OSL: FeliciaChapter 6: Climbing free porn video

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A few days after my first night with three men, Damien called me with big news: "You are going to love me for this one, baby. I got you a cover!"

I started yelling and almost dropped the phone. Thank goodness I was in my apartment at the time, because someone might have thought I was being raped. I did manage to knock my mug of tea off the kitchen counter when I bumped it with my hip during all the jumping. The crash echoed loudly and I yelped.

"What was that?" Damien asked, "Are you all right?"

I laughed into the phone as I stepped away from the shards. My feet were bare and the last thing I needed was a trip to the ER.

"I told you you'd move up, didn't I?" he asked.

I wanted to shove my lips through the phone and plant a big kiss on his lips. "Thanks, Damien, you were worth every bit of the move. I love you!"

"Wait. Wait. Wait! I'm not done, girl. The cover is for FHM."

This time I dropped the phone. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I grabbed the nearest chair to support myself. From the floor, I heard Damien's voice. "Felicia, are you okay? You still there?"

After pulling all my unraveled composure back together, I picked up the phone. "How in the hell did you get FHM for me?"

"It was easy. Their next big issue is called "Diamonds in the Rough." Ninety-nine undiscovered models. You are on the cover. I'm so proud of you. I sent them your Fire and Ice photos. I think they called the second after they finished wiping their pants. You've got it, baby."

I had IT. The thought made me giggle and squirm with childish glee. "How can I thank you? I'll do anything you want."

"Don't worry about it. You pay me twenty percent and give awesome head. That's enough for me. But I'm cooking up an awesome surprise for you. No other guys this time. You're going to love it."

Out of coherent words to say, I hung up and jumped, screamed, hollered, and bit on a pillow until I could calm down. I called my parents first. I got my mom and told her the news. Her first question was, "Is it a porno magazine?" When I told her it wasn't, she was thrilled. My dad, of course, knew all about FHM and thought it would be weird to see me on the cover, but he was also excited. Adrienne didn't answer her phone, so I told her to call back because I had HUGE news. Then I texted everyone on my contact list and started cleaning up my spilled tea with shaky hands.

The best thing about the shoot was that Damien was able to secure James as my head photographer. I had to drive down to L.A. for it, but I didn't care at all. I don't think James minded, either. Three photographers were on the set, all doing the FHM models in the same day at the same time. My shots were handled by James. So were thirty-two other girls'.

"Hey darling, are you looking for me?" an older voice asked.

I turned to see Trudy approaching with her large makeup case and my first outfit. I changed into it while she and I chatted excitedly about the cover.

"You're losing weight, aren't you?" she commented while watching me slip into the outfit.

"I don't know, am I?" I looked myself over in the mirror and saw that I indeed had lost a little weight. I wasn't unnaturally thin, but a teeny pinch of flesh had left my stomach, thighs, hips, and ribs. My boobs were fairly untouched, but even my face looked somewhat thinner. "Yeah. Maybe I have."

Trudy knew what a big deal the shoot was for me, so she went out of her way to do an amazing job on my makeup and hair. Then a set coordinator came over to me and discussed different poses and the other outfits they wanted me to wear during the shots. Along with the cover, they planned to interview me and do a four page spread on me as the "number one undiscovered." After speaking with the set coordinator, I was taken to a small corner of the studio where a video camera and chairs had been set up. Another woman named Margie began an interview. We discussed things like my experience in modeling, my backup plans, my likes and dislikes about men and sex, and other hobbies I enjoyed. She was a natural interviewer, and I found myself quickly spilling things that I normally wouldn't say in interviews. I made sure to give nothing away about Damien and myself, but I gave her some awfully candid answers that my mother might blush at when the issue hit the stands.

Not long later, my first shoot began. Damien showed up moments before. I knew he'd come to see my first cover. The aura he brought just by smiling at me filled me with an amazing energy. I dazzled the camera and James. I sent every lusty fuck signal I could to the lens, even making James, who normally is quite the stoic photographer, have to adjust his pants. Damien gave me a sly thumbs up when James finally called it a wrap and told me to go change into my next outfit.

"How's it going? You're looking good out there," Damien said. James walked past us to set up the next camera and throw a new card in his memory deck. "Don't need any help do you?"

I knew he meant to ask if I needed coke, but I didn't. He followed me to the changing room and watched me with greedy eyes as I slipped into my next outfit, a black tight pair of panties with a white bra. Then we went back to Trudy for new makeup.

"Don't let me forget," Damien added, "it's payday today. Before you go I've got your collections from the last few weeks."

I grinned greedily and clapped my hands. "Money, money, money!"

Damien and Trudy both chuckled at me. He stayed and chatted with us while Trudy worked, then headed over to schmooze with the FHM folks and some other models. When Trudy finished, I wandered around the set for a bit, chatting with a couple other girls who were sipping on water or diet sodas. All of us were fairly new in the business, only a handful of years or less, but almost everyone I talked to saw this as a big break.

A group of ten of us were gathered around watching the shoots and gossiping about things we'd heard around the town when one of the girls complained about her leg itching. I'd caught her name already: Margaret. She was a skinny girl, not too tall, but with big eyes, healthy breasts, and a nice bright smile that matched her silky reddish brown hair. When she leaned down to scratch her leg, she smacked her head hard on the table.

I left the group of staring girls and went to help Margaret. "Are you all right?" I asked. Her eyes were a little out of focus for a minute.

"She needs ice! Hurry!" I told her makeup girl, then helped Margaret back into her chair from where she'd hit the floor. Several other studio hands were running over to see what the commotion was, including James and Trudy.

Margaret held her head with her hand, swearing at herself. Between her fingers I could see a nice lump forming. "Where's the ice!?" I asked.

Margaret's makeup girl arrived with an ice pack and I helped apply it. The chief art director came over and examined the bump and determined that she could still pose if the lump stopped swelling soon. He decided they could bump her number to last in the shoot and edit out any residual swelling that didn't go down by then. Margaret gave me a little pout and said, "Thanks, Felicia, I owe you one."

I gave her a little hug and then heard my name being called for another session with James. The second part of my shoot lasted thirty minutes. Then I headed back to change and wait again. I found Margaret and sat with her. The swelling had gone down quite a bit, almost back to normal but with a nice green and purple spot right at the top of the lump. She thanked me again and we launched into chit-chat about our careers.

"I'm too small for the business," she commented with a sad smile. "The only reason I got this bit is because I know one of the editors of FHM. I haven't even told my agent that. I've got her—my agent, I mean—looking into some other stuff. I've got a scene in some Hustler series in a month. I mean, I can decide to drop if I want, but I don't know. I need the money."

"Have you done porn before?" I asked her.

"No." When she shook her head, the ice bag rattled and sloshed, and she almost dropped it.

I watched her eyes and could see the uncertainty in them. She didn't want to do porn, I could tell. "Why do it, then? That's a really tough industry, too."

"Yeah, but I'm not really good at anything else. I tried waitressing, but I always messed up orders. I was a secretary, but my boss fired me because I wouldn't go down on him ... and I sucked at my job. Porn doesn't care how tall you are. Everyone wears big stilettos and ends up on their backside."

I chuckled at her comment. "Yes, that's true. You just have to decide for yourself if that's something you can live with doing. My mom and dad sat me down when I told them I was going into modeling. Lots of girls go from acting or modeling into porn. They asked me if I wanted to have kids, and I said yes, someday I do. They asked me how I would feel if my mom had been a porn star and all the kids in school had seen her naked and having sex with lots of men or women. The thought of being teased like that mortified me, and I decided I would never do anything nude. Even the artsy stuff some actresses do, all they're remembered for is the nude scenes. It made sense to me."

Margaret's eyes were so full of adoration, it was almost scary. "Wow. I never thought about all that stuff. I want to have kids, too." Then her eyes brimmed with tears. "But I'm not even good at modeling!" She pointed to her forehead and started to sob.

I took her hand in mine and held it, then pulled her close for a hug. A couple of the models across the set stared at me like I was crazy. I ignored them. "You'll find something you like. Don't worry. You're what, twenty?"

"Eighteen," she stated through her tears. "But I'm almost nineteen."

"Have you thought about college?"

She shook her head. "I'm not very smart. I did well in art stuff, but math and English were HORRIBLE. I don't know. Maybe my kids won't find out. If I use a soodoname ... I just need the money so I can pay my rent."

I let her faux pas slide. Then an idea struck me. "I'm actually looking for a permanent roommate. If you're looking to save a few bucks, you could move in with me-- well, if you're not really obnoxious, messy, and don't have pets."

Margaret looked at me and sniffed. She looked so young and pathetic, I almost laughed. "I don't even really know you that well. Seriously? I'd love to come by the place and see it, you know, check it out."

"Sure, why not come over tonight and have a look. I have a girl, another model, she's a part-time resident. But she'd probably just sleep in my bed." I gave Margaret a wink.

"Oh shit, are you a lesbian?" She covered her mouth.

"No, but I do enjoy fooling around."

I wasn't sure if Margaret was horrified or astounded. She coughed and then sputtered. "I'm sorta like that, too, but everyone tried to convince me I must be a lesbian if I like kissing girls. I mean, I've never gone all the way, but at parties I've made out with girls to impress guys."

I smiled. She was in no way shape or form a lesbian. But still, any girl had potential. "So follow me back to my place tonight and I'll show you around. If you say no, I really won't care."

"Cool. Thanks."

We continued talking until James summoned me yet again for the third part. The shoot grew more difficult as the day wore on. It's hard keeping the energy up for such a long time. Models really can't eat heavy food the day of a shoot because of bloating and stomach pooching and all that, so all I could have was caffeine, and my body was beginning to get sick of riding the highs and lows of caffeine's effect. I knew if I didn't keep up my performance, Damien would try to get me to take more coke, and I didn't want any. However, during my fourth shoot I felt my energy really waning, and sure enough, Damien pulled me aside.

"You look bored, Felicia," he said. "You can't look bored in FHM. You can't look bored ever. What's the matter? This is your shot."

"I know. I know. I know." I gave him my best smile. "I'll get it done. Sorry."

I wanted to tell him that between the increased number of shoots, the added stress of his management style, and the regular fuck sessions in his penthouse were starting to wear me down, but I couldn't say any of this. I saw James glance over in our direction as he waited for me to return to the set for the session. Not wanting to keep him waiting or make any of the FHM people angry, I hurried Damien out of site and took a long snort of the blow in his pouch. The wave hit me hard and suddenly I was back.

At the end of the session, most of the models had left and the crew members were either standing around talking to girls or striking the set. Margaret sat on a chair waiting for me to finish. James and several others congratulated me on my accomplishment and on the great photos, then Damien sauntered up with a big grin. "I'm pretty sure you're going to be hearing from FHM again. But we'll see. Let me give you your checks."

He pulled out an envelope from his inner pocket and handed them over. I thumbed through the small stack of eight checks: one for each week of hard work. As I looked over the amounts written to me from Damien, I noticed that more than the twenty percent had been deducted from the fees from the photographers. I asked Damien about it and he didn't seem surprised at all.

"Yeah, handling fees, babe. You don't think the blow you use on set is free, do you?" The expression on my face made me feel stupid for even asking. "You don't think I come to your shoots for free, do you? While I was here today, I was setting you up with new gigs. That's more than worth an extra five or ten percent, right?"

It made sense to me ... sort of. In the back of my mind, I knew he was being slightly unethical, but at the same time, the checks in my hand (like he'd promised) were almost double what I'd earned in two months with Marcos. Why should I complain? Damien excused himself quickly, saying he had some arrangements to pull together. Once he'd left, James came over to me.

"Everything okay?" he asked. The tone in his voice and the expression on his face told me of his concern. I stopped and considered him longer than I normally would. I hit me that I took him and Trudy for granted. They were good friends. And James was handsome, not on the level of Rob or Damien, but sort of a everyman type of good-looking. He had a trustworthy, honest face. This was also the first time I realized that he wasn't as scrawny as I'd initially thought. Yes, he was slender, but one look at his arms holding a case of lenses made me see that he had taut, wiry muscles that were strong and quick.

"It's fine. Don't worry about me."

James' eyes followed the direction of Damien. "If he's not treating you right—"

"No, really, he is. Everything's fine."

James nodded, but he didn't believe me. "Let me just say—and you know I don't give out advice often—I think you deserve someone better than him and the way he treats you."

Same as OSL: Felicia
Chapter 6: Climbing Videos

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Mosley StationChapter 3

Just seeing the Sergeant Major brought back a flood of memories. Good, Bad and terrifying. We had traveled the same hell paths several times and I still had the occasional nightmares. “Sergeant Major, how are you doing old soldier? What are you doing on this god forsaken wide spot in space?” “Colonel Sir, it’s good to see you again. And in command of your very own garbage scow. Switching from Fleet Marine to Navy, oh how the mighty have fallen.” We grabbed each other and hugged like only...

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Mosley StationChapter 4

The comm monitor remained blank, but a voice came up. “Name and designation?” “Captain Ernst Sheridan, Independent mining ship ‘Yankee Fork’. I need the duty flag officer. This is a priority mayday.” I didn’t use my real name or rank. Just knowing this call code and freq was enough for the first level. I knew they would be doing voice and facial recognition next. “Invalid response, Name and designation.” I expected this, it was a standard delay tactic, while the gears turned and they...

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Mosley StationChapter 5

Fortunately, Sheriff Thaddeus was able to convince the council to include us in that night’s meeting, we were allowed 10 minutes. When we came into the council chambers there was the usual political usual back slapping and veiled insults. the meeting was soon called to order “Good evening ladies and Gentlemen.” The chairman started out, “Sheriff Thaddeus has asked the council to consider hiring Captain Ernst Sheridan as a military consultant. I see no need for a military consultant. But to...

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Mosley StationChapter 6

By this point the folks that were left fell into 3 groups. The sad sacks that didn’t know better, and couldn’t figure it out. Then there were the folks on the other end of the scale. These were the ones that thought wealth, power and notoriety would get them out of trouble. I knew that the first group would probably survive with few, if any, casualties. The second group would, to a man, meet a very unpleasant ending. And quite frankly, I couldn’t care less. The 3rd group was the ones that I...

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Mosley StationChapter 7

On our screens, radar and video, a sleek, black warship came into view. In a cloud of smaller radar returns, fighter craft surrounded the Revenge and started spreading out around Mosley. The Queen Anne’s Revenge was a medium sized destroyer type impulse drive ship. I had seen ships like it in active service with the fleet, after the conflict with Mars. They were a dated design now, but not that dated. I had to wonder where these pirates had obtained such a dangerous ship. And dangerous it...

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Mosley StationChapter 8

Once it became obvious that there wasn’t any resistance to the invasion, Aga Khan decided that a personal inspection of his new prize was in order. Now he obviously avoided the grittier aspects of the station, the bilges and reclamation spaces being absent from the inspection. Areas such as fuel, water and air storage were his first stops. When he realized that the reports were true, that the cupboard was bare so to speak, He flew into a rage. demanding that greater effort and additional...

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Mosley StationChapter 9

The first 48 hours after the invasion were the most difficult. Anybody that was suspected of having a leadership position or having vital knowledge disappeared into the Queen Anne. Very few returned. Those that did were placed on our suspicious list, By Me. If they hadn’t been snitches before, they were now. This included their family members. Actually, I never really had to do anything to these folks. Their friends and neighbors, and in some cases even their own family members were the ones...

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Mosley StationChapter 10

Once Khan and his command group realized that they were going to have to wait for fuel to make their getaway, they started making contingency plans. One of them, to reduce the load on ship resources was to billet their troops on the station. This was limited to the Marines at first, but later some of the lower ratings were also moved. Several large spaces were appropriated and living quarters fashioned in them. This was fine by me. I liked the idea of a lot of my vermin being in one place...

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Mosley StationChapter 11

We had been under their control for a month, when I received a coded burst transmission. It was from my old friend, Cadet Jeremiah Lawson. “Captain Sheridan, this is Jeremiah from the Yankee Fork. We are approaching your location now. The cavalry is on the way sir. We’ll be there in 48 hours.” sweeter words have never been heard. It was now time to force the issue. The countdown had started. The event that I had been waiting for happened the day following Jedidiah’s message. Aga Khan had...

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Mosley StationChapter 12

“Tonight, a special report on FN court TV, the long-awaited trial of Colonel Hezekiah Montgomery, also known as the butcher of Windemere crater. The Admirals Court is being held in the FN chambers on Phobos.” “At issue are the actions of Colonel Montgomery and his pirate gang, Colonel Montgomery, known as Captain Ernest Sheridan, is accused of taking over the famous asteroid belt outpost of Mosley Station. Then when relief efforts organized by Senator Johnson of the Federated Nations Grand...

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Mosley StationChapter 13

Frankly I was disappointed with what followed after my “Trial”. Senator Johnson and Kasamir Singe were arrested by the FN protection Bureau. They were under investigation for the crimes they had accused me of, in their case it was called piracy. There was an additional investigation, by Fleet Intelligence as well as a dozen other agencies that had jurisdiction, into the private acquisition of several state of the art MIRV nuclear explosive devices. I had been asked, very politely, for the...

1 year ago
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Video Slots! Are you looking for a bit of a risk? No, I’m not talking about getting blown by a hooker with a strange wart on her lip. I’m talking about financial risks. Putting your money on the line for the chance to win big bucks or lose it all. Sure, yeah, you could go to a real-life casino, but who the fuck has time for that? You can gamble away your savings from the comfort of your crusty fap den. Hell, you won’t even have to leave your bed if you don’t want to. And the king of online...

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God of LoveChapter 39 Climbing

The next day, Lucas woke up in the morning excited. Today would be a great day, he thought. Yesterday was a great day. He approached May and helped her with her problem. He also managed to get closely involved with a schoolmate. Clovis left May’s apartment yesterday with the tail between his legs. She had done a good job of persuading him. After that, she followed him to retrieve Amy, and Lucas simply went home to sleep. He didn’t need to do anything else, May was able to handle the rest,...

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The Climb

We were just rounding the corner, coming up on the flat face of rock that appeared to have little to no holds at first glance. It was an E4 climb, E for extreme. We had passed many similar climbs that I would have liked to have attempted, but Melissa kept pressing onwards, literally to the point where the path ran out and we were faced with a twenty-foot drop onto the upper reaches of the trees below.“This will do,” she announced.I looked up at the rock face then I looked at her.“Why this one?”...

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Lollobrigidian Climb

Sofia was ... how old? She was younger than my mother, but a few years older than me. This was true at the time of all women with breasts and hips, with skin I imagined soft as butter and lips that needed no lipstick to be kissed. All the women I saw on the bus, the train, on the street, everywhere. What was it like, I wondered with desire, to be a woman who needs only look in the mirror and see her own breasts, begging to be sucked? At the time it was said that the French Academy would...

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Jeffs Daughter Part Three

Part III The first images pop up on the screen as Caitlyn climbs on Jeff's cock. “ Ohhh fuck!” he groaned as his tool slides easily into the sexy brunette. “Mmmm, I love it.” Caitlyn moans as her pink tunnel is filled. “ There she is Jeff. She's got a lot of potential to be as big a whore as Caitlyn and Jessica here” I proclaim. Referring to the women on the screen on her hands and knees with her head in a mans crotch, her ass and pussy exposed. “ Nice looking pussy.” He said, getting a...

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A Week At Papaws chap 4

Wednesday – Punishment and Submission – A Day Away Waking up the next morning, I again can hear Leah in the kitchen. I open the drawer on my night stand and take out another wrist strap. Then it is off to the kitchen to begin another day with my new pet. As I enter the kitchen, again Leah lowers herself to her knees and waits for me to speak. I walk in and sit at the table with the wrist strap in my robe pocket, take her face in my hand and say, “Yesterday was very good, lil one, but there were...

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Dr Jekyll and Slutty Erica Hyde

My name is Doctor Henry Jekyll. For years I’ve been studying the female body trying to understand it’s every need from having sex with random women to having sex with my own wife. Yet, I was no closer to finding anything to understand it. Finally I thought I found a solution to the problem. My answer was a big huge cock. Women love huge cock. So I took to my lab to create serum that will give an average man or less average man a huge cock. After a year of research and testing, I thought I had...

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Practice Makes Pervert

Practice Makes Pervert By David Terry Terry had spent the day trying to come up with a solution to the problem that he shared with his best friend Dave. They were seventeen and still virgins. The evening before they had talked for hours about how they had ended up this way and what to do about it. Dave felt that it was mostly a problem of opportunity. The two of them were not members of any of the social clinics at school. They were not nerdy enough to be geeks, to small to...

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Lorileft turn Clyde

Andy's mind was churning like mad thinking of every possible solution. He had to keep Ken as an ally even though the man was a liar, cheat and the most unscrupulous man he had ever met. Andy mused over the fact Ken also controlled his family. He shuddered with the realization that the man could make his wife do anything to satisfy his perverted desires. Not only that, Andy thought, now Ken also controlled his dearest Julia. The memory of the all‑night affair Lori and Julia endured with Ken...

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She was wild 1

Hi friends this is vincy once again.to tell you guys how i was fucked by my friends sister.after the first session,she was not happy because she was not satisfied fully,and it was my 1st fuck of my life.now i was tired she got up went to bath room cleaned her self and returned with 2 glasses a whisky 1/4 and bottle of beer. I asked for what it was,she asked me what would i prefer, i took beer,before that i washed my self and had a glass of beer, she to sipped and said ,she would teach me lots...

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My Didi My Goddess My Queen 8211 Part III

As Didi left my room , I was overjoyed at the prospects of seeing her tonight .All alone , my Goddess , my queen had consented to come to me .. had agreed to sleep with me … was it real ..or I was dreaming … the one woman whom I so much liked ..just the thought of her would make my cock hard like an iron rod….whose swaying hips would sway my whole being ..on whose thought and imaginations I had shagged my lund numerous times … was coming alone ..all alone to me in my room tonight …in my arms...

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Tara Trophy Wife Life Part 3

They owned the living room now, playing video games, smoking and drinking, no coasters, no ashtrays and no manners. "Hey guys, can you please not make a mess?" She pleaded with them. They laughed. "Tell you what, Mrs. Benson. Why don't you come over here and feed me one of those cookies? Make sure I don't drop any crumbs." He patted his lap to encourage her. Tara was beyond caring that she was more than half naked. She simply did as was asked of her, stepping around the coffee...

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First Craigslist Spanking More Than I Ever Expected

When I was seventeen, I came up with the less than brilliant idea that it would be fun to walk around the neighborhood at night with no pants on. It was fun because I would experience spontaneous orgasms.  One day my luck ran out. I was caught by Mr. Harris, who gave me the choice of a spanking or being turned over to the police.  I choose spanking and it left a lasting impression.For years, I fantasized being spanked by a man again but didn't know how to arrange it.  Then about twenty years...

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Beating the Summer Heat

I've never hated summer, in my 23 years of life more than i did, the day i had to bike seven and a half miles home from work. Due to a recent malfunction with my car, i was left with riding my brother's bike as the only option to make it for work at 3 am, since no buses start that early. Now biking towards home, in the 115 degree weather, I had begun to regret even going into work that day. After a solid thirty minutes of riding, i decided it was too hot to continue and stopped at...

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A Limo And A Rose

Buzz... It is early Saturday morning and I am still fuzzy with sleep as I walk to the door to see who is calling so early. I peak out through the window and see a local delivery service there. He is holding an envelope, a shirt box and a red rose. I look quickly down at what I am wearing and decide that I can open the door in this long white nightie that I have on. I use the door to block myself somewhat and smile at the deliveryman as he hands me the rose, the box and the envelope. There is...

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Daddies Girls

Well to start with I am 40years old, I have been a widower for the last 5 years, my wife dying in a car accident. My parents are dead and all I have left is 1 child my lovely daughter and my sister and her two children. My daughter is 20years old now and lives in town, with my sister. After my wife died we both sought of kept to ourselves, tho my memories would still flood in of my little girl. On the other hand, my sister is 32years old and has 2 daughters, on her own, her husband died of...

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Surviving 2Chapter 19 Autumn 876 AD winterspring 877AD

Scott's girls admitted they had found the experience of the battle in Fife traumatic, particularly watching the Saxons being bombarded by the trebuchets when they had nowhere to run. They had also badly missed little David who had been left behind with Hella. Scott thought to re-assure them by telling them they wouldn't have to go again, only to find himself under attack, the girls adamant that they would set an example to the other Dalriada women. It seemed to be a case of 'it's a tough...

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