OSL: Cameron free porn video

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My vignette: OSL: Carter is a prerequisite for this story. If you have not read OSL: Carter, stop reading now and go back to read that vignette. Otherwise this chapter won't make much sense. Also, you need to have read through AOCSL2 before starting this one.

-- JUNE 2002 --

Tired from the long flight, not to mention putting up with the sleazebag businessman in the seat next to me for more than six hours, I was only too eager to get home. But flying across the country was only part of the journey. Mom, Dad, and Carter were still on the other side of the Bay, and after being away from my family for so long it felt like I was only halfway there.

Knowing I'd have to wait for my luggage to drop down onto the baggage carousels, I walked down the terminal at a casual pace, holding only my purse. The soft flats I'd worn for comfort padded silently on the tiles. And people in a greater hurry than me rushed past on both sides.

Eventually I walked past exit security into the Arrivals/Baggage Claim area of SFO's Terminal 3. In their usual spot were a cluster of drivers mostly dressed all the same: black suit, white shirt, black tie. A few also wore black chauffeur's hats, and a couple of them sported sunglasses even though we were indoors.

With a sigh I walked toward them and began scanning the various names they held on nearly-identical white placards. Mom always arranged for Towncar service to get me to and from the airport, and after a few seconds I zeroed in on the placard that read "Cameron Singleton", held up in front of the face of a young man wearing both chauffeur's cap and aviator Ray-Bans.

The anonymous driver to my right, the one without a chauffer's cap or sunglasses, inhaled sharply and held his breath for a moment. I was close enough for him to dare hope that I was his fare, never mind that the placard he held read "Michael Schutzman". No doubt he was imagining for a few seconds that he'd get to spend some time chatting up a breathtakingly beautiful young woman.

That would be me. I didn't consider myself egotistical, but I was aware of the effect my physical appearance had on most men - and not a few women as well. Even in my flats, I stood six feet tall and had a figure to be proud of. While I didn't dress to expose the goodies or anything, my clothes flattered my curves and were carefully chosen to be both practical and eye-catching. My long, dark hair draped nicely over my shoulders, neatly framing a face I was proud of. I also got compliments on my electric green eyes, eyes which I now focused on my actual driver as I moved directly in front of him and nodded silently.

The poor guy to my right holding the "Michael Schutzman" sign sighed regretfully and slouched in disappointment.

Lowering his placard, my actual driver tipped his cap and gestured toward the baggage carousel. "Shall we get your bags, Miss Singleton?"

I'd started nodding before his voice clicked the recognition part of my brain. My hand jerked out of its own accord and latched onto the driver's forearm, abruptly arresting his quarter-turn. And tilting my head and narrowing my eyes to scrutinize his face, I asked questioningly, "Carter?"

My stepbrother grinned and used his free hand to remove the sunglasses. "Surprise!"

"Oh, Carter! You came to pick me up!" I threw my arms around his shoulders and gave him a fierce hug hello.

Carter chuckled and stroked my back, holding me just as fiercely. Although two years younger than me, my 20-year-old "little" brother now stood 6'3" and outweighed me by quite a bit. Leaning back, he lifted me off the floor which made me squeal in delight. And when he finally set me down on my feet, he quickly leaned in and pecked my lips. "Four years of college PLUS an extra month backpacking around Europe with your friends? I've missed you," he sighed.

"Kinda missed you, too," I replied with a beaming smile.

"You have a good trip?"

"The best. Wish I was still over there, actually."

He put on a fake pout. "Aww, I thought you said you missed me."

I reached up, knocked Carter's hat off his head, and tousled his hair. "I always miss my little brother."

Carter's eyebrows went up. "Stepbrother," he corrected.

I rolled my eyes but grinned. "C'mon. Let's get my bags and I'll tell you all about the trip."

"Nice ride. Is it new?" I asked as I hopped into the passenger seat of what appeared to be a fully-loaded Cadillac Escalade.

"Brand new. Only got a hundred miles on this one," Carter replied proudly as he climbed into the driver's seat and tapped the dashboard. He started the ignition and heavy-bass hip-hop music immediately began pumping through the speakers, but he quickly turned it down to a less deafening volume.

I scoped out the truck. "Dad's business must be doing well."

"It is. But he didn't buy this for me," Carter replied with that cocky grin of his. "I bought this baby all on my own."

I arched an eyebrow. "Really? You take up a side job I don't know about?"

He grinned but shook his head and stared out the front windshield. "You don't wanna know."

I blinked. "What is it? Business internship? Or did one of your friends start an entrepreneurial thing?"

Carter's eyebrows rose in warning. "Seriously, you don't wanna know."

But I was curious. "C'mon, Carter. You're my little brother. You're not supposed to keep secrets from me."

"Fine then. How many guys did you hook up with on that backpacking trip?"

I blushed immediately and averted my eyes. "Uh, I don't think that's a topic for polite conversation."

Carter smirked and shrugged. "Then you understand."

Unable to shake the nagging feeling in the back of my head, I sighed. "Just tell me it's not anything illegal."

But Carter merely shook his head. "I told you: You don't wanna know."

I rolled my eyes and let my head flop back against the headrest. "Fine."

"But other than your sex life, seriously, how was the trip? Any favorite places?"

I smiled and thought back over the past month or so. "It was awesome. The food, the culture, the history, and yes, some of the parties. There's a lot of good time to be had by a recent college grad. You should think about doing your own trip when you graduate."

"Why wait? I could probably cruise around for the rest of the summer and enjoy myself, especially if you were there to show me around."

I giggled. "What, me? Wouldn't you want to have an adventure like that with your friends?"

"You already know there's no one I'd rather be with than you," Carter said with complete sincerity, an open honesty in his eyes that simultaneously thrilled and terrified me.

I blushed and sighed. "It's tempting, actually. I had such a good time that I wouldn't mind going back. But that's done. College is done. I'm home now, I've got a good job lined up, and frankly I don't know when I'll have time to take another trip like that."

Carter shrugged. "Never say never."

"I suppose." I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly while staring out the window. "But for now, I think I'll just focus on starting this next chapter in my life. No longer a student. Full-time job. Back in the Bay Area. Most of my college friends are scattered all over the place. It's going to be a little weird starting all over again from scratch, you know?"

"You'll always have me."

I glanced over and smiled at my little brother. "Of course. But you moved out to that big house Dad set you up with in Berkeley, right?"

Carter shrugged while turning the wheel with both hands. "If you want, you could stay with me instead of living at home with Mom and Dad. There's plenty of room and you know I'd be happy to have you."

"I'll bet you would." I drawled, my eyes glittering at the innuendo of Carter 'having me'. But I shook my head in the negative. "Staying with Mom and Dad is only going to be temporary until I can figure out the best place to get my own apartment. Probably somewhere downtown close to work and the social scene."

Carter frowned. "Downtown? And here I was hoping you'd be close enough to visit more often. I really have missed you."

"Downtown isn't that far away, lazy ass." I reached out and lightly punched his upper arm. "We'll still see each other."

"I guess."

"I mean it," I said sincerely. "I'm not on the other side of the country anymore. You're my little brother and I want to spend time with you. We'll definitely meet up more often than the last four years."

"Anything would be more often than the last four years," he complained. "You barely ever came home, even for the holidays."

I heard the whine in his voice. "Don't be like that. I was busy with internships and trips and lots of stuff. But I'm home now."

"Yeah, you're home. So what does that really mean? Do things go back the way they used to be?"

It was a loaded question and he knew it. I stared over at my little brother, scrutinizing the tension his posture and the clench of his jaw. Carefully, I asked, "What do you mean 'the way they used to be'?"

Carter sighed, staring forward out the windshield. He wore his aviators, but even so I could see the pain etched in his face. And taking a deep breath, he muttered quietly, "I think you know what I mean."

"Carter ... really? Still?" I asked, feeling bad. "It's been four years."

"So? I still love you. Did you really expect that to change?"

"And I love you," I replied immediately.

His jaw clenched. "But not in the way that I love you."

I sighed. "That was the puppy love of a 16-year-old boy."

"Well I'm not a 16-year-old boy anymore. I'm a grown man now, and I'm old enough to know what love is. Four years later, I still love you."

"Carter, I'm your sister."

"STEPsister," he corrected as always. "And even that, maybe not much longer."

Not much longer? With a frown, I asked, "What do you mean by that?"

He didn't reply right away. His head turned away from me as he checked his blind spot and merged into the left lane. Even after he'd merged, his head tilted and turned again as he glanced into the rearview mirror and even fiddled with the CD player to change songs. But I kept silently waiting for him, and after a long while he finally glanced over at me for just a moment before returning his eyes to the road. "I think Mom and Dad are getting a divorce."

"WHAT?" I barked in shock, sitting upright in my seat.

Carter took a deep breath. "You've missed out on a lot over the last month on your trip. Dad's been screwing around. Nothing new, really; he's been doing that for years. But Mom caught him fucking one of the maids in their bedroom a couple of weeks ago and they've been fighting non-stop. I think Mom's fed up with the whole trophy wife lifestyle."

My eyebrows popped. "Are you serious?"

Carter grimaced. "Dead serious. I don't go home much anymore. And when I AM there, as soon as they start yelling at each other I just get in the car and drive back to my place. Dad's talking pre-nuptial agreements and Mom's citing California 'Community Property' law. It gets pretty ugly."

"Oh my gawd."

"And Dad's got a new girlfriend. Some hot blonde not much older than you."

My stomach turned. "Oh, eww..."

"He actually brought her by the house."

My eyes went wide in shock. "He wouldn't dare."

"He did. The point is: pretty soon I might not BE your brother anymore. So then there wouldn't be anything to stop us from being together."

I blinked and gawked at Carter, unable to believe his mind had gone straight to THAT. "Our parents might be getting divorced and THAT'S what you're thinking about?"

Carter winced and glanced over at me before again turning his attention forward. Sullenly, he mumbled to the windshield, "Well it's true..."

I shook my head emphatically. "From the time I was nine, we've grown up together. You're my little brother: always have been, always will be. No matter what happens or doesn't happen between our parents, you'll always be my little brother. And that's the way I'll always love you, understood?"

Carter scowled and shook his head, replying dejectedly, "Fine..."

-- JULY 2002 --

Mom and I both heard the doorbell, and she looked over at me as I quickly walked around the kitchen island to the sink to rinse off my hands. After wiping them dry, I headed out to the front door to answer it.

We used to have a couple of permanent maids who would answer the door, but not anymore. These were uncertain times, and Mom was proactively cutting expenses. I wasn't bothered; it wasn't like I was used to having maid service when I was at school.

I peered through the peephole and pulled my head back in surprise. Mom and I were making dinner in preparation for his arrival and we'd been expecting him, but not in this manner. Quickly, I flipped the deadbolt and opened the door, hands on my hips as I cocked my head and asked, "Carter? What are you doing ringing the doorbell? You lose your key or something?"

My stepbrother sheepishly stood on the doorstep with his hands in his pockets. His lower jaw jutted forward and his eyes were downcast as he shrugged and replied, "I dunno. Didn't feel right to just let myself in."

"What are you talking about? This house has been our home for years and years. Just because you got your own bachelor pad doesn't mean you need to ring the doorbell here."

He shrugged again, still not meeting my eyes. "But it's not my home anymore."

"Don't be ridiculous," Mom suddenly said from behind me. I turned and backed up half a pace as she stepped forward and frowned.

"Hey Mo--," Carter began before abruptly stopping. With a sigh, his shoulders slumped and he finished weakly, "uh ... Mrs. Singleton?"

Mom frowned. True, she wasn't Carter's biological mother. Everyone present knew full well that she'd only married his father seven years after he was born, but I'd never ONCE heard Carter call her "Mrs. Singleton", not until just now. With her eyes moistening, Mom pursed her lips and said softly, "Carter ... please..."

His head drooped and he shook it. "I'm sorry. I just don't know how to deal with all this."

"True enough," I grumped while folding my arms across my chest. "You've been avoiding the topic – practically avoiding US – for the last three weeks."

He steadfastly refused to make eye contact with me and mumbled, "Sorry. This kind of drama just isn't my thing."

"I know it isn't, sweetie," Mom sighed as she stepped out onto the porch and wrapped him up in a hug. It took Carter a moment to return it, and even then he barely touched her.

He held her at near arm's length for the exact minimum amount of time necessary to be polite, and then pulled out of her grasp and asked, "What's up?"

Mom glanced at me and inclined her head. "Let's go inside."

Carter sighed and nodded, gesturing for her to lead the way. Mom did, heading for the living room. I wrapped my arm around Carter's waist and together we followed.

"Can I get you anything? Coke? Water?" Mom asked over her shoulder.

"Shot of whiskey to calm the nerves?" I suggested with a smirk.

"I'm fine." Carter waved us off and took a seat on the couch, perching on the edge as if ready to bolt at a moment's notice. "Let's just get to the point."

Mom frowned. "So businesslike. No matter what's happening between me and your father, I'll always be your Mom."

He shook his head and pouted. "No you won't. That's just the point. When this divorce becomes final, the two of you and I won't be family anymore."

"Carter," Mom said heavily with a frown. "Don't say that."

"It's the truth."

"We will ALWAYS be a family."

"Until we're not. Legally binding and all that jazz."

"There's more to 'family' than legally binding."

"I'm not stupid. I'm just saying..." he stared at the wall like a sullen teenager.

Mom and I looked at each other, and a moment later Mom suggested, "Why don't I check on dinner. The two of you can hang out. I know it's been a while since you've seen each other and Cameron has a lot to tell you about her new job in the City."

I smiled brightly, but Carter shook his head. "That's not necessary. You asked me to come over here for something and I came. What do you need? Otherwise, I'll just be getting out of here."

"Carter, please? What I want is for you to stay and have dinner with us."

"That's it? Seriously?" He frowned and stared at me. I couldn't stop myself from wincing, and he keyed in on that. "So there IS something?"

Mom and I exchanged another look, and Mom took a deep breath before returning her attention to Carter. "I was hoping you might be able to find out some information for me. Your father has presented his financial portfolio to the judge and there are a LOT of irregularities--"

"Whoa! Whoa!" he cut her off, sitting up straight and jerking his hands like blades. "Nuh-uh. No divorce talk. I'm not getting involved in this."

"But you're our SON. You're already involved."

"Not any more than I have to be."

"Please. You father will talk to you. Things aren't adding up and I'm afraid he's ... well ... he's trying to screw me over."

Carter frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that the numbers he's giving the judge show his net worth to be FAR below what I know it to be. And I mean FAR below."

"Psht. Big surprise. That's Dad."

"I know. But in this case, he and I both know that California law splits the family assets 50/50. By fudging his numbers like this, he's trying to make me walk away with pennies."

Carter shook his head. "Can he do that? I mean, he's the one cheating on you. Or don't tell me you've been cheating on him."

"Don't be ridiculous." Mom looked hurt. "I've been faithful for almost fourteen years, no matter how many bimbos your father slept with."

Carter sighed. "Didn't think so. Still, doesn't that make the divorce his fault and the judge awards you a bunch in damages?"

Mom shook her head. "The lawyers will haggle that stuff out, including spousal support. But the court can only make him pay according to whatever they can prove he's got."

"So what? You want ME to dig around Dad's files and find the rest?"

Mom and I looked at each other again. It was pretty much exactly what I'd suggested to her.

Carter rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Not happening. I'm not a spy, especially on my own Dad."

"I'm not asking you to spy, Carter," Mom said with a sigh. "I'm asking you to help me, your mother, not be left destitute after your unfaithful father kicks me to the curb. I'm not asking for much. I don't need to live some glamorous lifestyle, but seriously, I'm getting screwed."

He shook his head and stood up. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."

"Carter..." Mom pleaded as she reached a hand out to her only son.

But Carter avoided her hand and headed for the door.

"Carter!" I yelled a little more shrilly.

My voice got him to turn around. He sighed and gave us a weak look. "I'm sorry. I love you both. I'll always love you both. But I just CAN'T get in the middle of this thing, alright?"

"Please, Carter," I begged, knowing how important this was for Mom. And... "For me?"

Carter blinked and stared at me. He swallowed thickly, and for a moment I believed his eternal connection to me would make him change his mind. But in the end he shook his head once more and replied, "I'm sorry."

And then he left.

-- NOVEMBER 2002 --

We kept telling Carter to use his key, but he always stood on the front porch and rang the doorbell. Even though this house had once been his home, he didn't consider it that way anymore. And even though it broke Mom's heart for him to say it, Carter insisted that "the owner" wasn't even his family anymore, not technically, and it didn't feel right to just let himself in. Period.

We were expecting him, so it didn't take me very long to get to the door. Always happy to see him, I opened it with a megawatt smile. "Hey little brother. Good to see you."

Carter rolled his eyes at the 'little brother' remark. He knew I meant it as an endearment, but even so I knew he sorta hated the term as a symbol of how I would never see him as a viable mate. I really didn't. How could I? He was my little brother, step or not. Even now when I closed my eyes and pictured him, I didn't see the 6'3" strapping young man he'd grown up to be; I saw the little boy who'd needed me to put band-aids on his boo-boos.

Wanting to welcome my little brother, I stepped out onto the porch and enfolded him in a warm hug. "How've you been?" I asked while patting Carter's back.

"Doin' alright," he replied. "Can't complain."

I nodded. "Mom's in the kitchen. Come on."

Carter followed me into the house, and his eyes must've been glued to my swaying ass because halfway down the hall, I glanced back and noticed the angle of his gaze. Turning about, I cocked one hip and waggled a finger at him as if he were just some horny teenager who couldn't take his eyes off me. "Tsk, tsk."

"What? How can I NOT stare? It's a thing of beauty!" Carter gestured with both hands at my body while grinning at me.

I smirked back and couldn't help posing a bit, exaggerating the angle of my hips. "Don't you have yourself a girlfriend to stare at instead, little brother? What's her name ... Kelly, right?"

"Of course. Actually, I have a NEW girlfriend to stare at," he replied a little smugly.

"Really?" I arched my eyebrow. "What happened with you and Kelly?"

His grin widened. "Still dating her, too."

That got both my eyebrows to rise and I chuckled while shaking my head. "You're such a player."

Carter's eyes glittered as he stared me up and down. Almost in a trance, he intoned seriously, "But even the two of them put together only pale in comparison to the beauty standing before me now.

I felt heat rise into my cheeks – and flood other parts of my body at the same time. It really had been a rough few months for me on the dating front. With the challenges of a new job, the effort that went into not getting a slut reputation at the office, the difficulties in making new friends in a new city, and this whole divorce fallout taking up so much of my free time, I hadn't gotten properly laid since the trip to Europe. Even now I knew I was ovulating as my hormones were at their peak levels, so my arousal was on a hair trigger. As naughty and illicitly incestuous as it had been to fool around with Carter when we were teenagers, I had to admit that the memory of those encounters turned me on. And so with a deep red blush, I smiled demurely and gave him a coy look. My voice was throaty as I murmured, "It still gets me hot when you look at me like that."

After staring at my tits, Carter raised his eyes to meet mine. And with total sincerity, he said, "It still gets ME hot when I look at YOU."

But despite the lustful arousal coursing through my veins, I took a deep breath and put a cap on my hormones. Shaking my head slowly, I turned to continue walking. "So who's this new girlfriend? And does Kelly know about her?"

"She does. It's all good. Anyway, the new girl is named Rebecca. You'd like her, too. You both have much in common."

"Hmm, I'll bet," I glanced at him sideways. "Tall, thin, brunette?"

"Check, check, check."

"Green eyes?"


"Hmm, a lot like Kelly then."

Carter smirked. "A lot like you."

I sighed, thinking back to everything we'd done to each other in high school. When I'd left for college, Carter had still been dating Lana LeGrande. But I kept tabs on him through Mom and found that after Lana there had been five more girlfriends in the last four years, all of them green-eyed brunettes. "Still fantasizing about me when you're fucking her? Kelly OR Rebecca?"

Carter stopped walking and reached out to take my hand, pulling back on it to stop me. As he tugged me around, he placed his other hand on my waist and stepped forward so that we were looking at each other eye-to-eye. And in a serious, weighty voice, he intoned softly, "Always and forever dreaming of you. From the beginning of time till the day I die."

I had to admit to myself that Carter had grown up into quite the dashing and handsome devil. While I may have imagined the little boy he'd been when my eyes were closed, with my eyes open I could see the strong young man he'd grown up to be. Feeling the strength in his hands as he held me, and staring into the deep richness of his eyes as he stared at me with unimaginable intensity, I felt like one of the damsels in distress on the cover of a romance novel. And with his deep voice so sweetly sincere in his profession of love, I felt my knees weakening as the urge to swoon into his arms and let him have his way with me took root in my brain.

But no matter how long I'd been stuck in this dry spell, and no matter how well he'd induced pleasurable orgasms in my body in the past, the fact remained that I considered him my little brother, and I'd sworn to myself I would put our past "fooling around" behind me. So after blinking twice quickly, I averted my eyes and gently pressed on his chest to separate us. And in a quietly steady voice I said, "You're not supposed to say things like that anymore."

Leaning forward, he kept his face within a couple of feet of mine. "You started it," he growled roughly, "asking me whether or not I still fantasize about you."

I didn't have an immediate response to that, so I looked away from him while biting my lip.

With a sigh, Carter let go of me and turned away. I caught my breath and tried to regain my composure while he paced a few steps down the hall before looking up at the ceiling. Moments later, he turned and looked at me with a new expression, one that lacked his previous lust and instead was purely platonic. "Hey, looks like a couple of bulbs burned out. Need me to replace them?"

I looked up where he'd been staring and shook my head with a sigh. "No, actually. Tried that already myself. Something's wrong with the whole electrical section. Both overhead lights and all the wall outlets along that side went down. There's probably a short somewhere."

"When did that happen?"

I shrugged. "About a month ago."

Carter frowned. "A month ago? And Mom hasn't gotten it fixed?"

I winced and put a hand to my forehead, momentarily overwhelmed by everything that was going on. I hadn't been kidding when I said that the fallout from Mom's divorce had been seriously hampering my life. "It's not really a high priority right now," I explained. "To be honest, Mom's cash flow is a little tight."

"A little tight? I thought ... well..." Carter took a deep breath and looked away. "I thought that problem got taken care of."

Feeling my sibling warmth returning to me, I reached up to touch Carter's shoulder as I said softly, "What you did helped a lot. Without you finding those hidden assets, Mom would literally have gotten put out on the street. But even so, Dad kept a lot of things covered up. She got the house and the car, but not that much liquid capital. She's trying to find a job, but it's not easy having been out of work for almost fifteen years. And it's not like 'former model' is all that helpful on one's resume to get a new job when you're forty-five."

"She still looks thirty-five," he replied.

I nodded. "I know, but it's a tough market for her age and experience."

"Well you're doing alright, aren't you?"

"I am. But you already know I moved back into the house."

"Thought that was just to keep Mom company after the divorce."

"Part of it." I shrugged. "But really, money's been tight enough that it made sense financially to give up my apartment and move back here. I've got a good job, and it'll be enough to keep Mom and I afloat. But ... well ... upkeep on something like this little electrical problem just isn't ... isn't..."

"High priority," he finished for me.

I nodded.

Carter scowled and looked away in thought before standing up straight and giving me an even look. "I'll take care of it," he stated confidently.

"That's not why we asked you to visit. It's not necessary."

Carter shook his head and leveled me with an even firmer expression. "I'll take care of it," he insisted. "We're family, aren't we? Family takes care of each other.

My shoulders slumped, I tilted my head to the side, and I breathed a sigh of relief. With a smile, I quickly moved up to him and wrapped my arms around his back. "Thanks, little brother."

Carter groaned immediately and pushed away from me, rolling his eyes. "Okay, seriously, you call me that one more time and I won't take care of it!" he complained.

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A stray beam of sunlight woke me up in the morning, the plantation shutters over the bungalow's east window not quite 100% shut. Although the sun rose higher in the sky this close to the equator, it still had to rise over the horizon. And at this very time, on this very date, at these very coordinates on the globe, the sun's rays came through at just the right angle to hit the very spot where my face was NOT covered by the naked body of the girl sleeping between me and that east...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 2 A Fresh Start

-- SEPTEMBER 26 -- "C'mon you landlubber! Put your back into it!" Aaron urged from behind me. Setting the business end of my pitchfork on the ground, I turned and shot my roommate a look. "Landlubber?" "Brace those halyards! Man off the port bow!" He gave me a goofy grin and shrugged. "We watched Pirates last night; whaddaya want from me?" I rolled my eyes and then shoved my farm tool into one of the stacked bales of hay before me. And without looking I threw an entire bale at...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 1 Meeting

"Flip your hair, Felicia!" James said as he circled me. "Toss it nice and high and give me a -- yes! That look!" James' camera clicked rapidly, a sound I was used to hearing. A sound that, on a good day, gave me a small buzz. I gave him my most sultry look and winked at him. The winking would never make it into a take but the before or after shot might. Winking has an effect on my face, James often told me. He thinks winking puts me in a higher mood. I stood in a small set in James'...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 2 Reuniting

Adrienne and I rarely sleep in the same bed, and last night wasn't any different. When I awoke the next morning, she had already left. A note had been taped to the fridge: LOVE YOU! With a big smiley face drawn underneath. Just as I'd poured myself some breakfast, I heard my phone ringing in another room. I almost thought it wouldn't be worth the effort of getting up and searching, but I decided to get off my lazy butt and answer it. "Probably Rob wanting a booty call," I muttered to...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 3 No Strings

-- NOVEMBER 7 -- "Mmm-wah! Bye, babe." Deedee kissed me before hoisting her backpack over her shoulder as she descended the porch steps and headed for the hills. Today she and some others would be doing maintenance on the trail to the Garden of Eden. They'd be trimming back branches and clearing out rocks, as well as re-carving part of the trail to curb erosion. "Bye," I waved, leaning against the railing as I watched her go. A hand tapped my ass, causing me to jerk up and turn...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 3 Deciding

Adrienne wasn't home after my dinner with Damien, and I ended up having to calm myself down with a small vibrator and my fingers. I thought of driving down to see Ben and have him fuck my brain into oblivion, but I kind of needed my brain intact. Instead, I called Adrienne Saturday morning, and begged her to come up so we could chat. She told me she'd be here around 5PM. I spent the whole day stewing with a nasty anxiety, the kind that only comes from having a big decision to make and not...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 4 Aurora

-- AUGUST 28 -- Even though I hadn't been this way in over three years, I still knew the roads like the back of my hand. Without needing to consult any maps, I left I-5 and headed west from Yreka, cruising along at a comfortable pace. I wasn't in any hurry. The weather was clear and Orientation wouldn't begin for almost two hours. Almost lazily, I guided my beater Chevy Malibu around the winding mountain roads. I let my gaze drift out to the rows upon rows of verdant redwoods that lined...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 5 Conversations

-- NOVEMBER 6 -- "Balcony?" I suggested as Nick and I met up outside the staff cabin. "We'd better hurry, though. The sun is dropping fast." Indeed, Daylight Savings had ended on October 30, and the sun had been setting around 5pm ever since. We had just enough time to hike out there, enjoy the view, and then get back by 5:30pm chow time. Nick checked his watch and nodded to me. He then stepped off the porch and took two steps before turning around and looking back for me. "You gonna...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 4 Changing

Damien and I hammered out a contract over dinner at a place on the west side of San Francisco called Montgomery Servo. It was just as nice as Cheetah's, and Damien brought a guest along, one of his clients from Hollywood: Ryan Spader. I can't even say how convincing it was to see someone like Ryan, a steady B list actor, someone I knew and had heard of, sitting at a dining table with me. All doubts I'd had about Damien vanished. We laughed, drank, and cracked jokes until about 11pm when...

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OSL Morris CampChapter 6 Breakaway

-- NOVEMBER 25 -- I felt someone gently rocking my shoulder and calling my name. "Marie ... Marie..." As unwelcome consciousness flooded my brain, I turned my head and accidently put my face in the direct path of a beam of sunlight. Clenching my eyes shut against the sudden illumination, I flipped over and then blinked my eyes to find Zoey standing over my bunk. "Hey ... You okay? Bad hangover or something?" I stared at her in confusion, not understanding what she meant. But then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 5 Transforming

I slept for about twelve hours. It doesn't happen very often, but I had a night shoot the next day. I only get night shoots when a photographer wants a specific effect that can't be done in a dark studio, but I'm okay with that, they pay more. Damien called me in the afternoon. It was a very odd conversation. His tone made me feel like nothing at all had happened last night, even though he directly mentioned it. He told me that he had thoroughly enjoyed himself and hoped I had, too. Then...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 6 Climbing

A few days after my first night with three men, Damien called me with big news: "You are going to love me for this one, baby. I got you a cover!" I started yelling and almost dropped the phone. Thank goodness I was in my apartment at the time, because someone might have thought I was being raped. I did manage to knock my mug of tea off the kitchen counter when I bumped it with my hip during all the jumping. The crash echoed loudly and I yelped. "What was that?" Damien asked, "Are you...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 7 Awakening

I woke up in the hallway of Damien's building, naked with my robe and pajamas draped over my body like a sheet. My body was exhausted and hung over in a way that I had never imagined possible. Cum and sweat had plastered my hair to my face, and judging from the goopy sticky mess on my face and breasts, I guessed Damien had dumped at least three loads on me during the night, perhaps Ashley had, too. When I finally understood where I was, I jumped to my feet and dressed, then hurried into the...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 8 Seeing

It's amazing how time flies when you're busy. My career had never been better. I think I finally understood how medical residents feel straight out of school when they're asked to work eighty hours a week. If I wasn't running errands, eating, or sleeping, I was working. The FHM magazine eventually hit the stands, and Damien said his phone hadn't stopped ringing since. Even I had to admit, the FHM cover was amazing and took my portfolio to a whole new level. Maxim wanted to book me for a...

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OSL FeliciaChapter 9 Becoming

The next morning I called up Marcos and asked if I could come see him. He told me I could stop by anytime and he'd have room. We went out for lunch at a small café near his building and he cut right to the chase. "What's up?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest and looking at me expectantly. "You dump me because we were both having a bad day. You go with Damien Santos, who I never told you that I despise, and now you call me up as soon as you're getting famous. If you've come...

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OSL New YorkChapter 2 Manhattan

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody groaned, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. And then she resumed rhythmically pumping my shaft in her hands and sucking on the mushroom head as if I'd never interrupted her. My eyes fluttered for...

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OSL New YorkChapter 3 Model United Nations

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2006 -- The elevator dinged, and the LCD display informed us that we'd reached the top floor nightclub. At this time of year, the sun hadn't yet fully disappeared over the horizon despite the late hour of the evening, and dark orange rays reflected off of multiple shiny surfaces up and down the hallway as we stepped off the elevator car. Adrienne led the way, excited and eager for her first true night of socializing since her return to the Big Apple. Moon remained by...

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OSL New YorkChapter 4 M John Fitzherbert III

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2006 -- Even though it was well after midnight, the city lights burned as brightly as they had at 9pm. I stared out the driver's-side window of our taxi watching skyscraper after skyscraper anonymously pass by without recognition. I didn't know where I was, had no clue how much longer it would take, and the urban jungle of Manhattan only amplified my feelings of being lost without direction. Twenty minutes ago I knew who I was, knew who I was with, and knew why I was...

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OSL New YorkChapter 5 Merry Birthday

-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...

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OSL New YorkChapter 6 Model United Nations II

-- FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2006 -- "Salud!" "Prost!" "Kanpai!" "Santé!" Seven glasses clinked together in the middle of the table, the guys chuckling and the girls giggling (even Raven). Sometime over the course of the evening, I'd shared with my co-workers my old tradition of celebrating "cheers" in other languages. So for the past hour or so, actually saying "cheers" or other English salutations had been expressly forbidden, and everyone wracked their brains trying to come up...

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OSL New YorkChapter 7 Montauk

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- I grunted and gripped her tight ass harder, pulling her body against mine despite the viscous resistance surrounding us. Her long, lithe legs scissored behind me, supporting her own weight while she thrashed in our lovemaking. I grunted again and really began to pound her. Our movements were slow, but powerful and steady. I pushed our bodies forward until her backside was pressed up against the far wall – there was a glass partition there that made a distinct...

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OSL New YorkChapter 8 Mistress

-- SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 2006 -- Generally speaking, I consider myself a rather confident young man. I'd gotten laid too many times with too many gorgeous women to ever feel uncomfortable around a pretty face. And yet three steps after walking into the Kwong-residence game room for the second time tonight, I came to an abrupt halt, let my jaw drop to the floor, and felt butterflies in my stomach like I'd turned into a freshman dweeb suddenly face-to-face with the Prom Queen. I wasn't...

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OSL New YorkChapter 9 Madam

-- SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2006 -- I felt something tickle my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake. "Mmph!" somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I'd just shoved my dick an inch into a girl's throat. She couldn't quite take it, gagging before pulling off my prick and coughing. And my eyelids fought for a bit before successfully breaking through overnight crustiness to open so that I could identify my mystery fellatrix. Through slightly bleary eyes, I glanced down to find a...

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Moslem Pig Hunt

She had been away from the village studying art when Farah had married Timsar and from her sister's letters had expected him to be a rather serious, boring man. But the first time she saw him she felt her heart pounding and drew her chador tighter in front of her and self consciously looked away. Yet despite her feelings she still couldn't understand how she had not only been so stupid as to share Timsar's bed while Farah and her mother were at market but had also failed to hear...

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Mosley StationChapter 3

Just seeing the Sergeant Major brought back a flood of memories. Good, Bad and terrifying. We had traveled the same hell paths several times and I still had the occasional nightmares. “Sergeant Major, how are you doing old soldier? What are you doing on this god forsaken wide spot in space?” “Colonel Sir, it’s good to see you again. And in command of your very own garbage scow. Switching from Fleet Marine to Navy, oh how the mighty have fallen.” We grabbed each other and hugged like only...

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Mosley StationChapter 4

The comm monitor remained blank, but a voice came up. “Name and designation?” “Captain Ernst Sheridan, Independent mining ship ‘Yankee Fork’. I need the duty flag officer. This is a priority mayday.” I didn’t use my real name or rank. Just knowing this call code and freq was enough for the first level. I knew they would be doing voice and facial recognition next. “Invalid response, Name and designation.” I expected this, it was a standard delay tactic, while the gears turned and they...

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Mosley StationChapter 5

Fortunately, Sheriff Thaddeus was able to convince the council to include us in that night’s meeting, we were allowed 10 minutes. When we came into the council chambers there was the usual political usual back slapping and veiled insults. the meeting was soon called to order “Good evening ladies and Gentlemen.” The chairman started out, “Sheriff Thaddeus has asked the council to consider hiring Captain Ernst Sheridan as a military consultant. I see no need for a military consultant. But to...

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Mosley StationChapter 6

By this point the folks that were left fell into 3 groups. The sad sacks that didn’t know better, and couldn’t figure it out. Then there were the folks on the other end of the scale. These were the ones that thought wealth, power and notoriety would get them out of trouble. I knew that the first group would probably survive with few, if any, casualties. The second group would, to a man, meet a very unpleasant ending. And quite frankly, I couldn’t care less. The 3rd group was the ones that I...

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Mosley StationChapter 7

On our screens, radar and video, a sleek, black warship came into view. In a cloud of smaller radar returns, fighter craft surrounded the Revenge and started spreading out around Mosley. The Queen Anne’s Revenge was a medium sized destroyer type impulse drive ship. I had seen ships like it in active service with the fleet, after the conflict with Mars. They were a dated design now, but not that dated. I had to wonder where these pirates had obtained such a dangerous ship. And dangerous it...

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Mosley StationChapter 8

Once it became obvious that there wasn’t any resistance to the invasion, Aga Khan decided that a personal inspection of his new prize was in order. Now he obviously avoided the grittier aspects of the station, the bilges and reclamation spaces being absent from the inspection. Areas such as fuel, water and air storage were his first stops. When he realized that the reports were true, that the cupboard was bare so to speak, He flew into a rage. demanding that greater effort and additional...

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Mosley StationChapter 9

The first 48 hours after the invasion were the most difficult. Anybody that was suspected of having a leadership position or having vital knowledge disappeared into the Queen Anne. Very few returned. Those that did were placed on our suspicious list, By Me. If they hadn’t been snitches before, they were now. This included their family members. Actually, I never really had to do anything to these folks. Their friends and neighbors, and in some cases even their own family members were the ones...

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Mosley StationChapter 10

Once Khan and his command group realized that they were going to have to wait for fuel to make their getaway, they started making contingency plans. One of them, to reduce the load on ship resources was to billet their troops on the station. This was limited to the Marines at first, but later some of the lower ratings were also moved. Several large spaces were appropriated and living quarters fashioned in them. This was fine by me. I liked the idea of a lot of my vermin being in one place...

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Mosley StationChapter 11

We had been under their control for a month, when I received a coded burst transmission. It was from my old friend, Cadet Jeremiah Lawson. “Captain Sheridan, this is Jeremiah from the Yankee Fork. We are approaching your location now. The cavalry is on the way sir. We’ll be there in 48 hours.” sweeter words have never been heard. It was now time to force the issue. The countdown had started. The event that I had been waiting for happened the day following Jedidiah’s message. Aga Khan had...

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Mosley StationChapter 12

“Tonight, a special report on FN court TV, the long-awaited trial of Colonel Hezekiah Montgomery, also known as the butcher of Windemere crater. The Admirals Court is being held in the FN chambers on Phobos.” “At issue are the actions of Colonel Montgomery and his pirate gang, Colonel Montgomery, known as Captain Ernest Sheridan, is accused of taking over the famous asteroid belt outpost of Mosley Station. Then when relief efforts organized by Senator Johnson of the Federated Nations Grand...

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Mosley StationChapter 13

Frankly I was disappointed with what followed after my “Trial”. Senator Johnson and Kasamir Singe were arrested by the FN protection Bureau. They were under investigation for the crimes they had accused me of, in their case it was called piracy. There was an additional investigation, by Fleet Intelligence as well as a dozen other agencies that had jurisdiction, into the private acquisition of several state of the art MIRV nuclear explosive devices. I had been asked, very politely, for the...

2 years ago
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Video Slots! Are you looking for a bit of a risk? No, I’m not talking about getting blown by a hooker with a strange wart on her lip. I’m talking about financial risks. Putting your money on the line for the chance to win big bucks or lose it all. Sure, yeah, you could go to a real-life casino, but who the fuck has time for that? You can gamble away your savings from the comfort of your crusty fap den. Hell, you won’t even have to leave your bed if you don’t want to. And the king of online...

Betting Sites
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Rodger me and that Bikini

As a born Adventurer, I was wondering if my pink metallic bikini would have the same effect at home (re:One very small bikini One very big cock)So I waited till Rodger my neighbour was home, perfect weather not to hot, out came the make up and the extreme heeled sandals, strutting round my boudoir in my thong Bikini, I was feeling very naughty,should I tease the neighbour, poor man his wife had gone to Preston to her sick Mother, leaving him at my mercy... all alone!I waited till he was in the...

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My client

Hye, namastay and salam. This is sangeen from peshawar, pakistan. The story which i m going to narrate might not be very good for u but it is not fake fictitious or mere fantasy it’s a 100%real true incident except names and addresses. Well i m a lawyer by profession i m married age 39 years. Its 2 years old occurrence, i got case of divorce from a nearby district mardan where a lady was seeking divorce from her husband. The husband was heroin addict and she wanted get rid of him. I prepared...

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Taken By MistakeChapter 7

I stumbled with this question, but I had to ask. "Did you, I mean ah, did you record when Curtis arrived?" Sally said "Are you asking us if we saw Brut and you on the floor in the den, or the part where he licked you in the yard and you fell back?" I put my hands over my face and I started to cry. Sally put her arm around my shoulder and said "Oh don't cry Linda, you are forgetting we trained Brut, you are not the first to have Brut. As a matter of fact, you are the only woman on our...

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This is written by another but so trueThat is an EXCELLENT question and I am glad you asked! It is a really simple answer to be quite honest. Wearing a cage and a plug is the next step in my sexual evolution. I enjoy dressing and presenting as female, acting as a female during sex, but I am not truly experiencing sex as a female.The reason for that is that I still have my “male” parts aka my cock and my balls. I plan on keeping them, but I need to reprogram my body and mind to react as female....

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Losing my virginity

I'm a 21 year old attractive crossdresser from Mumbai, India. I am sharing a true story of how my roommate turned into a permanent fuck buddy!I've been crossdressing for 10 yrs now and have my own collection of all kinds of stuff you can think of. I moved into the city 2 years back and rented an apartment with a guy called Vishal who I didn't know at the time. The first few days went in unpacking and setting up my room and trying to build a decent rapport with Vishal, have some drinks once a...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 29 The Mud Bath

My parents arrived just after noon dressed up in their church clothes, my dad wearing a suit and tie to the dairy. I had begged the nymphs to let me have something to wear arguing it wouldn’t be good to present myself in the nude although I’d toyed with the idea perhaps because my soul had become a bit nympish by close penetrating association with goddesses. But I pleaded I couldn’t let my parents see my enormous penis. “It will scare them!” They did not relent. I was freaked out. “You look...

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Copyright© 2002 "Three hundred bucks an hour? I gotta be out of my everlovin' mind!" Yet here he was, sitting in the waiting room. Waiting. Vic had arrived twenty minutes early for his appointment. "Mr. Victor?" The middle-aged woman in a crisp nurse's uniform ushered him into the dimly lit room. The only furniture was a low, vinyl-covered padded table. There were what looked like television screens mounted on two of the walls. "You are to undress while you await Mistress...

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BounderChapter 7

At most roadsides there can be found a shrine to Tywusa, Goddess of Travel, Roads, Fate, the future and (indirectly) Luck. Gamblers tend to view her in a masculine aspect, Tywern, Lord of the Dice, but in either identity she, he or it has never paid much attention to me. I try to make my own luck and never depend upon it, which is probably why mine has been rather horrid as a whole for the last year or so. I've never stolen anything from any of her temples or one of her high priests (that...

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Girl From the VillageChapter 4

"What the fuck you looking at? Yeah, I mean you, you with the bitch on your arm!" "Look away," Ginger whispered, putting her head in close, clutching Bruno's arm. "Oh, goddamn, look everyone, here's a gazoony wants to fight. Thinks he can whip me 'cause I'm a woman!" Dandy Jacque posed like a boxer, dancing around on the toes of her black cycle boots, hands made up into fists held up high, bobbing and weaving, coming in, going out, grinning derisively. "Come on you faggot son of...

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Poolside Massage

The morning was hot. Just before lunch, you come out, and I find myself staring in admiration. In a marvelously revealing black and red two-piece suit, you are quite an eyeful. Your stomach is firm and flat, your breasts quiet curves. When you begin to put on your sunblock, I politely asked if you wanted any help. You accept my offer with a smile, and stretch out, face down on your stomach on one of the padded lounge chairs. I rub the cream into your shoulders and your arms, and the tanned...

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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 3

Evening Star's breathing was becoming hard and erratic as she approached her first orgasm induced by anyone other than herself. One more nipple twist and she would explode! There it was! She jerked and writhed in the most pleasurable experience she had ever had. She had heard of this feeling coming once or twice in a woman's life, but had no idea how wonderful it really was. She prayed to the spirits that she might one day feel that again! Doug, of course, knew what had happened to Evening...

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Bro and family

Hi human digest readers, I’m Arasan from Pondicherry. I’m 26years 5.5 feet height and 55 KGs. The girls say I look handsome. But I don’t know how look. Not deviating you, I’m directly coming to the point. High guys and girls, I don’t have guts to express my real sex adventure happened with my sister Mathi when I was in 12th standard. But I’m sharing my real story here. My sister Mathi looks very beautiful and sexy. She is 5.7fts and 36 28 36. Her face is very attractive. I’m unfortunate guy...

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Ana gives up her tight rosebud

I was at work that afternoon, when Jerome, my wife’s black lover, called me. He said that one of his friends was the owner of a strip club downtown. On Thursday nights they had kind of amateur pole dancing show. And the bastard was proposing me to get Anita there to have fun.Of course it was a black club; but Jerome laughed and added that a lot of married white wives went there just for dancing and stripping off on stage in front of black men.Then Anita called me on a video call. I saw she was...

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Blackmailed by friends

I was on Vacation with my husband Kostas and two couples that were friends of us.We stayed in a beatiful hotel and starting having fun all together.I noticed the two men from our group to occasionaly stare at me when i was sunbathing with my swim suit that really was exposing a lot from my breast and my but.Finding this amusing and exciting, knowing for sure that my husband likes this when it happens and enjoying some strong stimulation,i let it pass without giving some attention.Some morning...

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E Is for Exhibitionism

Fundamentals Underlying Nudism / Social Exhibitionism. That was the course title at Suffolk U. But the students and many of the faculty referred to it simply as FUN SEX. They had good reason to do so as the course instructor was Henry Hitherbottom whose previous course was Sexually Abnormal Social Systems ( acronym SASSY ) outlined primitive rituals from Aztec and Cretan sacrifice of virgins to Dionysian Saturnalia to the modern rituals of hazing college co-eds. Features in common included...

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