Nine Memorable DaysChapter 28: Twin Delights! free porn video

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I woke up just before the alarm and made as if to reach over Madeleine, but she wasn't there so I moved the button to off and was thinking of going in search when I felt movement on my left.

"She went about a couple of hours ago she wanted to spend some time with your parents. Now are we going for a run?" Then she must have thought about something because she added, "Hey I think we missed out on something, didn't we?"

I turned the other way and stretched out to kiss my girlfriend good morning. How good was this waking up in bed with a beautiful nude girl, and not just a nude girl but also a nude girl that was in love with me. Then satisfied that I'd greeted her properly I said, "Well in the end it doesn't really matter does it."

"Smart-arse," she said as she laughed.

"Good morning by the way darling, and yes we are going for a run. Lets dress and head downstairs and see if mum has put a couple of bottles of water in the fridge."

I watched Vikki jump out of bed as though she'd had eight hours sleep and not less than half that, and watched the delicious sight of her bum as she wiggled her way enticingly over to my built in robes. She reached in and pulled out that same navy blue skirt she'd worn on Saturday, a day that will forever live in my memory, and a pair of Nikes. And while I was out of bed and putting on a pair of shorts, some regulation y-fronts and a plain white T-shirt I watched her slip the skirt on before she sat down on the bed and put on her sports shoes. Then she moved to the dresser and reached down, bending from the waist naturally, to the bottom drawer where she'd placed her underwear knowing she was giving a clear view of her vagina.

She smiled as she pulled out a black sports bra. "Better get used to that Justin honey, I plan on showing it to you a lot. She put the bra on and continued smiling. Right I'm ready."

I could only look. When she'd worn the skirt on Saturday morning she'd worn a pair of matching bloomers, this time she wasn't wearing anything under the skirt. "V-V-Vikki y-your n-not..."

"I told you I like to show off Justin." She had that lecherous expression on her face that I had come to love. "I'm allowed, the law says I can and I really do like people to look, and I know that you like to look. Ooh... !" her lecherous expression turned to one of concern. "I never thought, maybe you don't want me to."

I moved across and hurriedly took her in my arms and hugged her as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Then I slipped my hands under her skirt, I didn't have to reach up very far, and took a naked buttock in each hand. "Oh I do, I do." I kissed her, not with passion and tongue but with tenderness and love. And when we broke I added, "You can't imagine how proud I'm going to be running with you knowing that people are going to be looking at me and thinking as they catch a glimpse of your naked bottom or maybe even a view of your vagina from the..."

"Pussy Justin, pussy. You don't have to call it cunt if you don't want to but please don't be so clinical and call it vagina."

I smiled. "Fair enough, pussy it is. Anyway, as I was saying, I think I'd be proud to have people see you almost naked like that and know that you're my girlfriend. So yes I think I'd like people getting a glimpse of my girlfriends bottom or pussy." I kissed her. "Oh how I like that word."

"What pussy?"

"No silly." I kissed her again. "Girlfriend. You know I think I might never stop saying it. Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend, girl..."

"All right, all right." This time Vikki kissed me. "Boyfriend sounds good to me. Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend." She poked her tongue out and grinned again. "And flashing my naughty bits to people and having them know I'm yours does sound good."

I had a sudden thought that maybe there was somebody special that Vikki was thinking of when she was talking who she was flashing her naughty bits too. "Hey," I said as we walked to the door, "I think I know who you're keen to show off for."

"Oh." Her expression said she knew of whom I was talking about and that I was right, but she asked anyway. "And just who would that be?"

"Oh a couple of men who witnessed a certain young man make a fool of himself on Friday morning when he was following this certain very attractive young lady."

"Lady huh. I think I prefer slut." She did a quick twirl on the spot showing her naked bottom and pussy off for my benefit. "What do you think?"

"I think if it's possible you could be both. But if you insist slut it is, but not in public. I refuse to call you a slut in front of those two firemen you want to show off for."

"Fair enough. And yes you're right I do want to show off for them. You do know that they've been outside almost very morning when we've run past."

"And you plan to put on a show for there benefit?"

"Well yeah of course. And we're going to be holding hands so that they know we're a couple now."

We walked out of my room, down the hallway and past my parent's bedroom. At least we nearly made it past. A quick look in their room showed Madeleine lying on her back in between my parents with my father's mark, dried semen, in and around her pussy. She had her right hand on his limp penis and her left hand sleepily exploring between my mother's legs. She of course had my father's mark all around her groin as well.

This time of course with Vikki for company I didn't stay. After a quick visit to the bathroom for some relief we went down to the kitchen, found that my mother had indeed filled a couple of water bottles even taking the trouble to label them.

We ran up the hill into the park and headed towards May Close and Station Street. When we got to Station Street we headed towards the fire station with much anticipation, holding hands as we did so.

The firemen didn't let us down, it seemed they were awaiting our arrival. When they saw us about to run past holding hands they cheered so loudly they brought the remaining half-dozen firemen out of the station. Indeed so much noise were they making we simply had to stop. I didn't know whether it was because of Vikki's lack of panties or that we were together. Either way it didn't seem to matter to Vikki, which, I guess, meant it didn't matter to me. Anyway she had no hesitation in running into the station yard dragging me with her with her right hand and waving madly with her left.

Now I knew what I could see from a half step behind her, a naked backside, so I had no doubt that they could see her stubbly pussy, it was in need of a shave and she'd made me promise to shave her when we showered on our return home.

One of the two firemen who always seemed to be outside smiled as he held out his hand and introduced himself. "Name's Joey Quinton, and you really are a pleasant sight this early in the morning."

"Vikki looked down at her skirt and grinned as she lifted it up giving all eight men a close up look at her pussy. "Huuhhmm, I thought I would be. Name's Vikki Thompson, but I don't shake hands with men." She insinuated herself into his grasp and wrapped herself around him as she gripped him by the waist and looked at his hands. "Feel free to touch, I don't break and nothing's out of bounds."

Justin watched as Joey the fireman placed his hands on Vikki's naked backside and knew just what he was feeling.

Joey Quinton looked at me as he squeezed her naked bottom. "Hey man I hope you're all right with this I don't want to..."

Vikki interrupted him with a quick peck on the lips. "He is and you're not. We have an open relationship but my heart is out of bounds, Justin, his name is Justin Robertson by the way, has captured that for all time."

Vikki moved to each man in turn and introduced herself the same way. In doing so she allowed the same liberties to each of them.

We were about to go when Joey placed a hand on each of our shoulders. "We have to know. Seeing as you're officially a couple," he looked at me, "and by the way it took you long enough man, when was your first official date?"

I was going to be honest and tell them that us being together was entirely due to Vikki but she must have anticipated me and gave the very slightest shake of her head as she said in response to his question, "Sunday night, why?"

"Oh it's nothing really," said Joey in response. "It's just that we had a sweep between all the shifts about when you two would finally get around to what should have happened months ago. He turned to his mate the second fireman. "You lucky fucker Mick." His name was Mick Germann. Joey turned to Vikki. "Ooh sorry miss I didn't mean to swear."

"Oh I wouldn't sweat it Joey," said Vikki leaning forward and giving him a full open-mouthed kiss, "after all I've just let you get your hands all over my naked arse and I did show you my cunt didn't I, I mean that hardly makes me a fucking lady!"

He laughed as he reached around and patted her bottom again. "Touché. Er... I don't suppose you'd favour us with... ?" He left the rest unsaid.

Vikki though, knowing what the request was, didn't disappoint. She held up her skirt for a full twenty seconds allowing them all to gaze closely on and briefly pat her sweet pussy. She smiled and said, "And if you want to see it some more come to the supermarket, me and some of the girls are wearing almost nothing at the checkout and when we're bending or climbing a three up three down ladder to stock the shelves."

He smiled in return. "We might just do that."

We left then and Vikki ran ahead giving us all a good sight of her naked bottom until we reached Station Street. She stopped as soon as we were out of sight of the fire station and turned to me a worried expression her face. "Too much?"

I laughed, grabbed her around the waist, lifted her off her feet and swung her around allowing any people in the street, and there were a few both in cars and on foot a good glimpse of her naked backside. "Hell no! That was the most wild, the most erotic, the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me, sex excluded of course." I kissed her. "You could be naked and I'd love it, but it's much more fun like this, you know, playing peekaboo."

She grinned as much in relief as in joy. "Phew, that's a relief. So you won't mind if I do this sort of thing on a regular basis?"

"Are you kidding?" I held her hand as we started jogging again. "With what Sarah and I are going to be getting up to at the bowl why would I complain?" I quickly added just in case there was a misunderstanding, "Even if I wanted to."

"Well that's okay then." Vikki grinned lecherously. "In that case you might just have earned yourself a special reward."

"Oh, and what rewards that?"

"Oh that would be telling," and she let go of my hand and took off at a pace. "But I promise you a morning before school that you've never experienced before."

We arrived back home about thirty minutes later. We were just in time to greet my father. I waved while Vikki rushed to greet him with a hug and a kiss through the window he quickly lowered down.

Mum and Madeleine, both dressed in identical dressing gowns, smiled as they saw Vikki's naked bottom as she leaned into the car.

"And just how many people have seen that this morning?" asked my mother.

"Oh a few," and I told her about the episode at the fire station on what was going to become our regular morning run. I turned and saw some of our neighbours pointedly looking at Vikki's bare bottom. "And a few more now I would think."

One of the teenage boys, his name was Ross McLelland, who lived in the house next to ours up the hill was grinning hugely as he gave me the thumbs up.

When my father departed and Vikki came back she turned to the young fellow and waved. When he waved back she went over and introduced herself to him and his mother, her name was Jill, who was stood next to him. I saw her hug the mother who seemed more than willing to return the hug and then cuddle into the boy in the same fashion she had with the firemen.

She came running back to us her skirt swirling around her hips as she did so. "I think they like me," she said breathlessly.

"What's not to like, slut," said Madeleine.

We grinned and after waving in the direction of my father's departing Mercedes walked inside and headed for the shower with Madeleine for company while my mother began breakfast.

Once we were naked and in the shower I went to grab for Vikki's naked body while Madeleine made a grab for mine. Vikki however had different ideas and she slapped our hands away. "If we're going to have time for what I have planned for this morning we have to get going, and that means doing what you do in the shower," she grinned, "getting clean," she looked down at her stubble, "and shaved. Oh I know I promised you could shave me but next time for sure."

When we were dressed, if dressed was the word for Vikki when she wore her 'work uniform' of see-through crop-top and the equally translucent skirt that was just as short as the skirt she'd worn on our run this morning, we headed down for breakfast.

Oh I'd known about the uniform from the story she'd told but hearing and seeing were two different things. I'd enjoyed hearing about the uniform and the shave she'd been given at work but seeing it on her and seeing all of her, you had to be close up to get a good look and even then you had to look hard, made it worth it.

Breakfast was two slices of lean grilled bacon, a poached egg and toast and orange juice. It was quickly demolished and once we'd helped mum stack the dishwasher we were ready to go.

Vikki turned to Madeleine. "Are you coming with us?"

Madeleine turned to my mother. She clearly had a question she wanted to ask but seeing as this was her first full day in our house she was plainly too scared to ask.

Mum, naturally, knew the question on her mind and had the answer. "Maybe another day Vikki my love. This morning I'm taking Madeleine shopping. If she's going to be living with us she needs some clothes and some girly things of her own."

Madeleine wrapped herself around my mother and kissed her as she took a cheek of my mother's bottom in each hand and squeezed gently. "How can I thank you? You've all been so kind."

My mother of course had the perfect answer. "Just stay as sexy and as available as you are."

She laughed. "Oh that won't be hard. But I'm still going to pay you back. Maybe I'll go back to 'Shoot Em Up' and see if they might still have a job for me."

I had a sudden thought, a brainwave, or at least I hoped it was. "Are you coming with us to Caroline's place tonight?"

She smiled. "That sounds good to me. Maybe I'll get properly acquainted with Naomi. I think that an evening of posing and playing might be a helluva way to pass the time."

"Yes well, if Caroline's sister Valerie brings along her boyfriend like she said she might, you might just have more than one penis..." I caught Vikki's glare "... cock to enjoy as well as plenty of pussy." Vikki's glare changed to a smile. "But I was also thinking of having a word with Caroline, maybe there'll be a job for you at Pot Black."

"But I couldn't ask. She did so much... you've all done so much." She turned in my mother's arms. "Still are."

My mother continued to cuddle her. "And if we couldn't help someone as nice and as gorgeous and sexy as you, who would we help? But I think Justin is right, I think Caroline is just waiting for the opportunity to bring Pot Black up with the times and I think you may just be her ticket to that change."

"Ooh I hope so. I'm an expert with a coffee machine and I know how to flip a mean burger thanks to working at Shoot Em Up. And in my years... er... on the street I learned how to pull a beer."

"So," said Vikki, "I guess all we need to know is, are you going to be outside the school with me to meet Justin or are you going to meet us at bowl?"

She laughed. "Oh at the school of course, I mean it would be fun to drape ourselves all over Justin and give his friends and other acquaintances something to talk about. Especially that girl you mentioned, that Julie Morris."

So that was settled. We hugged and kissed Madeleine and my mother, taking several liberties in the process, and then we were out the door.

"So where are we going?" We had gone back through the park and had gone part of the way in the direction of the supermarket and my school when we had suddenly turned down a street that led into a relatively new estate.

"Oh you'll see." And she continued to lead me up the street until she stopped at a particular driveway.

I thought nothing of it until suddenly I saw two young boys waving madly from the house on the other side.

"VIKKI!" One was screaming. "Hey Vikki are you going to... ?"

I didn't hear the rest as last nights story of the orgy came back to me. I knew then that we were at the house of the Bingham twins, those two beautiful girls who used their good looks and tight white panties to distract me and facilitate my meeting with Vikki. Then suddenly I realised that Vikki, who had continued to drag me up the driveway to the house, was answering their question.

"... you can," she was saying to the boys who had jumped the fence and were about to join us at the Bingham's front door, "after all I do need to keep myself amused while my Justin is fucking the twins."

Vikki was about to press the button when the door suddenly opened and a panty-clad woman stood there. She had to be Susan Bingham the twin's mother and here she was standing in the doorway wearing the flimsiest of G-strings and nothing else happily showing off to anybody walking past, and there were plenty.

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Muslim Widow Aunts Memorable Road Trips

Hi all, its Ali here!I’m back with another post of my slutty widowed Aunt, Sheen. This is a compilation of THREE of the most memorable road trips with Aunty Sheen. I hope you enjoy this post as much as you did the previous ones. I’m eager to hear your reaction to this so feel free to Like my story and drop in a Comment!A little background first…About me - I’m Ali. I’m very fair-skinned, stand over 5” 10” tall with sharp features and straight, long dark hair. I have a tall and trim muscular...

2 years ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 52 Madeleines Story Continued Its A Small World

By the time we turned onto the West Gate Freeway, crossed over Southbank and headed towards Port Melbourne Dad and I were decent again, Vikki and Mum having accomplished the not so easy task of stuffing our erect cocks back into our respective pants. However by the time we crossed over the West Gate Bridge and continued along the freeway through a whole bunch of western suburbs Madeleine began to get a might impatient. Not only did she want to take her turn at my cock she was also getting a...

4 years ago
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My twin sister and I1

Growing up I only had one sibling. My twin sister. We had always been close. When my father left we grew very close. He was an abusive prick. He never hit me or my sister, but was constantly beating the shit out of our mom. We thought things would get better once he left, but instead, they got worse. Mom started taking meth and was absent most of the time. We had just started 6th grade when all of this happened. As a result myself and my twin sister were always looking out for each other. Our...

2 years ago
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Twin Love affair Chap 1

As I approached my Truck, I notice my Twin sister Sally standing by my truck with her loaded book back slung over her shoulder. See her standing there with the bright summer sun glistening off her dark brown hair, cause some uneasy feeling to start creeping into my mind, I mean damn you would if your twin sister look the way she did, Sally was about 5 feet 8inch tall with 130 pound, and sally had the lightest shade of baby blue eyes I have ever seen, with a body to die for those Perky 39D...

3 years ago
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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 3 Twin Sisters Incestuous Secret

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Chapter 7 Surrenders Sweet Delights

Book Seven: Illusory Passion Chapter Seven: Surrender's Sweet Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Sophia – The Mirage Garden Fear stiffened my spine despite the fact a beautiful, dusky-sinned Jinn kissed me hard, her tongue probing my lips. I had never been so scared while a woman kissed me, her naked, lush body pressed against mine. She was so warm and sensual. Her hands stroked me as the steam from the water around my feet rose about us. Strange, heady scents filled the air....

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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 6 Futas MindControlling Delights

Chapter Six: Futa's Mind-Controlling Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure watched the events unfolding through the mist rising from the waterfall. Through the fog, the transition between air and water, it could see the game it had set into events. Sasha Ford stole out of the house with the purloined boy shorts. Chloe Quick reveled in the foursome she'd engineered at the Lyons. Mildred Dean drove with her stolen lover to...

4 years ago
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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 1 The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: The Slut Coaches the Twin Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “I think we should put our beds here, onee-chan,” my twin sister Kimiko said, her round face pointing at the right side of the room. She pursed her delicate lips, the same delicate lips that I had. Looking at my sister was like looking into the mirror. She had the same sleek, silky-black hair and pale-olive skin. We both possessed the...

1 year ago
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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 6 The Phone Call And The Plan

I waited the required ten minutes before picking up the phone. I heard the phone ringing on the other end of the line and wondered just who was going to pick up the phone at the other end. I don't know why but I hoped it wasn't Julie Morris. Oh I knew the call was about her, I'm not that silly, but I just hoped that mum didn't have to talk directly to the bitch. "Hello," came the breathless voice on the other end of the phone, "Jane Morris." Now I understood. It seemed obvious that...

1 year ago
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The MindContorl Device Short Twin Daughters Daddy Time

Twin Daughters' Daddy Time By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! At the park, a pair of barely legal twins fell under Dean Michael's device during his testing. They shouldn't have remembered anything from their time under his control. All the commands should have been purged from their minds. Instead, they found themselves lusting for each other. Debra and Denise Carter had fallen into lesbian twincest. They had spent the night making love,...

2 years ago
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Miss Twin Lakes

Miss Twin Lakes Synopsis: When a city holds a beauty pageant where men dress as women to raise funds for the USO, a young trans-girl triumph over her fear, leads to a new life. [-][+][-] You wouldn't think that a geeky boy would find love and happiness as a woman, but I have, and it's all thanks to my town's unique way to honor America's Military. My name is Jody Drew Sanderson: winner of the Miss Rainbow Pageant of Twin Rocks Alabama and on my way to college with my husband,...

4 years ago
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Miss Twin Lakes

You wouldn't think that a geeky boy would find love and happiness as a woman, but I have, and it's all thanks to my town's unique way to honor America's Military. My name is Jody Drew Sanderson: winner of the Miss Rainbow Pageant of Twin Rocks Alabama and on my way to college with my husband, Hannibal Sebastian Sanderson. When we met in Twin Rocks Grammar School, I was Jody Drew Whitehorse, proud brave of the Cherokee Nation. Like my dad, Joey Lee Whitehorse, I am blessed with no...

2 years ago
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Twin sisters come home from bad dates angry and horny to discover each other

“Total deviant freak!” Michelle flung her car keys across the living room so hard they left a dent in the drywall. Only then did she realize there was someone else in the room: her identical twin sister Anna. “Sorry,” Michelle mumbled as she dropped her purse on the carpet. “Something the matter?” Anna asked. “You bet it is.” Michelle kicked off her pumps and sank into the warm cushions of the overstuffed couch. “That Richard you set me up...

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Daddys twin porn stars part one

Twin girls were quite pretty but quite wild. Their mom did not care what they did as long as she was able to drink herself to sleep every night. The dad started noticing how sexy they were and his wife was not giving him any sex. He decided the girls would be a great way to release his sexual fustrations. He knew his twin daughters were sexually active so he wanted to fuck them too. That night he went into the bedroom where they slept. He tied one leg of each twin to the bedpost then stripped...

3 years ago
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Miss Twin Lakes My Valentines Dream

Miss Twin Lakes: My Valentines Dream Synopsis: When the Miss Twin Lakes beauty pageant is held to celebrate the return of Miss Twin Lakes from her USO tour, Twin brother and sister are able to realize their dreams, leading to a new life. [-][+][-] When Jody Drew Sanderson: was crowned Miss Twin Lakes, I knew that I wanted to win the title after she'd served her year as a Beauty Queen. Like her, I was a girl born in a boy's body, best of all, my entering the pageant would ease the...

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The Mind Control Device Short 1 Twin Sisters Lingering Lust

Twin Sister's Lingering Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! On a Saturday, a man named Dean Michaels desired to test a certain device. A mind-controlling device. It was his own creation, based off rumors he'd heard of the military researching into using ultra-high frequency sounds to mind-control individuals. Inflamed by this idea, and desiring to enjoy his two barely legal daughters, he built it. And tested it. At a park two hours drive...

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Nikki My TwinHalf Sister

My sister got Nichole, Nikki, as her handle, I am Dalton. At least we didn't get stuck with some cutesy twin names like Nick and Nikki. As you would expect Nikki and I grew up as one, twin-linked more in mind than body, but still close, almost inseparable. For the first years of our lives, we shared a room then our step-dad bought us a house with separate bedrooms that had an adjoining bathroom. In those early years, when we shared a room, we spent many nights in the same bed, sleeping...

1 year ago
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Twin Swap

Twin Swap -- Chapter 1 -- Graduation It was Daniel's high school graduation. Sitting in the hot sun on the bleachers, the 18 year old's senior's feet ached from the 5-inch silver pump heels he was wearing. Pantyhose covered his toned shaved legs that were neatly crossed at his knee. Underneath his black graduation gown, was a white lace halter dress. His silk white strapless 34A cup bra struggled to contain his boobs that seemed to grow by the day, and his penis was securely...

2 years ago
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My Date With My Twin Brother

I licked my lips as opened my door and I saw him. "Oh, you are going to take a shower now, Todd? Dare I also ask, do you just need some time alone so you can relive yourself without mom knowing? I'm positive that you loved having your twin sister suck on your cock, so it is a valid theory. Especially when I told you not to tell mom."Even after he closed the door, I continued to slather my lips, and then my right hand calmly slithered into my panties."Even as I'm out in the open where mom could...

4 years ago
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My Twin

Twins First a little about me. I am Toby, 24 and just graduated in Business from College an year ago. I was lucky to get a job and get on a management track with a big bank. It seemed that things were going well in the big city. I now had enough money to rent my own studio apartment in a new building with all the latest facilities. I am 5' 7" tall, 142 lbs. and have a slim figure. I swim, run and generally live quite well. I have to wear suits to work so it is great to come home and...

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The Red Twin

Kieran had been swimming regularly for nearly two years. He had been overweight and bullied as a kid, but at the age of eighteen, he was now slim and toned, with a strong, athletic physique. He visited the pool for an hour at 6 am, three or four times a week. It was a small town pool, and usually empty in the morning except for a couple of old ladies doing lethargic backstroke. Nothing much of interest had ever happened in all the time he’d been swimming there, until the day the twins...

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The Twin sistersrsquo Erotic Escapades

The Twin sisters’ Erotic EscapadesThe day had been terrific. I'd had a good session with my publisher, my book was on track, on schedule, and I felt great as I let myself into the apartment I shared with my twin s*ster Pat. I glanced over, as usual, at Teddy, and he was lying face up on the table by the door. This was our signal that we had someone intimate in the apartment. Very unobtrusive, just give Teddy a pat, and slip him on his back, arms and legs upward, ready for action. I slipped my...

2 years ago
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Twin Love affair Chap 2 deflowering my twin sister

The moment I heard those words rolled off her lips. I didn’t waste a single second. Our lips were locked in a deep passionate incestuous French kiss, I was lost in this incestuous bliss, I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. For years I had fantasized about this moment, but I had to make sure she was sure. I would hate myself if later on down the road, she would come to regret sleeping with me, especially if she end up pregnant by me. So, I gently broke our kiss and lifted up...

1 year ago
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Good Twin Bad Twin

Darren Collins watched through his window as his twin brother Marc, was pulling up the driveway. There he is that spoiled son of a bitch! Darren said silently as his brother pulled up in his new white Eclipse that their parents bought him for his eighteenth birthday. While Marc got the eclipse, Darren got their father's Sunfire passed on to him. It was never fair. Darren was always stuck with all the crappy gifts, and Marc got all the good gifts. It'd been this way since the boys were kids. At...

2 years ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 10 Oral Delights

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Ten: Oral Delights By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. James Davies I was so glad that Ruri wanted to lose her virginity. I had been patient with her. She was a prickly girl, embarrassed by her emotions and desires, prone to lash out with attacks to protect her emotions. The Japanese called it tsundere. However, her cute, innocence made my heart beat so fast. My creation was ready to be taken...

3 years ago
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The Mind Control Device Short 1 Twin Sisters Lingering Lust

On a Saturday, a man named Dean Michaels desired to test a certain device. A mind-controlling device. It was his own creation, based off rumors he’d heard of the military researching into using ultra-high frequency sounds to mind-control individuals. Inflamed by this idea, and desiring to enjoy his two teenage daughters, he built it. And tested it. At a park two hours drive from his home, he activated it. Everyone in the park was affected, including a pair of nubile, twin sisters. The nature...

4 years ago
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“EEEEEEEE!!!!  It is beautiful,”  She squealed with delight when the door swung open.  He stepped back, placed his hand on the small of her back as she clapped and hopped through the doorway.Her hands fell to her side as she looked up, turned slowly and let out a low “ohhh”.  Her eyes were twinkling and her smile lit up the already bright room.  The cabin impressed her and she was literally speechless.She walked over to the large bay window that offered a view of a valley.  Snow topped mountain...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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A Memorable Trip To Pune

Hi friends… Sagar here from Bangalore and i thought of sharing one of my memorable experience with my friend while I was on an official tour. I am 33 years old, 5’6″ height and having average built personality. Let me come to the story. Recently I had visited Pune for an official trip and had stayed in a luxury hotel. After office hours in the late evening, I called Pooja, a friend of mine who is staying in Pune with her husband and kids (I had a relationship with her when i was working in Pune...

3 years ago
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Memorable Birthday Gift

Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...

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Memorable Time With Neighbor Bhabhi 8211 Part 3

Till now I have been enjoying blowjob and Tung fucking. I made most use of Tongue. It was a pleasure and excitement doing this. After kissing all around satisfying our self we used to settle for 69 position. Bhabhi take whole of my Penis inside and I will go deep into her pussy. Whole room get fill with our moan. Aaaaaaaaaaa , uuuhhhhhh. We can not moan loudly other wise will get caught. Bhabhi got a habit of not taking my Penis out till my penis becomes smaller and asking me to go deeper and...

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My Life My Choice 8211 Memorable Day With Raj

Hi all, I am Pallavi from Mysore. Presently I am working in Bangalore. I would like to share my real experience with you all readers. I am an open minded woman. Married four years back with software engineer who is working in Mysore. I’m little dark in complication. My structure is 34-30-36. After my marriage I enjoyed my honeymoon in Kulumanali for 15 days. Later my husband was busy in his work. I was getting bored by sitting in home. I spoke with my husband shall I apply to job. He said OK....

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Memorable Day In Ukkadam 8211 Part II

Thanks lot for many readers who appreciate my story and share their story / fantasy with me and I heart fully thank each and every one of you. Those who miss first part can read the story from below She called me on Wednesday and asked me whether I was free or not and i told her that I’m free and she asked me to come to her place and I took my bike and bought some condoms and went to her apartment and rang her bell. She opened the door and she was in light green fancy saree and she was...

3 years ago
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My life after a memorable event

My life after a memorable event. A summary of my early years from Part 1 I was a typical boy of fourteen who lived for football, cricket and field hockey, when I wasn't playing sport I was playing with my mates. After a year of visiting various medical experts, I had a hospital appointment that changed my life. The doctor described lots of things that I hardly understood, babies born with anomalies called inter-sex babies. He explained that the majority of babies are born with xx...

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