- 3 years ago
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The next day at the office, Julie threw herself into her daily work, using it as a distraction. To some extent it succeeded. But she couldn’t fill every moment of her day with enough pressing issues to keep the night before from forcing its way into her thoughts.
She couldn’t help noticing that Greg had not emailed her. Why not? Was it a case of not wanting to get dragged into a messy situation? A messy divorce? Was he truly only interested in her as long as there was plenty of good sex to be had and, now that they had gotten caught, he was cutting her loose? Moving on to the next married woman?
Or was he leaving it up to Julie? She was the one who had the most to lose. If anyone was going to take the risk of making contact after getting caught, it should be her, right?
Julie wondered what would happen if she simply didn’t call him or contact him again. They would still have contact through work, but Greg had always been very discrete about their affair in their professional environment. Would Greg simply let it all go?
How long before there was another woman on her knees in front of him? Of course, Julie had no reason to think that there hadn’t been other women all along. There was nothing exclusive about their relationship. He could have been screwing other women on nights when Gary was home and Julie couldn’t make arrangements to see him.
Would it bother her to know that there had been? Maybe if she had to confront it, if there was proof that he had. But otherwise, no.
What about tonight? Julie was going to be facing Gary, trying to explain why she did what she had, trying to keep their lives from coming completely unraveled. And where would Greg be? Would he be sitting in a parked car getting a blow job? Would he be slipping quietly into the bed of some other married woman?
The thought angered her somewhat. They had both had the fun, but now it looked like the price to be paid was on Julie alone. Greg had lost nothing more than a piece of ass. Even if Julie was a good one, he could find another. If he hadn’t already.
That thought decided it for her. She made no effort to email or call him. Even if she wasn’t bitter about bearing the brunt of the consequences, it just wasn’t a good idea to talk to him again. Not if she wanted any chance of saving her marriage.
When she got to the house, her house, their house, it didn’t feel at all like coming home. Julie didn’t even park in the garage. She parked in the driveway, like a visitor. She didn’t go in through the garage either, instead walking around to the front door. She hesitated there, almost rang the doorbell.
She felt no more at home inside the house either. Gary was waiting for her, sitting at the kitchen table, a drink in front of him. Julie sat down across from him. He looked up briefly, then looked away. He either couldn’t meet her eyes or didn’t want to. It stung Julie as harshly as any words could have.
‘Gary,’ she began, hoping she wouldn’t start crying again. ‘I’m so sorry. I never meant to… to do anything… to hurt you…’ her voice trailed off, her words sounding so trite, so cliché.
‘How long?’ he asked directly, looking up at her. There was no compassion in his eyes. They were cold. Julie blinked. The dead look in his eyes threw her off and she couldn’t grasp the meaning in his question. ‘How long were you and…’ He paused. Was he expecting Julie to give Greg’s name? ‘How long were you fucking him?’
Julie should have expected the question. It was probably one that every victim of infidelity asked.
‘Six months,’ she answered, her eyes cast down, her voice quiet, subdued.
‘Six months?’ he echoed in disbelief. Was it six months? Julie wasn’t sure. Maybe it was longer, maybe it was shorter. Did it matter?
‘Were there others?’ That question also should have been expected. But it hit her like a ton of bricks, left her dumbstruck. Did Gary really believe…? Well, she chastened herself, she had destroyed his trust. Why shouldn’t he believe the worst was possible?
‘No,’ she said simply, eyes still on the table in front of her.
They went on that way, question and answer for a half hour. Gary showed very little emotion throughout. His questions were all ones that Julie should have known were coming, but somehow they all still managed to surprise her.
When he finished his interrogation, Gary fell silent. He simply sat across the table from her without speaking for fifteen or twenty minutes.
‘I don’t know what to do,’ he said at last. ‘I need some time.’ Julie nodded automatically. She didn’t know what he meant, but her conscience told her that she was the one who had committed the wrong. She had to defer to Gary.
She told him that she could probably stay with Ashlee for a little while. Ashlee had in fact offered to let Julie stay, if necessary. He seemed to accept that absently.
‘Wasn’t it enough?’ he asked. ‘Everything we had? Wasn’t it enough?’ Julie could finally see some emotion starting to slip out from behind Gary’s mask of detachment. Her head fell forward, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.
‘It’s not like that,’ she protested, her voice tight as a lump suddenly formed in her throat. But wasn’t it? If what she and Gary had was truly enough, would she be in this predicament?
Did Gary sense it too? He didn’t press the issue.
‘I need some time,’ he reiterated. ‘Maybe a week or two. I don’t know.’
And that was how they left it. She went to the bedroom and packed a suitcase. A week or two… it seemed like an eternity, but what could she do? Maybe the pain she had caused him would fade a little and they could talk again.
She tried to embrace him before she left, but he turned away. She kissed the side of his face, her tears falling on him and then retreated.
Julie deserved that rebuke and she knew it. But had she dared to hope that maybe Gary would soften a little toward her? So soon? If she had, it was a foolish hope. She had hurt him badly, probably destroyed forever any chance that he could trust her. And torn his life apart every bit as badly as she had hers.
Julie returned to Ashlee’s apartment, her heart heavy and despairing. At the moment, it didn’t seem likely that Gary could forgive her, that there was any chance of saving their marriage. True, he only said he needed time to think. But how much could a week or two possibly temper his anger at her betrayal? How much could a year or two, for that matter, diminish his mistrust? There were some doorways that, once you passed through them, you could never go back.
Ashlee was sympathetic and compassionate, listening to Julie without judgment. But her curiosity began to get the better of her and Julie found Ashlee asking for more details. How did she meet Greg? How long did Julie know him before they got intimate? How did that first intimate encounter come about? How had he convinced the happily married woman that Julie supposedly was to sleep with him?
Julie tried to answer Ashlee’s questions, in general terms at least. But how could Julie explain things she didn’t fully comprehend herself? Sure, the last few months with Greg she could explain. Once Julie had experienced the heights that Greg made possible, it was easy to see why she would keep going back for more. But what had induced her to do it in the first place? What weakness in her had Greg found? Exploited?
And the fact that she had let him find it, exploit it… what did that say about how happily married she was? These thoughts ran through Julie’s mind even as she tried to answer Ashlee’s questions.
Julie wanted to save her marriage, her relationship with Gary. That was real. Greg was… a source of excitement, sure. But there was no substance there. Gary was the one she loved and wanted to stay with. Even if the possibility existed with Greg, she wouldn’t choose him over Gary, would she?
Julie didn’t dwell on that thought.
It was moot. Gary was her husband. The man with whom she had exchanged vows. To Greg, Julie was a conquest. Another mountain on which he had staked his flag.
That particular night, Ashlee kept her questions general, non-intrusive. But Julie could see in Ashlee’s eyes the curiosity, the urge to pry, to get the hot gossip straight from the source.
The next day, Friday, Julie’s circumstances hit her harder than before. Tonight would be the first time in quite a while that she and Gary wouldn’t be going out for their usual Friday night dinner. Sure, they missed weeks from time to time because of their jobs or other obligations. But this was the first time in a long, long time Julie could remember that they could go, but weren’t going to. For some reason the interruption of that trivial ritual hit her harder than having spent the last two nights sleeping away from home. From Gary.
Ashlee had a date, so Julie was basically left alone. It was a strange feeling. She probably did need time alone to think. She just didn’t want it juxtaposed with some part of her old life, her old routine.
Julie wondered how Gary was handling this first Friday apart. Should she call him? She felt horribly guilty about destroying one more part of his life that was comfortable and counted on. She really should call, right? But he had said he wanted time alone. Time to think. Would it do more harm than good to call?
Julie picked up the phone, hesitated, put it down, then picked it up again. Finally, she dialed, resolving that, if he did answer, she would ask him if he wanted to go out to dinner with her tonight. It was probably a bad idea. He might consider it salt in the wound. But surely he was missing their normal routine too, wasn’t he?
But Gary didn’t answer. Julie debated for a moment about leaving a message, then hung up. He would see her number on the phone. If he wanted to talk to her, he would call back. Now there was nothing to do but sit and think and wait.
Julie had put herself in Gary’s shoes a hundred times in the last couple of days. Would she be in a hurry to forgive him if their roles were reversed? It wasn’t just about forgiveness, she had realized. There was the violation of trust. Whether the wronged party forgave the other or not, there was no chance they would ever forget. Could a marriage survive under those circumstances?
How could Julie convince Gary to give her the chance?
Julie just didn’t know. In his place, she wouldn’t be in a hurry to give a second chance, she admitted. But if he didn’t… Then what?
Julie wondered again about Greg and what he was doing in the wake of what for her was calamity and for him was probably little more than an inconvenience. Was he with another woman tonight? And if he was, did Julie even care?
In her shame and guilt, Julie had seemingly lost all the sexual urges that had made her Greg’s toy. At the moment, Julie couldn’t picture herself ever feeling the way she had about sex ever again.
No, that wasn’t entirely true, was it? If Gary took her back, Julie would never look back, of course. Their sex life had never been bad, after all.
But what if there was no saving their marriage? What then? Julie was only now starting to ponder what that might mean in terms other than what she would be losing. What if it meant she could see Greg whenever she wanted? Spend nights with him without guilt or anxiety?
It was a completely unrealistic and dangerous line of thinking. Gary had been hers in ways that Greg would never be. To imagine Greg replacing Gary in an equivalent relationship was absurd.
But the idea of seeing Greg any time she wanted…
Julie cursed the weakness of her body, her willpower. How could she even be thinking of anyone other than Gary?
But, the dark side of her mind countered, Gary was almost certainly going to divorce her, right? And if that was the case, what was the point in wallowing in grief and guilt, waiting for his inevitable judgment?
It was a ridiculous rationalization and Julie immediately recognized it for what it was. Still, she was unable to totally dismiss it. It tugged at her even as she reminded herself over and over again that all she wanted was another chance with her husband.
Could Gary ever forgive her? And, more importantly, if he could, would he ever trust her again? Was there a real chance for them to save their marriage?
Julie found herself thinking about the moment Gary actually caught her. That exact moment was like a collage of things that Julie didn’t do for him. It made her cringe to think about what Gary would have thought about that.
She and Gary rarely had sex doggie style. Julie was never so vocal with Gary, perhaps because she never came so explosively with him. Julie couldn’t remember a single time with Gary that she had gone down on him after he had been inside her either.
And all of those things were really only secondary, weren’t they? Gary might have noticed all of that, sure. But Julie knew what he had definitely seen.
Julie had wanted Greg to cum in her mouth. She had taken his cock in her mouth dripping with anticipation of tasting his orgasm on her tongue. She had willingly, gratefully swallowed it all. And she had been so turned on by it that she had fingered herself to an orgasm before his cock even started to soften. Gary had certainly taken note of how willingly she let Greg cum in her mouth. And he most definitely would have noticed that she swallowed. In all their time together, Julie had never done that for him.
Gary had stood there and watched her behave like a complete slut, act like a sleazy porn star. How could he ever reconcile that image with the Julie he knew? The woman who gave him blow jobs only on special occasions? Who left the room to spit out his cum afterward?
It made Julie wonder what would happen if he took her back? Would he expect her to be like that with him? Could she be? Could she will herself to do things with Gary the way she had with Greg?
It was an interesting point and Julie was pretty sure she knew the answer. She didn’t choose to be the way she was with Greg. It was a response to him, his dominance, his expectations. If Gary didn’t have that… well…
So how much of a factor should sex be, anyway? If everything with Gary was as close to perfect as she could ask for, and the sex was at least average, wasn’t that all enough?
But suppose that Gary did want to work things out. Obviously, the first thing she would have to do is swear that she would never betray his trust again. That meant that the only sex she would have was with Gary. At the time she had said her vows, that was the way she wanted it. But now, knowing what she knew about herself and the way she could respond to a man like Greg, was she sure that was still true?
Despite any bitterness Julie might have harbored toward Greg, did Julie believe she could go the rest of her life without ever knowing those heights of ecstasy again? And who else but Greg could take her there? Sure, there might be plenty of other men who could, but Julie wasn’t about to start hopping from bed to bed in search of such a man. She was either going to stay with Gary and forget that brief period of her life, or she was going to see Greg again and experience those highs again at his hands.
Again, that sneaky voice in the back of her mind was whispering to her that Gary wasn’t going to take her back anyway. She might as well see Greg again.
It was an awful thought and she loathed herself for even having thought it, no matter how unlikely she would ever act on it. But the real problem was the whisper was getting to her. It was the voice the ex-smoker had to contend with after catching a whiff of a cigarette. It was the voice that perverted logic. The voice that convinced recovering alcoholics to take a drink.
It was a dangerous voice. One that, even though all the facts were against it, it could still fi
nd a way to argue its point. And the real power of the voice, of course, was that the person wanted what it was selling. It was the con man playing on wants and desires, knowing which strings to pull, which buttons to push. A very dangerous voice.
Julie thought about her life with Gary and how much she wanted all of that back again. She was willing to give up the carnal pleasures of the past few months, wasn’t she? She was pretty sure. Except for that damn whispering voice.
She was still sitting on the sofa, wrestling with her thoughts when Ashlee came back. It was a bit early and Julie said as much.
‘I decided to cut my losses,’ replied Ashlee and went on to explain that the date had gone badly from the beginning and she would have come home sooner if there had been an earlier opportunity to excuse herself. ‘So what are you doing?’
‘Just thinking,’ Julie replied, honestly enough. Ashlee nodded and sat down in the chair adjacent Julie.
‘Hear from Gary at all?’
‘No,’ Julie said with a sigh. ‘Not really expecting to either. At least not so soon,’ she added with a shrug.
‘What about the other guy?’
‘Greg?’ Julie asked, surprised by Ashlee’s question. Why would she wonder if Julie had heard from him?
‘Yeah, Greg,’ Ashlee echoed. ‘Heard from him yet?’
‘Oh, I don’t think I’m going to,’ Julie replied, shaking her head. ‘He’s got plenty of less, uh… complicated options.’ Ashlee smiled and shrugged.
‘I don’t know, kiddo,’ she said with a grin. ‘Shouldn’t sell yourself short.’
‘No, you have to understand just how much of a player this guy is.’ Julie hadn’t been completely honest when she had told Ashlee how she and Greg had first met. She had mentioned the chance encounter in the restaurant and how he turned up at her company a week or so later. But Julie seeing him in the parking lot, getting a blow job from a married woman, well… somehow Julie had omitted that from the original tale.
She related some of the details of that encounter. Julie still didn’t tell Ashlee everything. But she told enough for Ashlee to understand just how much of a womanizer Greg really was. Julie put emphasis on the fact that the woman was married and that Greg found that to be a good thing. An ‘uncomplicated’ thing.
‘Still think he’s going to call?’ Julie asked. Ashlee shrugged.
‘Maybe you’re not just another piece of ass,’ she suggested. Julie made a dismissive gesture, but Ashlee persisted. ‘No, really. You’re beautiful, intelligent, confident, well-dressed, great sense of humor… the list goes on and on.’ Ashlee was grinning as she said it, but Julie heard the underlying sincerity.
‘Even if any of that were true,’ Julie said with a slight laugh, ‘this guy has them lining up. He doesn’t need to deal with a messy situation, so why would he?’ Ashlee nodded, but a smile was still on her face.
‘Okay, kiddo. Maybe you’re right.’ But there was an underlying tone in her voice that said she wasn’t convinced.
Maybe it was Ashlee’s comment. Maybe it was the persuasive voice inside chipping away at her better judgment. But something prompted Julie to check her email before going to bed that night.
There was a message from Greg.
Julie stared at the screen for a long minute. She should just delete it without reading it, right? Maybe block his emails from now on, shouldn’t she?
It was like the first night Julie had followed him up to his hotel room. She knew that she shouldn’t do it, that there was no good reason to do it. And she had been right. How much different would her life be right now if she had only been smarter, stronger then, when it had really counted?
She clicked on his email.
‘Sorry about the other night. I hope you’re okay. I will be heading back home for a couple weeks after next week, but I’ll have the place to myself Friday and Saturday if you want to come over and talk.’
Come over and talk? He made it sound so… so reasonable, didn’t he? Julie should delete the email without replying. She should block Greg from being able to send her emails from his private account. She should…
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"Come on, it'll be fun!" My best friend Julie was throwing a Halloween party, and like every year, she wanted us to dress up in the same costume. Except that this year, she wanted to go as a sexy, girly black cat. "Julie, that's great for you, but what am I supposed to do?" "Don't worry Chris, you'll make a great girly kitty cat!" I have had a huge crush on Julie for five years, as long as we've been friends, but I've never had the courage to tell her. We're both 18 now, in our...
JULIE Julie Believed We Should All Share Our Assets. I don’t really remember exactly when I met Julie; but I do recall that I knew, almost at once, that I was dealing with a very different type of girl to the others I had known up to that date.I think that we first met when a mutual friend took me to Julie’s house. Julie was sprawled on the floor playing her guitar; she was actually quite good at this. She had long dark hair, which I remember was always spotlessly clean. She was scantily...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Julie was going to her purse to retrieve her wallet so she could pay her brothers for helping her move into the aprtment that she had rented. The two 18 year old twin brothers watched their buxom redheaded sister walk across the room as they moved one of the last boxes into the kitchen. Her Double-D tits jiggled with every step and her round, firm ass looked as if it was made for fucking. Hank and Kyle had always had a thing for their sister who was...
IncestPeople thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn’t talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
I spent the night at her house. And we had fun...watching movies with her parents, eating popcorn. We slept together in her bed and after kissing and making out for awhile, we both slipped off to sleep.The foggy edges of the dream crept into my conciuos mind, soft and wet, sliding over me. I fought to hold onto the wamr feelings inside me even as mmy body was waking up. The sun was already shining in the room, and my eyes blinked open. It still took a few moments to realize Julie was the...
People thought I was crazy. Moving in with your ex-girlfriend? Renting a room in her house? Clealy I was off my rocker, or at least that was the popular opinion of the day. I nreality Julie and I were good friends who decided to go their own ways. Although we didn't talk for several months afterward, when she called and asked if I would rent a room from her when she bought her new house, I asid yes immediately. We got along great and had similar interests, so there was no reason not to. A...
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Julie’s perfectly round, luscious ass was sticking up high in the air, while her head, turned to the side, rested on the mattress. Her beautiful, curly, dirty-blonde hair covered her face slightly. Her ankles were held spread wide apart by a sturdy, metal spreader bar, while her wrists were clasped close together between them. She was completely naked, and exposed, and more turned on than she ever thought possible. I gently brushed her golden locks away from her pretty face, back behind her...
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I awake in the night. For a moment I am lost but when comprehension dawns I smile to myself and cuddle into your warmth more closely. Your scent comes back to me as I hold my hands to my mouth and breathe your essence in one more time. The sweat that you poured from my body hours before is alive on my tongue as I flick it across my nipples while you sleep next to me. My legs open, a knee rests high up on your thigh. As I reach for my swollen and still moist mound you stir but do not awaken....
The Orioles' runaway Division championship in the AL East made for a disappointing year in New York, Boston, and Toronto. Not so much in Tampa Bay. The Devil Rays had done pretty well on the season (despite once again finishing fifth-and-last). There was hope. If anything, Devil Ray fans, seeing the Orioles' success, took some encouragement from it. After all, we'd been right down there in the basement alongside them, for close to a decade; and not so very long ago. Joe Torre got fired,...
It had been a long day, not in hours but intensity. Susan felt the tension in her arms as she slipped into the pool for her daily laps. Her company’s big project was scaling up and that meant more work, more stress and more knots in her shoulders.She felt her age more every time she went to the pool, (not from the workout, she kept herself in good shape, a pleasing sight for a woman expecting to be crowned a grandmother sometime in the foreseeable future) but rather she felt dismayed by the...
Ariel (Yes, named after the famous Mermaid) was another recommendation from our friends over at BackroomCastingCouch.com and this one did not disappoint. When she first walked through the door I immediately noticed two things, her vibrant red hair and her huge natural tits. This sweet, yet shy girl was under the impression that she was there to work with me, Rocky “The Director,” and of course this was not the case. So after getting to know Ariel a little better I handed her a magic wand to...
xmoviesforyouI walk down the driveway to my car with Selena following behind me. Anxiety is already coursing through me, knowing that I will have to admit to Liam about what I'm about to do when I return. Guilt will prevent me from keeping it a secret. I would have told him that Louise had contacted me already if I knew he wouldn't stop me.Casual sex isn't a problem to him, that part I'm sure about, and we are technically on a break, but he may physically try to prevent me from seeing her. He may see it as...
ReluctanceIt was just sunset when the lovely Susan Gander entered the resteraunt at the Pelican Key marina gliding through the dining room as if she were a model strutting down a catwalk. The low murmur of voices that was in the air had ceased as she appeared replaced by a thundering silence. Tall and lean with flaming bleach blond hair she was a vision of beauty the likes of which other women only dream of possessing. Her radiant smile as bright as the Sun her pink pouty lips glistened from the last ray...
EroticThe German guys on the slopes.The 2 guys were staying in our Hotel and Ginni and I had noticed that they were following us about and trying to bump into us all the time. I didn’t particularly fancy either of them but Ginni was really on heat and wanted to get with the one called Franz, the other was called Peter.I thought that they were about 25 but we found out later that they were 28 !!! Ginni is in one of my Non Nude pictures on my Profile, she is pretty and has long brown hair, she will go...
Helen's Plan by Vickie Tern "Denise? Honey, are you up there? C'mon down, I want you to meet someone!" My wife Helen's voice from downstairs! What was she doing down there? Left for work this morning and not due back home for ... she'd said I shouldn't worry if she was late, so I assumed she'd be late! And felt the urge, and took advantage! Came home early and went the distance, did everything! Fragrant bath, my prettiest bra and panties and camisole,...
The next morning, we got up and showered with a minimum of fuss, made breakfast and lingered over coffee while we waited for Doris to text. “So are you really okay with what I’ve been up to with Doris?” I asked wanting to make sure before we started the day. “Yeah,” she said simply. “You told me that it’s a revenge thing and not likely to keep up for long once the divorces are signed. Besides, I’m not gonna be totally without sex. I won’t see other guys, but my roommate and I sometimes sleep...
(Speak in anger ... repent at leisure) "Go on just put your hands in and rub the butter and the flour together ... it's that simple really." They were both stood at the kitchen table Sam was stood behind her, with his arms looping around her waist so that his hands could join hers in the mixing bowl. Sarah knew that he didn't need to do that ... that he just did it so that he could ... rub up against her. Every so often, he would move his hips and she could feel his body hardening at...
Gif HQ is a poorly named site of epic proportions that’s here to streamline fapping like no other site has ever done before. But before I dig into how you’re supposed to fap on GifHQ, I have to first talk about Reddit. Why? Well, it’s supposed to be a bit of a mystery here, but GifHQ is nothing more than a website that aggregates porn from all the best sex-related subreddits and puts them in one giant list for you to enjoy. Now, I know what you’re thinking: There’s no need for that. Reddit is...
Porn GIFs SitesIt all begins with the smell DISCLAIMER: dear readers, and loyal fans - you know who you are - just to say I?m genuinely sorry if the following story doesn?t make you sick. E.B. (Special note for cunts; if you are a ?dominatrix? you won?t like my stuff at all ? unless you identify with the men abusing the cunts that is, don?t know if that?s possible: but submissive cunts ? prepare to be abused, sluts ? get that hole leaking, rub it fucking raw, and stick your whole hand up there, you...
Mao Chinen is our dentist office assistant. She is a very capable assistant and the dentist relies on her to prepare the patient for the treatment they will receive. But this dentist is a bit lazy so he often just leaves the office with the front desk girl to some nearby hotel to fuck. Since he is so often gone fucking the front office receptionist, she has the office to herself to enjoy and do as she pleases. What sometimes happens because she is so sexy is that patients will come on to her...
xmoviesforyoustory is based on a roleplay done by my Master and myself. We enjoyed it very much and He asked that I write this to be shared. I love dressing up and playing a victim for Him and enjoy every second. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed acting it out.) Part 1 --------- Friday morning and I was ready. Today was the day that I would get that girl. I'd seen her and watched her for some time now. She walked down my block everyday on her way to a private school. The...
The rest of that week was busy. I collected a heap of new crystals and Wally, Walter, and I went around the house embedding them in the walls. We then went room to room, and we decided on a colour scheme for each. Once we were all happy, we liked it, I transported the furniture I’d picked for the room, and we arranged it accordingly. Pammy suggested we move some to different rooms, so they didn’t look cluttered, so the boys moved it. I then inspected the alteration and approved the moves...
r/Doujinshi/, aka Doujinshi Reddit! You fucks already know that I fuck heavy with the Reddit. The site is full of excellent porn subreddits that will blow other sites out of the water. And you can’t replicate that unique site experience you get on Reddit. You can throw up a picture of some big tiddy goth slut and end up making a lifelong friend in the comments. Shit is fucking crazy. But I can’t get enough of it. So, I continue to scour the thousands of subreddits that this site contains to...
Reddit NSFW List109 BIRTHDAY BDMS GAMES FOR TWO It was my birthday and it was to be hers the following week, we always celebrated both together on the weekend between the two! Perverse sods you may think but it`s what we have always done....it`s not the only thing that we do that`s perhaps not what some vanilla people would call “normal”. Each year a month before our “birthday” we each write down on a postcard whatever fantasy we have invented or read about or are turned on by this year, and want the...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a boy of 12, the teenage years for a boy loom on the edge of the horizon, tantalisingly just out of touch of your grasping fingers and you’re wanting all that it potentially offers the young mind and body. But before the teenage years, you are 12 and your mind and body are given a serious kick in the teeth first. Now, If a boy of 12 was to utter the swear word “Cunt” to their...
Hello Love It’s a little after midnight and I have just finished talking to you on the phone. As usual, we have laughed and joked and made a few sexual innuendoes. Again, talking about our trip to Las Vegas. I have walked away from my computer thinking about how special and important you have become — an important part of my life. As I think back over the past few weeks it’s hard to believe what has happened. I never would have thought I would meet someone so beautiful, caring, and loving....
And begin they did. It started out with the one little girl wanting to use my mouth again. She said, “I have to pee and I know she is a toilet. May I use her?” Beth said, “Of course dear, but you have to get naked for us. We all love looking at little girls. And it will be so special watching you piss in her mouth. You better swallow every drop she gives you whore.” I had to lay on the floor and watch as this little girl took her clothes off. Of course when she was doing that, everyone else...
She’s bound. She can’t see. She won’t tell me the code word (or, rather, I haven’t gone so far that she needs to use the safe word). Her firm ass is hanging in the air. AND I HAVE NO BUTT PLUG!That just won’t do.I silently leave the room and go back to the bathroom. In my travel bag, I find a package of dental floss and some (pilfered) bottles of moisturizer, and the shelf provides me with two hotel-sized shampoo bottles. Tying the dental floss in a knot around the neck of one of the shampoo...
The dark clouds filled the sky and the smell of rain was heavy in the air as the motorcycle pulled into the sixties era motel. On the outside, it looked neat even though it was dated. Any port in a storm as the saying goes. The couple on the bike got off and he headed into the office to check in. They were both in their mid-forties and made for an attractive pair.Beverly pulled off her helmet, her natural red hair pulled into a ponytail allowing her girl next door pretty face to radiate to the...
Wife LoversCum hungry babe Angel Smalls is begging for money by the side of the road when her stepbrother Logan Long drives by. He gets her in the car and offers her money if she’s that hard up. He’ll let her keep his wallet in exchange for a blowjob. Once she sees how big Logan’s dick is, she’s happy to start sucking him off while her hand strokes the base of his hardon! Instead of cumming in Angel’s mouth, Logan suggests that they go inside and finish what they’ve...
xmoviesforyouHello guys. This is my first story on ISS and I’ve been an avid reader of Indian sex stories. I thought now is the time to give back to this society. I’m going to narrate the real incident here. So unhinge your imagination and enjoy! In case of any grammatical mistake please ignore! I’m a pretty good looking 6 feet tall handsome guy from Mumbai. We used to live in a chawl and there opposite my house there was the house of a couple with 4 girls. The mother is one sex bomb. With huge village...
No, she is not actually a witch but her look her sexual appearance creates Magic on mind. Hi Friends VMJAY again with a new story about a Young Girl Name: Roma(Fake Name) Stat: 32-26-34 Age: 22 Colour: Fair Body: Lustrous Curves Sexual Status: Still Virgin but had 69 with her Bf So let come on story, she is bold but with ethics and attitude to carry her life without help of any one, she is independent but above all she is sexually charged. Sex flows from top to bottom in her body. Her curved...
Hello, all! Thank you for your responses and feedback to my previous story. Do E-mail and chat with me with your feedbacks. It’s always nice to hear from fans. I’ve had a few women asking me to even meet them for sex. This kind of support is truly appreciated and I do respond to everyone who writes to me. This is CHAPTER 1: PART 2. In case you missed my first one, it’s called ‘My Confessions: Tanya Pt 1’. So, continuing from the last episode, Tanya left and returned that evening and informed me...
CASE FILES - PERSONAL NOTES - PATIENT 71 - DAY 3 She refused to speak about herself at all for the rest of our first day together in the apartment, and we slept in each other’s arms until deep into the afternoon, when hunger drove us in search of nourishment. I put her into a plush bathrobe that I had used for a former patient. She did, I’m sure, realize that the presence of that, as well as a few other female items in the place, must have some story attached to them, but she didn’t...
I met Pia a couple of years ago when I was out with friends at a transgendered night club in London. Originally she was born in Finland but she has lived in London now for several years. Her looks are typically Scandinavian with platinum blonde hair and a beautiful, friendly smile. Although I had never had sex with her or seen her naked, I could tell that she has a lovely, shapely body. After chatting with her I discovered that she is bisexual and really only interested in meeting other woman...
-- FRIDAY, MAY 12, 2006, FINALS WEEK -- "Hey there, stranger," Bert greeted me with a fist bump at our usual intersection, and he hooked his thumbs into the straps of his backpack. "How are you feeling?" "Been better; been worse," I replied with a shrug. "You ready for this?" he asked, nodding his head up the hill toward Cheit Hall and the first of our last undergraduate Final Exams. Spring Finals Week was structured for graduating Seniors to start our exams early and finish by the...
I had met Marian at college. It was Psychology 101 and she must have been sitting up behind me in the amphitheater seating because I didn't see her until she came up to me after class and introduced herself asking me to explain the back of my t-shirt. It said, "There are 10 types of people. Those who understand binary and those that do not." I walked her through the fact that 10 was really a 2 in binary. She was extroverted and expressive and had dark hair and lots of it. I was tall and...