OSL: Pledge Initiation free porn video

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I was told to be ready at 8:30pm sharp, dressed informally despite the supposed formality of the event. I was told to expect the unexpected. And I was told to have eaten and hydrated beforehand.

It was all very mysterious and cloak and dagger. But even so warned, I was still surprised to find three people standing outside my door at the appointed time. I was even more surprised to find that they were all cloaked in black robes with ominous hoods, Venetian masks covering their faces.

"Uh, hello?" I greeted them awkwardly.

The lead figure stood up straight, as tall as me, and took a deep breath. "It is time," spoke the feminine voice, tinged with a semi-familiar tenor. "Come with us."

For a brief second, I thought these might not be the people I was expecting. For that brief second, my overactive imagination posited that they might be total strangers ready to beat me over the head with a baseball bat, stuff me in their trunk, and race off to bury my body in the desert.

But that second passed and mustering all of my self-confidence, I nodded and replied, "Right." I stepped out the door, crooking my elbow to the lead girl.

She didn't take my arm. Instead, rather formally, she produced a fourth black cloak and a male Venetian mask, holding them up to me. With an amused grin, I donned the costume articles, tying the mask behind my head with the black laces and then raising the hood over my head. The two of us then headed off the porch and down the steps, flanked by the other two girls.

The whole thing felt formally ritualized as we approached a black Lexus ES. My "date" stopped a few feet away from the car while one of our "attendants" went to the back door and opened it for her. Rather than stand back and observe, I took my own cue to lead my date to the door and help her in to take her seat. Only when she gave me her hand did I notice the caramel skin tone, and putting that together with her voice, I offered, "After you, Tonya."

The young pledge to the Delta Delta Delta Sorority giggled behind her mask before sliding into the seat, and then I circled around to where the other attendant held the opposite door open for me. I had to admit, all the ceremony was puffing up my ego nicely.

Of course, ceremony slipped a bit when our attendants got back in the car. The driver had to drop her mask, and Andie Holland flashed me a pixie wink before starting the ignition. A moment later, Jocelyn Canilao raised her mask and winked at me as well from the front passenger seat.

I grinned, recognizing them. After my thorough sexual destruction of a couple of Tri-Delt pledges at their Halloween party, I'd earned something of a reputation with the sorority. The pledge mistress had subsequently put a bounty of 100 pledge points on my head to the first pledge who could successfully seduce me, not an easy thing once I became aware that I'd been targeted. And after I'd gone out of my way to seduce the pledge mistress herself, that bounty had been raised even higher.

I'd spent the better part of the last few months toying with the Tri-Delt pledges, unable to decide exactly which one of them I wanted to earn the points. Ultimately, I didn't choose only one. I nailed Andie, Jocelyn, AND Tonya just last week. And now that all three of them had come to pick me up, I didn't think their selection was by accident.

"So I'm guessing Leighton gave you three the points?"

Behind her mask, Tonya nodded. "250 points for each of us. Enough to make us the Top 3."

I grinned. "In what order?"

Tonya shook her head, and even with the full-length mask in the way, I could still see her eyes sparkle. "That's none of your concern."

Jocelyn giggled anyway.

Our arrival was a reverse of the departure. Andie and Jocelyn escorted us into the Sorority House and into the Chapter Room. That's when I met the other three guys and their sorority dates. I say "met" loosely, as they were also wearing cloaks and masks and everyone was dead silent. Tonya held my hand and I wracked my brain to figure out what the hell was going on. I knew Adrienne was pledging in this class, and she wasn't the type to hide anything from me. Surely she would have told me about these weird rituals, just to share, right?

But then I realized that Adrienne NEVER told me about her sorority rituals. If I had to bet, at some point during the night everyone would be sworn to secrecy, even from our loved ones. And I started to relax. Sure, something kinky would probably happen tonight, but nothing too drastic. Sorority oath or not, Adrienne would have confided in me anything TOO outside her comfort zone.

The ten of us in masks and cloaks stood around the perimeter of the room, unmoving, like an ominous honor guard. Some guys started to get restless, but were quickly silenced by the girls. And then as the grandfather clock in the corner chimed out 9:00pm, the double doors opened and about 20 additional figures were herded in, funneled through the doors by the foreboding sight of seventy sorority girls in two lines of cloaks and masks just outside.

Once all of the pledges were inside, the doors were closed, leaving the majority of the sisters still in the outer room. Not everyone could fit into the Chapter Room anyway. One of the sisters, I didn't know who, directed me and the other three guys to line up against the west wall. And the 25 total pledges, each wearing a white cord around their necks that was long enough to droop halfway down the front of their robes, formed three uneven rows in the middle of the room right in front of the stage. 25 other figures in robes, who I suspected were the pledges' "big sisters", stepped up immediately behind the pledges and laid their right hands on the pledges' left shoulders.

I tried to pick out Adrienne by her height and the particular way she carried herself. Plus, even a heavy robe couldn't contain those massive hooters of hers. But from my particular vantage point and the masks in the way, I couldn't decide which pledge I thought she was.

Leighton Barrister, Tri-Delt Pledge Mistress this year, took the stage and immediately launched into some boring speech about honor and loyalty, character and friendship. She wore the same cloak and held a mask in her hand, surveying the room with a cold demeanor. The imposing, serious Senior had quite the erudite tone tonight, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy scoping out the scene.

There were nearly sixty people crammed into the room, their bodies entirely obscured by the heavy black cloaks and their faces half-covered by the Venetian masks. I instantly thought about Eyes Wide Shut, a movie my friends and I had seen when we were fifteen, mostly so we could see Nicole Kidman and other chicks completely naked. So of course I started to fantasize about re-enacting the orgy scenes that had taken place while the participants were clad in these same costumes, not that there was any room for us to actually have sex with so many people in here.

My attention was drawn back to the speech when, as one, all 25 pledges solemnly intoned, "We so pledge."

Nodding in approval, Leighton took a deep breath and then asked her second question. "Do you pledge to obey all laws and codes of The Sorority?"

"We so pledge," they all replied together.

"Do you pledge to represent The Sorority with grace and beauty?"

"We so pledge."

"Do you pledge friendship and support for your sisters?"

"We so pledge."

"Do you pledge your unswerving loyalty to The Sorority?"

"We so pledge."

"Do you pledge, no matter where your futures may take you, to always remember that you are Delta Delta Delta, and to always represent The Sorority as such."

"We so pledge."

The ritual came to an end a minute later, and Leighton at last stepped off the raised platform and walked through the middle of the crowd. The pledges stepped to the sides to let her pass as she went straight for the closed double-doors. As she reached the doors themselves, she paused to look back. With a final flourish, she yelled encouragingly, "Welcome to Delta Delta Delta!" And as she flung the doors open, every single big sister inside the room ripped away her mask and screamed, "WOOO!!!"

Fifty girls outside, similarly clad in cloaks and masks, pulled away their masks and screamed as well. "WOOO!!!"

Twenty-five pledges inside the room took up the cry, throwing their arms in the air and ripping off the white cords, screaming, "WOOO!!!"

And we four guys, just for the hell of it, joined in screaming "WOOO!!!"

The party was underway.

I started by finding Adrienne and then staggering beneath her as she jumped into my arms, wrapping her long legs around my waist. She had a hard time getting a good grip since I didn't have any hips and the robe was proving to be quite slick. And after fifteen seconds of my forearms burning from holding her up, I finally set the bombshell blonde back on her feet and let her give me a more chaste hug. We chatted for a bit, and then she spun around to charm a few big sisters and let the gaggle of cute girls descend on me.

As the party went on, I started to wonder exactly why I was there. It's not that I minded the lopsided ratio – like I said, the now "ex-pledges" all seemed to want to flirt with me. But it's just that it wasn't a typical dancing and drinking party for the sake of partying. Masks were off and everyone was free to mingle with each other, but there was no dance floor. The ambient music was just that ... ambient. And everywhere I looked were packs of girls deep in discussion. This was a party to welcome their new sisters in, and to answer all of their questions about what sorority life with the Tri-Delts would be like. It wasn't a party for inviting fifty guys to flirt with and have a good time.

So why even have four of us? Looking around after we got our masks off, I recognized the other four dudes. Two of them were well-known long-term boyfriends of sisters. The other was at least an acquaintance. A couple of us shared our thoughts of wondering why we were around, the boyfriends claiming that their girlfriends hadn't told them anything.

Of course, that's when Leighton arrived back on the scene. Nearly an hour had passed, during which each and every single new sister had been hugged and congratulated and welcomed to the sorority. Food had been consumed. Drinks had been drunk. And there had been so much chattering that I felt like I'd taken a trip to the lake during the migrating ducks mating season.

But now many of the sisters had already left, some of them even removing their cloaks before departing. Leighton wielded a microphone, getting atop a stage in the near corner. And after thanking everyone for coming and welcoming in the pledge class of Fall 2003, she said it was time to move on to the next step of their initiation.

Her words were foreboding, but to a girl, every single remaining upperclasswoman cheered, "Wooo!!!"

The guys gawked at each other, wondering what the heck was going on. To my consternation, even the ex-pledges were staring at each other in confusion. To their mind, they were already initiated, weren't they? Wasn't that the whole point of the formal ceremony with the masks in the Chapter Room?

Jocelyn elbowed me in the ribs. "Do you know what's going on?"

I frowned, staring at one of the girls who had escorted me here without explaining a damn thing. "Don't you?"

Leighton just grinned almost evilly and gestured back to the double doors. "Will all new sisters please move back into the Chapter Room? Gentlemen in attendance, you too. And designates, please also enter at this time."

Shrugging, I followed the crowd as we turned and filed back into the Chapter Room. Two sisters, both wearing their masks and hoods once again, touched each person on the shoulder and directed them where to go. I thought I caught the sparkle of green eyes as one such sister took my shoulder and firmly pointed me to the front of the room.

"Go get 'em, Tiger," she said with a purr.

I glanced back at her, wondering who had just singled me out. Even though she'd called me 'Tiger', it wasn't Adrienne. And I rather nervously let one of the other mask-clad girls lead me up and onto the stage.

The twenty-five ex-pledges all assembled in front of me. The stage wasn't that elevated, only about three feet up. But it was enough that I felt terribly exposed despite being completely covered by my clothes as well as the bulky robe. The ex-pledges all were maskless, their faces the definition of innocent curiosity as they gawked at me. The three guys below looked on somewhat nervously, relieved not to be in my position while simultaneously worried that they'd be next. And four mask-covered big sisters guarded the corners of the room.

What the hell is going on? I wondered to myself.

I got my answer when the lights suddenly went out. Everyone squealed at the sudden pitch blackness, but a second later, an overhead spotlight came on, directly over a couch that had at some point been placed on the stage directly behind me. The next thing I knew, a mask-clad girl on either side of me took hold of my arms, firmly tugging me back to that couch where I was rather formally seated in the very center.

The music turned somewhat ... theatrical. The cloaks and masks had already reminded me of Eyes Wide Shut. But now, the music and ritualistic movements REALLY reminded me of the movie, and I started to get an idea of just what the three remaining guys and I were here for.

Sure enough, a procession of four sorority girls, in full cloaks and donning their masks, ascended the stairs and began a march directly for me. They were in a diamond formation, their bodies, faces, and identities hidden. And I let out a long exhalation. Just when I thought my life was simplifying, as I got used to my newly single life after breaking up with DJ and just enjoying my day-to-day existence without the hassles of maintaining the complexities of a romantic relationship, my life had to go and get a little ... over-the-top ... again.

All my attention was on the four girls in front of me, the lead girl stopping right before me while the next two moved to sit with me on the couch, and the fourth circling behind it. Automatically, I started trying to identify them by their physical build and skin tone. But the robes obscured most of their bodies, the masks and hoods even hiding their heads. Plus, the harsh illumination of the lone overhead spotlight in the pitch black room drowned out all sense of color, so that I couldn't tell the skin tone of a white girl from an Asian from a Latina. And none of my current four were black.

I chuckled to myself at how often I seemed to be in this position of fucking someone whose identity I didn't even know. No one was blindfolded, but the costumes still made the girls anonymous to me, as well as to our attentive audience. I wasn't being approached by Jocelyn or Kelly or Andie or whoever; I was being seduced by four unnamed sisters, period.

I did notice that all four were wearing half-masks that left their lower faces bare, the curves of their lips familiar to me, although I still couldn't identify them. But the absence of covering wasn't to give me clues to the girls' identities. Indeed, it was a fashion choice born of necessity, as the lead girl knelt before me, licking her lips in obvious anticipation of a blowjob.

Leighton's voice echoed in the silent room. "We work as a team."

On cue, the girl to my right reached down to open up my slacks while the girl to my left pulled my face to hers for a searing kiss. The girl behind me started massaging my neck and shoulders. And the one kneeling in front of me pulled down my zipper. Distracted by the girl kissing me, I don't know whose hand wrapped around my already half-hard cock. The whole situation was arousing, if not entirely comfortable.

Leighton again spoke. "We share without jealousy."

The girl on my right pulled me to her for a kiss of her own, while the girl between my knees sucked me into her mouth and then went to town using her lips, tongue, and hands to bring me to full mast. Her touch was familiar. I'd been with whoever was giving me the blowjob before, but not enough that I'd easily recognize her.

My current kisser, the one on my right, was also familiar. My brain automatically rifled through my catalog of "user manuals" trying to identify the specific flavor of lipstick and perfume and kissing technique assaulting my senses. Little by little, it started to come to me. I began forming a picture of her in my head, with enough detail to eliminate a lot of the Tri-Delts I'd been with but not enough to fully confirm who it was.

But just before I put a finger on it, Leighton spoke again. "And we make sacrifices for the greater good, both for ourselves and for The Sorority."

A little too abruptly, Right Kisser stopped kissing me and Blowjob pulled off my cock. Left Kisser got off the couch. And the fourth and final one, Massager, stopped her neck massage and came back around to the front of the couch.

Blowjob stopped and whispered something into Massager's ear, the two of them pausing and then briefly squeezing hands. And then with ritualistic formality, Massager knelt on the couch beside me, putting herself in a doggy-position while bracing herself against the backrest.

My cock twitched as Massager's robe rode up her thighs, revealing that her legs were bare. But then Right Kisser moved in and lifted the hem even higher, raising it over Massager's ass and lower back, showing me that the girl was completely naked beneath the cloak, with a perfect backside neatly bisected by a wonderful asscrack, complete with crinkled rosebud and bare-shaven pussy. She was also physically petite, with narrow hips and a near-flat ass. It was more the body of a younger teenager than a fully-grown college-aged young woman.

Idly, I wondered if all four of the girls were similarly naked, or just this one "sacrifice" as Leighton had put it. It certainly took some guts to be completely nude in front of a whole crowd of people. Then again, I currently had my cock and balls hanging out for anyone to see.

Leighton intoned, "We provide whatever help and support the others need."

Blowjob reached a hand down, gliding around Massager's tiny waist and into the bent-over girl's crotch. Left Kisser cupped one of Massager's shapely breasts in her hand. And Right Kisser started to undress me.

Then Leighton finally finished. "And when we take action, we always do it together."

Right Kisser fisted my cock and turned me around to stand behind Massager. Left Kisser kept fondling Massager's tits. And Blowjob reached down to pull apart Massager's asscheeks. So with a firm grip on the petite girl's narrow hips, I pushed my way forward.

"Nnnnghh!" Massager yelped in a high pitch. I'd thought she had the body of a young girl before, and she also seemed to have a youthfully girlish voice to match. But despite the whole "virgin sacrifice" vibe I was getting overall, from her eager sexuality and ability to open herself up to allow my entry I knew she wasn't actually some inexperienced 15-year-old girl. And with that last roadblock removed from my mind, I simply let the sexual creature take over.

They wanted a show? They were gonna get a show.

It didn't take long for me to figure out the four Tri-Delt identities. I'd been intimate with all four of them within the past month, and even though it had only been a single encounter for each one, I'd learned enough about their unique scents and distinct moans to determine who each of them was.

"Massager" was Kelly Park, a Korean Junior a year older than me despite her petite body and snug pussy. She had ultra-sensitive nipples that I tweaked with my left hand, and though she'd never had anal sex, she'd confessed curiosity the one time we'd been together. She wouldn't let me take her anal cherry that night – though I promised her I would do so eventually – but she'd proven that when I buzzed my thumb over her sphincter, her entire body would lock up and became that much more susceptible to the pleasures of my tweaking fingers and deep-burrowing dick. So of course I buzzed her crinkled anus right now, grinning as she tensed and then squealed as my left fingers strummed her clit like a guitar string.

"Blowjob" was Carli Singer, a fiery Junior with an impish, dive-in-and-fuck-the-consequences kind of personality. The pretty redhead with great tits shrieked as I grabbed her by the hips, suddenly jerking her into the air and literally throwing her atop Kelly's prone body on the couch so that the two sisters were double-stacked doggy-style before me. Lifting up the hem of Carli's cloak, I found that she too was completely naked beneath it. And swiftly jerking my cock out of Kelly's tight snatch, I aimed a few inches higher and stood up, sliding my dick into Carli's wet cunt instead.

"Left Kisser", conveniently, was still on my left as I reached out for her. Bottle-blonde and busty Senior Bridget Marks at first panicked that I was going to hoist her up and plant her on top of Carli and Kelly, creating a triple-stack. Instead, I simply wrapped my left arm around her waist, pulling her to me before knocking her mask and hood off her head with my right hand. Her deep brown eyes gawked at me in mixed alarm and lust right before I gripped her jaw and pulled her to my mouth for a searing kiss. And I continued pumping Carli from behind with just my hips while dropping my left hand down to fondle Bridget's lush ass before sliding a finger down through her crack and then into her slit from behind.

"Right Kisser" tried to make a run for it, or at least I imagined she did. Perhaps she was supposed to fuck me all along, perhaps not. The point is that I saw her out of the corner of my eye starting to back away, and I abruptly left Bridget lest I lose my fourth conquest. Leah Hirsch was the most recent Tri-Delt to have the Big Ben and Adrienne experience, and also the most hesitant once we'd gotten started, so I wasn't surprised she'd started to panic at the last second. But sometimes the quietest and most reserved girls are the most wanton between the sheets once you get them going, and Leah had certainly been one of those. The sweet-looking brunette Junior shrieked as I caught her from behind, squealing as I lifted her into the air with her feet kicking out erratically. In the audience, I saw Adrienne cover her mouth while giggling as she got an eyeful of Leah's bare bottom from kicking up the hem of her robe. Tossing Adrienne a wink, I carried Leah back to the couch, dropped her into a seated position on the couch, then spread her knees to the side and swiftly lunged forward to skewer her tight pussy on my prick.

"Aiiieee!" Leah shrieked as she felt my dick stretch her wide in a single thrust. She threw her head back and tried to melt into the couch beneath the force of my body. And whimpering, she let her head loll to the side as I began to pump her with rough, heavy strokes.

"Ahem," Leighton's voice carried over us. "Even in the face of the most imposing adversary, we work as a team."

Suddenly Carli and Bridget were beside me, grabbing my arms and yanking me out of Leah. I fought them instinctively, trying to break free without hurting them or anything. But the girls spun me around and flung me back onto the couch, Bridget jumping into my lap to take the dominant position and shoving her big bare D-cup tits into my face to get me to quiet down. Like a starving baby, I found myself pacified, and Kelly reached between Bridget's legs to grab my dick, elevate it into a fully upright and locked position, and aimed it so that the busty blonde Senior could sink down.

I now had gotten my dick wet inside all four of the girls, but with not enough time to stimulate anyone to orgasm. That was all due to change now. Carli was working something on the side of the couch, and after we all heard a loud clicking sound, the support against my shoulders suddenly gave way and I went falling backward.

Turned out, the couch was a convertible futon. Bridget continued to hump herself up and down my cock, shrugging her robe off her shoulders and tossing the garment aside to leave her fully illuminated in all her naked glory by the overhead spotlight that cast delectable shadows beneath her pendulous breasts and haloed her hair as I stared up at her. "From the minute I kissed you at that Halloween party," she hummed. "I always knew I wanted to do this."

"Lots of time between now and your graduation for even more," I replied with a smile.

She just grinned happily before closing her eyes and letting her head fall back, moaning rapturously.

From behind the futon, Kelly similarly shucked her robe and then squatted over my face while facing Bridget. Brushing some of her dyed-blue bangs away from her face, the hot Asian babe leaned forward to suckle one of Bridget's pale nipples into her mouth. Her bare-shaven pussy covered my vision, and then wet smacking sounds began to emanate not only from where my tongue joined Kelly's snatch, but also where Kelly's and Bridget's mouths now began to meet.

Actually, I heard a lot of moaning around me, including a couple of male grunts. This futon on the stage wasn't the only piece of furniture in the room, and I wasn't the only guy in the room, either. Although the four girls and I on stage were by far the most publicly exposed sex act taking place, by now we weren't the only one.

After eating Kelly to a squealing orgasm and letting Bridget ride me to a keening climax of her own, I pushed the girls off me and sat up to take a look around. There were now other lamps on in the room, giving enough illumination so that everyone could see what they were doing, although the atmosphere was still what one would call "moody". Some of the newly-minted sorority sisters had taken Leighton's intonations about teamwork to heart, and I saw them working in harmony to strip the other three males of their clothing and begin to work on them.

Not every ex-pledge participated, of course. As sexual as this sorority was, it wasn't the only thing the girls did together. Besides, 25 girls was still WAY too many for just three guys to handle, and only the daring and most uninhibited 8 or so had moved in on the other males. So I noticed Cadence Carmichael standing off to one side, watching me intently while a hand subtly wriggled underneath her robe. Andie Holland was intently watching her big sister and me. And Adrienne had decided to just skip the males entirely, pulling two of her fellow pledgemates into a corner where the three of them were making out and pawing at each other's body hot and heavy.

Worked for me. Carli Singer and Leah Hirsch were sixty-nining beside us, and taking charge once again, I rolled Carli over and then physically manhandled Leah until the two Juniors were kneeling side-by-side on the futon. And after a couple of healthy spanks to both of their bare butts, I took turns fucking them each from behind while at the same time, pointing to Kelly and Bridget and ordering them beneath Carli and Leah into new sixty-nine positions.

"Suck my balls," I commanded Kelly while slow-dicking Leah.

"Reach up and stick a finger in her ass," I ordered Bridget while she lapped at Carli's cunt.

"I'm not letting you cum until you make her cum," I told Leah.

"And the same goes for you," I laughed while reaching over to spank Carli.

Obediently, Leah and Carli focused on the girls beneath them. I wasn't sure it was in the spirit of tonight's events for me to be giving the sorority girls orders as if I were one of them, but it was hard for me to resist the power trip as I played four beautiful older women like my own personal string quartet on top of this stage in full view of their sorority sisters. As I surveyed the room, I noticed that more than just a handful were just sitting back to watch the show. And I grinned as I pulled out of Leah and then rammed myself into Carli so hard that she picked her head up and squealed at my penetration, her cries echoing around the room.

"Fuck me," Carli whimpered while I pounded her from behind.

"Fuck ME," Leah pleaded from my left.

"No, fuck me," Kelly whined while reaching up to Leah's head and shoving it back down into her crotch.

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-- NEWPORT BEACH -- It was a perfect June afternoon. The temperature wasn't overly hot and the sky was clear with white, puffy clouds scattered around, only occasionally passing in front of the sun. The sounds of birds fluttering about the trees clustered around us filled the air, accompanied by the distant roar of waves crashing against the beach far below. In front of us, about thirty feet from the cliff's edge before it dropped off into the deep blue of the Pacific Ocean, was an elegant...

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OSL Elyse

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series. This story assumes you know the primary characters from that series. Don't bother reading this if you haven't at least read An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life. -- SEPTEMBER 1996 -- "Cut it out, Jake!" I swatted the boy's hand off my ass and glared at him with venom in my eyes. But rather than look apologetic, Jake Harbor just gave me a goofy grin and backed out of range. He knew that I could ... and would ... actually kick...

3 years ago
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OSL Caroline

The following is a side-story within the Ordinary Sex Life series written by an anonymous author. It takes place concurrently with the events of "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2" and "An Ordinary College Sex Life 3". Familiarity with the series is not required, but helpful in understanding Adrienne Dennis and where she comes from. I was at my desk the first time I saw you. That first glimpse only that, a glimpse. Your golden blonde hair catching the corner of my eye as you drifted across...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 2 Saturday

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into my girlfriend's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. Moaning in ecstatic pleasure, she dug her heels into my ass and tightened her arms around my back to pull me deeper as she felt the cum flowing out of my body to crash against her insides like waves cresting on the beach, not so different from the actual waves cresting on the beach just outside our window. The first wave would start receding only to be...

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OSL Ambers WeddingChapter 3 Sunday

A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning, the plantation shutters over the bungalow's east window not quite 100% shut. Although the sun rose higher in the sky this close to the equator, it still had to rise over the horizon. And at this very time, on this very date, at these very coordinates on the globe, the sun's rays came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where my face was NOT covered by the naked body of the girl sleeping between me and that east...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 2 A Fresh Start

-- SEPTEMBER 26 -- "C'mon you landlubber! Put your back into it!" Aaron urged from behind me. Setting the business end of my pitchfork on the ground, I turned and shot my roommate a look. "Landlubber?" "Brace those halyards! Man off the port bow!" He gave me a goofy grin and shrugged. "We watched Pirates last night; whaddaya want from me?" I rolled my eyes and then shoved my farm tool into one of the stacked bales of hay before me. And without looking I threw an entire bale at...

2 years ago
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OSL FeliciaChapter 1 Meeting

"Flip your hair, Felicia!" James said as he circled me. "Toss it nice and high and give me a -- yes! That look!" James' camera clicked rapidly, a sound I was used to hearing. A sound that, on a good day, gave me a small buzz. I gave him my most sultry look and winked at him. The winking would never make it into a take but the before or after shot might. Winking has an effect on my face, James often told me. He thinks winking puts me in a higher mood. I stood in a small set in James'...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 2 Reuniting

Adrienne and I rarely sleep in the same bed, and last night wasn't any different. When I awoke the next morning, she had already left. A note had been taped to the fridge: LOVE YOU! With a big smiley face drawn underneath. Just as I'd poured myself some breakfast, I heard my phone ringing in another room. I almost thought it wouldn't be worth the effort of getting up and searching, but I decided to get off my lazy butt and answer it. "Probably Rob wanting a booty call," I muttered to...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 3 No Strings

-- NOVEMBER 7 -- "Mmm-wah! Bye, babe." Deedee kissed me before hoisting her backpack over her shoulder as she descended the porch steps and headed for the hills. Today she and some others would be doing maintenance on the trail to the Garden of Eden. They'd be trimming back branches and clearing out rocks, as well as re-carving part of the trail to curb erosion. "Bye," I waved, leaning against the railing as I watched her go. A hand tapped my ass, causing me to jerk up and turn...

3 years ago
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OSL FeliciaChapter 3 Deciding

Adrienne wasn't home after my dinner with Damien, and I ended up having to calm myself down with a small vibrator and my fingers. I thought of driving down to see Ben and have him fuck my brain into oblivion, but I kind of needed my brain intact. Instead, I called Adrienne Saturday morning, and begged her to come up so we could chat. She told me she'd be here around 5PM. I spent the whole day stewing with a nasty anxiety, the kind that only comes from having a big decision to make and not...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 4 Aurora

-- AUGUST 28 -- Even though I hadn't been this way in over three years, I still knew the roads like the back of my hand. Without needing to consult any maps, I left I-5 and headed west from Yreka, cruising along at a comfortable pace. I wasn't in any hurry. The weather was clear and Orientation wouldn't begin for almost two hours. Almost lazily, I guided my beater Chevy Malibu around the winding mountain roads. I let my gaze drift out to the rows upon rows of verdant redwoods that lined...

4 years ago
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OSL Morris CampChapter 5 Conversations

-- NOVEMBER 6 -- "Balcony?" I suggested as Nick and I met up outside the staff cabin. "We'd better hurry, though. The sun is dropping fast." Indeed, Daylight Savings had ended on October 30, and the sun had been setting around 5pm ever since. We had just enough time to hike out there, enjoy the view, and then get back by 5:30pm chow time. Nick checked his watch and nodded to me. He then stepped off the porch and took two steps before turning around and looking back for me. "You gonna...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 4 Changing

Damien and I hammered out a contract over dinner at a place on the west side of San Francisco called Montgomery Servo. It was just as nice as Cheetah's, and Damien brought a guest along, one of his clients from Hollywood: Ryan Spader. I can't even say how convincing it was to see someone like Ryan, a steady B list actor, someone I knew and had heard of, sitting at a dining table with me. All doubts I'd had about Damien vanished. We laughed, drank, and cracked jokes until about 11pm when...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 6 Breakaway

-- NOVEMBER 25 -- I felt someone gently rocking my shoulder and calling my name. "Marie ... Marie..." As unwelcome consciousness flooded my brain, I turned my head and accidently put my face in the direct path of a beam of sunlight. Clenching my eyes shut against the sudden illumination, I flipped over and then blinked my eyes to find Zoey standing over my bunk. "Hey ... You okay? Bad hangover or something?" I stared at her in confusion, not understanding what she meant. But then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 5 Transforming

I slept for about twelve hours. It doesn't happen very often, but I had a night shoot the next day. I only get night shoots when a photographer wants a specific effect that can't be done in a dark studio, but I'm okay with that, they pay more. Damien called me in the afternoon. It was a very odd conversation. His tone made me feel like nothing at all had happened last night, even though he directly mentioned it. He told me that he had thoroughly enjoyed himself and hoped I had, too. Then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 6 Climbing

A few days after my first night with three men, Damien called me with big news: "You are going to love me for this one, baby. I got you a cover!" I started yelling and almost dropped the phone. Thank goodness I was in my apartment at the time, because someone might have thought I was being raped. I did manage to knock my mug of tea off the kitchen counter when I bumped it with my hip during all the jumping. The crash echoed loudly and I yelped. "What was that?" Damien asked, "Are you...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 7 Awakening

I woke up in the hallway of Damien's building, naked with my robe and pajamas draped over my body like a sheet. My body was exhausted and hung over in a way that I had never imagined possible. Cum and sweat had plastered my hair to my face, and judging from the goopy sticky mess on my face and breasts, I guessed Damien had dumped at least three loads on me during the night, perhaps Ashley had, too. When I finally understood where I was, I jumped to my feet and dressed, then hurried into the...

1 year ago
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OSL FeliciaChapter 8 Seeing

It's amazing how time flies when you're busy. My career had never been better. I think I finally understood how medical residents feel straight out of school when they're asked to work eighty hours a week. If I wasn't running errands, eating, or sleeping, I was working. The FHM magazine eventually hit the stands, and Damien said his phone hadn't stopped ringing since. Even I had to admit, the FHM cover was amazing and took my portfolio to a whole new level. Maxim wanted to book me for a...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 9 Becoming

The next morning I called up Marcos and asked if I could come see him. He told me I could stop by anytime and he'd have room. We went out for lunch at a small café near his building and he cut right to the chase. "What's up?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest and looking at me expectantly. "You dump me because we were both having a bad day. You go with Damien Santos, who I never told you that I despise, and now you call me up as soon as you're getting famous. If you've come...

3 years ago
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OSL New YorkChapter 2 Manhattan

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for...

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OSL New YorkChapter 3 Model United Nations

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2006 -- The elevator dinged, and the LCD display informed us that we'd reached the top floor nightclub. At this time of year, the sun hadn't yet fully disappeared over the horizon despite the late hour of the evening, and dark orange rays reflected off of multiple shiny surfaces up and down the hallway as we stepped off the elevator car. Adrienne led the way, excited and eager for her first true night of socializing since her return to the Big Apple. Moon remained by...

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OSL New YorkChapter 4 M John Fitzherbert III

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2006 -- Even though it was well after midnight, the city lights burned as brightly as they had at 9pm. I stared out the driver's-side window of our taxi watching skyscraper after skyscraper anonymously pass by without recognition. I didn't know where I was, had no clue how much longer it would take, and the urban jungle of Manhattan only amplified my feelings of being lost without direction. Twenty minutes ago I knew who I was, knew who I was with, and knew why I was...

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OSL New YorkChapter 5 Merry Birthday

-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...

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OSL New YorkChapter 6 Model United Nations II

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006 -- "Salud!" "Prost!" "Kanpai!" "Santé!" Seven glasses clinked together in the middle of the table, the guys chuckling and the girls giggling (even Raven). Sometime over the course of the evening, I'd shared with my co-workers my old tradition of celebrating "cheers" in other languages. So for the past hour or so, actually saying "cheers" or other English salutations had been expressly forbidden, and everyone wracked their brains trying to come up...

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OSL New YorkChapter 7 Montauk

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- I grunted and gripped her tight ass harder, pulling her body against mine despite the viscous resistance surrounding us. Her long, lithe legs scissored behind me, supporting her own weight while she thrashed in our lovemaking. I grunted again and really began to pound her. Our movements were slow, but powerful and steady. I pushed our bodies forward until her backside was pressed up against the far wall – there was a glass partition there that made a distinct...

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OSL New YorkChapter 8 Mistress

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- Generally speaking, I consider myself a rather confident young man. I'd gotten laid too many times with too many gorgeous women to ever feel uncomfortable around a pretty face. And yet three steps after walking into the Kwong-residence game room for the second time tonight, I came to an abrupt halt, let my jaw drop to the floor, and felt butterflies in my stomach like I'd turned into a freshman dweeb suddenly face-to-face with the Prom Queen. I wasn't...

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OSL New YorkChapter 9 Madam

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She couldn't quite take it, gagging before pulling off my prick and coughing. And my eyelids fought for a bit before successfully breaking through overnight crustiness to open so that I could identify my mystery fellatrix. Through slightly bleary eyes, I glanced down to find a...

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Frat House Cum bucket Pledge Lucky Boy Gets Dream Job Frank

A “suck buddy” from high school, Will, who I jacked off a lot with and who let me suck off and I let him suck and rim me, researched and explored together. Since we were freshmen, the pledge process was long and complicated. If we waited for spring, we could participate in “Rush” and perhaps cut off some time and work. Will wanted to wait. I was eating lunch in the dining hall when a guy made a subtle pass at me in the food line. I smiled at him and he sat down across from me at a table and...

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Substitute Pledge

TV PLEDGE by "c.c." 1 Caught. "So you see, Uncle Charles," my lovely niece Bobbi batted her long- lashed blue eyes at me prettily, "you're really our only hope. Will you do it?" "You mean disguise myself as a girl? And attend the initiation at the Lesba Delta Sorority?" I asked. Seated next to the beautiful blonde Bobbi, her two equally attractive friends, Gina and Marie, regarded me hopefully as I considered the strange request. And a strange request it was indeed! ...

1 year ago
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The Pledge

[ This intended as a piece of 'fiction.' ] Here's a question for you. What would you do (I'm talking here to guys) if you had the opportunity to 'earn' $50,000...IF you swore a pledge to have NO intercourse, NO anal sex, or ANY blow jobs (and this includes NO masturbation as well) for 365 days, in a row, and instead were given merely hand jobs ONCE A MONTH? Would you do it? Would you at least consider such a proposition? $50,000 is quite a bit of money, after all; and who couldn't find a use...

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The Gilded Pledge

Ayla stood cautiously outside the Sigma Lamda Tau sorority house. Was she really going to do it? This was the night new pledges went through the final process of being accepted into the sorority. Ayla hadn't made it that far. She was denied in the first round of recruitment. Just like she had been last year. She was a sophomore now. 20 years old. She was NOT a c***d anymore.Ayla gulped deeply as she slowly started walking up the path to the sorority porch. Sigma Lamda Tau was THE place to be as...

4 years ago
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Fraternity Pledge Panty Raiders

It was the mid 1970's and I was in my first year of college. Wanting to thoroughly enjoy college life I pledged for a fraternity. Another pledge, Tommy and I were instructed to come to the fraternity house one Friday afternoon during the pledging process. Once there we were given the task of staging a panty raid on one of the sororities. The school's administrators had decided that these raids had become too frequent and were a security problem so they had issued a warning against...

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 34 Pledge Trip

Penny’s hot body nestled against Dave’s equally nude body on Sunday morning. They were the last ones left in the master bedroom in Dave’s home; everyone else was up and out. Dave would have normally been doing omelets for the Circle, but he’d happily arranged for Odessa to assume that job this morning so he could stay in bed with Penny. Penny stared at him with those smiling eyes, and even broke into a smile that lit up her face. A jury of a thousand spectators would have been unanimous in...

2 years ago
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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 3

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she's punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle.  * * When my time was up at the notification of Old Man Thorndike, I put on my shoes and panties, gathered up my crap and fled the house, catching...

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Sorority Pledge

"All right pledges, you have your assignments. You have been paired up with a mentor. Go get it! You have two weeks. You don't complete it, you won't be admitted to Delta Alpha Delta Sorority."They filed out of the room, some excited, some nervous, but all comitted. They had just been told that they must fuck someone. But not just fuck them, they had to have video or photographic proof. The more outrageous the circumstance, the better. No proof. No further pledging. Ordinarily, I wouldn't give...

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Keeping a Family Tradition Tammys Initiation

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us, like we're the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...

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REUNION "Toni, it's so great to see you!" My old friend Jane rushed up and hugged me so tight I could hardly breathe. "It's been what, ten years?""Twelve, I think."Jane was one of my oldest friends. We met at university as bewildered first-year students, and we bonded for survival. In our second year, we became roommates, then more than roommates. Neither of us had ever been with a woman, other than silly kissing as young girls.But during that second year, our attraction became...

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Survivors Pledge


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Sex Diaries Cheerleader Initiation

The day I made the cheerleading squad was the happiest day of my life. I remembered driving to class when the phone call came. I was so shocked and excited that I almost drove into a cops car. I didn't think I was going to make the team. I'm only 5'4" and 117 pounds so naturally I thought I would get passed over. Unlike the other girls on the team, I wasn't a knockout or had huge pair of tits. I mean I could land any man. I had the physical assets to turn heads or get laid whenever I wanted....

Group Sex
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Loosening Up Book 8 Decade Remembered Decade StartedChapter 22 Pledge Class

Monday evening in the core turned out to be busier than Dave expected. He was co-teaching this class with Ross Buchman. As the two men looked out at the group, they saw the largest group of pledges the Circle had ever had. Dave went around the room and had everybody introduce themselves and give their personal ‘elevator speech’ – the twenty to thirty second speech they could give to someone while the doors of some mystical elevator opened to admit or disgorge passengers who’d asked some...

4 years ago
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Lucky StiffChapter 6 Initiation

Sweet love showin' us a heavenly light. I've never seen such a beautiful sight! Sweet love flowin' almost every night. I know forever we'll be doin' it! --Whenever I Call You "Friend" (Kenny Loggins) Camille picked me up at ten the next morning. When I got into the car, I saw that Sherry was already there. She was blushing furiously, mostly in anticipation of the initiation that would happen in just a little while. Unlike Camille, who was dressed in her uniform, Sherry was in...

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The Initiation

The Initiation In my last story I related how we discovered Kim’s capacity for multiple orgasms. At that point we had been swinging for about a year. Mostly it was a few couples who got together whenever it was convenient for the couples involved. One night after some sex with Randy and Bev, we were just sitting around talking and the subject came up of maybe organizing some kind of regular get together with several couples. We both thought it sounded like a good idea so we approached a couple...

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The Initiation

The Initiation In my last story I related how we discovered Kim’s capacity for multiple orgasms. At that point we had been swinging for about a year. Mostly it was a few couples who got together whenever it was convenient for the couples involved. One night after some sex with Randy and Bev, we were just sitting around talking and the subject came up of maybe organizing some kind of regular get together with several couples. We both thought it sounded like a good idea so we approached a couple...

Group Sex
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Kennys Club Initiation

He was 14 years old, out of his mind and way over his head. It was the summer before Kenny was to enter High School as a freshman. He knew he was going to need lots of older, bigger, rougher buddies to help him in this first year in a new school. He’d heard about bullying that went on when Junior and Senior year boys ganged up on kids they thought easy prey. Most boys his age and slight build could expect pants-pulling-down in the school hallways. Or, if unlucky, they might find all their...

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An Unplanned Initiation

An Unplanned Initiation Introduction - Just after posting my first story here, I happened to read 'Loss of Control' by Julie O, and that got me thinking of how I might take one part of that story and expand upon it. The lead character there gets transported across an international border, but that action is just briefly mentioned. I thought about how that moment might be interesting if there were a little more detail (well actually a lot!), so I wrote a similar story based around...

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Keeping a Family Tradition Ryans Initiation

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen.    Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we’re the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...

2 years ago
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Keeping a Family Tradition Sues Initiation

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we're the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...

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College Initiation

Jake, the college dormitory's newest college freshman, started to head upstairs. He knew from what he was told last night that he had to be initiated before he was welcomed among the juniors and seniors he was wanting to live at the dormitory with this year. To him, it seemed like a small, surmountable task that would last an hour, maybe two, and he'd be able to hang out with some of the most popular guys on campus. When Jake arrived upstairs, he met Liam standing, waiting for him in the...

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Sorority Pledge 1 A Devil in Disguise Part 1

When sorority pledge, Addison Montgomery, gets caught chucking eggs at a mansion at the demand of her sisters on Halloween, she’s punished by the rich man’s son, Logan, a hot junior at her college, and they get swept up in the delicious power exchange and a tumultuous squall of passion. But where it leads may be way too hot for them to handle. * * * * Wind and a million naked branches whipped my skin as I fledthe gorilla—yes, gorilla—on my heels. My white, chiffon babydoll offered zero...

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