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Loraine by Bashful Jack walked into the office of his new boss for the first time. He had just started at the insurance office. His boss, Mr. Johnson, was in a meeting so Jack had to wait in the outer office. Jack didn't mind the wait, he got to meet Mr. Johnson's pretty young secretary. Her name plate on the desk read Loraine Walker. She was a true beauty, long blond hair the color of honey, sky blue eyes and flawless skin. She had perfect C cup breasts and the dress she was wearing showed off all her attributes tastefully. Not a bimbo, she was bright and articulate, she was good looking but she was also a competent worker. Jack started salivating almost as soon as he saw her. Jack walked up and introduced himself. She stuck out her hand and said, "Hi, my name is, coincidentally enough, Loraine." Jack didn't notice the remark about her name, he was too busy fantasying about this lovely, intelligent young woman. Jack wanted to be in her panties. Not have sex with her, he wanted to be a woman, this woman. Jack had known he was supposed to be born a woman since he was seven years old. He tried on one of his older sister's dresses one day and his father caught him. The beating Jack received made it clear to him that he was never to let his father see or know anything thing about his desire to be female ever again. Jack went to extremes to keep up the pretense. He played sports in high school lettering in baseball and track. His father never mentioned the dress incident but he bragged about his son, the jock, to any who would listen. Jacks older sister had a story book wedding 3 months ago and Jack set in the church and watched her walk down the aisle dreaming he was the bride. Jack went to college and played baseball there as well. He even got a tryout with a farm team for the Texas Rangers but he really didn't want to play pro ball and he wasn't picked up. Jack had been a cross dresser, in secret, ever since he got his own apartment. He had a few dresses he bought through the mail along with undergarments, wigs, jewelry and makeup, but it was unsatisfactory to him. He had much too masculine a body to dare go out in public so he dressed up in the house and had his fantasies. Jack dated women several times a month for appearances and he had even had sex with a couple of them. It wasn't good sex and he didn't really have an interest in it, not with women. He was skillful at creating the image of a young, athletic, stud but he really wanted to be a woman. He had never had anything even close to sex with a man, the chance he could get caught and what his father may do to him was too frightening. Jack also felt having sex with a man when he was still as a man wasn't right for him. Jack could dream about sex with men but only if he was a woman in his dreams, a real woman. Jack considered a sex change but the fear of his father kept him from even speaking to anyone about it. Jack enjoyed the company of women and all his dates had good times when they were out with Jack. He thought about finding a woman who would help him with his dressing up but he was afraid to reveal his secret to anyone. Jack had another secret. He had a wish, not a hope or a dream kind of wish, a real wish. One day while running on the beach he had found an ornate bottle. When he picked the bottle up and removed the stopper, a cloud of smoke shot out of the bottle and a man in a long robe appeared. Jack looked around for some sign of a camera, figuring this for a television stunt but there was no one in sight. The man began speaking to Jack in a foreign language. The man was very insistent and kept repeating the same thing over and over. Jack finally said, "I wish you would speak English" and the man spoke to him in English! The man told Jack he was a genie sentenced to spend a thousand years in the bottle. He was just starting on his 757th year. Any one who opened the bottle was granted 3 wishes, anything they wished was theirs, except more wishes. Jack was non-believing at first, still thinking it was a joke. Just in case it was and he was being videotaped, he wished for $1,000,000.00 tax free. The genie said done and Jack's cell phone rang. Jack's father had called to tell him that he had just deposited $1,000,000.00 in Jack's trust fund and had found a way to avoid all taxes. 'Great,' Jack thought, 'now all I have to do is turn 45, or get married and father a child and I actually get the money.' Well the wish came true and he did have a tax free million. "Do I have to make my other wishes now?" Jack asked. "One wish, you already used two. One got you the million dollars and the other was that I could speak English," The genie said. "Hey, that's no fair!" Jack protested but the genie just shook his head. "Hey, if I made the rules, I wouldn't be in the damn bottle," the Genie said. "You can make your wish whenever you want but if you say the words I wish... whatever follows will come true and be forever final. "Can I ask questions about this wish, without making it? you know so I can get it right?" Jack asked. "Of course, I wouldn't want you to have to suffer for a foolish error," the genie assured him. This all happened 3 weeks earlier. Jack had made the decision to become a woman, not just female but a young, beautiful, intelligent, educated woman. He had given this much thought. If he wasn't specific enough, he might just become a female version of himself. He knew he would have a worse life looking like a sex change recipient. Also, he needed to have the correct credentials and documents to be legal. He didn't want to be a child as appealing as growing up as a woman might be. Little girls were too often the subjects of abuse and they were too weak to protect themselves. Jack had spent the last three weeks looking for the perfect woman to become. He had decided it would have to be a body swap. That way he got the body he wanted and the life to go with it. It did mean forcing some young woman to become a man, but he was single-minded in achieving his goal and wasn't going to worry about what happened to someone else. Besides, his life and body wasn't that bad, maybe the new inhabitant would even learn to adapt to being a man, she may even like it more than he did. Jack made a date with Loraine for lunch. She was eager to meet this good-looking, successful, young executive. He looked like he could be good in bed. Jack picked her up and they went to a quiet restaurant across the street and had a very pleasant lunch. Jack let her talk about herself and listened closely. Jack heard all the right things, she was new to the job, just moved to town, no family, her parents were killed in an accident last year after her college graduation. She had a degree in marketing and hoped to move up in the company from her current position, which everyone agreed was just temporary. Jack knew this was the one, the life he had to have. He felt a little bad about stealing Loraine's life but got over it soon. Jack took Loraine back to work and finished out his only day at the insurance company as an account manager. Tomorrow he would be Mr. Johnson's executive assistant Loraine. Less money, no trust fund but what a body and a life! If Loraine, in his old body, said anything, he would deny it. Who in their right mind would believe they actually changed bodies? After work, Jack called forth the genie and explained what he wanted to wish for, being very careful not to use the words 'I wish...' in his explanation. The genie asked Jack if that was really what he wanted because once the wish had been spoken, there was no going back to being Jack. Jack said yes. The genie explained that body swaps were easy but they did cause a few moments of disorientation so he needed to be sure that the other person was somewhere safe before wishing for the swap. Jack decided to wait until tomorrow at work. Jack would call Loraine at her desk and when he was sure she was there, he would make his wish. The next morning came slowly for Jack, he couldn't sleep the night before. He showered and got dressed for the last time as a man. He was not really going to miss shaving his face or standing to pee. When Jack got to his desk, he sat down and took a deep breath, this was it, he picked up the phone and called Loraine's direct line. A female voice said "Mr. Johnson's office, Loraine speaking, how may I help you?" Jack opened the bottle and the genie appeared, Jack covered the mouthpiece and said, "I wish that I would swap bodies with Mr. Johnson's assistant Loraine Walker." Jack saw black for a second and then felt very dizzy. At the same time, although Jack wasn't there to see it, the bottle and the genie disappeared. He opened his (her) eyes and saw a feminine hand with long nails, painted red, holding a beige phone. Jack looked down and saw a white silk blouse covering two breast shaped mounds on her chest. She had done it, she was now Loraine! She hung up the phone and pushed the chair back from the desk and looked down. Loraine had dressed in a green business suit with a pleated skirt that day. The skirt extended to her mid calf and her feet were wearing black patent leather pumps with 1 inch heals. Loraine had dressed a little more conservatively today. She stood up and again felt weak. That should pass soon though. She looked around, there were no mirrors in the office and she had to see herself. Before leaving her desk, she pushed the intercom key to Mr. Johnson's office and told him she was going to the ladies room. Her voice sounded different but she thought that was because she was hearing it from the inside now. Mr. Johnson asked if she was feeling okay and there was concern in his voice. She told she was fine and went down the hall to the restrooms. She had expected to be shorter but she seemed to be shorter than she remembered. She walked up to the door and a woman walked out. The woman, who Jack never had met, took Loraine's hand and held it. "Loraine, it's so good to see you back again." The woman hugged her and said, "Let me know if I can do anything for you." Jack was confused, Loraine just started here, what was this about being back? She walked into the ladies room and crossed to the sinks with the large mirror. She stared in shock, an older woman, at least 50 years old, stared back. The woman was pale and drawn looking, she may have been attractive once but she was not now. No long blond hair, it was short and curly and mousy brown, worse than that, she realized it was a wig. She pulled the wig off and gapped at the bald head that was revealed. She quickly put the wig back on. She felt her chest and discovered her breasts were not real, they were breast forms! She went into a stall and pulled up her long skirt and saw with some relief that she indeed had female genitalia, she confirmed this with a brief exploration beneath her panty hose. That was something anyway, but not much. Straightening her clothes, she sat down on the toilet and tried to figure out what happened, just then a woman entered the room and called out her name. She answered and came out of the stall. The woman said Mr. Johnson had asked her to check on Loraine. The woman then started telling Loraine about the company cancer support group. Loraine half listened, not sure why she was being told this. Then it hit her, cancer, that explained the bald head, the pale skin, the drawn stressed look. This woman must be taking radiation or chemo therapy. She went back to her desk and sat down. A few minutes later, Jack walked in the door. He looked at Loraine and smiled, a warm considerate smile. "You probably wonder what happened, I'll be glad to explain at lunch, okay?" The new Jack said. The new Loraine just nodded, still in shock. Her first lunch date with a man, the man she used to be but she wasn't the woman she expected to be. Loraine tried to concentrate on her duties but time dragged until Jack showed up, smiling and full of energy ready to take her to lunch. At the restaurant across the street, Jack told Loraine about her battle with breast cancer, the double mastectomy and the grim prognosis for her recovery. With luck, Loraine had 6 months to live. It was possible that she may survive but the odds were against her. Jack told her the chemo therapy was rough and caused her to miss work about one week in four. "That's were I was yesterday when you met the other Loraine. That Loraine is a new hire in the marketing department with secretarial skills who fills in for me when I'm out sick. Well, I guess she'll be filling in for you now, Loraine." Jack took Loraine's hand in his and thanked her for saving his life. He offered to help her experience sex as a woman when she felt strong enough. Her husband had prostrate cancer the year before and wasn't up to it any more. Jack said he knew it was cheating for a married woman but they could be discrete. Loraine was now close to passing out from shock and fear. She was going to die, she wasn't young or pretty or even healthy. Jack smiled sympathetically at her and said " I wouldn't wish what you're going through on anyone, but then, I didn't make the wish, did I?" Loraine started crying. Jack held her in his strong arms and talked soothingly to her. He rubbed her back as sobs racked her slight, cancer- ridden body. Somewhere a genie in a bottle thought, "Be careful what you wish for, it might come true." Epilog: Loraine completed her chemotherapy 5 months later and her cancer went into remission soon thereafter. The company presented her a plaque for 25 years faithful service, 3 months later. She continued to work for Mr. Johnson until her retirement 6 years later at age 62. Her husband, who also survived his cancer, retired that same year and they spent the next 5 years traveling. They were good friends but her husband was no longer capable of performing sexually. Jack kept his word and had sex with Loraine just before her next chemotherapy treatment when she was feeling her strongest. Jack had become fairly adept at sex as a man and he enjoyed the experience. Loraine reached orgasm but was still upset about the turn of events and couldn't bear to be in bed with her old body again. That was the only sexual experience with a man Loraine had as a woman. Loraine was sexually frustrated by this, but because the effects of her chemotherapy had affected her looks so much and due to her advanced age, she was unable to attract a lover. Jack started dating the younger Loraine, they got married. She was pregnant 3 weeks after the wedding. The older Loraine acted at the younger Loraine's mother of the bride since her mother was dead. When the older Loraine cried during the wedding it was assumed she was happy, only Jack knew why she was crying. (fin)

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En casa tenía en un lugar muy escondido mi ropita que desde la época del colegio poco a poco me fui comprando. Siempre escogía lo más sexy y caliente que encontraba en las tiendas. Ya tenía lindas botas rojas a la rodilla, mucha lencería, mi vicio son las minifaldas muy chiquitas y sobre todo blancas trasparentes para que se note el hilo dental negro en mis nalgas. Ya por asuntos hormonales tenía algo de senos, mi cuerpo era bastante bien formado, usaba cabello rubio largo y de vez en cuando me...

3 years ago
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Das Tor 14

Ich wurde problemlos zu Hause abgeliefert. Ich war noch viel zu aufgeregt, um schlafen zu k?nnen. Also setzte ich mich an den Computer. Schwangerschaftest: Gemessen wird das Hormon HCG. Nachweisbar im Blut nach 6-9 Tagen, im Urin nach 14 Tagen. Und was sagte mir das jetzt? Ich alterte immer noch mit einem Jahr / Tag. Bedeutete das, 14 Tage w?ren umgerechnet etwa eine Stunde? Oder wirklich 14 Tage? Konnte ich ?berhaupt schwanger werden? Ein Schreck durchzuckte mich: Und was war mit A...

2 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 10 Raptor and Tina

Montana, back in the day “I HATE YOU, BITCH.” The girl who would become Raptor gave Tina the finger and walked away. She’d had it with a girl who didn’t play fair. Who didn’t care about anyone else’s feelings, not even Tony’s. Not that Raptor really cared about Tony, either. He wasn’t Chinese and that put him out of bounds as far as her parents were concerned, even if he was OK as a friend and more than welcome as a customer in their restaurant. Tony had asked her to the prom and she’d...

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The ExhibitionistChapter 7

"YOUR WIFE!?!" Lt. Jefferson was dumbfounded when Ann walked into the conversation. She was wearing her ninja suit, and it fit her like a second skin. All of the soldiers had trouble paying attention to duty. Even the sergeant was staring. Women in this day and age just did not walk around showing off their legs, even if they were completely covered by cloth. I had a hell of a time not breaking out in laughter, but Ann couldn't help a little giggle. "Lieutenant, please relax. I have to...

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Pauline The Slut Part 14 Tortured

He came over to me "Put your hands behind your back." When I did he grabbed my hands and put handcuffs on me. I struggled to get loose but it was too late. He then put a collar on me and attached a leash to it. He pulled on the leash. "Time for some fun" he said as he pinched my nipple. He took a key out of his pocket and brought me to a door at the end of the bedroom. He opened the door and switched on a light. I screamed in terror when I saw what was inside. I tried to get away but he...

3 years ago
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Angela and conquest part one

She was still laying there after the last one finished. He had pumped his load into her and slapped her right tit hard as he dismounted her. She laid there catching her breath. Seven frat brothers in a row. She didn't set the record, but she knew she would be the reigning whore of her sorority for this class. Angela rolled off the bean bag they had just banged her in felt the cum stuck to her hair, on her neck, her back and of course her pussy. She was shaking and quivering, part fear, part...

1 year ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 19 Fear

I handed one Coke to Molly. She smiled at me, and our hands touched momentarily as I passed the paper cup to her. I sat down next to her, and gestured for Eric to come over by me. He crouched down at my side, up close so we could converse above the music. "What's up, bro?" he asked quietly. "I think we might have trouble," I murmured. I was turned away from Molly, who had returned to watching the dancers. "Find Josh for me, would you?" "Sure thing," he said, and he stood up and...

2 years ago
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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 6

“Thank you for standing up with us, Dr. Goldman and Ms. Clarke, but I think that now, I need to just lay down at home and rest. You two have fun if you want. What do you want, girls?” I asked my ladies. “I want to hang out with my new boyfriend, but Mom and Dad are already worried about me, so I’ll head home for now. Still, see you in the morning and I’ll try to put out for you at last if I can. If not, we’ll find another time, but I am going to give you my cherry, papi. Count on that, mi...

3 years ago
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You Sure Got A Pretty Mouth 9

Thanks to all those readers who have asked for more chapters in this series. I never thought of writing a series but because you have continuously asked for more from this story, I have done my best to comply. We all live multi-faceted lives (I don't have time to write but once or twice every other week) but I will try to write new chapters and follow-ups to my other stories too. Thanks again to all those readers who have emailed with kudos, I live and write for them. For those who write saying...

4 years ago
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Junior Year Part IIChapter 14 Thatrsquos Not How the Force Works

After several rounds of negotiations, my dad won the trip to London with me. I was going to test for the Han Solo role in the yet to be titled Star Wars prequel. They were doing the casting now because of the new movie, Rogue One, which was filming now. The Han Solo character would make an appearance as a cameo. Marvel used the same strategy for their new Spider-Man by casting Tom Holland early in order for him to cameo in Captain America: Civil War before appearing in his own film. The...

4 years ago
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Shirley JeanChapter 6

My boss, Beatrice, was not too happy with me when I arrived at quarter after ten that Thursday morning. She was less happy when I told her I was giving my two-weeks' notice, and she dropped into outright depression when the saw the ring on my finger. Her face drew into that tight-lipped frown that a lot of older ladies use; it says: 'I severely disapprove of what you're doing, and I'll do my best to stop you.' Just before lunch, I was called into Mr. Wainwright's office for a...

2 years ago
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Matt and Natalie Take 2

Natalie loves lingerie. The feel of it against her skin, the way it clutches her curves, the way it the way it makes her feel irresistable, poweful and alluring: a captivating temptress. Nothing makes her heart pound more than getting to have her way with a man while being dressed so seductively, and Matt was lying next to her, completely unenlightened of all she has planned for him.She cannot believe he is asleep. How rude! She doesn't want a second to go by where his long, thick cock is not...

Straight Sex
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Pornwriting MotherChapter 2

"And, do you like them, baby?" Stephanie asked her still blushing, mostly speechless 15-year-old son. "Do you like your mother's tits?" Stephanie had opened the front clasp of her bra to expose her medium-sized, firm breasts to the ogling eyes of her son; feeling deliciously naughty as she behaved more and more like an incestuous slut for her son. She hoped she would get to live out her fantasies and that the boy would be willing to help her. So far, things seemed to be going in the...

3 years ago
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The Ladies Club Guess the Cock

"Okay, you've gotta tell me more," I begged Maria. "No," she said. "I'm still working out the details in my head. But you'll like it." I had just come from a sex party with Maria, where I had had the most mind-blowing orgasm of my life. But not with her, I might add. Instead, it was administered by hand from a vixen named Helen, and it resulted in me shooting my sperm onto the bosom of a goddess named Denise. It's a long story. But you can bet that the experience left me dying for...

3 years ago
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Teacher Takes a Dare Part Three

She waited all afternoon to get a response from him. She had nervously sent the pictures of herself from her classroom and was dying to find out what he thought. When he finally responded, she was very satisfied. He went on and on, telling her how beautiful she was, and how sexy her body looked. This was so exciting to her. Even her former lovers had never told her so much. The anonymity of it all had allowed her to share so much of her sexual side. Here, she was totally uninhibited. She could...

4 years ago
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My wife certainly had a virgin cunt when I first penetrated it as I still well remember how we were both rubbed raw following the consummation of our commitment to each other and she rarely enjoyed anal sex, but her mouth was certainly not virgin territory as she,d decided to compromise by sucking her boyfriend,s cocks and having had a fair few due to her good looks and stylish mini dresses she,d had a few by age twenty two and somehow satisfied them by sucking them off.. She discovered...

4 years ago
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Pleasure Of Spying Mom

Hi iss readers I am karthik ,regular reader of iss . I am going to narrate my real experience of me spying my mom.I am not very good at narrating a story please forgive me . I’ll do my best to make you understand and I cant get you to the entire thing and the intensity of the real incident.(mom : Sudha age 48 ,size 36 fair)(me 22 height 6 fair”) Coming to the story when I was 20yrs I got connected to internet and surfed different sites and unknowingly landed in incest stories site. While...

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Jakes Story

I took one last look around the house to make sure I hadn’t missed anything I really wanted and I noticed our wedding picture on the mantle over the fireplace. I went over to it, took the picture out of the frame, and used my pocket knife to cut me out of the picture. I put the half showing her back in the frame and put it back on the mantle. One last look around and I left. We didn’t have any joint credit cards because she wanted her own. When she and her first husband split all the cards...

2 years ago
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Captured The Sheiks Bride Ch 02

Note to Readers: Sidi = lord * * * * * Khadeem waited impatiently for his slave to arrive. He had been instructed to come to this room to collect her. Saheeb had gone ahead and was collecting the limo that would take them back to Fahmeer. He paced the room, impatient to have Leanna in his sight and possession. He had yet to figure out how he was going to get Leanna to marry him when he remembered the ancient wedding vows. These vows didn’t require the consent of the bride. All that was needed...

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Alice and Carlos

His dark good looks and muscular build immediately made her breasts swell and become heavy. Alice had been in the hospital too long. She'd not had a good hard fuck for several months. He had short black hair and brooding dark eyes with lashes that would make any woman weep for longing. His lips were full and very kissable on a face that was all angles and hard planes. She could make out, through his tight black shirt, the ridges and muscles in his upper arms and stomach. From her position...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Athena Fleurs Mystery Item Missing

Sweet Athena is very nervous. She’s been caught by officer Mike after an unknown item went missing. As he leaves her alone in his office for a couple of minutes, Athena quickly hides something and calls her mom to tell her she is scared. Mike comes into the office and starts a thorough search that involves stripping her down and checking for lost goods in every inch of her body. Unbeknownst to her, Mike realized she hid something in the office: a sex toy! With the young thief all naked and...

4 years ago
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My Wife met an older Couple in a Waterpark Uncens

A few years ago we met a random couple at a nearby waterpark - the husband was in his early forties and his wife in her late thiertiesthey had two k**s one girl and a boy - the girl was around 7 and the boy 4we small talked with the couple about k**s - because my wife was interested in the k**s and she mentioned in the convesation that she would like to give birth to a c***d very soon.She wanted to become a parent too.After a few minutes during the conversation his wife went with the k**s to a...

3 years ago
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I Found My sister Stripping Ch 6

Before you start this chapter, please note that there is a lot more plot development, and less sex in this one. I hope you enjoy this installment, and please know that I have this series complete, but am posting them slowly so that I can do my revisions. Thank you.Dark_brother+++++++++++++++++++++++++I hung up the phone in frustration. The agency I had worked with to buy our new place refused to give me Betty's number, and would only tell me that she was absent, and would return my calls when...

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It all began when Sheri’s husband started encouraging her to show a little more cleavage, a little more leg. He began taking pictures first with clothes on then with less and less. She started dressing more and more revealing, lower cut tops, shorter skirts, skirts with no panties. She would drive home from work with her tits practically hanging out, her skirt pulled way up for others to gaze upon. She never took herself for an exhibitionist but she started to enjoy the way it made her feel and...

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Rearend RapturesChapter 6

During his lunch breakat Pier Side, Jerrywent searching for the mysterious smile and the lovely body, both belonging to Dawn. She'd left the club house, following Stan's assault on her asshole, saying that she was going down to the beach for some sun. So, naturally, Jerry thought he might find her in one of the nearby sunbathing areas. As he searched the bright sunlight sands nowhere did he see the leopard skin bikini, or the woman who went with it. He decided not to press his luck and...

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I left her collar on the front door knob, and Claire knew to put it on, open the door, get on her hands and knees, and crawl in. After a glance over each shoulder confirmed that no neighbors were watching, she did as was expected, unaware of the filthy treat that awaited her. I stood and watched from the living room as she took the time to close the door behind her. She was in her work clothes: a khaki pantsuit with a white undershirt, some elegant little brown clogs, ID badge. And don't...

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