us all about it. All about how you're a hero and a real stud. How you saved Vikki here, and how you helped out Maddy here," she leaned over to Vikki who was on her right and kissed her before she did the same to Madeleine, "and now, after she helped me before she's my hero." She laughed as she looked into Vikki's eyes. "Mum also told us all about how she and you... er... 'deep throated' Justin's dick. Is that true?"

I looked at Vikki to see how she would answer the question. I should have guessed her reaction. She never batted an eyelid.

"Certainly it is. It's just a matter of technique that's all." She smiled lecherously. "You know what they say, 'practice makes perfect'."

"And how good is it when he fucks you?" asked the girl on my left. I remembered that her name was Josephine Wilkinson. "I mean, what does it feel like to have 11-inches of hot cock stuck up your pussy?"

There was a chorus from the rest of the girls asking the same question.

"You feel full I'll tell you that much," said Vikki as the table three in front of us in the order they were going moved to get their meal. "I'll say one thing--" she reached across and indicated for me to hold her hand which I did "--when my man fucks you four times and comes in you all of those four times without losing his erection and without having to take it out you know you've been fucked."

Josephine Wilkinson looked straight at my sister. "And you say you're going to get Justin here to fuck you with it today, here?"

Maria laughed. "Yes, I did say today. But not here, we're going to wait until we get home and do it in his bed." She stopped laughing, tilted her head slightly and kept looking at her friend with just the hint of a grin on her face. "No Jo, what I actually said was that you and 'Becca were going to fuck him before we went home." She laughed again. "After all it's the least I can do for two of my best friends."

Both girls just looked, the shock on their face was palpable. Rebecca it was who voiced their combined astonishment. "You mean I... we... both of us... Jo and me are going to get to..." She stopped then for a second before... "FUCK!!!"

I decided it was time for me to speak. "Girls," I said looking to my left and right and putting an arm around each one, "you don't have to do a thing you don't want to do. If you're nervous or scared that's okay, you're both 13-years-old and have a right to be." I smiled. "However, if you do decide to go ahead and take my sister up on her kind--" I said that work with lashings of sarcasm "--offer, I promise to be gentle."

Rebecca turned from me to Vikki. "Can we see it?" She indicated, unnecessarily, in the direction of my groin. Vikki had barely managed the very slightest of nods before Rebecca Clarke was on her feet and waving madly in the direction of the principal Brenda Calloway. "Mrs. Calloway, Mrs. Calloway, MRS. CALLOWAY!!!"

I watched the principal stand up and look in our direction. Patiently she said, "Yes Miss. Clarke."

"Can we see Justin Robertson's erection miss?" She was standing and she indicated me sitting next to her. Then she got all excited and added, "Maria said Josephine and I could have sex with her brother. "We'd... er... like to see it before we... you know..."

I watched Brenda Calloway closely. She looked faintly amused by the question, unlike the rest of the room who were very amused. Especially my parents who seemed to find it the most amusing of anyone.

"Did she indeed. So, did you ask the young man in question Miss. Clarke?" asked the principal maintaining eye contact with Rebecca at all times.

"No," said Rebecca giggling. "But I asked his girlfriend Vikki, and she said yes."

"Oh well that's okay then, it's nice to see that you observed the proprietaries," responded the principal. "But before you check it out, you might want to check out the meat over there." She pointed in the general direction of the food as she laughed at her own joke. "Then when you've finished eating and when everyone else has you might be allowed to reveal it without putting people off their... er... lunch!"

I laughed, and so did Vikki and Madeleine as we followed the table to the buffet where three women were serving.

When we got there and I started to pass through the buffet all naturally smiled at me. And then one of the women said, "so do we get a peak too?"

I shrugged my shoulders but Vikki said, "Oh I think we might bring my studly boyfriend by so that you can get a good look."

"Well thank you in anticipation," she said with a smile as she and her two friends began to serve us.

I took some ham, a little pork and a slice of roast lamb which was quickly accompanied by a reasonably large baked potato wrapped in foil and steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and peas all to be topped up with a nice thick brown gravy.

As we started eating and as I took my first bite of a very tasty, very lean piece of pork I felt a little hand begin to make exploratory advances along my thigh below the level of the table. A quick glance to my right told me that Rebecca Clarke had both hands fully involved in the demolition of the pile of food that seemed to defy her slight stature. However on my left it was a different story, Josephine Wilkinson had cut her meat into bite-sized pieces and had her fork in her left hand picking at them while her right hand... was... nowhere to be seen!

From the point, obviously, I didn't need to look down to see whose hand was playing with my leg. But I did anyway. She looked at me, she was grinning that all-knowing yet innocent grin that 13-year-old girls seemed to be able to manage at will.

Her hand moved from my thigh to my groin without even a moments pause as she continued to feed herself with small cuts of pork and tiny mounds of steamed vegetables. Her hand moved all over my groin, all over my erection and her reaction was, I think, predictable.

To Josephine's credit though, she did manage to finish chewing what was in her mouth before she gasped audibly over what her digital explorations had discovered. "'Becca," she whispered across me to her friend, "feel this," and she indicated below the table and between my legs where her hand was searching for my zipper without any success before she moved her hand to leave room for her friends.

Rebecca Clarke moved her hand almost immediately into my lap and she began her own exploration of my groin with a little more success. The little more meaning that she found the little tab to my zipper and began to ease it down.

As I took a mouthful of my juicy baked potato, it had been wrapped in the foil with a pat of butter, I looked either side of me to see the cheeky grins of both girls. Josephine Wilkinson had, by this time, caught onto Rebecca's discovery much to the amusement of Vikki and Madeleine and my sister and all her other friends.

"Problems big brother?" asked Maria as Vikki had to put her fork down along with the meat that was on it she was laughing so hard.

"Maybe we should help out, Mari'," said Vikki with a grin as she reached across and grabbed Josephine Wilkinson's plate and began to cut her food into bite sized pieces. "If I do this Jo' here will only need one hand to eat with.

"Hey--" said Maria "--that's a really neat idea." And without even a seconds hesitation she grabbed Rebecca Clarke's plate and began to cut hers up too.

"Now Justin," said Rebecca as she began to slide my zipper down, "you be a really good lad and eat your lunch." She laughed as her hand moved inside the opening and found the waistband of my briefs. "After all you are a... er... growing boy."

The giggling and laughing all around the table that nearly caused food to be sprayed over the table grabbed the attention of the main table.

Once again Brenda Calloway stood and looked directly at our table. "Something wrong Miss Clarke?" she asked looking directly at the girl on my right. "It seems to me that there's an awful lot of levity and a decided lack of consumption of food."

"Oh no ma'am, there's nothing wrong."

The principal then looked directly at me before she spoke to our table in general terms. "Oh well that's okay then. And as long I don't see what's not wrong, and as long as everyone that is involved in what's not wrong finish their meals in a reasonable time then I won't have to do anything about what's not happening will I."

"Er... no Mrs. Calloway," said Rebecca with half a smile.

Things had stopped during that brief discourse with the principal, but of course that didn't last long as Rebecca and Josephine in a joint effort soon had my erection where they thought it belonged, out and on display.

The reactions, not only of 'Becca and Jo' but also of Maria and the other girls, was something I had grown quite used to. Fortunately they managed to modify their shock and incredulity enough that the principal, the teachers and my parents looked up but didn't say anything and didn't react, except to look slightly amused.

I watched Josephine pick her food up in her left hand, watched her right hand grip my erection below Rebecca's left which also had a firm grip. Then I watched her lean across and whisper a question so that all at the table could hear and no one else.

"How the hell am I going to get thing--" and she tried to waggle it from side to side but couldn't because of that grip that Rebecca Clarke was maintaining "--in my pussy?"

Vikki laughed, looked at me and blew me a kiss as she replied, "the same way all of the girls and women he's fucked have. You let my sweetie get you ready first!"

"You mean... ?"

"She finished the final mouthful of her lunch and grinned. "You'd better believe it Jo', my Justin has almost every girl and woman who's licked my pussy beat by a, for the want of a better expression, cuntry mile!"

"You mean... ?"

"Absolutely," laughed Vikki, "these little girlfriends of yours might be able to bring you a climax, but I somehow doubt they'll turn you into the orgasmic little slut that my Justin will."

"Oh Jesus," said Rebecca as she finished her final mouthful and began to gently masturbate the top half of my cock, can we go now?" She looked across the table and saw that my sister had finished and then looked at mine and saw that I had finished too once I had decided there was nothing I could do about the little hands that were determined to complete their voyage of discovery. "Can we?"

Before I could answer Jo' was up out of her seat and waving madly to get the attention of Brenda Calloway. "Mrs. Calloway, Mrs. Calloway... !"

"Yes Josephine, Miss. Wilkinson. What can I do for you?"

"We're finished, can we go to our dorm?" she asked excitedly.

The principal smiled with the patience that seems to be in-built in the best of teachers. "I don't see why not Josephine. However before you leave the table I think you might help young Justin stand up so that the rest of the hall can see what all the fuss is about."

Deciding that there was no point in waiting because the girls would probably force me into it anyway, I did something that would have been unthinkable not so many days ago but seemed so natural now, especially after the concert. I took a firm grip of the backrest of my chair, placed my right foot on the seat and without the aid of the walking stick pushed myself up until I was standing on the chair in full sight of everyone.

Thr murmurs of shock, surprise and definite approval started near us and flowed around the room until it seemed that every woman and girl was making some sort of comment about what they like me to do to them.

"See!" said Vikki from across the table as she and Madeleine laughed at the reception my erect penis was getting. "One look and women just want to fuck it or suck it!" which brought a laugh from my sister and Madeleine, the two girls either side of me and the other six that shared our table.

"Okay," said Brenda Calloway finally with a laugh. "On behalf of the female teaching staff, the mothers who are present, and the girls I thank you. Now if you will adjust yourself young Justin, you might be able to walk out of the dining hall with some degree of dignity," she smiled, "stripped though most of it was by Josephine and Rebecca."

"Oh ma'am, what makes you think that we we're... ?"

"Josephine Wilkinson, there's a reason why I am principal of this school. And that is because I know how the minds of young ladies work. Now if you'll help tuck Justin's erect penis back in his pants you can leave. However--" and this time she grinned "--I think you have to leave via the three ladies that helped with the serving of the buffet meal." The principal then looked at me. "How about you Justin, do you think you'll be able to handle our lascivious and, sexually, very mature young ladies."

I looked up not sure how to answer, but I didn't have to. I saw my mother lean across to the principal and whisper in her ear.

The principal looked at me and smiled. "No need to answer that one young man, your mother has answered for you. So, off you go."

After I had indeed been tucked back into my trousers Vikki and Madeleine and I found ourselves quickly following my sister Maria, Rebecca Clarke, Josephine Wilkinson and another girl called Helen Deville. And of course we went via the kitchen that ran off the dining room behind where the buffet had been set up.

As we walked in the woman who had asked the original question about getting a peak at me turned to Vikki and said, "Well aren't you just the nicest young lady."

"Oh ma'am." Said Vikki with a grin, "I'm not..."

"This is Vikki Thompson, she is my girlfriend, and I don't want you listening to her, she is a lady," I said. "And my name, in case you didn't get it is Justin Robertson and..."

"Oh come on big brother," interrupted my sister, "the whole school knows who you are," her hands moved to the belt of my trousers, "and they all know what you're packing and what your capable of." She undid the belt and moved her hands to my zipper.

I started to move my hands to stop her but Vikki grabbed mine and held them in her own firm grip. "Oh no you don't Justin we made a promise to..."

I gave her an old-fashioned sideways glance. "I think you got that wrong Vikki," I said as my trousers dropped to the floor, "you made the promise, I..."

I didn't get to finish as my Bond boxer briefs were unceremoniously yanked down causing 11-inches of iron hard cock to slap again my stomach.

"OOH MY GOD!!!" cried one of the two who hadn't said anything.

"JESUS AITCH FUCKING CHRIST!!!" was the rather sacrilegious outburst from the second, until that moment, of the two silent women.

The first of the three women, the one who until then had been doing all the talking, turned first to Rebecca and then to Josephine before she indicated my erection which was spearing the air and seeming to enjoy the attention it was getting. "You're telling me--" she said to them "--that you plan to take that in your little pussies."

"Oh that's easy," said a grinning Rebecca Clarke, "Vikki here said he's going to lick us into shape before he fucks us!" She licked her top lip. "She says he's good at it too."

Then suddenly my trousers and underwear were being pulled on and Vikki and Madeleine and I were being dragged out of the dining room. We were pulled hurriedly out of the back towards three, three-story buildings. The three buildings were on the left of what looked to be a full-sized athletic track and evidently housed the girls dorms.

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 45 Here She Comes Now Say Mony Mony

The first I knew of anything was when I looked up from the bed I was laying in and saw a pretty blue-eyed blonde checking some kind of strapping on my chest. By the restrictive breathing and the pain I felt every time I took a breath I was guessing that something was wrong with my ribs. Then I felt a tremendous itch in my right arm, took a look and saw the plaster and the sling. And my first thought? 'Well fuck it there goes any chance to bowl with Sarah's team tonight. And that's when I...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 53 Marias Special Goodbye

I looked up, we all did as my father jumped out of the car and headed to a sign to the right of the gate that said: 'PLEASE RING THE BELL AND INTRODUCE YOURSELF' A matter of twenty seconds later he was back in the car and the double-gates began to glide smoothly open, and as soon as they were sufficiently far apart dad moved through and began the drive along the circular driveway that led to the main building and its grand entrance. On the short trip we tried to get Madeleine to tell us...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 62 Nine Days Part Two

"We know that you know what happened before during and after school," said Brian once Vikki and I had moved back to my seat. "But I think there are still a couple of people who have something to say. Sean, Cindy, it's your turn." I wasn't surprised that they had been called up but Julie was. She looked on stunned as Sean Middleton and Cindy Morrison walked to the front. Sean didn't hold back when they turned to face us. Or more particularly turned to face Julie. "We were idiots...

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Nine Memorable DaysEpilogue The next Two Weeks

Two limousines were necessary to transport fifteen people to the 'Multitude of Sin's' after concert party taking place in the Grand Hyatt ballroom. Those fifteen were Justin, his parents and Maria, Vikki and her parents, Madeleine Paulson, Gillian and Martha Vandella, Penny Wallace, Sean Middleton and Cindy Morrison and lastly Mark Pullar and Lynn Eldridge. They joined the seven members of the band, Samantha Carson, Simone Keighly, her boyfriend Kyle Herbert and four others from the...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 1 Justin An Introduction

I'm Justin Robertson and my life is B.O.R.I.N.G boring. Mostly I suspect that's my fault, but I'll get to that in a minute. I'm 17-years-old and live I with my parents, as of course do most 17-year-olds. My father - Louis - is a 36-year-old jovial giant with dark hair, while my mother Mary is a good-looking 34-year-old brunette with a stunning 36C-23-36 figure. I know that because I went with mum to a dress fitting one Saturday morning, a chore you can just bet I wasn't happy with. Not...

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TRIPLE-SWITCH by "c.c." From the files of Roderick Masters, Ph. D. Psychic Investigator It was a comfortable office in a clean, sharp-looking building. But no amount of soft light and furniture could take away the antiseptic aura of an expensive Mental Hospital. Which this place was. The only really relaxing thing, in fact, was the fine-looking young woman seated behind the desk: Dr. Janet Silver. Her long, well-styled dark hair framed a lovely face with strong chin and cheek...

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Lovely Memorable Incidents

Hello, my dear Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is my real sex story. I am Keshav. I am from Mysore. I am 26 years old. I am working as a lecturer in a reputed college. I started working here 3 years back after completing my masters. About me, I am a good looking person with 6 feet height. I am medium built but I keep myself fit. I am going to share my experience here. This is a real experience. In fact still, I am having this & enjoying every bit of it. This is an experience which I am...

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Muslim Widow Aunts Memorable Road Trips

Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with another post of my slutty widowed Aunt, Sheen. This is a compilation of THREE of the most memorable road trips with Aunty Sheen. I hope you enjoy this post as much as you did the previous ones. I’m eager to hear your reaction to this so feel free to Like my story and drop in a Comment!A little background first…About me - I’m Ali. I’m very fair-skinned, stand over 5” 10” tall with sharp features and straight, long dark hair. I have a tall and trim muscular...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 52 Madeleines Story Continued Its A Small World

By the time we turned onto the West Gate Freeway, crossed over Southbank and headed towards Port Melbourne Dad and I were decent again, Vikki and Mum having accomplished the not so easy task of stuffing our erect cocks back into our respective pants. However by the time we crossed over the West Gate Bridge and continued along the freeway through a whole bunch of western suburbs Madeleine began to get a might impatient. Not only did she want to take her turn at my cock she was also getting a...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 6 The Phone Call And The Plan

I waited the required ten minutes before picking up the phone. I heard the phone ringing on the other end of the line and wondered just who was going to pick up the phone at the other end. I don't know why but I hoped it wasn't Julie Morris. Oh I knew the call was about her, I'm not that silly, but I just hoped that mum didn't have to talk directly to the bitch. "Hello," came the breathless voice on the other end of the phone, "Jane Morris." Now I understood. It seemed obvious that...

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Triple Treat

Slouching lower you hook your legs over the arms of the chair. I groan my approval as the candy pink G-string has a noticeable damp spot. You begin to rub yourself through the material with one hand while squeezing and pinching your nipple with the other. You are extra horny in anticipation of what we have planned for the evening.You pull the G string to the side to expose your pussy glistening with arousal. A finger slips in between the lips. You withdraw your finger and put it to your mouth....

1 year ago
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“I would love you to watch another man giving you a blow job, he would need to be much younger than us and very pretty.” “I would love to have two bisexual men while you watch. I have a fetish about seducing a bisex man. Also two women while you watch.” “I would love to watch you fucking another woman. No kissing though.” “Can I have the same two women while you watch?” “Right now I will settle for a golden shower,” Jon smiles. “After this some mutual masturbation honey,” he moans lying on...

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Triple Treat

In my middle years, I met and married a Mexican girl -- woman, I should say, as Maria Elena was in her mid-30s, three years younger than I. She was tall, full-bodied, dark-eyed and olive-skinned. The night we met, we wound up in bed. I was somewhat desperate, between girlfriends for several months, and she was very pretty in a haughty, high-cheeked sort of way. I threw myself at her feet, literally, to get her to dance with me. Later, talking with Maria Elena and her girlfriend over drinks at...

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“EEEEEEEE!!!!  It is beautiful,”  She squealed with delight when the door swung open.  He stepped back, placed his hand on the small of her back as she clapped and hopped through the doorway.Her hands fell to her side as she looked up, turned slowly and let out a low “ohhh”.  Her eyes were twinkling and her smile lit up the already bright room.  The cabin impressed her and she was literally speechless.She walked over to the large bay window that offered a view of a valley.  Snow topped mountain...

Love Stories
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A Memorable Trip To Pune

Hi friends… Sagar here from Bangalore and i thought of sharing one of my memorable experience with my friend while I was on an official tour. I am 33 years old, 5’6″ height and having average built personality. Let me come to the story. Recently I had visited Pune for an official trip and had stayed in a luxury hotel. After office hours in the late evening, I called Pooja, a friend of mine who is staying in Pune with her husband and kids (I had a relationship with her when i was working in Pune...

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Memorable Birthday Gift

Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...

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Memorable Time With Neighbor Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Till now I have been enjoying blowjob and Tung fucking. I made most use of Tongue. It was a pleasure and excitement doing this. After kissing all around satisfying our self we used to settle for 69 position. Bhabhi take whole of my Penis inside and I will go deep into her pussy. Whole room get fill with our moan. Aaaaaaaaaaa , uuuhhhhhh. We can not moan loudly other wise will get caught. Bhabhi got a habit of not taking my Penis out till my penis becomes smaller and asking me to go deeper and...

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My Life My Choice 8211 Memorable Day With Raj

Hi all, I am Pallavi from Mysore. Presently I am working in Bangalore. I would like to share my real experience with you all readers. I am an open minded woman. Married four years back with software engineer who is working in Mysore. I’m little dark in complication. My structure is 34-30-36. After my marriage I enjoyed my honeymoon in Kulumanali for 15 days. Later my husband was busy in his work. I was getting bored by sitting in home. I spoke with my husband shall I apply to job. He said OK....

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Memorable Day In Ukkadam 8211 Part II

Thanks lot for many readers who appreciate my story and share their story / fantasy with me and I heart fully thank each and every one of you. Those who miss first part can read the story from below She called me on Wednesday and asked me whether I was free or not and i told her that I’m free and she asked me to come to her place and I took my bike and bought some condoms and went to her apartment and rang her bell. She opened the door and she was in light green fancy saree and she was...

4 years ago
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My life after a memorable event

My life after a memorable event. A summary of my early years from Part 1 I was a typical boy of fourteen who lived for football, cricket and field hockey, when I wasn't playing sport I was playing with my mates. After a year of visiting various medical experts, I had a hospital appointment that changed my life. The doctor described lots of things that I hardly understood, babies born with anomalies called inter-sex babies. He explained that the majority of babies are born with xx...

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My memorable journey

The names are not real due to personal issues. I am ajay from jaipur. The story i am telling is a true story which happen 1 year back when i was travelling from indore to jaipur in 2 tier 2nd class ac compartment. Here i meet puja. Puja was around 29 year having 38-26-36 figure. She was very sexy having bulgy boobs. Puja was travelling with her husband in the train. The couple was having only one confirm ticket of 2nd ac and another ticket was of 2nd class ordinary. They ask the t.t. to arrange...

2 years ago
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A Memorable 21st Birthday

Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...

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A Memorable 21st Birthday

Hey guys, I’m back with another story about my 21st birthday. I hope you’re all doing well and safe. So this incident is basically one that I’ve been requested to post by quite a few people. It is a memorable one, so here it is. This was the first time I had a foursome, and it was absolutely amazing. I hope you all enjoy it. Here’s a short introduction about myself. I’m Sarah, 24, living in Mumbai. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. Coming to the incident. It was February 2018, one day...

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The Best of Paris WatermanChapter 10 A Most Memorable Wedding Night

Doctor Robert Ruark peeled off his surgical gloves. The operation had been a difficult one, but after seven hours of grueling work he had succeeded in repairing the damaged heart valve. His brow was deeply furrowed as the tall, lean black man allowed thoughts of Alice to enter his mind for the first time since entering the operating room. 'What the hell is wrong with me?' He wondered. There was no denying he was profoundly in love with Alice. Of that he was sure. 'But why can't I perform...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 24 Rick Mason Framed and Hung

"Almost in the bag? Justin how can you say that? I mean you don't even know if what you suspect is true, and even if it is how can you know if you're plan will work?" "Trust me Vikki love, I know my father's friends and they're good at what they do." "Yes of course I understand that. But you've still got to get Mason to cooperate in the first part of your plan don't you?" "Vikki we're going to his home turf right. I mean 'Shoot Em Up' is where he hangs out where he's boss....

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 25 Barbecue and a Skinnydip

I walked through the front door after paying off the taxi, I had Madeleine's left hand in my right as I walked into the lounge. It was almost half past six. Mum and dad were sitting there, dad was dressed in black slacks and a plain white polo neck jumper while mum was dressed in a hot pink half thigh length mini-skirt and a black crop-top short enough to expose her belly-button and tight enough to emphasise the lack of a bra. I quickly made the introductions. "Hello Madeleine love,"...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 26 Vikki With Some Help Story Eight

Vikki looked at everyone in turn but in particular at my parents and me. "Well I guess it started with..." Vikki turned to her parents and grinned. "I guess we won't be going to the Binghams the way you went last night?" "Hardly," grinned her mother, "after all I think there might be some hot and hornies..." "More like young and horny." "Yeah that too. Anyway I think that they'd prefer us to be wearing a full set of clothes so that they can undress us rather than us being...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 27 Three In A Bed

We walked into the house, and while my father went to check the answering machine my mother turned and held up her hand. She had Vikki on her right and Madeleine on her left. "Just you stop right there Justin Robertson." My mother faced me squarely, left hand on one hip and the index finger of her right hand wagging at me. "Now you told me all about how much you fantasised about Vikki here." She took my girlfriend's left hand, she was holding her supermarket uniform in her other hand,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 28 Twin Delights

I woke up just before the alarm and made as if to reach over Madeleine, but she wasn't there so I moved the button to off and was thinking of going in search when I felt movement on my left. "She went about a couple of hours ago she wanted to spend some time with your parents. Now are we going for a run?" Then she must have thought about something because she added, "Hey I think we missed out on something, didn't we?" I turned the other way and stretched out to kiss my girlfriend good...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 29 Julie Morris The Usual Morning For a Slut

Julie didn't know anyone was in her room until she realised the covers were off her and she lying there stark naked in full view of her brothers and her mother. Not that being naked in front of her family and their 'friends' was at all unusual. After all she'd fucked them and fucked in front of them, bathed in front of them and pissed in front of them as well as having her father and both her brothers pissing on her and making her, not that they had to try hard, drink it. Jane Morris,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 31 After School Before Bowling

I was the first out of the classroom, first out of the main building, and the first to reach the gate. At least I was the first of my class and most of my year. The reason of course was obvious, Vikki. The reaction this morning had been amazing, most of my class had seen us together at the gate and had wanted to speak to me especially Gerry Connolly and Colin Bucknell. After I had listened and responded, as best I could, to the good-natured barbs from Gerry and Colin I talked to most of the...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 34 Post Bowling Surprises

"That was incredible Brian, real fucking good." Sarah looked up at her boyfriend Robin Ottoman, at Mum who was dressed again after Vikki's mum had cleaned her up, Vikki and her mother, both of whom had covered up their breasts and finally at Madeleine who had also dressed before joining us after being 'cleaned up' by a volunteer from the audience. "Just think," she giggled, "I've got Brian Hacker cum in my pussy." She kissed Robin. "What do you think Rob? Should I get some tissue...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 35 Caroline The Second Session

Brian Hacker grinned as he pulled up outside Caroline Herschfeldt's house and turned to Vikki and I in the back. "That was fun." He must have seen the doubt in my voice, the suspicion in my expression that I thought he was only being polite. "No I mean it Justin, you're quite a guy and don't let anybody tell you different." He reached for Vikki's right hand and when she held it out took it in his own as he smiled at her. "I know you know what I mean don't you?" Vikki just smiled....

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 37 The Coffee Bar Part One Meeting Sean And Cindy

We walked into the coffee bar at ten fifteen, which meant of course that we were precisely fifteen minutes late, and were immediately greeted enthusiastically by Ian and Trish Matheson. "You don't know how good it was to hear that you would be here tonight, that you were going to honour that promise you made yesterday," said Ian as he gave Vikki an enthusiastic hug and a more than friendly kiss. Then, when he realised she wasn't wearing panties beneath her short skirt, he moved his right...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 38 Part Two Another Two notches On Justins Penis

That was all it took, Sean and I had both begun to droop a little but just the sight of Trish Matheson in all her naked glory was enough to have our cocks standing to full attention. "Well come on then," she grinned, "get those arses into gear. My husband already has the couch out into a bed, and he's already on his back with young Cindy riding him for dear life, Vikki's on her back, legs spread just waiting for you, Sean." Then she turned to me as we approached the doorway. "And as...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 40 Just An Afternoon At The Beach

"You're sure that that's what will happen Mr. Barnet?" "Please, call me Frank. And yes, if I know Vikki, and I think I do, that's exactly what I think she'll do." "And you're sure I can't talk you into telling me what song she'll be doing Frank?" "Sorry Justin, that's one part of her surprise it would be more than my life's worth to divulge. And unfortunately we don't have a copy of the song you mentioned, we are however big on Cliff Richard so we will have the song of his...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 41 Before The Concert

We walked into the kitchen of my house at just after four thirty and saw my mother talking to Jill McLelland. She turned to me and smiled. "So has my studly son had a good afternoon?" "A fucking good afternoon," said Vikki laughing, "if you get my drift. Especially an episode in the taxi on the way to the beach." Suddenly she turned to our neighbour. "Oooh, excuse me I hope I didn't offend you." My mother laughed. "Offend Jill? You have got to be kidding. After what her son did...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 42 The Concert

I looked around the enclosed area of the 'Sin Pit' from which the seats had been removed and saw that while plenty of girls wore very little none were topless or naked. It was apparently an unwritten rule that girls, and guys for that matter, didn't upstage the band by getting naked before them. However once the band got naked and once the selected members of the audience arrived on stage it did, as I was informed by Samantha Carson, become a sexual free-for-all. Then just as I was...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 43 Aftermath

Naked scared and upset, and with tears streaming down her face Vikki was running flat out in the direction of Justin's house. She was hoping against hope that the thought of her bringing help would make them leave Justin alone, prevent them from doing him some real harm. She was only a matter of a hundred yards down the pathway when she ran full tilt into the arms of two middle aged men and a woman all of whom seemed to be about to have the sort of evening she had been planning with...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 44 Playing Musical Chairs

Vikki looked at the clock, it said ten to six. Roughly seven or eight minutes had gone by since she last looked, more than forty five had passed since she had woken up. She had had she guessed about two hours sleep. She got out of bed quietly so as not to disturb Madeleine, went to the bathroom for her morning piss, then washed her hands and cleaned her teeth before she went to Justin's built-in-robes and pulled out the same navy blue netball skirt that she had worn Tuesday morning. Then...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 46 A Bed Bath With A Difference

Mony looked at my cock which was still as hard as ever, looked down at the mix of my semen and her pussy juice that was dribbling out of her pussy and attempted a smile as she looked at me. "I guess I should go and clean up before I start to wash you," she finally managed as she lifted off me and carefully moved off the bed. "Oh I wouldn't worry about that," said Vikki eying her lecherously. "If you wash my boyfriend I think I can take care of your little cleanup job." She smiled....

1 year ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 48 Karaoke Night Leaving The Hospital

A little while later, after the room had been aired out and cleaned and after Mony had cleaned me up again, a little more professionally this time, I managed to turn my head and see that the time was twenty minutes to five. And that was when Mony came in with an older nurse. "This is the young man I was telling you about Jeannie," said Simone. "Justin Robertson? Ah kin (Scottish dialect - understand) that," replied Jeannie in a broad Scottish accent. "But what I cannae (can not,...

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