Raine on Her Parade
- 3 years ago
- 30
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The dark clouds filled the sky and the smell of rain was heavy in the air as the motorcycle pulled into the sixties era motel. On the outside, it looked neat even though it was dated. Any port in a storm as the saying goes. The couple on the bike got off and he headed into the office to check in. They were both in their mid-forties and made for an attractive pair.
Beverly pulled off her helmet, her natural red hair pulled into a ponytail allowing her girl next door pretty face to radiate to the world. As Jack returned with the key, his ever present smile grew even wider as he watched his wife of twenty two years peel off her protective riding gear. She became more beautiful every year he thought.
The motel turned into a lucky find; sitting just a short walk from the town center and right across from a gas station/convenience store. Pushing their room door open they found a clean room, even with furniture that had seen better days it had a nice feel to it. Jack pulled the fiberglass saddle bags from the bike before heading across the street for a six pack of cold beer for himself; they carried with them the red wine Beverly favored.
Inside the room, Beverly began her transformation. Shedding her riding clothes and grabbing her toiletries she made her way to the shower. With the shower releasing hot steamy water she reached behind herself and released her plain white bra, her B cup breast seemed to breathe a sigh of relief freed from their confines. Beverly's nipples, just a couple of shades lighter than her hair perked right up pointing towards the sky. After two children there still was no sag.
Off came her panties; comfortable for riding but oh so ugly in the light of day! Her neatly trimmed pubic hair was pressed down and she ran her hand over them letting them know that freedom had been granted them. At forty two, good genes and regular yoga classes kept her five foot two inch frame in peak condition.
The sounds of the shower gave Jack a chubby as he quietly poured a plastic cup of red wine for his wife, no glasses in this motel. His whole being eagerly awaited the appearance of the transformed Beverly into Bev who would soon present herself. He moved to a chair outside their room as the skies opened up sending sheets of rain onto the hot pavement. The first slug of beer entered his throat as the sound of two motorcycles mixed in with the pounding rain.
A straight piped Harley and a much older BMW lurched to a stop next to his ride and the two riders ran for cover laughing at their own bout with the storm. Both guys said a quick Hi before running over to the office to check in. Looked like Jack and Bev would have neighbors.
Tony and Mark were out on the same kind of ride as Beverly and Jack; just roaming the back roads and enjoying the freedom that only a motorcycle could give. The three men fell into an easy friendship bound together by the road. Tony lost the coin flip and had to make the beer run. Jack's heart beat a little faster knowing that Bev would be joining them shortly. Wouldn't she be surprised he thought?
Beverly allowed the hot water to not only wash away the road grim but to also release the slut hidden deep inside of her. Bev began to surface as her soapy hands caressed her nude body. A first grade teacher with two college educated children had stepped into the steamy room and an extremely horny woman eager to please her husband and drive other men wild would step out. There was not any possibility that Bev could make an appearance close to home but two states away Bev was free.
The desire to openly display herself seemed to run in her family. Her sister always dressed over the top sexy and it took until both girls were in their twenties to realize that their parents had taken part in those suburban wife swapping parties! Having progressive parents enabled Beverly to complete college even after she became pregnant in her sophomore year and they welcomed Jack as their own.
Vacation time, after the children had gone off to college had become play time for Beverly and Jack. Jack would announce his yearly vacation time by leaving a note addressed to "Bev" on the night table. The week away had begun with small steps, first a Caribbean isle where Bev for the first time went topless. The second trip was again to the Caribbean and things went much further than either had planned but felt so good it had fueled their bedtimes for a year.
Bev had not only shed her top that day but her bottom had followed; Jack had followed suit after being teased by Bev for being a prude. A couple near them struck up a conversation, the woman, Marci was topless but Mike had left his bathing suit on. It was strange and exciting sharing beach side drinks with one couple nude and the other semi-nude. Jack had a mental war going on attempting to keep his cock from getting hard; he lost! Marci's tits sagged a bit just from their sheer weight and her dark nipples looked to be more than a mouth full! She sported no tan lines on those beauties. Mike's tent left no doubt where his mind was as Bev led him on.
For her part, Bev was in exhibition heaven. She leaned forward as they talked and then stretched back arching her back putting her B cup tits right out there for Mike to gawk at. Even though his wife was very close to a D cup Bev's pink stiff nipples called out to him. After her second rum drink she just slightly parted her legs raising the heat under the umbrella to a thousand degrees.
Bev and Jack teased Mike and Marci about being over dressed and how "unfair" they were being since it wasn't an even "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". Marci was the one to suggest going back to one of their rooms to even the score. Neither she nor Mike were brave enough to strip on the beach. The two couples walked back to Bev and Jack's room with hearts pounding. This was getting wild.
Once in the room Bev and Jack again stripped bare; Marci took a deep breath and pulled her top off and just as quickly peeled off her bottom. All eyes took in the sight; her large tits with dark brown alveolars and erasure sized nipples appeared even sexier than out on the beach. And contrary to Bev's natural red trimmed bush Marci's pussy was completely void of hair displaying puffy outer pussy lips. There was something about being in a room with a bed that changed everything.
Mike stood frozen in place as three sets of eyes swung to him. Jack's hard on pulsed with every heart beat tight against his belly, all seven inches of it with precum oozing out making his cock head shiny. Just the thought of running his hands over Marci smooth pussy had poured gasoline on his lust. Bev needed Mike to look at her, to lust for her; she could feel her pussy wet and ready but Mike stared at the floor.
"I can't, I can't" and with that Mike ran from the room.
What followed as you would expect was awkward and clumsy as Marci struggled to get her two pieces back on; her left tit still uncovered as she followed her husband.
Their room door still wide open Bev pushed Jack onto the bed and with little fanfare mounted him guiding his cock into an open and soaking wet pussy stabbing her body down until all seven inches of her husband filled her. She stayed upright grinding on this well know cock pushing herself towards a climax as they both heard people passing by. The male voice half shouting "Holy shit!" pushed Bev over the edge. Jack could see a couple watching them over Bev's shoulder as she ground herself to a long loud climax and that pushed him over the top to join his wife flooding Bev's womb with white hot cum.
By the time the spent couple regained reality the pair in the hallway were long gone. After that, their sex play was part reliving what had happened and testing each other's desires and possibly limitations. Beverly was very open about her desire to be looked at and the center of attraction; something that couldn't be fulfilled in their everyday life. Jack found that others lusting after his wife turned him on and the more it lit Beverly's fire the more it lit his. This motorcycle trip would see how truthful each had been.
The ritual of Beverly becoming Bev added to the butterflies in Bev belly. Darker eye makeup, more blush than usual, the hair free and resting just below her shoulders and her neatly trimmed pubic hair pointing the way to her outer lips proving that the carpet matched the drapes. Jack loved her hair down so it caressed his stomach and balls as he lay prone and his cock filled his wife's mouth. A short black jean skirt and a black button down shirt knotted at her tight belly finished off the "look" Bev wanted. She left the three top buttons open for now thinking she would close one when they went to dinner.
Her bra and panties rested in the saddle bag.
The shower and her blow dryer had masked the arrival of the two other motorcycles, so when Bev stepped out of the room, the three male heads spun in her direction caught her by surprise. A little smile crossed her lips as three men jumped up to greet her; it seemed all three had trouble locating her eyes as their gazes roamed all over her body.
Jack beamed with pride as his two new friends enjoyed the arrival of Bev; Mark turned bright red when his eyes met Bev's and Tony continued to leer a few seconds longer. Jack gave Bev his chair as he went to refill her plastic cup of wine. Sitting back in the chair Bev crossed her legs letting her skirt ride up a little bit. There was no chance of her panties showing since they were still in the room.
Bev wouldn't have begun her showing off with three buttons undone, she thought just Jack was there, but from the sly peeks from Mark and the outright stares from Tony it all had a nice feel to it. Jack took his time refilling Bev's wine giving his new found buddies time to enjoy the view. The black skirt and blouse assisted in giving Bev that sexy sultry look that men so love.
When Jack reappeared both of the other men tore their eyes away from his wife but that only lasted a few seconds before Bev shifted in her chair exposing just a little more of her creamy thighs. Mark's eyes met Jack's and Jack gave him a small smile and nod letting him know it was okay to look. Tony didn't look for approval.
The conversation was light and breezy as Bev had both men freely talking about their wives and marriages. Tony was more than unhappy that his former cheerleader wife was now built more like a right tackle. Mark, with Tony agreeing, bragged about his cute wife but not being able to get her to dress more like Bev; maybe Bev could meet her and give her some fashion tips, he suggested.
All three men almost fell out of their chairs when Bev reached up to push her hair back and her twin beauties almost, just almost, spilled out of her open blouse. She had practiced just that move in front of a mirror so she knew just the treat she was giving her adoring audience.
Jack suggested they all walk into town for dinner and while Mark hunted down an umbrella to borrow from the motel Bev went back in the room to "freshen up". The real reason was to use a tissue to blot her very wet pussy. She also buttoned up two buttons; no use having the locals gawking when she already had a captive audience.
Tony and Jack wandered towards the motel's game room; a slightly oversize room with a worn ping pong table and two very old video games. That battered the ball back and forth a few times until Mark came in, along with Bev; and to their disappointment, a little more covered up than before. Bev picked up a paddle and whizzed the ball past a surprised Tony.
"Hey, no fair, I wasn't ready" he protested.
He tapped the ball back to her side and again she shot it right past him. "Not as good with balls as I am!" she taunted before turning away and heading out the door. A very attentive Mark opened the umbrella for her.
"Re-match" shouted Tony as he and Jack fell in behind his hip swing wife.
The drinks flowed during dinner as Bev kept her entourage entertained with flirty remarks loaded with just hidden sexual meaning. Again Mark held the umbrella. Even with the rain Bev worked her admirers stopping to look in shop windows and bending over from the waist giving Jack and Tony a tantalizing view of her barely covered ass. Jack knew that his wife wore no panties and at times only the shadow of her short skirt hid her pussy from Tony's view. Mark was rewarded for his attention with a couple of tit rubs on his upper arms. Jack's cock ached.
As soon as they reached the cover of the motel Tony began his chant for a rematch. Jack hit their room for more wine for his wife and Mark did the beer run. By the time they all were assembled in the game room Bev was ahead six/four and one of the previous closed buttons were undone. Tony was a better player than he had let know and had Bev reaching far and wide to return that little white ball. The game quickly tied at eight.
Stopping to sip their drinks Jack spied his wife undoing that third button and Tony's distracted play soon had him losing the game as Bev's tits danced across the opening in her blouse. The game ended 21/8 and Tony handed the paddle to Mark.
Tony whispered to Jack as he sat down "You okay with us looking?"
"Better than okay - enjoy the show" was the answer Tony received in reply, as a quick flash of Bev's bare ass peeked at them as she reached for a return shot.
"Fuck; you're the luckiest husband on earth" Tony answered a little above a whisper.
Bev heard that and reached a little more than she had to for the next return.
Mark's cock was as hard as an anvil because Bev was giving him a real show. As the other two looked for peeks at her ass; Mark was seeing bare tits flash before him, as Bev made an effort to reward him for how nice he was being.
Tony, now emboldened by Jack's okay began the next set of games by suggesting some type of bet on the outcome. Tension filled the game room since there was little doubt about what was being suggested. Jack held his breath waiting to see Bev's reaction.
"Okay tough guy; I'll flash you if I ever lose and you have to flash me when you do lose!!" taunted Bev.
"Which; tits or pussy." threw back Tony.
"Your call big man" Bev replied throwing a glance to Jack and spotting a big smile.
They had pillow talked about how far the two of them would go and now here they were. This was a lot different than Jack twisting a dildo in Bev's pussy as she sucked his cock.
Mark stood to the side unsure if he should chime in or not but diving in head first he made the plunge. "Count me in too"
Bev scored first and then added to her lead using her free swinging tits to distract Tony. It was a lopsided win for Bev and now she stood facing Tony demanding that he pay up. In a way everyone had won; Bev's tits had been ogled by all three men even if just fleetingly and now Bev was about to see Tony's cock.
Tony struggled with his zipper and then lowered his pants to mid-thigh before staring into Bev's eyes. His white boxers were tented with a wet spot near the elastic waist line. Locking his eyes on Bev he yanked them down. Out popped a truly fat headed cock. To Bev it looked unreal; she couldn't even guess at its size because that mushroom cap cock head grabbed all of her attention. Tony covered up quicker than he had exposed himself. You could hear a pin drop in the room.
Everyone grabbed for their drinks attempting to regain their balance. Mark broke the silence with "I'm next" as he picked up the paddle.
No one doubted that Bev threw the game; a line had been crossed and she was the leader of the pack. Turning so that all three men had a clear view Bev calmly lifted the front of her skirt and held it there. For Jack it was as if the pussy he knew so well belonged to another woman, and in a way it did. Beverly, the woman he married, was home teaching her first grade class, and this sexy slut had taken her place.
The room was dead silent, as six eyes took in the neatly trimmed light red patch of pubic hair pointing the way to Bev's pussy. Bev could feel the wetness and fleetingly wondered if her rapt audience could see how excited she was. At that very instance, all of her wanted to strip bare and dance for the men now holding their breath. Instead, she let her skirt fall blocking the view. Her hand shook as she put her wine cup to her lips.
Again Mark broke the uneasy silence in the room. This was almost a dream come true for him; this was exactly how he longed for his wife to act; but she wasn't there - yet. "Hey Jack! Get up there and show Bev how the game is played" he taunted.
Tony and Mark both shifted in their chairs trying to get their hard cocks comfortable in their jeans as Jack picked up a paddle. This time Bev took every opportunity to bend over whenever the ball fell to the floor, keeping her legs slightly apart. Jack knocked the ball over the table every couple of volleys aiding and abetting his wife's exposure to his fellow riders. At times Bev's tits would emerge for full view out of her unbuttoned blouse. At this point Bev might as well have been nude; the men had seen all of her.
The question of where the game went next hung in the air and again it was Mark orchestrating the move. He leaned over to Jack and whispered something to him. Jack grabbed a wine bottle and walked over to Bev. As he poured he asked "You Okay?"
She answered "Aunt."
That one word said it all. At home "Uncle" was their shared safe word. Beverly had taken to using "Aunt" as a way of saying yes, yes, more, more. She never said "Uncle".
Mark grinned ear to ear seeing Jack nod to him, proposed the bet for the next game. "If I win I get to feel your hot body." with that he bounced the ball over the net and Bev easily returned it. She never said yes but she also didn't say no. Half way through a very tense game Bev's protested.
"Hey! What do I get if I win?
"We all get to feel your body!" shot Tony from the sideline.
Two points flew by Bev as she stood in mock protest hands on hips. Having one tit outside her blouse didn't help her case.
The game was tied at twenty, twenty when the owner of the motel stuck his head in the door. "Sorry folks but the game room has to shut down by ten."
Mark was blocking his view of Bev so he answered for the group. "Be outer here in a couple of minutes."
Using the distraction to his advantage Mark shot a point right past Bev. Twenty, twenty-one. The game had to be won by two points. The next volley seemed to last forever as Bev played her best but a slam by Mark ended it all. He was the victor and took his high fives from Tony and Jack. Bev was still putting up her not so convincing protest about fairness.
"Guess this evening is over." moaned Tony. As the group picked up their things to leave.
Again Mark whispered to Jack. Jack replied "I didn't hear uncle. So give it a shot."
"Hey Bev! You still owe me - big time! A bet's a bet. Where's my pay off?" a smiling Mark teased Bev.
Bev tossed her cup into the trash can and on her way out the door she threw out "Okay, okay, even if I was cheated! Come on, I'll pay up - you big cheater!!"
The three men looked like puppies trailing behind their mother as Bev led the way to her and Jack's room. "Alright, you two sit over there and behave," said Bev using her firm teacher voice. Her husband and Tony obeyed sitting on the edge of the double bed.
A debate broke out by the slightly drunk group as to the duration of the feel and after much nervous laughter it was decided that the feel would last sixty seconds and Jack would be the official timer. This whole affair was sounding like a teen make out party and in a way it took the edge off the tension; but not by much.
To her surprise and pleasure, Mark moved behind her and turned Bev to face the other men. Once more Mark was playing out the things he wanted to take place with his own wife; he already felt that Jack was on the same page. A very nervous Jack crocked "Time."
Bev faced both her husband and Tony, assured that she had admirers she closed her eyes as Mark's hands touched her waist, he moved in close until her body rested against his. His warm hands moved up her sides and as he did he felt the roundness of the side of her tits. His hands slid around to the front jumping over the knot in her blouse as they found the bare skin below her tits and began an agonizing slow move up until at last he cupped those b cup beauties that all three men had been lusting after all day.
Jack watched as his wife's body came into view as Mark's hands parted her already unbuttoned blouse and his gasp matched his wife's as Mark presented Bev's tits to the two seated men. With a hand cupping each breast Mark pulled her back against his body allowing her to feel his hardness against her lower back. He then used each index finger to push her already taunt nipples up and down causing another loud gasp of lust from her lips.
Bev was in another world, someplace where the elementary schoolteacher and married woman had only dreamed of, a pure garden of sexual lust. Knowing that she was being displayed as her body was being used right in front of her husband and another man she barely knew seemed in a way to surreal to comprehend but her nipples and flowing pussy grounded it all n reality.
Jack waited to hear "Uncle" but even he knew the game had passed that point hours ago. It was now all or nothing and all was clearly the winner. It was as if the woman in front of him was a stranger and he wanted what she was making available. Tony just gripped the bedspread as his eyes, unblinking, stay glued to the show in front of him.
Mark's left hand moved up and covered the exposed tit as his right hand traveled to the hem of Bev's short skirt and with ease came to rest on her upper thigh. She pressed her body into his with even more pressure as his rough hand met her soft flesh. Mark pressed his lips to her red hair just near her ear as his left hand began to tug on her nipple and his right hand moved upward towards Bev's very wet pussy. "Open up baby" he urged her.
Bev's legs were already apart, just enough to steady herself as she stood before her husband allowing her body to be felt by Mark. She shivered as the calloused hand between her legs slid closer to her wet pussy and then let out a loud gasp as the side of his hand pushed between her pussy lips. He wasn't inside of her, yet, but was pressed up into her outer lips. Bev heard "Time!" but it didn't register until she heard it the second time.
Her mind screamed "Oh no, not time, don't stop, not now!" but her body felt Mark jerk away from her leaving her fuckable pussy empty and her bare tits exposed out of her blouse. Bev almost collapsed to the floor except strong hands held her up and led her to the side of the bed where she slumped against her husband. Everyone was breathing heavy as Jack gently stroked his wife's hair and kissed her face in reassurance. At this point, she wasn't aware that her tits and pussy were fully exposed to the three men.
In the fog of lust, Bev could make out Tony teasingly complaining that he was the only one being left out of the fun. Jack kissed her neck and then her ear as he urged her "to give Tony a little love". She willingly let herself be passed to Tony's arms and greeted his probing tongue with her's as their lips met. Gone from her mind was the show off Bev replaced now by a stronger force of pure animal lust and need.
Tony wasted no time as his hands raced to capture the woman offered to him. Bev's tits were for the second time this evening being used and she arched her back as an offering. Tony was at first shocked and then pleased as he felt her hand grasping for his covered cock. Jack saw Bev's hand go for Tony, he knew how she always needed and wanted to feel the man she was with. She had proved that on their first date so many years ago.
Bev felt someone tugging at the knot in her open blouse as Tony lowered her onto her back, her legs still over the side of the bed; it was Jack opening her blouse. Mark knelt in front of the now prone Bev and ran his hands up her open legs slowly opening them even wider, his hot kisses began at her knees and worked their way up her parted thighs. She gasped into Tony's mouth as Mark's tongue took its first lap at her soaking pussy. Jack backed off and reached for his camera.
Mark had Bev's legs lifted up even with his shoulders, his hands cupping her ass cheeks as his tongue fucked her sopping wet pussy. Tony used Bev's distraction to undo his pants and yanked his very hard cock free of its prison. This time Bev had a real handful of hot hard cock to wrap her fingers around. The shaft was thicker than she had realized after her quick look back in the game room and the mushroom cap shortened her frantic strokes.
Her hips bucked as that tongue pushed her body toward the climax she craved as Mark jammed his tongue with more force into her body. Bev felt Tony moving on the bed and she knew just what was about to happen and knowing that her mouth would soon be stuffed with cock pushed her over the edge. Her moans filled the room, her body arched as her climax exploded from deep inside of her wanton body. Time and space no longer had any meaning in her slut crazed mind.
Still gasping for air as Mark kept her on edge Tony took that as an invitation to push his cock into Bev's open mouth. Her teeth scrapped his cock head as he gained entry but it was a small price to pay to have his cock sucked by this wild woman thrashing on the bed. Bev grabbed the thick shaft both in lust and to keep from being chocked as her mouth began to be fucked. She stretched her jaw wider as all her cock sucking skills were called into play.
Bev had cock sucking experience before she met Jack and maybe one as thick as Tony's but that was a long time ago. But her desire was strong and even in this uncomfortable position she sunk her mouth further down the bulging cock. She used her free hand to push Tony's hip and moved her body up on the bed until Tony was on his back and her long red hair was draped over his belly and balls, her mouth moving up and down his cock matching the rhythm of her hand.
Mark sat back, his face wet from Bev's climaxing pussy and smiled at Jack. Jack lowered the camera enough to give Mark an even bigger smile and nod of "okay" as Mark stood and began dropping his jeans. Mark's cock now free was equal to Jacks but curved upward; precum flowed freely from its slit.
Bev, her mouth jammed with cock felt the bed move as Mark knelt behind her and aided him as he lifted her ass up knowing that she was being readied to be fucked doggie style by whoever was behind her. It didn't matter to her; she just wanted to be fucked, to be filled in her mouth and pussy by hard cock. She held still as she felt this unknown cock part her swollen outer lips and seek the entrance to her womb.
Mark looked down and Jack watched from the side as the head of his cock pushed into Bev's married, eager pussy. Her gasp of delight was muffled by Tony's mouth filling cock and she lifted her head to suck in more air as her hips were pulled back impaling more of her pussy on Mark's invading cock. Bev's body shook with mini-climaxes as Mark pushed the rest of his cock into her pressing her tight ass against his belly. Jack stood stunned at how easily Mark pushed into his wife's tight pussy.
The action on the bed took a turn as Bev fucked back as hard as Mark fucked into her. Tony's cock stood free at first as Bev reveled in fucking, the whole bed appeared in danger of collapse as Mark pounded his pent up lust into the pussy devouring his cock. Tony aided Mark by steadying Bev as Mark drove himself toward the release his whole body craved. In a way this saved Tony from blowing his load too soon, he really wanted to fuck his red headed slut.
"Oh fuck! Oh fuck" screamed Mark as he slammed into Bev his cock spewing hot cum deep inside her hungry pussy.
Bev matched his climax with another one of her own ending up flat on her face sprawled across Tony, his cock crushed by her tits. The joined couple spent by lust as Mark's cock gave weaker and weaker pumps inside of the fucked pussy. As soon as Mark lifted his weight a little, his now semi soft cock slipping out of Bev's open pussy leaving a trail of cum in its wake. Tony wasted no time making his move.
Tony lifted Bev's prone body off of his crushed cock until he could again fill her mouth with his tongue. She was still in a state of super sexual arousal and clung to him like a drowning person to a life saver. Tony felt the weight of someone next to them and realized that Jack had moved in to assist him in fucking Bev. Tony half handed Bev to her husband who now took his turn probing her mouth with his tongue. The two men placed Bev in the middle of the full sized bed flat on her back.
Jack continued to smother Bev with kisses to her mouth, neck and ears as Tony opened her legs and knelt between them, Bev bent her knees to beckon to the man about to fuck her. Jack urged his wife on hoarsely whispering in her ear.
"That's it baby. Open that pussy up. You want his cock don't you? Come-on baby fuck his fat cock"
Bev needs no encouragement from her husband but his words added welcome fuel to the fire burning though out her body. Tony had managed to gain just a little control of his lust and was now taking his time teasing the squirming pussy presenting its self before him. He ran his cock up and down the cum dribbling pussy slit watching as Bev jerked upward as he neared the opening to her body. His cock head now soaked in Bev's juices and Mark's cum as her fucked pussy again attempted to push on to his cock.
This time he met her lifting with just a little downward pressure and was surprised to meet resistance. "Wow he thought. This will be fun." as he applied more pressure. The head of his cock defeated the tight ring of muscle that had slowed his victory. He was welcomed with another up lift of Bev's hips as her pussy clamped it's self around the thick shaft making use of her pussy. A third of Tony's cock slid out of view and into Bev.
Mark, not wanting to be left out now on the bed as the three men swamped over the prone woman each wanted a part of her. Jack continued to urge his wife to fuck Tony using his mouth, tongue, and voice to push her towards ecstasy. Mark had taken over her firm tits using his hands for both his and her enjoyment as Tony began a very slow fucking motion pressing more of his cock into Bev with each movement.
It didn't take long for all of Tony to fill the very hungry, cock crazed woman under him. His balls felt the heat of her ass cheeks as he lifted her legs towards the ceiling. Both Mark and Jack felt Bev's body reacting to Tony fucking. Jack was the first to back away as Bev began matching Tony's thrusts, her gasps for air drowning out his words. Mark was pushed out of the way as Tony climbed higher on up on the woman under him as Bev's legs were pressed towards her own shoulders.
Even in that position, Bev equaled every one of Tony's thrusts with one of her own, their bodies slapping out the tempo of lust leaving her husband and Mark in awe.
Bev had been in such a constant state of climax that time and space had no meaning but her body on its most basic level wanted that cock filling her body to reward it with an ocean of cum. Her pussy muscles ached from his thickness and her womb could feel his invasion as Tony pounded into her. His balls bouncing off her ass nagged at his brain to release the pent up cum this red headed tease had created as his will to stem the onrush diminished. Bev would get what she wanted.
Jack and Mark watched in utter amazement as the couple bounced as a single unit threatens to destroy the flimsy motel bed. Every time Tony pulled back all but the head of his cock glistened in the light of the room with Bev's pussy clinging to it and just as quickly it disappeared from view as Tony's balls met Bev's pushed up ass. Bev was moaning loudly as her body was pounded with hot cock, Tony appeared to be holding his breath until with a final thrust he began groaning in relief as hot thick cum forced its way out of his balls.
Bev body answered Tony's searing hot cum with an even more intense climax than the mini ones that had been racking her body as her womb welcomed crashing wave after wave of Tony into her body. Hot cum flooded all of her insides as the man inside of her thrashed with abandonment on top of her spread open body. The two of them locked together as one body rejoicing in that place set aside for lust filled sex.
Just as soon as Tony began to lift himself off of the fucked woman his body had pinned to the sweat soaked bed Jack was there to take his place. Bev was like a rag doll easily re-positioned to be fucked yet again by a third man but this time it was her husband. Bev made a weak attempt to guild her husband to her cum soaked pussy but by now it was an easy entry for Jack's hard cock. Her pussy gaped open stretched to it's limits by Tony and his fat headed cock. All of that cum inside of her just made it easier for Jack to make use of the void.
Jack held still at first stunned by how the inside of his wife felt, his balls now pressed on her ass slick with the dribbling cum of two other men. Bev's pussy supplied plenty of heat and wetness but none of its usual tautness, but this didn't stop Jack from fucking into her worn pussy. Bev wrapped her arms around her husband and buried her face in that comfortable nook between his neck and shoulder as she welcomed his movements.
Mark reached over and touched Bev's head lightly and said "Goodnight you two love birds. See you in the AM."
Bev and Jack heard their door close as they held each other; their bodies locked together making love, not fucking.
The knocking at the door roused the couple from their coma like sleep. A nude Jack opened the door to find Tony and Mark grinning from ear to ear offering him two containers of fresh coffee, the sun shining brightly behind them. They stepped into the room as Bev welcomed the coffee, her back against the headboard.
Bev took her sip of coffee as the sun bathe the room, letting the sheet slip just a little, exposing the rise of her breasts and with a smile said "Gee, too bad it's raining again. Anyone for ping pong?"
The rain started early this afternoon, it has not slowed or lost any of its intensity in the least. The sun is setting low over the sky. Night is approaching quickly and as it does I can see lightning in the distance making its way our direction. Curled up in my mink blanket on the back porch I hear your truck pull up the driveway, silence once again. I can’t hear the front door or anything else over the rain. I snuggle deeper into my blanket keeping any cool air from invading in the spaces or...
Hi, This is Ash and Ana (Ashim and Anamika). Thanks for reading our earlier stories. After a few years of marriage, we are sharing some lovely sex incidents. This incident happened in Delhi. We had to go to an official seminar. We were invited for a formal dinner in one of the 5-star hotels. I left my son with a friend overnight. We were formally dressed wherein I was in a formal shirt and trousers. While she was in a formal dark chequered grey knee-length pencil skirt. And V neck light pink...
I had been driving for several hours, after a morning flight to pick up a vehicle, and the road was starting to wear on me. I pulled over and mapped a hotel with some late hours restaurants nearby. I reserved my room and headed for the Applebee’s at the opposite end of the shopping center from the hotel. When I got there, I had to wait a minute for the manager to come and show me to my seat. I chose a booth, which turned out to be fortunate for me. He seated me, gave me a menu, and told me a...
The rain fell with abandon onto the streets and windows of the club. Splattering and making it's mark where it wanted. The wind sometimes tossing it up against the glass, like a woman throwing up her hands and hitting the wall behind her as her lover forces her up against it. Giving in, submitting to it, and trailing downwards in wetness.The impending darkness of the dusk was creeping in, curling around everything like slinky tendrils of fog, and encompassing everything in it's path. It did so...
Lesbian“Welcome to the Stuffington Buffet, ma’am. Just one today?” the host was being super polite, but he noticed Rain the moment she came through the door. At over 400 lbs, her clothes seemed to barely fit her obese form and did nothing to hide her huge gut, allowing it to jiggle and shake as she waddles in and up to the counter. Rain blushed at seeing the eyes on her, staring at her exposed chubby arms and extreme belly hang her shirt has no chance to cover. “Yeah, i-it’s just me,” Rain chuckles,...
FetishLoraine by Bashful Jack walked into the office of his new boss for the first time. He had just started at the insurance office. His boss, Mr. Johnson, was in a meeting so Jack had to wait in the outer office. Jack didn't mind the wait, he got to meet Mr. Johnson's pretty young secretary. Her name plate on the desk read Loraine Walker. She was a true beauty, long blond hair the color of honey, sky blue eyes and flawless skin. She had perfect C cup breasts and the dress she...
Hello everyone, this is Arjun from Hyderabad. To all girls and aunties,Please send me feedbacks at after reading my story. I am 22 year old ,5′ 10 working in an MNC here in Hyderabad. Your privacy is the most important concern for me. In this story I would like to explain how I made love to a stranger on a rainy day. Coming to the story, this is what happened exactly on that lucky day. It was a friday, I was busy in office due to some release that needs to go by that day(should thank the...
Usually it looks gloomy and dark and forbidding but sometimes it can be sensual too. I picture us somewhere alone. Probably out in the woods or somewhere isolated at a cabin with a back deck. We are watching an NBA championship game. In between lulls in the game, I am looking at you and your body. Marveling at it and desiring to taste and feel its pleasures once again. Near the end of the 4th quarter, a rainstorm began to come down. As the game was ending, I tip your chin to look up at my...
Hi readers, JP from Mangalore with a new sex story. Pardon me for any mistakes. The incidents narrated in my stories can be real or fake. It is up to the readers to decide. This incident happened last year when I was working for a small firm in Bangalore. There was a girl named Dhanya in the office. We both were good friends and we were of the same age. She was married and had a happy married life. She was shorter than me. I am 5’10” and she was 4’2″. She was thin and her body was in perfect...
Hi I am Raj, I am 5’11” and I am into business I would like to share my first experience who all ISS viewer’s. It was long back when I was in college our family is very well settled there was no bunch of responsibilities on my head I used to meet friends at a junction smoke, freak and pastime. Since money was not a problem I always spend a lot for friends and class mates. As I said once in a evening we were chatting about sex amongst friends and the sky was getting darker since I had a Yamaha I...
She opened the box. Inside was a long robe of soft cotton, pure white and almost translucent. It was the garment worn by all Rain-Brides for their consummation with Sebak, but this one was made specifically for her. She put it on, savouring how silky it felt on her olive skin. She suppressed a nervous shudder as she tied the woven belt around her waist. Nailah had been elated when the high priest told her she had been chosen: such an honorable position seemed above her status. There were...
The rain was just beginning to hit the windshield in front of me. That is what we saw as we drove down the road, anticipating what the evening would bring. We had planned this for months, but due to extenuating circumstance and the fickle weather, we hadn’t gone through with our plan. But tonight was the night. As soon as we saw the storm clouds approaching we quickly changed and raced to the car. MY beautiful girlfriend Ann was seated next to me, already breathing heavy. I noticed that she had...
The rain was just beginning to hit the windshield as we drove down the road. We never truly anticipated what the evening would bring. We had planned this for months, but due to an odd set of circumstance and the fickle weather, things hadn't gone through as we planned. However, tonight was the night. As soon as we saw the storm clouds approaching we quickly changed and raced to the car. This beautiful woman was seated next to me, already her breathing was heavy. I noticed that she had drawn her...
RAIN DANCE It’s cold and windy again. It’s always cold in Seattle this time of year. The rain had stopped thankfully, as I slowly cruised through the Pioneer Square area. Mostly home to the more seamy side of life in the greater Pacific Northwest. Drug addicts, prostitutes, wannabe gangsters, we have it all here. Yes indeed, Seattle Washington. The end of the line for many. Why is it the down and out always ended up going north? I...
“Hey there.” I turned to see the woman who I had just missed my chance with was now giving me another. ‘Well don’t just stand there you idiot’ came a voice from my head, ‘say something’ “Hi” was all I could muster as my throat went dry. Maybe it was still the buzz from the few beers I had that made me walk to her car, but my heart was beating at the fastest pace it has in a long time. A slight breeze whipped around me stirring the sent of a storm moving in. In the air their was a...
I am Hira, from Bangladesh and a regular reader of ISS. Average complexion. My age is 28, Height-5.8”, Weight 69kg, Healthy and Muscular Body.I am working a export import company as a marketing officer in Dhaka. This is a true story which I never express to anybody but ISS give the opportunity. I The incident happened late afternoon. After completed my Office I went regularly to near her (My colleague Shova) home by Rickshaw. She is married. Her boobs was sex bomb. Have a 2 years old baby. She...
© Copyright It was at the park when I first noticed her. A woman in her 50s I guessed, sitting crossed legged on her blanket, eating her picnic lunch, reading a book and enjoying the warm July summer sun. Like most days, now that school is out, I sit at the park, feed the birds and enjoy reading my Danielle Steele novels when I'm not working. I landed a nice summer job for the town I live in as a painter. My job was go around town and repaint all the town's fire hydrants. That's it!...
It was the height of the summer in the west of ireland but like antime of the year it could begin to rain heavly at any moment. Unfortunately for Amy this was the case she had come on holidays a few days earlier than her friends as she was more athletic and was interested in doing the long cycling trails before they arrived she was only 3 miles into her cycle on the first day when the heavens opened and she was soaked wet it was another 3 miles to the next town and 17 to her destination she...
Myself Amal(Name changed for privacy) from Cochin. 23 Male Slim Boy from a upper middle class family. Girls and Women who’re interested in some secret relationship and adventures can reply or source me at Safety and Privacy will be guaranteed. So coming into my story, I was staying at my uncle’s apartment as because some maintenance work was going on the apartment and uncle and aunt was on a 10 days abroad tour as they were leading a retirement life. My office was so near(walkable distance) to...
I was on the dunes playing soldier and there was at least an hour before Grammy expected me home for dinner so I crawled up to my lookout spot which is in kind of a notch in the highest dune where the point curls around before heading back to the main part of the beach. There's hardly ever anyone out there because it's a long walk from the main beach, and when the tide is up part of it gets cut off so you can't get there even if you want to unless you want to do some swimming, and I really...
Weather DelayBy MasterincI had arrived in Seattle about 4:00 p.m. on my way back to Juneau Alaska from Phoenix AZ. The weather was bad and we had to circle for about twenty minutes before a weather window opened which allowed us to land. I was glad since we would have been re-routed to Portland if they couldn?t land soon. Once we were on the ground, I checked on my flight to Juneau which was to leave at 7:00 p.m. The service person at the Alaska Airlines ticket counter said that the flight...
Hello, everyone, this is Arjun from Hyderabad. I am 22, with a height of 5’10 working in an MNC in Hyderabad. Please comment or provide feedback to the story at . This part is a continuation of “Rain! Rain! Please come again! Part-1”. To understand this story better please read the previous part. After tasting her vagina and tasting her juices, we are on the bed side by side facing the ceiling and relaxing. In 5 mins or so, she caught my dick over my pants and was moving it to and fro. In a...
Hi this is Anuraag. I am here with another story. Send your feedbacks at This is a story between me and a busty girl. I am 22 now, she is 23. I had to walk about five minutes to my college. She is in different college and used to go in her scooty. She have a cute face and great body may be about 36-30-34. She used to go on that road every day at same time I leave. Many times I have seen her coming from my opposite side in different timings. She was always wearing Salwar kameez. Her boobs has...
It’s cold and windy again. It’s always cold in Seattle this time of year. The rain had stopped thankfully, as I slowly cruised through the Pioneer Square area. Mostly home to the more seamy side of life in the greater Pacific Northwest. Drug addicts, prostitutes, wannabe gangsters, we have it all here. Yes indeed, Seattle Washington. The end of the line for many. Why is it the down and out always ended up going north? I mean ya get thrown out of LA, ya move to San Francisco, from...
“Where are you? I’m downtown,” she texted him. It was already almost midnight and Sophie had gone out with some friends to see a hockey game. They ended up going to the pub afterwards so Rich met her there. As the impending closing time approached she became increasingly flirtatious as they danced and kissed on the dance floor to the music the live band was pumping out. She was a hot little number; standing maybe 5’4” with gorgeous hazel brown eyes, brown hair, a smile to die for, and a body...
Straight SexIt was the first rain. I was out on the busy Mumbai streets shopping.I love shopping in Mumbai, the malls, and all the discounts that i can get in Mumbai, are some of the things which make me keep coming back from my small town in Gujarat.So here i was stuck in the heavy rain without an umbrella. I looked around for any place i could spend some time till the rain stopped.Luckily there was a theatre just on the next lane, so i ran towards it, bought a ticket and went inside.It was an old movie...
I am 27 year old married woman.My husband recently moved to a new bunglaw outside the city.He is very rich businessman.For all of you my name is kalpana singh which may or may not be my real name. Apart from my saas sasur there are two servants full time and a gatekeeper.Everyday lots of people come and go.After i got married for the first few months my husbanf was satysfying all my needs but afterwards he just became busy with his work.He told me that for a week he will be in bangalore for...
Twila entered her huge walk in closet, running her fingers through her long black hair, twisting it up in a bun and securing it with a clip at the top of her head. It had been a long day with her sister's kids and all she wanted more than anything in the world at that moment was a nice long bubble bath and soak the day away. She went to a set of drawers designed especially for her personal bath toiletries and removed sandalwood bubble bath, some scented salts and beads and a few candles. ...
ReluctanceRainfall: Rise By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: With the fate of Allaron in the balance, Ghanton is beset upon by the forces of the newly empowered Rainfall Cult even as an enemy within the town's walls is unleashed by Rainfall's new leader. (Part 4) * * * Author's Note: I highly recommend that you read the rest of the Rainfall Saga before reading this story. They are named "Rainfall: Arrival," "Rainfall: Assault" and "Rainfall: Resurrection." * * * I awoke with the dawn. I glanced...
Hi All, I am a regular reader of ISS and finally decided to write my story. Let me introduce myself 1st. I am let’s say PK 35 years old boy from Baroda Gujarat with a height of 5.11 and handsome in looks as females say. The female involved in the story is 37 years old 5.7 height bit bulky with an amazing pair of boobs and a great ass, damn hot and sexy. She knows how to please a man and wat a guy requires. Let’s say her name is A We had met 6 months back through a common friend, the day I saw...
We were in bed asleep when I felt his arm slide around me. I could feel his warm breath on my ear and cheek as he said "honey get up." I grumbled, snuggled closer to him and fell back to sleep. He laughed rolled me onto my back, kissed me and said "come on honey."I he got out of bed, took my hand and helped me out of bed. We walked through the house and out onto. the back porch. It was a warm night with a thunderstorm moving in. He wrapped his arms around me and looked deep into my eyes. His...
I was on my way back from America when we had to stop in New York to change planes. I had sat next to a young woman in her mid twenties on first leg of flight who was also flying on to London to join her husband who had been there for six months. We made our way together to the departure gate and I was concerned the plane was not already waiting and the lounge was nearly empty. I went to gate and was told that for technical reasons the flight was cancelled and would depart tomorrow. It appeared...
Cheating WifesIt's my first day of college at Howard University and my parents are just dropping me off. "Oh, my baby finally graduated! Oh, Brian, take one last picture with your step-daughter!" He hugs me really tight while she takes the picture. She squeezes the life out of me for the last time. Honestly, I don't mind my mother being overbearing. I feel kind of like how I felt when she dropped me off a Pre-K for the first time. Scared and nervous. I'm grown now, though. I don't need anyone to hold my hand...
Straight SexForeword: This was my first attempt at writing an explicit erotic story (with BDSM undertones). I realize it must seem rather lame compared to the previous stories that I have posted here recently. I just thought I should include it in the set. D'oh! Operators of erotic story web sites and other collections, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post and/or distribute my stories, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" as the author. You may not make changes other than...
Rainfall: Arrival By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: The brave Battlemage, Therobelin, enters the town of Ghanton, seeking knowledge regarding the dark and mysterious Rainfall Cult. Discovering he may be in over his head, he calls forth his most able companions and prepares himself for the coming fight. * * * This story is a little different from anything I?ve ever done. I've usually done things in the vein of Spells 'R Us, of magic in the reality we exist...
I’m here to follow-up on what has already been said here by Steven.My name’s Loraine, Steven’s Sister-in-Law. He wrote about our meeting by accident three years ago while dropping off our kids at school. This was about seven months after my sister had just left him and their three children.You may remember that even though I’m married, my husband does not take care of me or my needs. As a result, I’m extremely lonely and I’m pretty sure that Steven was too when met that day.“How about joining...
SeductionMy wife of fifteen years left me. Carolyn abandoned her family leaving me as a single parent with three kids to raise on my own. My sister-in-law Loraine, however, was a significant help and comfort. She regularly stepped in to help me with the kids and especially my daughters, with all those girly things that they needed help with and that I knew absolutely nothing about. I had stayed single after Carolyn deserted us so I could concentrate on my kids and their needs, not mine.One day, after...
CheatingWe were lying on our sides, head to toe, and Lorraine was gently stroking my cock, whilst I explored between her legs with my hands and mouth. I’d pushed the gusset of her sheer black panties to one side, exposing her gorgeous, hairy pussy, and was enjoying the view as I spread her folds and kissed and played with her.We had been fooling around on my bed for a little while. I was naked, whilst Lorraine, to please me, had dressed in sexy lingerie. In addition to the panties, she had on a lacy...
SpankingRainfall: Assault By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: Therobelin and his two companions, Xhaiden and Meghalen, venture into the foreboding Talon Forest to face the Rainfall Cult, unprepared for the challenges that await them. (Part 2) * * * Here's part 2 of the Rainfall series, which has been expanded to four parts now. Thank you all for your very kind comments regarding Arrival and I hope you enjoy the next action-packed tale of Therobelin and his companions. I do recommend that you...
Date Night Delays ….. We had planned to meet in a bar after work. I get there early and find a quite part with a table and sit down to wait for my husband to arrive it’s Friday night and our long over due date night. I am wearing a low cut top, short skirt, stockings and heeled boots as I sit and get comfy I notice that my skirt has risen up my legs and the top of my stockings are showing ,I catch the bartenders eye and he comes over i order a JD and Coke which the bartender brings back over...
Date Night Delays .....We had planned to meet in a bar after work. I get there early and find a quite part with a table and sit down to wait for my husband to arrive it's Friday night and our long over due date night. I am wearing a low cut top, short skirt, stockings and heeled boots as I sit and get comfy I notice that my skirt has risen up my legs and the top of my stockings are showing ,I catch the bartenders eye and he comes over i order a JD and Coke which the bartender brings back over...
Lorraine works at the library, my home away from home. Over time, we’ve learned each other’s names, say hi upon greeting, and sometimes chitchat when things are slow. She’s older than I am and sometimes dresses a bit frumpy, but just when I’ve forgotten about them, she’ll wear a long, clingy t-shirt under a sweater that makes clear how big her boobs are. I love that about her. That and her way with subtle innuendos that keep me guessing whether I’m mistaking something innocent or being...
One The band was the most important thing in my life. And, here I sat, one week before one of our biggest gigs, watching it disintegrating. And, it was all my fault. My name is Sara. Sara Keeling. I'm the keyboard player, and the lyricist. We call ourselves One Night Stand, a fitting name for a band, especially one that has three guys and three girls in it. We're all sophomores here at the University of Massachusetts, and the band got together right at the beginning of freshman year. We...
Hi all readers. How r u all? I am Rajesh from Orissa; today am here to share my real experience which happened last year. It was so awesome that even if today I remember it, I do masturbate .It was a real soft sex lasting for 3 hrs. So let me tell u the real thing. It was the time of rain. So, me n my girl frnd (Nisha-32-32-28) were returning from movie. It was matinee show.so it ended up in evening. While returning, suddenly it started raining n hence we decided to move to my flat which was...
Rainfall: Resurrection By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: The captured Therobelin comes face to face with the warrior goddess Crystalia, who forces him to confront his true feelings about the state of the world he has sworn to protect. (Part 3) * * * I thank everybody once again for their kind comments regarding Arrival and Assault. I have to admit that it helps me greatly when I can actually see what people think of my works, so please take a few moments after you're done with the...
“We are sorry but there had been a problem with the computer systems and your connecting flight has been diverted to Atlanta. We will have to notify your parents to see what they want us to do,” a snotty bitch told us at the place the escorts dumped us off. I turned to her and said, “Ma’am. Good luck reaching them. If they were available to deal with minor annoyances, like flight delays and problems getting us to our destination, do you really think we would be flying without them? If your...
This is not the first time I did it with a guy but this incident became so erotic and memorable that I wanted people to know about it. About me, I am an average looking guy with short height 5’8 fair a bit chubby and good looking guy. It was a rainy season when I got some work from my dad for which I had to go shopping nearby. As I headed towards the shop it started drizzling. I ignored it and took my vehicle and left home. I hardly drove my bike for 10min when it started raining heavily. I was...
Gay MaleThis is a very short story inspired by a Keith Urban song. It’s not an ‘Ice’ story but I hope you like it anyway. Take care and happy reading! M. ,) ******** He was the first one to wake up on Sunday morning. I felt the bed move and bounce as he got up but didn’t wake up enough to really register it. I stayed in that lovely fog of half-sleep, half-dreaming where I was spending money in a Coach store like I’d just won the lottery. I didn’t hear or feel Christian get back into bed but when he...
I took another look at the instant message from Mark. ‘Bastard!’ I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o’clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited, McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...
I took another look at the instant message from Mark. "Bastard!" I muttered to myself under my breath. The queue for the wine bar shuffled forward as a middle aged couple were shown to a table. At this rate it would be half an hour before I could get a drink. Not that I particularly wanted to start drinking at two o'clock in the afternoon. But the choices in Terminal C were limited; McDonalds, Starbucks or the Wine Bar. I had already consumed two espressos. The wine bar was the only acceptable...
AnalGood morning to all and thank you for your encouraging words,its nice to know you are as exited as myself with my wifes sexploits. Well as you know yesterday she was very heavily gang banged by 8 Japanese guys they enjoyed her so much they have actually decided to book her for two days a week possibly more ,I cant tell you how fantastic it was seeing her effectively being used in a very rough way she had a cock in every hole and was covere in Japcum she was in the shower for a hour, bit of...
Now I had been quite a popular guy in my old school, I won't lie, I had slept with all the whores and most the cheerleading squad after one girl ratted out that I have a dick like a god, also my good looks and money background helped too.. but now I actually wanted a girl and not the other way around, so after gazing at her thru home room, I walked over and introduced myself and asked if she wanted to do something this coming friday, she turned and looked me straight in the eye and her face...
It’s my first day of college at Howard University and my parents are just dropping me off. ‘Oh, my baby finally graduated! Oh, Brian, take one last picture with your step-daughter!’ He hugs me really tight while she takes the picture. She squeezes the life out of me for the last time. Honestly, I don’t mind my mother being overbearing. I feel kind of like how I felt when she dropped me off a Pre-K for the first time. Scared and nervous. I’m grown now, though. I don’t need anyone to hold my...
Twila entered her huge walk in closet, running her fingers through her long black hair, twisting it up in a bun and securing it with a clip at the top of her head. It had been a long day with her sister’s kids and all she wanted more than anything in the world at that moment was a nice long bubble bath and soak the day away. She went to a set of drawers designed especially for her personal bath toiletries and removed sandalwood bubble bath, some scented salts and beads and a few candles. ...
The rain fell with abandon onto the streets and windows of the club. Splattering and making it’s mark where it wanted. The wind sometimes tossing it up against the glass, like a woman throwing up her hands and hitting the wall behind her as her lover forces her up against it. Giving in, submitting to it, and trailing downwards in wetness. The impending darkness of the dusk was creeping in, curling around everything like slinky tendrils of fog, and encompassing everything in it’s path. It did so...
"Yes Alexis, oh god. Fuck that's good, yes right there! Ooh your tongue is magic, yes lick me harder, baby!"Alexis' mouth, cheeks, and chin were shiny in pussy juice. Chantal's pussy juice. The woman she had picked up in a jazz bar a month ago and eaten out in an alley an hour later. The woman who was a bisexual-virgin shall we say. The scene in Alexis' apartment was quite different this late afternoon though, nothing virgin about it at all.Alexis was buried between Chantal's spread thighs, her...
LesbianIt was an early summer night, perfect temperature we had just gotten home from a late night dinner in Toledo. I wanted to toy and tease B so l slipped into a tank dress and came out of the bathroom. He looked at me with a grin and hugged me with one arm as he slid his hand up my dress. He grabbed my pussy as he whispered in my ear, " I was hoping you left my pussy out for me" he tugged at my pussy lips hard as he kissed me but I pulled back and told him I thought I'd have a drink outside it was...
Hi guys, this is not fictional, it’s original. Names are changed for privacy purpose. Any older woman like aunties, girls, and milf can contact me through my email “”. I keep your promise. This is Rajesh, my age is 26, I’m single and I stay in my uncles’ home in Bangalore and joined a small firm after my graduation I don’t have any friends in Bangalore so I always go alone. Once I happened to meet my childhood buddy saket in the mall after a decade or beyond and they are settled in Bangalore....