OSL: Morris CampChapter 5: Conversations free porn video

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-- NOVEMBER 6 --

"Balcony?" I suggested as Nick and I met up outside the staff cabin. "We'd better hurry, though. The sun is dropping fast." Indeed, Daylight Savings had ended on October 30, and the sun had been setting around 5pm ever since. We had just enough time to hike out there, enjoy the view, and then get back by 5:30pm chow time.

Nick checked his watch and nodded to me. He then stepped off the porch and took two steps before turning around and looking back for me. "You gonna be warm enough? It's getting colder and colder these days."

I hugged myself in my fleece sweater and nodded as I hopped down from the porch and stopped alongside him. "Thanks for your concern, but I'll be fine."

Together, we started down the trail. It wasn't very narrow – not while we were still within the camp boundaries – but I found myself walking rather close to him. Our fingers brushed by accident a couple of times, the first one causing Nick to blush and move aside. The second one really wasn't an accident, since I'd rather purposely closed the gap between us once more.

Exactly WHAT are you doing, young lady?

The truth was: I didn't know. I certainly had no romantic designs on Nick. Yeah, we were friends and I considered him my best friend at camp by now, even moreso than my own roommate. But our relationship was a platonic one, and besides, he was still porking Deedee several times a week.

Not that I minded ... well, not really. I liked seeing Nick happy, and since he was able to burn off his typically male hormones with someone else, he was able to be around me without any of that uncomfortable sexual tension that so often gets in the way of male-female friendships. Being someone else's booty call was GOOD for our relationship, and I desperately needed him more as a friend than as anything else.

But I'd be lying if said I wasn't curious.

Let's start with the obvious: Deedee was smokin' hot. I wouldn't put her in a category with Adrienne or DJ for pure fuckability, but she was still a curvaceous blonde bombshell with a very pretty face. Even I had to admit she was the most desirable female in camp...

Well, except for you, if you'd ever go back to being yourself.

Shut up, you.

Anyway, as I was saying, Deedee was hot. And Nick, as much as I liked him, was not in her league. He was in good enough shape now that nobody could call him "Fat Nick" anymore, and he was one of the strongest guys in camp for pure power. I certainly thought he was handsome, with a nice jaw line, good skin tone, and warm, considerate eyes that could look into the back of your soul and raise all sorts of butterflies that would flutter around your stomach and...

Anyway, as I was saying, Nick was a decent enough guy, but he wasn't in Deedee's league. He had been so cute and nervous when practically asking my permission to sleep with her. I remembered my initial analysis of the situation, figuring that the busty blonde just wanted to get laid and figured the most pathetic guy in camp would keep his mouth shut about it if he wanted seconds. At the time, I'd assumed she'd use him for a little while and then cast him aside when she got bored, like so many other beautiful women I'd known and seen over the years. Even when she showed up the next morning at our breakfast table, publicly announcing Nick as her "boyfriend", I was sure the whole arrangement wouldn't last.

And yet, a month later they were going on as strong as ever, stronger even.

It was a purely physical relationship, Nick assured me, and I believed him, because Nick never lied to me. They met, they screwed, they went their separate ways. Sure, there were some pleasantries bookending the fuck, but nothing serious. He certainly didn't confide in her, the way he did in me. At least, I didn't think so...

And yet, they were still going. And whenever I saw her, Deedee looked far from bored. If anything, she looked supremely satisfied.

Was he some super-being in bed? Unlikely. Surely there could only be one Ben in the world.

Was he perfectly adequate? Perhaps. A girl like Deedee certainly would have a little experience in such matters. And for her to be "supremely satisfied" for this long without moving on to the next guy? Well, Nick had to be at least perfectly adequate.

And I couldn't help but wonder how perfectly adequate he might be with me.

Those are your hormones talking. Listen to your conscience. You're here for a reason, and Nick is NOT IT.

I thought you were supposed to be tempting me to give IN to my urges.

That's your devil inside. She's on a coffee break. I'm your angel.

Oh, relax. I'm not going to DO anything about it.

Of course you're not. That would be betraying Ben.

{{Even though Ben isn't here, and is probably surrounded in bed by a dozen Tri-Delts, Kim Fukuzaki, and your sisters at this very moment.}}

Hey, what the-?

{{Coffee break over, bitch.}}

Shut up, both of you!

{{I'm just sayin': Nick is certainly doing a better job satisfying Deedee than Big Ben and Pocket Rocket have been doing for you.}}

Shut UP!

You're horny. We get it. But the real you is above these physical urges. Focus on the pure.

{{Purity was Perfect You's shtick. Been there. Failed that.}}

A single failure is no reason to go and throw away your entire future with your soulmate.

{{C'mon, can we just get LAID once while we're up here? I'm not talking long-term. I'm not even talking commitment. Just one, single, fucking GOOD orgasm, huh? When was the last time we had one of those?}}

Last night was perfectly good climax.

{{Last night it took Big Ben in the cunt, Pocket Rocket on the clit, AND a Nick-centered fantasy to get that climax.}}

OKAY ... We are stopping that train of thought right there!

"Hey, you alright?"

I blinked and looked up. Nick was about three steps in front of me on the trail, giving me an odd look. Only then did I realize that I had quite literally stopped in my tracks, and I blushed in momentary embarrassment.

"You looked pretty lost in thought there for a bit," he said with a smile. And shrugging, he reached a hand out to me.

Automatically, I walked forward, reached out, and took it. Feeling the firm warmth of his fingers as they entwined around mine, I looked into his warm, considerate eyes. Those butterflies I mentioned set to fluttering in my belly, and a smile spread across my lips.

"C'mon, we're almost there," he said.

I nodded and fell into step with him, feeling a bolt of energy shoot up my arm from the point at which our hands met. And together, we walked about a hundred yards until we turned the corner and came upon The Balcony.

"Beautiful," he murmured.

I turned to look at him and found his eyes on me.

Did he just call me beautiful?

But then his eyes went forward and he nodded toward the horizon, where the sky was awash in a brilliant tapestry of colors: golds and oranges and reds swirling across the landscape in a pattern that was even more breathtaking than usual. From the sun's low position, I figured we only had a few more minutes until sunset. And still with our hands together, we stood side-by-side in silence and watched nature's beauty entertain us.

"Hey! I KNEW I'd find you guys here."

Deedee's voice startled us, and our hands dropped as we turned to see Miss Bigtits skip up into the clearing. Her eyes went straight to Nick, and sliding both arms around his waist, she pressed her chest against his and looked up into his eyes. "Hey you, got time for a quickie?"

Nick's eyes popped as he glanced at me and then back at his 'girlfriend'. "What, now?"

She nodded. "Been such a busy day of work and I've got all this steam to blow off. I was thinking about your ... uh..." Her voice trailed off as she glanced back at me with a blush. And then she leaned in and whispered the rest to him, all of it inaudible except for the last exclaimed " ... all day!"

Still with her arms around him, Deedee glanced back at me. "You don't mind, do you? We'll meet up again for dinner."

"Uh, no. Sure. You two go right on ahead," my mouth answered while my brain railed inside my head, No! Bitch! Leave me my man and go fucking find your own!

"Great! See you later!" she said perkily and then literally dragged Nick away with her. He gave me a shrug and a wave, and then was gone, pulled off balance by his randy girlfriend.

Looking after them, I sighed. I didn't WANT to miss him, but I kinda did. I didn't want to LIKE him, but I kinda did. I didn't WANT to feel jealous of his time with her ... but I do.

Get your head straight, girlie. It's a GOOD thing that Deedee's around to distract him. You've been way too Nick-obsessed these last couple of weeks. It's not healthy. He's better off with someone else, or at least, YOU'RE better off if he's with someone else.

You're right. You're right. This is my chance to re-focus myself. This is my opportunity to make myself a better person, not to get infatuated with someone other than my soulmate. Nick is a temptation – sure, a temptation I wasn't expecting given his initial pathetic-ness – but a temptation all the same. And that Nick-centered fantasy I had last night with Big Ben and Pocket Rocket was a step in the WRONG direction.

This is your fresh start. Don't you ever forget that. Let them go. Let HIM go. Nick started off being a safe friend who wouldn't hit on you. He became a safe companion to give you unthreatening company so you wouldn't feel lonely. But he's becoming dangerously more than that, and you've got to nip this in the bud before it gets any worse.

This is my fresh start.

This is my fresh start.

This is my fresh start.

And it's high time I got real serious about it.

-- NOVEMBER 7 --

NOW you've done it. Stupid, emotional, irrational woman. Why the hell did you go and pick a fight with him?

Because he's being a blockhead!

About what? Making the best of his situation?

For not taking this blank slate opportunity seriously!

C'mon, are you mad because NICK isn't taking it seriously, or because YOU aren't?


I'm waiting...

And you're not going anywhere. You're inside my head.

True dat.

If you're saying I overreacted-

I am.

Sigh ... Fine. Whatever.

Sounds like your approach to 'finding yourself'.

And what's THAT supposed to mean?

I mean, exactly what have you been doing to better yourself, other than shutting everyone out and twiddling your thumbs while waiting for the Mystical Morris Camp to magically make everything better?

I'm not just twiddling my thumbs.

No, you're just pining over a soulmate you're not even entirely sure is your soulmate while pretending to not be attracted to a very nice guy who's banging the same kind of hot blonde you USED to be.

And your point is... ?

Take your own advice. Step back from the world and consider the person you've become. This is your opportunity to recognize, and to change yourself for the better.

That's what I've been DOING.

Stepping back from the world ... maybe. You've certainly walked away from modern life and shunned most human contact. But considering the person you've become? When was the last time you had an honest evaluation of what turned you into the so-called Fallen Angel?

I talked about all that, with Gwen and Robin on the road trip.

So ... several months ago ... and not once since you arrived here, that about cover it?.

Well ... I...

Recognize WHY you did what you did. Was it because you ENJOYED those things? Or was it because they were the OPPOSITE of the carefully constructed "Perfect You"?

I don't know.

Don't know? Or don't WANT to face those things again?

Why should I?

Wasn't that the whole point of coming here?

The point was to start fresh, blank slate.

'Blank slate' is a pipe dream. You are who you are now because of who you WERE before. Trying to be someone completely new out of the ether is impossible. You've first got to figure out who you WERE before you can figure out who you will BECOME.

When the fuck did you get so smart? Aren't you just ... well ... me?

I am. And I am proving my own point. If you were truly a blank slate, I wouldn't be here. But I am here, and I am the collective experience you have accumulated over your entire lifetime. I am the wisdom your parents – who love you dearly and miss you at this very moment – have instilled in you. I AM your past, and I'm honestly here to help. You just haven't wanted to listen to me.

Because the past is painful.

Of course it is, otherwise you'd still be in Berkeley with your sisters, and with him. So back to the why: Why did you do those things? Because you WANTED to be like that? Or because you were trying to destroy 'Perfect You'?

Well ... maybe both.

Now we're getting somewhere. But this is just scratching the surface. Do you really understand why you want to destroy 'Perfect You'? I mean really, apart from the cheating, what was so bad about being you? You were nice to people.

I kept my snarky comments to myself instead of blurting them out loud.

You were a motivated student.

To the point of valuing my perfect GPA over my relationship.

You always strove to do the right thing.

Until I couldn't handle it anymore and went out of my way to to do very WRONG things.

Well, there IS that ... So let's start there. We're going to have to look at every horrible thing you did to the people you truly cared about, and we're going to have to examine WHY you did them and figure out how you can make amends.


And we can start with an easy one. You overreacted with Nick today. You need to apologize to him.

Nodding, I took a deep breath and sighed, saying aloud, "Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to enjoy the next couple of hours?"

Because it's real. And sometimes reality hurts.

-- NOVEMBER 9 --

"So I was thinking," Nick began, which drew my attention away from the setting sun and over to him. "I was thinking about what you said the other day, about me seeing this as an opportunity to really think about what got me here in the first place, and to understand how to change myself for the better."

I nodded with interest. It was a topic I had spent much of the last two days on myself.

"But the truth is: I'm not really sure I see it that way."

I frowned. "You're not?" That didn't make sense. One of the things that had led me to spend more time with Nick at first was that I felt a sort of kinship with him. We'd both made mistakes in our past, and though our reasons for being here were rather different, we did both have the time to reflect and improve and the opportunity for a fresh start.

But Nick didn't seem to think so. He explained that he was fully aware of his initial unsuitability for being a ranch hand. But most of his problems were physical, and those had been more or less corrected through hard work and repeated exercise. Along the way, he had gained an appreciation for the simpler things in life, recognizing that he didn't really NEED the luxuries he'd depended upon before. But ultimately, he seemed to think he could just go back home and pick up where he left off as the person he used to be.

And maybe he could. In little more than two months, the program had seemingly done exactly what his parents had hoped for: It had toughened him up. It had built character. Nick wanted to make sure I didn't think he was an asshole anymore, and truly, he wasn't.

Nick was a good person. I knew that, felt it deep in my core. I made no claims to being an excellent judge of character or anything, but I thought I had a pretty good asshole-radar, born of years and years of fending off the unwanted advances of bad boys, pretty boys, and unrepentant jerks in general. Nick was no asshole. He had been a fish-out-of-water city-boy wearing too much cologne who didn't get enough regular exercise, but he'd cleaned up pretty well over these last several weeks. Not even scoring a hottie like Deedee for a girlfriend had turned him into strutting peacock.

So was that it? Did Morris Camp work its magic and turn Fat Nick into a genuinely nice guy?

Perhaps, but there was one unresolved blip on his resume: the car accident. Nothing in his personality would have told me he'd be capable of something like that. Nothing in all our friendship would make me believe he could ever come perilously close to killing a bunch of people.

Then again, I rather doubted that anything Nick knew about me would lead him to believe I could be a wanton slut who'd cheated on her boyfriend and gotten off on triple-penetrations.

But Nick had been an open book, the exact opposite of my invented personality and closed-off demeanor. I knew him. I KNEW him. So why didn't things add up?

"Why'd you do it?" I asked out of the blue, only now realizing that I'd zoned out for a bit in my contemplation.

Nick, ever patient, was right with me despite the interlude in our conversation. I watched him look inside himself, doing the math and realizing things didn't add up, searching for that mysterious variable that would balance the equation and explain the catastrophic lapse in judgment. But all he had was, "I don't know."

What was inside of me? How would I reconcile the differences between Perfect Me, Wallflower Marie, and Wanton Slut? What was the catalyst? What made me do what I'd done?

I didn't know, so all I could reply to him was, "Me, neither. And that's what we need to figure out."

-- NOVEMBER 14 --

"Whew ... Is it hot in here, or just me?" Deedee sighed, wiping the sweat off her brow.

"It's hot," Melanie agreed from across the room.

"Hey, you think if we deliberately make them think we can't cook, they'll keep us off kitchen duty the rest of the year?" Sunny chirped from her station, where she was cutting up vegetables.

"No, you'll still be rotated to kitchen duty. Only they'll make you take out the trash and mop the floors," I commented dryly.

"Ugh," Sunny groaned and resumed dicing.

I smiled and focused on my pot. Part of the ranch hand program involved cross-training all the staff on pretty much EVERYTHING that needed to be done at Morris Camp, so that if any one person went down he or she could easily be replaced. So even though I would have been perfectly content to spend every single day at the stables with Cilantro, Aurora, and the others, I still had to spend time in the kitchen, in the cabins, and even the bathrooms.

The four of us were on kitchen duty for the week, which meant that we were making breakfast, lunch, and dinner for everyone. I rather enjoyed cooking, and thanked my mother once again for teaching me (almost) everything she knew. Having built on that knowledge with the cooking class I took in school, I was as comfortable here as I was anywhere else, and some of the other girls (well, Deedee and Sunny) were almost constantly looking to me for help.

Back in September, I would have been uncomfortable in such a situation, preferring to remain in the background. But by now, everyone knew me and everyone knew not to pry into my personal history. We all got along as acquaintances if not friends, and when it came to the kitchen, I didn't really mind being in a position to mentor the others. The others came, they asked their questions, and they liked me better for my answers even as they turned and left me alone. After a couple of months being on the outside and thought of as a little weird, it was rather nice to be liked.

Deedee, especially, was being nice to me. Well, she'd started being nice to me when she and Nick hooked up, but that only made sense. After all, making nice with the friends of your boyfriend is usually a requirement for the relationship to last, isn't it? But she had been extra nice for the past week or so. She'd gone out of her way to chat me up, to try and pull me out of my shell, and she did it with a friendly demeanor and subtle charm that had me spilling details before I realized I was spilling them.

Part of me didn't want to like her. After all, she was the girl fucking the guy I felt like I had some claim over. In the course of my introspection over the past week, I had come to terms with my attraction to Nick. In another world, in another life, I might have started a relationship with him. He was warm, honest, and very respectful of me. He had many qualities that I liked, and I thought he was physically appealing in his own way. That I couldn't actually have him was irrelevant; I couldn't control being attracted to him, only what actions I took because of it. So I accepted that I liked him, and I accepted that I would always be a little jealous over him, but I was determined not to let it interfere with my relationship with him OR with his girlfriend.

Instead, I focused on the qualities I DID like about Deedee. She WAS friendly, and funny, and enjoyable to be around. She kept up a lively conversation at the dinner table, bantering with Aaron and zinging Zoey right back at her. She was fully aware of her physical appeal and had a disarming way of mocking her own attractiveness without seeming smug. And she made Nick happy; that was important.

And if I really had to admit it to myself, I was sort of attracted to her as well.

In owning up to my past, I recognized that I had always been bisexual. From the first time I hit puberty, I had found myself attracted to both boys and girls. I appreciated the aesthetic physicality of a broad, manly chest as well as a nice, shapely bosom. And of course, there were my deeply satisfying sexual liaisons with my own sisters and other women around me.

I remembered being a teenager and feeling like that part of me wasn't "proper". "Good girls" were straight and narrow, and fucking other girls just shouldn't be a part of "Perfect Me". I never acted on any attractions to my friends, especially my best friend Tricia. Those unholy urges I buried below, acting them out only within the safety of my own home first with Dayna and then eventually DJ after Ben awoke the sexual creature inside me. There were a lot of sexual urges I didn't think were "proper", like the urges to seduce Tri-Delts, try butt-fucking and eventually triple-penetrations, and eventually to have sex one-on-one with someone who wasn't my boyfriend. "Good girls" didn't do those things, but then doing them with Ben didn't seem so wrong, and it was a slippery slope beyond that.

"Proper" didn't have a place with me anymore. "Perfect Me" no longer existed. But that didn't necessarily mean I WANTED to do drugs, have sex with random strangers, or pull trains in seedy back rooms. In fact, I was pretty sure I didn't want to do ANY of those things. And let's not even approach water sports.

But I AM bisexual, and that will always be a part of me. It could not be erased in some attempt to remake myself. Even if I swore off other girls, I knew my instincts would continue to lead me toward them. And so I couldn't help but notice that Deedee was a very sexually desirable woman, even to another girl.

She reminded me of Adrienne with her curves, self-confidence, and presence, and that reminder only fueled my arousal. If I fantasized about Nick from time to time while driving Big Ben up my pussy, well, I fantasized about Deedee a couple of times while rubbing myself as well. I noticed when her towel slipped in the bathroom, showing me a quick flash of her turgid nipple. I found myself glancing over when she bent at the waist to pick something up off the floor. And I could smell the scent of her perfume when she leaned into me to share some witty comment or when I helped show her the right angle for chopping onions this morning.

Her eyes kept watering from the onions, which dampened her mood. And she wasn't being very careful to hold the vegetables properly, which led to off-center and uneven strips. I told her to hold it straight, and when that didn't seem to work, I stood alongside her and cut up one myself just to show her.

But Deedee took things a step further. Placing a foot between mine, she moved herself between me and the table. Then taking hold of the knife, she placed my right hand on top of hers, and asked me in a small voice, "Show me again?"

I didn't think much of it, feeling more annoyed than awkward by this point. I mean really, how hard is it to cut an onion? So I just gripped her hand and lined her up, letting her do the actual cutting after I placed the knife each time. And I also reached around with my left hand to correct her hold on each onion.

It took me a minute to realize just how closely pressed we were in this position. I was maybe an inch taller than her, but the height difference wasn't enough to make our arm lengths match while I was standing behind her. My chest ended up firmly pushed up against her back, and my big boobs were getting in the way. And it didn't help when she seemingly backed her ass up against my crotch, leaned her head back, and ... sniffed ... at me.

My nose had suddenly been filled with the scent of something fruity ... peach? And when I looked down at her in confusion, our eyes met with a sizzle of electricity for just a moment.

Flustered, I immediately let go of both her hands and backed away. "Uh, yeah. I think you've got it," I stammered.

She sort of blushed demurely and coyly turned away, her face rotating toward the table but her eyes flashing back toward me. I simply turned around, forcing myself to concentrate on my own station while I took a deep, calming breath.

For the rest of the day, I noticed that Deedee kept finding little ways to show off her body and pose sexily just for me. She went out of her way to touch me, little pats here or a meeting of our hands there. I kept watching her, and realized she wasn't doing those things with Sunny or Melanie ... just me. She also kept glancing over to see if I was checking her out, which ... well ... I was. But then it was time to serve lunch, which we did, and Deedee went back to her normal self as we interacted with our friends and ate our meals.

During cleanup duty after lunch, I started watching her to see if she continued ... messing with me ... for lack of a better term. She'd been flaunting herself deliberately, and yet the moment the lunch bell sounded she had turned off like a switch had been thrown. And now as we went into kitchen clean-up, that switch didn't turn back on. Deedee remained friendly, but the ... flirting ... stopped.

We had a break for the afternoon, and went our separate ways. Nick was working and I decided to go for an introspective walk on my own. I thought about everything: myself, my past self, my feelings for Nick, and what the hell was going on with Deedee.

But then it was back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. And as the ovens fired up for baking, despite the cold temperatures outside it started to get very warm inside. Deedee made her comment about it getting hot. Melanie agreed with her. And Sunny began plotting how to get out of kitchen duty for the summer.

And then Deedee took her shirt off.

Seriously. One moment she was wiping her brow of sweat, the next minute she said "Fuck it" and whipped her shirt over her head.


I didn't actually know if Deedee was her real name or a nickname in reference to her tits. My eye calculated that those things really WERE Double-D cups, 36DD to be precise. Of course, it could be just a really good push-up bra, but I'd gotten enough glimpses of them in the showers to think they were all her. Today, Deedee had those big hooters AND a very nice bra, which led to massive amounts of cleavage put on full display.

Now some girls who like girls like a feminine body to be built for speed. They either like 'em butch, like a man, or just slender and fit. Tits were supposedly a male-lust thing, while we lesbian-inclined appreciated a firm tush and a well-groomed pussy.

Me? I liked 'em curvy. Chalk it up to my first Sapphic experiences being with Dayna. Or maybe I was just wired that way. It certainly meant I appreciated Ben's taste in women. For my entire life, I'd understood perfectly well the reasons why guys lusted after the big-titted hotties, and there was one staring me right in the face right now.

No, seriously. Deedee stood there with her hands on her hips, staring straight at me with a challenging expression as if to say, 'Yes, here they are. I DARE you not to ogle them.'

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Chapter 5: Conversations Videos

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 2

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter Three Love? “Ok, you stay there whilst I get myself sorted out and then get things started”. I push back the duvet and unzip my bag, getting out I scoot to the edge of the bed and locate my t-shirt and trousers, sliding into them next stop is the bathroom,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 29 Julie Morris The Usual Morning For a Slut

Julie didn't know anyone was in her room until she realised the covers were off her and she lying there stark naked in full view of her brothers and her mother. Not that being naked in front of her family and their 'friends' was at all unusual. After all she'd fucked them and fucked in front of them, bathed in front of them and pissed in front of them as well as having her father and both her brothers pissing on her and making her, not that they had to try hard, drink it. Jane Morris,...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 3

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter Five Deception We leave the bar, and go down the steps, turning left towards the exit for the toilets, downhill to the toilets and I tell her once she has changed, to go out the door at the end and find us in the marquee, Jenny goes into the ladies with her...

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A Morris Mans Tale

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter One Meeting It’s Friday 29th of April, 4pm and I’ve just driven into Fort Pitt Grammar School in Rochester. It is a grey and chilly afternoon as I drive through the car park and onto the sports field, a short drive along the right hand side of the field to...

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Morris Dancers in London

Denzil Penhalligon an me growed up down Port Wen. One Sat day us went up the smoke for a bit of a spree . We went up on the train to Paddington which is as near London as the train gets. We bought they saver tickets about a month afore so’s we could afford it. We knew the streets weren’t paved with gold but we had at least expected some tarmac not pot holes held together with more pot holes and us ant realised how much they rip off bastards charged for everything. Anyway us went up the...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 8

All characters are fictitious, If a character name is used in connection with a side, it’s just co-incidence if that given name belongs in that side. Insofar as song lyrics being included I don’t know the legalities or etiquette involved, I have given the opening few and last few lines if that is all that is needed or the song in full if the text needs it and credit to the author in either case, traditional songs are treated the same but credited as Traditional. This is a fiction story,...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 4

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. I must apologise for an admin cock up yesterday, a duplicated Chapter Five of the original appeared in parts 2 and 3, Chapter Eight Revelations and Education We continue to cuddle and snuggle closely together, lying on our sides facing other, looking closely...

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OSL Pledge Initiation

-- DECEMBER 2003, SOPHOMORE YEAR -- I was told to be ready at 8:30pm sharp, dressed informally despite the supposed formality of the event. I was told to expect the unexpected. And I was told to have eaten and hydrated beforehand. It was all very mysterious and cloak and dagger. But even so warned, I was still surprised to find three people standing outside my door at the appointed time. I was even more surprised to find that they were all cloaked in black robes with ominous hoods, Venetian...

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OSL Carter

-- JUNE 1989, SPRING BREAK -- "Mommmm!" I cried pitifully, limping my way down the street. On a normal day, I could cross each square of the sidewalk in two steps. Running, I could do it with one. But the way my right leg hurt, it felt like it was taking a -million- steps just to go from one square to the next. And there were like... thousands of sidewalk squares between me and the house. I was never going to make it. I was going to DIE. "Mommmm!" I cried again. I finally dragged myself...

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OSL The Wedding

-- NEWPORT BEACH -- It was a perfect June afternoon. The temperature wasn't overly hot and the sky was clear with white, puffy clouds scattered around, only occasionally passing in front of the sun. The sounds of birds fluttering about the trees clustered around us filled the air, accompanied by the distant roar of waves crashing against the beach far below. In front of us, about thirty feet from the cliff's edge before it dropped off into the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean, was an elegant...

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OSL Elyse

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series. This story assumes you know the primary characters from that series. Don't bother reading this if you haven't at least read An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life. -- SEPTEMBER 1996 -- "Cut it out, Jake!" I swatted the boy's hand off my ass and glared at him with venom in my eyes. But rather than look apologetic, Jake Harbor just gave me a goofy grin and backed out of range. He knew that I could ... and would ... actually kick...

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OSL Caroline

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series written by an anonymous author. It takes place concurrently with the events of "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2" and "An Ordinary College Sex Life 3". Familiarity with the series is not required, but helpful in understanding Adrienne Dennis and where she comes from. I was at my desk the first time I saw you. That first glimpse only that, a glimpse. Your golden blonde hair catching the corner of my eye as you drifted across...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 2 Saturday

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my girlfriend's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. Moaning in ecstatic pleasure, she dug her heels into my ass and tightened her arms around my back to pull me deeper as she felt the cum flowing out of my body to crash against her insides like waves cresting on the beach, not so different from the actual waves cresting on the beach just outside our window. The first wave would start receding only to be...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 3 Sunday

A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning, the plantation shutters over the bungalow's east window not quite 100% shut. Although the sun rose higher in the sky this close to the equator, it still had to rise over the horizon. And at this very time, on this very date, at these very coordinates on the globe, the sun's rays came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where my face was NOT covered by the naked body of the girl sleeping between me and that east...

2 years ago
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OSL FeliciaChapter 1 Meeting

"Flip your hair, Felicia!" James said as he circled me. "Toss it nice and high and give me a -- yes! That look!" James' camera clicked rapidly, a sound I was used to hearing. A sound that, on a good day, gave me a small buzz. I gave him my most sultry look and winked at him. The winking would never make it into a take but the before or after shot might. Winking has an effect on my face, James often told me. He thinks winking puts me in a higher mood. I stood in a small set in James'...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 2 Reuniting

Adrienne and I rarely sleep in the same bed, and last night wasn't any different. When I awoke the next morning, she had already left. A note had been taped to the fridge: LOVE YOU! With a big smiley face drawn underneath. Just as I'd poured myself some breakfast, I heard my phone ringing in another room. I almost thought it wouldn't be worth the effort of getting up and searching, but I decided to get off my lazy butt and answer it. "Probably Rob wanting a booty call," I muttered to...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 3 Deciding

Adrienne wasn't home after my dinner with Damien, and I ended up having to calm myself down with a small vibrator and my fingers. I thought of driving down to see Ben and have him fuck my brain into oblivion, but I kind of needed my brain intact. Instead, I called Adrienne Saturday morning, and begged her to come up so we could chat. She told me she'd be here around 5PM. I spent the whole day stewing with a nasty anxiety, the kind that only comes from having a big decision to make and not...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 4 Changing

Damien and I hammered out a contract over dinner at a place on the west side of San Francisco called Montgomery Servo. It was just as nice as Cheetah's, and Damien brought a guest along, one of his clients from Hollywood: Ryan Spader. I can't even say how convincing it was to see someone like Ryan, a steady B list actor, someone I knew and had heard of, sitting at a dining table with me. All doubts I'd had about Damien vanished. We laughed, drank, and cracked jokes until about 11pm when...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 5 Transforming

I slept for about twelve hours. It doesn't happen very often, but I had a night shoot the next day. I only get night shoots when a photographer wants a specific effect that can't be done in a dark studio, but I'm okay with that, they pay more. Damien called me in the afternoon. It was a very odd conversation. His tone made me feel like nothing at all had happened last night, even though he directly mentioned it. He told me that he had thoroughly enjoyed himself and hoped I had, too. Then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 6 Climbing

A few days after my first night with three men, Damien called me with big news: "You are going to love me for this one, baby. I got you a cover!" I started yelling and almost dropped the phone. Thank goodness I was in my apartment at the time, because someone might have thought I was being raped. I did manage to knock my mug of tea off the kitchen counter when I bumped it with my hip during all the jumping. The crash echoed loudly and I yelped. "What was that?" Damien asked, "Are you...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 7 Awakening

I woke up in the hallway of Damien's building, naked with my robe and pajamas draped over my body like a sheet. My body was exhausted and hung over in a way that I had never imagined possible. Cum and sweat had plastered my hair to my face, and judging from the goopy sticky mess on my face and breasts, I guessed Damien had dumped at least three loads on me during the night, perhaps Ashley had, too. When I finally understood where I was, I jumped to my feet and dressed, then hurried into the...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 8 Seeing

It's amazing how time flies when you're busy. My career had never been better. I think I finally understood how medical residents feel straight out of school when they're asked to work eighty hours a week. If I wasn't running errands, eating, or sleeping, I was working. The FHM magazine eventually hit the stands, and Damien said his phone hadn't stopped ringing since. Even I had to admit, the FHM cover was amazing and took my portfolio to a whole new level. Maxim wanted to book me for a...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 9 Becoming

The next morning I called up Marcos and asked if I could come see him. He told me I could stop by anytime and he'd have room. We went out for lunch at a small café near his building and he cut right to the chase. "What's up?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest and looking at me expectantly. "You dump me because we were both having a bad day. You go with Damien Santos, who I never told you that I despise, and now you call me up as soon as you're getting famous. If you've come...

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OSL New YorkChapter 2 Manhattan

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for...

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OSL New YorkChapter 3 Model United Nations

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2006 -- The elevator dinged, and the LCD display informed us that we'd reached the top floor nightclub. At this time of year, the sun hadn't yet fully disappeared over the horizon despite the late hour of the evening, and dark orange rays reflected off of multiple shiny surfaces up and down the hallway as we stepped off the elevator car. Adrienne led the way, excited and eager for her first true night of socializing since her return to the Big Apple. Moon remained by...

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OSL New YorkChapter 4 M John Fitzherbert III

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2006 -- Even though it was well after midnight, the city lights burned as brightly as they had at 9pm. I stared out the driver's-side window of our taxi watching skyscraper after skyscraper anonymously pass by without recognition. I didn't know where I was, had no clue how much longer it would take, and the urban jungle of Manhattan only amplified my feelings of being lost without direction. Twenty minutes ago I knew who I was, knew who I was with, and knew why I was...

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OSL New YorkChapter 5 Merry Birthday

-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...

5 years ago
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OSL New YorkChapter 6 Model United Nations II

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006 -- "Salud!" "Prost!" "Kanpai!" "Santé!" Seven glasses clinked together in the middle of the table, the guys chuckling and the girls giggling (even Raven). Sometime over the course of the evening, I'd shared with my co-workers my old tradition of celebrating "cheers" in other languages. So for the past hour or so, actually saying "cheers" or other English salutations had been expressly forbidden, and everyone wracked their brains trying to come up...

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OSL New YorkChapter 7 Montauk

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- I grunted and gripped her tight ass harder, pulling her body against mine despite the viscous resistance surrounding us. Her long, lithe legs scissored behind me, supporting her own weight while she thrashed in our lovemaking. I grunted again and really began to pound her. Our movements were slow, but powerful and steady. I pushed our bodies forward until her backside was pressed up against the far wall – there was a glass partition there that made a distinct...

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OSL New YorkChapter 8 Mistress

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- Generally speaking, I consider myself a rather confident young man. I'd gotten laid too many times with too many gorgeous women to ever feel uncomfortable around a pretty face. And yet three steps after walking into the Kwong-residence game room for the second time tonight, I came to an abrupt halt, let my jaw drop to the floor, and felt butterflies in my stomach like I'd turned into a freshman dweeb suddenly face-to-face with the Prom Queen. I wasn't...

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OSL New YorkChapter 9 Madam

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She couldn't quite take it, gagging before pulling off my prick and coughing. And my eyelids fought for a bit before successfully breaking through overnight crustiness to open so that I could identify my mystery fellatrix. Through slightly bleary eyes, I glanced down to find a...

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A Morris Mans Tale Part 6

All characters are fictitious, If a character name is used in connection with a side, it’s just co-incidence if that given name belongs in that side. Insofar as song lyrics being included I don’t know the legalities or etiquette involved, I have given the opening few and last few lines if that is all that is needed or the song in full if the text needs it and credit to the author in either case, traditional songs are treated the same but credited as Traditional. This is a fiction story,...

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Morris Family side story Yuukos destiny

This is a spin off of the Morris Family, I wanted to put some background on Yuuko. Thanks to frogprince for his help editing it. I was raised to be the proper wife of a person I had never met. Behave well, don’t talk unless spoken to and don’t think more than what I am told. That was until I got the opportunity of my life and a view of the world that had been hidden from me forever. During my last year of high school, I won a scholarship to a university in the US. Without thinking twice I left...

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Terri Morris Storyaarons Mother

Terri Morris hung up the phone. The vision of her son slamming his cock into his daughter’s cunt while another girl sat on her face got Terri’s juices running. Denise, her son’s wife, had called her, to let her know what a pervert her son was. Instead of disgusting her, it excited her. Denise had let her know that Aaron had left. She had thrown him out, she couldn’t let him continue to molest Jill and her friend Mary. Mary’s parents would probably want him arrested if he stayed around. Denise...

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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 4 Morris Camp

-- MONDAY, JULY 2, 2007 -- I thrust forward a final time, closing my eyes and throwing my head back as I grunted out my orgasm, feeling the delight of a quart of spunk flowing out of me and into Adrienne’s still quivering pussy. My fingers tightened their grip on her shoulders. My pelvis pivoted forward with my knees as fulcrums so that my feet came off the bed, all of my weight and energy being put into that final deep thrust. And I kept my cock buried at full depth down the gorgeous...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 30 Julie Morris A Normal Day At School Not

Julie Walked to the bus stop and was greeted with the confused looks of people who would normally either, meet, greet or see her as she made her way there. Usually they smiled knowingly at her state of dress - or undress - as she either passed them or spoke to them. This morning the smiles had turned to expressions that ranged from puzzled to shock, walking down the street naked would have produced less reaction. Finally she reached the bus stop and the first to greet her was Penny...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 19 Winters and Morris

The final month of the University year progressed; assignments were finished, reports written, lecture notes were pored over. For sailing on the Sunday after we had inspected the Crystal Ballroom and the new house, the race was the second heat of the Quartet Bowl. We did one better than we did in the first heat, a second behind ‘Fat Cat’. Jeff Carter wasn’t racing; he still needed to repair the damage ‘Ed Ake’ suffered in their wild broach the previous weekend. On the Wednesday afternoon the...

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The Morris family Chapter 4

It was four weeks, since my big brother's wedding planning started. He and my twin brother found the perfect tuxedo. They actively looked for the apartment my lover/twin brother and I will share. They have found some, but I rejected each and every one we saw. I want the perfect love nest for Rob and me to start our life out of our parent's house. Free to show our love at least in the limits of our house. While Rob and Tom looked for more options for me to reject, I was here with my favorite...

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The Morris Family Chapter 2

Everybody told me I met her the day I was born but of course I don’t remember. My first memory of her was at five years old. She was six and we both were hiding behind our mothers skirts when we went on vacations to Mexico. That was until we ran to each other, my mother screaming “Mama” and her mother screaming “Maria”. She was introduced to me as “Tia Juana”. In my childish speak she was for that moment on Joanna, I ignored completely the “Tia” since I didn’t know the meaning of it.Five years...

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The Morris Family Chapter 3

So here we are, my sister and I make the two hour trip to see our brother just to find him going at it with our aunt and he asks, 'What brings you here?’ That is an excellent question, and to answer we need to go two weeks back.Two weeks earlier  It had been a couple of months since Annie and I found out our feelings for each other. Our being in the same house as Mom and Dad had presented a bit of a problem finding some time for us alone. Except for the Fridays when they went on their romantic...

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Four Conversations

Four Conversations--------------------------------------------An ADULT tale writtenbyMiss Irene ClearmontCopyright ? Miss Irene Clearmont 2013---------------------------------------------Four Conversations---------------------------------------------First---------------------------------------------?Do you love me???Of course! Do you doubt it???Can you prove it???I thought that I did, every day.??How???What do you mean ?how?? I married you when you asked me, I work every day to give you the...

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Bradley Franklin Morrison IV

My name is Bradley Franklin Morrison IV. I have lived a privileged life, as did my father. We are both beneficiaries of an enormous wealth created by my Grandfather Bradley Franklin Morrison II. My Grandfather achieved his wealth in the lumber industry and a very lucky discovery of uranium on land he had acquired for the timber. The uranium was discovered almost by accident, and it made a rich man a very rich man. Both my grandfather and my father were womanizers, and my father added a new...

Wife Lovers
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Two Conversations

A few days ago, I overhead two teenage boys talking at a nearby table at a restaurant where I was having lunch. Says the first boy, “Last night, my girlfriend called me at three A.M. to tell me she can’t sleep.” At 39, I know a thing or two about why women like me call their boyfriends at three in the morning. When we say we can’t sleep, it means our men are very much on our minds and we miss them and we are horny as hell and we wish they were in our beds with us. So I figured that boy...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 256 The Aquatic Center Several Conversations

Monday, June 20, 2005 (Continued) The last few chapters have featured Savannah more than she deserved. Despite all the words I've written about her, I really only spent a few minutes talking to her. I spent longer talking to some of the other individual girls, but they were generally straightforward and honest, so needed little comment here. They'd come here to meet me, were happy to be in my company, and were perfectly happy to make no pretense about it. The sight of my body in its...

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The Preacher ManChapter 43 Conversations

Time: March 15, 8240 1:39 PM Ammar and I both knew enough about each other's heresies to get us all slowly executed. Still, our situations were far from equal. I was in a position of relative power, and hence I thought I had the greater responsibility to be considerate. My wives and I were all intensely curious to hear Ammar's tale, but we spent the first half hour after our revelations describing our own activities. Ammar listened with rapt attention. His need for knowledge finally...

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Fiftieth BirthdayAct 2 Two Conversations

Two Conversations Teri: Background: I pulled my four-year-old Honda minivan out of the parking garage of my office building in downtown San Francisco and headed for my appointment in Sausalito. I smiled a little as I remembered that Michael helped me find this van, even though he called it my "mommy van". Michael is a car guy — since his firm became successful he always drove a sports sedan with lots of features and horsepower. Some men use a big powerful car to compensate for other...

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Conversations By r.gold "Christopher! What are you doing? What have I walked in on? What's going on?" "Nothing, Lisa. I'm just rocking the baby. I'm, uh, I'm not doing anything wrong." "Anything wrong? You're sitting here wearing my dress, my shoes, my makeup, my jewelry, and rocking our daughter." "I know that, Lisa. Sometimes when it just gets really slow, I'll get dressed. I'm lonely by myself each day. I was bored and this seemed like fun. It's not like you didn't...

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Pathfinder The Trio Cave Conversations

Pathfinder: The Trio - Cave Conversations Author's note: Since this is a sequel to "The Trio", you might want to read that one first, if you havent already. Goruza led the way towards the cave, with Emerald behind her leading Champ, her mule, on which Besh (and Max) sat. Finally, they reached the lip of the cave, and entered into it. "It's bigger than I expected," Besh remarked as she jumped off Champ, temporarily dislocating Max in the process. "We should explore it, so we...

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London Telephone Conversations

London Telephone Conversations ã CarmenicaDiaz Call 1. 'Hello?' 'For God sakes,Carmen, what are you playing at?' 'Edward, darling,how terribly good of you to call, I was just thinking about you…' 'How couldyou do this?' 'I'm afraidI'm not sure…' 'You knowperfectly well! Don't play the sweet innocent one with me!' 'Edward, haveyou had breakfast? You sound terribly grumpy.' 'Grumpy? Ofcourse I'm fucking grumpy! You put this…thing…whatever it'scalled…on me when I was asleep...' 'It's...

1 year ago
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I enjoy our conversations. At times they are businesslike and at other times, they are more personal. Either way, though, there is always a strong undertone of inner thought and emotion. When I speak to her on the phone, I picture her so strongly. That image and her soft mellow voice causes me swell so quickly. It happens every time we speak. Every time my wandered in her direction. I shall call her now. And even as I dial, I fanaticize about what she might be doing. Maybe she was doing what I...


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